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Minimal Incision Facelift Surgery and Lower Face
Lift Incisions
A refreshed, healthy look works wonders for a rejuvenated you. Today’s connected world
makes it difficult to hide out for weeks after a facelift. Additionally, many do not want the
long incisions and lengthy recovery period that accompanies a more traditional lift. The
Minimal Incision Facelift delivers a revitalized look with smaller incisions and a reasonable
recovery. You also have the benefit of local anesthesia performed in our out-patient suite
as opposed to a stay at the hospital.
The concept of lifting is normally associated with long incisions around the ears and a
series of incisions hidden within the hairline. The Minimal Incision Facelift is a less
comprehensive lift that concentrates on correcting the most common and visible defects of
the aging face. Minimal, in this context then, refers to a modern, selectively targeted
approach. The incisions are typically along the front of the ear and are significantly smaller
than a traditional lift. Special instruments are inserted and used to pull back tissue from a
wider area than what is typical with long incisions.
All surgical procedures carry risk. Anyone undergoing surgery must understand that even
though the odds of a major event are small, risks from surgery are real. Whenever the skin
is broken, there is the possibility of infection, necrosis, swelling, bruising, scarring,
discoloration, nerve damage, itching, hematoma, pain, etc. Our goal is safety. We use a
local anesthetic to decrease the risks associated with general anesthesia. We have you
back for several post-op visits to monitor your healing. We are open 7 days each week and
are accessible via email. We work together to reduce risk.
A 48 year old woman before and then 2 days after short scar facelift, endoscopic brow lift,
lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Like all surgery patients, she showered the very next
day. Her surgery only took 98 minutes and was done under local anesthesia with the
patient talking to Dr Speron the entire time while experiencing no pain at all.
54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago face lift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the
minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery.
54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago facelift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the
minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after Chicago face lift surgery.
54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago Face Lift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice
the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. No neck work was done at this
6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar chicago face lift
(no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after
surgery. The patient will undergo a forehead lift at some point in the future but was not
concerned about her forehead and her eyebrow asymmetry at this time.
54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago facelift surgery (no scars at all behind the ears!)
Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. Notice the nice
improvement of her nasolabial folds and lip lift effect without any surgery in this area!
58 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty, midface lift and short scar facelift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice
the natural appearance. She wanted to look like herself and not look artificial.
A 65 year old male patient before and 6 months after a direct necklift done in the office
under local anesthesia which took only 20 minutes. Even though he was a candidate to get
other procedures such as a facelift, cosmetic eyelid surgery, as well as injectables, the only
thing that bothered him with his neck and he was willing to tolerate a small T scar. This is a
very gratifying operation especially for men who can hide the scar in their beard. His
retruded chin was also elevated (pushed upwards) with the procedure to look more normal
and even his jowls were improved.
Same patient - notice the scars blending in without the use of any makeup or concealer.
The hardest part to this operation is the initial postoperative period and looking at the red
thick scar but as with all scars, it usually softens within 6-12 months to become a soft white
line in most patients.
Same patient - notice the natural and dramatic difference.
43 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral nasolabial fold excision.
Notice the patient had no eye work, no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no facelift.
Notice the remarkable difference in the depth of his nasolabial folds. Men who are willing
to tolerate these scars and do not want an extensive procedure are excellent candidates
for this operation. Remember, this was a simple procedure done in the office under local
anesthesia that took about 40 minutes!
The Chicago Face Lift Plastic Surgery Scars:
Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way:
Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft.
Younger people (<18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years.
Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months
65 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after short scar facelift. Notice the blended
appearance of the scars. She loves wearing her hair up which will not be a problem at all
since she has no scars behind the earsss
56 year old female patient before and 5 days after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the ease with which the scars are hidden and the natural
look obtained. Notice the minimal bruising and swelling.
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 weeks after a Short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her raising her sideburn
hair with her hand. Notice how narrow her scars are.
50 year old female patient before and 5 weeks after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and
lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her raising her sideburn hair
with her hand. Notice how narrow her scars are. The redness will fade with time. This can
be expedited with laser treatments. One of the huge advantages of a short scar facelift is
the elimination of any scars behind the ear. These are usually the scars that heal the worse
and are the widest. Without these scars, patients feel very comfortable wearing their hair
57 year old male patient before and 3 months after short scar facelift. Notice the scars
blending in without the use of any makeup or conceale
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. She had a traditional facelift 6 years ago (performed by another
plastic surgeon) and her wide scars (with railroad marks) are very obvious behind her ear.
She also has an unnaturally high sideburn, which I have repositioned lower. Finally, her
"pixie-ear deformity" (one of the most common complications after a facelift) and
unnatural ear appearance were corrected.
