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Il framework Wicket Andrea Del Bene Jug Marche [email_address]
Quali sono i “guai” della programmazione web? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
L'HTTP è  stateless  e dobbiamo fare i salti mortali per associare uno stato alla navigazione di un utente sul nostro sito (di solito si ricorre all'oggetto Session)
Wicket: pagine come oggetto ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Wicket VS Swing ,[object Object]
Dov'è finito l'HTML? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Il file web.xml ,[object Object],[object Object],<? xml   version = &quot;1.0&quot;   encoding = &quot;UTF-8&quot; ?> <! DOCTYPE   web-app PUBLIC   &quot;-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN&quot; &quot;; > < web-app > < display-name > Wicket  HelloWorld </ display-name > < filter > < filter-name > WizardApplication </ filter-name > < filter-class > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter </ filter-class > < init-param > < param-name > applicationClassName </ param-name > < param-value > helloWorld.WicketApplication </ param-value > </ init-param > </ filter > < filter-mapping > < filter-name > WizardApplication </ filter-name > < url-pattern > /* </ url-pattern > </ filter-mapping > </ web-app >
La classe WicketApplication package  helloWorld; import  org.apache.wicket.Page; import  org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; public   class  WicketApplication  extends  WebApplication { @Override public  Class<?  extends  Page> getHomePage() { return  HomePage. class ; } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Pagina HelloWorld  ,[object Object],< html > < head > < meta   http-equiv = &quot;Content-Type&quot;   content = &quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot; > < title > Insert title here </ title > </ head > < body > < h1   wicket:id = &quot;label&quot; ></ h1 > </ body > </ html > ,[object Object],package  helloWorld; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; public   class  HomePage  extends  WebPage { public  HomePage(){ super (); add( new  Label( &quot;label&quot; ,  &quot;Hello World&quot; )); } } HelloWorld.html
WicketHelloWorld ,[object Object],... < body > < h1   wicket:id = &quot;label&quot; ></ h1 > </ body > ... ... public  HomePage(){ super (); add( new  Label( &quot;label&quot; ,  &quot;Hello World&quot; )); } ...
Wicket come template per layout ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Il framework Wicket ,[object Object]
Layout di una pagina web ,[object Object],Header Menù Contenuto Footer
L'approccio “classico” ,[object Object],<%@include file=&quot;../common/Jug4TendaHeader.jsp&quot;%> <%@include file= &quot;gestioneOspiteMenu.htm &quot;%> <div id=&quot;Content&quot;> <%@include file=&quot;../common/Jug4TendaFooter.jsp&quot;%>
Layout in Wicket ,[object Object],<div wicket:id=”headerPanel”></div> <div wicket:id=”menuPanel”> </div> <div wicket:id=”contentPanel”></div> <div wicket:id=”footerPanel”></div>
I pannelli di Wicket ,[object Object],[object Object]
Possono a loro volta contenere altri componenti ,[object Object],[object Object]
Il pannello header < html > < head > < meta   http-equiv = &quot;Content-Type&quot;   content = &quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot; > < title > Insert title here </ title > </ head > < body > <wicket:panel> < table   width = &quot;100%&quot;   style = &quot;border: 0px none;&quot; > < tbody >< tr > < td >< img   alt = &quot;Jug4Tenda&quot;   src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_jug4tenda.gif&quot; ></ td > < td >< h1 > Gestione   Anagrafica   Accoglienze </ h1 ></ td > < td >< img   alt = &quot;Associazione di volontariato La Tenda d'Abramo&quot;   src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_latendadabramo.gif&quot; ></ td > </ tr > </ tbody > </ table > </wicket:panel> </ body > </ html >  HeaderPanel.html ,[object Object]
