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Quarantine times.
A Project for the subject:
English Translation II.
Written by language students who
were in their sixth school period at
The Universidad de América Latina
(UDAL) located in Xalapa, Veracruz,
March 2021.
Quarantine times.
Experiences during the isolation because of COVID19 quarantine, concerning
with online classes and society.
What you are about to read isn´t
something to expose people, show
off or impress someone, it’s
something that has to do with real
situations that almost every human
being experiences in a life time. It’s
not easy dealing with problems of
isolation, family or personal
relationship, lack of money to pay school fees, food, bills, or being sane even when
we feel bad situations are crushing us, but not all should be a stormy situation. In
hard times, there is something positive we can do if we do it with honesty, and that’s
what the students who wrote these texts did. The purpose of this compilation is to
try to make people more sensible to what others go through, that helping each other
is the best way to build a society that really works for all its components!
These texts were written by language
students during the month of March in 2021.
It was an assigned school project they had to
do, but what it is really remarkable is that
during the process of fullfilling the task, they
managed to do interesting works even if they
used machine translators.
I’m glad I was part of this and also, I feel delighted I was able to see that the result
of these projects was not all about getting the best grades, but also letting some bad
feelings go away, maybe for a moment, a day or just for a short period of time.
I hope you, the reader, enjoy this, as much as I did at a time.
The first part includes the texts already checked and edited. The words I edited and
those which were included as a correction after the revision are written in blue in
In the second part you can see the written works in their original forms, as they were
sent by the students, and the grade the students got. The words in red are
corrections, which in the first part you can find written in blue, and the words
highlighted in green are mistakes students made during the writting process. You
can also see comments I wrote at the end of each work to help students improve
their writing and I gave them some opinions about my personal vision of the Covid19
quarantine that are somewhat similar to what students experienced.
Finally, I want to say that making mistakes during school education process isn´t a
bad thing, it is a normal aspect every student and all teachers must accept, otherwise
they wouldn´t be students, and we, teachers, wouldn´t be necessary if students were
perfect before starting school stages. Even teachers or adults make mistakes, so
let’s try to help younger people not to make many or reduce the amount of them to
the minimum, so when there is a serious problem, for example like this, Covid19
issue, we must focus more on solutions rather than looking for someone to blame,
otherwise we will be angry the whole time, and anger is never useful when solving
Professor: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville (March, 2022)
I know although it was hard, we all tried to do our best for the benefit of us all at that
Thanks guys and see you later!
“My quarantine" (A reflexion)
I never imagined going through a situation like this, 2018 was full of tears and 2019
was getting worse, but when 2020 came it brought me hope, everything was going
very well, I met new people, discovered new places, and I could mention that love
made me happy for a couple of months, I went out too much with my friends and if
things weren't going well, there was always a park to go.
Suddenly March was like winter, just a year ago the world stopped without any
warning, it was something new for everyone, at first it seemed that we would be fine,
now I don't even know what day it is. I am really aware of how sad and difficult it has
been, I could blame my all life to the virus that took away my freedom and the illusion
of a better year full of smiles, parties, peace, love, people, etc.
But I will not. I remember I had a lot of courage, for we were lost in a massive
destruction that we had just caused ourselves without remorse. Those souls without
humanity and hands whose purpose is to destroy, I thought it was a karma of the
planet, it was a scream for help because we were killing it and I would dare to say
that to this day too, but this time we are more conscious.
In this kind of situation there are always at least two types of people: those who are
fascinated by evolution and those who are afraid, I think I am part of the last group.
It is not always easy to face evolutions or changes and even more so when they are
so fast and big, The world's perspective is infinite and this year is different, with the
pandemic, some people had to reinvent themselves, adapting to the new routines
that had to be implemented, many took a break from that excessive routine of stress
away from home, others learned to value our home and those who live in it more. In
my case I discovered that there will be people who only come into your life
temporarily, I learned to say "I love you" because the future is unpredictable, I found
the meaning of missing someone, I learned that rubbish is a good way to play games
of skill, I learned to dialogue in arguments, to control my anxiety crises, to take care
of my family, I changed my eating habits, I started new projects, I started a small
business just by making a web site.
At times I lost my patience and control, but I fought because I knew I was going to
win, of course I hated the online classes, I overcame the challenge and I adapted to
spend hours in front of the computer to take classes and even though the internet
connection was terrible or I didn't know much about technology I still try not to miss
my classes, I am happy to be an autonomous person.
At the end of the day, if there is humanity in the world and we once again
demonstrate how able humans can be to solve problems. I have no idea what will
happen next, I only hope that we have the wisdom to dialogue about evolution with
the earth's resources, and with ourselves as well.
Abad Vázquez Itzel
"My quarantine"
This trip called Covid-19 has been a roller-coaster since it began. When it started I
was resting at my place, listening to my music and thinking “this will pass quickly, a
few days without school wouldn’t be so bad…” Until now, a year has gone by.
Online classes, panic, doubts and a horrible contingency arrived. Everything was
confusing and human mental health broke down. Poor and rich people saw each
other in front of a mirror, everyone in the same dilemma: afraid of their lives.
An unknown virus destroyed peace and created a new way to live: masks,
distance, antibacterial gel, online school and work, poverty and a lot of deaths.
Daily life kept going different what we were accustomed to and personally, my
energy came down. In the first six months school was easy but at the same time I
felt like I wasn't learning enough.
My thoughts couldn’t stop and after the peak of the pandemic everything changed.
Life for me was just waking up; eating all day, taking online classes, going to the
near shops, and surfing on Internet a lot (yes, a uselessness feeling appear too
between my daily routine).
The good events also appeared: The planet rested from the normal human
activities (climate change), I developed more computer skills, learned how to be
tolerant living and seeing all day the same people (family) and a better one: I met a
person which one I am living with, sharing my marvellous life. Covid-19 brings us a
lot of lovely things too and the most important: to have realized how important it is
to be a social human, to share and live day by day on a planet and that isolation is
not a good option.
At the beginning of this year, 2020, a positive expectation arrived: news speaking
of a supposed return. My motivation came back to me and I started dancing again,
fortunately I have had the support of my mother and grandparents, they are in
good health and in all aspects; thanks to life, none of us got sick.
On February 3rd I moved in with my boyfriend and everything has been a beautiful
experience so far, he supports me in everything I do and I am very happy to share
my earthly days.
Now I do a better effort at school, I have the privacy and necessary tools to do a
good job and finally finish university to begin a better life out there, at a foreign
I hope with all my good intentions this pandemic end and with new rules and a
different (more hygienic) and responsible return.
Life out there is our real life, staying at home with no way out creates a
spontaneous and alone craziness.
To end this trip, the most important reminder is: fully enjoy your days alive, every
second and moment is fleeting as you are, that’s our precious gift and at the same
time, sharing our lives with the correct people and love, love a lot.
Aguilar Limón Gretel
My Quarantine
It all started around December
2019 almost to enter New Year’s
Eve, when, I think, I saw a video
or read some small article about
a new virus that had been
discovered in Wuhan, China. At
first, I didn’t take it seriously since
I just thought it was some small
disease that wouldn’t cause any
problems to the world. But then
the news started to get more
serious as the days started
passing by. It was being said that
it was spreading fast and
lockdown in Wuhan was a real
thing now. So, on a normal day of
school in March I was just waiting
for my classes to end so I could
go home, what I didn’t realize
was that it would be the last day
and a long break from school
was about to begin. Mexico also
had declared quarantine in the
whole country which stopped
schools, stores and many other
places had to close down
because the virus was
supposedly spreading very fast
all around the world. I had never
taken news very seriously so I
had my doubts about it, only to
hear that adults that I knew from
around my hometown were
actually dying. As to how it came
to be, I have even more doubts,
since I’ve seen a bit of conspiracy
theories. As for the bat soup
theory, it was too hilarious for me
to take it seriously, people from
those places constantly eat all
types of animals and the timing of
it starting in 2020 just seemed
planed from the higher ups of this
world for me. But all that aside
being in quarantine doesn’t affect
me that much, only one problem,
there’s too much school work
given to me now. I was used to
having my weekends to relax a
bit from school and just study but
now me and my school
colleagues receive a message
from our teachers on a Saturday
about projects or homework and
now I have something to worry
about the rest of the week. I don’t
dislike doing certain assignments
but it gets overwhelming when
the majority of the teachers leave
work to deliver around the same
time. I feel like I’m learning less
from the languages that I want to
speak because of the time I have
to give to other assignments so
that it doesn’t affect my grades. I
barely have time to study for my
exams and that pressure about
turning everything in time can get
a bit stressful. Not only that, but
also the difficulties in our devices
or internet connections not
working in the middle of a class
or during an exam brings delays
in our day. Everything else is fine
for me I kind of enjoy a time off
from being in school, I didn’t quite
like the environment of my
school, it was too crowed for me
with barely any space. I like the
fact that I don’t have to move
around to go and get home from
school. Since I go in the evenings
now in this semester, I think
being very late at those hours in
school would’ve been a bit
exhausting. As for other places to
go out to, it didn’t affect me either
since I wasn’t much the type to
go out all the time. I never liked
clubs or bars; I barely even went
to a cinema. I’m more of staying
at home type, or visiting my
friends and doing some outdoor
activity. I know that not everyone
feels like I do and is probably
having a rough time getting
through this new normality, I’ve
seen some people going crazy
or like when it all began; you
could see people from the US
fighting for toilet paper and acting
in more violent ways because of
the pandemic. I think it’s caused
more domestic violence all
around the world and all sort of
disgusting things. As of now,
where I live, I see that people are
getting used to this new way of
living and are being less afraid of
this virus. I don’t know if this is a
good thing or not for them to think
this way. I’m taking my
precautions when I go out, but I
don’t’ let it get to my head. I feel
like this might continue for the
next years to come, and we are
just going to have to adapt like
we’ve always done as human
beings. We should just let it all
play out and enjoy the time with
our loved ones, since we don’t
have much control over this
situation. And with that being
said, this is all from me about my
It all started one weekend in March 2020, my life was very simple as far as I believed
at the time. I had traveled from Xalapa to Misantla with my mom and then I traveled
to my hometown “Sayula de Alemán”. Since we would have a little school break, I
wanted to take advantage of it to distract myself for a while. I remember that day I
left in a hurry and I did not say “farewell” to my friends, I never imagined I would not
see them again, in fact I packed a few things because I thought I would return to
Xalapa in a short period of time, which was not the case.
Since the beginning of rumors about early holidays because of the Covid 19 virus
(which had already become a pandemic), some of us students were happy because
of this news, we were hoping that it would come true. Since it was a favorable
occasion to take a break. But the news about more holidays was not long coming,
as after a few months they reported that these suspicions had come true.
As soon as I found out that there would be a holiday until further notice I immediately
gave the news to my family, we were all happy since I would not have to come back
to Xalapa very soon because of the pandemic. It was during this period of time that
the happy and sad moments of my life during this pandemic began, because from
the beginning of this announced quarantine and the arrival of the virus in Mexico,
everything seemed normal in my hometown, we enjoyed some issues such as; the
union of my family, the coexistence among our people, in such a way that some of
my uncles who worked outside, could arrive and spend some time with my family
because their jobs were suspended and all because of the closure of many
companies, businesses, schools, etc.
This experience is pleasant because it is nice to spend time with my whole family
without having to worry about going back to school, my cousins did not have to go
to school and we spent very nice and pleasant moments playing and eating at our
grandparents' house all together in harmony.
It was not until a couple of months later that positive and suspicious cases began to
appear in my hometown. I never thought that this virus could spread throughout the
Mexican republic, much less that it could reach the area where I live, which over
time we could realize that it was not so possible. Positive cases of the virus were
being heard closer and closer.
It was at this point of time where the nightmare began for many families, because
of the spread of the virus, the consequences began to show. Deaths in the
population were increasing day by day, each time we were more and more surprised
to see that people we knew were dying because of the virus. And we thought that
we had been spared death by the virus, but unfortunately death came by God's will
and although not by the virus, but it knocked at our door.
A nightmare I never imagined, a tragedy that marked the family. My bad experience
was just beginning, for I will never forget that August 4th in the morning when my
grandfather began to feel bad, his blood sugar levels were out of control, as he
suffered from glucose and diabetic neuropathy. Due to his uncontrolled condition,
his health became serious and we had to transfer him to the city of Coatzacoalcos
to the emergency room area of a hospital there.
The presence of gangrene in one of his feet was already notorious and very
advanced for two reasons; the first was the distance from my town to the city of
Coatzacoalcos and the second due to the protocols of covid-19 delayed the process
of care and because of this, it could not be possible that my grandfather was
admitted in a private sanatorium, causing a considerable acceleration of this
infection in his foot, causing the obstruction of an artery to the heart, and as a
consequence a cardiac arrest.
This is how 2020 affected the family, leaving a great void in our hearts. This hurt me
a lot and I still feel that sadness when we remember the beautiful moments we lived
with my grandfather, especially those last months that were happy family days.
It is difficult for our family not to break into tears with each memory that our
grandfather left us very well captured in life, his advice, his scoldings, his common
words, the things he used in life and above all, his joy with which he welcomed each
of his grandchildren every day. Even at Christmas we did not get over his absence
and it hurt us a lot, because his death was an irreparable pain.
Even with sadness and pain we are learning together as a family not to give up, to
continue with the legacy he left us and to follow the path he showed us to become
better people. In this way, like many others, I will continue my life under a new
normality knowing that day by day there are problems and challenges that we have
to overcome, alone or accompanied, although with family is always better.
Ambrosio Martínez Teresa
Gisselle Estephania Barragán Cruz
Bruno Armando De la Cruz Chuzeville
My Quarantine
I don’t remember exactly when it was the day when the world changed completely,
everything was going so fast that I still can’t assimilate everything that’s going on,
not just in my city, the whole world fell into a quarantine that has lasted about a
year and is still going on.
In the month of March (I don’t remember the exact day) The government of
Mexico declared a state of quarantine for the whole country, causing the closure
of several shops, shopping centers EVERYTHING! And the hospitals were filled
with people struggling to be cared for and get a place, people struggling to save
their loved ones, crying, despair and all that that led to delusions all over the world.
The pandemic affected many people, not only economically but also psychologically,
fortunately, each person of the people I care about is safe from the virus but
others were not so lucky, I can't imagine the pain so great that all those people
felt when they lost their loved ones.
The quarantine has given me a lot to think about in this time to value things that
before I did not value as much as now, it has made me cry, despair and wonder if I
am capable of doing things.
I just do not like online school, but it is the most viable method to continue learning
THIS IS NOT EASY! This also made me appreciate my teachers, my friends from
school; I really miss the moments with my friends, laughing together, going out
together and sharing things.
So... there are also good things about this quarantine, I had never spent so much
time with my family, even my nephews spent a long time at my house, I was able to
concentrate on doing things on my own, studying, reading, drawing and doing my
hobbies more calmly.
In addition, I was able to start the business that I always wanted and dreamed of;
it is an online business and so far it is going well.
I hope this ends soon and returns to normal soon, although I will miss my family a
lot after spending a long time with them, but I am willing to return to the new
Campus Xalapa
Teacher: Bruno Armando de la Cruz
Carolina Domínguez Gerón
Languages 6ª
A year ago, the World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 pandemic.
March 11th 2020 has become an important date in human history. Since that day,
our lives have been completely altered by the arrival of a new disease, which,
while forever has changed our work, health and social relations, has also
taught us that humanity is resilient and can overcome any crisis by working
In all my life I never imagined I would go through such a situation, being quarantined
for a virus. I always thought that all this only happened in the movies.
When I saw that the virus started in China, I didn't imagine that it would come here
in my country, I thought it would be a controllable virus similar to influenza.
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized the environment as we
knew it, has changed habits and has managed in a few weeks to unite the world in
a fight against a common enemy.
From one day to the next, the topic on our minds is a virus. However, many people
still have doubts about what exactly a virus is. In general, viruses are obligate
parasites, meaning that they necessarily need to be inside another organism in order
to reproduce.
Many countries chose to implement total or partial confinement schemes for their
populations, as well as adopting various safety measures such as frequent hand
washing, keeping distance between people, avoiding crowds and even promoting
the use of protective masks in exposed environments, always giving preference for
their use to health workers.
When the quarantine started, I was happy because I was at home with my family,
even though the classes were online. I enjoyed being at home and not having to
travel every weekend.
Now I want to go back to my life as an outsider, being at home again makes me
feel like a prisoner, my parents are very strict and hardly let me go out, and when I
am in Xalapa I can go out wherever I want.
I have taken the issue of COVID-19 very seriously, but I think we should go back
to face-to-face classes, at this point everyone knows what security measures
we should take.
All of this will leave me with a good lesson and anecdote that I can tell my children,
I don't think we will ever go back to our normal life. Everything will change, I think it
will be a new way of living. COVID-19 will leave a mark on everyone emotionally,
socially and economically.
Who would think that a pandemic could not be so tragic after all?
I mean, we went into quarantine in March 2020 and since then I have had a slightly
quieter life not as much as I would like, but there is a big difference from what we
were to what we are today. I mean, I'm a person who prefers to be at home although
I also like to go out and visit new places, probably that's what I miss the most, but
well, I can take it up again when the situation is calmer, At the moment I will continue
to enjoy being at home with my family, going out only when necessary (and
occasionally to de-stress for a while), being in online classes, watching anime and
learning new things such as drawing, painting, learning a new language which is
Japanese, and improving my Korean.
