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FBConnection: Chronicle
                                                        Helping people connect to God . . .
     Special                                                   . . . and discover His purpose for their lives!

    Points of
    Interest        V o l u m e   3 ,   I s s u e   6                             N o v    /   D e c   2 0 0 9

•    GriefShare

•    Home for
     the Holidays

•    Image

•    The
     Splendor of

•    Survey Says

•    Christmas

•    Operation

•    CAT ‘n
Page 2                FBConnection Chronicle: A ministry information publication
                       Published by:   First Baptist Church
                                           9280 Maple Avenue / Hesperia, CA 92345           1-760-244-4109
                                           Editor: Robin Y. Martin

                       Pastoral Staff                                                Support Staff
                             Wayne Stockstill, Senior Pastor                          Preschool Ministry Staff
                             (ext. 108) /                                  Maygan Bartosh
                             Richard Spring, Pastor of Church Development               Gail Barwise
                             (ext. 104) /                              Emily Isaccs
                                                                                        Cherish Kangas
                             Robert Grissom, Pastor of Administration                   Sharon Perry
                             (ext. 105) /                             Sarah Sanders
                             Brian Kaiser, Pastor of Worship Arts                     Children’s Ministry Leadership Team
                             (ext. 107) /                              Dawna Avery
                             Jim and Wanda Mole, Directors of Student Ministry          Stacy Padgett
Staff                        (ext. 201) /                              Student Ministry Leadership Team
 Pastoral                    Sherry Cleveland, Director of Children’s Ministry           Dawna Avery
                             (leave messages at ext. 106) /            Reba Champoux
 Administrative                                                                          Nathan Freeman
                             Brandy Smith, Director of Preschool Ministry                Fidel Gonzales
 Support                     (ext. 120) /                             Ron and Carolyn Heyward
                             Bill Trott, Pastor of Hospital Visitation Ministry          Odena Jones
                             (leave messages at ext. 106) /         Brenda Kraus
                                                                                         Dave and Cheryl Olson
                       Administrative Staff                                              Stacy Padgett
                             Richard Amos, Facilities Manager                            Jeannie Rash
                             (ext. 102) /                                 Lance Way

                             Lucy Flood, Accountant                                   Computer Network Ministry Team
                             (ext. 101) /                               Sammy Martin, Systems Administrator
                                                                                        Fidel Gonzales, Webmaster
                             Doris Groveunder, Financial Secretary
                             (ext. 103) /                        Audio/Visual Ministry Team
                                                                                        Richard Amos
                             Claudia Kingston, Executive Secretary                      David Anderson
     “He who                 (ext. 106) /                            Travis Dickerson
      has not                Robin Martin, Data-Graphics-Publications Manager
                             (ext. 100) /
                                                                                        El Kingston
                                                                                        Robin Martin
    Christmas                Ron Murphy, Audio/Visual Coordinator
                                                                                        Sammy Martin
                                                                                        Roger Sanders
   in his heart              (leave messages at ext. 106) /
                                                                                      Custodial Staff
                             June Warwick, Special Events                               Ted Holmes
    will never               (leave messages at ext. 106) /        Russell James
      find it                                                                           Darron Price
                                                                                        Glenn Trowbridge
  under a tree.”
     —- Roy L. Smith

                       FBCH Ministry Contacts
                               Baptism Assistance Ministry: Judy Cutright
                               Deacon Ministry: Duane Thompson
                               Guest Services Ministry
                                      Greeters: Arceal Morgan
                                      Ushers: David Johnson
                                                                                      after all,
                               Harmony Ministry: DeWayne Williams
                               Kitchen Ministry:, Ron and Julie Murphy
                                                                                    is a word of
                               Library Ministry: Ann Bender
                               Men’s Ministry: Mike Lemons
                                                 Glenn Trowbridge
                               MOPS Ministry: Susan Esterline
                               Sewing Ministry: Arceal Morgan                                                —- W. J. Cameron
                               Women’s Ministry: Lynda Kaiser
                               YACS: Odena Jones

     FBConnection: Chronicle
Volume 3, Issue 6                                                                                                                        Page 3

                                             When shall we all learn
                                           that the good news needs the
                                             telling, and that all men
                                                  need to know it?
   Comings and Goings . . . . . . . . .

                                                                          Church Members
                                          % Peter Teuis
                                                                                     Mildred Coffey

                                                                                        John McKown

                                          %   Barbara Auw
                                                                          Family Members
                                          %   Michael Auw
                                                                          •   Father of Carl Brewster
                                          %   Betty Canez
                                                                          •   Father of Carlos Briceno
                                                                                                                Life is real!
                                          %   Rey Canez                   •   Mother of Barbara Flood           Life is earnest!
                                          %   Lucio Hernandez             •   Mother of Patty Jones
                                          %   Raquel Hernandez            •   Sister of Bob Kindaid             And the grave is
                                          %   Sally Ann Herrick           •   Mother of Claudia Kingston        not its goal;
                                                                          •   Son of Tom Smillie
                                          %   Elizabeth Lopez
                                          %   Samuel Lopez
                                                                                                                Dust thou art,
                                          %   Valeeta Wilson                                                    to dust returnest,
                                                                                                                Was not spoken
                                                                                                                of the soul.
                                                                                                                                    —- unknown—-
                                                                                                                           Taken from Apples of Gold
                                            Life and Death                           help
                                                                                                                                complied by Jo Petty

                                               are parts of                           for
                                             the same great                            hurt
                                           Do not fear to die
                                           and do not shrink
                                          from the joy of life.           Grief Share is a nondenominational group and features
                                                                          biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. You are
                                                   —- unknown —-
                                                                          welcome to begin attending the Grief Share group of FBCH
                                              Taken from Apples of Gold
                                                                          at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have
                                                 complied by Jo Petty
                                                                          to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and
                                                                          help whenever you begin. For more information about Grief
                                                                          Share at FBCH, please contact Judy Gleason.
Page 4

                                                                         November 14th
                                                                        9:00 am - 2:30 pm
                                                                              Cost: $6.50

For more information about this event, contact June Warwick.
Volume 3, Issue 6                                                                          Page 5

   I look forward with great anticipation to      On December 27th we will all come
   our Thanksgiving-Christmas season this         together in a Celebration of our Lord’s
   year. We will once again be sharing in the     Birth through a joint worship experience
   Operation Christmas Child ministry.            at 10:00 am. That will be the only worship
   Remember the shoe boxes for needy              service for that day. There will be no
   children around the world? All boxes           Sunday School, no discipleship, or any
   brought in by November 15th                                   other ministry activities
   will be delivered to Operation                                conducted on that day.
   Christmas Child.     All boxes
   brought in after November 15th                                 Johnny Hall, from Muslim
   will be delivered to Tijuana,                                  Bible Day Organization,
   Mexico, by our local missions                                  will be with us for a
   team.                                                          musical concert that day.
   On November 22nd we will have                                  All who have heard him
   our Thanksgiving Worship                                       the several times he has
                                                                  been here in the past have

   Celebration during the evening
                                                                  loved him. If this will be
   worship hour. A number of our
                                                                  your first time to hear him,
   own people will be bringing
                                                                  you will find his musical
   their reasons for thanks to God.
                                                                  gift and love for the Lord

