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Writing Examples
By Jana Downs
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Business Finance Topics
Green Ways to Save Green
“In the future, every industry should be an environmental industry. In a world where energy
and carbon emissions are constrained, every business must take resource productivity
seriously,” says David Miliband, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural
Most entrepreneurs are not ignorant of the state of the environment. In fact, I would wager
that there is a fair percentage of them who strive to do what they can to make their own
homes as eco-friendly as possible. However, there is often a disparity between home and
work and, somewhere along the way, those people who are so devoted to recycling at
home overlook iit while in the workplace. This juxtaposition is puzzling for many who are
activists for environmental causes and who advocate for change on a universal scale.
In an age of environmental consciousness, it is impossible for the business community to
ignore the fundamental challenges to traditional business management as they face a
growing sector of consumers who desire to work with environmentally friendly
proprietorships. This attitude and want on behalf of the consumer is the drive many need to
slide into their eco-warrior shoes when they step foot into the office Monday morning.
As with any business, there is a bottom line. With strides in modern technology and
government incentives to be better environmentalists, becoming environmentally conscious
is actually fairly easy and, most importantly for every accountant in your office, a way for
businesses to save money.
Give your employees reusable cups for the water cooler
According to a recent Forbes article, Starbucks has already gotten in on this idea and it’s
saving them millions of dollars annually. Granted, the average business doesn’t use nearly
as many cups as this beverage giant, but it’s still very applicable to even the smallest
business. By providing a reusable cup, you are not only encouraging your employees to
reduce the costs of waste disposal, but you are encouraging them to give you and your
brand free advertising every time they walk outside.
Environmentally, you’re saving the planet with a reduction in paper waste and in turn
enabling yourself to advertise as an eco-friendly business. Even if it’s just with a button on
the bottom of your website, the stamp certifies you in the eyes of environmentally conscious
Replace your light bulbs and create an energy policy
Energy costs tend to be a large part of an office budget. According to the Department of
Energy, the average savings of replacing five light bulbs with energy-certified ones is $75.
Looking overhead, I'm able to count 50 lights in this room, and if every bulb was replaced
with an Energy Star bulb, the office would save the business approximately $750 a year.
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Multiplied by the number of rooms the entire building has, the amount can be quite
In addition to replacing the bulbs in and around the office, creating an energy policy will
encourage your employees to be aware of the environmental and monetary impact their
choices are making.Go a little high tech and add occupancy sensors to your rooms so the
lights turn off when no one is in them or, if you have to simplify, send a company email
stating that all lights must be turned off when rooms or spaces are not in use.
Beware the vampire appliances
Further, an effective energy policy can ensure that all vampire appliances are unplugged
before everyone leaves for the night. The term encompasses all machinery which still draws
power when it’s not on. Computers, laptops, coffee makers, monitors, chargers—they all
draw energy even when not in use. There are many lists of vampire appliances on the Web,
so if you have a question about equipment you’re using, there are many to sources to
choose from. By simply unplugging these appliances at the end of the day, you’ll be saving
your company money and cutting down on the unnecessary environmental impact wasted
energy causes.
E-book and e-file your official documentation
The amount of paper one small business uses is staggering. claims that a
single office worker uses an average of 10,000 sheets of copy paper per year. That’s a lot
of green.
One way to eliminate some of that cost is to have official documentation stored in e-books.
The employee handbook and company policy, for example, don’t have to be stacked to the
ceiling to be read. Keeping those documents in online storage will cut unnecessary costs.
Have a contract that needs signing?
Think about trying an e-signing service like DocuSign. By creating a profile on a site that
enables contract signing over the Internet, you’ll be able to bring up any contract signed
with a just a few clicks rather than sorting through storage.
Give consumers paperless bills and memos whenever possible
Having consumers sign up for a paperless payment system is fairly simple, and you can
further suggest automatic drafts so that they don’t have to worry about remembering
payments. Think your clientele will be reluctant to sign up? You can try giving them an initial
discount of 5 percent in order to convince them of the ease and efficiency of the service.
This will help engender customer loyalty and promote your business as a green company.
This one may seem obvious, but it may have more of a monetary value than you think. Most
recycling centers will pay people for their recyclables. All you have to do is provide the bins
to be sorted and when you need to take the trash out, drop the recyclables off for some
immediate cost savings.
