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                                                                                                                                   17 TECH TONIC                                                                            NOT GEEK TO ME
                                                                                                                                                                                                             © CORBIS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          produces radio jingles, explains how even background
Advanced sound equipment and new software                                                                                                                                                                                 vocals that have choral singers doing the ‘aas, aiis, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          oohs’ are usually computer-created sounds. “There is

are making musicians and singers out of                                                                                                                                                                                   software that lets you simulate the human voice.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LAPTOP MUSICIANS
amateurs. The orchestra’s out and so is                                                                                                                                                                                   Indeed, even present-day mainstream rockers have tak-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          en recourse to the mouse and PC.
the choral singer                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Computers have eliminated the need to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          equalisers, processors, synths, making producing an al-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          bum cheaper by a few lakh rupees. Now computers can
                              MAHAFREED IRANI                                                                                                                                                                             do the same using algorithms,” says Vishal Dadlani of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pentagram. The Indian rock band, which was formed

                                            ack in the ’80s, Mumbai-based Nandu                                                                                                                                           in 1994, evolved to electronic rock after a few years.
                                            Bhende was at the forefront of the Eng-                                                                                                                                       They’ve even managed to make three albums on a lap-
                                            lish music scene in the country. A regu-                                                                                                                                      top. “We’re constantly on the move, so we’re always
                                            lar fixture on Doordarshan, the pioneer-                                                                                                                                      sending tracks to each other for feedback using our
                                            ing musician and frontman for rock band                                                                                                                                       laptops,” Dadlani adds.
                                            ‘The Velvette Frog’, amongst other                                                                                                                                                Unlike the past when every time a garage band or
                                            things, sang playback for Mithun                                                                                                                                              songwriter had to book a studio to record a track, to-
                              Chakraborty in Disco Dancer.                                                                                                                                                                day, musicians can record music in their bedroom us-
                                 Today, in his Juhu-based recording studio InSync,                                                                                                                                        ing a line-in jack connected to a PC. Nigel Rajaratnam,
                              Bhende teaches students how to make music without                                                                                                                                           a Mumbai saxophonist who plays for the acoustic rock
                              having to strum a guitar, blow into a saxophone, or                                                                                                                                         band Dischordian, says: “Earlier it would be impossible
                              wield drum sticks. Instead, they tap on a computer                                                                                                                                          to store ideas or initial scratches. Now with software, I
                              keyboard and manipulate a MIDI controller. MIDI or                                                                                                                                          can record tracks at home and come to the studio once
                              Musical Instrument Digital Interface is an industry-                                                                                                                                        I’ve finalised the song.” The 24-year-old believes the
                              standard protocol that enables electronic musical in-                                                                                                                                       use of virtual instruments has made the industry more
                              struments (synthesizers, drum machines), comput-                                                                                                                                            democratic since anyone with a sense of rhythm can
                              ers and other electronic equipment (MIDI con-                                                                                                                                               aspire to be a musician.
                              trollers, sound cards, samplers) to communicate and
                              synchronize with each other.
                                 “The music industry has transformed from being
                              the handiwork of a performer to a computer-generat-
                              ed end product,” says the 55-year-old whose comput-
                              er workshop trains music aspirants in the finer nu-
                              ances of recording tracks by mixing and matching
                              sounds to create complete orchestral productions.
                                 “You don’t really need to know how to play an in-
                              strument or even sing to create your own songs any-
                              more. Technology has made making music much
                              easier than it was in the past,” Bhende avers.
                                 He recollects days when studios would be packed
                              with 50 to 60 musicians with string, brass, woodwind                                                                                                                                        KNOBS AND TURNS: Softwares like Ableton or Traktor
                              and percussion instruments just to ensure the                                                                                                                                               enable DJs to create music while playing live

Computers tune up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SOFTWARE WITH NO SOUL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Reji Ravindran, the resident DJ at Mumbai hotspot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bonobo, swears by his music software. “When I first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          started mixing in 1998, we used vinyl before moving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          onto CDs,” he says. “Now with pen drives and hard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          disks, I can store thousands of songs on something
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          that weighs almost nothing. Besides, software like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Traktor and Ableton Live allow me to mix more than
                                                                                           every instrument that exists in the world without                                                                              a couple of tracks, which gives one a definite edge.”
