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PAGE 24                                                                                                                            SUMMER 2012

                                    make a profit. But I don’t
HENRY                               want to go out there and take
                                    advantage of people. That
From Page 21                        basically stems from my par-
learned from his mother is                As head of the company,
likely just as important to his     Henry works hard at commu-
success.                            nicating with those who
      A recovering “control         report to him.
freak,” Henry said his mother             “I think that it is crucial
taught him how to quit              for the people who work with
micromanaging and start del-        you to all be on the same
egating. In truth, it wasn’t that   page,” he said.
hard, given the family back-             “What happens with a lot
ground and the family struc-        of businesses is you get one
ture of the business today,         guy running the business and
wherein Henry employs a             you don’t have a one-on-one
brother and a son.                  with your employees, and it
      “My parents raised six        turns out that they are maybe
kids on a construction salary,      not willing or not able to see
so we were always a very tight      the business as you see it.
family,” he mused. “They                 “At the end of the day, it’s
taught us...always respect          my name on the side of the
your elders, always respect         wall there, my name on the
anyone you are having a deal-       side of the truck,” Henry said.
ing with, whether you know          “But the people who work for
them or don’t know them.            me, I really think they have
      “I carried that into my       the same respect for that
business. I try to be fair and      name as I do, because I have
still try to make a living and      communication with them.”

                                                                                                                              Photo by Tin Nguyen
                                                                        PAPERS, PLEASE: Greg Ellwood, owner of Sunbelt Business
                                                                        Brokers of NOVA is an expert in sifting through the
                                                                        financials to uncover what a business is really worth.

                                                                        Featured Business

                                                                                    True value
                                                                        Mum’s the word when selling a business
                                                                                                     BY BILL WALSH
                                                                                          Piedmont Business Journal Staff Writer
                                                                             When and if the time ever comes that he decides to sell his
                                                                        business, Greg Ellwood will do just exactly what he counsels
                                                                        today’s business owners in that position to do: Don’t sell it your-
                                                                        self, get someone else to sell it for you.
                                                                             For a start, trying to sell it yourself severely limits your negoti-
                                                                        ating powers, Ellwood said. For a more important second reason,
HIGH ENERGY: Paul Henry started with windows, but                       you likely do not have any halfway accurate idea what your busi-
everything his company does these days – decks, roofs,                  ness is really worth.
siding and more — is meant to make a home more                               As the owner and principal broker of Sunbelt Business
energy efficient.                                                       Brokers of NOVA, with offices in Manassas and Leesburg, Ellwood
SUMMER 2012                                                                                                                          PAGE 25

may not have any idea what         starts sinking.”                    Ellwood starts tearing old          those figures,” which are almost
your business is worth, either.        When he takes a new list-       paperwork apart.                    always inflated, Ellwood said.
But he knows how to find out.      ing, word must go out, of                The goal of small-business           “I have some computer
      It is easy enough to com-    course, but what goes up on the     owners often is to keep money       programs where I can pull up
pare what Sunbelt does —           web is that, say, to use an exam-   in their business to avoid hav-     comps of the same kind of
helping clients buy and sell       ple close to home, a newspaper      ing to pay taxes on income.         businesses, and I can say this
businesses — to real estate        is new on the market.                    “We’ve got to go into all      type of business got this kind of
transactions, and, indeed,             He would announce the           those years of tax returns and      multiple of revenue as the sales
property changes hands and         availability of the paper, its      P&L statements and recast           price.”
the agent of that change draws     publishing cycle, circulation,      them, take all that information           If owners are unhappy with
a commission.                      number of employees, that it        out and put it to the side to       the estimate — and sellers near-
      Commercial real estate       has annual revenues of X and        come up with a number where         ly always start high, just as they
brokers “will list a piece of      annual fixed expenses of Y.         you know the real earnings,” of     do with other asset sales —
property and tell everybody in         No mention of the name of       the business, he said.              “there are ways you can amplify
the world about it — here’s the    the newspaper, certainly noth-           “You are trying to find out    that income,” Ellwood said.