   Formerly, we have had this
                                                                  exciting and refreshing.
   service on the Wednesday
   evening before Thanksgiving
                                                                  December 27th will also be
   Thursday. However, so many of
                                                                  our Missions Ingathering

   our folks have requested that
   time for preparation of their                                  Day. Plan to have your
   own family Thanksgiving                                        offering for missions ready
   celebration, we decided to try                                 for that day.

   this approach this year.
   Starting on November 29th we
   will begin our celebration of the
                                                                     The Church does not
   Purpose of Christmas.       Here
   is the preaching schedule for the                                superstitiously observe
   five Sundays of the Christmas                                   days, merely as days, but
   season:                                                        as memorials of important
   November 29th —-                                               facts. Christmas might be
   Celebration (Pastor Wayne Stockstill)                          kept as well upon one day
   December 6th —-                                                of the year as another; but
   Salvation (Pastor Richard Spring)
                                                                    there should be a stated
   December 13th —-                                                day for commemorating
   Reconciliation (Pastor Wayne Stockstill)
                                                   the birth of our Saviour, because there is
   December 20th —-
                                                  danger that what may be done on any day,
   Infiltration (Rick Curtis, DOM of HDBA)
                                                              will be neglected.
   December 27th —-
                                                                             ~~~Samuel Johnson
   Commemoration (Pastor Wayne Stockstill)
Page 6

                                                                                           When I was young my parents
                                                                                           belonged to a “River Rafting
                                                                                           Club”. It was exciting and scary
                                                                                           all at the same time! I remember
                                                                                           feeling out of control and not
   Brandy Smith                                                                            liking the unpredictability of the
                                                                                           river. I also remember enduring
                                                                                           these adventures because my dad
                                                                                           loved it and I wanted to be close
                                                                                           with my dad so, I did it.
                                                                                           Parenting a child is much like a
                                                                                           ride down the rapids. When you
                                                                                           decide to embark on a white-
                                                                                           water rafting adventure, first you
must go through some very concentrated training. In river school, you will read the manual, sign it, agreeing to follow all
the rules. For many these will provide a sense of security, for others however, it is nothing more than “suggestions”; rules
do not really hem them in. Managing conflict between “rule-followers and rule-breakers” is crucial to a safe trip. The
guides will attempt to teach you everything you will need to know if things suddenly go terribly wrong.
 When you first get into the raft, the surrounding beauty mesmerizes you so that you almost do not notice what is ahead
of you. You can quickly forget that you have just placed yourself in the path of an unimaginable challenge. Of course,
you have a life preserver securely attached to your torso and have been strategically placed within the raft to experience
the maximum amount of exhilaration and thrill that one could encounter. The guide’s job is to let you fully experience
the wonder of the rapids that surround you, and keep everyone safe while doing it.
 The waters are peaceful at first; so much so, that you almost do not notice the subtle changes taking place. Soon, you are
aware that the rapids are moving at a much faster pace and intensifying by the minute. Now, you begin to realize that
you have entered turbulent waters, otherwise known as “transitions”. These huge rapids do not follow a particular
pattern; they may swirl back and forth and then jump back into a pool just too suddenly thrust you forward again. From
here, you will almost immediately encounter the most intense and dangerous waters of the river. These rapids will shock
you and make you wish you were still on shore.
Navigating these waters takes precise skill and a great deal of experience. They present both problems and challenges that
will require either a passive or an aggressive approach. The guide will shout to you and instruct what you are to do.
Though the people in the boat must work together, either answers or questions will arise. Although, some decisions are
made in advance, others must be made quickly! The ability to strike this delicate balance will determine whether you
build strong bonds of trust or breed mistrust as you travel down the river. Though you may feel terrified and uncertain
about what to expect, the goal here is to have fun and stay in the boat. I say this not to imply that being a parent is or
should be a fearful experience, but to simply illustrate the spontaneously changing currents experienced when
navigating through relationships with our children.
I became a mother on April 27, 1991 when I gave birth to my daughter Katharine Dayna. We were amazed at her beauty
and completely taken with our new daughter. Like most new parents, we had gathered all the information we could
about becoming parents, but as we all know, nothing really prepares you until you have a child of your own. We had
decided I would leave my fulltime teaching position and become a fulltime mom. I chose to nurse my new baby because
it was the most natural thing to do, or so I thought. However, little did I know that your baby could become what I like to
refer to affectionately as a nurse-a-holic baby!
My precious baby turned me into a 24 hour service station! I nursed everywhere and anywhere. Side streets, parking
lots and yes, even restrooms! She would cry until she almost passed out unless I nursed her. The valve in her stomach
was not fully developed so she consequently threw-up most of what she took in. I nursed in 5 minute increments,
burping in between hoping she would be able to keep it down. I kept a small closet in my diaper bag/car because it was
inevitable she would cover me every time. I learned very quickly to plan for the unexpected.
As Katie got older, I quickly began to realize I had a very smart little girl. She had an adventurous spirit, funny
personality and was quite determined to do things on her own. It was common for books to accompany her while potty
training, especially her favorite, “Dobson’s Strong-willed Child”. Katie often exhibited behavior that would cause even
the most intuitive parent to scratch their head in disbelief; once, she removed her panties, tinkled on the bedroom floor,
cleaned herself up and blamed it on her brother, who was 12 months old, and in diapers! It took me quiet a while to
figure out what had happened.
The give-away were the wipes she deposited in the trash in her room. I was completely shocked at the thought that she
could concoct such a devious little plan. Of course, she flatly denied it, which resulted in a spanking to which she then
admitted to her scheme. Katie was methodical when it came to concocting a plan. Another time, she bribed her younger
brother to climb a ladder. I heard faint screams from the back yard and when I arrived, I was shocked to see my three-
year old son perched atop the roof of our shed paralyzed with fear. She flatly denied coaxing him up there to look for
caterpillars but, once again, she received a spanking and then admitted to her scheme.
Page 7

