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The Fallacy of Millennialism
 Now, given this understanding of Rev. 20:1-6, let us reread Verses 7 &
 7 And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed from his
 8 and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four
quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to
battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
 This is the Battle of Armageddon. It is phase two of the conflict
that occurs in Rev. 19:19-21. If the post-Tribulation Millennialists are
correct, they must put the Battle of Armageddon AFTER the
Judgment Day; but the Book of Ezekiel clearly tells us that this battle
will occur as part of the "latter days," which, according to all of the
prophecies of the End Times, are those events which will occur just
before the Day of Judgment.
 We can see that this battle is brewing right now (Jan., 2009), getting
ready to come down upon us in these latter days! People are already
talking about World War III as an inevitability. The storm clouds are
gathering. We can see that all the nations of the world are in great
economic distress; and this type of economic distress invariably leads
to war!!! The election of another Zionist agent, Barak Obama, has
guaranteed that nothing will change.
 Gog is the SynaGOG of Satan, the Jewish religion and its world
Empire of Debt-Usury. Here, the Eighth Beast is directly connected to
Gog and Magog. If the Millennialists are correct in their interpretation,
then Gog and Magog would have to make their appearance a thousand
years after the Tribulation and Judgment; but we know that Gog and
Magog represent Jewish Supremacism and the New World Order,
headquartered in the United Nations, conceived and financed by the
House of Rothschild.
 But, prophetically, the Eighth Beast and the False Prophet have already
been cast into the lake of fire and permanently destroyed. (Rev. 19:20.)
With these two entities having been destroyed, what earthly vehicle would
Satan have to "go out and deceive the nations" again?
 With the Kingdom having been set up immediately after the Judgment
Day, do you really think that Jesus Christ and the citizens of the Kingdom
(such as Yours Truly!) would be fooled again by this system? Fie!
 Lacking any knowledge - or pretending not to know! - about the
Jewish nature of the 8th Beast, they pull a rabbit out of a hat and say,
"Aha! The Millennium will occur a thousand years after the Tribulation!"
Again, fie!
 Let's revisit the two possible interpretations of the Millennium from the
Introduction above:
 Taking the descriptions from Rev. 19:10 to Rev. 20:10 as a cohesive story, we
have two possible interpretations:
 There are two Judgments with a period of one thousand years intervening; or
 2.) There is only one Judgment, with the events of Rev. 20:1-7 representing a
flashback to the days before the Great Battle between the people of Israel versus
Gog and Magog. (Rev. 20:8-10.)
 Now that you have a solid historical backdrop of the "little season,"
the Post-Trib Millennium does look more like a rabbit pulled out of hat!
Rather than interjecting a 1,000-year period between the simultaneous
judgment of the Beast and False Prophet versus the judgment of the
Dragon, Rev. 19:10 - 20:10 is one historical event. It is not a continuous
chronology. Rather, Rev. 19 is telling the story of the Beast and False
Prophet, which, being the earthly institutions of Mystery Babylon and
denominational Judeo-Christianity, will be destroyed first.
 The international banking system (Mystery Babylon) is collapsing as we speak.
This international crash will cause all kinds of social chaos, including food riots and
energy shortages. As they gradually awaken to the fact that Mystery Babylon is
falling, the masses will bitterly complain against the international bankers, who are
responsible for all of this economic chaos. As a direct result of this economic
collapse, denominational Christians will finally wake up and realize that their
respective priesthoods have been lying to them about Mystery Babylon and the
False Prophet.
 The public is becoming aware that most of these international bankers
are Jewish, and the BIG LIE that the "Jews are God's chosen people" will
no longer be tenable, since it is becoming obvious that the International
Jewry is the world's biggest mafia organization.
 The Christian Zionist pew-warmers will be that last ones to figure out
who the 8th Beast, if they ever do!
 World opinion is finally turning against the Jews, partially because of
the recent brutal attacks upon the civilians in Beirut and Gaza, and
because of their continuously inhumane treatment of the Palestinian
people. While the Kosher Press has kept the public in the dark about the
brutality of the Jewsraeli State, the internet has been graphically showing
the world how dastardly evil the Jewsraeli State really is. One recent
survey has indicated that so-called "anti-Semitism" doubled worldwide
between 2007 and 2008.
 The world is finally catching on to the Jewish charade; and those
Jews, who used to support Zionism unquestioningly, are now seeing
the handwriting on the wall. The masses are once again murmuring
against the Jews for their exploitationary economic practices.
 By exploiting America's wealth, the Jews have bled us dry; and
with have nothing left to give, but gall!
 The world-wide Zionist Lobby is being seen for what it really is: a brutal
economic dictatorship. The reality is that Zionism is an international mafia
organization, which, by exploiting the Jewish people's desire for a national
homeland, has used this idea (Zionism) instead to promote its world empire. And
this is all being done according to the blueprint known as the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion. Forgery or not, the Zionist Mafia has instituted every
Protocol, planet-wide, just as that document has outlined. As the old saying goes,
"If the shoe fits..." The Jews can deny it all they want. Their lies are falling on
increasingly deaf ears!
 Along with this general awakening, the sheeple of Judeo-
Christianity are also awakening to the fact that their pulpitmasters
have been co-conspirators with this brutal world dictatorship. (Ezek.
22:23-31.) Indeed, the myth that "the Jews are God's chosen people" has
been ceaselessly proclaimed by their high priests and low priests.
 The Jews repeatedly have told us that, "Those who bless Israel will be
blessed." Well, America has blessed the International Jew with billions
upon billions of dollars in foreign aid. Harry Truman was the first
head of state to recognize the abomination of desolation, when it was
created on May 15, 1948. He did it even quicker than Stalin, who was
next in line. How has America been blessed during this time of
unqualified support for the Jewish State?
 Here is the historical record, right after we began blessing the Israelies:
 General MacArthur complained that he had to inform the UN about his troop
movements before they were implemented. The head of the UN Security Council was
Soviet General Constantine Zinchenko.
 This meant that the communists were fully informed of every move the Americans
would make. When General MacArthur defied these rules at Inchon, his Army had a
decisive victory over the communists. What was his reward? He was removed from
command by Harry Solomon Truman, who, like Federal Dictator Rosenfeldt, was taking
his orders secretly from the Zionists, who were in control of both sides of the military
struggle throughout WWII.
 (The later Cold War was just part of the charade!) Just as the
Rothschilds have financed both sides of all military struggles since the
Napoleonic Wars, the Rothschilds staged the Korean War in order to
sacrifice Christians on the altar of their World Dictatorship and also
to give some bite to their newly established Paper Tiger, the United
Nations Organization! There is a reason why it is called "The Theater
of War."