cap rate on it, here’s the         ing but the vaguest notion of       how much cash flow the per-               “Say you sold your busi-
income you can make on it,         where it is located.                son has to pay himself, pay his     ness for $1 million and you got
here’s the paper they will hold,       “Before a potential buyer       debt and pay the return on the      $500,000 down and you held
it’s zoned this way. After that,   gets any information, beside        money put down.                     the note for five years at 7 per-
their job is pretty well done,”    what we put publicly on the              “There are a lot of numbers    cent. That’s another $60,000 or
Ellwood said.                      website, they sign a four-page      and it’s a lot of work,” Ellwood    $70,000 in interest. Plus, you’re
      “In our case, business is    non-disclosure agreement,”          said, “to come up with an ask-      not paying taxes at closing,
very confidential; we don’t        Ellwood said, “and I get a net-     ing price for the business.”        you’re paying them in the year
want anybody to know what’s        worth statement from them.               Generally speaking, there      that you receive the income,
going on.”                             “I want to know if we are       are a couple of reactions from      and you can put other expens-
      When the cat’s out of the    wasting time. Can you get           business owners when Ellwood        es toward that,” he said.
bag, Ellwood said, your com-       money? Do you have money?           announces that sum.                       “Some people are shocked;
petition knows, your neighbor      Do you have the ability to bor-          “Usually, they have a figure   it’s a little bit of reality,”
knows, your employees know,        row money?”                         in their mind that they got from    Ellwood said of his valuations.
your vendors know, your cus-           No matter who he is work-       their buddies over coffee, so
tomers know, “and the ship         ing for, the buyer or the seller,   you have to sort of get rid of          See ELLWOOD, Page 28
PAGE 28                                                                                                                           SUMMER 2012

From Page 25

     “Sometimes I’ll take them
through and say, you want $1
million? Let’s do the math.
     “Let’s say the buyer puts
$300,000 down and is carrying
a note for $700,000. The cur-
rent net cash flow of the busi-
ness is X. They can’t pay a
$700,000 note on X, besides the
expenses for running the busi-
ness and paying themselves.
That,” he said, “is a little dose
of reality that their business
won’t support that price,” he
     “I try to mathematically
take them through the process,
and sometimes they are very
upset, “ he said.
     Go home and think about
it, he advises, and we can talk
                                                                                                                            Photo by
again and make some plans.
“You want to sell this business      DUE DILIGENCE: Owners typically like to keep as much money as they can in their
anyway. What are you going to        business. It’s up to business brokers like Greg Ellwood to discover what the real numbers
do, just sit here and get mad?”      are in terms of revenue and expenses.
      When he represents buyers      sell it for a different price.”     Mobil for a while, with the On      ness, or start a franchise, you’ve
in the transaction, the back-             The most foolish mistake,      the Run program. Franchises         probably got two or 2 1/2 years
ground examination is the            Ellwood said, is to buy a busi-     allow people to grow their          of being in the red before you
same, but “the main thing for        ness because you’re looking for     business. You won’t have to         start to turn a profit, then
them is to make sure that they       a job.                              worry about things; they are        you’ve got all those notes to
have enough cash flow, make               “Not only do some people       there for you, and you just         pay off.
sure that they understand the        make that mistake, but then         snap into them.”                          “I think there is value in
principles of cash flow, make        they are signed on to a five- or        He likes franchises to an       existing businesses because
sure that this is a business that    10-year lease that you can’t get    extent, he amended.                 you’ve got existing customers,
fits their expertise, and make       out of, not without a penalty.          “I have sold a few new          existing clients, especially if the
sure that they can see them-              “So not only have you          franchises, but I’m not a big fan   business has been there for a
selves in this business for a cer-   wasted money on a business          of new franchises right now,        few years. They have developed
tain amount of time,” Ellwood        that you don’t know how to          the way financing is. A buyer       it, they have tweaked it.
said.                                run, you’re losing money, and       can be $300,000 or $400,000 in      Starting new is hard.”
