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1 import java.util.ArrayList;
2 import java.util.Scanner;
3 import java.util.Stack;
5 import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI;
7 //Tori Hoff Integration Project for COP 2006 this is
8 //a collaboration of all of my projects so far
9 public class INtegrationTori {
11 public static void main(String[] args) {
12 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
13 System.out.println("Hello this is my integration Project. Everything"
14 + " following is the project i have been working on" + " all year in COP 2006.");
15 String cont = "continue";
16 do {// while loop
17 System.out.println("Please choose the following program you would like to run");
18 System.out.println("1. For Echo on your input");
19 System.out.println("2. for Integer Division");
20 System.out.println("3. For birthday Switch Statement");
21 System.out.println("4. for more integer division");
22 System.out.println("5. for double IF statement");
23 System.out.println("6. for sum of entered digits loop");
24 System.out.println("7. for sum of integers within a number");
25 System.out.println("8. for a for Loop");
26 System.out.println("9. for your favorite number exercise");
27 System.out.println("10. to learn what my favorite song is ");
28 System.out.println("11. for a parallel array on the days in a month ");
29 System.out.println("12. for an array to find the largest integer ");
30 System.out.println("13. stack exercise ");
31 System.out.println("14. to work with strings ");
32 System.out.println("15. For a 2d array ");
33 System.out.println("16. To print the smallest value in an array ");
34 System.out.println("17. For an array list ");
35 System.out.println("18. for example of inheritance");
37 try {
38 int project;
39 project = keyboard.nextInt();
40 switch (project) {
41 case 1:
42 echo(keyboard);// keyboard is argument to my call of the echo method
43 break;
44 case 2:
45 integerDivision();
46 break;
47 case 3:
48 findingBirthday(keyboard);
49 break;
50 case 4:
51 divisionIf(keyboard);
52 break;
53 case 5:
54 returnValue();
55 break;
56 case 6:
57 runningTotal(keyboard);
58 break;
59 case 7:
60 getNumber(keyboard);
61 break;
62 case 8:
63 forLoop(keyboard);
64 break;
65 case 9:
66 relational(keyboard);
-1- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
67 break;
68 case 10:
69 Jukebox myjukebox = new Jukebox();// object myjukebox similar to a
70 // call to a special method
71 myjukebox.setSong("Beautiful Soul");// argument
73 break;
74 case 11:
75 anArray();
76 break;
77 case 12:
78 largestArray();
79 break;
80 case 13:
81 stackDemo(keyboard);
82 break;
83 case 14:
84 stringPlay(keyboard);
85 break;
86 case 15:
87 arrayTwo();
88 break;
89 case 16:
90 smallestValue();
91 break;
92 case 17:
93 anotherArray(keyboard);
94 break;
95 case 18:
96 inheritance();
97 break;
98 }
99 System.out.println("Thank you for choosing number " + project + " :)");
100 } catch (Exception e) {
101 System.out.println("Error");
102 }
103 System.out.println("Please enter continue to continue the program");
104 cont =;
105 } while (cont.equals("continue"));
106 }
108 public static String findingBirthday(Scanner keyboard) {// parameter
109 // switch
110 try {
111 System.out.println("Enter the your birthday month number");
112 int month;
113 month = keyboard.nextInt();
114 String birthdayMonth = "Invalid Input";
115 switch (month) {
116 case 1:
117 birthdayMonth = "January";
118 break;
119 case 2:
120 birthdayMonth = "Febuary";
121 break;
122 case 3:
123 birthdayMonth = "March";
124 break;
125 case 4:
126 birthdayMonth = "April";
127 break;
128 case 5:
129 birthdayMonth = "May";
130 break;
131 case 6:
132 birthdayMonth = "June";
-2- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
133 break;
134 case 7:
135 birthdayMonth = "July";
136 break;
137 case 8:
138 birthdayMonth = "August";
139 break;
140 case 9:
141 birthdayMonth = "September";
142 break;
143 case 10:
144 birthdayMonth = "October";
145 break;
146 case 11:
147 birthdayMonth = "November:";
148 break;
149 case 12:
150 birthdayMonth = "December";
151 break;
152 default:
153 System.out.println("INVALID");
154 }
155 System.out.println("Your birthday is in " + birthdayMonth);
156 return birthdayMonth;
157 } catch (Exception e) {
158 System.out.println("Error");
159 }
160 return null;
161 }
163 public static void returnValue() {
164 try {
165 double aNumber = 3;// double if statement and declared variable of type
166 // double to equal 3
167 if (aNumber >= 0) {
168 if (aNumber == 0) {
169 System.out.println("3 is equal to 0");
170 } else {
171 System.out.println("3 is not equal to 0");
172 }
173 }
174 System.out.println("3 is greater than 0");
175 } catch (Exception e) {
176 System.out.println("Error");
177 }
178 }
180 public static void divisionIf(Scanner keyboard) {
181 try {
182 System.out.println("Enter any integer (divident): ");
183 double divident = keyboard.nextInt();
184 System.out.println("Enter any integer (divisor): ");
185 double divisor = keyboard.nextInt();
186 System.out.println("The (rounded) answer for " + divident + " divided by " +
divisor + " is: ");
187 if (divisor == 0) {
188 System.out.println("Cannot divide by 0 ");
189 } else {
190 System.out.println(divident / divisor);
191 }
192 } catch (Exception e) {
193 System.out.println("Error");
194 }
195 }
197 public static void integerDivision() {
-3- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
198 /*
199 * integer division, (make sure you either use double or a decimal because
200 * an integer divided by an integer does not work all of these 'variables'
201 * that i am assigning numbers to are holding the values that i give them...
