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Ideasrexoid 80, The dance of life contradicting
craving for sugar, Acrylic on hard paper 2020
• The dance of life, can the inner thinking, the deepest concerns be non expressive, impossible to chain with words as Earling and Charlie keep exploring the moment after the
moment of testing the fragile order of the world, as they discover that proton and neutron is not the same as proton and antiproton - matter and antimatter relations. What if we
live in the world with the spectrum of three as opposed to two once we realize and go beyond the duality of one
• These are not numbers. They are commentaries of Earling as the ways of the planet unfolds. YU8 Meritocracy is suffering, but we can’t interfere because it is much more practical
to stay neutral and watch the world around dissolve. After all, isn’t it much more pleasant, a warm feeling around the heart when a neighbor’s cow dies?
• Il7 Earling: These colorful creatures of sugar were bought in the place far away, behind the tunnel, they are the world travelers in the world of candies.
• Illy Arild was looking around rambling through some feathers, from the Eagle that roared high above just half an hour ago to the Magpie that died mysterious death. Illy Arild lives
in the kingdom of Cygnus, all birds want to donate their artworks, he looks after them, protects them, directs the genetics how to design the patterns of the feathers.
• *Illy Arild is the autocorrect of the original word which makes me want to follow the computer and let it be, we collaborate after all, as it is getting much smarter*Illy Arild: why
would you say so, who cares about travel with the exception of those who care about the numbers. To them traveling is everything, it is a checkbox, do you think the yellow candy
likes the travel more than a blue one? I don’t think so, I think that it is the blue one that admires the travel because it took much longer to get such a color for edible existence.
• Earling: you are totalitarian in your statement, it doesn’t matter what words mean as long as we keep the conversation going, haven’t the birds teach you anything? They talk to
each other all the time, what a miserable existence would it be for nature without the sound of them. Illy Arild: that is where you and me differ, you listen to their sounds as in
consuming, while I listen to their movement as a line, a painting through the Air, from the Eagle that soars the heights to the Swallows that rejoice with life. They have almost no
support on the ground, their legs, so weak, but their connection to the sky, the maneuvering, can you hear the riches?
• Earling was visibly getting upset as the pianist went on stage, started holding the head, especially ears in the concert hall, right before the rehearsal (this one actually happened
on one occasion from a fellow pianist) and couldn’t understand why wouldn’t the birds come to him. He did everything right, he presented the offering, the salt, the body, the
wine, nobody cared, was he abandoned. He was thinking about the earliest childhood memories, because every uncomfortable thought or especially feeling is rooted there but
he couldn’t find it. He was wondering if he drank from the stream of forgetfulness periodically in his dreams, eventually he wanted to confront this fear, to keep it on the surface
because after all Illy Arild is a superior being, he won’t get offended with the human trifling of the ways of the ego.
• Earling: no and no, whey are you so superior? I can’t understand what is it that makes me so limiting in finding the divine, the ally in something, the compatibility to this planet
and you found yourself. The birds helped you. Illy Arild looked at him with amusement and suggested a mirror, he had no intention of reassuring Earling because the kindness
sometimes promotes spoiled behavior and all Earthings are prone to that. At the beginning of 21st century it was the hacks through life that were reinforced genetically,
consequences still visible today. Earling: how long do you intense on keeping us in this airspace, I know that it is beautiful and I appreciate but I can’t grow underneath the glass, I
need to face, iron, steal, gold, bri*^, aluminum, rud&@* all those new materials that exhausted the sounds of the words and wanted the pictographic existence. A representation.
Ideasrexoid 79 by the sea against the wind for the
sky against the Sun, traditionally every second
year, Acrylic on hard paper 2020
• Guerrilla painting facing the fears, squishing the enemies, connecting to the underworld, seeing the upper world, because it is in the moments of the greatest despair that the strength for the
most wonderful is born
• On future of art, culture, thinking and a dream dreamed on 1St and 2nd of April, 8th and 9th lunar dayWill corona change the world for the better or for the worst, the question is now? The logical
answer is those who deal with the frustration benevolently, it will improve, those who deal with their frustration with more frustration it will degrade, but this question is not only directed at the
individual that is tormented by the dry world that wants to conquer but rather a collective. What happens with the art, the essence through which the spiritual speaks? We are witnessing a unique
moment in the history of the world in which the world ( most of western world) is standing still. So many people are losing the compass, which was calibrated by the habit of regular life and
movement previously. Now that everything is standing still and economy depends on movement, as it is largely modeled according to the animal kingdom, the question of identity and spiritual
riches is under an existential crises.
• This crises will stay in the minds long after the motor of economy is back on and demands dual solution, one catering to the material side of the existence and other demanding spiritual uplifting
through art. In the Roman Empire there was only a small percentage of population that was able to enjoy and practice art simply because they were born in the families whose patrimony was large
enough to include slaves and machine that makes riches for them. Today 2000 years after we still have the same system packaged and branded differently. In many cases it is even named the
American Dream, that so many followed, and only few managed to climb on top. The method of climbing was never explored because results were the most important, and here we are facing the
future in confusion. What are the values we should aspire to, what is beyond the material riches, is there anything, what is the light that we have but not find useful on the quest of American
Dream. The vision of art instilled since the Roman Empire as something of a status symbol is still present and in a way distorted. We have a great distance that is dual between the person that has
forgotten or never had access to art because education and society around that person directed only towards usefulness of a job or entertainment of the ludi (games). The life ticking in emptiness
and now we stand still. Maybe it is the right moment to realize that the distance that was created for centuries between art and material riches should be crossed in one leap thanks to internet on
one hand and UBI (universal basic income) on another hand. Who wants to live among the order of the animal kingdom devoid of creativity and spiritual growth, only because the day is too short.
• The day is not too short but it is distributed unevenly, just like what we are experiencing now with the economic motor that is standing still while so many people are gasping for air, literally and
figuratively. There is a strong symbolism that is happening right now in the world, and the world has the capacity to solve it, but it has to unite in supporting meritocracy. I am convinced that UBI
can solve the existential problem and at the same time help thanks to internet and available time to direct huge number of people towards appreciation of art. Art is not a status symbol like
Romans practiced and we embraced, but rather a communication, a special type of language that speaks to the soul and everyone should and could have access to it, but they need to make an
• The dream, old Roman times building, only front wall is made of full stone and it seems to be the internal wall, as if the way of preservation in the future is to build around the walls that hold
history spanning several millennia. A friend is showing me the hidden compartments in the wall where I could keep things, and then she mentioned how it has the system for destroying the
furniture in case of fire or outside unrest. Everything about this building had the face of deception, then the world twisted and turned into the world of a train. I was traveling next to a very
important religious monument. A started seeing the trajectory of life from the distance again. The tunnel showed up but unlike previous cases and multiple Deja Vu this was a list of stations that I
could clearly see with all the twists and turns of life. Death from the tunnel didn’t figure as much because aliens showed up. I asked them where are they from and they responded cryptically
Savnik (this is a place in Montenegro) I was perplexed and confused but then I started thinking about environment and a virus, I woke up.
Ideasrexoid 78 Awakening of the Prometheus
in Poseidon, Acrylic on canvas 2020
• About Gravity, push and pull of the world around and a dreamed dreamed on 22nd of January/27th lunar
• We are born innocent of desires, pressures of life, there is always something or someone (usually parents) saving us, and then something
different happens. The time of growth on the planet saturated in colors, depth, heights and the establishing of dominance. I often refer to
the animal kingdom as a way humans are sometimes, except that we treat the Earth like a spaceship, like a machine that will take care of us
with the motherly love no matter what we do.
• Alas, the actions charge through their own currency called karma and l somehow get inspired by the eastern philosophies when I think
about the beyond. This painting is the Samsara of life and death, and power that makes us tick forward. The resistance to gravity of planet,
gravity of other people, society and all the darkness that surrounds, squeezing, pushing and crystallizing the diamond, until we are one. The
beauty of dual and singular as they compete on the playground of life.
• The dream was the darkness, only glimpse of forms, very much all about a house that is getting engulfed in darkness, the energies of Jim.
The house is a mountain house belonging to the spaceship of a family, a security fence. It sometimes has the life of it’s own and it breathes
with the thoughts that have been put into it. Are the buildings alive? When we walk from one to another, can we actually feel them ticking,
the heart of the building, the skin, the shape? Somehow the dream made everything alive and left me questioning, maybe that is how it is
in awaken state, everything is alive, it is just our perspective that decides only what is the reflection of our biological existence that is alive.