Katie is now 18, and what an amazing young woman she is. She is a gifted singer, an amazing artist and is fluent at sign
language. Although she has grown into a beautiful young woman, some things will never change. She still has the
tendency to scheme, except that now it is for good reasons. She is still rambunctious and loves to run and jump on my
bed while her dad and I are still in it, play fight with her dad and relentlessly crack jokes. She still smiles with her
whole face and her eyes light up when she is happy.
When I think of a common theme that is prevalent throughout our relationship, it is communication. Sometimes it is
done loudly, other times it is quiet. Often times, it‘s lengthy, while other times it’s short and direct. We text, email and
even write notes! We are a talking family! The point here is that we communicate often. People today live hectic lives
and often times there isn’t much time for relationships let alone conversing with one another. Communicating with your
children is crucial to building strong relationships that will last. This does not mean that we do not argue, yell or
disagree at times. We do and sometimes a lot; but so much of the time, it is just a matter of taking time to understand
where each other is coming from. When you are intentional with people, whether it is showing your love for them,
listening or just spending time together, it has the greatest impact.
Katie and I have worked very hard at our relationship. It hasn’t come easy for either of us. We are deeply passionate
about what is important to us and at times, this has created conflict. We are both strong in point and opinion. We both
have much to say and more to hear. While we equally respect one another, we are not always tolerant of our differences.
With that said, we overwhelmingly love each other and seek to get along and have fun together. We desire to one day
have an amazing friendship founded on the strong bond we have developed throughout our mother-daughter
relationship. While it is still early in our journey, we are still very much in the throws of living as mother and daughter.
Katie, along with her best friend Sabra, our boys 17 and 10, as well as my husband and myself, live in the same small
house where she has been raised for 18 years. The girls share a room and a car to commute to both college and work and
our family schedules are chaotic to say the least! After assisting them, they are now recognized as adults although they
are still living at home. My husband and I have had to transition into this new phase and at times, it has been difficult
for both them and us. Nevertheless, we are making it through. Everyone is pitching in at home, and we are working
together to make this time a memorable one for us all.
There is something incredible about seeing your adult child start to live and act as such. We expend so much time and
energy in teaching and training that it is awesome to see it in action. Just as the river guide prepares you for the journey
down the rapids, we must prepare our children for adult life. We never know what challenges await them, but we do
know that if we are unwavering in our dedication and consistent in our preparation, we will see them through to
adulthood. I am profoundly amazed at the growth of my daughter. She has a moral standard that is evident; she has
established boundaries and set goals for both her career and personal life, while placing herself directly in the will of
As rafters, we put ourselves in the care of our guide and we trust that what he tells us is for our best. He knows the river,
and how to navigate it, and with out him we would surely be tossed out of the boat! While the action on top of the water
is visibly rough, it is what is underneath that is so unpredictable. Without digging in hard, the undercurrent can smash
you against a rock or flip you over endangering everyone. Like the river, raising children presents its challenges.
Problems often arise because we fail to parent pro-actively, but rather re-actively.
 A strong pro-active approach to parenting will not only prevent some disasters along the way, but will also reinforce a
loving relationship. We must learn to view boundaries and discipline as positive approaches to building Godly
character. We as parents know what turbulent waters can be like. We have lived through the many “transitions” that
they have yet to face. Taking a proactive approach means providing them the important tools needed to act, think and
live a life that is pleasing to God and honoring to us as their parents.
 One of the most important things I tell other moms is be the example in your daughter’s life so she does not go looking
for one elsewhere. This is where the mother/daughter relationship is first established. It is through this transparency
that we reveal who we are and what we hope to be. Though we are far from perfect parents, a parenting manual
provided us for, is that of the Bible. God’s written word is our life manual; in it, you will find answers to all life’s
questions, heartaches and the many challenges we as God’s children must face. Raising children is no easy task, but God
new that; he teaches us consistently through His word, and works out in our own lives the very things we must in turn
teach them.
In this life, God does not promise that things will always work out the way we hope. I am sure many of us know
someone who is living in a shattered relationship and suffering a broken heart. It is especially difficult if it is a parent/
child or husband/wife relationship. It is easy to feel hopeless in situations like these, but if there is love, there is always
hope. I recommend you read Annie Chapman’s book, “10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know”, especially the chapter
entitled “Mercy for the Mean.”
There is one last aspect to white water rafting that I did not allude to earlier. After vigorously paddling your way
through the huge rapids, you will eventually end up in the calm waters. You cannot get there however, without first
making your way down the wild rapids. It is exhausting work; it drains you physically, mentally and more often than
not, spiritually. You can only experience these calm waters when you have committed to finishing the whole river. This
is the glory of the finish; to raise a daughter and see her become a woman of God. To realize that she is ready to face
life’s challenges with a heart of courage, a spirit of excitement, and the knowledge of whom she is in Christ Jesus. It is
for us as moms to know that He, who began a good work, will carry it on to completion.
Page 8
Volume 3, Issue 6   Page 9
Page 10

                                                          C is for the Child born that
                                                              night to be our light.
                                                                                     (John 8:12)

                                                          H is for holy is His name.

                                                          R is for rejoice with
                                                               gladness & joy.
                                                                                    (Luke 1:14)

                                                          I is for Immanuel, God with
Sunday Morning Bible Studies                                            (Isaiah 7:14, John 1:14)
  9:30 Sunday School
    Grades 1-2: Kings and Prophets
    Grades 3-6: Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
                                                          S is for the star that led the
  11:00 Children’s Worship                                    Wise men to Him.
    Starlight Station: Lessons from the life of Joseph                           (Matthew 2:2)

                                                          T is for the truth and grace
Sunday Evening: Knight School                                 that was sent our way.
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.                                                                     (John 1:14)

                                                          M is for Mother Mary
November 15th will be the last session of Knight School
before we take our winter break; Knight School will
resume January 31, 2010.
                                                                laying Him in
                                                                swaddling clothes
Wednesday Evening: Image Shoppe                                 in the manger.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.                                                                     (Luke 2:7)

                                                          A is for angels singing songs
Children’s Christmas Musical
Sunday, December 6, 6:00 p.m.
December 2nd will be the last session of Image Shoppe
before we take our winter break; Image Shoppe will            of joy.
resume January 27, 2010.                                                            (Luke 2:14)

                                                          S is for salvation.
                                                                            —- Johnnie DesRochers.
Page 11

                                                                              this world turns their hearts and
                                                                              minds away from God. Now is the
                                                                              time to reach out to children so that
                                                                              their lives can be changed for the
                                                                              glory of God.

                                                                              If you would like to know more
                                      children the truths of the Word of
                                                                              about Good News Clubs and/or
                                      God through songs, object lessons,
                                                                              help in a GN Club, please speak to
                                      missionary stories, memory verses
                                                                              Linda Trowbridge. You may reach
                                      and Bible lessons.
                                                                              her at 1-760-244-3232.
                                      No matter what the Bible story is,
                                      we always teach the children
                                      through the lesson about God the
                                      Creator, their sin and their need of
                                      a Savior. It is never enough to
                                      teach just the love of God, for the
                                      children need to realize that they
                                      are sinners and they cannot take
                                      away their own sin. The children,
Good News Club, a ministry of Child   this year, are struggling with the
Evangelism Fellowship, is an after    idea that they themselves sin and
school ministry that reaches out to   not just the “really bad people”.
boys and girls with the gospel so     When the children realize their sin
they can come to know Jesus as        and it’s consequence, then they can
                                      understand their need of a Savior.      Sundays,
their Savior and grow in God’s
Word.                                 We also present the good news that      Wednesdays
                                      Jesus died for their sin and bodily     or for MOPS!
FBCH helps to sponsor two GNCs.       rose again.      We give an open
One meets on Mondays at Maple         invitation so that the children have
Elementary (two years at this site)   an opportunity to receive the Lord.
and     the   other                                       In each lesson      When      you
m e e t s       o n                                       there is also an
                                                                              bring   your
Wednesdays       at                                       application   for
Lime        Street                                        the saved child     child      to
Elementary (eight                                         to    encourage     church —-
years at this site).                                      them and help
We meet in the                                            them grow in the    —- you bring
open         beam                                         Lord.               your child to
cafeterias unless it
                                                         For       many       Christ!
is really cold or
there is inclement                                       children GNC is
weather. Our GNC                                         the only gospel
meets once a week                                        training    from
for an hour and                                          God’s Word they
fifteen     minutes                                      may      receive
teaching       the                                       before       the
                                                         philosophy     of
Page 12
                                                                              SCRIPTURE SHOLARS!!
                                                                             Correctly answering 5 of 5:
                                                                              Fran Gee / Ann Jennings
                                                                             Correctly answering 4 of 5:
                                                                            Melody Lynch / Lillian Watson

               Answers from the September/October 2009 edition of the “Scripture Smarts” quiz are:
               1. Dew (Judges 6:36-40)
               2. C (2 Kings 8:9)
               3. True (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25
               4. Names of Satan (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9-10; Matthew 12:24)
               5. We do not know, although some Bible scholars think Paul the apostle wrote it.

