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EUS anatomy of
radial orientation, 67–121
station approach to, 170–188
radial examination, 170–171
linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 122–144
Acoustic enhancement, 18
Acoustic impedance, 15
Acoustic shadowing, 18
Acute calculous cholecystitis, 21
Acute pancreatitis
ultrasound, 22
Adrenal glands, 117, 143
from stomach
linear examination, 183f
American College of Gastroenterology, 10
A mode (amplitude), 16
Amplitude, 16
Ampulla, 93, 94f, 136
EUS, 136f
with radial echoendoscope, 93f
visible human image, 82f, 136f
visible human model, 186f
Anal canal
solid state radial probe EUS, 158f
solid state radial probe EUS, 159f, 164f
Anechoic lesion
liver, 18f
Angle of incidence, 15
Annular arrays, 16
Aorta, 26f, 29f, 105. See also Ascending aorta
along duodenum
visible human model, 110f
anterior view
visible human model, 170f
aortic arch image level
visible human model, 47f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human model, 45f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f
descending, 26
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
distal thorax
linear array EUS, 52f
visible human image, 52f
lateral view
visible human model, 171f
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 40f, 41f
solid state radial probe EUS, 42f
visible human database, 39f
visible human image, 62f–63f
visible human images, 61f–62f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f, 63f
mid thorax
linear array EUS, 51f
visible human image, 51f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 107f, 115f, 117f
radial echoendoscope, 108f
deep into duodenum, 111f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 109f, 120f
radial EUS, 101f, 106f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f, 36f
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f, 30f, 31f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 82f
transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f
visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f
visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 64, 65f–66f, 68f, 70f, 75f,
82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 96f, 102f, 103f, 106f, 109f, 116f
visible human model, 35f, 42f, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 106f, 108f, 112f
Aortic arch, 47
aortic arch image level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f
linear array EUS, 52f, 54f, 55f
visible human image, 52f–53f
Aortic root
linear array endoscopic EUS, 61f, 62f
Aortic valve
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 40f
visible human database, 39f
visible human image, 62f–63f
visible human images, 61f–62f
Aortopulmonary window, 53
azygous arch image plane
visible human database, 47f
linear array EUS, 54f, 55f
visible human image, 54f, 55f
visible human model, 53
ultrasound, 17–19
Ascending aorta
azygous arch image plane
visible human database, 47f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human images, 60f
AstraZeneca, 10, 11
Attenuation, 15
Azygous vein, 26, 26f, 29f
aortic arch image level
visible human model, 47f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
visible human model, 45f
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 41f
solid state radial probe EUS, 42f
visible human database, 39f
visible human image, 62f–63f
linear array EUS, 57f, 63f
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f
visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f
visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 64, 106f
visible human model, 35f, 42f, 56f, 64
Azygous vein arch
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
linear array EUS, 56f
BC Decker Inc., 10
Bhutani, Manoop S., 10
Bile duct
from duodenal bulb
long axis view, 172f
Biliary ducts
ultrasound, 21
Biliary system, 21–22, 85, 131
Biliary tree
relationship to duodenum
visible human model, 132f
linear array EUS, 166f, 167f, 168f
solid state radial probe EUS, 151f, 162f
visible human model, 146f
B mode (brightness), 16
Brachiocephalic artery, 49
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
Brachiocephalic vein, 49
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human images, 60f
Brightness, 16
rotating probe radial array EUS, 43f
CBD. See Common bile ducts (CBD)
Celiac bifurcation
transgastric radial echoendoscope, 103f
transgastric radial EUS, 104f, 116f
Celiac trunk, 101–102, 142
from aorta
EUS, 142f
visible human image, 142f
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
visible human image, 102f
visible human model, 143f, 179f, 180f
Center for Human Simulation (CHS)
University of Colorado, 1–7, 9–12
solid state radial probe EUS, 161f
visible human female database, 161f
China, 1
acute calculous, 21
comet tail artifact, 18f
Chronic pancreatitis
ultrasound, 22
University of Colorado, 1–7, 9–12
Clubhead view, 175, 176f
solid state radial probe EUS, 152f, 153f
visible human male database, 153f
Color Doppler ultrasonography
portal vein, 19f
Comet tail artifact
cholesterol, 18f
Common bile ducts (CBD). See also Distal common bile ducts
behind pancreatic head
visible human model, 138f
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 121f
from duodenal bulb
visible human image, 134f
duodenal bulb and ampulla
radial echoendoscope, 80f
heading toward duodenal wall
radial echoendoscope, 90f
human visible images, 72f
with pancreatic duct
visible human models, 92f
portal confluence from duodenal bulb
visible human model, 173f
radial echoendoscope
transduodenal image, 72f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f
radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f
relationship to pancreatic duct
visible human model, 188f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 83f
radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f
ultrasound, 21–22, 22f
visible human image, 71f, 75f, 79f, 81f, 82f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f,
90f, 91f, 94f, 101f
visible human model, 73f, 78f, 120f, 185f, 186f
Continuous wave Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20
Contrast resolution, 17
Cord, Michael, 10
Coronary sinus, 31
left atrium
visible human image, 62f–63f
linear array EUS, 57f, 59f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f
visible human images, 58f, 60f
Corpus spongiosum
visible human male database, 158f, 166f
Curved arrays, 16
Curvilinear echoendoscopes, 25f
liver, 21
Decibel (dB), 14
Descending aorta, 26
Deutsch, John, 9, 11
Diagnostic knee arthroscopy simulation, 7
Diagnostic ultrasonography, 13–25
physics, 13–14
Digital anatomy, 9–12
Digital endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 10
Distal common bile ducts, 90, 133
radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f
through pancreatic head
EUS, 134f
visible human image, 134f
Distal duodenum, 173–174
anterior view
visible human model, 170f
lateral view
visible human model, 171f
SMA from
visible human model, 174f
Distal rectum
solid state radial probe EUS, 158f
Doppler imaging
power, 20
Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20
portal vein, 19f
continuous wave, 19–20
pulsed, 19–20
Dorsal pancreatic duct, 175
Duodenal bulb, 183
Duodenal wall
normal, 67
Duodenum. See also Distal duodenum; Proximal duodenum
radial examination, 175f
visible human model, 104f
Duplex scanning, 20
Dynamic range, 19
Visible Human Project, 1
Endosonography, 9–12, 13–25, 22–24
Visible Human Project, 4–5
Esophagus, 26f, 29f
anterior view
