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Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse
Chapter 1
A New Beginnings
I have been challenged to manage an extreme adult start
apocalypse, so meet my founder, Xtreme Xavier.
First job – save the neighborhood and copy the backup, before I
even move him in. I will re-load the neighborhood from the very
first minute, as many times as it takes until he finds Science in
the newspaper, for his career lift! It's not cheating. It's starting
And no, I'm not going to “Take 20,” to save time. I'm doing this the hard way. After all, it's Xtreme!
Actually, it only took five tries, so I guess I was pretty lucky. In fact,
the first one was actually Entertainment, which is doable, but I
had already declared for Science, so I stuck with the plan.
As you can see, I didn't have to wait long for my first shift, which
was one reason to choose Science. It's actually possible to go
to work and get paid on the first day.
I came home to this: What the heck? I haven't even met anyone!
How could I have already ticked off the neighbors?
With today's pay, I have just enough money to build this. I have a
bed, a bookcase and a chair, so I can get the skills I need for my
first promotion. Since I ate at work today, all I have to do is stay
alive until I get to eat at work tomorrow! And gradually, I can
add the other necessities of life to my humble abode.
I need one cooking and one cleaning point for my first promotion.
Not difficult, at all.
And shortly after getting the necessary skill point, who should walk
by, but this beauty: Kaylynn Spitzig. One of the Apartment Life
Gearheads, she responds well to tough handshakes, and stories
about mechanics.
Chemistry is a beautiful thing! Yes, it is two in the morning, but I
can invite her over!
With that taken care of, I send her away and go to bed, so I can
have at least a modicum of energy for work the next morning.
Have I had good luck? Yes, I freely admit it. Luck is necessary for
an extreme start. Without it, it means starting over, from
scratch, a LOT.
I actually got full energy! And I'm glad the carpool arrives when it
does, because I am on the verge of peeing myself, and very
hungry. I'll be fed and use the bathroom at work. If I manage a
promotion today (I have the skills!), then I can afford a sink.
Oh, please note – I have this outfit assigned for everything, except
outerwear. You'll see it a lot. Gage Uglacy and Goopy
Gilscarbo have nothing on me.
I did not get the promotion and cannot afford a sink. But I did
choose the blue pill, and got a free logic point! And I arrive
home just in time to meet Jill Fleig, a Techie who likes stories
about computers, and fake outs.
Wooing her is simply NOT going to happen. Not only do I keep
dropping the queue for hygiene desperation, but also, we have
negative chemistry.
I decide not to waste my time with her, and spend the evening
primping and reading my skill books. As a Knowledge sim, at
least I can hope to go to work platinum tomorrow.
The next day, I still don't have a promotion. However, this walk-by
gave me a guaranteed promotion next time I go to work! And I
have time to build skills and friendships. What's more, I can
finally afford a sink!
What I can't afford, though, after paying bills, is a fridge. And with
an entire day off of work, I am screwed, even in platinum.
Time to re-load the neighborhood from the beginning, again.
Well, I did copy a backup after taking that job in Science.
Take my advice, Apocalypsers: Buy a fridge before you buy a
sink! You can primp for hygiene, or even do without, but you
MUST eat!
Here I am, starting over. I have decided to leave the gift box where
it is, this time. Once Science is lifted, I'll take the free computer,
familyfunds cheat my money down by $1000 (the price of the
cheap computer), and someday, my Xavier family will be able to
enjoy the Sims game on their own computer! Yeah, yeah, I
could just buy the computer, and make do with SSX3, but, hey!
I like the variety, and it's not really cheating, because they'll pay
for it.
Although he's not marriage material, he's a sim, and I need fun and
social. He's not playful, but at least I can get the social.
I have used today's earnings to build my shelter. I have plans, as
you can see, for a basement, eventually. As much as I'd like to
have the car, I'm under no restrictions about lift order, and an
early Military lift will make a car unneccessary. Space is good.
However, this leaves me with very little money.
Did you know sims can sit on the floor to read? It doesn't exactly
boost their comfort, but that's what bedtime is for.
Also daydreaming. It boosts fun, as well. I suppose Xtreme is
imagining what it would be like if his one acquaintance actually
liked to play red hands.
After work on Tuesday, I am full, and my bladder is empty. But I
am completely stinky.
Just keep primping. Just keep primping. Just keep primping,
primping, primping.
Gretchen Chin is probably not my future wife, but she is open to
red hands! With a friend for the friendship count, and my fun
and social bars full up, I'm ready to earn another skill point or
It's not as effective as washing hands, let alone actual bathing, but
I have to admit, this interaction is great! I feel like I'm playing
with Mr. Big, only more so.
My mood is just barely positive, but it's the third day on the job, and
it is possible to get a promotion today.
SUCCESS! I get the promotion on Wednesday, with enough
money to buy a few necessities.
In this case, necessities include a chess set, because I need a
logic point, and I never got the chance to eat the blue candy. No
free logic point for me. I can only afford one chair, if I get the
bladder-booster, but that's OK. I don't need more friends just
yet, but I do need to leave for work in the best mood possible.
So, it's solo skilling for me. I can get a bit of a social boost from
a walk-by, but I won't spend the time on friendship, unless it's a
potential wife.
Thanks for the useless networking gift, Jihoon.
Since I have no control over getting these, and no where to store
them, I have no choice but to move_objects on, to place them,
and then boolprop, force error, delete them. I get no money or
other benefit from them, so I'm calling it good.
Normally, with a college start, I have the whole house built,
including a storage area for useless network gifts, but that's not
even a possibility right now, so I'm doing what I have to do.
An empty bladder and a half-full hygiene bar! I still stink, but I have
the skills and my mood is good for work.
WHY?! I haven't done anything to tick off anybody. Xtreme has 10
nice points! Some people are just mean.
A good mood makes all the difference in the world! Thursday
evening, I come home with a promotion to level 3! I now need to
earn two more skill points for the next promotion, but I'm well
I can now afford another chair and a sink, which is all I really need
to get by. I'll get a phone, as well, and eventually a grill and
counter, but from now on, my money goes toward expanding the
house. I have a lot to do.
I have enough money to buy something else: A game changer!
Seriously, with this, I can make sure that no one will kick over
my trash can again.
Lifetime Happiness skill will help to keep my aspiration high, and
earning the skills I want will help to build it up.
It's Sunday of my first week, and I'm heading to work with the skills
I need, two friends (more than enough at this level), and a
platinum mood. If I'm not level 4 by this evening, it will be due
solely to a bad chance card.
Yes, luck has a lot to do with success in this game, especially in an
YES! Level 4, with plenty of money for expansion, and to pay
tomorrow's protection money. Not bad, at all, for the first week
of an extreme adult start, without any advantages (or
handicaps), at all.
Monday morning, I pay $150 protection money, and then head to
work as a Science teacher, with the skills and a platinum mood.
I should probably make another friend, soon, if someone nice
walks by tonight.
Promoted to Project Leader, and with a hottie in view!
Xtreme Xavier and La Shawn Cameron have two bolts of
chemistry. It takes all evening, but eventually, we build up a
mutual love relationship.
