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1. Able = capaz
2. About = acerca de, mas o menos
3. Above = arriba, encima
4. Absence = ausencia
5. Account = cuenta, informe
6. Accurate = exacto, preciso
7. Ache = dolor
8. Across = a través, otro lado de
9. Add = sumar
10. Address = dirección
11. Admit = confesar, dejar entrar,
12. Advertise = anunciar
13. Advice = consejo
14. Advise = aconsejar
15. Affair = asunto, relación
16. Age = edad
17. Ago = hace
18. Agree = acuerdo
19. Ahead = delante
20. Aid = ayuda, auxilio
21. Aim = puntería
22. Alike = parecida
23. Alive = vivo
24. All = todos
25. Allow = permitir
26. Almost = casÍ
27. Alone = solo
28. Also = también
29.Although = aunque
30. Amount = cantidad
31. Ancient = antiguo
32. Anger = enojo
33. Angry = enojado
34. Annoy = molestar
35. Another = otro
36. Answer = respuesta, contestar
38. Any = algún, alguno
apology = disculpa
appear = aparecer
approve = aprobar
argue = discutir
arise = levantarse
around = alrededor, mas o menos
arrange = ordenar, arreglar
as = mientras, como, tanto
ask = preguntar, pedir
at = en
attach = pegar, sujetar
attend = asistir
average = promedio
avoid = evitar
awake = despierto
away = lejos
Carlota was the wife of Maximillian. She was
traveling in Europe when he was executed.
For the rest of her life, she stood at a window
above the port watching for Maximillian to
return to her. She was never able to admit
that he was dead. Almost all of every day
she was at the window and would be
annoyed if people interrupted her vigil.
She would arise very early to stand alone
at the window and if a boat appeared, she
was very emotional, but always afraid that it
would not bring Maximillian back to her.
Carlota lived to an old age, dying in 1927.
Everyone is afraid of Freddy
Krueger. He appeared in
movies where he is an
assassin who was able to
enter people’s dreams and
kill them. Freddy attached
long knives to his fingers
and if a victim went to
sleep, he could not avoid
Freddy’s attack. Many tried
to stay awake all night but
they could not and they
would die in their sleep.
Freddy would then wait for
another victim and no one
had an answer to the
reason why so many people
were dying in their sleep.
bachelor = soltero
back = espalda, atrás
badge = placa
bag = bolsa
balance = balanza, equilibrio, saldo
ballot = lista de candidatos, votación
bankrupt = quebrado
baptism = bautismo
bar = cantina, obstaculo, tranca
bare = desnudo, escaso
bargain = ganga, negociar, ajustar un trato
barn = granja, establo
basket = canasta
beat = golpe, latido, ritmo
become = hacerse, volverse, ponerse
behind = atrás
belong = pertenecer
below = abajo
belt = cinto
bet = apostar
betray = traicionar
between = entre, en medio de
beware = tener cuidado
beyond = mas allá de
bill = billete, cuenta, pico de pajaro
birth = nacimiento
bit = bocado, broca, un poquito, un rato
bite = bocado, mordisco, picar
bitter = amargo
blame = culpa
blanket = cobija
bleed = sangrar
bless = bendecir
blind = ciego
blink = parpadear
blister = ampolla
blow = golpe, jadear, soplar
board = embarcarse, tabla de madera
body = cuerpo
boil = hervir
bone = hueso
border = frontera, borde
borrow = prestar
both = ambos
bother = molestar
bottom = fondo
brag = fanfarronear
brain = cerebro
break = romper, ruptura
breath = respiración
breathe = respirar
brick = ladrillo
bridge = puente
bruise = moretn
brush = cepillo
bubble = burbuja
bucket = cubo
buckle = hebilla
bug = chinche, insecto
burn = quemar
bury = enterrar
bush = arbusto
business = negocio, empresa
buy = comprar
Carlos Chinche is a bug that lives in a barn behind the
house that belongs to the Smith family. He likes
them very much.
Once he entered
their picnic basket
and went with
them to a place
below the old
brick bridge and
had a good time except
when he fell into the water and did not breathe for a
long time and went to the bottom of the river. Finally
he came back to the family and went back into the
basket and rested below some sandwiches. Now he
is home again with only some bruises and aches.
Vicente Fox was the first bachelor
president of Mexico. He later
married, but he won most of the
ballots and was not married when he
was named president. Fox had a
difficult time as president. He was
blamed for the continued corruption
in government and for the businesses
that his wife´s sons obtained. The
problems of the immigrants across
the border continued with no solution
and Fox was very bitter about the
criticism he received.
call = llamada, visita
can = poder
candle = vela
cane = bastón
canvas = lona
cap = gorra, tapar
card = baraja, tarjeta
care = atención, cargo, cuidado
careful = con cuidado
carry = llevar, traer
cash = efectivo
catch = agarrar, coger, cogida
cattle = ganado
cause = causa
century = siglo
certain = cierto, particular, seguro
chain = cadena
challenge = desafio
chance = casualidad, oportunidad, riesgo
change = cambiar
charge = acusación, ataque, carga, costo
charm = atractivo, encanto
chase = persecución
cheat = estafa, fraude, tramposo, engaño
chest = baúl, pecho
child = niño
children = niños
choice = escogido, opción, selecto
citizen = ciudadano
claim = reclamación
claw = garra
clean = limpio
climate = clima
climb = subida ascenso
cloth = tela
clothes = ropa
cloud = nube
could = podria
collect = cobrar
come = venir
comfort = cómodo, consuelo
commit = cometer, cmprometerse
complaint = queja
compromise = arreglo, solución intermedia
conceit = vanidad
concern = interes
congratulate = felicitar
cook = cocinar
cool = fresco
cotton = algodón
couple = pareja
cover = cubrir
creek = arroyo
cripple = cojo, lisiado
crook = estafador, ladron
crooked = chueco
crop = cultivo
crowd = multitud
crowded = aterstado, lleno
cry = llorar
curl = rizo, sortija
curse = hechizo, maldición, palabrota
curtain = cortina
cut = cortar
Burglar is another
word for crook.
Cattle always need
to be careful
because if they
don’t give lots of
milk, they could
become a
hamburger! Maybe
this cow should be
less concerned and
close the curtains
and sleep
William Sianis was an immigrant from Greece, a big fan of the Chicago Cubs
and very superstitious. For that reason he bought two tickets to game four of
the world series, one for him and the other for his pet goat. He believed the
goat would give the Cubs good luck. But security guards would not permit the
goat to enter the stadium and Sianis got very angry. That was when he put a
curse on the Cubs. “They will never win again,” he told the guards and he left
with his goat.
The Cubs lost the world series in 1945 and now, 65 years later, they have never
been in the world series again. The famous curse has apparently worked.
The 1969 Cubs was the best Cubs team ever with many
all star players. With a late season lead of 9 1/2 games
over the Mets, it looked like nothing could stop the
Cubs from returning to the World Series.
Then, on September 9th, 1969 a black cat ran onto the field as the Cubs played a crucial series against the Mets
at Shea Stadium. It walked around the player waiting to go to bat and then walked back and forth in front of
the Cubs players. The Cubs lost the game and did not go to the world series.
In 1987, 1989 and 2003, the Cubs were leading in the final games only to lose each time. In
2003, they needed one out to go to the world series. The last batter for the other team hit a
long fly ball that the Cubs outfielder could have caught but a Cubs fan touched the ball and it
was called a home run. Again, the Cubs did not go to the world series and the famous goat
curse was still working.
dairy = establo, lecheria
dam = presa, dique
damage = dañar
damp = húmedo
dare = desafio, reto
dark = oscuro
date = cita, fecha
daughter = hija
dawn = amanecer
dead = muerto
deaf = sordo
deal = pacto
dear = querido
debt = deuda
decrease = reducción
deep = profundo
defeat = derrota
degree = grado, titulo
delay = demorar, tardar
deliver = entrega, reparto
depart = partir, salir
depth = profundidad
develop = desarollar, revelar
device = aparato
devil = diablo
devoted = fiel, leal
dig = excavar
die = morir
dim = apagado, debil, oscuro
dinner = cena
dirt = tierra, suciedad
dirty = sucio
disappear = desaparecer
discuss = hablar, discutir
disease = enfermidad
disgust = repugnancia
dismiss = despedir
display = exposición
ditch = zanja
dive = saltar (en agua)
dot = punto
down = bajo
dozen = docena
drag = arrastrar
drain = desague, drenar
draw = dibujar, empate (box), sacar
drove = manejar
drop = caer, dejar caer, gota
drown = ahogar
dry = seco
due = pagadero, pendiente
during = durante
dust = polvo
duty = deber, obligación
each = cada
eager = entusiasta
early = temprano
earn = ganar
earthquake = terremoto, temblor
east = oriente
easy = facil
edge = borde, orilla
effort = esfuerzo, intento
egg = huevo
either = cualquiera de los dos
else = cualquier otro
embarrass = apenar, avergonzar
embrace = abrazo
employ = emplear
employee = empleado
empty = vacio
end = fin
engaged = prometido
engine = motor, maquina
enjoy = disfrutar
enough = suficiente
envy = envidia
even = nivel, igual, aun
ever = siempre, nunca, jamas
every = cada, todo
evil = malvado
equal = igual
exchange = cambiar
expand = ampliar
expense = gasto
explain = explicar
Marlee Matlin is a deaf
actress who won an
Oscar in 1987. Early in
her career, she was told
that her disability would
decrease her chances to
work in Hollywood. She
refused to accept defeat
and continued trying to
get parts in movies and
television shows.
As a child, Marlee was eager to prove to the
world that she could be a professional actress
and devoted herself to her profession. It was a
demanding effort to convince directors that she
was equal to any actress and developed a
reputation as an actress people could enjoy
watching and was excellent in either television
or in movies. Marlee uses no hearing device
and hears no sound but delivers incredible
performances as a professional deaf actress.
