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The Vital Way
Ep22: Random Q&A
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The content found on the Vital Way podcast in Superman Herbs is for informational purposes only and is
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Logan: Welcome to The Vital Way. I’m Logan Christopher here with my brother, Cloud, and today were
going to be going over some listener Q & A for people that have thrown questions. You can always ask
them on our website. We have a special page for that set up. That’s at
Just go there, submit your questions and if they’re good enough, we’ll bring them on this show. Today,
it’s not really on any specific topic. We’re covering a lot of random questions that we have going on all
over the place since there are quite a few of those.
Cloud: Yes, there are.
Logan: All right, let’s just dive straight in.
Cloud: First one I’ve got is: How do you guys get your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals?
Logan: Good question. A lot of people kind of come from sort of a paradigm you need to take a
multivitamin and mineral supplement. That is what’s going to ensure that you have your required
minerals and vitamins. The sad fact is it’s kind of hard to get it from food, at least average food these
days because poor soil quality means poor plants, which then once we eat those plants, everything just
doesn’t have enough minerals and vitamins in that. If you’re very careful with your diet, you’re much
more likely to be able to get more of that sort of minimum recommended amount but to even have
optimal amounts that sometimes does take supplementation. That all being said, I haven’t personally
taken in a multivitamin or mineral supplement in years. What about you, Cloud?
Cloud: I take herbs.
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Logan: Yeah, so that’s one of the things about the herbs. Not only do they have a lot of novel
compounds in what they can do but they are really loaded with different vitamins and minerals. By
taking the herbs, you’re getting more than just those novel compounds. You get all the support. Cloud
came up with a name for Pine Pollen, it’s Nature’s Multivitamin because it literally has over 200
vitamins, minerals and other sort of compounds in there that help to support your health.
Now if there’s a certain thing, like you’re just looking for one certain mineral, do all these herbs
necessarily have it? You’re going have to pick and choose and that can be great if you have like a really
good quality multivitamin mineral supplement, which unfortunately most of them out there are not,
then sure, that can give you all that support. But if you’re taking a whole bunch of different herbs and
eat generally pretty well then short of getting some testing done to see any gaps you may have, I think
you’re going to be pretty well-off with that. Even with those multivitamins and mineral supplements, if
things aren’t in the right ratio, it can actually be worse for you than better. That’s kind of all the
trickiness that goes into that question.
Cloud: All right, moving on: Are any of your herbs organic?
Logan: A couple of them are. The ones that we source in the US which includes the mushrooms, those
are all grown and certified organic. The schisandra, I believe that’s organic as well. Is that correct, Cloud?
Cloud: Yes, the schisandra grown in the US is also organic.
Logan: Everything right now—No, the cricket is not organic, is that?
Cloud: No, the cricket as of right now, it doesn’t have the certification but we know that through their
farming and growing process if they feed them chemicals, even let’s say high quality chicken feed that’s
not supposed to have stuff, they still die. So they’re so sensitive to it, they might as well be organic. They
just don’t have the certification.
Logan: Right. That’s the thing about organic is it takes some money and it takes probably a whole lot of
paperwork and everything. That’s something we’re dealing with on some other issues that are not really
fun. But just to have them certified organic and different areas, there are a couple of different
companies involved in that but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best quality thing out there. If we
take shilajit as an example—this is wild-crafted because it only comes from mountains; you can’t grow
it—it wouldn’t pass I don’t think organic qualities just because it’s coming from the wild. I don’t know
even the details that go into that. Many of our herbs that come from wild places wouldn’t pass organic
standards if that was done, if people paid for that to happen. In many cases, I believe the answer is yes,
but not necessarily everything. Once again, if you’re only going for organic then yeah, pick up our
mushrooms or the schisandra. But if something not being labeled organic is going to scare you off then
sorry, not all of our herbs are organic at this point.
Cloud: I have seen other shilajit resins available that say they’re organic, which I find funny.
Logan: It’s good to have organic stuff, definitely, but there are some issues with that as well.
Cloud: All right, moving on. Would you go into more detail about the health benefits of schisandra,
positive effects it might have on aging as well?
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Logan: All right, schisandra is a really cool one. It’s a pretty unique herb. It’s called the five-flavored fruit
because it has all five flavors and that’s important in Chinese medicine because each one of the flavors
corresponds to one of the elements also known as the seasons, rhythms and each of these elements
have a few different meridians associated with it. So schisandra is really interesting in that it’s said to
enter all 12 meridians of the body, all the major meridians there. So it’s really working on a whole lot.
If we look at schisandra, it’s kind of more of a question of what doesn’t it do. Some of the top benefits in
my mind is it’s adaptogenic. It’s definitely going into your body and helping your body to be able to
adapt better to stress. I like to think of schisandra maybe a little bit less of the physically adaptogenic
herb if we compared that to say eleuthero or cordyceps which are great adaptogens but with
schisandra, I think it’s a little more of that mental side of the adaptogen. I really like schisandra for that
benefit as well, the mental clarity. It’s a great herb that I like to travel with because you just take a little
bit and it can help brighten up your day.
One of the other major benefits of it is it’s great for the liver. Although it has those five tastes, its
predominant taste is sour. Sour corresponds to the wood element, which corresponds to the liver.
Schisandra is pretty unique among different foods in that it supports both phase one and phase two of
liver detox, which basically means the processes of the liver of detoxing various pollutants, estrogens, all
kinds of things like that and then being able to remove them from the body.
There’s a far wide range of benefits and the more I’m looking at hormones and everything, the role of
the liver in hormone health becomes more apparent because your body needs to be able to deal with all
these pollutants Like I said, the excess estrogen that’s getting moved out through the liver. So if your
liver is healthy and happy, your body is going to be able to detox well on a daily basis and it’s going to be
able to support your health much better. I’m sure there are many other benefits that aren’t coming to
the top of my mind but as far as some of the main things.
Cloud: I’ll just say for the aging-wise, probably the anti-neuroinflammatory stuff, the high antioxidant
content and keeping you young. There’s that whole thing, you take schisandra tinctures for a hundred
days and it will change your skin and your life.
Logan: One of things that’s sometimes label the taste but it’s a little bit more of an action is called the
astringent. It’s kind of like sour but it’s that sort of tightening when you take it in your mouth, like it sort
of pulls moisture out. It’s doing this action within the body and it’s also good for doing that on the skin
as well. It’s tonifying tissues, including the skin so yeah, schisandra is one of the top beauty herbs in
Chinese medicine, I’d say that along with pearl powder, used topically in order to support beautiful skin.
If you’re taking it, this is a great herb to take on the outside as well as take inside.
Cloud: All right, next question. What is a great herb or a combo for taking before work day? I’m in
construction. I am currently taking your megadose. Should I add any other for maximum efficiency? I also
currently kicking my diabetes out of my system right now. I am taking pine pollen tincture, polyrachis and
nettle root.
