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[10:40:26 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps added tech-riddhi.
[10:40:29 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hello Phan
[10:40:40 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hello All
[10:40:43 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: How are you?
[10:40:51 AM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello sir
[10:41:02 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Phan as per our discussion,
Pratik will be PHP developer
[10:41:06 AM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello Phan.
[10:41:08 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: so you can start disucssion
with him
[10:42:13 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Phan and Pratik you both
[10:43:09 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Okay sir
[10:43:12 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hi Phan
[10:43:16 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there?
[10:43:26 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Pratik Your Hiring stsrt from
[10:43:41 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: so discuss with phan and get
task list from phan
[10:43:50 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: and review it and if any
questions than ask to him
[10:43:56 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: he want to work on this 3
[10:43:57 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: ) Leaves administration
2) Claims administration
3) Payslip administration
[10:44:06 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay sure sir
[10:44:41 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
Ping me here once you available
[10:49:54 AM] live:dompls80: Hi
[10:50:52 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz explain me the flow of manyhive?
[10:51:06 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Today i am going to work on server side
[10:51:38 AM] live:dompls80: Ok one moment..
[10:51:44 AM] live:dompls80: We need to fix payslips first
[10:51:44 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah sure
[10:51:57 AM] live:dompls80: Can u see
[10:52:04 AM] live:dompls80: Login brandon
[10:52:23 AM] live:dompls80: Pw micro2000_admin
[10:52:39 AM] Pratik Balochiya: i have logged in
[10:52:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: then?
[10:53:08 AM] live:dompls80: Go to add salaries
[10:53:40 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah done
[10:54:43 AM] Pratik Balochiya: then?
[10:56:51 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan?
[10:59:57 AM] live:dompls80: One mom
[11:01:37 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay
[11:11:26 AM] live:dompls80: If u click on jan
[11:11:30 AM] live:dompls80: Then I key in values
[11:11:43 AM] live:dompls80: These values are supposed to be updated in db
[11:11:47 AM] live:dompls80: But it's not updating
[11:11:55 AM] live:dompls80: Then if u log into mobile app
[11:11:59 AM] live:dompls80: Use my login
[11:12:01 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah sure
[11:12:04 AM] live:dompls80: Dominic/dominic
[11:12:36 AM] live:dompls80: U can see my payslip details when u go to hive
micro 2000 payslip
[11:12:40 AM] live:dompls80: U can see the payslip
[11:13:19 AM] Pratik Balochiya: let me login in app
[11:14:55 AM] live:dompls80: Ok
[11:15:16 AM] live:dompls80: So in the backend it should be updating database
and so in app the api should pull the data and show the payslip
[11:16:01 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it
[11:18:30 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[11:18:57 AM] Pratik Balochiya: rightnow i am inside payslip of micro2000
[11:19:11 AM] Pratik Balochiya: but it shows me the payslip details of february
[11:21:16 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan?
[11:22:23 AM] live:dompls80: Yes
[11:22:28 AM] live:dompls80: Yes
[11:22:33 AM] live:dompls80: If u go into database
[11:22:43 AM] Pratik Balochiya: I think payslip details not updated after
[11:22:44 AM] live:dompls80: U can see I have the details there
[11:22:50 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay
[11:22:51 AM] live:dompls80: In the table
[11:23:06 AM] live:dompls80: So if I direct insert into db I can show the
[11:23:17 AM] live:dompls80: Means the Web is not updating db
[11:25:10 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay no problem i will check it
[11:25:23 AM] Pratik Balochiya: tell me next task
[11:27:20 AM] live:dompls80: Then check leaves
[11:27:37 AM] live:dompls80: I need to be able to assign leaves by employee
[11:29:03 AM] Pratik Balochiya: from where?
[11:30:07 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are u talking about APPROVING LEAVES?
[11:30:38 AM] live:dompls80: Assign leave
[11:31:15 AM] Pratik Balochiya: from where u can assign leaves?
[11:32:05 AM] Pratik Balochiya: In manage leaves, nothing is related to assign
[11:32:40 AM] live:dompls80: Yes there isnt
[11:32:44 AM] live:dompls80: There is supposed to be
[11:32:56 AM] live:dompls80: And another thing is when I add a leave type
[11:33:00 AM] live:dompls80: It is not updating the db also
[11:33:08 AM] live:dompls80: And it's not showing on the mobile
[11:33:13 AM] live:dompls80: Same as claims type
[11:33:18 AM] live:dompls80: It's not showing on mobile
[11:33:30 AM] live:dompls80: When I add new leave
[11:33:44 AM] live:dompls80: Right now it will open up to input number of leaves
[11:33:58 AM] live:dompls80: But it don't work this way it should work assign by
[11:34:07 AM] live:dompls80: Different employee have different number of leave
[11:34:38 AM] Pratik Balochiya: got it everything except assign leaves
[11:34:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz explain me how assign leaves works?