Now, I would like to mention the most memorable part of my quarantine from March
3rd to the present day: In April, the stress of too much homework left by the teachers
in the classroom. In June, my brother and my mum had Covid-19 and we were
isolated for two months. In July I made a new friend who I talked to day and night, I
was very fond of her, but a few months later we weren’t longer friends. In August it
was my father's birthday, so we had a small party for ten people because, after the
obligatory isolation, we missed talking to people close to us. In September I went out
for “sincronizadas” in “La Joya” with my sister-in-law's family. In October it was my
birthday so my mum organized a small party for ten people, which was attended by
my closest friends. In November I painted my hair golden blonde, by the way, the
colour looks fantastic on me. In December I had the joy of spending Christmas and
New Year’s Eve with all my family, together. In January I hung out with friends to
celebrate my friend Gretel’s birthday. In February I watched around thirty animes,
my favorites were Hunter x Hunter, Haikyuu! and Horimiya. Fantastic animes, full of
action, fun and drama, I highly recommend them. These animes make a bad day a
good day.
We are currently in March 2021, I am in the first part of my 6th semester, we are
about to go on holiday and on the last day of our holiday it is my mother's birthday,
so I hope to organize a great family party for her. Although I'd also like to go to the
beach or to the river, there's a need for that kind of distraction.
In conclusion, I would like to highlight that covid-19 brought us some difficulties, but
not all of them were bad, so I can't say I'm grateful for its arrival but I'm not
disappointed by it either, these are things of life and we must accept them and enjoy
what we have left.
-Teresa Dominguez
I’ve spent about a year in quarantine, in my opinion there have been very
complicated times, because all the doors are closed for me. I stopped being free,
the school, the resort places which I constantly visited were not opened any
more thanks to the Coronavirus (COVID 19), a disease that have killed millions of
people around the world, that came to stay and that has been very difficult to
eradicate completely.
It has affected everyone in a certain way, me personally in my mental health
because I normally suffered from anxiety attacks but since all this started they
increased a lot. Being locked up at home most of the time is exhausting, and being
afraid of contact with other people in order not to catch the virus is an idea that
constantly haunts my head.
Not being able to touch anything, disinfect myself at all times and put on the face
mask made me despair at some point. It’s frustrating to know that I can’t see my
family and friends as often as I used to do it before, I can’t go out, I can’t go to
concerts, I can’t be in places where there are many people present because this
problem has us all as prisoners in our houses.
Also, online classes are very tiring, I feel stress sitting seven hours in a chair
without being able to get up, then do homework, a daily routine that spans from
Monday to Friday. Sometimes I think about how my life was before the quarantine
and I get sad just to remember how happy I was, how much fun I had and
everything was so different, not just seeing the world behind a screen like now.
It’s been devastating when I find out that people in my family have died and I
haven’t been able to attend their funerals. I’ve lost important loved ones, and the
news on TV does nothing but talking about the virus 24 hours a day, which makes
it more irritating for me. I think I have less and less hope of ever returning to
My mentality has changed, perhaps I have become more mature, because I have
had enough time to analyze what was right and wrong before starting the
pandemic and as a result I feel more adult than I really am.
One of the biggest disadvantages I’ve had during quarantine is that my income has
dropped sharply, since I used to work in a restaurant, and now my parents won’t let
me do it so that I won’t get sick, They give me money, but before I earned a little
more and I could save and buy things without having to ask them.
Quarantine probably won’t be over soon and that’s a bit worrisome, I’m getting
more and more used to it and I don’t want this to be my lifestyle forever, I wish that
someday soon there will be vaccines available for every person, hopefully I can get
out again like before, back to face to face classes, what I most want is for my
anxiety to be reduced, I want humanity to return to normal life because, if this
doesn’t end, we will go crazy, isolation is not healthy for anyone and causes great
mental and body stress. I wish this was just a dream and when I opened my eyes it
was over.
Plantel Xalapa
Name: Cynthia Flores Moreno
Degree: Languages
Subject: English Translation II
Teacher: Bruno Armando De La Cruz Chuzeville
Work: My Quarantine
Delivery Date: March 23, 2021
My quarantine
I remember that it all started exactly in Marchlast year, 2020, exactly days after
the rest for the “Natalicio of Benito Juárez” which was a day off school, that
day we wished our friends a nice rest without imagining what would happen
Days later my mother had told me that she heard in the news that the President
of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrados had announced that the Easter
holidays would be ahead and to tell the truth, who disliked the idea of having
more vacation days? It should be noted that at first I did not understand the
reason, until I began to hear that a new virus was spreading rapidly throughout
the world, and that it was very dangerous, therefore, I began to investigate and
found that a new “coronavirus” had appeared and that was originated in Wuhan,
The coronavirus is a respiratory viral disease, belonging to the genetic family of
the virus SARS-CoV, which has its origin in bats who in turn transmitted the virus
to humans by zoonosis, however, after having read all about the Covid-19 I was
a person who didn't believe in the virus rather than thinking it was the
government’s invention to hide all its corrupt acts.
Therefore, I decided not to give much importance and continue with my normal
activities, it was then when covid-19 was declared a global pandemic, at that time
the government announced the beginning of the quarantine, and consequently
the closure of businesses and schools, That’s how we were told about the start
of distance or online classes, I wasn’t ready to take a semester online, because
I didn’t know how it would work regardless of how you don’t learn the same by
taking classes at home.
Months passed and we got used to this new normalcy, I still didn’t believe in the
COVID, however, I always took my hygiene measures, until one day my family
received a call in which we were informed that a cousin who lives in Mexicali
had tested positive, and he was in a state of delicate health, it was at that moment
that I understood the seriousness of the matter, fortunately thanks to the fact that
he is a very healthy person, he made the achievement to beat the virus, a month
later when we thought that everything was fine, my brother did a COVID test and
unfortunately it was positive, consequently my parents and I did the test and we
came out positive, at that time my world collapsed, We had caught him without
leaving the house! My brother was the carrier because his job is to be in contact
with different people, from that moment we followed the orders to isolate
ourselves, the good thing is that we were all asymptomatic and had no health
In conclusion, I would like to point out that COVID changed our lives and our way
of thinking, in a personal way it helped me to value the people around me and to
believe in the virus because the moment I least imagined it, I became infected.
23TH MARCH 2021
It all started on March 13th 2020, I remember I had three free school days
because I was doing exams and I had a Powerpoint presentation to make with a
friend. I literally didn’t expect that we wouldn’t come back to school after that. I
mean, in December I heard about the COVID-19, I read news on Facebook telling
a virus infected all China population but that wasn’t told to the rest of the world.
I still remember the notice which said: “This is going to be viral tomorrow, all
news in the world will talk about this”. But sincerely I didn’t believe that, I
thought it was a joke or something else. The next day news talked about the
virus, that it was dangerous, then the quarantine started in México when there
were still just some infected people.
Since then, I’ve been at home and I didn’t go back to Xalapa. Being in quarantine
it’s kind of hard, online classes are stressful , I think I can’t keep attention easily
but at the same time I can be at home with my mom and my cat, I don’t need to
pay for food or buy tickets to go to Xalapa every Sunday evening. I’ll be lying if I
say I don’t miss my friends and the life I used to have when I was at university,
Staying at home isn’t the same feeling that I imagined, it wasn’t beautiful as I
thought, I’m always feeling stressed, sometimes I want to cry for no reason and I
don’t know if it’s because of the quarantine, online classes or just because I’m feeling
suffocate being in these four walls of my bedroom, and also because I’m not healthy
at all. I got “sick” four weeks ago and that got me sentimental and worried, thanks
to these concerns sometimes my chest hurts with no reason and bad thoughts
come to my mind.
But not all of this time was bad, on April 2020 I decided to write again, my whole
life dream is to become a recognized and famous writer, I used to dream about
this since I was twelve or more, I used to write my stories on a notebook. First, I
wrote about me, it were small writings that weren’t more than 500 words but
actually I can say I’m writing a novel, sometimes I write poetry or at least I try, I’m
not a professional but this could help me to reach my real and important goal. To
be honest, this helps me a lot controlling stress crisis, it’s like a hobby, I used to
enjoy but my inexperience made me give up. I hope we won’t be in quarantine
much longer, I need some air fresh, I need to visit my friends and sometimes I wish
we could go back in time and have our normal life without using a face mask,
antibacterial gel or not to be with a lot of people around you.
But after all this time I feel good, I met new friends and I even in school I got excellent
notes and my parents are proud of me, I hope to keep this pace because I want
to graduate without doing a thesis, and I even learned new things. I can say I became
better than I was, it was a whole change in my life, I had a personal growth and I
like this new part of me. I hope to see my friends soon, I really miss the good
days when we were at school or when we met to spend time together, I’d like to
feel free again and enjoy everything around me.
Going to cinema with my friends, going to restaurants or sitting in the park eating a
“raspado” and talk about everything and nothing at the same time, I really miss
those moments, but I hope we can meet again.
My quarantine.
In Xalapa, the quarantine started exactly one year and three days ago (in 2020) and
it has already been a year... My birthday is on March 16th, that day one year ago it
was a holiday, and two days after everything started to shut. What is funny to me is
that I remember myself saying that "the holiday" continues because of my birthday,
I laugh at this, yet I feel bad since I want things to go back to normal.
I don't go outside that much but I'm starting to feel fed up with the same "landscape"
from the living room, the dining room, my room and even the roof. I miss new views
and visiting new restaurants and also, I don't get to travel that often as I would like,
last year my fiancé and I had plans to go abroad and do some stuff out there, sadly,
that didn't happen.
I remember my life being so simple, I used to go to university, I really enjoyed face-
to-face classes (and I still do), feeling the breeze in the morning while walking to the
bus stop, staring at dawn and listening to my music were the perfect way to start the
day. I waited for my friend Meli (because she would give me a ride) to come and
pick me up.
The days in the university were so fun, I loved listening to my teachers, learning new
vocabulary, new things, or just the things they had to say because some of them
were interesting, but what I miss the most is the small picnic my friends Meli, Fer,
and I would have before the next class, we would share our food while talking about
any stuff, and now we can't do that anymore...
I don't like home-schooling since I don't feel like learning, first months were bearable
but now... Don't even get me started! I know we are grown ups and we must be
responsible for ourselves yet, it's not the same. The teacher isn’t in front of us to
solve our doubts, there are also a lot of technical problems and there are even more
distractions than before.
After all my rant about the school, I'm starting to get a little bit emotional and serious.
I knew a lot of people that before the pandemic used to say things like "I hate my
life" or "I'd rather die" when they didn't even know what they were saying or if life
Tania G. Garciap. Peredo
was so difficult to the point, they weren't able to do anything. A lot of people
nowadays are losing their jobs, their families, their income and they just don’t give
It saddens me that now they appreciate life, the small things they could do like:
hanging out with their friends, going out and eating, traveling, going to school or
work... I'm not saying they are wrong for doing so, I know they don’t think like me or
vice versa, but it had to occur a pandemic for them to start cherishing their loved
ones, their successes, and even their own life.
Besides being an issue that ruined everyone's normal life and plans I feel like actually
there is a good side, at least, I became closer to my parents and grandma, I learned
new things like meditation and yoga, I even developed my cooking skills, my
boyfriend proposed to me and we are planning stuff, we got a pretty bunny named
Haru, but most importantly, I outgrew some matters I had with myself.
We must learn not to take things and life for granted, life flows, it never stops and it
can take the most precious things away from us. Today we are alive and we don't
know if we're going to make it tomorrow or even a day after, we should focus on the
good side, the good vibes, spread our love and gratitude with our people. I wish from
the bottom of my heart; this pandemic ends soon and everyone's lives rebuilt again.
Tania G. Garciap. Peredo
My quarantine started in March 2020 in the same month as “Benito Juarez's
birthday”, the long weekend of his birth, the first two weeks of the quarantine didn't
make us feel so bad as it felt like a holiday.
But after the first month I felt that I spent too much time at home, because before the
confinement I spent a lot of time out of my house, I went out with my friends in the
evenings and with my boyfriend. We usually went out to eat in places before they
were already closed. My boyfriend went to his hometown with his family for two
weeks and I was left alone at home, as my dad works out of town and my mum works
in the health sector of my country and for that reason she had to travel a lot.
As time went by, I felt emotionally bad because I only dedicated myself to school
and certain chores at home, sometimes my cousin would come to stay with me or I
would go to her house so that I wouldn't feel so lonely. After two weeks my boyfriend
went to his hometown, he came back and that's how I didn't feel sad anymore, he
stayed with me during the week and he did everything he could to make me feel
Months later around the month of July or August, my boyfriend and I got COVID-19,
thank God it wasn't strong, we only lost our sense of smell, taste and got a bit of a
headache, I'm glad my mum wasn't barely at home when we got it because she
has a very delicate respiratory tract and it would have been very dangerous for her
to be here with us, that was one of my biggest worries and to this day, my mum,
along with my grandparents as they are elderly people, are the only ones who have
had COVID-19.
With the time that my mum was at home, even if it wasn't much, I tried to make the
most of it and stay well, because with this illness we didn't know when we would get
it, so we tried to enjoy the time even if that means being at home. Just as when my
dad came home, I tried to stay well for the same reason. I learned to enjoy time with
my family much more, although thank God no family member died of this disease,
but I did see a lot of sadness in people I knew because of this pandemic, as well as
a lot of loss of work and consequently lack of food.
The good thing is that my family never lacked food and even less work, of course it
was complicated because my family is mainly supported by my mother and my
grandfather supported her, but because of the pandemic and because my
grandfather is elderly he stopped working, so it was difficult but little by little our
family economy has been steady.
As soon as the epidemiological traffic light started to go down, the economic and
health situation began to normalise a little more, although there are many people
who are unaware and go out without any protection and because of these people
there are more contagions, but I hope that with the passage of time and with scientific
advances in health, this situation will improve and that in the future it can return to
100% normalcy in our lives. Although thinking about illnesses it could become
something very common like when EBOLA and H1N1 happened in the past.
At present in my family we continue to take care of ourselves because as my mother
and aunt work in the health sector we have to be a little more careful since my great
grandfather came to live with my grandparents and we have to continue to take the
same or equal care.
Gutiérrez Lomelí Diana Yireh
My quarantine experience
I don’t even know how to start this, but here we go.
First, I never thought I would be in a situation like this, I guess anyone was
prepared to live in a pandemic. The first thing I remember is my last day of school, it
was March 13th, 2020. My classmates and I were happy, because the next Monday
we wouldn’t have classes. But we never imagined it would be our last day at school.
The worst thing was that we were in exam season, I felt very nervous and stressed,
because I was only thinking “I’m going to fail all my exams”, “What’s going to
happen?” But on March 17th, all the schools, universities etc, closed their doors
temporarily, and that was the moment I felt anxious and sad.
I stayed one week in Xalapa, and I was worried about my exams, but that was when
the “new normalcy” arrived. I had to take my classes online, and at the beginning I
didn’t know how to deal with it, but I had to learn.
Days later I went home to Pánuco, Veracruz, and I was happy because it felt like a
vacation, although deep down I knew it wasn’t like that. I tried to see the positive
side in all of this and enjoy my days at home.
I spent four months enjoying my family and friends, but in July I had to come to
Xalapa because I had to move to a new house, I arrived on July 11th and that's when
the hard days began, two days later my uncle passed away, I didn't know what to
do because I had just arrived and I had to stay in Xalapa for one month, it was very
hard for me because he was someone I really loved very much, after that my mom
was very sick and I was still here in Xalapa. In August I finally came back home, and
all my family was very sad about the situation.
After all the bad things that had happened, I was happy to be back home with my
parents, to be close to my friends, I tried to spend as much time as possible with all
my family and honestly there is nothing better for me than being with them.
On the other hand, during the time I was in Xalapa, I decided to start a project, then
while I was in Pánuco, in August 2020 I started my small dessert business, making
desserts was not something new for me but selling them was. It was hard to start all
that and it took a process of about 4 months for it to be successful. My sales were
increasing a lot and the truth is that I am proud of me and what I did, because it was
something that the pandemic made me do, since I did not have any hobby and that
made me even happier.
Another thing that made me happy was spending my favourite months with my
family, which are November and December. My birthday is in December and it had
been two years since I had been able to celebrate it with my family and thanks to
this situation, I was able to do it. I was also very happy at Christmas because finally
my family could be complete, my family is the most important thing for me and being
together on those dates fills my soul.
Finally in this new year, many good and bad things happened, but I am still adapting
to the new normalcy, I am currently back in Xalapa doing my internship, I am in
my sixth semester of my career and I am really proud of myself for everything I have
learned during this time, academically and personally, I have changed many things
in me and it has not been easy but I know that better times will come.
Guzmán Pérez Arlette Guadalupe
My life before the coronavirus.
My Quarantine.
It was the year 2020, everything was going well, suddenly a new disease came
out of China, until then my life was ordinary like everyone else’s life but in
December of that year the virus that was an epidemic turned out to be a global
threat. Since the pandemic emerged my life changed radically in all aspects to
how it was before, because before I would visit my friends, I would get together
with them to do teamwork, but now my only routine is to be at home, help with
some chores, and do homework and online work. And after doing all that I would
go to sleep.
My life since I haven’t gone to the University is boring and a bit stressful but at
the same time it has its advantages since, I get to spend more time with my family
and my boyfriend. Something that I didn't do before, because the distance didn't
allow me to do it. The truth is that I missed my classmates a lot because for me
family is the most important thing in life. In my opinion, working at home is
something different and new and a little difficult because it has never happened
before, but learning something new will always be interesting to keep learning.
At the beginning of all this, my friends and I laughed about a certain disease and
we did not believe that this could happen in Mexico, we took it as a joke. After
that, since the school was closed because of the pandemic my friends, my family
and I used to go on trips but now because of the virus we prefer to stay at home
for fear of getting infected.
My dream is to continue studying in order to finish my degree, so I will continue
to work hard from home so that everything goes well, so that we take what is
happening as something innovative and modern that will be very useful
throughout our lives. One thing I do most of my time is that I have found it useful
to read books at home for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and improving my
skills because in this way I put into practice all my cognitive knowledge.
