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About baptism
«There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you also were called to one hope when
you were called; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over
all, and through all, and in us all.» (Ephesians: 4/4-6)
«John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for
the forgiveness of sins. All the country of Judea and all those from Jerusalem went out to
him. They were baptized by John in the Jordan river, confessing their sins». (Mark: 1/ 4,5)
«He brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your
… Late as it was, the jailer washed their wounds and was immediately baptized, he
and his entire household». (Acts: 16/30,31,33)
About baptism
Text selection from the Word of God1 on this topic
… Woe to the infant who is baptized with fiddlers with revelry and dances! Woe to the
dead that is buried with fiddlers! Woe to the dead that is buried and it was given drinking at its
… Do not play a match! Do not act on the stage! This is not allowed as I have said.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-07-1977
My dear, the people who are not baptized are not Christians, sons, but I could not
be with this word by now. And how comes something like this in this time upon the church?
Behold, the Lord had used to let the words upon you, which He had always come back to heaven
with, as it desolation had been upon the church, and this time of desolation had been long after
the priests and bishops made an agreement with antichrist (With the „Security” of the com-
munist dictatorship, r.n.); and they let themselves to be devoid of the Holy Spirit, and those that
came after them, who put the agreement into action, had never seen the empty work and the
naked body of the church. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”,
r.n.) And if the binding with God and with the ancestral law was broken, whose brokenness and
interruption was not seen, this broken binding had no longer had a forwarding work, so that the
Lord might have a church with priests clothed with the Holy Spirit, to leave followers clothed
with the Holy Spirit. If the Christ’s priesthood was from one to another, that is from one
anointed to another, and if the anointed of a time sold this garment to antichrist, and if antichrist
wiped out his anointment by ruse, then the work to keep the binding of the chain from one
anointed to another had no longer existed, and this way the anointment for the priesthood was
only an order made by the people, an order devoid of the gift of the anointment in the priesthood.
But this damage and this desolation were not only these, as after that a work of extermination
arose, of those who did not listen to reject the ancestral laws, that is to listen to the faith denial,
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, Translated by I.A., re-
dactor note.
About baptism
that is to sell their baptism by the agreement made with antichrist, who managed to displace
God’s law from its place. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy)
of faith”, r.n.) And persecution was inflicted upon those that did not forsake the anointment of
the Holy Spirit, and they were locked up and killed by the power of the darkness, and few of
them had the Lord in the recesses of their hearts, that served and could leave the anointment
from one anointed to another anointed. And that is why I say that there cannot be a priest if you
are not baptized and not christened, for the priests who were then established by those who gave
the ancestral law from them; they had no longer the work of the Holy Spirit upon them, and the
priest’s anointment was no longer put through the Lord, and that is why the baptism after the
order of tradition was neither established as a baptism any longer, and behold that the priests
that were established after that interruption, had no longer the anointment, and the baptism had
no longer power, as the priesthood of those without the anointment from one anointed to an-
other, and the power of the baptism died away time after time, because very few had part of
anointed priests by the Holy Spirit anymore.
I wanted to strive and break this fog and to help Myself with the people fed on My word.
I waited to find a place to be able to speak to this people, to be able to entrust to it the mystery
about the immorality in the church, but it did not listen to Me in the work of the holy laws, let
alone it listened so that I might correct with it the immorality that spoiled the church! Oh, there
is a scroll in heaven, which is written on the earth by a heavenly commandment. And what is
this scroll about? It is written a binding against those that broke the true anointment of the
priesthood, for if those that wrote the agreement with Antichrist to change the Lord’s laws, and
if they changed them, I gave a commandment to be made out that written scroll to bind from
work those that changed the work left by My followers, anointed up to them. And it is written:
«What is bound on earth is bound in heaven as well», and this binding was done on earth by
the heavenly commandment, sons. And if this is hard to believe, look at the front of the church
and tell God what is left of it and what is behind this appearance. And behold a world that is
not baptized and not christened by anyone for such a long time. And if you are not christened,
how comes to be a priest according to Jesus Christ’s law?
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother,
from 04-12-1992. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
You see Israel, why I have reminded you My work of that time? For you to see that then
it was also the same. Many came to listen to My word, but it was hard for many, hard to fulfill
if they cared about their flesh, and behold, the flesh is useless. Now is the same with My work
of the word. There have come many a bodies to hear, and coming they did not come, and hearing
they did not hear and did not fulfill the words of life. And here is what I say to you today Israel:
if you come and do not believe, you should no longer come; do no longer come this way. If you
come and do not want to fulfill My word, you should no longer come. Why do you believe that
I was hardly speaking two thousand years ago? I did so, to sort out the wheat from the chaff. I
did so, so that those who did not believe may leave; those that were a body without faith, that
is without spirit. I do likewise today, and I will bring the words of mystery even
harder to believe for those who did not want to leave their bodies. This is what
I will do, so that I may remain with My threshing floor and with My wheat, to be able to work,
as we can no longer work as by now. If you come and do not believe, do no longer come, and I
will fulfill this word of Mine. He, who believes, fulfills My word without any other kind of
speech. He, who believes, understands. He, who does not believe, does not understand My
About baptism
words. Jerusalem, do you not see, son, that these words are Mine? I tell you as I said two thou-
sand years ago; and this is what I told those of then: «If you do not believe in Me, believe in
these words of God». And I tell you today: if you do not believe that I am the One, Who speaks
upon you, at least believe these godly words, as they are from God and not from man. The
human words are nothing else then these, Israel. Oh, in vain I speak to you in many ways, as
you will not be able to defend yourself before Me. If you come and do not believe, you should
no longer come, and if you come you should also believe; you should come and be obedient to
My order, and you should not come otherwise and stay otherwise; you should no longer come
otherwise. Mind that you do no longer come and scream at Me. It is enough, Christian! I close
the door for those who scream at Me and walk at My order to judge from the earth.
Jerusalem, look at the order that My work had into the world two thousand years ago.
When it was to proclaim the man’s salvation by My crucifixion and My resurrection, I worked
first to proclaim the news of repentance, and he, who would come to repentance and in faith
and holiness, was baptized with water and then with the Holy Spirit. He, who chooses to work
repentance receives after that the baptism with water and after that the baptism with the Holy
Spirit. Israel, you came to Me at this time. You heard that I came and speak on the earth, and
you came to hear Me, and I taught you to repent of all your wicked deeds, and you did not do
so. Those of the time of John, who came at the baptism of repentance, were asking John: «What
shall we do?» The multitudes came to him and he answered them: «You offspring of vipers;
who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore, bring forth fruit worthy of re-
pentance, and do not think to yourselves: ‘We have Abraham for our father’, for I tell you
that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones». The customs officers
and the soldiers were come and asking him: «What shall we do?», and John was telling every-
one to do justice, not to oppress anyone, to be contended with what they had, and if they had
taken more, to give also to the poor, who walks into God’s way in his poverty. And you came
and asked Me what to do, but you did not ask about repentance, and you were asking what to
do with your fleshly and earthly business, and then you said that you listened to God of what
He told you. And no way, as when you told Me, I said „Yes” to you. If you had come to ask
Me about the baptism of repentance, you would have been sealed now by the word of fulfillment
and by the Holy Spirit, and you would have been the one to share the Holy Spirit. You see,
Israel, first is the baptism of repentance and you did not do so. Oh, the mystery of repentance
goes before the holiness and faith, and then before the Holy Spirit. Now the church does
not work this way, for if someone comes with a baby to be baptized into My name and to entrust
it to Me, that one lies when he comes, as he is not repented and sanctified and faithful; and he
also does not urge the baby come to Me and follow Me, as Cornelius did with his entire
house when he was baptized by the hand of My apostle. Oh, there is no longer faith into the
world, but it is neither with you Israel; it is not, for repentance works out holiness and attracts
the Holy Spirit from the One, Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Tell My people, if the baptism
from God is known upon the people. It is not known, son. Oh, and what will answer those that
baptize into My name the people that are not like God; those that do not remain with God after
their baptism? Oh, you should believe what I tell you, as everything remained only a habit
and that is all. But you, My people, you should understand son, My way, and how you should
walk on it, and where you have to start from. This is how you should have started; with repent-
About baptism
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19-01-1995 (06-01-1995
Old style / after the Julian calendar2
) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google
Israel, Israel, what I have seen on the earth! The man is being baptized into the name of
Jesus Christ, he is getting married into the name of Jesus Christ, and goes from now and then
to church into the name of Jesus Christ, and he does so in vain if he does not share of Jesus’
Body and Blood; it is in vain sons. What I have seen on the earth is a great mourning. No one
knows what a church mean. A church means to be the sons who share of Jesus’ Body and
Blood. They who do not share go in vain. Oh, how should they commune if they are not ready
for the Lord’s receiving, for the Lord’s coming, if they are not ready in the Lord’s waiting?
They commune once in a while after the custom of the people, but they are never ready, since
they remain into their sins. Who should teach the people? Who, sons, who, for there is none?
There is none to do the work of forgiveness of the people’s sins, the work of man’s reconcilia-
tion to God. There is no one, sons; there is no one, for the today’s shepherd is something
else; he is not a shepherd. No one goes on the way that has a living life, and that is why I
raised you, My people, and I have been speaking to you again and again from heaven, and you
has believed in the One Who has been speaking to you and woke up for travelling, and behold,
I make out of you a man’s road towards God, to a living church, Israel. That is why I have
fulfilled this rock on earth, to speak from its top and to show the man the way. The man has to
believe in God, to love Him and to follow Him repenting of all those that are perishing and
dying, being healed of death, sons.
Excerpt from the Word of God at four years since the consecration of the Holy of Holies
of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1995.
Man, come back home! Come back to the house of your soul; come back to Me, as I
breathed spirit of My Spirit, when I created the man in the beginning, and I made him after My
likeness and into My image, as everything that the Father created, He created through Me. He
created the man through Me, and it was through Me that He gave him birth, as I was born of
the Father through the Virgin and I became Man on the earth, a Man from heaven among the
people, and I told the people: «He, who is not born of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlast-
ing life of God». And how can a man be born of the heaven, Jerusalem of My word from
heaven? How can someone be born of the heaven? Oh, when I created the man into My image,
I breathed over him My Spirit of life and I gave him the soul as a gift, to be a living creature,
Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (
are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1
January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date
conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title
given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian
Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that
congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar,
( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up
to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other
confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and
the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.
About baptism
and then the created man fell by disobedience; he fell down by haughtiness, but I, like a Crea-
tor, left his soul as a gift, so that this gift may go to the end of the time through the man,
and in the end to call the man into account for My gift left into the man born of the man;
to call him into account for his soul. And after five thousand years since the creation of the
man, I came down from the Father, and during the sixth thousand years I was born a Man from
heaven, a Man from the Father, through the Virgin, to repair the mystery of the birth which I
would have liked to put it from the beginning over the man created by Me and to whom I told
after I crated him: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth». (See the selection topic: „The
mystery of the man and of the woman”, r.n.) I came down from the Father two thousand years
ago and I declared upon the people: «He, who is not born of above, of the heaven, cannot
inherit the everlasting life».
How can a man be born of above, of the heaven? Oh, My people, what a pain on Me, as
the man on the earth said that he fulfills this Scripture. I said: «He, who is not born of water
and of Spirit, cannot inherit the kingdom of heavens». Oh, what authority this true Scripture
had in My beginning of two thousand years, and what little truth it has today for those who say
that they fulfill it! My people, My Christian people, he, who is born of water and Spirit, is alive
and makes the deeds of the eternal life, and it is known that he is born of heaven, from above.
What is the birth from water and Spirit? Who can be born of water and Spirit? Behold, I speak
to you, Jerusalem of My word, so that the man may hear what I speak on the earth, as you are
the one who makes Me come down from the Father to be among the people, faithful son. Who
can be born of water and Spirit? What comes before this birth? My preaching, the preach-
ing about Me, the crucified One and the One raised for the salvation of the man, and then
the faith and the deeds of the faith; these come first, and then the water of baptism comes
after them over the faithful man, the baptism into My name, and then the Holy Spirit,
Who seals My work in the man who is born from above. He, who is born of water and Spirit,
that one has My work in him, and he is My disciple, and he has the work of a disciple, who
gives birth to disciples out of Me to the faith of those who come near to believe and to fulfill
the life of the faith in the man, who is deified among the people. Who can be born of water and
Spirit? The one who seeks God with a holy faith, with a holy hope and with a holy love; that
one is the one, who receives the birth from above, of water and Spirit, through My disciples, in
whom I am to the end of the age as I said.
Oh, what a pain on Me, for the man on the earth, who sits over the people into My name,
says that he fulfills this Scripture and that he gives the man a heavenly birth, a birth from above,
from water and Spirit. When I look at the world, baptized by the man into My name with water
and Holy Spirit, when I see it, the creeps on the cross and the mourning seize Me; the creeps of
My crucifixion seize Me. And as those who called themselves brothers, cast Me away and killed
Me from among the people to fulfill, they were saying, God’s law, the same way and afterwards,
those who say that they are God’s servants upon the people, do not put Me into the people, for
it is a great wonder before Me to see the man that is born from above, from water and Spirit.
I look upon the people to see those that are born of the water and Spirit at the word
proclaimed by the priests from the world. Oh, the church from the world does not resemble the
church of Jesus Christ. My church is something else than what the man of this age understands.
You are My church, My Christian people, you are, son, you are. You live as a Christian;
you fulfill those that I commanded upon the church. You are a faithful child, My people,
and you bowed down to My announcement worked by the word coming from above on the
clouds, and you were baptized by the baptismal of the faith and you were full of the Holy Spirit,
About baptism
Whom I have always been sending you, making Him coming down upon you. You take after
Me, Jerusalem, for I have raised you up and made after My own image and likeness, so that I
may have relatives on the earth and to have where to go when I come to the people to call them
out; to have a house of guests, for I come as a guest from heaven on earth, to bring resurrection
through the word upon the people, and to give birth to people from above.