                                                                                           moving out of their single-room studios.                                                                                           Still, Ravindran believes that there is a definite
                                                                                               “We don’t even have to go to Prague or Tokyo to           “We don’t even have to go to                                     downside to the use of technology in music. Harshit
                                                                                           record unusual instruments,” says Pune-based                                                                                   Saxena concurs. “Software like Auto Tune can and
                                                                                           Prashant Pillai, who composed music for the Anurag
                                                                                                                                                         Prague or Tokyo to record                                        has made singers out of tone-deaf people,” says the
                                                                                           Kashyap-produced Shaitan. “You can buy samples of             unusual instruments,” says                                       singer turned composer who has scored a track for
                                                                                           orchestral instruments recorded by members of the
                                                                                           Vienna Philharmonic from the Vienna Strings Library,”
                                                                                                                                                         Pune-based Prashant Pillai, who                                  Mahesh Bhatt’s Murder 2.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Auto Tune, Saxena explains, is an audio processor
                                                                                           says the 29-year-old.                                         composed music for the Anurag                                    that corrects the pitch of vocal and instrumental
                                                                                               The latest edition of the software, called Vienna         Kashyap-produced film                                            sounds. International acts such as Daft Punk and
                                                                                           Instruments PRO, even has a ‘humanise’ feature that                                                                            hip-hop stars like Kanye West and T-Pain use it for
                                                                                           allows composers to manipulate the sounds to make             ‘Shaitan’. “You can buy samples                                  effect. Then there are tools that promise to mask
                                                                                           them sound more real. “The software comes in handy,           of orchestral instruments                                        flaws ensuring the artist isn’t heard running out of
                                                                                           especially when deadlines are tight. Composers often                                                                           breath and that accentuate every word that is sung.
                                                                                           have to produce tracks, a few days before the shoot           recorded by members of the                                       “Singers like Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar
                                                                                           starts,” Pillai says. “The sad part is that orchestras have   Vienna Philharmonic”                                             were truly legendary because they didn’t have the
                                                                                           become redundant,” Bhende laments.                                                                                             option of making a mistake,” says Saxena, who has
                                                                                                                                                         process of recording, mixing and mastering was done              been a finalist in shows such as ‘Voice of India’, ‘Jo
                                                                                           RECORD TIME                                                   digitally. “Clients are also happy because it cuts costs,”       Jeeta Wohi Superstar’ and ‘Music Ka Maha Muqabla’.
DIFFERENT KEYS:               recording could take place all at once.                      On the positive side, the digital revolution has ensured      says Merrill Sequeira, a musician, who has been                      Most producers of repute would say that music
Nandu Bhende teaches his         “This was when sound was recorded on a magnetic           musicians save time. “The introduction of multi-track         dabbling in digital music for the last 10 years.                 has to be “human to have soul”. “Despite all the ad-
students how to create        tape. Singers would rehearse for days before the             technology allows artistes to record various instrument          “In the beginning, composers avoided using com-               vancements in technology, computers can’t be a sub-
music using the computer
and MIDI controller           recording because mistakes couldn’t be corrected and         tracks at different times so recordings don’t have to be      puters because they weren’t reliable. But now, with              stitute for real musicians,” Sequeira says.