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. She had a traditional facelift 6 years ago (performed by another
plastic surgeon) and her wide scars (with railroad marks) are very obvious behind her ear.
The scar is red (which will fade with time) and much less narrow. It is also repositioned
closer to her hairline
62 year old African American female patient before and 4 weeks after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with
her holding back her sideburn hair. There is no scar in the temple area and no scar behind
the ear.
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care
program, peels or laser has been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "lip-lift"
achieved. Notice the square aged appearance of her face has become more youthful.
More Face Lift Picture and Photos:
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the sharper jawline and repostioned midfacial tissues
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. Her cheek has been moved back up to its youthful position. No
neck work was done at this time
56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper
and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care
program, peels or laser has been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "lip-lift"
achieved. Notice the square aged appearance of her face has become more youthful.
48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and
midface lift. Notice the correction of her tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There
was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures. Even without a facelift, her
jowls are improved.
48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and
midface lift. Notice the correction of her tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There
was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures. Even without a facelift, her
jowls are improved.
48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and
midface lift. Notice the smoothness under her eyes in this close-up. She still has some
edema of her lower eyelids above her scar and her scar is still hyperemic (red). Patients are
not usually as swollen and red as she is at this point. However, she can still easily conceal
this with make-up.
51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface
lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the over all refreshed, natural-looking appearance. The
patient had no other procedures, Botox or collagen
51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface
lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the rejuvenated neck appearance even without a neck lift.
51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface
lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the correction of his malar ptosis, tear trough deformity and
nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures, Botox or
51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface
lift and S-Scar facelift. Because of his eyelid laxity, his ligament and muscles were
51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface
lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of the perioral area. He had no
other procedures, Botox or collagen.
67-year-old female before and 3 months after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift. She
had previously undergone an eyelid lift a few years ago but had not noticed a difference.
This natura achieved in the office with a 45 minute procedure under local anesthesia and
no use of any drains. She could've had a more dramatic result with additional surgical and
nonsurgical procedure lift but was not interested in those at this time.
67-year-old female before and 1 day after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift (includes
lower blepharoplasty). Notice the very minimal downtime even though a mid face lift or
lower blepha longest downtime and recovery of any of the cosmetic facial surgeries I
perform. The eyes are central to the face and the 1st thing others notice. Even a small
amount of swelling or puckering obvious here. No upper blepharoplasty was done as she
was not interested in that at this time.
67-year-old female before and 1 day after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift. She had a
lot of excess skin and folding which isn’t seen as clearly in photos as it was in person. She
could'v dramatic result with additional surgical and nonsurgical procedures but was not
interested in those at this time. This is considered an average result. You can notice some
bruising which isn’t seen down here by the nasolabial folds even though nothing was done
directly to them.
59 year old female patient before and 6 months after a midface lift. Notice the patient has
rejuvenated her lower eyes, lifted her cheeks and defined her jowling somewhat.
87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 3 months after direct neck lift. Notice the
patient had no other surgery. Notice the remarkable difference in the neck contour. There
is still some puckering which usually disappears within 1-3 months after the procedure.
Patients who are willing to tolerate these scars and do not want an extensive procedure
are excellent candidates for this operation. Remember, this was a quick procedure done
with minimal sedation and local anesthesia that took about 30 minutes!
87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient
had no other surgery. Notice the improvement of her "turkey gobbler" neck.
87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient
had no other surgery. Notice the sustained improvement even with neck flexion
87 year old female patient before, 6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient
had no other surgery. Notice the dramatic improvement even with neck flexion.
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the recapturing of her youthfulness without an artificial
look. Her lips also look more youthful.
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Her friends and coworkers all told her she looked "so refreshed
and so much better but they could not put their finger on what was different."
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the ease with which she wears her hair up - since there is
no scar behind her ears.
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the closeup of her perioral area and it's rejuvenation. The
jowls are corrected. Remember, this is an Asian patient who wanted her youthfulness
restored. She did not want her lower face thinned ie her buccal fat pad removed to define
that area.
48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift
and lower blepharoplasty. Notice there was nothing done to her upper eyelids because she
did not want anything done at this time.
45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin
care program, peels, collagen injections or laser treatments have been done. The picture
on the right (after picture) unfortunately has the patient half-blinking so it is hard to
appreciate the eyelid rejuvenation..
45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. Notice the
elevation of the cheeks and youthful contours. She looks very natural in a gentle smile
45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. Notice the
more open eyes and smoother jawline with correction of jowls
45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin
care program, peels, collagen injections or laser treatments have been done. Notice the
much improved skin tone and "lip-lift" achieved. The lips look fuller and the lip aging is
much improved, even with no lip injections. Of course, the lips can be further augmented if
the patient desires this.