Earthquakes sometimes open
deep ditches that go down
many meters. Tons of dirt fall
into the ditch and centuries
ago, people believed that
earthquakes were caused by
the devil and the ditches went
down into
1. Face = cara
2. Fact = hecho
3. Fail = fallar, fracasar
4. Failure = fracaso
5. Fair = feria, justo
6. Faith = creencia, confianza, doctrina, fe
7. Faithful = fiel, leal
8. Fall = caer
9. Far = lejos
10.Fashion = moda
11. Fasten = abrochar, sujetar
12. Fat = gordo
13. Fate = destino
14. Fault = culpa, defecto
15. Fear = miedo
16. Feather = pluma de pajaro
17. Feed = alimentar, dar de comer
18. Feel = sentir
19. fence = valla
20. Few = pocos
21. Field = campo
22. File = carpeta
23. Fill = llenar
24.Find = encontrar
25.Fine = bien, fino
26. Finish = terminar
27. Fire = fuego
28. First = primero
29. Fist = puño
30. Fit = apto, sano, sentar (como ropa)
31. Fix = reparar, arreglar
32. Flag = bandera
33. Flat = llano, plano
34. Flatter = adular, halagar
35. Flee = huir
36. Flood = inundación
37. Floor = piso
38. Flow = corriente
39. Fly = volar, mosca
40. Fog = niebla
41. Fold = doblar
42. Follow = seguir
43. Food = comida
44. Fool = engañar, tonto
45. For = para, por
46. Force = fuerza
47.Foreign = extranjero
48. Forget = olvidar
49.Forgive = perdonar
50.Former = anterior
51.Forward = adelante
52.Free = gratis, liberar, libre
53.Freedom = libertad
54. Fresh = fresco, reciente
55. Frighten = asustar, tener miedo de algo
56. From = de, desde
57. Front = en frente
full = lleno
fun = diversión
funny = gracioso
furniture = muebles
gain = aumentar
gamble = apostar, especular
game = juego
gang = banda, pandilla
garbage = basura
gather = juntar, reunir, recoger
get = obtener, recibir
gift = regalo
girl = niña, chica
give = dar
glass = vidrio, vaso
glad = contento
goal = gol, meta
god = dios
gold = oro
gossip = chismear
grab = agarrar, coger
grass = sacate, pasto
grave = grave, tumba
grease = grasa, lubricante
greed = avaricia
greet = saludar
ground = tierra, suelo
grow = crecer
guess = conjetura, suposición
guide = guia
guilty = culpable
gun = Pistola, arma
Would you like to win the
lottery? Imagine winning
the lottery two times!
Evelyn Adams filled in the
lottery form with the
numbers of her family’s
birthdays and won about
$6 million dollars.
Five years later, because
of her family’s greed and her gambling problem, she
had lost all $6 million. “I was a fool,” she says today.
“I never learned to say no and everyone wanted
something.” She admits that she was guilty of
losing so much money. She played the games in Las
Vegas and failed to control herself.
“The fact is that it was easy to forget that the
money could go so fast. It was my fault. I had the
freedom to stop gambling and my choice was to lose
Evelyn is poor today and has problems paying her
rent. She thinks that money is to be used and you
can’t take it to your grave. But $6 million and she
couldn’t save $1 million for her future?
There are about 2 million guns in the United States
owned by citizens. That number does not include
guns of the military. Do you think that if there
were guns in private homes, it would frighten
delinquents from committing crimes?
The huia bird lived in New Zealand and its feathers were used by the
native chiefs as part of their clothing. Later, the long huia feathers
were used for women’s hats in Europe and so many of the birds were
killed for their feathers that by the 1900s, the bird was extinct.
Women’s fashions have made several species extinct. The glands of
some deer and oils from the brain of the whale are used to make
How to know if your boyfriend is cheating
How does a woman know if her boyfriend is cheating? There are some basic facts that will help you to
know if he is guilty or not. A boyfriend who is not faithful does certain things that cause suspicion.
First, do you know his family? If you do not, it is the first red flag. Do you know his friends? If you
don’t, then maybe it’s because there is some informaiton about him he doesn’t want you to know. If he
doesn’t want you to call him at home or at work, that is a huge indicator that something is wrong.
There are those typical signals, of course, like the aroma of perfume or lipstick on his collar.
If you have planned a date and he calls to say he can’t go, it’s time to be
suspicious. If he has a call on his cellular phone and walks away to talk in
private, that’s another signal. A faithful boyfriend doesn’t need to do
these things and he wants you to know as much about him as possible.
So if you have suspicions, follow your instincts and investigate. It is much
better to be a former girlfriend than to gamble with your future with
someone who will never be faithful.
half = medio, mitad
hair = pelo, cabello
handle = manejar, mango, tocar
handsome = guapo
hang = ahorcar, colgar
happen = ocurrir, pasar, suceder
hard = duro
harm = daño, prejuicio
harvest = cosecha
hate = odiar
have = tener
head = cabeza
heal = curar
health = salud
hear = oir
heat = calor
heaven = cielo
heavy = pesado
height = altura, altitud, estatura
hell = infierno
help = ayudar
here = aquí
hesitate = vacilar
hidden = escondido
hide = esconder
high = alto
hill = colina, loma
hire = contratar
hit = éxito, golpe
hold = agarrar, coger, contener, ocupar
hole = hoyo
holiday = dia festivo
holy = santo
hollow = hueco
home = hogar
hope = esperanza
hopeless = desesperado, sin esperanza
hostage = rehén
hour = hora
however = sin embargo
huge = enorme
hunger = hambre
hurry = prisa
hurt = doler, hacer daño
husband = esposo
ice = hielo
if = si
ill = enfermo, mal
improve = adelantar, mejorar
include = incluir
income = ingresos
increase = aumentar, subir
injure = herir, lesionar
inquire = preguntar
inquiry = interrogante, pregunta
insane = demente, loco
inside = dentro, interior
instead = en vez de
insurance = seguro
into = dentro de
introduce = presentar
invest = invertir
investment = inversión
involve = comprometerse, involucrar
iron = fierro, plancha
irritate = fastidiar, molestar
issue = asunto, cuestión
it = el, ella
itch = picazón, picar
item = articulo
The most used words in English are the connecting
words like the, and, of, to, a, in, is and it. After those,
the most used words are you, that, he, was, for, on,
are, with, as and I. The most used words tell us what
words we really need to know to understand and
speak well.
The Mayan secret world
History books in school say that the Mayan civilization existed about 900 years ago. New discoveries,
however, tell us that the Mayans existed at the same time as the early dynasties of the Egyptians and
maybe before. Carbon 14 examinations on foods found in caves give us the fact that Mayans visited the
caves 35,000 years ago. The longest subterranean river in the world was discovered near the ancient
temples and the famous “underworld” of the Mayans, similar to our idea of hell, has also been
discovered with no publicity given to the public. The reason is probably because historians and other
experts to not want to admit that the information in textbooks is not accurate.
The caves and tunnels discovered in
the Yucatan were described in the
sacred book Popul Vuh and tells of a
tortuous journey that souls (almas)
had to make to get to Xibalba, the
The discoveries improve what we
know about the Mayans and forces
us to ask how much more is hidden
in the jungles that have not been
discovered? Thanks to space
satellites with sophisticated devices,
ancient sites are easier to find.
One thing is certain, the Mayan
civilization is much older than we
were told, however, if information
learned is not given to the people,
what value does it have?
jail = carcel
jar = bote, tarro
jealous = celoso
jewel = joya
job = trabajo
join = reunir, juntar
joint = conjunto, coyuntado
joke = broma, chiste
journey = viaje
joy = alegria
judge = juez
jump = brincar, saltar
junk = desperdicios, trasto
jury = jurado
just = exactamente, justo, por poco, solamente
keep = guardar, mantener
key = llave
kick = Patada, puntapie
kidnap = secuestrar
kill = matar
killer = asesino
kind = amable, atento, clase, tipo
king = rey
kiss = beso
kitchen = cocina
kitten = gatito
knife = cuchillo
knit = tejer
knob = botón, mango
knock = tocar, golpe
knot = nudo
know = saber, conocer
knowledge = conocimientos
knuckle = nudillo
label = etiqueta
lack = faltar
ladder = escalera
lady = dama
lake = lago
lamb = cordero
lame = cojo
land = agricola, aterrizar, tierra
large = grande
last = anterior, durar, ultimo
laugh = risa
law = ley
lazy = peresozo
lead = delantera
lead = plomo
leak = fuga
least = más pequeño, menor, minima
leave = salir
left = izquierdo, salio
lend = prestar
length = larga, duración, extensión, longitud
less = menos
let = dejar, permitir
letter = carta, letra
level = nivel
lie = acostarse, mentira
life = vida
lift = levantar
lightning = rayos, relámpago
like = gustar, como
limb = miembro, rama
listen = escuchar
little = chico, pequeño, poco
load = cargar
loan = préstamo
lock = candado, chapa
lonely = solo
long = largo
look = apariencia, mirada, parecer, buscar
loose = flojo, suelto
lose = Perder
Loss = Pérdida
Lot = Lote, mucho
Loud = Alto, fuerte
Low = Bajo
Luck = Suerte
luxury = lujo
People get jealous when certain
things happen in their lives. They
get divorced, for example, and their
ex-wife or ex-husband starts to date
another person. Jealousy sometimes
comes when we see an ex-girlfriend
with her new boyfriend.
The best way to control jealousy is to be logical. First, put things in
perspective. The other person lost everything. They lost someone who
loved them. You lost nothing. Also be philosophical. Be happy that you
were able to know this person because now you are better prepared to
really love the right person when you find them.
Remember that you are the one feeling jealous. Your feeling has little
impact on the other person and you are only harming yourself. It is best
to accept the situation and maybe it will be reversed and the other
person will someday see you with your new companion. If you are
interested in vengeance, remember that the best revenge is to be
Many people allow jealousy to
consume them and to destroy their
lives. It is easier to think that either a
person is yours or they are not. You
cannot force a person to love you.
Your body is creating and killing 15
million red blood cells per second
Tourists visiting Iceland should know
that tipping at a restaurant is
considered an insult!
During your lifetime, you'll eat about
60,000 pounds of food, that's the
weight of about 6 elephants!
Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel,
"Gadsby", which contains over
50,000 words -- none of them with the
letter E!
mad = enojado, loco
machine = maquina
mail = correo
main = central, principal
make = hacer
manage = administrar, arreglarselas
maintain = mantener
mark = huella
marriage = matrimonio
mass = misa, masa
master = amo
match = cerillo, juego, pareja
mate = compañero
matter = cuestión, materia, sustancia
meal = comida
mean = querer decir, significar, tacaño
measure = medida, medir
meat = carne
meet = encontrarse, reunirse
melt = derretir
merchant = comerciante
mercy = misercordia, piedad
middle = central, en medio
mind = mente, opinión, tener inconveniente
mine = mio, mina
miss = extrañar, fallo, perder
mistake = error
mist = mezclar
moist = húmedo
mood = humor
more = mas
most = mas que todos
motto = lema
mourn = estar de luto, lamentar
mud = barro, lodo
must = deber, tener que
narrow = angosto
near = cerca
neat = ordenado, pulcro
neglect = descuido
never = nunca, jamas
news = noticias
next = próximo
nice = amable, simpatico
noise = ruido
none = nada, nadie, ninguno
noon = 12:00 mediodia
north = norte
nothing = nada
now = ahora
nowhere = en ninguna parte
occupation = empleo, profesión
of = de
off = afuera de
often = a menudo, muchas veces
old = viejo, antiguo
on = en, sobre
once = una vez
only = solo, único
operate = manejar, operar
opposite = contrario, enfrente, opuesto
or = o
ordinary = corriente, común
orphan = huérfano
ought = deber
our = nuestro
out = afuera
owe = deber
own = propio, ser dueño
Pirahã is the language spoken by indigenous people in the
Amazon jungles. The language does not have words for
numbers but has only words for “more than” and “less than.”