visible human model, 170f
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
visible human model, 47f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
visible human model, 45f
lateral view
visible human model, 171f
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 41f
visible human database, 39f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f
solid state radial probe EUS, 30f, 31f
visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f
visible human model, 35f, 41f, 42f, 51f, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 68f
External anal sphincter
linear array EUS, 169f
visible human female images, 168f
visible human male database, 160f, 166f
visible human male images, 169f
Flashback Imaging, 5
Flat plate
orthogonal stationary views, 9
Focal length, 19
Frame rate, 19
Frequency, 13
Functional Anatomy of theVisible Human, 5f
Gain, 19
Gallbladder, 4f, 12, 21–22, 22f, 85, 131
behind pancreatic head
visible human model, 138f
from duodenal bulb
EUS, 132f
visible human image, 132f
echogenic stones, 18f
heading toward duodenal wall
radial echoendoscope, 90f
radial echoendoscope, 86f, 87f
transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 88f
ultrasound, 21
visible human image, 86f–88f, 89f, 90f, 91f
ultrasound, 21
Gastric cardia
left liver lobe
EUS, 123f
visible human image, 123f
Gastric wall
EUS, 122f
normal, 67, 122
transgastric radial echoendoscope, 67f
transgastric radial EUS, 116f
Gastroduodenal artery
solid state radial EUS, 105f
visible human image, 105f
visible human model, 104f
Gastroesophageal junction, 26, 26f, 29f, 178, 180–181
anterior view
visible human model, 170f
image plane above
visible human database, 32f, 34f
lateral view
visible human model, 171f
radial endoscopic ultrasound, 101f, 106f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f
visible human model, 106f, 178f
Gastrointestinal echo layers
with histologic correlates, 67t
Gastrointestinal wall
endosonography, 22–23, 23f
Haptic locations, 3, 3f
liver, 21, 21f
Hepatic artery
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 119f
visible human image, 96f, 97f, 102f, 103f, 105f, 116f
visible human model, 112f
Hepatic veins, 20f, 26
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f
visible human images, 65f–66f
Hepatocellular carcinoma, 21f
Hertz (Hz), 13
Human anatomy
three-dimensional computer database, 1–7
Human Embryology Digital Library and Colaboratory Support
Tools, 1
Hz, 13
Identification masks, 3f
Iliac artery
visible human male database, 150f
visible human model, 148f, 149f
Iliac vein
visible human male database, 150f
visible human model, 148f, 149f
Iliac vessels
linear array EUS, 165f
solid state radial probe EUS, 150f
visible human male database, 165f
Incident wave, 14f, 15f
Inferior mesenteric vein
transgastric image
visible human image, 77f
Inferior vena cava, 20f, 26, 26f, 29, 105
along duodenum
visible human model, 110f
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f, 65f
liver left lobe
EUS, 124f
visible human model, 122f, 125f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 117f, 119f
radial echoendoscope
deep into duodenum, 111f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 109f, 120f, 121f
radial EUS, 106f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f, 30f, 31f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 82f
radial echoendoscope, 79f
visible human database, 32f
visible human image, 64, 65f, 68f, 70f, 75f, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f,
86f–88f, 90f, 96f, 101f, 102f, 103f, 106f, 116f
visible human model, 64, 106f, 108f, 120f, 124f
Information interface
Visible Human Project, 4
In situ morphometrics
Visible Human Project, 4
Interactive Atlas, 1, 4, 4f
Interatrial septum, 36
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f
visible human database, 38f
visible human image, 64
Intercostal veins
linear array EUS, 57f
visible human images, 58f
Interface, 15
Internal anal sphincter
linear array EUS, 169f
solid state radial probe EUS, 159f
visible human female images, 168f
visible human male database, 158f, 160f, 166f
visible human male images, 169f
visible human male database, 158f
Kidneys, 117, 143
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f, 121f
radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 117f, 118f
relationship to spleen
visible human model, 177f
from stomach
EUS, 143f
linear examination, 183f
visible human image, 144f
visible human model, 120f
Knee arthroscopy simulation
diagnostic, 7
Knee joint
real time deformation of, 12
Knobology, 19
Korea, 1
Lee, Christian, 12
Left adrenal gland
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 107f, 114f, 115f, 117f, 119f
from stomach
EUS, 144f
from stomach visible human image, 145f
transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f, 119f
visible human image, 113f, 116f
Left atrium, 26f, 29f
aortic arch image level
visible human model, 47f
azygous arch image plane
visible human model, 45f
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 40f, 41f
visible human database, 39f
visible human image, 62f–63f
visible human images, 61f–62f
linear array EUS, 57f, 59f, 60f, 61f, 63f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f, 37f, 38f, 39f
solid state radial probe EUS, 39f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 37f, 38f
visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 58f, 60f, 64, 65f
visible human model, 35f, 41f, 58f
Left carotid artery
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
Left gastric artery
visible human image, 97f, 105f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Left gastric vein
visible human image, 99f
Left mainstem bronchus
left atrium level
visible human database, 39f
visible human images, 61f–62f
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human image, 54f, 55f, 56f
visible human model, 41f, 42f
Left renal vein
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f
Left ventricle, 31, 31f
linear array EUS, 57f, 59f
solid state radial probe EUS, 32f
visible human database, 32f, 35f
visible human images, 58f
visible human model, 35f, 58f
Levator ani
visible human male database, 155f, 156f, 157f, 158f
Linear arrays, 16, 165, 179–180
Linear echoendoscopes, 24
Linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy
upper abdomen, 122–144
Linear thoracic anatomy
normal, 51–62
Liver, 67, 179
anechoic lesion, 18f
cysts, 21
echotexture changes, 20
focal lesions, 21
hemangioma, 21, 21f
hyperechoic mass, 21f
left lobe, 122
visible human model, 122f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 65f
metastasis, 21
radial echoendoscope
transduodenal image, 72f
transgastric view, 68f, 69f, 70f
transgastric radial EUS, 116f
ultrasound, 20–21
visible human model, 68f, 69f, 124f
Lymph nodes, 53
Mahalik,Tom, 9
liver, 21
Mirror image artifact, 19
Mitral valve
linear array EUS, 57f, 59f, 60f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f, 37f
visible human database, 37f
visible human images, 58f
M mode (motion), 16
Visible Human Project, 1–3
Motion, 16
National Library of Medicine, 1–7
News documentaries, 4
ultrasound, 17
Normal duodenal wall, 67
Normal gastric wall, 67, 122
Normal linear thoracic anatomy, 51–62
Normal radial thoracic anatomy, 26–66
Normal rectal endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 146–169
Normal thoracic anatomy, 26–66
Obliquemaker, 10, 11f, 19f
Oblique slices
visible human male, 9
Obturator interus
visible human female database, 163f