America got involved in a no-win war in Korea, which was actually staged by the
Rothschild front, the United Nations Organization. America had no business
getting involved in Korea. The whole situation was a set-up by the UN. The
Rothschilds were testing the waters, to see how much they could get away with. The
war was sold to the American people as a "war against communism." But, our
military was prevented from attacking North Korea itself, which was declared off
limits by the UN. What kind of a war is this?
 We got involved in a second no-win war in Vietnam. Again,
thousands of American lives were wasted in destroying that little
nation, again without a victory against the communists. The ruse,
again, was "anti-communism." In reality, the Zionists were simply
using "anti-communism" and "patriotism" as the carrot to lead
deceived Americans into the Zionist meat grinder.
 In the meantime, Lying Butcher Johnson, a committed Zionist with
numerous ties to the Jewish underworld, instituted the not so "Great
Society," which was nothing more than communism in the guise of "Civil
rights" and welfare statism. The welfare state is nothing else than
communism by an attractive-sounding name. So, while Lying butcher
Johnson and his Zionist friends were sacrificing American lives on the
altar of "anti-communism," they were implementing communism right
here in America via the welfare state!!
 Pretty clever, eh? Loads of Jewish "anti-war activists" protested the war (after
getting their conscientious objector status approved!) and implemented communism
here in America while non-Jeiwsh Americans were fighting and dying for what they
thought was "anti-communism"! In addition, Johnson's Not-So-Great Society
opened a Pandora's Box of left-wing ideology, polluting America by legitimizing all
kinds of anti-Christian ideologies, including homosexuality, feminism, liberalism,
atheism, abortion, pornography, "free love," the drug culture, and all other kinds of
deliberately conceived pestilence.
 These are the "fornications of Mystery Babylon."
 The Seventies produced the AIDS epidemic, the "Me Generation," and an
increase in socialistic government during the Carter years.
 The Eighties produced the disgusting output of MTV, nihilism, forced
vaccinations, corporate takeovers of small businesses and a general decline in moral
standards. The Kosher Media began to produce sit-coms with homosexual heroes
and heterosexual nitwits as the main characters. The nationalized public schools
produced a nauseating array of anti-Christian curricula, with the result that our
children have been indoctrinated into accepting Mystery Babylon's fornications.
 The purpose of all of this indoctrination is to destroy God's
foundational unit of society: the nuclear family.
 The Nineties produced ever more nihilism, liberalism and
fornication, with a major economic collapse occurring around the
year 2,000. The first Gulf War killed a lot of people, but it did not
eliminate Saddam Hussein.
 The ought years ('00- '09) of the New Millennium are producing nothing but
economic, civil, military and social chaos, with the federal government giving
handouts to non-citizens from Mexico while the American taxpayer has to foot the
bill for his own dispossession! This is a blatant betrayal of the nation's trust. 9-11
was staged by the Zionists in order to conjure up support for more military
misadventures in the Middle East. Now we are embroiled in another war staged by
the Zionists, so that they can make the Middle East safe for their illegitimate Jewish
 The obvious goal of the Zionists in the Middle East is to take the
oil away from the Arabs, so that they will become economically
impotent. Add to this the fact that Muslim nations forbid usury, and
you have two fantastic reasons why the Zionists are staging wars
between Muslims and Christians: two enemies are eliminated by a
single stroke!
 The Jews keep telling us that all of these things are necessary
and good!!!
 Deut. 28 lists all of the curses that would befall us if we disobey
Yahweh's Laws. These curses began happening to America the moment
that we recognized the Abomination of Desolation, the Jewsraeli State! It
is simply undeniable that this sad record has been instigated by Mystery
Babylon and the innocent people of the world have been victimized by all
of this deception.
 So, the question is this: "How have we been blessed by blessing
the Jews?" The true answer to this question should pierce the hearts of
all Christian Zionists, because there is only one true answer to this
question, namely, that America has been cursed for blessing the
Jews. Deut. 7:2 says "Thou shalt make no covenant with them," meaning His
enemies the Canaanites and Edomites, who survive today as the Jewish
people, who pretend to be Judeans and are not but the Synagogue of
Satan. (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.)
 Paul repeated this warning when he said, "Be not unequally
yoked with UNBELIEVERS." (II Cor., 6:14.) What is a Jew, if not
an unbeliever if Yahshua Messiah? From the day that Truman
recognized the Jewsraeli State, America has precipitously declined,
morally, spiritually, intellectually and religiously.
 If we want to save ourselves, we must disengage ourselves from
the genocidal Zionists, once and for all.
 By supporting the Zionist antichrists, the West has allied itself with
the devil, and America has suffered a concomitant, disastrous decline.
This is how we have been "blessed for blessing the Jews."
 The Dragon that was banished for a thousand years is the same entity that
assembles the armies of Gog and Magog against True Israel in the Final Conflict of
Armageddon. (Rev. 20: 1-7). The Book of Ezekiel clearly states that this battle will
occur "in the latter years." (Ezek. 38:8.) This means that it will occur BEFORE the
Day of Judgment. All of the Millennialists completely disregard the fact that Gog
and Magog are part of the context of Rev. 20:1-7. They simply take the "thousand
years" out of this context and project it into the future, after the Tribulation and
 Here is the key to understanding Rev. 19 & 20: Rev. 19:11 begins
describing the Great Battle between Jesus Christ and Satan. The first
phase of this Great Battle ends with the 8th Beast and the False
Prophet being cast into the Lake of Fire.
 This means that the world economy has collapsed and the
denominational world of Judeo-Christianity has also collapsed. They
are gone, out of business. But Satan is still alive, and he sees only one
hope for himself; and that is to organize Gog and Magog against
Christian America, which has always been the great stumbling block
before him.
 This is what Revelation 20 is all about. It is Phase Two of the Battle of
Armageddon. It is a fact that the Zionists have been propping up China
since the 1970's. The international corporations have been exporting jobs
to China and to other third world countries in order to avoid paying the
high wages demanded by American workers. The internationalists have
sold this policy to the world by calling it "Free Trade." In reality, Free
Trade has been the vehicle for destroying America's economy in favor of
doing business with cheap labor markets in other countries.
 The Zionists have always wanted to destroy America, because we were
founded as a Christian nation. Free Trade is the technique by which
Mystery Babylon has been destroying America while simultaneously
profiting from the cheap labor markets. But their insufferable greed has
led to a collapse of the world economy. They fully expected to keep the
economies of the East and Europe afloat while they were deliberately
destroying ours. But America's economy turned out to be bigger than
 The Zionists have been stabbing us and stabbing us and stabbing us,
but America refuses to die!!!!! Because we are the Stone Kingdom
prophesied in Isaiah, which cannot be destroyed! (Isa. 27-29, esp. 28:14-
19.) And that Stone, or Rock, is Jesus Christ; and no power on earth can
defeat Jesus Christ! Now, a world economic collapse has been precipitated
by the increasing valuelessness of the Federal Reserve Note, which has
been the world's currency since the end of World War II.