202 * they hold value
203 */
204 try {
205 double num1 = 3;
206 double num2 = 15;
207 double num3 = 10;
208 num2 += num3;
209 System.out.println(num2);
210 System.out.println(num2 / num1);
211 System.out.println(++num1 + 1);
212 System.out.println(num1++ + 1);// pay attention to if you do the ++before
213 // or after the variable
214 System.out.println(num1);
215 System.out.println(num2 * num1);
216 } catch (Exception e) {
217 System.out.println("Error");
218 }
219 }
221 public static void echo(Scanner keyboard) {
222 System.out.println("Please enter what you want to be echoed: ");
223 String someText =;
224 String echo = "";
225 echo = someText;
226 System.out.println(echo);
227 }
229 public static void runningTotal(Scanner keyboard) {
230 try {
231 int numEntered;
232 int numSum = 0;
233 int count = 1;
234 System.out.println("This program will sum the five integers you input");
235 while (count < 6) {
236 System.out.println("Please enter your " + count + "number ");
237 numEntered = keyboard.nextInt();
238 numSum += numEntered;
239 count++;
240 }
241 System.out.println("The total sum is " + numSum);
242 } catch (Exception e) {
243 System.out.println("Error");
244 }
245 }
247 public static void getNumber(Scanner keyboard) {
248 System.out.println("This progrm will add up the integers in the" + " number you
enter, please enter a number ");
249 try {
250 int subscript = 0;
251 String numEntered = keyboard.nextLine();
252 int numSum = 0;
253 while (subscript < numEntered.length()) {
254 char aChar = numEntered.charAt(subscript);
255 int x = Character.getNumericValue(aChar);
256 numSum = numSum + x;
257 subscript++;
258 }
259 System.out.println(numSum);
260 } catch (Exception e) {
261 System.out.println("Error");
262 }
-4- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
263 }
265 public static void forLoop(Scanner keyboard) {
266 int startNum;
267 try {
268 System.out.println("Enter the number:");
269 startNum = keyboard.nextInt();
270 for (; startNum >= 1; startNum--) {
271 System.out.println(startNum);
272 }
273 } catch (Exception e) {
274 System.out.println("Error");
275 }
276 }
278 public static void relational(Scanner keyboard) {
279 int numChoice = 0;
280 try {
282 System.out.println("Enter your favorite number");
283 numChoice = keyboard.nextInt();
284 if (numChoice >= 10 || numChoice <= 50) {
285 System.out.println("Your favorite number is between 10 and 50");
286 } else {
287 throw new ArithmeticException();
288 }
289 } catch (ArithmeticException a) {
290 System.out.println("You entered the boring number " + numChoice);
291 } catch (Exception e) {
292 System.out.println("That cant be your favorite number its not a number");
293 }
294 }
296 public static void anArray() {
297 int[] numDays = { 31, 28, 31 };
298 String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" };
299 for (int i = 0; i < numDays.length; i++) {
300 System.out.println(months[i] + " has " + numDays[i] + " days");
301 }
303 }
305 public static void largestArray() {
306 int largest;
307 int sum = 0;
308 int indexOfLargest = 0;
309 int[] array1 = { 100, 200, 300 };
310 largest = array1[0];
311 for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
312 if (largest < array1[i]) {
313 sum += array1[i];
314 largest = array1[i];
315 indexOfLargest = i;
316 }
317 }
319 System.out.println("Largest: " + largest + " Sum " + sum + "Found at index: " +
320 }
322 public static void stackDemo(Scanner keyboard) {
323 try{
324 Stack s = new Stack();
325 int a = 0;
326 int b = 0;
327 System.out.println("Enter number ");
-5- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
328 a = keyboard.nextInt();
329 s.push(a);
330 System.out.println("Stack: " + s);
331 System.out.println("Enter another number ");
332 b = keyboard.nextInt();
333 s.push(b);
334 System.out.println("Stack is now : " + s);
335 }
336 catch(Exception e){
337 System.out.println("Error");
338 }
340 }
342 public static void stringPlay(Scanner keyboard) {
343 try{
344 String fullName = "";
345 String firstName = "";
346 String lastName = "";
347 System.out.println("Enter the full name:");
348 fullName = keyboard.nextLine();
350 System.out.println("The names after split is:");
352 String[] split = fullName.split(" ");
353 firstName = split[0];
354 lastName = split[1];