visible human male database, 151f, 154f, 155f, 156f, 157f, 158f
Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, 5
Original real time obliquemaker
with correlated ultrasonography, 9–10
Pancreas, 73, 124–125, 127
at celiac trunk
EUS, 127f
visible human image, 127f
from gastric body
EUS, 126f
visible human image, 126f
radial echoendoscope
transgastric view, 69f, 70f
relationship to stomach and splenic vessels
visible human model, 125f
from stomach
linear examination, 183f
transgastric view
radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f, 75f
ultrasound, 22
visible human model, 69f, 70f, 75f
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
ultrasound, 22
Pancreatic duct, 11f, 130
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
with common bile ducts
visible human models, 92f
from duodenal bulb
visible human image, 134f
duodenal bulb and ampulla
radial echoendoscope, 80f
EUS, 128f, 131f
heading toward duodenal wall
radial echoendoscope, 90f
portal confluence from duodenal bulb
visible human model, 173f
radial echoendoscope
transgastric view, 70f
radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f
relationship to duodenum
visible human model, 132f
relationship to stomach and splenic vein
visible human model, 130f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 83f
transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f
transgastric radial EUS, 116f
transgastric view
radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f, 75f, 76f, 77f
visible human image, 77f
ultrasound, 22
visible human image, 70f, 74f, 75f, 76f, 81f, 82f, 84f, 91f, 94f,
101f, 116f, 129f
visible human model, 78f, 185f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Pancreatic head, 77, 128
bounded by portal vein
EUS, 129f
visible human image, 129f
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
from distal duodenum radial examination, 174f
duodenal bulb and ampulla
radial echoendoscope, 80f
EUS, 128f, 130f, 135f
transduodenal image
radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f
transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 99f
visible human image, 135f
Pancreatic neck
overlying superior mesenteric artery, 181f
visible human model, 181f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Pancreatic tail, 127
near splenic hilum
visible human model, 128f
from stomach
linear examination, 183f
radial examination, 177f
transgastric image
radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f
transgastric radial EUS, 116f
transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f
transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f
ultrasound, 22
Pelster, Helen, 9
Pericholecystic fluid, 21
Peritoneal reflection, 146
visible human model, 146f, 147f, 148f
Phased arrays, 16
Portal confluence
from duodenal bulb, 173f
visible human model, 173f
posterior to pancreatic vein
EUS, 139f
solid state radial endoscopic ultrasound, 97f
visible human model, 183f, 184f
Portal vein, 95, 136
behind pancreatic head
visible human model, 138f
color Doppler ultrasonography, 19f
confluence with splenic vein, 95f
duodenal bulb and ampulla
radial echoendoscope, 80f
heading toward duodenal wall
radial echoendoscope, 90f
human visible images, 72f
portal confluence from duodenal bulb
visible human model, 173f
posterior to pancreatic head
EUS, 137f
visible human image, 137f
radial echoendoscope
transduodenal image, 72f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 82f
radial echoendoscope, 78f
transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 98f, 99f
transgastric view
radial echoendoscope, 73f
visible human image, 68f, 70f, 74f, 76f, 79f, 81f, 82f, 83f,
86f–88f, 90f, 91f, 97f, 99f, 105f, 136f
visible human model, 70f, 73f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Portal venous system, 136
relating to pancreas
visible human model, 139f
relationship to biliary tree
visible human model, 133f
visible human model, 73f, 78f
Portosplenic confluence
radial echoendoscope
transgastric view, 70f
transgastric view, 96f
radial echoendoscope, 73f
Positive ultrasonographic Murphy sign, 21
Power, 19
Power Doppler imaging, 20
PRF, 19
linear array EUS, 166f
solid state radial probe EUS, 154f, 155f, 156f
Proximal anal canal
solid state radial probe EUS, 158f
Proximal duodenum
anterior view
visible human model, 170f
lateral view
visible human model, 171f
radial examination, 170–171
Proximal stomach
transgastric radial EUS, 107f
Pulmonary artery
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
left atrium
visible human image, 62f–63f
linear array EUS, 54f, 55f, 63f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 56f, 60f, 64
visible human model, 53
Pulmonary veins, 36
visible human database, 38f, 43f–44f
visible human image, 53f
visible human images, 56f
visible human model, 58f
Pulsed Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF), 19
Radial array examination, 148
Radial echoendoscopes, 23–24, 23f, 24f
scanning plane, 24f
Radial thoracic anatomy
normal, 26–66
Receiver, 16
solid state radial probe EUS, 158f
normal endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 146–169
visible human model, 146f, 148f, 149f, 150f
Reference standard
Visible Human Project, 4
Reflection, 14–15
Refraction, 15
Refraction artifacts, 17
Reinig, Karl, 9
Renal vein
at celiac trunk
visible human image, 127f
at celiac trunk from aorta
visible human image, 142f
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 112f, 121f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 114f, 115f, 118f, 140f
radial echoendoscope, 108f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 111f, 120f, 121f
radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 118f
transgastric view
radial echoendoscope, 73f
visible human image, 77f
visible human image, 74f, 75f, 82f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 90f, 101f,
109f, 113f
visible human model, 108f
Reverberation artifacts, 17
Right atrium, 26f, 29
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 40f
visible human database, 39f
visible human images, 61f–62f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f, 65f
rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f
solid state radial probe EUS, 30f, 31f, 32f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f
visible human image, 60f, 64, 65f
visible human model, 64
Right gastric vein
posterior to pancreatic head
visible human image, 137f
visible human image, 116f
Right mainstem bronchus
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human image, 53f
visible human model, 41f, 42f
Right ventricle
left atrium
visible human image, 62f–63f
left atrium level
visible human images, 61f–62f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f
solid state radial probe EUS, 32f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human database, 32f, 35f
visible human image, 60f, 64
visible human model, 64
Rubinstein, David, 11
solid state radial probe EUS, 152f
visible human male database, 152f
visible human model, 148f, 149f, 150f
Seminal vesicles
solid state radial probe EUS, 151f
visible human male database, 166f
Side lobes artifacts, 17–18
Visible Human Project, 3
Sinusoidal waveform, 13
SMA. See Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
SMV. See Superior mesenteric vein (SMV)
Solid shells, 3f
propagation of, 13
Spatial resolution
ultrasound, 17
Spine, 36
linear array EUS, 57f
Spleen, 112, 139
from proximal stomach
EUS, 139f
visible human image, 140f