[11:35:03 AM] live:dompls80: Ok that one I'll explain later when I get back
[11:35:19 AM] live:dompls80: In edit employee
[11:35:29 AM] live:dompls80: I am supposed to assign approving officer
[11:35:42 AM] live:dompls80: But when I try to assign approving officer to me
dominic phan
[11:35:50 AM] live:dompls80: I get error check the field with red border
[11:36:00 AM] live:dompls80: So for my approving officer should be noel
[11:36:19 AM] live:dompls80: And when I apply leave notification should send to
noel in his app
[11:36:26 AM] live:dompls80: Then he can approve or reject my leave
[11:36:31 AM] live:dompls80: Same as claims
[11:37:00 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it now
[11:37:25 AM] Pratik Balochiya: So, now i am going to work on above stuff today
[11:37:42 AM] live:dompls80: Ok
[11:37:45 AM] Pratik Balochiya: i will ping you if anything
[11:37:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: thanks
[11:41:17 AM] live:dompls80: Ok thanks
[12:06:56 PM] live:dompls80: Have u guys work with comet chat sdk before
[12:07:43 PM] mehul patel: No phan
[12:07:58 PM] mehul patel: but we got it how its works and also some process is
still going on
[12:08:34 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[12:10:34 PM] Riddhi Joshi: No Phan we have not work with this SDK
[12:11:39 PM] Riddhi Joshi: in iOS i can not compile code because of this SDK
now we have latest version and this is old SDK
[12:12:08 PM] Riddhi Joshi: work in process with R&D like how we can implement
it with new one.
[12:12:46 PM] live:dompls80: They use couple of 3rd party libraries in code as
[12:14:19 PM] Riddhi Joshi: yes in some frame work we can easily replace and
some of licence version so it will be difficult.
but i am working with this. i will update you.
[12:23:33 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[12:23:41 PM] live:dompls80: I bought comet chat
[12:24:02 PM] live:dompls80: So we should be able to download the latest version
of required
[12:24:26 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay then Please if possible then provide me.
[12:25:10 PM] live:dompls80: I'll give u the log in credentials
[12:25:18 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay
[12:25:29 PM] live:dompls80: Once I get back office
[12:25:48 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Ok Phan Np. Thanks
[12:27:00 PM] live:dompls80: I think login is and password
[12:27:24 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay let me check
[12:49:25 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[12:49:46 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz tell riddhi from where you have
purchased iOS sdk for cometchat?
[12:50:02 PM] Riddhi Joshi: yes Phan
[12:50:27 PM] Pratik Balochiya: if possible then please provide us URL
[12:50:28 PM] Riddhi Joshi: i am only getting Buy now not any login credential
[12:50:35 PM] Riddhi Joshi:
[12:53:26 PM] Himanshu Mistry: You've received a new picture. View it at:
[12:53:29 PM] Himanshu Mistry:
[12:53:51 PM] Himanshu Mistry: Members area
[12:55:04 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay sir
[12:55:06 PM] Riddhi Joshi: thanks
[12:55:36 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Opps ! Sorry, either username or password is
incorrect. Please try again.
[12:56:57 PM] live:dompls80: ok let me reset the password
[12:57:05 PM] live:dompls80: Yes members area
[12:57:05 PM] live:dompls80: Then u can download
[12:57:12 PM] Riddhi Joshi: okay
[12:58:40 PM] live:dompls80: username
[12:58:43 PM] live:dompls80: pw: dominic
[12:59:57 PM] Riddhi Joshi: (y)
[1:18:33 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello Phan
i can see here Download comet chat
this is software based for web
[1:18:50 PM] Riddhi Joshi: another thing for Purchase and upgrade
[1:18:57 PM] Riddhi Joshi: and download SDK for ios
[1:19:09 PM] Riddhi Joshi: but the zip can not Extract
[1:19:16 PM] Riddhi Joshi: it says it’s filed
[1:19:28 PM] live:dompls80: what does it mean
[1:20:00 PM] live:dompls80: I think it is web version
[1:20:05 PM] Riddhi Joshi: means i am not getting any framework.
[1:20:05 PM] live:dompls80: and they use api to load the chats
[1:20:15 PM] live:dompls80: because there is a web version for the app as well
[1:20:16 PM] Riddhi Joshi: one another option is there
[1:20:24 PM] Riddhi Joshi: like Download SDK for iOS
[1:20:33 PM] live:dompls80: because currently I am getting chat history for ios
[1:20:51 PM] Riddhi Joshi: it;s downloaded but zip file can not extract
[1:22:11 PM] Riddhi Joshi: okay let me see if anything i can manage with
existing code
[1:44:57 PM] live:dompls80: regarding payslip...
[1:45:06 PM] live:dompls80: can payslip items be made to be editable as well
[1:45:18 PM] live:dompls80: so I can add and remove items
[1:45:30 PM] live:dompls80: if you see the current payslip structure... First is
Basic salary
[1:45:45 PM] live:dompls80: under basic salary is Pay items (CPF)
[1:45:53 PM] live:dompls80: those items under this header can I make it to be
[1:46:06 PM] live:dompls80: and other pay items (non CPF)
[1:46:12 PM] live:dompls80: these items should also be editable
[1:46:19 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay phan i will
[1:46:25 PM] live:dompls80: then Deductions (remove the word statutory)
[1:46:33 PM] live:dompls80: the items below will also be editable in backend
[1:47:21 PM] live:dompls80: and then auto calculate employee cpf (17% of gross
salary) and employer cpf (20% of gross salary)
[1:48:01 PM] live:dompls80: let me know if you have problems with payslip..
let's complete payslip perfectly today
[3:12:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay phan i will try to complete as much as
[3:20:25 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[3:20:29 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there?
[3:20:36 PM] Pratik Balochiya:
[3:20:47 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz open above link in your browser?
[3:21:22 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[3:22:07 PM] Pratik Balochiya: in that total 9 fields are available for Add
[3:22:29 PM] Pratik Balochiya: like Basic Salary, Mobile Allowance ........