      “The other thing I tell buy-   now you have the financial tie      debt before he or she opens up            Doing what he does offers
ers is, you’re not married to this   of a lease around your neck.        on day one. I don’t like that       some insights into the general
business. You don’t have to be            “Then you come back to         risk.                               economy.
here for 25 years. Smart buyers,     me and say ‘how do I get out of         “We do a lot of franchise             “It’s better now than 2011,
in my mind, look at it, see what     this business?’”                    resales, where somebody has         and 2011 was better than
kind of cash it’s throwing off                                           had the business for a while        2010,” he said with a shrug.
now, see what kind of an                   Ellwood bought his            and wants to sell it and some-      “Banks are much tougher than
income they can have, and if         Sunbelt franchise nine years        body else wants to buy into it.     they used to be for borrowing.
they grow the business, what         ago after taking a buyout from      They can buy into it a lot          In my experience, they want
type of multiple they can have       Exxon-Mobil, for whom he had        cheaper than the startup.”          almost 100 percent coverage. If
off the business in five or 10       worked for the previous 16              His office represents about     you are buying for $100,000,
years.”                              years.                              75 franchises on a resale basis,    you better have $100,000 in a
      Smart buyers, he went on,           “Sunbelt is a franchise that   Ellwood said.                       bank account or 401(k) some-
see this as not so very different    has been around since the late          “I’m very much a fan of         where. They are not taking any
from owning stock shares.            1970s. I think it has gotten bet-   existing businesses, because        risk. I don’t know why we are
      “You are going to buy it,      ter and better,” he said.           the day you [buy an existing        paying them interest,” he said
you are going to have income              “I like franchises; I was a    business], you’ve got positive      with a laugh.
off it, and then you’re going to     franchise sales manager for         cash flow. If you start a busi-           That the economy is getting
SUMMER 2012                                                                                                                                 PAGE 29

better is demonstrated, Ellwood
said, by more businesses coming on
the market. Many of their owners                                                    How it works
wanted to sell in 2009 or 2010, but
held back because of the doldrums          When representing a seller, Greg Ellwood           “At that point,” Ellwood said, “due diligence
     The economy also shows                has them sign an exclusive listing agreement,      starts, when the buyer or the seller, whatever
strength in the increasing number of       generally for a year with renewals; it usually     place you might be in, has access to every
buyers, Ellwood said.                      takes six to eight months to sell a business.      financial record that’s there.
     Still, he is worried about taxes
rising at the end of the year if vari-     He gets a $1,500 check up front, refundable        “There are typically 30 to 45 days where they
ous cuts and tax holidays aren’t           at the closing, and charges 10 percent of the      go through the financials, seeing that they are
extended, and he is counseling             sales price for his services.                      getting what you say they’re getting.
those who are thinking about selling       “There are studies that have proven that you       “After that, we have a couple of transactional
to pull the trigger sooner rather than     typically get 15 to 17 percent more [selling       lawyers that we work with. They set up the
later.                                     with a broker] than you would on your own,”        documents. Everybody views them and the
     Ellwood likes “to play account-       Ellwood said.                                      transaction takes place. The lawyers handle
ant, to play lawyer,” but he is neither.                                                      the transfer of money, and you have a new
     “I also tell them that they should    “Our fees are 10 percent, but you are still up 5   owner.”
go to their personal accountant and        or 7 percent, plus it’s a smoother transaction.”
their personal lawyer for clarifica-                                                          His final advice to the seller, Ellwood said, is
                                           Returning to his example of selling a              to keep the pedal to the metal.
tion,” he said. “I can tell them how       newspaper, “Let’s say John is interested in
things have been done in the past, I       buying your paper,” Ellwood said.                  “Once you have made the decision to sell,
can tell them how people have                                                                 you’re hiring us to sell your business. Let us sell
taken advantage of situations, one         “He would make an offer with a refundable          your business, and you run it at 105 percent.