transgastric radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 113f
visible human image, 140f
visible human model, 112f
Splenic artery
at celiac trunk
visible human image, 127f
posterior to pancreas
visible human image, 141f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 114f, 115f, 119f
from stomach
EUS, 144f
from stomach visible human image, 145f
transgastric image
radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f
visible human image, 77f
transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f
transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f
visible human image, 76f, 96f, 97f, 103f, 113f, 116f
visible human model, 75f, 112f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Splenic vein, 22f
behind pancreatic head
visible human model, 138f
at celiac trunk
visible human image, 127f
at celiac trunk from aorta
visible human image, 142f
human visible images, 72f
portal confluence from duodenal bulb
visible human model, 173f
posterior to pancreas
EUS, 141f
visible human image, 141f
posterior to pancreatic head
visible human image, 137f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 107f, 115f, 140f
radial echoendoscope
transgastric view, 70f
from stomach
EUS, 144f
from stomach visible human image, 145f
transgastric image
radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f
visible human image, 77f
transgastric radial EUS, 116f
transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f
transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f
transgastric view, 96f
radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f
visible human image, 68f, 70f, 71f, 76f, 96f, 97f, 99f, 102f, 103f,
105f, 113f, 116f, 140f
visible human model, 70f, 73f, 75f, 112f, 114f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Stack sign, 172f
Stomach, 175, 181–182
transgastric radial EUS, 107f
visible human model, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 68f, 69f, 104f
Subcarinal space, 41
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human images, 60f
visible human model, 41f
Subclavian artery
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
linear array EUS, 54f, 55f
visible human image, 54f, 55f
Subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 22f, 100, 142
adjacent of pancreatic head
visible human image, 138f
celiac trunk from aorta
visible human image, 142f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
from duodenal bulb
visible human planar anatomy, 185f
duodenal bulb and ampulla
radial echoendoscope, 80f
EUS, 128f
human visible images, 72f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 114f, 115f
radial echoendoscope
transgastric view, 70f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f
relationship to vein
visible human model, 184f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 82f, 83f
radial echoendoscope, 78f
transgastric view
radial echoendoscope, 73f
visible human image, 70f, 74f, 75f, 79f, 81f, 83f, 84f, 85f,
86f–88f, 97f, 99f, 101f, 105f, 109f, 129f
visible human model, 73f, 100f, 108f, 143f, 188f
visible human planar anatomy, 176f
Superior mesenteric vein (SMV), 100, 137
adjacent of pancreatic head
EUS, 138f
visible human image, 138f
behind pancreatic head
visible human model, 138f
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
deep into duodenum
visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
EUS, 128f
posterior to pancreatic head
visible human image, 137f
from proximal stomach
visible human image, 114f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f
radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 82f, 83f
radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f
visible human image, 74f, 79f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 90f, 94f, 101f, 109f,
129f, 136f, 140f
visible human model, 70f, 73f, 100f, 182f, 187f
Superior vena cava (SVC), 49
aortic arch image level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f
liver left lobe
visible human model, 122f
visible human database, 43f–44f
visible human image, 64
visible human model, 64
Surgical simulator, 3f
SVC. See Superior vena cava (SVC)
TGC, 16
Thoracic anatomy
normal, 26–66
Thoracic duct, 26
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
left atrium level
rotating probe radial array, 41f
solid state radial probe EUS, 42f
visible human database, 39f
solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f
visible human database, 32f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f
visible human image, 106f
Three-dimensional computer database
of human anatomy, 1–7
Time gain compensation (TGC), 16
ToLTech, 3
aortic arch level
rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f
visible human database, 50f
azygous arch image plane
rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f
visible human database, 47f
linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f
subcranial space
linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f
visible human image, 54f, 55f, 60f
visible human model, 41f
Tracheobronchial tree
visible human model, 41f
Visible Human Project, 1
Transducer, 15
Transducer zones, 16f
Transmitter, 15
Treadway, Fran, 10
Tricuspid valve
visible human database, 32f
Tumefactive sludge
ultrasound, 21
artifacts, 17–19
clinical applications, 20–22
display, 16
image quality, 17
instrumentation, 15–17
noise, 17
spatial resolution, 17
Ultrasound energy, 13f
interaction with matter, 14–15
Ultrasound fields, 16
Uncinate process, 82
classic radial transduodenal image, 100f
from distal duodenum
visible human planar anatomy, 174f
radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 111f
transduodenal image
beyond ampulla, 83f
transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f, 85f
visible human model, 100f
University of Colorado
Center for Human Simulation (CHS), 1–7, 9–12
Upper abdomen
linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 122–144
solid state radial probe EUS, 151f, 162f
below prostate
solid state radial probe EUS, 157
linear array EUS, 166f, 167f, 168f
solid state radial probe EUS, 154f, 155f, 156f, 163f, 164f
visible human female database, 164f
linear array EUS, 167f, 168f
solid state radial probe EUS, 161f
visible human female database, 161f
linear array EUS, 167f, 168f
solid state radial probe EUS, 162f, 163f, 164f
visible human female database, 164f
Vaginal cavity
solid state radial probe EUS, 161f
visible human female database, 162f
Vascular system, 95
Velocity, 13, 14
VH Dissector Pro, 1, 2f
VHP. SeeVisible Human Project (VHP)
Visible Human Female, 7f
cadaver selection for, 6
Visible Human Interactive Atlas, 11
web site, 10–11
Visible Human Male, 7f
cadaver selection for, 5–6
frozen whole body specimen
sectioned, 6
MRI, 6
oblique slices, 9
Visible human model, 42f
Visible Human Project (VHP), 1–7
cameras, 6f
database, 5–6
education, 1
entertainment, 4–5
evolution of, 6–7
future work, 11–12
information interface, 4
modeling, 1–3
reference standard, 4
simulation, 3
in situ morphometrics, 4
training, 1
transverse cross sections, 2f
volumetric image data, 4f
Volumetric image data
Visible Human Project, 4f
Voxels, 3f, 4
Web site
Visible Human Interactive Atlas, 10–11

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Aspirin presentation slides by Dr. Rewas Ali
Aspirin presentation slides by Dr. Rewas AliAspirin presentation slides by Dr. Rewas Ali
Aspirin presentation slides by Dr. Rewas Ali