Unfortunately, while she rolls his wants, they are all unfulfillable at
this time. Still, it's a good sign, and his mood is certainly good,
knowing that he can invite her over on Tuesdays.
It's Tuesday morning, and I'm heading off to work, halfway there!
Although I'm not platinum, I am in a good mood, so there's a
possibility of promotion, especially with three friends and all my
skills. Tonight, I can chat up my friends, to maintain the
relationship, and try to earn some more aspiration for tomorrow.
With three skills necessary for the next promotion, and only a few
hours to do it, it becomes obvious that I won't get the next
promotion until Friday. Still, I'd say I'm making good progress.
As long as I lift Hopelessness by my third Tuesday, I'll be OK.
Gretchen Chin gives me some needed social boosting, and a
second option for a wife.
It looks like she's a Socialite, which gives a good probability in a
career such as Business, Law, Politics, Journalism, Medicine, or
Show Business, according to the Prima guide. But in my
experience of the game, she's likely a drive-thru clerk. But
fingers crossed for Medicine!
And now I can also invite Brandi LeTourneau over! Woot! Three
potential wives on the hook.
On Friday, I get promoted to level 7! Not bad, but I don't have
another shift until Monday. On the other hand, I need the time to
build my skills, so I'm not complaining. As I said, as long as I lift
Hopelessness before my third Tuesday, I'll be OK. Sure, I'd like
more than six days with my wife before senility kicks in, but all I
really need is to survive, and to have one successful heir.
Andrea Hogan is not a likely wife. We have one bolt, and she
barely responds to my flirts. Still, I was able to befriend her, and
get her inside to play chess in the warmth with me. I need the
logic skill, and the social boost, and just a few more friends.
I could be skilling, but cats make the best apocalypse pets, and
here's a nice one to befriend. I actually do get the option to
adopt! Hopefully, little Kim will be a frequent visitor, now that we
are friends.
On my second Monday, I pay $300 in protection fees, and head off
to work, anticipating a promotion to level 8.
Alright! Level 8! My next shift is on Wednesday, and I need four
more skill points. Totally do-able.
Do-able, perhaps, but not done. I need one more skill point.
However, after pulling an almost-all-nighter, I managed to at
least push Xtreme into the platinum, so he'll max his
performance bar, at least. Then there's another day off for
skilling before another shift.
On Friday, Xtreme comes home with a promotion to Theorist. That
is level 9! Only one more promotion to go. He needs four more
skill points, and two more friends, and his next shift is on
Tuesday, which means he MUST go to work in the platinum. If
not, he'll have no choice but to marry a walk-by. However, with
hard work and concentration, it is quite possible to get that
Tuesday promotion.
As Andrea Hogan joins the list of prospective spouses, I get very
nervous. The last skills take a looooong time to get, and with
only one day left, and Xtreme NOT ROLLING FULFILLABLE
WANTS!!!, there is a “good” chance that he won't make it, after
all. I'd hate to have to start over again, but I'll do it, if I have to. I
know it can be done. Because I did it, once before. With a
woman, incidentally, which means pregnancy to consider, too.
Actually, if it doesn't work, I may do a gender swap, after all.
Say goodbye, Xtreme Xavier, male. You conked out with a whole
skill point left to go, and only a few hours left for work.
I am changing up the plan. I'll have a female founder, and if she
does not lift Hopelessness by her third Tuesday, she'll just invite
over a lover and get pregnant, and let her heir lift hopelessness,
There is just so much luck in this game. Sigh.
Well, here she is, the new Xtreme Xavier. I started the
neighborhood over again, and she gets to try, just like her male
counterpart did. She's 10/0/5/0/10, just like he was, and likes
logical mechanics, but hates perfume. She...
Xtreme: Hello, Writer! Can I narrate my own story, please?
I don't know about that. I've been doing it all along, and...
Xtreme: And you've failed. So now it's MY turn.
Xtreme: I'm going to do this MY way. You just click your little
mouse button, and I'll make the decisions.
Wait a minute, Xtreme! I think I've been doing a pretty good job,
so far.
Xtreme: Maybe so, but there's a lot of luck involved, and everyone
knows that stories that have characters with actual personalities
are simply more successful. So, I'm taking over.
OK, when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense. But I
thought you had 10 nice points. How can you be so strong and
assertive, with 10 nice points.
Xtreme: That just means that I try to be polite and kind. It doesn't
mean I'm a doormat. Anyway, you can't be a doormat and
survive the first few generations of an apocalypse, especially not
as an extreme start founder. So, that's all cleared up. Let's get
this show on the road. Save your backup now.
You know, I actually accidentally deleted a few of the pictures, from
deleting and pasting the back-up before adding them to the
Xtreme: Exactly. It would be inaccurate, anyway, with three of the
tries wiped out. Let's just stop wasting the readers' time and
carry on, shall we?
Well, OK. I guess you're right.
Xtreme: Whoa! Whoa!
Let's not do the whole
montage thing again.
But, Xtreme, you gotta
have a montage.
Xtreme: No, I don't. I'm
sure the readers trust
you by now to know that
you did it properly.
Xtreme: This is the only picture you need. I got the job. In
Science. Yay. Now to wait for the carpool, and really hope I get
some blue candy on my lunch break.
Xtreme: Hey, Vamsi! Nice to meetcha! I'm glad there's someone
friendly in this neighborhood, seeing as how I came home from
work to find someone had kicked over my trash can, and I have
literally not met anyone to annoy, yet!
Vamsi: Yeah, some people just wander the neighborhood looking
for cans to kick. I think they're annoyed at the apocalypse and
are looking for some way to relieve the stress.
Xtreme: Thanks, Vamsi. I really needed that reassurance. Hey,
check out my new house!
It's just the basics, but it will do for now. :sigh: I REALLY want to
get that blue candy at lunch tomorrow!
You're saying that because I gave you alien skin, eyes, and hair,
right? Like that John Lithgo character on that old TV show?
Should I call you the High Commander?
Xtreme: No, I'm saying that because I'm GORGEOUS! And
what's a “TV show?”
Xtreme: Hello, cute man. I am still level one in my career, but am
sure I'll zoom right up the ladder, with friends to support me.
Cute man: Not me. Sorry. But, hey, your reputation is getting
Xtreme: Yay. Well, thanks for the bitty social boost. Guess I'll go
primp and skill now.
Xtreme: On Wednesday morning, I head off to work in a decent
mood, despite my lack of facilities. I'm already expanding the
foundation, if not the rest of the house. With only two floor tiles
and two foundation pieces, per day, it will take quite a while to
establish a large enough house to hold a family, and as
important as career is, family is even more vital. The challenge
is failed if I can't raise up a viable heir. Even if I don't lift
Hopelessness, myself, I MUST have that heir!
Xtreme: Hey, hey, hey! Level 2! Not bad for a Wednesday. Now
it's time to primp and skill, and this time, I must have a chess
set, for that logic skill.