                    This was the last “Search the Scriptures” quiz for the FBConnection Chronicle. We hope that
                    everyone who participated in this activity enjoyed it. Beginning in the January/February
                    2010 edition of the FBConnection Chronicle, a “Survey Says” section will be high-lighted.
                    During the year various surveys will be taken within our church body and the results will be
                    posted in this section.      Please respond favorably to our “intern surveyors” when they
                    approach you to take a survey. No names will ever be taken; we will only identify age
                    groups, gender groups, etc. This will be an interesting way to learn more about our
                    congregation as a whole. It will identify how we think about current social issues, how we
                    exhibit our spiritual walk, and some of our habits as Christians.

    The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.
 No Americans have been more impoverished than these who,
        nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.
                                             H. U. Westermayer

It is literally true, as the thankless say, that they have nothing
 to be thankful for. He who sits by the fire, thankless for the
fire, is just as if he had no fire. Nothing is possessed saved in
    appreciation, of which thankfulness is the indispensible
   ingredient. But a thankful heart hath a continuous feast.
                                                W. J. Cameron

          FBConnection: Chronicle
Volume 3, Issue 6                                                                                  Page 13

    Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside
    every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies
    before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that
    lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of
    God's throne.

          @ the student center                                                         Helping
   Sunday Mornings
   8:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study                                                students
   9:30 a.m. = Worship (wc)
   11:00 a.m. = Jr. High Bible Study
                Sr. High Bible Study
                                                                                    connect to God
   Sunday Evenings
   6:00 - 7:30 pm
                                                                                     and discover
                                                                                     His purpose
       An opportunity to express worship
      through creative movement, drama,
    singing, black light routines, signing, etc.

                                                   Junior High Ministry             for their lives!
   Wednesday Evenings
   6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
           Taking the time to . . .
                                                             Senior High Ministry

           . . . get fueled up for the
Page 14
                  TIME TO SEPARATE CHURCH AND                         athletic ability and charitable works, he criticizes Tebow for his
                  SPORTS: A New Agenda Takes Shape                    belief that faith in Jesus is necessary for salvation. Specifically,
                  (reprinted by permission from     Krattenmaker cites the stated beliefs of the Bob Tebow
                                                                      Evangelistic Association. As he asserts, the ministry affirms the
                  Sam Cook has had enough. A sports columnist         exclusivity of the Gospel and rejects "the modern ecumenical
                  for the Fort Myers [FL] News-Press, Cook            movement."
                  recently referred to quarterback Tim Tebow of       In his USA Today column, Krattenmaker describes Tebow's
                  the University of Florida Gators and told his       beliefs as "a far-right theology." Yet, in his book Krattenmaker
                  readers: "I don't know how many more 'God           describes the same beliefs as "hardly fringe or half-baked." As he
                  bless' comments I can stand from the 2007           explains, "On the contrary, they are quite consistent with the
                  Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback."                long tradition of conservative evangelicalism in America and the
                  Tebow, Cook argued, should play football and        beliefs that more or less define the religious lives of millions of
                  forget about his religious beliefs while he is      churchgoing Americans." In his column, Krattenmaker goes
                  wearing the Gator uniform. "Somehow, we'll          even further in denouncing Tebow's beliefs: Certainly, Tim
                  survive without him displaying a 'John 3:16'        Tebow must be applauded for the good he does working on his
                  Bible verse under his eyes," Cook wrote. "We        father's missions, but he should be seen, too, as one who
                  separate church and state. Why not church and       promotes a form of belief that makes unwelcome judgments
                  sports?"                                            about everyone else's religion. Let's not forget the twinge that is
                  Sam Cook's column was prompted by a far             felt        by sports-loving Jewish kids and parents, for example,
                  more prominent essay published in Monday's          or by champions for interfaith cooperation, when adored sports
                  edition of USA Today. In "And I'd Like to           figures like Tebow use their fame to push a Jesus-or-else
Thank God Almighty," Tom Krattenmaker leveled a                       message. Both Sam Cook and Tom Krattenmaker identify the
comprehensive critique of the evangelical Christian message           exclusivity of the Gospel as the key issue of their concern when it
that, as he laments, permeates so much of the sporting world at       comes to Tim Tebow and any number of other prominent sports
both the college and professional levels. The Bible verses            figures. Krattenmaker repeatedly stresses that he believes
painted in eye-black, fingers pointed heavenward, and                 athletes should be free to express their faith. Nevertheless, he
expressions of thankfulness to God at the conclusion of a big         argues that belief in the exclusivity of the Gospel of Christ is out
game amount, Krattenmaker argues, to "a faith surge that has          of bounds for such expression.
made big-time sports one of the most outwardly religious sectors      What we face here is undoubtedly a sign of things to come. The
of American culture." Krattenmaker's concern is that this "faith      belief that Jesus is the only Savior and that salvation comes only
surge" is overwhelmingly evangelical in its substance and             to those who come to Christ by faith is essential to Biblical
message. He addressed this issue in a recently-released book,         Christianity. As Krattenmaker rightly observes in his book, when
Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and         it comes to historic Christianity this belief is "hardly fringe or
Players into Preachers. In both the column and his book,              half-baked." Yet, it is precisely this doctrine that is so odious and
Krattenmaker seeks to describe "the infrastructure and strategy       inconceivable to the postmodern mind. Krattenmaker argues
of the sports-world evangelicalism" that is the source of his         that evangelical Christians are unfairly using what he describes
concern.                                                              as "the civic resource known as 'our team.'" He demands that the
In his book, Krattenmaker offers a more nuanced and developed         management of professional sports open the door to other
argument than what is found in his recent column. Nevertheless,       religious organizations and make room for expressions of other
in both contexts his main concern is what he sees as a near           religious beliefs. He also calls for Christians to use "discernment"
monopoly of evangelical influence and expression in the               in seeking to evangelize their teammates. Cook, on the other
sporting world. He writes: How did this come to be? Suffice it        hand, calls for an outright separation of "church and sports." The
to say that Christianity is a strong presence in sports is no         sporting world is hardly the only arena where the same
accident. It happened because a movement of athletic-minded           arguments are made. You can count on seeing these same
evangelical Christians have been making it happen since setting       arguments appear anywhere evangelical Christians express their
out more than a half-century ago to reach and convert athletes        faith in public or within ear-shot of those who may be offended.
and leverage their influence to spread the gospel to the wider        The belief that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation is
sports-loving public. Krattenmaker correctly traces evangelical       now at the very center of secular outrage.
influence in sports to the "muscular Christianity" movement so        Consider this: Tom Krattenmaker ransacked the website of the
popular in America between the Civil War and World War II. He         Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association in order to find the
expresses appreciation for the moral influence of evangelical         statement that caused him to criticize Tim Tebow as espousing "a
Christians and Christian conviction within the lives of athletes.     far-right theology." The outrage directed at Tim Tebow is not just
Nevertheless, he is clearly alarmed by evangelical displays of the    about a Bible reference written in eye-black. The outrage is
Gospel.                                                               directed at the sincerely-held beliefs of a young man and an
Looking beyond Tim Tebow, Krattenmaker points to Baseball             evangelistic association. Tom Krattenmaker suggests that Tim
Chapel, a Christian ministry that offers chaplains and worship        Tebow should adopt a "more generous conception of salvation."
services for professional baseball players on the road or at the      And now we all know the price of being seen as "more
ballpark. He is specifically offended by the fact that the ministry   generous." Just abandon the Gospel. I am confident that Tim
believes that those who do not come to faith in Jesus will face       Tebow will withstand this pressure. He has shown enough
"everlasting punishment separated from God." He pointedly             theological maturity and strength of conviction to earn that
addresses the same concern to Tim Tebow. After praising his           confidence. But, we have to wonder, how many others will fold
                                                                      under the intimidation?
Volume 3, Issue 6                                                                   Page 15

                                                      Make a difference in
                                                       the life of a child.
                                                              Fill a shoebox!