There are no words for colors but has words for only “light”
and “dark.” Pirahã has no way of expressing a singular or
plural form of anything. There is no way to express the
present, past or future.
History has many examples of orphans who became famous, productive
people. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, was an orphan as was Moses in the
Bible. Mohammad, the great prophet of Islam was an orphan at the age of six.
We cannot forget the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, orphaned as
Other famous orphans include Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Marilyn
Monroe, Babe Ruth and Edgar Allen Poe. Maybe being an orphan causes a
child to establish strong goals and to be more determined to succeed in life.
At what age is a person not an orphan if his parents die?
Robert and Amanda Steele were invited to a party on the private yacht of
Charles Benningham, owner of a chain of newspapers in Florida. The party
lasted for hours and Robert drank too much and went to a cabin to sleep.
Amanda stayed with him to be certain that he was okay. During the night
there was an explosion in the engine room of the yacht and everyone left
in the lifeboats except Robert who was asleep and Amanda who was
reading and did not hear or feel anything. Soon, the yacht started to sink
(hundir) and Robert woke up. Amanda found a life jacket and put it on but
Robert forced her to give it to him. He then told her goodbye and jumped
into the Caribbean where a huge shark immediately attacked him! Part of
the yacht continued to float and Amanda was rescued by men on a fishing
boat hours later.
pain = dolor
paint = pintura
pale = claro, palido
pan = cacerola, cazuela
parade = desfile
pardon = perdonar
partner = pareja, socio
party = fiesta
passenger = pasajero
pasture = pasto
patch = parche, remiendo
path = sendero
pattern = diseño, molde, patrón
pay = pagar
peak = cima, cumbre, pico
peek = mirada, furtiva, ojeada
penalty = castigo, pena
perform = cumplir, realizar, actulizar
performer = actor, actriz, interprete
perish = perecer
pet = mascota
pick = coger, elegir, escabar, escoger, pico
piece = pieza
pile = montón
pillar = columna
pillow = almohada, cojinete
pin = alfiler, horquilla, seguro
pipe = conducto, pipa, tubo
pit = hoyo
pitch = lanzar, tono
pitcher = c{antaro, jarro, pitcher (baseball)
pity = compasión, piedad
place = lugar
plain = claro, evidente, llanura, lleno, sencillo
plea = petición, suplica
pleased = contento, satisfecho
pleasure = gusto, placer
pledge = prenda, promesa
plenty = abundancia
plus = mas, positivo
pocket = bolsillo
point = punto
poison = veneno
polish = brillo, cera
poor = pobre
possess = poseer, tener
pot = cazuela, olla
pour = echar, verter
poverty = pobreza
powder = polvo
power = fuerza, poder
praise = alabanza, elegio
prayer = oración
pregnant = embarazada
prejudice = prejuicio
prescription = receta
preserve = conservar, proteger
press = apretar, prensa, presionar, pulsar
pretend = fingir, simular
pretty = bonita
prevent = impedir
pride = orgullo
priest = sacerdote
prize = premio
profit = ganancia
proof = prueba
proposal = propuesta
prove = probar
provide = proveer
pull = jalar, tirar de
pump = bomba
punish = castigar
purchase = comprar
purpose = motivo, unidad
purse = bolsa
push = empuje
put = Poner
Quality = Calidad
Quarrel = Pelea, riña
Question = Pregunta
Quick = Rápido
Quit = Abandonar, dejar, renunciar
quite = Completamente, totalmente
Near to Dallas, Texas is White Rock Lake.
There is a legend of a girl who appears on rainy nights near
to the lake and stands in the middle of the road, trying to
force cars to stop. When a car stops, she asks for a ride to
her home. If they agree, she enters the car and tells the
driver the directions to her house. When he arrives at the
house, he turns to tell her and she has disappeared! All that
is left is a wet place on the
seat of the car.
Sometimes the driver
will go to the house to
see if the girl somehow
left the car and entered
the house without him
seeing. A couple comes
to the door and tells the driver that it was the ghost of their
daughter who drowned in the lake on a rainy night several
years earlier. The parents say that people come to their
house regularly on rainy nights, always wanting to know
what happened to the young girl who asked them for a ride
so that she could go home.
Maybe there is proof of the power of
prayer when we think about the Russian
priest, Rasputin. He had many political
enemies and there were always plans to kill
him. They put a powdered poison in the
pitcher he used for water and he did not
die. A lady friend of his was paid to put a
pistol in her purse and to kill him during a
long kiss. She shot and missed and still
Rasputin refused to perish. Again they
poisoned Rasputin and captured him and
threw him from a bridge into the muddy
water below. The water made him sick and
he vomited the poison and swam to shore.
race = carrera, raza
rag = trapo
rage = furia, rabia
ragged = andrajoso, mellado
raid = incursión, ataque
railroad = ferrocarril
rainbow = arco iris
raise = alzar, levantar, subir
range = cordillera, sierra
rank = categoria, grado, rango
ransom = rescate
raw = crudo
reach = alcance, llegar
ready = listo
realize = darse cuenta de
rear = detrás, trasero
recall = recuerdo
recipe = receta (cocina)
recognize = reconocer
recover = recuperar, reponerse
refuse = rechazar
regret = pesar, arrepiento
release = estreno, liberación
relief = alivio, descanso
remain = quedarse, restaqr, sobrar
remark = comentario
remove = quitar, llevarse
reply = respuesta
request = petición, solicitud
research = investigación
response = respuesta
restrict = limitar, restringir
revenge = venganza
ride = montar, paseo
right = correcto, derecho, derecha
riot = motin, disturbio
rise = ascenso, crecimiento, subida
road = camino
rock = piedra
roll = lista, rodar, rollo
room = carto
rope = soga
rotten = podrido, putrefacto
rough = áspero, brusco
round = redondo
row = rila, rmar
rub = frotar
rubber = goma
rude = bruso, grosero
rule = gobernar, norma, regla (para juego)
ruler = gobernandte, regla (para medir)
rush = prisoa
rust = oxidación
The Lion King was
released in 1994 by the
Disney Studios and was
an immediate hit with
young people. It later
was a Broadway show
and in total, the movie
earned more than two
billion dollars! The Lion King started a new
business concept for Disney and it proved that
a movie could be made for children and also
enjoyed by adults. The animated movie won
the Oscar for the best music and the best
song. It also won the Golden Globe Award as
the best movie of the year and again for its
beautiful music. Today, 16 years later, it
remains the animated movie that had the best
public response of any in history.
The true love story of Antony and
Cleopatra is one of the classic
romances of all time. Two great
historical characters who fell in
love at first sight. The relationship
between these two powerful
people put the country of Egypt in
a position of great power. But
their love affair angered the
Romans who were afraid that
Egypt would be too powerful for
them to control. Rome threatened
Antony and Cleopatra of the
consequences if they did not end
their relationship. As an answer,
they were married. A war followed
and when in a battle Antony was
told the lie that Cleopatra was
dead, he fell on his sword. When
Cleopatra learned about Antony’s
death, she had her servants go
into the desert and find a
poisonous snake and provoked it
to bite her. Like Romeo and Juliet,
Antony and Cleopatra loved until
their deaths.
Edward was a
prince in England.
In 1931, Edward
went to a party
and saw a woman
who he loved
immediately. Her
name was Wallis Simpson and
she was an American. A prince
couldn’t love a person who was
not from a noble family and
certainly not an American, but
Edward was totally in love. A
few months later, his father died
and Edward was named king.
Not long after, he asked the
people of England to listen to
their radios because he had
something to tell them. He said
that his heart was more
important than being king and he
wanted to be with his love. They
married and were together for
more than 50 years when they
died in the United States.
sack = bolsa de papel
sad = triste
safe = caja fuerte, seguro
sail = vela de barco
sailor = marino
saint = santo
same = mismo
sand = arena
save = ahorrar, guardar, rescatar, salvar
say = decir
scare = susto
scatter = desparramar, esparcir
scene = escena
scent = aroma, olor
score = marcar, tanteo
scratch = arañazo, rascarse, rasguño
screen = pantalla
sea = mar
search = buscar, registro
season = estacion, sazonar, temporada
seat = sentar, silla, asiento
second = segundo
see = ver
seed = senilla
seek = buscar
seem = parecer
self = mismo
selfish = egoista
send = enviar, mandar
sense = sensación, sentido
set = bateria, poner, vajilla, servicio
settle = colocar, colonizar, resolver,
shade = persiana, sombra
shadow = sombra
shake = agitar, mover, sacudir
shallow = poco profundo
shame = pena, vergüenza
shape = figura, forma
share = compartir, parte, porción
sharp = afilado, astuto, en punto, brusco
shave = afeitar, resurar
schedule = programa
sheet = sábana
shift = cambio, turno
shine = brillo, lustre
shoe = zapato
shoot = disparar, filmar
shop = taller, tienda, comprar
shoplifter = ratero de tiendas, faldera
short = corto, chaparro
should = deberia
shout = grito
show = mostrar, enseñar, exposicion
shower = aguacero, chubasco, ducharse
shrink = encogerse
shut = cerrar
shy = timido
sick = enfermo
sickness = enfermidad
side = lado
sight = vista
sign = firma, gesto, señal
silly = ridiculo, tonto
sin = pecado
since = desde
sink = fregadero, hundir, lavabo
sit = sentar
size = medida, talla, tomaño
skill = habilidad
skin = piel
skirt = falda
sky = cielo
slap = palmada
slender = delgado
slim = delgado
slow = despacio, lento
small = chico, pequeño
smart = astuto, inteligente
smell = olfato, olor
smooth = liso
so = tan, también, entonces
soft = suave
soil = tierra
some = algunos
son = hijo
soon = pronto
sort = tipo, separar
sour = agrio, amargo
south = sur
spare = de resrva, sobrante
speak = hablar
speech = discurso, habla
speed = velocidad, rapidez
spell = deletrear, hechizo
spend = gastar
spill = echar, derramar
spin = vuelta, girar
split = hendidura, partir, ruptura
spoil = arruinar, esropear
spot = mancha
spread = diseminación, estender
spring = primavera
square = cuadrado
stab = puñalada
stage = escenario, plataforma
stamp = estampilla, sello
stand = puesto, parada
start = comenzar, empezar, principio
starve = morir de hambre
status = estado
stay = quedarse, permanecer
steady = constante, estable
steer = conducir, manejar
step = escalón, paso
stick = adherir, palo, pegar
stiff = rigido
still = aún, todavia, tranquillo
stone = piedra
storm = tormenta
story = cuenta, historia, piso
stove = estufa
straight = derecho, recto
straw = paja, popote
stream = arroyo
stretch = elasticidad, estirarse
strike = huelga, ataque, golpe
string = cordón, cuerda
strong = fuerte
struggle = lucha, pelea
stuff = llenar, materia
subject = sujeto, tema, materia
succeed = éxito
such = semejante, tal, tanto
sudden = de repente
suffer = sufrir
suggest = sugerir, proponer
suit = agradar, convenir, pleito, traje
summer = vernao
supply = suministro
suppose = suponer
sure = firme, seguro
surprise = sorpresa
surrender = rendición, capitulación
surround = rodear
swallow = tragar
swap = canjear, trueque, caminar
swear = jurar, decir groserias
sweet = dulce
swell = hincharse, inflamarse
“Strengths” is the longest word in the English
language with only one vowel.