La classe del pannello header package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; public   class   HeaderPanel   extends  Panel { public  HeaderPanel(String id) { super (id); } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Il pannello footer … < wicket:panel > < span   class = &quot;piccolo&quot; > Powered by  </ span > < a   target = &quot;_blank&quot;   title = &quot;vai al sito dello JUG Ancona,..”   href = &quot;; > < img   title = &quot;vai al sito dello JUG Ancona, ...&quot;   alt = &quot;JUG Ancona, Java User    Group di Ancona&quot;   src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_jugancona.gif&quot; ></ a > < img   title = &quot;JUG, Java User Group&quot;   alt = &quot;JUG, Java User Group&quot;     src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_jug.gif&quot; > < a   title = &quot;vai al sito del framework Spring &quot;   href = &quot;; > < img   title = &quot;vai al sito del framework Spring&quot;   alt = &quot;Spring&quot;   src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_spring.gif&quot; ></ a > < a   title = &quot;vai al sito di Mozilla Firefox...&quot; href = &quot;; > < img   title = &quot;vai al sito di Mozilla Firefox...&quot;   alt = &quot;Firefox&quot;  src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_firefox.gif&quot; ></ a > </ wicket:panel > …  FooterPanel.html package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; public   class   FooterPanel   extends  Panel { public  FooterPanel(String id) { super (id); } }
Il pannello menu … <div class=&quot;menuTitle&quot;>Menu principale</div> <ul class=&quot;menuItems&quot;> <li> <img src=&quot;wicketLayout_files/home.gif&quot;> <a class=&quot;Offmouse&quot; href=&quot;http://localhost:8080/jug4tenda/index.jsp&quot;  id=&quot;newOspite&quot; onmouseout=&quot;this.className='Offmouse'&quot;  onmouseover=&quot;this.className='Onmouse'&quot;>Home</a></li> </ul> …  MenuPanel.html package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; public   class  Menu Panel   extends  Panel { public  Menu Panel (String id) { super (id); } }
La pagina template Jug4Wicket  package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; public   class   JugTemplate   extends  WebPage { public  JugTemplate(){ add( new   HeaderPanel( &quot;headerPanel&quot; ) ); add( new   MenuPanel( &quot;menuPanel&quot; ) ); add( new   FooterPanel( &quot;footerPanel&quot; ) ); add( new   Label( &quot;contentComponent&quot;, &quot;content&quot; ) ); } } < html > < head > < meta   http-equiv = &quot;Content-Type&quot;   content = &quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot; > < title > Jug4Tenda - Home page </ title > ...   </ head > < body > < div   id = &quot;intestazione&quot;   wicket:id = &quot;headerPanel&quot; > intestazione </ div > < div   id = &quot;pagina&quot; > < div   id = &quot;Menu&quot;   wicket:id = &quot;menuPanel&quot; > Menu </ div > < div   id = &quot;Content&quot;  wicket:id = &quot;content&quot; > Content </ div > </ div > < div   id = &quot;piedipagina&quot;   wicket:id = &quot;footerPanel&quot; > piedipagina </ div > </ body > </ html >
JavaScript e CSS in Wicket ,[object Object],< html > < head > < meta   http-equiv = &quot;Content-Type&quot;   content = &quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot; > < title > Insert title here </ title > <wicket:head> <script>...</script> <wicket:head> ... </ head > < body > ... < wicket:panel > … </ wicket:panel > ...
Il framework Wicket ,[object Object]
L'ereditarietà delle pagine Wicket ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; public   class  ChildPage  extends  JugTemplate { public  ChildPage(){ super (); addOrReplace( new  Label( &quot;contentComponent&quot; ,  &quot;L'ereditariatà  delle pagine Wicket e sia a livello di codice che di  html&quot; )); } }
Pagina “figlia” del template ,[object Object],addOrReplace( new  Label( &quot;contentComponent&quot; ,  &quot;L'ereditariatà  delle pagine Wicket e sia a livello di codice che di html&quot; ));
Il framework Wicket ,[object Object]
I Wicket link ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],add( new   Link( &quot;link&quot; ) { @Override public   void  onClick() { } });
I Wicket link 2 ,[object Object],[object Object],add( new   Link( &quot;link&quot; ) { @Override public   void  onClick() { setResponsePage(JugTemplate.class); } });
Il metodo onBeforeRender ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Dopo il click il costruttore della pagina non verrà invocato mai il metodo onBeforeRender si!