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Think outside the box when it comes to recyclables
When replacing office items, think old for furniture and new for appliances. Why old
furniture? There is an energy cost associated with producing new furniture and, if it’s wood,
an immediate natural cost as well. By purchasing older office furniture, you will be able to
save on the cost of new equipment while cutting costs of your carbon footprint. Many offices
sell their office supplies during a renovation and/or upgrade, enabling you to get them for a
Think of purchasing a gently used energy star appliance or a pre-owned refrigerator for the
breakroom. Since most brand new appliances are already energy star rated, it wouldn’t be
hard to find some recyclable appliances that will also be energy star as well. By upgrading
these items, you’ll be saving electricity and saving yourself money, something all
entrepreneurs want to hear.
Think of alternative energy sources
Solar panels are quickly becoming a popular commodity among consumers and businesses
alike. There is something reassuring about a building that is proudly displayed for all the
world to see. In addition to drastically reducing costs after the initial investment, the
government in many states offer tax credits to businesses and individuals who opt for solar
Renting a space?
Ask for an energy audit from your landlord. Many states will perform free energy audits and
pay for some (or all) of the repairs if deficiencies are found. A quick Google search of free
energy audits should affirm if there are any applications or program restrictions in your area.
Renovating a space?
If you are considering an old building or warehouse for your healing center or gym, cutting
down on renovation costs and environmental friendliness may seem to be in opposition.
However, that is not the case.
Consider using ductless energy efficient air conditioning units instead of traditional ones.
They work very similarly to the duct units and will keep you cool without breaking the bank
or the perfectly good building.
Also, instead of replacing all the walls with drywall, use spray-in insulation. It’s far more
efficient than traditional insulation and will save you time and resources by saving the walls
and sealing all the cracks.
Try Green Web Hosting
I know this seems minor, however, it’s something to boast about on your website. Being
powered by a green web host is no more costly, and in some instances less costly than
their non-green competitors. One green web host is GreenGeeks and advertises prices on
par with other hosting services you can find on the web. It isn’t just yourself who is going to
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
be patting you on the back either. Numerous articles claim that companies whose
reputations are seen as more environmentally conscious are also seen as more trustworthy
and more honest because of it. While the statistical data isn’t yet available on that point, the
idea seems in line with my experiences as both a consumer and a businessperson.
Overall, going green is a great way for a company to save itself some much-needed cash
while the economy slowly makes its recovery. Small changes to the daily work environment
enable business people to make a huge impact on the world around them and a large
impact on the status of their bottom line. In short, it’s the best of both worlds.
Lifestyle Topics
For the Love of Food
The Benefits of Eating Organic
Organic food. Those two words embody the most hotly contested food argument since the
battle of PB & banana and PB & jelly (I’m a PB&B fan myself). Movements have been
created in favor of both sides of the organic vs. nonorganic rally and businesses all seem to
be getting in on the recent “organic” turn in the market. For the average person, the reasons
behind these distinctly drawn battle lines seems clouded with a metric ton of misdirection,
misinformation, and, perhaps worst of all, the impression that to join either side is to exclude
the other entirely. But what is it about organic foods that has so many up in arms about it?
What are the benefits of organic food, really? Most importantly, what is organic food?
According to the USDA, America’s authority for all things food related, organic foods are
“products using methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials,
such as pesticides and antibiotics”. That seems simple enough, but the number of
addendums to that little statement are numerous enough to make your head spin. So, I will
make a simplified addition to their definition in lieu of copying pages of exceptions, notes,
and technical jargon. Organic foods are any foods that are produced as naturally as
possible by sustainable means, available to the average person, and without the aid of
People cite different reasons for the popularity of organic foods, from trendy to tree-hugging,
but the main thread found throughout the movement is that people desire to eat food that is
more natural, and in turn, better for them.
Why is that such a hotly contested assertion?
This desire for more organic choices in the market has prompted big companies and,
subsequently, the commercial farmers they employ to protest the belief that organic is better
than non-organic.
The pro-organic side claims that the non-organic side is either grossly misinformed or
simply more concerned about the dollar than your dinner.
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Thus the fight goes on
Regardless of the motivation, there are several benefits to eating organically, including
some interesting scientific studies that do point to non-organic food as cause for concern.
While the science behind eating organic hasn’t been explored to its fullest potential, there
was a study published in 2012 by a university in France that showed rats growing tumors
from genetically modified (GMO) corn. Though it was later retracted, the publisher did say
there was “no evidence of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of the data.”
Large or small, the information is disturbing. Nobody wants corn-on-the-cob with a side of
cancer. The speculation that something about chemicals in GMO foods causes health risks
has caused many on the fence to choose to go with the safe-rather-than-sorry approach. If
you disregard the scientific reasons for a GMO-free life, there are still some very good
benefits associated with natural food choices.
