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Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
World Tour - Episode 2
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Soon you will be just like me.
                           Soon you will be just like me.
                      Soon you will be just like me.
              Soon you will be just like me.
                           A slave like me.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
When Patrick woke up he was
          laying in a corner somewhere
         near where he had been picked
          up by a guy and turned into a
            cock-crazed slut yesterday.
             Patrick wondered what a
            strange drug this has been.
        The guy said it wasn‘t curable or
                something like that.
            He still couldn‘t really think
        straight and heard someone talk
           about cocks in his head but -
        thank god - he was himself again.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
It was like somebody was
          following him and whispered
          „Cocks“ in his ear every ten
          seconds. That was fucked up.
        The nights could be cold in India
           - he hadn‘t known that until
            now. He wandered around
         without a destination when he
                heard a familiar voice.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Honey, what happened? Oh my
          god.You don‘t look good.“ he
              heard Catherine say.
         „Come with me. Let‘s get you a
                      hot tea.“
             But all he could say was:
             „Cocks. Cocks. Cocks.“
          - „Oh sweety, you really look
           bad. You need to get some

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
The next day when he got up he
         took a long hot shower, which
        helped a lot. He felt much better
           and finally was able to think
         about what had happened the
         last days. „I seem to go crazy“,
          he thought. „Things like that
        don‘t happen. I was just drugged
         with some hallucination serum
        or something. Everything‘s gonna
                  be fine now.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Catherine was already waiting
        for him outside. Patrick knew he
          should like what he saw. But
               somehow he didn‘t.
        „What‘s going on sweety? Don‘t
        you like me? I‘ve dresses like this
                  just for you.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
It was the worst thing he could
         imagine. He didn‘t feel anything.
         Every touch Catherine gave him
             meant nothing anymore.
         He was scared and tried harder
              to make it come back.
          He concentrated so hard that
         finally his mind just played along
            and his manhood got stiff.
         He turned around to Catherine
             to show her that he had
                 managed it, but..

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Catherine wasn‘t herself
          anymore. In his eyes she was a
            man. Suddenly Patrick lost
          control. The more he tried to
            get away from this he was
            pushed deeper into it. He
         thought it was disgusting but he
          soon found himself fantasizing
              about touching a man.
         He had to stop this. He just had
            to. He took a deep breath,
            gathered all his power left
                 and screamed...

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Why is everything so dark? Did i fall asleep?
                Just like that? Or am i in a coma or something?
                           Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
                                Huh.. doesn‘t work.
                 But if i‘m dreaming why can i think so straight.
          And why don‘t i have control about what‘s happening before
                       my eyes. I see something. What is it?
          A dream? I‘ll just take a look. There‘s nothing else to do here

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
In his dream he found a magic
            bottle and met a jinni that
           promised him three wishes.
          „Now that‘s easy. First i wish i
        could be a girl again.“ What? No!
           Why can‘t i control what i‘m
             saying. This is my dream.
        What the fuck is happening to me.
         The jinni looked at him and said
                     „so be it“.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
For a second he got the control
         back. He screamed but didn‘t
         wake up. The jinni asked for a
       second wish. „Oh man, this guy in
       my head won‘t shut up. Please, let
        me forget who i was before. All
         those male thoughts are just
      keeping me from having fun. I want
      to be the girl i am from the inside.
      And could you make me some less
      intelligent? Being dumb is so much
      easier.“ Patrick raged but couldn‘t
         do anything. He slowly forgot
       about his manhood, his childhood
      and finally that he had ever been a

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Soon his heartbeat cooled down
         and everything felt brighter. He
      just had to admit that he was a girl
         and everything was turning out
         great. He had butterflies in his
        stomach and for the first time in
        days he was happy. No problems.
           No fears. No responsibility.
       „What is your last wish?“ the jinni
        „Like, that‘s sooo easy. I want to
        be a super slave just like the girly
             friend who told me so.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
The jinni said „Finally you
       understand what your life is going
       to be like. Do you hear your new
      master coming? You will obey. Not
         because i‘m telling you to. But
         because it‘s your own will.You
        wished for this and now you will
          just be what you wished for:
      just like me. a dumb slave like me.“
          the jinni started to laugh and
       There was nothing left but a slave
       ready to do whatever her master

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Wake up Patrick!

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
She heared someone whisper her
         to wake up. She knew this voice
          but couldn‘t remember who it
        was. Something like a girlfriend or
           something but why would she
          have a girlfriend? She was a girl
        after all and was supposed to only
          obey her master. And who was
         this Patrick anyways? Maybe this
                  was just a mix-up.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
You have to remember who you
       are.You are Patrick - my charge.
      I‘m Catherine. Do you remember
        me? I should have told you this
        much earlier but i couldn‘t risk
         loosing you. I‘m your guardian
     angel and i haven‘t done my job so
           good lately. There‘s an evil
        darkness trying to get you. The
        hell-harem princess is trying to
        make you one of her slaves. But
        you have to fight this. I brought
      you here because she can‘t get in
     here. This place is safe - at least for
      now. Just remember who you are.
               I‘m here to help...

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Slowly Patrick wakes up. „No. I‘m not a man. I‘m a slave. I want to
                    be a slave. Let go of all responsibilities.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
You have to understand. She is
      playing tricks on your mind. I have
      been trying to hold her away from
      you as long as i could.You see, my
       power is supposed to work over
      sexual arousel. Whenever you get
      aroused by me i can use my magic
      on you. This is why you fell in love
      with me by the way. But yesterday
      the harem princess was just more
        powerful than me. She knocked
       me out and took control. Please,
       look at me. Remember who you
                   really are.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Let me help you. Look at my sexy
       movements and remember who
     you are. We have to run away from
     her. Soon she‘s coming back so we
       have to hurry up. Please Patrick.
         You are Patrick.You‘re from
          Cologne and you like girls.
        Remember your streangth and
              come back to me.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Catherines sexy movements
        worked. He remembered but it
      was only like a fog over his mind.
      He couldn‘t really concentrate on
      a single memory but he just knew
             he wasn‘t a slave girl.
       That was enough to realise that
      Catherine was trying to help him.
       He had to stand up and run with
        her or else he would soon be
       damned to be a slave in a harem.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Shit. I heared something.
         She is coming. We have to go.
          Now! Take me by the hand.
        There‘s only one place i can take
                    you now.
         We‘re going to the guardians

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
As Patricks eyes accustomed themselves to the bright lights he
              sees Catherines real figure. „You are so beautiful.“
      - „Thank you sweety. But i‘m afraid for an angel i look terrible. The
        harem princess is affecting me more than i like. She is trying to
                   corrupt me and resistance is exhausting.
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„But you will keep up with her,
           right?“ Patrick asked while
        shivering from the cold winds.
       „I have to but if i fail you have to
      run for yourself and meet a friend
      of mine in South Africa. Her name
         is Trixi and she lives in an old
      convent at the coast. But i‘m sure
                    i‘ll be fine.“
      - „You can‘t leave me like you did
             the last times.“ Patrick
        commanded but Catherine just
       said „I had to. I was fighting with
             the princess. What you
      experienced was only her minions

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Now let‘s find a hiding place.
       It needs to be somewhere where
            a lot of people are living.
         I know. We are going to Tokyo.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
It took only a few seconds and suddenly they stood on a crowded
          street in the center of Tokyo - the biggest city of the world.
         „Let‘s find a hotel and forget about all our problems for some
                       time. She won‘t find us here soon.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
So they forgot about it all some
        time and had a lot of sex. Patrick
         had to stay aroused after all. Or
          else it would be easier for the
              princess to find them.
          He sometimes even looked at
        playboy pictures while Catherine
        stripped for him to make it safer.
          For two weeks this went very

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
But over the time Patrick got a
      bad feeling. Catherine was starting
          to act different. She looked
      somehow younger and teased him
            like she had full control.
        That triggered something inside
      him. He remembered what it was
      like to just let go and become the
                girl he had been.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
He saw the look on her face and it worried him.
          His worries were approved when he woke up one night finding
                 Catherine sitting on the floor in the bathroom.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Oh Patrick. I can‘t do this
       anymore. She is taking control
     over me. A few days ago the harem
     princess came to me in my dream.
      Don‘t worry. She didn‘t find out
      where we are. Instead she made
      me a present. She told me that i
        could be young again. And i... i
      couldn‘t stop myself from slowly
      becoming younger even though i
     knew it was wrong. And now look
     at me. I‘m starting to get nuts and
         she‘s slowly taking control.
       She wants me to be one of her

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Patrick was in fear. „What can i do
        to help you? What can i do to
        make this go away? You have to
                   fight her.“
       What Catherine said next scared
               him even more.
       „There‘s nothing you or i can do
      anymore. She infected me.You can
       only run. Go find my friend Trixi.
      She will help you like i did before.
                  Go! Now!“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Lightning bolts hammered in and
        out of Catherines body. Suddenly
         the whole atmosphere changed.
           Her mood was changing too.
       It was very scary when her crying
             turned into an evil laugh.
        „Finally you are helpless. How do
              you like your little girl?“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Maybe you like sweet little girls
      you pervert? Do you like it when
        they are young? Do you like it?
              I am sure you do.“
         -“No. Please. Leave me alone
       Catherine.You don‘t want to do
     - „You don‘t know what i want. My
          power is even greater than
     before. Together with my mistress i
             will rule the world.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Don‘t you see? I‘m such an
      inocent little girl. Come and screw
       - „No. I don‘t even like little girls.
              Go away from me.“
       -“That‘s a shame. I always wanted
         to be a little girl again. Playing
           around, you now. Hahaha.“
                -“You are crazy.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Suddenly everything was bright
         again and slowly blood ran over
                 Catherines face.
          „No i‘m not crazy.You are.You
         have been dreaming all your life.
         You‘re not a man.You‘re a pussy
           and that‘s what you shall be

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Look at me Patrick. I love you.
       And that is why i have to let you
       go and let you become what you
          are really supposed to be.
        Hahahaha. Oh i‘m so evil. I like
        that. What will i turn you into?
       Maybe a little japanese school girl.
              Oh i like that idea.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
The pink pulsing light was back and it was brighter than ever.
               Nobody was there who stopped it from getting into his head.
                              Nobody was there to help him.
                           He knew what was going to happen.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Awww isn‘t that a cute girl? In
          your little cage. Does that
        remember you of something?
     Yeah. The serum that guy gave you?
     I never could have cured you from
      that. I just burried it in your mind.
            Now come out my little
            cocksucker. Hahahaha.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Now let‘s be honest. Looking like
         that you won‘t get to suck so
       many cocks.You need to rather
        look like what you are - a slut.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Hahahaha. Hahahaha.Yes!
          I like having fun with you.
      You are so helpless.You can‘t even
      say anything.You can only think of
                  cocks right?“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
„Come on. I want you to hunger
     for a mans touch. Haha. I‘m having
      such a good time controling your
      little sluts body. Libido up! Libido
              down! Libido up! UP!
     Can you feel those longing building
      up? You want any mans cock now
       but you can‘t move.Your whole
      body shivers of lust but you can‘t
           move my little marionette.
        Now wait for the first touch.“

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Patrick wasn‘t there anymore. The
        only thing left was a raging slut
          wanting to get fucked. No
      thoughts. No moemory. Only one

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Hahahahaha. So much fun. But you
       should always stop when it‘s the
        most fun right.You want a real
       man to fuck you? Well you won‘t
       get that now.Your training starts
        now.You have to learn how to
                earn to get fucked.
        So i‘ll just leave you as a horny
      teenage japanese school girl.You‘ll
        have some years ahead of you
      becoming the perfect little slut for
      our harem. The princess will come
       and get you once your training is

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Suddenly he was back in control but didn‘t know who he was.
                                  Was he even a man?

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Noo! Your name is Akisha.
               You‘re a japanese school girl.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Soon all kinds of new information
        flushes in his mind overwriting
       everything Patrick has ever been.
           He learned how to dress
      properly, do his make up, hairs and
          how to walk in high heels.

       Only one thing remained. Akisha
      didn‘t know what it was supposed
         to mean. It was a name and it
           should remember her of
        something but she didn‘t know
          what. A name of a woman.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
Next time on
             „World Tour“
            Akisha has to live a life of a
            horny school girl while she
         slowly discovers what happened
                      to her.

                           Don‘t miss this.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 11

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World Tour - Episode 2

  • 2. World Tour - Episode 2 Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 3. Soon you will be just like me. Soon you will be just like me. Soon you will be just like me. Soon you will be just like me. A slave like me. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 4. When Patrick woke up he was laying in a corner somewhere near where he had been picked up by a guy and turned into a cock-crazed slut yesterday. Patrick wondered what a strange drug this has been. The guy said it wasn‘t curable or something like that. He still couldn‘t really think straight and heard someone talk about cocks in his head but - thank god - he was himself again. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 5. It was like somebody was following him and whispered „Cocks“ in his ear every ten seconds. That was fucked up. The nights could be cold in India - he hadn‘t known that until now. He wandered around without a destination when he heard a familiar voice. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 6. „Honey, what happened? Oh my god.You don‘t look good.“ he heard Catherine say. „Come with me. Let‘s get you a hot tea.“ But all he could say was: „Cocks. Cocks. Cocks.“ - „Oh sweety, you really look bad. You need to get some rest.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 8. The next day when he got up he took a long hot shower, which helped a lot. He felt much better and finally was able to think about what had happened the last days. „I seem to go crazy“, he thought. „Things like that don‘t happen. I was just drugged with some hallucination serum or something. Everything‘s gonna be fine now.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 9. Catherine was already waiting for him outside. Patrick knew he should like what he saw. But somehow he didn‘t. „What‘s going on sweety? Don‘t you like me? I‘ve dresses like this just for you.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 10. It was the worst thing he could imagine. He didn‘t feel anything. Every touch Catherine gave him meant nothing anymore. He was scared and tried harder to make it come back. He concentrated so hard that finally his mind just played along and his manhood got stiff. He turned around to Catherine to show her that he had managed it, but.. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 11. Catherine wasn‘t herself anymore. In his eyes she was a man. Suddenly Patrick lost control. The more he tried to get away from this he was pushed deeper into it. He thought it was disgusting but he soon found himself fantasizing about touching a man. He had to stop this. He just had to. He took a deep breath, gathered all his power left and screamed... Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 13. Why is everything so dark? Did i fall asleep? Just like that? Or am i in a coma or something? Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Huh.. doesn‘t work. But if i‘m dreaming why can i think so straight. And why don‘t i have control about what‘s happening before my eyes. I see something. What is it? A dream? I‘ll just take a look. There‘s nothing else to do here anyways. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 14. In his dream he found a magic bottle and met a jinni that promised him three wishes. „Now that‘s easy. First i wish i could be a girl again.“ What? No! Why can‘t i control what i‘m saying. This is my dream. What the fuck is happening to me. The jinni looked at him and said „so be it“. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 15. For a second he got the control back. He screamed but didn‘t wake up. The jinni asked for a second wish. „Oh man, this guy in my head won‘t shut up. Please, let me forget who i was before. All those male thoughts are just keeping me from having fun. I want to be the girl i am from the inside. And could you make me some less intelligent? Being dumb is so much easier.“ Patrick raged but couldn‘t do anything. He slowly forgot about his manhood, his childhood and finally that he had ever been a man. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 16. Soon his heartbeat cooled down and everything felt brighter. He just had to admit that he was a girl and everything was turning out great. He had butterflies in his stomach and for the first time in days he was happy. No problems. No fears. No responsibility. „What is your last wish?“ the jinni asked. „Like, that‘s sooo easy. I want to be a super slave just like the girly friend who told me so.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 17. The jinni said „Finally you understand what your life is going to be like. Do you hear your new master coming? You will obey. Not because i‘m telling you to. But because it‘s your own will.You wished for this and now you will just be what you wished for: just like me. a dumb slave like me.“ the jinni started to laugh and disappeared. There was nothing left but a slave ready to do whatever her master said. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 18. Wake up Patrick! Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 19. She heared someone whisper her to wake up. She knew this voice but couldn‘t remember who it was. Something like a girlfriend or something but why would she have a girlfriend? She was a girl after all and was supposed to only obey her master. And who was this Patrick anyways? Maybe this was just a mix-up. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 20. You have to remember who you are.You are Patrick - my charge. I‘m Catherine. Do you remember me? I should have told you this much earlier but i couldn‘t risk loosing you. I‘m your guardian angel and i haven‘t done my job so good lately. There‘s an evil darkness trying to get you. The hell-harem princess is trying to make you one of her slaves. But you have to fight this. I brought you here because she can‘t get in here. This place is safe - at least for now. Just remember who you are. I‘m here to help... Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 21. Slowly Patrick wakes up. „No. I‘m not a man. I‘m a slave. I want to be a slave. Let go of all responsibilities.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 22. You have to understand. She is playing tricks on your mind. I have been trying to hold her away from you as long as i could.You see, my power is supposed to work over sexual arousel. Whenever you get aroused by me i can use my magic on you. This is why you fell in love with me by the way. But yesterday the harem princess was just more powerful than me. She knocked me out and took control. Please, look at me. Remember who you really are. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 23. Let me help you. Look at my sexy movements and remember who you are. We have to run away from her. Soon she‘s coming back so we have to hurry up. Please Patrick. You are Patrick.You‘re from Cologne and you like girls. Remember your streangth and come back to me. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 24. Catherines sexy movements worked. He remembered but it was only like a fog over his mind. He couldn‘t really concentrate on a single memory but he just knew he wasn‘t a slave girl. That was enough to realise that Catherine was trying to help him. He had to stand up and run with her or else he would soon be damned to be a slave in a harem. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 25. Shit. I heared something. She is coming. We have to go. Now! Take me by the hand. There‘s only one place i can take you now. We‘re going to the guardians airport. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 27. As Patricks eyes accustomed themselves to the bright lights he sees Catherines real figure. „You are so beautiful.“ - „Thank you sweety. But i‘m afraid for an angel i look terrible. The harem princess is affecting me more than i like. She is trying to corrupt me and resistance is exhausting. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 28. „But you will keep up with her, right?“ Patrick asked while shivering from the cold winds. „I have to but if i fail you have to run for yourself and meet a friend of mine in South Africa. Her name is Trixi and she lives in an old convent at the coast. But i‘m sure i‘ll be fine.“ - „You can‘t leave me like you did the last times.“ Patrick commanded but Catherine just said „I had to. I was fighting with the princess. What you experienced was only her minions work.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 29. Now let‘s find a hiding place. It needs to be somewhere where a lot of people are living. I know. We are going to Tokyo. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 30. It took only a few seconds and suddenly they stood on a crowded street in the center of Tokyo - the biggest city of the world. „Let‘s find a hotel and forget about all our problems for some time. She won‘t find us here soon.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 31. So they forgot about it all some time and had a lot of sex. Patrick had to stay aroused after all. Or else it would be easier for the princess to find them. He sometimes even looked at playboy pictures while Catherine stripped for him to make it safer. For two weeks this went very well. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 34. But over the time Patrick got a bad feeling. Catherine was starting to act different. She looked somehow younger and teased him like she had full control. That triggered something inside him. He remembered what it was like to just let go and become the girl he had been. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 35. He saw the look on her face and it worried him. His worries were approved when he woke up one night finding Catherine sitting on the floor in the bathroom. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 36. „Oh Patrick. I can‘t do this anymore. She is taking control over me. A few days ago the harem princess came to me in my dream. Don‘t worry. She didn‘t find out where we are. Instead she made me a present. She told me that i could be young again. And i... i couldn‘t stop myself from slowly becoming younger even though i knew it was wrong. And now look at me. I‘m starting to get nuts and she‘s slowly taking control. She wants me to be one of her minions.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 37. Patrick was in fear. „What can i do to help you? What can i do to make this go away? You have to fight her.“ What Catherine said next scared him even more. „There‘s nothing you or i can do anymore. She infected me.You can only run. Go find my friend Trixi. She will help you like i did before. Go! Now!“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 38. Lightning bolts hammered in and out of Catherines body. Suddenly the whole atmosphere changed. Her mood was changing too. It was very scary when her crying turned into an evil laugh. „Finally you are helpless. How do you like your little girl?“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 39. „Maybe you like sweet little girls you pervert? Do you like it when they are young? Do you like it? I am sure you do.“ -“No. Please. Leave me alone Catherine.You don‘t want to do this.“ - „You don‘t know what i want. My power is even greater than before. Together with my mistress i will rule the world.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 40. „Don‘t you see? I‘m such an inocent little girl. Come and screw me.“ - „No. I don‘t even like little girls. Go away from me.“ -“That‘s a shame. I always wanted to be a little girl again. Playing around, you now. Hahaha.“ -“You are crazy.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 41. Suddenly everything was bright again and slowly blood ran over Catherines face. „No i‘m not crazy.You are.You have been dreaming all your life. You‘re not a man.You‘re a pussy and that‘s what you shall be forever.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 42. „Look at me Patrick. I love you. And that is why i have to let you go and let you become what you are really supposed to be. Hahahaha. Oh i‘m so evil. I like that. What will i turn you into? Maybe a little japanese school girl. Oh i like that idea.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 43. The pink pulsing light was back and it was brighter than ever. Nobody was there who stopped it from getting into his head. Nobody was there to help him. He knew what was going to happen. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 44. „Awww isn‘t that a cute girl? In your little cage. Does that remember you of something? Yeah. The serum that guy gave you? I never could have cured you from that. I just burried it in your mind. Now come out my little cocksucker. Hahahaha.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 45. „Now let‘s be honest. Looking like that you won‘t get to suck so many cocks.You need to rather look like what you are - a slut. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 46. „Hahahaha. Hahahaha.Yes! I like having fun with you. You are so helpless.You can‘t even say anything.You can only think of cocks right?“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 47. „Come on. I want you to hunger for a mans touch. Haha. I‘m having such a good time controling your little sluts body. Libido up! Libido down! Libido up! UP! Can you feel those longing building up? You want any mans cock now but you can‘t move.Your whole body shivers of lust but you can‘t move my little marionette. Now wait for the first touch.“ Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 48. Patrick wasn‘t there anymore. The only thing left was a raging slut wanting to get fucked. No thoughts. No moemory. Only one desire. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 49. Hahahahaha. So much fun. But you should always stop when it‘s the most fun right.You want a real man to fuck you? Well you won‘t get that now.Your training starts now.You have to learn how to earn to get fucked. So i‘ll just leave you as a horny teenage japanese school girl.You‘ll have some years ahead of you becoming the perfect little slut for our harem. The princess will come and get you once your training is over. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 50. Suddenly he was back in control but didn‘t know who he was. Was he even a man? Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 51. Noo! Your name is Akisha. You‘re a japanese school girl. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 52. Soon all kinds of new information flushes in his mind overwriting everything Patrick has ever been. He learned how to dress properly, do his make up, hairs and how to walk in high heels. Only one thing remained. Akisha didn‘t know what it was supposed to mean. It was a name and it should remember her of something but she didn‘t know what. A name of a woman. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11
  • 54. Next time on „World Tour“ Akisha has to live a life of a horny school girl while she slowly discovers what happened to her. Don‘t miss this. Freitag, 16. Dezember 11