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B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
B2HANDLE	Hands-on	(Demo)
Training	material	for	the	EUDAT	summer	school	on	3-7	July	2017	in	Heraklion.	In	this	training	we	are	going	to	use	the	last
version	of	B2Handle	(1.1.1).
Trainers:	Sofiane	Bendoukha	(DKRZ),	Christine	Staiger	(SURFsara)
B2Handle	lead	developer:	Merret	Buurman	(DKRZ)
We	will	cover:
Resolving	Handle	records
Authenticating	with	the	Handle	server	using	certificates
Registering	a	file
Modifying	and	updating	Handles
Reverse	look-ups
What	is	B2Handle?
The	B2Handle	Python	library	is	a	client	library	for	interaction	with	a	Handle	System	server,	using	the	native	REST
interface	introduced	in	Handle	System	8.	The	library	offers	methods	to	create,	update	and	delete	Handles	as	well	as
advanced	functionality	such	as	searching	over	Handles	using	an	additional	search	servlet	and	managing	multiple	location
entries	per	Handle.
The	library	currently	supports	Python	2.6,	2.7	and	3.5,	and	requires	at	least	a	Handle	System	server	8.1.
ssh	di4r-user*@
1.	The	EUDATHandleClient
First,	we	have	to	import	the	B2Handle	library.	The	library	is	used	by	creating	a	client	object	and	using	its	methods	to
interact	with	the	Global	Handle	System.
from	b2handle.handleclient	import	EUDATHandleClient
The	help()	method	gives	us	useful	information	about	its	methods.
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
2.	Resolving	Handles
It	is	easy	to	resolve	a	handle	and	read	its	handle	record	using	the	B2Handle	library.	For	this,	we	instantiate	the	client	in
read-mode	and	use	its	reading	methods.
2.1	Instantiation	of	the	client
client	=	EUDATHandleClient.instantiate_for_read_access()
Now	we	can	use	its	various	reading	methods,	for	example	get_value_from_handle(handle)	or
For	example,	retrieve_handle_record(handle)	returns	a	dictionary	of	the	record's	entries:
handle	=	'21.T12995/TESTHANDLE'
record	=	client.retrieve_handle_record(handle)
{u'URL':	'',	u'HS_ADMIN':	"{u'index':	200,	u'handle':	u'0.NA/21.T12995',
u'permissions':	u'011111110011'}",	u'CREATION_DATE':	'03-07-2017'}
We	can	access	individual	values	using:
value1	=	client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'URL')
value2	=	client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'CREATION_DATE')
2.2	Check	the	Handle	with	the	Global	Handle	Server
Go	to<your	pid>?noredirect
2.3	Decreasing	server	interactions	(optional)
The	method	get_value_from_handle()	accesses	the	Handle	Server	each	time.	This	is	a	performance	slowdown.	To	avoid
it,	it	is	possible	to	retrieve	the	record	once	and	then	pass	it	on	to	the	reading	methods.
This	retrieves	the	record	from	the	server:
handlerecord_json	=	client.retrieve_handle_record_json(handle)
If	you	pass	it	to	the	reading	methods,	these	do	not	access	the	Handle	Server	anymore:
print(client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'CREATION_DATE',	handlerecord_json))
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
3.	Creating	Handle	records
In	their	simple	form,	PIDs	or	Handles	are	simple	redirection	to	URL.	In	this	case	all	they	have	is	an	entry	that	stores	the
URL.	You	can	simply	create	such	a	handle	using	the	method	register_handle().
3.1	Create	Handle	for	the	public	file
In	this	training	we	are	going	to	create	a	pid	for	a	file	hosted	on	figshare.
Store	file	location	in	Python	variable
First	we	define	the	location	or	the	URL	of	the	file.
location	=	''
PID	name
The	library	provides	an	easy	way	to	generate	such	a	handle	name.	In	this	case,	don't	forget	to	store	the	handle	name	in	a
variable	for	further	use.
pidname	=	client.generate_PID_name()
Register	the	Handle
prefix	=	'21.T12995'
handle	=	prefix	+	'/'	+	pidname
client.register_handle(handle,	location)
Attention	-	this	command	will	throw	an	error,	this	is	expected!