What are the benefits?
 Organic foods simply taste better.
o Since most commercially grown foods are picked before the plants ripen and
animals aren’t allowed to graze naturally, the product doesn’t have the time or
ability to reach its full potential. This can often mean that foods purchased in
local grocery stores are muted and potentially less flavorful than their organic
 Organics colors are richer. As one of the other contributors to our blog once said,
“taste the rainbow”! The more colors in a diet, the healthier it is.
 The longevity of the product tends to be extended because it hasn’t travelled halfway
across the world to get to the consumer.
Ouch, my wallet hurts!
Some argue that organic food is simply too expensive to buy regularly. They have a point.
Organic products do tend to be slightly higher in price than the same item without the USDA
label. By shopping at the “brand name” organic food marts like Whole Foods or Earth Fare,
your grocery bill would definitely exceed most people’s budgetary allowances for food in any
given month. However, there are ways to eat organically or, at least, naturally without
having to shop at those sorts of all-organic establishments.
Want to shop organic but still save a buck?
Most stores are developing gluten-free and organic food sections within their chains. Even
Walmart, with its dedication to cheap prices, has a organic food market now, the price of
which is only a few cents more than their non-organic partners on the same shelves.
But, wait, you say, that’s still an increase in my budget!
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
True, but I’m not done yet
Some great ways to get around the expense of some of your processed organics is to keep
the cost low on your fresh organics, i.e., the meat, eggs, and produce you’d normally buy
with your processed goods. A quick google search will usually lead you to several local
farmers’ markets where you can buy a whole bag of vegetables for half of what you would
pay in a store. Need meat? There are beef farmers all over who would be more than happy
to sell you his product directly. They might even let you pick out the cow you want.
 Purchasing locally is a three-fold benefit:
o You get to support your local community and buy directly from farmers, so
you know where your food comes from.
o Your budget is saved for that organic ice cream you had your eye on back at
o Since the food is local you’re saving the environment by cutting down
transportation mileage.
Finding it difficult to find farmers’ markets or local farmers in your neck of the
Grow your own organic crops! Don’t be intimidated. Trust me, people were growing food
before the invention of the wheel and without artificial fertilizer. Between the dozens of
gardening magazines, blogs, and help-guides, you’ll be able to produce something.
Don’t have a yard?
No problem. Look into small scale aquaponics or stacked garden planters. They don’t
require much space at all to produce enough food for a family. If you’re concerned you can’t
eat all you produce, no worries, you will be able to can your goods for later. Canning sets
are fairly inexpensive, there’s one on Amazon right now for 11 dollars, much cheaper than
continuously buying canned foods at the store.
Make your organic experience one for the whole family. You’d be surprised to find how fun it
can be once you get everyone involved. Trips to the grocery store are often daunting, but
the sorts of experiences gained from organics enable you to engage senses that you
probably never used previously.
 By going to local farmers’ markets, growing a garden, and/or interacting with the
farming community, you’ll be able to show your children a world most don’t get
exposed to and perhaps give them a greater appreciation for the vegetables on their
plates. Who knows, you might just discover a deeper appreciation yourself and
inspire the world’s next greatest breakthrough in widespread organics.
Healthy living is just one of many reasons organics benefits consumers and there are very
few reasons not to try them out. The worst that will happen is you’ll find out it’s not for you
and the best could be that you have a better, intimate relationship with the true love of most
of our lives, food.
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Have a favorite organic food or organic shopping experience? Share with us below!
Resume Writing Example
Laboratory scientist
Ambitious researcher with impressive laboratory background, special expertise in
Instrumental Analysis, Analytical Solutions, Quality Assurance, Toxicology, and
Genetics seeking full time position.
Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry May 2012
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science May 2012
 Minor in Psychology
 GPA: 3.036 Dean’s List Summer 2011
Swain County High School Bryson City, NC
High School Diploma June 2007
 GPA: 4.314
 Graduated 3rd
in my class with distinguished honors.
 15 hours of graduate level course work (500 level or higher) with Instrumental
Analysis being one of those courses. The others included: Advanced Organic,
Advanced Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry.