Since the pandemic emerged, I am having a stricter personal hygiene than
before. In my previous lifestyle did not mind having close contact with other
people, but nowadays I can no longer go out normally as I did before, due to this
new global disease. After this I consider that I am getting used to it and that we
should all get used to being a more responsible nation, since by taking care of
ourselves we all take care of ourselves, in such a way and from my point of view
I think that we should take what is happening with a lot of respect since I have
personally met people with this disease and I have seen people who have not
been able to overcome this virus. Personally, it is something very ugly since I
have the experience that my boyfriend is a forensic scientist and he has dealt
with this type of situation. Today I can only tell all my acquaintances to be careful
because this is not a game and it is true that we miss school and friends but today
we are safer in our homes and with our families and I know that soon everything
will be back to normal and we'll be able to have fun like we used to.
Wendy Herrera Rojano
My quarantine
When I started my quarantine I was in Xalapa and as a privilege, I took confinement
as a detox, it would give me time for books and movies I had never been able to see
or read. However, the days passed and I spent hours in front of a screen trying to
pay attention, I did not differentiate the days, for me it was always Monday or Sunday.
People close to me were out of work, some began to get sick and others began to
go without food.
This experience has made me feel sad, grateful and alive. At first I agreed with many
of the government’s measures. I saw those as something with an aim and a
meaning, even though many of them went against my own needs, values and way
of life. I do not believe in prohibitions, but everything that was presented was related
to it and had a purpose to preserve the health of all and give time to the health
system to be able to face a great burden of infected and affected people by this
However, the days passed and I could only see that the situation was endless, I
began to feel fear, frustration, loneliness and I really questioned myself and I felt
that isolating myself completely from everyone wasn´t the best thing for me
and everything under my immune system, I felt energetic, spiritually, mentally and
bodily weak, all the time listening, reading and talking about how the situation
This process, because this is how I see it now, has given me strength, I think it has
been one of the experiences in which I have to be more connected with myself. Fear
and nostalgia now is strength and temperance.
My father is sixty five years old, and I live in fear that he may be too vulnerable
because he is a sales agent, he works from Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 9 pm,
he is in contact with other people all time, he still takes the appropriate measures, a
part of me is always worried, and because I depend on him economically.
I am in 6th semester of the languages degree, I do my internships in the mornings
and in the afternoons, I am in virtual classes, and this has made me not be able to
be economically stable. University life does feel more complicated and makes me
feel like I don’t have the tools necessary for this virtual life.
Until a week ago I felt the real fear of anxiety within this situation, I lived my most
frightening and vulnerable experience. It was last monday, I was very stressed by
the tuition payments and because I had many lack of support , all this as a result
made me have an epilepsy crisis, my boyfriend was near when everything went dark,
I just remember thinking about how I’d pay my tuition this month when in the distance
I heard someone screaming my name out loud.
I was back to life. Emmanuel my boyfriend can tell me in time how he saw me and I
could imagine it. There were the saddest images about me in my memories. Today
I continue to live in quarantine and take better care of my mental health.
These last five weeks, in addition to a lot of work and pending tasks, I have dedicated
myself to observe, living closely many situations, to be able to see how technology
has transformed us to good and bad. Regardless of being more digital, the most
important lesson that this period will leave us is to have learned to be much, much
more HUMAN.
From this we will learn to value more and more the school and the teachers, who not
only instruct us, not only transmit knowledge subjects, but are teachers in
fundamental stages of our growth. We are also learning to value many jobs
previously underestimated: from people in the countryside and people who clean
truckers, or those who serve us in supermarkets or pick up our garbage.
So much time at home, it has allowed us to take care of a little of our homes, paint
a room...
And we have certainly learned to value the domestic work, from which many mothers
and grandmothers did, which is to clean, wash, iron...
Esmeralda Guadalupe Jiménez Hernández
The sad story of how I didn’t go back to the university
All this chaos started in the last months of 2019, in a city in China called Wuhan,
Wuhan was the place where this new type of Coronavirus called Covid-19 came out,
It is unknown how this virus appeared, but there are some theories, some people
say that was caused by the exotic food of China, apparently someone ate a bat soup
and caught the disease, other people say that the virus was create willingly, by the
government, but there are multiple stories about what was the purpose to create a
virus so deadly like that. Like I said this was incredibly deadly, and Wuhan was
having a really bad time, and it got worse, so the entire city entered in quarantine,
but it was too late, because the virus had infected all the cities of China, and a few
months later, the virus infected the countries around China, later it arrived to Europa,
America, and finally it covered all the world.
Before the Covid-19 arrived to Mexico, I was living my life like a normal nineteen
years old lad, doing normal things, you know, going to the university and having
classes face to face, seeing my friends and spending my time with them, sometimes
going to the cinema or going out to eat something, among other things. It was a true
fact that the virus would arrive to Mexico at some point, and then an average day of
February was confirmed the first infected by Covid-19, and three weeks later we
were sent to our houses as a sanitary measure, to protect us from the coronavirus,
that was when my whole life changed.
The moment, the authorities told to us that we weren’t going to have any more face
to face classes, I prepared my luggage to travel back to home and, like the majority
of students, I was thinking that this situation won’t last too long, but really, I was a
fool, because it did, and it was too long and it still is. Anyway, I didn’t think that this
situation would last much, so I left I huge suitcase full of clothes because I truly like
in Xalapa, I am still regretting having done that, fortunately I have more clothes at
home. I remember that the first day when I came home and some days before back
home, I was laughing about online classes memes, but in the twinkling of an eye the
meme situation came true and, now, I was the guy in the meme, but I am still
laughing about online classes memes, I prefer laughing than complaining about it.
I started to take my classes online because we enter in a quarantine, and I knew
about Google Classroom and, it was such a nightmare, I wasn’t prepared for this
new normalcy, so it took me a time to get used to online university. The first days I
remember being so stressed and confused, because I lost direct communication with
my professors, and for me, as a student it’s really important have this face-to-face
contact, even though my professors tried to do their best effort to keep teaching us,
it was difficult, honestly it was such a mess, because this situation came out from
nowhere, nobody was prepared, and consequently we had a poor organization.
However, the things got better, I mean about the university organization, because
we were still in quarantine, not only we started to have videocalls for our classes but
also, we started to use the official online platform of our university, but even the
online classes were improved, they weren’t as good as in-person classes.
I genuinely miss everything that I used to do before, I miss going to university, I
miss my friends, I miss the contact with people, I feel like I’m losing this experience
of being a university student, I know we don’t go to the university to have fun all the
time and meet people, but that’s a part of the experience, we go to have an education
and to prepare us to have a job someday, nonetheless this process can be
exhausting and, personally, I think that friends make it a little easier and enjoyable.
On the other hand, it wasn’t all bad, I think it’ll be a memorable event of my life,
notwithstanding that, I hated it. Thanks to this quarantine I could spend more time
with my family and I love being with them, so that was a point for the quarantine,
and in my free time, obviously I could not go anywhere so I started to read again, in
fact I read a book, I watched a bunch of series and films on Netflix that I discovered
because, there wasn’t too many options about what to do in my home. In short, that
was how I spent the first year of my youth completely in house.
Luis Aldair Marcos Santiago.
My quarantine has been crazy, I remember being happy a year ago, thinking that
coronavirus wasn’t going to reach Mexico but it did. Many people were very
concerned and others thought that the coronavirus was a lie, personally I was
very scared, I had never experienced a situation like this. At first I thought the
quarantine and online classes would be easy, because I’m a person who doesn’t
like to go out or socialize with people, but they were not. I had too many tasks
and things to do at the beginning, plus, a lot of crazy things were happening at
the same time, the isolation started to affect me and I also started to gain weight,
I stopped exercising and started eating a lot of junk food, then I gained a lot of
weight. I also started trying many new things, for example: I started cooking more,
I cooked a lot of pastries and delicious food, I also met many new people through
the internet, I spoke specially with foreigners because I wanted to practice my
English and learn Japanese, so I met many nice people from different countries.
I also started watching anime again, I have watched a lot of anime since the
pandemic started and I watched some Korean dramas too. In addition, I have
seen more movies and series than I have ever seen in my life, the pandemic is
so boring that I think I have already seen all the Netflix series and movies. I even
tried different online courses like marketing and branding courses.
One of the things that affected me the most was not spending time with my
Friends anymore, I had become very fond of my Friends from the college, so,
having stopped seeing them every day made me a bit sad. Besides, I also felt
very upset witn the people who believed that the coronavirus was a lie and didn’t
follow the sanitary measures. Currently it continues to bother me a lot about that,
there are still many people who do not wear face masks and continue to go out
and have parties, that is why we are still locked up, however, over time I have
been getting used to it, now, I no longer feel much desperation to get out, I
continue with sanitary measures but I’m no longer as paranoid about the virus as
before. Although I still have many things to do, I no longer feel as stressed as
before, I still miss my friends a lot but talking to them constantly makes me feel
better, I am dieting and exercising these days, also, I have been drawing a lot
lately, drawing makes me feel good and entertains me a lot.
Another thing that I have learned during my quarantine is to meditate and doing
yoga, I do it especially when I’m in exams or have too many tasks to do, it is very
relaxing and helps me to be more concentrated on my tasks, on the other hand,
I think that, now, I have become lazier in many ways because I do everything
from the comfort of my home and I rarely have to go somewhere, I don't know
what I'm going to do when I have to go out to the outside world again and have
to walk everywhere and although, I still miss going out to my favorite places with
my friends and family, I’m aware that I will have to keep waiting patiently for it to
be safe. As I said before, I think I have already adapted to the new normalcy,
however, I’m really looking forward to the vaccine working and everything going
back to the way it was before this crazy pandemic.
By: Tania Andrea Medina Melchor
“My quarantine"
Quarantine at this time has been frustrating, a year of being locked up has changed
us for better and for worse. We have all gone through difficult times, such as the loss
of a family member.
Getting money has not been easy if your income is from your parents, but in my case
I started giving classes to a girl and from there, I get a little money.
Years have helped us to grow as people and has given us time to do those things
we never had time to do, also to spend more time with our families.
Growing up as a person is important because we see things differently, we see that
it is difficult to get things done, that it is not easy as we saw it when we were little.
There are many things that we have done thanks to the quarantine, such as taking
care of ourselves physically and also taking care of our diet.
A small reflection of what we have lived, is that the planet began to clean itself thanks
to the fact that we humans did not go out, and it was good because the animals were
free, the streets were cleaned of garbage, the seas were getting clearer, and that for
me was a reflection to make us aware that we are the ones who have damaged the
planet and therefore, each time the glaciers, the seas, the flora and fauna, have
disappeared little by little.
Being locked up has also brought us anxiety as a consequence, and in that case it
has affected us in terms of mental health and it is something that has caused many
suicides, the human being is not adapted to be locked up for many days, much less
for months. But, sometimes this helps us to find the good side of being at home with
our families. Thus, one spends quality time, although it also brings problems,
because once you return home, you realize that you have to change your living
environment again, so it happened to us outsiders, we have to adapt again to being
at home, and that's okay, because some of us do miss being at home, and those
who were already used to living alone, must adapt again to everything.
We have realized that we need to be in face-to-face classes, since being in online
classes does not help us to improve our learning and we have seen that there are
students who look for their own ways to learn, but they also need a person who can
correct their mistakes and thus improve their learning.
Here we make a reflection of how important it is to be in a classroom, with a teacher
who is guiding us in advancing either in a professional career or in an intermediate
level of study.
To conclude, we realize that people are ignorant and that we do not pay attention to
the authorities, because we do not care about those who are next to us. And that is
something that we have to be aware of, to pay attention to the corresponding
authorities in order to get out of this quarantine.
Jazel Méndez Barrales.
Universidad De América Latina
Plantel Xalapa
Name :
Dafne Melissa Morales Lopez
Languages Degree
English VI
Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville
My Quarantine
I remember being with my friends on a normal day at school, we had class
suspension and many of my friends went to their hometown, supposedly we were
returning to school in a few days but we didn’t. Why? Here’s the reason.
Coronavirus or COVID-19 happened. I was at home probably doing nothing
important, I don’t remember exactly what I was doing, but out of nowhere social
media was full of headlines such as “A pandemic is announced and we all have to
be in quarantine”, I was truly shocked because I’ve never lived something like that
People started sanitizing every single thing, using a lot of antibacterial gel, making
massive food and toilet paper being sold, and last but not least, it was obligatory
the use of face masks.
As we know this virus is something lethal that can kill people, most likely elderly
people. I was and to this day I’m so freaked out by it because my parents belong to
the elderly community. But I’m grateful that we take care of ourselves a lot, we hardly
go out and we haven’t gotten sick.
Leaving aside the bad things, this pandemic has helped me to rest a little bit. I’m
doing exercise and eating well. I started to get passionate about activities and things
I didn’t know I could do like learning a new language. This began when I started to
like Korean music, then I decided to learn Korean and I think it is one of the best
decisions I have made. I love the Korean culture and the language and surprisingly
I’m good at it just as I am in English.
Korean music, series, and anime helped me to overcome this and not to become
crazy. I can also spend more time with my family and my dogs and I’m being able to
do something that I wanted to do about three years ago, which is to remodel my
As well as it has been during many days I’m well and happy, there are other days
where I just want to sleep or do something and my mood isn’t the best. I can tell I
miss my friends; I miss going out, buying clothes, breathing fresh air, and going to
Putting aside my carefree person and continuing with my student self, this sucks and
it is the worst thing ever. For both students and teachers, it’s horrible, many people
don't have a good internet connection or computer. Thanks to the fact that my dad
is retired, he could buy me a new computer in the middle of the pandemic, but I can’t
imagine people who don’t have the resources to do that or the ones who lost their
jobs, for them I hope this ends soon.
There are days where I cannot or don’t want to pay attention to online classes
because there comes a point where it’s boring even for the teacher. This wouldn’t
worry me so much if I was in middle school or high school, but as a college student,
I’m worried and scared not to learn in a classroom.
I hope that all the people around the world and the government will do what is
necessary and what’s asked to do by them so that this ends soon.
I have a love-hate relationship with this virus as I explained earlier. We have been in
this situation for a year and weeks and Mexico as a country cannot move forward, I
would like to live in a place with less stubborn and stupid people, but we must accept
reality and take care of ourselves so this can end soon.
Hi, it is complicated that I can write and describe my emotios about the pandemic
and the moments that I spent in one year. At the beginning I really don’t know how
I could survive a year in a place that personally I don’t like it all, but in the following
lines I will describe everything I learned and how this year, 2020 made me feel.
Anxiety was the first feeling during this year.
The first feeling I had when I got the news about the quarantine was an anxiety
attack. An anxiety attack of knowing that a person who damaged me a lot
psychologically would be close to my life again (as we are neighbours), to think that
I was going to be in my hometown for several days was panic and fear.
Stress was my second companion
Well, at the beginning of this confinement I didn't have a computer so I did everything
on my mobile, EVERYTHING. It was really complicated because I do all the
homeworks and take classes on my phone, it is tiring and overwhelming, but little
by little I got used to it. It wasn't until the fifth semester that I was able to have a
Perhaps the third feeling was pandemic love
A month into the pandemic, I met a guy and I really loved him. But in the end it was
just a pandemic love. We created a very nice relationship and to this day I still trust
him as a friend. We had different ideas so we decided to leave it as a friendship.
The fourth feeling was sadness
Although it was not serious when my mother had Covid 19 and she was able to
overcome the covid when, I was afraid of losing her. Those were difficult weeks.
Having to see my mum exhausted, tired, sick and sad was something no one wants
to experience. In the end she managed to beat the covid and she is still here with
From the summer onwards I can say that my life was neutral and I didn't have so
many emotions that had a big impact on me. However, the other half of the year was
full of ups and downs until I reached an important point in my life.
Despair and depression were present
After the summer I was in a constant game with my feelings. I had fights caused by
insecurities. I managed to sink into my thoughts which led to depression. October is
my favourite month and during all that month I was sad. I sought psychological help,
but my mum didn't give me an answer. I spent many years being an unstable person.
It was during those months that I could no longer stay in Papantla, my hometown.
The only thing I wanted was to get out. I became tired, sad, exhausted, lonely and
without a direction.
The arrival of light in my life
Tired of feeling less than satisfying emotions in my life, I searched for solutions in
podcasts, reading articles and getting to know myself. I spent a lot of time try to look
inside of me and now I can say that I am a new girl. Sometimes, we need to fall down
to become an experienced person.
I learned that all emotions that visit us are good. We have to learn from everything
that comes our way, good or bad, they always leave us with a lesson. I left people
who were not good for me, I chose to put myself first. I changed a lot and that makes
me happy because now I know what I want and need in my life.
DEGREE: Languages 6th
The first news I saw about COVID, was on TV and I thought: The COVID is for dogs,
I never believe the people can be infected, but if happened, and after some months
the virus affected all the world. I remember the day that the virus arrived to Mexico,
it was a day like any other at school, and suddenly I saw posts on Facebook about
the first person infected, I thought it was just news to alarm us and I didn´t take it
seriously, the next day, the school authorities told us not to show up at school,
and whenthe next week passed they told us the same, and I will not deny it, in a
way I was happy because I thought it was only for a short time, but days and weeks
went by and they only told us that we should not attend until further notice, so I had
to go home to my house in Martinez. Thinking that we were going to have online
classes frustrated me a lot, because it is difficult for me to study by computer, at the
beginning of the classes I almost didn't attend them because I kept thinking that they
were not going to be for long, besides I had a lot of homework at home and it is
difficult to be in two things at the same time, so I attended when I could. After months
I couldn´t adapt, the situation was very difficult, we couldn´t sort out the problem,
it saddened me that many people lost their businesses due to lack of sales, I had a
lot of paranoia and I would get suggestible every day, I thought I was sneezing
because I had Covid. I was very afraid for my grandmother, I cleaned all the things
that she used; people´s say that the virus was a lie, and they went out without masks
to the streets, which made me very angry.