  • 1. A Abdomen EUS anatomy of radial orientation, 67–121 station approach to, 170–188 radial examination, 170–171 upper linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 122–144 Acoustic enhancement, 18 Acoustic impedance, 15 Acoustic shadowing, 18 Acute calculous cholecystitis, 21 Acute pancreatitis ultrasound, 22 Adrenal glands, 117, 143 from stomach linear examination, 183f American College of Gastroenterology, 10 A mode (amplitude), 16 Amplitude, 16 Ampulla, 93, 94f, 136 EUS, 136f with radial echoendoscope, 93f visible human image, 82f, 136f visible human model, 186f Anal canal proximal solid state radial probe EUS, 158f solid state radial probe EUS, 159f, 164f Anechoic lesion liver, 18f Angle of incidence, 15 Annular arrays, 16 Aorta, 26f, 29f, 105. See also Ascending aorta along duodenum visible human model, 110f anterior view visible human model, 170f aortic arch image level visible human model, 47f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human model, 45f deep into duodenum visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f descending, 26 from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f distal thorax linear array EUS, 52f visible human image, 52f lateral view visible human model, 171f left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 40f, 41f solid state radial probe EUS, 42f visible human database, 39f visible human image, 62f–63f visible human images, 61f–62f linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f, 63f mid thorax linear array EUS, 51f visible human image, 51f from proximal stomach visible human image, 107f, 115f, 117f radial echoendoscope, 108f deep into duodenum, 111f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 109f, 120f radial EUS, 101f, 106f rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f, 36f solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f, 30f, 31f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 82f transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 64, 65f–66f, 68f, 70f, 75f, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 96f, 102f, 103f, 106f, 109f, 116f visible human model, 35f, 42f, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 106f, 108f, 112f Aortic arch, 47 aortic arch image level rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f linear array EUS, 52f, 54f, 55f visible human image, 52f–53f Aortic root linear array endoscopic EUS, 61f, 62f Aortic valve left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 40f visible human database, 39f visible human image, 62f–63f visible human images, 61f–62f Aortopulmonary window, 53 azygous arch image plane visible human database, 47f linear array EUS, 54f, 55f visible human image, 54f, 55f visible human model, 53 Artifacts ultrasound, 17–19 Ascending aorta azygous arch image plane visible human database, 47f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 43f–44f visible human images, 60f AstraZeneca, 10, 11 Attenuation, 15 Azygous vein, 26, 26f, 29f aortic arch image level visible human model, 47f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f visible human model, 45f left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 41f solid state radial probe EUS, 42f visible human database, 39f visible human image, 62f–63f linear array EUS, 57f, 63f solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f 190 INDEX
  • 2. 191 visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 64, 106f visible human model, 35f, 42f, 56f, 64 Azygous vein arch azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f linear array EUS, 56f B BC Decker Inc., 10 Bhutani, Manoop S., 10 Bile duct from duodenal bulb long axis view, 172f Biliary ducts ultrasound, 21 Biliary system, 21–22, 85, 131 Biliary tree relationship to duodenum visible human model, 132f Bladder linear array EUS, 166f, 167f, 168f solid state radial probe EUS, 151f, 162f visible human model, 146f B mode (brightness), 16 Brachiocephalic artery, 49 aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f Brachiocephalic vein, 49 aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human images, 60f Brightness, 16 C Carina rotating probe radial array EUS, 43f CBD. See Common bile ducts (CBD) Celiac bifurcation transgastric radial echoendoscope, 103f transgastric radial EUS, 104f, 116f Celiac trunk, 101–102, 142 from aorta EUS, 142f visible human image, 142f from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f visible human image, 102f visible human model, 143f, 179f, 180f Center for Human Simulation (CHS) University of Colorado, 1–7, 9–12 Cervix solid state radial probe EUS, 161f visible human female database, 161f China, 1 Cholecystitis acute calculous, 21 Cholesterol comet tail artifact, 18f Chronic pancreatitis ultrasound, 22 CHS University of Colorado, 1–7, 9–12 Clubhead view, 175, 176f Coccyx solid state radial probe EUS, 152f, 153f visible human male database, 153f Color Doppler ultrasonography portal vein, 19f Comet tail artifact cholesterol, 18f Common bile ducts (CBD). See also Distal common bile ducts behind pancreatic head visible human model, 138f classic radial transduodenal image, 100f deep into duodenum visible human image, 121f from duodenal bulb visible human image, 134f duodenal bulb and ampulla radial echoendoscope, 80f heading toward duodenal wall radial echoendoscope, 90f human visible images, 72f with pancreatic duct visible human models, 92f portal confluence from duodenal bulb visible human model, 173f radial echoendoscope transduodenal image, 72f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f relationship to pancreatic duct visible human model, 188f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 83f radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f ultrasound, 21–22, 22f visible human image, 71f, 75f, 79f, 81f, 82f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 90f, 91f, 94f, 101f visible human model, 73f, 78f, 120f, 185f, 186f Continuous wave Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20 Contrast resolution, 17 Cord, Michael, 10 Coronary sinus, 31 left atrium visible human image, 62f–63f linear array EUS, 57f, 59f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f visible human images, 58f, 60f Corpus spongiosum visible human male database, 158f, 166f Curved arrays, 16 Curvilinear echoendoscopes, 25f Cysts liver, 21 D Decibel (dB), 14 Descending aorta, 26 Deutsch, John, 9, 11 Diagnostic knee arthroscopy simulation, 7 Diagnostic ultrasonography, 13–25 physics, 13–14 Digital anatomy, 9–12 INDEX