                              editing the tape would mean cutting and splicing it          large co-ordinated meet-ups at studios,” Pillai says.         better hardware and superb software, most have made                  So, many times, music directors record at least
                              together,” he reminisces.                                       He managed to finish producing his latest album,           the switch,” the 31-year-old adds.                               one instrument live to make the melody sound less
                                 Today, musicians can recreate sounds of almost            Groove Loves Company, in just 15 days because the                Sequiera who started out in advertising, and now              plastic. Music is still about feeling, after all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ILLUSTRATION: AJIT BAJAJ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Once you have the video content on your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 computer — whether from a DVD or from some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 other source — you will have to re-encode it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 using the codec supported by the device on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 which you are planning to play it. (To know

A lowdown on the best free software you can use to manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 what are supported codecs for any particular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 device check its specification sheet). Now there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are several free programs available for convert-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ing video from one format to another, but for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the average user, Freemake is the best bet. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 has an intuitive graphical interface and there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are several one-click options to convert videos
your audio and video content                                                                                                                                                                                                     to the format of your choice. Download it from
JAVED ANWER                                            easiest way to do so is to use…                                                                                                                                           Playing it on a DVD player: To play a movie
                                                       Windows Media Player: If you are running a                                                                                                                                downloaded from the internet on a DVD player,

     all it a side effect of the digital revolution.   Windows computer, you can use the bundled me-                                                                                                                             you will have to ‘author’ the video file before you
     The way multimedia content has been               dia player to rip songs. The process is simple. Pop                                                                                                                       burn it onto a DVD disc. Authoring a DVD is dif-
     digitised in the last decade or so, Cyberia is    in the CD, open Windows Media Player and click                                                                                                                            ferent from just copying the data onto the disc as
now full of audio and video content that is not        the Rip tab. And the programme will save the          loaded from Crucially,           tablets and netbooks that don’t have a DVD drive.           it requires a person to format the video and audio
only badly managed, but — in most cases —              songs on your computer. From the same tab, you        this programme is also your best bet if other rip-      Video clips downloaded from the web or shot                 content in a particular way before writing it on to
also incompatible with different devices. The          can also pre-select bit rate and format (such as      ping software have failed to import songs from          with digital cameras, meanwhile, mostly use                 a disk. In the case of DVDs, authoring means cre-
result is a mess where an average user has a           WMA, MP3 and WAV). The downside? Power                scratched or old CDs.                                   codecs such as H.264, DivX, Xvid and X.264.                 ating VOB, AOB and IFO files.
few thousands songs strewn across his PC, digi-        users — those who like complete control over                                                                       Some DVD players can handle these formats                  To create video DVDs, use either DVD Flick or
tal music player, cellphone, and in CDs and of-        audio quality — may find the options inadequate.      ANYWHERE, ANYTIME VIDEOS                                perfectly if you write the content onto a DVD or            AVStoDVD — two very good free authoring pro-
ten in different formats. And then, there are          iTunes: Now if you are a Mac user, you can’t use      Music is just one half of this story. Making sure       CD. But many can’t. Similarly, most smart-                  grams. DVD Flick is easier to handle, but AVStoD-
DVDs that can’t be played on tablets. Similarly,       the Windows Media Player. But there is a good al-     that your videos are playable on all devices —          phones and tablets can’t play these formats even            VD gives you better control on the authoring
there are HD clips that are recorded on video          ternative in the form of iTunes. Just fire up the     from your tablet to your DVD player — is a big-         though most notebooks and desktops can. Final-              process. Both programmes will allow you to add
cameras that might not be playable on netbooks.        software, pop in a CD and you will be greeted by      ger problem because unlike music, where MP3s            ly, in some cases, even though a few devices may            subtitles and menus to your DVDs. You can down-
So, what’s the way out? Well, read on…                 prompt asking if you want to import songs from        have become ubiquitous, there are several popu-         support the video codec, they might not be capa-            load the software at and
                                                       the disc. Say yes, and you are done. Of course,       lar video formats.                                      ble of handling 1080P high-definition content.     respective-
LET THE MUSIC PLAY                                     you can use iTunes on Windows as well. Still, the     Know your codec: Codecs are pieces of software          Solution: Just the way music is ripped from                 ly. Once the authoring is complete, you will get a
Currently, there are two primary legal ways to         software has a few limitations such as fewer rip-     code that that determines the video settings like       CDs, users can convert videos from DVDs. The                folder with all components of DVD — VOB files,
get music: CDs and digital downloads. In India,        ping options (AAC, AIFF MP3, WAV) which might         quality, colours and file format. Let’s start by tak-   best way, arguably, is to use Win X DVD Ripper,             etc — on the disc. Now just burn this folder onto
CDs are the more popular method. Now — as it           not exactly please a serious audiophile.              ing a look at the popular video formats. To begin       a free program that not only grabs your movies              a DVD using any free burner such as Burnaware
happens — most digital music players (unless it’s      Exact Audio Copy: If you need something better        with, there are movies on DVDs. While almost all        from DVDs, but can also convert them into for-              Free, which is available at If
a Discman-like device) cannot play music CDs.          than Windows Media Player and iTunes, you             devices can play DVD content, which is encoded          mats such as AVI, MPEG and MP4. Win X DVD                   you have done everything right, you will have a
Solution? Rip the songs from the discs. And the        could try Exact Audio Copy that can be down-          in the MPEG-2, one can’t play these discs on            Ripper can be downloaded from                               disc that will play on any DVD player.