Logan: I’d think the pine pollen is definitely a good place to start. As far as supporting sort of a heavy
workload with construction, I would go to the adaptogenic herbs and for this I’d recommend definitely
our Spartan formula so that has the schisandra that we just talked about as well as rhodiola, cordyceps
and eleuthero. These are some of the major adaptogens out there that have been actually quite well-
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researched, more so than the east in Russia when they’re working with their athletes as well as people
that were just trying to increase capacity but just phenomenal results with being able to do that because
it works on that physical level of the physical stress and fatigue and work capacity, as well as that mental
level. So it can really support that. That would be my number one go-to as far as helping with something
like construction. Of course along the way, that should help support other issues as well because once
again these are adaptogens. They basically just help your body adapt better so they can definitely have a
role with the blood sugar there as well in diabetes.
Cloud: Yeah, I was going to say since you are taking pine pollen and ant, you might want to try Phoenix
Logan: Yeah, that’s a good one too.
Cloud: And/or with what he’s got just maybe add tongkat and watch what happens.
Logan: Yes. Lots of different ways you could go and those all have different benefits. Here’s the thing.
Just try out a few things and find out what works well for you. I assume this guy is already enjoying the
pine pollen and the results he’s getting with that. So yeah, just add one thing on top of that and then go
from there.
Cloud: As far as other supplements are concerned specifically protein, do you guys take protein
supplements and if so, what? I take egg protein but everywhere seems to advocate whey.
Logan: Yeah, let’s talk about the benefits of whey protein. It can be really good stuff. This is another
thing where the vast majority, like 95% or more of the whey proteins out there are very low quality.
Once again, go back to where does the food source come from? If you’re getting whey protein that
should hopefully be coming from healthy cows that are eating grass and all that. My favorite, what I’ve
used over the years is the whey protein concentrate. There are a couple of different companies like Vital
Whey. I believe that’s a pretty good one out there. These whey protein concentrates have all the
different factors with the protein.
One thing that’s great about whey protein that doesn’t seem to be the case with other protein powders
is that it really supports glutathione which is sort of the master antioxidant in your body that is
produced by the liver. Whey protein is able to trigger your body to increase more of this, as well as
support the immune system with some different factors in there and everything. That’s why a lot of
people like whey protein. Once again, you’ve got to have really good quality stuff and I’ve heard a
couple things. Some people like a whey protein isolate. For some people I guess that does seem to work
a little bit better. Once again, experiment and find what works for you. For me, I prefer to go the more
whole thing which would be the concentrate, getting that from grass-fed cows.
With that being said, you definitely can use these other options. Egg protein once again should come
from good quality eggs. But here’s the thing about eggs. Really the protein is not the important part. The
yolk is the most important part. That’s where you’re getting so many vitamins, minerals, vitamin K, too,
all kinds of different stuff that can be in those yolks, especially if they come from pastured eggs, which is
going to have much richer and higher amounts of these different micronutrients. Yeah, you can use an
egg protein but why not just eat eggs? It’s probably even cheaper to do that plus you get all the other
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Then as far as vegetarian protein powders, with these protein powders anything you use too often with
proteins, for some reason the body can develop an allergy to it. So I would recommend rotating protein
powders that you’re using over time. Unless your goal is to put on tons of muscle mass, you probably
don’t need as much protein as many people are saying out there. That being said, a lot of people
probably aren’t really eating enough protein so that it can be a good way to supplement it in there.
What I’ve been doing lately with some of the shakes myself is one, I have cricket our protein and then
I’m actually using a goat whey protein on top of that. I like that mix of those together. What about you,
Cloud: I like bacon for my protein. I was just curious. That goat protein, is that one an isolate or a
Logan: It’s a concentrate.
Cloud: Cool. Yeah, you know me I prefer food sources, bacon.
Logan: There you go. We should probably work on a bacon protein that would probably sell really well.
Cloud: Complete bacon protein. Yeah. All right, moving on. Does reishi and chaga can be two relaxing
herbs and give a sense of drowsiness?
Logan: Well, we’ve said this one time before and we’ll say it again. Everyone is different so it is possible
with you that you could have this. One, I’d look at how big of a dose. With some of the herbs if you take
a large dose especially, then you may feel something quite a bit more than a smaller dose. Here’s the
thing with reishi and chaga. In many ways, these are sort of adaptogenic so if your body really needs
sleep and you take something like these then it can be helping to encourage that for happening.
That being said, I wouldn’t say this is a normal response from taking these herbs even if you took a large
amount, to feel like you need to go to sleep. Maybe look at what else you’re taking them with. There
could be a couple of other factors here as well. If you want to provide us some more details, we could
probably look a little deeper into this for the person that asked this question.
Cloud: Dosage is a huge question. What I’m curious about is their definition of drowsiness. When I first
started taking chaga with Zane and we were doing raw chaga teas, we used to drink the tea out on hikes
and it would make us feel all connected with nature, kind of just I feel really good. Someone might
interpret that if they were taking a larger dose. Also, maybe reishi if you take a large enough dose,
helping with your shen and all and you get all calm.
Logan: Right. I’d say that could be more relaxing than necessarily sedative like some other herbs like
valerian root is a pretty classic example of the really strong one that can be great for sleep but for many
people, myself included, it’s too strong. This herb pretty much knocked me out. It will keep me drowsy
for awhile so I’d sleep very well but I won’t be getting up really well the next day if I take that one. Reishi
and chaga shouldn’t really have this sort of effect but that sort of relaxing effect I would definitely say
that’s there with them.
Cloud: And for all of you that asked about sleeping herbs, Logan just gave you one answer.
Logan: Well, I guess let’s just go into that a bit more. Why not?
Cloud: Okay. So I have a couple of questions.
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Logan: We had a few questions. Go ahead and ask one of those.
Cloud: I was just going to say I had three questions and they all pretty much pertain to sleep. What kind
of herb would help deeper sleep? Two of them said “deeper sleep. “
Logan: Like I said, the valerian root is one. Like I said, it can be quite strong but for some people that
would be really good. If I want to support my sleep, I sleep really well just based on all the other things I
do and what seems natural with me. I have no problem sleeping. But sort of supporting that relaxing
and being able to go into sleep, there are a couple of herbs I like for that. One is passion flower and
actually this and the next herb, chamomile that I’m going to talk about, both of these have a side benefit
that that their natural aromatase inhibitors so they’re good for blocking the conversion of testosterone
into estrogen. They have a couple of different compounds in them that do that but they’re great for
sleep or relaxing the body.
Passion flower is one and I’ll just make a tea out of that or chamomile. That one is pretty easily found in
many places. You just get that, steep some of the flowers in tea and then drink that. It tastes pretty
good and those can be great. They are much milder in their sleeping effects but for someone like me, I
like those whereas something stronger like valerian would be more supportive of that.
There’s also one that we played around with—we haven’t made those publicly available but ziziphus and
maybe you can talk a bit more about that one, Cloud, because I know you’ve talked to some people that
have tried that and had great results.