way or another, but I always say...go      deposit, based upon contingencies. What are
                                           those contingencies?                               “If you take your foot off the pedal, everyone’s
back to your team. I work very close-
                                                                                              going to realize it, everyone’s going to find out
ly with buyers’ and sellers’ account-      “We’ve got to verify the revenues. Can he          about it, and you are going to get far less
ants and lawyers.”                         assume the lease? Will your editor-in-chief stay   money at the table. Run it at 105 percent, and
     Ellwood can be reached at (703)       for a couple of years or a period of time?         let us do our job.”
462-2334. Visit the website at
www.NOVA.sunbeltnetwork. com.

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  • 1. PAGE 24 SUMMER 2012 make a profit. But I don’t HENRY want to go out there and take advantage of people. That From Page 21 basically stems from my par- ents.” learned from his mother is As head of the company, likely just as important to his Henry works hard at commu- success. nicating with those who A recovering “control report to him. freak,” Henry said his mother “I think that it is crucial taught him how to quit for the people who work with micromanaging and start del- you to all be on the same egating. In truth, it wasn’t that page,” he said. hard, given the family back- “What happens with a lot ground and the family struc- of businesses is you get one ture of the business today, guy running the business and wherein Henry employs a you don’t have a one-on-one brother and a son. with your employees, and it “My parents raised six turns out that they are maybe kids on a construction salary, not willing or not able to see so we were always a very tight the business as you see it. family,” he mused. “They “At the end of the day, it’s taught us...always respect my name on the side of the your elders, always respect wall there, my name on the anyone you are having a deal- side of the truck,” Henry said. ing with, whether you know “But the people who work for them or don’t know them. me, I really think they have “I carried that into my the same respect for that business. I try to be fair and name as I do, because I have still try to make a living and communication with them.” Photo by Tin Nguyen PAPERS, PLEASE: Greg Ellwood, owner of Sunbelt Business Brokers of NOVA is an expert in sifting through the financials to uncover what a business is really worth. Featured Business True value Mum’s the word when selling a business BY BILL WALSH Piedmont Business Journal Staff Writer When and if the time ever comes that he decides to sell his business, Greg Ellwood will do just exactly what he counsels today’s business owners in that position to do: Don’t sell it your- self, get someone else to sell it for you. For a start, trying to sell it yourself severely limits your negoti- ating powers, Ellwood said. For a more important second reason, HIGH ENERGY: Paul Henry started with windows, but you likely do not have any halfway accurate idea what your busi- everything his company does these days – decks, roofs, ness is really worth. siding and more — is meant to make a home more As the owner and principal broker of Sunbelt Business energy efficient. Brokers of NOVA, with offices in Manassas and Leesburg, Ellwood
  • 2. SUMMER 2012 PAGE 25 may not have any idea what starts sinking.” Ellwood starts tearing old those figures,” which are almost your business is worth, either. When he takes a new list- paperwork apart. always inflated, Ellwood said. But he knows how to find out. ing, word must go out, of The goal of small-business “I have some computer It is easy enough to com- course, but what goes up on the owners often is to keep money programs where I can pull up pare what Sunbelt does — web is that, say, to use an exam- in their business to avoid hav- comps of the same kind of helping clients buy and sell ple close to home, a newspaper ing to pay taxes on income. businesses, and I can say this businesses — to real estate is new on the market. “We’ve got to go into all type of business got this kind of transactions, and, indeed, He would announce the those years of tax returns and multiple of revenue as the sales property changes hands and availability of the paper, its P&L statements and recast price.” the agent of that change draws publishing cycle, circulation, them, take all that information If owners are unhappy with a commission. number of employees, that it out and put it to the side to the estimate — and sellers near- Commercial real estate has annual revenues of X and come up with