      Shoeboxes should be at the church by November 15th for Operation Christmas
    Child. You may pick up a prayer guide and your boy/girl ID tag at the Information
                                  Center in the atrium.

         Shoeboxes turned in after November 15th will be taken to Tijuana, Mexico
                                by our local missions team.
CAT ‘n Mouse Update
 Computer and Technology
 Website: / Email:
 Please update your current bookmark and contact information for the church.
 Please update your church email contacts:
                                            Amos, Richard =
                                            Bender, Ann =
                                            Cleveland, Sherry =
                                            Esterline, Susan =
                                            Flood, Lucy =
                                            Gonzalez, Fidel =
                                            Grissom, Robert =
                                            Groveunder, Doris =
                                            Kaiser, Brian =
     You can also find                      Kaiser, Lynda =
     us on Facebook!                        Kingston, Claudia =
                                            Lemons, Mike =
                                            Martin, Robin =
                                            Martin, Sammy =
                                            Mole, Jim =
                                            Murphy, Ron =
                                            Smith, Brandy =
                                            Spring, Richard =
                                            Warwick, June =

Looking Ahead ————-
    January 2010                              21 = His Hand, Our Hand
    3   = Concert of Prayer                   22 = FBCH Annual Meeting
    10 = Communion / Concert of Prayer             Potluck Dinner
    17 = His Hand, Our Hand                   31 = Discipleship Training
           Children’s Night                          Winter/Spring Session Begins

    18 = His Hand, Our Hand                   February 2010
    19 = His Hand, Our Hand                   7   = Class 101: Membership
    20 = His Hand, Our Hand                         Super Bowl Sunday
           Youth Night

