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EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Analyze issues within their local communities
1.1 Investigate and uncover general issues impacting education
within the educational setting and
the larger community.
4. Construct systemic steps to help individuals adapt to change.
4.1 Discuss ways you can accommodate the needs of your staff
and faculty during the process of
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 5, pp. 74–88
Unit II Compare/Contrast Essay
Unit Lesson
Chapter 6, pp. 90–102
Unit II Essay
Required Unit Resources
Chapter 5: Building Relationships With Your Internal Publics,
pp. 74–88
Chapter 6: Embracing Your External Publics, pp. 90–102
Unit Lesson
What will it look like? That is a tough question. Let’s not put
the cart before the horse. Take a step back for a
moment. In Unit I, we brought into the conversation research by
Glickman, Fullan, Epstein et al., Sergiovanni,
and your textbook author, Fiore. In Unit II, we will explore
three huge topics: change, motivation, and process.
One of the constants in education is change. We are all products
of our environment and upbringing. Those
who have gone before us have impacted who we are and how we
view the world. The transformation is a
slow process. When we view systems holistically, we can see
the changes that have taken place, and, more
often than not, we can trace the steps that took place to get us to
this point in time. Despite everyone
understanding that change takes place, this does not imply we
like the change process. The vast majority of
us resist change. Later in this unit lesson, we will discuss the
start of a process to build relationships internally
and externally. The key to this process and the acceptance of
change is keeping it simple. Henry W adsworth
Longfellow (as cited in Mycoskie, 2011) stated, “In character,
in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme
excellence is simplicity” (p. 97). With Longfellow’s comments
tucked away in our brain, we will seek simplicity
encased in quality as we move forward as teacher leaders.
What Will It Look Like?
EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships
Let’s start with some assumptions. Let’s assume “most schools
and classrooms operated on the reward or
punishment model, and use stimulus-response, behavior
modification, or assertive discipline techniques”
(Sullo, 2007, p. 5). For over a century and a half, many
educators have (and some still do) assumed human
behavior is a result of some environmental factors, and most of
those are out of our control as educators. If
that were the case, then educators could count on extrinsic
rewards to get learners, regardless of age, to
comply. Veteran educators and administrators, however,
recognize that by offering rewards for learning, we
are devaluing the learning process and defeating our goal of
creating lifelong learners.
Alfie Kohn, in his 1993 book, stated, “at any age rewards are
less effective than intrinsic motivation for
promoting effective learning” (p. 144). Kohn’s writings in the
1990s disturbed a lot of educators. His
straightforward observations and comments led to a great deal
of self-reflection by the education community.
Keep in mind Kohn would be viewed by most as a constructivist
when we discuss teaching and learning, and
John Dewey and Jean Piaget heavily influenced him. If we
believe that learning should be anchored in
problem-solving, project-based, and purpose-based experiences,
then we need to design our efforts in
building partnerships to improve educational practices along the
same lines. As teacher leaders, we must
recognize that facts and skills development is important, but it
is not the end. Rather, it is the means to reach
a greater end.
Pause! Take a moment to let the last couple of sentences sink
in. As leaders, our role has changed.
How do we make this process more intrinsic? As teacher
leaders, we need to create a learning/teamwork
environment. We need to create a culture of caring within the
partnership. This begins when the members of
the group feel valued and feel that we, as leaders, care about
them personally and professionally. Dozens of
people are attributed with coining the phrase “people won’t care
how much you know until they know how
much you care” (Maxwell, 2004, p. 91). John Maxwell used the
phrase in several of his talks and books. John
Maxwell is a leadership theorist who has written such books as
The Maxwell Leadership Assessment and
Becoming a 360 Degree Leader. This caring culture is cultivated
over time and is modeled in our actions as
leaders. Celebrating victories together, acknowledging
challenges, and knowing partners more deeply all
contribute to this caring culture.
Part of this leadership style is simply being visible. “To be seen
as the keeper of the vision, and to
communicate regularly and purposefully, school leaders must be
visible to the internal publics of their school”
(Fiore, 2011, p. 95). Fiore does a great job honoring teachers as
the “teachers are the most important adults
in the school” (Fiore, 2011, p. 101). He does not overlook the
importance of students in the building and
places a high emphasis on the need for the teacher leader and
other leaders to build trust with students.
Too often, members of the support staff are overlooked as
having an impact on the climate in a school. Keep
in mind that most teachers and administrators are “move-ins” in
the community. They grew up somewhere
else and moved here because of their job in the school system.