Cloud: Yeah, it’s called ziziphus I believe. Yes, it is definitely suppose to help with sleep. The thing about
this is it doesn’t help you go to sleep. It gives you more restful sleep. My best experience was going to
bed at about midnight or a little bit later and waking up at 5:00 and I jumped out of bed and I felt like I
slept 8 to 10 hours. I do have other people that ask for it all the time. They love this herb.
What seems to happen to me is it either works really well for some people or doesn’t work at all, just
like any other herb. We’ve had some people that haven’t slept that whole night in 15 years, I think we
were told, and they took it and they’re very grateful because they got their first full night of sleep in 15
years. Like I said, some people love it. For some, it doesn’t work. And I had it. It worked for a little while
really good and then it kind of stopped working. That’s kind of why we never released it because I don’t
know, it seems hit or miss sometimes.
Logan: Once again, it depends on the person. Let’s find what works for you. And there are quite a few
other herbs out there as well another one came to mind is a skullcap. It’s a great herb.
Cloud: You know what I like to do with the ones that we do offer mostly, I like to take ones that kind of
relax or just slow my mind down, kind of. I like taking ashwagandha at night, maybe some mucuna and I
was just thinking about maybe taking a little ant would help. I don’t know why but I think yeah.
Logan: At Superman Herbs, we tend to have a little bit more of the stimulating type of things, especially
with the formulas and whatnot we put together. But yeah, some of them can have that effect.
Ashwagandha is an interesting one. A lot of people do feel relaxation form that but some people, a
smaller percentage, will feel more stimulated from that so that would be one to experiment with and
find what works for you.
Cloud: Next, we have: Does taking herbs in long term cause damage to liver or kidney?
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Logan: It depends on the herb. Some could certainly do that. With the herbs, there are a couple
different classes of herbs. Most of the stuff we offer at Superman Herbs would be more of that superior
class, meaning the stuff you can take long term. Like with reishi, it’s extremely gentle. Children can take
it. Babies could even take it and older people can take it. You can literally take it every day in your life
and it will not be a bad thing. Its’ just going to support everything.
Some of the stronger herbs like tongkat ali that’s a bit more of medicinal in its quality. With medicine,
the difference between a medicine and a poison is in dose. That was said by I believe Hippocrates a long
time ago and I’m paraphrasing, of course. It’s very important that you look at that. That’s one of the
reasons we recommend cycling with that it can be too strong. And of course, you have that hormonal
aspect to it so you need to make sure your body doesn’t stop its own production of the hormones and
all that. Different qualities of herbs will have some different aspects in them. If you have like an acute
sickness and you take some herbs for that that can be great for that time period but you wouldn’t
necessarily want to continue taking those long term. So it really depends on the herb.
For some reason people seem to have this sort of irrational fear. We’re taught and encouraged all to
take medications and everything which are literally poison and yet, we’re on these things. They’re
designed to be long term so you keep buying them and keep lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical
companies. Yet these things because they’re so concentrated of a single thing have all these side effects
like your liver and kidneys they are processing these as toxins. These are going to have much worse
effects whereas if you get the right kind of herbs, they’re going to support the kidneys, they’re going to
support the liver. We talked about schisandra for the liver. If you want to go more specific liver health
you go with something like milk thistle, a classic one. If you want to support the kidneys or that jing
energy type of thing, he shou wu is great as far as more of the detoxing ability of the kidneys. For some
more diuretic-type things, nettle leaves would be a good option for that. It really depends on what—
Cloud: Shilajit resin.
Logan: Shilajit is a general detox everything and good for everything. Yes. Are these going to damage? It
really depends on the herb you’re taking but with our stuff, I would say no not really.
Cloud: To me it, always comes back to these things. They’re more like food so is food that you eat every
day going to damage your liver or kidney?
Logan: Well, the average food out there, I guess.
Cloud: Well, I guess you could in different words you could say it depends on the class of food you eat.
Logan: Yeah and of course, anything could be overdone to the point. If you took like massive doses of
things then yeah, it could impair your liver or kidneys at least for a time. If you kept doing this long term,
it would. While you’re taking like recommended dosage or somewhere along those lines and doing it
long term with these superior class of herbs, no, it’s not going to be a problem.
Cloud: Moving on. I was wondering what your take on green supplements is and if there are certain ones
you recommend?
Logan: Green supplements is something I’ve definitely played around with over the years. Some of the
companies I did like in the past and well I still like I just haven’t really been on the green supplements
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thing recently. But Health Force Nutritionals, their Vitamineral Green is really good product. SunWarrior
Warrior, your Ormus Green, I believe it’s called, that one is really good and that actually tastes goods,
unlike the Health Force Nutritionals.
The idea with these greens is one thing and it’s a supplement. Here is something where I want to go
more in the realm of going straight for foods. Instead of getting all these powdered grasses or grass
juices, which I should be if it’s a good quality supplement although they have all kinds of other things
added into them, just eat your vegetables and eat a lot of vegetables. You’re getting a lot of greens
So it can be good quality supplement and certainly mixing greens with some of our herbs like pine
pollen, a lot of people do that. It’s a great way to go. It definitely can be a good thing. It’s just not
something I have personally been using the past year or two. Very few people actually eat as many
vegetables as most people ought to eat unless you’re an Eskimo in general. Eating lots of vegetables is
really good and I’m talking about green leafy vegetables. Of course, there are many ways you can do this
but it’s really important if you do that. Everything else seems to work better. One, they’re high in fiber.
That’s an important part of detoxing, being able to pull stuff out. The richness in chlorophyll is very
important as far as detox and supporting everything. If you’re not eating as many as you ought to and
few people are then something like your green supplement may be a really good idea for you.
Cloud: Okay, next question. I have two issues. One is I have enlarged prostate and I would like to get
better results from my workout and lose weight. I lost 40 pounds but have been stuck at 250 for 2
months. I want to lose another 30.
Logan: Well, it’s hard to say specifically what this guy needs to do without knowing some more details.
One, let’s talk about the prostate first. The number one herb for the prostate is pretty much nettle root.
I definitely would look into that, although it’s a little more specific for some other issues. But the benign
prostate hyperplasia, generally that’s one of the big things it’s for. Definitely look into using that. In the
future, we will have an article probably more in depth on prostate issues at Superman Herbs just
because there are a lot of questions about that.
On to losing weight, it’s really a matter about moving more just to give some broad strokes. Not
necessarily just looking at your workout. Once again, without seeing what this guy is specifically doing
it’s kind of hard for me to give any sort of specific advice. With workouts, people are treating these,
they’re used kind of as a supplemental form. While I sit on my ass all day long, but I’m going to go to the
gym and work out for one hour. So it’s kind of like taking a multivitamin or a mineral supplement
because you’re supplementing it. The natural form of exercise will be some sort of movement and
natural forms of movement all day long.