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FBCH Magazine 20091112

  • 1. FBConnection: Chronicle Helping people connect to God . . . Special . . . and discover His purpose for their lives! Points of Interest V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 6 N o v / D e c 2 0 0 9 • GriefShare • Home for the Holidays • Image Shoppe Christmas Presentation • The Splendor of Christmas • Survey Says • Christmas Eve • Operation Christmas Child • CAT ‘n Mouse Update
  • 2. Page 2 FBConnection Chronicle: A ministry information publication Published by: First Baptist Church 9280 Maple Avenue / Hesperia, CA 92345 1-760-244-4109 Editor: Robin Y. Martin Pastoral Staff Support Staff Wayne Stockstill, Senior Pastor Preschool Ministry Staff (ext. 108) / Maygan Bartosh Richard Spring, Pastor of Church Development Gail Barwise (ext. 104) / Emily Isaccs Cherish Kangas Robert Grissom, Pastor of Administration Sharon Perry (ext. 105) / Sarah Sanders Brian Kaiser, Pastor of Worship Arts Children’s Ministry Leadership Team (ext. 107) / Dawna Avery Jim and Wanda Mole, Directors of Student Ministry Stacy Padgett Staff (ext. 201) / Student Ministry Leadership Team Pastoral Sherry Cleveland, Director of Children’s Ministry Dawna Avery (leave messages at ext. 106) / Reba Champoux Administrative Nathan Freeman Brandy Smith, Director of Preschool Ministry Fidel Gonzales Support (ext. 120) / Ron and Carolyn Heyward Bill Trott, Pastor of Hospital Visitation Ministry Odena Jones (leave messages at ext. 106) / Brenda Kraus Dave and Cheryl Olson Administrative Staff Stacy Padgett Richard Amos, Facilities Manager Jeannie Rash (ext. 102) / Lance Way Lucy Flood, Accountant Computer Network Ministry Team (ext. 101) / Sammy Martin, Systems Administrator Fidel Gonzales, Webmaster Doris Groveunder, Financial Secretary (ext. 103) / Audio/Visual Ministry Team Richard Amos Claudia Kingston, Executive Secretary David Anderson “He who (ext. 106) / Travis Dickerson has not Robin Martin, Data-Graphics-Publications Manager (ext. 100) / El Kingston Robin Martin Christmas Ron Murphy, Audio/Visual Coordinator Sammy Martin Roger Sanders in his heart (leave messages at ext. 106) / Custodial Staff June Warwick, Special Events Ted Holmes will never (leave messages at ext. 106) / Russell James find it Darron Price Glenn Trowbridge under a tree.” —- Roy L. Smith FBCH Ministry Contacts Baptism Assistance Ministry: Judy Cutright Deacon Ministry: Duane Thompson Guest Services Ministry “Thanksgiving, Greeters: Arceal Morgan Ushers: David Johnson after all, Harmony Ministry: DeWayne Williams Kitchen Ministry:, Ron and Julie Murphy is a word of Library Ministry: Ann Bender Men’s Ministry: Mike Lemons action.” Glenn Trowbridge MOPS Ministry: Susan Esterline Sewing Ministry: Arceal Morgan —- W. J. Cameron Women’s Ministry: Lynda Kaiser YACS: Odena Jones FBConnection: Chronicle
  • 3. Volume 3, Issue 6 Page 3 When shall we all learn that the good news needs the telling, and that all men need to know it? Comings and Goings . . . . . . . . . Church Members % Peter Teuis Mildred Coffey John McKown % Barbara Auw Family Members % Michael Auw • Father of Carl Brewster % Betty Canez • Father of Carlos Briceno Life is real! % Rey Canez • Mother of Barbara Flood Life is earnest! % Lucio Hernandez • Mother of Patty Jones % Raquel Hernandez • Sister of Bob Kindaid And the grave is % Sally Ann Herrick • Mother of Claudia Kingston not its goal; • Son of Tom Smillie % Elizabeth Lopez % Samuel Lopez Dust thou art, % Valeeta Wilson to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. —- unknown—- Taken from Apples of Gold Real Life and Death help complied by Jo Petty are parts of for deep the same great hurt adventure. Do not fear to die and do not shrink from the joy of life. Grief Share is a nondenominational group and features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. You are —- unknown —- welcome to begin attending the Grief Share group of FBCH Taken from Apples of Gold at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have complied by Jo Petty to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. For more information about Grief Share at FBCH, please contact Judy Gleason.
  • 4. Page 4 November 14th 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Cost: $6.50 Creating Traditions and Making Memories! For more information about this event, contact June Warwick.
  • 5. Volume 3, Issue 6 Page 5 I look forward with great anticipation to On December 27th we will all come our Thanksgiving-Christmas season this together in a Celebration of our Lord’s year. We will once again be sharing in the Birth through a joint worship experience Operation Christmas Child ministry. at 10:00 am. That will be the only worship Remember the shoe boxes for needy service for that day. There will be no children around the world? All boxes Sunday School, no discipleship, or any brought in by November 15th other ministry activities will be delivered to Operation conducted on that day. Christmas Child. All boxes brought in after November 15th Johnny Hall, from Muslim will be delivered to Tijuana, Bible Day Organization, Mexico, by our local missions will be with us for a team. musical concert that day. On November 22nd we will have All who have heard him our Thanksgiving Worship the several times he has been here in the past have The Celebration during the evening loved him. If this will be worship hour. A number of our your first time to hear him, own people will be bringing you will find his musical their reasons for thanks to God. gift and love for the Lord Purpose Formerly, we have had this exciting and refreshing. service on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving December 27th will also be Thursday. However, so many of our Missions Ingathering of our folks have requested that time for preparation of their Day. Plan to have your own family Thanksgiving offering for missions ready celebration, we decided to try for that day. Christmas this approach this year. =================== Starting on November 29th we will begin our celebration of the The Church does not Purpose of Christmas. Here is the preaching schedule for the superstitiously observe five Sundays of the Christmas days, merely as days, but season: as memorials of important November 29th —- facts. Christmas might be Celebration (Pastor Wayne Stockstill) kept as well upon one day December 6th —- of the year as another; but Salvation (Pastor Richard Spring) there should be a stated December 13th —- day for commemorating Reconciliation (Pastor Wayne Stockstill) the birth of our Saviour, because there is December 20th —- danger that what may be done on any day, Infiltration (Rick Curtis, DOM of HDBA) will be neglected. December 27th —- ~~~Samuel Johnson Commemoration (Pastor Wayne Stockstill)
  • 6. Page 6 When I was young my parents belonged to a “River Rafting Club”. It was exciting and scary all at the same time! I remember feeling out of control and not Brandy Smith liking the unpredictability of the river. I also remember enduring these adventures because my dad loved it and I wanted to be close with my dad so, I did it. Parenting a child is much like a ride down the rapids. When you decide to embark on a white- water rafting adventure, first you must go through some very concentrated training. In river school, you will read the manual, sign it, agreeing to follow all the rules. For many these will provide a sense of security, for others however, it is nothing more than “suggestions”; rules do not really hem them in. Managing conflict between “rule-followers and rule-breakers” is crucial to a safe trip. The guides will attempt to teach you everything you will need to know if things suddenly go terribly wrong. When you first get into the raft, the surrounding beauty mesmerizes you so that you almost do not notice what is ahead of you. You can quickly forget that you have just placed yourself in the path of an unimaginable challenge. Of course, you have a life preserver securely attached to your torso and have been strategically placed within the raft to experience the maximum amount of exhilaration and thrill that one could encounter. The guide’s job is to let you fully experience the wonder of the rapids that surround you, and keep everyone safe while doing it. The waters are peaceful at first; so much so, that you almost do not notice the subtle changes taking place. Soon, you are aware that the rapids are moving at a much faster pace and intensifying by the minute. Now, you begin to realize that you have entered turbulent waters, otherwise known as “transitions”. These huge rapids do not follow a particular pattern; they may swirl back and forth and then jump back into a pool just too suddenly thrust you forward again. From here, you will almost immediately encounter the most intense and dangerous waters of the river. These rapids will shock you and make you wish you were still on shore. Navigating these waters takes precise skill and a great deal of experience. They present both problems and challenges that will require either a passive or an aggressive approach. The guide will shout to you and instruct what you are to do. Though the people in the boat must work together, either answers or questions will arise. Although, some decisions are made in advance, others must be made quickly! The ability to strike this delicate balance will determine whether you build strong bonds of trust or breed mistrust as you travel down the river. Though you may feel terrified and uncertain about what to expect, the goal here is to have fun and stay in the boat. I say this not to imply that being a parent is or should be a fearful experience, but to simply illustrate the spontaneously changing currents experienced when navigating through relationships with our children. I became a mother on April 27, 1991 when I gave birth to my daughter Katharine Dayna. We were amazed at her beauty and completely taken with our new daughter. Like most new parents, we had gathered all the information we could about becoming parents, but as we all know, nothing really prepares you until you have a child of your own. We had decided I would leave my fulltime teaching position and become a fulltime mom. I chose to nurse my new baby because it was the most natural thing to do, or so I thought. However, little did I know that your baby could become what I like to refer to affectionately as a nurse-a-holic baby! My precious baby turned me into a 24 hour service station! I nursed everywhere and anywhere. Side streets, parking lots and yes, even restrooms! She would cry until she almost passed out unless I nursed her. The valve in her stomach was not fully developed so she consequently threw-up most of what she took in. I nursed in 5 minute increments, burping in between hoping she would be able to keep it down. I kept a small closet in my diaper bag/car because it was inevitable she would cover me every time. I learned very quickly to plan for the unexpected. As Katie got older, I quickly began to realize I had a very smart little girl. She had an adventurous spirit, funny personality and was quite determined to do things on her own. It was common for books to accompany her while potty training, especially her favorite, “Dobson’s Strong-willed Child”. Katie often exhibited behavior that would cause even the most intuitive parent to scratch their head in disbelief; once, she removed her panties, tinkled on the bedroom floor, cleaned herself up and blamed it on her brother, who was 12 months old, and in diapers! It took me quiet a while to figure out what had happened. The give-away were the wipes she deposited in the trash in her room. I was completely shocked at the thought that she could concoct such a devious little plan. Of course, she flatly denied it, which resulted in a spanking to which she then admitted to her scheme. Katie was methodical when it came to concocting a plan. Another time, she bribed her younger brother to climb a ladder. I heard faint screams from the back yard and when I arrived, I was shocked to see my three- year old son perched atop the roof of our shed paralyzed with fear. She flatly denied coaxing him up there to look for caterpillars but, once again, she received a spanking and then admitted to her scheme.
