hopitaux morocco sante head of sustainable development idhammad hospital sustainable development hôpital a2ds ahmed idhammad green building energy audits our key achievements leadership ahmed energy efficiency chu marrakech changement climatique climate change carbon footprint maroc developpement durable primum non nocere effets sur la santé oms santé humaine immigration soigner sans nuire canicules vagues de chaleur inondations émissions du carbone energies renouvelables cop22 cop21 cop energie environnement university hospital key achievements resilience mitigation health care climate climate challenge procurement energy waste transportation of people overview of ghg emissions bilan carbone digital hospital timeline of sustainable development total health expenditure health system in morocco ghg reduction plan netherlands public procurement a.idhammad@gmail.com renewable energy: solar energy implementation moroccan health system drip irrigation network african healthcare system cleanmed cleanmedeurope training and awareness sustainable health systems sustainable development policy renewable energy healthcare climate empreinte carbone climat
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