Members of the support staff are often from
the surrounding community. Many of them grew up in that
community and are now raising their families there.
They are not only part of your internal community but also the
external community, and most have siblings
and other relatives they associate with in the same community.
They are an important component in building
community relationships.
Fiore (2011) does a nice job explaining the external public.
Parents, taxpayers, churches, religious affiliates,
legislators, school alumni, businesses, industries, and families
without children in school are all important
components that make up the external population. As a teacher
leader, it is important to recognize the role
each party plays in creating a positive learning climate both
inside the school walls and in the larger
As the baby boomers reach retirement age, the community
portrait of our external public takes on a slightly
different look. By 2010, the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP) claimed membership in excess
of 40 million members (Fiore, 2011, p. 123). That age group
consistently votes and possesses a large
percentage of the school district assets. How does that impact
your school? As a result of the increase in the
retired population, intergenerational programs in schools
become a positive way to involve your external
EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships
Now, let’s switch gears.
In the Unit I Lesson, we discussed Epstein et al.’s (2009) six
types of involvement:
-making, and
As we read Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 in Fiore’s textbook, we
begin to see how theory can become a reality. A
common theme in the reading and the case study analysis used
in our book is making schools a welcoming
This effort to create a community portrait is important. When
teacher leaders and others in leadership have a
clear understanding of the community as a whole, better
facilitation, inclusion, and decision making take
place. Teachers in leadership positions is not a new concept. We
have always had teachers who assume
leadership responsibilities outside of their regular teaching
schedule or discipline. Those individuals were
often trusted by their colleagues, and they assumed their role as
a mentor. Being trained as a classroom
teacher, however, is not the same as being an effective teacher
leader. Teacher prep programs across our
nation are geared to help train and prepare teachers to meet the
21st century needs of our students. Little, if
any, time is spent on leadership. That is not a negative comment
about our teacher prep programs, but rather
a recognition of the “tsunami” of demands on classroom
teachers today. That same tsunami impacts families
and the community as a whole.
As we begin to think about what this will look like, we need to
recognize that one of the most fundamental
human needs is the desire for power. Too often, in our current
social and political settings, we view power as
a negative. “Power is the most misunderstood basic need”
(Sullo, 2007, p. 94). In our conversation regarding
leadership, we need to reframe the impact the quest for power
has in the life of a learner—regardless of age.
While the quest for dominance may be a negative desire, we
need to understand that every individual wants
to have a say in their existence—whether that be when they go
to bed at night, television viewing habits, or
advocating for their specific learning style. Every individual
wants to have some input in his or her day. Too
often, we prescribe solutions for day-to-day issues without ever
consulting those impacted by those solutions.
Teacher leaders need to understand that those they work with
need to have some sense of control in the
process. This can easily be worked into our decision-making
procedures and process.
Keep in mind this is a “power with” process and not a “power
over” result.
Teacher leaders will be charged with the task of balancing the
needs of faculty and staff with the need to keep
the process moving forward. While the emphasis may be on
what is next, we must also honor the past. This is
best done through a self-reflection piece built into the process.
This historical narrative not only keeps the
partnership focused on the end goal but also allowed new
members to the process to understand better the
path the group has taken to reach this moment in time. It gives
all members and even outsiders of the group
some perspective on past decisions, the culture and climate of
the group, and the future direction of the
group. Celebrate the victories and learn from the setbacks.
Epstein et al. (2009) refer to “charting the course” (p. 14).
Charting the course begins with self -reflection,
moves to action planning, and ends with the long-term impact of
the course we, as a group, have plotted. The
entire process is anchored in the partnerships or relationships
we have developed and cultivated.
So what will it look like?
Well, there is not a magic wand. Each community and each
school is unique; thus, there will never be one
plan that fits all institutions—regardless of how many bills are
passed in Congress, initiated by the occupant of
the White House, or mandated by a state legislature. Each
process will stand alone. As a teacher leader, you
will have the insight and leadership skills to help chart the
course for your unique setting.
EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships
Epstein, J. L., Sanders, M., Sheldon, S., Simon, B. S., Salinas,
K. C., Jansorn, N. R., Van Voorhis, F. L.,
Martin, C. S., Thomas, B. G., Greenfeld, M. D., Hutchins, D. J.,
& Williams, K. J. (2009). School,
family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action
(3rd ed.). Corwin Press.
Fiore, D. J. (2011). School-community relations (3rd ed.).
Kohn, A. (1993). Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold
stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other
bribes. Houghton Mifflin.
Maxwell, J. C. (2004). Winning with people: Discover the
people principles that work for you every time.