My confinement lasted three months, sometimes I went to the supermarket but only
there, during the time in my house, I only thought in one thing, drinking beer
because of the season heat and it worked, I try to see the good side and thought
that it would all end soon, five months went by, and I was sure we were going to go
back to school in November, and when November came and we didn't go back I was
already on the verge of madness thinking about it I think it affected my mood a lot, I
felt sad that I had to go through all this.
And now I just have to adapt to the situation, I think that in a way it was an evolution
for the world, I take it as a sign that we are doing something wrong, and I hope that
when all this passes people will be more aware of their actions.
Universidad de
América Latina
Alumna: Lizbeth
Sofía Reyes Jiménez
Traducción de
Docente: Bruno
Armando De la Cruz.
My Quarantine
The first time that I heard about the COVID was in December, it was about a new
virus that emerged in China but the scientists didn’t know if it would be a
pandemic. The inhabitants around the world didn’t realize that this new virus
could be mortal for all people. And then, three months after, this virus arrived to
Mexico. I never thought about this virus could change in life, my routine and my
All started the first week on March 2020, my life was quiet, simple and tidily. I used
to go to the University, worked out in the gym, and did all my homework’s and
studied a lot. Months before quarantine ,when I was still living in Xalapa, my
friends arrived to my flat every weekend, so we drank coffee, ate pizza or sushi
or we were going to “Los Berros” park and we used to bought “raspados” or
“churros”. We also listened to music and we studied together. During the last
week of March, I never imagined that I would never see them again for a long
It was then when I returned to my hometown Catemaco, because I had that
weekend off. I was excited because I really wanted to see my family. However
there are five hours of distance between both cities (Xalapa and Catemaco).
When I arrived to my house, my parents were very happy and excited because
they missed me so much. During those weeks they were still going to work,
because the restrictions weren’t for all the people in this moment. I thought that
this quarantine will be just for some weeks or maybe a month, but I was wrong and
After that, we started the online-classes but, honestly, that semester was
complicated for me, because it was another school platform without video calls,
so sometimes I had some doubts and the homework accumulated daily.
During all the next semester I felt really exhausted and frustrated because it was a
new way to connect us and because of all the new preventions and habits that we
didn’t have in this part of the world. In addition to the fact that prices have
increased, products were scarce and the fear of getting sick grew more and more.
The only thing that made me feel better is that I was living with my parents, and I
had moments that I will treasure forever. ¿What else could I ask for? However, the
pandemic triggered in my life a feeling that I had been struggled with months ago,
depression and anxiety... Although I exercised daily and ate healthy, my mental
health declined, because I couldn't go out, I couldn't see my friends or go out with
them. My grades dropped but fortunately I was able to find a way out of my
During the last few months I have been trying to improve my habits, distract myself
from my home, in order to improve my mood and health. Because this pandemic
could last for months or even years due to lack of awareness and resources. For
me, every day represents a war, between the uncertainty of the population's future
and COVID. It’s for this reason that this quarantine has taught me to value every
detail, every moment and every person that surrounds me, because I don’t know
when it will be the last time in my life time.
"My quarantine" (A reflexion)
During this isolation from outside life in which we lived and shared with society the
same normalcy as always until a little over a year ago, a deadly virus changed
everyone's life, and as a consequence I have had very strange days. They have
been difficult and also sad. Of course, this nightmare taking people to an endless
abyss, like all of us going through a certain pandemic. To be honest, I never
thought I would live in times of pandemic. Well, who can imagine living through
something like that, don´t you think so?
I remember the day when I first heard about this virus, I did believe it was possible
that it could reach us. It was in those early days when you turned on the TV and
there was no other topic on the news except ''The outbreak of a new virus''. To me,
that seemed like just another news item, but curiosity got the better of me and I
researched everything I could about it. Afterwards, I came home and my mom and
my cousin were in the living room so I told them everything that I knew about that
weird virus. By then, they also knew about this news that was spreading around the
world like the wind. Still, I told them, being a little worried, that what was in the news
about the new virus was something we should all be concerned about. But of course,
after hearing this, they replied to me: “Oh, come on! Please! It's on the other side of
the world! Nothing will happen to us, it won't get here, don’t worry!” And just like
them, many people thought that because of the distance, it would be impossible, but
no. It was not impossible for this type of virus. And well, the rest is history.
Today, in a new year (2021); even with the pandemic spreading, I am grateful to be
lucky enough to write this small reflection. I am also thankful to know that my loved
ones; my closest friends and family are still doing well. It is worth mentioning during
a year into this situation unfortunately many people have not managed to continue
their lives and be where we all are now. Well, we are not in the “Paradise” obviously,
but We are still "living", or rather trying to adapt a little more to the ‘’New Lifestyle’’.
We are changing everything; social and work relationships. Ways of living life in
general to which we were very used to. Some losing and others gaining. And I say
this, because in spite of everything, I also like to see the good side of everything that
the pandemic has left, at least in my experience.
Isolation and loneliness can sometimes be good companions to reflect on ourselves.
And, to take back what I said before about the pandemic, it is giving me strange
days. I could say that these strange days have been full of discoveries. The truth is
that before the pandemic I did not use to spend a lot of time alone in my room or just
alone, with myself. It sounded weird but I wasn't entirely connected to my emotions
and interests. Since I am in quarantine I have been interested in learning more.
Taking advantage of the time. I have read many books, as I have never done before.
I have been interested in psychological, spiritual and existential topics and this has
only increased my desire to continue discovering new things. In fact, I even decided
to study psychology when I finished my languages career. Or become a UN (United
Nations) volunteer, I don´t know, I have so many crazy thoughts. I also started
practicing yoga and have even gotten closer to God, I mind this in a spiritual way,
not in the religious one. The weird thing is, I've never felt like this before. Anyway,
for me this has been a revealing time. The beginning of something new, I think it is
like this for most of us just we have different forms and times to live it.
In a very personal opinion I think this time has helped me to get a different vision of
the life that I want for myself, and perhaps this does not have much to do with the
pandemic but I hope and wish that even living in these difficult times we can all
rescue something good or even bad; but a with a learning and growth from this whole
It all started in March 2020. I remember that afternoon I had been doing a German
subject homework, I’ve never imagined that day I would receive a call that would
change my life completely. I was focused on doing my homework when suddenly
my cellphone rang, it was my mom she used to call me on weekends, so I took the
call, I was going to say “Hi” but my mom didn’t even let me say hi and she inmediately
asked me - Did they cancel clases at your University too?- And after hearing her
question I inmediately thought – “Why would they cancel classes?”-.At that moment
I felt that something strange was happening, in my mind I started to relate it to
everything that had been said during the week about a virus that appeared in China,
so I answered my mom- “No, Why do you ask?”-.
Then my mom explained to me what was happening, but still refused to believe that
this virus would also reach Mexico, I was hoping that it would not happen.I told my
mom that I would wait for the University to let us know about the classes, but
inmmediately I received a message, I read it and indeed in that message the school
authorities informed us that clases would be cancelled due to the pandemic. They
confirmed what I didn’t want to believe. I kept on the pone with my mom and I told
her that we had just been notified about the cancellation of face to face classes.
I was alone, far away from my family and now also in a worldwide pandemic. My
mom told me that my dad would come to pick me up the next day and the call ended.
Then I started to pack my things, but I only took a few clothes thinking that the
cancellation of classes wouldn’t last long.I thought about it as a kind of vacation.
Now that I think about it, I was so naive and optimistic to think that way, because
now it has been a year since that day, my life has changed a lot since then, I had to
return to my hometown, live again with my family again, stop seeing my University
friends, it was a new beginning as if I had restarted my life.
It was a shocking fact because everyone seemed to be afraid. However for me it
wasn´t like that , I wasn’t afraid I just didn’t want to face being at home every day
and not be able to hang out, because I knew that the routine would become so boring
and in fact it is like that, every day doing the same activities.I feel that the days go
by very fast and sometimes I think “omg” my youth is going away while I’m spending
my day sitting behind my computer, it can be frustrating or it can make me feel sad,
becasuse it makes me think about all the things I miss doing and now I can’t, due to
the pandemic.
Another aspect I must mention is the use of the internet, because it has become an
important factor for me during the pandemic, because nowadays everything is done
remotely from home, I had to learn many things to be able to use my computer well,
even starting to take online classes was completely new for me. It is a huge
challenge but I hope that someday the pandemic will end. Although I doubt that we
will be able to go back to the life we used to have before the pandemic started. In
conlcusion I think we should never understimate life, it’s like a roller coaster, full of
surprises, we should always expect the unexpected because you never know what
might happen tomorrow, how it was for me that call that changed my life.
By: Carlos Eduardo Sánchez Ortiz.
A year ago from now (2021), everything changed. I remember saying goodbye to
my friends, we thought we would see each other in a few days later. We were very
wrong. It's been a year since I saw my classmates. Maybe I'm exaggerating because
I see them in online classes, but it’s not the same interaction.
The quarantine didn't just change my school routine. Also, it changed my lifestyle.
I remember that the university sent us a notice telling us that we would have online
classes because we had entered in quarantine. They told us it would be only two
weeks... two weeks. Those two weeks would convert in months. We started in March
2020 and we are in March 2021. It’s incredible.
But the most incredible thing is that the government of Mexico said that it would only
be 40 days of quarantine. And that was never fulfilled. They lied (as always) ...
Anyway, my classes started with an easy and comfortable application called: Google
Classroom. In that app, I never had any problem to upload my homeworks, activities
or projects. That way of learning for me was simple but effective. I had no problems.
We were in May 2020, and I heard that the pronostic of the UDAL (Universidad de
América Latina) was that we would return to presential classes to August. And I
was so excited and happy, because of the way of the online classes I knew, and I
hated them. In my point of view, I felt like I was working, not studying. I started to
have stress and anxiety. I started to feel like a robot every day because every day
all my teachers gave me activities to do inside and outside of class time, I had to
comply with the schedule and orders. Every day I was doing few Jobs and activities
but a little difficult because I did not understand them. And I had to look for videos or
web pages that explained me more or less the new topics that I saw.
My teachers were and are good at teaching, but in the classroom, not online. I could
see the effort they made to teach us the topics. But all that effort was useless;
because I learn by listening and observing what is happening. I don't learn only by
listening. I need the action and the sound.
I must confess that I didn’t get bad grades, but I did stress every day in front of the
computer, cellphone or the tablet.
At the beginning, inside my house. My family and I were comfortable with the idea
of spending more time together. The first three months were good and enjoyable.
Weeks later we started complaining about everything, literally. And it was in those
moments where I began to eat too much. I ate for anxiety and unfortunately for
In the summer vacation of the last year, I wanted to go to Tlaxcala to stay with my
uncles to calm down, but my parents didn’t want let me go.
And my anxiety little by little turned into depression and the desire to die. The
environment in my house was (and sometimes is) hard and heavy. And I'm not
talking about domestic violence, (beatings). It's more about the fact that nothing
interesting happens to us and (in my case), my parents think I'm never doing
something when I am in online classes or when I am doing a project.
I receive a lot of negative comments just because I am not available to help them
with some things in the house. And that makes me sick, because I must do my
activities, my homeworks, my projects and my life. And they don’t have empahy with
me. But what they want is that I have empanthy with they...
Right now, I believe that my daily life is less suffocating. My parents know my new
Schedule. I have my internship in the morning and the afternoon my normal online
classes. But the bad side (if there was a good one) is that the new model of taking
classes is more stressing than ever. Because if you want pass the semester, you
shouldn’t only get good grades and pay the tuition, you must have a good internet
and (at least) a good electronic gadget (computer, cellphone or tablet). If you don’t
have a good internet, the connection is horrible and probably you don’t understand
the class. If you don’t have an electronic gadget, you definitely can’t have classes.
Nobody was prepared, and we are still unprepared. This way of teaching is broken.
As a student I don’t know a lot of things about the last two semesters. But I try to
learn by watching videos on Youtube or reading in any website things I don´t know
how to do.
Believe me, I try it.
Opinion on COVID
My quarantine
It all started on March 2020, my life was very boring and simple back then. The
thing is this Covid 19 virus matter was a joke in the beginning. We heard the
news about China´s problem with such virus and we didn’t believe this could
happen in Mexico.
I remember I was talking to my mother on the phone and she told me that she
had seen on the news that classes were going to be suspended because Covid
19 was a global pandemic, at that moment I felt worried about my classes,
because the exam week had started.
So the next day I went to the university and the guard told me: “You can't go in,
classes have been suspended because of the Covid 19 virus”. Then, I went
back to my flat, called my mother and told her: “Mom classes were suspended”,
after that, I bought my tickets to go back home and the next day I travelled to
my home. When I got home my mother was very happy, because I hadn’t seen
her in several months.
So this is where it all starts, the teachers communicated with us through
WhatsApp and the classes started on a platform called Classroom, from the
beginning it was very stressful to have online classes, the topics were not
explained very well and we had a lot of homework.
I remember that I could not sleep well, every day I did homework, projects and
activities for the university, I remember that those months were eternal, they
were the worst, until one day we presented a complaint with the teachers and
they reduced the homework.
At the beginning we were hoping to come back in about two or three months,
but this spread more than I expected, I saw many people die, some
acquaintances and neighbours because of Covid virus. At first everyone
thought it was a lie which came from the government, but when they saw
friends and relatives getting sick and dying because of such virus, people
became a bit more aware.
Honestly the pandemic has affected all of us, it has affected the economy of our
country and many people have been laid off from their jobs. Some people are
going hungry and others are surviving. The pandemic has taught me to
appreciate people, for example my family and friends.
Currently, one year of quarantine has passed and I feel tired, stressed,
annoyed, worried, because I am one year, five months away from finishing my
degree in languages and honestly online learning has not been the same, I
think I still have a lot to learn and a lot to study, I do not feel ready to take the
next step. On the other hand, I feel blessed because thank God my family is in
good health and my father has a job.
I hope and wish that this year things will get better, that this year most people
will be vaccinated, and we will go back to school with the necessary measures.
Traducción de ingles 2
My Quarantine Reflection
Alumna: Leyda Alejandra Velazco Fuentes
Profesor: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville
My life being quarantined
More than a year ago, the world changed completely, people began to be very afraid,
no one knew exactly what was going on, we only knew that a new illness was killing
a lot of people. In my family, we listened and watched everything on the news.
One day, exactly on March 13th 2020 Mexico entered mandatory quarantine, I
remember we thought that everything would happen quickly, in the school everybody
thought we would return in two weeks but obviously it wasn’t like that. In my family
we were scared but at the same time we were calm following all the indications of
the government
Many people began to create rumours about how the virus had emerged or what it
was, that makes them not want to follow the government's instructions that's why we
must be very careful, my father works in a hospital maybe that helped us not to
believe rumours. There were a lot of rumours for example, people say the virus
doesn’t exist, and they say that everything was government’s invention that’s why
many people don't follow the indications.
In my family, we care my grandmom because she could be so vulnerable but that
was like a challenge, she didn’t understand the problem, and one day my uncle got
ill, and then she understood, now she is so much careful. I even have to mention
that we thought that it would not happen to us because we were always careful, but
we never know, fortunately he is fine now.
Now we are used to having all the care that we should have, we try to have a “normal
life” I hope we can all receive the vaccine soon to be safe
But we also learned a lot this quarantine, we learned how important family time is,
we realized how important it is to be close to the people we love. I think that after
this we will all reflect on our way of living, I personally realized how important my
family and friends are to me. I learned that I must appreciate very much every
moment that I spend with any of them. I also spent much more time with my family,
I can even say that we knew each other better and we learned much more from
Of course, I must not forget to mention how complicated was the economy of our
country at the beginning of the quarantine, fortunately for my family it was not so
much, but I could see that for other people close to me, that affected them a lot and
not being able to know when it would end this problem made it even more difficult.
Later we could even see the great world powers competing for who was going to
save the world in the end, Russia was the one who was able to create first the anti
Covid 19 vaccine, that's the new hope for the world, luckily the older adults in my
family have already received it, the rest of us must wait a little longer
At the end we must see the good side of all this, and know that when all this is over
things will not return to be normal but at least we can hug the people we love again,
and we will appreciate each moment much more, no matter how insignificant it
Anyway, let's hope that everything will happen soon and this will be just another
chapter in our history, a really interesting story
What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear this word?
Well, in my case, I remember when the spread of COVID-19 began, the news,
newspapers, radio stations, even in schools people talked about it, we were afraid
because it was presented as a global pandemic. We could not and should not leave
the house except for the essential things like work. It was a sudden blow, this event
stopped our lives in a second.
I remember that the school authorities gave us a long weekend off for the birthday
of “Benito Juárez”. I was in my hometown when we received the report from the
university rector, telling us that we would not be able to return to classes for a few
months, perhaps until this was brought under control?
Until now, that time has not come, personally being locked up with my family has
been very useful for me to mature, to give real importance to the things that deserve
it and to leave aside the material desires, which can wait and what we don't live
for. Like everything there are advantages and disadvantages, among the good things
is that I spend more time with my parents, I learned to be even more responsible,
dedicated and supportive. Among the bad things are the online school, which I hate
with all my being because learning online is not the same, it is very difficult for me
to concentrate, the computer makes my eyes tired, I get desperate and frustrated,
there are subjects in the case of German that are not easy, and this makes it even
harder, of course I do my own research but no, it will never be the same.
As I like to buy my own things, I got a job as a dental assistant only at weekends, I
like it and I've settled in, apart from that I learn a lot too, I just try to take care of
myself because of the conditions in which we currently live. In my city there have
been many people infected of Covid 19 and unfortunately dead, fortunately nobody
in my family has perished, something for which I am grateful but it was painful to
see how close friends of mine suffered because they lost a loved one, it's something
you don't wish on anyone.
