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姓 名 Yang, wenchao 杨文超
出生日期 21/07/1978
性 别 男
婚姻状况 已 婚
国 籍 中国
外语水平 熟练
手机号码 13820381144
联系地址 天津开发区南海路 23 号 2-3-401
期望工作地点 不限
− 自我提高意识强,不断自我完善和学习的欲望强烈,多年的外企工作经验职
− 具备约 15 年的现场工作经验,包括内场大型设备维修改造 2 年,外场设备
安装调试及维护 13 年。扎实肯干,积极高效,吃苦耐劳
− 经历 MA547 陕京三线榆林站安装
− 经历 MA389 乌苏站 2 号机组压缩机壳体更换
− 经历 MA552 枣阳站安装调试
− 经历 MA672 临县站安装调试
− 经历 MA446 山丹站与哈密站压缩机机芯对调。
− 经历 MA389 烟墩站压缩机故障大修,机芯抱死后的取出工作
− 经历 2006 年 PL19-3 油田关断改造和 whp-c 投产联接调试
09/1998 - 06/2002 中国民航学院
06/2005 英格索兰空压机 维修证书
08/2005 空调系统 维修证书
09/2005 高级消防 油气消防证书
09/2006 司索指挥 司索指挥证书
02/2007 直升机起降指挥
07/2007 卡特彼勒 3400、3500 系列柴油机 维修证书
07/2007 清海管球收发系统,博利兹英语 6 级
05/2008 液压原理 吊机液压系统维修证书
05/2006 剑桥商务英语初级证书(自学)
12/2006 剑桥商务英语中级证书(自学)
07/2014 至今 埃理奥特机械设备维修服务天津有限责任公司
27/7/2014-30/7/2014 中煤集团蒙大 50 万吨聚乙烯项目压缩机安装,学员。
21/8/2014-26/8/2014 新疆广汇集团氮气压缩机大修
27/8/2014-8/9/2014 南京惠生压缩机大修,学员。
15/9/2014-27/10/2014 中煤集团蒙大 50 万吨聚乙烯项目, 压缩机安装,学员。
4/11/2014-14/11/2014 潞安 180 煤制油项目蒸汽轮机-压缩机组安装指导。
17/11/2014-24/11/2014 靖边延长石油 YR 蒸汽轮机调试启机。
25/11/2014-4/12/2014 星星能源 MTO 压缩机安装, 学员。油冲洗。
15/12/2014-04/05/2015 张家港扬子江石化公司,PDH 项目,压缩机安装调试启机。学员。
XV2039,2040 防喘阀故障处理。
2015.5.29 - 6.23 孟加拉国沙迦拉化肥厂 YR 汽轮机安装调试。
2015.6.27 -7.8 山东阳煤 C7001 压缩机组大修
2015.8.23-8.29 印度尼西亚 DYRF202340-1 大修事故调查
2015.9.24-10.5 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机装调试。
2015.11.14-11.18 中煤榆林汽轮机轴瓦温度高故障处理,更换轴瓦,轴封。
2015.12.21-12.23 南京亨斯迈汽轮机驱动压缩机安装,开箱。
2016.1.1-1.17 沙特 KEMYA 公司 YR 蒸汽轮机调试启机。
2016.2.20-3.7 埃理奥特袖浦厂初级技能培训
2016.4.3-4.12 张家港电驱压缩机组质保,变频器冷却系统升级改造
2016.4.12-5.2 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机调试启机。
2015.5.13- 5.30 潞安 180 汽轮机驱动压缩机组安装指导。
2016.5.30–6.4 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机调试启机。
2016.6.5–6.7 南京亨斯迈汽轮机驱动压缩机组安装指导
2016.6.13-6.18 埃理奥特项目管理内部培训
2016.6.19 -6.24 Bently 3500 震动探头系统调试培训
2016.6.25-10.28 中沙石化大修项目计划协调员
2016.9.3-9.10 靖边榆林新能源化工公司压缩机干气密封更换。
业绩:五天内完成了 6 套干气密封的更换,并协助业主平稳开车。
2016.9.22-9.24 兰州乙烯蒸汽轮机跳车手柄失效故障处理。
业绩:迅速找到故障是由于 TT 阀安装时角度误差造成。.
2016.10.31-11.14 福建联合炼化公司汽轮机驱动压缩机大修工具和备件准备。
2016.12.2 至今 青海盐湖镁业股份公司 DMTO 装置蒸汽轮机驱动压缩机干气密封失效故障处理
09/2011—2014.6 罗尔斯罗伊斯商业北京公司 现场服务代表。汇报人:刘秉勋
21/09/2011 银川孔探培训。
业绩:后多次独立进行孔探,并于 2012 年 3 月独立指导更换 8 号燃烧室。出色的
协调现场人际关系,于 2 月 10 日完成了新加坡控制工程师的数据下载任务。
28/09/2011---25/09/2011 西气东输 MA547 陕京三线榆林站安装,现场培训。
29/12/2011---07/03/2012 西气东输 MA389 乌苏站 2 号压缩机壳体维修。参与全部压缩机现场解体过程,清
封圈,和 MCC 的一台小变压器。
11/2011—07/11/2012 西气东输 MA552 枣阳站安装调试(暂停)。
成现场发生太多费用。例如 cullum 供货短缺问题,钢结构尺寸不符问题,都没有
形象和声誉。于 7 月 10 封存现场所有材料,并留有照片做备案。使得现场不必留
21/07/2012—07/29/2012 银川哈纳斯电厂发动机燃烧室更换。
业绩:4 人 4 天完成 8 个新燃烧室更换,为业主节约了时间,保证了生产。
08/01/2012—08/09/2012 西气东输 MA552 南昌站发动机滑油泵联轴器升级。
08/31/2012—12/03/2012 西气东输 MA672 陕京三线临县站安装调试。
吊装开始,仅用 102 天就实现点火起机,受到了业主的表扬。
04/08/2013—04/11/2013 银川哈纳斯电厂发动机中修孔探检查。
04/14/2013—05/25/2013 西气东输 MA446 山丹站 3 号机与哈密站三号机机芯对调。
05/25/2013—07/04/2013 西气东输 MA389 烟墩站 3 号机故障维修
07/29/2013—08/02/2013 哈纳斯电厂发动机大修,机组拆除工作。
09/13/2013—09/22/2013 MA552 南昌站尾项整改。
10/09/2013—10/31/2013 MA552 枣阳站安装调试,动力涡轮轴承检查,63PGD2 安装及配管,
80PGS,63PGJSS 配管,主滑油系统 GG 滑油系统冲洗及取样化验。
2014/3/24-2014/4/10 MA389 烟墩站、乌苏站平衡管线螺栓震动分析。
2014/4/15-2014/6/22 MA918 了墩站、连木沁站安装调试。
大胆使用 400 目滤网,加速油冲洗进度。
01/2005–至 09/2011 康菲石油中国有限公司
量及产量排名,康菲石油中国有限公司公司是 2007 年世界财富 500 强企业第九
油总公司共同开发中国海上最大油田——蓬莱 19-3 油田。
12/2006–2011/9 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3C 平台 机修
− 管理平台设备,监控运行数据和整理设备维修档案。
− 平台设备的预防性维修和应急故障维修以及相关物料的准备和统计。