356 System.out.println(firstName + "' " + lastName);
357 }
358 catch (Exception e){
359 System.out.println("Error");
360 }
361 }
363 public static void arrayTwo() {
364 int search = 2;
365 int[][] math = new int[3][3];
366 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
367 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) {
368 math[i][j] = i * j;
369 }
370 }
371 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
372 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) {
373 System.out.print(math[i][j]);
374 }
375 System.out.println();
376 }
377 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
378 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) {
379 if (search == math[i][j]) {
380 System.out.println(search + " is found at row: " + i + " and column: " + j);
381 }
383 }
384 }
385 }
387 public static void smallestValue() {
388 int smallest;
389 int[] array1 = { 100, 200, 300 };
390 smallest = array1[0];
391 for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
392 if (smallest > array1[i]) {
393 smallest = array1[i];
-6- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
394 }
395 System.out.println("smallest value is: " + smallest);
396 }
397 }
399 public static void anotherArray(Scanner keyboard) {
400 ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
401 list.add("Hello");
402 list.add(" my name is ");
403 String name = "";
404 System.out.println("Please enter your name ");
405 name = keyboard.nextLine();
406 list.add(name);
407 System.out.println(list);
409 }
410 public static void inheritance() {// this is inheritance because car IS A
411 // machine
412 Car mercedes = new Car();
413 Car bmw = new Car();
414 mercedes.start();
415 mercedes.stop();//object mercedes is using super class machine method stop in
subclass car which is polymorphic
416 mercedes.honk();
417 System.out.println("Your car speed is: ");
418 mercedes.setSpeed(70);
419 System.out.println(mercedes.getSpeed());
420 Machine[] garage = new Machine[2];
421 bmw.setMake("BMW");
422 garage[0] = mercedes;
423 garage[1] = bmw;
424 mercedes.setMake("Mercedes"); //this array shows polymorphism because i can use the
425 //from two different classes together because one is
a super class and one is a subclass
426 System.out.println("Here are the cars in your garage: ");
427 for (int i = 0; i< garage.length; i++){
428 System.out.println(garage[i].getMake());
429 }
430 }
432 }// closing brackets leave these
434 class Jukebox {
435 String song;
437 public void setSong(String s) {// string s is a parameter
438 = s;
439 }// this is a type of object for this song
441 public String getSong() {
442 return song;
443 }
445 public void play() {
446 System.out.println(getSong());
447 }
448 }
450 class Machine {
451 private String make;
452 public void start() {
453 System.out.println("Machine has started");
454 }
456 public void stop() {
-7- Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM
457 System.out.println("Machine has stopped");
458 }
459 public String getMake(){
460 return make;
461 }
462 public void setMake(String car){
463 make = car;
464 }
465 }
467 class Car extends Machine {//car IS A machine therefore all following methods car can use
468 //car is polymorphic because it is a type of machine and has multiple inheritance
469 private int speed;
470 public int getSpeed(){
471 return speed;
472 }
473 public void setSpeed(int s){
474 speed = s;
475 }
477 public void honk() {
478 System.out.println("Car is honking ");
479 }
480 }

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  • 1. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 1 import java.util.ArrayList; 2 import java.util.Scanner; 3 import java.util.Stack; 4 5 import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI; 6 7 //Tori Hoff Integration Project for COP 2006 this is 8 //a collaboration of all of my projects so far 9 public class INtegrationTori { 10 11 public static void main(String[] args) { 12 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; 13 System.out.println("Hello this is my integration Project. Everything" 14 + " following is the project i have been working on" + " all year in COP 2006."); 15 String cont = "continue"; 16 do {// while loop 17 System.out.println("Please choose the following program you would like to run"); 18 System.out.println("1. For Echo on