a number where ly always start high, just as they brokers “will list a piece of annual fixed expenses of Y. you know the real earnings,” of do with other asset sales — property and tell everybody in No mention of the name of the business, he said. “there are ways you can amplify the world about it — here’s the the newspaper, certainly noth- “You are trying to find out that income,” Ellwood said. cap rate on it, here’s the ing but the vaguest notion of how much cash flow the per- “Say you sold your busi- income you can make on it, where it is located. son has to pay himself, pay his ness for $1 million and you got here’s the paper they will hold, “Before a potential buyer debt and pay the return on the $500,000 down and you held it’s zoned this way. After that, gets any information, beside money put down. the note for five years at 7 per- their job is pretty well done,” what we put publicly on the “There are a lot of numbers cent. That’s another $60,000 or Ellwood said. website, they sign a four-page and it’s a lot of work,” Ellwood $70,000 in interest. Plus, you’re “In our case, business is non-disclosure agreement,” said, “to come up with an ask- not paying taxes at closing, very confidential; we don’t Ellwood said, “and I get a net- ing price for the business.” you’re paying them in the year want anybody to know what’s worth statement from them. Generally speaking, there that you receive the income, going on.” “I want to know if we are are a couple of reactions from and you can put other expens- When the cat’s out of the wasting time. Can you get business owners when Ellwood es toward that,” he said. bag, Ellwood said, your com- money? Do you have money? announces that sum. “Some people are shocked; petition knows, your neighbor Do you have the ability to bor- “Usually, they have a figure it’s a little bit of reality,” knows, your employees know, row money?” in their mind that they got from Ellwood said of his valuations. your vendors know, your cus- No matter who he is work- their buddies over coffee, so tomers know, “and the ship ing for, the buyer or the seller, you have to sort of get rid of See ELLWOOD, Page 28
  • 3. PAGE 28 SUMMER 2012 ELLWOOD From Page 25 “Sometimes I’ll take them through and say, you want $1 million? Let’s do the math. “Let’s say the buyer puts $300,000 down and is carrying a note for $700,000. The cur- rent net cash flow of the busi- ness is X. They can’t pay a $700,000 note on X, besides the expenses for running the busi- ness and paying themselves. That,” he said, “is a little dose of reality that their business won’t support that price,” he said. “I try to mathematically take them through the process, and sometimes they are very upset, “ he said. Go home and think about it, he advises, and we can talk Photo by again and make some plans. “You want to sell this business DUE DILIGENCE: Owners typically like to keep as much money as they can in their anyway. What are you going to business. It’s up to business brokers like Greg Ellwood to discover what the real numbers do, just sit here and get mad?” are in terms of revenue and expenses. When he represents buyers sell it for a different price.” Mobil for a while, with the On ness, or start a franchise, you’ve in the transaction, the back- The most foolish mistake, the Run program. Franchises probably got two or 2 1/2 years ground examination is the Ellwood said, is to buy a busi- allow people to grow their of being in the red before you same, but “the main thing for ness because you’re looking for business. You won’t have to start to turn a profit, then them is to make sure that they a job. worry about things; they are you’ve got all those notes to have enough cash flow, make “Not only do some people there for you, and you just pay off. sure that they understand the make that mistake, but then snap into them.” “I think there is value in principles of cash flow, make they are signed on to a five- or He likes franchises to an existing businesses because sure that this is a business that 10-year lease that you can’t get extent, he amended. you’ve got existing customers, fits their expertise, and make out of, not without a penalty. “I have sold a few new existing clients, especially if the sure that they can see them- “So not only have you franchises, but I’m not a big fan business has been there for a selves in this business for a cer- wasted money on a business of new franchises right now, few years. They have developed tain amount of time,” Ellwood that you don’t know how to the way financing is. A buyer it, they have tweaked it. said. run, you’re losing money, and can be $300,000 or $400,000 in Starting new is hard.” “The other thing I tell buy- now you have the financial tie debt before he or she opens