− 编写部分设备的操作和维修程序。
− 通过 SAP 系统报告维修工作和管理物料。
− 新员工的现场培训。
− 编写透平冷态洗车彩图版程序并培训新员工。
− 透平损坏的喷嘴部件打捞。喷嘴损坏后有部件遗落在机体内燃烧室机匣与衬
套间,使用孔探仪手动寻找并打捞出机体,全过程共用时 2 小时,之后组织
− 通过加强与其它部门的沟通以及了解,补充建立平台消耗料和设备备件库存。
− 编写造水机操作和维修程序,是操作人员理解原理和使用中的注意事项,延
− 编写海水提升泵更换程序,改变了吊装工艺,工期缩减至是原来的四分之一。
− 吊车液压油换热器更换程序,更改了工作步骤,工期由三天缩短至 6 小时。
− 翻译分油机操作维修手册核心内容,为现场工作人员做技术培训。改造分油
− 为 SAP 部门培训海上设施设备基本原理和系统流程。
− 更改设备备件建库不合理的条目,使得材料库存合理化。
01/2006–12/2006 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田 明珠号 机修
− 管理 FPSO 设备,监控运行数据和整理设备维修档案。
− FPSO 设备的预防性维修和应急故障维修以及相关物料的准备和统计。
− 机舱设备和工艺流程。
− 翻译透平培训手册 1~8 章,使得老员工对透平的原理和维修工作有了较系统
− 翻译激光对中仪使用手册,培训老员工使用激光对中仪校准卧式离心泵对中
− 培训其他同事机舱流程和应急替代性流程切换,使得机修班对机舱流程有了
06/2005–01/2006 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田 A 平台操作
− 监控生产系统参数,计量产量
− 中央控制室监控,下载数据
− 开、关生产井,启停电泵井电潜泵, 电潜泵运行曲线监测
− 救生艇、备用机、消防泵预防性维修
− 生活污水系统预防性维修
− 编写生产作业程序,现场培训新员工。
− 整理平台物料记录。
− 协助维修平台吊车,提醒临时吊车司机吊车使用状况,避免了一起重大吊装
01/2005–06/2005 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田明珠号操作(实习)
− 监控 Solar 及 R&R 发动机, 热介质锅炉,蒸汽锅炉,惰器发生器,原油处
− 中控室远程监控生产流程
− 将日常工作整理编写成简易的生产作业程序,现场培训新员工。
08/2002-12/2004 渤海石油工程公司
08/2002-03/2003 渤海石油工程公司海上维修分公司技术组泵类主管
− “长青号”FPSO 漂浮软管年检;
− 绥中 36-1 油矿(共 9 个平台)原油外输泵大修,热介质油循环泵大修,开、
− 空压机巡检;伴生气压缩机故障检修。
− 编写了绥中 36-1 油田进口原油外输泵(10 级离心泵)的维修工艺
− 编写了绥中 36-1 油田国产原油外输泵(5 级非对称离心泵)的维修工艺
03/2003~07/2003 渤海石油工程公司海上维修分公司柴油机主管
− QK17-2 油矿柴油机 3000 小时检修
− QK18-1 油矿柴油机 3000 小时检修
− 修改了埕北、渤西油田柴油机定期检修维修施工方案。
− 整理了柴油机维修技术资料,使原有冗余的 7 级目录架构 2G 资料整理成为
三级架构的 84 兆文件,利于文件查找和新文件存档。
− 编写柴油机技术资料管理和存档流程。
− 培训了主修人员出海作业程序和注意事项。
07/2003-12/2003 渤海石油工程公司维修事业部吊机主管
− 绥中 36-1 油矿(共 9 个平台)吊机年检
− QK17-2 油矿吊机年检
− “长青号”FPSO 吊机故障检修(5 吨吊机液压缸更换密封圈,15 吨吊机换平
− 绥中 36-1 油矿 B 平台起艇机更换钢丝绳
− 整理了吊机维修技术资料,使原有冗余的资料整理成为 3 级目录架构的文件,
− 设计和定制了绥中 36-1 油矿 P6 平台的吊车柴油机护罩。
− 编写吊机技术资料管理和存档流程。
12/2003–12/2004 项目名称 友谊号 FPSO 改造
项目描述:将原有 FPSO“友谊号”改造成为适应 BZ28-1 油田生产的浮式储油轮
友谊号维修总包项目组机械主管,“友谊号”FPSO 维修全船机械设备维修,重点
负责四大装置(透平,热介质锅炉,蒸汽锅炉,惰气发生器) 配合厂家施工
− 透平更换机组和控制系统升级
− 热介质锅炉维修和控制系统升级
− 蒸汽锅炉维修和燃烧器升级
− 惰器发生器维修和控制系统升级
− 其他设备类工作
− 控制维修质量和效率,全部负责范围内返工率为 0,在全部项目施工期间仅
加班一次累计 4 小时,提前拖航时间 14 天全部完工,并协助其他兄弟部门
− 掌握施工期间厂家的细致资料,为后期商务谈判赢得有利局面。
− 参与与 solar 服务合同的最终付款洽谈会,直接为公司节约 30 多万美元现场
Name Yang wenchao
Applied Position Project manager
Birth Date 21/07/1978
Gender Male
Marital statutes Married
Nationality China
Language Skill skilful English
Mobile phone 13820381144
Address TEDA southern sea road 23# 2-3-401 (300457)
- Strongly requirements in studying and improving himself , long
experience working in formal company make my career quality very good,
good communication skill, be good at coordination, be able to descript issue
- Has almost 10 years working experience in field mechanical engineering with
active and efficient performance, including big equipment workshop overhaul
2 years, field equipments maintenance and modification about 8 years
- Experienced MA547 gas turbine new installation project partly
- Experienced MA389 Wusu station unit 2 casing repair
- Experienced MA552 Zaoyang station new installation project
- Experienced MA672 Linxian station new installation project
- Experienced MA446 Shandan and Ha mi AERO swap project
- Experienced MA389 Yan dun compressor damage overhaul project(on going)
- Experienced the 2006 COPC Mingzhu shut down modification and WHP-C
whole Hook-up period. Has clearly understood of offshore work and process.
