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                Peninsula                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Today's
             Fair through Wednes-
           day with patchy fog night
           and morning. Tempera-
           tures continued mild.
           Highs in the 70s, lows in
           the 40s. Light winds.
                                                                                                           SAN MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER
                                                                                                                     THE ADVANCE-STAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       N.Y. Stocks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Noon Prices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (See Page 24)

                                                                                                   SAN MATED, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1975                                                                             348-4321         15c PER COPY-S3.25 PER MONTH
  Vol. 75, No. 264                                         8 Sections         104 Pages

                                                                                                                                                                   Hillsborough an Exception

                                                                                                                                                        Small Turnout by
                                                                                                                                                         County Voters
                                                                                                                                                       Hillsborough 'voters were       in 13 elections, 56,541 out of       eral candidates are contend-             in some of the coastal dis-
                                                                                                                                                   t u r n i n g out in a steady       219.557 eligible voters, less        ing f o r d i s t r i c t board         tricts, where sanitation and
                                                                                                                                                   s t r e a m this m o r n i n g to   than 1 per cent had turned           positions.                              fire protection are involved.
                                                                                                                                                   decide whether they wish to         out in the largest districts            Interest also was low in             A moderate early vote, con-
                                                                                                                                                   legalize private library-cul-       2'.i hours after the ;-olls          some of the North County                sidering the type of election,
                                                                                                                                                   tural center facilities, but        opened.                              special districts, although             was turning up.
                                                                                                                                                   elsewhere in the county dis-           That was in the sprawling         traditionally these districts              One of the largest dis-
                                                                                                                                                   trict election turnouts were        fire protection districts            always vote late. The figures           tricts, the Menlo Park Fire
                                                                                                                                                   near an all-time low.               across the South County,             could easily change, observ-            Protection District, where
                                                                                                                                                       Althugh a fourth of the         reaching from the Bay to the         ers acknowledged.                       three men are vying for two
                                                                                                                                                   county's voters are involved        Woodside hills, where sev-             The response was livelier             posts, reported an extremely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    low turnout as of £:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Consolidated District 44 at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Menlo Park Recreation
                                                                                                                                                          # & £                                        Ford Explanation                                             Center reported 10 votes out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of 909 registered. Consoli-

                                                                                                                                                   Turnout of Changing Team                                                                                         dated 33, at Firehouse 5, had,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14 out of 1,156. At Little
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    House. Consoliated 35, it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    18 out of 1.113.

                                                                                                                                                     65 Pet.    jyof p0UCy                                                                                             Belmont wasn't doing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    much better than the south
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    county. In a Water District
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    election there, with three
                                                    SCENE OF THE SHOOTING
                                                                                                                                         Pholo)     Seen In SF                            WASHINGTON ( A P ) -              emerged with assessments                seeking two posts, the vote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at the Peninsula Jewish Cen-
                                                                                                                                                                                       President Ford is changing           of Vice President Nelson A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rockefeller's declaration               ter, Consolidated 13, at 9:15
    Belmont Police Chief William R. Singer, left, and                    Carlos boy who was killed by a shotgun blast                                 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -             personnel but not policy,                                                    p.m.. was 15 .out of 760, and
                                                                         while in his parked car. Police have been scour-                          San Francisco voters get            declaring a new team of              that he won't be Ford's run-
    Copt.- George Stephenson Monday again visited                                                                                                   their turn today to sound off      "my guys" will continue on           ning mate in 1976.                      at' the council chambers, 17
    the scene of the Sunday morning slaying of                           ing the area of Monte Cresta Drive just above                             on last August's bitter'pol-        a course of peace and pros-            In addition to announcing             out of 836.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            changes among his top-level                In Hillsborough at 9 a.m.,
    Anthony Vincent Bruno Jr., a 17-year-old San                         Barclay Way for clues.                                                    ice-firemen's strike, the cen-      perity into the 1976 cam-                                                    42 of 1.054 had voted by
                                                                                                                                                   tral issue in this year's city      p a i g n . The Senate is            defense and foreign policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            officials. Ford told a news             absentee-ballot, and 84 more
                                                                                                                                                   elections.                          expected to accept his per-                                                  had walked in. at Fire Sta-

             Few Clues in Slaying
                                                                                                                                                      Six of the 19 propositions       sonnel changes with little           conference Monday night
                                                                                                                                                   on the ballot stem directly                                              that w h i l e Rockefeller is           tion 2. Consolidated 4. At
                                                                                                                                                                                       opposition.                                                                  Fire Station 1. Consolidated
                                                                                                                                                   from the week-long walkout,            Republican congressional          dropping off his election
                                                                                                                                                   and Dianne Feinstein's                                                   team, the vice president has            1. 42 had mailed in their
                                                                                                                                                                                       leaders met with the Presi-                                                  votes and 68 came to vote
                                                                                                                                                   favorite role in the race for       dent today at the W h i t e          promised to support Ford's
     "We've never had a case             Young      B r u n o died          He t h e n ran s o u t h on    kook." Singer said, noting              mayor was built on her tough                                             election bid next year.                 out of 847 registered. Both
                                                                                                                                                                                       House, and Ford's announce-                                                  polling places reported very
 like this before. This is the        instantly just after midnight      Monte Cresta from the dark        there had been two similar              stand against the strike.           ment of the biggest shakeup            Senate Republican Whip
 bloodiest, most brutal killing       Sunday when he was shot           •hillside area of the shooting,    killings in San Jose recently.             About 65 per cent of the                                              Robert P. Griffin of Michi-             steady voting.