 Quality Assurance
 Pipetting
 Professional Writing Skills
 HPLC/MS  Statistical Analysis  Knowledge of OSHA
 DNA Extraction and
 Calibration and
 Firm understanding of
Proficiency Testing
 GC/MS  Data Analysis
(Urine, Saliva, and
 Attention to Detail
Quality Assurance Specialist – PCLS, Charlotte NC ~10/2012 to present
Laboratory Technologist- PCLS, Charlotte NC ~5/2012 to 10/2012
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Laboratory Researcher – Western Carolina University, Cullowhee NC ~1/2011 to
Research Internship – University of North Carolina, Asheville NC ~ 5/2008 to 8/2008
 Quality Assurance and Statistical Analysis:
o Experience in reagent preparation, studying reaction mechanisms, testing
chemicals, chemical analysis, and chemical presence determination in
various samples as well as statistical analysis of results and accuracy and
precision of laboratory methods used.
o Experience in calibration curve preparation (both by hand and use of
scientific software) and accurate analysis of calculated results.
o Preparing protocols for DNA extraction, quantification, amplification, and
o Making sure Genetics lab is following protocol and adhering to College of
American Pathologists standards for accreditation.
 Instrumentation and Methods:
o Trained in Chemical Detection Methods including chromatography,
electrophoresis, and spectrophotometer analysis methods.
o Proficiency in PCR, HPLC/MS, and GC/MS.
o Familiarity with DNA extraction and use of extraction kits for the use of
o Proficient with pipetting, microscopy, use of restriction enzymes, and DNA
 Proficiency in Excel, Word, Powerpoint, PC and Mac Operating systems, and
writing formal laboratory reports.
 Proficiency in scientific software such as: Data Acquisition,
Quantitative/Qualitative analysis software, ChemDraw, ChemSketch, Scifinder
Scholar, and Computational Chemistry Software (Gaussian and Sparatan).
 Dean’s List Summer 2011
 NC Space Grant Scholarship Recipient 2008-2009
 Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Member
 Autism Speaks Charity
 Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry Award Recipient 2008
Available upon request
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Technical Writing
This procedure defines the responsibilities and describes the process used for preparing specimens for
subsequent testing using high performance liquid chromatography with triple-quad mass spectrometry
Applies to the testing activities of -
LC/MS/MS = high performance li quid chromatography with triple-quad mass spectrometry.
µl = microliter
ml = milliliter
ºC= degrees Celsius
rpm = revolutions per minute
g = grams
Special Safety and Health Considerations:
Wear safety glasses, lab coat, and latex/nitrile gloves while handling specimens and solvents.
Step Responsible Action
5.1 Equipment Required:
Calibrated and Certified Automatic Pipettors (Capability of use with 0.5-1250µl)
96 well plate Vacuum Manifold
Solvent Reservoir attached to manifold
Vacuum attached to manifold
Incubator/Shaker capable of 40-60⁰C incubation
Centrifuge capable of approx. 3500 RPM with 96 well plates
Certified Thermometer
pH meter
96 Well Plate evaporator
Sterile Pipette tips (Capability of use with 1-1250µl)
96 Deep Well plates (2ml)
96 well plates 500µl (autosampler)
Aluminum foil
Biochemical Diagnostics GV-65C Mixed Bed 96 well Extraction plate
Varian Bond Elut Plexa 30 mg
AlumaSeal 96 (or equivalent)
Porex (or equivalent) Filter Samplers
©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and
were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces
©2015 by Jana Downs of
Reagents Required:
HPLC Grade Water
LCMS Grade Methanol
Mobile phase A
Biochemical Diagnostics 2X Stat-Skreen (or equivalent)
Prepared Standards
β – Glucuronidase Solution
Internal Standards Mix
QC Spiking Standard (Opiates/Amphetamines/Benzodiazepines) or equivalent
Prepared Buffers
0.1M Phosphate Buffer (pH 6.8)
0.25M Phosphate Buffer (pH 9.1)
5% MeOH in 0.25 Phosphate Buffer (pH 9.1)
2% Formic Acid in MeOH
Quantisal Buffer mixture 1:4
30% MeOH soln.
5.3 Sample Identification
5.3.1 Analyst Obtain the labeled specimens from the designated storage location. Prepare the sample ID
table by entering the information in the appropriate template manually or scanning the
sample barcode label.
5.3.2 Assign the table the appropriate name by date based on the sample matrix, oral fluids or
urine. Store the table on the shared drive in the appropriate folder.
5.3.3 Proceed to the appropriate section based on the specimen type, Preparation Of Patient
Urine Samples or Preparation of Patient Oral Fluids Samples.
5.4 Preparation Of Patient Urine Samples
5.4.1 If the Tecan Robotics unit is available, load the specimens in the sample racks and refer
to the Automated Sample Preparation Work Instruction. If the unit is not available
proceed to the next step.