Employee CPF
[3:24:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but in dms database tbl_salary_details tables
have many fields
[3:25:17 PM] Pratik Balochiya: can you plz tell me which forms field is linked
to the database fields?
[3:26:59 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and also in that only month available
[3:27:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but we need to specify there year also
[3:28:04 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan?
[3:28:20 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you getting my point?
[3:31:42 PM] live:dompls80: No I don't get it
[3:32:28 PM] Pratik Balochiya: have you opened above link in browser?
[3:32:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya:
[3:33:00 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[3:33:14 PM] live:dompls80: I'm not sure which form fields are linked to db
[3:33:19 PM] live:dompls80: I was thinking you'd know
[3:34:18 PM] Pratik Balochiya: No i don't know because in database many
different fileds are available
[3:34:57 PM] live:dompls80: Oh..
[3:35:16 PM] live:dompls80: But u can check the output and map it to the correct
field right
[3:35:27 PM] live:dompls80: The Web panel is not inserting the data at all
[3:35:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes i am doing coding of it
[3:35:53 PM] Pratik Balochiya: insert code is not available for it
[3:36:20 PM] live:dompls80: Yeah
[3:36:25 PM] live:dompls80: I think same name right
[3:36:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes
[3:36:44 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but database fiedls are not matched with form
[3:36:51 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will explain you
[3:36:53 PM] Pratik Balochiya: just a min
[3:37:02 PM] live:dompls80: Yes.. but u can match in mobile app payslip
[3:37:07 PM] Pratik Balochiya:
[3:37:09 PM] live:dompls80: So u know what goes where right?
[3:37:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: root
[3:37:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Ztv5dhu
[3:37:34 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open database
[3:37:52 PM] Pratik Balochiya: go to dms database
[3:38:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open tbl_salary_details unser it
[3:38:17 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and see the structure of table
[3:38:21 PM] live:dompls80: I'm outside now don't have com
[3:38:47 PM] live:dompls80: What I'm saying is that u can match the data in the
db structure to the payslip output in mobile right
[3:38:58 PM] live:dompls80: So you will know what should be inserted where
[3:39:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay let me check it in mobile api
[3:40:02 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[3:44:01 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[3:44:17 PM] live:dompls80: Hi
[3:44:36 PM] Pratik Balochiya: In mobile api below fields available:
[3:44:38 PM] Pratik Balochiya:
$resultWrapper['salary_id'] = $result['salary_id'];
$resultWrapper['company_id'] = $result['company_id'];
$resultWrapper['employee_id'] = $result['employee_id'];
$resultWrapper['employee_name'] = $result['employee_name'];
$resultWrapper['s-n'] = $result['s-n'];
$resultWrapper['nric'] = $result['nric'];
$resultWrapper['commencement_date'] = $result['commencement_date'];
$resultWrapper['dob'] = $result['dob'];
$resultWrapper['nationality'] = $result['nationality'];
$resultWrapper['wd'] = $result['wd'];
$resultWrapper['sdl'] = $result['sdl'];
$resultWrapper['fdl'] = $result['fdl'];
$resultWrapper['employer_cpf'] = $result['employer_cpf'];
$resultWrapper['employee_cpf'] = $result['employee_cpf'];
$resultWrapper['ordinary_wage'] = $result['ordinary_wage'];
$resultWrapper['additional_wage'] = $result['additional_wage'];
$resultWrapper['agency'] = $result['agency'];
$resultWrapper['agency_fund'] = $result['agency_fund'];
$resultWrapper['transport'] = $result['transport'];
$resultWrapper['mobile'] = $result['mobile'];
$resultWrapper['lodging'] = $result['lodging'];
$resultWrapper['loan'] = $result['loan'];
$resultWrapper['amt'] = $result['amt'];
$resultWrapper['remarks'] = $result['remarks'];
$resultWrapper['bc_account'] = $result['bc_account'];
$resultWrapper['chq'] = $result['chq'];
$resultWrapper['voucher_no'] = $result['voucher_no'];
[3:44:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: ==========================================
[3:45:26 PM] live:dompls80: These are the items in the payslip right
[3:45:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: basic
[3:45:58 PM] live:dompls80: Can these be editable means admin can select what
these items are and how much to input in payslip
[3:46:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i think before few days
[3:46:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: UI was different
[3:47:09 PM] live:dompls80: Maybe I'm not sure what they did
[3:47:22 PM] live:dompls80: But we need to get this payslip module working first
[3:47:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya:
[3:47:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open link in browser
[3:47:47 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and see same add salaries screen
[3:48:23 PM] live:dompls80: This is old
[3:48:35 PM] live:dompls80: Because they got problem to upload using Excel sheet
[3:48:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: in old proper fields are matching with database
[3:48:47 PM] live:dompls80: So I told them make the template in the web
[3:49:03 PM] live:dompls80: This old one is uploading using csv
[3:49:14 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes i know in coding
[3:49:22 PM] Pratik Balochiya: xls file read cell by cell
[3:49:26 PM] live:dompls80: But it can't work
[3:49:44 PM] live:dompls80: Anyway
[3:49:54 PM] live:dompls80: I think can make the input screen be in web
[3:49:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: so now tell me the UI of it
[3:50:10 PM] live:dompls80: Then the admin key in using the template in admin
[3:50:30 PM] live:dompls80: So the employee name and Id can auto populate
[3:50:39 PM] live:dompls80: And admin can edit the payslip items and amount
[3:51:13 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but rightnow we can't display any item there in
add salaries
[3:51:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: which items are you talking about?