 Mystery Babylon has used the Federal Reserve System to finance its World
Empire. This has been accomplished by simply creating money and spending it in
foreign markets. But this process is highly inflationary. Today, foreigners are no
longer willing to accept Federal Reserve Notes as currency. In effect, the
Rothschilds have shot themselves in the foot. Just as their World Empire is about to
be realized, their currency du Jour is collapsing; and the Arabs and Chinese are no
longer willing to accept FRN's in exchange for their oil. (I suspect that the
Rothschilds are secretly giving the Chinese gold or other currencies, since China will
no longer do business in FRN's.
 This would explain why the price of gold is being kept artificially low.
During the Great Depression, the Rothschilds had Federal Dictator
Rosenfeldt confiscate America's gold and artificially lower its price, so
they could buy it back cheap!) Control of global markets is also why the
Zionists must defeat the Muslim nations, such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan,
etc. The people of America falsely blame Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush
for all of this turmoil; but now they are finally beginning to see that it is
Mystery Babylon, the Zionist International, that is the true culprit.
 America has been unwittingly complicit in this process; and that is why
the world has come to hate us as a nation, even though most of the Free
World understands that it isn't the American people who are the
warmongers. It is the international corporations and bankers who are the
real warmongers; and only those who are utterly dense fail to comprehend
this. This includes the Christian Zionists (on the Right) and the deluded
Liberals (on the Left), who still believe that the UN is the world's only
"hope for world peace."
 These people still believe in the old-fashioned Left Versus Right stage play that
is continually acted out by the Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannitys and Alan
Dershowitzes of the Kosher Press. The reality is that both the Democrats and the
Republicans are pro-Zionist in all of their policies. There is absolutely no difference
between these two "parties," when it comes to Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon
owns them, lock, stock and barrel. The Left Versus Right debate is a comic
sideshow, which goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid the subject of Zionism's
influence in America's economy and politics.
 As world economic conditions continue to deteriorate, the masses will
finally begin to realize that it is the Zionist tail that is wagging the American
dog. Now, the Zionists are frantically trying to hold their Empire together while the
world turns against them. You can see that the world is getting ready to explode
politically as the Zionists race against time to preserve their World Empire while the
masses turn against them. As Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all
of the time; and you can all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all the people all the
 The sheeple are waking up; and the Zionists are in big trouble!!! As
long as the sheeple of the world are deceived by Zionism, the plan
proceeds smoothly. But as one nation after another backs away from the
Zionist Master Plan, the Plan becomes increasingly difficult to carry out.
This is why the Zionists are pushing for greater suppression of our
freedoms, because they fear an American Reaction to their perfidy.
"Homeland Security" is the deceptive language used for "Homeland
Dictatorship." Let's call it what it is.
 "I will remove the iniquity of that land IN ONE DAY." - Zech. 3:9.
 The timing of all of these developments is crucial to understanding
Chapter 20. The Millennialists have misidentified the timing of the
thousand years. Chapter 19 began the discussion of the Final Conflict,
with Jesus Christ's Second Coming settling the issue. The Beast and False
Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of Chapter 19. Chapter
20 simply changes the focus from these two entities onto Satan himself.
 Chapter 20 starts out with a flashback to the days of Napoleon, when Satan was
let out of the bottomless pit after a one thousand year imprisonment. This is a
direct reference to the House of Rothschild banking cartel, which re-established the
international banking system of the Jews, which began in ancient Babylon!Verses 4-
6 continue this flashback and elaborate on this period of a thousand years, recalling
the saints who endured persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church
during this time. It is also a fact that the beheading (Verse 4) of Christians
intensified during the French Revolution, a revolution that was financed by the
Rothschilds, using Freemasons as the dupes of this Illuminati plan.
 The guillotine and the Reign of Terror made this period one of
the darkest in history. This was near the end of the thousand years.
Thus, during the period of the Holy Roman Empire, from 800-1800
AD, these saints earned the right to eternal life, battling against the
6th Beast, Rome, and the emerging 8th Beast, which was unwittingly
liberated ("unchained") by Napoleon, the 7th Beast.
 The Post-Trib Millennialists, having no understanding of how
these historical events have been fulfilled in the Apocalypse, simply
lift the "thousand years" out of their context and proclaim them to be
in the future, after the Tribulation. This is a mistake born of
ignorance of the Bible's Big Picture.
 Verse 5 talks about "the rest of the dead" being liberated after this period
of one thousand years. These saints are already "in heaven," waiting to
join us when the Kingdom (the New Jerusalem) descends down upon our
planet. (Rev. 21:10.) We have to remember that the KJV translators had
quite a job on their hands in trying to translate a Koine Greek vision,
written in 90 AD, of events that were yet in the
future. Theirtranslation appears to depict a post-tribulation Millennium.
 There is no way that these translators, working around 1600 AD, could
have anticipated the 7th and 8th Beasts, although all Protestants of their
day taught that the Papacy (the 6th Beast) was the antichrist of the time.
This much they understood. Consequently, their translation reflects their
groping with the Greek text and how to present these futuristic, symbolic
events, which are presented in very cryptic language. Thus, Verse 6 tells us
that these saints, by battling against the 6th, 7th and 8th Beasts, earned
their right to citizenship in the Kingdom.
 Given the difficulty of such a task, the KJV translation of John's Apocalypse is
amazingly readable and understandable, seeing that the translators had no idea
whatever as to what the imagery actually represented and how these events would
work out historically. Lacking the historical perspective (hindsight) we have today,
translating the last Book of the Bible had to be an arduous and thankless task. As it
is, they did an outstanding job of conveying its imagery; but the implication that the
Millennium occurs after the Tribulation is either accidental or an error on their part.
In any case, that is how most readers have interpreted it.
 Verse 7 restates the fact that Satan will be loosed after a thousand
years. Verse 8 concerns Gog and Magog. The balance of Chapter 20
(verses 9-15) deals with the tribulation leading up to the Judgment Day
itself. So,within the context of Chapter 20, the "millennium" clearly
occurs BEFORE the Battle of Armageddon (against Gog and Magog),
which just precedes the Day of Judgment. Otherwise, there would have to
be two Tribulations and two Judgments, with the Millennium sandwiched
in between.
 As I explained in the Introduction to this essay, it cannot be assumed that Rev.