I am glad that there are already vaccines against COVID and that the first to benefit
are the elderly, as they are the most vulnerable. Although there will always be
rumours, or I don't know how to call them, that many people are against this vaccine
because they say that they are new, unsearched and not used in humans, but even
to speak we have to be well informed.
But as I don't live debating, I don't take it seriously, as I am more of the idea that
everyone takes care of themselves because they can and want to, we all take our
own responsibility.
I really hope that one day soon, hopefully soon, this nightmare will be over, that we
can once again feel free and safe to go out in the streets, enjoy our loved ones, the
environment and, of course, recover the jobs of the people who lost them.
May this virus leave us with a great experience, may it have taught us to live but
above all to affirm that nothing lasts forever, that in the blink of an eye everything is
over and when we least expect it.
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
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Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections
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Quarantine Times Covid 19 - Reflections

  • 1. Quarantine times. A Project for the subject: English Translation II. Written by language students who were in their sixth school period at The Universidad de América Latina (UDAL) located in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. March 2021.
  • 2.
  • 3. Quarantine times. Experiences during the isolation because of COVID19 quarantine, concerning with online classes and society. What you are about to read isn´t something to expose people, show off or impress someone, it’s something that has to do with real situations that almost every human being experiences in a life time. It’s not easy dealing with problems of isolation, family or personal relationship, lack of money to pay school fees, food, bills, or being sane even when we feel bad situations are crushing us, but not all should be a stormy situation. In hard times, there is something positive we can do if we do it with honesty, and that’s what the students who wrote these texts did. The purpose of this compilation is to try to make people more sensible to what others go through, that helping each other is the best way to build a society that really works for all its components! These texts were written by language students during the month of March in 2021. It was an assigned school project they had to do, but what it is really remarkable is that during the process of fullfilling the task, they managed to do interesting works even if they used machine translators. I’m glad I was part of this and also, I feel delighted I was able to see that the result of these projects was not all about getting the best grades, but also letting some bad feelings go away, maybe for a moment, a day or just for a short period of time. I hope you, the reader, enjoy this, as much as I did at a time.
  • 4. Introduction. The first part includes the texts already checked and edited. The words I edited and those which were included as a correction after the revision are written in blue in bolds. In the second part you can see the written works in their original forms, as they were sent by the students, and the grade the students got. The words in red are corrections, which in the first part you can find written in blue, and the words highlighted in green are mistakes students made during the writting process. You can also see comments I wrote at the end of each work to help students improve their writing and I gave them some opinions about my personal vision of the Covid19 quarantine that are somewhat similar to what students experienced. Finally, I want to say that making mistakes during school education process isn´t a bad thing, it is a normal aspect every student and all teachers must accept, otherwise they wouldn´t be students, and we, teachers, wouldn´t be necessary if students were perfect before starting school stages. Even teachers or adults make mistakes, so let’s try to help younger people not to make many or reduce the amount of them to the minimum, so when there is a serious problem, for example like this, Covid19 issue, we must focus more on solutions rather than looking for someone to blame, otherwise we will be angry the whole time, and anger is never useful when solving problems. Professor: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville (March, 2022) I know although it was hard, we all tried to do our best for the benefit of us all at that time. Thanks guys and see you later!
  • 5. “My quarantine" (A reflexion) I never imagined going through a situation like this, 2018 was full of tears and 2019 was getting worse, but when 2020 came it brought me hope, everything was going very well, I met new people, discovered new places, and I could mention that love made me happy for a couple of months, I went out too much with my friends and if things weren't going well, there was always a park to go. Suddenly March was like winter, just a year ago the world stopped without any warning, it was something new for everyone, at first it seemed that we would be fine, now I don't even know what day it is. I am really aware of how sad and difficult it has been, I could blame my all life to the virus that took away my freedom and the illusion of a better year full of smiles, parties, peace, love, people, etc. But I will not. I remember I had a lot of courage, for we were lost in a massive destruction that we had just caused ourselves without remorse. Those souls without humanity and hands whose purpose is to destroy, I thought it was a karma of the planet, it was a scream for help because we were killing it and I would dare to say that to this day too, but this time we are more conscious. In this kind of situation there are always at least two types of people: those who are fascinated by evolution and those who are afraid, I think I am part of the last group. It is not always easy to face evolutions or changes and even more so when they are so fast and big, The world's perspective is infinite and this year is different, with the pandemic, some people had to reinvent themselves, adapting to the new routines that had to be implemented, many took a break from that excessive routine of stress away from home, others learned to value our home and those who live in it more. In my case I discovered that there will be people who only come into your life temporarily, I learned to say "I love you" because the future is unpredictable, I found the meaning of missing someone, I learned that rubbish is a good way to play games of skill, I learned to dialogue in arguments, to control my anxiety crises, to take care of my family, I changed my eating habits, I started new projects, I started a small business just by making a web site.
  • 6. At times I lost my patience and control, but I fought because I knew I was going to win, of course I hated the online classes, I overcame the challenge and I adapted to spend hours in front of the computer to take classes and even though the internet connection was terrible or I didn't know much about technology I still try not to miss my classes, I am happy to be an autonomous person. At the end of the day, if there is humanity in the world and we once again demonstrate how able humans can be to solve problems. I have no idea what will happen next, I only hope that we have the wisdom to dialogue about evolution with the earth's resources, and with ourselves as well. Abad Vázquez Itzel
  • 7. "My quarantine" This trip called Covid-19 has been a roller-coaster since it began. When it started I was resting at my place, listening to my music and thinking “this will pass quickly, a few days without school wouldn’t be so bad…” Until now, a year has gone by. Online classes, panic, doubts and a horrible contingency arrived. Everything was confusing and human mental health broke down. Poor and rich people saw each other in front of a mirror, everyone in the same dilemma: afraid of their lives. An unknown virus destroyed peace and created a new way to live: masks, distance, antibacterial gel, online school and work, poverty and a lot of deaths. Daily life kept going different what we were accustomed to and personally, my energy came down. In the first six months school was easy but at the same time I felt like I wasn't learning enough. My thoughts couldn’t stop and after the peak of the pandemic everything changed. Life for me was just waking up; eating all day, taking online classes, going to the near shops, and surfing on Internet a lot (yes, a uselessness feeling appear too between my daily routine). The good events also appeared: The planet rested from the normal human activities (climate change), I developed more computer skills, learned how to be tolerant living and seeing all day the same people (family) and a better one: I met a person which one I am living with, sharing my marvellous life. Covid-19 brings us a lot of lovely things too and the most important: to have realized how important it is to be a social human, to share and live day by day on a planet and that isolation is not a good option. At the beginning of this year, 2020, a positive expectation arrived: news speaking of a supposed return. My motivation came back to me and I started dancing again, fortunately I have had the support of my mother and grandparents, they are in good health and in all aspects; thanks to life, none of us got sick.
  • 8. On February 3rd I moved in with my boyfriend and everything has been a beautiful experience so far, he supports me in everything I do and I am very happy to share my earthly days. Now I do a better effort at school, I have the privacy and necessary tools to do a good job and finally finish university to begin a better life out there, at a foreign place. I hope with all my good intentions this pandemic end and with new rules and a different (more hygienic) and responsible return. Life out there is our real life, staying at home with no way out creates a spontaneous and alone craziness. To end this trip, the most important reminder is: fully enjoy your days alive, every second and moment is fleeting as you are, that’s our precious gift and at the same time, sharing our lives with the correct people and love, love a lot. Aguilar Limón Gretel
  • 10. My Quarantine It all started around December 2019 almost to enter New Year’s Eve, when, I think, I saw a video or read some small article about a new virus that had been discovered in Wuhan, China. At first, I didn’t take it seriously since I just thought it was some small disease that wouldn’t cause any problems to the world. But then the news started to get more serious as the days started passing by. It was being said that it was spreading fast and lockdown in Wuhan was a real thing now. So, on a normal day of school in March I was just waiting for my classes to end so I could go home, what I didn’t realize was that it would be the last day
  • 11. and a long break from school was about to begin. Mexico also had declared quarantine in the whole country which stopped schools, stores and many other places had to close down because the virus was supposedly spreading very fast all around the world. I had never taken news very seriously so I had my doubts about it, only to hear that adults that I knew from around my hometown were actually dying. As to how it came to be, I have even more doubts, since I’ve seen a bit of conspiracy theories. As for the bat soup theory, it was too hilarious for me to take it seriously, people from those places constantly eat all types of animals and the timing of it starting in 2020 just seemed
  • 12. planed from the higher ups of this world for me. But all that aside being in quarantine doesn’t affect me that much, only one problem, there’s too much school work given to me now. I was used to having my weekends to relax a bit from school and just study but now me and my school colleagues receive a message from our teachers on a Saturday about projects or homework and now I have something to worry about the rest of the week. I don’t dislike doing certain assignments but it gets overwhelming when the majority of the teachers leave work to deliver around the same time. I feel like I’m learning less from the languages that I want to speak because of the time I have to give to other assignments so
  • 13. that it doesn’t affect my grades. I barely have time to study for my exams and that pressure about turning everything in time can get a bit stressful. Not only that, but also the difficulties in our devices or internet connections not working in the middle of a class or during an exam brings delays in our day. Everything else is fine for me I kind of enjoy a time off from being in school, I didn’t quite like the environment of my school, it was too crowed for me with barely any space. I like the fact that I don’t have to move around to go and get home from school. Since I go in the evenings now in this semester, I think being very late at those hours in school would’ve been a bit exhausting. As for other places to
  • 14. go out to, it didn’t affect me either since I wasn’t much the type to go out all the time. I never liked clubs or bars; I barely even went to a cinema. I’m more of staying at home type, or visiting my friends and doing some outdoor activity. I know that not everyone feels like I do and is probably having a rough time getting through this new normality, I’ve seen some people going crazy or like when it all began; you could see people from the US fighting for toilet paper and acting in more violent ways because of the pandemic. I think it’s caused more domestic violence all around the world and all sort of disgusting things. As of now, where I live, I see that people are getting used to this new way of
  • 15. living and are being less afraid of this virus. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not for them to think this way. I’m taking my precautions when I go out, but I don’t’ let it get to my head. I feel like this might continue for the next years to come, and we are just going to have to adapt like we’ve always done as human beings. We should just let it all play out and enjoy the time with our loved ones, since we don’t have much control over this situation. And with that being said, this is all from me about my quarantine.
  • 16. MY QUARANTINE It all started one weekend in March 2020, my life was very simple as far as I believed at the time. I had traveled from Xalapa to Misantla with my mom and then I traveled to my hometown “Sayula de Alemán”. Since we would have a little school break, I wanted to take advantage of it to distract myself for a while. I remember that day I left in a hurry and I did not say “farewell” to my friends, I never imagined I would not see them again, in fact I packed a few things because I thought I would return to Xalapa in a short period of time, which was not the case. Since the beginning of rumors about early holidays because of the Covid 19 virus (which had already become a pandemic), some of us students were happy because of this news, we were hoping that it would come true. Since it was a favorable occasion to take a break. But the news about more holidays was not long coming, as after a few months they reported that these suspicions had come true. As soon as I found out that there would be a holiday until further notice I immediately gave the news to my family, we were all happy since I would not have to come back to Xalapa very soon because of the pandemic. It was during this period of time that the happy and sad moments of my life during this pandemic began, because from the beginning of this announced quarantine and the arrival of the virus in Mexico, everything seemed normal in my hometown, we enjoyed some issues such as; the union of my family, the coexistence among our people, in such a way that some of my uncles who worked outside, could arrive and spend some time with my family because their jobs were suspended and all because of the closure of many companies, businesses, schools, etc. This experience is pleasant because it is nice to spend time with my whole family without having to worry about going back to school, my cousins did not have to go to school and we spent very nice and pleasant moments playing and eating at our grandparents' house all together in harmony. It was not until a couple of months later that positive and suspicious cases began to appear in my hometown. I never thought that this virus could spread throughout the
  • 17. Mexican republic, much less that it could reach the area where I live, which over time we could realize that it was not so possible. Positive cases of the virus were being heard closer and closer. It was at this point of time where the nightmare began for many families, because of the spread of the virus, the consequences began to show. Deaths in the population were increasing day by day, each time we were more and more surprised to see that people we knew were dying because of the virus. And we thought that we had been spared death by the virus, but unfortunately death came by God's will and although not by the virus, but it knocked at our door. A nightmare I never imagined, a tragedy that marked the family. My bad experience was just beginning, for I will never forget that August 4th in the morning when my grandfather began to feel bad, his blood sugar levels were out of control, as he suffered from glucose and diabetic neuropathy. Due to his uncontrolled condition, his health became serious and we had to transfer him to the city of Coatzacoalcos to the emergency room area of a hospital there. The presence of gangrene in one of his feet was already notorious and very advanced for two reasons; the first was the distance from my town to the city of Coatzacoalcos and the second due to the protocols of covid-19 delayed the process of care and because of this, it could not be possible that my grandfather was admitted in a private sanatorium, causing a considerable acceleration of this infection in his foot, causing the obstruction of an artery to the heart, and as a consequence a cardiac arrest. This is how 2020 affected the family, leaving a great void in our hearts. This hurt me a lot and I still feel that sadness when we remember the beautiful moments we lived with my grandfather, especially those last months that were happy family days. It is difficult for our family not to break into tears with each memory that our grandfather left us very well captured in life, his advice, his scoldings, his common words, the things he used in life and above all, his joy with which he welcomed each
  • 18. of his grandchildren every day. Even at Christmas we did not get over his absence and it hurt us a lot, because his death was an irreparable pain. Even with sadness and pain we are learning together as a family not to give up, to continue with the legacy he left us and to follow the path he showed us to become better people. In this way, like many others, I will continue my life under a new normality knowing that day by day there are problems and challenges that we have to overcome, alone or accompanied, although with family is always better. Ambrosio Martínez Teresa
  • 19. Name: Gisselle Estephania Barragán Cruz Degree: Languages Materia: English Teacher: Bruno Armando De la Cruz Chuzeville Work: My Quarantine Date: 22/03/21
  • 20. I don’t remember exactly when it was the day when the world changed completely, everything was going so fast that I still can’t assimilate everything that’s going on, not just in my city, the whole world fell into a quarantine that has lasted about a year and is still going on. In the month of March (I don’t remember the exact day) The government of Mexico declared a state of quarantine for the whole country, causing the closure of several shops, shopping centers EVERYTHING! And the hospitals were filled with people struggling to be cared for and get a place, people struggling to save their loved ones, crying, despair and all that that led to delusions all over the world. The pandemic affected many people, not only economically but also psychologically, fortunately, each person of the people I care about is safe from the virus but others were not so lucky, I can't imagine the pain so great that all those people felt when they lost their loved ones. The quarantine has given me a lot to think about in this time to value things that before I did not value as much as now, it has made me cry, despair and wonder if I am capable of doing things. I just do not like online school, but it is the most viable method to continue learning THIS IS NOT EASY! This also made me appreciate my teachers, my friends from school; I really miss the moments with my friends, laughing together, going out together and sharing things.
  • 21. So... there are also good things about this quarantine, I had never spent so much time with my family, even my nephews spent a long time at my house, I was able to concentrate on doing things on my own, studying, reading, drawing and doing my hobbies more calmly. In addition, I was able to start the business that I always wanted and dreamed of; it is an online business and so far it is going well. I hope this ends soon and returns to normal soon, although I will miss my family a lot after spending a long time with them, but I am willing to return to the new normalcy.
  • 22. UNIVERSIDAD DE AMERICA LATINA Campus Xalapa ENGLISH TRANSLATION II Teacher: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville MY QUARANTINE Carolina Domínguez Gerón Languages 6ª
  • 23. MY QUARANTINE A year ago, the World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 pandemic. March 11th 2020 has become an important date in human history. Since that day, our lives have been completely altered by the arrival of a new disease, which, while forever has changed our work, health and social relations, has also taught us that humanity is resilient and can overcome any crisis by working together. In all my life I never imagined I would go through such a situation, being quarantined for a virus. I always thought that all this only happened in the movies. When I saw that the virus started in China, I didn't imagine that it would come here in my country, I thought it would be a controllable virus similar to influenza. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized the environment as we knew it, has changed habits and has managed in a few weeks to unite the world in a fight against a common enemy. From one day to the next, the topic on our minds is a virus. However, many people still have doubts about what exactly a virus is. In general, viruses are obligate parasites, meaning that they necessarily need to be inside another organism in order to reproduce. Many countries chose to implement total or partial confinement schemes for their populations, as well as adopting various safety measures such as frequent hand washing, keeping distance between people, avoiding crowds and even promoting the use of protective masks in exposed environments, always giving preference for their use to health workers. When the quarantine started, I was happy because I was at home with my family, even though the classes were online. I enjoyed being at home and not having to travel every weekend.
  • 24. Now I want to go back to my life as an outsider, being at home again makes me feel like a prisoner, my parents are very strict and hardly let me go out, and when I am in Xalapa I can go out wherever I want. I have taken the issue of COVID-19 very seriously, but I think we should go back to face-to-face classes, at this point everyone knows what security measures we should take. All of this will leave me with a good lesson and anecdote that I can tell my children, I don't think we will ever go back to our normal life. Everything will change, I think it will be a new way of living. COVID-19 will leave a mark on everyone emotionally, socially and economically.