[3:53:05 PM] live:dompls80: Payslip items
[3:53:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Basic Salary, Mobile Allowance etc
[3:53:39 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[3:53:39 PM] Pratik Balochiya: are you talking about above items?
[3:53:45 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[3:54:13 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but where i store amount of it, i mean in which
db field?
[3:56:57 PM] live:dompls80: Db might need to change?
[3:57:04 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes
[3:57:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: mobile, transport, lodging, employer_cpf,
[3:57:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: these 5 fields only availab;e
[3:57:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: as per new UI
[3:57:49 PM] live:dompls80: 1 column store items 1 column amount 1 column
employee Id 1 column employee name etc?
[3:58:14 PM] live:dompls80: And hr admin should be able to add and remove items
[3:58:26 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i got everything
[3:58:33 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but i want to know about fields
[3:58:52 PM] live:dompls80: Yes we need to change the db to suit this
[3:59:03 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Where i store Basic Salary, Over time, Dental
Claim, and CDAC
[3:59:20 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will add those fields according to add
[3:59:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: am i right?
[3:59:36 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[3:59:40 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[4:00:11 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay thanks
[4:02:15 PM] live:dompls80: Whatever changes in the backend required just go
ahead and do it
[4:02:32 PM] live:dompls80: Because they only see the front end and admin panel
[4:03:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay sure no problem
[4:04:02 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will
[4:05:07 PM] live:dompls80: Just let me know before
[6:29:39 PM] mehul patel: Hello phan
Are you there?
[6:30:44 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[6:31:29 PM] mehul patel: In Hilife we can't configure the android frame works
[6:31:49 PM] mehul patel: because some library is missing
[6:32:00 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hi Mehul
[6:32:04 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: don't discuss here
[6:32:13 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: create new groupchat
[6:32:16 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: and than discuss there
[6:32:30 PM] mehul patel: okay
[7:09:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[7:09:49 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can i upload code to live site?
[7:19:04 PM] live:dompls80: For many hive?
[7:19:08 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[7:19:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah
[7:19:27 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i have done Payslip task
[7:19:52 PM] Pratik Balochiya: now working on claim type
[7:20:06 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will upload code later
[7:20:27 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[7:20:35 PM] live:dompls80: Can I test it
[7:20:37 PM] Pratik Balochiya: also leave type is working fine in existing
[7:21:08 PM] live:dompls80: Work on leaves
[7:21:46 PM] live:dompls80: I should be able to update max leaves by employee by
[7:21:56 PM] live:dompls80: And assign leave type to employee
[7:22:30 PM] live:dompls80: Because for example male employee have paternal
leave and female employee have maternal leave
[7:22:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it
[7:22:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: first we will move ahead step by step
[7:23:09 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[7:23:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: can you plz check now leave type module?
[7:23:38 PM] Pratik Balochiya: it is working fine in existing
[7:23:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i have not checked its API
[7:24:02 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i am talking about admin (backend)
[7:24:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: What changes u want in it?
[7:25:25 PM] live:dompls80: Leave need to assign to by employee
[7:25:38 PM] live:dompls80: Means in edit employee I can assign the created
leave types to employee
[7:25:48 PM] live:dompls80: And I can assign how many days leave that employee
[7:26:12 PM] live:dompls80: This is in the edit employee function
[7:26:30 PM] live:dompls80: And I create the leave types under manage leaves
[7:27:22 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will do it
[9:00:47 PM] live:dompls80: I will need to create subdomain too
[9:13:30 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[9:13:45 PM] Pratik Balochiya: I have uploaded Salaries Module
[9:13:48 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[9:13:49 PM] Pratik Balochiya: plz check it
[9:14:05 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and also plz check Claim type module
[9:14:23 PM] Pratik Balochiya: let me know your feedbacks
[9:16:57 PM] live:dompls80: Add salaries I cannot edit the items
[9:17:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: you can edit items amount
[9:17:27 PM] live:dompls80: I need to edit the items also
[9:17:48 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will do it
[9:19:29 PM] live:dompls80: I think u mistaken
[9:19:39 PM] live:dompls80: Claims no need to be assigned by employee
[9:19:54 PM] live:dompls80: It is leaves that are assigned by employee
[9:20:00 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i am talking about claim type module
[9:20:06 PM] Pratik Balochiya: not assign claim or leave
[9:20:17 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[9:21:43 PM] live:dompls80: Can u work on assigning leave types to employee and
defining their initial leave
[9:21:56 PM] live:dompls80: Initial leave is the max number of leave the
employee can have
[9:22:29 PM] live:dompls80: For example noel maybe have 14 days paternal leave
maximum - this is assigned and set in edit employee
[9:22:53 PM] live:dompls80: And each time noel apply leave and approve -1 leave
to remaining leave
[9:23:06 PM] live:dompls80: Remaining leave can be adjusted by admin also
[9:23:32 PM] live:dompls80: And reset leave function will be to reset everybody
leave to original number
[9:23:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it
[9:23:49 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[9:39:46 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan
[9:40:01 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there?