19:11 - 20:10 is a strict, chronological record of prophecy. The Book of Revelation
contains numerous plots, subplots, flashbacks and flashforwards, all of which are
interwoven into the overall plot. Without this understanding of who the characters
of Revelation are, the post-Tribulation Millennialists can only assume a post-
Tribulation Millennium. Even with this assumption, they still fail to address the Gog
and Magog scenario of Rev. 20:8-10, which can only be read, according to their own
thesis, as a second Tribulation, as these nations would have to be assembled against
True Israel once again.
 But the Bible, up to Chapter 20, clearly teaches that there will be
only One Great Tribulation, One Battle of Armageddon, One
Intervention by Jesus Christ, One Judgment Day, and, finally, the
Establishment of the Kingdom. Given these considerations, I have
been led to the inescapable conclusion that the 1,000-year Millennium
is a flashback to the Holy Roman Empire, not a post-Tribulation
 Once the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire, it's
"curtains" for them. There is no coming back out of the Lake of Fire. Once these
two devils are removed from the political landscape, the institutions by which Satan
has deceived the world will no longer be available to him, so his modus operandi is
gone. Satan is thus confronted with his absolute powerlessness, being given a short
time to reflect upon the futility of his rebellion before his ultimate destruction. For
further proof, I cite II Esdras. Here is what the angel Uriel tells Ezra in this End-
Time vision:
 "The Day of Judgment is decisive and sets its seal on the truth for all to
see; the day of judgment will be the end of the present world and the beginning of
the eternal world to come, a world in which corruption will have disappeared." -
Verses 104-114.
 If corruption has disappeared, how can Satan be let
loose again to "deceive the nations"? (Rev. 20:3.)
 Rest assured, Children of Israel, there will be NO emergence of
the Dragon from the bottomless pit after the Day of Judgment.
The Day of Judgment is the final act for evil. Evil will be vanquished,
never to show its ugly face again. It means the abolition of all evil,
including the destruction of the seed of Edom (Book of
Obadiah). "For the violence done to your brother Jacob, you will be covered with
shame and cut off forever." - Ob. 10.
 Satan will briefly outlive the Beast and False Prophet, but only long
enough to organize the Gog and Magog attack upon America. This
will fail; and Satan will be out of business forever. Without the
international financing (Mystery Babylon) of war available to him and
without the false priesthood (False Prophet) deceiving the masses for
him, how will Satan organize Gog and Magog 1,000 years after they
are gone?
 How would Satan pay for the armies? How would he be able to
deceive the masses without a cadre of priests inflaming the masses, as
the "Christian" Zionists do? Without an earthly vehicle for such
activities, Satan will have no longer have any influence in this
world. Iniquity will be judged in one day, just as Zech. 3:9 and the rest
of the Bible proclaim.
 The orthodox interpreters of Scripture do not seem to understand that
the Judgment Day will be a final end for evil. It cannot be a two-stage
event interrupted by a thousand years of peace; and there is no period of
peace suggested in Rev. 20:1-11. This is just another assumption. As I said
earlier, the Bible only speaks of a single Judgment Day, but the post-
Tribulation Millennium requires that the Judgment of Gog and Magog
occur 1,000 years after the Judgment of the Beast and False Prophet.
 Since this interpretation contradicts the Single Day of Judgment taught
by the rest of Scripture, it must be rejected. My flashback scenario
resolves all of the problems created by the post-Trib Millennium.
 Here is more verification of this point from the KJV: God's Judgment
is final & the Lake of Fire is eternal. Those condemned to it do not
come back: Revelation 20:10; Mt 25:46; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews
6:2; Jude 7.
 Speaking of the Battle of Armageddon:
 Rev. 20:9: And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the
camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out
of heaven, and devoured them.
 10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of
fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are,
and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
 There is only one Battle of Armageddon, not two! After the Beast and False
Prophet have been cast into the Fire, Satan Himself will be destroyed. Satan will not
be able to stage a comeback! There will not be a thousand-year delay between the
judgment of the Beast and False Prophet versus the Judgment of Satan. Rev. 19 &
20 are telling the same story, but with different subjects emphasized. The first story
deals with the Beast and False Prophet. The second story deals with Satan himself.
The two stories fall within the same time period. They are not a thousand years
 The idea that there will be two tribulations and two judgments,
separated by a thousand years, contradicts the rest of the Bible, which
teaches only one Great Tribulation and One Judgment Day, which is
immediately followed by the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and the
establishment of the Kingdom Once the Kingdom is established, it
will not be disturbed by a disinterred Satan.
 11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth
and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
 12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were
opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were
judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up
the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
 14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is
the second death.
 15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire.
 These last verses confirm the passages from II Esdras. This
judgment is final. Nothing comes back from the second death!
 Understanding the history of the 8 Beasts unravels the clues to the
Millennium. We must understand that the Apocalypse contains many
flashforwards and flashbacks. Rev. 20:1-10 is just such a flashback, not a
peek into the future; but this is something that the KJV translators could
not possibly have known. That's why they chose to couch the language in
futuristic terms. Given these factors, I declare that the Millennium is an
event that has ALREADY OCCURRED, as explained above, and Satan,
after his soon-to-be judgment, will never be let loose again.
 There is only one Judgment Day.
 And when that happens, it's over, baby.
 Millennialism is an idea that has come out of mainstream Judeo-
Christian misinterpretation of Scripture. The vast majority of these
commentators know nothing about the Eighth Beast, Mystery
Babylon. They don't even suspect that their various denominations
are part of the False Prophet. Neither do they suspect Judaism's role
in creating the Eighth Beast and the False Prophet.
 In addition, there is very little understanding among these
Christian scholars of the many plots and subplots that weave their
way in and out of the various chapters of the Revelation. As
mentioned earlier, another major flaw in their interpretations is their
false equation of the Jews with Israel. True Israel is the Caucasian
people: White Christendom. If you don't know this, prophecy cannot
be correctly interpreted.
 Given these major errors in their Biblical knowledge, it would be
sheer accident if they got any of these prophecies right. The best they
can do is speak in vague generalities, whereas Christian Identity
scholarship has shown that the Apocalypse speaks of very specific,
easily identifiable institutions. Their placement of the devil's
thousand-year confinement after the Judgment Day is just one of
their many mistakes.
 Without a clear picture of the various characters in John's
Apocalypse, and what they represent, Judeo-Christian scholarship is
lost in a universal fog of guesswork. Millennialism is part of that fog.
 The Judgment Day is the Last Act for Satan and evil itself. There
will be no curtain call.
 To see the Appendix: Explanatory Notes go to this link:
The fallacy of millennialism part 2 pdf
The fallacy of millennialism part 2 pdf

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The fallacy of millennialism part 2 pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. BY PASTOR ELI JAMES PA R T 2 O F 2 The Fallacy of Millennialism
  • 3.