3.2	Write	access	to	the	Handle	server
For	modifying,	creating	and	deleting	Handle	records,	we	first	need	to	authenticate.	In	this	tutorial,	we	will	use	client
certificates.	There	is	other	methods,	e.g.	username	and	password.
Authentication	with	client	certificates
Authenticating	using	client	certificates	is	secure.	For	this,	the	user	provides	his	private	key	and	his	certificate	with	every
write	request.
To	use	client-side	certificates	for	authentication,	the	user	has	to	pass	a	certificate	and	a	private	key	along	with	every	write
request.	Just	like	the	password	authentication,	the	library	handles	this	for	the	user.
For	this,	the	library	either	needs	a	file	containing	private	key	and	certificate,	or	both	as	separate	files.	To	simplify	those
three	different	ways	of	authenticating,	there	is	a	special	class,	called	PIDClientCredentials
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
from	b2handle.clientcredentials	import	PIDClientCredentials
cred	=	PIDClientCredentials.load_from_JSON(
client	=	EUDATHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(cred)
Have	a	look	at	your	credentials
{'HTTPS_verify':	'False',
	'certificate_only':	'308_21.T12995_TRAINING_certificate_only.pem',
	'credentials_filename':	'cred_21.T12995.json',
	'handle_server_url':	'',
	'handleowner':	'200:0.NA/21.T12995',
	'prefix':	'21.T12995',
	'private_key':	'308_21.T12995_TRAINING_privkey.pem',
	'reverselookup_baseuri':	None,
	'reverselookup_password':	'6754czhf65jhgujzg65765',
	'reverselookup_username':	'21.T12995'}
Let's	try	again	now!
Handle	=	client.register_handle(handle,	location)
If	we	execute	this	code	a	second	time	-	or	if	another	participant	of	the	course	has	already	executed	it	-,	we	run	into	an
error:	"HandleAlreadyExistsException".
HandleAlreadyExistsException														Traceback	(most	recent	call	last)
<ipython-input-93-6cb89defe343>	in	<module>()
---->	1	client.register_handle(handle,	url)
py2.7.egg/b2handle/handleclient.pyc	in	register_handle(self,	handle,	location,	
checksum,	additional_URLs,	overwrite,	**extratypes)
				854																	msg	=	'Could	not	register	handle'
				855																	LOGGER.error(msg	+	',	as	it	already	exists.')
-->	856																	raise	HandleAlreadyExistsException(handle=handle,	msg=msg)
				858									#	Create	admin	entry
HandleAlreadyExistsException:	Handle	21.T12995/1418280e-e551-44ec-8c51-7ee360247b05	
already	exists:	Could	not	register	handle.
If	we	are	really	sure	we	would	like	to	overwrite	it,	we	can	specify	this:
client.register_handle(handle,	location,	overwrite=True)
To	avoid	running	into	this	problem	and	having	to	decide	whether	to	overwrite	or	not,	it	is	always	preferable	to	use	UUIDs
as	handle	suffixes.	Using	"speaking	names",	i.e.	suffixes	with	semantics,	is	strongly	discouraged.
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
And	it's	even	easier	to	generate	the	name	and	register	the	handle	at	the	same	time.	Again,	don't	forget	to	store	the	name.
Handle	=	client.generate_and_register_handle(prefix,	location)
We	can	check	the	contents	of	this	newly	created	handle	record:
record	=	client.retrieve_handle_record(Handle)
4.	Updating	Handle	records
Now	we	are	going	to	add	values	to	the	created	Handle	or	to	modify	existing	values.	The	client	provides	a	method	for	this:
modify_handle_value(handle,	...)