your input"); 19 System.out.println("2. for Integer Division"); 20 System.out.println("3. For birthday Switch Statement"); 21 System.out.println("4. for more integer division"); 22 System.out.println("5. for double IF statement"); 23 System.out.println("6. for sum of entered digits loop"); 24 System.out.println("7. for sum of integers within a number"); 25 System.out.println("8. for a for Loop"); 26 System.out.println("9. for your favorite number exercise"); 27 System.out.println("10. to learn what my favorite song is "); 28 System.out.println("11. for a parallel array on the days in a month "); 29 System.out.println("12. for an array to find the largest integer "); 30 System.out.println("13. stack exercise "); 31 System.out.println("14. to work with strings "); 32 System.out.println("15. For a 2d array "); 33 System.out.println("16. To print the smallest value in an array "); 34 System.out.println("17. For an array list "); 35 System.out.println("18. for example of inheritance"); 36 37 try { 38 int project; 39 project = keyboard.nextInt(); 40 switch (project) { 41 case 1: 42 echo(keyboard);// keyboard is argument to my call of the echo method 43 break; 44 case 2: 45 integerDivision(); 46 break; 47 case 3: 48 findingBirthday(keyboard); 49 break; 50 case 4: 51 divisionIf(keyboard); 52 break; 53 case 5: 54 returnValue(); 55 break; 56 case 6: 57 runningTotal(keyboard); 58 break; 59 case 7: 60 getNumber(keyboard); 61 break; 62 case 8: 63 forLoop(keyboard); 64 break; 65 case 9: 66 relational(keyboard); -1-
  • 2. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 67 break; 68 case 10: 69 Jukebox myjukebox = new Jukebox();// object myjukebox similar to a 70 // call to a special method 71 myjukebox.setSong("Beautiful Soul");// argument 72; 73 break; 74 case 11: 75 anArray(); 76 break; 77 case 12: 78 largestArray(); 79 break; 80 case 13: 81 stackDemo(keyboard); 82 break; 83 case 14: 84 stringPlay(keyboard); 85 break; 86 case 15: 87 arrayTwo(); 88 break; 89 case 16: 90 smallestValue(); 91 break; 92 case 17: 93 anotherArray(keyboard); 94 break; 95 case 18: 96 inheritance(); 97 break; 98 } 99 System.out.println("Thank you for choosing number " + project + " :)"); 100 } catch (Exception e) { 101 System.out.println("Error"); 102 } 103 System.out.println("Please enter continue to continue the program"); 104 cont =; 105 } while (cont.equals("continue")); 106 } 107 108 public static String findingBirthday(Scanner keyboard) {// parameter 109 // switch 110 try { 111 System.out.println("Enter the your birthday month number"); 112 int month; 113 month = keyboard.nextInt(); 114 String birthdayMonth = "Invalid Input"; 115 switch (month) { 116 case 1: 117 birthdayMonth = "January"; 118 break; 119 case 2: 120 birthdayMonth = "Febuary"; 121 break; 122 case 3: 123 birthdayMonth = "March"; 124 break; 125 case 4: 126 birthdayMonth = "April"; 127 break; 128 case 5: 129 birthdayMonth = "May"; 130 break; 131 case 6: 132 birthdayMonth = "June"; -2-
  • 3. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 133 break; 134 case 7: 135 birthdayMonth = "July"; 136 break; 137 case 8: 138 birthdayMonth = "August"; 139 break; 140 case 9: 141 birthdayMonth = "September"; 142 break; 143 case 10: 144 birthdayMonth = "October"; 145 break; 146 case 11: 147 birthdayMonth = "November:"; 148 break; 149 case 12: 150 birthdayMonth = "December"; 151 break; 152 default: 153 System.out.println("INVALID"); 154 } 155 System.out.println("Your birthday is in " + birthdayMonth); 156 return birthdayMonth; 157 } catch (Exception e) { 158 System.out.println("Error"); 159 } 160 return null; 161 } 162 163 public static void returnValue() { 164 try { 165 double aNumber = 3;// double if statement and declared variable of type 166 // double to equal 3 167 if (aNumber >= 0) { 168 if (aNumber == 0) { 169 System.out.println("3 is equal to 0"); 170 } else { 171 System.out.println("3 is not equal to 0"); 172 } 173 } 174 System.out.println("3 is greater than 0"); 175 } catch (Exception e) { 176 System.out.println("Error"); 177 } 178 } 179 180 public static void divisionIf(Scanner keyboard) { 181 try { 182 System.out.println("Enter any integer (divident): "); 183 double divident = keyboard.nextInt(); 184 System.out.println("Enter any integer (divisor): "); 185 double divisor = keyboard.nextInt(); 186 System.out.println("The (rounded) answer for " + divident + " divided by " + divisor + " is: "); 187 if (divisor == 0) { 188 System.out.println("Cannot divide by 0 "); 189 } else { 190 System.out.println(divident / divisor); 191 } 192 } catch (Exception e) { 193 System.out.println("Error"); 194 } 195 } 196 197 public static void integerDivision() { -3-