Xtreme: I can't afford food AND a toilet, let alone a sink, so my
plan is to drink until I pee myself, then primp from there,
because I won't make it to the carpool, otherwise. My hygiene
was already tanked from yesterday's work, so why not? I just
have to get myself into a good mood by three this afternoon, for
the carpool.
Xtreme: Success! And I get a tiny boost of fun and cleaning skill,
Xtreme: Self confidence is the key to rapidly rising the career
ladder. I am smart! I am beautiful! And doggonit, people like
More TV references?
Xtreme: What is this TV thing you keep talking about?
Lift Science restrictions, and you'll find out.
Xtreme: I'm not in the greatest mood, but I'm reasonably clean,
with a full stomach and empty bladder, and there's a small, but
real, chance of promotion.
Xtreme: No promotion, but I have a toilet! That means that I can pee
whenever, and possibly even avoid bottoming out my hygiene.
Also, I don't have to waste several hours trying to force an
accident, just so that I'll have time to primp up afterwards, because
otherwise I'll have an accident ten minutes before the carpool
arrives. I also added a wall and ceiling so that I can have two
covered chairs at the chess table, and befriend walk-bys outside,
while skilling up. All that time wasted making them my friends
before I can invite them inside is not for me.
Xtreme: Thanks to my toilet and my hand mirror, I am able to go
off to work in a relatively good mood.
Xtreme: I got the promotion! Now, I really need to learn how to
clean better. But my social mood is in the tank, and since I
brought home a co-worker, I'm going to socialize with her,
instead. We can play chess on the porch!
Xtreme: Oh, my Boolprop! It's amazing! OK, so, I didn't have the
cleaning skill I needed, but I made a friend and boosted my
moods, thinking it would take two days to get the promotion,
anyway, so I'd skill today, right? But guess what? I found some
ancient alien ruins, and because I shared the discovery with
some other scientists, I've been promoted to Project Leader!
Yes! It's only my first Saturday, and I'm already half-way
through with my career. I am also massively behind on my
Xtreme: So, I need three skill points and another friend for my next
promotion. The skills I need right away are actually cooking and
cleaning, but I will need the logic, eventually, anyway, and did I
mention friendship? Will you be my friend?
Michelle: Sounds good to me. Say, how does the little horsey-guy
move, again?
Xtreme: My house is coming along. Thanks to the promotion
bonus, I am able to buy a grill, but more importantly, I am able to
clear out the basement, so I have a place to store the leftovers!
I should have it enclosed in a couple of days, and fully
inaccessible, so no one can clean them up on accident, and the
flies will not be a bother, either. Next week, I'll add stairs to an
upper floor, and then I focus on fully enclosing the ground floor.
Xtreme: It's Sunday now. Although I did study hard last night,
after befriending Michelle, it was literally impossible to get all the
skills plus the friendship, in time for today's shift. My next shift is
on Tuesday, so I'll probably get the promotion then. But at least
I'm going to work in a good mood today, and filling the
performance bar. I have tomorrow off, so there really shouldn't
be any issue with getting that promotion on Tuesday.
Extreme: Hello, potential husband! Should I woo you, or play
chess with you?
Extreme: Two bolts! Wooing, it shall be. And after I have won
your heart, I'll hit the books for cooking and cleaning.
Potential husband. Sounds good to me. By the way, my name is
Ryan Downie.
Extreme: I would say, “Please tell me you're in the Medical career,
or really any career except Science, Law Enforcement, Politics
or Slacker,” but I'm not allowed, due to Intelligence.
Xtreme: Or, you could barely become friends with me, and then
walk away, after eating my hot dogs. I could have used the
extra left-overs, you know. Oh, well. Stop by again sometime,
please, because I can't call to invite you over.
Xtreme: Monday is for paying $150 protection money and skilling,
skilling, skilling. I now have everything I need for a promotion
tomorrow. Not bad, for the first week! I probably won't manage
to get the next five levels in the second week but possibly by the
third week? Anyway, I'm feeling optimistic, now.
Xtreme: Going to work in a good-ish mood, with a reasonable
chance of promotion, since it's my second day and I meet all
Xtreme: Hooray! I'm an inventor and I need one cooking skill
Xtreme: Wednesday morning, and I'm heading off to work in a
good mood, with all requirements met. I have four friends, and
have socialized with the walk-bys to boost my mood. I really do
need to find a future husband, but for now, I'm happy advancing
my career and having female friends.
Xtreme: I'm a Scholar! I need more skills! With work tomorrow
and Friday, and then the weekend off, I really hope I can
manage a promotion on Friday. There's no way I'll get three skill
points by tomorrow.
Xtreme: I'm skilling as fast as I can, but I'm simply not going to
make it in time! I won't get to level 8 until Monday. Well, I'll just
have to use the weekend to get a jump on the skills I'll need for
level 9.
Xtreme: I must admit that it's a lot less stressful to skill up without
the deadline. I've decided to focus on cooking and cleaning this
weekend, but if a prospective husband comes by, that will
certainly take precedence.
Xtreme: Oh, Juan Reamon, I love your nose! Say you'll be mine,
and we'll make beautiful babies together! Well, maybe just one
baby, but beautiful! We have two bolts!
Juan: I like you, and all, but I'm not in love, and it's late and I need
to go.
Xtreme: I really, REALLY hope he comes to see me again! I want
to have his baby! I tried everything to get him to love me, but his
long-term relationship bar just stayed so low. What's wrong with
me? Why can't I attract a man? Oh, boohoo!
Xtreme: Oh, Benjamin, you also have a wonderful nose. If you're
willing to fall in love with me, I'm willing to marry you. Now that
we're friends, come inside, so we can stay warm as we flirt, hug,
and tickle our way to love. With two bolts, it should be a breeze,
right? RIGHT?!
Xtreme: Writer, I think the men in this town are glitched. I can get
them all the way to 100 daily relationship, but I can't seem to get
them past 10 long-term relationship, no matter how much I flirt,
hug, or tickle, and kissing is just not an option! Their long-term
relationship bar is SUPPOSED to go up with intimate
interactions, but it just doesn't work! Glitched, I tell you!
Benjamin: Look, I like you and all, but I'm just not feeling the love.
It's late. I think I'll go home now.
I think you're right about the glitch. How do you flirt, hug and tickle
your way to 100 daily relationship, and still be stuck at 8 long-
term relationship? HOW?!
My game has long been riddled with glitches, but I haven't seen
this one before, and don't know how to fix it. Your male
counterpart, however, did NOT have this problem. He could find
love on the first night! If you lift Science, but can't find love, I'll
be very put out. At the game, not you. You're sweet.
Xtreme: Well, I'm officially halfway through my adulthood, so let's
go get that promotion to level 8, OK, Writer? NO glitches, right?!
Hey, Xtreme, I'm doing my best, here, to avoid glitches. I have a
minimum of mods, mostly just fixes. Like the fix to get primping
to work. I'm just as frustrated as you are with the men in town
not loving you. I don't understand it! But if it's any comfort to
you, countless real-life women face the same quandary.