  • 4. SATAN´S LAST STAND  Now, given this understanding of Rev. 20:1-6, let us reread Verses 7 & 8:  7 And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed from his prison  8 and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
  • 5.  This is the Battle of Armageddon. It is phase two of the conflict that occurs in Rev. 19:19-21. If the post-Tribulation Millennialists are correct, they must put the Battle of Armageddon AFTER the Judgment Day; but the Book of Ezekiel clearly tells us that this battle will occur as part of the "latter days," which, according to all of the prophecies of the End Times, are those events which will occur just before the Day of Judgment.
  • 6.  We can see that this battle is brewing right now (Jan., 2009), getting ready to come down upon us in these latter days! People are already talking about World War III as an inevitability. The storm clouds are gathering. We can see that all the nations of the world are in great economic distress; and this type of economic distress invariably leads to war!!! The election of another Zionist agent, Barak Obama, has guaranteed that nothing will change.
  • 7.  Gog is the SynaGOG of Satan, the Jewish religion and its world Empire of Debt-Usury. Here, the Eighth Beast is directly connected to Gog and Magog. If the Millennialists are correct in their interpretation, then Gog and Magog would have to make their appearance a thousand years after the Tribulation and Judgment; but we know that Gog and Magog represent Jewish Supremacism and the New World Order, headquartered in the United Nations, conceived and financed by the House of Rothschild.
  • 8.  But, prophetically, the Eighth Beast and the False Prophet have already been cast into the lake of fire and permanently destroyed. (Rev. 19:20.) With these two entities having been destroyed, what earthly vehicle would Satan have to "go out and deceive the nations" again?  With the Kingdom having been set up immediately after the Judgment Day, do you really think that Jesus Christ and the citizens of the Kingdom (such as Yours Truly!) would be fooled again by this system? Fie!
  • 9.  Lacking any knowledge - or pretending not to know! - about the Jewish nature of the 8th Beast, they pull a rabbit out of a hat and say, "Aha! The Millennium will occur a thousand years after the Tribulation!" Again, fie!
  • 10. THE TRUE CHRONOLOGY  Let's revisit the two possible interpretations of the Millennium from the Introduction above:  Taking the descriptions from Rev. 19:10 to Rev. 20:10 as a cohesive story, we have two possible interpretations:  There are two Judgments with a period of one thousand years intervening; or  2.) There is only one Judgment, with the events of Rev. 20:1-7 representing a flashback to the days before the Great Battle between the people of Israel versus Gog and Magog. (Rev. 20:8-10.)
  • 11.  Now that you have a solid historical backdrop of the "little season," the Post-Trib Millennium does look more like a rabbit pulled out of hat! Rather than interjecting a 1,000-year period between the simultaneous judgment of the Beast and False Prophet versus the judgment of the Dragon, Rev. 19:10 - 20:10 is one historical event. It is not a continuous chronology. Rather, Rev. 19 is telling the story of the Beast and False Prophet, which, being the earthly institutions of Mystery Babylon and denominational Judeo-Christianity, will be destroyed first.
  • 12.  The international banking system (Mystery Babylon) is collapsing as we speak. This international crash will cause all kinds of social chaos, including food riots and energy shortages. As they gradually awaken to the fact that Mystery Babylon is falling, the masses will bitterly complain against the international bankers, who are responsible for all of this economic chaos. As a direct result of this economic collapse, denominational Christians will finally wake up and realize that their respective priesthoods have been lying to them about Mystery Babylon and the False Prophet.
  • 13.  The public is becoming aware that most of these international bankers are Jewish, and the BIG LIE that the "Jews are God's chosen people" will no longer be tenable, since it is becoming obvious that the International Jewry is the world's biggest mafia organization.  The Christian Zionist pew-warmers will be that last ones to figure out who the 8th Beast, if they ever do! 
  • 14.  World opinion is finally turning against the Jews, partially because of the recent brutal attacks upon the civilians in Beirut and Gaza, and because of their continuously inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people. While the Kosher Press has kept the public in the dark about the brutality of the Jewsraeli State, the internet has been graphically showing the world how dastardly evil the Jewsraeli State really is. One recent survey has indicated that so-called "anti-Semitism" doubled worldwide between 2007 and 2008.
  • 15.  The world is finally catching on to the Jewish charade; and those Jews, who used to support Zionism unquestioningly, are now seeing the handwriting on the wall. The masses are once again murmuring against the Jews for their exploitationary economic practices.  By exploiting America's wealth, the Jews have bled us dry; and with have nothing left to give, but gall!
  • 16.  The world-wide Zionist Lobby is being seen for what it really is: a brutal economic dictatorship. The reality is that Zionism is an international mafia organization, which, by exploiting the Jewish people's desire for a national homeland, has used this idea (Zionism) instead to promote its world empire. And this is all being done according to the blueprint known as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Forgery or not, the Zionist Mafia has instituted every Protocol, planet-wide, just as that document has outlined. As the old saying goes, "If the shoe fits..." The Jews can deny it all they want. Their lies are falling on increasingly deaf ears!
  • 17.  Along with this general awakening, the sheeple of Judeo- Christianity are also awakening to the fact that their pulpitmasters have been co-conspirators with this brutal world dictatorship. (Ezek. 22:23-31.) Indeed, the myth that "the Jews are God's chosen people" has been ceaselessly proclaimed by their high priests and low priests.
  • 18.  The Jews repeatedly have told us that, "Those who bless Israel will be blessed." Well, America has blessed the International Jew with billions upon billions of dollars in foreign aid. Harry Truman was the first head of state to recognize the abomination of desolation, when it was created on May 15, 1948. He did it even quicker than Stalin, who was next in line. How has America been blessed during this time of unqualified support for the Jewish State?
  • 19.
  • 20.  Here is the historical record, right after we began blessing the Israelies:  General MacArthur complained that he had to inform the UN about his troop movements before they were implemented. The head of the UN Security Council was Soviet General Constantine Zinchenko.  This meant that the communists were fully informed of every move the Americans would make. When General MacArthur defied these rules at Inchon, his Army had a decisive victory over the communists. What was his reward? He was removed from command by Harry Solomon Truman, who, like Federal Dictator Rosenfeldt, was taking his orders secretly from the Zionists, who were in control of both sides of the military struggle throughout WWII.
  • 21.  (The later Cold War was just part of the charade!) Just as the Rothschilds have financed both sides of all military struggles since the Napoleonic Wars, the Rothschilds staged the Korean War in order to sacrifice Christians on the altar of their World Dictatorship and also to give some bite to their newly established Paper Tiger, the United Nations Organization! There is a reason why it is called "The Theater of War."
  • 22.  America got involved in a no-win war in Korea, which was actually staged by the Rothschild front, the United Nations Organization. America had no business getting involved in Korea. The whole situation was a set-up by the UN. The Rothschilds were testing the waters, to see how much they could get away with. The war was sold to the American people as a "war against communism." But, our military was prevented from attacking North Korea itself, which was declared off limits by the UN. What kind of a war is this?
  • 23.  We got involved in a second no-win war in Vietnam. Again, thousands of American lives were wasted in destroying that little nation, again without a victory against the communists. The ruse, again, was "anti-communism." In reality, the Zionists were simply using "anti-communism" and "patriotism" as the carrot to lead deceived Americans into the Zionist meat grinder.
  • 24.  In the meantime, Lying Butcher Johnson, a committed Zionist with numerous ties to the Jewish underworld, instituted the not so "Great Society," which was nothing more than communism in the guise of "Civil rights" and welfare statism. The welfare state is nothing else than communism by an attractive-sounding name. So, while Lying butcher Johnson and his Zionist friends were sacrificing American lives on the altar of "anti-communism," they were implementing communism right here in America via the welfare state!!
  • 25.  Pretty clever, eh? Loads of Jewish "anti-war activists" protested the war (after getting their conscientious objector status approved!) and implemented communism here in America while non-Jeiwsh Americans were fighting and dying for what they thought was "anti-communism"! In addition, Johnson's Not-So-Great Society opened a Pandora's Box of left-wing ideology, polluting America by legitimizing all kinds of anti-Christian ideologies, including homosexuality, feminism, liberalism, atheism, abortion, pornography, "free love," the drug culture, and all other kinds of deliberately conceived pestilence.
  • 26.  These are the "fornications of Mystery Babylon."  The Seventies produced the AIDS epidemic, the "Me Generation," and an increase in socialistic government during the Carter years.  The Eighties produced the disgusting output of MTV, nihilism, forced vaccinations, corporate takeovers of small businesses and a general decline in moral standards. The Kosher Media began to produce sit-coms with homosexual heroes and heterosexual nitwits as the main characters. The nationalized public schools produced a nauseating array of anti-Christian curricula, with the result that our children have been indoctrinated into accepting Mystery Babylon's fornications.
  • 27.  The purpose of all of this indoctrination is to destroy God's foundational unit of society: the nuclear family.  The Nineties produced ever more nihilism, liberalism and fornication, with a major economic collapse occurring around the year 2,000. The first Gulf War killed a lot of people, but it did not eliminate Saddam Hussein.
  • 28.  The ought years ('00- '09) of the New Millennium are producing nothing but economic, civil, military and social chaos, with the federal government giving handouts to non-citizens from Mexico while the American taxpayer has to foot the bill for his own dispossession! This is a blatant betrayal of the nation's trust. 9-11 was staged by the Zionists in order to conjure up support for more military misadventures in the Middle East. Now we are embroiled in another war staged by the Zionists, so that they can make the Middle East safe for their illegitimate Jewish State.
  • 29.  The obvious goal of the Zionists in the Middle East is to take the oil away from the Arabs, so that they will become economically impotent. Add to this the fact that Muslim nations forbid usury, and you have two fantastic reasons why the Zionists are staging wars between Muslims and Christians: two enemies are eliminated by a single stroke!
  • 30.  The Jews keep telling us that all of these things are necessary and good!!!  Deut. 28 lists all of the curses that would befall us if we disobey Yahweh's Laws. These curses began happening to America the moment that we recognized the Abomination of Desolation, the Jewsraeli State! It is simply undeniable that this sad record has been instigated by Mystery Babylon and the innocent people of the world have been victimized by all of this deception.
  • 31.  So, the question is this: "How have we been blessed by blessing the Jews?" The true answer to this question should pierce the hearts of all Christian Zionists, because there is only one true answer to this question, namely, that America has been cursed for blessing the Jews. Deut. 7:2 says "Thou shalt make no covenant with them," meaning His enemies the Canaanites and Edomites, who survive today as the Jewish people, who pretend to be Judeans and are not but the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.)
  • 32.  Paul repeated this warning when he said, "Be not unequally yoked with UNBELIEVERS." (II Cor., 6:14.) What is a Jew, if not an unbeliever if Yahshua Messiah? From the day that Truman recognized the Jewsraeli State, America has precipitously declined, morally, spiritually, intellectually and religiously.  If we want to save ourselves, we must disengage ourselves from the genocidal Zionists, once and for all.
  • 33.  By supporting the Zionist antichrists, the West has allied itself with the devil, and America has suffered a concomitant, disastrous decline. This is how we have been "blessed for blessing the Jews." 
  • 34. THE JUDGMENT DAY IS AT HAND.  The Dragon that was banished for a thousand years is the same entity that assembles the armies of Gog and Magog against True Israel in the Final Conflict of Armageddon. (Rev. 20: 1-7). The Book of Ezekiel clearly states that this battle will occur "in the latter years." (Ezek. 38:8.) This means that it will occur BEFORE the Day of Judgment. All of the Millennialists completely disregard the fact that Gog and Magog are part of the context of Rev. 20:1-7. They simply take the "thousand years" out of this context and project it into the future, after the Tribulation and Judgment.
  • 35.  THERE IS NO WAY THAT ALL OF THIS HISTORY IS GOING TO REPEAT ITSELF A THOUSAND YEARS AFTER IT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED.  Here is the key to understanding Rev. 19 & 20: Rev. 19:11 begins describing the Great Battle between Jesus Christ and Satan. The first phase of this Great Battle ends with the 8th Beast and the False Prophet being cast into the Lake of Fire.
  • 36.  This means that the world economy has collapsed and the denominational world of Judeo-Christianity has also collapsed. They are gone, out of business. But Satan is still alive, and he sees only one hope for himself; and that is to organize Gog and Magog against Christian America, which has always been the great stumbling block before him.
  • 37.  This is what Revelation 20 is all about. It is Phase Two of the Battle of Armageddon. It is a fact that the Zionists have been propping up China since the 1970's. The international corporations have been exporting jobs to China and to other third world countries in order to avoid paying the high wages demanded by American workers. The internationalists have sold this policy to the world by calling it "Free Trade." In reality, Free Trade has been the vehicle for destroying America's economy in favor of doing business with cheap labor markets in other countries.
  • 38.  The Zionists have always wanted to destroy America, because we were founded as a Christian nation. Free Trade is the technique by which Mystery Babylon has been destroying America while simultaneously profiting from the cheap labor markets. But their insufferable greed has led to a collapse of the world economy. They fully expected to keep the economies of the East and Europe afloat while they were deliberately destroying ours. But America's economy turned out to be bigger than them.