  • 3. 192 DIGITAL HUMAN ANATOMY AND ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY Digital endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 10 Distal common bile ducts, 90, 133 radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f through pancreatic head EUS, 134f visible human image, 134f Distal duodenum, 173–174 anterior view visible human model, 170f lateral view visible human model, 171f SMA from visible human model, 174f Distal rectum solid state radial probe EUS, 158f Doppler imaging power, 20 Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20 color portal vein, 19f continuous wave, 19–20 pulsed, 19–20 Dorsal pancreatic duct, 175 Duodenal bulb, 183 Duodenal wall normal, 67 Duodenum. See also Distal duodenum; Proximal duodenum radial examination, 175f visible human model, 104f Duplex scanning, 20 Dynamic range, 19 E Education Visible Human Project, 1 Endosonography, 9–12, 13–25, 22–24 Entertainment Visible Human Project, 4–5 Esophagus, 26f, 29f anterior view visible human model, 170f aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f visible human model, 47f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f visible human model, 45f lateral view visible human model, 171f left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 41f visible human database, 39f rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f solid state radial probe EUS, 30f, 31f visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f visible human model, 35f, 41f, 42f, 51f, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 68f External anal sphincter linear array EUS, 169f visible human female images, 168f visible human male database, 160f, 166f visible human male images, 169f F Flashback Imaging, 5 Flat plate orthogonal stationary views, 9 Focal length, 19 Frame rate, 19 Frequency, 13 Functional Anatomy of theVisible Human, 5f G Gain, 19 Gallbladder, 4f, 12, 21–22, 22f, 85, 131 behind pancreatic head visible human model, 138f from duodenal bulb EUS, 132f visible human image, 132f echogenic stones, 18f heading toward duodenal wall radial echoendoscope, 90f radial echoendoscope, 86f, 87f transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 88f ultrasound, 21 visible human image, 86f–88f, 89f, 90f, 91f Gallstones ultrasound, 21 Gastric cardia left liver lobe EUS, 123f visible human image, 123f Gastric wall EUS, 122f normal, 67, 122 transgastric radial echoendoscope, 67f transgastric radial EUS, 116f Gastroduodenal artery solid state radial EUS, 105f visible human image, 105f visible human model, 104f Gastroesophageal junction, 26, 26f, 29f, 178, 180–181 anterior view visible human model, 170f image plane above visible human database, 32f, 34f lateral view visible human model, 171f radial endoscopic ultrasound, 101f, 106f rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f visible human model, 106f, 178f Gastrointestinal echo layers with histologic correlates, 67t Gastrointestinal wall endosonography, 22–23, 23f H Haptic locations, 3, 3f Hemangioma liver, 21, 21f Hepatic artery from proximal stomach visible human image, 119f visible human image, 96f, 97f, 102f, 103f, 105f, 116f visible human model, 112f Hepatic veins, 20f, 26 solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f visible human images, 65f–66f Hepatocellular carcinoma, 21f
  • 4. 193 Hertz (Hz), 13 Human anatomy three-dimensional computer database, 1–7 Human Embryology Digital Library and Colaboratory Support Tools, 1 Hz, 13 I Identification masks, 3f Iliac artery visible human male database, 150f visible human model, 148f, 149f Iliac vein visible human male database, 150f visible human model, 148f, 149f Iliac vessels linear array EUS, 165f solid state radial probe EUS, 150f visible human male database, 165f Incident wave, 14f, 15f Inferior mesenteric vein transgastric image visible human image, 77f Inferior vena cava, 20f, 26, 26f, 29, 105 along duodenum visible human model, 110f classic radial transduodenal image, 100f deep into duodenum visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f, 65f liver left lobe EUS, 124f visible human model, 122f, 125f from proximal stomach visible human image, 117f, 119f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 111f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 109f, 120f, 121f radial EUS, 106f rotating probe radial array EUS, 27f solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f, 30f, 31f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 82f radial echoendoscope, 79f visible human database, 32f visible human image, 64, 65f, 68f, 70f, 75f, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 90f, 96f, 101f, 102f, 103f, 106f, 116f visible human model, 64, 106f, 108f, 120f, 124f Information interface Visible Human Project, 4 In situ morphometrics Visible Human Project, 4 Interactive Atlas, 1, 4, 4f Interatrial septum, 36 linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f visible human database, 38f visible human image, 64 Intercostal veins linear array EUS, 57f visible human images, 58f Interface, 15 Internal anal sphincter linear array EUS, 169f solid state radial probe EUS, 159f visible human female images, 168f visible human male database, 158f, 160f, 166f visible human male images, 169f Ishiocavernosus visible human male database, 158f K Kidneys, 117, 143 radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f, 121f radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 117f, 118f relationship to spleen visible human model, 177f from stomach EUS, 143f linear examination, 183f visible human image, 144f visible human model, 120f Knee arthroscopy simulation diagnostic, 7 Knee joint real time deformation of, 12 Knobology, 19 Korea, 1 L Lee, Christian, 12 Left adrenal gland from proximal stomach visible human image, 107f, 114f, 115f, 117f, 119f from stomach EUS, 144f from stomach visible human image, 145f transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f, 119f visible human image, 113f, 116f Left atrium, 26f, 29f aortic arch image level visible human model, 47f azygous arch image plane visible human model, 45f left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 40f, 41f visible human database, 39f visible human image, 62f–63f visible human images, 61f–62f linear array EUS, 57f, 59f, 60f, 61f, 63f rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f, 37f, 38f, 39f solid state radial probe EUS, 39f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 37f, 38f visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 58f, 60f, 64, 65f visible human model, 35f, 41f, 58f Left carotid artery aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f Left gastric artery visible human image, 97f, 105f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Left gastric vein visible human image, 99f Left mainstem bronchus left atrium level visible human database, 39f visible human images, 61f–62f visible human database, 43f–44f visible human image, 54f, 55f, 56f visible human model, 41f, 42f INDEX
  • 5. 194 DIGITAL HUMAN ANATOMY AND ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY Left renal vein from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f Left ventricle, 31, 31f linear array EUS, 57f, 59f solid state radial probe EUS, 32f visible human database, 32f, 35f visible human images, 58f visible human model, 35f, 58f Levator ani visible human male database, 155f, 156f, 157f, 158f Linear arrays, 16, 165, 179–180 Linear echoendoscopes, 24 Linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy upper abdomen, 122–144 Linear thoracic anatomy normal, 51–62 Liver, 67, 179 anechoic lesion, 18f cysts, 21 echotexture changes, 20 focal lesions, 21 hemangioma, 21, 21f hyperechoic mass, 21f left lobe, 122 visible human model, 122f linear array endoscopic EUS, 65f metastasis, 21 radial echoendoscope transduodenal image, 72f transgastric view, 68f, 69f, 70f transgastric radial EUS, 116f ultrasound, 20–21 visible human model, 68f, 69f, 124f Lymph nodes, 53 M Mahalik,Tom, 9 Metastasis liver, 21 Mirror image artifact, 19 Mitral valve linear array EUS, 57f, 59f, 60f rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f, 37f visible human database, 37f visible human images, 58f M mode (motion), 16 Modeling Visible Human Project, 1–3 Motion, 16 N National Library of Medicine, 1–7 News documentaries, 4 Noise ultrasound, 17 Normal duodenal wall, 67 Normal gastric wall, 67, 122 Normal linear thoracic anatomy, 51–62 Normal