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Iteracja po tablicach
$array = range(1, 5); // generuje tablicę z wartościami od 1 do 5
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;
/* wynik
0 => 1
1 => 2
2 => 3
3 => 4
4 => 5
Iteracja po tablicach –
              wewnętrzny kursor
$array = range(1, 5);
current($array); // 1
next($array); // 2
current($array); // 2
each($array); // array(2, 3)
end($array); // 5
current($array); // 5

while (list($key, $value) = each($array)) {
    echo $key .' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;
// 4 => 5
Iteracja po obiekcie
$object = new stdClass;
$object->key = 'value';
$object->key_2 = 'value_2';

foreach ($object as $key=>$value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;

// key => value
// key_2 => value_2
Iteracja po obiekcie – tylko
          właściwości publiczne
class foo {
    public $key = 'value';
    protected $key_2 = 'value_2';
    private $key_3 = 'value_3';
    static public $staticKey = 'value';
    static protected $staticKey_2 = 'value_2';
    static private $staticKey_3 = 'value_3';
$object = new foo;
foreach ($object as $key=>$value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;
// key => value
Zachowanie iteracji wg obiektu
class MyIterator implements Iterator {
private $_tab = array();
public function __construct(array $tab){
  $this->_tab = $tab;
public function current() {                     $object = new MyIterator(range(1,3));
  return current($this->_tab).'_MyIteration';   foreach ($object as $key=>$value) {
}                                                   echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;
public function next() {                        }
  next($this->_tab);                            // rewind
}                                               // check_valid
public function key() {                         // 0 => 1_MyIteration
  return key($this->_tab);                      // check_valid
}                                               // 1 => 2_MyIteration
public function valid() {                       // check_valid
  echo 'check_valid' . PHP_EOL;                 // 2 => 3_MyIteration
  return key($this->_tab) !== null;             // check_valid
public function rewind() {
  echo 'rewind' . PHP_EOL;
Iterator, IteratorAggregate oraz
interface Iterator implements Traversable {

     // definicja interfejsu


interface IteratorAggregate implements Traversable {

     // definicja interfejsu


     Grupuje dwa rodzaje iteratorów w jedno
     Nie może być implementowany bez Iteratora lub IteratorAggregate
Traversable jako typowany
function foo(Traversable $object) {

class Foo implements IteratorAggregate {
    public function getIterator() {
        return new EmptyIterator();

foo(new ArrayIterator()); // przykładowa implementacja Iterator
foo(new Foo()); // implementacja IteratorAggregate
Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator?
    Uzyskanie całkowitej kontroli nad zwracanymi
    Definiowanie własnych ścieżek poruszania po danych
    Generowanie danych
Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator?
class PaginationIterator implements Iterator {
// definicja prywatnych właściwości
public function __construct($entriesLength, $entriesPerPage = 20, $activePage = 1) {
    $this->_entriesLength = (int)$entriesLength;
    $this->_entriesPerPage = (int)$entriesPerPage;
    $this->_activePage = (int)$activePage;
    $this->_maxPages = (int)ceil($this->_entriesLength / $this->_entriesPerPage);
public function current() {
    $object = new stdClass();
    $key = $this->_iterationIndex;
    $object->page = $key + 1;
    $object->isActive = $key === ($this->_activePage - 1);
    return $object;
public function next() { $this->_iterationIndex++; }
public function key() { return $this->_iterationIndex; }
public function valid() { return $this->_iterationIndex < $this->_maxPages; }
public function rewind() { $this->_iterationIndex = 0; }
Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator?

$iterator = new PaginationIterator(100, 30, 1);
foreach ($iterator as $page) {
    echo 'Page: '.$page->page;
    echo ' isActive: '.var_export($page->isActive, true).PHP_EOL;

//   Page:   1   isActive:   true
//   Page:   2   isActive:   false
//   Page:   3   isActive:   false
//   Page:   4   isActive:   false
Kiedy używać interfejsu
    Szybkie zwrócenie danych do iteracji
    Idealne we wszelkiego rodzaju klasach
    agregujących listy wartości
    Brak konieczności obróbki danych
Kiedy używać interfejsu

class Form implements IteratorAggregate {
    private $_elements = array();

    public function addElement(FormElement $element) {
        $this->_elements[] = $element;

    public function getIterator() {
        return new ArrayIterator($this->_elements);

class FormElement {
    public function __construct($type, $name) {
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->name = $name;
Kiedy używać interfejsu