[9:40:17 PM] live:dompls80: Yes
[9:40:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will continue by tomorrow
[9:40:43 PM] live:dompls80: Ok
[9:41:21 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay thanks
[9:45:19 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Tomorrow I will work on:
1. Dynamic Add Items & Remove Items From Salaries Module
2. Assign Leaves to User
3. Assign Claim to user

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Manyhive chat

  • 1. [10:40:26 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps added tech-riddhi. [10:40:29 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hello Phan [10:40:40 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hello All [10:40:43 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: How are you? [10:40:51 AM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello sir [10:41:02 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Phan as per our discussion, Pratik will be PHP developer [10:41:06 AM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello Phan. [10:41:08 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: so you can start disucssion with him [10:42:13 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Phan and Pratik you both here? [10:43:09 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Okay sir [10:43:12 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hi Phan [10:43:16 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there? [10:43:26 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Pratik Your Hiring stsrt from today [10:43:41 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: so discuss with phan and get task list from phan [10:43:50 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: and review it and if any questions than ask to him [10:43:56 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: he want to work on this 3 modules [10:43:57 AM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: ) Leaves administration 2) Claims administration 3) Payslip administration [10:44:06 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay sure sir [10:44:41 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan Ping me here once you available [10:49:54 AM] live:dompls80: Hi [10:50:52 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz explain me the flow of manyhive? [10:51:06 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Today i am going to work on server side [10:51:38 AM] live:dompls80: Ok one moment.. [10:51:44 AM] live:dompls80: We need to fix payslips first [10:51:44 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah sure [10:51:57 AM] live:dompls80: Can u see [10:52:04 AM] live:dompls80: Login brandon [10:52:23 AM] live:dompls80: Pw micro2000_admin [10:52:39 AM] Pratik Balochiya: i have logged in [10:52:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: then? [10:53:08 AM] live:dompls80: Go to add salaries [10:53:40 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah done [10:54:43 AM] Pratik Balochiya: then? [10:56:51 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan? [10:59:57 AM] live:dompls80: One mom [11:01:37 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay [11:11:26 AM] live:dompls80: If u click on jan [11:11:30 AM] live:dompls80: Then I key in values [11:11:43 AM] live:dompls80: These values are supposed to be updated in db [11:11:47 AM] live:dompls80: But it's not updating [11:11:55 AM] live:dompls80: Then if u log into mobile app [11:11:59 AM] live:dompls80: Use my login [11:12:01 AM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah sure [11:12:04 AM] live:dompls80: Dominic/dominic [11:12:36 AM] live:dompls80: U can see my payslip details when u go to hive micro 2000 payslip [11:12:40 AM] live:dompls80: U can see the payslip [11:13:19 AM] Pratik Balochiya: let me login in app [11:14:55 AM] live:dompls80: Ok [11:15:16 AM] live:dompls80: So in the backend it should be updating database and so in app the api should pull the data and show the payslip [11:16:01 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it [11:18:30 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [11:18:57 AM] Pratik Balochiya: rightnow i am inside payslip of micro2000
  • 2. [11:19:11 AM] Pratik Balochiya: but it shows me the payslip details of february [11:21:16 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan? [11:22:23 AM] live:dompls80: Yes [11:22:28 AM] live:dompls80: Yes [11:22:33 AM] live:dompls80: If u go into database [11:22:43 AM] Pratik Balochiya: I think payslip details not updated after february [11:22:44 AM] live:dompls80: U can see I have the details there [11:22:50 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay [11:22:51 AM] live:dompls80: In the table [11:23:06 AM] live:dompls80: So if I direct insert into db I can show the payslip [11:23:17 AM] live:dompls80: Means the Web is not updating db [11:25:10 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay no problem i will check it [11:25:23 AM] Pratik Balochiya: tell me next task [11:27:20 AM] live:dompls80: Then check leaves [11:27:37 AM] live:dompls80: I need to be able to assign leaves by employee [11:29:03 AM] Pratik Balochiya: from where? [11:30:07 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Are u talking about APPROVING LEAVES? [11:30:38 AM] live:dompls80: Assign leave [11:31:15 AM] Pratik Balochiya: from where u can assign leaves? [11:32:05 AM] Pratik Balochiya: In manage leaves, nothing is related to assign leaves [11:32:40 AM] live:dompls80: Yes there isnt [11:32:44 AM] live:dompls80: There is supposed to be [11:32:56 AM] live:dompls80: And another thing is when I add a leave type [11:33:00 AM] live:dompls80: It is not updating the db also [11:33:08 AM] live:dompls80: And it's not showing on the mobile [11:33:13 AM] live:dompls80: Same as claims type [11:33:18 AM] live:dompls80: It's not showing on mobile [11:33:30 AM] live:dompls80: When I add new leave [11:33:44 AM] live:dompls80: Right now it will open up to input number of leaves [11:33:58 AM] live:dompls80: But it don't work this way it should work assign by employee [11:34:07 AM] live:dompls80: Different employee have different number of leave [11:34:38 AM] Pratik Balochiya: got it everything except assign leaves [11:34:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz explain me how assign leaves works? [11:35:03 AM] live:dompls80: Ok that one I'll explain later when I get back office [11:35:19 AM] live:dompls80: In edit employee [11:35:29 AM] live:dompls80: I am supposed to assign approving officer [11:35:42 