  • 7. Page 7 Katie is now 18, and what an amazing young woman she is. She is a gifted singer, an amazing artist and is fluent at sign language. Although she has grown into a beautiful young woman, some things will never change. She still has the tendency to scheme, except that now it is for good reasons. She is still rambunctious and loves to run and jump on my bed while her dad and I are still in it, play fight with her dad and relentlessly crack jokes. She still smiles with her whole face and her eyes light up when she is happy. When I think of a common theme that is prevalent throughout our relationship, it is communication. Sometimes it is communication. done loudly, other times it is quiet. Often times, it‘s lengthy, while other times it’s short and direct. We text, email and even write notes! We are a talking family! The point here is that we communicate often. People today live hectic lives and often times there isn’t much time for relationships let alone conversing with one another. Communicating with your children is crucial to building strong relationships that will last. This does not mean that we do not argue, yell or disagree at times. We do and sometimes a lot; but so much of the time, it is just a matter of taking time to understand where each other is coming from. When you are intentional with people, whether it is showing your love for them, listening or just spending time together, it has the greatest impact. Katie and I have worked very hard at our relationship. It hasn’t come easy for either of us. We are deeply passionate about what is important to us and at times, this has created conflict. We are both strong in point and opinion. We both have much to say and more to hear. While we equally respect one another, we are not always tolerant of our differences. With that said, we overwhelmingly love each other and seek to get along and have fun together. We desire to one day have an amazing friendship founded on the strong bond we have developed throughout our mother-daughter relationship. While it is still early in our journey, we are still very much in the throws of living as mother and daughter. Katie, along with her best friend Sabra, our boys 17 and 10, as well as my husband and myself, live in the same small house where she has been raised for 18 years. The girls share a room and a car to commute to both college and work and our family schedules are chaotic to say the least! After assisting them, they are now recognized as adults although they are still living at home. My husband and I have had to transition into this new phase and at times, it has been difficult for both them and us. Nevertheless, we are making it through. Everyone is pitching in at home, and we are working together to make this time a memorable one for us all. There is something incredible about seeing your adult child start to live and act as such. We expend so much time and energy in teaching and training that it is awesome to see it in action. Just as the river guide prepares you for the journey down the rapids, we must prepare our children for adult life. We never know what challenges await them, but we do know that if we are unwavering in our dedication and consistent in our preparation, we will see them through to adulthood. I am profoundly amazed at the growth of my daughter. She has a moral standard that is evident; she has established boundaries and set goals for both her career and personal life, while placing herself directly in the will of God. As rafters, we put ourselves in the care of our guide and we trust that what he tells us is for our best. He knows the river, and how to navigate it, and with out him we would surely be tossed out of the boat! While the action on top of the water is visibly rough, it is what is underneath that is so unpredictable. Without digging in hard, the undercurrent can smash you against a rock or flip you over endangering everyone. Like the river, raising children presents its challenges. Problems often arise because we fail to parent pro-actively, but rather re-actively. A strong pro-active approach to parenting will not only prevent some disasters along the way, but will also reinforce a loving relationship. We must learn to view boundaries and discipline as positive approaches to building Godly character. We as parents know what turbulent waters can be like. We have lived through the many “transitions” that they have yet to face. Taking a proactive approach means providing them the important tools needed to act, think and live a life that is pleasing to God and honoring to us as their parents. One of the most important things I tell other moms is be the example in your daughter’s life so she does not go looking for one elsewhere. This is where the mother/daughter relationship is first established. It is through this transparency that we reveal who we are and what we hope to be. Though we are far from perfect parents, a parenting manual provided us for, is that of the Bible. God’s written word is our life manual; in it, you will find answers to all life’s questions, heartaches and the many challenges we as God’s children must face. Raising children is no easy task, but God new that; he teaches us consistently through His word, and works out in our own lives the very things we must in turn teach them. In this life, God does not promise that things will always work out the way we hope. I am sure many of us know someone who is living in a shattered relationship and suffering a broken heart. It is especially difficult if it is a parent/ child or husband/wife relationship. It is easy to feel hopeless in situations like these, but if there is love, there is always hope. I recommend you read Annie Chapman’s book, “10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know”, especially the chapter entitled “Mercy for the Mean.” There is one last aspect to white water rafting that I did not allude to earlier. After vigorously paddling your way through the huge rapids, you will eventually end up in the calm waters. You cannot get there however, without first making your way down the wild rapids. It is exhausting work; it drains you physically, mentally and more often than not, spiritually. You can only experience these calm waters when you have committed to finishing the whole river. This is the glory of the finish; to raise a daughter and see her become a woman of God. To realize that she is ready to face life’s challenges with a heart of courage, a spirit of excitement, and the knowledge of whom she is in Christ Jesus. It is for us as moms to know that He, who began a good work, will carry it on to completion.
  • 9. Volume 3, Issue 6 Page 9
  • 10. Page 10 Christmas C is for the Child born that night to be our light. (John 8:12) H is for holy is His name. (Rev.4:8) R is for rejoice with gladness & joy. (Luke 1:14) I is for Immanuel, God with us. Sunday Morning Bible Studies (Isaiah 7:14, John 1:14) 9:30 Sunday School Grades 1-2: Kings and Prophets Grades 3-6: Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob S is for the star that led the 11:00 Children’s Worship Wise men to Him. Starlight Station: Lessons from the life of Joseph (Matthew 2:2) T is for the truth and grace Sunday Evening: Knight School that was sent our way. 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (John 1:14) M is for Mother Mary November 15th will be the last session of Knight School before we take our winter break; Knight School will resume January 31, 2010. laying Him in swaddling clothes Wednesday Evening: Image Shoppe in the manger. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Luke 2:7) A is for angels singing songs Children’s Christmas Musical Sunday, December 6, 6:00 p.m. December 2nd will be the last session of Image Shoppe before we take our winter break; Image Shoppe will of joy. resume January 27, 2010. (Luke 2:14) S is for salvation. —- Johnnie DesRochers.
  • 11. Page 11 this world turns their hearts and minds away from God. Now is the time to reach out to children so that their lives can be changed for the glory of God. If you would like to know more children the truths of the Word of about Good News Clubs and/or God through songs, object lessons, help in a GN Club, please speak to missionary stories, memory verses Linda Trowbridge. You may reach and Bible lessons. her at 1-760-244-3232. No matter what the Bible story is, we always teach the children through the lesson about God the Creator, their sin and their need of a Savior. It is never enough to teach just the love of God, for the children need to realize that they are sinners and they cannot take away their own sin. The children, Good News Club, a ministry of Child this year, are struggling with the Evangelism Fellowship, is an after idea that they themselves sin and school ministry that reaches out to not just the “really bad people”. boys and girls with the gospel so When the children realize their sin they can come to know Jesus as and it’s consequence, then they can understand their need of a Savior. Sundays, their Savior and grow in God’s Word. We also present the good news that Wednesdays Jesus died for their sin and bodily or for MOPS! FBCH helps to sponsor two GNCs. rose again. We give an open One meets on Mondays at Maple invitation so that the children have Elementary (two years at this site) an opportunity to receive the Lord. and the other In each lesson When you m e e t s o n there is also an bring your Wednesdays at application for Lime Street the saved child child to Elementary (eight to encourage church —- years at this site). them and help We meet in the them grow in the —- you bring open beam Lord. your child to cafeterias unless it For many Christ! is really cold or there is inclement children GNC is weather. Our GNC the only gospel meets once a week training from for an hour and God’s Word they fifteen minutes may receive teaching the before the philosophy of