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Times of india crest edition tech tonic - computers tune up - august 6th '11

  • 1. SATURDAY, AUG 6, 2011 17 TECH TONIC NOT GEEK TO ME © CORBIS produces radio jingles, explains how even background Advanced sound equipment and new software vocals that have choral singers doing the ‘aas, aiis, and oohs’ are usually computer-created sounds. “There is are making musicians and singers out of software that lets you simulate the human voice.” LAPTOP MUSICIANS amateurs. The orchestra’s out and so is Indeed, even present-day mainstream rockers have tak- en recourse to the mouse and PC. the choral singer “Computers have eliminated the need to use equalisers, processors, synths, making producing an al- bum cheaper by a few lakh rupees. Now computers can MAHAFREED IRANI do the same using algorithms,” says Vishal Dadlani of Pentagram. The Indian rock band, which was formed B ack in the ’80s, Mumbai-based Nandu in 1994, evolved to electronic rock after a few years. Bhende was at the forefront of the Eng- They’ve even managed to make three albums on a lap- lish music scene in the country. A regu- top. “We’re constantly on the move, so we’re always lar fixture on Doordarshan, the pioneer- sending tracks to each other for feedback using our ing musician and frontman for rock band laptops,” Dadlani adds. ‘The Velvette Frog’, amongst other Unlike the past when every time a garage band or things, sang playback for Mithun songwriter had to book a studio to record a track, to- Chakraborty in Disco Dancer. day, musicians can record music in their bedroom us- Today, in his Juhu-based recording studio InSync, ing a line-in jack connected to a PC. Nigel Rajaratnam, Bhende teaches students how to make music without a Mumbai saxophonist who plays for the acoustic rock having to strum a guitar, blow into a saxophone, or band Dischordian, says: “Earlier it would be impossible wield drum sticks. Instead, they tap on a computer to store ideas or initial scratches. Now with software, I keyboard and manipulate a MIDI controller. MIDI or can record tracks at home and come to the studio once Musical Instrument Digital Interface is an industry- I’ve finalised the song.” The 24-year-old believes the standard protocol that enables electronic musical in- use of virtual instruments has made the industry more struments (synthesizers, drum machines), comput- democratic since anyone with a sense of rhythm can ers and other electronic equipment (MIDI con- aspire to be a musician. trollers, sound cards, samplers) to communicate and synchronize with each other. “The music industry has transformed from being the handiwork of a performer to a computer-generat- ed end product,” says the 55-year-old whose comput- er workshop trains music aspirants in the finer nu- ances of recording tracks by mixing and matching sounds to create complete orchestral productions. “You don’t really need to know how to play an in- strument or even sing to create your own songs any- more. Technology has made making music much easier than it was in the past,” Bhende avers. He recollects days when studios would be packed with 50 to 60 musicians with string, brass, woodwind KNOBS AND TURNS: Softwares like Ableton or Traktor and percussion instruments just to ensure the enable DJs to create music while playing live Computers tune up SOFTWARE WITH NO SOUL Reji Ravindran, the resident DJ at Mumbai hotspot Bonobo, swears by his music software. “When I first started mixing in 1998, we used vinyl before moving onto CDs,” he says. “Now with pen drives and hard disks, I can store thousands of songs on something that weighs almost nothing. Besides, software like Traktor and Ableton Live allow me to mix more than every instrument that exists in the world without a couple of tracks, which gives one a definite edge.” moving out of their single-room studios. Still, Ravindran believes that there is a definite “We don’t even have to go to Prague or Tokyo to “We don’t even have to go to downside to the use of technology in music. Harshit record unusual instruments,” says Pune-based Saxena concurs. “Software like Auto Tune can and Prashant Pillai, who composed music for the Anurag Prague or Tokyo to record has made singers out of tone-deaf people,” says