If you look back to indigenous people, they’re putting in the time moving around, doing all kinds of
different things. That’s a much more natural form of exercising than. All these people kind of laughed at
exercise because really once again, we’re kind of using it in that supplemental form. If you can add
movement, just walking, mostly walking but definitely you can do all kinds of other things. If you can add
that on top of your workouts, that’s going to be a great thing because that’s just getting your body
better in shape and you’re going to burn more calories and spend more energy. I can definitely support
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As far as weight loss, a lot of people have great results with intermittent fasting. I’d say look into doing
that. You can also definitely support the body in being able to lose weight with a couple of different
herbs as well. Make sure your hormones are in check. All those things are going to help.
Cloud: Yeah and more energy for workouts, Hercules.
Logan: Yeah, definitely. Here’s the cool thing about Hercules. I know this is my personal opinion as well
as pretty much everyone that tries it. When you take either Hercules 1 or 2, you just seem to have a lot
more energy and you can do quite a bit more work. You can do a lot more volume. Really with weight
loss, it’s about moving your body, specifically using more muscle mass. Using big compound exercises,
that sort of thing and just doing more and more of it, that’s going to trigger your body to lose the
weight. That’s in general the direction you want to go. Use more muscle mass, do more of it and
Hercules could be a great thing to support you in being able to do exactly that.
Cloud: My best suggestion for weight loss is take copious amounts shilajit and hike 8 to 10 hours every
other weekend.
Logan: That sounds like a pretty good plan.
Cloud: 8 for me. That was on top of all the normal training. I never lost weight so fast in my life,
especially fat. All right, let’s go to the next question. How long will herbs maintain potency and stay fresh
once the bag is opened? Do they all have to be used up within a certain time period? The reason I ask is
because I haven’t seen an expiration date on any of the bags.
Logan: So the general expiration date would be two years from the bag being open. Here’s the thing
with the herbs. Over time, yes, potency does generally go down a bit. There really is no cut-off like 700
days in, it’s good but 900 days, it’s no good anymore. The fresher it is, generally the better but it will lose
some potency over time.
But it’s not just about when you open the bag. Any sort of light, air or heat in general is going to degrade
the herbs. That’s the reason we put them in a black bag that’s going to block out the light. Make sure
you seal your bags. That’s going to be an important part because if air is getting in there, it can help to
oxidize them. One thing we noticed, especially with the tongkat ali is if it gets oxidized, if too much air
gets in there, it can clump up and turn into like little rocks or stones. It doesn’t seem to have quite the
same effectiveness once that has happened. It really does depend on these other factors.
Of course, different sorts of herbs can have different lengths of their shelf life. Tinctures, for instance,
can last—I’ve heard a couple of different numbers—but 7 years. The reason is they’re generally in dark
or cobalt glasses because that’s going to reflect some of the light out as opposed to the clear glass. The
light is not getting in there and helping to lose potency. In general, several years but it depends on if
you’re allowing any light, air or heat getting in there.
Cloud: So the best bet if you want to like get the most bang for your buck out of your herbs honestly is
to put them in a light-filtering container, not keep them in the bags where they might not be completely
sealed. We get asked this all the time and yes, we do put our herbs in other containers. How they last
and their potency depends on how well you keep them basically. Anyway, moving on. How much of each
herb is in the Phoenix formula?
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Logan: When we originally created Phoenix formula which has four herbs – pine pollen, he shou wu,
shilajit and ant – we just really liked every one of those herbs so we put equal amounts of that in there.
Since then, we’ve tweaked the formula a little bit. If you’re trying to do it yourself, this is going against
standard formulating rules and principles and everything but it works so there’s something to be said for
that, too. Since then, one, we upgraded our shilajit. We had a higher quality thing and didn’t need to use
quite as much of it. So we lowered the amount of shilajit and increased the amount of pine pollen. If I’m
correct in this and correct me if I’m wrong, it has 35% pine pollen, 15% shilajit and then 25% each of
ants and he shou wu. Is that right, Cloud?
Cloud: Yes, that is correct.
Logan: Good, I’m glad I knew that. A lot of companies sort of hide behind proprietary blends. I’m just
saying but there’s our formula right there. Certainly, you can buy each one of those herbs individually
from us or even from other people, if you want it, and you can put together your own Phoenix Formula.
Cloud: I would love to see some pictures of people making their own versions of our formula.
Logan: That’s the cool thing, too.
Cloud: What’s cool about that is they could tweak it to what works best for them.
Logan: Yeah, add an ingredient. Take one away. Really that’s kind of how we got started with formulas,
just playing around with it. Definitely as you’re taking herbs, we always encourage self-experimentation
so yeah, certainly putting together your formulas could be added part of that.
Cloud: Next question: How do I know what herbs are right for me? I want to have a better sex life at 52
years old and none of the pills work. I have signs of ED. Well, we just did a podcast on where to start last
week so maybe you should listen to that. That was a cool one.
Logan: Here’s the thing. We do have a lot of information on the site between the podcast, the articles
and then the product pages for the different herbs. Go on there and find something. Look around. If
something calls to you, I would definitely give that one a shot. If you’re looking specifically for benefits
with sex, well we’re going to have even more information on that but we definitely have had some in
the past. Here’s the thing for really sexual performance or a couple of different factors. One, definitely
the hormones need to be there so look at pine pollen and tongkat. But there are other issues as well.
The blood flow, nitric oxide, the PDE5 enzyme, you’ve got to work with all those things.
Here’s the thing. Each different person, you mentioned the pills aren’t working for him. That’ the thing
with those pills. Their pharmaceutical drugs but even they don’t work for everyone. If those aren’t
working, you’re really going to have to play with some other stuff. That’s one thing with—let’s say if it
was Viagra, if your hormones are in the toilet, you don’t have anything, even that won’t work. If you can
restore that then that may be the issue for you but for another person it could be another issue.
Once again, go through our website, you can use the search function and everything. Find what works.
Find some ideas then look at what calls out to you and give that a shot. If that works, great, move
forward. If it doesn’t try something else.
Cloud: I would just say pine pollen. Start there. You think that’s good enough for this episode?
Logan: Yes, that should be good.
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved
Cloud: I had one more question though that we got, that last one about what’s coming up on the future
menu herbal-wise. And kind of pertaining to this last question would be your next formula that we’re
Logan: Well, we are testing Thor’s Hammer which has to do with this last man’s question, exactly like he
just said. The idea with that is that and we’ve talked about in some past podcasts. But it’s working for
that testosterone. It’s working for the nitric oxide and that blood flow. It’s working on the enzymes that
can cause things to go away and it’s working on the dopamine, which is another important aspect, that
kind of drive and the desire. That’s the Thor’s Hammer, the sexual potency formula that is currently
being tested.
Like what we posted in Instagram the other day, which you guys can follow— If you’re not doing it,, we don’t test on animals; we test on athletes. We send a bunch of our
things to some of our sponsored athletes and that’s kind of—besides ourselves personally, our sort of
initial round of testing, that’s going through right now. Depending on the results, we may need to tweak
some things but that should be coming pretty soon. Then we also have our woman’s formula that is
getting closer to completion.
Cloud: Oh yes, the new woman’s formulation. Yeah, it will be coming out.