Manuel Uruchurtu was born on June 12,
1872 in Hermosillo. He studied in the
National University in Mexico City and
became a lawyer. In time he was known
in courts and politics as a very intelligent
man with a great future waiting for him.
In 1912, he went to France on official
business for the Mexican government
and while he was in Paris, he had a visit from Guillermo Obregon
who was the president of the Camera de Diputados. Obregon
had paid 27 English pounds for a ticket to go to the United States
on the luxury boat, Titanic. He had a last minute change of
plans, however, and offered the ticket to Uruchurtu. The young
lawyer accepted.
On April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with a floating piece of ice
called an iceberg and was totally damaged and was going to sink.
Because he was a representative of a government, Uruchurtu
was given a place in one of the life boats. The small boat was
ready to be lowered into the water when Elizabeth Ramell Nye,
an American, asked for a place in the boat. She said that her
husband and young son were waiting for her in New York.
Manuel Uruchurtu stood up and left the boat and told the
woman that she could have the place but she had to promise to
go to Veracruz where his family then lived and tell them about
his last minutes.
In 1914, Elizabeth Nye went to Veracruz to keep her promise and
tell about the death of the only Mexican on the Titanic.
We must first understand that we have a 1 in 60
chance of selecting the first number correctly. We
have a 1 in 59 chance of selecting the second
number, and on and on. If we calculate all those
chances, we discover that our chance of winning is 1
in 36045979200. If we calculate that we can repeat a
number, the chances improve a little but in the end
we will have a 1 in 50,063,860 chance of winning the
lottery .
Consider that you have about a 1 in 2,000,000
chance of being hit by lightning. A pregnant woman
has a 1 in 705,000 chance of giving birth to
Someone eating an oyster has a 1 in 12,000 chance
of finding a pearl inside of it.
To better understand what a 1 in 50,063,860
chance is, make a circle with a diameter of 36 feet. In
that circle put one grain of sand. Now take another
grain of sand in your fingers and stand inside the
circle. Now throw the second grain of sand into the
circle. Your chance of hitting the first grain of sand
with the second grain of sand is about 1 in
A shrimp's heart is in its head.
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
More than 50% of the people in the world have never made
or received a telephone call.
Horses can't vomit.
If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to
suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your
head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force,
they can pop out.
Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could
have over a million descendants.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the
bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
If the U.S. government has no knowledge of aliens, then
why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal
regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal
for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials
or their vehicles?
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
Using the letters
“Q, W” or “X” is
a crime in Turkey
In 1921, Turkey changed from the
old Arabic alphabet to the Latin
except for the letters Q, W or X
that they decided not to use. In
fact they passed a new law saying
that anyone using those letters
Mahmut Alinak could go to prison.
The problem is that the Kurdish people also live in Turkey
and their concept of the Latin alphabet includes Q, W and
X. For that reason when Mahmut Alinak, a political leader
of the Kurds, wrote an angry letter to the Turkish Prime
Minister in Kurdish, that letter got him an 18 month prison
sentence because it contained Q, W and X.
Dr James Barry (1799 - 1865) joined the
army in 1813, and served in various
regiments all over the world. In around
1840 he became promoted to the rank
of medical inspector, and was
transferred to Corfu where he was
based for many years where he died.
Upon his death after forty years of
service as an officer in the British army
and a perfect reputation in his field he
was discovered to be a woman.
tag = etiqueta
tall = cola
tailor = sastre
take = tomar, aguantar, coger, agarrar
tale = cuento, historia
talk = platicar
tall = alto
tame = domesticado
tan = bronceado, marrón
tangle = enredado, maraña
tap = golpecito, toque
tape = cinta
target = blanco, meta, objetivo
task = tarea, trabajo
taste = gusto, sabor
tax = impuesto
teach = enseñar
team = equipo
tear = desgarrón, rasgón
tear = lagrima
tease = bromista, provocador
teenage = adolescente
tell = decir, divulgar, distinguir
temper = carácter, humor
tempt = provocar, tentar
tender = tierno
tense = estirado, nervioso, tiempo
term = condiciones, periodo
terrific = maravilloso, bárbaro
test = exámen, prueba
than = que
thank = decir gracias
that = aquel, aquella, cuando, ese, que, tan
thaw = deshielo
then = después, entonces, luego
there = ahí, alla, alli
thick = grueso, gordo
thin =
thing = cosa
third = tercero
thirst = sed
this = esta, este
though = aunque
thread = hilo
threat = amenaza
thrill = emoción
throat = garganta
through = a través de
throw = lanzar, tirar
thumb = dedo pulgar
thunder = trueno
tickle = hacer cosquillas
tide = marea
tidy = limpio, ordenado
tie = corbata, empate, atar
tight = apretado
tip = consejo, pico, propina, volcar
tired = cansado, fatigado
together = juntos
tongue = lengua
too = además, demasiado, muy, también
top = cima, mas importante, mejor
touch = toque, tacto, contacto
tough = duro, fuerte, resistente
toward = hacia
trace = calcar, huella, localizar, trazar
track = huella, via, perseguir
trade = cambiar, comercio
trail = estela, pista
train = entrenar, tren
transfer = traspaso, traslado
translate = traducir
trap = trampa
trash = basura
travel = viajar
treasure = tesoro
treatment = tratamiento
trial = juicio, prueba, sufrimiento
tribute = homenaje, tributo
trick = truco, broma, travesura
trip = viaje
trouble = problema, dificultad
true = cierto, verdad
trunk = baúl, tonco
trust = confianza
truth = verdad
try = intento, probar, tentativo
tune = melodia
turn = volver, turno, transformar
twice = dos veces
twist = torcer, torsión
type = escribir a máquina, tipo
Timothy Turtle lived in Turtletown and had many friends. He
was also very curious and asked many questions to everyone
he knew. “Why am I so slow and Ricardo Rabbit is so fast?”
he would ask.
“Why does Donald Dog
have someone to rub his
stomach for it to feel very
good and I have a hard shell
and can’t feel anything?”
No one had an answer. No one ever had an answer to
Timothy Turtle’s questions. But one day Timothy went into
the forest to ask his questions to Octavio Owl because
everyone said that Octavio Owl knew everything.
Timothy asked all of his questions and Octavio Owl did not
answer. After a long pause, the owl looked down from his
limb and said, “The rabbit is fast but he does not have time to
see anything on his journeys. You see everything because
you are not slow, you are simply an observer. Also, if
something hits Donald Dog in the stomach, it would hurt him
very much so if your shell prevents you from feeling good
things, it also protects you from things that would feel bad.
Now I have a question for you.” Timothy’s eyes got wide with
surprise as he heard the owl ask, “If you go out of your shell,
are you naked or homeless?”
Russia’s Yamantau Mountain
project is a subterranean city
with enough food supplies
and production to serve
600,000 people for ten
years. Satellite photos prove
its existence.
A 320 kilometer tunnel system
has been constructed 62
meters under Moscow and has
food and water sufficient for
millions of people. Homes and
shops are in the tunnel for
years of living under the earth.
Sweden has completed a
subterranean base for its
navy with an area big
enough for more than
300,000 people to live. It
has been filled with food
and water supplies.
The underground base is big
enough for all the boats in the
navy of Sweden and contains a
complete city so that people can
continue their normal lives
under the earth. No reason has
been given for its construction.
Employees of the City of Tokyo accidentally discovered the
entrance to a secret underground tunnel system constructed by
the Government of Japan that is filled with food and water
supplies with enough space to serve millions of people. The
government claimed that it was an emergency supply center
but it was constructed between 2004 and 2009. Why?
The United States is the only nation with the ability to put people in space. For the past ten years
the U.S. has been constructing a series of space stations that have been filled with food and water
supplies and organic farming that will produce food for long periods of time. It is a secret of how
many people can live on the space station but apparently the idea is to take only the selected ones.
The idea is different from other nations that are trying to provide safety for millions but probably it
will be safer to be in space than in a tunnel under the earth.
under = abajo
understand = entender
unless = a menos que
until = hasta
up = arriba
upset = derramar, fastidiado, tirar
urge = animar, im puso, instar
useful = útil
valuable = valioso
value = valor
vast = immenso
verge = borde
very = muy
vicious = atróz, fuerte, malisioso
village = aldea, villa
vine = parra, vid
voice = voz
vow = compromiso, promesa
wade = caminar por el agua
wage = hacer, sueldo
wait = esperar
wake = despertarse
wall = pared, muro
wander = andar lentamente, deambular
warm = caluroso
warn = advertir, avisar
wash = lavar
waste = desperdicio, sobrante
wave = ola, onda, señal
way = camino, manera
weak = debil
wealth = riqueza
weapon = arma
weary = cansado
wedding = boda
weight = peso
welfare = bienestar
well = bien, noria
west = oeste
wet = mojado
wheel = rueda
while = mientras, ratito
whistle = chiflido, silbido
whole = entero, todo
wide = amplio, ancho
wife = esposa
wild = salvaje
will = voluntad, testamento
willing = complaciente
wind = viento
wine = vino
wing = ala
winter = invierno
wipe = limpieza, pesada
wire = alambre, cable
wise = sabio
wish = deseo
without = sin
witness = testigo
wonder = maravilla, preguntar, pensar
wood = madera
wool = lana
word = palabra
world = mundo, la planeta tierra
worry = preocupación
worship = adoración
worth = tener valor, valer
wound = herida
wrap = enrollar, envolver
wreck = accidente vehicular
wrestle = luchar
wring = escurrir, torcer
wrong = equivocado, injusto
year = año
yell = grito
yet = todavia
youth = juventud
young = joven
zero = cero
zipper = cierre, creallera
zoo = zoologico
In the early days of movies, real cowboys who remembered the
old west were hired as advisors. They said that the duels in the
street almost never happened. They also said that it was never
important how fast a man could get his gun out and shoot.