I come to you, My people of sons; My people of disciples. I come to you to kiss your
sons. My mouth kisses your heart and forehead, son, Jerusalem. My word is My mouth, for I
am alive; I am body and soul, and I am alive in My coming to you, for I am the God of the
living ones; I am the God of those that belong to the living One forevermore.
Man, I am the One Who I am, and I am alive. I was crucified by God’s servants and I
rose from crucifixion and I am alive. And if I am alive, My Father gave Me all the power in
heaven and on earth, and I can give you birth from above, from heaven, you man without the
life from above. I come towards you and tell you to be born again from above, man.
Oh, servant people, who set yourselves into My name over the people! Where are those
that you baptized into My name with water and sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit? I come
and I call you into account for your fruit. Where are your disciples? Can you give them to
Me as I give My work to the Father? Behold, I come and I call you into account for the people’s
souls, and each shepherd of souls will be called into account before Me.
Oh, who shall I help Myself with in My work for the salvation of the fallen man? I come
to shepherd My flock; I come to shepherd the people, for the people’s shepherds do not take
after Me. The one who shepherds the flock has to be alive and awake over the flock. The one
who shepherds My sheep has to be born from above and to know his birth from above. The one
who does not believe in Me and in My word, which comes with the clouds, that one is not
a shepherd, even if he sits on the seat of a shepherd, having the staff of a shepherd into his
Oh, My pain for the man is too big, but to whom shall I tell it?
Oh, people, you should not ask yourselves why I have always cried to your shepherds.
I cry because of My mercy on you. I cry because My Father sent Me to call out the people to
rise and to tell the Father: The man has been risen, Father!, and Father to tell Me: It is true,
Son, that the man has been risen! Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04-
1997. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
Amen, amen, I say to you, those faithful and saints of My new people: the time comes,
but it has already come, for the heaven to celebrate with the people on the earth, the heaven
together with the earth. Amen.
But who is My new people? Only he who is new can be people of the Lord, for it is
written: «Those that are old will pass away with a great noise». Blessed are those who hear
My word and get up to become sons in My people, in My new people, for only that one is My
people. He who is not born again is a man among men; he is not a son among the sons of
God. But the man of the world church, will say that he who is baptized in Christ, that one
About baptism
is a new man and a son among the sons of God. Oh, it is not so, you intelligent man that
have knowledge of the things from above, it is not so. The new man is the one who is clean
and born of heaven, from above, and the sons of the heaven are clean. What man that is
baptized in Christ through water, spirit and blood, who among all that are baptized into My
name, follow Me, like the apostles, the saints, the martyrs and all the clean sons who followed
Me among the sons of the people? Who of those that are indifferent to the baptism and to the
church and holiness in body and spirit, who of those are new people and a new nation? Oh, the
one who is not born again, and born to remain afterwards, that one remains a man among men,
and not a son among the sons of God. The sons of God are otherwise; they are those that
even cannot die, for they are the sons of life, (See the selection topic „The mystery of human-
kind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) as it is written about in the Scriptures.
Soon, soon, every man who is indifferent to the eternal life will see the people of the eternal
life, for I will stay into its midst and I will make it shine with a great brightness and I will
work according to its deed, and I will not work otherwise. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Lord’s Mother, from 08-01-1998.
(On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
The man on the earth does not want to have wisdom to understand what it means the
birth of the man who wants to see God’s kingdom. The man’s birth from above is the holiness
in man. If the sanctified man does not sanctify himself within his mind, his heart and body,
then he does not have any birth in him. Men baptize men into My name in vain: in vain, if
the baptized man does not serve Me after that. Behold, man does not want the birth from
I have come with a new word upon the earth to make sons for Me, sons born by the
word to the obedience of faith. The men who have become teachers upon people for God, they
hide the lamp under a bushel, for the light is holiness, which shines in man, because the holy
man is My house, but the great who have set themselves over My house, blow into the light of
My house, they blow against My saints, who are My church on the earth. (See the selection
topic: „The true church”, r.n.) The wise man does not want to have holy wisdom, for the wise
man loves sin, he wallows in it and gets dirty in it, like the child who relieves himself and then
his mother washes him; his mother washes him of his dirt. The same is with man who gets dirty
in sins and then he comes back to Me to wash away his dirt and to keep on cleaning him. Oh,
the earth has been filled with the dirt of man’s sins, and it has to be burned with fire; it has to
be, to make it clean and to make it new as a newborn baby. And I am going to work by word
and fire, as I have come to cast fire on the earth. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The apoca-
lyptic fire”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the forty martyrs from Sebaste, from 22-
I am the One Who has been working over the earth from Creation to this day, and I will
work further to accomplish all that was written about Me in the law of Moses, in the prophets
and in Psalms. Amen. It is written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about
the making of the new man, after My image and likeness, and I fulfill and will fulfill it. Amen.
The image of the new man is the revelation of the Holy Spirit put in the man by Me,
shining from the man over every creature. And there will be one Lord, one faith and one
baptism over every creature, for My word will go and baptize everywhere, as the waters of
About baptism
Jordan became holy by My baptism from John, and they made holy the nature of the waters
from the waters in waters, from margins to margins, from heaven to earth, from above the
heaven and down beneath the earth, for I was the One waited by every creature, and I fulfilled
the prophecy which says: «The Lord will shake once again, not only the earth but also the
heaven». Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-
01-2000. (06-01-2000 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
I am the One Who told those that follow Me into the world: «Get out of the world and
do not touch what is unclean, so that I may receive you and take from you and we may be
Father and sons». And I also told them: «Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel
of My coming and baptize those that get out of the world, so that they may believe in Me».
And I also said: «You are not from the world, and that is why the world hates you». The
apostle Paul was walking the same way as I did, and he was always taking care so that no one
should go astray because of him, a time when he became like all, to draw some of them to Me
and to My Father, and the one, who was baptized at that time, was seen that he was baptized,
as the baptism was proved out that it really was by the work of the Holy Spirit, which became
a river into the mouth of the baptized one to the work of the building of My living church. If
the baptism does not find its fruits in the man, then the man is something else; he is not a
Christian; he is not christened and does not have the sign of the baptism upon him, and the sign
of obedience, which points to the one that is baptized. The man is still haughty and says that he
has Me and that I love him, and he does not even have the sign of the submission upon him.
Every man walks with his head uncovered, being sinful and without a master, and the women,
to My mocking, stand against Me by haughtiness, walking uncovered before the people and
before the angels and before the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and putting away
from around them the angels and the saints and the forefathers, and the man is haughty and says
that he has Me and that I love him as he is, and the man wakes up and says: „How comes that
God speaks so much?” And I speak much and answer the man by a long talk, for the man has
departed much from those that I asked him to do, and to be a church for Me. And behold, the
man walks to seek the church, and it is nowhere. He walks to seek for My kingdom, the
kingdom of peace, and it is nowhere; it is found neither in schools, nor on long travelled roads,
nor over the oceans, nor in the air; it is seen nowhere, and those that have it, do no longer walk,
do no longer seek, as it is in their inside, and they do no longer travel a long way for it, as the
wise men do, who always learn but have no penny.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Anthony the Great, from 30-01-
2000. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
I am Who I am. The Father Sabaoth glorifies in Me because I am His beloved Son. The
Holy Spirit, the Counselor, glorifies Me in the word over the earth and He celebrates Me, for it
is a feast of Epiphany. Amen, amen, amen.
I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. I told those who asked for Me to
come to give them from Me. I am full of word and I give Myself. May the meeting of the spring
of the little people be blessed! May its growth, obedience, love, work and My peace with it be
blessed as well! I want to build it as a new age in the way of My coming. I want the little one
who listens only to Me to make him the comfort of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
About baptism
I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. Blessed is the one who knows to
come, as is great the mystery of the man built in Me to be. Oh, if man knew what the mystery
of the baptism is, it would be a great miracle, but man does not know how big this mystery is,
and that is why he does not remain in it. When I came out of the water of Jordan, of the water
of baptism, I brought on the earth the power of this mystery, the life of the new man, the man
with the spirit of life giving, the man deified by baptism.
Be careful with My word, which springs from Me, little people, for you have come that
I may teach you and for to know. The power of the Christian mysteries has gone out from the
men’s practice; however, people play at God’s mysteries and they do not have life by them-
selves in them and man does not have any power by baptism. I came as Man on the earth, but
after I got out of the water of baptism, I was confessed by the Father and by the Holy Spirit and
then I worked all the mysteries of the heaven upon man, so that man may take and know after
that and to have life from heaven on earth. The life in heaven is for man to love God with his
soul, with his body and with his spirit all the time, as I worked before the Father. I came from
the Father for man, and I came to give him birth and to baptize him, to grow him and to
glorify him and then to have him forever, for the man coming out from man cannot be if
he is not born from Me for his life.
I would cry out like a wounded lion to break the man’s heart and to wake him up to hear
from Me and to receive the wisdom of the mysteries of life upon him, to know that he who is
baptized, that one is born from God and he has to be if he gets baptized.
Oh, I am seized with endless pain, as man does not have his own beginning; man does
not have fear of God to stand up for his beginning to become a new man. He who does not
believe in the life to be, that one violates the commandments of this life, and he who believes
works this life for himself. He who is baptized, he who is born by baptism, has to become a
baby; he needs to become a child after that, for this is the mystery of the baptism: that is,
man to be a child who does no longer pass away and who inherits those coming from heaven
in him, not those on the earth, but only the things that belong to the life that is to come. I became
so little under the hand of My baptizer, who did not dare touch Me, for I was God of God, but
I humbled Myself to exalt man to life, to the place that he has lost by his self-aggrandizement.
I want that man no longer die and I want to teach him what life is. I want man to take
his garment from heaven, his house from heaven and to be My dwelling place, and I to appear
with him in heaven and on earth. This is what I want. And you should also want this, little
people who have come to grow. But, how comes this: how comes to come to grow? You stay
to grow only if you become a child, only if you stay like a child. Those who do not stay like a
child get lost in themselves and do no longer receive growth and come out of the kingdom of
the heavens; they come out of their house and lose their salvation and those who do not longer
stay as children do not want it anymore. I have come from heaven on earth to make the man a
child, a child loving of comfort, loving of teaching and of its work, as this means comfort.
Oh, man can hardly understand the mysteries of life! I have gathered you at the spring
of the mysteries of life. I asked you to come to the spring, and you have come. (See the selection
topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Moreover, I say this: blessed is the one who knows
to come when I call him, for great is the mystery of the new man, built in Me to be. I want to
build you as a new age in the way of My coming before all the human kind, a building as in
About baptism
heaven not as on earth. The life of the age to come is in heaven and no one can take it from the
earth. Baptism is from heaven, faith is from heaven, and these cannot be received from the
earth. And he who can receive these becomes a child and has got in him the face of the kingdom
of heavens, the man’s spirit with a life giving spirit, for where there is no death, there it is the
place of the kingdom of the heavens. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of
God”, r.n.)
My teaching is a spirit of comfort, but who is not a child does not need any comfort and
he wears away his life in pleasures that bring along their bitterness. I want to draw the man to
the spirit of comfort, to the spirit of My teaching. Behold, I become word over the earth to give
Myself to man with the spirit of My comfort and the man to learn from Me and to come to
comfort. Let man step aside from him and make room for Me in him, so that he may be after
that. Amen.
The water of Jordan spoke with its Maker; it stood on both sides of My body when I
bowed under the hand of My confessor, John the Baptist. Everything I have made knows
Me as their Master, but man does not want it. He who has wanted to be great does not want it.
He who is great does not want too, but the mystery of the baptism exhorts the man to understand
from Me the life and the face of the one baptized.
Oh, man, come to repentance, come to baptism! Come to take from Me this teaching,
for no one teaches you on earth the power of this mystery, the mystery of the man’s birth from
Me by way of baptism. Come, and get used to coming, for many want to come but they do not
know to come. I want to give you this knowledge. Many want to be baptized but they do not
know what this mystery carries in it. It makes the man’s body, spirit and soul younger. It gives
birth to man for heaven, not for earth.
I want to teach you, I want to get you used to talking with Me, man coming from man.
At My baptism, the water of Jordan and the Father from heaven talked with Me, and I want you
to know what baptism and what your birth from above mean so that you may be after that, as
behold, you are not, and you always die and you are not, for you love death and not life. Oh, I
came from the Father for you and I became a Man, and I thoroughly passed through the human
things to crush them in My body and for you to hear how many things I have done for you.
Come to hear My teaching from the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of
the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) for I want to work again for your life, man. I am
coming again from the Father and with the Father to give you My hand and you to learn to come
to life, for I have given My life to you and I always give it you to take from it and to be. Sink
within My word of the new creation and baptize in it, man, for I am speaking to you this
word of new birth, because I do not want your death, but rather I want you to come back and to
be alive. Amen, amen, amen.
I have asked them to come and to give from Me to those who ask for Me. You should
also come, little and tiny people, and take Me from the spring and get used to staying a child so
that I may give you comfort. When you come to the spring you come to comfort, and I comfort
you with the word, but be careful that two thousand years ago I became a Man, and I also need
comfort, and I come to the spring to drink and to comfort each other. Great and sweet is the
mystery of comfort and I want so much to see you working with it, little people from My com-
ing! When I became a perfect Man near the Father two thousand years ago, I sent you the Spirit
of comfort on earth, for He is only for those who follow Me on their way to the Father. But
About baptism
the fullness of the Comforter is now and it is with you, for I become a river of comforting
word for those who are born of Me. Whoever is born of Me, before he passes through the
bath of repentance, which brings the forgiveness of sins, cannot be born for life. My Com-
fort is the spirit of knowledge of the heavenly things by the spirit of the man’s humility. I com-
fort the one who humbles before Me, I give him clean wisdom, and I give you a humble and
gentle spirit so that he may be like Me and to have him as comfort from the earth. I am getting
ready to come down on earth and I do not have any spirit of comfort from below to come gently
and to come with love, for man does no longer waits for Me and does not stay into My way
with longing. I wait for longing on the earth. I wait for preparation on the earth. I wait for man
to come to meet Me and he does not want. Man has grown cold for Me and he does no longer
want it.