                                                                                                                                                                                       in his administration didn't                                                    In the north county, a
 I've ever seen," Belmont             from 'very close range, no         under a street light 50 yards     "It could be a n o t h e r              city's 296,000 registered vot-      even come up. Instead, the           gan told reporters after the
 Police C h i e f W i l l i a m R.    more than 18 inches, accord-       away and over the brow of         Zodiac." he added.                      ers are expected to cast bal-                                                                                    Westborough water district
                                                                                                                                                                                       congressional      leaders               (See Page 2 Column 4)               election in which three are
 Singer said as he surveyed           ing to a coroner's investiga-      the hill and possibly to a           Bruno and the girl were              lots. F a i r weather is
 the scene of Belmont's first         tor, taking the charge from a      brown late model Dodge or         students at Carlmont High               forecast.                                                                                                        seeking two posts reported
 potential murder case in             small-gauge shotgun in 'the        Chevrolet pickup truck that       School, leading police also to             Mrs. Feinstein, president                                                                                     53 votes out of 1,493 regis-
 over two years.
    The search goes on today
                                         He and his girl friend,
                                                                         witnesses told police had
                                                                         been parked in the area at
                                                                                                           chock out the possibilities of
                                                                                                           a former boy friend perhaps
                                                                                                                                                   of the board of supervisors,
                                                                                                                                                   is favored to lead a field of          SM Rape Rises;                                                            tered at 9:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Other s a m p l e s in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    bellweather polls showed:
 for the killer of Anthony            whom police didn't identify,       about that time, the killer       being involved.                         11 candidates, but none is
 Vincent Bruno Jr., 17, 213                                              was described only as about         But the unusual thing                 expected to win a majority.                                                                                         El Granada Fire Station,
 Bayview Drive, San Carlos,
 with more questioning of his
                                      were parked in a Datsun
                                      station wagon near the paved
                                      end of Monte Cresta Drive in
                                                                         5 feet, 5 inches tall. 140
                                                                         pounds and wearing a green
                                                                                                               (See Page 2, Column 5)              The top two vote-getters will
                                                                                                                                                   be in a runoff Dec. 11.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Crimes Decrease                                                           Consolidated 15, 87 of 1,325
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and steady voting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Consolidated 14, Point
 girl friend, their friends and       the isolated Belmont western       Army parka with hood.                                                        Also rated as strong con-            Despite a grim 108.3 per         September. 1974, showed                 Montara Fire Station, 60 of
 acquaintances and sifting of
 a 'very few clues.
                                      hills when someone opened
                                      the driver's side door and
                                                                            "There are all kinds of
                                                                         possibilities but we don't           Squeaky                              tenders for the $51,000-a-year
                                                                                                                                                   office are state Sens. George
                                                                                                                                                   Moscone and Milton Marks,
                                                                                                                                                                                        cent increase in rape in San
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mateo, other major crime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that .burglary went down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            from 204 reports last year to
                                      without saying a word fired        have much to go on," Singer                                                                                    categories show an encour-          95 this year,
                                      the shotgun, the girl has told     sighed.                                                                   supervisor John Barbagelata
      Patty in                        police.                               "It mav have been some            In Court                             and Superior Court Judge
                                                                                                                                                   John Ertola.
                                                                                                                                                                                        aging 11.69 per cent drop
                                                                                                                                                                                        over the past nine months,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The total in all other cate-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            gories declined from 257 to             No Strike
                                                                                                                                                      Also at stake are six seats       ending in September.                146 cases.