Thomas Nelson.
Mycoskie, B. (2011). Start something that matters. Spiegel &
Sullo, B. (2007). Activating the desire to learn. Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Suggested Unit Resources
In order to access the following resource, click the link below.
Too often, as caring adults, we make changes in the
environment around our children to pave the road to
success, not realizing the lessons learned on the journey to
success provide us with some valuable life
lessons. In this article, Alfie Kohn approaches that issue. How
can we take what we learn from this article and
apply it to our role as a teacher leader and to working with
internal and external adult groups?
Kohn, A. (2014, May 4). Trophy fury: What’s behind claims
that kids are coddled and over celebrated? New
York Times.
Learning Activities (Nongraded)
Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in
their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further
guidance and information.
Research the demographics of your community or school
district. How do you see those demographics
changing over the next decade? What might be the impact? How
do you, as a teacher leader, meet those
changes proactively?
Write a four-page essay titled Essay on Change discussing a
variety of ways you can accommodate the needs of your faculty,
staff, or community members. As a teacher leader, you will be
called upon to create learning environments for a wide range of
groups. Knowing what you know and what you have
experienced in your career, what are some lessons you have
learned that can help members of the group adapt to change
more smoothly?
In your essay, refer to items a, b, and c. Conclude your essay by
completing item d. In that conclusion, you may find that you
can relate to each of the previous authors, or your experience
may be tied more directly to only one of them.
a) Lessons you can apply from Epstein et al.’s six types of
b) Sullo’s view of power,
c) Kohn’s thoughts on extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and
d) personal experiences or lessons related to Epstein et al.,
Sullo, or Kohn’s ideas.
You are required to use your textbook, the unit lesson, and a
minimum of two outside scholarly sources to justify your
impressions, thoughts, and ideas. Adhere to APA Style when
constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and
references for all sources that are used. Please note that no
abstract is needed.
Six Types of Involvement
Epstein et al. (2009) identify six types of involvement. The six
types discussed are as follows:
1) Parenting: Help parents with parenting skills and establishing
a solid home environment for children.
2) Communicating: Establish effective home-to-school and
school-to-home communication procedures.
3) Volunteering: Recruit and organize help and support for
enriching classroom environments.
4) Learning at home: Assist parents with understanding how to
best help their children and how to create environments that
maximize learning for their child.
5) Decision making: Include a representative cross-section of
parents and community members in the school decision-making
6) Collaborating with the community: Keep the community
involved and informed about the school (Epstein et al., 2009,
pp. 14–16).
EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relati

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EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relati

  • 1. EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships 1 Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Analyze issues within their local communities 1.1 Investigate and uncover general issues impacting education within the educational setting and the larger community. 4. Construct systemic steps to help individuals adapt to change. 4.1 Discuss ways you can accommodate the needs of your staff and faculty during the process of change. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes
  • 2. Learning Activity 1.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 5, pp. 74–88 Unit II Compare/Contrast Essay 4.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 6, pp. 90–102 Unit II Essay Required Unit Resources Chapter 5: Building Relationships With Your Internal Publics, pp. 74–88 Chapter 6: Embracing Your External Publics, pp. 90–102 Unit Lesson What will it look like? That is a tough question. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Take a step back for a moment. In Unit I, we brought into the conversation research by Glickman, Fullan, Epstein et al., Sergiovanni, and your textbook author, Fiore. In Unit II, we will explore three huge topics: change, motivation, and process.