Xtreme: Hooray! I got the promotion! I have my next shift on
Wednesday, and I need one of each skill, cooking, cleaning, and
logic. I'd say it's totally do-able, but let's face it: I don't want to
jinx it, and the history's not that fantastic.
Xtreme: It's Tuesday afternoon, and I need one more skill point,
but I also need to check in with my friends, to keep up the
friendship count. I have exactly the 8 friends I need to top the
career, and I can't afford to lose even one to neglect. It doesn't
take long, though, because we nice sims are good at making
other sims feel good, and that gives us friendship points. Not
romance, maybe, but friendship. Friendship is good. Maybe I
can find a friend with benefits, someday? For the baby?
Xtreme: Oh, wow! I can't believe it! I did manage to get all the
skills I need in time for work on Wednesday. Also, I have fully
enclosed the ground floor, and am starting on the next one.
With Architecture restrictions in place, I'm allowed to build three
floors, including the ground floor, plus the basement and a
covered roof. There will, eventually, be plenty of room for the
family to expand. Now, I just need a husband! Come visit me,
soon, Juan! Or Benjamin. Either one, just COME!
Xtreme: Holy Heck! I got the promotion! I have work tomorrow, and
Friday, and then the weekend off to skill, before I have another shift
on Tuesday. If I don't make that last promotion by Tuesday, I just
don't know what's wrong. Now, I just need to find a husband!
Please, Juan or Benjamin, come see about me. See about your
Are you singing a Diana Ross song? Oookay.
Xtreme: Diana who?
Xtreme: Going in to work in a good mood really helps ensure a
promotion, even if you don't have the skills, because it fills the
performance bar. I'm gonna make it!
YES! Lift Science restrictions, so you can finally get a TV and
learn all those pop culture references! Well, provided they show
up on the news, weather, or cooking channels. On the plus side,
commercials frequently make use of pop culture, so, maybe. Or
maybe you'll sing about your desire to become a hot dog.
Jack: Turns out I'm your boss's cousin, and I'm phoning in a favor
he owes me. Next time you go to work, Xtreme, you'll be getting
a promotion.
Xtreme: Oh. My. Plumbob! Thank you so much, Jack! I mean, I'll
still skill up this weekend, because frankly, if there's no man to
romance, there's nothing else to do, and you and I have
negative bolts. But knowing that it is guaranteed on Tuesday is
a HUGE load off my mind! THANK YOU!
Seriously, simmers, if anyone asks the trick to succeeding in an
extreme adult start apocalypse, the answer is LUCK! Yeah,
yeah, skill and strategy plays a part, but LUUUUUUCK!
Also, amazingly, with all the networking Xtreme did, I'm shocked
she actually only received one free sample, which means I did
not have to delete things from her inventory. She'll take it with
her when she dies, because other than husband hunting, she
has no reason to greet walkbys, at this point.
Xtreme: I spend the weekend getting those final skills, and
greeting potential husbands, but no one gives me the bolts like
Juan or Benjamin.
Xtreme: Alright, Ray Jordan. We've had negative chemistry forever
and you don't roll my wants, but at this point, I simply need to
ensure that there is SOMEONE I can mate with, come Tuesday.
We've been best friends for a while, so I know we can get along
with each other, at least, and this city must be populated by
Ray: Ummm, OK? I guess. Yay, love?
Xtreme: Friends with benefits baby, and we can enjoy woohoo.
Xtreme: HEY! Ryan Downie! You were my first potential, and now, I
finally have you in my grasp. Thanks for coming back!
Ryan: Maybe we should make it official?
Xtreme: I'd like to, Ryan. But I have a huge responsibility, here, and I
don't dare propose until Tuesday. What if we have to start all over?
Again? Still, as my first potential husband, I've decided to give you
priority. I'm stoked about having a real love! I guess you can't
hurry love. You just have to wait.
Xtreme: One more skill point, simply to prove that I can. Even
without that guaranteed promotion as a network reward, I WILL
get to the top of the Science career on Tuesday! I've worked
hard, and filled the performance meter, and I have all the skills,
and all the friends that I need!
If it doesn't happen, due to a bad chance card, I can still succeed
at founding, by inviting over one of my lovers, to make a baby,
and raise up my heir to lift Hopelessness. Hooray!
Xtreme: As long as I can raise the child up to childhood, then my
heir can survive off the leftovers in the basement, even if I'm too
senile to actually serve food for both of us, and only feed myself.
It means the Writer will have to rearrange the fridge every day,
but it can be done. I WILL succeed! I don't even mind paying
the $450 protection payment, today, because I'm just in such a
positive mood.
Xtreme: I did it! I even had the good luck to roll, and hold onto, a
want to max the Science career! FANTASTIC! Now, it's
Tuesday afternoon, and I can't wait to call Ryan over, and make
him mine. Officially.
Gee, I wonder what his career is. I'm hoping for Medical.
Xtreme: That would be nice, but really, anything is good, except
for the three that can only be suppressed without Law.
Xtreme: Come on over, Ryan! I have a double bed with our
names on it!
So, tell us about yourself, Ryan.
Ryan: Well, I'm a Knowledge sim who wants to top Medical.
Xtreme: That's wonderful!
Ryan: And I'm level 9 in the Journalism career.
Xtreme: EVEN BETTER! Top that before I go senile, and we'll
have a sane adult at home to take care of the child and me!
But you brought just the TV we were
hoping for! Awesome!
Time to empty the inventory. Well,
keep those large items in your
pocket, please. We can't use a
karaoke machine.
Xtreme: Thanks for the TV and stuff. I guess you'll have to stash
your Journalism reward down in the basement, as well, with all
the inaccessible stuff. We can't use it, yet, but someday, when
one of our descendants lifts Adventure, that will be a big help!
With two mood boosters, we might not even need a Medical lift.
Hopefully the kid will lift Adventure right away.
Ryan: Yep! So, should be try for that baby now?
Xtreme: We got a lullabye on the first try. And since I have only
six days until I become an elder, I'm glad of it. On the plus side,
we can woohoo as much as we want for the next few days, and
then again after my birthday, too.
Ryan: This is the best way to train cooking! What fun!
Xtreme: Hey, this commercial is so cute! Let's sing along. “I wish
I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...”
I hope someone lifts Music soon, so we can hear real music. This
reminds me of Demolition Man.
Xtreme: Who? Is he on the Weather channel?
Xtreme: I guess I'd better quit my job. What a relief! I don't have
to stress about skills or friend count, or anything! Well, I should
keep up the friend count, for Ryan's career, but he only needs
one promotion. As soon as he's topped, he can quit, and make
sure I don't do anything too incredibly stupid, while I'm old and
senile. Hmm, I should see if I can adopt a pet to lift Service.
Xtreme: I think I'm going to like being married. I feel so good in
Ryan's arms.
And I think this is as good a chapter break as any. See you next
time, and Happy Simming!

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Xtreme xavier apocalypse 1

  • 1. Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse Chapter 1 A New Beginnings
  • 2. I have been challenged to manage an extreme adult start apocalypse, so meet my founder, Xtreme Xavier. First job – save the neighborhood and copy the backup, before I even move him in. I will re-load the neighborhood from the very first minute, as many times as it takes until he finds Science in the newspaper, for his career lift! It's not cheating. It's starting over. And no, I'm not going to “Take 20,” to save time. I'm doing this the hard way. After all, it's Xtreme!