       SFfor                                    Skateboard Ban                                                For Trial                            on the board of supervisors,
                                                                                                                                                   the offices of district attor-
                                                                                                                                                                                           The report was released
                                                                                                                                                                                        by the city council during a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               In September. 1974, there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            were three cases of rape.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    By Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                        study session preceding the         Last September there was
                                                                                                              SACRAMENTO (UPI) -                   ney and sheriff.                     regular business meeting            one.
      Hearing                                   In Burlingame?
                                                                                                            Lynette             "Squeaky"
                                                                                                            Fromme. an apostle of mass
                                                                                                                                                      At the core of the cam-
                                                                                                                                                   paign is the strike by the           Monday night.                          The average for the two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            months, covering homicide,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Members of the American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Federation of Teachers in
                                                                                                            murderer Charles Manson,               city's policemen anrf fire-             All agreed that despite the                                              the San Mateo Community
   SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)                                                                                                                                                                  incidence of rape, crime in         robbery, assault, burglary
— Patricia Hearst headed                                                                                   went on trial today on a                men.                                                                     a n d motor v e h i c l e t h e f t     College District voted Mon-
                                               Burlingame City Council member Adolph C.                    c h a r g e of a t t e m p t i n g to      Mayor Joseph L. Alioto           'general in San Mateo is on                                                  day not to conduct a one-day
for a long-awaited courtroom              "Bud" Harrison proposed a ban on skateboards Mon-                                                        settled the w a l k o u t by         the decrease.                       reflected a 43.19 per cent
appearance today to find out                                                                               murder President Ford with                                                                                       drop.                                   strike.
                                         day night and his fellow Council members were                     a ,45-caliber automatic.                    (See Page 2 Column 2)               Mayor Jane Baker com-               On the 10-month compari-
whether a judge thinks she is             listening when things got out of hand.                                                                                                                                                                                       According to a spokesman
mentally competent to stand                                                                                   As the manacled 27-year-                                                  mended efforts of police and        son of the two years, rapes
                                               Two young men from the audience proposed that               old defendant was led into                                                   Deputy Mayor John J. Mur-                                                   for the union, about 50 teach-
trial for armed bank rob-                                                                                                                                                                                                   went up from 12 cases a year            ers attended the meeting at
                                          the city ban skates, tricycles and bicycles also.                the Sacramento federal                                                       ray noted that cooperation of
  Miss Hearst. 21. was taken                   Harrison said he had meant to eliminate skate-              building by a U.S. marshal,                   9 Missing                      the citizenry in helping fight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to 25 this year; assaults went
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            down from 115 to 102; bur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the College of San Mateo.
                                         boards only in the Burlingame's three "commercial                 she waved to photographers                                                   crime has been a large con-                                                 There are 230 AFT members
from her cell at the San                                                                                                                                                                                                    glaries from 1172 to 1024;              in that three-school district.
Mateo County Jail in Red-                areas." Downtown, Broadway, and the Burlingame-                   and softly told them, "Let.
                                                                                                           me hear from you."
                                                                                                                                                         In Crash                       tributing factor. One of the
                                                                                                                                                                                        deterrents to burglary has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            auto thefts from 241 to 201
wood City, 25 miles south of             Plaza.                                                                                                                                                                             and robberies from 84 to 82               Those at the gathering
San Francisco, and driven to                   He said skateboards should be banned from the                  In contrast to her previous            NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -                been the increased practice         cases.                                  protested a decision by the
the court building about                 streets as well.                                                  courtroom a p p e a r a n c e s         A Coast Guard rescue pilot           of residents to engrave iden-          Altogether last year's total         district's board of trustees to
three hours prior to the                       One young man suggested the ban extend to "all              when she wore a crimson                 spotted debris in the Gulf of        tification on easily stolen         in all categories was 1,625,            unilaterally impose a 1975-76
scheduled hearing.                       vehicles on sidewalks, except perambulators."                     dress and hood, she arrived             Mexico today, about 40 miles         items.                              compared to 1,435 this year,            salary and fringe benefit
   U.S. District Judge Oliver                  The other young man suggested that if skate-                for the opening day of her              north of the oil rig where a            A month-to-month com-            reflecting the 11.69 per cent           package. A resolution to that
J. Carter was to hear argu-              boards are banned from the streets, "why not ban all              trial in pants and a waist-             helicopter carrying nine men         parison of September. 1975 to       decrease in crime.                      effect was adopted.
m e n t s a n d possibly r u l e         small person-powered vehicles?"                                   length jacket. She smiled               took off Monday and disap-
immediately on whether                                                                                    and appeared relaxed.                    peared.
                                               An older woman asked the city to enforce exist-                                                       "There was no sign at all
legal proceedings should
continue toward a trial, or
whether the newspaper heir-
ess must undergo psychiatric
                                         ing laws against bicycles on sidewalks downtown.