  • 4. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 198 /* 199 * integer division, (make sure you either use double or a decimal because 200 * an integer divided by an integer does not work all of these 'variables' 201 * that i am assigning numbers to are holding the values that i give them... 202 * they hold value 203 */ 204 try { 205 double num1 = 3; 206 double num2 = 15; 207 double num3 = 10; 208 num2 += num3; 209 System.out.println(num2); 210 System.out.println(num2 / num1); 211 System.out.println(++num1 + 1); 212 System.out.println(num1++ + 1);// pay attention to if you do the ++before 213 // or after the variable 214 System.out.println(num1); 215 System.out.println(num2 * num1); 216 } catch (Exception e) { 217 System.out.println("Error"); 218 } 219 } 220 221 public static void echo(Scanner keyboard) { 222 System.out.println("Please enter what you want to be echoed: "); 223 String someText =; 224 String echo = ""; 225 echo = someText; 226 System.out.println(echo); 227 } 228 229 public static void runningTotal(Scanner keyboard) { 230 try { 231 int numEntered; 232 int numSum = 0; 233 int count = 1; 234 System.out.println("This program will sum the five integers you input"); 235 while (count < 6) { 236 System.out.println("Please enter your " + count + "number "); 237 numEntered = keyboard.nextInt(); 238 numSum += numEntered; 239 count++; 240 } 241 System.out.println("The total sum is " + numSum); 242 } catch (Exception e) { 243 System.out.println("Error"); 244 } 245 } 246 247 public static void getNumber(Scanner keyboard) { 248 System.out.println("This progrm will add up the integers in the" + " number you enter, please enter a number "); 249 try { 250 int subscript = 0; 251 String numEntered = keyboard.nextLine(); 252 int numSum = 0; 253 while (subscript < numEntered.length()) { 254 char aChar = numEntered.charAt(subscript); 255 int x = Character.getNumericValue(aChar); 256 numSum = numSum + x; 257 subscript++; 258 } 259 System.out.println(numSum); 260 } catch (Exception e) { 261 System.out.println("Error"); 262 } -4-
  • 5. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 263 } 264 265 public static void forLoop(Scanner keyboard) { 266 int startNum; 267 try { 268 System.out.println("Enter the number:"); 269 startNum = keyboard.nextInt(); 270 for (; startNum >= 1; startNum--) { 271 System.out.println(startNum); 272 } 273 } catch (Exception e) { 274 System.out.println("Error"); 275 } 276 } 277 278 public static void relational(Scanner keyboard) { 279 int numChoice = 0; 280 try { 281 282 System.out.println("Enter your favorite number"); 283 numChoice = keyboard.nextInt(); 284 if (numChoice >= 10 || numChoice <= 50) { 285 System.out.println("Your favorite number is between 10 and 50"); 286 } else { 287 throw new ArithmeticException(); 288 } 289 } catch (ArithmeticException a) { 290 System.out.println("You entered the boring number " + numChoice); 291 } catch (Exception e) { 292 System.out.println("That cant be your favorite number its not a number"); 293 } 294 } 295 296 public static void anArray() { 297 int[] numDays = { 31, 28, 31 }; 298 String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" }; 299 for (int i = 0; i < numDays.length; i++) { 300 System.out.println(months[i] + " has " + numDays[i] + " days"); 301 } 302 303 } 304 305 public static void largestArray() { 306 int largest; 307 int sum = 0; 308 int indexOfLargest = 0; 309 int[] array1 = { 100, 200, 300 }; 310 largest = array1[0]; 311 for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { 312 if (largest < array1[i]) { 313 sum += array1[i]; 314 largest = array1[i]; 315 indexOfLargest = i; 316 } 317 } 318 319 System.out.println("Largest: " + largest + " Sum " + sum + "Found at index: " + indexOfLargest); 320 } 321 322 public static void stackDemo(Scanner keyboard) { 323 try{ 324 Stack s = new Stack(); 325 int a = 0; 326 int b = 0; 327 System.out.println("Enter number "); -5-