$form = new Form();
$form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name'));
$form->addElement(new FormElement('test', 'surname'));

foreach ($form as $element) {
    echo 'Type: '.$element->type;
    echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL;

// Type: text Name: name
// Type: test Name: surname
SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy
$iterator = new ArrayIterator(range(1, 5));
$seekAlready = false;

foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;

      if (!$seekAlready && $key === 3) {
          $seekAlready = true;
          echo 'seek'.PHP_EOL;
//   0 =>   1
//   1 =>   2
//   2 =>   3
//   3 =>   4
//   seek
//   2 =>   3
//   3 =>   4
//   4 =>   5
SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy
$iterator = new AppendIterator();
$iterator->append(new ArrayIterator(range(1, 2)));
$iterator->append(new ArrayIterator(range(3, 6)));

foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.' : ';
    echo $iterator->getInnerIterator()->count().PHP_EOL;

//   0   =>   1   :   2
//   1   =>   2   :   2
//   0   =>   3   :   4
//   1   =>   4   :   4
//   2   =>   5   :   4
//   3   =>   6   :   4
SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy
$array = array( 1, 2,
    array(3, 4, 5)
$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($array);
foreach ($iterator as $key=>$value) {
    if ($iterator->hasChildren()) {
        echo 'children'.PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($iterator->getChildren() as $key => $value) {
             echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo 'no children'.PHP_EOL;

//   no children
//   no children
//   children
//   0 => 3
//   1 => 4
//   2 => 5
SPL – ArrayIterator
●   Wszystkie możliwości sortowania (natsort,
    usort, ksort)
●   Dostęp do wartości za pomocą []
●   Zliczanie ilości elementów
●   Dodawanie kolejnych elementów
●   Serializacja, deserializacja
SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator
●   Iteruje rekursywnie po RecursiveIterator
●   Niezwykle potężne narzędzie do obsługi
    struktur drzewiastych oraz wszelkich
●   3 tryby iteracji
    ●   SELF_FIRST
SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator
$array = array(
    1, 2,
    array(3, 4,
         array( 5,
              array(6, 7)
         , 8)
    , 9)
// domyślnie RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY
$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($array);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator);
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.' : ';
    echo $iterator->getDepth().PHP_EOL;

//   0   =>   1   :   0
//   1   =>   2   :   0
//   0   =>   3   :   1
//   1   =>   4   :   1
//   0   =>   5   :   2
//   0   =>   6   :   3
//   1   =>   7   :   3
//   2   =>   8   :   2
//   3   =>   9   :   1
SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator

// LEAVES_ONLY            // SELF_FIRST             // CHILD_FIRST

//   0   =>   1   :   0   //   0   =>   1 : 0       //   0   =>   1 : 0
//   1   =>   2   :   0   //   1   =>   2 : 0       //   1   =>   2 : 0
//   0   =>   3   :   1   //   2   =>   Array : 0   //   0   =>   3 : 1
//   1   =>   4   :   1   //   0   =>   3 : 1       //   1   =>   4 : 1
//   0   =>   5   :   2   //   1   =>   4 : 1       //   0   =>   5 : 2
//   0   =>   6   :   3   //   2   =>   Array : 1   //   0   =>   6 : 3
//   1   =>   7   :   3   //   0   =>   5 : 2       //   1   =>   7 : 3
//   2   =>   8   :   2   //   1   =>   Array : 2   //   1   =>   Array : 2
//   3   =>   9   :   1   //   0   =>   6 : 3       //   2   =>   8 : 2
                          //   1   =>   7 : 3       //   2   =>   Array : 1
                          //   2   =>   8 : 2       //   3   =>   9 : 1
                          //   3   =>   9 : 1       //   2   =>   Array : 0
SPL – CallbackFilterIterator –
              od PHP 5.4

class CallbackFilterIterator extends FilterIterator {
    private $_callback;
    public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, Closure $callback) {
        $this->_callback = $callback;

    public function accept() {
        return call_user_func(
SPL – CallbackFilterIterator
class Form implements IteratorAggregate {
    public function getElementsByType($type) {
        return new CallbackFilterIterator(
             function($element) use ($type) {
                 return $type === $element->type;