  • 39.  The Zionists have been stabbing us and stabbing us and stabbing us, but America refuses to die!!!!! Because we are the Stone Kingdom prophesied in Isaiah, which cannot be destroyed! (Isa. 27-29, esp. 28:14- 19.) And that Stone, or Rock, is Jesus Christ; and no power on earth can defeat Jesus Christ! Now, a world economic collapse has been precipitated by the increasing valuelessness of the Federal Reserve Note, which has been the world's currency since the end of World War II.
  • 40.
  • 41.  Mystery Babylon has used the Federal Reserve System to finance its World Empire. This has been accomplished by simply creating money and spending it in foreign markets. But this process is highly inflationary. Today, foreigners are no longer willing to accept Federal Reserve Notes as currency. In effect, the Rothschilds have shot themselves in the foot. Just as their World Empire is about to be realized, their currency du Jour is collapsing; and the Arabs and Chinese are no longer willing to accept FRN's in exchange for their oil. (I suspect that the Rothschilds are secretly giving the Chinese gold or other currencies, since China will no longer do business in FRN's.
  • 42.  This would explain why the price of gold is being kept artificially low. During the Great Depression, the Rothschilds had Federal Dictator Rosenfeldt confiscate America's gold and artificially lower its price, so they could buy it back cheap!) Control of global markets is also why the Zionists must defeat the Muslim nations, such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. The people of America falsely blame Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush for all of this turmoil; but now they are finally beginning to see that it is Mystery Babylon, the Zionist International, that is the true culprit.
  • 43.  America has been unwittingly complicit in this process; and that is why the world has come to hate us as a nation, even though most of the Free World understands that it isn't the American people who are the warmongers. It is the international corporations and bankers who are the real warmongers; and only those who are utterly dense fail to comprehend this. This includes the Christian Zionists (on the Right) and the deluded Liberals (on the Left), who still believe that the UN is the world's only "hope for world peace."
  • 44.  These people still believe in the old-fashioned Left Versus Right stage play that is continually acted out by the Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannitys and Alan Dershowitzes of the Kosher Press. The reality is that both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-Zionist in all of their policies. There is absolutely no difference between these two "parties," when it comes to Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon owns them, lock, stock and barrel. The Left Versus Right debate is a comic sideshow, which goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid the subject of Zionism's influence in America's economy and politics.
  • 45.  As world economic conditions continue to deteriorate, the masses will finally begin to realize that it is the Zionist tail that is wagging the American dog. Now, the Zionists are frantically trying to hold their Empire together while the world turns against them. You can see that the world is getting ready to explode politically as the Zionists race against time to preserve their World Empire while the masses turn against them. As Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time; and you can all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time."
  • 46.  The sheeple are waking up; and the Zionists are in big trouble!!! As long as the sheeple of the world are deceived by Zionism, the plan proceeds smoothly. But as one nation after another backs away from the Zionist Master Plan, the Plan becomes increasingly difficult to carry out. This is why the Zionists are pushing for greater suppression of our freedoms, because they fear an American Reaction to their perfidy. "Homeland Security" is the deceptive language used for "Homeland Dictatorship." Let's call it what it is.
  • 47. THE JIG IS UP  "I will remove the iniquity of that land IN ONE DAY." - Zech. 3:9.  The timing of all of these developments is crucial to understanding Chapter 20. The Millennialists have misidentified the timing of the thousand years. Chapter 19 began the discussion of the Final Conflict, with Jesus Christ's Second Coming settling the issue. The Beast and False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of Chapter 19. Chapter 20 simply changes the focus from these two entities onto Satan himself.
  • 48.  Chapter 20 starts out with a flashback to the days of Napoleon, when Satan was let out of the bottomless pit after a one thousand year imprisonment. This is a direct reference to the House of Rothschild banking cartel, which re-established the international banking system of the Jews, which began in ancient Babylon!Verses 4- 6 continue this flashback and elaborate on this period of a thousand years, recalling the saints who endured persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church during this time. It is also a fact that the beheading (Verse 4) of Christians intensified during the French Revolution, a revolution that was financed by the Rothschilds, using Freemasons as the dupes of this Illuminati plan.
  • 49.  The guillotine and the Reign of Terror made this period one of the darkest in history. This was near the end of the thousand years. Thus, during the period of the Holy Roman Empire, from 800-1800 AD, these saints earned the right to eternal life, battling against the 6th Beast, Rome, and the emerging 8th Beast, which was unwittingly liberated ("unchained") by Napoleon, the 7th Beast.
  • 50.  The Post-Trib Millennialists, having no understanding of how these historical events have been fulfilled in the Apocalypse, simply lift the "thousand years" out of their context and proclaim them to be in the future, after the Tribulation. This is a mistake born of ignorance of the Bible's Big Picture.
  • 51.  Verse 5 talks about "the rest of the dead" being liberated after this period of one thousand years. These saints are already "in heaven," waiting to join us when the Kingdom (the New Jerusalem) descends down upon our planet. (Rev. 21:10.) We have to remember that the KJV translators had quite a job on their hands in trying to translate a Koine Greek vision, written in 90 AD, of events that were yet in the future. Theirtranslation appears to depict a post-tribulation Millennium.
  • 52.  There is no way that these translators, working around 1600 AD, could have anticipated the 7th and 8th Beasts, although all Protestants of their day taught that the Papacy (the 6th Beast) was the antichrist of the time. This much they understood. Consequently, their translation reflects their groping with the Greek text and how to present these futuristic, symbolic events, which are presented in very cryptic language. Thus, Verse 6 tells us that these saints, by battling against the 6th, 7th and 8th Beasts, earned their right to citizenship in the Kingdom.
  • 53.  Given the difficulty of such a task, the KJV translation of John's Apocalypse is amazingly readable and understandable, seeing that the translators had no idea whatever as to what the imagery actually represented and how these events would work out historically. Lacking the historical perspective (hindsight) we have today, translating the last Book of the Bible had to be an arduous and thankless task. As it is, they did an outstanding job of conveying its imagery; but the implication that the Millennium occurs after the Tribulation is either accidental or an error on their part. In any case, that is how most readers have interpreted it.
  • 54.  Verse 7 restates the fact that Satan will be loosed after a thousand years. Verse 8 concerns Gog and Magog. The balance of Chapter 20 (verses 9-15) deals with the tribulation leading up to the Judgment Day itself. So,within the context of Chapter 20, the "millennium" clearly occurs BEFORE the Battle of Armageddon (against Gog and Magog), which just precedes the Day of Judgment. Otherwise, there would have to be two Tribulations and two Judgments, with the Millennium sandwiched in between.