Ideasrexoid 77 Mirror, we all have a mirror in each
other or that special invisible person somewhere,
Acrylic on hard paper 2020
• On future environment that AI produces and what culture means and A dream dreamed on 29th of December/4th lunar day and about artificial intelligence
conducting our life choices
• It was the mountainous but at the same time urban environment with many people circulating around. I was surrounded by three people whom I didn’t know from
this awaken state, we were connected somehow on some level that I couldn’t see, I started seeing the invisible threads. The colors were very vivid, and I was
wondering what is going on, suddenly I noticed an animal talking to me. This animal is coming from an alien planet, the color was between lilac and blue, no
feathers or fur, but something different, the material covering the skin, unlike anything we are used to on Earth. It was elusive, maybe resembling a small and
elegant horse, maybe something similar to Borzoi, but different, it evaporated in meaning soon as it was replaced by another setting on the archeological site, with
many stairs around, still surrounded by people I can’t recognized but am very close to. I look up and I see a bird, many birds in facts, one of their though, resembles
the owl, but it is clearly an artificial bird. Powered by artificial intelligence, it is not an eagle but a bird that resembles owl. I identify the face a purpose of it which
immediately disarms it from it’s original purpose or a mission to follow and gather, and it falls down. I am confused, thinking, contemplating, realizing,.....
• Why is it that Europe is going down and China is rising. How will the history repeat itself? History never reap itself, however the patterns of rise and fall, always. The
waves are inevitable and invincible, and solely depend on the conditions, the environment that produces them. At this point as we look at the 2000 years of
European history that went through the darkness and enlightenment, with ancient Greek intellectual bases, reverberating throughout, surviving the regimes of the
Middle Ages. The crises of humanity, with inhuman becoming human and human becoming inhuman, eventually it was the knowledge and conquest towards new
geography that gave favorable conditions to the birth of innovation, the industrial era emerged soon after, followed by the times of safety and comfort. The
conditions were ripe and were reinforcing the genes that conquer, innovate, revolutionize and prosper, eventually finding the refuge in the individualism. The ideal
of 20th century, to fulfill the dream of comfortable and balanced life, juggling between the concept of family and the concept of career. Both are getting outdated
as we face the epidemics of Alzheimer’s disease which the obedient juggling generations are now affected with. To slow down the brain, to activate the time, to
treat the time as a resource, everything becomes a spending and consuming, the times are gone. The time, the most ruthless of all, as we go forward the
pendulum swings, from West to East, from East to West, people are observing, but today is the day of artificial intelligence. It creates an environment in the same
way, geographical discovery and industrial revolution created environment in Europe from 16th century onwards. Today we face AI that is creating environment for
progress and it appears only stable, self sufficient and knowledgeable will conquer. The meritocracy has a new chance but it depends on the safety that is not
purely relying on the cage of legal system. Every cage can be hacked but morality is the cage without bars. Is the density of culture the only one that can face the AI
without being consumed by it?
Ideasrexoid 76 The horse power at it's most
ruthless attacking, Acrylic on hard paper 2020
• Dream dreamed on 29th of November 3rd lunar month Zoom in and zoom out is back. Why is it that I only zoom in and zoom out when in Europe?
• The environment is very grim, industrial, De Chirico type without a reminiscence to aspects of Roman and Greek mythology, it is much more functional, it reminds of the factory. A factory of
humans, a factory of human brain without a brain. It is the firmament of destiny, a place where we build our lives, it is fantastical and ordinary at the same time. I am working around the streets
and am about to meet a lady that will give me a task, I am confused and defocused, can’t really grasp (or maybe my awaken consciousness is shielding this knowledge from me) all I am left with is
the feeling. A palpable quadrant, everything is reflecting this design, the architecture, the space in this grim area. Many stairs, the zooming happens again I am in a different place, suddenly the
complex of buildings I was in fits on my palm, I look at it, laugh at the seriousness of cause and effect and then I realize, I shouldn’t laugh. The larger entities are built from the building blocks of the
tiny particles. We all play equal part in the entanglement of life, particles communicate, we try to reflect the communication as we reach greater awareness. I am zoomed back into the small world
of De Chirico and I am writing and reading and drawing, it is very warm and cocooned, almost safe, I wake up wondering. Is the world too robotical or am I becoming a robot, am I allowing myself
too many repetitions in the pattern of thinking and living.
• Wounds allowed by self from those moments as we are sprouting the identity sometimes get visible in the moments of lucidity between the two worlds, nights and days, lights and darkness.
Dream dreamed and the things thought on 11th of December 2019 / 15th lunar day.
• A building, an abandonment, people echo throughout the space, I hear friends talking about others, there is no life and death, just the state of being. We capture this state of being with our minds,
all those people we shared a moment with stay with us regardless of which side of this existence they are at in this moment. Somebody is taking the golden glass, cheering and breathing, having a
block during the breathing. Darkness is all around, prevailing, all encompassing, an arrow has been released! It was sometimes in the darkest hour between the innocence of the youth and
realization of the potentials, that the darkness has fallen, teaching and guiding, sharpening but due to the content of Pandora's box Centaur was there also. The whole composition of this scenario
got repeated many times throughout history with different personality, only changing the face or mask but remaining the same in itself. It was a case of betrayal from behind, and arrow that
changes the destiny was released, pointing at the back of the target, slightly to the left, aiming at the heart, but missing, just about. This lead the individual to detach, previously adoring horses,
Pegasus and Unicorns as a source of power, and look up, into the sky, with the aliens, technologically advanced civilizations that outgrew the mythological psychology of survival, power,
prophecies,.... Floating in such a state for a while was incredibly useful and knowledge generating, because it is only in the rarified air of the high altitude that one can actually see high above and
beyond. The horse ceased to live, the arrow of the Centaur only accomplished the mission partially, it twisted the fate by a few angles, sufficiently to serve the purpose of the destiny. The
mechanism of this existence, the universe that recycles, puts together and breaks apart, doesn't recognize good and evil only forward into the complexity.
• The fall from the arrow buried the horse but resurrected an eagle, circling, wild, powerful, seemingly ephemeral but indestructible because it can't be reached. Seeing further and more powerful
into the distance of the future, the road of an eagle is much more difficult, but at the same time much less present in this world. It can change and influence from the distance without touching,
and when it touches, the speed and movement and technology compress the time/space. It is much better this way, a harbinger of the future is the ally to an eagle that doesn't look at life and
death and good and bad, but a state of transformation with the mystery slowly revealing itself.
Ideasrexoid 75 Before death: contraction, After
death expansion, 2 Acrylic on canvas 2020
• A dream dreamed on 10th of November 15th lunar day and some thoughts about the direction this civilization is taking
• The room was full of people, it was the kind of theater or a university with old fashioned circular rooms, a remnant from our colosseum admiring pasts. The students or inhabitants of such a
settings didn’t care much about the form, the place was circulating with thoughts, vitality, intellectual inquiry, the noble striving. Sometimes confused with all the distractions that earthlings bring,
down on earth but eventually everything was clear, formations of different friends and enemies were formed. I looked around and wanted to see the surface of such a building and then I was
amazed, there was a huge bridge that connects many worlds. This bridge lead somewhere, I couldn’t find the list but it seemed to be a connector between people and mentality and
empowerment of an individual. Once an individual is surrounded by good people, or rather compatible persons, there is Ko need to self make, arise from the ashes on own account, it was the case
of togetherness. I turned around starting to understand how things work in this realm and then when least expected I saw one possible ending of this bridge, it lead to the crossroad in front of my
apartment. I understood the significance and will probably cherish it in my future artistic world.
• What happens with the humanity that goes into the whirlwind of change, technological changes, taking of the jobs and leaving the individuals feeling worthless. Society once prosperous and
healthy, suddenly has became tricky and shifty, avoiding responsibility. Is the future bright for the faint hearted?
• A dream dreamed on 16th of November/20th lunar day, an Eagle and a short but very dark contemplation about Alzheimer and the repetition of safe lifestyle that eventually kills/inspires self
• I see a structure when looked from a certain angle it resembles the lines that designate the runaway on the airport, but these are different, something very futuristic about them. They are three
dimensional and very structural, soft and hard at the same time, a bridge appears again, a reoccurring theme since arriving from China. I cross is, walking the huge streets of Beijing, everything is
oversized but also at the same time warm. The sense of a large city that has alienated itself from the heart is in a completely different proportion. Huge streets that scare at first sight, soon start
associating to the nearby plain and a glorious Gobi desert that sleeps nearby. The sense of infinity rather than industrial frost. A man = a machine, a fear of our 21st century, I wonder if the
Alzheimer is a wrath of God, a response to designing the lifestyle that makes the man a machine, a repetitive, secure, cocooned lifestyle that doesn’t expect anything new. Can repetition kill?
• I am back in my dream, I see a building, a brutalist style, I go closer and there are many, so many, surrounding me, I am panicking at first but then I surround myself to the situation. There is
nothing to be afraid, body is just a shell, nothing can touch the essence unless I touch or allow the third party to touch it. I go further and something interesting happens, the reason why I am here
is to face the past but also embrace something new.