$form = new Form();
$form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name'));
$form->addElement(new FormElement('number', 'age'));
$form->addElement(new FormELement('range', 'weight'));

foreach ($form->getElementsByType('text') as $element) {
    echo 'Type: '.$element->type;
    echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL;

// Type: text Name: name
SPL - AppendIterator

$form = new Form();
$form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name'));
$form->addElement(new FormElement('number', 'age'));
$form->addElement(new FormELement('range', 'weight'));

$iterator = new AppendIterator();

foreach ($iterator as $element) {
echo 'Type: '.$element->type;
echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL;

// Type: text Name: name
// Type: range Name: weight
SPL - DirectoryIterator
●    Rozszerza SplFileInfo – cała masa
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator('some_dir');
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
    echo $file->getPathName().PHP_EOL;

//   some_dir.
//   some_dir..
//   some_dirtest_file.txt
//   some_dirtest_file_2.txt
SPL - RegexIterator
$array = array(
    'Jabłko', 'Banan', 'Ananas', 'Wiśnia', 'Arbuz'
$iterator = new ArrayIterator($array);
$iterator = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/nas?/i');
foreach ($iterator as $string) {
    echo $string.PHP_EOL;

// Banan
// Ananas

 ●   Jest w stanie wykonywać replace, split
Wespół w zespół –
       przeszukiwanie katalogów
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('PHPUnit/Extensions');
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator);
$iterator = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/_coverage/i');
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
    echo $file->getPathName();

// PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/phpunit_coverage.php
SPL – InfiniteIterator – Tasks
class TaskDownloader extends ArrayIterator {
    public function __construct() {
        // lock constructor
    public function rewind() {
        $iteration = 0;
        do {
             $tasks = $this->fetch();
             if ($iteration > 0) {
        } while ($tasks === array());
    public function fetch() {
        // fetch tasks from tasks repository

$iterator = new InfiniteIterator(new TaskDownloader());
foreach ($iterator as $task) {
    echo $task;
Iteratory oszczędzają pamięć

    Nie potrzebują wszystkich danych od
    samego początku
    Są w stanie generować, pobierać dane
Pobieranie dużej ilości rekordów
class PDODataPartition extends Iterator {
    public function rewind() {
        $this->_position = 0;
    public function valid() {
        if (isset($this->_data[$this->_position])) { return true; }
        if ($this->_position < $this->_partitionSize) { return false; }
        if ($this->_loadPartition(++$this->_partitionNum)) {
            $this->_position = 0;
            return true;
        return false;
    protected function _loadPartition($numOfPartition) {
        $this->_partitionNum = (int)$numOfPartition;
        $query = $this->_getPartitionQuery();
        $stmt = $this->_pdo->query($query);
        if ($stmt) { $this->_data = $stmt->fetchAll(); }
        return (bool)$this->_data;
    protected function _getPartitionQuery() {
        $offset = $this->_partitionNum * $this->_partitionSize;
        $limit = $this->_partitionSize;
        return $this->_query.' LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset;
Pobieranie dużej ilości rekordów
$records = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM tabela')->fetchAll();
foreach ($records as $record) {}
// vs

$iterator = new PDODataPartition($pdo, 'SELECT * FROM tabela', 1000);
foreach ($iterator as $record) {}

                              PDO         PDODataPartition
                 Pamięć 562 552         25 896
                    Czas 0,231 s        0,930 s

Iterator w php 5.4 - Trait

trait IteratorTrait {
    protected $_data = array();
    public function next() { next($this->_data); }
    public function current() { return current($this->_data); }
    public function valid() { return key($this->_data) !== null; }
    public function key() { return key($this->_data); }
    public function rewind() { reset($this->_data); }

class SomeOtherClass { }

class TestIterator extends SomeOtherClass implements Iterator {
    use IteratorTrait;
    public function __construct(array $data) { $this->_data = &$data; }

$o = new TestIterator(range(1, 5));
foreach ($o as $key => $value) {
    echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL;