  • 6. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 328 a = keyboard.nextInt(); 329 s.push(a); 330 System.out.println("Stack: " + s); 331 System.out.println("Enter another number "); 332 b = keyboard.nextInt(); 333 s.push(b); 334 System.out.println("Stack is now : " + s); 335 } 336 catch(Exception e){ 337 System.out.println("Error"); 338 } 339 340 } 341 342 public static void stringPlay(Scanner keyboard) { 343 try{ 344 String fullName = ""; 345 String firstName = ""; 346 String lastName = ""; 347 System.out.println("Enter the full name:"); 348 fullName = keyboard.nextLine(); 349 350 System.out.println("The names after split is:"); 351 352 String[] split = fullName.split(" "); 353 firstName = split[0]; 354 lastName = split[1]; 355 356 System.out.println(firstName + "' " + lastName); 357 } 358 catch (Exception e){ 359 System.out.println("Error"); 360 } 361 } 362 363 public static void arrayTwo() { 364 int search = 2; 365 int[][] math = new int[3][3]; 366 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) { 367 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) { 368 math[i][j] = i * j; 369 } 370 } 371 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) { 372 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) { 373 System.out.print(math[i][j]); 374 } 375 System.out.println(); 376 } 377 for (int i = 0; i < math.length; i++) { 378 for (int j = 0; j < math[i].length; j++) { 379 if (search == math[i][j]) { 380 System.out.println(search + " is found at row: " + i + " and column: " + j); 381 } 382 383 } 384 } 385 } 386 387 public static void smallestValue() { 388 int smallest; 389 int[] array1 = { 100, 200, 300 }; 390 smallest = array1[0]; 391 for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { 392 if (smallest > array1[i]) { 393 smallest = array1[i]; -6-
  • 7. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 394 } 395 System.out.println("smallest value is: " + smallest); 396 } 397 } 398 399 public static void anotherArray(Scanner keyboard) { 400 ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); 401 list.add("Hello"); 402 list.add(" my name is "); 403 String name = ""; 404 System.out.println("Please enter your name "); 405 name = keyboard.nextLine(); 406 list.add(name); 407 System.out.println(list); 408 409 } 410 public static void inheritance() {// this is inheritance because car IS A 411 // machine 412 Car mercedes = new Car(); 413 Car bmw = new Car(); 414 mercedes.start(); 415 mercedes.stop();//object mercedes is using super class machine method stop in subclass car which is polymorphic 416 mercedes.honk(); 417 System.out.println("Your car speed is: "); 418 mercedes.setSpeed(70); 419 System.out.println(mercedes.getSpeed()); 420 Machine[] garage = new Machine[2]; 421 bmw.setMake("BMW"); 422 garage[0] = mercedes; 423 garage[1] = bmw; 424 mercedes.setMake("Mercedes"); //this array shows polymorphism because i can use the methods 425 //from two different classes together because one is a super class and one is a subclass 426 System.out.println("Here are the cars in your garage: "); 427 for (int i = 0; i< garage.length; i++){ 428 System.out.println(garage[i].getMake()); 429 } 430 } 431 432 }// closing brackets leave these 433 434 class Jukebox { 435 String song; 436 437 public void setSong(String s) {// string s is a parameter 438 = s; 439 }// this is a type of object for this song 440 441 public String getSong() { 442 return song; 443 } 444 445 public void play() { 446 System.out.println(getSong()); 447 } 448 } 449 450 class Machine { 451 private String make; 452 public void start() { 453 System.out.println("Machine has started"); 454 } 455 456 public void stop() { -7-
  • 8. Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:11 PM 457 System.out.println("Machine has stopped"); 458 } 459 public String getMake(){ 460 return make; 461 } 462 public void setMake(String car){ 463 make = car; 464 } 465 } 466 467 class Car extends Machine {//car IS A machine therefore all following methods car can use 468 //car is polymorphic because it is a type of machine and has multiple inheritance 469 private int speed; 470 public int getSpeed(){ 471 return speed; 472 } 473 public void setSpeed(int s){ 474 speed = s; 475 } 476 477 public void honk() { 478 System.out.println("Car is honking "); 479 } 480 } 481 -8-