  • 3.
  • 4. FINALLY! Actually, it only took five tries, so I guess I was pretty lucky. In fact, the first one was actually Entertainment, which is doable, but I had already declared for Science, so I stuck with the plan.
  • 5. As you can see, I didn't have to wait long for my first shift, which was one reason to choose Science. It's actually possible to go to work and get paid on the first day.
  • 6. I came home to this: What the heck? I haven't even met anyone! How could I have already ticked off the neighbors?
  • 7. With today's pay, I have just enough money to build this. I have a bed, a bookcase and a chair, so I can get the skills I need for my first promotion. Since I ate at work today, all I have to do is stay alive until I get to eat at work tomorrow! And gradually, I can add the other necessities of life to my humble abode.
  • 8. I need one cooking and one cleaning point for my first promotion. Not difficult, at all.
  • 9. And shortly after getting the necessary skill point, who should walk by, but this beauty: Kaylynn Spitzig. One of the Apartment Life Gearheads, she responds well to tough handshakes, and stories about mechanics.
  • 10. Chemistry is a beautiful thing! Yes, it is two in the morning, but I can invite her over! With that taken care of, I send her away and go to bed, so I can have at least a modicum of energy for work the next morning. Have I had good luck? Yes, I freely admit it. Luck is necessary for an extreme start. Without it, it means starting over, from scratch, a LOT.
  • 11. I actually got full energy! And I'm glad the carpool arrives when it does, because I am on the verge of peeing myself, and very hungry. I'll be fed and use the bathroom at work. If I manage a promotion today (I have the skills!), then I can afford a sink. Oh, please note – I have this outfit assigned for everything, except outerwear. You'll see it a lot. Gage Uglacy and Goopy Gilscarbo have nothing on me.
  • 12. I did not get the promotion and cannot afford a sink. But I did choose the blue pill, and got a free logic point! And I arrive home just in time to meet Jill Fleig, a Techie who likes stories about computers, and fake outs.
  • 13. Wooing her is simply NOT going to happen. Not only do I keep dropping the queue for hygiene desperation, but also, we have negative chemistry. I decide not to waste my time with her, and spend the evening primping and reading my skill books. As a Knowledge sim, at least I can hope to go to work platinum tomorrow.
  • 14. The next day, I still don't have a promotion. However, this walk-by gave me a guaranteed promotion next time I go to work! And I have time to build skills and friendships. What's more, I can finally afford a sink!
  • 15. What I can't afford, though, after paying bills, is a fridge. And with an entire day off of work, I am screwed, even in platinum. Time to re-load the neighborhood from the beginning, again. Well, I did copy a backup after taking that job in Science. Take my advice, Apocalypsers: Buy a fridge before you buy a sink! You can primp for hygiene, or even do without, but you MUST eat!
  • 16. Here I am, starting over. I have decided to leave the gift box where it is, this time. Once Science is lifted, I'll take the free computer, familyfunds cheat my money down by $1000 (the price of the cheap computer), and someday, my Xavier family will be able to enjoy the Sims game on their own computer! Yeah, yeah, I could just buy the computer, and make do with SSX3, but, hey! I like the variety, and it's not really cheating, because they'll pay for it.
  • 17. Although he's not marriage material, he's a sim, and I need fun and social. He's not playful, but at least I can get the social. I have used today's earnings to build my shelter. I have plans, as you can see, for a basement, eventually. As much as I'd like to have the car, I'm under no restrictions about lift order, and an early Military lift will make a car unneccessary. Space is good. However, this leaves me with very little money.
  • 18. Did you know sims can sit on the floor to read? It doesn't exactly boost their comfort, but that's what bedtime is for.
  • 19. Also daydreaming. It boosts fun, as well. I suppose Xtreme is imagining what it would be like if his one acquaintance actually liked to play red hands.
  • 20. After work on Tuesday, I am full, and my bladder is empty. But I am completely stinky.
  • 21. Just keep primping. Just keep primping. Just keep primping, primping, primping.
  • 22. Gretchen Chin is probably not my future wife, but she is open to red hands! With a friend for the friendship count, and my fun and social bars full up, I'm ready to earn another skill point or two.
  • 23. It's not as effective as washing hands, let alone actual bathing, but I have to admit, this interaction is great! I feel like I'm playing with Mr. Big, only more so.
  • 24. My mood is just barely positive, but it's the third day on the job, and it is possible to get a promotion today.
  • 25. SUCCESS! I get the promotion on Wednesday, with enough money to buy a few necessities.
  • 26. In this case, necessities include a chess set, because I need a logic point, and I never got the chance to eat the blue candy. No free logic point for me. I can only afford one chair, if I get the bladder-booster, but that's OK. I don't need more friends just yet, but I do need to leave for work in the best mood possible. So, it's solo skilling for me. I can get a bit of a social boost from a walk-by, but I won't spend the time on friendship, unless it's a potential wife.
  • 27. Thanks for the useless networking gift, Jihoon.
  • 28. Since I have no control over getting these, and no where to store them, I have no choice but to move_objects on, to place them, and then boolprop, force error, delete them. I get no money or other benefit from them, so I'm calling it good. Normally, with a college start, I have the whole house built, including a storage area for useless network gifts, but that's not even a possibility right now, so I'm doing what I have to do.
  • 29. An empty bladder and a half-full hygiene bar! I still stink, but I have the skills and my mood is good for work.
  • 30. WHY?! I haven't done anything to tick off anybody. Xtreme has 10 nice points! Some people are just mean.
  • 31. A good mood makes all the difference in the world! Thursday evening, I come home with a promotion to level 3! I now need to earn two more skill points for the next promotion, but I'm well underway. I can now afford another chair and a sink, which is all I really need to get by. I'll get a phone, as well, and eventually a grill and counter, but from now on, my money goes toward expanding the house. I have a lot to do.
  • 32. I have enough money to buy something else: A game changer! Seriously, with this, I can make sure that no one will kick over my trash can again.
  • 33. Lifetime Happiness skill will help to keep my aspiration high, and earning the skills I want will help to build it up.
  • 34. It's Sunday of my first week, and I'm heading to work with the skills I need, two friends (more than enough at this level), and a platinum mood. If I'm not level 4 by this evening, it will be due solely to a bad chance card. Yes, luck has a lot to do with success in this game, especially in an apocalypse.
  • 35. YES! Level 4, with plenty of money for expansion, and to pay tomorrow's protection money. Not bad, at all, for the first week of an extreme adult start, without any advantages (or handicaps), at all.
  • 36. Monday morning, I pay $150 protection money, and then head to work as a Science teacher, with the skills and a platinum mood. I should probably make another friend, soon, if someone nice walks by tonight.
  • 37. Promoted to Project Leader, and with a hottie in view!