John, My baptizer, came into My way and prepared it and he became My way to people
and called them to the kingdom of the heavens. Moreover, I have also made you, little and
tiny people, My way over the earth, that I may come and fulfill the Scriptures of My com-
ing. Oh, I could hardly get through with the word of My coming, for man is seized with his
own things. However, I fulfilled My word spoken ahead of time and I came out over the country
of My coming and I have been calling out on it, and I have been calling out from it so that My
coming may be heard, which is descending speaking from above the earth and renewing the
man’s spirit. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) from
Oh, the mystery of comfort is with the man who puts My word upon him, the great-
est comfort. And now, in the last days, I have brought the comfort on the earth, I have brought
the mystery of the heaven, My word with man, that I Myself may comfort the man and to give
him power to come back within the mystery of comfort, for the heaven is the comfort itself, the
mystery of the comfort of the garden of life and the life from the garden, the eternal life upon
man, and I am bringing it now on the earth to man. Amen.
John comforted Me on the day of My baptism. John spoke with Me and I got comforted,
for the word is comfort. We spoke with each other and the spirit of comfort was between us on
the day of Epiphany. The word sanctifies everything. The water washes and comforts the word,
as baptism is a sweet mystery and full of comfort. Baptism is fire and water, both of them
cleanse the man, and both testify. What makes the man come to baptism? The word. It is like
a fire, which cleanses the evil in man, and man is renewed by the word that cleanses. And the
water is the comfort of the word, the sign of washing, the sign that testifies the mystery of the
baptism, the life from above upon man.
Oh, comforted children! John, My baptizer, comforted Me. We both spoke at the Jordan
and We comforted each other. This comfort has become the fruit of the man’s faith who knew
that I was God and that I left the baptism for man through John. Without baptism man is not
born. Without baptism man has no beginning. And he who has a beginning through bap-
tism, that one remains with this beginning and does no longer get lost in it and does no
longer grow worse but becomes My comfort instead, and he takes Me and gives Me fur-
ther from him to those who are thirsty for truth. Amen.
About baptism
I am with you again, as in the day past. I am with you by the word. You are with Me by
the word. We comfort each other by the word, for it is the comfort and the mystery of life, the
mystery that comforts and which is taken from the eternal life.
… I have brought to you the clarification of the mystery of comfort. The mystery of
the paradise is the word, that is, the comfort that comes from the word. The word is the love
from paradise, between Me and man, and without word there is no love. Amen. Love is only
from the word, and the work of love is the comfort itself, the word, which has in it the mystery
of the comfort between Me and man, between man and Me, and between man and man. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint John, the Baptism, from 20-01-
My word on the earth is a feast of Epiphany. Let every man who comes to repentance
be baptize in it, to be baptized with Holy Spirit and to become one blood with Me, for I want
to make the heaven and the earth as in the end, and to make the new man and to reign with him
on the earth, with him and with the whole heaven forever, for the ages came back to their place,
and I with the Father, with the angels and people to spend the ages, a feast from everlasting to
everlasting, for the Lord’s feasts are a great joy, My people. Oh, I speak to you and I tell you
that you are My people. If I did not speak this way, no one would be able to understand that I
am your God, and you, My people; true God and a true people. But I have no one to speak to
and I can neither do, because creation is made by the word.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), 19-01-
2002. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
John, My godfather, is full of word, as I come with the saints, and I speak with you
and with them upon you, as you also do when I speak with you in the midst of Jerusalem, as
with you the heaven joined the earth within great work, and this is how the kingdom of the
heavens is made, children sons. Amen, amen, amen.
— You, Lord, spoke to those who believed in You: «Without Me you can do nothing».
I am Your baptizer and without You I could not do this unless You told me what to do. When I
wanted to confess Your greatness saying at Jordan that it was You that had to baptize me and
not I to baptize You, when You found me baptizing the people with the baptism of repentance
and with the water of the Jordan, You stayed humbly under my hand, as One Who came to
repent and then to be baptized, and then to learn to be a kingdom of the heavens. I submitted to
Your word and I baptized You with water at Your word and then the Holy Spirit became a dove
and sat upon You and spoke on behalf of the Father saying: «He is My beloved Son with Whom
I am well pleased». (Matt: 3/17) Then You fulfilled before those who were gathered there for
repentance and for baptism at the Jordan, and You fulfilled before the Father the commandment
that comprises within it all the others and which says this: «You shall love your Lord God with
all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might, and your neighbor as yourself».
Amen. (See Deut: 6/5; Matt: 22/37-39) About this work I want to speak now before You and
before Your Jerusalem of today and before the nations of the world, Lord, Lamb of the Father.
Not even repentance is greater than this work, for if it is in man, man does no longer go wrong,
and his neighbor will do likewise. Amen.
About baptism
He who loves You, Lord, that one listens to You, as I listened to You at Jordan and
waited for You to appear, and then to listen to You. The love of God is even obedience to God,
for he who loves does this for the sake of the one loved, and this is love. The love of God is love.
I speak about this great mystery and it is so great that man may be able to see that he does not
love his neighbor. I also could not love those who repented for the forgiveness of their sins and
to the baptism with water at Jordan; I could not do this until I first listened to You and to the
Father, Who was leading me on that day, as I was born for that: I was born to obey God and
to work according to His will. Amen. Man does not know my mysterious work more that the
Scriptures show it about me, but my birth prophesied by the prophets, my life before Jordan,
and then that to its fulfillment when through a woman, Herod beheaded me lest he might repent
and turn back to You to receive him, Lord, to forgive him and have him as Yours; man does not
know my mysterious life, Lord of those who listen to You working mysteriously the work of
obedience, as I accomplished, so that I could love my neighbor as myself, to help him love You
as I had loved You. No one can love his neighbor but only the one who loves God listening to
Him, and behold, on earth there is no love in man for his neighbor. When I loved the people, I
loved them as I loved God and myself. I loved them willing to give them to Him as I gave myself.
I was calling out to them in all the power of my spirit, soul and body, clean from those that
came from people and that were from the earth. I was calling them out for heaven and then I
showed them the Son of the Father Sabaoth, after I had told them that after me, after my baptism
with water, in which I was laying them, there would come the One Who would baptize them
with the Holy Spirit and with fire, and in Whose hand was the shovel by which He cleansed His
threshing floor before Him to go and to gather the wheat in the barn, and to throw the chaff
into unquenchable fire.
Oh, Lord, every many that is chaff and not wheat, everything that does not love You,
that one is an unquenchable fire, for he who does not love God, that one heaps sins upon sins,
and the man who does not love God burns within the fire of the unquenchable sins, and in the
same way he loves his neighbor. There is no man on earth who knows what the love for his
neighbor is, and I come with You, Lord, on the earth as word, I come by the thread of Your
descent and I come in through the gates into Your book and I write myself in it near You and
near Your people. You have asked the sons in the gates to tell to Your entire people that each
one of them should take care of his name written into the Book of Life, into this book, so that
the evil spirit may not wipe out from this book the one who does not watch over Your joy for
the one written into Your book, Lord. Every child written into this book has to be Your joy, and
those in the gates work this: Your will, Your joy from the sons written into this book. Amen.
(See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)
Oh, children sons, the Lord Jesus Christ has you in this way, those who belong to Him
and to His saints as gates of entrance into the Lord’s Jerusalem, from you on the earth. The
Lord wants that all from Jerusalem may be children sons, and what beautiful is the child-son,
as the Lord was in the hand of the Father, an obedient child to His Father! The Son is not like
the child-son. The son can arise against his father when he grows up, but a child-son remains
a child; he stays sweetly and remains beautifully like the child who shares around the sweetness
of his father for him. When the son grows up he works alone, he feels great, and then it is
revealed his work that saddens the love, the love of the father for his son. Blessed is the father
who has children, and this can be seen from those that are visible; and the father who has this
kind of sons is said, and again, this can be seen from those that are visible.
About baptism
Oh, children-sons, how beautiful this word is: children-sons! Let all those who are the
new people may bear it with complete joy, the people of the Lord’s coming. Amen.
Oh, sons of men, I am calling out through the book of the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13)
I am calling out to you: repent! You need love of God and faith in Him, faith with faithfulness
and not just any kind of faith, and you need prayer full of goodness, which does not ask anything
for you, but for the Lord in you. He who asks from the Lord for himself, that one cannot do
God’s will because the Lord cannot work in man, both man’s will and God’s will. I wait with
the Lord within the gates crushed by the Lord’s sufferance in His sons who are bearers of God
for those on the earth, and I come as word into the book of the Word of God to call out to you
again, after two thousand years: repent, repent, repent! I have reminded you of the command-
ment given by God for the man to fulfill. I am calling you near the water of life, near the word
of life and I am telling you: repent! And again, I am telling you to love God with all His being
in you, and love your neighbor as yourselves after You will have loved God loving yourselves
like that; like that and not without the love of God in you.
The wisdom of the word of the Lord mouth is a great river of life on the earth during
these days when He has come back to the people to draw all to the Father. Come near, listen
and fulfill in you the love of God. May all my feasts on earth among you be the feast of the
Epiphany! May they be feasts of repentance, from margins to margins! This is what I, John, the
baptizer of the Son of God, am asking you.
Oh, do not baptize into the water only your children and that is all. First, baptize your-
selves in the baptism of repentance, and after that baptize your sons like that. Do not play hide-
and-seek with God, for what the Christianity of today has taken to do, that so called “Christi-
anity,” has not taken from me but it has taken from itself. I have set the man to repent and then
to be baptized with water to the forgiveness of the sins, then to learn from the Holy Spirit, and
then to baptize his children taking care to give them to the Lord and not to the world. Woe to
you if you still believe that you can deceive God by baptizing your children with the priests who
heap up sins upon sins, and after that they become baptizers of infants without first being bap-
tizers for those who are born babies bringing to them to baptize them. The baptism was not
performed like that in my time, in the time of the disciple and apostles of the Lord, but all the
house was baptized, from father to child, with the baptism of repentance by preaching, and
from it, by faith, and then by the love of God and the love of one’s neighbor, until the feast of
the Epiphany was crowned with the descending of the tongues of the Holy Spirit over those
baptized and cleansed from sin by the repentance from their evil works.
Oh, until when, sons of men? Oh, who bewitched you to submit to people and not to
God? Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, as here it is how the Son of God makes
sons from those who are despised because of the haughtiness in the man who calls himself
baptizer over the sons of men. I baptize you with the baptism of repentance, but near me is now
He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Amen, amen, amen.
And now, Lord, I want to take the little ones, Your people, and I want to speak with it in
a special way, as You did when You spoke: with the Pharisees You spoke in one way, and with
Your disciple You spoke in another special way. To those who asked me: «What then must we
do?», I was answering them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and those who were my
disciples I always taught them in a special way, as You worked, and I worked like You, to be in
Your image and after Your likeness on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.
About baptism
— Oh, how shall I not rejoice over your joy, My baptizer! We have the path under our
feet and We walk on it and embrace in a special way within the mystery of the word those who
are My disciples on earth. You were a great mystery among people, as I spoke about you to
those who were tempting Me by their mind and mouth, concerning you and Me. Let Us close
the door after Us and let Us rejoice with the disciples that are sealed for the deep mysteries
of My coming to man after two thousand years.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 25-01-
The sign of the faith is the speaking in the Holy Spirit. The man cannot be called a
faithful man, a man with faith in Me, if after that he has no speaking of the Holy Spirit, the sign
of the receiving of the faith and then of the baptism with faith, for the man has got used in vain
to be baptized in water if he has not learned the spirit of repentance for the forgiveness of the
sins, the spirit which is followed by the speaking in the Holy Spirit as a sign of the man’s
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second
day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-2003. (On Calameo; on ar-; on; on Google Drive)
Oh, those who get baptized like people, do not know what baptism is, and those who are
baptized like Me know to remain in Me and be baptized in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, but how shall every man understand the love between Me and man,
My word, loved and fulfilled by man. Soon, soon, I come down on earth with My great and
bright day, and I said that the spirit of repentance and the spirit of prophecy have to go
before it upon the people, for this is what baptism and a man baptized with the Holy Spirit
mean, Who comes back from the man to Me, comforting Me and prophesying that the kingdom
of the heavens has come near, as John also used to comfort Me and preached My kingdom and
its coming on earth with the man. Oh, I have not come to take back the kingdom from the man,
but I have come to give Mine to him, the richest one, the one which will not be taken from him,
and I give it to him as a gift, only for the man to want to give himself to it and to know it within
Me, for I have not come into the world to take back the kingdom from the man, but rather I
have come in order to come and then to go to prepare a sweet place for the man, and then to
come back again and to bring it down on earth for all those who bear fruit within Me, and thus
having been pruned and taken care of by Me to be able to bear more fruit. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) 19-
01-2004. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
Oh, people of My word, I have always been telling you this so that the human kind may
know that I am word over the man on earth, that I have not changed, that I am Who I am and I
reign forever by justice. Amen.
Two thousand years ago, I came down on earth and became the Son of Man, and I went
to John, who was sharing the baptism of repentance at Jordan, the baptism with water to the
forgiveness of the sins, and to the fruit worthy of repentance. I stood in line together with those
About baptism
who feared God, and again, with those who were fleeing from the wrath that was to come over
the sinful ones.