What was more important was to take your time and make a
good shot.
Actually, living in a western village in the late 1800s was not as
dangerous as living in the cities today. In the cities that had the
worst reputations, only 45 men were killed between 1870 and
1885. Dodge City, Kansas had the worst reputation of all and its
most violent year had five people dying from shootings.
The truth is that there is no documented record of two men
shooting at each other in the middle of the street as you have
seen a thousand times in the movies.
Did you ever wonder why there are never any Mexican gun
fighters in movies? In real life, there was a very famous Mexican
bandit named Joaquin Murrieta. He was the most feared man in
California for several years. He had a large gang and was a hero
to many of the Mexican people living in California. He mostly
robbed gringos and chinese people. No one is certain how or
where he died.

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Vocabulary state 33

  • 2. 1. Able = capaz 2. About = acerca de, mas o menos 3. Above = arriba, encima 4. Absence = ausencia 5. Account = cuenta, informe 6. Accurate = exacto, preciso 7. Ache = dolor 8. Across = a través, otro lado de 9. Add = sumar 10. Address = dirección 11. Admit = confesar, dejar entrar, reconocer 12. Advertise = anunciar 13. Advice = consejo 14. Advise = aconsejar 15. Affair = asunto, relación 16. Age = edad 17. Ago = hace 18. Agree = acuerdo 19. Ahead = delante 20. Aid = ayuda, auxilio 21. Aim = puntería 22. Alike = parecida 23. Alive = vivo 24. All = todos 25. Allow = permitir 26. Almost = casÍ 27. Alone = solo 28. Also = también 29.Although = aunque 30. Amount = cantidad 31. Ancient = antiguo 32. Anger = enojo 33. Angry = enojado 34. Annoy = molestar 35. Another = otro 36. Answer = respuesta, contestar 38. Any = algún, alguno
  • 3. apology = disculpa appear = aparecer approve = aprobar argue = discutir arise = levantarse around = alrededor, mas o menos arrange = ordenar, arreglar as = mientras, como, tanto ask = preguntar, pedir at = en attach = pegar, sujetar attend = asistir average = promedio avoid = evitar awake = despierto away = lejos Carlota was the wife of Maximillian. She was traveling in Europe when he was executed. For the rest of her life, she stood at a window above the port watching for Maximillian to return to her. She was never able to admit that he was dead. Almost all of every day she was at the window and would be annoyed if people interrupted her vigil. She would arise very early to stand alone at the window and if a boat appeared, she was very emotional, but always afraid that it would not bring Maximillian back to her. Carlota lived to an old age, dying in 1927.
  • 4. Everyone is afraid of Freddy Krueger. He appeared in movies where he is an assassin who was able to enter people’s dreams and kill them. Freddy attached long knives to his fingers and if a victim went to sleep, he could not avoid Freddy’s attack. Many tried to stay awake all night but they could not and they would die in their sleep. Freddy would then wait for another victim and no one had an answer to the reason why so many people were dying in their sleep.
  • 5. bachelor = soltero back = espalda, atrás badge = placa bag = bolsa balance = balanza, equilibrio, saldo ballot = lista de candidatos, votación bankrupt = quebrado baptism = bautismo bar = cantina, obstaculo, tranca bare = desnudo, escaso bargain = ganga, negociar, ajustar un trato barn = granja, establo basket = canasta beat = golpe, latido, ritmo become = hacerse, volverse, ponerse behind = atrás belong = pertenecer below = abajo belt = cinto bet = apostar betray = traicionar between = entre, en medio de beware = tener cuidado beyond = mas allá de bill = billete, cuenta, pico de pajaro birth = nacimiento bit = bocado, broca, un poquito, un rato bite = bocado, mordisco, picar bitter = amargo blame = culpa blanket = cobija bleed = sangrar bless = bendecir blind = ciego blink = parpadear blister = ampolla blow = golpe, jadear, soplar board = embarcarse, tabla de madera
  • 6. body = cuerpo boil = hervir bone = hueso border = frontera, borde borrow = prestar both = ambos bother = molestar bottom = fondo brag = fanfarronear brain = cerebro break = romper, ruptura breath = respiración breathe = respirar brick = ladrillo bridge = puente bruise = moretn brush = cepillo bubble = burbuja bucket = cubo buckle = hebilla bug = chinche, insecto burn = quemar bury = enterrar bush = arbusto business = negocio, empresa buy = comprar Carlos Chinche is a bug that lives in a barn behind the house that belongs to the Smith family. He likes them very much. Once he entered their picnic basket and went with them to a place below the old brick bridge and had a good time except when he fell into the water and did not breathe for a long time and went to the bottom of the river. Finally he came back to the family and went back into the basket and rested below some sandwiches. Now he is home again with only some bruises and aches.
  • 7. Vicente Fox was the first bachelor president of Mexico. He later married, but he won most of the ballots and was not married when he was named president. Fox had a difficult time as president. He was blamed for the continued corruption in government and for the businesses that his wife´s sons obtained. The problems of the immigrants across the border continued with no solution and Fox was very bitter about the criticism he received.
  • 8. call = llamada, visita can = poder candle = vela cane = bastón canvas = lona cap = gorra, tapar card = baraja, tarjeta care = atención, cargo, cuidado careful = con cuidado carry = llevar, traer cash = efectivo catch = agarrar, coger, cogida cattle = ganado cause = causa century = siglo certain = cierto, particular, seguro chain = cadena challenge = desafio chance = casualidad, oportunidad, riesgo change = cambiar charge = acusación, ataque, carga, costo charm = atractivo, encanto chase = persecución cheat = estafa, fraude, tramposo, engaño chest = baúl, pecho child = niño children = niños choice = escogido, opción, selecto citizen = ciudadano claim = reclamación claw = garra clean = limpio climate = clima climb = subida ascenso cloth = tela clothes = ropa cloud = nube could = podria
  • 9. collect = cobrar come = venir comfort = cómodo, consuelo commit = cometer, cmprometerse complaint = queja compromise = arreglo, solución intermedia conceit = vanidad concern = interes congratulate = felicitar cook = cocinar cool = fresco cotton = algodón couple = pareja cover = cubrir creek = arroyo cripple = cojo, lisiado crook = estafador, ladron crooked = chueco crop = cultivo crowd = multitud crowded = aterstado, lleno cry = llorar curl = rizo, sortija curse = hechizo, maldición, palabrota curtain = cortina cut = cortar Burglar is another word for crook. Cattle always need to be careful because if they don’t give lots of milk, they could become a hamburger! Maybe this cow should be less concerned and close the curtains and sleep comfortably.
  • 10. THE GOAT CURSE OF THE CHICAGO CUBS William Sianis was an immigrant from Greece, a big fan of the Chicago Cubs and very superstitious. For that reason he bought two tickets to game four of the world series, one for him and the other for his pet goat. He believed the goat would give the Cubs good luck. But security guards would not permit the goat to enter the stadium and Sianis got very angry. That was when he put a curse on the Cubs. “They will never win again,” he told the guards and he left with his goat. The Cubs lost the world series in 1945 and now, 65 years later, they have never been in the world series again. The famous curse has apparently worked. The 1969 Cubs was the best Cubs team ever with many all star players. With a late season lead of 9 1/2 games over the Mets, it looked like nothing could stop the Cubs from returning to the World Series. Then, on September 9th, 1969 a black cat ran onto the field as the Cubs played a crucial series against the Mets at Shea Stadium. It walked around the player waiting to go to bat and then walked back and forth in front of the Cubs players. The Cubs lost the game and did not go to the world series. In 1987, 1989 and 2003, the Cubs were leading in the final games only to lose each time. In 2003, they needed one out to go to the world series. The last batter for the other team hit a long fly ball that the Cubs outfielder could have caught but a Cubs fan touched the ball and it was called a home run. Again, the Cubs did not go to the world series and the famous goat curse was still working.
  • 11. dairy = establo, lecheria dam = presa, dique damage = dañar damp = húmedo dare = desafio, reto dark = oscuro date = cita, fecha daughter = hija dawn = amanecer dead = muerto deaf = sordo deal = pacto dear = querido debt = deuda decrease = reducción deep = profundo defeat = derrota degree = grado, titulo delay = demorar, tardar deliver = entrega, reparto depart = partir, salir depth = profundidad develop = desarollar, revelar device = aparato devil = diablo devoted = fiel, leal dig = excavar die = morir dim = apagado, debil, oscuro dinner = cena dirt = tierra, suciedad dirty = sucio disappear = desaparecer discuss = hablar, discutir disease = enfermidad disgust = repugnancia dismiss = despedir display = exposición
  • 12. ditch = zanja dive = saltar (en agua) dot = punto down = bajo dozen = docena drag = arrastrar drain = desague, drenar draw = dibujar, empate (box), sacar drove = manejar drop = caer, dejar caer, gota drown = ahogar dry = seco due = pagadero, pendiente during = durante dust = polvo duty = deber, obligación each = cada eager = entusiasta early = temprano earn = ganar earthquake = terremoto, temblor east = oriente easy = facil edge = borde, orilla effort = esfuerzo, intento egg = huevo either = cualquiera de los dos else = cualquier otro embarrass = apenar, avergonzar embrace = abrazo employ = emplear employee = empleado empty = vacio end = fin engaged = prometido
  • 13. engine = motor, maquina enjoy = disfrutar enough = suficiente envy = envidia even = nivel, igual, aun ever = siempre, nunca, jamas every = cada, todo evil = malvado equal = igual exchange = cambiar expand = ampliar expense = gasto explain = explicar Marlee Matlin is a deaf actress who won an Oscar in 1987. Early in her career, she was told that her disability would decrease her chances to work in Hollywood. She refused to accept defeat and continued trying to get parts in movies and television shows. As a child, Marlee was eager to prove to the world that she could be a professional actress and devoted herself to her profession. It was a demanding effort to convince directors that she was equal to any actress and developed a reputation as an actress people could enjoy watching and was excellent in either television or in movies. Marlee uses no hearing device and hears no sound but delivers incredible performances as a professional deaf actress. Earthquakes sometimes open deep ditches that go down many meters. Tons of dirt fall into the ditch and centuries ago, people believed that earthquakes were caused by the devil and the ditches went down into hell.
