sustrans cycling active cities sustainable transport active travel walking urban design physical activity infrastructure cycling data bike life cycling city charity health behaviour change promoting cycling cycling infrastructure community engagement city active cities summit street design cities schools communities public health personalised travel planning project research national cycle network bristol transport world health organisation who francesca racioppi economic success bristol green capital transport planning bristol 2015 bristol transport bike smarter choices children education smarter travel 2013 non-profit placemaking wales public transport workplace ptp survey planning network women reallocation of roadspace manchester greater manchester rosslyn colderley congestion tfgm movement design holistic assessment tools carbon savings modal shift benefit to cost ratio case study innovation scotland raising the standard day evidence base evaluation monitoring cycle city future cycling accidents cycling safety london transportation quietways architecture demographic data journeys bicycles map data data sustainability big data statistics urbanism travel good transport plan chad spoon active living research competitive cities built environment tim stonor lessons from history pompeii ancient cities wandering spatial planning ian barrett smarter travel 2015 cycle scott davidson workplaces workplace project social inequality sustrans cymru housing association gary shipp young people universities sarah toy belfast annual review farrells the big meet streets finlay mcnab lifestyle policy street desigm mental health social marketing safety concerns activities yougov christmas
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