the Kashyap-produced Shaitan. “You can buy samples of unusual instruments,” says singer turned composer who has scored a track for orchestral instruments recorded by members of the Vienna Philharmonic from the Vienna Strings Library,” Pune-based Prashant Pillai, who Mahesh Bhatt’s Murder 2. Auto Tune, Saxena explains, is an audio processor says the 29-year-old. composed music for the Anurag that corrects the pitch of vocal and instrumental The latest edition of the software, called Vienna Kashyap-produced film sounds. International acts such as Daft Punk and Instruments PRO, even has a ‘humanise’ feature that hip-hop stars like Kanye West and T-Pain use it for allows composers to manipulate the sounds to make ‘Shaitan’. “You can buy samples effect. Then there are tools that promise to mask them sound more real. “The software comes in handy, of orchestral instruments flaws ensuring the artist isn’t heard running out of especially when deadlines are tight. Composers often breath and that accentuate every word that is sung. have to produce tracks, a few days before the shoot recorded by members of the “Singers like Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar starts,” Pillai says. “The sad part is that orchestras have Vienna Philharmonic” were truly legendary because they didn’t have the become redundant,” Bhende laments. option of making a mistake,” says Saxena, who has process of recording, mixing and mastering was done been a finalist in shows such as ‘Voice of India’, ‘Jo RECORD TIME digitally. “Clients are also happy because it cuts costs,” Jeeta Wohi Superstar’ and ‘Music Ka Maha Muqabla’. DIFFERENT KEYS: recording could take place all at once. On the positive side, the digital revolution has ensured says Merrill Sequeira, a musician, who has been Most producers of repute would say that music Nandu Bhende teaches his “This was when sound was recorded on a magnetic musicians save time. “The introduction of multi-track dabbling in digital music for the last 10 years. has to be “human to have soul”. “Despite all the ad- students how to create tape. Singers would rehearse for days before the technology allows artistes to record various instrument “In the beginning, composers avoided using com- vancements in technology, computers can’t be a sub- music using the computer and MIDI controller recording because mistakes couldn’t be corrected and tracks at different times so recordings don’t have to be puters because they weren’t reliable. But now, with stitute for real musicians,” Sequeira says. editing the tape would mean cutting and splicing it large co-ordinated meet-ups at studios,” Pillai says. better hardware and superb software, most have made So, many times, music directors record at least together,” he reminisces. He managed to finish producing his latest album, the switch,” the 31-year-old adds. one instrument live to make the melody sound less Today, musicians can recreate sounds of almost Groove Loves Company, in just 15 days because the Sequiera who started out in advertising, and now plastic. Music is still about feeling, after all. ILLUSTRATION: AJIT BAJAJ Multimedia Once you have the video content on your computer — whether from a DVD or from some other source — you will have to re-encode it using the codec supported by the device on which you are planning to play it. (To know madness A lowdown on the best free software you can use to manage what are supported codecs for any particular device check its specification sheet). Now there are several free programs available for convert- ing video from one format to another, but for the average user, Freemake is the best bet. It has an intuitive graphical interface and there are several one-click options to convert videos your audio and video content to the format of your choice. Download it from JAVED ANWER easiest way to do so is to use… Playing it on a DVD player: To play a movie Windows Media Player: If you are running a downloaded from the internet on a DVD player, C all it a side effect of the digital revolution. Windows computer, you can use the bundled me- you will have to ‘author’ the video file before you The way multimedia content has been dia player to rip songs. The process is simple. Pop burn it onto a DVD disc. Authoring a DVD