                                               What feasibility is there to banning cars from
                                         Burlingame Avenue?" one of the young men pers-
                                                                                                             Miss Fromme pointed her
                                                                                                          loaded pistol at Ford from
                                                                                                          point-blank range Sept. 5 as
                                                                                                          he greeted a crowd of well-
                                                                                                                                                   yjlet of survivors," Coast
                                                                                                                                                   G u a r d spokesman Dave
                                                                                                                                                   Cipra said.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Seismic Zonation Aims
care first.                              isted.                                                           wishers enroute to the state               A cutter was en route to
  Carter said last week his
preliminary opinion was that
Miss Hearst was mentally
                                               City Attorney Jerry Coleman was instructed to
                                         work up a proposed ordinance to be presented to the
                                         Council for review and possible action.
                                                                                                          Capitol. She became the first
                                                                                                          person to be charged with 1
                                                                                                          attempting to murder a pres-
                                                                                                                                                   the scene where a partially
                                                                                                                                                   submerged liferaft and life
                                                                                                                                                   jacket and other debris was
                                                                                                                                                                                         At Cutting Quake Toll
competent.                                                                                                ident of the United States.              spotted from the air.
                                                                                                                                                                                           SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)              cial fill and water-saturated            Cisco and had a 6.5 magni-
                                                                                                                                                                                        — New methods to save.lives         m u d , the effects were                 tude on the Richter scale.

Different                                     Views of Wood's Slaying Told                                                                                                              and property during possible
                                                                                                                                                                                        earthquakes in the San Fran-
                                                                                                                                                                                        cisco Bay area have been
                                                                                                                                                                                        developed by the C.S. Geo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Geological Survey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            notes that San Francisco and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Los Angeles are in one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The hypothetical quake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    runs northeast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Menlo Park and across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lower end of San Francisco
     "The truth." prosecutor          trial clearly pointed to a plot   had no motive, but rather an
                                                                                            r e b u t t a l a r g u m e n t by                     of four quarry workers tell-         logical Survey.                     most quake-prone regions in             Bay, and predicted effects
 John E. O'Leary told a Red-          involving Hall hiring the         affection toward his boss of
                                                                                            O'Leary.                                                ing of alleged death threats       . The methods, disclosed in          the world, and that scientists          included the following:
 wood C i t y j u r y M o n d a y ,   29-year-old Wise to murder        17 years.              Judge Hartley probably                              made by Hall against Wood            a r e p o r t M o n d a y , would   say a n o t h e r tremor as                —"The greatest threat to
 "will lend you to the inescap-       Wood, the 49-year-old owner          Gordon Rockhill, attorney
                                                                                            will.instruct the jurors and                           fueled his theory that.Hall          provide a basis for "seismic        severe as that of 1906 could            human life would be from
 able conclusion that Lawr-           of the Edgewood Quarry in         for Wise, was scheduled to
                                                                                            send them to d e l i b e r a t e                       harbored b i t t e r n e s s and     zonation" of a nine-county.         occur at any time.                      flooding. The most probable
 ence Hall hired Russell Wise         San Carlos, last Feb. 6.          argue his view of the evid-
                                                                                            Wednesday morning..                                    hatred towarb! Wood.                 7.000-square-mile area                 Current urbanization of the          causes of inundation would
 to murder C. J. Wood."                  But Johnson maintained         ence this morning and early
                                                                                               The state is seeking the                               According to the prosecu-         around San Francisco.               San Francisco area, often               be from the failure of dams
     "There's no evidence of an       that evidence showed Hall         this afternoon, followed by a
                                                                                            death penalty against both                             tor, Hall hated Wood because            According to the report,         without regard .to quake haz-           at upland reservoirs, or of
agreement," countered                                                                       Hall and Wise in the county's                          of a sour business proposi-          the key point of "seismic           ards, indicates another                 dikes around southern San
 Lewis Johnson, attorney for                                                                first murder-for-hire trial.                           tion involving the use of            zonation" is to influence           tremor like the historic one            Francisco Bay that are made
 t h e 55-year-old H a l l .                                                                   Pacing before the jury and                          $5,000 by Hall to reopen the         regional land-use policies by       could have "catastrophic"               of fine-grained sediment."