Łukasz Kużyński
Twitter: @wookiebpl

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  • 2. Iteracja po tablicach $array = range(1, 5); // generuje tablicę z wartościami od 1 do 5 foreach ($array as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; } /* wynik 0 => 1 1 => 2 2 => 3 3 => 4 4 => 5 */
  • 3. Iteracja po tablicach – wewnętrzny kursor $array = range(1, 5); current($array); // 1 next($array); // 2 current($array); // 2 next($array); each($array); // array(2, 3) end($array); // 5 current($array); // 5 while (list($key, $value) = each($array)) { echo $key .' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; } // 4 => 5
  • 4. Iteracja po obiekcie $object = new stdClass; $object->key = 'value'; $object->key_2 = 'value_2'; foreach ($object as $key=>$value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; } // key => value // key_2 => value_2
  • 5. Iteracja po obiekcie – tylko właściwości publiczne class foo { public $key = 'value'; protected $key_2 = 'value_2'; private $key_3 = 'value_3'; static public $staticKey = 'value'; static protected $staticKey_2 = 'value_2'; static private $staticKey_3 = 'value_3'; } $object = new foo; foreach ($object as $key=>$value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; } // key => value
  • 6. Zachowanie iteracji wg obiektu class MyIterator implements Iterator { private $_tab = array(); public function __construct(array $tab){ $this->_tab = $tab; } public function current() { $object = new MyIterator(range(1,3)); return current($this->_tab).'_MyIteration'; foreach ($object as $key=>$value) { } echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; public function next() { } next($this->_tab); // rewind } // check_valid public function key() { // 0 => 1_MyIteration return key($this->_tab); // check_valid } // 1 => 2_MyIteration public function valid() { // check_valid echo 'check_valid' . PHP_EOL; // 2 => 3_MyIteration return key($this->_tab) !== null; // check_valid } public function rewind() { echo 'rewind' . PHP_EOL; reset($this->_tab); } }
  • 7. Iterator, IteratorAggregate oraz Traversable interface Iterator implements Traversable { // definicja interfejsu } interface IteratorAggregate implements Traversable { // definicja interfejsu } • Grupuje dwa rodzaje iteratorów w jedno • Nie może być implementowany bez Iteratora lub IteratorAggregate
  • 8. Traversable jako typowany argument function foo(Traversable $object) { } class Foo implements IteratorAggregate { public function getIterator() { return new EmptyIterator(); } } foo(new ArrayIterator()); // przykładowa implementacja Iterator foo(new Foo()); // implementacja IteratorAggregate
  • 9. Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator? ● Uzyskanie całkowitej kontroli nad zwracanymi wartościami ● Definiowanie własnych ścieżek poruszania po danych ● Generowanie danych
  • 10. Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator? class PaginationIterator implements Iterator { // definicja prywatnych właściwości public function __construct($entriesLength, $entriesPerPage = 20, $activePage = 1) { $this->_entriesLength = (int)$entriesLength; $this->_entriesPerPage = (int)$entriesPerPage; $this->_activePage = (int)$activePage; $this->_maxPages = (int)ceil($this->_entriesLength / $this->_entriesPerPage); } public function current() { $object = new stdClass(); $key = $this->_iterationIndex; $object->page = $key + 1; $object->isActive = $key === ($this->_activePage - 1); return $object; } public function next() { $this->_iterationIndex++; } public function key() { return $this->_iterationIndex; } public function valid() { return $this->_iterationIndex < $this->_maxPages; } public function rewind() { $this->_iterationIndex = 0; } }
  • 11. Kiedy używać interfejsu Iterator? $iterator = new PaginationIterator(100, 30, 1); foreach ($iterator as $page) { echo 'Page: '.$page->page; echo ' isActive: '.var_export($page->isActive, true).PHP_EOL; } // Page: 1 isActive: true // Page: 2 isActive: false // Page: 3 isActive: false // Page: 4 isActive: false
  • 12. Kiedy używać interfejsu IteratorAggregate? ● Szybkie zwrócenie danych do iteracji ● Idealne we wszelkiego rodzaju klasach agregujących listy wartości ● Brak konieczności obróbki danych