• my WeChat buzzes and I remember, it is the show, my friend Yimei and her brother have a show together, but it is not an exhibition hall. I am absolutely confused, because of the bridge and the
three dimensional lines from the airport, I am not on time. I reproach myself for this because I am not respecting myself or others when I am late, but I can’t help it. Yimei is sharing location
through wechat but I can’t find, there are too many floors, there is no signal. There are many people around but I can’t ask either, because something will be revealed or disturbed. Suddenly Yimei
tells me to look at Lada (Lada is the ancient Slavic and Baltic Goddess of Love and Beauty) one of the most important in the Slavic Pantheon. I can’t see Lada, my eyes are yet untrained enough to
see beyond this world but then Yimei tells me look at the car (because there is a russian car named Lada ) and to turn 238degrees and the entrance will appear. I walked through the crowd and see
the entrance and I go up into the building. I have a feeling that the building swallowed me, but I keep going (Churchill encourages me “if you are in hell, keep going”) finally I arrive, and I am
amazed, this is not an exhibition hall at all, but an apartment. The art has finally exited the officiality of the exhibition halls and entered the apartments and good will or organizing. There are many
people and many tables, this is not a regular exhibition but a discussion, we talk to each other. The tables are from schools, I see my former classmates but they are adults, very happy with life,
exhilaration feeling is present but I still wonder how is this possible. We have completely crossed the time/space constraints and we are here with Yumei and her brother. Everyone is with their
own group of familiar faces but there is no clash, harmony is present. My dream finishes and I realize it is one of those dreams that doesn’t only come from my subconscious but also some other
elements from the outside. The time through consciousness and subconscious state of being will tell what.
Ideasrexoid 74 Heaviness of Heaven on Earth,
Acrylic on canvas 2020• Dream dreamed on 11th of October/13th lunar day
• It is a maze of buildings, they are all covered in fabric and breathing, as if the time and space is easily twisted, I see a dog eating just in my room, but it is not my
room it is the street, then I see a person who is at least 2000 km away walking by again overlapped for a moment with my space time. We are doing some project, I
still don’t know who is we, but it is a collaboration, exploring the world, going ahead of time. A chase with time but it is the softest elements that seem to be able
to conquer, it is a mystery why and how but it seems to be happening that way. I am sitting and suddenly I see so much light as if I have an insight into the way
universe explodes, it is only visual insight though, and it is extremely limited, seeing is not understanding.
• A road to understanding is paved with years of effort, learning and connecting many dots together. Understanding different context, different backgrounds,
cultures, seeing through the illusion of media. Everyone wants to make an influence and when the influence can be bought, it is not a real influence, it is a
calculation that drags down like a gravity. Something that doesn’t have a pure motif will eventually sink, into the forgetfulness.
• Dream dreamed on 27th of October 2019/28th lunar day - final minutes
• The sea, the childhood memories, turning around me, a voice here, a voice there, so many people passing through life, only fragments embedded in the pattern
formations of what we call memory is left. One moment I am surrounded by the people who no longer exist/share the contemporary time, which makes me
question once again the concept of contemporary. What is it? A dream within a dream, a false sense of Now comprised of everything before. How do we have an
experience of now that is pure, that hasn’t been polluted by the past, is the past polluting or making us richer, multidimensional beings. I see an elevator like so
many times before, it leads to some mysterious corner of my subconscious. That is at least what they say about elevators and the interpretation of it in the dreams
in our modern old age. One of the elevator leads to a skull, not any skull, it is a drawing of the most fantastic design I have ever seen, I get closer and realize that it
is not human, there are two drawings, one is of a human skull and another is of an alien. It shares some features with the human but it is much better designed, it
has incredible elegance. Almost like a spaceship, and the material it is designed on is not a paper, it is a material that can change shapes, nano technology powered
structure, shaping and reshaping before our eyes but communicating the essence. It starts talking to me and tells me something that I know is true from the way
human brain operates. “Every brain cell contains the information of every other brain cell, and so does humanity, every human contains the information of every
other human”. This echoes in my brain as the design fades away. At the same time I see the design of a modern human so that the comparison is stronger. This
fades away also, I am left to wonder and then I am zoomed back on Earth with the most desperate setting imaginable. It is the future of a few people that I know
who closed themselves away from the world, got connected to nature but not through the ability to wonder but ability to exploit. The light in their eyes had
become bitter and violent, hating the surrounding, holding tightly onto the wooden logs, providing shelter against cold. It seems as if for them this is something
sacred, to be warm while the world is cold outside. Something vicious is happening as they start to insult me, they are responding to something in me so foreign in
them that they hate it in them and in me. The ghostly look on the faces reappear every so often and I feel like I have entered the world of Dickens. The dream
finishes with the focus on the Alien skull, the map of this new kind of intelligence that is either foreign from another world, dimension or planet or it just presents
the future of humans that augment themselves through technology.
Ideasrexoid 73 Ideasrexoid 73 Sneak in from the
past, because gravity changes time, Acrylic on
hard paper 2020
• Contemplation on the essence the last few days and a Dream dreamed on 10th of September/ 11th lunar day
• The last few week, like every turn into a new season, especially autumn I have been thinking and rethinking the fundamentals of life and this lead me especially to
contemplate about the presence of otherworldly intelligence. Where we are and where they are, maybe around us, maybe parallel to us but we can’t see them one
thing is certain, my art is reflecting them but only in half of the sincerity. The only way out is in and finding the otherworldly within is something that always
fascinated me. It got me thinking about the connections to what we define as others, because what if we exist in many places at once, what if what we perceive
now is only a partial elements from all the other selves that exist in so many places simultaneously. What if it goes even further and the self represents all living
• My dream: A community of artists, a sense of belonging, a competition, but it is not a real competition it is a parody on competitions, we are all doing things,
mundane activity and then there is a joke about life and training and all the games and levels we have to go through. Suddenly I am transported somewhere, it is
like a teleportation, it is almost illogical I am at two places at once and I see nature, I am in a moving house existing on the plane between space and time. It
doesn’t impose on the space that belongs to everyone so that the territorial boundary doesn’t have to be established, it is in between where the infinite
possibilities exist because time doesn’t limit or even transform. I see the life moving next to me, with all the brightness and darkness, softness and violence, nature
is dancing through animals and humans are searching, experimenting, interacting, fighting and observing. Now I see a lion, it is approaching and wants to come into
this place, where the artists are, but this lion is a friendly sort, it is there just for food. Somebody closes the door and we press the button to teleport it outside
further away, the dream ends.
• Short contemplation about life and Dream dreamed on 20th of September 21st lunar day
• A mountain, freshness of the air, infinity to be found in the shapes on the horizon but also the mysteriousness in the fog, just admiring the world from the point of
view above, and then I start seeing people. A reoccurring theme, they are not just them, but they are me too, incredible unity, somehow this doesn’t allow me to
even think badly let alone do something. I am at the artist residency on top of the mountain, artists are everywhere creating and building and struggling with the
inner demons vs outer demons, the world that doesn’t want to welcome them. They are too weird and outside of the conventions, there is so much that has to be
resolved before one can enjoy life, it is a series of tests and tasks to accomplish. Even Buddhism teaches this way, and for them life is not just something wonderful
it is a series of events of struggles, trying harder all the time an in pursuit of purity of thoughts.
• I am at the piano practicing a passage from Debussy or maybe it is a Barber, it is difficult to know, the composers use a maze and fill in the structure like pieces of a
puzzle, it is all about patterns and even more patterns. The piano is somehow outside on a slope, and I start feeling sick, others at the residency are concerned but
not in a serious way, we all know this is just a phase. I look around and see a shocking scene, artists have started to do acrobatics around the place and some of
them involved flying in a small boats, only through use of high speed and height. It is very frightening and I am trying to get them to stop, but it is like a circus,
everyone is in their own world, impossible to command. I see that they eventually retire as the day is approaching it’s conclusion, so I go back to my studio and the
dream finishes.
Ideasrexoid 72 Bird, forced self after
Centaurus aimed high, Acrylic on canvas 2020
• Dream dreamed on 17th of August/16th lunar day
• Forest, the silence of the night, I am wondering and I see people surrounding my life right now, going their own way, somehow the forest is symbolized in all the
connections, the branches and the trees are intertwined around this strange creatures called humans. Humans have dominated earth and now even trees are
fitting in the empty space around the humans. Nothing wants to interfere, it will feel lonely for humans soon. The invention happens at the intersection of things,
rarely in the sterile environment of a laboratory. I am out of the forest and into the building, there is a lot of confusion and interpersonal misunderstanding, one of
the friend is lamenting the fact that he has to entertain the guests, it feels so unnatural. We are in 22nd century everything is operated by the robots, the comfort is
final, we have regulated our ethics, behavior is all about self awareness. I go with friends into the mountains. We sit in the car, but they insist to keep the break and
steering wheel in the back of the car where we are sitting and front sits to be empty. I am confused and concerned about the safety but as I see the wires for
breaks and wheel extending comfortably I override the internal unsettling. We go into the mountains, there is a celebration in one of the restaurant, a strange
dates are going through my head, a mystery of November. People are taking pictures and the flashlight wakes me up to this different realm we all share but we are
still in the 21st century here.
• Contemplating on the sense of self and a Dream dreamed on 3rd of September/4th lunar day
• Darkness is everywhere, the depth of existing on this planet, the depth where the firmament of life is, why does it have to be so dark? We always try to navigate
ourselves through life with our emotions, but it is not easy to sense emotions when the senses are devoid of sensations. We live in this world of struggle between
our self and outside reality which is also determined by our self. Maybe it is a good thing that there is darkness around, there is a beautiful aesthetic to it, it is not a
kind of darkness that makes us depressed or melancholic towards the times past, it is just a pure, transforming darkness of the universe. It is the place where our
minds have to focus much more than our senses. We discover something special every time we plunge deeply into the depth.
• My dream starts with the darkness but then gradually I see, distinguish people around, artists and organizers, we are all sitting around the table discussing about
something, a project, an initiative to change the world, and then suddenly I see other people who are not in the world of art discussing about shoes and clothes
and fashion, it is something that they see as art in the absence of the time required to understand art. Fashion is so accessible and it is kept simple so that people’s
reactions are much easier predicted that way. I am now thinking about time, a train is going and coming all the time, it feels like I am waiting for someone but I
don’t know who,.... the dream finishes
Ideasrexoid 71 darkness of the water cloaked in
nameless color blue, Acrylic on canvas 2020
• Dream dreamed on 26th of July/24th lunar day
• It all starts with roaming around, discovering, searching, the warms and suspense of a moment before traveling, but it lasts, it is not so temporal this time.I am going downstairs, it is a hidden area of a building, there is
a key which was handed to me by a creature that looks like a kangaroo, it is very kind and neutral, doesn’t want much interaction, I am delighted because I am getting exhausted by all the interaction, I go with the key
and I open the studio of nine the less but Matisse, a great nemesis of Picasso. The paintings are all organized on the tables, there is only artificial light to bring out the best of the internal light a human can convey in a
painting. I am exploring different rooms, they are all designed in a modern way, suddenly I feel like I don’t belong in this world of colors. My world is more structural but without colors I feel like I am losing the touch
with the spiritual, my dream finishes in one of the smallest rooms of this studio, where I am contemplating the moment of now that lasts forever.
• I am wondering what is happening as I discover all the different options, alternatives for deeper meaning while living on this planet. Suddenly the planet is so small, I am looking at it as if it was a dot, then I realize
indeed it is a dot, it is smaller than dust, because the stars are the dust. They are so dense and yet far apart, standing in their dignity of distance. The space makes us respect things much more maybe that is why it is
invented, the condition on living on this dot is always about space, time and gravity. We are bound to earth, but Earth isn’t bound to us, we will not be bound by it very soon thanks to the organized thinking. We are on
the way of self sufficiency, technologically but psychologically we are still hanging in between the melancholic cry for the times past and the dreadful fear from the future. We are all born optimist but somehow on the
way become pessimist. It is almost like the fuel of love gets exhausted and bitterness takes it’s place, is this something we should learn in school, if schools are to survive the technological revolution that we are all
witnessing, as learning becomes ubiquitous thanks to internet and infinite possibilities. Ultimately we all love each other when we are born, as we make first steps into the world but then we sadly build the
expectations of reciprocity and that usually ruins lives. Maybe the care of parents and those nearby are to blame for such a high expectations from the world. The measurements of care is a terrible thing but it is
necessary because many are exploiting, not very genuine in their ways and that is why art comes in to the rescue, it is the only one that doesn’t measure, but gives the world of an artist, to the world, it is like a dust
turned into a star turned into a meaningful thought.
• Dream dreamed on 10th of August/8 and 9th lunar first after the solo exhibition
• Today’s dream is all about the existential search for meaning, inner voices so prominently asking questions, reflections on the past, I think since dreams are the cloaked meanings of our lives that subconscious creates, I
am going to cloak this one into a story, a fable. It is the first comprehensible since the solo exhibition in Beijing because I was way to exhausted to dream for a week.
• The story starts in the core of darkness, a mysterious place in the middle of the forest where all the magical creates assemble for a meeting and discussions. There are unicorns, chimeras, fauns, hydras, leprechauns,
fairies,.... However the most magical of all is not a living creature but a thing, it is comprised of gold and is empty on the inside, it is neither a box nor a ball, it is hardly visible where it goes, it creates confusion and
makes people forget their purpose. It infiltrates into the life at the moment when the internal sense of purpose of a victim is weak. That is exactly what happened at one point on this planet when the golden thing was
released in the wild because the magical creatures of the forest stopped guarding it. Everything started innocently but since this place has so many caverns, and inhabitants have an interest in nature and wonders of
the underworld, the thing touched the lives and confused the purpose. Life became too chaotic and hedonistic but without evil intent, and just like the laws of physics will not allow the Apple to fall into the sky, the
laws of retributions will not allow the innocent to fall into the black hole, so genetics came into power, or whatever it is that conducts the genetics and created a human that can break this link, or a chain rather. It took
many years, but finally the victim and the villain fell crushing down to Earth and had to reinvent themselves, find the purpose once again. The echo of a voice in the air was saying will you go to Norin again,....
• The answer is no, but we don’t have to go, we move all the time and next stage is all about the traveling through and around Beijing as I discover different things to see. The train rushing, the snow approaching, seeing
through the fog of the future, the feeling stays but the objects are yet to be unlocked, end of dream in the anticipation of what happens next
Ideasrexoid 70 Dream dreamed with purity above
and underneath but grayness around me, Acrylic
on canvas 2020
• Dream dreamed on 1st and 2nd of July/28th lunar and 29th lunar day
• It seems China robbed me of my dreams, I have been waking so early due to the sun rising much earlier as it is a different time zone for me compared to what I am used to that
most dreams evaporated into the smoke of memory, slowly running away from me, getting absorbed by my subconscious. Everyone’s subconscious is like an ocean or a space
containing all the planets, infinitely spacious but at the same time empty. It requires a key in order to enter certain regions. It seems the dreams often possess those keys but we
have to find out the combinatorial set that saves fragments so this post will contain the fragments that I captured in the last few days and work from there towards my
ideasrexoids, posts on futurism and society and so on. I believe the core of us somewhere inaccessible deep down in the subconscious mind, we hold the world so valuable and so
forgotten by our modern society.
• Dream no1. Turquoise sea, I am in a train, the dusk is approaching but I want to experience the small towns in the Mediterranean region of the world. They are all lined up
fronting the sea, next to each other, like little soldiers standing to the test of time and history that shaped them in a certain way, mostly Venetian build. The design is the
reflection of the way of thinking and Venetians thoughts were along the line of ellegance and functionality as is possible with so much stone. My train goes along all of those small
towns and I am thinking how to go back, but then I find myself getting lost in thoughts just looking at the transparent water. I wake up.
• Dream no.2 I see a piano from underneath, somebody is playing a polonaise by Chopin. Normally I never listen to or play Chopin, it was doing to the people the same thing
algorithms are doing now, manipulating their emotions for the sake of being liked. I snap out of this and I am entering a different world now, it is full of stairs, probably under the
impression of the Great Wall, but this is also a futuristic world. Houses are in the mid air, connected by numerous stairs from each other also flying driverless machines that
transport back and forth. The transporation is subtle, not visible, not buzzing, not disturbing our senses. There is peace and fantastic energy we even think of the fact that maybe
it is too boring. Our minds have to compensate for the absence of events and external stimulation. The human nature always missing something, or rather, maybe it is the self
improvement mechanism that wouldn’t have developed a civilization if it wasn’t that way, faulty or not. Suddenly I am at the waterfront I am delighted, but I see a huge amount
of blood emerging fast to the top of the water. Water is not very clear so I can’t see what is it from, but then I see a great white shark in full magnificence and it is fierce. I see a
seal and P on the stairs that go into the water, but they start running towards me and the shark jumps out and is trying to catch, I go towards them and it is a situation full of
horror, but finally I did something to slow down the seal and the human is saved but at the sacrifice or natural selection of an animal. I wake up.
• Dream dreamed on 11th of July, 9th lunar day
• We are group of people on a boat but it is also a building, observing something precious. I can’t really see it remember what that is but I know that it is very important. It is one of
the substances of life, I don’t know how it is kept or even how it looks like, but all of us are around the table standing and looking at it. We move to different times and space and
observe different elements to and suddenly it feels strange. Some man looks at Vesna in a very hostile way, he insults her, without being too direct. She tries to respond back but
it is not strong enough. I pay notice and see a spirit that talked this man into insulting her. I go after the spirit and it withdraws to his sleeping place which is just a shelf against the
wall, hanging in the uneven way. I capture him with my immaterial hand and confront again. No talk, we use telepathy here, and he stars crying, he is genuinely sorry for the
mischief. I really the place is ripe for mischief that is why Balkans can’t progress. It is just plainly and simply furtive ground for something like that.
Chinese influence to hold
something that exists in the
minds of the ancients
History cloaked in mystery,
highly contagious,

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Paintings 2020 Irina Ideas collection

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  • 3. Ideasrexoid 80, The dance of life contradicting craving for sugar, Acrylic on hard paper 2020 • The dance of life, can the inner thinking, the deepest concerns be non expressive, impossible to chain with words as Earling and Charlie keep exploring the moment after the moment of testing the fragile order of the world, as they discover that proton and neutron is not the same as proton and antiproton - matter and antimatter relations. What if we live in the world with the spectrum of three as opposed to two once we realize and go beyond the duality of one • These are not numbers. They are commentaries of Earling as the ways of the planet unfolds. YU8 Meritocracy is suffering, but we can’t interfere because it is much more practical to stay neutral and watch the world around dissolve. After all, isn’t it much more pleasant, a warm feeling around the heart when a neighbor’s cow dies? • Il7 Earling: These colorful creatures of sugar were bought in the place far away, behind the tunnel, they are the world travelers in the world of candies. • Illy Arild was looking around rambling through some feathers, from the Eagle that roared high above just half an hour ago to the Magpie that died mysterious death. Illy Arild lives in the kingdom of Cygnus, all birds want to donate their artworks, he looks after them, protects them, directs the genetics how to design the patterns of the feathers. • *Illy Arild is the autocorrect of the original word which makes me want to follow the computer and let it be, we collaborate after all, as it is getting much smarter*Illy Arild: why would you say so, who cares about travel with the exception of those who care about the numbers. To them traveling is everything, it is a checkbox, do you think the yellow candy likes the travel more than a blue one? I don’t think so, I think that it is the blue one that admires the travel because it took much longer to get such a color for edible existence. • Earling: you are totalitarian in your statement, it doesn’t matter what words mean as long as we keep the conversation going, haven’t the birds teach you anything? They talk to each other all the time, what a miserable existence would it be for nature without the sound of them. Illy Arild: that is where you and me differ, you listen to their sounds as in consuming, while I listen to their movement as a line, a painting through the Air, from the Eagle that soars the heights to the Swallows that rejoice with life. They have almost no support on the ground, their legs, so weak, but their connection to the sky, the maneuvering, can you hear the riches? • Earling was visibly getting upset as the pianist went on stage, started holding the head, especially ears in the concert hall, right before the rehearsal (this one actually happened on one occasion from a fellow pianist) and couldn’t understand why wouldn’t the birds come to him. He did everything right, he presented the offering, the salt, the body, the wine, nobody cared, was he abandoned. He was thinking about the earliest childhood memories, because every uncomfortable thought or especially feeling is rooted there but he couldn’t find it. He was wondering if he drank from the stream of forgetfulness periodically in his dreams, eventually he wanted to confront this fear, to keep it on the surface because after all Illy Arild is a superior being, he won’t get offended with the human trifling of the ways of the ego. • Earling: no and no, whey are you so superior? I can’t understand what is it that makes me so limiting in finding the divine, the ally in something, the compatibility to this planet and you found yourself. The birds helped you. Illy Arild looked at him with amusement and suggested a mirror, he had no intention of reassuring Earling because the kindness sometimes promotes spoiled behavior and all Earthings are prone to that. At the beginning of 21st century it was the hacks through life that were reinforced genetically, consequences still visible today. Earling: how long do you intense on keeping us in this airspace, I know that it is beautiful and I appreciate but I can’t grow underneath the glass, I need to face, iron, steal, gold, bri*^, aluminum, rud&@* all those new materials that exhausted the sounds of the words and wanted the pictographic existence. A representation.
  • 4.
  • 5. Ideasrexoid 79 by the sea against the wind for the sky against the Sun, traditionally every second year, Acrylic on hard paper 2020 • Guerrilla painting facing the fears, squishing the enemies, connecting to the underworld, seeing the upper world, because it is in the moments of the greatest despair that the strength for the most wonderful is born • On future of art, culture, thinking and a dream dreamed on 1St and 2nd of April, 8th and 9th lunar dayWill corona change the world for the better or for the worst, the question is now? The logical answer is those who deal with the frustration benevolently, it will improve, those who deal with their frustration with more frustration it will degrade, but this question is not only directed at the individual that is tormented by the dry world that wants to conquer but rather a collective. What happens with the art, the essence through which the spiritual speaks? We are witnessing a unique moment in the history of the world in which the world ( most of western world) is standing still. So many people are losing the compass, which was calibrated by the habit of regular life and movement previously. Now that everything is standing still and economy depends on movement, as it is largely modeled according to the animal kingdom, the question of identity and spiritual riches is under an existential crises. • This crises will stay in the minds long after the motor of economy is back on and demands dual solution, one catering to the material side of the existence and other demanding spiritual uplifting through art. In the Roman Empire there was only a small percentage of population that was able to enjoy and practice art simply because they were born in the families whose patrimony was large enough to include slaves and machine that makes riches for them. Today 2000 years after we still have the same system packaged and branded differently. In many cases it is even named the American Dream, that so many followed, and only few managed to climb on top. The method of climbing was never explored because results were the most important, and here we are facing the future in confusion. What are the values we should aspire to, what is beyond the material riches, is there anything, what is the light that we have but not find useful on the quest of American Dream. The vision of art instilled since the Roman Empire as something of a status symbol is still present and in a way distorted. We have a great distance that is dual between the person that has forgotten or never had access to art because education and society around that person directed only towards usefulness of a job or entertainment of the ludi (games). The life ticking in emptiness and now we stand still. Maybe it is the right moment to realize that the distance that was created for centuries between art and material riches should be crossed in one leap thanks to internet on one hand and UBI (universal basic income) on another hand. Who wants to live among the order of the animal kingdom devoid of creativity and spiritual growth, only because the day is too short. • The day is not too short but it is distributed unevenly, just like what we are experiencing now with the economic motor that is standing still while so many people are gasping for air, literally and figuratively. There is a strong symbolism that is happening right now in the world, and the world has the capacity to solve it, but it has to unite in supporting meritocracy. I am convinced that UBI can solve the existential problem and at the same time help thanks to internet and available time to direct huge number of people towards appreciation of art. Art is not a status symbol like Romans practiced and we embraced, but rather a communication, a special type of language that speaks to the soul and everyone should and could have access to it, but they need to make an effort. • The dream, old Roman times building, only front wall is made of full stone and it seems to be the internal wall, as if the way of preservation in the future is to build around the walls that hold history spanning several millennia. A friend is showing me the hidden compartments in the wall where I could keep things, and then she mentioned how it has the system for destroying the furniture in case of fire or outside unrest. Everything about this building had the face of deception, then the world twisted and turned into the world of a train. I was traveling next to a very important religious monument. A started seeing the trajectory of life from the distance again. The tunnel showed up but unlike previous cases and multiple Deja Vu this was a list of stations that I could clearly see with all the twists and turns of life. Death from the tunnel didn’t figure as much because aliens showed up. I asked them where are they from and they responded cryptically Savnik (this is a place in Montenegro) I was perplexed and confused but then I started thinking about environment and a virus, I woke up.
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  • 7. Ideasrexoid 78 Awakening of the Prometheus in Poseidon, Acrylic on canvas 2020 • About Gravity, push and pull of the world around and a dreamed dreamed on 22nd of January/27th lunar • We are born innocent of desires, pressures of life, there is always something or someone (usually parents) saving us, and then something different happens. The time of growth on the planet saturated in colors, depth, heights and the establishing of dominance. I often refer to the animal kingdom as a way humans are sometimes, except that we treat the Earth like a spaceship, like a machine that will take care of us with the motherly love no matter what we do. • Alas, the actions charge through their own currency called karma and l somehow get inspired by the eastern philosophies when I think about the beyond. This painting is the Samsara of life and death, and power that makes us tick forward. The resistance to gravity of planet, gravity of other people, society and all the darkness that surrounds, squeezing, pushing and crystallizing the diamond, until we are one. The beauty of dual and singular as they compete on the playground of life. • The dream was the darkness, only glimpse of forms, very much all about a house that is getting engulfed in darkness, the energies of Jim. The house is a mountain house belonging to the spaceship of a family, a security fence. It sometimes has the life of it’s own and it breathes with the thoughts that have been put into it. Are the buildings alive? When we walk from one to another, can we actually feel them ticking, the heart of the building, the skin, the shape? Somehow the dream made everything alive and left me questioning, maybe that is how it is in awaken state, everything is alive, it is just our perspective that decides only what is the reflection of our biological existence that is alive.
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  • 9. Ideasrexoid 77 Mirror, we all have a mirror in each other or that special invisible person somewhere, Acrylic on hard paper 2020 • On future environment that AI produces and what culture means and A dream dreamed on 29th of December/4th lunar day and about artificial intelligence conducting our life choices • It was the mountainous but at the same time urban environment with many people circulating around. I was surrounded by three people whom I didn’t know from this awaken state, we were connected somehow on some level that I couldn’t see, I started seeing the invisible threads. The colors were very vivid, and I was wondering what is going on, suddenly I noticed an animal talking to me. This animal is coming from an alien planet, the color was between lilac and blue, no feathers or fur, but something different, the material covering the skin, unlike anything we are used to on Earth. It was elusive, maybe resembling a small and elegant horse, maybe something similar to Borzoi, but different, it evaporated in meaning soon as it was replaced by another setting on the archeological site, with many stairs around, still surrounded by people I can’t recognized but am very close to. I look up and I see a bird, many birds in facts, one of their though, resembles the owl, but it is clearly an artificial bird. Powered by artificial intelligence, it is not an eagle but a bird that resembles owl. I identify the face a purpose of it which immediately disarms it from it’s original purpose or a mission to follow and gather, and it falls down. I am confused, thinking, contemplating, realizing,..... • Why is it that Europe is going down and China is rising. How will the history repeat itself? History never reap itself, however the patterns of rise and fall, always. The waves are inevitable and invincible, and solely depend on the conditions, the environment that produces them. At this point as we look at the 2000 years of European history that went through the darkness and enlightenment, with ancient Greek intellectual bases, reverberating throughout, surviving the regimes of the Middle Ages. The crises of humanity, with inhuman becoming human and human becoming inhuman, eventually it was the knowledge and conquest towards new geography that gave favorable conditions to the birth of innovation, the industrial era emerged soon after, followed by the times of safety and comfort. The conditions were ripe and were reinforcing the genes that conquer, innovate, revolutionize and prosper, eventually finding the refuge in the individualism. The ideal of 20th century, to fulfill the dream of comfortable and balanced life, juggling between the concept of family and the concept of career. Both are getting outdated as we face the epidemics of Alzheimer’s disease which the obedient juggling generations are now affected with. To slow down the brain, to activate the time, to treat the time as a resource, everything becomes a spending and consuming, the times are gone. The time, the most ruthless of all, as we go forward the pendulum swings, from West to East, from East to West, people are observing, but today is the day of artificial intelligence. It creates an environment in the same way, geographical discovery and industrial revolution created environment in Europe from 16th century onwards. Today we face AI that is creating environment for progress and it appears only stable, self sufficient and knowledgeable will conquer. The meritocracy has a new chance but it depends on the safety that is not purely relying on the cage of legal system. Every cage can be hacked but morality is the cage without bars. Is the density of culture the only one that can face the AI without being consumed by it?
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  • 11. Ideasrexoid 76 The horse power at it's most ruthless attacking, Acrylic on hard paper 2020 • Dream dreamed on 29th of November 3rd lunar month Zoom in and zoom out is back. Why is it that I only zoom in and zoom out when in Europe? • The environment is very grim, industrial, De Chirico type without a reminiscence to aspects of Roman and Greek mythology, it is much more functional, it reminds of the factory. A factory of humans, a factory of human brain without a brain. It is the firmament of destiny, a place where we build our lives, it is fantastical and ordinary at the same time. I am working around the streets and am about to meet a lady that will give me a task, I am confused and defocused, can’t really grasp (or maybe my awaken consciousness is shielding this knowledge from me) all I am left with is the feeling. A palpable quadrant, everything is reflecting this design, the architecture, the space in this grim area. Many stairs, the zooming happens again I am in a different place, suddenly the complex of buildings I was in fits on my palm, I look at it, laugh at the seriousness of cause and effect and then I realize, I shouldn’t laugh. The larger entities are built from the building blocks of the tiny particles. We all play equal part in the entanglement of life, particles communicate, we try to reflect the communication as we reach greater awareness. I am zoomed back into the small world of De Chirico and I am writing and reading and drawing, it is very warm and cocooned, almost safe, I wake up wondering. Is the world too robotical or am I becoming a robot, am I allowing myself too many repetitions in the pattern of thinking and living. • Wounds allowed by self from those moments as we are sprouting the identity sometimes get visible in the moments of lucidity between the two worlds, nights and days, lights and darkness. Dream dreamed and the things thought on 11th of December 2019 / 15th lunar day. • A building, an abandonment, people echo throughout the space, I hear friends talking about others, there is no life and death, just the state of being. We capture this state of being with our minds, all those people we shared a moment with stay with us regardless of which side of this existence they are at in this moment. Somebody is taking the golden glass, cheering and breathing, having a block during the breathing. Darkness is all around, prevailing, all encompassing, an arrow has been released! It was sometimes in the darkest hour between the innocence of the youth and realization of the potentials, that the darkness has fallen, teaching and guiding, sharpening but due to the content of Pandora's box Centaur was there also. The whole composition of this scenario got repeated many times throughout history with different personality, only changing the face or mask but remaining the same in itself. It was a case of betrayal from behind, and arrow that changes the destiny was released, pointing at the back of the target, slightly to the left, aiming at the heart, but missing, just about. This lead the individual to detach, previously adoring horses, Pegasus and Unicorns as a source of power, and look up, into the sky, with the aliens, technologically advanced civilizations that outgrew the mythological psychology of survival, power, prophecies,.... Floating in such a state for a while was incredibly useful and knowledge generating, because it is only in the rarified air of the high altitude that one can actually see high above and beyond. The horse ceased to live, the arrow of the Centaur only accomplished the mission partially, it twisted the fate by a few angles, sufficiently to serve the purpose of the destiny. The mechanism of this existence, the universe that recycles, puts together and breaks apart, doesn't recognize good and evil only forward into the complexity. • The fall from the arrow buried the horse but resurrected an eagle, circling, wild, powerful, seemingly ephemeral but indestructible because it can't be reached. Seeing further and more powerful into the distance of the future, the road of an eagle is much more difficult, but at the same time much less present in this world. It can change and influence from the distance without touching, and when it touches, the speed and movement and technology compress the time/space. It is much better this way, a harbinger of the future is the ally to an eagle that doesn't look at life and death and good and bad, but a state of transformation with the mystery slowly revealing itself.
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  • 13. Ideasrexoid 75 Before death: contraction, After death expansion, 2 Acrylic on canvas 2020 • A dream dreamed on 10th of November 15th lunar day and some thoughts about the direction this civilization is taking • The room was full of people, it was the kind of theater or a university with old fashioned circular rooms, a remnant from our colosseum admiring pasts. The students or inhabitants of such a settings didn’t care much about the form, the place was circulating with thoughts, vitality, intellectual inquiry, the noble striving. Sometimes confused with all the distractions that earthlings bring, down on earth but eventually everything was clear, formations of different friends and enemies were formed. I looked around and wanted to see the surface of such a building and then I was amazed, there was a huge bridge that connects many worlds. This bridge lead somewhere, I couldn’t find the list but it seemed to be a connector between people and mentality and empowerment of an individual. Once an individual is surrounded by good people, or rather compatible persons, there is Ko need to self make, arise from the ashes on own account, it was the case of togetherness. I turned around starting to understand how things work in this realm and then when least expected I saw one possible ending of this bridge, it lead to the crossroad in front of my apartment. I understood the significance and will probably cherish it in my future artistic world. • What happens with the humanity that goes into the whirlwind of change, technological changes, taking of the jobs and leaving the individuals feeling worthless. Society once prosperous and healthy, suddenly has became tricky and shifty, avoiding responsibility. Is the future bright for the faint hearted? • A dream dreamed on 16th of November/20th lunar day, an Eagle and a short but very dark contemplation about Alzheimer and the repetition of safe lifestyle that eventually kills/inspires self destruct • I see a structure when looked from a certain angle it resembles the lines that designate the runaway on the airport, but these are different, something very futuristic about them. They are three dimensional and very structural, soft and hard at the same time, a bridge appears again, a reoccurring theme since arriving from China. I cross is, walking the huge streets of Beijing, everything is oversized but also at the same time warm. The sense of a large city that has alienated itself from the heart is in a completely different proportion. Huge streets that scare at first sight, soon start associating to the nearby plain and a glorious Gobi desert that sleeps nearby. The sense of infinity rather than industrial frost. A man = a machine, a fear of our 21st century, I wonder if the Alzheimer is a wrath of God, a response to designing the lifestyle that makes the man a machine, a repetitive, secure, cocooned lifestyle that doesn’t expect anything new. Can repetition kill? • I am back in my dream, I see a building, a brutalist style, I go closer and there are many, so many, surrounding me, I am panicking at first but then I surround myself to the situation. There is nothing to be afraid, body is just a shell, nothing can touch the essence unless I touch or allow the third party to touch it. I go further and something interesting happens, the reason why I am here is to face the past but also embrace something new. • my WeChat buzzes and I remember, it is the show, my friend Yimei and her brother have a show together, but it is not an exhibition hall. I am absolutely confused, because of the bridge and the three dimensional lines from the airport, I am not on time. I reproach myself for this because I am not respecting myself or others when I am late, but I can’t help it. Yimei is sharing location through wechat but I can’t find, there are too many floors, there is no signal. There are many people around but I can’t ask either, because something will be revealed or disturbed. Suddenly Yimei tells me to look at Lada (Lada is the ancient Slavic and Baltic Goddess of Love and Beauty) one of the most important in the Slavic Pantheon. I can’t see Lada, my eyes are yet untrained enough to see beyond this world but then Yimei tells me look at the car (because there is a russian car named Lada ) and to turn 238degrees and the entrance will appear. I walked through the crowd and see the entrance and I go up into the building. I have a feeling that the building swallowed me, but I keep going (Churchill encourages me “if you are in hell, keep going”) finally I arrive, and I am amazed, this is not an exhibition hall at all, but an apartment. The art has finally exited the officiality of the exhibition halls and entered the apartments and good will or organizing. There are many people and many tables, this is not a regular exhibition but a discussion, we talk to each other. The tables are from schools, I see my former classmates but they are adults, very happy with life, exhilaration feeling is present but I still wonder how is this possible. We have completely crossed the time/space constraints and we are here with Yumei and her brother. Everyone is with their own group of familiar faces but there is no clash, harmony is present. My dream finishes and I realize it is one of those dreams that doesn’t only come from my subconscious but also some other elements from the outside. The time through consciousness and subconscious state of being will tell what.
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  • 15. Ideasrexoid 74 Heaviness of Heaven on Earth, Acrylic on canvas 2020• Dream dreamed on 11th of October/13th lunar day • It is a maze of buildings, they are all covered in fabric and breathing, as if the time and space is easily twisted, I see a dog eating just in my room, but it is not my room it is the street, then I see a person who is at least 2000 km away walking by again overlapped for a moment with my space time. We are doing some project, I still don’t know who is we, but it is a collaboration, exploring the world, going ahead of time. A chase with time but it is the softest elements that seem to be able to conquer, it is a mystery why and how but it seems to be happening that way. I am sitting and suddenly I see so much light as if I have an insight into the way universe explodes, it is only visual insight though, and it is extremely limited, seeing is not understanding. • A road to understanding is paved with years of effort, learning and connecting many dots together. Understanding different context, different backgrounds, cultures, seeing through the illusion of media. Everyone wants to make an influence and when the influence can be bought, it is not a real influence, it is a calculation that drags down like a gravity. Something that doesn’t have a pure motif will eventually sink, into the forgetfulness. • Dream dreamed on 27th of October 2019/28th lunar day - final minutes • The sea, the childhood memories, turning around me, a voice here, a voice there, so many people passing through life, only fragments embedded in the pattern formations of what we call memory is left. One moment I am surrounded by the people who no longer exist/share the contemporary time, which makes me question once again the concept of contemporary. What is it? A dream within a dream, a false sense of Now comprised of everything before. How do we have an experience of now that is pure, that hasn’t been polluted by the past, is the past polluting or making us richer, multidimensional beings. I see an elevator like so many times before, it leads to some mysterious corner of my subconscious. That is at least what they say about elevators and the interpretation of it in the dreams in our modern old age. One of the elevator leads to a skull, not any skull, it is a drawing of the most fantastic design I have ever seen, I get closer and realize that it is not human, there are two drawings, one is of a human skull and another is of an alien. It shares some features with the human but it is much better designed, it has incredible elegance. Almost like a spaceship, and the material it is designed on is not a paper, it is a material that can change shapes, nano technology powered structure, shaping and reshaping before our eyes but communicating the essence. It starts talking to me and tells me something that I know is true from the way human brain operates. “Every brain cell contains the information of every other brain cell, and so does humanity, every human contains the information of every other human”. This echoes in my brain as the design fades away. At the same time I see the design of a modern human so that the comparison is stronger. This fades away also, I am left to wonder and then I am zoomed back on Earth with the most desperate setting imaginable. It is the future of a few people that I know who closed themselves away from the world, got connected to nature but not through the ability to wonder but ability to exploit. The light in their eyes had become bitter and violent, hating the surrounding, holding tightly onto the wooden logs, providing shelter against cold. It seems as if for them this is something sacred, to be warm while the world is cold outside. Something vicious is happening as they start to insult me, they are responding to something in me so foreign in them that they hate it in them and in me. The ghostly look on the faces reappear every so often and I feel like I have entered the world of Dickens. The dream finishes with the focus on the Alien skull, the map of this new kind of intelligence that is either foreign from another world, dimension or planet or it just presents the future of humans that augment themselves through technology.
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  • 17. Ideasrexoid 73 Ideasrexoid 73 Sneak in from the past, because gravity changes time, Acrylic on hard paper 2020 • Contemplation on the essence the last few days and a Dream dreamed on 10th of September/ 11th lunar day • The last few week, like every turn into a new season, especially autumn I have been thinking and rethinking the fundamentals of life and this lead me especially to contemplate about the presence of otherworldly intelligence. Where we are and where they are, maybe around us, maybe parallel to us but we can’t see them one thing is certain, my art is reflecting them but only in half of the sincerity. The only way out is in and finding the otherworldly within is something that always fascinated me. It got me thinking about the connections to what we define as others, because what if we exist in many places at once, what if what we perceive now is only a partial elements from all the other selves that exist in so many places simultaneously. What if it goes even further and the self represents all living creatures? • My dream: A community of artists, a sense of belonging, a competition, but it is not a real competition it is a parody on competitions, we are all doing things, mundane activity and then there is a joke about life and training and all the games and levels we have to go through. Suddenly I am transported somewhere, it is like a teleportation, it is almost illogical I am at two places at once and I see nature, I am in a moving house existing on the plane between space and time. It doesn’t impose on the space that belongs to everyone so that the territorial boundary doesn’t have to be established, it is in between where the infinite possibilities exist because time doesn’t limit or even transform. I see the life moving next to me, with all the brightness and darkness, softness and violence, nature is dancing through animals and humans are searching, experimenting, interacting, fighting and observing. Now I see a lion, it is approaching and wants to come into this place, where the artists are, but this lion is a friendly sort, it is there just for food. Somebody closes the door and we press the button to teleport it outside further away, the dream ends. • Short contemplation about life and Dream dreamed on 20th of September 21st lunar day • A mountain, freshness of the air, infinity to be found in the shapes on the horizon but also the mysteriousness in the fog, just admiring the world from the point of view above, and then I start seeing people. A reoccurring theme, they are not just them, but they are me too, incredible unity, somehow this doesn’t allow me to even think badly let alone do something. I am at the artist residency on top of the mountain, artists are everywhere creating and building and struggling with the inner demons vs outer demons, the world that doesn’t want to welcome them. They are too weird and outside of the conventions, there is so much that has to be resolved before one can enjoy life, it is a series of tests and tasks to accomplish. Even Buddhism teaches this way, and for them life is not just something wonderful it is a series of events of struggles, trying harder all the time an in pursuit of purity of thoughts. • I am at the piano practicing a passage from Debussy or maybe it is a Barber, it is difficult to know, the composers use a maze and fill in the structure like pieces of a puzzle, it is all about patterns and even more patterns. The piano is somehow outside on a slope, and I start feeling sick, others at the residency are concerned but not in a serious way, we all know this is just a phase. I look around and see a shocking scene, artists have started to do acrobatics around the place and some of them involved flying in a small boats, only through use of high speed and height. It is very frightening and I am trying to get them to stop, but it is like a circus, everyone is in their own world, impossible to command. I see that they eventually retire as the day is approaching it’s conclusion, so I go back to my studio and the dream finishes.