AM] live:dompls80: But when I try to assign approving officer to me dominic phan [11:35:50 AM] live:dompls80: I get error check the field with red border [11:36:00 AM] live:dompls80: So for my approving officer should be noel [11:36:19 AM] live:dompls80: And when I apply leave notification should send to noel in his app [11:36:26 AM] live:dompls80: Then he can approve or reject my leave [11:36:31 AM] live:dompls80: Same as claims [11:37:00 AM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it now [11:37:25 AM] Pratik Balochiya: So, now i am going to work on above stuff today [11:37:42 AM] live:dompls80: Ok [11:37:45 AM] Pratik Balochiya: i will ping you if anything [11:37:46 AM] Pratik Balochiya: thanks [11:41:17 AM] live:dompls80: Ok thanks [12:06:56 PM] live:dompls80: Have u guys work with comet chat sdk before [12:07:43 PM] mehul patel: No phan [12:07:58 PM] mehul patel: but we got it how its works and also some process is still going on [12:08:34 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [12:10:34 PM] Riddhi Joshi: No Phan we have not work with this SDK [12:11:39 PM] Riddhi Joshi: in iOS i can not compile code because of this SDK now we have latest version and this is old SDK [12:12:08 PM] Riddhi Joshi: work in process with R&D like how we can implement
  • 3. it with new one. [12:12:46 PM] live:dompls80: They use couple of 3rd party libraries in code as well [12:14:19 PM] Riddhi Joshi: yes in some frame work we can easily replace and some of licence version so it will be difficult. but i am working with this. i will update you. [12:23:33 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [12:23:41 PM] live:dompls80: I bought comet chat [12:24:02 PM] live:dompls80: So we should be able to download the latest version of required [12:24:26 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay then Please if possible then provide me. [12:25:10 PM] live:dompls80: I'll give u the log in credentials [12:25:18 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay [12:25:29 PM] live:dompls80: Once I get back office [12:25:48 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Ok Phan Np. Thanks [12:27:00 PM] live:dompls80: I think login is and password Ztv5dhu [12:27:24 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay let me check [12:49:25 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [12:49:46 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz tell riddhi from where you have purchased iOS sdk for cometchat? [12:50:02 PM] Riddhi Joshi: yes Phan [12:50:27 PM] Pratik Balochiya: if possible then please provide us URL [12:50:28 PM] Riddhi Joshi: i am only getting Buy now not any login credential link. [12:50:35 PM] Riddhi Joshi: [12:53:26 PM] Himanshu Mistry: You've received a new picture. View it at: 3157646a56a7f229a2771c1d089f7f6d [12:53:29 PM] Himanshu Mistry: [12:53:51 PM] Himanshu Mistry: Members area [12:55:04 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Okay sir [12:55:06 PM] Riddhi Joshi: thanks [12:55:36 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Opps ! Sorry, either username or password is incorrect. Please try again. [12:56:57 PM] live:dompls80: ok let me reset the password [12:57:05 PM] live:dompls80: Yes members area [12:57:05 PM] live:dompls80: Then u can download [12:57:12 PM] Riddhi Joshi: okay [12:58:40 PM] live:dompls80: username [12:58:43 PM] live:dompls80: pw: dominic [12:59:57 PM] Riddhi Joshi: (y) [1:18:33 PM] Riddhi Joshi: Hello Phan i can see here Download comet chat this is software based for web [1:18:50 PM] Riddhi Joshi: another thing for Purchase and upgrade [1:18:57 PM] Riddhi Joshi: and download SDK for ios [1:19:09 PM] Riddhi Joshi: but the zip can not Extract [1:19:16 PM] Riddhi Joshi: it says it’s filed [1:19:28 PM] live:dompls80: what does it mean [1:20:00 PM] live:dompls80: I think it is web version [1:20:05 PM] Riddhi Joshi: means i am not getting any framework. [1:20:05 PM] live:dompls80: and they use api to load the chats [1:20:15 PM] live:dompls80: because there is a web version for the app as well [1:20:16 PM] Riddhi Joshi: one another option is there [1:20:24 PM] Riddhi Joshi: like Download SDK for iOS [1:20:33 PM] live:dompls80: because currently I am getting chat history for ios [1:20:51 PM] Riddhi Joshi: it;s downloaded but zip file can not extract [1:22:11 PM] Riddhi Joshi: okay let me see if anything i can manage with existing code [1:44:57 PM] live:dompls80: regarding payslip... [1:45:06 PM] live:dompls80: can payslip items be made to be editable as well [1:45:18 PM] live:dompls80: so I can add and remove items [1:45:30 PM] live:dompls80: if you see the current payslip structure... First is
  • 4. Basic salary [1:45:45 PM] live:dompls80: under basic salary is Pay items (CPF) [1:45:53 PM] live:dompls80: those items under this header can I make it to be editable [1:46:06 PM] live:dompls80: and other pay items (non CPF) [1:46:12 PM] live:dompls80: these items should also be editable [1:46:19 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay phan i will [1:46:25 PM] live:dompls80: then Deductions (remove the word statutory) [1:46:33 PM] live:dompls80: the items below will also be editable in backend [1:47:21 PM] live:dompls80: and then auto calculate employee cpf (17% of gross salary) and employer cpf (20% of gross salary) [1:48:01 PM] live:dompls80: let me know if you have problems with payslip.. let's complete payslip perfectly today [3:12:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay phan i will try to complete as much as possible [3:20:25 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [3:20:29 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there? [3:20:36 PM] Pratik Balochiya: salaries.php?month=january [3:20:47 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can you plz open above link in your browser? [3:21:22 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [3:22:07 PM] Pratik Balochiya: in that total 9 fields are available for Add Salaries [3:22:29 PM] Pratik Balochiya: like Basic Salary, Mobile Allowance ........ Employee CPF [3:24:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but in dms database tbl_salary_details tables have many fields [3:25:17 PM] Pratik Balochiya: can you plz tell me which forms field is linked to the database fields? [3:26:59 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and also in that only month available [3:27:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but we need to specify there year also [3:28:04 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there phan? [3:28:20 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you getting my point? [3:31:42 PM] live:dompls80: No I don't get it [3:32:28 PM] Pratik Balochiya: have you opened above link in browser? [3:32:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: salaries.php?month=january [3:33:00 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [3:33:14 PM] live:dompls80: I'm not sure which form fields are linked to db [3:33:19 PM] live:dompls80: I was thinking you'd know [3:34:18 PM] Pratik Balochiya: No i don't know because in database many different fileds are available [3:34:57 PM] live:dompls80: Oh.. [3:35:16 PM] live:dompls80: But u can check the output and map it to the correct field right [3:35:27 PM] live:dompls80: The Web panel is not inserting the data at all [3:35:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes i am doing coding of it [3:35:53 PM] Pratik Balochiya: insert code is not available for it [3:36:20 PM] live:dompls80: Yeah [3:36:25 PM] live:dompls80: I think same name right [3:36:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes [3:36:44 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but database fiedls are not matched with form fields [3:36:51 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will explain you [3:36:53 PM] Pratik Balochiya: just a min [3:37:02 PM] live:dompls80: Yes.. but u can match in mobile app payslip [3:37:07 PM] Pratik Balochiya: [3:37:09 PM] live:dompls80: So u know what goes where right? [3:37:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: root [3:37:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Ztv5dhu [3:37:34 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open database [3:37:52 PM] Pratik Balochiya: go to dms database [3:38:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open tbl_salary_details unser it [3:38:17 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and see the structure of table
  • 5. [3:38:21 PM] live:dompls80: I'm outside now don't have com [3:38:47 PM] live:dompls80: What I'm saying is that u can match the data in the db structure to the payslip output in mobile right [3:38:58 PM] live:dompls80: So you will know what should be inserted where [3:39:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay let me check it in mobile api [3:40:02 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [3:44:01 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [3:44:17 PM] live:dompls80: Hi [3:44:36 PM] Pratik Balochiya: In mobile api below fields available: [3:44:38 PM] Pratik Balochiya: $resultWrapper['salary_id'] = $result['salary_id']; $resultWrapper['company_id'] = $result['company_id']; $resultWrapper['employee_id'] = $result['employee_id']; $resultWrapper['employee_name'] = $result['employee_name']; $resultWrapper['s-n'] = $result['s-n']; $resultWrapper['nric'] = $result['nric']; $resultWrapper['commencement_date'] = $result['commencement_date']; $resultWrapper['dob'] = $result['dob']; $resultWrapper['nationality'] = $result['nationality']; $resultWrapper['wd'] = $result['wd']; $resultWrapper['sdl'] = $result['sdl']; $resultWrapper['fdl'] = $result['fdl']; $resultWrapper['employer_cpf'] = $result['employer_cpf']; $resultWrapper['employee_cpf'] = $result['employee_cpf']; $resultWrapper['ordinary_wage'] = $result['ordinary_wage']; $resultWrapper['additional_wage'] = $result['additional_wage']; $resultWrapper['agency'] = $result['agency']; $resultWrapper['agency_fund'] = $result['agency_fund']; $resultWrapper['transport'] = $result['transport']; $resultWrapper['mobile'] = $result['mobile']; $resultWrapper['lodging'] = $result['lodging']; $resultWrapper['loan'] = $result['loan']; $resultWrapper['amt'] = $result['amt']; $resultWrapper['remarks'] = $result['remarks']; $resultWrapper['bc_account'] = $result['bc_account']; $resultWrapper['chq'] = $result['chq']; $resultWrapper['voucher_no'] = $result['voucher_no']; [3:44:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: ========================================== [3:45:26 PM] live:dompls80: These are the items in the payslip right [3:45:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: basic mobile over transport dental meal cdac employer employee [3:45:58 PM] live:dompls80: Can these be editable means admin can select what these items are and how much to input in payslip [3:46:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i think before few days [3:46:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: UI was different [3:47:09 PM] live:dompls80: Maybe I'm not sure what they did [3:47:22 PM] live:dompls80: But we need to get this payslip module working first [3:47:31 PM] Pratik Balochiya: [3:47:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: open link in browser [3:47:47 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and see same add salaries screen [3:48:23 PM] live:dompls80: This is old [3:48:35 PM] live:dompls80: Because they got problem to upload using Excel sheet [3:48:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: in old proper fields are matching with database fieds [3:48:47 PM] live:dompls80: So I told them make the template in the web [3:49:03 PM] live:dompls80: This old one is uploading using csv
  • 6. [3:49:14 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes i know in coding [3:49:22 PM] Pratik Balochiya: xls file read cell by cell [3:49:26 PM] live:dompls80: But it can't work [3:49:44 PM] live:dompls80: Anyway [3:49:54 PM] live:dompls80: I think can make the input screen be in web [3:49:54 PM] Pratik Balochiya: so now tell me the UI of it [3:50:10 PM] live:dompls80: Then the admin key in using the template in admin panel [3:50:30 PM] live:dompls80: So the employee name and Id can auto populate [3:50:39 PM] live:dompls80: And admin can edit the payslip items and amount [3:51:13 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but rightnow we can't display any item there in add salaries [3:51:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: which items are you talking about? [3:53:05 PM] live:dompls80: Payslip items [3:53:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Basic Salary, Mobile Allowance etc [3:53:39 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [3:53:39 PM] Pratik Balochiya: are you talking about above items? [3:53:45 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [3:54:13 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but where i store amount of it, i mean in which db field? [3:56:57 PM] live:dompls80: Db might need to change? [3:57:04 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yes [3:57:32 PM] Pratik Balochiya: mobile, transport, lodging, employer_cpf, employee_cpf [3:57:40 PM] Pratik Balochiya: these 5 fields only availab;e [3:57:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: as per new UI [3:57:49 PM] live:dompls80: 1 column store items 1 column amount 1 column employee Id 1 column employee name etc? [3:58:14 PM] live:dompls80: And hr admin should be able to add and remove items [3:58:26 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i got everything [3:58:33 PM] Pratik Balochiya: but i want to know about fields [3:58:52 PM] live:dompls80: Yes we need to change the db to suit this [3:59:03 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Where i store Basic Salary, Over time, Dental Claim, and CDAC [3:59:20 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will add those fields according to add salaries [3:59:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: am i right? [3:59:36 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [3:59:40 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [4:00:11 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay thanks [4:02:15 PM] live:dompls80: Whatever changes in the backend required just go ahead and do it [4:02:32 PM] live:dompls80: Because they only see the front end and admin panel [4:03:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay sure no problem [4:04:02 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will [4:05:07 PM] live:dompls80: Just let me know before [6:29:39 PM] mehul patel: Hello phan Are you there? [6:30:44 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [6:31:29 PM] mehul patel: In Hilife we can't configure the android frame works [6:31:49 PM] mehul patel: because some library is missing [6:32:00 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: Hi Mehul [6:32:04 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: don't discuss here [6:32:13 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: create new groupchat [6:32:16 PM] Jignesh Nakrani - Web & Mobile Apps: and than discuss there [6:32:30 PM] mehul patel: okay [7:09:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [7:09:49 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Can i upload code to live site? [7:19:04 PM] live:dompls80: For many hive? [7:19:08 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [7:19:10 PM] Pratik Balochiya: yeah [7:19:27 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i have done Payslip task [7:19:52 PM] Pratik Balochiya: now working on claim type [7:20:06 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will upload code later
  • 7. [7:20:27 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [7:20:35 PM] live:dompls80: Can I test it [7:20:37 PM] Pratik Balochiya: also leave type is working fine in existing [7:21:08 PM] live:dompls80: Work on leaves [7:21:46 PM] live:dompls80: I should be able to update max leaves by employee by type [7:21:56 PM] live:dompls80: And assign leave type to employee [7:22:30 PM] live:dompls80: Because for example male employee have paternal leave and female employee have maternal leave [7:22:43 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it [7:22:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: first we will move ahead step by step [7:23:09 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [7:23:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: can you plz check now leave type module? [7:23:38 PM] Pratik Balochiya: it is working fine in existing [7:23:55 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i have not checked its API [7:24:02 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i am talking about admin (backend) [7:24:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: What changes u want in it? [7:25:25 PM] live:dompls80: Leave need to assign to by employee [7:25:38 PM] live:dompls80: Means in edit employee I can assign the created leave types to employee [7:25:48 PM] live:dompls80: And I can assign how many days leave that employee have [7:26:12 PM] live:dompls80: This is in the edit employee function [7:26:30 PM] live:dompls80: And I create the leave types under manage leaves [7:27:22 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will do it [9:00:47 PM] live:dompls80: I will need to create subdomain too [9:13:30 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [9:13:45 PM] Pratik Balochiya: I have uploaded Salaries Module [9:13:48 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [9:13:49 PM] Pratik Balochiya: plz check it [9:14:05 PM] Pratik Balochiya: and also plz check Claim type module [9:14:23 PM] Pratik Balochiya: let me know your feedbacks [9:16:57 PM] live:dompls80: Add salaries I cannot edit the items [9:17:12 PM] Pratik Balochiya: you can edit items amount [9:17:27 PM] live:dompls80: I need to edit the items also [9:17:48 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay i will do it [9:19:29 PM] live:dompls80: I think u mistaken [9:19:39 PM] live:dompls80: Claims no need to be assigned by employee [9:19:54 PM] live:dompls80: It is leaves that are assigned by employee [9:20:00 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i am talking about claim type module [9:20:06 PM] Pratik Balochiya: not assign claim or leave [9:20:17 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [9:21:43 PM] live:dompls80: Can u work on assigning leave types to employee and defining their initial leave [9:21:56 PM] live:dompls80: Initial leave is the max number of leave the employee can have [9:22:29 PM] live:dompls80: For example noel maybe have 14 days paternal leave maximum - this is assigned and set in edit employee [9:22:53 PM] live:dompls80: And each time noel apply leave and approve -1 leave to remaining leave [9:23:06 PM] live:dompls80: Remaining leave can be adjusted by admin also [9:23:32 PM] live:dompls80: And reset leave function will be to reset everybody leave to original number [9:23:42 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay got it [9:23:49 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [9:39:46 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Hello Phan [9:40:01 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Are you there? [9:40:17 PM] live:dompls80: Yes [9:40:24 PM] Pratik Balochiya: i will continue by tomorrow [9:40:43 PM] live:dompls80: Ok [9:41:21 PM] Pratik Balochiya: okay thanks [9:45:19 PM] Pratik Balochiya: Tomorrow I will work on: 1. Dynamic Add Items & Remove Items From Salaries Module 2. Assign Leaves to User
  • 8. 3. Assign Claim to user