  • 13. Kiedy używać interfejsu IteratorAggregate? class Form implements IteratorAggregate { private $_elements = array(); public function addElement(FormElement $element) { $this->_elements[] = $element; } public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->_elements); } } class FormElement { public function __construct($type, $name) { $this->type = $type; $this->name = $name; } }
  • 14. Kiedy używać interfejsu IteratorAggregate? $form = new Form(); $form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name')); $form->addElement(new FormElement('test', 'surname')); foreach ($form as $element) { echo 'Type: '.$element->type; echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL; } // Type: text Name: name // Type: test Name: surname
  • 15. SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy iteratorów SeekableIterator $iterator = new ArrayIterator(range(1, 5)); $seekAlready = false; foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; if (!$seekAlready && $key === 3) { $iterator->seek(1); $seekAlready = true; echo 'seek'.PHP_EOL; } } // 0 => 1 // 1 => 2 // 2 => 3 // 3 => 4 // seek // 2 => 3 // 3 => 4 // 4 => 5
  • 16. SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy iteratorów OuterIterator $iterator = new AppendIterator(); $iterator->append(new ArrayIterator(range(1, 2))); $iterator->append(new ArrayIterator(range(3, 6))); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.' : '; echo $iterator->getInnerIterator()->count().PHP_EOL; } // 0 => 1 : 2 // 1 => 2 : 2 // 0 => 3 : 4 // 1 => 4 : 4 // 2 => 5 : 4 // 3 => 6 : 4
  • 17. SPL – Dodatkowe interfejsy iteratorów RecursiveIterator $array = array( 1, 2, array(3, 4, 5) ); $iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($array); foreach ($iterator as $key=>$value) { if ($iterator->hasChildren()) { echo 'children'.PHP_EOL; foreach ($iterator->getChildren() as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; } } else { echo 'no children'.PHP_EOL; } } // no children // no children // children // 0 => 3 // 1 => 4 // 2 => 5
  • 18. SPL – ArrayIterator ● Wszystkie możliwości sortowania (natsort, usort, ksort) ● Dostęp do wartości za pomocą [] ● Zliczanie ilości elementów ● Dodawanie kolejnych elementów ● Serializacja, deserializacja
  • 19. SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator ● Iteruje rekursywnie po RecursiveIterator ● Niezwykle potężne narzędzie do obsługi struktur drzewiastych oraz wszelkich zagnieżdżeń ● 3 tryby iteracji ● LEAVES_ONLY ● SELF_FIRST ● CHILD_FIRST
  • 20. SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator $array = array( 1, 2, array(3, 4, array( 5, array(6, 7) , 8) , 9) ); // domyślnie RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY $iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($array); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.' : '; echo $iterator->getDepth().PHP_EOL; } // 0 => 1 : 0 // 1 => 2 : 0 // 0 => 3 : 1 // 1 => 4 : 1 // 0 => 5 : 2 // 0 => 6 : 3 // 1 => 7 : 3 // 2 => 8 : 2 // 3 => 9 : 1
  • 21. SPL – RecursiveIteratorIterator // LEAVES_ONLY // SELF_FIRST // CHILD_FIRST // 0 => 1 : 0 // 0 => 1 : 0 // 0 => 1 : 0 // 1 => 2 : 0 // 1 => 2 : 0 // 1 => 2 : 0 // 0 => 3 : 1 // 2 => Array : 0 // 0 => 3 : 1 // 1 => 4 : 1 // 0 => 3 : 1 // 1 => 4 : 1 // 0 => 5 : 2 // 1 => 4 : 1 // 0 => 5 : 2 // 0 => 6 : 3 // 2 => Array : 1 // 0 => 6 : 3 // 1 => 7 : 3 // 0 => 5 : 2 // 1 => 7 : 3 // 2 => 8 : 2 // 1 => Array : 2 // 1 => Array : 2 // 3 => 9 : 1 // 0 => 6 : 3 // 2 => 8 : 2 // 1 => 7 : 3 // 2 => Array : 1 // 2 => 8 : 2 // 3 => 9 : 1 // 3 => 9 : 1 // 2 => Array : 0
  • 22. SPL – CallbackFilterIterator – od PHP 5.4 class CallbackFilterIterator extends FilterIterator { private $_callback; public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, Closure $callback) { parent::__construct($iterator); $this->_callback = $callback; } public function accept() { return call_user_func( $this->_callback, $this->current(), $this->key(), $this->getInnerIterator()); } }
  • 23. SPL – CallbackFilterIterator class Form implements IteratorAggregate { public function getElementsByType($type) { return new CallbackFilterIterator( $this->getIterator(), function($element) use ($type) { return $type === $element->type; }); } } $form = new Form(); $form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name')); $form->addElement(new FormElement('number', 'age')); $form->addElement(new FormELement('range', 'weight')); foreach ($form->getElementsByType('text') as $element) { echo 'Type: '.$element->type; echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL; } // Type: text Name: name