09/1994 – 07/1998 Civil Aviation University of China
Turbine engine
Training record & certificate
06/2005 Ingersoll-land air compressor, maintenance certificate
08/2005 HVAC, maintenance certificate
09/2006 rigging, rigging certificate
02/2007 Helicopter landing official, HLO certificate
07/2007 CAT engine 3400 and3500, maintenance certificate
07/2007 launch and receiver, operating certificate
05/2008 Hydraulic of crane, maintenance certificate
05/2006 Business English of Cambridge---primary (self study), level B certificate
12/2006 Business English of Cambridge---vantage(self study), level C certificate
09/2011—06/2014 RRESI,CSB ,As a Mechanical FSR, Report to :Liu bingxun
21/09/2011 Bore scope on-job training, Yin chuan.
Achievements: After that training, I did borescope myself many times, and direct
burner 8# replacement on March 12, 2012;
Coordinate customer relationship well, independently download data as a
Mechanical FSR without control engineer conduct on Feb 10
, 2012, even the
soft ware is changed.
28/09/2011---25/10/2011 SJ 3
line,MA547 new installation project on job training.
Achievements:work out new method about oil flush, shrink the flushing time,
can be used when project is hurry.
29/12/2011---07/03/2012 WEEP Line 2,MA389 Wu su Unit2 Casing repair. Take part in all disassembly
steps, counting materials and spare parts, assembly special tools, during casing
disassembly, mark all material according to drawings, seal and packing
components, coordinate loading and assist rising the packing list.
Achievements: independently coordinate multi work group offloading packing
boxes without crane assist,save much time for the project;further
more,arrange time proper replace seal kit for seal gas booster and replace one
alternator for MCC during that project.
11/2011—07/11/2012 WEEP line 2,MA552 Zao yang station new installation (suspending).
Achievements: independently coordinate multi work group,control cost during
project, save cost much. Such as cullum supplied material components miss
shipment, steel structure components wrong size, I managed to eliminate the
relevant cost, and achieved 0 costs on those issues. Even some of parts
supplied by RR not arrive at site; I try to make it not influent project proceeding,
keep good occupation on RR. On July 10 store materials tools and seal up work
site, make full documentation for other colleagues; make no person stay for work
site, save cost for company.
21/07/2012—07/29/2012 Hanas work shop engine combustors replacement。
Achievements: Complete all 8 combustors replacement by only 4 persons
within 5days. Save time and keep production available.
08/01/2012—08/09/2012 WEEP line 2,MA552 Nanchang station GG lube oil pump coupling upgrade.
Achievements: Identified wrong supply spare parts in time and make a detail
report to company, provide reference for other work site.
08/31/2012—12/03/2012 SJ 3
line,MA672 Lin xian station installation and commissioning.
Achievements: Independently coordinate multi work group,organize people,
tools, materials, arrange work process properly, control cost during project, save
cost much. Achieve first fire from unit offloading only 102 days, praised by
04/08/2013—04/11/2013 Hanas workshop engine pre-middle life inspection.
04/14/2013—05/25/2013 WEEP MA446 Shan dan No.3 unit and Ha mi No3.unit aero swap.
Achievements:Safely and smoothly complete all work and start up unit
successfully on first time.
05/252013—07/04/2013 WEEP line 2,MA389 Yan dun No.3 unit abnormal over haul.
Achievements:After precisely calculation, daringly used 100T jack and a
special tool with a long time patient moved out the damaged bundle, avoid the
whole unit sliding cost and heavy goods transporting cost, and save both
maintenance time for company and production time for customer.
07/29/2013—08/02/2013 Hanas work shop TRENT 60 engine overhaul, engine remove and packing.
09/13/2013—09/22/2013 MA552 Nan chang Punch make up.
10/09/2013—10/31/2013 MA552 Zao yang station installation and commissioning, restart works since
2012 July suspend. Checked PT bearings , installed 63PGD2, and match tubing
for 63PGD2,80PGS,63PGJSS. Main lube oil system flushing and GG lube oil
system flushing, take oil sample to test。Suspend again due to power supply
01/2005–09/2011 COPC
ConocoPhillips China Inc. (COPC) is a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips,
undertaking oil and gas exploration and production operations in China. In Bohai
Bay, COPC is cooperating with China National Offshore Oil Corporation
(CNOOC) in the development of China's largest offshore discovery - Peng Lai
(PL) 19-3. The project includes two phases of development. Production from the
first phase began in December 2002. Production from the second phase utilizing
a floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel is expected to
begin in late 2008。
12/2006–09/2011 COPC19-3 WHP-C mechanic
Report to:OIM
− Platform equipment management,parameters monitoring and record。
− Platform equipment PM BM and CM
− Platform equipment and materials recording
− On-crank water wash products with pictures interpretation and training it to
new technician。
− Taken out broken pieces of nozzle inside engine。
− Help onshore MM group to investigate and build up spare parts for
platform equipments。
− Compile water maker operating and maintenance procedures
− Compile seawater lift pump replacing procedures,reducing working
duration to 1/4 of original
− Compile crane Hydraulic oil cooler replacing procedures ,reducing
working duration from original 3 days to 6 hours
− review and update mechanic PMs
− advise technical drawings to fabricate expensive filter elements locally
− Translate centrifuge diesel treatment unit O&M Manual,train the offshore
technicians.Modified the process inside the skid and solved the belt slip
− Give several basic training to SAP group about offshore equipments and
− Modified the illogical material sock items。
01/2006–12/2006 COPC19-3 FPSO Miungzhu mechanic
Report to:Maintenance supervisor
− FPSO equipment management,parameters monitoring and record。
− FPSO equipment PM BM and CM
− Translate solar turbine training manual chapter 1to chapter 10,make elder
workers understand the equipments quite a lot。
− Translate easy laser alignment manual and training to colleagues
− Training engine room process to colleagues and make them understand
how to switch the equipments when emergency without shutdown。
06/2005–01/2006 COPC19-3 WHP-A operator
Report to:OIM
− Monitoring well production parameter,accounting oil production
− CCR remote monitoring,download senor data everyday
− Star and shut in well,start and stop ESP, ESP trend monitoring
− Life boat、stand-by generator、fire pump PM
− Sanitary unit PM
− Compile production operating procedures
− Help to crane maintenance and avoid a big hazard by noticing running
status to the temporary crane operator.