5.4.2 Label 96 deep well plate with date and plate number.
5.4.3 For each specimen, pipette the following into a 96 deep well plate:
For Further Examples of Work, Please, Request
Official Samples from Jana Downs @

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Writing Examples

  • 2. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Business Finance Topics Green Ways to Save Green “In the future, every industry should be an environmental industry. In a world where energy and carbon emissions are constrained, every business must take resource productivity seriously,” says David Miliband, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Most entrepreneurs are not ignorant of the state of the environment. In fact, I would wager that there is a fair percentage of them who strive to do what they can to make their own homes as eco-friendly as possible. However, there is often a disparity between home and work and, somewhere along the way, those people who are so devoted to recycling at home overlook iit while in the workplace. This juxtaposition is puzzling for many who are activists for environmental causes and who advocate for change on a universal scale. In an age of environmental consciousness, it is impossible for the business community to ignore the fundamental challenges to traditional business management as they face a growing sector of consumers who desire to work with environmentally friendly proprietorships. This attitude and want on behalf of the consumer is the drive many need to slide into their eco-warrior shoes when they step foot into the office Monday morning. As with any business, there is a bottom line. With strides in modern technology and government incentives to be better environmentalists, becoming environmentally conscious is actually fairly easy and, most importantly for every accountant in your office, a way for businesses to save money. Give your employees reusable cups for the water cooler According to a recent Forbes article, Starbucks has already gotten in on this idea and it’s saving them millions of dollars annually. Granted, the average business doesn’t use nearly as many cups as this beverage giant, but it’s still very applicable to even the smallest business. By providing a reusable cup, you are not only encouraging your employees to reduce the costs of waste disposal, but you are encouraging them to give you and your brand free advertising every time they walk outside. Environmentally, you’re saving the planet with a reduction in paper waste and in turn enabling yourself to advertise as an eco-friendly business. Even if it’s just with a button on the bottom of your website, the stamp certifies you in the eyes of environmentally conscious consumers. Replace your light bulbs and create an energy policy Energy costs tend to be a large part of an office budget. According to the Department of Energy, the average savings of replacing five light bulbs with energy-certified ones is $75. Looking overhead, I'm able to count 50 lights in this room, and if every bulb was replaced with an Energy Star bulb, the office would save the business approximately $750 a year.
  • 3. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Multiplied by the number of rooms the entire building has, the amount can be quite significant. In addition to replacing the bulbs in and around the office, creating an energy policy will encourage your employees to be aware of the environmental and monetary impact their choices are making.Go a little high tech and add occupancy sensors to your rooms so the lights turn off when no one is in them or, if you have to simplify, send a company email stating that all lights must be turned off when rooms or spaces are not in use. Beware the vampire appliances Further, an effective energy policy can ensure that all vampire appliances are unplugged before everyone leaves for the night. The term encompasses all machinery which still draws power when it’s not on. Computers, laptops, coffee makers, monitors, chargers—they all draw energy even when not in use. There are many lists of vampire appliances on the Web, so if you have a question about equipment you’re using, there are many to sources to choose from. By simply unplugging these appliances at the end of the day, you’ll be saving your company money and cutting down on the unnecessary environmental impact wasted energy causes. E-book and e-file your official documentation The amount of paper one small business uses is staggering. claims that a single office worker uses an average of 10,000 sheets of copy paper per year. That’s a lot of green. One way to eliminate some of that cost is to have official documentation stored in e-books. The employee handbook and company policy, for example, don’t have to be stacked to the ceiling to be read. Keeping those documents in online storage will cut unnecessary costs. Have a contract that needs signing? Think about trying an e-signing service like DocuSign. By creating a profile on a site that enables contract signing over the Internet, you’ll be able to bring up any contract signed with a just a few clicks rather than sorting through storage. Give consumers paperless bills and memos whenever possible Having consumers sign up for a paperless payment system is fairly simple, and you can further suggest automatic drafts so that they don’t have to worry about remembering payments. Think your clientele will be reluctant to sign up? You can try giving them an initial discount of 5 percent in order to convince them of the ease and efficiency of the service. This will help engender customer loyalty and promote your business as a green company. Recycle This one may seem obvious, but it may have more of a monetary value than you think. Most recycling centers will pay people for their recyclables. All you have to do is provide the bins to be sorted and when you need to take the trash out, drop the recyclables off for some immediate cost savings.
  • 4. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Think outside the box when it comes to recyclables When replacing office items, think old for furniture and new for appliances. Why old furniture? There is an energy cost associated with producing new furniture and, if it’s wood, an immediate natural cost as well. By purchasing older office furniture, you will be able to save on the cost of new equipment while cutting costs of your carbon footprint. Many offices sell their office supplies during a renovation and/or upgrade, enabling you to get them for a steal. Think of purchasing a gently used energy star appliance or a pre-owned refrigerator for the breakroom. Since most brand new appliances are already energy star rated, it wouldn’t be hard to find some recyclable appliances that will also be energy star as well. By upgrading these items, you’ll be saving electricity and saving yourself money, something all entrepreneurs want to hear. Think of alternative energy sources Solar panels are quickly becoming a popular commodity among consumers and businesses alike. There is something reassuring about a building that is proudly displayed for all the world to see. In addition to drastically reducing costs after the initial investment, the government in many states offer tax credits to businesses and individuals who opt for solar installation. Renting a space? Ask for an energy audit from your landlord. Many states will perform free energy audits and pay for some (or all) of the repairs if deficiencies are found. A quick Google search of free energy audits should affirm if there are any applications or program restrictions in your area. Renovating a space? If you are considering an old building or warehouse for your healing center or gym, cutting down on renovation costs and environmental friendliness may seem to be in opposition. However, that is not the case. Consider using ductless energy efficient air conditioning units instead of traditional ones. They work very similarly to the duct units and will keep you cool without breaking the bank or the perfectly good building. Also, instead of replacing all the walls with drywall, use spray-in insulation. It’s far more efficient than traditional insulation and will save you time and resources by saving the walls and sealing all the cracks. Try Green Web Hosting I know this seems minor, however, it’s something to boast about on your website. Being powered by a green web host is no more costly, and in some instances less costly than their non-green competitors. One green web host is GreenGeeks and advertises prices on par with other hosting services you can find on the web. It isn’t just yourself who is going to
  • 5. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of be patting you on the back either. Numerous articles claim that companies whose reputations are seen as more environmentally conscious are also seen as more trustworthy and more honest because of it. While the statistical data isn’t yet available on that point, the idea seems in line with my experiences as both a consumer and a businessperson. Overall, going green is a great way for a company to save itself some much-needed cash while the economy slowly makes its recovery. Small changes to the daily work environment enable business people to make a huge impact on the world around them and a large impact on the status of their bottom line. In short, it’s the best of both worlds. Lifestyle Topics For the Love of Food The Benefits of Eating Organic Organic food. Those two words embody the most hotly contested food argument since the battle of PB & banana and PB & jelly (I’m a PB&B fan myself). Movements have been created in favor of both sides of the organic vs. nonorganic rally and businesses all seem to be getting in on the recent “organic” turn in the market. For the average person, the reasons behind these distinctly drawn battle lines seems clouded with a metric ton of misdirection, misinformation, and, perhaps worst of all, the impression that to join either side is to exclude the other entirely. But what is it about organic foods that has so many up in arms about it? What are the benefits of organic food, really? Most importantly, what is organic food? According to the USDA, America’s authority for all things food related, organic foods are “products using methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics”. That seems simple enough, but the number of addendums to that little statement are numerous enough to make your head spin. So, I will make a simplified addition to their definition in lieu of copying pages of exceptions, notes, and technical jargon. Organic foods are any foods that are produced as naturally as possible by sustainable means, available to the average person, and without the aid of chemicals. People cite different reasons for the popularity of organic foods, from trendy to tree-hugging, but the main thread found throughout the movement is that people desire to eat food that is more natural, and in turn, better for them. Why is that such a hotly contested assertion? This desire for more organic choices in the market has prompted big companies and, subsequently, the commercial farmers they employ to protest the belief that organic is better than non-organic. The pro-organic side claims that the non-organic side is either grossly misinformed or simply more concerned about the dollar than your dinner.
  • 6. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Thus the fight goes on Regardless of the motivation, there are several benefits to eating organically, including some interesting scientific studies that do point to non-organic food as cause for concern. While the science behind eating organic hasn’t been explored to its fullest potential, there was a study published in 2012 by a university in France that showed rats growing tumors from genetically modified (GMO) corn. Though it was later retracted, the publisher did say there was “no evidence of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of the data.” Large or small, the information is disturbing. Nobody wants corn-on-the-cob with a side of cancer. The speculation that something about chemicals in GMO foods causes health risks has caused many on the fence to choose to go with the safe-rather-than-sorry approach. If you disregard the scientific reasons for a GMO-free life, there are still some very good benefits associated with natural food choices. What are the benefits?  Organic foods simply taste better. o Since most commercially grown foods are picked before the plants ripen and animals aren’t allowed to graze naturally, the product doesn’t have the time or ability to reach its full potential. This can often mean that foods purchased in local grocery stores are muted and potentially less flavorful than their organic cousins.  Organics colors are richer. As one of the other contributors to our blog once said, “taste the rainbow”! The more colors in a diet, the healthier it is.  The longevity of the product tends to be extended because it hasn’t travelled halfway across the world to get to the consumer. Ouch, my wallet hurts! Some argue that organic food is simply too expensive to buy regularly. They have a point. Organic products do tend to be slightly higher in price than the same item without the USDA label. By shopping at the “brand name” organic food marts like Whole Foods or Earth Fare, your grocery bill would definitely exceed most people’s budgetary allowances for food in any given month. However, there are ways to eat organically or, at least, naturally without having to shop at those sorts of all-organic establishments. Want to shop organic but still save a buck? Most stores are developing gluten-free and organic food sections within their chains. Even Walmart, with its dedication to cheap prices, has a organic food market now, the price of which is only a few cents more than their non-organic partners on the same shelves. But, wait, you say, that’s still an increase in my budget!