  • 55.  As I explained in the Introduction to this essay, it cannot be assumed that Rev. 19:11 - 20:10 is a strict, chronological record of prophecy. The Book of Revelation contains numerous plots, subplots, flashbacks and flashforwards, all of which are interwoven into the overall plot. Without this understanding of who the characters of Revelation are, the post-Tribulation Millennialists can only assume a post- Tribulation Millennium. Even with this assumption, they still fail to address the Gog and Magog scenario of Rev. 20:8-10, which can only be read, according to their own thesis, as a second Tribulation, as these nations would have to be assembled against True Israel once again.
  • 56.  But the Bible, up to Chapter 20, clearly teaches that there will be only One Great Tribulation, One Battle of Armageddon, One Intervention by Jesus Christ, One Judgment Day, and, finally, the Establishment of the Kingdom. Given these considerations, I have been led to the inescapable conclusion that the 1,000-year Millennium is a flashback to the Holy Roman Empire, not a post-Tribulation event.
  • 57.  Once the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire, it's "curtains" for them. There is no coming back out of the Lake of Fire. Once these two devils are removed from the political landscape, the institutions by which Satan has deceived the world will no longer be available to him, so his modus operandi is gone. Satan is thus confronted with his absolute powerlessness, being given a short time to reflect upon the futility of his rebellion before his ultimate destruction. For further proof, I cite II Esdras. Here is what the angel Uriel tells Ezra in this End- Time vision:
  • 58.  "The Day of Judgment is decisive and sets its seal on the truth for all to see; the day of judgment will be the end of the present world and the beginning of the eternal world to come, a world in which corruption will have disappeared." - Verses 104-114.  If corruption has disappeared, how can Satan be let loose again to "deceive the nations"? (Rev. 20:3.)
  • 59.  Rest assured, Children of Israel, there will be NO emergence of the Dragon from the bottomless pit after the Day of Judgment. The Day of Judgment is the final act for evil. Evil will be vanquished, never to show its ugly face again. It means the abolition of all evil, including the destruction of the seed of Edom (Book of Obadiah). "For the violence done to your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and cut off forever." - Ob. 10.
  • 60.  Satan will briefly outlive the Beast and False Prophet, but only long enough to organize the Gog and Magog attack upon America. This will fail; and Satan will be out of business forever. Without the international financing (Mystery Babylon) of war available to him and without the false priesthood (False Prophet) deceiving the masses for him, how will Satan organize Gog and Magog 1,000 years after they are gone?
  • 61.  How would Satan pay for the armies? How would he be able to deceive the masses without a cadre of priests inflaming the masses, as the "Christian" Zionists do? Without an earthly vehicle for such activities, Satan will have no longer have any influence in this world. Iniquity will be judged in one day, just as Zech. 3:9 and the rest of the Bible proclaim.
  • 62.  The orthodox interpreters of Scripture do not seem to understand that the Judgment Day will be a final end for evil. It cannot be a two-stage event interrupted by a thousand years of peace; and there is no period of peace suggested in Rev. 20:1-11. This is just another assumption. As I said earlier, the Bible only speaks of a single Judgment Day, but the post- Tribulation Millennium requires that the Judgment of Gog and Magog occur 1,000 years after the Judgment of the Beast and False Prophet.
  • 63.  Since this interpretation contradicts the Single Day of Judgment taught by the rest of Scripture, it must be rejected. My flashback scenario resolves all of the problems created by the post-Trib Millennium.  Here is more verification of this point from the KJV: God's Judgment is final & the Lake of Fire is eternal. Those condemned to it do not come back: Revelation 20:10; Mt 25:46; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 6:2; Jude 7.
  • 64.  Speaking of the Battle of Armageddon:  Rev. 20:9: And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.  10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
  • 65.  There is only one Battle of Armageddon, not two! After the Beast and False Prophet have been cast into the Fire, Satan Himself will be destroyed. Satan will not be able to stage a comeback! There will not be a thousand-year delay between the judgment of the Beast and False Prophet versus the Judgment of Satan. Rev. 19 & 20 are telling the same story, but with different subjects emphasized. The first story deals with the Beast and False Prophet. The second story deals with Satan himself. The two stories fall within the same time period. They are not a thousand years apart.
  • 66.  The idea that there will be two tribulations and two judgments, separated by a thousand years, contradicts the rest of the Bible, which teaches only one Great Tribulation and One Judgment Day, which is immediately followed by the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and the establishment of the Kingdom Once the Kingdom is established, it will not be disturbed by a disinterred Satan.
  • 67.  11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.  12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.  13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
  • 68.  14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  These last verses confirm the passages from II Esdras. This judgment is final. Nothing comes back from the second death!
  • 69.  Understanding the history of the 8 Beasts unravels the clues to the Millennium. We must understand that the Apocalypse contains many flashforwards and flashbacks. Rev. 20:1-10 is just such a flashback, not a peek into the future; but this is something that the KJV translators could not possibly have known. That's why they chose to couch the language in futuristic terms. Given these factors, I declare that the Millennium is an event that has ALREADY OCCURRED, as explained above, and Satan, after his soon-to-be judgment, will never be let loose again.
  • 70.  There is only one Judgment Day.  And when that happens, it's over, baby.  THE END.
  • 71. CONCLUSION  Millennialism is an idea that has come out of mainstream Judeo- Christian misinterpretation of Scripture. The vast majority of these commentators know nothing about the Eighth Beast, Mystery Babylon. They don't even suspect that their various denominations are part of the False Prophet. Neither do they suspect Judaism's role in creating the Eighth Beast and the False Prophet.
  • 72.  In addition, there is very little understanding among these Christian scholars of the many plots and subplots that weave their way in and out of the various chapters of the Revelation. As mentioned earlier, another major flaw in their interpretations is their false equation of the Jews with Israel. True Israel is the Caucasian people: White Christendom. If you don't know this, prophecy cannot be correctly interpreted.
  • 73.  Given these major errors in their Biblical knowledge, it would be sheer accident if they got any of these prophecies right. The best they can do is speak in vague generalities, whereas Christian Identity scholarship has shown that the Apocalypse speaks of very specific, easily identifiable institutions. Their placement of the devil's thousand-year confinement after the Judgment Day is just one of their many mistakes.
  • 74.  Without a clear picture of the various characters in John's Apocalypse, and what they represent, Judeo-Christian scholarship is lost in a universal fog of guesswork. Millennialism is part of that fog.  The Judgment Day is the Last Act for Satan and evil itself. There will be no curtain call.
  • 75.  To see the Appendix: Explanatory Notes go to this link: 