  • 25. Who would think that a pandemic could not be so tragic after all? I mean, we went into quarantine in March 2020 and since then I have had a slightly quieter life not as much as I would like, but there is a big difference from what we were to what we are today. I mean, I'm a person who prefers to be at home although I also like to go out and visit new places, probably that's what I miss the most, but well, I can take it up again when the situation is calmer, At the moment I will continue to enjoy being at home with my family, going out only when necessary (and occasionally to de-stress for a while), being in online classes, watching anime and learning new things such as drawing, painting, learning a new language which is Japanese, and improving my Korean. Now, I would like to mention the most memorable part of my quarantine from March 3rd to the present day: In April, the stress of too much homework left by the teachers in the classroom. In June, my brother and my mum had Covid-19 and we were isolated for two months. In July I made a new friend who I talked to day and night, I was very fond of her, but a few months later we weren’t longer friends. In August it was my father's birthday, so we had a small party for ten people because, after the obligatory isolation, we missed talking to people close to us. In September I went out for “sincronizadas” in “La Joya” with my sister-in-law's family. In October it was my birthday so my mum organized a small party for ten people, which was attended by my closest friends. In November I painted my hair golden blonde, by the way, the colour looks fantastic on me. In December I had the joy of spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve with all my family, together. In January I hung out with friends to celebrate my friend Gretel’s birthday. In February I watched around thirty animes, my favorites were Hunter x Hunter, Haikyuu! and Horimiya. Fantastic animes, full of action, fun and drama, I highly recommend them. These animes make a bad day a good day. We are currently in March 2021, I am in the first part of my 6th semester, we are about to go on holiday and on the last day of our holiday it is my mother's birthday, so I hope to organize a great family party for her. Although I'd also like to go to the beach or to the river, there's a need for that kind of distraction.
  • 26. In conclusion, I would like to highlight that covid-19 brought us some difficulties, but not all of them were bad, so I can't say I'm grateful for its arrival but I'm not disappointed by it either, these are things of life and we must accept them and enjoy what we have left. -Teresa Dominguez
  • 28. MY QUARANTINE I’ve spent about a year in quarantine, in my opinion there have been very complicated times, because all the doors are closed for me. I stopped being free, the school, the resort places which I constantly visited were not opened any more thanks to the Coronavirus (COVID 19), a disease that have killed millions of people around the world, that came to stay and that has been very difficult to eradicate completely. It has affected everyone in a certain way, me personally in my mental health because I normally suffered from anxiety attacks but since all this started they increased a lot. Being locked up at home most of the time is exhausting, and being afraid of contact with other people in order not to catch the virus is an idea that constantly haunts my head. Not being able to touch anything, disinfect myself at all times and put on the face mask made me despair at some point. It’s frustrating to know that I can’t see my family and friends as often as I used to do it before, I can’t go out, I can’t go to concerts, I can’t be in places where there are many people present because this problem has us all as prisoners in our houses. Also, online classes are very tiring, I feel stress sitting seven hours in a chair without being able to get up, then do homework, a daily routine that spans from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I think about how my life was before the quarantine and I get sad just to remember how happy I was, how much fun I had and everything was so different, not just seeing the world behind a screen like now. It’s been devastating when I find out that people in my family have died and I haven’t been able to attend their funerals. I’ve lost important loved ones, and the news on TV does nothing but talking about the virus 24 hours a day, which makes it more irritating for me. I think I have less and less hope of ever returning to normalcy.
  • 29. My mentality has changed, perhaps I have become more mature, because I have had enough time to analyze what was right and wrong before starting the pandemic and as a result I feel more adult than I really am. One of the biggest disadvantages I’ve had during quarantine is that my income has dropped sharply, since I used to work in a restaurant, and now my parents won’t let me do it so that I won’t get sick, They give me money, but before I earned a little more and I could save and buy things without having to ask them. Quarantine probably won’t be over soon and that’s a bit worrisome, I’m getting more and more used to it and I don’t want this to be my lifestyle forever, I wish that someday soon there will be vaccines available for every person, hopefully I can get out again like before, back to face to face classes, what I most want is for my anxiety to be reduced, I want humanity to return to normal life because, if this doesn’t end, we will go crazy, isolation is not healthy for anyone and causes great mental and body stress. I wish this was just a dream and when I opened my eyes it was over.
  • 30. Plantel Xalapa Name: Cynthia Flores Moreno Degree: Languages Subject: English Translation II Teacher: Bruno Armando De La Cruz Chuzeville Work: My Quarantine Delivery Date: March 23, 2021
  • 31. My quarantine I remember that it all started exactly in Marchlast year, 2020, exactly days after the rest for the “Natalicio of Benito Juárez” which was a day off school, that day we wished our friends a nice rest without imagining what would happen next. Days later my mother had told me that she heard in the news that the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrados had announced that the Easter holidays would be ahead and to tell the truth, who disliked the idea of having more vacation days? It should be noted that at first I did not understand the reason, until I began to hear that a new virus was spreading rapidly throughout the world, and that it was very dangerous, therefore, I began to investigate and found that a new “coronavirus” had appeared and that was originated in Wuhan, China. The coronavirus is a respiratory viral disease, belonging to the genetic family of the virus SARS-CoV, which has its origin in bats who in turn transmitted the virus to humans by zoonosis, however, after having read all about the Covid-19 I was a person who didn't believe in the virus rather than thinking it was the government’s invention to hide all its corrupt acts. Therefore, I decided not to give much importance and continue with my normal activities, it was then when covid-19 was declared a global pandemic, at that time the government announced the beginning of the quarantine, and consequently the closure of businesses and schools, That’s how we were told about the start of distance or online classes, I wasn’t ready to take a semester online, because I didn’t know how it would work regardless of how you don’t learn the same by taking classes at home. Months passed and we got used to this new normalcy, I still didn’t believe in the COVID, however, I always took my hygiene measures, until one day my family received a call in which we were informed that a cousin who lives in Mexicali had tested positive, and he was in a state of delicate health, it was at that moment that I understood the seriousness of the matter, fortunately thanks to the fact that he is a very healthy person, he made the achievement to beat the virus, a month
  • 32. later when we thought that everything was fine, my brother did a COVID test and unfortunately it was positive, consequently my parents and I did the test and we came out positive, at that time my world collapsed, We had caught him without leaving the house! My brother was the carrier because his job is to be in contact with different people, from that moment we followed the orders to isolate ourselves, the good thing is that we were all asymptomatic and had no health complications. In conclusion, I would like to point out that COVID changed our lives and our way of thinking, in a personal way it helped me to value the people around me and to believe in the virus because the moment I least imagined it, I became infected.
  • 34. It all started on March 13th 2020, I remember I had three free school days because I was doing exams and I had a Powerpoint presentation to make with a friend. I literally didn’t expect that we wouldn’t come back to school after that. I mean, in December I heard about the COVID-19, I read news on Facebook telling a virus infected all China population but that wasn’t told to the rest of the world. I still remember the notice which said: “This is going to be viral tomorrow, all news in the world will talk about this”. But sincerely I didn’t believe that, I thought it was a joke or something else. The next day news talked about the virus, that it was dangerous, then the quarantine started in México when there were still just some infected people. Since then, I’ve been at home and I didn’t go back to Xalapa. Being in quarantine it’s kind of hard, online classes are stressful , I think I can’t keep attention easily but at the same time I can be at home with my mom and my cat, I don’t need to pay for food or buy tickets to go to Xalapa every Sunday evening. I’ll be lying if I say I don’t miss my friends and the life I used to have when I was at university, Staying at home isn’t the same feeling that I imagined, it wasn’t beautiful as I thought, I’m always feeling stressed, sometimes I want to cry for no reason and I don’t know if it’s because of the quarantine, online classes or just because I’m feeling suffocate being in these four walls of my bedroom, and also because I’m not healthy at all. I got “sick” four weeks ago and that got me sentimental and worried, thanks to these concerns sometimes my chest hurts with no reason and bad thoughts come to my mind. But not all of this time was bad, on April 2020 I decided to write again, my whole life dream is to become a recognized and famous writer, I used to dream about this since I was twelve or more, I used to write my stories on a notebook. First, I wrote about me, it were small writings that weren’t more than 500 words but actually I can say I’m writing a novel, sometimes I write poetry or at least I try, I’m not a professional but this could help me to reach my real and important goal. To be honest, this helps me a lot controlling stress crisis, it’s like a hobby, I used to enjoy but my inexperience made me give up. I hope we won’t be in quarantine much longer, I need some air fresh, I need to visit my friends and sometimes I wish we could go back in time and have our normal life without using a face mask,
  • 35. antibacterial gel or not to be with a lot of people around you. But after all this time I feel good, I met new friends and I even in school I got excellent notes and my parents are proud of me, I hope to keep this pace because I want to graduate without doing a thesis, and I even learned new things. I can say I became better than I was, it was a whole change in my life, I had a personal growth and I like this new part of me. I hope to see my friends soon, I really miss the good days when we were at school or when we met to spend time together, I’d like to feel free again and enjoy everything around me. Going to cinema with my friends, going to restaurants or sitting in the park eating a “raspado” and talk about everything and nothing at the same time, I really miss those moments, but I hope we can meet again.
  • 36. My quarantine. In Xalapa, the quarantine started exactly one year and three days ago (in 2020) and it has already been a year... My birthday is on March 16th, that day one year ago it was a holiday, and two days after everything started to shut. What is funny to me is that I remember myself saying that "the holiday" continues because of my birthday, I laugh at this, yet I feel bad since I want things to go back to normal. I don't go outside that much but I'm starting to feel fed up with the same "landscape" from the living room, the dining room, my room and even the roof. I miss new views and visiting new restaurants and also, I don't get to travel that often as I would like, last year my fiancé and I had plans to go abroad and do some stuff out there, sadly, that didn't happen. I remember my life being so simple, I used to go to university, I really enjoyed face- to-face classes (and I still do), feeling the breeze in the morning while walking to the bus stop, staring at dawn and listening to my music were the perfect way to start the day. I waited for my friend Meli (because she would give me a ride) to come and pick me up. The days in the university were so fun, I loved listening to my teachers, learning new vocabulary, new things, or just the things they had to say because some of them were interesting, but what I miss the most is the small picnic my friends Meli, Fer, and I would have before the next class, we would share our food while talking about any stuff, and now we can't do that anymore... I don't like home-schooling since I don't feel like learning, first months were bearable but now... Don't even get me started! I know we are grown ups and we must be responsible for ourselves yet, it's not the same. The teacher isn’t in front of us to solve our doubts, there are also a lot of technical problems and there are even more distractions than before. After all my rant about the school, I'm starting to get a little bit emotional and serious. I knew a lot of people that before the pandemic used to say things like "I hate my life" or "I'd rather die" when they didn't even know what they were saying or if life Tania G. Garciap. Peredo
  • 37. was so difficult to the point, they weren't able to do anything. A lot of people nowadays are losing their jobs, their families, their income and they just don’t give up. It saddens me that now they appreciate life, the small things they could do like: hanging out with their friends, going out and eating, traveling, going to school or work... I'm not saying they are wrong for doing so, I know they don’t think like me or vice versa, but it had to occur a pandemic for them to start cherishing their loved ones, their successes, and even their own life. Besides being an issue that ruined everyone's normal life and plans I feel like actually there is a good side, at least, I became closer to my parents and grandma, I learned new things like meditation and yoga, I even developed my cooking skills, my boyfriend proposed to me and we are planning stuff, we got a pretty bunny named Haru, but most importantly, I outgrew some matters I had with myself. We must learn not to take things and life for granted, life flows, it never stops and it can take the most precious things away from us. Today we are alive and we don't know if we're going to make it tomorrow or even a day after, we should focus on the good side, the good vibes, spread our love and gratitude with our people. I wish from the bottom of my heart; this pandemic ends soon and everyone's lives rebuilt again. Tania G. Garciap. Peredo
  • 38. MY QUARANTINE My quarantine started in March 2020 in the same month as “Benito Juarez's birthday”, the long weekend of his birth, the first two weeks of the quarantine didn't make us feel so bad as it felt like a holiday. But after the first month I felt that I spent too much time at home, because before the confinement I spent a lot of time out of my house, I went out with my friends in the evenings and with my boyfriend. We usually went out to eat in places before they were already closed. My boyfriend went to his hometown with his family for two weeks and I was left alone at home, as my dad works out of town and my mum works in the health sector of my country and for that reason she had to travel a lot. As time went by, I felt emotionally bad because I only dedicated myself to school and certain chores at home, sometimes my cousin would come to stay with me or I would go to her house so that I wouldn't feel so lonely. After two weeks my boyfriend went to his hometown, he came back and that's how I didn't feel sad anymore, he stayed with me during the week and he did everything he could to make me feel better. Months later around the month of July or August, my boyfriend and I got COVID-19, thank God it wasn't strong, we only lost our sense of smell, taste and got a bit of a headache, I'm glad my mum wasn't barely at home when we got it because she has a very delicate respiratory tract and it would have been very dangerous for her to be here with us, that was one of my biggest worries and to this day, my mum, along with my grandparents as they are elderly people, are the only ones who have had COVID-19. With the time that my mum was at home, even if it wasn't much, I tried to make the most of it and stay well, because with this illness we didn't know when we would get it, so we tried to enjoy the time even if that means being at home. Just as when my dad came home, I tried to stay well for the same reason. I learned to enjoy time with my family much more, although thank God no family member died of this disease, but I did see a lot of sadness in people I knew because of this pandemic, as well as a lot of loss of work and consequently lack of food.
  • 39. The good thing is that my family never lacked food and even less work, of course it was complicated because my family is mainly supported by my mother and my grandfather supported her, but because of the pandemic and because my grandfather is elderly he stopped working, so it was difficult but little by little our family economy has been steady. As soon as the epidemiological traffic light started to go down, the economic and health situation began to normalise a little more, although there are many people who are unaware and go out without any protection and because of these people there are more contagions, but I hope that with the passage of time and with scientific advances in health, this situation will improve and that in the future it can return to 100% normalcy in our lives. Although thinking about illnesses it could become something very common like when EBOLA and H1N1 happened in the past. At present in my family we continue to take care of ourselves because as my mother and aunt work in the health sector we have to be a little more careful since my great grandfather came to live with my grandparents and we have to continue to take the same or equal care. Gutiérrez Lomelí Diana Yireh
  • 40. My quarantine experience I don’t even know how to start this, but here we go. First, I never thought I would be in a situation like this, I guess anyone was prepared to live in a pandemic. The first thing I remember is my last day of school, it was March 13th, 2020. My classmates and I were happy, because the next Monday we wouldn’t have classes. But we never imagined it would be our last day at school. The worst thing was that we were in exam season, I felt very nervous and stressed, because I was only thinking “I’m going to fail all my exams”, “What’s going to happen?” But on March 17th, all the schools, universities etc, closed their doors temporarily, and that was the moment I felt anxious and sad. I stayed one week in Xalapa, and I was worried about my exams, but that was when the “new normalcy” arrived. I had to take my classes online, and at the beginning I didn’t know how to deal with it, but I had to learn. Days later I went home to Pánuco, Veracruz, and I was happy because it felt like a vacation, although deep down I knew it wasn’t like that. I tried to see the positive side in all of this and enjoy my days at home. I spent four months enjoying my family and friends, but in July I had to come to Xalapa because I had to move to a new house, I arrived on July 11th and that's when the hard days began, two days later my uncle passed away, I didn't know what to do because I had just arrived and I had to stay in Xalapa for one month, it was very hard for me because he was someone I really loved very much, after that my mom was very sick and I was still here in Xalapa. In August I finally came back home, and all my family was very sad about the situation. After all the bad things that had happened, I was happy to be back home with my parents, to be close to my friends, I tried to spend as much time as possible with all my family and honestly there is nothing better for me than being with them.
  • 41. On the other hand, during the time I was in Xalapa, I decided to start a project, then while I was in Pánuco, in August 2020 I started my small dessert business, making desserts was not something new for me but selling them was. It was hard to start all that and it took a process of about 4 months for it to be successful. My sales were increasing a lot and the truth is that I am proud of me and what I did, because it was something that the pandemic made me do, since I did not have any hobby and that made me even happier. Another thing that made me happy was spending my favourite months with my family, which are November and December. My birthday is in December and it had been two years since I had been able to celebrate it with my family and thanks to this situation, I was able to do it. I was also very happy at Christmas because finally my family could be complete, my family is the most important thing for me and being together on those dates fills my soul. Finally in this new year, many good and bad things happened, but I am still adapting to the new normalcy, I am currently back in Xalapa doing my internship, I am in my sixth semester of my career and I am really proud of myself for everything I have learned during this time, academically and personally, I have changed many things in me and it has not been easy but I know that better times will come. Guzmán Pérez Arlette Guadalupe
  • 42. My life before the coronavirus. My Quarantine. It was the year 2020, everything was going well, suddenly a new disease came out of China, until then my life was ordinary like everyone else’s life but in December of that year the virus that was an epidemic turned out to be a global threat. Since the pandemic emerged my life changed radically in all aspects to how it was before, because before I would visit my friends, I would get together with them to do teamwork, but now my only routine is to be at home, help with some chores, and do homework and online work. And after doing all that I would go to sleep. My life since I haven’t gone to the University is boring and a bit stressful but at the same time it has its advantages since, I get to spend more time with my family and my boyfriend. Something that I didn't do before, because the distance didn't allow me to do it. The truth is that I missed my classmates a lot because for me family is the most important thing in life. In my opinion, working at home is something different and new and a little difficult because it has never happened before, but learning something new will always be interesting to keep learning. At the beginning of all this, my friends and I laughed about a certain disease and we did not believe that this could happen in Mexico, we took it as a joke. After that, since the school was closed because of the pandemic my friends, my family and I used to go on trips but now because of the virus we prefer to stay at home for fear of getting infected. My dream is to continue studying in order to finish my degree, so I will continue to work hard from home so that everything goes well, so that we take what is happening as something innovative and modern that will be very useful throughout our lives. One thing I do most of my time is that I have found it useful to read books at home for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and improving my skills because in this way I put into practice all my cognitive knowledge.