  • 3. One of the constants in education is change. We are all products of our environment and upbringing. Those who have gone before us have impacted who we are and how we view the world. The transformation is a slow process. When we view systems holistically, we can see the changes that have taken place, and, more often than not, we can trace the steps that took place to get us to this point in time. Despite everyone understanding that change takes place, this does not imply we like the change process. The vast majority of us resist change. Later in this unit lesson, we will discuss the start of a process to build relationships internally and externally. The key to this process and the acceptance of change is keeping it simple. Henry W adsworth Longfellow (as cited in Mycoskie, 2011) stated, “In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity” (p. 97). With Longfellow’s comments tucked away in our brain, we will seek simplicity encased in quality as we move forward as teacher leaders. UNIT II STUDY GUIDE What Will It Look Like? EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships
  • 4. 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Let’s start with some assumptions. Let’s assume “most schools and classrooms operated on the reward or punishment model, and use stimulus-response, behavior modification, or assertive discipline techniques” (Sullo, 2007, p. 5). For over a century and a half, many educators have (and some still do) assumed human behavior is a result of some environmental factors, and most of those are out of our control as educators. If that were the case, then educators could count on extrinsic rewards to get learners, regardless of age, to comply. Veteran educators and administrators, however, recognize that by offering rewards for learning, we are devaluing the learning process and defeating our goal of creating lifelong learners. Alfie Kohn, in his 1993 book, stated, “at any age rewards are less effective than intrinsic motivation for promoting effective learning” (p. 144). Kohn’s writings in the 1990s disturbed a lot of educators. His straightforward observations and comments led to a great deal of self-reflection by the education community. Keep in mind Kohn would be viewed by most as a constructivist when we discuss teaching and learning, and
  • 5. John Dewey and Jean Piaget heavily influenced him. If we believe that learning should be anchored in problem-solving, project-based, and purpose-based experiences, then we need to design our efforts in building partnerships to improve educational practices along the same lines. As teacher leaders, we must recognize that facts and skills development is important, but it is not the end. Rather, it is the means to reach a greater end. Pause! Take a moment to let the last couple of sentences sink in. As leaders, our role has changed. How do we make this process more intrinsic? As teacher leaders, we need to create a learning/teamwork environment. We need to create a culture of caring within the partnership. This begins when the members of the group feel valued and feel that we, as leaders, care about them personally and professionally. Dozens of people are attributed with coining the phrase “people won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” (Maxwell, 2004, p. 91). John Maxwell used the phrase in several of his talks and books. John Maxwell is a leadership theorist who has written such books as The Maxwell Leadership Assessment and Becoming a 360 Degree Leader. This caring culture is cultivated over time and is modeled in our actions as
  • 6. leaders. Celebrating victories together, acknowledging challenges, and knowing partners more deeply all contribute to this caring culture. Part of this leadership style is simply being visible. “To be seen as the keeper of the vision, and to communicate regularly and purposefully, school leaders must be visible to the internal publics of their school” (Fiore, 2011, p. 95). Fiore does a great job honoring teachers as the “teachers are the most important adults in the school” (Fiore, 2011, p. 101). He does not overlook the importance of students in the building and places a high emphasis on the need for the teacher leader and other leaders to build trust with students. Too often, members of the support staff are overlooked as having an impact on the climate in a school. Keep in mind that most teachers and administrators are “move-ins” in the community. They grew up somewhere else and moved here because of their job in the school system. Members of the support staff are often from the surrounding community. Many of them grew up in that community and are now raising their families there. They are not only part of your internal community but also the external community, and most have siblings and other relatives they associate with in the same community. They are an important component in building
  • 7. community relationships. Fiore (2011) does a nice job explaining the external public. Parents, taxpayers, churches, religious affiliates, legislators, school alumni, businesses, industries, and families without children in school are all important components that make up the external population. As a teacher leader, it is important to recognize the role each party plays in creating a positive learning climate both inside the school walls and in the larger community. As the baby boomers reach retirement age, the community portrait of our external public takes on a slightly different look. By 2010, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) claimed membership in excess of 40 million members (Fiore, 2011, p. 123). That age group consistently votes and possesses a large percentage of the school district assets. How does that impact your school? As a result of the increase in the retired population, intergenerational programs in schools become a positive way to involve your external community.
  • 8. EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Now, let’s switch gears. In the Unit I Lesson, we discussed Epstein et al.’s (2009) six types of involvement: -making, and –16). As we read Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 in Fiore’s textbook, we begin to see how theory can become a reality. A common theme in the reading and the case study analysis used in our book is making schools a welcoming place.