59 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after Short-scar facelift, midface lift and
bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Patient also had her buccal fat pad removed
because she wanted a thinner face. The patient wanted to maintain a natural appearance.
No other procedures were done at this point
59 year old female patient before, 2 days after and 7 days after bilateral upper and lower
blepharoplasty. Notice the nice periorbital rejuvenation evident even early on. The
maximal swelling after any surgery is typically 2 days after a procedure. Most of the
swelling is gone by 1-2 weeks. 90% of swelling is gone by 6 weeks with the final result
evident 3-6 months after the surgery. Scar maturation is complete about 12 months after
the surgery.
62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. She complained of looking tired. After
surgery, she looks natural and no longer has that tired look.
62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved facial harmony and
the highlighting of her facial features
62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved facial jowls and the
smooth transition zones.
62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved perioral aesthetics,
even with nothing specifically done to this area.
67 year old Hispanic female patient before, 1 year and 5 years after a Short scar facelift,
midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the maintained cheek lift
and peri-oral lift. There has been no other maintenance procedures during the interval
(such as Radiance to the nasolabial and melolabial lines)
67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface
lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the lip rejuvenation and fullness
achieved. The patient also had 0.5cc radiance to the upper lip during the procedure but
most of the visual change is attributable to the midface lift
67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface
lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improvement achieved
without any neck scars - the neck lift scar is 3 cm and in the submental crease area
67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface
lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatic improvement in
neck skin laxity. There were no other procedures performed.
57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the natural appearance achieved with minimal
scarring and down-time.
57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and
upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated and harmonious appearance of
the eyelid-cheek junction. This is a critical element and is commonly not properly corrected
with traditional full scar face lifting procedures, especially when a mid face lift is not done
at the same time.
52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift.
Notice the patient had no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold
work. Notice the lengthened appearance of his face.
52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift.
Notice the improved, natural appearance.
52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift.
Notice the sharper jaw line.
52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift.
Notice the patient had no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold
work. Notice the maintained normal sideburn..
65 year old female patient before and 2 years after short scar facelift. Notice the patient
had no midface lift, no eye work, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold work.
Notice her jowls are starting to recur. This is an average result from an isolated facelift

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Minimal Incision Facelift Surgery and Lower Face Lift Incisions Benefits

  • 1. Minimal Incision Facelift Surgery and Lower Face Lift Incisions BENEFITS A refreshed, healthy look works wonders for a rejuvenated you. Today’s connected world makes it difficult to hide out for weeks after a facelift. Additionally, many do not want the long incisions and lengthy recovery period that accompanies a more traditional lift. The Minimal Incision Facelift delivers a revitalized look with smaller incisions and a reasonable recovery. You also have the benefit of local anesthesia performed in our out-patient suite as opposed to a stay at the hospital. DESCRIPTION The concept of lifting is normally associated with long incisions around the ears and a series of incisions hidden within the hairline. The Minimal Incision Facelift is a less comprehensive lift that concentrates on correcting the most common and visible defects of the aging face. Minimal, in this context then, refers to a modern, selectively targeted approach. The incisions are typically along the front of the ear and are significantly smaller than a traditional lift. Special instruments are inserted and used to pull back tissue from a wider area than what is typical with long incisions. RISKS All surgical procedures carry risk. Anyone undergoing surgery must understand that even though the odds of a major event are small, risks from surgery are real. Whenever the skin is broken, there is the possibility of infection, necrosis, swelling, bruising, scarring, discoloration, nerve damage, itching, hematoma, pain, etc. Our goal is safety. We use a local anesthetic to decrease the risks associated with general anesthesia. We have you back for several post-op visits to monitor your healing. We are open 7 days each week and are accessible via email. We work together to reduce risk. DR. SPERON BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS A 48 year old woman before and then 2 days after short scar facelift, endoscopic brow lift, lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Like all surgery patients, she showered the very next day. Her surgery only took 98 minutes and was done under local anesthesia with the patient talking to Dr Speron the entire time while experiencing no pain at all.
  • 2. 54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago face lift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. 54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago facelift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after Chicago face lift surgery.
  • 3. 54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago Face Lift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. No neck work was done at this time. 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar chicago face lift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. The patient will undergo a forehead lift at some point in the future but was not concerned about her forehead and her eyebrow asymmetry at this time. 54 year old female patient before, 3 days after and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty and short scar Chicago facelift surgery (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. Notice the nice improvement of her nasolabial folds and lip lift effect without any surgery in this area!
