computer computing computer networks networks internet cybersecurity security cyber software engineering engineering software effort estimation effort approach estimation down top memory systems files os operating system kernel organizational behaviour behaviour organization motivation theory setting goal dependency preserving decomposition dependency lossless decomposition lossless dbms functional dependency fd decomposition dynamic sql dynamic embedded sql embedded mysql advance sql advance sql daa algorithms analysis design deadlines sequencing job jobs wireless metropolitan network networking area local wan man lan intrusion detection firewall next generation internet ngi lead generation generation next radio frequency radio nfc mobile computing mobile near field communication near field communication field near cloud services green cloud coumputing cloud computing cloud green distributed object model pass by reference pass by value parameter passing dynamic invocation static invocation location server implementation of object references persistent and transient objects distributed objects remote objects dce remote objects object invocation dce java rmi remote object invocation distributed systems method invocation remote method invocation rmi cherokee lighttpd node.js nginx microsoft iis iis microsoft work of aws architecture features personal web server types of servers alternative servers apache tomcat tomcat apache web server aws server web apache cfg parsing intelligence artificial definite clause grammar augmented transition network recursive transition network single transition network chart parser link parser parsers types of parsers artificial intelligence ai
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