  • 7. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of True, but I’m not done yet Some great ways to get around the expense of some of your processed organics is to keep the cost low on your fresh organics, i.e., the meat, eggs, and produce you’d normally buy with your processed goods. A quick google search will usually lead you to several local farmers’ markets where you can buy a whole bag of vegetables for half of what you would pay in a store. Need meat? There are beef farmers all over who would be more than happy to sell you his product directly. They might even let you pick out the cow you want.  Purchasing locally is a three-fold benefit: o You get to support your local community and buy directly from farmers, so you know where your food comes from. o Your budget is saved for that organic ice cream you had your eye on back at Wholefoods. o Since the food is local you’re saving the environment by cutting down transportation mileage. Finding it difficult to find farmers’ markets or local farmers in your neck of the woods? Grow your own organic crops! Don’t be intimidated. Trust me, people were growing food before the invention of the wheel and without artificial fertilizer. Between the dozens of gardening magazines, blogs, and help-guides, you’ll be able to produce something. Don’t have a yard? No problem. Look into small scale aquaponics or stacked garden planters. They don’t require much space at all to produce enough food for a family. If you’re concerned you can’t eat all you produce, no worries, you will be able to can your goods for later. Canning sets are fairly inexpensive, there’s one on Amazon right now for 11 dollars, much cheaper than continuously buying canned foods at the store. Make your organic experience one for the whole family. You’d be surprised to find how fun it can be once you get everyone involved. Trips to the grocery store are often daunting, but the sorts of experiences gained from organics enable you to engage senses that you probably never used previously.  By going to local farmers’ markets, growing a garden, and/or interacting with the farming community, you’ll be able to show your children a world most don’t get exposed to and perhaps give them a greater appreciation for the vegetables on their plates. Who knows, you might just discover a deeper appreciation yourself and inspire the world’s next greatest breakthrough in widespread organics. Healthy living is just one of many reasons organics benefits consumers and there are very few reasons not to try them out. The worst that will happen is you’ll find out it’s not for you and the best could be that you have a better, intimate relationship with the true love of most of our lives, food.
  • 8. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Have a favorite organic food or organic shopping experience? Share with us below! Resume Writing Example Laboratory scientist Ambitious researcher with impressive laboratory background, special expertise in Instrumental Analysis, Analytical Solutions, Quality Assurance, Toxicology, and Genetics seeking full time position. EDUCATION Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC Bachelor of Science in Chemistry May 2012 Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science May 2012  Minor in Psychology  GPA: 3.036 Dean’s List Summer 2011 Swain County High School Bryson City, NC High School Diploma June 2007  GPA: 4.314  Graduated 3rd in my class with distinguished honors. RELATED COURSEWORK  15 hours of graduate level course work (500 level or higher) with Instrumental Analysis being one of those courses. The others included: Advanced Organic, Advanced Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry. EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIC PREPARATION  Quality Assurance Practices  Pipetting Techniques  Professional Writing Skills  HPLC/MS  Statistical Analysis  Knowledge of OSHA Requirements  DNA Extraction and Amplification  Calibration and Standards Experience  Firm understanding of Proficiency Testing  GC/MS  Data Analysis (Urine, Saliva, and DNA)  Attention to Detail INTERNSHIPS & RELATED EXPERIENCE Quality Assurance Specialist – PCLS, Charlotte NC ~10/2012 to present Laboratory Technologist- PCLS, Charlotte NC ~5/2012 to 10/2012
