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agile lean waste flow agile software development lean startup scrum impediments lead time cycle time teams waste management management kaizen continuous improvement user story jazz leadership lean product development throughput organization flow kanban value stream portfolio management value network organizational change organization performance retrospectives team performance intrapreneur agile development challenges silent grouping definition of ready theatre detox coin stonewalling contempt toxic behavior defensiveness blame orsc complexity managment sense making impediment deep democracy strategy cynefin a3 sensemaking human systems dynamics cde counsellor hands-on expert partner coach facilitator modeller teacher dynamics principles consulting coaching scrum gathering research software engineering reaction pdca pdsa cumulative flow reaction time visibility software organisation velocity transparency insight organisation capacity velocity capacity failure demand technical debt barriers obstacles organisation lean canvas entrepreneur innovation business model canvas minimum viable product change entrepreneurship pivot organisation change organizations business model backlog grooming definition of estimation daily stand up wip limits batch size customer development team individual manager solutions enterprise muda less2011 product owner relative sizing points planning poker definition of done sprint organization patterns artful making metaphors stakeholders refactoring organization design stakeholder management arts publishing music driving gardening software development newspaper metaphor
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