 "Without such evidence, you
cannot convict Mr. Hall. You
                                                    Netvs Index                             frequently regulating the
                                                                                            pitch of his voice to drama-
                                                                                                                                                   quarry in 1968, because of a
                                                                                                                                                   demotion to rock crusher in
                                                                                                                                                                                        classifying areas as to their
                                                                                                                                                                                        susceptibility to quakes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            effects, the report said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               But- it added that losses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       — " A n y fault movement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    beneath buildings in excess
                              SF SHERIFF
c a n n o t c o n v i c t him on                          CANDIDATE sues in vote charge. tize points, O'Leary at one                               1969 and because of the firing          The report said the great                                                of an inch or two could have
                                                                                                                                                                                        ijan Francisco quake of 1906        could be minimized if struc-            catostrophic effects on the
innuendos..."                 Page 17.                                                     stage said. "I'm confident                              of his w i f e by Wood in                                                t u r e s such as b u i l d i n g s ,
    The messages by the attor-                                                             that you will not be led down                           December, 1974.                      showed the need for such a                                                  structures and their occu-
                                                                                                                                                                                        plan.                               dams and bridges are pro-               pants."
neys were as contrasting as Births                               31 Obituaries          31 a blind alley for useless                                  Conversely. J o h n s o n ,                                           perly located and adequately
their styles, as first O'Leary                               -...25 Sports           19-21 searches for the ultimate                               standing before a podium,               "For example," it said,                                                     —Ground shaking would be
                                                                                                                                                                                        "in the Telegraph Hill area         designed.                               greatest "for areas under-
                                                                                        24 trutn • • • Based on the evid-                          told jurors, "For a murder-
and then Johnson delivered  Classified                    .- 32-36 Stocks                                                                          for-hire there must be a             where rock is exposed at the           The seismic zonation study           lain by mud and artificial fill
their interpretations of theComics                               28 TV. Radio           22 ence. two men plotted tothat
                                                                                                       I'm convinced
                                                                                                                            kill                   motive. Mr. O'Leary, tried to       surface, the effects of the          includes possible effects of a          along the shores of the Bay."
evidence in the trial to a jury
and Superior Court Judge W. Editorial                            26 Theaters            23 Wood, and therefore are                                 instill in your mind that the       earthquake were weak.... ,           hypothetical earthquake on                 — L a n d s l i d e s . c o u l d be
Howard Hartley.             Features                             27 Weather             31 guilty of first-degree mur-                             motive was hatred.                      "But at a distance of less       the San Andreas fault if it              expected, "especially if the
  O'Leary insisted that the Lifestyle                        11-13                         der."                                                      "There was no hate, but           than one"fourth of a mile, in       were centered- near Sky-                 earthquake occurred" during
evidence in the 17-day-old                                                                     To O'Leary. the testimony                                (See Page 2 Column 4)          an area underlain by artifi-         londa south of San Fran-                 the winter wet season."