  • 24. SPL - AppendIterator $form = new Form(); $form->addElement(new FormElement('text', 'name')); $form->addElement(new FormElement('number', 'age')); $form->addElement(new FormELement('range', 'weight')); $iterator = new AppendIterator(); $iterator->append($form->getElementsByType('text')); $iterator->append($form->getElementsByType('range')); foreach ($iterator as $element) { echo 'Type: '.$element->type; echo ' Name: '.$element->name.PHP_EOL; } // Type: text Name: name // Type: range Name: weight
  • 25. SPL - DirectoryIterator ● Rozszerza SplFileInfo – cała masa dobrodziejstw $iterator = new DirectoryIterator('some_dir'); foreach ($iterator as $file) { echo $file->getPathName().PHP_EOL; } // some_dir. // some_dir.. // some_dirtest_file.txt // some_dirtest_file_2.txt
  • 26. SPL - RegexIterator $array = array( 'Jabłko', 'Banan', 'Ananas', 'Wiśnia', 'Arbuz' ); $iterator = new ArrayIterator($array); $iterator = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/nas?/i'); foreach ($iterator as $string) { echo $string.PHP_EOL; } // Banan // Ananas ● Jest w stanie wykonywać replace, split
  • 27. Wespół w zespół – przeszukiwanie katalogów $iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('PHPUnit/Extensions'); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator); $iterator = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/_coverage/i'); foreach ($iterator as $file) { echo $file->getPathName(); } // PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/phpunit_coverage.php
  • 28. SPL – InfiniteIterator – Tasks class TaskDownloader extends ArrayIterator { public function __construct() { // lock constructor } public function rewind() { $iteration = 0; do { $tasks = $this->fetch(); if ($iteration > 0) { usleep(1000); } $iteration++; } while ($tasks === array()); parent::__construct($tasks); } public function fetch() { // fetch tasks from tasks repository } } $iterator = new InfiniteIterator(new TaskDownloader()); foreach ($iterator as $task) { echo $task; }
  • 29. Iteratory oszczędzają pamięć ● Nie potrzebują wszystkich danych od samego początku ● Są w stanie generować, pobierać dane
  • 30. Pobieranie dużej ilości rekordów class PDODataPartition extends Iterator { public function rewind() { $this->_loadPartition(0); $this->_position = 0; } public function valid() { if (isset($this->_data[$this->_position])) { return true; } if ($this->_position < $this->_partitionSize) { return false; } if ($this->_loadPartition(++$this->_partitionNum)) { $this->_position = 0; return true; } return false; } protected function _loadPartition($numOfPartition) { $this->_partitionNum = (int)$numOfPartition; $query = $this->_getPartitionQuery(); $stmt = $this->_pdo->query($query); if ($stmt) { $this->_data = $stmt->fetchAll(); } return (bool)$this->_data; } protected function _getPartitionQuery() { $offset = $this->_partitionNum * $this->_partitionSize; $limit = $this->_partitionSize; return $this->_query.' LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset; } }
  • 31. Pobieranie dużej ilości rekordów $records = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM tabela')->fetchAll(); foreach ($records as $record) {} // vs $iterator = new PDODataPartition($pdo, 'SELECT * FROM tabela', 1000); foreach ($iterator as $record) {} PDO PDODataPartition Pamięć 562 552 25 896 Czas 0,231 s 0,930 s Więcej:
  • 32. Iterator w php 5.4 - Trait trait IteratorTrait { protected $_data = array(); public function next() { next($this->_data); } public function current() { return current($this->_data); } public function valid() { return key($this->_data) !== null; } public function key() { return key($this->_data); } public function rewind() { reset($this->_data); } } class SomeOtherClass { } class TestIterator extends SomeOtherClass implements Iterator { use IteratorTrait; public function __construct(array $data) { $this->_data = &$data; } } $o = new TestIterator(range(1, 5)); foreach ($o as $key => $value) { echo $key.' => '.$value.PHP_EOL; }
  • 33. Kontakt Łukasz Kużyński Twitter: @wookiebpl www: FB: