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Lightning hit Airport Control
A number of operational systems were damaged,
but the backup system rose to the occasion.
Jan 07, 2015, 03:49PM | Or Wolman
Airport suffers from heavy weather Nana
Lightning struck today (Wednesday) at the Airport Control
Tower. The attack damaged several systems that run the
airport, but all backup systems are in operation. Therefore, this
does not endanger any aircraft. The tower has been working
with sub-systems, increasing one at the margin-level between
arrivals and departures.
The lightning hit will cause major delays in incoming and
outgoing flights. Currently, due to the weather conditions, the
airport is functioning at a low level, widening the gaps as much
as possible between flights and delaying other flights.
The Isra-Air company announced today that due to the harsh
weather conditions, all domestic flights will be delayed till
tomorrow when domestic flights will resume from Ben Gurion
Airport. Sea ports are non accessible at this time.
Stormy Sketch of today’s weather
The snow is piling up in the Israeli capital city. Thousands were
cut off from electricity. President Rivlin made a surprise visit.
Jan 07, 2015, 06:15PM | Or Wolman
Channel 2 News
The Israeli capital city is stacked with several inches of snow as snowploughs are
working to evacuate the entrance to the city. The Police have blocked off all
traffic to Highway 1 and Highway 443. Tens of thousands of households were cut
off from electricity throughout the country.
Reuven Rivlin had surprisingly arrived this morning at the Jerusalem
headquarters of the Israel Border Police,also known as Magav. While on a
security mission within cold Jerusalem during the winter storm, Magav soldiers
received a surprising visit from President Revuen Rivlin this morning
(Wednesday), who had given them not just a hot cup of tea but a warm feeling of
reassurance as well.
President Reuven Rivlin visiting Soldiers of the Jerusalem Border PoliceChannel 2 News
The Netanya area and Ramle region were cut off from electricity, the Electricity
Authority stated. “The main reason is the strong winds that caused the collapse
of the trees on power lines. We estimate the average treatment time for
malfunctions to be approx. 3-4 hours."
Due to weather conditions, the major bus company Egged has stopped the
service of intercity lines 948, 949, 405 and 480. In addition, the Jerusalem
Corridor lines have stopped all activity,except the Tzur Hadassah line and the
Mevaseret Zion lines. Givat Ze'ev lines are also off duty today.
The maximum temperatures recorded this afternoon are Katzrin 5 degrees, 1
degree in Safed, Haifa 7 degrees, 4 degrees in Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, Be'er
Sheva and Eilat are 10 degrees, with it being 16 degrees this afternoon. Towards
the evening, the storm is expected to reach its peak.
The terror attack is changing the
vision of Paris for tourists
Organized tour operators refrain from choosing Paris as their
Jan 11, 2015, 03:15PM | Or Wolman
Photo Credit:
“I admit. There is hysteria among Israelis,” Eyal Kazhdan, CEO of ‘Flying Carpet’
tours, told Channel 2 reporters. “Dozens have requested for us to change our
destinations and not travel through Paris or Euro Disney, for example. We will
keep on looking out for developments." However, with regard to regular flights
to France, there have not been many cancellations.
Is Paris losing its charm for tourists? Many travel agencies that are used to
organizing tours for dozens of Israelis traveling to Paris each year are now
admiting that many families have requested that Paris will not be their destination
this year. They have been calling their travel agencies in order to request changing the
destination of their tours. Many are still weary of the terror that has targeted Paris in the
last few days.
Paris amidst terror
Kobby Karney, Chairman of the Israeli Travel Agencies Association, told
reporters that he was predicting a certain decline in bookings as well as
cancellations, but that Paris will always remain on the map: “This month is not
exactly the peak of the tourism season, but I can definitely see how the terror
attacks might have a psychological influence on people who wish to travel."
Another travel option that Israelis are thinking of these days is the Schwarzwald or
Black Forest in Germany and other attractions, mainly in Holland or Italy.
Tsefad students travel to their final
exams on a jeep
Safed students braved the winter storm in order to take their high
school final matriculation exams.
Jan 08, 2015, 04:15PM | Or Wolman
Safed high school students came today by jeep through the snowy terrain in order to complete their finals. Channel
2 News
The school day for many Northern Israeli students has been canceled due to the
harsh weather and the huge pile up of snow. But what do you do if you are about
to finish high school and the only thing that was in your way was the matriculation
exam that is required to finish high school, a test that certifies your entry into
adult life?
Many Safed students did not even think twice: “We prepared hard for our
maltricalculation exam and we are not about to give up now just because of a
meter or two of snow."
The Safed Multidisciplinary School creatively announced that “Operation
Antigone” was on its way.
This operation was named after the same Antigone who attempts to secure a
respectable burial for her brother Polynices, even though this act is punishable by
death. .Anyway, Operation Antigone was crowned a success.
Mount Meiron today, near Tsefat Tapuz
Today (Thursday), students were brought to the school by large 4X4 Jeeps,
which made their way with great effort through turf, wind and snow so the
students can participate in their maltricalculation final exams at the school. The
event was photographed later on the snowy slopes.
School Principal Ofer Zafrani told Channel 2 that he was happy that all the
students could make it to the school and wished them to be successful with their
exams, despite the stormy weather conditions.
Lapid: The Bayit Ha-Yehudi is a
homophobic party
MK's Zahava Gal-On and Mickey Rosenthal also joined in with
their own criticism and expressed their astonishment with the
Bayit Ha-Yehudi's position.
Jan 08, 2015, 04:45PM | Or Wolman
Lapid and Bennett Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/ Channel 2
In a video clip taken by the Bayit Ha-Yehudi, many party members have been
filmed voicing their objection to the prospect of same sex marriages. Lapid is
now calling the political party “homophobic” for having negative attitudes toward
any person perceived as gay, lesbian or transgender. He called upon Bennett to
apologize.Apparently, the new political alliance advocating same sex marriages
has defeated the former agreement between Yesh Atid and the Bayit Ha-Yehudi,
where the two united in order to make sure that neither would be excluded from
Netanyahu’s government following the last elections. If there was ever a doubt
about the rift that has drifted Bennett and Lapid apart, this new video clip
alongside Lapid’s reaction to it is a signal that the unity between the two never
reached beyond a deal to increase both parties political power.
Now, Lapid is trying to emphasize the big difference between the two political
parties: “We are saying to you, the public – we will not stand in the way of any
love affair that seeks to realize itself and lead to marriage. We will continue to
fight this struggle when we are in the Knesset.”
Zahava Gal-On, the Meretz Party Chairwoman, also related to the video clip
while stressing that “the political party is crudely trampling on the rights of
hundreds of thousands of Israelis.” She said that Bennett and his party is “an
expired dish. History is against them. The people are against them and so is
logic. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“This video is finally revealing the true face of the Bayit Ha-Yehudi Party,” Gal-On
noted. She emphasized that Bennett is leading "an ignorant darkened lot into the
The leadership within Yesh Atid and Meretz were not the only ones to criticize
Bennett. MK Mickey Rosenthal of the Labor Party also expressed his
astonishment at the Bayit Ha-Yehudi's position: "What if a gay brother was
suddenly to appear or a lesbian sister? What would you do then?”
One police officer killed; Three IDF
soldiers wounded
Weapons malfunctions within the Security Forces caused the
injury of three soldiers and the death of one police officer today.
Jan 14, 2015, 04:30PM | Or Wolman
Photo Credit: Channel 2 News
It was a tragic day in the Israeli Security Forces. One soldier was wounded
during training at the Combat Engineering Corps base. In another incident, two
soldiers from Training Base 1 near Mitzpe Ramon, who were training at the
National Center for Training on Land located near Ze'elim, were slightly injured
when a heavy machine gun blew up due to a malfunction. The soldiers were
evacuated to a local hospital in order to receive medical treatment. However, an
even worse incident occurred today within the Border Police.
This morning at the Border Police base near Yad Mordechai, a charged bullet
accidently hit Second Sergeant Avi Gronov, 19 years old, apparently while a
friend was cleaning the weapons. One bullet hit Gronov's head and he was
mortally wounded. When MDA paramedics came, they tried to assist him, but
were unsuccessful. He was taken to Barzilai Medical Center, where they were
forced to declare his death.
The Border Police Spokesman said that "a preliminary investigation shows that
the most likely cause of death was friendly fire emissions." The case is under
investigation by the security agencies. His father said later: "He was the pride of my
Jerusalem Cinema to remove Peretz'
racist statue from exhibition
The wax statue of Amir Peretz is vulgar, racist and tastless say
Livni and Cabel
Jan 13, 2015, 04:30PM | Or Wolman
Visitors to the new Cinema City Hall in Jerusalem were astonished to find a
statue looking very much like MK Amir Peretz.
The cinema's management instructed employees to take the statue down,
however some MKs are now demanding an apology for the decision to put it up
in the first place.
On Monday, the Cinema City management finally caved in to those claiming the
statue must be removed immediately. Amir Peretz himself refused to make
comment on the issue, however MK Tzipi Livni, Chairman of Hatnua was less
forgiving. “This is simply outragious; it is vulgar, rude and stinks of racism” she
stated. Eithan Cabel, Chairman of Labor election heaquarters did not see the
light side of the situation either; not one of the political lobbyists or MK's could
vision such a political outburst among visitors and social media surferers at the
sight of one small was incident.
Charlie Hebdo's editorial board will
issue an edition in Arabic
Jan 13, 2015, 08:00PM | Or Wolman
Charlie Hebdo editorial board today Sky News
The editor of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, who was killed on
Wednesday in a Paris terrorist attack, Stephane Charbonnier, had told Le Monde
reporters in 2012: "I would rather die standing than live on my knees." His
proclamation is still leading the way of the magazine today, as they plan to publish the
next edition on a huge scale.
The next edition of 'Charlie Hebdo' will be published in Hebrew, as well as in
Arablic, Spanish, English and Italian. Three million copies of the magazine’s next
edition will be their response to the massacre, which claimed the lives of 12
people, according to today's (Tuesday) statement by the editorial board of the
Stéphane Charbonnier, deceased editor of Charlie Hebdo Photo Credit: Business Insider
“The past few days have been very difficult," Luz, one of the illustrators, stated.
He is in charge of doing the illustrations for the special edition, which is going
now to the printing house. “I was not sure that I would be able to draw after the
terror attack but life continues."
The next edition of the satirical magazine is due to be published tomorrow. It will
include eight inside pages instead of the sixteen as done so far. Other editorials
around the globe are faced with questions of whether to publish certain elements
that might intrigue violence among certain readers.
Charlie Hebdo’s current Editor is tackling with the question of whether to publish
the front page where Muhammad is seen saying “I am also Charlie." Luz
stated, “Look at our Mohammad on the front cover – he is also crying."
Herzog to Labor primaries voters:
"We will lead this country"
The primaries for the Labor Party are held today. Herzog is very
optimistic about the chances to lead the party to victory.
Jan 13, 2015, 04:00PM | Or Wolman
Labor Chairman Herzog is optimistic about winning the elections Photo Credit: Ynet
The primaries for the Labor Party were held today (Tuesday) across the country.
Some 48,904 registered voters are expected to hand in their votes today. Almost
20% of the voters handed in their votes by 2 p.m.
400 polling stations opened today at 10:00 a.m. at 76 sites across the country
and will close at 10 p.m. The count down will begin at the Control Center under
Retired Judge Yaacok Shimoni in Holon.
Labor Party Chairman Yitzhak Herzog, who had voted in the city of Modiin,
stated: “We will go back to being the largest party in the Knesset. I am leading
the best, strongest, most socialistic team, with the biggest representation for
women. We are the winning team and we will lead this country for the next 4
Laobr party primaries conference Photo Credit: Channel 2 News
The party’s registered voters will choose among 36 delegates. The party is
expected to include at least 3 women in the top ten. Most of the party’s current
MKs are also candidates on the primaries list: Shelly Yachimovich, Michal Biran,
Omer Bar-Lev, Raelev Majadla, Moshe Mizrahi, Meirav Michaeli, Arel Margalit,
Miki Rosenthal, Nahman Shai, Stav Shafir and Yitzik Shmoli.
Labor primaries - a festive optimistic feeling is felt within the party Channel 2 News
Among the party's new candidates are some famous names, known to our
readers from statements they have made in the media on various social issues,
but they are definitely new names on the political scene, who are aiming high at
the polls. Among them is journalist Zoheir Bahalul, Lobbyist Behira Bardugo,
Yossi Yonah, Eldad Yaniv, Revital Sweid, Lior Carmel, Gillad Kariv and Eitan
85 year old sexually assaulted; Eight
years in prison for assailer
An unprecedented sentence of eight years for a man convicted of
raping a woman of eighty-five
Jan 12, 2015, 05:19PM | Or Wolman
Illustration REUTERS
The Haifa District Court sentenced today (Monday) a young man ho was
convicted in a Plea bargain of raping an elderly woman of eighty-five, to eight
years in prison.
According to the case, it happened this September; the young man had sat next
to the elderly woman on a public bench. When she wished to leave, he started to
follow her, and at one point approached her violently by her shoulder and
knocked her to the ground, where he raped her.
The woman started to yell for the help of her son and grandchild who were living
near the area; The two came as soon as they heard her yelling; they detained the
assailer until police had come to the scene. In a Plea bargain the man admitted
to the offenses, and was convicted.
Defense had claimed that the man was emotionally and physically unstable, and
that he was under psychiatric observation; the young man also told his
interrogators that his father had not given him enough money to use a call girl
and that he was under the influence of alcohol.
However, a panel of three judges sentenced him to eight years of imprisonment;
the judges determined that these types of offences justified a high penalty, even
if the assailer did claim to extenuating circumstances”.
Prime Minister Netanyahu visits
Hyper Cacher
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the kosher
grocery store, which became the scene of bloodshed.
Jan 12, 2015, 08:36PM | Or Wolman
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke today to the victims families
and joined in prayers for their memories, after visting the scene of a terror attack
in Paris that led to the tragic slaughter of four Jewish civilians by an Islamist
terrorist. “We shall unite against terror," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu stated at the Hyper Cacher, which had become the scene of great
bloodshed last Friday.
Netanyahu called upon the international community to unite in the struggle
against terrorism: "A direct line exists between all Islamist terror attacks, which
have occurred recently across the globe and this terror attack here in Paris. I
expect all world leaders, especially those that have crossed the heart of Paris at
the rally, to join forces against terrorism, whether it is aimed at Israel and the
Jews or whether it is aimed elsewhere."
Netanyahu visiting the grocery store that had become the scene of
bloodshed Photo Credit: Times of Israel
Netanyahu reached the area under tight security, accompanied by
representatives of the Jewish community and a French parliament member of
Jewish origin. Nathan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, also
accompanied Netanyahu during the visit. All of them joined in signing Hativka,
Israel's national anthem, and chanted Am Israel Chai, the Israeli nation shall live.
Meanwhile, French PM Manuel Valls said today that extremist Muslim prisoners
will from now on be put in solitary isolation, in order to prevent the formation of
terror groups within the prison walls. It was reported that Amedy Coulibaly, who
murdered four people at the Hyper Cacher on Friday, had met Sharif Kouachi in
jail. It is also assumed that Coulibaly has accomplices.
Runaway critically wounded in
pursuit along the Geha Highway
A scene out of a Hollywood movie developed on route 4 today
(Monday) as a runaway tried to dash away during a police chase.
Jan 13, 2015, 10:30AM | Or Wolman
Police pursuit car on Route 4 Photo Credit: Youtube
Just a few miles away from Bar Ilan University on the Geha Highway (Route 4), a
major incident that was remnicent of scenes from a Hollywood movie occurred
today when the Police were compelled to chase after car thiefs within a central
location in the country.
The Police chase had begun after they received a report today (Monday) that a
vehicle was driving bizarrely down route 4. They decided to place a patrol in the
area and wait on nearby Givat Shmuel. As the two car thieves were trying to rob
an apartment there, the Police managed to get a hold of one of them. The other,
a resident of East Jerusalem, known to the police for previous car thefts,
escaped with the stolen vehicle, smashing down the police barrier and
dangeroulsly dashing out onto the Geha Highway.
Suspect wounded after police chase Channel 2 News
As they were nearing the Petach Tikvah Junction, the Police had no choice but to
open fire. The man was critically wounded and evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in
the city.
Chief of the Dan District Deputy Commissioner Simon Lavie told Channel 2
Online reporters that he estimated that the criminal activity in the area was
extensive and that the shooting was only used after the suspect tried to run over
police officers.
Commander Simon Lavi, Chief of the Dan Police who led the chase, added in a
conversation with Channel 2 News Online that some members of the gang are
released prisoners: "We believe that criminal activity was part of the extensive
activity in this area in recent times." Lavi confirmed that the shooting took place
at the car while it was driving, after the suspect tried to run over the police
officers: "Of course, we'll leave it to other parties to examine the circumstances of
the shooting. This is an opportunity to praise the Dan Police along the border for
making the discovery and striving to catch them.” According to Commander Lavi,
the suspects' vehicle and the criminals are "part of the activity of recent weeks
involving car robber gangs.”
Keren Freitag-Gretel, a resident of Givat Shmuel, whose house was broken into by
the suspects, said that there have been a lot of robberies in the neighborhood
lately. “They called my husband at work and asked him to come home because of
the break in. We arrived and found that our house was a mess. It’s really
difficult. Unfortunately, this was not the first time and each time we add more
security and it doesn't seem to help.”
"The feelings are difficult, but I am glad that there is a lot of policing and police,"
she stated. "There is a wave of robberies. This is known. I do not feel safe right
now. We need cameras in the streets and a little more security, including maybe
also municipal or civilian policing. I am happy that the children weren't at home.
They were still in school and protected.”
Amédy Coulibaly suspected of
another shooting before the Hyhper
Cacher massacre
The terrorist who had shot 4 people is suspected of committing another crime.
Jan 11, 2015, 05:00PM | Or Wolman
Amédy Coulibaly and his girlfriend Photo Credit: Channel 2 News
The French Prosecutors' Office stated today (Sunday) that Amédy Coulibaly, the
terrorist who had shot to death 4 Jewish people at the Hyper Cacher grocery
store and a policewoman, is suspected of committing another shooting crime.
The French prosecution released a statement today claiming that Amédy
Coulibaly had severely injured a man who was out jogging in Paris' 11th
on the right bank of the Seine River, a highly densely populated urban district.
Preliminary examinations connected the gun with which the man was shot to the
one used during the Hyper Cacher massacre.
Reports also indicate that Coulibaly threatened to kill the hostages inside the
market if the authorities didn’t release the Koauchi brothers, whom the Police had
cornered at a printing plant in nearby Dammartin-en-Goele.Coulibaly was part of
a terrorist network that sent radicalized youths to Iraq. The Koauchi brothers
were part of the same network, reports stated.
Coulibaly published a videotape, which was released today, in which he swears
his allegiance to IS and says, “I am a soldier of the Caliphate. France is a
legitimate target for us." The Koauchi brothers who committed the Charlie Hebdo
massacre were likewise related to Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen, Anwar al Awlaki .
Le JDD reported that Coulibaly was born Juvisy-sur-Orge in 1982 into a family of
10. He started with petty crime at a young age with a record that included theft,
narcotics, and the armed robbery of a bank. Police estimated he became a
radical Muslim in 2002.
Two terrorists identified by French
Special Police Units identified the terrorists location about 50
miles north of Paris
Jan 08, 2015, 03:02PM | Or Wolman
The two suspects in the massacre at the "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine fled from the
police but were identified this afternoon by security cameras.
The Special Forces Units are preparing now for the arrest of the two. A while
ago, the third suspect turned himself in.
French police sources reported this morning (Thursday) that the Kouachi
brothers, who had massacred 12 people at the "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine in
Paris yesterday, were located in northeastern France.
Shortly after the killing of a police officer this morning in a suburb south of Paris,
an attack which had apparently nothing to do with yesterdays' terrorist incident,
Special Units identified the location of the two about 50 miles north of Paris.
According to AFP, a Special Police Unit had received a report that the Koashi
brothers were detected by security cameras in Eisen, in the northeastern part of
the country. It was also reported that the pair were in a vehicle, although the
identification plates were hidden. Apparently, they were located when they
stopped at a gas station, where they stole food and fuel. According to various
reports, the brothers were still wearing black clothes as well as ski masks and
were armed with Kalashnikovs.
Emergency evacuation at
International Space Station
A leak of hazardous toxic material caused an emergency evacuation at
the International Space Station, astronauts’ crew have crossed into the
Russian segment.Jan 14, 2015, 04:15PM | Or Wolman
ISS - International Space Station Photo Credit: Alamy
According to Russian news agency, a leak of “hazardous or toxic material” from
the internal combustion engine cooling of the International Space Station,
believed to be ammonia, caused an emergency situation at the American
segment at around 8.45am GMT today (Wednesday). The crew was told to wear
masks immediately and to cross into the Russian wing, where they expected to
be safe.
In attempt to prevent spread of toxins, the six crew members were told to seal the hatch
of the US segment and to remain in the Russian one until they will be allowed to return.
NASA carried out a preliminary examination and its officials believe one of the pump
controller boxes shall be replaced.
Yisrael Beteynu MK David Rotem
He was known for his outspokenness and penchant for
generating controversy.
Jan 06, 2015, 06:01PM | Or Wolman
MK David Rotem announced today (Tuesday) that he would not be running again
for Lieberman’s party Israel Beytenu and that he was retiring from political life.
Rotem entered the Knesset on January 2007 and was soon appointed Deputy
Speaker of the Knesset. Rotem headed the joint committee for the Restitution of
Holocaust Victims Assets and led the Subcommittee for Review of Contributions
to Israeli Organizations Abroad. In 2013, he returned to head the Knesset
Constitution Committee.
Among his major legislative initiatives, Rotem acted for raising the threshold to
enter the Knesset, helped in facilitating stricter penalties for abandoning the
scene of a car accident and the allowance for children convicted of crimes for
nationalistic reasons , as well as the easing of conversion rules.
In 2011, Rotem called left wing Meretz party leader Zehava Gal-On a beast, but
refused to apologize for his remarks and said he was "happy to be a bully. He
was subsequently reprimanded by the Knesset Ethics Committee.
Rotem will also be remembered for arousing the wrath of religious anti-Zionist
parties after saying that “Haredim who do not serve in the army are parasites."
Qatar expels Khaled Mashal
Hamas denies the report. If true, his options are Ankara or
Jan 06, 2015, 04:45PM | Or Wolman
Khaled Mashal AP
Khaled Mashal was expelled today (Tuesday) from Qatar, together with other
senior level Hamas officials. Acording to CNN, they flew to Turkey, to examine
the possibility of getting political asylum and relocating the movement's
headquarters to either Ankara or Istanbul. So far, Hamas denies the reports,
saying their HQ remains in Doha.
This move has not taken observers by surprise. Several days ago, Qatari leader
Sheikh al Tamani agreed to align his policies with Egypt and his equally anti-
Muslim Brotherhood (to which Hamas belongs) neighbors Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Bahrain and the UAE, realizing that being the Gulf States odd man out was
becoming untenable. Last week, Saudi Arabia formally brokered an agreement
with Qatar and since then, some form of Qatari action against Hamas has been
Hamas had tried to insist that Qatar take a lead role in negotiating a cease fire
ending Operation Protective Edge, but Israel, with tacit backing from Cairo and
Riyadh, refused to even consider it.
Hamas moved its HQ from Damascus to Doha after the outbreak of the Syrian
Civil War. As a Sunni movement, it was unable to support Alawi-Shiite President
Assad against the countr'ys Sunni majority. As a result, Iran cut off all aid to
Hamas, leaving it dependent on Qatar. Since by that time Muslim Brotherhood
leader Morsi had become President of Egypt, losing Iran did not seem to be such
a problem. The counter revolution left Hamas bereft of allies, except for Qatar
and to a certain extent Turkey.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he expected Turkey to act like a
responsible NATO member and not to allow a virulently anti-Western terrorist
movement to open shop in their country.
Storm death toll: 13 year old killed
The storm continues to cause major damage throughout the
country. This one was tragic.
Jan 07, 2015, 03:26PM | Or Wolman
Scene of the accident, today Channel 2 News
MDA teams were called to the scene of a fatal accident that occurred on Route
375 near Tzur Hadassah, in the shadow of the winter storm. Another person was
moderately injured and several other people were slightly hurt.
An initial investigation shows that the two were in their car when the boys' father
saw a bus beginning to tumble in the snow in front of him. So, he shouted to his
son to jump out of the car to save his life, but the boy was hit by the bus, which
crushed him before he managed to escape.
"This is a car accident caused by the difficult road conditions. The road is full of
snow and hail," MDA paramedic Dan Drury, who arrived at the scene of the
accident, stated. "When I arrived, by the side of the road beside a commercial
vehicle, I saw a boy about age 13, which lay dead with a very difficult injury in the
upper part of the body."
"People who witnessed the accident said that the car with the boy hit a bus that
was sliding towards him," Drury said. "Near the boy was a man about age 52 with
a head trauma, who thankfully was fully conscious. We gave him first aid and
evacuated him to a nearby hospital with another young man about age 16, who
was in another vehicle and was injured moderately in the head."
Washington mudslide hurls house off cliff
Jan 06, 2015, 03:15PM | Or Wolman
Heavy rains in North Western parts of the United States yesterday (Monday) caused a huge
mud slide in the small town of Beacon Hill in Washington State. One house was practically
shoved out of its place by the huge mass of mud that had showered on its roof. Virginia Monger,
the woman living in the house, told the media of the horror of hearing huge loud roars over her
head. She thought trees were crashing on top of her. She is safe, but some 350 residents had
to be evacuated from their homes.
© All rights reserved Or A. Wolman

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Writing samples - Jerusalem online

  • 1. Jerusalem Online – writing samples Lightning hit Airport Control A number of operational systems were damaged, but the backup system rose to the occasion. Jan 07, 2015, 03:49PM | Or Wolman Airport suffers from heavy weather Nana Lightning struck today (Wednesday) at the Airport Control Tower. The attack damaged several systems that run the airport, but all backup systems are in operation. Therefore, this does not endanger any aircraft. The tower has been working with sub-systems, increasing one at the margin-level between arrivals and departures.
  • 2. The lightning hit will cause major delays in incoming and outgoing flights. Currently, due to the weather conditions, the airport is functioning at a low level, widening the gaps as much as possible between flights and delaying other flights. The Isra-Air company announced today that due to the harsh weather conditions, all domestic flights will be delayed till tomorrow when domestic flights will resume from Ben Gurion Airport. Sea ports are non accessible at this time. Stormy Sketch of today’s weather The snow is piling up in the Israeli capital city. Thousands were cut off from electricity. President Rivlin made a surprise visit. Jan 07, 2015, 06:15PM | Or Wolman Channel 2 News The Israeli capital city is stacked with several inches of snow as snowploughs are working to evacuate the entrance to the city. The Police have blocked off all
  • 3. traffic to Highway 1 and Highway 443. Tens of thousands of households were cut off from electricity throughout the country. Reuven Rivlin had surprisingly arrived this morning at the Jerusalem headquarters of the Israel Border Police,also known as Magav. While on a security mission within cold Jerusalem during the winter storm, Magav soldiers received a surprising visit from President Revuen Rivlin this morning (Wednesday), who had given them not just a hot cup of tea but a warm feeling of reassurance as well. President Reuven Rivlin visiting Soldiers of the Jerusalem Border PoliceChannel 2 News The Netanya area and Ramle region were cut off from electricity, the Electricity Authority stated. “The main reason is the strong winds that caused the collapse of the trees on power lines. We estimate the average treatment time for malfunctions to be approx. 3-4 hours."
  • 4. Reuters Due to weather conditions, the major bus company Egged has stopped the service of intercity lines 948, 949, 405 and 480. In addition, the Jerusalem Corridor lines have stopped all activity,except the Tzur Hadassah line and the Mevaseret Zion lines. Givat Ze'ev lines are also off duty today. The maximum temperatures recorded this afternoon are Katzrin 5 degrees, 1 degree in Safed, Haifa 7 degrees, 4 degrees in Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, Be'er Sheva and Eilat are 10 degrees, with it being 16 degrees this afternoon. Towards the evening, the storm is expected to reach its peak.
  • 5. The terror attack is changing the vision of Paris for tourists Organized tour operators refrain from choosing Paris as their destination. Jan 11, 2015, 03:15PM | Or Wolman Photo Credit: “I admit. There is hysteria among Israelis,” Eyal Kazhdan, CEO of ‘Flying Carpet’ tours, told Channel 2 reporters. “Dozens have requested for us to change our destinations and not travel through Paris or Euro Disney, for example. We will keep on looking out for developments." However, with regard to regular flights to France, there have not been many cancellations.
  • 6. Is Paris losing its charm for tourists? Many travel agencies that are used to organizing tours for dozens of Israelis traveling to Paris each year are now admiting that many families have requested that Paris will not be their destination this year. They have been calling their travel agencies in order to request changing the destination of their tours. Many are still weary of the terror that has targeted Paris in the last few days. Paris amidst terror Kobby Karney, Chairman of the Israeli Travel Agencies Association, told reporters that he was predicting a certain decline in bookings as well as cancellations, but that Paris will always remain on the map: “This month is not exactly the peak of the tourism season, but I can definitely see how the terror attacks might have a psychological influence on people who wish to travel." Another travel option that Israelis are thinking of these days is the Schwarzwald or Black Forest in Germany and other attractions, mainly in Holland or Italy.
  • 7. Tsefad students travel to their final exams on a jeep Safed students braved the winter storm in order to take their high school final matriculation exams. Jan 08, 2015, 04:15PM | Or Wolman Safed high school students came today by jeep through the snowy terrain in order to complete their finals. Channel 2 News The school day for many Northern Israeli students has been canceled due to the harsh weather and the huge pile up of snow. But what do you do if you are about to finish high school and the only thing that was in your way was the matriculation exam that is required to finish high school, a test that certifies your entry into adult life? Many Safed students did not even think twice: “We prepared hard for our maltricalculation exam and we are not about to give up now just because of a meter or two of snow."
  • 8. The Safed Multidisciplinary School creatively announced that “Operation Antigone” was on its way. This operation was named after the same Antigone who attempts to secure a respectable burial for her brother Polynices, even though this act is punishable by death. .Anyway, Operation Antigone was crowned a success. Mount Meiron today, near Tsefat Tapuz Today (Thursday), students were brought to the school by large 4X4 Jeeps, which made their way with great effort through turf, wind and snow so the students can participate in their maltricalculation final exams at the school. The event was photographed later on the snowy slopes. School Principal Ofer Zafrani told Channel 2 that he was happy that all the students could make it to the school and wished them to be successful with their exams, despite the stormy weather conditions. Lapid: The Bayit Ha-Yehudi is a homophobic party MK's Zahava Gal-On and Mickey Rosenthal also joined in with their own criticism and expressed their astonishment with the Bayit Ha-Yehudi's position. Jan 08, 2015, 04:45PM | Or Wolman
  • 9. Lapid and Bennett Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/ Channel 2 In a video clip taken by the Bayit Ha-Yehudi, many party members have been filmed voicing their objection to the prospect of same sex marriages. Lapid is now calling the political party “homophobic” for having negative attitudes toward any person perceived as gay, lesbian or transgender. He called upon Bennett to apologize.Apparently, the new political alliance advocating same sex marriages has defeated the former agreement between Yesh Atid and the Bayit Ha-Yehudi, where the two united in order to make sure that neither would be excluded from Netanyahu’s government following the last elections. If there was ever a doubt about the rift that has drifted Bennett and Lapid apart, this new video clip alongside Lapid’s reaction to it is a signal that the unity between the two never reached beyond a deal to increase both parties political power. Now, Lapid is trying to emphasize the big difference between the two political parties: “We are saying to you, the public – we will not stand in the way of any love affair that seeks to realize itself and lead to marriage. We will continue to fight this struggle when we are in the Knesset.” Zahava Gal-On, the Meretz Party Chairwoman, also related to the video clip while stressing that “the political party is crudely trampling on the rights of
  • 10. hundreds of thousands of Israelis.” She said that Bennett and his party is “an expired dish. History is against them. The people are against them and so is logic. You should be ashamed of yourselves.” “This video is finally revealing the true face of the Bayit Ha-Yehudi Party,” Gal-On noted. She emphasized that Bennett is leading "an ignorant darkened lot into the Knesset." The leadership within Yesh Atid and Meretz were not the only ones to criticize Bennett. MK Mickey Rosenthal of the Labor Party also expressed his astonishment at the Bayit Ha-Yehudi's position: "What if a gay brother was suddenly to appear or a lesbian sister? What would you do then?” One police officer killed; Three IDF soldiers wounded Weapons malfunctions within the Security Forces caused the injury of three soldiers and the death of one police officer today. Jan 14, 2015, 04:30PM | Or Wolman Photo Credit: Channel 2 News
  • 11. It was a tragic day in the Israeli Security Forces. One soldier was wounded during training at the Combat Engineering Corps base. In another incident, two soldiers from Training Base 1 near Mitzpe Ramon, who were training at the National Center for Training on Land located near Ze'elim, were slightly injured when a heavy machine gun blew up due to a malfunction. The soldiers were evacuated to a local hospital in order to receive medical treatment. However, an even worse incident occurred today within the Border Police. This morning at the Border Police base near Yad Mordechai, a charged bullet accidently hit Second Sergeant Avi Gronov, 19 years old, apparently while a friend was cleaning the weapons. One bullet hit Gronov's head and he was mortally wounded. When MDA paramedics came, they tried to assist him, but were unsuccessful. He was taken to Barzilai Medical Center, where they were forced to declare his death. The Border Police Spokesman said that "a preliminary investigation shows that the most likely cause of death was friendly fire emissions." The case is under investigation by the security agencies. His father said later: "He was the pride of my lifemore Jerusalem Cinema to remove Peretz' racist statue from exhibition The wax statue of Amir Peretz is vulgar, racist and tastless say Livni and Cabel Jan 13, 2015, 04:30PM | Or Wolman Visitors to the new Cinema City Hall in Jerusalem were astonished to find a statue looking very much like MK Amir Peretz.
  • 12. The cinema's management instructed employees to take the statue down, however some MKs are now demanding an apology for the decision to put it up in the first place. On Monday, the Cinema City management finally caved in to those claiming the statue must be removed immediately. Amir Peretz himself refused to make comment on the issue, however MK Tzipi Livni, Chairman of Hatnua was less forgiving. “This is simply outragious; it is vulgar, rude and stinks of racism” she stated. Eithan Cabel, Chairman of Labor election heaquarters did not see the light side of the situation either; not one of the political lobbyists or MK's could vision such a political outburst among visitors and social media surferers at the sight of one small was incident. Charlie Hebdo's editorial board will issue an edition in Arabic Jan 13, 2015, 08:00PM | Or Wolman Charlie Hebdo editorial board today Sky News
  • 13. The editor of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, who was killed on Wednesday in a Paris terrorist attack, Stephane Charbonnier, had told Le Monde reporters in 2012: "I would rather die standing than live on my knees." His proclamation is still leading the way of the magazine today, as they plan to publish the next edition on a huge scale. The next edition of 'Charlie Hebdo' will be published in Hebrew, as well as in Arablic, Spanish, English and Italian. Three million copies of the magazine’s next edition will be their response to the massacre, which claimed the lives of 12 people, according to today's (Tuesday) statement by the editorial board of the magazine. Stéphane Charbonnier, deceased editor of Charlie Hebdo Photo Credit: Business Insider “The past few days have been very difficult," Luz, one of the illustrators, stated. He is in charge of doing the illustrations for the special edition, which is going now to the printing house. “I was not sure that I would be able to draw after the terror attack but life continues." The next edition of the satirical magazine is due to be published tomorrow. It will include eight inside pages instead of the sixteen as done so far. Other editorials around the globe are faced with questions of whether to publish certain elements that might intrigue violence among certain readers.
  • 14. Charlie Hebdo’s current Editor is tackling with the question of whether to publish the front page where Muhammad is seen saying “I am also Charlie." Luz stated, “Look at our Mohammad on the front cover – he is also crying." Herzog to Labor primaries voters: "We will lead this country" The primaries for the Labor Party are held today. Herzog is very optimistic about the chances to lead the party to victory. Jan 13, 2015, 04:00PM | Or Wolman Labor Chairman Herzog is optimistic about winning the elections Photo Credit: Ynet The primaries for the Labor Party were held today (Tuesday) across the country. Some 48,904 registered voters are expected to hand in their votes today. Almost 20% of the voters handed in their votes by 2 p.m.
  • 15. 400 polling stations opened today at 10:00 a.m. at 76 sites across the country and will close at 10 p.m. The count down will begin at the Control Center under Retired Judge Yaacok Shimoni in Holon. Labor Party Chairman Yitzhak Herzog, who had voted in the city of Modiin, stated: “We will go back to being the largest party in the Knesset. I am leading the best, strongest, most socialistic team, with the biggest representation for women. We are the winning team and we will lead this country for the next 4 years." Laobr party primaries conference Photo Credit: Channel 2 News The party’s registered voters will choose among 36 delegates. The party is expected to include at least 3 women in the top ten. Most of the party’s current MKs are also candidates on the primaries list: Shelly Yachimovich, Michal Biran, Omer Bar-Lev, Raelev Majadla, Moshe Mizrahi, Meirav Michaeli, Arel Margalit, Miki Rosenthal, Nahman Shai, Stav Shafir and Yitzik Shmoli. Labor primaries - a festive optimistic feeling is felt within the party Channel 2 News Among the party's new candidates are some famous names, known to our readers from statements they have made in the media on various social issues,
  • 16. but they are definitely new names on the political scene, who are aiming high at the polls. Among them is journalist Zoheir Bahalul, Lobbyist Behira Bardugo, Yossi Yonah, Eldad Yaniv, Revital Sweid, Lior Carmel, Gillad Kariv and Eitan Schwartz. 85 year old sexually assaulted; Eight years in prison for assailer An unprecedented sentence of eight years for a man convicted of raping a woman of eighty-five Jan 12, 2015, 05:19PM | Or Wolman Illustration REUTERS
  • 17. The Haifa District Court sentenced today (Monday) a young man ho was convicted in a Plea bargain of raping an elderly woman of eighty-five, to eight years in prison. According to the case, it happened this September; the young man had sat next to the elderly woman on a public bench. When she wished to leave, he started to follow her, and at one point approached her violently by her shoulder and knocked her to the ground, where he raped her. The woman started to yell for the help of her son and grandchild who were living near the area; The two came as soon as they heard her yelling; they detained the assailer until police had come to the scene. In a Plea bargain the man admitted to the offenses, and was convicted. Defense had claimed that the man was emotionally and physically unstable, and that he was under psychiatric observation; the young man also told his interrogators that his father had not given him enough money to use a call girl and that he was under the influence of alcohol. However, a panel of three judges sentenced him to eight years of imprisonment; the judges determined that these types of offences justified a high penalty, even if the assailer did claim to extenuating circumstances”. Prime Minister Netanyahu visits Hyper Cacher Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the kosher grocery store, which became the scene of bloodshed.
  • 18. Jan 12, 2015, 08:36PM | Or Wolman Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke today to the victims families and joined in prayers for their memories, after visting the scene of a terror attack in Paris that led to the tragic slaughter of four Jewish civilians by an Islamist terrorist. “We shall unite against terror," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated at the Hyper Cacher, which had become the scene of great bloodshed last Friday. Netanyahu called upon the international community to unite in the struggle against terrorism: "A direct line exists between all Islamist terror attacks, which have occurred recently across the globe and this terror attack here in Paris. I expect all world leaders, especially those that have crossed the heart of Paris at the rally, to join forces against terrorism, whether it is aimed at Israel and the Jews or whether it is aimed elsewhere." Netanyahu visiting the grocery store that had become the scene of bloodshed Photo Credit: Times of Israel Netanyahu reached the area under tight security, accompanied by representatives of the Jewish community and a French parliament member of Jewish origin. Nathan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, also accompanied Netanyahu during the visit. All of them joined in signing Hativka, Israel's national anthem, and chanted Am Israel Chai, the Israeli nation shall live.
  • 19. Meanwhile, French PM Manuel Valls said today that extremist Muslim prisoners will from now on be put in solitary isolation, in order to prevent the formation of terror groups within the prison walls. It was reported that Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered four people at the Hyper Cacher on Friday, had met Sharif Kouachi in jail. It is also assumed that Coulibaly has accomplices. Runaway critically wounded in pursuit along the Geha Highway A scene out of a Hollywood movie developed on route 4 today (Monday) as a runaway tried to dash away during a police chase. Jan 13, 2015, 10:30AM | Or Wolman Police pursuit car on Route 4 Photo Credit: Youtube
  • 20. Just a few miles away from Bar Ilan University on the Geha Highway (Route 4), a major incident that was remnicent of scenes from a Hollywood movie occurred today when the Police were compelled to chase after car thiefs within a central location in the country. The Police chase had begun after they received a report today (Monday) that a vehicle was driving bizarrely down route 4. They decided to place a patrol in the area and wait on nearby Givat Shmuel. As the two car thieves were trying to rob an apartment there, the Police managed to get a hold of one of them. The other, a resident of East Jerusalem, known to the police for previous car thefts, escaped with the stolen vehicle, smashing down the police barrier and dangeroulsly dashing out onto the Geha Highway. Suspect wounded after police chase Channel 2 News As they were nearing the Petach Tikvah Junction, the Police had no choice but to open fire. The man was critically wounded and evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in the city. Chief of the Dan District Deputy Commissioner Simon Lavie told Channel 2 Online reporters that he estimated that the criminal activity in the area was
  • 21. extensive and that the shooting was only used after the suspect tried to run over police officers. Commander Simon Lavi, Chief of the Dan Police who led the chase, added in a conversation with Channel 2 News Online that some members of the gang are released prisoners: "We believe that criminal activity was part of the extensive activity in this area in recent times." Lavi confirmed that the shooting took place at the car while it was driving, after the suspect tried to run over the police officers: "Of course, we'll leave it to other parties to examine the circumstances of the shooting. This is an opportunity to praise the Dan Police along the border for making the discovery and striving to catch them.” According to Commander Lavi, the suspects' vehicle and the criminals are "part of the activity of recent weeks involving car robber gangs.” Keren Freitag-Gretel, a resident of Givat Shmuel, whose house was broken into by the suspects, said that there have been a lot of robberies in the neighborhood lately. “They called my husband at work and asked him to come home because of the break in. We arrived and found that our house was a mess. It’s really difficult. Unfortunately, this was not the first time and each time we add more security and it doesn't seem to help.” "The feelings are difficult, but I am glad that there is a lot of policing and police," she stated. "There is a wave of robberies. This is known. I do not feel safe right now. We need cameras in the streets and a little more security, including maybe also municipal or civilian policing. I am happy that the children weren't at home. They were still in school and protected.”
  • 22. Amédy Coulibaly suspected of another shooting before the Hyhper Cacher massacre The terrorist who had shot 4 people is suspected of committing another crime. Jan 11, 2015, 05:00PM | Or Wolman Amédy Coulibaly and his girlfriend Photo Credit: Channel 2 News The French Prosecutors' Office stated today (Sunday) that Amédy Coulibaly, the terrorist who had shot to death 4 Jewish people at the Hyper Cacher grocery store and a policewoman, is suspected of committing another shooting crime. The French prosecution released a statement today claiming that Amédy Coulibaly had severely injured a man who was out jogging in Paris' 11th quarter, on the right bank of the Seine River, a highly densely populated urban district. Preliminary examinations connected the gun with which the man was shot to the one used during the Hyper Cacher massacre. Reports also indicate that Coulibaly threatened to kill the hostages inside the market if the authorities didn’t release the Koauchi brothers, whom the Police had cornered at a printing plant in nearby Dammartin-en-Goele.Coulibaly was part of a terrorist network that sent radicalized youths to Iraq. The Koauchi brothers were part of the same network, reports stated.
  • 23. Coulibaly published a videotape, which was released today, in which he swears his allegiance to IS and says, “I am a soldier of the Caliphate. France is a legitimate target for us." The Koauchi brothers who committed the Charlie Hebdo massacre were likewise related to Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen, Anwar al Awlaki . Le JDD reported that Coulibaly was born Juvisy-sur-Orge in 1982 into a family of 10. He started with petty crime at a young age with a record that included theft, narcotics, and the armed robbery of a bank. Police estimated he became a radical Muslim in 2002. Two terrorists identified by French police Special Police Units identified the terrorists location about 50 miles north of Paris Jan 08, 2015, 03:02PM | Or Wolman The two suspects in the massacre at the "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine fled from the police but were identified this afternoon by security cameras. The Special Forces Units are preparing now for the arrest of the two. A while ago, the third suspect turned himself in. French police sources reported this morning (Thursday) that the Kouachi brothers, who had massacred 12 people at the "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine in Paris yesterday, were located in northeastern France. Shortly after the killing of a police officer this morning in a suburb south of Paris, an attack which had apparently nothing to do with yesterdays' terrorist incident, Special Units identified the location of the two about 50 miles north of Paris.
  • 24. According to AFP, a Special Police Unit had received a report that the Koashi brothers were detected by security cameras in Eisen, in the northeastern part of the country. It was also reported that the pair were in a vehicle, although the identification plates were hidden. Apparently, they were located when they stopped at a gas station, where they stole food and fuel. According to various reports, the brothers were still wearing black clothes as well as ski masks and were armed with Kalashnikovs. Emergency evacuation at International Space Station A leak of hazardous toxic material caused an emergency evacuation at the International Space Station, astronauts’ crew have crossed into the Russian segment.Jan 14, 2015, 04:15PM | Or Wolman ISS - International Space Station Photo Credit: Alamy According to Russian news agency, a leak of “hazardous or toxic material” from the internal combustion engine cooling of the International Space Station,
  • 25. believed to be ammonia, caused an emergency situation at the American segment at around 8.45am GMT today (Wednesday). The crew was told to wear masks immediately and to cross into the Russian wing, where they expected to be safe. In attempt to prevent spread of toxins, the six crew members were told to seal the hatch of the US segment and to remain in the Russian one until they will be allowed to return. NASA carried out a preliminary examination and its officials believe one of the pump controller boxes shall be replaced. Yisrael Beteynu MK David Rotem retiring He was known for his outspokenness and penchant for generating controversy. Jan 06, 2015, 06:01PM | Or Wolman MK David Rotem announced today (Tuesday) that he would not be running again for Lieberman’s party Israel Beytenu and that he was retiring from political life. Rotem entered the Knesset on January 2007 and was soon appointed Deputy Speaker of the Knesset. Rotem headed the joint committee for the Restitution of Holocaust Victims Assets and led the Subcommittee for Review of Contributions to Israeli Organizations Abroad. In 2013, he returned to head the Knesset Constitution Committee. Among his major legislative initiatives, Rotem acted for raising the threshold to enter the Knesset, helped in facilitating stricter penalties for abandoning the scene of a car accident and the allowance for children convicted of crimes for nationalistic reasons , as well as the easing of conversion rules.
  • 26. In 2011, Rotem called left wing Meretz party leader Zehava Gal-On a beast, but refused to apologize for his remarks and said he was "happy to be a bully. He was subsequently reprimanded by the Knesset Ethics Committee. Rotem will also be remembered for arousing the wrath of religious anti-Zionist parties after saying that “Haredim who do not serve in the army are parasites." Qatar expels Khaled Mashal Hamas denies the report. If true, his options are Ankara or Tehran. Jan 06, 2015, 04:45PM | Or Wolman Khaled Mashal AP Khaled Mashal was expelled today (Tuesday) from Qatar, together with other senior level Hamas officials. Acording to CNN, they flew to Turkey, to examine the possibility of getting political asylum and relocating the movement's
  • 27. headquarters to either Ankara or Istanbul. So far, Hamas denies the reports, saying their HQ remains in Doha. This move has not taken observers by surprise. Several days ago, Qatari leader Sheikh al Tamani agreed to align his policies with Egypt and his equally anti- Muslim Brotherhood (to which Hamas belongs) neighbors Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE, realizing that being the Gulf States odd man out was becoming untenable. Last week, Saudi Arabia formally brokered an agreement with Qatar and since then, some form of Qatari action against Hamas has been expected. Hamas had tried to insist that Qatar take a lead role in negotiating a cease fire ending Operation Protective Edge, but Israel, with tacit backing from Cairo and Riyadh, refused to even consider it. Hamas moved its HQ from Damascus to Doha after the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War. As a Sunni movement, it was unable to support Alawi-Shiite President Assad against the countr'ys Sunni majority. As a result, Iran cut off all aid to Hamas, leaving it dependent on Qatar. Since by that time Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi had become President of Egypt, losing Iran did not seem to be such a problem. The counter revolution left Hamas bereft of allies, except for Qatar and to a certain extent Turkey. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he expected Turkey to act like a responsible NATO member and not to allow a virulently anti-Western terrorist movement to open shop in their country.
  • 28. Storm death toll: 13 year old killed The storm continues to cause major damage throughout the country. This one was tragic. Jan 07, 2015, 03:26PM | Or Wolman Scene of the accident, today Channel 2 News MDA teams were called to the scene of a fatal accident that occurred on Route 375 near Tzur Hadassah, in the shadow of the winter storm. Another person was moderately injured and several other people were slightly hurt. An initial investigation shows that the two were in their car when the boys' father saw a bus beginning to tumble in the snow in front of him. So, he shouted to his son to jump out of the car to save his life, but the boy was hit by the bus, which crushed him before he managed to escape.
  • 29. "This is a car accident caused by the difficult road conditions. The road is full of snow and hail," MDA paramedic Dan Drury, who arrived at the scene of the accident, stated. "When I arrived, by the side of the road beside a commercial vehicle, I saw a boy about age 13, which lay dead with a very difficult injury in the upper part of the body." "People who witnessed the accident said that the car with the boy hit a bus that was sliding towards him," Drury said. "Near the boy was a man about age 52 with a head trauma, who thankfully was fully conscious. We gave him first aid and evacuated him to a nearby hospital with another young man about age 16, who was in another vehicle and was injured moderately in the head." Washington mudslide hurls house off cliff Jan 06, 2015, 03:15PM | Or Wolman Heavy rains in North Western parts of the United States yesterday (Monday) caused a huge mud slide in the small town of Beacon Hill in Washington State. One house was practically shoved out of its place by the huge mass of mud that had showered on its roof. Virginia Monger, the woman living in the house, told the media of the horror of hearing huge loud roars over her head. She thought trees were crashing on top of her. She is safe, but some 350 residents had to be evacuated from their homes. © All rights reserved Or A. Wolman