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  • 1. Race Entries—See Sports Peninsula Today's Weather Fair through Wednes- day with patchy fog night and morning. Tempera- tures continued mild. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 40s. Light winds. ZSftme* SAN MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER THE ADVANCE-STAR N.Y. Stocks, Noon Prices (See Page 24) SAN MATED, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1975 348-4321 15c PER COPY-S3.25 PER MONTH Vol. 75, No. 264 8 Sections 104 Pages Hillsborough an Exception Small Turnout by County Voters Hillsborough 'voters were in 13 elections, 56,541 out of eral candidates are contend- in some of the coastal dis- t u r n i n g out in a steady 219.557 eligible voters, less ing f o r d i s t r i c t board tricts, where sanitation and s t r e a m this m o r n i n g to than 1 per cent had turned positions. fire protection are involved. decide whether they wish to out in the largest districts Interest also was low in A moderate early vote, con- legalize private library-cul- 2'.i hours after the ;-olls some of the North County sidering the type of election, tural center facilities, but opened. special districts, although was turning up. elsewhere in the county dis- That was in the sprawling traditionally these districts One of the largest dis- trict election turnouts were fire protection districts always vote late. The figures tricts, the Menlo Park Fire near an all-time low. across the South County, could easily change, observ- Protection District, where Althugh a fourth of the reaching from the Bay to the ers acknowledged. three men are vying for two county's voters are involved Woodside hills, where sev- The response was livelier posts, reported an extremely low turnout as of £:30 a.m. Consolidated District 44 at the Menlo Park Recreation # & £ Ford Explanation Center reported 10 votes out of 909 registered. Consoli- Turnout of Changing Team dated 33, at Firehouse 5, had, 14 out of 1,156. At Little House. Consoliated 35, it was 18 out of 1.113. 65 Pet. jyof p0UCy Belmont wasn't doing much better than the south county. In a Water District election there, with three SCENE OF THE SHOOTING Pholo) Seen In SF WASHINGTON ( A P ) - emerged with assessments seeking two posts, the vote at the Peninsula Jewish Cen- President Ford is changing of Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller's declaration ter, Consolidated 13, at 9:15 Belmont Police Chief William R. Singer, left, and Carlos boy who was killed by a shotgun blast SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - personnel but not policy, p.m.. was 15 .out of 760, and while in his parked car. Police have been scour- San Francisco voters get declaring a new team of that he won't be Ford's run- Copt.- George Stephenson Monday again visited their turn today to sound off "my guys" will continue on ning mate in 1976. at' the council chambers, 17 the scene of the Sunday morning slaying of ing the area of Monte Cresta Drive just above on last August's bitter'pol- a course of peace and pros- In addition to announcing out of 836. changes among his top-level In Hillsborough at 9 a.m., Anthony Vincent Bruno Jr., a 17-year-old San Barclay Way for clues. ice-firemen's strike, the cen- perity into the 1976 cam- 42 of 1.054 had voted by tral issue in this year's city p a i g n . The Senate is defense and foreign policy officials. Ford told a news absentee-ballot, and 84 more elections. expected to accept his per- had walked in. at Fire Sta- Few Clues in Slaying Six of the 19 propositions sonnel changes with little conference Monday night on the ballot stem directly that w h i l e Rockefeller is tion 2. Consolidated 4. At opposition. Fire Station 1. Consolidated from the week-long walkout, Republican congressional dropping off his election and Dianne Feinstein's team, the vice president has 1. 42 had mailed in their leaders met with the Presi- votes and 68 came to vote favorite role in the race for dent today at the W h i t e promised to support Ford's "We've never had a case Young B r u n o died He t h e n ran s o u t h on kook." Singer said, noting mayor was built on her tough election bid next year. out of 847 registered. Both House, and Ford's announce- polling places reported very like this before. This is the instantly just after midnight Monte Cresta from the dark there had been two similar stand against the strike. ment of the biggest shakeup Senate Republican Whip bloodiest, most brutal killing Sunday when he was shot •hillside area of the shooting, killings in San Jose recently. About 65 per cent of the Robert P. Griffin of Michi- steady voting. in his administration didn't In the north county, a I've ever seen," Belmont from 'very close range, no under a street light 50 yards "It could be a n o t h e r city's 296,000 registered vot- even come up. Instead, the gan told reporters after the Police C h i e f W i l l i a m R. more than 18 inches, accord- away and over the brow of Zodiac." he added. ers are expected to cast bal- Westborough water district congressional leaders (See Page 2 Column 4) election in which three are Singer said as he surveyed ing to a coroner's investiga- the hill and possibly to a Bruno and the girl were lots. F a i r weather is the scene of Belmont's first tor, taking the charge from a brown late model Dodge or students at Carlmont High forecast. seeking two posts reported potential murder case in small-gauge shotgun in 'the Chevrolet pickup truck that School, leading police also to Mrs. Feinstein, president 53 votes out of 1,493 regis- over two years. The search goes on today mouth. He and his girl friend, witnesses told police had been parked in the area at chock out the possibilities of a former boy friend perhaps of the board of supervisors, is favored to lead a field of SM Rape Rises; tered at 9:30 a.m. Other s a m p l e s in the bellweather polls showed: for the killer of Anthony whom police didn't identify, about that time, the killer being involved. 