Logan: So those are our next two formulas.
Cloud: And as well as watch out for that new resin that’s about to come out.
Logan: Actually, that will be out by the time this gets released. So make sure you’ve tried that.
Cloud: All right, Logan, I’ll see you on the next one.
Logan: Next one.

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Ep 22 - Random Q&A

  • 1. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved The Vital Way Ep22: Random Q&A Get this podcast on iTunes at: The content found on the Vital Way podcast in Superman Herbs is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, for the diagnosis or treatment of a health condition or as a substitute for medical counseling. Please review any information with your qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions concerning your health. You assume all risk for use, misuse or disuse of this information. Logan: Welcome to The Vital Way. I’m Logan Christopher here with my brother, Cloud, and today were going to be going over some listener Q & A for people that have thrown questions. You can always ask them on our website. We have a special page for that set up. That’s at Just go there, submit your questions and if they’re good enough, we’ll bring them on this show. Today, it’s not really on any specific topic. We’re covering a lot of random questions that we have going on all over the place since there are quite a few of those. Cloud: Yes, there are. Logan: All right, let’s just dive straight in. Cloud: First one I’ve got is: How do you guys get your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals? Logan: Good question. A lot of people kind of come from sort of a paradigm you need to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. That is what’s going to ensure that you have your required minerals and vitamins. The sad fact is it’s kind of hard to get it from food, at least average food these days because poor soil quality means poor plants, which then once we eat those plants, everything just doesn’t have enough minerals and vitamins in that. If you’re very careful with your diet, you’re much more likely to be able to get more of that sort of minimum recommended amount but to even have optimal amounts that sometimes does take supplementation. That all being said, I haven’t personally taken in a multivitamin or mineral supplement in years. What about you, Cloud? Cloud: I take herbs.
  • 2. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Logan: Yeah, so that’s one of the things about the herbs. Not only do they have a lot of novel compounds in what they can do but they are really loaded with different vitamins and minerals. By taking the herbs, you’re getting more than just those novel compounds. You get all the support. Cloud came up with a name for Pine Pollen, it’s Nature’s Multivitamin because it literally has over 200 vitamins, minerals and other sort of compounds in there that help to support your health. Now if there’s a certain thing, like you’re just looking for one certain mineral, do all these herbs necessarily have it? You’re going have to pick and choose and that can be great if you have like a really good quality multivitamin mineral supplement, which unfortunately most of them out there are not, then sure, that can give you all that support. But if you’re taking a whole bunch of different herbs and eat generally pretty well then short of getting some testing done to see any gaps you may have, I think you’re going to be pretty well-off with that. Even with those multivitamins and mineral supplements, if things aren’t in the right ratio, it can actually be worse for you than better. That’s kind of all the trickiness that goes into that question. Cloud: All right, moving on: Are any of your herbs organic? Logan: A couple of them are. The ones that we source in the US which includes the mushrooms, those are all grown and certified organic. The schisandra, I believe that’s organic as well. Is that correct, Cloud? Cloud: Yes, the schisandra grown in the US is also organic. Logan: Everything right now—No, the cricket is not organic, is that? Cloud: No, the cricket as of right now, it doesn’t have the certification but we know that through their farming and growing process if they feed them chemicals, even let’s say high quality chicken feed that’s not supposed to have stuff, they still die. So they’re so sensitive to it, they might as well be organic. They just don’t have the certification. Logan: Right. That’s the thing about organic is it takes some money and it takes probably a whole lot of paperwork and everything. That’s something we’re dealing with on some other issues that are not really fun. But just to have them certified organic and different areas, there are a couple of different companies involved in that but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best quality thing out there. If we take shilajit as an example—this is wild-crafted because it only comes from mountains; you can’t grow it—it wouldn’t pass I don’t think organic qualities just because it’s coming from the wild. I don’t know even the details that go into that. Many of our herbs that come from wild places wouldn’t pass organic standards if that was done, if people paid for that to happen. In many cases, I believe the answer is yes, but not necessarily everything. Once again, if you’re only going for organic then yeah, pick up our mushrooms or the schisandra. But if something not being labeled organic is going to scare you off then sorry, not all of our herbs are organic at this point. Cloud: I have seen other shilajit resins available that say they’re organic, which I find funny. Logan: It’s good to have organic stuff, definitely, but there are some issues with that as well. Cloud: All right, moving on. Would you go into more detail about the health benefits of schisandra, positive effects it might have on aging as well?
  • 3. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Logan: All right, schisandra is a really cool one. It’s a pretty unique herb. It’s called the five-flavored fruit because it has all five flavors and that’s important in Chinese medicine because each one of the flavors corresponds to one of the elements also known as the seasons, rhythms and each of these elements have a few different meridians associated with it. So schisandra is really interesting in that it’s said to enter all 12 meridians of the body, all the major meridians there. So it’s really working on a whole lot. If we look at schisandra, it’s kind of more of a question of what doesn’t it do. Some of the top benefits in my mind is it’s adaptogenic. It’s definitely going into your body and helping your body to be able to adapt better to stress. I like to think of schisandra maybe a little bit less of the physically adaptogenic herb if we compared that to say eleuthero or cordyceps which are great adaptogens but with schisandra, I think it’s a little more of that mental side of the adaptogen. I really like schisandra for that benefit as well, the mental clarity. It’s a great herb that I like to travel with because you just take a little bit and it can help brighten up your day. One of the other major benefits of it is it’s great for the liver. Although it has those five tastes, its predominant taste is sour. Sour corresponds to the wood element, which corresponds to the liver. Schisandra is pretty unique among different foods in that it supports both phase one and phase two of liver detox, which basically means the processes of the liver of detoxing various pollutants, estrogens, all kinds of things like that and then being able to remove them from the body. There’s a far wide range of benefits and the more I’m looking at hormones and everything, the role of the liver in hormone health becomes more apparent because your body needs to be able to deal with all these pollutants Like I said, the excess estrogen that’s getting moved out through the liver. So if your liver is healthy and happy, your body is going to be able to detox well on a daily basis and it’s going to be able to support your health much better. I’m sure there are many other benefits that aren’t coming to the top of my mind but as far as some of the main things. Cloud: I’ll just say for the aging-wise, probably the anti-neuroinflammatory stuff, the high antioxidant content and keeping you young. There’s