radial thoracic anatomy, 26–66 Normal rectal endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 146–169 Normal thoracic anatomy, 26–66 O Obliquemaker, 10, 11f, 19f Oblique slices visible human male, 9 Obturator interus visible human female database, 163f visible human male database, 151f, 154f, 155f, 156f, 157f, 158f Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, 5 Original real time obliquemaker with correlated ultrasonography, 9–10 P Pancreas, 73, 124–125, 127 at celiac trunk EUS, 127f visible human image, 127f from gastric body EUS, 126f visible human image, 126f radial echoendoscope transgastric view, 69f, 70f relationship to stomach and splenic vessels visible human model, 125f from stomach linear examination, 183f transgastric view radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f, 75f ultrasound, 22 visible human model, 69f, 70f, 75f Pancreatic adenocarcinoma ultrasound, 22 Pancreatic duct, 11f, 130 classic radial transduodenal image, 100f with common bile ducts visible human models, 92f from duodenal bulb visible human image, 134f duodenal bulb and ampulla radial echoendoscope, 80f EUS, 128f, 131f heading toward duodenal wall radial echoendoscope, 90f portal confluence from duodenal bulb visible human model, 173f radial echoendoscope transgastric view, 70f radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f relationship to duodenum visible human model, 132f relationship to stomach and splenic vein visible human model, 130f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 83f transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f transgastric radial EUS, 116f transgastric view radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f, 75f, 76f, 77f visible human image, 77f ultrasound, 22 visible human image, 70f, 74f, 75f, 76f, 81f, 82f, 84f, 91f, 94f, 101f, 116f, 129f visible human model, 78f, 185f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Pancreatic head, 77, 128 bounded by portal vein EUS, 129f visible human image, 129f from distal duodenum
  • 6. 195 visible human planar anatomy, 174f from distal duodenum radial examination, 174f duodenal bulb and ampulla radial echoendoscope, 80f EUS, 128f, 130f, 135f transduodenal image radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 99f visible human image, 135f Pancreatic neck overlying superior mesenteric artery, 181f visible human model, 181f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Pancreatic tail, 127 near splenic hilum visible human model, 128f from stomach linear examination, 183f radial examination, 177f transgastric image radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f transgastric radial EUS, 116f transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f Pancreatitis chronic ultrasound, 22 Pelster, Helen, 9 Pericholecystic fluid, 21 Peritoneal reflection, 146 visible human model, 146f, 147f, 148f Phased arrays, 16 Portal confluence from duodenal bulb, 173f visible human model, 173f posterior to pancreatic vein EUS, 139f solid state radial endoscopic ultrasound, 97f visible human model, 183f, 184f Portal vein, 95, 136 behind pancreatic head visible human model, 138f color Doppler ultrasonography, 19f confluence with splenic vein, 95f duodenal bulb and ampulla radial echoendoscope, 80f heading toward duodenal wall radial echoendoscope, 90f human visible images, 72f portal confluence from duodenal bulb visible human model, 173f posterior to pancreatic head EUS, 137f visible human image, 137f radial echoendoscope transduodenal image, 72f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 82f radial echoendoscope, 78f transduodenal radial echoendoscope, 98f, 99f transgastric view radial echoendoscope, 73f visible human image, 68f, 70f, 74f, 76f, 79f, 81f, 82f, 83f, 86f–88f, 90f, 91f, 97f, 99f, 105f, 136f visible human model, 70f, 73f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Portal venous system, 136 relating to pancreas visible human model, 139f relationship to biliary tree visible human model, 133f visible human model, 73f, 78f Portosplenic confluence radial echoendoscope transgastric view, 70f transgastric view, 96f radial echoendoscope, 73f Positive ultrasonographic Murphy sign, 21 Power, 19 Power Doppler imaging, 20 PRF, 19 Prostate linear array EUS, 166f solid state radial probe EUS, 154f, 155f, 156f Proximal anal canal solid state radial probe EUS, 158f Proximal duodenum anterior view visible human model, 170f lateral view visible human model, 171f radial examination, 170–171 Proximal stomach transgastric radial EUS, 107f Pulmonary artery azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f left atrium visible human image, 62f–63f linear array EUS, 54f, 55f, 63f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 43f–44f visible human image, 53f, 54f, 55f, 56f, 60f, 64 visible human model, 53 Pulmonary veins, 36 visible human database, 38f, 43f–44f visible human image, 53f visible human images, 56f visible human model, 58f Pulsed Doppler ultrasonography, 19–20 Pulse repetition frequency (PRF), 19 R Radial array examination, 148 Radial echoendoscopes, 23–24, 23f, 24f scanning plane, 24f Radial thoracic anatomy normal, 26–66 Receiver, 16 Rectum distal solid state radial probe EUS, 158f normal endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 146–169 visible human model, 146f, 148f, 149f, 150f Reference standard Visible Human Project, 4 Reflection, 14–15 Refraction, 15 Refraction artifacts, 17 Reinig, Karl, 9 INDEX
  • 7. 196 DIGITAL HUMAN ANATOMY AND ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY Renal vein at celiac trunk visible human image, 127f at celiac trunk from aorta visible human image, 142f classic radial transduodenal image, 100f deep into duodenum visible human image, 112f, 121f from proximal stomach visible human image, 114f, 115f, 118f, 140f radial echoendoscope, 108f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 111f, 120f, 121f radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 118f transgastric view radial echoendoscope, 73f visible human image, 77f visible human image, 74f, 75f, 82f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 90f, 101f, 109f, 113f visible human model, 108f Reverberation artifacts, 17 Right atrium, 26f, 29 left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 40f visible human database, 39f visible human images, 61f–62f linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f, 65f rotating probe radial array EUS, 36f solid state radial probe EUS, 30f, 31f, 32f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 32f, 35f, 37f, 38f visible human image, 60f, 64, 65f visible human model, 64 Right gastric vein posterior to pancreatic head visible human image, 137f visible human image, 116f Right mainstem bronchus visible human database, 43f–44f visible human image, 53f visible human model, 41f, 42f Right ventricle left atrium visible human image, 62f–63f left atrium level visible human images, 61f–62f linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f solid state radial probe EUS, 32f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human database, 32f, 35f visible human image, 60f, 64 visible human model, 64 Rubinstein, David, 11 S Sacrum solid state radial probe EUS, 152f visible human male database, 152f visible human model, 148f, 149f, 150f Seminal vesicles solid state radial probe EUS, 151f visible human male database, 166f Side lobes artifacts, 17–18 Simulation Visible Human