11 candidates, but none is Vincent Bruno Jr., 17, 213 was described only as about But the unusual thing expected to win a majority. El Granada Fire Station, Bayview Drive, San Carlos, with more questioning of his were parked in a Datsun station wagon near the paved end of Monte Cresta Drive in 5 feet, 5 inches tall. 140 pounds and wearing a green (See Page 2, Column 5) The top two vote-getters will be in a runoff Dec. 11. Crimes Decrease Consolidated 15, 87 of 1,325 and steady voting. Consolidated 14, Point girl friend, their friends and the isolated Belmont western Army parka with hood. Also rated as strong con- Despite a grim 108.3 per September. 1974, showed Montara Fire Station, 60 of acquaintances and sifting of a 'very few clues. hills when someone opened the driver's side door and "There are all kinds of possibilities but we don't Squeaky tenders for the $51,000-a-year office are state Sens. George Moscone and Milton Marks, cent increase in rape in San Mateo, other major crime that .burglary went down from 204 reports last year to 1.200. without saying a word fired have much to go on," Singer categories show an encour- 95 this year, the shotgun, the girl has told sighed. supervisor John Barbagelata Patty in police. "It mav have been some In Court and Superior Court Judge John Ertola. aging 11.69 per cent drop over the past nine months, The total in all other cate- gories declined from 257 to No Strike Also at stake are six seats ending in September. 146 cases. SFfor Skateboard Ban For Trial on the board of supervisors, the offices of district attor- The report was released by the city council during a In September. 1974, there were three cases of rape. By Faculty study session preceding the Last September there was SACRAMENTO (UPI) - ney and sheriff. regular business meeting one. Hearing In Burlingame? Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme. an apostle of mass At the core of the cam- paign is the strike by the Monday night. The average for the two months, covering homicide, Members of the American Federation of Teachers in murderer Charles Manson, city's policemen anrf fire- All agreed that despite the the San Mateo Community SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) incidence of rape, crime in robbery, assault, burglary — Patricia Hearst headed went on trial today on a men. a n d motor v e h i c l e t h e f t College District voted Mon- Burlingame City Council member Adolph C. c h a r g e of a t t e m p t i n g to Mayor Joseph L. Alioto 'general in San Mateo is on day not to conduct a one-day for a long-awaited courtroom "Bud" Harrison proposed a ban on skateboards Mon- settled the w a l k o u t by the decrease. reflected a 43.19 per cent appearance today to find out murder President Ford with drop. strike. day night and his fellow Council members were a ,45-caliber automatic. (See Page 2 Column 2) Mayor Jane Baker com- On the 10-month compari- whether a judge thinks she is listening when things got out of hand. According to a spokesman mentally competent to stand As the manacled 27-year- mended efforts of police and son of the two years, rapes Two young men from the audience proposed that old defendant was led into Deputy Mayor John J. Mur- for the union, about 50 teach- trial for armed bank rob- went up from 12 cases a year ers attended the meeting at the city ban skates, tricycles and bicycles also. the Sacramento federal ray noted that cooperation of bery. Miss Hearst. 21. was taken Harrison said he had meant to eliminate skate- building by a U.S. marshal, 9 Missing the citizenry in helping fight to 25 this year; assaults went down from 115 to 102; bur- the College of San Mateo. boards only in the Burlingame's three "commercial she waved to photographers crime has been a large con- There are 230 AFT members from her cell at the San glaries from 1172 to 1024; in that three-school district. Mateo County Jail in Red- areas." Downtown, Broadway, and the Burlingame- and softly told them, "Let. me hear from you." In Crash tributing factor. One of the deterrents to burglary has auto thefts from 241 to 201 wood City, 25 miles south of Plaza. and robberies from 84 to 82 Those at the gathering San Francisco, and driven to He said skateboards should be banned from the In contrast to her previous NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - been the increased practice cases. protested a decision by the the court building about streets as well. courtroom a p p e a r a n c e s A Coast Guard rescue pilot of residents to engrave iden- Altogether last year's total district's board of trustees to three hours prior to the One young man suggested the ban extend to "all when she wore a crimson spotted debris in the Gulf of tification on easily stolen in all categories was 1,625, unilaterally impose a 1975-76 scheduled hearing. vehicles on sidewalks, except perambulators." dress and hood, she arrived Mexico today, about 40 miles items. compared to 1,435 this year, salary and fringe benefit U.S. District Judge Oliver The other young man suggested that if skate- for the opening day of her north of the oil rig where a A month-to-month com- reflecting the 11.69 per cent package. A resolution to that J. Carter was to hear argu- boards are banned from the streets, "why not ban all trial in pants and a waist- helicopter carrying nine men parison of September. 