  • 14. 1. Face = cara 2. Fact = hecho 3. Fail = fallar, fracasar 4. Failure = fracaso 5. Fair = feria, justo 6. Faith = creencia, confianza, doctrina, fe 7. Faithful = fiel, leal 8. Fall = caer 9. Far = lejos 10.Fashion = moda 11. Fasten = abrochar, sujetar 12. Fat = gordo 13. Fate = destino 14. Fault = culpa, defecto 15. Fear = miedo 16. Feather = pluma de pajaro 17. Feed = alimentar, dar de comer 18. Feel = sentir 19. fence = valla 20. Few = pocos 21. Field = campo 22. File = carpeta 23. Fill = llenar 24.Find = encontrar 25.Fine = bien, fino 26. Finish = terminar 27. Fire = fuego 28. First = primero 29. Fist = puño 30. Fit = apto, sano, sentar (como ropa) 31. Fix = reparar, arreglar 32. Flag = bandera 33. Flat = llano, plano 34. Flatter = adular, halagar 35. Flee = huir 36. Flood = inundación 37. Floor = piso 38. Flow = corriente
  • 15. 39. Fly = volar, mosca 40. Fog = niebla 41. Fold = doblar 42. Follow = seguir 43. Food = comida 44. Fool = engañar, tonto 45. For = para, por 46. Force = fuerza 47.Foreign = extranjero 48. Forget = olvidar 49.Forgive = perdonar 50.Former = anterior 51.Forward = adelante 52.Free = gratis, liberar, libre 53.Freedom = libertad 54. Fresh = fresco, reciente 55. Frighten = asustar, tener miedo de algo 56. From = de, desde 57. Front = en frente full = lleno fun = diversión funny = gracioso furniture = muebles gain = aumentar gamble = apostar, especular game = juego gang = banda, pandilla garbage = basura gather = juntar, reunir, recoger get = obtener, recibir gift = regalo girl = niña, chica give = dar glass = vidrio, vaso glad = contento goal = gol, meta god = dios
  • 16. gold = oro gossip = chismear grab = agarrar, coger grass = sacate, pasto grave = grave, tumba grease = grasa, lubricante greed = avaricia greet = saludar ground = tierra, suelo grow = crecer guess = conjetura, suposición guide = guia guilty = culpable gun = Pistola, arma Would you like to win the lottery? Imagine winning the lottery two times! Evelyn Adams filled in the lottery form with the numbers of her family’s birthdays and won about $6 million dollars. Five years later, because of her family’s greed and her gambling problem, she had lost all $6 million. “I was a fool,” she says today. “I never learned to say no and everyone wanted something.” She admits that she was guilty of losing so much money. She played the games in Las Vegas and failed to control herself. “The fact is that it was easy to forget that the money could go so fast. It was my fault. I had the freedom to stop gambling and my choice was to lose everything.” Evelyn is poor today and has problems paying her rent. She thinks that money is to be used and you can’t take it to your grave. But $6 million and she couldn’t save $1 million for her future? There are about 2 million guns in the United States owned by citizens. That number does not include guns of the military. Do you think that if there were guns in private homes, it would frighten delinquents from committing crimes?
  • 17. The huia bird lived in New Zealand and its feathers were used by the native chiefs as part of their clothing. Later, the long huia feathers were used for women’s hats in Europe and so many of the birds were killed for their feathers that by the 1900s, the bird was extinct. Women’s fashions have made several species extinct. The glands of some deer and oils from the brain of the whale are used to make perfume. How to know if your boyfriend is cheating How does a woman know if her boyfriend is cheating? There are some basic facts that will help you to know if he is guilty or not. A boyfriend who is not faithful does certain things that cause suspicion. First, do you know his family? If you do not, it is the first red flag. Do you know his friends? If you don’t, then maybe it’s because there is some informaiton about him he doesn’t want you to know. If he doesn’t want you to call him at home or at work, that is a huge indicator that something is wrong. There are those typical signals, of course, like the aroma of perfume or lipstick on his collar. If you have planned a date and he calls to say he can’t go, it’s time to be suspicious. If he has a call on his cellular phone and walks away to talk in private, that’s another signal. A faithful boyfriend doesn’t need to do these things and he wants you to know as much about him as possible. So if you have suspicions, follow your instincts and investigate. It is much better to be a former girlfriend than to gamble with your future with someone who will never be faithful.
  • 18. half = medio, mitad hair = pelo, cabello handle = manejar, mango, tocar handsome = guapo hang = ahorcar, colgar happen = ocurrir, pasar, suceder hard = duro harm = daño, prejuicio harvest = cosecha hate = odiar have = tener head = cabeza heal = curar health = salud hear = oir heat = calor heaven = cielo heavy = pesado height = altura, altitud, estatura hell = infierno help = ayudar here = aquí hesitate = vacilar hidden = escondido hide = esconder high = alto hill = colina, loma hire = contratar hit = éxito, golpe hold = agarrar, coger, contener, ocupar hole = hoyo holiday = dia festivo holy = santo hollow = hueco home = hogar hope = esperanza hopeless = desesperado, sin esperanza hostage = rehén
  • 19. hour = hora however = sin embargo huge = enorme hunger = hambre hurry = prisa hurt = doler, hacer daño husband = esposo ice = hielo if = si ill = enfermo, mal improve = adelantar, mejorar include = incluir income = ingresos increase = aumentar, subir injure = herir, lesionar inquire = preguntar inquiry = interrogante, pregunta insane = demente, loco inside = dentro, interior instead = en vez de insurance = seguro into = dentro de introduce = presentar invest = invertir investment = inversión involve = comprometerse, involucrar iron = fierro, plancha irritate = fastidiar, molestar issue = asunto, cuestión it = el, ella itch = picazón, picar item = articulo The most used words in English are the connecting words like the, and, of, to, a, in, is and it. After those, the most used words are you, that, he, was, for, on, are, with, as and I. The most used words tell us what words we really need to know to understand and speak well.
  • 20. The Mayan secret world History books in school say that the Mayan civilization existed about 900 years ago. New discoveries, however, tell us that the Mayans existed at the same time as the early dynasties of the Egyptians and maybe before. Carbon 14 examinations on foods found in caves give us the fact that Mayans visited the caves 35,000 years ago. The longest subterranean river in the world was discovered near the ancient temples and the famous “underworld” of the Mayans, similar to our idea of hell, has also been discovered with no publicity given to the public. The reason is probably because historians and other experts to not want to admit that the information in textbooks is not accurate. The caves and tunnels discovered in the Yucatan were described in the sacred book Popul Vuh and tells of a tortuous journey that souls (almas) had to make to get to Xibalba, the underworld. The discoveries improve what we know about the Mayans and forces us to ask how much more is hidden in the jungles that have not been discovered? Thanks to space satellites with sophisticated devices, ancient sites are easier to find. One thing is certain, the Mayan civilization is much older than we were told, however, if information learned is not given to the people, what value does it have?
  • 21. jail = carcel jar = bote, tarro jealous = celoso jewel = joya job = trabajo join = reunir, juntar joint = conjunto, coyuntado joke = broma, chiste journey = viaje joy = alegria judge = juez jump = brincar, saltar junk = desperdicios, trasto jury = jurado just = exactamente, justo, por poco, solamente keep = guardar, mantener key = llave kick = Patada, puntapie kidnap = secuestrar kill = matar killer = asesino kind = amable, atento, clase, tipo king = rey kiss = beso kitchen = cocina kitten = gatito knife = cuchillo knit = tejer knob = botón, mango knock = tocar, golpe knot = nudo know = saber, conocer knowledge = conocimientos knuckle = nudillo label = etiqueta lack = faltar
  • 22. ladder = escalera lady = dama lake = lago lamb = cordero lame = cojo land = agricola, aterrizar, tierra large = grande last = anterior, durar, ultimo laugh = risa law = ley lazy = peresozo lead = delantera lead = plomo leak = fuga least = más pequeño, menor, minima leave = salir left = izquierdo, salio lend = prestar length = larga, duración, extensión, longitud less = menos let = dejar, permitir letter = carta, letra level = nivel lie = acostarse, mentira life = vida lift = levantar lightning = rayos, relámpago like = gustar, como limb = miembro, rama listen = escuchar little = chico, pequeño, poco load = cargar loan = préstamo lock = candado, chapa lonely = solo long = largo look = apariencia, mirada, parecer, buscar loose = flojo, suelto
  • 23. lose = Perder Loss = Pérdida Lot = Lote, mucho Loud = Alto, fuerte Low = Bajo Luck = Suerte luxury = lujo JEALOUSY People get jealous when certain things happen in their lives. They get divorced, for example, and their ex-wife or ex-husband starts to date another person. Jealousy sometimes comes when we see an ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend. The best way to control jealousy is to be logical. First, put things in perspective. The other person lost everything. They lost someone who loved them. You lost nothing. Also be philosophical. Be happy that you were able to know this person because now you are better prepared to really love the right person when you find them. Remember that you are the one feeling jealous. Your feeling has little impact on the other person and you are only harming yourself. It is best to accept the situation and maybe it will be reversed and the other person will someday see you with your new companion. If you are interested in vengeance, remember that the best revenge is to be successful. Many people allow jealousy to consume them and to destroy their lives. It is easier to think that either a person is yours or they are not. You cannot force a person to love you. STRANGE FACTS Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult! During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants! Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!
  • 24. mad = enojado, loco machine = maquina mail = correo main = central, principal make = hacer manage = administrar, arreglarselas maintain = mantener mark = huella marriage = matrimonio mass = misa, masa master = amo match = cerillo, juego, pareja mate = compañero matter = cuestión, materia, sustancia meal = comida mean = querer decir, significar, tacaño measure = medida, medir meat = carne meet = encontrarse, reunirse melt = derretir merchant = comerciante mercy = misercordia, piedad middle = central, en medio mind = mente, opinión, tener inconveniente mine = mio, mina miss = extrañar, fallo, perder mistake = error mist = mezclar moist = húmedo mood = humor more = mas most = mas que todos motto = lema mourn = estar de luto, lamentar mud = barro, lodo must = deber, tener que narrow = angosto
  • 25. near = cerca neat = ordenado, pulcro neglect = descuido never = nunca, jamas news = noticias next = próximo nice = amable, simpatico noise = ruido none = nada, nadie, ninguno noon = 12:00 mediodia north = norte nothing = nada now = ahora nowhere = en ninguna parte occupation = empleo, profesión of = de off = afuera de often = a menudo, muchas veces old = viejo, antiguo on = en, sobre once = una vez only = solo, único operate = manejar, operar opposite = contrario, enfrente, opuesto or = o ordinary = corriente, común orphan = huérfano ought = deber our = nuestro out = afuera owe = deber own = propio, ser dueño Pirahã is the language spoken by indigenous people in the Amazon jungles. The language does not have words for numbers but has only words for “more than” and “less than.” There are no words for colors but has words for only “light” and “dark.” Pirahã has no way of expressing a singular or plural form of anything. There is no way to express the present, past or future.
  • 26. FAMOUS ORPHANS History has many examples of orphans who became famous, productive people. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, was an orphan as was Moses in the Bible. Mohammad, the great prophet of Islam was an orphan at the age of six. We cannot forget the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, orphaned as infants. Other famous orphans include Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth and Edgar Allen Poe. Maybe being an orphan causes a child to establish strong goals and to be more determined to succeed in life. At what age is a person not an orphan if his parents die? Robert and Amanda Steele were invited to a party on the private yacht of Charles Benningham, owner of a chain of newspapers in Florida. The party lasted for hours and Robert drank too much and went to a cabin to sleep. Amanda stayed with him to be certain that he was okay. During the night there was an explosion in the engine room of the yacht and everyone left in the lifeboats except Robert who was asleep and Amanda who was reading and did not hear or feel anything. Soon, the yacht started to sink (hundir) and Robert woke up. Amanda found a life jacket and put it on but Robert forced her to give it to him. He then told her goodbye and jumped into the Caribbean where a huge shark immediately attacked him! Part of the yacht continued to float and Amanda was rescued by men on a fishing boat hours later.
  • 27. pain = dolor paint = pintura pale = claro, palido pan = cacerola, cazuela parade = desfile pardon = perdonar partner = pareja, socio party = fiesta passenger = pasajero pasture = pasto patch = parche, remiendo path = sendero pattern = diseño, molde, patrón pay = pagar peak = cima, cumbre, pico peek = mirada, furtiva, ojeada penalty = castigo, pena perform = cumplir, realizar, actulizar performer = actor, actriz, interprete perish = perecer pet = mascota pick = coger, elegir, escabar, escoger, pico piece = pieza pile = montón pillar = columna pillow = almohada, cojinete pin = alfiler, horquilla, seguro pipe = conducto, pipa, tubo pit = hoyo pitch = lanzar, tono pitcher = c{antaro, jarro, pitcher (baseball) pity = compasión, piedad place = lugar plain = claro, evidente, llanura, lleno, sencillo plea = petición, suplica pleased = contento, satisfecho pleasure = gusto, placer pledge = prenda, promesa
  • 28. plenty = abundancia plus = mas, positivo pocket = bolsillo point = punto poison = veneno polish = brillo, cera poor = pobre possess = poseer, tener pot = cazuela, olla pour = echar, verter poverty = pobreza powder = polvo power = fuerza, poder praise = alabanza, elegio prayer = oración pregnant = embarazada prejudice = prejuicio prescription = receta preserve = conservar, proteger press = apretar, prensa, presionar, pulsar pretend = fingir, simular pretty = bonita prevent = impedir pride = orgullo priest = sacerdote prize = premio profit = ganancia proof = prueba proposal = propuesta prove = probar provide = proveer pull = jalar, tirar de pump = bomba punish = castigar purchase = comprar purpose = motivo, unidad purse = bolsa push = empuje
  • 29. put = Poner Quality = Calidad Quarrel = Pelea, riña Question = Pregunta Quick = Rápido Quit = Abandonar, dejar, renunciar quite = Completamente, totalmente THE GIRL OF WHITE ROCK LAKE Near to Dallas, Texas is White Rock Lake. There is a legend of a girl who appears on rainy nights near to the lake and stands in the middle of the road, trying to force cars to stop. When a car stops, she asks for a ride to her home. If they agree, she enters the car and tells the driver the directions to her house. When he arrives at the house, he turns to tell her and she has disappeared! All that is left is a wet place on the seat of the car. Sometimes the driver will go to the house to see if the girl somehow left the car and entered the house without him seeing. A couple comes to the door and tells the driver that it was the ghost of their daughter who drowned in the lake on a rainy night several years earlier. The parents say that people come to their house regularly on rainy nights, always wanting to know what happened to the young girl who asked them for a ride so that she could go home. Maybe there is proof of the power of prayer when we think about the Russian priest, Rasputin. He had many political enemies and there were always plans to kill him. They put a powdered poison in the pitcher he used for water and he did not die. A lady friend of his was paid to put a pistol in her purse and to kill him during a long kiss. She shot and missed and still Rasputin refused to perish. Again they poisoned Rasputin and captured him and threw him from a bridge into the muddy water below. The water made him sick and he vomited the poison and swam to shore.
  • 30. race = carrera, raza rag = trapo rage = furia, rabia ragged = andrajoso, mellado raid = incursión, ataque railroad = ferrocarril rainbow = arco iris raise = alzar, levantar, subir range = cordillera, sierra rank = categoria, grado, rango ransom = rescate raw = crudo reach = alcance, llegar ready = listo realize = darse cuenta de rear = detrás, trasero recall = recuerdo recipe = receta (cocina) recognize = reconocer recover = recuperar, reponerse refuse = rechazar regret = pesar, arrepiento release = estreno, liberación relief = alivio, descanso remain = quedarse, restaqr, sobrar remark = comentario remove = quitar, llevarse reply = respuesta request = petición, solicitud research = investigación response = respuesta restrict = limitar, restringir revenge = venganza ride = montar, paseo right = correcto, derecho, derecha riot = motin, disturbio rise = ascenso, crecimiento, subida road = camino
  • 31. rock = piedra roll = lista, rodar, rollo room = carto rope = soga rotten = podrido, putrefacto rough = áspero, brusco round = redondo row = rila, rmar rub = frotar rubber = goma rude = bruso, grosero rule = gobernar, norma, regla (para juego) ruler = gobernandte, regla (para medir) rush = prisoa rust = oxidación The Lion King was released in 1994 by the Disney Studios and was an immediate hit with young people. It later was a Broadway show and in total, the movie earned more than two billion dollars! The Lion King started a new business concept for Disney and it proved that a movie could be made for children and also enjoyed by adults. The animated movie won the Oscar for the best music and the best song. It also won the Golden Globe Award as the best movie of the year and again for its beautiful music. Today, 16 years later, it remains the animated movie that had the best public response of any in history. THEY RACED TO REACH THE ROAD TO THE ROUND ROCK WHERE THE BAD ROAD GAVE THEM A ROUGH RIDE. THEIR RULER REFUSED TO RECOGNIZE THEIR REQUEST TO REMOVE SUSHI, RAW FISH, FROM THEIR MEALS. ONE MAN REMARKED THAT THE FISH WAS ROTTEN BUT THE KING LEFT THE ROOM.
  • 32. GREAT REAL LIFE ROMANCES MARC ANTONY & CLEOPATRA The true love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the classic romances of all time. Two great historical characters who fell in love at first sight. The relationship between these two powerful people put the country of Egypt in a position of great power. But their love affair angered the Romans who were afraid that Egypt would be too powerful for them to control. Rome threatened Antony and Cleopatra of the consequences if they did not end their relationship. As an answer, they were married. A war followed and when in a battle Antony was told the lie that Cleopatra was dead, he fell on his sword. When Cleopatra learned about Antony’s death, she had her servants go into the desert and find a poisonous snake and provoked it to bite her. Like Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra loved until their deaths. THE KING’S LOVE SCANDAL Edward was a prince in England. In 1931, Edward went to a party and saw a woman who he loved immediately. Her name was Wallis Simpson and she was an American. A prince couldn’t love a person who was not from a noble family and certainly not an American, but Edward was totally in love. A few months later, his father died and Edward was named king. Not long after, he asked the people of England to listen to their radios because he had something to tell them. He said that his heart was more important than being king and he wanted to be with his love. They married and were together for more than 50 years when they died in the United States.
  • 33. sack = bolsa de papel sad = triste safe = caja fuerte, seguro sail = vela de barco sailor = marino saint = santo same = mismo sand = arena save = ahorrar, guardar, rescatar, salvar say = decir scare = susto scatter = desparramar, esparcir scene = escena scent = aroma, olor score = marcar, tanteo scratch = arañazo, rascarse, rasguño screen = pantalla sea = mar search = buscar, registro season = estacion, sazonar, temporada seat = sentar, silla, asiento second = segundo see = ver seed = senilla seek = buscar seem = parecer self = mismo selfish = egoista send = enviar, mandar sense = sensación, sentido set = bateria, poner, vajilla, servicio settle = colocar, colonizar, resolver, shade = persiana, sombra shadow = sombra shake = agitar, mover, sacudir shallow = poco profundo shame = pena, vergüenza shape = figura, forma
  • 34. share = compartir, parte, porción sharp = afilado, astuto, en punto, brusco shave = afeitar, resurar schedule = programa sheet = sábana shift = cambio, turno shine = brillo, lustre shoe = zapato shoot = disparar, filmar shop = taller, tienda, comprar shoplifter = ratero de tiendas, faldera short = corto, chaparro should = deberia shout = grito show = mostrar, enseñar, exposicion shower = aguacero, chubasco, ducharse shrink = encogerse shut = cerrar shy = timido sick = enfermo sickness = enfermidad side = lado sight = vista sign = firma, gesto, señal silly = ridiculo, tonto sin = pecado since = desde sink = fregadero, hundir, lavabo sit = sentar size = medida, talla, tomaño skill = habilidad skin = piel skirt = falda sky = cielo slap = palmada slender = delgado slim = delgado slow = despacio, lento
  • 35. small = chico, pequeño smart = astuto, inteligente smell = olfato, olor smooth = liso so = tan, también, entonces soft = suave soil = tierra some = algunos son = hijo soon = pronto sort = tipo, separar sour = agrio, amargo south = sur spare = de resrva, sobrante speak = hablar speech = discurso, habla speed = velocidad, rapidez spell = deletrear, hechizo spend = gastar spill = echar, derramar spin = vuelta, girar split = hendidura, partir, ruptura spoil = arruinar, esropear spot = mancha spread = diseminación, estender spring = primavera square = cuadrado stab = puñalada stage = escenario, plataforma stamp = estampilla, sello stand = puesto, parada start = comenzar, empezar, principio starve = morir de hambre status = estado stay = quedarse, permanecer steady = constante, estable steer = conducir, manejar step = escalón, paso
  • 36. stick = adherir, palo, pegar stiff = rigido still = aún, todavia, tranquillo stone = piedra storm = tormenta story = cuenta, historia, piso stove = estufa straight = derecho, recto straw = paja, popote stream = arroyo stretch = elasticidad, estirarse strike = huelga, ataque, golpe string = cordón, cuerda strong = fuerte struggle = lucha, pelea stuff = llenar, materia subject = sujeto, tema, materia succeed = éxito such = semejante, tal, tanto sudden = de repente suffer = sufrir suggest = sugerir, proponer suit = agradar, convenir, pleito, traje summer = vernao supply = suministro suppose = suponer sure = firme, seguro surprise = sorpresa surrender = rendición, capitulación surround = rodear swallow = tragar swap = canjear, trueque, caminar swear = jurar, decir groserias sweet = dulce swell = hincharse, inflamarse “Strengths” is the longest word in the English language with only one vowel.
  • 37. THE STORY NEVER TOLD Manuel Uruchurtu was born on June 12, 1872 in Hermosillo. He studied in the National University in Mexico City and became a lawyer. In time he was known in courts and politics as a very intelligent man with a great future waiting for him. In 1912, he went to France on official business for the Mexican government and while he was in Paris, he had a visit from Guillermo Obregon who was the president of the Camera de Diputados. Obregon had paid 27 English pounds for a ticket to go to the United States on the luxury boat, Titanic. He had a last minute change of plans, however, and offered the ticket to Uruchurtu. The young lawyer accepted. On April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with a floating piece of ice called an iceberg and was totally damaged and was going to sink. Because he was a representative of a government, Uruchurtu was given a place in one of the life boats. The small boat was ready to be lowered into the water when Elizabeth Ramell Nye, an American, asked for a place in the boat. She said that her husband and young son were waiting for her in New York. Manuel Uruchurtu stood up and left the boat and told the woman that she could have the place but she had to promise to go to Veracruz where his family then lived and tell them about his last minutes. In 1914, Elizabeth Nye went to Veracruz to keep her promise and tell about the death of the only Mexican on the Titanic. We must first understand that we have a 1 in 60 chance of selecting the first number correctly. We have a 1 in 59 chance of selecting the second number, and on and on. If we calculate all those chances, we discover that our chance of winning is 1 in 36045979200. If we calculate that we can repeat a number, the chances improve a little but in the end we will have a 1 in 50,063,860 chance of winning the lottery . Consider that you have about a 1 in 2,000,000 chance of being hit by lightning. A pregnant woman has a 1 in 705,000 chance of giving birth to quadruplets. Someone eating an oyster has a 1 in 12,000 chance of finding a pearl inside of it. To better understand what a 1 in 50,063,860 chance is, make a circle with a diameter of 36 feet. In that circle put one grain of sand. Now take another grain of sand in your fingers and stand inside the circle. Now throw the second grain of sand into the circle. Your chance of hitting the first grain of sand with the second grain of sand is about 1 in 50,063,860! THE LOTTERY IS FOR PEOPLE WHO NEVER LEARNED MATHEMATICS
  • 38. TRIVIA THAT IT WOULD BE BETTER NOT TO KNOW A shrimp's heart is in its head. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. Horses can't vomit. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. If the U.S. government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. Using the letters “Q, W” or “X” is a crime in Turkey In 1921, Turkey changed from the old Arabic alphabet to the Latin except for the letters Q, W or X that they decided not to use. In fact they passed a new law saying that anyone using those letters Mahmut Alinak could go to prison. The problem is that the Kurdish people also live in Turkey and their concept of the Latin alphabet includes Q, W and X. For that reason when Mahmut Alinak, a political leader of the Kurds, wrote an angry letter to the Turkish Prime Minister in Kurdish, that letter got him an 18 month prison sentence because it contained Q, W and X. Dr James Barry (1799 - 1865) joined the army in 1813, and served in various regiments all over the world. In around 1840 he became promoted to the rank of medical inspector, and was transferred to Corfu where he was based for many years where he died. Upon his death after forty years of service as an officer in the British army and a perfect reputation in his field he was discovered to be a woman.
  • 39. tag = etiqueta tall = cola tailor = sastre take = tomar, aguantar, coger, agarrar tale = cuento, historia talk = platicar tall = alto tame = domesticado tan = bronceado, marrón tangle = enredado, maraña tap = golpecito, toque tape = cinta target = blanco, meta, objetivo task = tarea, trabajo taste = gusto, sabor tax = impuesto teach = enseñar team = equipo tear = desgarrón, rasgón tear = lagrima tease = bromista, provocador teenage = adolescente tell = decir, divulgar, distinguir temper = carácter, humor tempt = provocar, tentar tender = tierno tense = estirado, nervioso, tiempo term = condiciones, periodo terrific = maravilloso, bárbaro test = exámen, prueba than = que thank = decir gracias that = aquel, aquella, cuando, ese, que, tan thaw = deshielo then = después, entonces, luego there = ahí, alla, alli thick = grueso, gordo thin = = delgado
  • 40. thing = cosa third = tercero thirst = sed this = esta, este though = aunque thread = hilo threat = amenaza thrill = emoción throat = garganta through = a través de throw = lanzar, tirar thumb = dedo pulgar thunder = trueno tickle = hacer cosquillas tide = marea tidy = limpio, ordenado tie = corbata, empate, atar tight = apretado tip = consejo, pico, propina, volcar tired = cansado, fatigado together = juntos tongue = lengua too = además, demasiado, muy, también top = cima, mas importante, mejor touch = toque, tacto, contacto tough = duro, fuerte, resistente toward = hacia trace = calcar, huella, localizar, trazar track = huella, via, perseguir trade = cambiar, comercio trail = estela, pista train = entrenar, tren transfer = traspaso, traslado translate = traducir trap = trampa trash = basura travel = viajar treasure = tesoro
  • 41. treatment = tratamiento trial = juicio, prueba, sufrimiento tribute = homenaje, tributo trick = truco, broma, travesura trip = viaje trouble = problema, dificultad true = cierto, verdad trunk = baúl, tonco trust = confianza truth = verdad try = intento, probar, tentativo tune = melodia turn = volver, turno, transformar twice = dos veces twist = torcer, torsión type = escribir a máquina, tipo Timothy Turtle lived in Turtletown and had many friends. He was also very curious and asked many questions to everyone he knew. “Why am I so slow and Ricardo Rabbit is so fast?” he would ask. “Why does Donald Dog have someone to rub his stomach for it to feel very good and I have a hard shell and can’t feel anything?” No one had an answer. No one ever had an answer to Timothy Turtle’s questions. But one day Timothy went into the forest to ask his questions to Octavio Owl because everyone said that Octavio Owl knew everything. Timothy asked all of his questions and Octavio Owl did not answer. After a long pause, the owl looked down from his limb and said, “The rabbit is fast but he does not have time to see anything on his journeys. You see everything because you are not slow, you are simply an observer. Also, if something hits Donald Dog in the stomach, it would hurt him very much so if your shell prevents you from feeling good things, it also protects you from things that would feel bad. Now I have a question for you.” Timothy’s eyes got wide with surprise as he heard the owl ask, “If you go out of your shell, are you naked or homeless?” THE TALL TAILOR TANGLED HIS THREAD AND TWISTED AND TURNED WITH A BAD TEMPER BUT FINALLY TAPED THE TAG IN PLACE.
  • 42. DO YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN ON 12/21/2012? Russia’s Yamantau Mountain project is a subterranean city with enough food supplies and production to serve 600,000 people for ten years. Satellite photos prove its existence. A 320 kilometer tunnel system has been constructed 62 meters under Moscow and has food and water sufficient for millions of people. Homes and shops are in the tunnel for years of living under the earth. Sweden has completed a subterranean base for its navy with an area big enough for more than 300,000 people to live. It has been filled with food and water supplies. The underground base is big enough for all the boats in the navy of Sweden and contains a complete city so that people can continue their normal lives under the earth. No reason has been given for its construction. Employees of the City of Tokyo accidentally discovered the entrance to a secret underground tunnel system constructed by the Government of Japan that is filled with food and water supplies with enough space to serve millions of people. The government claimed that it was an emergency supply center but it was constructed between 2004 and 2009. Why? The United States is the only nation with the ability to put people in space. For the past ten years the U.S. has been constructing a series of space stations that have been filled with food and water supplies and organic farming that will produce food for long periods of time. It is a secret of how many people can live on the space station but apparently the idea is to take only the selected ones. The idea is different from other nations that are trying to provide safety for millions but probably it will be safer to be in space than in a tunnel under the earth.
  • 43. under = abajo understand = entender unless = a menos que until = hasta up = arriba upset = derramar, fastidiado, tirar urge = animar, im puso, instar useful = útil valuable = valioso value = valor vast = immenso verge = borde very = muy vicious = atróz, fuerte, malisioso village = aldea, villa vine = parra, vid voice = voz vow = compromiso, promesa wade = caminar por el agua wage = hacer, sueldo wait = esperar wake = despertarse wall = pared, muro wander = andar lentamente, deambular warm = caluroso warn = advertir, avisar wash = lavar waste = desperdicio, sobrante wave = ola, onda, señal way = camino, manera weak = debil wealth = riqueza weapon = arma weary = cansado wedding = boda weight = peso welfare = bienestar
  • 44. well = bien, noria west = oeste wet = mojado wheel = rueda while = mientras, ratito whistle = chiflido, silbido whole = entero, todo wide = amplio, ancho wife = esposa wild = salvaje will = voluntad, testamento willing = complaciente wind = viento wine = vino wing = ala winter = invierno wipe = limpieza, pesada wire = alambre, cable wise = sabio wish = deseo without = sin witness = testigo wonder = maravilla, preguntar, pensar wood = madera wool = lana word = palabra world = mundo, la planeta tierra worry = preocupación worship = adoración worth = tener valor, valer wound = herida wrap = enrollar, envolver wreck = accidente vehicular wrestle = luchar wring = escurrir, torcer wrong = equivocado, injusto
  • 45. year = año yell = grito yet = todavia youth = juventud young = joven zero = cero zipper = cierre, creallera zoo = zoologico THE WILD WEST IN THE MOVIES In the early days of movies, real cowboys who remembered the old west were hired as advisors. They said that the duels in the street almost never happened. They also said that it was never important how fast a man could get his gun out and shoot. What was more important was to take your time and make a good shot. Actually, living in a western village in the late 1800s was not as dangerous as living in the cities today. In the cities that had the worst reputations, only 45 men were killed between 1870 and 1885. Dodge City, Kansas had the worst reputation of all and its most violent year had five people dying from shootings. The truth is that there is no documented record of two men shooting at each other in the middle of the street as you have seen a thousand times in the movies. Did you ever wonder why there are never any Mexican gun fighters in movies? In real life, there was a very famous Mexican bandit named Joaquin Murrieta. He was the most feared man in California for several years. He had a large gang and was a hero to many of the Mexican people living in California. He mostly robbed gringos and chinese people. No one is certain how or where he died. HE WHISTLED AND WANDERED WHILE HE WORRIED ABOUT THE WEDDING AND OF HOW WEARY HE WAS TO BE WITHOUT A WIFE. BUT IT UPSET HIM TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS WORTH IT TO WASTE MONEY ON WINE AND VALUABLE RINGS ONLY TO SAY VOWS AND BE WILLING TO SHARE HIS WHOLE LIFE WITH ONE WOMAN. HE RECEIVED WORD THAT THE WHOLE VILLAGE AND THE WITNESSES HAD ARRIVED AND HE DECIDED TO BE WISE AND WAVED GOODBYE AND HOPED SHE WOULD UNDERSTAND.