that whole thing, you take schisandra tinctures for a hundred days and it will change your skin and your life. Logan: One of things that’s sometimes label the taste but it’s a little bit more of an action is called the astringent. It’s kind of like sour but it’s that sort of tightening when you take it in your mouth, like it sort of pulls moisture out. It’s doing this action within the body and it’s also good for doing that on the skin as well. It’s tonifying tissues, including the skin so yeah, schisandra is one of the top beauty herbs in Chinese medicine, I’d say that along with pearl powder, used topically in order to support beautiful skin. If you’re taking it, this is a great herb to take on the outside as well as take inside. Cloud: All right, next question. What is a great herb or a combo for taking before work day? I’m in construction. I am currently taking your megadose. Should I add any other for maximum efficiency? I also currently kicking my diabetes out of my system right now. I am taking pine pollen tincture, polyrachis and nettle root. Logan: I’d think the pine pollen is definitely a good place to start. As far as supporting sort of a heavy workload with construction, I would go to the adaptogenic herbs and for this I’d recommend definitely our Spartan formula so that has the schisandra that we just talked about as well as rhodiola, cordyceps and eleuthero. These are some of the major adaptogens out there that have been actually quite well-
  • 4. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved researched, more so than the east in Russia when they’re working with their athletes as well as people that were just trying to increase capacity but just phenomenal results with being able to do that because it works on that physical level of the physical stress and fatigue and work capacity, as well as that mental level. So it can really support that. That would be my number one go-to as far as helping with something like construction. Of course along the way, that should help support other issues as well because once again these are adaptogens. They basically just help your body adapt better so they can definitely have a role with the blood sugar there as well in diabetes. Cloud: Yeah, I was going to say since you are taking pine pollen and ant, you might want to try Phoenix Formula. Logan: Yeah, that’s a good one too. Cloud: And/or with what he’s got just maybe add tongkat and watch what happens. Logan: Yes. Lots of different ways you could go and those all have different benefits. Here’s the thing. Just try out a few things and find out what works well for you. I assume this guy is already enjoying the pine pollen and the results he’s getting with that. So yeah, just add one thing on top of that and then go from there. Cloud: As far as other supplements are concerned specifically protein, do you guys take protein supplements and if so, what? I take egg protein but everywhere seems to advocate whey. Logan: Yeah, let’s talk about the benefits of whey protein. It can be really good stuff. This is another thing where the vast majority, like 95% or more of the whey proteins out there are very low quality. Once again, go back to where does the food source come from? If you’re getting whey protein that should hopefully be coming from healthy cows that are eating grass and all that. My favorite, what I’ve used over the years is the whey protein concentrate. There are a couple of different companies like Vital Whey. I believe that’s a pretty good one out there. These whey protein concentrates have all the different factors with the protein. One thing that’s great about whey protein that doesn’t seem to be the case with other protein powders is that it really supports glutathione which is sort of the master antioxidant in your body that is produced by the liver. Whey protein is able to trigger your body to increase more of this, as well as support the immune system with some different factors in there and everything. That’s why a lot of people like whey protein. Once again, you’ve got to have really good quality stuff and I’ve heard a couple things. Some people like a whey protein isolate. For some people I guess that does seem to work a little bit better. Once again, experiment and find what works for you. For me, I prefer to go the more whole thing which would be the concentrate, getting that from grass-fed cows. With that being said, you definitely can use these other options. Egg protein once again should come from good quality eggs. But here’s the thing about eggs. Really the protein is not the important part. The yolk is the most important part. That’s where you’re getting so many vitamins, minerals, vitamin K, too, all kinds of different stuff that can be in those yolks, especially if they come from pastured eggs, which is going to have much richer and higher amounts of these different micronutrients. Yeah, you can use an egg protein but why not just eat eggs? It’s probably even cheaper to do that plus you get all the other stuff.
  • 5. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Then as far as vegetarian protein powders, with these protein powders anything you use too often with proteins, for some reason the body can develop an allergy to it. So I would recommend rotating protein powders that you’re using over time. Unless your goal is to put on tons of muscle mass, you probably don’t need as much protein as many people are saying out there. That being said, a lot of people probably aren’t really eating enough protein so that it can be a good way to supplement it in there. What I’ve been doing lately with some of the shakes myself is one, I have cricket our protein and then I’m actually using a goat whey protein on top of that. I like that mix of those together. What about you, Cloud? Cloud: I like bacon for my protein. I was just curious. That goat protein, is that one an isolate or a concentrate? Logan: It’s a concentrate. Cloud: Cool. Yeah, you know me I prefer food sources, bacon. Logan: There you go. We should probably work on a bacon protein that would probably sell really well. Cloud: Complete bacon protein. Yeah. All right, moving on. Does reishi and chaga can be two relaxing herbs and give a sense of drowsiness? Logan: Well, we’ve said this one time before and we’ll say it again. Everyone is different so it is possible with you that you could have this. One, I’d look at how big of a dose. With some of the herbs if you take a large dose especially, then you may feel something quite a bit more than a smaller dose. Here’s the thing with reishi and chaga. In many ways, these are sort of adaptogenic so if your body really needs sleep and you take something like these then it can be helping to encourage that for happening. That being said, I wouldn’t say this is a normal response from taking these herbs even if you took a large amount, to feel like you need to go to sleep. Maybe look at what else you’re taking them with. There could be a couple of other factors here as well. If you want to provide us some more details, we could probably look a little deeper into this for the person that asked this question. Cloud: Dosage is a huge question. What I’m curious about is their definition of drowsiness. When I first started taking chaga with Zane and we were doing raw chaga teas, we used to drink the tea out on hikes and it would make us feel all connected with nature, kind of just I feel really good. Someone might interpret that if they were taking a larger dose. Also, maybe reishi if you take a large enough dose, helping with your shen and all and you get all calm. Logan: Right. I’d say that could be more relaxing than necessarily sedative like some other herbs like valerian root is a pretty classic example of the really strong one that can be great for sleep but for many people, myself included, it’s too strong. This herb pretty much knocked me out. It will keep me drowsy for awhile so I’d sleep very well but I won’t be getting up really well the next day if I take that one. Reishi and chaga shouldn’t really have this sort of effect but that sort of relaxing effect I would definitely say that’s there with them. Cloud: And for all of you that asked about sleeping herbs, Logan just gave you one answer. Logan: Well, I guess let’s just go into that a bit more. Why not? Cloud: Okay. So I have a couple of questions.