Pagina di esempio sui Link ,[object Object],[object Object]
Codice della pagina di esempio public   class  HomePage  extends  WebPage { public   HomePage (){ super (); add( new  Label( &quot;label&quot; ,  &quot;Hello World&quot; )); add( new  Label( &quot;timeStamp&quot; ,  &quot;&quot;  +  new  Date())); add( new   Link( &quot;link&quot; ) { @Override public   void  onClick() { } }); add( new  Link( &quot;spanLink&quot; ){ @Override public   void  onClick() { } } ); .... @Override protected   void   onBeforeRender () { super .onBeforeRender(); addOrReplace( new  Label( &quot;timeStampFresh&quot; ,  &quot;&quot;  +  new  Date())); } }
Il framework Wicket ,[object Object]
Il ruolo del “model” in wicket 1 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],public interface IModel { public Object getObject(); public void setObject(final Object object); }
Il ruolo del “model” in wicket 2 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
new  Model<Persona>( new   Persona( “Mario” ,  “Rossi” )); …
I Form di Wicket ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Il componente TextField ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Classe Java
new  TextField<String>( “username” , new   Model<String>( “Inserisci  il tuo username” )); Codice HTML Username:  < input   type = &quot;text&quot;   wicket:id = &quot;username&quot; />
Prototipo maschera di login
Il pannello di login (HTML) < html > … < wicket:panel > < div   style = &quot;margin: auto; width: 40%&quot;   class = &quot;crop_content_contenuti&quot; > < form   id = &quot;ricerca&quot;   method = &quot;get&quot;   wicket:id = &quot;form&quot; > < fieldset   id = &quot;ricerca1&quot;   class = &quot;center&quot; > < legend   wicket:id = &quot;message&quot; > Ricerca </ legend > < p   wicket:id = &quot;loginStatus&quot;   style = &quot;font-weight: bold;color: red;text-align: left&quot; ></ p > < span > Username:  </ span > < input   wicket:id = &quot;username&quot;   type = &quot;text&quot;   id = &quot;username&quot;   />< br /> < span   > Password:  </ span > < input   wicket:id = &quot;password&quot;   type = &quot;password&quot;   id = &quot;password&quot;   /> < p > < input   type = &quot;submit&quot;   name = &quot;login&quot;   value = &quot;login&quot; /> </ p > </ fieldset > </ form > </ div > </ wicket:panel > … </ html > ,[object Object]
Il pannello e la form di login (Java) 1 public   class  LoginPanel  extends  Panel { public  LoginPanel(String id) { super (id); init(); } private   void  init(){ Form loginForm =  new  LoginForm( &quot;form&quot; ); add(loginForm); } } ,[object Object]
Il pannello e la form di login (Java) 2 public   class  LoginForm  extends  Form { private  TextField  usernameField  =  null ; private  PasswordTextField  passwordField  =  null ; private  Label  loginStatus  =  null ; public  LoginForm( final  String componentName) { super (componentName); usernameField  =  new  TextField( &quot;username&quot; ,  new  Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); passwordField  =  new  PasswordTextField( &quot;password&quot; ,  new   Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); loginStatus  =  new  Label( &quot;loginStatus&quot; ); add( usernameField ); add( passwordField ); add( new  Label( &quot;message&quot; ,  &quot;Login&quot; )); add( loginStatus ); } public   final   void  onSubmit() { String username =  usernameField .getValue(); String password =  passwordField .getValue(); if ((username.equals( &quot;Mario&quot; ) && password.equals( &quot;Rossi&quot; ))) loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new  Model<String>( &quot;Complimenti!&quot; )); else loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new  Model<String>( &quot;Username o    password errate!&quot; )); } Wicket dispone di un componente apposito per i campi password. L'evento onSubmit della form scatta prima di inviare i parametri della form al server.