01/2005–06/2005 COPC19-3 FPSO Miungzhu operator trainee
Report to:production supervisor
− Monitoring Solar engine, R&R engine,heating media system,steam
boiler,inert gas generator,crude oil system,produced water
system,chemical system,water injection system,fuel gas system
− CCR remote monitoring
− Compile the routine job to brief procedure and train the new operators on
08/2002-12/2004 Bohai Oil engineering company(BOEC)
BOEC is a subordinate of CNOOC,major business are offshore equipments
reparation ,crane reparation 、ESP tech support、I&E tech support、slop
water treatment、ship equipment、physical chemistry
cleaning、machining、equipment running monitoring、engineering project
design etc.
08/2002-03/2003 BOEC offshore repairing division technology team
pump director
Responsibility:Pumps in general contract overhaul and relevant auxiliary
system repair, temporary small repair projects.
Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair,
take part in whole repair process, disassembly, clean up, measurement, spare
parts replace, shaft repair, the rotor dynamic balance, assembly, and return to
offshore customer installation and commissioning.
− “Changtsing”FPSO afloat tube yearly repairing and maintenance;
− SZ36-1oil field(9 platforms total)oil transfer pump overhaul,thermal oil
circulate pump overhaul,open-type emptying pump、closed-type
emptying pump overhaul;sum contract-- pump polling;
− SZ36-1oil field Air compressor polling
− Natural gas compressor fault repair
− Compile SZ36-1 offloading pump (10 grades centrifuge ) overhaul
− Compile SZ36-1 offloading pump (5 grades centrifuge ) overhaul process
03/2003~07/2003 BOEC offshore repairing division diesel oil engine
Diesel engine in general contract periodic maintenance and corrective
maintenance,temporary small repair projects
Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair,
components localize and upgrade.
− Adapt the diesel engine PM procedure of CB and QK oil field 。
− Filed the technical files ,change the original 7 levels structures to 3 levels
and delete redundant files make the whole package shrink from 2GB to 84
MB, easy for any one to look up or record
07/2003-12/2003 BOEC repairing and maintenance division hydraulic lift
Offshore cranes in general contract periodic maintenance and corrective
maintenance,temporary small repair projects
Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair,
components localize and upgrade.
− SZ36-1oil field(9 platforms total)hydraulic lift yearly repairing and
− QK17-2 oil field hydraulic lift yearly repairing and maintenance;
− “Changtsing”FPSO crane fault repair(5 dun crane exchange hydraulic
cylinder seal elements,15 dun crane exchange balance valve)
− SZ36-1oil field platform B exchange hoisting cable of boat hoisting
− Filed the technical files ,change the original structures to 3 levels and
delete redundant files make the whole package easy for any one to look
up or record
Project experiences:
Project Name You Yi FPSO refurbish
Project profile:repair equipments and update units on FPSO“You
Yi”to make the facility compatible to BZ28-1oil field production,1.98
billion RMB , project last for 1.5 year
“YouYi ”FPSO repairing project equipment director
concentrate on:
− Worked with Solar personnel to do turbine exchange and PLC control plus
− Worked with Ness personnel to do thermal oil boiler repairing and control
system plus
− Worked with Ness personnel to do steam oil boiler repairing and burner
− Worked with Sinoda personnel to do inert gases producer repairing and
control system plus
− some other work of ship equipment
− All tasks re-perform rate O
− All tasks complete 14 days ahead of project with only once over time work
about 4 hours。
− Precisely record the collaborate contractor working ,and attend the
business negotiation, reduce the onsite service cost from 350,000$ to
about 15000$ 。
Attached are some site work pictures.:

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  • 1. 候选人报告 姓 名 Yang, wenchao 杨文超 应聘职位 出生日期 21/07/1978 性 别 男 婚姻状况 已 婚 国 籍 中国 外语水平 熟练 手机号码 13820381144 邮箱地址 联系地址 天津开发区南海路 23 号 2-3-401 期望工作地点 不限 自我评价 − 自我提高意识强,不断自我完善和学习的欲望强烈,多年的外企工作经验职 业素养得到很大提高,善于沟通,描述事物精确,协调工作能力强。 − 具备约 15 年的现场工作经验,包括内场大型设备维修改造 2 年,外场设备 安装调试及维护 13 年。扎实肯干,积极高效,吃苦耐劳 − 经历 MA547 陕京三线榆林站安装 − 经历 MA389 乌苏站 2 号机组压缩机壳体更换 − 经历 MA552 枣阳站安装调试 − 经历 MA672 临县站安装调试 − 经历 MA446 山丹站与哈密站压缩机机芯对调。 − 经历 MA389 烟墩站压缩机故障大修,机芯抱死后的取出工作 − 经历 2006 年 PL19-3 油田关断改造和 whp-c 投产联接调试 教育背景 09/1998 - 06/2002 中国民航学院 飞行器动力工程 本科 培训经历和证书 06/2005 英格索兰空压机 维修证书 08/2005 空调系统 维修证书 09/2005 高级消防 油气消防证书 09/2006 司索指挥 司索指挥证书
  • 2. 02/2007 直升机起降指挥 07/2007 卡特彼勒 3400、3500 系列柴油机 维修证书 07/2007 清海管球收发系统,博利兹英语 6 级 05/2008 液压原理 吊机液压系统维修证书 05/2006 剑桥商务英语初级证书(自学) 12/2006 剑桥商务英语中级证书(自学) 工作经历 由最近工作的公司写起 请详列明:时间段,公司名称,公司背景,规模,所处职位,工作职责,工作绩效等,如下: 07/2014 至今 埃理奥特机械设备维修服务天津有限责任公司 27/7/2014-30/7/2014 中煤集团蒙大 50 万吨聚乙烯项目压缩机安装,学员。 21/8/2014-26/8/2014 新疆广汇集团氮气压缩机大修 业绩:协助机组组装,并充当技术翻译。 27/8/2014-8/9/2014 南京惠生压缩机大修,学员。 15/9/2014-27/10/2014 中煤集团蒙大 50 万吨聚乙烯项目, 压缩机安装,学员。 业绩: 帮助识别专用工具,完成轴承检查。 4/11/2014-14/11/2014 潞安 180 煤制油项目蒸汽轮机-压缩机组安装指导。 垫板调平验收,表冷器安装及主撬安装落位。 17/11/2014-24/11/2014 靖边延长石油 YR 蒸汽轮机调试启机。 25/11/2014-4/12/2014 星星能源 MTO 压缩机安装, 学员。油冲洗。 15/12/2014-04/05/2015 张家港扬子江石化公司,PDH 项目,压缩机安装调试启机。学员。 业绩: XV2039,2040 防喘阀故障处理。 干气密封系统压力低故障处理。 干气密封增压器故障处理。 2015.5.29 - 6.23 孟加拉国沙迦拉化肥厂 YR 汽轮机安装调试。 2015.6.27 -7.8 山东阳煤 C7001 压缩机组大修 2015.8.23-8.29 印度尼西亚 DYRF202340-1 大修事故调查 2015.9.24-10.5 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机装调试。 2015.11.14-11.18 中煤榆林汽轮机轴瓦温度高故障处理,更换轴瓦,轴封。 业绩:两天内更换完成轴瓦,协助开车平稳,并指出了滑油系统清洁度的问题 2015.12.21-12.23 南京亨斯迈汽轮机驱动压缩机安装,开箱。 2016.1.1-1.17 沙特 KEMYA 公司 YR 蒸汽轮机调试启机。 业绩:指出了滑油管路的布局错误。 2016.2.20-3.7 埃理奥特袖浦厂初级技能培训 2016.4.3-4.12 张家港电驱压缩机组质保,变频器冷却系统升级改造 2016.4.12-5.2 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机调试启机。 2015.5.13- 5.30 潞安 180 汽轮机驱动压缩机组安装指导。 2016.5.30–6.4 雪弗龙川东北项目 CYRPEIII 蒸汽轮机调试启机。 业绩:找出了低温蒸汽下的启机手段。 2016.6.5–6.7 南京亨斯迈汽轮机驱动压缩机组安装指导 2016.6.13-6.18 埃理奥特项目管理内部培训 2016.6.19 -6.24 Bently 3500 震动探头系统调试培训 2016.6.25-10.28 中沙石化大修项目计划协调员
  • 3. 业绩:保证了大修项目的顺畅进行,无停工待料时间。 2016.9.3-9.10 靖边榆林新能源化工公司压缩机干气密封更换。 业绩:五天内完成了 6 套干气密封的更换,并协助业主平稳开车。 帮助业主额外更换了一套小汽轮机机械式调速器。 2016.9.22-9.24 兰州乙烯蒸汽轮机跳车手柄失效故障处理。 业绩:迅速找到故障是由于 TT 阀安装时角度误差造成。. 2016.10.31-11.14 福建联合炼化公司汽轮机驱动压缩机大修工具和备件准备。 业绩:提出了新旧产能两种大修方案的备件和专用工具请单。 2016.12.2 至今 青海盐湖镁业股份公司 DMTO 装置蒸汽轮机驱动压缩机干气密封失效故障处理 09/2011—2014.6 罗尔斯罗伊斯商业北京公司 现场服务代表。汇报人:刘秉勋 21/09/2011 银川孔探培训。 业绩:后多次独立进行孔探,并于 2012 年 3 月独立指导更换 8 号燃烧室。出色的 协调现场人际关系,于 2 月 10 日完成了新加坡控制工程师的数据下载任务。 28/09/2011---25/09/2011 西气东输 MA547 陕京三线榆林站安装,现场培训。 业绩:提出滑油冲洗的新方案,在工期紧张的时候,可以使用新的方案缩短滑油 冲洗的时间。 29/12/2011---07/03/2012 西气东输 MA389 乌苏站 2 号压缩机壳体维修。参与全部压缩机现场解体过程,清 点材料,备件,组装专用工具,解体后根据图纸标记材料,封装,打包,协调装 车。 业绩:独立协调现场多方施工人员,在没有外场吊车配合的情况下组织卸下包装 用的大木箱,节约了工期。并在工作中合理安排时间,更换了增压撬的放大器密 封圈,和 MCC 的一台小变压器。 11/2011—07/11/2012 西气东输 MA552 枣阳站安装调试(暂停)。 业绩:独立协调现场多方施工公司,在施工期间有意识的控制项目成本,没有造 成现场发生太多费用。例如 cullum 供货短缺问题,钢结构尺寸不符问题,都没有 产生费用。在现场材料到货不及时的情况也没有造成工程进度影响,维护了公司 形象和声誉。于 7 月 10 封存现场所有材料,并留有照片做备案。使得现场不必留 专人看守。节约了项目成本。 21/07/2012—07/29/2012 银川哈纳斯电厂发动机燃烧室更换。 业绩:4 人 4 天完成 8 个新燃烧室更换,为业主节约了时间,保证了生产。 08/01/2012—08/09/2012 西气东输 MA552 南昌站发动机滑油泵联轴器升级。 业绩:及时发现了公司配件的错误。出具了详细的报告,为其他现场设备升级提 供了参考。 08/31/2012—12/03/2012 西气东输 MA672 陕京三线临县站安装调试。 业绩:协调现场施工人员材料,工机具,合理安排施工时间,使得临县站由机组 吊装开始,仅用 102 天就实现点火起机,受到了业主的表扬。 04/08/2013—04/11/2013 银川哈纳斯电厂发动机中修孔探检查。 04/14/2013—05/25/2013 西气东输 MA446 山丹站 3 号机与哈密站三号机机芯对调。 业绩:安全平稳的完成所有工作,一次起机成功,无返工。 05/25/2013—07/04/2013 西气东输 MA389 烟墩站 3 号机故障维修 业绩:经过仔细的计算,大胆使用重型千斤顶,最终将卡在壳体内的机芯取出, 避免了整机返厂维修将发生的机组平移和往返运输的巨额费用,为公司节约了成 本,为业主节约了时间。