  • 6. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Logan: We had a few questions. Go ahead and ask one of those. Cloud: I was just going to say I had three questions and they all pretty much pertain to sleep. What kind of herb would help deeper sleep? Two of them said “deeper sleep. “ Logan: Like I said, the valerian root is one. Like I said, it can be quite strong but for some people that would be really good. If I want to support my sleep, I sleep really well just based on all the other things I do and what seems natural with me. I have no problem sleeping. But sort of supporting that relaxing and being able to go into sleep, there are a couple of herbs I like for that. One is passion flower and actually this and the next herb, chamomile that I’m going to talk about, both of these have a side benefit that that their natural aromatase inhibitors so they’re good for blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. They have a couple of different compounds in them that do that but they’re great for sleep or relaxing the body. Passion flower is one and I’ll just make a tea out of that or chamomile. That one is pretty easily found in many places. You just get that, steep some of the flowers in tea and then drink that. It tastes pretty good and those can be great. They are much milder in their sleeping effects but for someone like me, I like those whereas something stronger like valerian would be more supportive of that. There’s also one that we played around with—we haven’t made those publicly available but ziziphus and maybe you can talk a bit more about that one, Cloud, because I know you’ve talked to some people that have tried that and had great results. Cloud: Yeah, it’s called ziziphus I believe. Yes, it is definitely suppose to help with sleep. The thing about this is it doesn’t help you go to sleep. It gives you more restful sleep. My best experience was going to bed at about midnight or a little bit later and waking up at 5:00 and I jumped out of bed and I felt like I slept 8 to 10 hours. I do have other people that ask for it all the time. They love this herb. What seems to happen to me is it either works really well for some people or doesn’t work at all, just like any other herb. We’ve had some people that haven’t slept that whole night in 15 years, I think we were told, and they took it and they’re very grateful because they got their first full night of sleep in 15 years. Like I said, some people love it. For some, it doesn’t work. And I had it. It worked for a little while really good and then it kind of stopped working. That’s kind of why we never released it because I don’t know, it seems hit or miss sometimes. Logan: Once again, it depends on the person. Let’s find what works for you. And there are quite a few other herbs out there as well another one came to mind is a skullcap. It’s a great herb. Cloud: You know what I like to do with the ones that we do offer mostly, I like to take ones that kind of relax or just slow my mind down, kind of. I like taking ashwagandha at night, maybe some mucuna and I was just thinking about maybe taking a little ant would help. I don’t know why but I think yeah. Logan: At Superman Herbs, we tend to have a little bit more of the stimulating type of things, especially with the formulas and whatnot we put together. But yeah, some of them can have that effect. Ashwagandha is an interesting one. A lot of people do feel relaxation form that but some people, a smaller percentage, will feel more stimulated from that so that would be one to experiment with and find what works for you. Cloud: Next, we have: Does taking herbs in long term cause damage to liver or kidney?
  • 7. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Logan: It depends on the herb. Some could certainly do that. With the herbs, there are a couple different classes of herbs. Most of the stuff we offer at Superman Herbs would be more of that superior class, meaning the stuff you can take long term. Like with reishi, it’s extremely gentle. Children can take it. Babies could even take it and older people can take it. You can literally take it every day in your life and it will not be a bad thing. Its’ just going to support everything. Some of the stronger herbs like tongkat ali that’s a bit more of medicinal in its quality. With medicine, the difference between a medicine and a poison is in dose. That was said by I believe Hippocrates a long time ago and I’m paraphrasing, of course. It’s very important that you look at that. That’s one of the reasons we recommend cycling with that it can be too strong. And of course, you have that hormonal aspect to it so you need to make sure your body doesn’t stop its own production of the hormones and all that. Different qualities of herbs will have some different aspects in them. If you have like an acute sickness and you take some herbs for that that can be great for that time period but you wouldn’t necessarily want to continue taking those long term. So it really depends on the herb. For some reason people seem to have this sort of irrational fear. We’re taught and encouraged all to take medications and everything which are literally poison and yet, we’re on these things. They’re designed to be long term so you keep buying them and keep lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. Yet these things because they’re so concentrated of a single thing have all these side effects like your liver and kidneys they are processing these as toxins. These are going to have much worse effects whereas if you get the right kind of herbs, they’re going to support the kidneys, they’re going to support the liver. We talked about schisandra for the liver. If you want to go more specific liver health you go with something like milk thistle, a classic one. If you want to support the kidneys or that jing energy type of thing, he shou wu is great as far as more of the detoxing ability of the kidneys. For some more diuretic-type things, nettle leaves would be a good option for that. It really depends on what— Cloud: Shilajit resin. Logan: Shilajit is a general detox everything and good for everything. Yes. Are these going to damage? It really depends on the herb you’re taking but with our stuff, I would say no not really. Cloud: To me it, always comes back to these things. They’re more like food so is food that you eat every day going to damage your liver or kidney? Logan: Well, the average food out there, I guess. Cloud: Well, I guess you could in different words you could say it depends on the class of food you eat. Right? Logan: Yeah and of course, anything could be overdone to the point. If you took like massive doses of things then yeah, it could impair your liver or kidneys at least for a time. If you kept doing this long term, it would. While you’re taking like recommended dosage or somewhere along those lines and doing it long term with these superior class of herbs, no, it’s not going to be a problem. Cloud: Moving on. I was wondering what your take on green supplements is and if there are certain ones you recommend? Logan: Green supplements is something I’ve definitely played around with over the years. Some of the companies I did like in the past and well I still like I just haven’t really been on the green supplements
  • 8. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved thing recently. But Health Force Nutritionals, their Vitamineral Green is really good product. SunWarrior Warrior, your Ormus Green, I believe it’s called, that one is really good and that actually tastes goods, unlike the Health Force Nutritionals. The idea with these greens is one thing and it’s a supplement. Here is something where I want to go more in the realm of going straight for foods. Instead of getting all these powdered grasses or grass juices, which I should be if it’s a good quality supplement although they have all kinds of other things added into them, just eat your vegetables and eat a lot of vegetables. You’re getting a lot of greens there. So it can be good quality supplement and certainly mixing greens with some of our herbs like pine pollen, a lot of people do that. It’s a great way to go. It definitely can be a good thing. It’s just not something I have personally been using the past year or two. Very few people actually eat as many vegetables as most people ought to eat unless you’re an Eskimo in general. Eating lots of vegetables is really good and I’m talking about green leafy vegetables. Of course, there are many ways you can do this but it’s really important if you do that. Everything else seems to work better. One, they’re high in fiber. That’s an important part of detoxing, being able to pull stuff out. The richness in chlorophyll is very important as far as detox and supporting everything. If you’re not eating as many as you ought to and few people are then something like your green supplement may be a really good idea for you. Cloud: Okay, next question. I have two issues. One is I have enlarged prostate and I would like to get better results from my workout and lose weight. I lost 40 pounds but have been stuck at 250 for 2 months. I want to lose another 30. Logan: Well, it’s hard to say specifically what this guy needs to do without knowing some more details. One, let’s talk about the prostate first. The number one herb for the prostate is pretty much nettle root. I definitely would look into that, although it’s a little more specific for some other issues. But the benign prostate hyperplasia, generally that’s one of the big things it’s for. Definitely look into using that. In the future, we will have an article probably more in depth on prostate issues at Superman Herbs just because there are a lot of questions about that. On to losing weight, it’s really a matter about moving more just to give some broad strokes. Not necessarily just looking at your workout. Once again, without seeing what this guy is specifically doing it’s kind of hard for me to give any sort of specific advice. With workouts, people are treating these, they’re used kind of as a supplemental form. While I sit on my ass all day long, but I’m going to go to the gym and work out for one hour. So it’s kind of like taking a multivitamin or a mineral supplement because you’re supplementing it. The natural form of exercise will be some sort of movement and natural forms of movement all day long. If you look back to indigenous people, they’re putting in the time moving around, doing all kinds of different things. That’s a much more natural form of exercising than. All these people kind of laughed at exercise because really once again, we’re kind of using it in that supplemental form. If you can add movement, just walking, mostly walking but definitely you can do all kinds of other things. If you can add that on top of your workouts, that’s going to be a great thing because that’s just getting your body better in shape and you’re going to burn more calories and spend more energy. I can definitely support it.