up Doing what he does offers ers is, you’re not married to this of a lease around your neck. on day one. I don’t like that some insights into the general business. You don’t have to be “Then you come back to risk. economy. here for 25 years. Smart buyers, me and say ‘how do I get out of “We do a lot of franchise “It’s better now than 2011, in my mind, look at it, see what this business?’” resales, where somebody has and 2011 was better than kind of cash it’s throwing off had the business for a while 2010,” he said with a shrug. now, see what kind of an Ellwood bought his and wants to sell it and some- “Banks are much tougher than income they can have, and if Sunbelt franchise nine years body else wants to buy into it. they used to be for borrowing. they grow the business, what ago after taking a buyout from They can buy into it a lot In my experience, they want type of multiple they can have Exxon-Mobil, for whom he had cheaper than the startup.” almost 100 percent coverage. If off the business in five or 10 worked for the previous 16 His office represents about you are buying for $100,000, years.” years. 75 franchises on a resale basis, you better have $100,000 in a Smart buyers, he went on, “Sunbelt is a franchise that Ellwood said. bank account or 401(k) some- see this as not so very different has been around since the late “I’m very much a fan of where. They are not taking any from owning stock shares. 1970s. I think it has gotten bet- existing businesses, because risk. I don’t know why we are “You are going to buy it, ter and better,” he said. the day you [buy an existing paying them interest,” he said you are going to have income “I like franchises; I was a business], you’ve got positive with a laugh. off it, and then you’re going to franchise sales manager for cash flow. If you start a busi- That the economy is getting
  • 4. SUMMER 2012 PAGE 29 better is demonstrated, Ellwood said, by more businesses coming on the market. Many of their owners How it works wanted to sell in 2009 or 2010, but held back because of the doldrums When representing a seller, Greg Ellwood “At that point,” Ellwood said, “due diligence The economy also shows has them sign an exclusive listing agreement, starts, when the buyer or the seller, whatever strength in the increasing number of generally for a year with renewals; it usually place you might be in, has access to every buyers, Ellwood said. takes six to eight months to sell a business. financial record that’s there. Still, he is worried about taxes rising at the end of the year if vari- He gets a $1,500 check up front, refundable “There are typically 30 to 45 days where they ous cuts and tax holidays aren’t at the closing, and charges 10 percent of the go through the financials, seeing that they are extended, and he is counseling sales price for his services. getting what you say they’re getting. those who are thinking about selling “There are studies that have proven that you “After that, we have a couple of transactional to pull the trigger sooner rather than typically get 15 to 17 percent more [selling lawyers that we work with. They set up the later. with a broker] than you would on your own,” documents. Everybody views them and the Ellwood likes “to play account- Ellwood said. transaction takes place. The lawyers handle ant, to play lawyer,” but he is neither. the transfer of money, and you have a new “I also tell them that they should “Our fees are 10 percent, but you are still up 5 owner.” go to their personal accountant and or 7 percent, plus it’s a smoother transaction.” their personal lawyer for clarifica- His final advice to the seller, Ellwood said, is Returning to his example of selling a to keep the pedal to the metal. tion,” he said. “I can tell them how newspaper, “Let’s say John is interested in things have been done in the past, I buying your paper,” Ellwood said. “Once you have made the decision to sell, can tell them how people have you’re hiring us to sell your business. Let us sell taken advantage of situations, one “He would make an offer with a refundable your business, and you run it at 105 percent. way or another, but I always say...go deposit, based upon contingencies. What are those contingencies? “If you take your foot off the pedal, everyone’s back to your team. I work very close- going to realize it, everyone’s going to find out ly with buyers’ and sellers’ account- “We’ve got to verify the revenues. Can he about it, and you are going to get far less ants and lawyers.” assume the lease? Will your editor-in-chief stay money at the table. Run it at 105 percent, and Ellwood can be reached at (703) for a couple of years or a period of time? let us do our job.” 462-2334. Visit the website at www.NOVA.sunbeltnetwork. com.