I bowed in submission to the Father and submitted to John asking him to baptize Me, so
that the Father, because of My humility in the midst of those who saw Me at Jordan, may be
able to confess Me as His beloved Son, with Whom He was well pleased, and the people to see
the kingdom of the heavens in Me, and the Father proclaiming Me over My head, and the
Holy Spirit baptizing Me, for the sealing of the baptism with water, which John was giving
to those who feared God and the wrath for their sins, and from which many of them were flee-
ing. Oh, one is not supposed to flee from sin when My wrath for sin comes, but one should flee
from it by not committing sin, for otherwise it is hard for the man who does not repent, who
does not stop from the fruit of his death, who does not flee from the face of his sins lest he may
taste them.
Behold a holy feast of word, a feast of Epiphany on earth! Let the people be baptized
into this river that flows out of My mouth, and let them come to repentance and to the
forgiveness of their sins before the payment for their sins comes. Amen.
Oh, My people, grow in your fear of God and take My image in your image and take in
you and in your nature the obedience to the Father and the submission under His almighty hand,
and do not rely on Me as the people do, those who say that I am good for their desires, and who
always remain in debt to God. Rely on your fear of God, which becomes in you a beautiful
image, a praised image in its face and conduct in your body that you have given to Me by your
obedience and submission. Show yourself obedient as I showed Myself at Jordan so that
the Father and all His army may confess you from heaven as His son among the sons of
men on earth, as He also confessed Me, when John, washing Me in the water of Jordan, heard,
together with those who were gathered to be baptized, the Father, Who said to Me: «You are
My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased». (See Matthew: 3/17) Amen.
Peace to you, for I want you to be faithful so that I may be able to tell you: peace to you,
Romanian people, people chosen from among the nations to My glory from My coming, and
for your glory! However, you should humble yourself in order to see Me, for I have My king-
dom in your midst, and I want to grow you through it and to praise you among the nations.
And the nations will come to you and will be baptized in your faith and they will sing to you
and say: «Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to walk in God’s paths and lights
and to rejoice over Him under the glory of His people newly chosen for His glory!” (See
Micah: 4/2)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany), from
While I was walking with My disciples, I was always speaking with them about the
Father’s promise, about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and when the time came near for
Me to ascend to the Father, I told them: «You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you. You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to
the uttermost parts of the earth». (Acts: 1/8) When I told them that they would confess Me to
the uttermost parts of the earth, I told them about the Holy Spirit through Whom they confessed
Me after they had received Him, after I had gone to the Father. The power of the Holy Spirit
About baptism
works wherever He wants and as much as He wants after He has confessed on earth to God
through the man who has His power over him, the power of the Holy Spirit.
Oh, My people, I am coming down to you with the power of the Holy Spirit, for My
word is this power, and you need to have more than anyone who is empowered by God through
the times with this power that means the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the power that makes
the man to be God’s confessor, and the confession is very quick for it goes from man to man to
all the margins as much as the Holy Spirits wants to work by His swift going.
Oh, how much I long to speak with the man on earth! No matter how much I would
speak, My longing is without death, without end, My people. This longing is word, for the word
is the measure of the longing, and I am without end and I am the Word, My people, and I long
to speak and I long to confess it. When I was with the disciples in the world, I could not appease
all My longing, for I was in the flesh and I wanted to testify about Myself, because this is how
it is on earth when you are. But now, My longing flows like a river from heaven, for this time,
which has been waited for ages, has come. I Myself become power of Holy Spirit from the
Father and I testify about Myself on earth, and I am in the Father and fulfill that Scripture by
which I said that I would go to the Father in order to come back again. Oh, it is not otherwise
that Scripture, which speaks about the Holy Spirit, the messenger over the man, and it is not as
the priests of the church speak, as though they would speak from the Holy Spirit, for there is
not in the Holy Spirit what they say that the Holy Spirit works in churches. And I tell you this:
this word is the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father that He would come on earth, and
from Whom I gave power to My disciples two thousand years ago and they confessed Me
to the creatures by all that I had worked into their midst, as long as I lived on earth within
all My mystery among people. When I ascended into heaven, I reminded them of the Father’s
promise when I was telling them: «I go so that I may be able to come again. I go and I will
send you the Comforter, Who will take and will tell to you from what is Mine». (See John:
16/13, 15) Now I Myself from heaven, from the midst of My disciples, I Myself confess on
earth, for the angels of My ascension told those who were looking at Me: «As you saw Him
going into the sky will come back in the same way». (Acts: 1/11) And speaking over them I
ascended into the sky, and a cloud came and covered Me, and I, am speaking now from
the sky, for I come with the clouds as I ascended, as the angels of My ascension said that
I would come.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The feast of the
birth of the holy Virginia, from 09-06-2005.
The Holy Spirit sighs in heaven and on earth. He is the tear of the Father and of the Son,
God’s tear, which becomes word, tear that comforts even if there is no comfort for it but only
pain, for the tear is born from pain.
I am the Father Sabaoth, and My Son stands on My right side, the Savior of the man
humble in his spirit, and who is full of My sighing, and this sighing is called the Holy Spirit.
The entire heaven of saints and angels is near Us, and the heaven is celebrating within a great
mystery the holy feast for the little garden of the word, and the Father, the Son and the whole
heaven of saints and angels has been looking at it, for it is its feast today, of the three feasts
established over it at its sealing with the Holy Spirit, with God’s sign.
About baptism
Oh, dear Son, this day has been waited by those who are faithful to gather them in it in
the garden of the meeting, but at the work of the book We have those who make Us room on
earth with the people at the feasts of the heaven. Oh, painful Son, the feasts of the heaven are
not on earth as in heaven, even if You taught Your disciples to do God’s will on earth as in
heaven in all the times, for the man has to do Our will, and without man this is not possible on
earth. The Holy Spirit in Us becomes word, and the word is Our tear before the man, tearful
Son, because all My word, which flows thorough You, is tear, aggrieved Son, and such feasts
are among those in heaven, and these are not something else.
You told Your disciples that if You came to Me they would not remain orphans, that
You would send them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter for the disciples on earth. But which is the
comfort for heaven on the earth? Which really, Son Who, like Father, have been sighing for
seven thousands years? If We cry, then is it good for the man to be otherwise? Is it good for the
man to be without the Holy Spirit, Who cries within God? Here it is what the man has done!
He has wanted to be happier than God and he has fled from this sufferance; he has fled from
the Holy Spirit, Who has been crying behind him without comforting. The Holy Spirit cries and
by His sufferance He comforts, and there is no man to know His mysterious face, His limitless
sighing, because the man flees from sufferance and he does not let himself be a dwelling place
for the rest of the Holy Spirit, Who is without a dwelling and without fruit in man.
The Holy Spirit cries above the little garden of the word, which calls the man to life
from heaven, to feasts on earth as in heaven. The Christians wait for the feasts of the new
people, but if they are not as in heaven when they come together, the Holy Spirit cries and His
tear becomes word and no one wipes it out from among those who come together in the days
of feasts prepared with labor in heaven and on earth for the comfort of the man who seeks after
Oh, My Son, I have come with a word of sighing into him so that We and the entire
heaven may be within a mysterious feast of Holy Spirit. I have set those in the gates once with
My entrance and I let My being in Your being, and We come in through the gates. Amen.
– Oh, Father, the pain of the Holy Spirit’s tear, We have nowhere to rest on it but only
within the gates, and it is mysterious and it cannot be seen and known by man in such a way
that he may also suffer from the sufferance of the Holy Spirit. Two thousand years ago, when I
sent Your promise over My disciples from the world, the power of the Holy Spirit rested on
many, and then the apostles baptized those who were added to the sight of the signs of those
who followed. And Peter answered those who asked the apostles about what they were sup-
posed to do: «Repent, and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the
forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit». (Acts: 4/38)
Oh, My Father, where on earth is still there the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Oh, how
much I suffer because of Our missing from man, Father! The lack of the Holy Spirit in man has
punished Us with sufferance without comfort, Father. The man cannot get away from the flesh
and the lack of longing after God made the man into dust, and it filled him with the worries of
life, and We find the man only in this way, day and night, Father. We have limitless pains. We
look with sorrow at the man to see him if he gets up for the Holy Spirit, and We are aggrieved
because of Our absence from man, and We are aggrieved without comfort in heaven and on
earth. Our sigh is Our entire feast and of Our Holy Spirit, Who becomes word, and the word
About baptism
calls for the tear of the Holy Spirit, My tear and Yours in My being, because I am Your word,
and I become tear and it is word, Father.
Oh, My people, I would pick up your tears to bring them to the Father, but the tear is
born of pain. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, but His tear does not find any comfort at all.
The pain gets no comfort, My people. It is lived and it is a bedding of the Holy Spirit in the man
who suffers like God and not like the man. The endless life is expensive, and I want with
longing to make the man wise, so that he may long for the dough of God’s being, the Holy
Spirit, full of sighing, the One without rest, seeking to make a people for Himself to have the
baptism with the Holy Spirit upon Him, the mystery of the new man, born of heaven, of God.
Oh, My people, you should always look at you, if you have the Holy Spirit. Take the
book and read it to see what the Holy Spirit does in man and you should always look at yourself
and to take after the one baptized with the Holy Spirit and not after the haughty man, in which
there is no place for this being of God. It was mysterious the feast of the Holy Spirit’s De-
scending upon the disciples two thousand years ago and then upon those gathered at Je-
rusalem from all the nations of the earth. You should be filled with the Holy Spirit, My
people, for the man to receive spirit from God’s Spirit, and you should not be the guide of those
who want to catch My being upon you and to spoil it for their empty glory on earth. If Judas
wanted to be great on earth, he became the guide of those who sought to give Me over to death,
and I allowed it to happen in order that I may fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead
and to become the man’s guide to an endless life on earth as in heaven, and to baptize the man
with the Holy Spirit, and that this sign may be shown in him. The one who wants to have control
over his body and his flesh, let him come and be baptized in My name with the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, and this is how the Christians should come together at My feasts with you, and they
should not come together otherwise, because I have lived among people as word for such a long
time, and the man remained only man and he has not given himself over to God, when I opened
to him to understand and then to become new. Behold, the man cannot, because the spirit lusts
against the flesh, and there are only bodies of people on earth, bodies that eat bodies and which
cry against God.
… Oh, My people, may the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be My sign upon you, to release
My tear from man. You should be a great sign among the sons of the people who do not
love God with their living, with their holy sacrifice, for the holy life is greater than any sacri-
fice, and there is no sacrifice which may be compared with My holy life in man, the life which
loves God, loving from man.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from
19-06-2005. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
I sit at a heavenly table again with you, My people. It is a feast of Pentecost, and we
have to work out a feast, to work out Holy Spirit.
May the peace of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the peace of the Lord
your God be at His table with you, at your table with Him! If you give the Lord a little chair
and a dish at your table, then give Him what He eats, so that He may be comforted with you so
that He may also do, for I am a weak and poor God from every man on earth, because the man
does not make Me room in his life and he does not make Me room at his table, at his counsel,
at his joys and pains, and I stand weak near man, and I am not given any consideration by man.
About baptism
However, the Lord does not need to have such a life into your midst. With you I need to be
alive by all your things, those that the Lord is able to put on His bleeding wounds, on His
unhealed wounds, on His heart full of unquenched longing after the man, after His rest in man,
My people.
It is a feast of Holy Spirit, but the world does not know what the Holy Spirit means in
order to give Him the proper power of this feast set by the Father and Son on earth on the people
of God. The people of God are not from the world, as the Lord is not from this world too.
Those whom I took out of the world to be with the Lord, they were walking with Me and they
were not walking with the world. And after I went to be with the Father, after My ascension
into the sky, My disciples walked with the Holy Spirit on earth, and through Him they worked
out great signs, great miracles, great works, for this is what the Holy Spirit does, Who has been
fulfilling the Holy Trinity within His work of seven thousand years on earth.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are one, and God does not work without coun-
seling. When We built the man, We sat in counsel. When We destroyed the man, We also sat
in counsel, and then We sent the Flood on the earth so that We were able to take it from the
beginning again by the work of the godhead, for the man walked in his ways on earth and not
according to God’s will. Oh, how comes that those, that did not receive My coming on earth
two thousand years ago, did not understand this? How could they not receive when they were
reading in the Scriptures that We, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, had a council when
We built the man? The work without council is a work without an angel, My people, and the
people had worked without angels and became totally corrupted, and God said: «My Spirit will
not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually». (Gen: 6/3,5)
Oh, My people, the work of the Father and of the Son is the Holy Spirit, Who has always
been within the prophets in such a way that the man could see God on earth in His work upon
man, for the work without any council is a work without an angel; it is a human work, a work
that does not lead the man to God. Two thousand years ago, when I and with the Father sent the
Holy Spirit into the world to testify about the Father and about the Son, and for the people to
come together at a godly work, and to get out of the world those who receive the sign of the
baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them, and then to stay within a godly work on the earth. The
spirit of man is holy only then when the Holy Spirit works upon man, and otherwise the man
has only his own spirit, his own mind and his own work. For seven thousand ages God has
been reducing the years of man’s life, for the Spirit of God could not remain forever in
man, and it grieved the Lord in His heart and He was sorry that He created the man.
… My people, let your deed always, always mean the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
so that the entire nations of the earth may see God with you within His coming. Amen, amen,
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descending – the third
day, from 21-06-2005. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
Oh, wake up, you people who call yourselves God’s church! Wake up, for it is hard
on the earth, and I do not have among you a man pleased to Me to rely on him, for You preach
about yourselves and not about Me, and you walk in the way of those who crucified Me, those
who had this power on the earth. Be frightened at My voice that is upon you! I am the Son of
About baptism
the Father Sabaoth. I am the one about Whom you say to the people that you serve Him.
