international development poverty africa research development economics global development academia brazil bangladesh social protection economic development politics social policy university of manchester social assistance perú policy inequality climate change aid corruption poverty reduction state effectiveness department for international development environment welfare hydropower casid conference infrastructure finance lecture foreign aid mdgs sdgs government oil ghana governance china india esid climurb water resources tanzania cash transfers economic analysis dams ex-ante assessment water modelling simulation modelling modellling financing belt and road usa zimbabwe engineering water ha-joon chang learning cambridge oxfam populism housing tax micro finance inclusion digital new national planning nationaldevelopment national development planning iraq iran states agriculture regulations banking brexit economy trade education security military armed forces defence pharmaceutical united nations sustainable development global governance political economy malawi growth public sector political settlements uganda impact uptake blogging brooks world poverty institute university of manchester alumni democracy chronic poverty gdp life expectency exclusion media austerity informal settlements vulnerability sally cawood low-income settlements urban poverty natural resources brics supermarkets value chains food kenya dfid nairobi idpm youth mdgs; international development elderly older people ecosystem mdg millennium development goals
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