  • 4. 58 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and short scar facelift (no scars at all behind the ears!) Notice the natural appearance. She wanted to look like herself and not look artificial. A 65 year old male patient before and 6 months after a direct necklift done in the office under local anesthesia which took only 20 minutes. Even though he was a candidate to get other procedures such as a facelift, cosmetic eyelid surgery, as well as injectables, the only thing that bothered him with his neck and he was willing to tolerate a small T scar. This is a very gratifying operation especially for men who can hide the scar in their beard. His retruded chin was also elevated (pushed upwards) with the procedure to look more normal and even his jowls were improved.
  • 5. Same patient - notice the scars blending in without the use of any makeup or concealer. The hardest part to this operation is the initial postoperative period and looking at the red thick scar but as with all scars, it usually softens within 6-12 months to become a soft white line in most patients. Same patient - notice the natural and dramatic difference.
  • 6. 43 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral nasolabial fold excision. Notice the patient had no eye work, no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no facelift. Notice the remarkable difference in the depth of his nasolabial folds. Men who are willing to tolerate these scars and do not want an extensive procedure are excellent candidates for this operation. Remember, this was a simple procedure done in the office under local anesthesia that took about 40 minutes! The Chicago Face Lift Plastic Surgery Scars: Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way: Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft. Younger people (<18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years. Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months 65 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after short scar facelift. Notice the blended appearance of the scars. She loves wearing her hair up which will not be a problem at all since she has no scars behind the earsss
  • 7. 56 year old female patient before and 5 days after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the ease with which the scars are hidden and the natural look obtained. Notice the minimal bruising and swelling. 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 weeks after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her raising her sideburn hair with her hand. Notice how narrow her scars are.
  • 8. 50 year old female patient before and 5 weeks after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her raising her sideburn hair with her hand. Notice how narrow her scars are. The redness will fade with time. This can be expedited with laser treatments. One of the huge advantages of a short scar facelift is the elimination of any scars behind the ear. These are usually the scars that heal the worse and are the widest. Without these scars, patients feel very comfortable wearing their hair up 57 year old male patient before and 3 months after short scar facelift. Notice the scars blending in without the use of any makeup or conceale 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. She had a traditional facelift 6 years ago (performed by another plastic surgeon) and her wide scars (with railroad marks) are very obvious behind her ear. She also has an unnaturally high sideburn, which I have repositioned lower. Finally, her "pixie-ear deformity" (one of the most common complications after a facelift) and unnatural ear appearance were corrected.
  • 9. 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. She had a traditional facelift 6 years ago (performed by another plastic surgeon) and her wide scars (with railroad marks) are very obvious behind her ear. The scar is red (which will fade with time) and much less narrow. It is also repositioned closer to her hairline 62 year old African American female patient before and 4 weeks after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her holding back her sideburn hair. There is no scar in the temple area and no scar behind the ear.
  • 10. 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, peels or laser has been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "lip-lift" achieved. Notice the square aged appearance of her face has become more youthful. More Face Lift Picture and Photos: 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the sharper jawline and repostioned midfacial tissues
  • 11. 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her cheek has been moved back up to its youthful position. No neck work was done at this time 56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, peels or laser has been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "lip-lift" achieved. Notice the square aged appearance of her face has become more youthful.
  • 12. 48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the correction of her tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures. Even without a facelift, her jowls are improved. 48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the correction of her tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures. Even without a facelift, her jowls are improved. 48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the smoothness under her eyes in this close-up. She still has some edema of her lower eyelids above her scar and her scar is still hyperemic (red). Patients are not usually as swollen and red as she is at this point. However, she can still easily conceal this with make-up.
  • 13. 51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the over all refreshed, natural-looking appearance. The patient had no other procedures, Botox or collagen 51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the rejuvenated neck appearance even without a neck lift. 51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the correction of his malar ptosis, tear trough deformity and
  • 14. nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures, Botox or collagen. 51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Because of his eyelid laxity, his ligament and muscles were tightened. 51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of the perioral area. He had no other procedures, Botox or collagen.
  • 15. 67-year-old female before and 3 months after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift. She had previously undergone an eyelid lift a few years ago but had not noticed a difference. This natura achieved in the office with a 45 minute procedure under local anesthesia and no use of any drains. She could've had a more dramatic result with additional surgical and nonsurgical procedure lift but was not interested in those at this time. 67-year-old female before and 1 day after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift (includes lower blepharoplasty). Notice the very minimal downtime even though a mid face lift or lower blepha longest downtime and recovery of any of the cosmetic facial surgeries I perform. The eyes are central to the face and the 1st thing others notice. Even a small amount of swelling or puckering obvious here. No upper blepharoplasty was done as she was not interested in that at this time.
  • 16. 67-year-old female before and 1 day after a Short Scar Face Lift & Mid Face Lift. She had a lot of excess skin and folding which isn’t seen as clearly in photos as it was in person. She could'v dramatic result with additional surgical and nonsurgical procedures but was not interested in those at this time. This is considered an average result. You can notice some bruising which isn’t seen down here by the nasolabial folds even though nothing was done directly to them. 59 year old female patient before and 6 months after a midface lift. Notice the patient has rejuvenated her lower eyes, lifted her cheeks and defined her jowling somewhat.
  • 17. 87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 3 months after direct neck lift. Notice the patient had no other surgery. Notice the remarkable difference in the neck contour. There is still some puckering which usually disappears within 1-3 months after the procedure. Patients who are willing to tolerate these scars and do not want an extensive procedure are excellent candidates for this operation. Remember, this was a quick procedure done with minimal sedation and local anesthesia that took about 30 minutes! 87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the improvement of her "turkey gobbler" neck.
  • 18. 87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the sustained improvement even with neck flexion 87 year old female patient before, 6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the dramatic improvement even with neck flexion. 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the recapturing of her youthfulness without an artificial look. Her lips also look more youthful.
  • 19. 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Her friends and coworkers all told her she looked "so refreshed and so much better but they could not put their finger on what was different." 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the ease with which she wears her hair up - since there is no scar behind her ears. 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the closeup of her perioral area and it's rejuvenation. The jowls are corrected. Remember, this is an Asian patient who wanted her youthfulness restored. She did not want her lower face thinned ie her buccal fat pad removed to define that area.
  • 20. 48 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice there was nothing done to her upper eyelids because she did not want anything done at this time. 45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, peels, collagen injections or laser treatments have been done. The picture on the right (after picture) unfortunately has the patient half-blinking so it is hard to appreciate the eyelid rejuvenation..
  • 21. 45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. Notice the elevation of the cheeks and youthful contours. She looks very natural in a gentle smile pose 45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. Notice the more open eyes and smoother jawline with correction of jowls 45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her perioral area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, peels, collagen injections or laser treatments have been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "lip-lift" achieved. The lips look fuller and the lip aging is much improved, even with no lip injections. Of course, the lips can be further augmented if the patient desires this.
  • 22. 59 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after Short-scar facelift, midface lift and bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Patient also had her buccal fat pad removed because she wanted a thinner face. The patient wanted to maintain a natural appearance. No other procedures were done at this point 59 year old female patient before, 2 days after and 7 days after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the nice periorbital rejuvenation evident even early on. The maximal swelling after any surgery is typically 2 days after a procedure. Most of the swelling is gone by 1-2 weeks. 90% of swelling is gone by 6 weeks with the final result evident 3-6 months after the surgery. Scar maturation is complete about 12 months after the surgery.
  • 23. 62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. She complained of looking tired. After surgery, she looks natural and no longer has that tired look. 62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved facial harmony and the highlighting of her facial features
  • 24. 62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved facial jowls and the smooth transition zones. 62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved perioral aesthetics, even with nothing specifically done to this area. 67 year old Hispanic female patient before, 1 year and 5 years after a Short scar facelift, midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the maintained cheek lift and peri-oral lift. There has been no other maintenance procedures during the interval (such as Radiance to the nasolabial and melolabial lines)
  • 25. 67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the lip rejuvenation and fullness achieved. The patient also had 0.5cc radiance to the upper lip during the procedure but most of the visual change is attributable to the midface lift 67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improvement achieved without any neck scars - the neck lift scar is 3 cm and in the submental crease area
  • 26. 67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatic improvement in neck skin laxity. There were no other procedures performed. 57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the natural appearance achieved with minimal scarring and down-time. 57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated and harmonious appearance of the eyelid-cheek junction. This is a critical element and is commonly not properly corrected with traditional full scar face lifting procedures, especially when a mid face lift is not done at the same time.
  • 27. 52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift. Notice the patient had no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold work. Notice the lengthened appearance of his face. 52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift. Notice the improved, natural appearance. 52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift. Notice the sharper jaw line.
  • 28. 52 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and facelift. Notice the patient had no midface lift, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold work. Notice the maintained normal sideburn.. 65 year old female patient before and 2 years after short scar facelift. Notice the patient had no midface lift, no eye work, no forehead lifting and no extra nasolabial fold work. Notice her jowls are starting to recur. This is an average result from an isolated facelift procedure.