  • 4. 07/29/2013—08/02/2013 哈纳斯电厂发动机大修,机组拆除工作。 09/13/2013—09/22/2013 MA552 南昌站尾项整改。 10/09/2013—10/31/2013 MA552 枣阳站安装调试,动力涡轮轴承检查,63PGD2 安装及配管, 80PGS,63PGJSS 配管,主滑油系统 GG 滑油系统冲洗及取样化验。 2014/3/24-2014/4/10 MA389 烟墩站、乌苏站平衡管线螺栓震动分析。 2014/4/15-2014/6/22 MA918 了墩站、连木沁站安装调试。 业绩: 及时提醒现场施工打开空气进气滤室作业面,为施工争取了一个月时间。 及时发现进气滤室标高错误。 维修运输过程中受损的油站设备。 为现场没有开孔的接线箱定位并开孔。 安装燃气控制柜。 大胆使用 400 目滤网,加速油冲洗进度。 01/2005–至 09/2011 康菲石油中国有限公司 康菲石油中国有限公司是一家跨国综合性能源公司,以资本、已探明的油和气储 量及产量排名,康菲石油中国有限公司公司是 2007 年世界财富 500 强企业第九 名,是美国第三大综合能源公司;美国第一大的炼油企业。在全世界,非政府控 制的公司中,康菲石油中国有限公司公司拥有的已探明的油气储量名列第八,并 且是世界第四大炼油企业。在中国渤海湾,康菲石油中国有限公司与中国海洋石 油总公司共同开发中国海上最大油田——蓬莱 19-3 油田。 12/2006–2011/9 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3C 平台 机修 汇报对象:平台经理 下属数目:2 工作职责 − 管理平台设备,监控运行数据和整理设备维修档案。 − 平台设备的预防性维修和应急故障维修以及相关物料的准备和统计。 − 编写部分设备的操作和维修程序。 − 通过 SAP 系统报告维修工作和管理物料。 − 新员工的现场培训。 工作业绩 − 编写透平冷态洗车彩图版程序并培训新员工。 − 透平损坏的喷嘴部件打捞。喷嘴损坏后有部件遗落在机体内燃烧室机匣与衬 套间,使用孔探仪手动寻找并打捞出机体,全过程共用时 2 小时,之后组织 人员安装新喷嘴,使得机组当天恢复使用。 − 通过加强与其它部门的沟通以及了解,补充建立平台消耗料和设备备件库存。 − 编写造水机操作和维修程序,是操作人员理解原理和使用中的注意事项,延 长了半透膜的使用寿命,并提出国产化方案。 − 编写海水提升泵更换程序,改变了吊装工艺,工期缩减至是原来的四分之一。 − 吊车液压油换热器更换程序,更改了工作步骤,工期由三天缩短至 6 小时。 − 翻译分油机操作维修手册核心内容,为现场工作人员做技术培训。改造分油 机撬块内部流程,解决分油机皮带打滑的故障。 − 为 SAP 部门培训海上设施设备基本原理和系统流程。 − 更改设备备件建库不合理的条目,使得材料库存合理化。 证明人名称:宗文瑞
  • 5. 职位名称:平台经理 电话:022-66281212-5103 01/2006–12/2006 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田 明珠号 机修 汇报对象:维修监督 工作职责 − 管理 FPSO 设备,监控运行数据和整理设备维修档案。 − FPSO 设备的预防性维修和应急故障维修以及相关物料的准备和统计。 − 机舱设备和工艺流程。 工作业绩 − 翻译透平培训手册 1~8 章,使得老员工对透平的原理和维修工作有了较系统 的了解。 − 翻译激光对中仪使用手册,培训老员工使用激光对中仪校准卧式离心泵对中 情况。 − 培训其他同事机舱流程和应急替代性流程切换,使得机修班对机舱流程有了 比较深入的了解,在发生应急故障时可以不关断系统切换设备,用其他设备 顶替某一特定系统的设备。 证明人名称:边疆 职位名称:维修监督 电话:022-66281212-5208 06/2005–01/2006 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田 A 平台操作 汇报对象:平台经理 工作职责 − 监控生产系统参数,计量产量 − 中央控制室监控,下载数据 − 开、关生产井,启停电泵井电潜泵, 电潜泵运行曲线监测 − 救生艇、备用机、消防泵预防性维修 − 生活污水系统预防性维修 工作业绩 − 编写生产作业程序,现场培训新员工。 − 整理平台物料记录。 − 协助维修平台吊车,提醒临时吊车司机吊车使用状况,避免了一起重大吊装 作业事故。 01/2005–06/2005 康菲石油蓬莱 19-3 油田明珠号操作(实习) 汇报对象:设施经理 工作职责 − 监控 Solar 及 R&R 发动机, 热介质锅炉,蒸汽锅炉,惰器发生器,原油处 理系统,生产污水处理系统,化学药剂系统,注水系统,天然气压缩机及天 然气处理系统 − 中控室远程监控生产流程 工作业绩 − 将日常工作整理编写成简易的生产作业程序,现场培训新员工。 08/2002-12/2004 渤海石油工程公司
  • 6. 渤海石油工程公司是中国海洋石油渤海公司下属的单位,公司主营业务有:海上平 台设备维修、起重机械维修、电潜泵技术支持、仪表电气技术支持、污水处理、 舾装、物理化学清洗、机加工制造、设备动态监测、工程设计等专业技术服务 08/2002-03/2003 渤海石油工程公司海上维修分公司技术组泵类主管 汇报对象:技术组组长 下属数目:16 工作职责:泵类及其附属设施维修,包括维修工艺制定,配件采办联络,参与全部维修过程, 拆解,清洗,零部件维修和更换,动平衡实验,组装,及设备返还海上安装和调试。 − “长青号”FPSO 漂浮软管年检; − 绥中 36-1 油矿(共 9 个平台)原油外输泵大修,热介质油循环泵大修,开、 闭排泵大修;泵类总包巡检; − 空压机巡检;伴生气压缩机故障检修。 工作业绩: − 编写了绥中 36-1 油田进口原油外输泵(10 级离心泵)的维修工艺 − 编写了绥中 36-1 油田国产原油外输泵(5 级非对称离心泵)的维修工艺 03/2003~07/2003 渤海石油工程公司海上维修分公司柴油机主管 汇报对象:技术组组长 下属数目:16 工作职责:总包范围内柴油机定期维修和应急维修,包括维修工艺制定,配件采办联络,已 损坏零部件的维修,零部件的升级和国产化。 − QK17-2 油矿柴油机 3000 小时检修 − QK18-1 油矿柴油机 3000 小时检修 工作业绩: − 修改了埕北、渤西油田柴油机定期检修维修施工方案。 − 整理了柴油机维修技术资料,使原有冗余的 7 级目录架构 2G 资料整理成为 三级架构的 84 兆文件,利于文件查找和新文件存档。 − 编写柴油机技术资料管理和存档流程。 − 培训了主修人员出海作业程序和注意事项。 07/2003-12/2003 渤海石油工程公司维修事业部吊机主管 汇报对象:技术组组长 下属数目:16 工作职责:总包范围内吊机定期维修和应急维修,包括维修工艺制定,配件采办 联络,参与全部维修过程。 − 绥中 36-1 油矿(共 9 个平台)吊机年检 − QK17-2 油矿吊机年检 − “长青号”FPSO 吊机故障检修(5 吨吊机液压缸更换密封圈,15 吨吊机换平 衡阀) − 绥中 36-1 油矿 B 平台起艇机更换钢丝绳 工作业绩
  • 7. − 整理了吊机维修技术资料,使原有冗余的资料整理成为 3 级目录架构的文件, 利于文件查找和新文件存档 − 设计和定制了绥中 36-1 油矿 P6 平台的吊车柴油机护罩。 − 编写吊机技术资料管理和存档流程。 项目经验如下: 12/2003–12/2004 项目名称 友谊号 FPSO 改造 项目描述:将原有 FPSO“友谊号”改造成为适应 BZ28-1 油田生产的浮式储油轮 (包括设备升级/改造和老化设备维修/更换) 工作职责: 友谊号维修总包项目组机械主管,“友谊号”FPSO 维修全船机械设备维修,重点 负责四大装置(透平,热介质锅炉,蒸汽锅炉,惰气发生器) 配合厂家施工 − 透平更换机组和控制系统升级 − 热介质锅炉维修和控制系统升级 − 蒸汽锅炉维修和燃烧器升级 − 惰器发生器维修和控制系统升级 − 其他设备类工作 工作业绩: − 控制维修质量和效率,全部负责范围内返工率为 0,在全部项目施工期间仅 加班一次累计 4 小时,提前拖航时间 14 天全部完工,并协助其他兄弟部门 多次施工。 − 掌握施工期间厂家的细致资料,为后期商务谈判赢得有利局面。 − 参与与 solar 服务合同的最终付款洽谈会,直接为公司节约 30 多万美元现场 服务费。
  • 8. CANDIDATE REPORT Name Yang wenchao Applied Position Project manager Birth Date 21/07/1978 Gender Male Marital statutes Married Nationality China Language Skill skilful English Mobile phone 13820381144 Email Address TEDA southern sea road 23# 2-3-401 (300457) RECOMMENDATION - Strongly requirements in studying and improving himself , long experience working in formal company make my career quality very good, good communication skill, be good at coordination, be able to descript issue precisely. - Has almost 10 years working experience in field mechanical engineering with active and efficient performance, including big equipment workshop overhaul 2 years, field equipments maintenance and modification about 8 years - Experienced MA547 gas turbine new installation project partly - Experienced MA389 Wusu station unit 2 casing repair - Experienced MA552 Zaoyang station new installation project - Experienced MA672 Linxian station new installation project - Experienced MA446 Shandan and Ha mi AERO swap project - Experienced MA389 Yan dun compressor damage overhaul project(on going) - Experienced the 2006 COPC Mingzhu shut down modification and WHP-C whole Hook-up period. Has clearly understood of offshore work and process. - EDUCATION 09/1994 – 07/1998 Civil Aviation University of China Turbine engine Bachelor Training record & certificate 06/2005 Ingersoll-land air compressor, maintenance certificate 08/2005 HVAC, maintenance certificate 09/2006 rigging, rigging certificate 02/2007 Helicopter landing official, HLO certificate 07/2007 CAT engine 3400 and3500, maintenance certificate
  • 9. 07/2007 launch and receiver, operating certificate 05/2008 Hydraulic of crane, maintenance certificate 05/2006 Business English of Cambridge---primary (self study), level B certificate 12/2006 Business English of Cambridge---vantage(self study), level C certificate EXPERIENCE 09/2011—06/2014 RRESI,CSB ,As a Mechanical FSR, Report to :Liu bingxun 21/09/2011 Bore scope on-job training, Yin chuan. Achievements: After that training, I did borescope myself many times, and direct burner 8# replacement on March 12, 2012; Coordinate customer relationship well, independently download data as a Mechanical FSR without control engineer conduct on Feb 10 th , 2012, even the soft ware is changed. 28/09/2011---25/10/2011 SJ 3 rd line,MA547 new installation project on job training. Achievements:work out new method about oil flush, shrink the flushing time, can be used when project is hurry. 29/12/2011---07/03/2012 WEEP Line 2,MA389 Wu su Unit2 Casing repair. Take part in all disassembly steps, counting materials and spare parts, assembly special tools, during casing disassembly, mark all material according to drawings, seal and packing components, coordinate loading and assist rising the packing list. Achievements: independently coordinate multi work group offloading packing boxes without crane assist,save much time for the project;further more,arrange time proper replace seal kit for seal gas booster and replace one alternator for MCC during that project. 11/2011—07/11/2012 WEEP line 2,MA552 Zao yang station new installation (suspending). Achievements: independently coordinate multi work group,control cost during project, save cost much. Such as cullum supplied material components miss shipment, steel structure components wrong size, I managed to eliminate the relevant cost, and achieved 0 costs on those issues. Even some of parts supplied by RR not arrive at site; I try to make it not influent project proceeding, keep good occupation on RR. On July 10 store materials tools and seal up work site, make full documentation for other colleagues; make no person stay for work site, save cost for company. 21/07/2012—07/29/2012 Hanas work shop engine combustors replacement。 Achievements: Complete all 8 combustors replacement by only 4 persons within 5days. Save time and keep production available. 08/01/2012—08/09/2012 WEEP line 2,MA552 Nanchang station GG lube oil pump coupling upgrade. Achievements: Identified wrong supply spare parts in time and make a detail report to company, provide reference for other work site. 08/31/2012—12/03/2012 SJ 3 rd line,MA672 Lin xian station installation and commissioning. Achievements: Independently coordinate multi work group,organize people, tools, materials, arrange work process properly, control cost during project, save cost much. Achieve first fire from unit offloading only 102 days, praised by customer.
  • 10. 04/08/2013—04/11/2013 Hanas workshop engine pre-middle life inspection. 04/14/2013—05/25/2013 WEEP MA446 Shan dan No.3 unit and Ha mi No3.unit aero swap. Achievements:Safely and smoothly complete all work and start up unit successfully on first time. 05/252013—07/04/2013 WEEP line 2,MA389 Yan dun No.3 unit abnormal over haul. Achievements:After precisely calculation, daringly used 100T jack and a special tool with a long time patient moved out the damaged bundle, avoid the whole unit sliding cost and heavy goods transporting cost, and save both maintenance time for company and production time for customer. 07/29/2013—08/02/2013 Hanas work shop TRENT 60 engine overhaul, engine remove and packing. 09/13/2013—09/22/2013 MA552 Nan chang Punch make up. 10/09/2013—10/31/2013 MA552 Zao yang station installation and commissioning, restart works since 2012 July suspend. Checked PT bearings , installed 63PGD2, and match tubing for 63PGD2,80PGS,63PGJSS. Main lube oil system flushing and GG lube oil system flushing, take oil sample to test。Suspend again due to power supply problem. 01/2005–09/2011 COPC ConocoPhillips China Inc. (COPC) is a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, undertaking oil and gas exploration and production operations in China. In Bohai Bay, COPC is cooperating with China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in the development of China's largest offshore discovery - Peng Lai (PL) 19-3. The project includes two phases of development. Production from the first phase began in December 2002. Production from the second phase utilizing a floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel is expected to begin in late 2008。 12/2006–09/2011 COPC19-3 WHP-C mechanic Report to:OIM Responsibility: − Platform equipment management,parameters monitoring and record。 − Platform equipment PM BM and CM − Platform equipment and materials recording Achievements − On-crank water wash products with pictures interpretation and training it to new technician。 − Taken out broken pieces of nozzle inside engine。 − Help onshore MM group to investigate and build up spare parts for platform equipments。 − Compile water maker operating and maintenance procedures − Compile seawater lift pump replacing procedures,reducing working duration to 1/4 of original − Compile crane Hydraulic oil cooler replacing procedures ,reducing working duration from original 3 days to 6 hours − review and update mechanic PMs
  • 11. − advise technical drawings to fabricate expensive filter elements locally − Translate centrifuge diesel treatment unit O&M Manual,train the offshore technicians.Modified the process inside the skid and solved the belt slip symptom. − Give several basic training to SAP group about offshore equipments and process. − Modified the illogical material sock items。 01/2006–12/2006 COPC19-3 FPSO Miungzhu mechanic Report to:Maintenance supervisor Responsibility: − FPSO equipment management,parameters monitoring and record。 − FPSO equipment PM BM and CM Achievements − Translate solar turbine training manual chapter 1to chapter 10,make elder workers understand the equipments quite a lot。 − Translate easy laser alignment manual and training to colleagues − Training engine room process to colleagues and make them understand how to switch the equipments when emergency without shutdown。 06/2005–01/2006 COPC19-3 WHP-A operator Report to:OIM Responsibility: − Monitoring well production parameter,accounting oil production − CCR remote monitoring,download senor data everyday − Star and shut in well,start and stop ESP, ESP trend monitoring − Life boat、stand-by generator、fire pump PM − Sanitary unit PM Achievements − Compile production operating procedures − Help to crane maintenance and avoid a big hazard by noticing running status to the temporary crane operator. 01/2005–06/2005 COPC19-3 FPSO Miungzhu operator trainee Report to:production supervisor Responsibility: − Monitoring Solar engine, R&R engine,heating media system,steam boiler,inert gas generator,crude oil system,produced water system,chemical system,water injection system,fuel gas system − CCR remote monitoring Achievements − Compile the routine job to brief procedure and train the new operators on site。
  • 12. 08/2002-12/2004 Bohai Oil engineering company(BOEC) BOEC is a subordinate of CNOOC,major business are offshore equipments reparation ,crane reparation 、ESP tech support、I&E tech support、slop water treatment、ship equipment、physical chemistry cleaning、machining、equipment running monitoring、engineering project design etc. 08/2002-03/2003 BOEC offshore repairing division technology team pump director Responsibility:Pumps in general contract overhaul and relevant auxiliary system repair, temporary small repair projects. Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair, take part in whole repair process, disassembly, clean up, measurement, spare parts replace, shaft repair, the rotor dynamic balance, assembly, and return to offshore customer installation and commissioning. − “Changtsing”FPSO afloat tube yearly repairing and maintenance; − SZ36-1oil field(9 platforms total)oil transfer pump overhaul,thermal oil circulate pump overhaul,open-type emptying pump、closed-type emptying pump overhaul;sum contract-- pump polling; − SZ36-1oil field Air compressor polling − Natural gas compressor fault repair Achievements: − Compile SZ36-1 offloading pump (10 grades centrifuge ) overhaul process, − Compile SZ36-1 offloading pump (5 grades centrifuge ) overhaul process 03/2003~07/2003 BOEC offshore repairing division diesel oil engine director: Responsibility: Diesel engine in general contract periodic maintenance and corrective maintenance,temporary small repair projects Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair, components localize and upgrade. Achievements: − Adapt the diesel engine PM procedure of CB and QK oil field 。 − Filed the technical files ,change the original 7 levels structures to 3 levels and delete redundant files make the whole package shrink from 2GB to 84 MB, easy for any one to look up or record 07/2003-12/2003 BOEC repairing and maintenance division hydraulic lift director Responsibility: Offshore cranes in general contract periodic maintenance and corrective maintenance,temporary small repair projects
  • 13. Responsible for repair procedure adoption, components organize and repair, components localize and upgrade. − SZ36-1oil field(9 platforms total)hydraulic lift yearly repairing and maintenance; − QK17-2 oil field hydraulic lift yearly repairing and maintenance; − “Changtsing”FPSO crane fault repair(5 dun crane exchange hydraulic cylinder seal elements,15 dun crane exchange balance valve) − SZ36-1oil field platform B exchange hoisting cable of boat hoisting engine Achievements: − Filed the technical files ,change the original structures to 3 levels and delete redundant files make the whole package easy for any one to look up or record Project experiences: Project Name You Yi FPSO refurbish Project profile:repair equipments and update units on FPSO“You Yi”to make the facility compatible to BZ28-1oil field production,1.98 billion RMB , project last for 1.5 year Responsibility: “YouYi ”FPSO repairing project equipment director concentrate on: − Worked with Solar personnel to do turbine exchange and PLC control plus − Worked with Ness personnel to do thermal oil boiler repairing and control system plus − Worked with Ness personnel to do steam oil boiler repairing and burner plus − Worked with Sinoda personnel to do inert gases producer repairing and control system plus − some other work of ship equipment Achievements: − All tasks re-perform rate O − All tasks complete 14 days ahead of project with only once over time work about 4 hours。 − Precisely record the collaborate contractor working ,and attend the business negotiation, reduce the onsite service cost from 350,000$ to about 15000$ 。 Attached are some site work pictures.:
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