  • 43. Since the pandemic emerged, I am having a stricter personal hygiene than before. In my previous lifestyle did not mind having close contact with other people, but nowadays I can no longer go out normally as I did before, due to this new global disease. After this I consider that I am getting used to it and that we should all get used to being a more responsible nation, since by taking care of ourselves we all take care of ourselves, in such a way and from my point of view I think that we should take what is happening with a lot of respect since I have personally met people with this disease and I have seen people who have not been able to overcome this virus. Personally, it is something very ugly since I have the experience that my boyfriend is a forensic scientist and he has dealt with this type of situation. Today I can only tell all my acquaintances to be careful because this is not a game and it is true that we miss school and friends but today we are safer in our homes and with our families and I know that soon everything will be back to normal and we'll be able to have fun like we used to. Wendy Herrera Rojano
  • 44. My quarantine When I started my quarantine I was in Xalapa and as a privilege, I took confinement as a detox, it would give me time for books and movies I had never been able to see or read. However, the days passed and I spent hours in front of a screen trying to pay attention, I did not differentiate the days, for me it was always Monday or Sunday. People close to me were out of work, some began to get sick and others began to go without food. This experience has made me feel sad, grateful and alive. At first I agreed with many of the government’s measures. I saw those as something with an aim and a meaning, even though many of them went against my own needs, values and way of life. I do not believe in prohibitions, but everything that was presented was related to it and had a purpose to preserve the health of all and give time to the health system to be able to face a great burden of infected and affected people by this situation. However, the days passed and I could only see that the situation was endless, I began to feel fear, frustration, loneliness and I really questioned myself and I felt that isolating myself completely from everyone wasn´t the best thing for me and everything under my immune system, I felt energetic, spiritually, mentally and bodily weak, all the time listening, reading and talking about how the situation continues. This process, because this is how I see it now, has given me strength, I think it has been one of the experiences in which I have to be more connected with myself. Fear and nostalgia now is strength and temperance. My father is sixty five years old, and I live in fear that he may be too vulnerable because he is a sales agent, he works from Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 9 pm, he is in contact with other people all time, he still takes the appropriate measures, a part of me is always worried, and because I depend on him economically. I am in 6th semester of the languages degree, I do my internships in the mornings and in the afternoons, I am in virtual classes, and this has made me not be able to
  • 45. be economically stable. University life does feel more complicated and makes me feel like I don’t have the tools necessary for this virtual life. Until a week ago I felt the real fear of anxiety within this situation, I lived my most frightening and vulnerable experience. It was last monday, I was very stressed by the tuition payments and because I had many lack of support , all this as a result made me have an epilepsy crisis, my boyfriend was near when everything went dark, I just remember thinking about how I’d pay my tuition this month when in the distance I heard someone screaming my name out loud. I was back to life. Emmanuel my boyfriend can tell me in time how he saw me and I could imagine it. There were the saddest images about me in my memories. Today I continue to live in quarantine and take better care of my mental health. These last five weeks, in addition to a lot of work and pending tasks, I have dedicated myself to observe, living closely many situations, to be able to see how technology has transformed us to good and bad. Regardless of being more digital, the most important lesson that this period will leave us is to have learned to be much, much more HUMAN. From this we will learn to value more and more the school and the teachers, who not only instruct us, not only transmit knowledge subjects, but are teachers in fundamental stages of our growth. We are also learning to value many jobs previously underestimated: from people in the countryside and people who clean truckers, or those who serve us in supermarkets or pick up our garbage. So much time at home, it has allowed us to take care of a little of our homes, paint a room... And we have certainly learned to value the domestic work, from which many mothers and grandmothers did, which is to clean, wash, iron... Esmeralda Guadalupe Jiménez Hernández
  • 46. The sad story of how I didn’t go back to the university All this chaos started in the last months of 2019, in a city in China called Wuhan, Wuhan was the place where this new type of Coronavirus called Covid-19 came out, It is unknown how this virus appeared, but there are some theories, some people say that was caused by the exotic food of China, apparently someone ate a bat soup and caught the disease, other people say that the virus was create willingly, by the government, but there are multiple stories about what was the purpose to create a virus so deadly like that. Like I said this was incredibly deadly, and Wuhan was having a really bad time, and it got worse, so the entire city entered in quarantine, but it was too late, because the virus had infected all the cities of China, and a few months later, the virus infected the countries around China, later it arrived to Europa, America, and finally it covered all the world. Before the Covid-19 arrived to Mexico, I was living my life like a normal nineteen years old lad, doing normal things, you know, going to the university and having classes face to face, seeing my friends and spending my time with them, sometimes going to the cinema or going out to eat something, among other things. It was a true fact that the virus would arrive to Mexico at some point, and then an average day of February was confirmed the first infected by Covid-19, and three weeks later we were sent to our houses as a sanitary measure, to protect us from the coronavirus, that was when my whole life changed. The moment, the authorities told to us that we weren’t going to have any more face to face classes, I prepared my luggage to travel back to home and, like the majority of students, I was thinking that this situation won’t last too long, but really, I was a fool, because it did, and it was too long and it still is. Anyway, I didn’t think that this situation would last much, so I left I huge suitcase full of clothes because I truly like in Xalapa, I am still regretting having done that, fortunately I have more clothes at home. I remember that the first day when I came home and some days before back home, I was laughing about online classes memes, but in the twinkling of an eye the meme situation came true and, now, I was the guy in the meme, but I am still laughing about online classes memes, I prefer laughing than complaining about it.
  • 47. I started to take my classes online because we enter in a quarantine, and I knew about Google Classroom and, it was such a nightmare, I wasn’t prepared for this new normalcy, so it took me a time to get used to online university. The first days I remember being so stressed and confused, because I lost direct communication with my professors, and for me, as a student it’s really important have this face-to-face contact, even though my professors tried to do their best effort to keep teaching us, it was difficult, honestly it was such a mess, because this situation came out from nowhere, nobody was prepared, and consequently we had a poor organization. However, the things got better, I mean about the university organization, because we were still in quarantine, not only we started to have videocalls for our classes but also, we started to use the official online platform of our university, but even the online classes were improved, they weren’t as good as in-person classes. I genuinely miss everything that I used to do before, I miss going to university, I miss my friends, I miss the contact with people, I feel like I’m losing this experience of being a university student, I know we don’t go to the university to have fun all the time and meet people, but that’s a part of the experience, we go to have an education and to prepare us to have a job someday, nonetheless this process can be exhausting and, personally, I think that friends make it a little easier and enjoyable. On the other hand, it wasn’t all bad, I think it’ll be a memorable event of my life, notwithstanding that, I hated it. Thanks to this quarantine I could spend more time with my family and I love being with them, so that was a point for the quarantine, and in my free time, obviously I could not go anywhere so I started to read again, in fact I read a book, I watched a bunch of series and films on Netflix that I discovered because, there wasn’t too many options about what to do in my home. In short, that was how I spent the first year of my youth completely in house. Luis Aldair Marcos Santiago.
  • 48. MY CRAZY QUARANTINE My quarantine has been crazy, I remember being happy a year ago, thinking that coronavirus wasn’t going to reach Mexico but it did. Many people were very concerned and others thought that the coronavirus was a lie, personally I was very scared, I had never experienced a situation like this. At first I thought the quarantine and online classes would be easy, because I’m a person who doesn’t like to go out or socialize with people, but they were not. I had too many tasks and things to do at the beginning, plus, a lot of crazy things were happening at the same time, the isolation started to affect me and I also started to gain weight, I stopped exercising and started eating a lot of junk food, then I gained a lot of weight. I also started trying many new things, for example: I started cooking more, I cooked a lot of pastries and delicious food, I also met many new people through the internet, I spoke specially with foreigners because I wanted to practice my English and learn Japanese, so I met many nice people from different countries. I also started watching anime again, I have watched a lot of anime since the pandemic started and I watched some Korean dramas too. In addition, I have seen more movies and series than I have ever seen in my life, the pandemic is so boring that I think I have already seen all the Netflix series and movies. I even tried different online courses like marketing and branding courses. One of the things that affected me the most was not spending time with my Friends anymore, I had become very fond of my Friends from the college, so, having stopped seeing them every day made me a bit sad. Besides, I also felt very upset witn the people who believed that the coronavirus was a lie and didn’t follow the sanitary measures. Currently it continues to bother me a lot about that, there are still many people who do not wear face masks and continue to go out and have parties, that is why we are still locked up, however, over time I have been getting used to it, now, I no longer feel much desperation to get out, I continue with sanitary measures but I’m no longer as paranoid about the virus as before. Although I still have many things to do, I no longer feel as stressed as before, I still miss my friends a lot but talking to them constantly makes me feel
  • 49. better, I am dieting and exercising these days, also, I have been drawing a lot lately, drawing makes me feel good and entertains me a lot. Another thing that I have learned during my quarantine is to meditate and doing yoga, I do it especially when I’m in exams or have too many tasks to do, it is very relaxing and helps me to be more concentrated on my tasks, on the other hand, I think that, now, I have become lazier in many ways because I do everything from the comfort of my home and I rarely have to go somewhere, I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go out to the outside world again and have to walk everywhere and although, I still miss going out to my favorite places with my friends and family, I’m aware that I will have to keep waiting patiently for it to be safe. As I said before, I think I have already adapted to the new normalcy, however, I’m really looking forward to the vaccine working and everything going back to the way it was before this crazy pandemic. By: Tania Andrea Medina Melchor
  • 50. “My quarantine" Quarantine at this time has been frustrating, a year of being locked up has changed us for better and for worse. We have all gone through difficult times, such as the loss of a family member. Getting money has not been easy if your income is from your parents, but in my case I started giving classes to a girl and from there, I get a little money. Years have helped us to grow as people and has given us time to do those things we never had time to do, also to spend more time with our families. Growing up as a person is important because we see things differently, we see that it is difficult to get things done, that it is not easy as we saw it when we were little. There are many things that we have done thanks to the quarantine, such as taking care of ourselves physically and also taking care of our diet. A small reflection of what we have lived, is that the planet began to clean itself thanks to the fact that we humans did not go out, and it was good because the animals were free, the streets were cleaned of garbage, the seas were getting clearer, and that for me was a reflection to make us aware that we are the ones who have damaged the planet and therefore, each time the glaciers, the seas, the flora and fauna, have disappeared little by little. Being locked up has also brought us anxiety as a consequence, and in that case it has affected us in terms of mental health and it is something that has caused many suicides, the human being is not adapted to be locked up for many days, much less for months. But, sometimes this helps us to find the good side of being at home with our families. Thus, one spends quality time, although it also brings problems, because once you return home, you realize that you have to change your living environment again, so it happened to us outsiders, we have to adapt again to being at home, and that's okay, because some of us do miss being at home, and those who were already used to living alone, must adapt again to everything.
  • 51. We have realized that we need to be in face-to-face classes, since being in online classes does not help us to improve our learning and we have seen that there are students who look for their own ways to learn, but they also need a person who can correct their mistakes and thus improve their learning. Here we make a reflection of how important it is to be in a classroom, with a teacher who is guiding us in advancing either in a professional career or in an intermediate level of study. To conclude, we realize that people are ignorant and that we do not pay attention to the authorities, because we do not care about those who are next to us. And that is something that we have to be aware of, to pay attention to the corresponding authorities in order to get out of this quarantine. Jazel Méndez Barrales.
  • 52. Universidad De América Latina Plantel Xalapa Name : Dafne Melissa Morales Lopez Languages Degree Subject: English VI Teacher: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville Topic: My Quarantine
  • 53. MY QUARANTINE I remember being with my friends on a normal day at school, we had class suspension and many of my friends went to their hometown, supposedly we were returning to school in a few days but we didn’t. Why? Here’s the reason. Coronavirus or COVID-19 happened. I was at home probably doing nothing important, I don’t remember exactly what I was doing, but out of nowhere social media was full of headlines such as “A pandemic is announced and we all have to be in quarantine”, I was truly shocked because I’ve never lived something like that before. People started sanitizing every single thing, using a lot of antibacterial gel, making massive food and toilet paper being sold, and last but not least, it was obligatory the use of face masks. As we know this virus is something lethal that can kill people, most likely elderly people. I was and to this day I’m so freaked out by it because my parents belong to the elderly community. But I’m grateful that we take care of ourselves a lot, we hardly go out and we haven’t gotten sick. Leaving aside the bad things, this pandemic has helped me to rest a little bit. I’m doing exercise and eating well. I started to get passionate about activities and things I didn’t know I could do like learning a new language. This began when I started to like Korean music, then I decided to learn Korean and I think it is one of the best decisions I have made. I love the Korean culture and the language and surprisingly I’m good at it just as I am in English. Korean music, series, and anime helped me to overcome this and not to become crazy. I can also spend more time with my family and my dogs and I’m being able to do something that I wanted to do about three years ago, which is to remodel my room. As well as it has been during many days I’m well and happy, there are other days where I just want to sleep or do something and my mood isn’t the best. I can tell I
  • 54. miss my friends; I miss going out, buying clothes, breathing fresh air, and going to college. Putting aside my carefree person and continuing with my student self, this sucks and it is the worst thing ever. For both students and teachers, it’s horrible, many people don't have a good internet connection or computer. Thanks to the fact that my dad is retired, he could buy me a new computer in the middle of the pandemic, but I can’t imagine people who don’t have the resources to do that or the ones who lost their jobs, for them I hope this ends soon. There are days where I cannot or don’t want to pay attention to online classes because there comes a point where it’s boring even for the teacher. This wouldn’t worry me so much if I was in middle school or high school, but as a college student, I’m worried and scared not to learn in a classroom. I hope that all the people around the world and the government will do what is necessary and what’s asked to do by them so that this ends soon. I have a love-hate relationship with this virus as I explained earlier. We have been in this situation for a year and weeks and Mexico as a country cannot move forward, I would like to live in a place with less stubborn and stupid people, but we must accept reality and take care of ourselves so this can end soon.
  • 56. Hi, it is complicated that I can write and describe my emotios about the pandemic and the moments that I spent in one year. At the beginning I really don’t know how I could survive a year in a place that personally I don’t like it all, but in the following lines I will describe everything I learned and how this year, 2020 made me feel. Anxiety was the first feeling during this year. The first feeling I had when I got the news about the quarantine was an anxiety attack. An anxiety attack of knowing that a person who damaged me a lot psychologically would be close to my life again (as we are neighbours), to think that I was going to be in my hometown for several days was panic and fear. Stress was my second companion Well, at the beginning of this confinement I didn't have a computer so I did everything on my mobile, EVERYTHING. It was really complicated because I do all the homeworks and take classes on my phone, it is tiring and overwhelming, but little by little I got used to it. It wasn't until the fifth semester that I was able to have a laptop. Perhaps the third feeling was pandemic love A month into the pandemic, I met a guy and I really loved him. But in the end it was just a pandemic love. We created a very nice relationship and to this day I still trust him as a friend. We had different ideas so we decided to leave it as a friendship. The fourth feeling was sadness Although it was not serious when my mother had Covid 19 and she was able to overcome the covid when, I was afraid of losing her. Those were difficult weeks. Having to see my mum exhausted, tired, sick and sad was something no one wants to experience. In the end she managed to beat the covid and she is still here with me. From the summer onwards I can say that my life was neutral and I didn't have so many emotions that had a big impact on me. However, the other half of the year was full of ups and downs until I reached an important point in my life.
  • 57. Despair and depression were present After the summer I was in a constant game with my feelings. I had fights caused by insecurities. I managed to sink into my thoughts which led to depression. October is my favourite month and during all that month I was sad. I sought psychological help, but my mum didn't give me an answer. I spent many years being an unstable person. It was during those months that I could no longer stay in Papantla, my hometown. The only thing I wanted was to get out. I became tired, sad, exhausted, lonely and without a direction. The arrival of light in my life Tired of feeling less than satisfying emotions in my life, I searched for solutions in podcasts, reading articles and getting to know myself. I spent a lot of time try to look inside of me and now I can say that I am a new girl. Sometimes, we need to fall down to become an experienced person. I learned that all emotions that visit us are good. We have to learn from everything that comes our way, good or bad, they always leave us with a lesson. I left people who were not good for me, I chose to put myself first. I changed a lot and that makes me happy because now I know what I want and need in my life.
  • 59. MY QUARANTINE The first news I saw about COVID, was on TV and I thought: The COVID is for dogs, I never believe the people can be infected, but if happened, and after some months the virus affected all the world. I remember the day that the virus arrived to Mexico, it was a day like any other at school, and suddenly I saw posts on Facebook about the first person infected, I thought it was just news to alarm us and I didn´t take it seriously, the next day, the school authorities told us not to show up at school, and whenthe next week passed they told us the same, and I will not deny it, in a way I was happy because I thought it was only for a short time, but days and weeks went by and they only told us that we should not attend until further notice, so I had to go home to my house in Martinez. Thinking that we were going to have online classes frustrated me a lot, because it is difficult for me to study by computer, at the beginning of the classes I almost didn't attend them because I kept thinking that they were not going to be for long, besides I had a lot of homework at home and it is difficult to be in two things at the same time, so I attended when I could. After months I couldn´t adapt, the situation was very difficult, we couldn´t sort out the problem, it saddened me that many people lost their businesses due to lack of sales, I had a lot of paranoia and I would get suggestible every day, I thought I was sneezing because I had Covid. I was very afraid for my grandmother, I cleaned all the things that she used; people´s say that the virus was a lie, and they went out without masks to the streets, which made me very angry. My confinement lasted three months, sometimes I went to the supermarket but only there, during the time in my house, I only thought in one thing, drinking beer because of the season heat and it worked, I try to see the good side and thought that it would all end soon, five months went by, and I was sure we were going to go back to school in November, and when November came and we didn't go back I was already on the verge of madness thinking about it I think it affected my mood a lot, I felt sad that I had to go through all this.