Let's	try	it	-	let's	add	the	creation	date	and	file	type	to	the	Handle	record.
adding	new	values	(create	some	Metadata)
With	the	same	method,	we	can	add	new	values	to	the	Handle	record.
client.modify_handle_value(Handle,	TYPE='file')
{'URL':	'',	'TYPE':	'file',	'HS_ADMIN':	
"{'index':	200,	'handle':	'0
.NA/21.T12995',	'permissions':	'011111110011'}",	'CREATION_DATE':	'04-07-2017'}
To	prevent	adding	new	values	(for	example	in	case	of	typos)	we	can	set	a	flag:
client.modify_handle_value(handle,	RCEATION='04-07-2017',	add_if_not_exist=False)
deleting	values
In	case	we	did	not	set	the	flag	and	accidently	wrote	a	wrong	entry,	the	delete_handle_value()	methos	allows	to	delete	that
client.modify_handle_value(handle,	RCEATION_DATE='04-07-2017')
print('added	wrong	value:')
print(client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'RCEATION_DATE'))
client.delete_handle_value(handle,	'RCEATION_DATE')
print('deleted	wrong	value')
print(client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'RCEATION_DATE'))
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
modify	existing	values
Now	we	can	try	to	modify	again:
client.modify_handle_value(handle,	CREATION_DATE='04-07-2017')
Let's	check	again	if	it	worked!
print(client.get_value_from_handle(handle,	'CREATION_DATE'))
Download	file	by	PID
In	ipython	normal	shell	commands	can	be	executed	with	!in	front	of	the	command
!cat	<pidname>
5.	Create	a	PID	for	the	local	file
We	will	create	now	a	PID	for	the	locally	downloaded	file
location	=	'/home/user-di4rX/'+	str(pidname)
uid	=	client.generate_PID_name()
pid	=	cred.get_prefix()	+	'/'	+	str(uid)
HandleLocal	=	client.register_handle(pid,	location)
5.1	Link	the	two	files	on	PID	level
client.modify_handle_value(Handle,	REPLICA=HandleLocal)
client.modify_handle_value(HandleLocal,	ORIGINAL=Handle)
5.2	Move	data	and	update	PID
The	linux	file	name	of	our	local	name	is	pretty	ugly	and	we	want	to	rename	it.	What	would	be	the	workflow	to	do	so	without
breaking	the	PID	linking?
First	we	create	a	copy	of	the	respective	file	under	the	new	shiny	name:
cp	<Path>	surveys-local.csv
B2Handle	Hands-on
EUDAT	Summer	School,	Heraklion	2017
Then	we	need	to	redirect	the	PID	pointing	to	the	local	file	and	set	the	field	URL	to	the	new	path:
client.modify_handle_value(HandleLocal,	ttl=None,	add_if_not_exist=True,
			**dict([('URL',	'/home/di4r-userX/surveys-local.csv')]))
Now	we	can	safely	remove	the	old	file
!rm	<Handle>
Verify	that	we	did	not	break	the	linking	between	the	local	and	the	public	file.
6.	(Extra)	Reverse	look-ups
We	have	seen	how	to	retrieve	data	and	PID	entries	when	given	the	PID.	Assume	you	only	know	some	characteristic	like
the	checksum	or	the	URL.	How	can	you	retrieve	the	PID?
rev	=	dict([('URL',	'irods:*')])
result	=	ec.search_handle(**rev)
This	fetches	all	PIDs	stored	in	iRODS	(B2SAFE)	on	the	local	Handle	server	with	the	respective	string	in	the	field	URL	no
matter	under	which	prefix	they	were	created.	The	reverse	lookup	works	with	wildcards.
If	we	saved	the	checksum	with	our	files,	we	could	retrieve	how	many	times	the	same	file	has	been	saved.
Note,	that	reverse	lookups	only	work	on	the	local	Handle	server.	I.e.	you	cannot	retrieve	PIDs	registered	on	other	Handle

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