Even if you share your guilt among you, saying to one another that I am not the One Who
speaks from this manger of word, I am this word. You would be happy that I may not be, but I
am the Word Who speaks with you. I come with the thousands of saints and I am called the
Word of God, (Apoc: 19/133
.) and I speak upon the earth in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, baptizing into My word those who believe and becoming
My dwelling place of resurrection in them. However, you are fearful and hide yourselves
because you are guilty and you hide God too. I have sent to you the book of My word of today,
(See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God, r.n.) and then I have written
you in heaven, each one of you, that I have given My book, My word of fifty years on the
Romanian land, the word of My second coming from near the Father to the man. Oh, you cannot
hide. And you should know that I will stay face to face with you before thousands and millions
of angels as it is written, and it will be for you to answer Me: what have you done with God,
Who have knocked at the doors of your hearts?
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint Apostle Andrew, from 13-12-2006.
(On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
With a sweet feast of Epiphany I come into your midst, Romanian Jerusalem, people
with a new name. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Ca-
naan”, r.n.) I have given you a new name, My people and I have always baptized you with
the Holy Spirit, and I have marked you as Mine, for the heaven is open above you, and God’s
angels are ascending and descending on Me, and they ascend and descend again when I speak
My word into your midst, and I want you to stay with no deceit before Me and to believe, My
people, as two thousand years ago, My disciples believed in My word that was upon them hav-
ing no deceit, those whom I taught how to believe after I had seen their hearts and the levity in
it, by which they received Me, loved Me and believed in Me, My people, and I had always,
always been baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, the same as I have worked with you today to
keep you always, always in the bath of the birth from above, for I am the One Who baptizes
with the Holy Spirit, My people.
Oh, I chose My disciples with great care and I taught them with great power, and they
were not deceptive and believed in Me, understood Me and followed Me, My people. When
they found from each other about Me, they were asking themselves and rejoicing, and they were
confessing Me without deceit, without doubt, in My coming then from the Father on the earth,
and they were calling Me Teacher, and I was also confessing and telling them: «Come, and you
will see where My dwelling place is». And I was also telling to one them: «You are Simon and
you will be called Cephas». Yet, to another one I was telling: «Come after Me!», and to the
one who came to Me I said: «Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!». And then he
confessed Me saying: «Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel, the son of
Joseph from Nazareth». And I sealed him and I told him: «Most assuredly, I tell you, hereafter
you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of
Man». (See John: 1/42, 47, 49, 51) Amen.
«His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits
“names written”} and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/12,13.)
About baptism
Oh, I was teaching My disciples with such great love, the love without hypocrisy and
with steadfast faith, and I was walking after them to choose them, and the angels were serving
Me, as I told them, and then I turned the water into wine, to choose disciples and I chose them
performing miracles before them, and when the one with no deceit came by night to confess his
steadfast faith that I came from God as a Teacher on the earth, and that the miracles that I was
doing were confessing Me as the Son of the Father, then I, the Lord, told him: «Most assuredly
I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God».
(John: 1/5), and I explained to him the mystery of the birth from above, for he had no deceit,
although he was a teacher in Israel and he was a ruler among them, and then I told him again:
«He who believes in Me is not judged, and he who does not believe has already been judged,
for the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for
their works were evil and they did not want them to be exposed», (See also John: 3/18-20) and
this is how I was able to tell him about My power from the Father over those that believe in Me
without deceit, and then again, about My pain from the man, after the man, knowing Me and
loving his own self more, then he denies Me.
Oh, My people, the mystery of the baptism is the mystery of the birth from above, and
this is how I was teaching those without deceit to be My disciples and to believe working the
heavenly mysteries on the earth, as I have also worked in the time of My coming of now, My
people, but, as at that time, very few have wanted to remain totally Mine, and without deceit to
have given Me My time with them and to have them as fruit before the Father and that they
may not be judged by not loving the light but the darkness and their works instead, being kept
in the darkness.
Oh, I could not make the Israel of that time understand from Me that I am not two Gods;
I could not and only a small remnant of it wanted then to be with My grace, and the other one
wanted to be under the darkness instead, boasting about the law, which protected the sin and
which could not save the man from destruction, and, behold, this is what has happened to us
today too, oh, My people, but I am also speaking for today and say: I am not two Gods but I am
Only One God and I have come down from heaven to make the man holy and to save him
in this way. Amen.
Oh, My people, oh, My people! I have always, always baptized you with the Holy
Spirit and I teach you the birth and the growth, and after that I teach you what it means to
become a child, the life without sin, son, because it hurts Me and it hurts Me bitterly when I
hear on the earth the man that says that God does not ask from the sinners what He asks from
the saints for their salvation. However now, I wipe out the tears from My face and I cry again
on it, and I wipe it out again and say: he who sins having a law, as he says, that one is sepa-
rated from Me, for I am the One without sin and I am the God of those who stay under
My protecting angel, waiting after those who commit sin to leave off their sin and to be-
come holy for their salvation, for I am One God. Amen.
With a sweet feast of Epiphany I am standing today into your mist, My people of
today, and I have set you to lay the table from the earth and I am to put on it food from heaven
and to invite My people of yesterday, My people of old, that I may come and dine with it in a
feast of baptism, for it fell from grace after it had known Me that I had come from God to
counsel it and then to give it life from above and to have it as Mine, but it wanted Me to be its
God the way it was, and not as I can have the man so that he may be Mine.
About baptism
Oh, people of old, not so, it is not as you are staying now, far from the works of your
faith in Me; it is not in this way that you can call Me your God. I am the God of those who
leave sin to come to Me and to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them so that they
may remain saints after that and not sinners and servants of the flesh again. I embrace you with
the word, people of old. I am sitting at the table with you and crying and I want to remind you
of My miracle, of My voice which was speaking to you and teaching you to be, and that you
may no longer let yourself die, but rather to be alive, and to be the saint of God, for there is no
sweeter life for man than the holy life in him, with which he comforts Me, becoming My rest,
for I have lost the rest after the man died in his sin, My people of old. Oh, I have waited for you
again, and I have poured power over you to be able to become Mine and to be the day of My
coming and that you may no longer be the darkness of the ruler of this age, but of the sons of
the darkness, who because of their wicked works do not love the light, and they do not want the
darkness to expose their works, My people of old. Oh, as two thousand years ago, very few in
you wanted to remain My people completely and with no deceit in order to give Me My time
with them, and not to give it to them. Oh, you have remained with the law which protects the
sin, people of old, and I have remained with a sigh after you, for I have wanted you to be holy
for Me, but you have not wanted and the sin has seemed sweet to you when you wanted to
choose My way or your way for you, and then you have left Me crying, waiting and being
ashamed before the ruler of the darkness of this age, which weakens you so that you may not
bring your works into the light and rather to keep your fleshly sins into the darkness and give
Me from you, for I have come as light into the world, so that anyone who believes in Me may
not perish but have eternal life, My people of old, and not to have life only for a little while,
and then death and sin to come; oh, not in this way, people of old, not in this way, not so. I have
taught you otherwise and I have given you the book of My coming with you to remind you of
My miracle into your midst and that you may not stay far from Me, but to wake up instead, My
people of old, and to make Me glad with your repentance and humility, and to confess Me as
true God and as your God, as My disciples, chosen by My grace two thousand years ago, con-
fessed Me without deceit; moreover, I was also confessing them, speaking with them and I was
revealing them the mysteries of their lives, and then I was loving those without any deceit in
them and I was getting comfort from them.
… Oh, My country, be baptized in My word, for you are the country with My glory in
it. My word, which speaks in you and with you, this means My glory in you, oh, My coun-
try with a treasure in it. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.) Oh, I, the Lord,
comfort you with My whisper in you and I teach you the birth from above, and I tell you as I
said two thousand years ago: «That what is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of
the Spirit is spirit. Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’ I have not come
into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Me. Whoever
believes in Me is not judged, and the one who does not believe has been judged already,
because he has not believed in Me, for I have come into the world as Light and men loved
the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. However, he who works truth
comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God». (See
John: 3/6, 7, 17, 18, 21) Amen. This is how I was teaching My disciples two thousand years
ago, oh, My country, and I have taught you today too, and I want that those without deceit to
be seen in you, for it is so easy for them to believe in My word, that they themselves may testify
by their work about My image in them, about their birth from God with the baptism from above
over their being, oh, country with My treasure in you, but you should come to revival, to know
and to see the One Who knocks that He may confess Himself from your midst as your God, and
you, His, oh My country, with My treasure in it. Amen, amen, amen.
About baptism
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19-01-2007. (On
Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
On a day of the feast of My Ascension to the Father, I am lowering My word on earth,
for it is the time of My coming again from the Father to man, and behold, I am finding only
disbelief, only carelessness of God with man, and the man is no longer true; however, My com-
ing is true just as I am, and I have power to speak over the earth and then to fulfill. Amen.
Stand always watch before Me, you, those in the gates, for I walk through the gates
when I come, (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) but this
great mystery is little understood, appreciated and perceived, for man is careless of God and
exalts himself; on the other hand, I humble Myself with great patience and I speak My word for
those who believe like Me, and not like man, in the mystery of My coming from the Father to
man. Stand watch, sons. I have been bringing down in you the word of the Holy Spirit, for I
have made you into My gates, and you should work as disciples, and you are My comfort,
children sons, and happy are those who receive you as you receive Me to the life of many,
giving them a spirit of life giving, as I have set you to work, and behold, I am telling you, you
and My people of old, that I want to call it and to gather it near the spring on the day of the
celebration of the descending of the Holy Spirit over the disciples of two thousand years ago,
and then from them, shared to the multitudes gathered in Jerusalem on that day, and I want now
to do likewise, I want to give the gift of the Holy Spirit to My people, to teach it its way with
Me and My way with it and to comfort it with My advice, with My great exhortation, by its
great power over My people. If I am the Teacher of My people, then My people is the one that
has to obey and to do like Me by My teaching upon it, but it needs great care and love for My
teaching, for without this love it cannot do like Me, it cannot believe as one has to believe, it
cannot understand what it has to be understood and how it has to be the one who stays
under My rain of word, which becomes the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon man. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 17-05-2007.
I come down from heaven on earth as word and I come down crying and strengthening
the way for My coming down. Amen.
I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. If this word were from the
evil spirit, then world upon world would have come around it and it would have done it’s will
as it is on earth, but My word is a consuming fire and the man from everywhere does not come
close to it, for the man keeps to his will itself and he makes it greater than he is and the man
flees from God’s will on the earth. My word is a consuming fire, and only the one who brings
himself to God stays around it, as a sacrifice of righteous love, without any blemish, holy love
like Mine, love from My love in man, and happy is the man meant by God to be taken by My
will on the earth, as My apostles were, whom I called at their right time on the earth to be Mine
and then to be in My image and after My likeness before Me, by a sacrificing love for many of
those who, waiting for Me to come, love the eternal things in them and who do not pass away,
just as I, the Lord, do not pass away, for I am Who I am. Amen.
… Oh, My disciples, I have chosen you from the people two thousand years ago and I
have made you the messengers of the kingdom of the heavens, and very few people understood
this royal life on the earth! The man does not give up his life, but, on the contrary, he struggles
About baptism
for it, but in the Scriptures it is written My word, which says: «He, who gains his life, will lose
it». (Luke: 9/24) Oh, dear disciples, I have showed you My divinity, by which I was working
power and signs upon people, to be able to choose you as sons of steadfast faith, sons of mira-
cles. Then you have received spirit of My Spirit, for I had breathed Holy Spirit with My mouth
and I said to you: «Receive Holy Spirit and go in all the world and show the kingdom of the
heavens in you by the signs and miracles of your faith, and baptize the nations in the word
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and whoever’s sins you forgive, they are
forgiven them, and whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (See also John:
20/22,23) Behold, I speak now a great mystery: the Holy Spirit appears over the man to
whom his sins are forgiven, and in this way it known the one who is forgiven, and he who
does not receive in him the sign of the Holy Spirit, that one remains in his sins, in his blood, far
away from the life of the kingdom of the heavens in man. Amen.
Oh, dear disciples, open your little mouths for My glory in you and give voice of teach-
ing over the earth, for I have chosen you and I have sent you saying to you: «Therefore go in
the whole world and baptize the nations of the earth in the name and the word of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, preaching from margins to margins the kingdom of the heavens
that has come on the earth with Me, the Son of God, Savior Who has come from the Father
then and now for everyone who believes this miracle: My coming». Amen, amen, amen.
… Two thousand years ago, after I let Myself be put on the cross by man and after I was
resurrected, I revealed completely the truth of My divinity, My being of the Son of the Father
Sabaoth, born of Him before all eternity, and then born on earth from man, the Son of Man, I
said to My disciples this: «All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Receive
Holy Spirit, and therefore go, preaching over the nations the kingdom of the heaven that has
come to them, for all those who will believe and will be baptized in the name of God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit» (See also Matt: 28/18,19) Oh, but how shall I tell My disciples now to
work upon people? The people say that they are baptized, that they are faithful, that they have
got God as their Father and the Son as their Savior and that they are good as they are.
Oh, how shall I tell you to work upon the people in this time, beloved disciples? I am
coming with you from those in heaven and we are, among those from heaven, a table of disci-
ples with a Teacher, as I was on earth with you too. How shall we work upon the people on the
earth? My fifty year old word, this word which springs from God’s throne and the Lamb’s,
as I, the Lord, showed to My disciple John, that he could see the time of nowadays and to
announce it to be, the man does not wash in this river of word; the man does not look to see
his face and to thirst and then to look for My spring. I spoke through the Scriptures: «He who
is thirsty, I will freely give him of the spring of the water of life, and then the one who will
overcome will be heir».
Oh, beloved disciples, I come with you from the bosoms of the heaven to work on earth
and the man to hear now the course of the spring of the living water and to thirst after it. I in
you and you in Me, this is how you have to work. May your work and word from heaven on
earth be blessed, for the earth is Our footstool for work, as the heaven is Our throne of council.
God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; you should work in these names and you should
speak from the table of the holy council the word of the renewal of the world, for it is written
about you My word that was written then, that «at the new birth of the world, you will also sit
on twelve thrones, judging over the earth». (See also Matt: 19/28) Amen, amen, amen.
About baptism
Now, My disciples on heaven, works through the gates. I in them and they in Me, so
that the world may believe that I have sent them. Amen, amen, amen.
– We are set for the proclaiming of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, disciples
coming from heaven, coming on the earth with their Teacher, Christ. Amen.
Oh, people from the earth, God sits in the midst of gods and has council for the salvation
of the nations of the earth. We speak over all the creatures by our sending. He, who believes
and is baptized in this word, will be saved, and he who will not believe, will be condemned, as
the Lord spoke through the Scriptures. The angels of the great council are with us, and we are
His disciples. As the Father had sent Him, in the same way He had sent us as well. Amen.
Oh, behold, man, how much I am aggrieved because of your departure from God. I want
to knead your faith and feeling after God again, and I want to live in you in My image and
after My likeness, full of the pain from man and from the longing after the man. I want you to
suffer too from My pain after you, and I want you to carry Me too, man. I am full of mercy after
you. I want you to be likewise after Me, too, that we may take after each other, man. The man
built by My hand did not want to be like Me, and he gave Me the pain and he chose the joy of
his life and he took his place away from Me. And since then, I have wandered away after the
man, and I have gone after him in tears. I have cried through the prophets and I have gone after
the man with the voice of My word spoken through the prophets, but the man has been stiff-
necked. Now I have become a river of affectionate word, sweet word to the man, and I
would have not worked that way if it had not been written in the Scriptures to become
over the earth, the river and the water of life, as clear as crystal, and which springs from
the throne of God and of the Lamb, for two thousand years ago I said: «Until heaven and
earth pass away, one jot of My word shall in no way pass away from the law, until all things
will be accomplished, as it was spoken». (See Matt: 5/18) Behold, My word has become a
river over the earth, and I have given it to the people, as I have always given it. Take and drink
from it, man, and seek it with thirst, for it seeks after you, walking from margins to margins,
and it has called you to thirst after it. It is God, the Word, and it springs from My mouth, and I
am the dwelling of the Father, God’s throne, I am God’s Lamb. Amen.
And now, oh, My country of coming down on the earth now, in the end of the time, if I,
God the word, overflow on your hearth with the river and water of life, as it is written in the
Scriptures, then you are preached over the nations that you are My wedding country, that you
are the hearth in which, I, the Lord, the Father’s Lamb, set within a table of the supper of My
word, and in this word I want to baptize all the nations of the earth, and behold, this is what I
have been doing, and I work as in the time of Noah, bringing on the earth the river and the
water of life and catching under it the nations, to come and to drink and to thirst then
after the life of My word that is on it, but behold, everywhere I find parties, and I find
eating and drinking on earth, and I find marring and giving in marriage on earth, and the
man does not hear the noise of My coming, for I come smoothly, and I speak sweetly in
the word. (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint apostles, Peter and Paul, from
13-07-2007. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)
In the spirit of the feast of Epiphany, I, the Lord, meet My people again, for My feasts
and the feasts of My saints became and become paths of My Spirit’s coming down, the One
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
The Word of God about baptism
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The Word of God about baptism

  • 1. About baptism 1 «There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you also were called to one hope when you were called; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in us all.» (Ephesians: 4/4-6) * «John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All the country of Judea and all those from Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by John in the Jordan river, confessing their sins». (Mark: 1/ 4,5) * «He brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household … Late as it was, the jailer washed their wounds and was immediately baptized, he and his entire household». (Acts: 16/30,31,33) About baptism Text selection from the Word of God1 on this topic … Woe to the infant who is baptized with fiddlers with revelry and dances! Woe to the dead that is buried with fiddlers! Woe to the dead that is buried and it was given drinking at its burial! … Do not play a match! Do not act on the stage! This is not allowed as I have said. Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-07-1977 *** My dear, the people who are not baptized are not Christians, sons, but I could not be with this word by now. And how comes something like this in this time upon the church? Behold, the Lord had used to let the words upon you, which He had always come back to heaven with, as it desolation had been upon the church, and this time of desolation had been long after the priests and bishops made an agreement with antichrist (With the „Security” of the com- munist dictatorship, r.n.); and they let themselves to be devoid of the Holy Spirit, and those that came after them, who put the agreement into action, had never seen the empty work and the naked body of the church. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) And if the binding with God and with the ancestral law was broken, whose brokenness and interruption was not seen, this broken binding had no longer had a forwarding work, so that the Lord might have a church with priests clothed with the Holy Spirit, to leave followers clothed with the Holy Spirit. If the Christ’s priesthood was from one to another, that is from one anointed to another, and if the anointed of a time sold this garment to antichrist, and if antichrist wiped out his anointment by ruse, then the work to keep the binding of the chain from one anointed to another had no longer existed, and this way the anointment for the priesthood was only an order made by the people, an order devoid of the gift of the anointment in the priesthood. But this damage and this desolation were not only these, as after that a work of extermination arose, of those who did not listen to reject the ancestral laws, that is to listen to the faith denial, 1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, Translated by I.A., re- dactor note.
  • 2. About baptism 2 that is to sell their baptism by the agreement made with antichrist, who managed to displace God’s law from its place. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith”, r.n.) And persecution was inflicted upon those that did not forsake the anointment of the Holy Spirit, and they were locked up and killed by the power of the darkness, and few of them had the Lord in the recesses of their hearts, that served and could leave the anointment from one anointed to another anointed. And that is why I say that there cannot be a priest if you are not baptized and not christened, for the priests who were then established by those who gave the ancestral law from them; they had no longer the work of the Holy Spirit upon them, and the priest’s anointment was no longer put through the Lord, and that is why the baptism after the order of tradition was neither established as a baptism any longer, and behold that the priests that were established after that interruption, had no longer the anointment, and the baptism had no longer power, as the priesthood of those without the anointment from one anointed to an- other, and the power of the baptism died away time after time, because very few had part of anointed priests by the Holy Spirit anymore. I wanted to strive and break this fog and to help Myself with the people fed on My word. I waited to find a place to be able to speak to this people, to be able to entrust to it the mystery about the immorality in the church, but it did not listen to Me in the work of the holy laws, let alone it listened so that I might correct with it the immorality that spoiled the church! Oh, there is a scroll in heaven, which is written on the earth by a heavenly commandment. And what is this scroll about? It is written a binding against those that broke the true anointment of the priesthood, for if those that wrote the agreement with Antichrist to change the Lord’s laws, and if they changed them, I gave a commandment to be made out that written scroll to bind from work those that changed the work left by My followers, anointed up to them. And it is written: «What is bound on earth is bound in heaven as well», and this binding was done on earth by the heavenly commandment, sons. And if this is hard to believe, look at the front of the church and tell God what is left of it and what is behind this appearance. And behold a world that is not baptized and not christened by anyone for such a long time. And if you are not christened, how comes to be a priest according to Jesus Christ’s law? Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1992. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** You see Israel, why I have reminded you My work of that time? For you to see that then it was also the same. Many came to listen to My word, but it was hard for many, hard to fulfill if they cared about their flesh, and behold, the flesh is useless. Now is the same with My work of the word. There have come many a bodies to hear, and coming they did not come, and hearing they did not hear and did not fulfill the words of life. And here is what I say to you today Israel: if you come and do not believe, you should no longer come; do no longer come this way. If you come and do not want to fulfill My word, you should no longer come. Why do you believe that I was hardly speaking two thousand years ago? I did so, to sort out the wheat from the chaff. I did so, so that those who did not believe may leave; those that were a body without faith, that is without spirit. I do likewise today, and I will bring the words of mystery even harder to believe for those who did not want to leave their bodies. This is what I will do, so that I may remain with My threshing floor and with My wheat, to be able to work, as we can no longer work as by now. If you come and do not believe, do no longer come, and I will fulfill this word of Mine. He, who believes, fulfills My word without any other kind of speech. He, who believes, understands. He, who does not believe, does not understand My
  • 3. About baptism 3 words. Jerusalem, do you not see, son, that these words are Mine? I tell you as I said two thou- sand years ago; and this is what I told those of then: «If you do not believe in Me, believe in these words of God». And I tell you today: if you do not believe that I am the One, Who speaks upon you, at least believe these godly words, as they are from God and not from man. The human words are nothing else then these, Israel. Oh, in vain I speak to you in many ways, as you will not be able to defend yourself before Me. If you come and do not believe, you should no longer come, and if you come you should also believe; you should come and be obedient to My order, and you should not come otherwise and stay otherwise; you should no longer come otherwise. Mind that you do no longer come and scream at Me. It is enough, Christian! I close the door for those who scream at Me and walk at My order to judge from the earth. Jerusalem, look at the order that My work had into the world two thousand years ago. When it was to proclaim the man’s salvation by My crucifixion and My resurrection, I worked first to proclaim the news of repentance, and he, who would come to repentance and in faith and holiness, was baptized with water and then with the Holy Spirit. He, who chooses to work repentance receives after that the baptism with water and after that the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Israel, you came to Me at this time. You heard that I came and speak on the earth, and you came to hear Me, and I taught you to repent of all your wicked deeds, and you did not do so. Those of the time of John, who came at the baptism of repentance, were asking John: «What shall we do?» The multitudes came to him and he answered them: «You offspring of vipers; who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore, bring forth fruit worthy of re- pentance, and do not think to yourselves: ‘We have Abraham for our father’, for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones». The customs officers and the soldiers were come and asking him: «What shall we do?», and John was telling every- one to do justice, not to oppress anyone, to be contended with what they had, and if they had taken more, to give also to the poor, who walks into God’s way in his poverty. And you came and asked Me what to do, but you did not ask about repentance, and you were asking what to do with your fleshly and earthly business, and then you said that you listened to God of what He told you. And no way, as when you told Me, I said „Yes” to you. If you had come to ask Me about the baptism of repentance, you would have been sealed now by the word of fulfillment and by the Holy Spirit, and you would have been the one to share the Holy Spirit. You see, Israel, first is the baptism of repentance and you did not do so. Oh, the mystery of repentance goes before the holiness and faith, and then before the Holy Spirit. Now the church does not work this way, for if someone comes with a baby to be baptized into My name and to entrust it to Me, that one lies when he comes, as he is not repented and sanctified and faithful; and he also does not urge the baby come to Me and follow Me, as Cornelius did with his entire house when he was baptized by the hand of My apostle. Oh, there is no longer faith into the world, but it is neither with you Israel; it is not, for repentance works out holiness and attracts the Holy Spirit from the One, Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Tell My people, if the baptism from God is known upon the people. It is not known, son. Oh, and what will answer those that baptize into My name the people that are not like God; those that do not remain with God after their baptism? Oh, you should believe what I tell you, as everything remained only a habit and that is all. But you, My people, you should understand son, My way, and how you should walk on it, and where you have to start from. This is how you should have started; with repent- ance.
  • 4. About baptism 4 Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19-01-1995 (06-01-1995 Old style / after the Julian calendar2 ) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** Israel, Israel, what I have seen on the earth! The man is being baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, he is getting married into the name of Jesus Christ, and goes from now and then to church into the name of Jesus Christ, and he does so in vain if he does not share of Jesus’ Body and Blood; it is in vain sons. What I have seen on the earth is a great mourning. No one knows what a church mean. A church means to be the sons who share of Jesus’ Body and Blood. They who do not share go in vain. Oh, how should they commune if they are not ready for the Lord’s receiving, for the Lord’s coming, if they are not ready in the Lord’s waiting? They commune once in a while after the custom of the people, but they are never ready, since they remain into their sins. Who should teach the people? Who, sons, who, for there is none? There is none to do the work of forgiveness of the people’s sins, the work of man’s reconcilia- tion to God. There is no one, sons; there is no one, for the today’s shepherd is something else; he is not a shepherd. No one goes on the way that has a living life, and that is why I raised you, My people, and I have been speaking to you again and again from heaven, and you has believed in the One Who has been speaking to you and woke up for travelling, and behold, I make out of you a man’s road towards God, to a living church, Israel. That is why I have fulfilled this rock on earth, to speak from its top and to show the man the way. The man has to believe in God, to love Him and to follow Him repenting of all those that are perishing and dying, being healed of death, sons. Excerpt from the Word of God at four years since the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1995. *** Man, come back home! Come back to the house of your soul; come back to Me, as I breathed spirit of My Spirit, when I created the man in the beginning, and I made him after My likeness and into My image, as everything that the Father created, He created through Me. He created the man through Me, and it was through Me that He gave him birth, as I was born of the Father through the Virgin and I became Man on the earth, a Man from heaven among the people, and I told the people: «He, who is not born of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlast- ing life of God». And how can a man be born of the heaven, Jerusalem of My word from heaven? How can someone be born of the heaven? Oh, when I created the man into My image, I breathed over him My Spirit of life and I gave him the soul as a gift, to be a living creature, 2 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.) The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.
  • 5. About baptism 5 and then the created man fell by disobedience; he fell down by haughtiness, but I, like a Crea- tor, left his soul as a gift, so that this gift may go to the end of the time through the man, and in the end to call the man into account for My gift left into the man born of the man; to call him into account for his soul. And after five thousand years since the creation of the man, I came down from the Father, and during the sixth thousand years I was born a Man from heaven, a Man from the Father, through the Virgin, to repair the mystery of the birth which I would have liked to put it from the beginning over the man created by Me and to whom I told after I crated him: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth». (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman”, r.n.) I came down from the Father two thousand years ago and I declared upon the people: «He, who is not born of above, of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlasting life». How can a man be born of above, of the heaven? Oh, My people, what a pain on Me, as the man on the earth said that he fulfills this Scripture. I said: «He, who is not born of water and of Spirit, cannot inherit the kingdom of heavens». Oh, what authority this true Scripture had in My beginning of two thousand years, and what little truth it has today for those who say that they fulfill it! My people, My Christian people, he, who is born of water and Spirit, is alive and makes the deeds of the eternal life, and it is known that he is born of heaven, from above. What is the birth from water and Spirit? Who can be born of water and Spirit? Behold, I speak to you, Jerusalem of My word, so that the man may hear what I speak on the earth, as you are the one who makes Me come down from the Father to be among the people, faithful son. Who can be born of water and Spirit? What comes before this birth? My preaching, the preach- ing about Me, the crucified One and the One raised for the salvation of the man, and then the faith and the deeds of the faith; these come first, and then the water of baptism comes after them over the faithful man, the baptism into My name, and then the Holy Spirit, Who seals My work in the man who is born from above. He, who is born of water and Spirit, that one has My work in him, and he is My disciple, and he has the work of a disciple, who gives birth to disciples out of Me to the faith of those who come near to believe and to fulfill the life of the faith in the man, who is deified among the people. Who can be born of water and Spirit? The one who seeks God with a holy faith, with a holy hope and with a holy love; that one is the one, who receives the birth from above, of water and Spirit, through My disciples, in whom I am to the end of the age as I said. Oh, what a pain on Me, for the man on the earth, who sits over the people into My name, says that he fulfills this Scripture and that he gives the man a heavenly birth, a birth from above, from water and Spirit. When I look at the world, baptized by the man into My name with water and Holy Spirit, when I see it, the creeps on the cross and the mourning seize Me; the creeps of My crucifixion seize Me. And as those who called themselves brothers, cast Me away and killed Me from among the people to fulfill, they were saying, God’s law, the same way and afterwards, those who say that they are God’s servants upon the people, do not put Me into the people, for it is a great wonder before Me to see the man that is born from above, from water and Spirit. I look upon the people to see those that are born of the water and Spirit at the word proclaimed by the priests from the world. Oh, the church from the world does not resemble the church of Jesus Christ. My church is something else than what the man of this age understands. You are My church, My Christian people, you are, son, you are. You live as a Christian; you fulfill those that I commanded upon the church. You are a faithful child, My people, and you bowed down to My announcement worked by the word coming from above on the clouds, and you were baptized by the baptismal of the faith and you were full of the Holy Spirit,
  • 6. About baptism 6 Whom I have always been sending you, making Him coming down upon you. You take after Me, Jerusalem, for I have raised you up and made after My own image and likeness, so that I may have relatives on the earth and to have where to go when I come to the people to call them out; to have a house of guests, for I come as a guest from heaven on earth, to bring resurrection through the word upon the people, and to give birth to people from above. I come to you, My people of sons; My people of disciples. I come to you to kiss your sons. My mouth kisses your heart and forehead, son, Jerusalem. My word is My mouth, for I am alive; I am body and soul, and I am alive in My coming to you, for I am the God of the living ones; I am the God of those that belong to the living One forevermore. Man, I am the One Who I am, and I am alive. I was crucified by God’s servants and I rose from crucifixion and I am alive. And if I am alive, My Father gave Me all the power in heaven and on earth, and I can give you birth from above, from heaven, you man without the life from above. I come towards you and tell you to be born again from above, man. Oh, servant people, who set yourselves into My name over the people! Where are those that you baptized into My name with water and sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit? I come and I call you into account for your fruit. Where are your disciples? Can you give them to Me as I give My work to the Father? Behold, I come and I call you into account for the people’s souls, and each shepherd of souls will be called into account before Me. Oh, who shall I help Myself with in My work for the salvation of the fallen man? I come to shepherd My flock; I come to shepherd the people, for the people’s shepherds do not take after Me. The one who shepherds the flock has to be alive and awake over the flock. The one who shepherds My sheep has to be born from above and to know his birth from above. The one who does not believe in Me and in My word, which comes with the clouds, that one is not a shepherd, even if he sits on the seat of a shepherd, having the staff of a shepherd into his hand. Oh, My pain for the man is too big, but to whom shall I tell it? Oh, people, you should not ask yourselves why I have always cried to your shepherds. I cry because of My mercy on you. I cry because My Father sent Me to call out the people to rise and to tell the Father: The man has been risen, Father!, and Father to tell Me: It is true, Son, that the man has been risen! Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04- 1997. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** Amen, amen, I say to you, those faithful and saints of My new people: the time comes, but it has already come, for the heaven to celebrate with the people on the earth, the heaven together with the earth. Amen. But who is My new people? Only he who is new can be people of the Lord, for it is written: «Those that are old will pass away with a great noise». Blessed are those who hear My word and get up to become sons in My people, in My new people, for only that one is My people. He who is not born again is a man among men; he is not a son among the sons of God. But the man of the world church, will say that he who is baptized in Christ, that one
  • 7. About baptism 7 is a new man and a son among the sons of God. Oh, it is not so, you intelligent man that have knowledge of the things from above, it is not so. The new man is the one who is clean and born of heaven, from above, and the sons of the heaven are clean. What man that is baptized in Christ through water, spirit and blood, who among all that are baptized into My name, follow Me, like the apostles, the saints, the martyrs and all the clean sons who followed Me among the sons of the people? Who of those that are indifferent to the baptism and to the church and holiness in body and spirit, who of those are new people and a new nation? Oh, the one who is not born again, and born to remain afterwards, that one remains a man among men, and not a son among the sons of God. The sons of God are otherwise; they are those that even cannot die, for they are the sons of life, (See the selection topic „The mystery of human- kind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) as it is written about in the Scriptures. Soon, soon, every man who is indifferent to the eternal life will see the people of the eternal life, for I will stay into its midst and I will make it shine with a great brightness and I will work according to its deed, and I will not work otherwise. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Lord’s Mother, from 08-01-1998. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** The man on the earth does not want to have wisdom to understand what it means the birth of the man who wants to see God’s kingdom. The man’s birth from above is the holiness in man. If the sanctified man does not sanctify himself within his mind, his heart and body, then he does not have any birth in him. Men baptize men into My name in vain: in vain, if the baptized man does not serve Me after that. Behold, man does not want the birth from above. I have come with a new word upon the earth to make sons for Me, sons born by the word to the obedience of faith. The men who have become teachers upon people for God, they hide the lamp under a bushel, for the light is holiness, which shines in man, because the holy man is My house, but the great who have set themselves over My house, blow into the light of My house, they blow against My saints, who are My church on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) The wise man does not want to have holy wisdom, for the wise man loves sin, he wallows in it and gets dirty in it, like the child who relieves himself and then his mother washes him; his mother washes him of his dirt. The same is with man who gets dirty in sins and then he comes back to Me to wash away his dirt and to keep on cleaning him. Oh, the earth has been filled with the dirt of man’s sins, and it has to be burned with fire; it has to be, to make it clean and to make it new as a newborn baby. And I am going to work by word and fire, as I have come to cast fire on the earth. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The apoca- lyptic fire”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the forty martyrs from Sebaste, from 22- 03-1999. *** I am the One Who has been working over the earth from Creation to this day, and I will work further to accomplish all that was written about Me in the law of Moses, in the prophets and in Psalms. Amen. It is written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about the making of the new man, after My image and likeness, and I fulfill and will fulfill it. Amen. The image of the new man is the revelation of the Holy Spirit put in the man by Me, shining from the man over every creature. And there will be one Lord, one faith and one baptism over every creature, for My word will go and baptize everywhere, as the waters of
  • 8. About baptism 8 Jordan became holy by My baptism from John, and they made holy the nature of the waters from the waters in waters, from margins to margins, from heaven to earth, from above the heaven and down beneath the earth, for I was the One waited by every creature, and I fulfilled the prophecy which says: «The Lord will shake once again, not only the earth but also the heaven». Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19- 01-2000. (06-01-2000 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** I am the One Who told those that follow Me into the world: «Get out of the world and do not touch what is unclean, so that I may receive you and take from you and we may be Father and sons». And I also told them: «Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel of My coming and baptize those that get out of the world, so that they may believe in Me». And I also said: «You are not from the world, and that is why the world hates you». The apostle Paul was walking the same way as I did, and he was always taking care so that no one should go astray because of him, a time when he became like all, to draw some of them to Me and to My Father, and the one, who was baptized at that time, was seen that he was baptized, as the baptism was proved out that it really was by the work of the Holy Spirit, which became a river into the mouth of the baptized one to the work of the building of My living church. If the baptism does not find its fruits in the man, then the man is something else; he is not a Christian; he is not christened and does not have the sign of the baptism upon him, and the sign of obedience, which points to the one that is baptized. The man is still haughty and says that he has Me and that I love him, and he does not even have the sign of the submission upon him. Every man walks with his head uncovered, being sinful and without a master, and the women, to My mocking, stand against Me by haughtiness, walking uncovered before the people and before the angels and before the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and putting away from around them the angels and the saints and the forefathers, and the man is haughty and says that he has Me and that I love him as he is, and the man wakes up and says: „How comes that God speaks so much?” And I speak much and answer the man by a long talk, for the man has departed much from those that I asked him to do, and to be a church for Me. And behold, the man walks to seek the church, and it is nowhere. He walks to seek for My kingdom, the kingdom of peace, and it is nowhere; it is found neither in schools, nor on long travelled roads, nor over the oceans, nor in the air; it is seen nowhere, and those that have it, do no longer walk, do no longer seek, as it is in their inside, and they do no longer travel a long way for it, as the wise men do, who always learn but have no penny. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Anthony the Great, from 30-01- 2000. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** I am Who I am. The Father Sabaoth glorifies in Me because I am His beloved Son. The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, glorifies Me in the word over the earth and He celebrates Me, for it is a feast of Epiphany. Amen, amen, amen. I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. I told those who asked for Me to come to give them from Me. I am full of word and I give Myself. May the meeting of the spring of the little people be blessed! May its growth, obedience, love, work and My peace with it be blessed as well! I want to build it as a new age in the way of My coming. I want the little one who listens only to Me to make him the comfort of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  • 9. About baptism 9 I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. Blessed is the one who knows to come, as is great the mystery of the man built in Me to be. Oh, if man knew what the mystery of the baptism is, it would be a great miracle, but man does not know how big this mystery is, and that is why he does not remain in it. When I came out of the water of Jordan, of the water of baptism, I brought on the earth the power of this mystery, the life of the new man, the man with the spirit of life giving, the man deified by baptism. Be careful with My word, which springs from Me, little people, for you have come that I may teach you and for to know. The power of the Christian mysteries has gone out from the men’s practice; however, people play at God’s mysteries and they do not have life by them- selves in them and man does not have any power by baptism. I came as Man on the earth, but after I got out of the water of baptism, I was confessed by the Father and by the Holy Spirit and then I worked all the mysteries of the heaven upon man, so that man may take and know after that and to have life from heaven on earth. The life in heaven is for man to love God with his soul, with his body and with his spirit all the time, as I worked before the Father. I came from the Father for man, and I came to give him birth and to baptize him, to grow him and to glorify him and then to have him forever, for the man coming out from man cannot be if he is not born from Me for his life. I would cry out like a wounded lion to break the man’s heart and to wake him up to hear from Me and to receive the wisdom of the mysteries of life upon him, to know that he who is baptized, that one is born from God and he has to be if he gets baptized. Oh, I am seized with endless pain, as man does not have his own beginning; man does not have fear of God to stand up for his beginning to become a new man. He who does not believe in the life to be, that one violates the commandments of this life, and he who believes works this life for himself. He who is baptized, he who is born by baptism, has to become a baby; he needs to become a child after that, for this is the mystery of the baptism: that is, man to be a child who does no longer pass away and who inherits those coming from heaven in him, not those on the earth, but only the things that belong to the life that is to come. I became so little under the hand of My baptizer, who did not dare touch Me, for I was God of God, but I humbled Myself to exalt man to life, to the place that he has lost by his self-aggrandizement. I want that man no longer die and I want to teach him what life is. I want man to take his garment from heaven, his house from heaven and to be My dwelling place, and I to appear with him in heaven and on earth. This is what I want. And you should also want this, little people who have come to grow. But, how comes this: how comes to come to grow? You stay to grow only if you become a child, only if you stay like a child. Those who do not stay like a child get lost in themselves and do no longer receive growth and come out of the kingdom of the heavens; they come out of their house and lose their salvation and those who do not longer stay as children do not want it anymore. I have come from heaven on earth to make the man a child, a child loving of comfort, loving of teaching and of its work, as this means comfort. Oh, man can hardly understand the mysteries of life! I have gathered you at the spring of the mysteries of life. I asked you to come to the spring, and you have come. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Moreover, I say this: blessed is the one who knows to come when I call him, for great is the mystery of the new man, built in Me to be. I want to build you as a new age in the way of My coming before all the human kind, a building as in