  • 60. And now I just have to adapt to the situation, I think that in a way it was an evolution for the world, I take it as a sign that we are doing something wrong, and I hope that when all this passes people will be more aware of their actions.
  • 61. 2021 Universidad de América Latina Alumna: Lizbeth Sofía Reyes Jiménez Traducción de Inglés IDIOMAS VI Docente: Bruno Armando De la Cruz.
  • 62. My Quarantine The first time that I heard about the COVID was in December, it was about a new virus that emerged in China but the scientists didn’t know if it would be a pandemic. The inhabitants around the world didn’t realize that this new virus could be mortal for all people. And then, three months after, this virus arrived to Mexico. I never thought about this virus could change in life, my routine and my perspective. All started the first week on March 2020, my life was quiet, simple and tidily. I used to go to the University, worked out in the gym, and did all my homework’s and studied a lot. Months before quarantine ,when I was still living in Xalapa, my friends arrived to my flat every weekend, so we drank coffee, ate pizza or sushi or we were going to “Los Berros” park and we used to bought “raspados” or “churros”. We also listened to music and we studied together. During the last week of March, I never imagined that I would never see them again for a long time. It was then when I returned to my hometown Catemaco, because I had that weekend off. I was excited because I really wanted to see my family. However there are five hours of distance between both cities (Xalapa and Catemaco). When I arrived to my house, my parents were very happy and excited because they missed me so much. During those weeks they were still going to work, because the restrictions weren’t for all the people in this moment. I thought that this quarantine will be just for some weeks or maybe a month, but I was wrong and deceived…. After that, we started the online-classes but, honestly, that semester was complicated for me, because it was another school platform without video calls, so sometimes I had some doubts and the homework accumulated daily. During all the next semester I felt really exhausted and frustrated because it was a new way to connect us and because of all the new preventions and habits that we didn’t have in this part of the world. In addition to the fact that prices have increased, products were scarce and the fear of getting sick grew more and more.
  • 63. The only thing that made me feel better is that I was living with my parents, and I had moments that I will treasure forever. ¿What else could I ask for? However, the pandemic triggered in my life a feeling that I had been struggled with months ago, depression and anxiety... Although I exercised daily and ate healthy, my mental health declined, because I couldn't go out, I couldn't see my friends or go out with them. My grades dropped but fortunately I was able to find a way out of my problems. During the last few months I have been trying to improve my habits, distract myself from my home, in order to improve my mood and health. Because this pandemic could last for months or even years due to lack of awareness and resources. For me, every day represents a war, between the uncertainty of the population's future and COVID. It’s for this reason that this quarantine has taught me to value every detail, every moment and every person that surrounds me, because I don’t know when it will be the last time in my life time. .
  • 65. "My quarantine" (A reflexion) During this isolation from outside life in which we lived and shared with society the same normalcy as always until a little over a year ago, a deadly virus changed everyone's life, and as a consequence I have had very strange days. They have been difficult and also sad. Of course, this nightmare taking people to an endless abyss, like all of us going through a certain pandemic. To be honest, I never thought I would live in times of pandemic. Well, who can imagine living through something like that, don´t you think so? I remember the day when I first heard about this virus, I did believe it was possible that it could reach us. It was in those early days when you turned on the TV and there was no other topic on the news except ''The outbreak of a new virus''. To me, that seemed like just another news item, but curiosity got the better of me and I researched everything I could about it. Afterwards, I came home and my mom and my cousin were in the living room so I told them everything that I knew about that weird virus. By then, they also knew about this news that was spreading around the world like the wind. Still, I told them, being a little worried, that what was in the news about the new virus was something we should all be concerned about. But of course, after hearing this, they replied to me: “Oh, come on! Please! It's on the other side of the world! Nothing will happen to us, it won't get here, don’t worry!” And just like them, many people thought that because of the distance, it would be impossible, but no. It was not impossible for this type of virus. And well, the rest is history. Today, in a new year (2021); even with the pandemic spreading, I am grateful to be lucky enough to write this small reflection. I am also thankful to know that my loved ones; my closest friends and family are still doing well. It is worth mentioning during a year into this situation unfortunately many people have not managed to continue their lives and be where we all are now. Well, we are not in the “Paradise” obviously, but We are still "living", or rather trying to adapt a little more to the ‘’New Lifestyle’’.
  • 66. We are changing everything; social and work relationships. Ways of living life in general to which we were very used to. Some losing and others gaining. And I say this, because in spite of everything, I also like to see the good side of everything that the pandemic has left, at least in my experience. Isolation and loneliness can sometimes be good companions to reflect on ourselves. And, to take back what I said before about the pandemic, it is giving me strange days. I could say that these strange days have been full of discoveries. The truth is that before the pandemic I did not use to spend a lot of time alone in my room or just alone, with myself. It sounded weird but I wasn't entirely connected to my emotions and interests. Since I am in quarantine I have been interested in learning more. Taking advantage of the time. I have read many books, as I have never done before. I have been interested in psychological, spiritual and existential topics and this has only increased my desire to continue discovering new things. In fact, I even decided to study psychology when I finished my languages career. Or become a UN (United Nations) volunteer, I don´t know, I have so many crazy thoughts. I also started practicing yoga and have even gotten closer to God, I mind this in a spiritual way, not in the religious one. The weird thing is, I've never felt like this before. Anyway, for me this has been a revealing time. The beginning of something new, I think it is like this for most of us just we have different forms and times to live it. In a very personal opinion I think this time has helped me to get a different vision of the life that I want for myself, and perhaps this does not have much to do with the pandemic but I hope and wish that even living in these difficult times we can all rescue something good or even bad; but a with a learning and growth from this whole situation.
  • 68. THE PANDEMIC AND I It all started in March 2020. I remember that afternoon I had been doing a German subject homework, I’ve never imagined that day I would receive a call that would change my life completely. I was focused on doing my homework when suddenly my cellphone rang, it was my mom she used to call me on weekends, so I took the call, I was going to say “Hi” but my mom didn’t even let me say hi and she inmediately asked me - Did they cancel clases at your University too?- And after hearing her question I inmediately thought – “Why would they cancel classes?”-.At that moment I felt that something strange was happening, in my mind I started to relate it to everything that had been said during the week about a virus that appeared in China, so I answered my mom- “No, Why do you ask?”-. Then my mom explained to me what was happening, but still refused to believe that this virus would also reach Mexico, I was hoping that it would not happen.I told my mom that I would wait for the University to let us know about the classes, but inmmediately I received a message, I read it and indeed in that message the school authorities informed us that clases would be cancelled due to the pandemic. They confirmed what I didn’t want to believe. I kept on the pone with my mom and I told her that we had just been notified about the cancellation of face to face classes. I was alone, far away from my family and now also in a worldwide pandemic. My mom told me that my dad would come to pick me up the next day and the call ended. Then I started to pack my things, but I only took a few clothes thinking that the cancellation of classes wouldn’t last long.I thought about it as a kind of vacation. Now that I think about it, I was so naive and optimistic to think that way, because now it has been a year since that day, my life has changed a lot since then, I had to return to my hometown, live again with my family again, stop seeing my University friends, it was a new beginning as if I had restarted my life.
  • 69. It was a shocking fact because everyone seemed to be afraid. However for me it wasn´t like that , I wasn’t afraid I just didn’t want to face being at home every day and not be able to hang out, because I knew that the routine would become so boring and in fact it is like that, every day doing the same activities.I feel that the days go by very fast and sometimes I think “omg” my youth is going away while I’m spending my day sitting behind my computer, it can be frustrating or it can make me feel sad, becasuse it makes me think about all the things I miss doing and now I can’t, due to the pandemic. Another aspect I must mention is the use of the internet, because it has become an important factor for me during the pandemic, because nowadays everything is done remotely from home, I had to learn many things to be able to use my computer well, even starting to take online classes was completely new for me. It is a huge challenge but I hope that someday the pandemic will end. Although I doubt that we will be able to go back to the life we used to have before the pandemic started. In conlcusion I think we should never understimate life, it’s like a roller coaster, full of surprises, we should always expect the unexpected because you never know what might happen tomorrow, how it was for me that call that changed my life.
  • 70. Quarantine. By: Carlos Eduardo Sánchez Ortiz. A year ago from now (2021), everything changed. I remember saying goodbye to my friends, we thought we would see each other in a few days later. We were very wrong. It's been a year since I saw my classmates. Maybe I'm exaggerating because I see them in online classes, but it’s not the same interaction. The quarantine didn't just change my school routine. Also, it changed my lifestyle. All. I remember that the university sent us a notice telling us that we would have online classes because we had entered in quarantine. They told us it would be only two weeks... two weeks. Those two weeks would convert in months. We started in March 2020 and we are in March 2021. It’s incredible. But the most incredible thing is that the government of Mexico said that it would only be 40 days of quarantine. And that was never fulfilled. They lied (as always) ... Anyway, my classes started with an easy and comfortable application called: Google Classroom. In that app, I never had any problem to upload my homeworks, activities or projects. That way of learning for me was simple but effective. I had no problems. We were in May 2020, and I heard that the pronostic of the UDAL (Universidad de América Latina) was that we would return to presential classes to August. And I was so excited and happy, because of the way of the online classes I knew, and I hated them. In my point of view, I felt like I was working, not studying. I started to have stress and anxiety. I started to feel like a robot every day because every day all my teachers gave me activities to do inside and outside of class time, I had to comply with the schedule and orders. Every day I was doing few Jobs and activities but a little difficult because I did not understand them. And I had to look for videos or web pages that explained me more or less the new topics that I saw. My teachers were and are good at teaching, but in the classroom, not online. I could see the effort they made to teach us the topics. But all that effort was useless;
  • 71. because I learn by listening and observing what is happening. I don't learn only by listening. I need the action and the sound. I must confess that I didn’t get bad grades, but I did stress every day in front of the computer, cellphone or the tablet. At the beginning, inside my house. My family and I were comfortable with the idea of spending more time together. The first three months were good and enjoyable. Weeks later we started complaining about everything, literally. And it was in those moments where I began to eat too much. I ate for anxiety and unfortunately for stress. In the summer vacation of the last year, I wanted to go to Tlaxcala to stay with my uncles to calm down, but my parents didn’t want let me go. And my anxiety little by little turned into depression and the desire to die. The environment in my house was (and sometimes is) hard and heavy. And I'm not talking about domestic violence, (beatings). It's more about the fact that nothing interesting happens to us and (in my case), my parents think I'm never doing something when I am in online classes or when I am doing a project. I receive a lot of negative comments just because I am not available to help them with some things in the house. And that makes me sick, because I must do my activities, my homeworks, my projects and my life. And they don’t have empahy with me. But what they want is that I have empanthy with they... Right now, I believe that my daily life is less suffocating. My parents know my new Schedule. I have my internship in the morning and the afternoon my normal online classes. But the bad side (if there was a good one) is that the new model of taking classes is more stressing than ever. Because if you want pass the semester, you shouldn’t only get good grades and pay the tuition, you must have a good internet and (at least) a good electronic gadget (computer, cellphone or tablet). If you don’t have a good internet, the connection is horrible and probably you don’t understand the class. If you don’t have an electronic gadget, you definitely can’t have classes.
  • 72. Nobody was prepared, and we are still unprepared. This way of teaching is broken. As a student I don’t know a lot of things about the last two semesters. But I try to learn by watching videos on Youtube or reading in any website things I don´t know how to do. Believe me, I try it.
  • 73. Opinion on COVID My quarantine It all started on March 2020, my life was very boring and simple back then. The thing is this Covid 19 virus matter was a joke in the beginning. We heard the news about China´s problem with such virus and we didn’t believe this could happen in Mexico. I remember I was talking to my mother on the phone and she told me that she had seen on the news that classes were going to be suspended because Covid 19 was a global pandemic, at that moment I felt worried about my classes, because the exam week had started. So the next day I went to the university and the guard told me: “You can't go in, classes have been suspended because of the Covid 19 virus”. Then, I went back to my flat, called my mother and told her: “Mom classes were suspended”, after that, I bought my tickets to go back home and the next day I travelled to my home. When I got home my mother was very happy, because I hadn’t seen her in several months. So this is where it all starts, the teachers communicated with us through WhatsApp and the classes started on a platform called Classroom, from the beginning it was very stressful to have online classes, the topics were not explained very well and we had a lot of homework. I remember that I could not sleep well, every day I did homework, projects and activities for the university, I remember that those months were eternal, they were the worst, until one day we presented a complaint with the teachers and they reduced the homework. At the beginning we were hoping to come back in about two or three months, but this spread more than I expected, I saw many people die, some acquaintances and neighbours because of Covid virus. At first everyone thought it was a lie which came from the government, but when they saw friends and relatives getting sick and dying because of such virus, people became a bit more aware.
  • 74. Honestly the pandemic has affected all of us, it has affected the economy of our country and many people have been laid off from their jobs. Some people are going hungry and others are surviving. The pandemic has taught me to appreciate people, for example my family and friends. Currently, one year of quarantine has passed and I feel tired, stressed, annoyed, worried, because I am one year, five months away from finishing my degree in languages and honestly online learning has not been the same, I think I still have a lot to learn and a lot to study, I do not feel ready to take the next step. On the other hand, I feel blessed because thank God my family is in good health and my father has a job. I hope and wish that this year things will get better, that this year most people will be vaccinated, and we will go back to school with the necessary measures. LUIS FERNANDO SANTOS AGUILAR
  • 75. Traducción de ingles 2 My Quarantine Reflection Proyecto Alumna: Leyda Alejandra Velazco Fuentes Profesor: Bruno Armando de la Cruz Chuzeville 23/03/2021
  • 76. My life being quarantined More than a year ago, the world changed completely, people began to be very afraid, no one knew exactly what was going on, we only knew that a new illness was killing a lot of people. In my family, we listened and watched everything on the news. One day, exactly on March 13th 2020 Mexico entered mandatory quarantine, I remember we thought that everything would happen quickly, in the school everybody thought we would return in two weeks but obviously it wasn’t like that. In my family we were scared but at the same time we were calm following all the indications of the government Many people began to create rumours about how the virus had emerged or what it was, that makes them not want to follow the government's instructions that's why we must be very careful, my father works in a hospital maybe that helped us not to believe rumours. There were a lot of rumours for example, people say the virus doesn’t exist, and they say that everything was government’s invention that’s why many people don't follow the indications. In my family, we care my grandmom because she could be so vulnerable but that was like a challenge, she didn’t understand the problem, and one day my uncle got ill, and then she understood, now she is so much careful. I even have to mention that we thought that it would not happen to us because we were always careful, but we never know, fortunately he is fine now. Now we are used to having all the care that we should have, we try to have a “normal life” I hope we can all receive the vaccine soon to be safe But we also learned a lot this quarantine, we learned how important family time is, we realized how important it is to be close to the people we love. I think that after this we will all reflect on our way of living, I personally realized how important my family and friends are to me. I learned that I must appreciate very much every moment that I spend with any of them. I also spent much more time with my family, I can even say that we knew each other better and we learned much more from everyone
  • 77. Of course, I must not forget to mention how complicated was the economy of our country at the beginning of the quarantine, fortunately for my family it was not so much, but I could see that for other people close to me, that affected them a lot and not being able to know when it would end this problem made it even more difficult. Later we could even see the great world powers competing for who was going to save the world in the end, Russia was the one who was able to create first the anti Covid 19 vaccine, that's the new hope for the world, luckily the older adults in my family have already received it, the rest of us must wait a little longer At the end we must see the good side of all this, and know that when all this is over things will not return to be normal but at least we can hug the people we love again, and we will appreciate each moment much more, no matter how insignificant it seems. Anyway, let's hope that everything will happen soon and this will be just another chapter in our history, a really interesting story
  • 79. MY QUARANTINE What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear this word? Well, in my case, I remember when the spread of COVID-19 began, the news, newspapers, radio stations, even in schools people talked about it, we were afraid because it was presented as a global pandemic. We could not and should not leave the house except for the essential things like work. It was a sudden blow, this event stopped our lives in a second. I remember that the school authorities gave us a long weekend off for the birthday of “Benito Juárez”. I was in my hometown when we received the report from the university rector, telling us that we would not be able to return to classes for a few months, perhaps until this was brought under control? Until now, that time has not come, personally being locked up with my family has been very useful for me to mature, to give real importance to the things that deserve it and to leave aside the material desires, which can wait and what we don't live for. Like everything there are advantages and disadvantages, among the good things is that I spend more time with my parents, I learned to be even more responsible, dedicated and supportive. Among the bad things are the online school, which I hate with all my being because learning online is not the same, it is very difficult for me to concentrate, the computer makes my eyes tired, I get desperate and frustrated, there are subjects in the case of German that are not easy, and this makes it even harder, of course I do my own research but no, it will never be the same. As I like to buy my own things, I got a job as a dental assistant only at weekends, I like it and I've settled in, apart from that I learn a lot too, I just try to take care of myself because of the conditions in which we currently live. In my city there have been many people infected of Covid 19 and unfortunately dead, fortunately nobody in my family has perished, something for which I am grateful but it was painful to see how close friends of mine suffered because they lost a loved one, it's something you don't wish on anyone.
  • 80. I am glad that there are already vaccines against COVID and that the first to benefit are the elderly, as they are the most vulnerable. Although there will always be rumours, or I don't know how to call them, that many people are against this vaccine because they say that they are new, unsearched and not used in humans, but even to speak we have to be well informed. But as I don't live debating, I don't take it seriously, as I am more of the idea that everyone takes care of themselves because they can and want to, we all take our own responsibility. I really hope that one day soon, hopefully soon, this nightmare will be over, that we can once again feel free and safe to go out in the streets, enjoy our loved ones, the environment and, of course, recover the jobs of the people who lost them. May this virus leave us with a great experience, may it have taught us to live but above all to affirm that nothing lasts forever, that in the blink of an eye everything is over and when we least expect it.