1975 to decrease in crime. effect was adopted. m e n t s a n d possibly r u l e small person-powered vehicles?" length jacket. She smiled took off Monday and disap- immediately on whether and appeared relaxed. peared. An older woman asked the city to enforce exist- "There was no sign at all legal proceedings should continue toward a trial, or whether the newspaper heir- ess must undergo psychiatric ing laws against bicycles on sidewalks downtown. What feasibility is there to banning cars from Burlingame Avenue?" one of the young men pers- Miss Fromme pointed her loaded pistol at Ford from point-blank range Sept. 5 as he greeted a crowd of well- yjlet of survivors," Coast G u a r d spokesman Dave Cipra said. Seismic Zonation Aims care first. isted. wishers enroute to the state A cutter was en route to Carter said last week his preliminary opinion was that Miss Hearst was mentally City Attorney Jerry Coleman was instructed to work up a proposed ordinance to be presented to the Council for review and possible action. Capitol. She became the first person to be charged with 1 attempting to murder a pres- the scene where a partially submerged liferaft and life jacket and other debris was At Cutting Quake Toll competent. ident of the United States. spotted from the air. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) cial fill and water-saturated Cisco and had a 6.5 magni- — New methods to save.lives m u d , the effects were tude on the Richter scale. Different Views of Wood's Slaying Told and property during possible earthquakes in the San Fran- cisco Bay area have been developed by the C.S. Geo- violent." The Geological Survey notes that San Francisco and Los Angeles are in one of the The hypothetical quake runs northeast Menlo Park and across the lower end of San Francisco "The truth." prosecutor trial clearly pointed to a plot had no motive, but rather an r e b u t t a l a r g u m e n t by of four quarry workers tell- logical Survey. most quake-prone regions in Bay, and predicted effects John E. O'Leary told a Red- involving Hall hiring the affection toward his boss of O'Leary. ing of alleged death threats . The methods, disclosed in the world, and that scientists included the following: wood C i t y j u r y M o n d a y , 29-year-old Wise to murder 17 years. Judge Hartley probably made by Hall against Wood a r e p o r t M o n d a y , would say a n o t h e r tremor as —"The greatest threat to "will lend you to the inescap- Wood, the 49-year-old owner Gordon Rockhill, attorney will.instruct the jurors and fueled his theory that.Hall provide a basis for "seismic severe as that of 1906 could human life would be from able conclusion that Lawr- of the Edgewood Quarry in for Wise, was scheduled to send them to d e l i b e r a t e harbored b i t t e r n e s s and zonation" of a nine-county. occur at any time. flooding. The most probable ence Hall hired Russell Wise San Carlos, last Feb. 6. argue his view of the evid- Wednesday morning.. hatred towarb! Wood. 7.000-square-mile area Current urbanization of the causes of inundation would to murder C. J. Wood." But Johnson maintained ence this morning and early The state is seeking the According to the prosecu- around San Francisco. San Francisco area, often be from the failure of dams "There's no evidence of an that evidence showed Hall this afternoon, followed by a death penalty against both tor, Hall hated Wood because According to the report, without regard .to quake haz- at upland reservoirs, or of agreement," countered Hall and Wise in the county's of a sour business proposi- the key point of "seismic ards, indicates another dikes around southern San Lewis Johnson, attorney for first murder-for-hire trial. tion involving the use of zonation" is to influence tremor like the historic one Francisco Bay that are made t h e 55-year-old H a l l . Pacing before the jury and $5,000 by Hall to reopen the regional land-use policies by could have "catastrophic" of fine-grained sediment." "Without such evidence, you cannot convict Mr. Hall. You Netvs Index frequently regulating the pitch of his voice to drama- quarry in 1968, because of a demotion to rock crusher in classifying areas as to their susceptibility to quakes. effects, the report said. But- it added that losses — " A n y fault movement beneath buildings in excess SF SHERIFF c a n n o t c o n v i c t him on CANDIDATE sues in vote charge. tize points, O'Leary at one 1969 and because of the firing The report said the great of an inch or two could have ijan Francisco quake of 1906 could be minimized if struc- catostrophic effects on the innuendos..." Page 17. stage said. "I'm confident of his w i f e by Wood in t u r e s such as b u i l d i n g s , The messages by the attor- that you will not be led down December, 1974. showed the need for such a structures and their occu- plan. dams and bridges are pro- pants." neys were as contrasting as Births 31 Obituaries 31 a blind alley for useless Conversely. J o h n s o n , perly located and adequately Business their styles, as first O'Leary -...25 Sports 19-21 searches for the ultimate standing before a podium, "For example," it said, —Ground shaking would be "in the Telegraph Hill area designed. greatest "for areas under- 24 trutn • • • Based on the evid- told jurors, "For a murder- and then Johnson delivered Classified .- 32-36 Stocks for-hire there must be a where rock is exposed at the The seismic zonation study lain by mud and artificial fill their interpretations of theComics 28 TV. Radio 22 ence. two men plotted tothat these I'm convinced kill motive. Mr. O'Leary, tried to surface, the effects of the includes possible effects of a along the shores of the Bay." evidence in the trial to a jury and Superior Court Judge W. Editorial 26 Theaters 23 Wood, and therefore are instill in your mind that the earthquake were weak.... , hypothetical earthquake on — L a n d s l i d e s . c o u l d be Howard Hartley. Features 27 Weather 31 guilty of first-degree mur- motive was hatred. "But at a distance of less the San Andreas fault if it expected, "especially if the O'Leary insisted that the Lifestyle 11-13 der." "There was no hate, but than one"fourth of a mile, in were centered- near Sky- earthquake occurred" during evidence in the 17-day-old To O'Leary. the testimony (See Page 2 Column 4) an area underlain by artifi- londa south of San Fran- the winter wet season."