  • 38. Xtreme Xavier and La Shawn Cameron have two bolts of chemistry. It takes all evening, but eventually, we build up a mutual love relationship. Unfortunately, while she rolls his wants, they are all unfulfillable at this time. Still, it's a good sign, and his mood is certainly good, knowing that he can invite her over on Tuesdays.
  • 39. It's Tuesday morning, and I'm heading off to work, halfway there! Although I'm not platinum, I am in a good mood, so there's a possibility of promotion, especially with three friends and all my skills. Tonight, I can chat up my friends, to maintain the relationship, and try to earn some more aspiration for tomorrow.
  • 40. With three skills necessary for the next promotion, and only a few hours to do it, it becomes obvious that I won't get the next promotion until Friday. Still, I'd say I'm making good progress. As long as I lift Hopelessness by my third Tuesday, I'll be OK.
  • 41. Gretchen Chin gives me some needed social boosting, and a second option for a wife. It looks like she's a Socialite, which gives a good probability in a career such as Business, Law, Politics, Journalism, Medicine, or Show Business, according to the Prima guide. But in my experience of the game, she's likely a drive-thru clerk. But fingers crossed for Medicine!
  • 42. And now I can also invite Brandi LeTourneau over! Woot! Three potential wives on the hook.
  • 43. On Friday, I get promoted to level 7! Not bad, but I don't have another shift until Monday. On the other hand, I need the time to build my skills, so I'm not complaining. As I said, as long as I lift Hopelessness before my third Tuesday, I'll be OK. Sure, I'd like more than six days with my wife before senility kicks in, but all I really need is to survive, and to have one successful heir.
  • 44. Andrea Hogan is not a likely wife. We have one bolt, and she barely responds to my flirts. Still, I was able to befriend her, and get her inside to play chess in the warmth with me. I need the logic skill, and the social boost, and just a few more friends.
  • 45. I could be skilling, but cats make the best apocalypse pets, and here's a nice one to befriend. I actually do get the option to adopt! Hopefully, little Kim will be a frequent visitor, now that we are friends.
  • 46. On my second Monday, I pay $300 in protection fees, and head off to work, anticipating a promotion to level 8.
  • 47. Alright! Level 8! My next shift is on Wednesday, and I need four more skill points. Totally do-able.
  • 48. Do-able, perhaps, but not done. I need one more skill point. However, after pulling an almost-all-nighter, I managed to at least push Xtreme into the platinum, so he'll max his performance bar, at least. Then there's another day off for skilling before another shift.
  • 49. On Friday, Xtreme comes home with a promotion to Theorist. That is level 9! Only one more promotion to go. He needs four more skill points, and two more friends, and his next shift is on Tuesday, which means he MUST go to work in the platinum. If not, he'll have no choice but to marry a walk-by. However, with hard work and concentration, it is quite possible to get that Tuesday promotion.
  • 50. As Andrea Hogan joins the list of prospective spouses, I get very nervous. The last skills take a looooong time to get, and with only one day left, and Xtreme NOT ROLLING FULFILLABLE WANTS!!!, there is a “good” chance that he won't make it, after all. I'd hate to have to start over again, but I'll do it, if I have to. I know it can be done. Because I did it, once before. With a woman, incidentally, which means pregnancy to consider, too. Actually, if it doesn't work, I may do a gender swap, after all.
  • 51. Say goodbye, Xtreme Xavier, male. You conked out with a whole skill point left to go, and only a few hours left for work. I am changing up the plan. I'll have a female founder, and if she does not lift Hopelessness by her third Tuesday, she'll just invite over a lover and get pregnant, and let her heir lift hopelessness, instead. There is just so much luck in this game. Sigh.
  • 52. Well, here she is, the new Xtreme Xavier. I started the neighborhood over again, and she gets to try, just like her male counterpart did. She's 10/0/5/0/10, just like he was, and likes logical mechanics, but hates perfume. She... Xtreme: Hello, Writer! Can I narrate my own story, please? I don't know about that. I've been doing it all along, and... Xtreme: And you've failed. So now it's MY turn.
  • 53. Xtreme: I'm going to do this MY way. You just click your little mouse button, and I'll make the decisions. Wait a minute, Xtreme! I think I've been doing a pretty good job, so far. Xtreme: Maybe so, but there's a lot of luck involved, and everyone knows that stories that have characters with actual personalities are simply more successful. So, I'm taking over.
  • 54. OK, when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense. But I thought you had 10 nice points. How can you be so strong and assertive, with 10 nice points. Xtreme: That just means that I try to be polite and kind. It doesn't mean I'm a doormat. Anyway, you can't be a doormat and survive the first few generations of an apocalypse, especially not as an extreme start founder. So, that's all cleared up. Let's get this show on the road. Save your backup now.
  • 55. You know, I actually accidentally deleted a few of the pictures, from deleting and pasting the back-up before adding them to the slideshow... Xtreme: Exactly. It would be inaccurate, anyway, with three of the tries wiped out. Let's just stop wasting the readers' time and carry on, shall we? Well, OK. I guess you're right. Xtreme: Whoa! Whoa! Let's not do the whole montage thing again. But, Xtreme, you gotta have a montage. Xtreme: No, I don't. I'm sure the readers trust you by now to know that you did it properly.
  • 56. Xtreme: This is the only picture you need. I got the job. In Science. Yay. Now to wait for the carpool, and really hope I get some blue candy on my lunch break.
  • 57. Xtreme: Hey, Vamsi! Nice to meetcha! I'm glad there's someone friendly in this neighborhood, seeing as how I came home from work to find someone had kicked over my trash can, and I have literally not met anyone to annoy, yet! Vamsi: Yeah, some people just wander the neighborhood looking for cans to kick. I think they're annoyed at the apocalypse and are looking for some way to relieve the stress.
  • 58. Xtreme: Thanks, Vamsi. I really needed that reassurance. Hey, check out my new house!
  • 59. It's just the basics, but it will do for now. :sigh: I REALLY want to get that blue candy at lunch tomorrow!
  • 60. Xtreme: OH, MY PLUMBOB! I'm GORGEOUS! You're saying that because I gave you alien skin, eyes, and hair, right? Like that John Lithgo character on that old TV show? Should I call you the High Commander? Xtreme: No, I'm saying that because I'm GORGEOUS! And what's a “TV show?”
  • 61. Xtreme: Hello, cute man. I am still level one in my career, but am sure I'll zoom right up the ladder, with friends to support me. Cute man: Not me. Sorry. But, hey, your reputation is getting better. Xtreme: Yay. Well, thanks for the bitty social boost. Guess I'll go primp and skill now.
  • 62. Xtreme: On Wednesday morning, I head off to work in a decent mood, despite my lack of facilities. I'm already expanding the foundation, if not the rest of the house. With only two floor tiles and two foundation pieces, per day, it will take quite a while to establish a large enough house to hold a family, and as important as career is, family is even more vital. The challenge is failed if I can't raise up a viable heir. Even if I don't lift Hopelessness, myself, I MUST have that heir!
  • 63. Xtreme: Hey, hey, hey! Level 2! Not bad for a Wednesday. Now it's time to primp and skill, and this time, I must have a chess set, for that logic skill.
  • 64. Xtreme: I can't afford food AND a toilet, let alone a sink, so my plan is to drink until I pee myself, then primp from there, because I won't make it to the carpool, otherwise. My hygiene was already tanked from yesterday's work, so why not? I just have to get myself into a good mood by three this afternoon, for the carpool.
  • 65. Xtreme: Success! And I get a tiny boost of fun and cleaning skill, too.
  • 66. Xtreme: Self confidence is the key to rapidly rising the career ladder. I am smart! I am beautiful! And doggonit, people like me! More TV references? Xtreme: What is this TV thing you keep talking about? Lift Science restrictions, and you'll find out.
  • 67. Xtreme: I'm not in the greatest mood, but I'm reasonably clean, with a full stomach and empty bladder, and there's a small, but real, chance of promotion.
  • 68. Xtreme: No promotion, but I have a toilet! That means that I can pee whenever, and possibly even avoid bottoming out my hygiene. Also, I don't have to waste several hours trying to force an accident, just so that I'll have time to primp up afterwards, because otherwise I'll have an accident ten minutes before the carpool arrives. I also added a wall and ceiling so that I can have two covered chairs at the chess table, and befriend walk-bys outside, while skilling up. All that time wasted making them my friends before I can invite them inside is not for me.
  • 69. Xtreme: Thanks to my toilet and my hand mirror, I am able to go off to work in a relatively good mood.
  • 70. Xtreme: I got the promotion! Now, I really need to learn how to clean better. But my social mood is in the tank, and since I brought home a co-worker, I'm going to socialize with her, instead. We can play chess on the porch!
  • 71. Xtreme: Oh, my Boolprop! It's amazing! OK, so, I didn't have the cleaning skill I needed, but I made a friend and boosted my moods, thinking it would take two days to get the promotion, anyway, so I'd skill today, right? But guess what? I found some ancient alien ruins, and because I shared the discovery with some other scientists, I've been promoted to Project Leader! Yes! It's only my first Saturday, and I'm already half-way through with my career. I am also massively behind on my skills.
  • 72. Xtreme: So, I need three skill points and another friend for my next promotion. The skills I need right away are actually cooking and cleaning, but I will need the logic, eventually, anyway, and did I mention friendship? Will you be my friend? Michelle: Sounds good to me. Say, how does the little horsey-guy move, again?
  • 73. Xtreme: My house is coming along. Thanks to the promotion bonus, I am able to buy a grill, but more importantly, I am able to clear out the basement, so I have a place to store the leftovers! I should have it enclosed in a couple of days, and fully inaccessible, so no one can clean them up on accident, and the flies will not be a bother, either. Next week, I'll add stairs to an upper floor, and then I focus on fully enclosing the ground floor.
  • 74. Xtreme: It's Sunday now. Although I did study hard last night, after befriending Michelle, it was literally impossible to get all the skills plus the friendship, in time for today's shift. My next shift is on Tuesday, so I'll probably get the promotion then. But at least I'm going to work in a good mood today, and filling the performance bar. I have tomorrow off, so there really shouldn't be any issue with getting that promotion on Tuesday.
  • 75. Extreme: Hello, potential husband! Should I woo you, or play chess with you?
  • 76. Extreme: Two bolts! Wooing, it shall be. And after I have won your heart, I'll hit the books for cooking and cleaning. Potential husband. Sounds good to me. By the way, my name is Ryan Downie. Extreme: I would say, “Please tell me you're in the Medical career, or really any career except Science, Law Enforcement, Politics or Slacker,” but I'm not allowed, due to Intelligence.
  • 77. Xtreme: Or, you could barely become friends with me, and then walk away, after eating my hot dogs. I could have used the extra left-overs, you know. Oh, well. Stop by again sometime, please, because I can't call to invite you over.
  • 78. Xtreme: Monday is for paying $150 protection money and skilling, skilling, skilling. I now have everything I need for a promotion tomorrow. Not bad, for the first week! I probably won't manage to get the next five levels in the second week but possibly by the third week? Anyway, I'm feeling optimistic, now.
  • 79. Xtreme: Going to work in a good-ish mood, with a reasonable chance of promotion, since it's my second day and I meet all requirements.
  • 80. Xtreme: Hooray! I'm an inventor and I need one cooking skill point!
  • 81. Xtreme: Wednesday morning, and I'm heading off to work in a good mood, with all requirements met. I have four friends, and have socialized with the walk-bys to boost my mood. I really do need to find a future husband, but for now, I'm happy advancing my career and having female friends.
  • 82. Xtreme: I'm a Scholar! I need more skills! With work tomorrow and Friday, and then the weekend off, I really hope I can manage a promotion on Friday. There's no way I'll get three skill points by tomorrow.
  • 83. Xtreme: I'm skilling as fast as I can, but I'm simply not going to make it in time! I won't get to level 8 until Monday. Well, I'll just have to use the weekend to get a jump on the skills I'll need for level 9.
  • 84. Xtreme: I must admit that it's a lot less stressful to skill up without the deadline. I've decided to focus on cooking and cleaning this weekend, but if a prospective husband comes by, that will certainly take precedence.
  • 85. Xtreme: Oh, Juan Reamon, I love your nose! Say you'll be mine, and we'll make beautiful babies together! Well, maybe just one baby, but beautiful! We have two bolts!
  • 86. Juan: I like you, and all, but I'm not in love, and it's late and I need to go. Xtreme: I really, REALLY hope he comes to see me again! I want to have his baby! I tried everything to get him to love me, but his long-term relationship bar just stayed so low. What's wrong with me? Why can't I attract a man? Oh, boohoo!
  • 87. Xtreme: Oh, Benjamin, you also have a wonderful nose. If you're willing to fall in love with me, I'm willing to marry you. Now that we're friends, come inside, so we can stay warm as we flirt, hug, and tickle our way to love. With two bolts, it should be a breeze, right? RIGHT?!
  • 88. Xtreme: Writer, I think the men in this town are glitched. I can get them all the way to 100 daily relationship, but I can't seem to get them past 10 long-term relationship, no matter how much I flirt, hug, or tickle, and kissing is just not an option! Their long-term relationship bar is SUPPOSED to go up with intimate interactions, but it just doesn't work! Glitched, I tell you! Benjamin: Look, I like you and all, but I'm just not feeling the love. It's late. I think I'll go home now.
  • 89. I think you're right about the glitch. How do you flirt, hug and tickle your way to 100 daily relationship, and still be stuck at 8 long- term relationship? HOW?! My game has long been riddled with glitches, but I haven't seen this one before, and don't know how to fix it. Your male counterpart, however, did NOT have this problem. He could find love on the first night! If you lift Science, but can't find love, I'll be very put out. At the game, not you. You're sweet.
  • 90. Xtreme: Well, I'm officially halfway through my adulthood, so let's go get that promotion to level 8, OK, Writer? NO glitches, right?! Hey, Xtreme, I'm doing my best, here, to avoid glitches. I have a minimum of mods, mostly just fixes. Like the fix to get primping to work. I'm just as frustrated as you are with the men in town not loving you. I don't understand it! But if it's any comfort to you, countless real-life women face the same quandary.