is dif- digitised in the last decade or so, Cyberia is in the CD, open Windows Media Player and click ferent from just copying the data onto the disc as now full of audio and video content that is not the Rip tab. And the programme will save the loaded from Crucially, tablets and netbooks that don’t have a DVD drive. it requires a person to format the video and audio only badly managed, but — in most cases — songs on your computer. From the same tab, you this programme is also your best bet if other rip- Video clips downloaded from the web or shot content in a particular way before writing it on to also incompatible with different devices. The can also pre-select bit rate and format (such as ping software have failed to import songs from with digital cameras, meanwhile, mostly use a disk. In the case of DVDs, authoring means cre- result is a mess where an average user has a WMA, MP3 and WAV). The downside? Power scratched or old CDs. codecs such as H.264, DivX, Xvid and X.264. ating VOB, AOB and IFO files. few thousands songs strewn across his PC, digi- users — those who like complete control over Some DVD players can handle these formats To create video DVDs, use either DVD Flick or tal music player, cellphone, and in CDs and of- audio quality — may find the options inadequate. ANYWHERE, ANYTIME VIDEOS perfectly if you write the content onto a DVD or AVStoDVD — two very good free authoring pro- ten in different formats. And then, there are iTunes: Now if you are a Mac user, you can’t use Music is just one half of this story. Making sure CD. But many can’t. Similarly, most smart- grams. DVD Flick is easier to handle, but AVStoD- DVDs that can’t be played on tablets. Similarly, the Windows Media Player. But there is a good al- that your videos are playable on all devices — phones and tablets can’t play these formats even VD gives you better control on the authoring there are HD clips that are recorded on video ternative in the form of iTunes. Just fire up the from your tablet to your DVD player — is a big- though most notebooks and desktops can. Final- process. Both programmes will allow you to add cameras that might not be playable on netbooks. software, pop in a CD and you will be greeted by ger problem because unlike music, where MP3s ly, in some cases, even though a few devices may subtitles and menus to your DVDs. You can down- So, what’s the way out? Well, read on… prompt asking if you want to import songs from have become ubiquitous, there are several popu- support the video codec, they might not be capa- load the software at and the disc. Say yes, and you are done. Of course, lar video formats. ble of handling 1080P high-definition content. respective- LET THE MUSIC PLAY you can use iTunes on Windows as well. Still, the Know your codec: Codecs are pieces of software Solution: Just the way music is ripped from ly. Once the authoring is complete, you will get a Currently, there are two primary legal ways to software has a few limitations such as fewer rip- code that that determines the video settings like CDs, users can convert videos from DVDs. The folder with all components of DVD — VOB files, get music: CDs and digital downloads. In India, ping options (AAC, AIFF MP3, WAV) which might quality, colours and file format. Let’s start by tak- best way, arguably, is to use Win X DVD Ripper, etc — on the disc. Now just burn this folder onto CDs are the more popular method. Now — as it not exactly please a serious audiophile. ing a look at the popular video formats. To begin a free program that not only grabs your movies a DVD using any free burner such as Burnaware happens — most digital music players (unless it’s Exact Audio Copy: If you need something better with, there are movies on DVDs. While almost all from DVDs, but can also convert them into for- Free, which is available at If a Discman-like device) cannot play music CDs. than Windows Media Player and iTunes, you devices can play DVD content, which is encoded mats such as AVI, MPEG and MP4. Win X DVD you have done everything right, you will have a Solution? Rip the songs from the discs. And the could try Exact Audio Copy that can be down- in the MPEG-2, one can’t play these discs on Ripper can be downloaded from disc that will play on any DVD player.