  • 9. This effort to create a community portrait is important. When teacher leaders and others in leadership have a clear understanding of the community as a whole, better facilitation, inclusion, and decision making take place. Teachers in leadership positions is not a new concept. We have always had teachers who assume leadership responsibilities outside of their regular teaching schedule or discipline. Those individuals were often trusted by their colleagues, and they assumed their role as a mentor. Being trained as a classroom teacher, however, is not the same as being an effective teacher leader. Teacher prep programs across our nation are geared to help train and prepare teachers to meet the 21st century needs of our students. Little, if any, time is spent on leadership. That is not a negative comment about our teacher prep programs, but rather a recognition of the “tsunami” of demands on classroom teachers today. That same tsunami impacts families and the community as a whole. As we begin to think about what this will look like, we need to recognize that one of the most fundamental human needs is the desire for power. Too often, in our current social and political settings, we view power as a negative. “Power is the most misunderstood basic need” (Sullo, 2007, p. 94). In our conversation regarding leadership, we need to reframe the impact the quest for power
  • 10. has in the life of a learner—regardless of age. While the quest for dominance may be a negative desire, we need to understand that every individual wants to have a say in their existence—whether that be when they go to bed at night, television viewing habits, or advocating for their specific learning style. Every individual wants to have some input in his or her day. Too often, we prescribe solutions for day-to-day issues without ever consulting those impacted by those solutions. Teacher leaders need to understand that those they work with need to have some sense of control in the process. This can easily be worked into our decision-making procedures and process. Keep in mind this is a “power with” process and not a “power over” result. Teacher leaders will be charged with the task of balancing the needs of faculty and staff with the need to keep the process moving forward. While the emphasis may be on what is next, we must also honor the past. This is best done through a self-reflection piece built into the process. This historical narrative not only keeps the partnership focused on the end goal but also allowed new members to the process to understand better the path the group has taken to reach this moment in time. It gives all members and even outsiders of the group some perspective on past decisions, the culture and climate of
  • 11. the group, and the future direction of the group. Celebrate the victories and learn from the setbacks. Epstein et al. (2009) refer to “charting the course” (p. 14). Charting the course begins with self -reflection, moves to action planning, and ends with the long-term impact of the course we, as a group, have plotted. The entire process is anchored in the partnerships or relationships we have developed and cultivated. So what will it look like? Well, there is not a magic wand. Each community and each school is unique; thus, there will never be one plan that fits all institutions—regardless of how many bills are passed in Congress, initiated by the occupant of the White House, or mandated by a state legislature. Each process will stand alone. As a teacher leader, you will have the insight and leadership skills to help chart the course for your unique setting. EDU 5200, Building Professional and Community Relationships 4
  • 12. UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title References Epstein, J. L., Sanders, M., Sheldon, S., Simon, B. S., Salinas, K. C., Jansorn, N. R., Van Voorhis, F. L., Martin, C. S., Thomas, B. G., Greenfeld, M. D., Hutchins, D. J., & Williams, K. J. (2009). School, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action (3rd ed.). Corwin Press. Fiore, D. J. (2011). School-community relations (3rd ed.). Routledge. Kohn, A. (1993). Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other bribes. Houghton Mifflin. Maxwell, J. C. (2004). Winning with people: Discover the people principles that work for you every time. Thomas Nelson. Mycoskie, B. (2011). Start something that matters. Spiegel & Grau.
  • 13. Sullo, B. (2007). Activating the desire to learn. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Suggested Unit Resources In order to access the following resource, click the link below. Too often, as caring adults, we make changes in the environment around our children to pave the road to success, not realizing the lessons learned on the journey to success provide us with some valuable life lessons. In this article, Alfie Kohn approaches that issue. How can we take what we learn from this article and apply it to our role as a teacher leader and to working with internal and external adult groups? Kohn, A. (2014, May 4). Trophy fury: What’s behind claims that kids are coddled and over celebrated? New York Times. Learning Activities (Nongraded) Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
  • 14. them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information. Research the demographics of your community or school district. How do you see those demographics changing over the next decade? What might be the impact? How do you, as a teacher leader, meet those changes proactively? Write a four-page essay titled Essay on Change discussing a variety of ways you can accommodate the needs of your faculty, staff, or community members. As a teacher leader, you will be called upon to create learning environments for a wide range of groups. Knowing what you know and what you have experienced in your career, what are some lessons you have learned that can help members of the group adapt to change more smoothly? In your essay, refer to items a, b, and c. Conclude your essay by completing item d. In that conclusion, you may find that you can relate to each of the previous authors, or your experience may be tied more directly to only one of them. a) Lessons you can apply from Epstein et al.’s six types of involvement, b) Sullo’s view of power, c) Kohn’s thoughts on extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and
  • 15. d) personal experiences or lessons related to Epstein et al., Sullo, or Kohn’s ideas. You are required to use your textbook, the unit lesson, and a minimum of two outside scholarly sources to justify your impressions, thoughts, and ideas. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. Six Types of Involvement Epstein et al. (2009) identify six types of involvement. The six types discussed are as follows: 1) Parenting: Help parents with parenting skills and establishing a solid home environment for children. 2) Communicating: Establish effective home-to-school and school-to-home communication procedures. 3) Volunteering: Recruit and organize help and support for enriching classroom environments. 4) Learning at home: Assist parents with understanding how to best help their children and how to create environments that maximize learning for their child. 5) Decision making: Include a representative cross-section of parents and community members in the school decision-making process. 6) Collaborating with the community: Keep the community involved and informed about the school (Epstein et al., 2009, pp. 14–16).