  • 12. Page 12 CONGRATULATIONS SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER SCRIPTURE SHOLARS!! Correctly answering 5 of 5: Fran Gee / Ann Jennings Correctly answering 4 of 5: Melody Lynch / Lillian Watson Answers from the September/October 2009 edition of the “Scripture Smarts” quiz are: 1. Dew (Judges 6:36-40) 2. C (2 Kings 8:9) 3. True (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25 4. Names of Satan (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9-10; Matthew 12:24) 5. We do not know, although some Bible scholars think Paul the apostle wrote it. This was the last “Search the Scriptures” quiz for the FBConnection Chronicle. We hope that everyone who participated in this activity enjoyed it. Beginning in the January/February 2010 edition of the FBConnection Chronicle, a “Survey Says” section will be high-lighted. During the year various surveys will be taken within our church body and the results will be posted in this section. Please respond favorably to our “intern surveyors” when they approach you to take a survey. No names will ever be taken; we will only identify age groups, gender groups, etc. This will be an interesting way to learn more about our congregation as a whole. It will identify how we think about current social issues, how we exhibit our spiritual walk, and some of our habits as Christians. The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. H. U. Westermayer It is literally true, as the thankless say, that they have nothing to be thankful for. He who sits by the fire, thankless for the fire, is just as if he had no fire. Nothing is possessed saved in appreciation, of which thankfulness is the indispensible ingredient. But a thankful heart hath a continuous feast. W. J. Cameron FBConnection: Chronicle
  • 13. Volume 3, Issue 6 Page 13 Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne. @ the student center Helping Sunday Mornings 8:00 a.m. = Jr./Sr. High Bible Study students 9:30 a.m. = Worship (wc) 11:00 a.m. = Jr. High Bible Study Sr. High Bible Study connect to God Sunday Evenings 6:00 - 7:30 pm and discover His purpose An opportunity to express worship through creative movement, drama, singing, black light routines, signing, etc. Junior High Ministry for their lives! Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Taking the time to . . . Senior High Ministry . . . get fueled up for the competition!
  • 14. Page 14 TIME TO SEPARATE CHURCH AND athletic ability and charitable works, he criticizes Tebow for his SPORTS: A New Agenda Takes Shape belief that faith in Jesus is necessary for salvation. Specifically, (reprinted by permission from Krattenmaker cites the stated beliefs of the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association. As he asserts, the ministry affirms the Sam Cook has had enough. A sports columnist exclusivity of the Gospel and rejects "the modern ecumenical for the Fort Myers [FL] News-Press, Cook movement." recently referred to quarterback Tim Tebow of In his USA Today column, Krattenmaker describes Tebow's the University of Florida Gators and told his beliefs as "a far-right theology." Yet, in his book Krattenmaker readers: "I don't know how many more 'God describes the same beliefs as "hardly fringe or half-baked." As he bless' comments I can stand from the 2007 explains, "On the contrary, they are quite consistent with the Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback." long tradition of conservative evangelicalism in America and the Tebow, Cook argued, should play football and beliefs that more or less define the religious lives of millions of forget about his religious beliefs while he is churchgoing Americans." In his column, Krattenmaker goes wearing the Gator uniform. "Somehow, we'll even further in denouncing Tebow's beliefs: Certainly, Tim survive without him displaying a 'John 3:16' Tebow must be applauded for the good he does working on his Bible verse under his eyes," Cook wrote. "We father's missions, but he should be seen, too, as one who separate church and state. Why not church and promotes a form of belief that makes unwelcome judgments sports?" about everyone else's religion. Let's not forget the twinge that is Sam Cook's column was prompted by a far felt by sports-loving Jewish kids and parents, for example, more prominent essay published in Monday's or by champions for interfaith cooperation, when adored sports edition of USA Today. In "And I'd Like to figures like Tebow use their fame to push a Jesus-or-else Thank God Almighty," Tom Krattenmaker leveled a message. Both Sam Cook and Tom Krattenmaker identify the comprehensive critique of the evangelical Christian message exclusivity of the Gospel as the key issue of their concern when it that, as he laments, permeates so much of the sporting world at comes to Tim Tebow and any number of other prominent sports both the college and professional levels. The Bible verses figures. Krattenmaker repeatedly stresses that he believes painted in eye-black, fingers pointed heavenward, and athletes should be free to express their faith. Nevertheless, he expressions of thankfulness to God at the conclusion of a big argues that belief in the exclusivity of the Gospel of Christ is out game amount, Krattenmaker argues, to "a faith surge that has of bounds for such expression. made big-time sports one of the most outwardly religious sectors What we face here is undoubtedly a sign of things to come. The of American culture." Krattenmaker's concern is that this "faith belief that Jesus is the only Savior and that salvation comes only surge" is overwhelmingly evangelical in its substance and to those who come to Christ by faith is essential to Biblical message. He addressed this issue in a recently-released book, Christianity. As Krattenmaker rightly observes in his book, when Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and it comes to historic Christianity this belief is "hardly fringe or Players into Preachers. In both the column and his book, half-baked." Yet, it is precisely this doctrine that is so odious and Krattenmaker seeks to describe "the infrastructure and strategy inconceivable to the postmodern mind. Krattenmaker argues of the sports-world evangelicalism" that is the source of his that evangelical Christians are unfairly using what he describes concern. as "the civic resource known as 'our team.'" He demands that the In his book, Krattenmaker offers a more nuanced and developed management of professional sports open the door to other argument than what is found in his recent column. Nevertheless, religious organizations and make room for expressions of other in both contexts his main concern is what he sees as a near religious beliefs. He also calls for Christians to use "discernment" monopoly of evangelical influence and expression in the in seeking to evangelize their teammates. Cook, on the other sporting world. He writes: How did this come to be? Suffice it hand, calls for an outright separation of "church and sports." The to say that Christianity is a strong presence in sports is no sporting world is hardly the only arena where the same accident. It happened because a movement of athletic-minded arguments are made. You can count on seeing these same evangelical Christians have been making it happen since setting arguments appear anywhere evangelical Christians express their out more than a half-century ago to reach and convert athletes faith in public or within ear-shot of those who may be offended. and leverage their influence to spread the gospel to the wider The belief that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation is sports-loving public. Krattenmaker correctly traces evangelical now at the very center of secular outrage. influence in sports to the "muscular Christianity" movement so Consider this: Tom Krattenmaker ransacked the website of the popular in America between the Civil War and World War II. He Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association in order to find the expresses appreciation for the moral influence of evangelical statement that caused him to criticize Tim Tebow as espousing "a Christians and Christian conviction within the lives of athletes. far-right theology." The outrage directed at Tim Tebow is not just Nevertheless, he is clearly alarmed by evangelical displays of the about a Bible reference written in eye-black. The outrage is Gospel. directed at the sincerely-held beliefs of a young man and an Looking beyond Tim Tebow, Krattenmaker points to Baseball evangelistic association. Tom Krattenmaker suggests that Tim Chapel, a Christian ministry that offers chaplains and worship Tebow should adopt a "more generous conception of salvation." services for professional baseball players on the road or at the And now we all know the price of being seen as "more ballpark. He is specifically offended by the fact that the ministry generous." Just abandon the Gospel. I am confident that Tim believes that those who do not come to faith in Jesus will face Tebow will withstand this pressure. He has shown enough "everlasting punishment separated from God." He pointedly theological maturity and strength of conviction to earn that addresses the same concern to Tim Tebow. After praising his confidence. But, we have to wonder, how many others will fold under the intimidation?
  • 15. Volume 3, Issue 6 Page 15 Make a difference in the life of a child. Fill a shoebox! Shoeboxes should be at the church by November 15th for Operation Christmas Child. You may pick up a prayer guide and your boy/girl ID tag at the Information Center in the atrium. Shoeboxes turned in after November 15th will be taken to Tijuana, Mexico by our local missions team.
  • 16. CAT ‘n Mouse Update Computer and Technology Website: / Email: Please update your current bookmark and contact information for the church. Please update your church email contacts: Amos, Richard = Bender, Ann = Cleveland, Sherry = Esterline, Susan = Flood, Lucy = Gonzalez, Fidel = Grissom, Robert = Groveunder, Doris = Kaiser, Brian = You can also find Kaiser, Lynda = us on Facebook! Kingston, Claudia = Lemons, Mike = Martin, Robin = and/or Martin, Sammy = Mole, Jim = Murphy, Ron = Smith, Brandy = Spring, Richard = Warwick, June = Looking Ahead ————- January 2010 21 = His Hand, Our Hand 3 = Concert of Prayer 22 = FBCH Annual Meeting 10 = Communion / Concert of Prayer Potluck Dinner 17 = His Hand, Our Hand 31 = Discipleship Training Children’s Night Winter/Spring Session Begins 18 = His Hand, Our Hand February 2010 19 = His Hand, Our Hand 7 = Class 101: Membership 20 = His Hand, Our Hand Super Bowl Sunday Youth Night