Il pannello di login (Java) public   class  LoginPanel  extends  Panel { public  LoginPanel(String id) { super (id); init(); } private   void  init(){ Form loginForm =  new  LoginForm( &quot;form&quot; ); add(loginForm); } public   final   class  LoginForm  extends  Form { private  TextField  usernameField  =  null ; private  PasswordTextField  passwordField  =  null ; private  Label  loginStatus  =  null ; public  LoginForm( final  String componentName) { super (componentName); usernameField  =  new  TextField( &quot;username&quot; ,  new  Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); passwordField  =  new  PasswordTextField( &quot;password&quot; ,  new  Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); loginStatus  =  new  Label( &quot;loginStatus&quot; ); add( usernameField ); add( passwordField ); add( new  Label( &quot;message&quot; ,  &quot;Login&quot; )); add( loginStatus ); } public   final   void  onSubmit() { String username =  usernameField .getValue(); String password =  passwordField .getValue(); if ((username.equals( &quot;Mario&quot; ) && password.equals( &quot;Rossi&quot; ))) loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new  Model<String>( &quot;Complimenti!&quot; )); else loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new  Model<String>( &quot;Username o password errate!&quot; )); ... Wicket dispone di un componente apposito per i campi password. L'evento onSubmit della form scatta prima di inviare i parametri della form al server.
La pagina di login ,[object Object],package  helloWorld.layoutTenda; import  helloWorld.LoginPanel; import  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; public   class  LoginPage  extends  JugTemplate { public  LoginPage(){ super (); addOrReplace( new  LoginPanel( &quot;contentComponent&quot; )); } }
Il framework Wicket ,[object Object]
I repeat viewer
I bean come model Wicket ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Esempio:  Vogliamo realizzare un pannello e con una form con dei semplici dati anagrafici (nome, cognome, indirizzo, email). Premendo submit la form: ,[object Object]
la aggiunge alla lista di istanze precedentemente create
visualizza le istanze della lista.
Il JavaBean Person package  helloWorld; import; public   class   Person   implements  Serializable { private  String  name ; private  String  sureName ; private  String  address ; private  String  email ; public  String getAddress() { return   address ; } public   void  setAddress(String address) { this . address  = address; } public  String getEmail() { return   email ; } public   void  setEmail(String email) { this . email  = email; } public  String getName() { return   name ; } public   void  setName(String name) { this . name  = name; } public  String getSureName() { return   sureName ; } public   void  setSureName(String sureName) { this . sureName  = sureName; } }
La form class   CreatePerson   extends   Form { private  Person  person  =  new  Person(); public  Person getPerson() { return   person ; } public  CreatePerson(String id) { super (id); setDefaultModel( new  CompoundPropertyModel<Person>( this )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;person.sureName&quot; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;person.address&quot; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;; )); } @Override protected   void  onSubmit() { super .onSubmit(); personsArray .add( person ); person  =  new  Person(); } }
La form class   CreatePerson   extends   Form { private  Person  person  =  new  Person(); public  Person getPerson() { return   person ; } public  CreatePerson(String id) { super (id); setDefaultModel( new  CompoundPropertyModel<Person>( this )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;person.sureName&quot; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;person.address&quot; )); add( new  TextField<String>( &quot;; )); } @Override protected   void  onSubmit() { super .onSubmit(); personsArray .add( person ); person  =  new  Person(); } } Si traduce in  getPerson().getPerson().set/getName , quindi il TextFiled legge/scrive direttamente sui campi dell'istanza di Person Uso la stessa form come modello per i miei dati ed avrò accesso ai sui campi La form sarà una inner class del pannello è vedrà la sua variabile  personsArray

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Presentazione wicket

  • 1. Il framework Wicket Andrea Del Bene Jug Marche [email_address]
  • 2.
  • 3. L'HTTP è stateless e dobbiamo fare i salti mortali per associare uno stato alla navigazione di un utente sul nostro sito (di solito si ricorre all'oggetto Session)
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
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  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
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  • 16.
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  • 19.