  • 9. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Laboratory Researcher – Western Carolina University, Cullowhee NC ~1/2011 to 5/2012 Research Internship – University of North Carolina, Asheville NC ~ 5/2008 to 8/2008  Quality Assurance and Statistical Analysis: o Experience in reagent preparation, studying reaction mechanisms, testing chemicals, chemical analysis, and chemical presence determination in various samples as well as statistical analysis of results and accuracy and precision of laboratory methods used. o Experience in calibration curve preparation (both by hand and use of scientific software) and accurate analysis of calculated results. o Preparing protocols for DNA extraction, quantification, amplification, and analysis. o Making sure Genetics lab is following protocol and adhering to College of American Pathologists standards for accreditation.  Instrumentation and Methods: o Trained in Chemical Detection Methods including chromatography, electrophoresis, and spectrophotometer analysis methods. o Proficiency in PCR, HPLC/MS, and GC/MS. o Familiarity with DNA extraction and use of extraction kits for the use of genotyping. o Proficient with pipetting, microscopy, use of restriction enzymes, and DNA analysis. COMPUTER SKILLS  Proficiency in Excel, Word, Powerpoint, PC and Mac Operating systems, and writing formal laboratory reports.  Proficiency in scientific software such as: Data Acquisition, Quantitative/Qualitative analysis software, ChemDraw, ChemSketch, Scifinder Scholar, and Computational Chemistry Software (Gaussian and Sparatan). HONORS, ACTIVITIES, & COMMUNITY SERVICE  Dean’s List Summer 2011  NC Space Grant Scholarship Recipient 2008-2009  Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Member  Autism Speaks Charity  Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry Award Recipient 2008 REFERENCES Available upon request
  • 10. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of Technical Writing Purpose: This procedure defines the responsibilities and describes the process used for preparing specimens for subsequent testing using high performance liquid chromatography with triple-quad mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS). Scope: Applies to the testing activities of - Definitions: LC/MS/MS = high performance li quid chromatography with triple-quad mass spectrometry. µl = microliter ml = milliliter ºC= degrees Celsius rpm = revolutions per minute g = grams Special Safety and Health Considerations: Wear safety glasses, lab coat, and latex/nitrile gloves while handling specimens and solvents. Procedures: Step Responsible Action 5.1 Equipment Required: Calibrated and Certified Automatic Pipettors (Capability of use with 0.5-1250µl) 96 well plate Vacuum Manifold Solvent Reservoir attached to manifold Vacuum attached to manifold Incubator/Shaker capable of 40-60⁰C incubation Centrifuge capable of approx. 3500 RPM with 96 well plates Certified Thermometer pH meter 96 Well Plate evaporator Sterile Pipette tips (Capability of use with 1-1250µl) 96 Deep Well plates (2ml) 96 well plates 500µl (autosampler) Aluminum foil Biochemical Diagnostics GV-65C Mixed Bed 96 well Extraction plate Varian Bond Elut Plexa 30 mg AlumaSeal 96 (or equivalent) Porex (or equivalent) Filter Samplers
  • 11. ©2015 by Jana Downs: all topics found herein are subject to copyright law and were written for clients who own the rights to publish said pieces ©2015 by Jana Downs of 5.2 Reagents Required: HPLC Grade Water LCMS Grade Methanol Mobile phase A Biochemical Diagnostics 2X Stat-Skreen (or equivalent) Prepared Standards β – Glucuronidase Solution Internal Standards Mix QC Spiking Standard (Opiates/Amphetamines/Benzodiazepines) or equivalent Prepared Buffers 0.1M Phosphate Buffer (pH 6.8) 0.25M Phosphate Buffer (pH 9.1) 5% MeOH in 0.25 Phosphate Buffer (pH 9.1) 2% Formic Acid in MeOH Quantisal Buffer mixture 1:4 30% MeOH soln. 5.3 Sample Identification 5.3.1 Analyst Obtain the labeled specimens from the designated storage location. Prepare the sample ID table by entering the information in the appropriate template manually or scanning the sample barcode label. 5.3.2 Assign the table the appropriate name by date based on the sample matrix, oral fluids or urine. Store the table on the shared drive in the appropriate folder. 5.3.3 Proceed to the appropriate section based on the specimen type, Preparation Of Patient Urine Samples or Preparation of Patient Oral Fluids Samples. 5.4 Preparation Of Patient Urine Samples 5.4.1 If the Tecan Robotics unit is available, load the specimens in the sample racks and refer to the Automated Sample Preparation Work Instruction. If the unit is not available proceed to the next step. 5.4.2 Label 96 deep well plate with date and plate number. 5.4.3 For each specimen, pipette the following into a 96 deep well plate: For Further Examples of Work, Please, Request Official Samples from Jana Downs @