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  • 19. Ideasrexoid 72 Bird, forced self after Centaurus aimed high, Acrylic on canvas 2020 • Dream dreamed on 17th of August/16th lunar day • Forest, the silence of the night, I am wondering and I see people surrounding my life right now, going their own way, somehow the forest is symbolized in all the connections, the branches and the trees are intertwined around this strange creatures called humans. Humans have dominated earth and now even trees are fitting in the empty space around the humans. Nothing wants to interfere, it will feel lonely for humans soon. The invention happens at the intersection of things, rarely in the sterile environment of a laboratory. I am out of the forest and into the building, there is a lot of confusion and interpersonal misunderstanding, one of the friend is lamenting the fact that he has to entertain the guests, it feels so unnatural. We are in 22nd century everything is operated by the robots, the comfort is final, we have regulated our ethics, behavior is all about self awareness. I go with friends into the mountains. We sit in the car, but they insist to keep the break and steering wheel in the back of the car where we are sitting and front sits to be empty. I am confused and concerned about the safety but as I see the wires for breaks and wheel extending comfortably I override the internal unsettling. We go into the mountains, there is a celebration in one of the restaurant, a strange dates are going through my head, a mystery of November. People are taking pictures and the flashlight wakes me up to this different realm we all share but we are still in the 21st century here. • Contemplating on the sense of self and a Dream dreamed on 3rd of September/4th lunar day • Darkness is everywhere, the depth of existing on this planet, the depth where the firmament of life is, why does it have to be so dark? We always try to navigate ourselves through life with our emotions, but it is not easy to sense emotions when the senses are devoid of sensations. We live in this world of struggle between our self and outside reality which is also determined by our self. Maybe it is a good thing that there is darkness around, there is a beautiful aesthetic to it, it is not a kind of darkness that makes us depressed or melancholic towards the times past, it is just a pure, transforming darkness of the universe. It is the place where our minds have to focus much more than our senses. We discover something special every time we plunge deeply into the depth. • My dream starts with the darkness but then gradually I see, distinguish people around, artists and organizers, we are all sitting around the table discussing about something, a project, an initiative to change the world, and then suddenly I see other people who are not in the world of art discussing about shoes and clothes and fashion, it is something that they see as art in the absence of the time required to understand art. Fashion is so accessible and it is kept simple so that people’s reactions are much easier predicted that way. I am now thinking about time, a train is going and coming all the time, it feels like I am waiting for someone but I don’t know who,.... the dream finishes
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  • 21. Ideasrexoid 71 darkness of the water cloaked in nameless color blue, Acrylic on canvas 2020 • Dream dreamed on 26th of July/24th lunar day • It all starts with roaming around, discovering, searching, the warms and suspense of a moment before traveling, but it lasts, it is not so temporal this time.I am going downstairs, it is a hidden area of a building, there is a key which was handed to me by a creature that looks like a kangaroo, it is very kind and neutral, doesn’t want much interaction, I am delighted because I am getting exhausted by all the interaction, I go with the key and I open the studio of nine the less but Matisse, a great nemesis of Picasso. The paintings are all organized on the tables, there is only artificial light to bring out the best of the internal light a human can convey in a painting. I am exploring different rooms, they are all designed in a modern way, suddenly I feel like I don’t belong in this world of colors. My world is more structural but without colors I feel like I am losing the touch with the spiritual, my dream finishes in one of the smallest rooms of this studio, where I am contemplating the moment of now that lasts forever. • I am wondering what is happening as I discover all the different options, alternatives for deeper meaning while living on this planet. Suddenly the planet is so small, I am looking at it as if it was a dot, then I realize indeed it is a dot, it is smaller than dust, because the stars are the dust. They are so dense and yet far apart, standing in their dignity of distance. The space makes us respect things much more maybe that is why it is invented, the condition on living on this dot is always about space, time and gravity. We are bound to earth, but Earth isn’t bound to us, we will not be bound by it very soon thanks to the organized thinking. We are on the way of self sufficiency, technologically but psychologically we are still hanging in between the melancholic cry for the times past and the dreadful fear from the future. We are all born optimist but somehow on the way become pessimist. It is almost like the fuel of love gets exhausted and bitterness takes it’s place, is this something we should learn in school, if schools are to survive the technological revolution that we are all witnessing, as learning becomes ubiquitous thanks to internet and infinite possibilities. Ultimately we all love each other when we are born, as we make first steps into the world but then we sadly build the expectations of reciprocity and that usually ruins lives. Maybe the care of parents and those nearby are to blame for such a high expectations from the world. The measurements of care is a terrible thing but it is necessary because many are exploiting, not very genuine in their ways and that is why art comes in to the rescue, it is the only one that doesn’t measure, but gives the world of an artist, to the world, it is like a dust turned into a star turned into a meaningful thought. • Dream dreamed on 10th of August/8 and 9th lunar first after the solo exhibition • Today’s dream is all about the existential search for meaning, inner voices so prominently asking questions, reflections on the past, I think since dreams are the cloaked meanings of our lives that subconscious creates, I am going to cloak this one into a story, a fable. It is the first comprehensible since the solo exhibition in Beijing because I was way to exhausted to dream for a week. • The story starts in the core of darkness, a mysterious place in the middle of the forest where all the magical creates assemble for a meeting and discussions. There are unicorns, chimeras, fauns, hydras, leprechauns, fairies,.... However the most magical of all is not a living creature but a thing, it is comprised of gold and is empty on the inside, it is neither a box nor a ball, it is hardly visible where it goes, it creates confusion and makes people forget their purpose. It infiltrates into the life at the moment when the internal sense of purpose of a victim is weak. That is exactly what happened at one point on this planet when the golden thing was released in the wild because the magical creatures of the forest stopped guarding it. Everything started innocently but since this place has so many caverns, and inhabitants have an interest in nature and wonders of the underworld, the thing touched the lives and confused the purpose. Life became too chaotic and hedonistic but without evil intent, and just like the laws of physics will not allow the Apple to fall into the sky, the laws of retributions will not allow the innocent to fall into the black hole, so genetics came into power, or whatever it is that conducts the genetics and created a human that can break this link, or a chain rather. It took many years, but finally the victim and the villain fell crushing down to Earth and had to reinvent themselves, find the purpose once again. The echo of a voice in the air was saying will you go to Norin again,.... • The answer is no, but we don’t have to go, we move all the time and next stage is all about the traveling through and around Beijing as I discover different things to see. The train rushing, the snow approaching, seeing through the fog of the future, the feeling stays but the objects are yet to be unlocked, end of dream in the anticipation of what happens next
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  • 23. Ideasrexoid 70 Dream dreamed with purity above and underneath but grayness around me, Acrylic on canvas 2020 • Dream dreamed on 1st and 2nd of July/28th lunar and 29th lunar day • It seems China robbed me of my dreams, I have been waking so early due to the sun rising much earlier as it is a different time zone for me compared to what I am used to that most dreams evaporated into the smoke of memory, slowly running away from me, getting absorbed by my subconscious. Everyone’s subconscious is like an ocean or a space containing all the planets, infinitely spacious but at the same time empty. It requires a key in order to enter certain regions. It seems the dreams often possess those keys but we have to find out the combinatorial set that saves fragments so this post will contain the fragments that I captured in the last few days and work from there towards my ideasrexoids, posts on futurism and society and so on. I believe the core of us somewhere inaccessible deep down in the subconscious mind, we hold the world so valuable and so forgotten by our modern society. • Dream no1. Turquoise sea, I am in a train, the dusk is approaching but I want to experience the small towns in the Mediterranean region of the world. They are all lined up fronting the sea, next to each other, like little soldiers standing to the test of time and history that shaped them in a certain way, mostly Venetian build. The design is the reflection of the way of thinking and Venetians thoughts were along the line of ellegance and functionality as is possible with so much stone. My train goes along all of those small towns and I am thinking how to go back, but then I find myself getting lost in thoughts just looking at the transparent water. I wake up. • Dream no.2 I see a piano from underneath, somebody is playing a polonaise by Chopin. Normally I never listen to or play Chopin, it was doing to the people the same thing algorithms are doing now, manipulating their emotions for the sake of being liked. I snap out of this and I am entering a different world now, it is full of stairs, probably under the impression of the Great Wall, but this is also a futuristic world. Houses are in the mid air, connected by numerous stairs from each other also flying driverless machines that transport back and forth. The transporation is subtle, not visible, not buzzing, not disturbing our senses. There is peace and fantastic energy we even think of the fact that maybe it is too boring. Our minds have to compensate for the absence of events and external stimulation. The human nature always missing something, or rather, maybe it is the self improvement mechanism that wouldn’t have developed a civilization if it wasn’t that way, faulty or not. Suddenly I am at the waterfront I am delighted, but I see a huge amount of blood emerging fast to the top of the water. Water is not very clear so I can’t see what is it from, but then I see a great white shark in full magnificence and it is fierce. I see a seal and P on the stairs that go into the water, but they start running towards me and the shark jumps out and is trying to catch, I go towards them and it is a situation full of horror, but finally I did something to slow down the seal and the human is saved but at the sacrifice or natural selection of an animal. I wake up. • Dream dreamed on 11th of July, 9th lunar day • We are group of people on a boat but it is also a building, observing something precious. I can’t really see it remember what that is but I know that it is very important. It is one of the substances of life, I don’t know how it is kept or even how it looks like, but all of us are around the table standing and looking at it. We move to different times and space and observe different elements to and suddenly it feels strange. Some man looks at Vesna in a very hostile way, he insults her, without being too direct. She tries to respond back but it is not strong enough. I pay notice and see a spirit that talked this man into insulting her. I go after the spirit and it withdraws to his sleeping place which is just a shelf against the wall, hanging in the uneven way. I capture him with my immaterial hand and confront again. No talk, we use telepathy here, and he stars crying, he is genuinely sorry for the mischief. I really the place is ripe for mischief that is why Balkans can’t progress. It is just plainly and simply furtive ground for something like that.
  • 24. Chinese influence to hold something that exists in the minds of the ancients History cloaked in mystery, highly contagious, supersticious