  • 20. Il pannello footer … < wicket:panel > < span class = &quot;piccolo&quot; > Powered by </ span > < a target = &quot;_blank&quot; title = &quot;vai al sito dello JUG Ancona,..” href = &quot;; > < img title = &quot;vai al sito dello JUG Ancona, ...&quot; alt = &quot;JUG Ancona, Java User Group di Ancona&quot; src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_jugancona.gif&quot; ></ a > < img title = &quot;JUG, Java User Group&quot; alt = &quot;JUG, Java User Group&quot; src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_jug.gif&quot; > < a title = &quot;vai al sito del framework Spring &quot; href = &quot;; > < img title = &quot;vai al sito del framework Spring&quot; alt = &quot;Spring&quot; src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_spring.gif&quot; ></ a > < a title = &quot;vai al sito di Mozilla Firefox...&quot; href = &quot;; > < img title = &quot;vai al sito di Mozilla Firefox...&quot; alt = &quot;Firefox&quot; src = &quot;wicketLayout_files/logo_firefox.gif&quot; ></ a > </ wicket:panel > … FooterPanel.html package helloWorld.layoutTenda; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; public class FooterPanel extends Panel { public FooterPanel(String id) { super (id); } }
  • 21. Il pannello menu … <div class=&quot;menuTitle&quot;>Menu principale</div> <ul class=&quot;menuItems&quot;> <li> <img src=&quot;wicketLayout_files/home.gif&quot;> <a class=&quot;Offmouse&quot; href=&quot;http://localhost:8080/jug4tenda/index.jsp&quot; id=&quot;newOspite&quot; onmouseout=&quot;this.className='Offmouse'&quot; onmouseover=&quot;this.className='Onmouse'&quot;>Home</a></li> </ul> … MenuPanel.html package helloWorld.layoutTenda; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; public class Menu Panel extends Panel { public Menu Panel (String id) { super (id); } }
  • 22. La pagina template Jug4Wicket package helloWorld.layoutTenda; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; public class JugTemplate extends WebPage { public JugTemplate(){ add( new HeaderPanel( &quot;headerPanel&quot; ) ); add( new MenuPanel( &quot;menuPanel&quot; ) ); add( new FooterPanel( &quot;footerPanel&quot; ) ); add( new Label( &quot;contentComponent&quot;, &quot;content&quot; ) ); } } < html > < head > < meta http-equiv = &quot;Content-Type&quot; content = &quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot; > < title > Jug4Tenda - Home page </ title > ... </ head > < body > < div id = &quot;intestazione&quot; wicket:id = &quot;headerPanel&quot; > intestazione </ div > < div id = &quot;pagina&quot; > < div id = &quot;Menu&quot; wicket:id = &quot;menuPanel&quot; > Menu </ div > < div id = &quot;Content&quot; wicket:id = &quot;content&quot; > Content </ div > </ div > < div id = &quot;piedipagina&quot; wicket:id = &quot;footerPanel&quot; > piedipagina </ div > </ body > </ html >
  • 23. Demo
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Codice della pagina di esempio public class HomePage extends WebPage { public HomePage (){ super (); add( new Label( &quot;label&quot; , &quot;Hello World&quot; )); add( new Label( &quot;timeStamp&quot; , &quot;&quot; + new Date())); add( new Link( &quot;link&quot; ) { @Override public void onClick() { } }); add( new Link( &quot;spanLink&quot; ){ @Override public void onClick() { } } ); .... @Override protected void onBeforeRender () { super .onBeforeRender(); addOrReplace( new Label( &quot;timeStampFresh&quot; , &quot;&quot; + new Date())); } }
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. new Model<Persona>( new Persona( “Mario” , “Rossi” )); …
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 41. new TextField<String>( “username” , new Model<String>( “Inserisci il tuo username” )); Codice HTML Username: < input type = &quot;text&quot; wicket:id = &quot;username&quot; />
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Il pannello e la form di login (Java) 2 public class LoginForm extends Form { private TextField usernameField = null ; private PasswordTextField passwordField = null ; private Label loginStatus = null ; public LoginForm( final String componentName) { super (componentName); usernameField = new TextField( &quot;username&quot; , new Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); passwordField = new PasswordTextField( &quot;password&quot; , new Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); loginStatus = new Label( &quot;loginStatus&quot; ); add( usernameField ); add( passwordField ); add( new Label( &quot;message&quot; , &quot;Login&quot; )); add( loginStatus ); } public final void onSubmit() { String username = usernameField .getValue(); String password = passwordField .getValue(); if ((username.equals( &quot;Mario&quot; ) && password.equals( &quot;Rossi&quot; ))) loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new Model<String>( &quot;Complimenti!&quot; )); else loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new Model<String>( &quot;Username o password errate!&quot; )); } Wicket dispone di un componente apposito per i campi password. L'evento onSubmit della form scatta prima di inviare i parametri della form al server.