  • 91. Xtreme: Hooray! I got the promotion! I have my next shift on Wednesday, and I need one of each skill, cooking, cleaning, and logic. I'd say it's totally do-able, but let's face it: I don't want to jinx it, and the history's not that fantastic.
  • 93. Xtreme: It's Tuesday afternoon, and I need one more skill point, but I also need to check in with my friends, to keep up the friendship count. I have exactly the 8 friends I need to top the career, and I can't afford to lose even one to neglect. It doesn't take long, though, because we nice sims are good at making other sims feel good, and that gives us friendship points. Not romance, maybe, but friendship. Friendship is good. Maybe I can find a friend with benefits, someday? For the baby?
  • 94. Xtreme: Oh, wow! I can't believe it! I did manage to get all the skills I need in time for work on Wednesday. Also, I have fully enclosed the ground floor, and am starting on the next one. With Architecture restrictions in place, I'm allowed to build three floors, including the ground floor, plus the basement and a covered roof. There will, eventually, be plenty of room for the family to expand. Now, I just need a husband! Come visit me, soon, Juan! Or Benjamin. Either one, just COME!
  • 95. Xtreme: Holy Heck! I got the promotion! I have work tomorrow, and Friday, and then the weekend off to skill, before I have another shift on Tuesday. If I don't make that last promotion by Tuesday, I just don't know what's wrong. Now, I just need to find a husband! Please, Juan or Benjamin, come see about me. See about your baby! Are you singing a Diana Ross song? Oookay. Xtreme: Diana who?
  • 96. Xtreme: Going in to work in a good mood really helps ensure a promotion, even if you don't have the skills, because it fills the performance bar. I'm gonna make it! YES! Lift Science restrictions, so you can finally get a TV and learn all those pop culture references! Well, provided they show up on the news, weather, or cooking channels. On the plus side, commercials frequently make use of pop culture, so, maybe. Or maybe you'll sing about your desire to become a hot dog.
  • 97. Jack: Turns out I'm your boss's cousin, and I'm phoning in a favor he owes me. Next time you go to work, Xtreme, you'll be getting a promotion. Xtreme: Oh. My. Plumbob! Thank you so much, Jack! I mean, I'll still skill up this weekend, because frankly, if there's no man to romance, there's nothing else to do, and you and I have negative bolts. But knowing that it is guaranteed on Tuesday is a HUGE load off my mind! THANK YOU!
  • 98. Seriously, simmers, if anyone asks the trick to succeeding in an extreme adult start apocalypse, the answer is LUCK! Yeah, yeah, skill and strategy plays a part, but LUUUUUUCK! Also, amazingly, with all the networking Xtreme did, I'm shocked she actually only received one free sample, which means I did not have to delete things from her inventory. She'll take it with her when she dies, because other than husband hunting, she has no reason to greet walkbys, at this point.
  • 99. Xtreme: I spend the weekend getting those final skills, and greeting potential husbands, but no one gives me the bolts like Juan or Benjamin.
  • 100. Xtreme: Alright, Ray Jordan. We've had negative chemistry forever and you don't roll my wants, but at this point, I simply need to ensure that there is SOMEONE I can mate with, come Tuesday. We've been best friends for a while, so I know we can get along with each other, at least, and this city must be populated by playables! Ray: Ummm, OK? I guess. Yay, love? Xtreme: Friends with benefits baby, and we can enjoy woohoo.
  • 101. Xtreme: HEY! Ryan Downie! You were my first potential, and now, I finally have you in my grasp. Thanks for coming back! Ryan: Maybe we should make it official? Xtreme: I'd like to, Ryan. But I have a huge responsibility, here, and I don't dare propose until Tuesday. What if we have to start all over? Again? Still, as my first potential husband, I've decided to give you priority. I'm stoked about having a real love! I guess you can't hurry love. You just have to wait.
  • 102. Xtreme: One more skill point, simply to prove that I can. Even without that guaranteed promotion as a network reward, I WILL get to the top of the Science career on Tuesday! I've worked hard, and filled the performance meter, and I have all the skills, and all the friends that I need! If it doesn't happen, due to a bad chance card, I can still succeed at founding, by inviting over one of my lovers, to make a baby, and raise up my heir to lift Hopelessness. Hooray!
  • 103. Xtreme: As long as I can raise the child up to childhood, then my heir can survive off the leftovers in the basement, even if I'm too senile to actually serve food for both of us, and only feed myself. It means the Writer will have to rearrange the fridge every day, but it can be done. I WILL succeed! I don't even mind paying the $450 protection payment, today, because I'm just in such a positive mood.
  • 104. Xtreme: I did it! I even had the good luck to roll, and hold onto, a want to max the Science career! FANTASTIC! Now, it's Tuesday afternoon, and I can't wait to call Ryan over, and make him mine. Officially. Gee, I wonder what his career is. I'm hoping for Medical. Xtreme: That would be nice, but really, anything is good, except for the three that can only be suppressed without Law.
  • 105. Xtreme: Come on over, Ryan! I have a double bed with our names on it!
  • 106.
  • 107. So, tell us about yourself, Ryan. Ryan: Well, I'm a Knowledge sim who wants to top Medical. Xtreme: That's wonderful! Ryan: And I'm level 9 in the Journalism career. Xtreme: EVEN BETTER! Top that before I go senile, and we'll have a sane adult at home to take care of the child and me!
  • 108. But you brought just the TV we were hoping for! Awesome! Time to empty the inventory. Well, keep those large items in your pocket, please. We can't use a karaoke machine.
  • 109. Xtreme: Thanks for the TV and stuff. I guess you'll have to stash your Journalism reward down in the basement, as well, with all the inaccessible stuff. We can't use it, yet, but someday, when one of our descendants lifts Adventure, that will be a big help! With two mood boosters, we might not even need a Medical lift. Hopefully the kid will lift Adventure right away. Ryan: Yep! So, should be try for that baby now?
  • 110. Xtreme: We got a lullabye on the first try. And since I have only six days until I become an elder, I'm glad of it. On the plus side, we can woohoo as much as we want for the next few days, and then again after my birthday, too.
  • 111. Ryan: This is the best way to train cooking! What fun! Xtreme: Hey, this commercial is so cute! Let's sing along. “I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener...” I hope someone lifts Music soon, so we can hear real music. This reminds me of Demolition Man. Xtreme: Who? Is he on the Weather channel?
  • 112. Xtreme: I guess I'd better quit my job. What a relief! I don't have to stress about skills or friend count, or anything! Well, I should keep up the friend count, for Ryan's career, but he only needs one promotion. As soon as he's topped, he can quit, and make sure I don't do anything too incredibly stupid, while I'm old and senile. Hmm, I should see if I can adopt a pet to lift Service.
  • 113. Xtreme: I think I'm going to like being married. I feel so good in Ryan's arms.
  • 114. And I think this is as good a chapter break as any. See you next time, and Happy Simming!