Project, 3 Sinusoidal waveform, 13 SMA. See Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) SMV. See Superior mesenteric vein (SMV) Solid shells, 3f Sound propagation of, 13 Spatial resolution ultrasound, 17 Spine, 36 linear array EUS, 57f Spleen, 112, 139 from proximal stomach EUS, 139f visible human image, 140f transgastric radial echoendoscope from proximal stomach, 113f visible human image, 140f visible human model, 112f Splenic artery at celiac trunk visible human image, 127f posterior to pancreas visible human image, 141f from proximal stomach visible human image, 114f, 115f, 119f from stomach EUS, 144f from stomach visible human image, 145f transgastric image radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f visible human image, 77f transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f visible human image, 76f, 96f, 97f, 103f, 113f, 116f visible human model, 75f, 112f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Splenic vein, 22f behind pancreatic head visible human model, 138f at celiac trunk visible human image, 127f at celiac trunk from aorta visible human image, 142f human visible images, 72f portal confluence from duodenal bulb visible human model, 173f posterior to pancreas EUS, 141f visible human image, 141f posterior to pancreatic head visible human image, 137f from proximal stomach visible human image, 107f, 115f, 140f radial echoendoscope transgastric view, 70f from stomach EUS, 144f from stomach visible human image, 145f transgastric image radial echoendoscope, 76f, 77f visible human image, 77f transgastric radial EUS, 116f transgastric radial EUS from proximal stomach, 114f transgastric radial image from proximal stomach, 115f transgastric view, 96f radial echoendoscope, 73f, 74f
  • 8. 197 visible human image, 68f, 70f, 71f, 76f, 96f, 97f, 99f, 102f, 103f, 105f, 113f, 116f, 140f visible human model, 70f, 73f, 75f, 112f, 114f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Stack sign, 172f Stomach, 175, 181–182 proximal transgastric radial EUS, 107f visible human model, 53, 56f, 58f, 64, 68f, 69f, 104f Subcarinal space, 41 visible human database, 43f–44f visible human images, 60f visible human model, 41f Subclavian artery aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f linear array EUS, 54f, 55f visible human image, 54f, 55f Subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f Superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 22f, 100, 142 adjacent of pancreatic head visible human image, 138f celiac trunk from aorta visible human image, 142f deep into duodenum visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f from duodenal bulb visible human planar anatomy, 185f duodenal bulb and ampulla radial echoendoscope, 80f EUS, 128f human visible images, 72f from proximal stomach visible human image, 114f, 115f radial echoendoscope transgastric view, 70f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f relationship to vein visible human model, 184f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 82f, 83f radial echoendoscope, 78f transgastric view radial echoendoscope, 73f visible human image, 70f, 74f, 75f, 79f, 81f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 86f–88f, 97f, 99f, 101f, 105f, 109f, 129f visible human model, 73f, 100f, 108f, 143f, 188f visible human planar anatomy, 176f Superior mesenteric vein (SMV), 100, 137 adjacent of pancreatic head EUS, 138f visible human image, 138f behind pancreatic head visible human model, 138f classic radial transduodenal image, 100f deep into duodenum visible human image, 110f, 112f, 121f from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f EUS, 128f posterior to pancreatic head visible human image, 137f from proximal stomach visible human image, 114f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 120f radial endoscopic image from postbulbar duodenum, 93f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 82f, 83f radial echoendoscope, 78f, 79f visible human image, 74f, 79f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 90f, 94f, 101f, 109f, 129f, 136f, 140f visible human model, 70f, 73f, 100f, 182f, 187f Superior vena cava (SVC), 49 aortic arch image level rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f liver left lobe visible human model, 122f visible human database, 43f–44f visible human image, 64 visible human model, 64 Surgical simulator, 3f SVC. See Superior vena cava (SVC) T TGC, 16 Thoracic anatomy normal, 26–66 Thoracic duct, 26 aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f left atrium level rotating probe radial array, 41f solid state radial probe EUS, 42f visible human database, 39f solid state radial probe EUS, 27f–29f visible human database, 32f, 37f, 38f, 43f–44f visible human image, 106f Three-dimensional computer database of human anatomy, 1–7 Time gain compensation (TGC), 16 ToLTech, 3 Trachea aortic arch level rotating probe radial array EUS, 48f, 49f–50f visible human database, 50f azygous arch image plane rotating probe radial array EUS, 45f–46f visible human database, 47f linear array endoscopic EUS, 63f subcranial space linear array endoscopic EUS, 59f visible human image, 54f, 55f, 60f visible human model, 41f Tracheobronchial tree visible human model, 41f Training Visible Human Project, 1 Transducer, 15 Transducer zones, 16f Transmitter, 15 INDEX
  • 9. 198 DIGITAL HUMAN ANATOMY AND ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY Treadway, Fran, 10 Tricuspid valve visible human database, 32f Tumefactive sludge ultrasound, 21 U Ultrasound artifacts, 17–19 clinical applications, 20–22 display, 16 image quality, 17 instrumentation, 15–17 noise, 17 spatial resolution, 17 Ultrasound energy, 13f interaction with matter, 14–15 Ultrasound fields, 16 Uncinate process, 82 classic radial transduodenal image, 100f from distal duodenum visible human planar anatomy, 174f radial echoendoscope deep into duodenum, 111f transduodenal image beyond ampulla, 83f transduodenal radial echoendoscopic image, 84f, 85f visible human model, 100f University of Colorado Center for Human Simulation (CHS), 1–7, 9–12 Upper abdomen linear endoscopic ultrasound anatomy, 122–144 Ureter solid state radial probe EUS, 151f, 162f Urethra below prostate solid state radial probe EUS, 157 linear array EUS, 166f, 167f, 168f solid state radial probe EUS, 154f, 155f, 156f, 163f, 164f visible human female database, 164f Uterus linear array EUS, 167f, 168f solid state radial probe EUS, 161f visible human female database, 161f V Vagina linear array EUS, 167f, 168f solid state radial probe EUS, 162f, 163f, 164f visible human female database, 164f Vaginal cavity solid state radial probe EUS, 161f visible human female database, 162f Vascular system, 95 Velocity, 13, 14 VH Dissector Pro, 1, 2f VHP. SeeVisible Human Project (VHP) Visible Human Female, 7f cadaver selection for, 6 Visible Human Interactive Atlas, 11 web site, 10–11 Visible Human Male, 7f cadaver selection for, 5–6 frozen whole body specimen sectioned, 6 MRI, 6 oblique slices, 9 Visible human model, 42f Visible Human Project (VHP), 1–7 cameras, 6f database, 5–6 education, 1 entertainment, 4–5 evolution of, 6–7 future work, 11–12 information interface, 4 modeling, 1–3 reference standard, 4 simulation, 3 in situ morphometrics, 4 training, 1 transverse cross sections, 2f volumetric image data, 4f Volumetric image data Visible Human Project, 4f Voxels, 3f, 4 W Web site Visible Human Interactive Atlas, 10–11