  • 9. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved As far as weight loss, a lot of people have great results with intermittent fasting. I’d say look into doing that. You can also definitely support the body in being able to lose weight with a couple of different herbs as well. Make sure your hormones are in check. All those things are going to help. Cloud: Yeah and more energy for workouts, Hercules. Logan: Yeah, definitely. Here’s the cool thing about Hercules. I know this is my personal opinion as well as pretty much everyone that tries it. When you take either Hercules 1 or 2, you just seem to have a lot more energy and you can do quite a bit more work. You can do a lot more volume. Really with weight loss, it’s about moving your body, specifically using more muscle mass. Using big compound exercises, that sort of thing and just doing more and more of it, that’s going to trigger your body to lose the weight. That’s in general the direction you want to go. Use more muscle mass, do more of it and Hercules could be a great thing to support you in being able to do exactly that. Cloud: My best suggestion for weight loss is take copious amounts shilajit and hike 8 to 10 hours every other weekend. Logan: That sounds like a pretty good plan. Cloud: 8 for me. That was on top of all the normal training. I never lost weight so fast in my life, especially fat. All right, let’s go to the next question. How long will herbs maintain potency and stay fresh once the bag is opened? Do they all have to be used up within a certain time period? The reason I ask is because I haven’t seen an expiration date on any of the bags. Logan: So the general expiration date would be two years from the bag being open. Here’s the thing with the herbs. Over time, yes, potency does generally go down a bit. There really is no cut-off like 700 days in, it’s good but 900 days, it’s no good anymore. The fresher it is, generally the better but it will lose some potency over time. But it’s not just about when you open the bag. Any sort of light, air or heat in general is going to degrade the herbs. That’s the reason we put them in a black bag that’s going to block out the light. Make sure you seal your bags. That’s going to be an important part because if air is getting in there, it can help to oxidize them. One thing we noticed, especially with the tongkat ali is if it gets oxidized, if too much air gets in there, it can clump up and turn into like little rocks or stones. It doesn’t seem to have quite the same effectiveness once that has happened. It really does depend on these other factors. Of course, different sorts of herbs can have different lengths of their shelf life. Tinctures, for instance, can last—I’ve heard a couple of different numbers—but 7 years. The reason is they’re generally in dark or cobalt glasses because that’s going to reflect some of the light out as opposed to the clear glass. The light is not getting in there and helping to lose potency. In general, several years but it depends on if you’re allowing any light, air or heat getting in there. Cloud: So the best bet if you want to like get the most bang for your buck out of your herbs honestly is to put them in a light-filtering container, not keep them in the bags where they might not be completely sealed. We get asked this all the time and yes, we do put our herbs in other containers. How they last and their potency depends on how well you keep them basically. Anyway, moving on. How much of each herb is in the Phoenix formula?
  • 10. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Logan: When we originally created Phoenix formula which has four herbs – pine pollen, he shou wu, shilajit and ant – we just really liked every one of those herbs so we put equal amounts of that in there. Since then, we’ve tweaked the formula a little bit. If you’re trying to do it yourself, this is going against standard formulating rules and principles and everything but it works so there’s something to be said for that, too. Since then, one, we upgraded our shilajit. We had a higher quality thing and didn’t need to use quite as much of it. So we lowered the amount of shilajit and increased the amount of pine pollen. If I’m correct in this and correct me if I’m wrong, it has 35% pine pollen, 15% shilajit and then 25% each of ants and he shou wu. Is that right, Cloud? Cloud: Yes, that is correct. Logan: Good, I’m glad I knew that. A lot of companies sort of hide behind proprietary blends. I’m just saying but there’s our formula right there. Certainly, you can buy each one of those herbs individually from us or even from other people, if you want it, and you can put together your own Phoenix Formula. Cloud: I would love to see some pictures of people making their own versions of our formula. Logan: That’s the cool thing, too. Cloud: What’s cool about that is they could tweak it to what works best for them. Logan: Yeah, add an ingredient. Take one away. Really that’s kind of how we got started with formulas, just playing around with it. Definitely as you’re taking herbs, we always encourage self-experimentation so yeah, certainly putting together your formulas could be added part of that. Cloud: Next question: How do I know what herbs are right for me? I want to have a better sex life at 52 years old and none of the pills work. I have signs of ED. Well, we just did a podcast on where to start last week so maybe you should listen to that. That was a cool one. Logan: Here’s the thing. We do have a lot of information on the site between the podcast, the articles and then the product pages for the different herbs. Go on there and find something. Look around. If something calls to you, I would definitely give that one a shot. If you’re looking specifically for benefits with sex, well we’re going to have even more information on that but we definitely have had some in the past. Here’s the thing for really sexual performance or a couple of different factors. One, definitely the hormones need to be there so look at pine pollen and tongkat. But there are other issues as well. The blood flow, nitric oxide, the PDE5 enzyme, you’ve got to work with all those things. Here’s the thing. Each different person, you mentioned the pills aren’t working for him. That’ the thing with those pills. Their pharmaceutical drugs but even they don’t work for everyone. If those aren’t working, you’re really going to have to play with some other stuff. That’s one thing with—let’s say if it was Viagra, if your hormones are in the toilet, you don’t have anything, even that won’t work. If you can restore that then that may be the issue for you but for another person it could be another issue. Once again, go through our website, you can use the search function and everything. Find what works. Find some ideas then look at what calls out to you and give that a shot. If that works, great, move forward. If it doesn’t try something else. Cloud: I would just say pine pollen. Start there. You think that’s good enough for this episode? Logan: Yes, that should be good.
  • 11. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved Cloud: I had one more question though that we got, that last one about what’s coming up on the future menu herbal-wise. And kind of pertaining to this last question would be your next formula that we’re testing. Logan: Well, we are testing Thor’s Hammer which has to do with this last man’s question, exactly like he just said. The idea with that is that and we’ve talked about in some past podcasts. But it’s working for that testosterone. It’s working for the nitric oxide and that blood flow. It’s working on the enzymes that can cause things to go away and it’s working on the dopamine, which is another important aspect, that kind of drive and the desire. That’s the Thor’s Hammer, the sexual potency formula that is currently being tested. Like what we posted in Instagram the other day, which you guys can follow— If you’re not doing it,, we don’t test on animals; we test on athletes. We send a bunch of our things to some of our sponsored athletes and that’s kind of—besides ourselves personally, our sort of initial round of testing, that’s going through right now. Depending on the results, we may need to tweak some things but that should be coming pretty soon. Then we also have our woman’s formula that is getting closer to completion. Cloud: Oh yes, the new woman’s formulation. Yeah, it will be coming out. Logan: So those are our next two formulas. Cloud: And as well as watch out for that new resin that’s about to come out. Logan: Actually, that will be out by the time this gets released. So make sure you’ve tried that. Cloud: All right, Logan, I’ll see you on the next one. Logan: Next one.