  • 46. Il pannello di login (Java) public class LoginPanel extends Panel { public LoginPanel(String id) { super (id); init(); } private void init(){ Form loginForm = new LoginForm( &quot;form&quot; ); add(loginForm); } public final class LoginForm extends Form { private TextField usernameField = null ; private PasswordTextField passwordField = null ; private Label loginStatus = null ; public LoginForm( final String componentName) { super (componentName); usernameField = new TextField( &quot;username&quot; , new Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); passwordField = new PasswordTextField( &quot;password&quot; , new Model<String>( &quot;&quot; )); loginStatus = new Label( &quot;loginStatus&quot; ); add( usernameField ); add( passwordField ); add( new Label( &quot;message&quot; , &quot;Login&quot; )); add( loginStatus ); } public final void onSubmit() { String username = usernameField .getValue(); String password = passwordField .getValue(); if ((username.equals( &quot;Mario&quot; ) && password.equals( &quot;Rossi&quot; ))) loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new Model<String>( &quot;Complimenti!&quot; )); else loginStatus .setDefaultModel( new Model<String>( &quot;Username o password errate!&quot; )); ... Wicket dispone di un componente apposito per i campi password. L'evento onSubmit della form scatta prima di inviare i parametri della form al server.
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  • 48. Demo
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  • 52. la aggiunge alla lista di istanze precedentemente create
  • 53. visualizza le istanze della lista.
  • 54. Il JavaBean Person package helloWorld; import; public class Person implements Serializable { private String name ; private String sureName ; private String address ; private String email ; public String getAddress() { return address ; } public void setAddress(String address) { this . address = address; } public String getEmail() { return email ; } public void setEmail(String email) { this . email = email; } public String getName() { return name ; } public void setName(String name) { this . name = name; } public String getSureName() { return sureName ; } public void setSureName(String sureName) { this . sureName = sureName; } }
  • 55. La form class CreatePerson extends Form { private Person person = new Person(); public Person getPerson() { return person ; } public CreatePerson(String id) { super (id); setDefaultModel( new CompoundPropertyModel<Person>( this )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;person.sureName&quot; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;person.address&quot; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;; )); } @Override protected void onSubmit() { super .onSubmit(); personsArray .add( person ); person = new Person(); } }
  • 56. La form class CreatePerson extends Form { private Person person = new Person(); public Person getPerson() { return person ; } public CreatePerson(String id) { super (id); setDefaultModel( new CompoundPropertyModel<Person>( this )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;person.sureName&quot; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;person.address&quot; )); add( new TextField<String>( &quot;; )); } @Override protected void onSubmit() { super .onSubmit(); personsArray .add( person ); person = new Person(); } } Si traduce in getPerson().getPerson().set/getName , quindi il TextFiled legge/scrive direttamente sui campi dell'istanza di Person Uso la stessa form come modello per i miei dati ed avrò accesso ai sui campi La form sarà una inner class del pannello è vedrà la sua variabile personsArray
  • 57.
  • 58. Il pannello public class PersonsManager extends Panel { private List<Person> personsArray = new ArrayList<Person>(); public PersonsManager(String id, List<Person> personsArray) { super (id); add( new CreatePerson( &quot;form&quot; )); PageableListView<Person> persons = new PageableListView<Person>( &quot;persons&quot; , personsArray,30) { @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem<Person> personHtml) { personHtml.add( new Label( &quot;personName&quot; , personHtml.getModel().getObject().getName())); personHtml.add( new Label( &quot;personSurename&quot; , personHtml.getModel().getObject().getSureName())); personHtml.add( new Label( &quot;address&quot; , personHtml.getModel().getObject().getAddress())); personHtml.add( new Label( &quot;email&quot; , personHtml.getModel().getObject().getEmail())); } }; add(persons); this . personsArray = personsArray; } Il codice nell'ellisse è il repeat viewer che visualizza la lista di persone create
  • 59. Demo
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  • 61. Rende le applicazioni web testabili molto più facilmente.
  • 62. Gestione dello stato trasparente.
  • 63. Grande varietà di componenti pronti all'uso.
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  • 65. Documentazione utente e tutorial frammentari e scarni.
  • 66. ...
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  • 71. Grazie ! Andrea Del Bene JUG Marche -