  • 10. About baptism 10 heaven not as on earth. The life of the age to come is in heaven and no one can take it from the earth. Baptism is from heaven, faith is from heaven, and these cannot be received from the earth. And he who can receive these becomes a child and has got in him the face of the kingdom of heavens, the man’s spirit with a life giving spirit, for where there is no death, there it is the place of the kingdom of the heavens. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) My teaching is a spirit of comfort, but who is not a child does not need any comfort and he wears away his life in pleasures that bring along their bitterness. I want to draw the man to the spirit of comfort, to the spirit of My teaching. Behold, I become word over the earth to give Myself to man with the spirit of My comfort and the man to learn from Me and to come to comfort. Let man step aside from him and make room for Me in him, so that he may be after that. Amen. The water of Jordan spoke with its Maker; it stood on both sides of My body when I bowed under the hand of My confessor, John the Baptist. Everything I have made knows Me as their Master, but man does not want it. He who has wanted to be great does not want it. He who is great does not want too, but the mystery of the baptism exhorts the man to understand from Me the life and the face of the one baptized. Oh, man, come to repentance, come to baptism! Come to take from Me this teaching, for no one teaches you on earth the power of this mystery, the mystery of the man’s birth from Me by way of baptism. Come, and get used to coming, for many want to come but they do not know to come. I want to give you this knowledge. Many want to be baptized but they do not know what this mystery carries in it. It makes the man’s body, spirit and soul younger. It gives birth to man for heaven, not for earth. I want to teach you, I want to get you used to talking with Me, man coming from man. At My baptism, the water of Jordan and the Father from heaven talked with Me, and I want you to know what baptism and what your birth from above mean so that you may be after that, as behold, you are not, and you always die and you are not, for you love death and not life. Oh, I came from the Father for you and I became a Man, and I thoroughly passed through the human things to crush them in My body and for you to hear how many things I have done for you. Come to hear My teaching from the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) for I want to work again for your life, man. I am coming again from the Father and with the Father to give you My hand and you to learn to come to life, for I have given My life to you and I always give it you to take from it and to be. Sink within My word of the new creation and baptize in it, man, for I am speaking to you this word of new birth, because I do not want your death, but rather I want you to come back and to be alive. Amen, amen, amen. I have asked them to come and to give from Me to those who ask for Me. You should also come, little and tiny people, and take Me from the spring and get used to staying a child so that I may give you comfort. When you come to the spring you come to comfort, and I comfort you with the word, but be careful that two thousand years ago I became a Man, and I also need comfort, and I come to the spring to drink and to comfort each other. Great and sweet is the mystery of comfort and I want so much to see you working with it, little people from My com- ing! When I became a perfect Man near the Father two thousand years ago, I sent you the Spirit of comfort on earth, for He is only for those who follow Me on their way to the Father. But
  • 11. About baptism 11 the fullness of the Comforter is now and it is with you, for I become a river of comforting word for those who are born of Me. Whoever is born of Me, before he passes through the bath of repentance, which brings the forgiveness of sins, cannot be born for life. My Com- fort is the spirit of knowledge of the heavenly things by the spirit of the man’s humility. I com- fort the one who humbles before Me, I give him clean wisdom, and I give you a humble and gentle spirit so that he may be like Me and to have him as comfort from the earth. I am getting ready to come down on earth and I do not have any spirit of comfort from below to come gently and to come with love, for man does no longer waits for Me and does not stay into My way with longing. I wait for longing on the earth. I wait for preparation on the earth. I wait for man to come to meet Me and he does not want. Man has grown cold for Me and he does no longer want it. John, My baptizer, came into My way and prepared it and he became My way to people and called them to the kingdom of the heavens. Moreover, I have also made you, little and tiny people, My way over the earth, that I may come and fulfill the Scriptures of My com- ing. Oh, I could hardly get through with the word of My coming, for man is seized with his own things. However, I fulfilled My word spoken ahead of time and I came out over the country of My coming and I have been calling out on it, and I have been calling out from it so that My coming may be heard, which is descending speaking from above the earth and renewing the man’s spirit. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) from 19-01-2001. *** Oh, the mystery of comfort is with the man who puts My word upon him, the great- est comfort. And now, in the last days, I have brought the comfort on the earth, I have brought the mystery of the heaven, My word with man, that I Myself may comfort the man and to give him power to come back within the mystery of comfort, for the heaven is the comfort itself, the mystery of the comfort of the garden of life and the life from the garden, the eternal life upon man, and I am bringing it now on the earth to man. Amen. John comforted Me on the day of My baptism. John spoke with Me and I got comforted, for the word is comfort. We spoke with each other and the spirit of comfort was between us on the day of Epiphany. The word sanctifies everything. The water washes and comforts the word, as baptism is a sweet mystery and full of comfort. Baptism is fire and water, both of them cleanse the man, and both testify. What makes the man come to baptism? The word. It is like a fire, which cleanses the evil in man, and man is renewed by the word that cleanses. And the water is the comfort of the word, the sign of washing, the sign that testifies the mystery of the baptism, the life from above upon man. Oh, comforted children! John, My baptizer, comforted Me. We both spoke at the Jordan and We comforted each other. This comfort has become the fruit of the man’s faith who knew that I was God and that I left the baptism for man through John. Without baptism man is not born. Without baptism man has no beginning. And he who has a beginning through bap- tism, that one remains with this beginning and does no longer get lost in it and does no longer grow worse but becomes My comfort instead, and he takes Me and gives Me fur- ther from him to those who are thirsty for truth. Amen.
  • 12. About baptism 12 I am with you again, as in the day past. I am with you by the word. You are with Me by the word. We comfort each other by the word, for it is the comfort and the mystery of life, the mystery that comforts and which is taken from the eternal life. … I have brought to you the clarification of the mystery of comfort. The mystery of the paradise is the word, that is, the comfort that comes from the word. The word is the love from paradise, between Me and man, and without word there is no love. Amen. Love is only from the word, and the work of love is the comfort itself, the word, which has in it the mystery of the comfort between Me and man, between man and Me, and between man and man. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint John, the Baptism, from 20-01- 2001. *** My word on the earth is a feast of Epiphany. Let every man who comes to repentance be baptize in it, to be baptized with Holy Spirit and to become one blood with Me, for I want to make the heaven and the earth as in the end, and to make the new man and to reign with him on the earth, with him and with the whole heaven forever, for the ages came back to their place, and I with the Father, with the angels and people to spend the ages, a feast from everlasting to everlasting, for the Lord’s feasts are a great joy, My people. Oh, I speak to you and I tell you that you are My people. If I did not speak this way, no one would be able to understand that I am your God, and you, My people; true God and a true people. But I have no one to speak to and I can neither do, because creation is made by the word. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), 19-01- 2002. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** John, My godfather, is full of word, as I come with the saints, and I speak with you and with them upon you, as you also do when I speak with you in the midst of Jerusalem, as with you the heaven joined the earth within great work, and this is how the kingdom of the heavens is made, children sons. Amen, amen, amen. — You, Lord, spoke to those who believed in You: «Without Me you can do nothing». I am Your baptizer and without You I could not do this unless You told me what to do. When I wanted to confess Your greatness saying at Jordan that it was You that had to baptize me and not I to baptize You, when You found me baptizing the people with the baptism of repentance and with the water of the Jordan, You stayed humbly under my hand, as One Who came to repent and then to be baptized, and then to learn to be a kingdom of the heavens. I submitted to Your word and I baptized You with water at Your word and then the Holy Spirit became a dove and sat upon You and spoke on behalf of the Father saying: «He is My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased». (Matt: 3/17) Then You fulfilled before those who were gathered there for repentance and for baptism at the Jordan, and You fulfilled before the Father the commandment that comprises within it all the others and which says this: «You shall love your Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might, and your neighbor as yourself». Amen. (See Deut: 6/5; Matt: 22/37-39) About this work I want to speak now before You and before Your Jerusalem of today and before the nations of the world, Lord, Lamb of the Father. Not even repentance is greater than this work, for if it is in man, man does no longer go wrong, and his neighbor will do likewise. Amen.
  • 13. About baptism 13 He who loves You, Lord, that one listens to You, as I listened to You at Jordan and waited for You to appear, and then to listen to You. The love of God is even obedience to God, for he who loves does this for the sake of the one loved, and this is love. The love of God is love. I speak about this great mystery and it is so great that man may be able to see that he does not love his neighbor. I also could not love those who repented for the forgiveness of their sins and to the baptism with water at Jordan; I could not do this until I first listened to You and to the Father, Who was leading me on that day, as I was born for that: I was born to obey God and to work according to His will. Amen. Man does not know my mysterious work more that the Scriptures show it about me, but my birth prophesied by the prophets, my life before Jordan, and then that to its fulfillment when through a woman, Herod beheaded me lest he might repent and turn back to You to receive him, Lord, to forgive him and have him as Yours; man does not know my mysterious life, Lord of those who listen to You working mysteriously the work of obedience, as I accomplished, so that I could love my neighbor as myself, to help him love You as I had loved You. No one can love his neighbor but only the one who loves God listening to Him, and behold, on earth there is no love in man for his neighbor. When I loved the people, I loved them as I loved God and myself. I loved them willing to give them to Him as I gave myself. I was calling out to them in all the power of my spirit, soul and body, clean from those that came from people and that were from the earth. I was calling them out for heaven and then I showed them the Son of the Father Sabaoth, after I had told them that after me, after my baptism with water, in which I was laying them, there would come the One Who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire, and in Whose hand was the shovel by which He cleansed His threshing floor before Him to go and to gather the wheat in the barn, and to throw the chaff into unquenchable fire. Oh, Lord, every many that is chaff and not wheat, everything that does not love You, that one is an unquenchable fire, for he who does not love God, that one heaps sins upon sins, and the man who does not love God burns within the fire of the unquenchable sins, and in the same way he loves his neighbor. There is no man on earth who knows what the love for his neighbor is, and I come with You, Lord, on the earth as word, I come by the thread of Your descent and I come in through the gates into Your book and I write myself in it near You and near Your people. You have asked the sons in the gates to tell to Your entire people that each one of them should take care of his name written into the Book of Life, into this book, so that the evil spirit may not wipe out from this book the one who does not watch over Your joy for the one written into Your book, Lord. Every child written into this book has to be Your joy, and those in the gates work this: Your will, Your joy from the sons written into this book. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) Oh, children sons, the Lord Jesus Christ has you in this way, those who belong to Him and to His saints as gates of entrance into the Lord’s Jerusalem, from you on the earth. The Lord wants that all from Jerusalem may be children sons, and what beautiful is the child-son, as the Lord was in the hand of the Father, an obedient child to His Father! The Son is not like the child-son. The son can arise against his father when he grows up, but a child-son remains a child; he stays sweetly and remains beautifully like the child who shares around the sweetness of his father for him. When the son grows up he works alone, he feels great, and then it is revealed his work that saddens the love, the love of the father for his son. Blessed is the father who has children, and this can be seen from those that are visible; and the father who has this kind of sons is said, and again, this can be seen from those that are visible.
  • 14. About baptism 14 Oh, children-sons, how beautiful this word is: children-sons! Let all those who are the new people may bear it with complete joy, the people of the Lord’s coming. Amen. Oh, sons of men, I am calling out through the book of the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13) I am calling out to you: repent! You need love of God and faith in Him, faith with faithfulness and not just any kind of faith, and you need prayer full of goodness, which does not ask anything for you, but for the Lord in you. He who asks from the Lord for himself, that one cannot do God’s will because the Lord cannot work in man, both man’s will and God’s will. I wait with the Lord within the gates crushed by the Lord’s sufferance in His sons who are bearers of God for those on the earth, and I come as word into the book of the Word of God to call out to you again, after two thousand years: repent, repent, repent! I have reminded you of the command- ment given by God for the man to fulfill. I am calling you near the water of life, near the word of life and I am telling you: repent! And again, I am telling you to love God with all His being in you, and love your neighbor as yourselves after You will have loved God loving yourselves like that; like that and not without the love of God in you. The wisdom of the word of the Lord mouth is a great river of life on the earth during these days when He has come back to the people to draw all to the Father. Come near, listen and fulfill in you the love of God. May all my feasts on earth among you be the feast of the Epiphany! May they be feasts of repentance, from margins to margins! This is what I, John, the baptizer of the Son of God, am asking you. Oh, do not baptize into the water only your children and that is all. First, baptize your- selves in the baptism of repentance, and after that baptize your sons like that. Do not play hide- and-seek with God, for what the Christianity of today has taken to do, that so called “Christi- anity,” has not taken from me but it has taken from itself. I have set the man to repent and then to be baptized with water to the forgiveness of the sins, then to learn from the Holy Spirit, and then to baptize his children taking care to give them to the Lord and not to the world. Woe to you if you still believe that you can deceive God by baptizing your children with the priests who heap up sins upon sins, and after that they become baptizers of infants without first being bap- tizers for those who are born babies bringing to them to baptize them. The baptism was not performed like that in my time, in the time of the disciple and apostles of the Lord, but all the house was baptized, from father to child, with the baptism of repentance by preaching, and from it, by faith, and then by the love of God and the love of one’s neighbor, until the feast of the Epiphany was crowned with the descending of the tongues of the Holy Spirit over those baptized and cleansed from sin by the repentance from their evil works. Oh, until when, sons of men? Oh, who bewitched you to submit to people and not to God? Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, as here it is how the Son of God makes sons from those who are despised because of the haughtiness in the man who calls himself baptizer over the sons of men. I baptize you with the baptism of repentance, but near me is now He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Amen, amen, amen. And now, Lord, I want to take the little ones, Your people, and I want to speak with it in a special way, as You did when You spoke: with the Pharisees You spoke in one way, and with Your disciple You spoke in another special way. To those who asked me: «What then must we do?», I was answering them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and those who were my disciples I always taught them in a special way, as You worked, and I worked like You, to be in Your image and after Your likeness on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.
  • 15. About baptism 15 — Oh, how shall I not rejoice over your joy, My baptizer! We have the path under our feet and We walk on it and embrace in a special way within the mystery of the word those who are My disciples on earth. You were a great mystery among people, as I spoke about you to those who were tempting Me by their mind and mouth, concerning you and Me. Let Us close the door after Us and let Us rejoice with the disciples that are sealed for the deep mysteries of My coming to man after two thousand years. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 25-01- 2003. *** The sign of the faith is the speaking in the Holy Spirit. The man cannot be called a faithful man, a man with faith in Me, if after that he has no speaking of the Holy Spirit, the sign of the receiving of the faith and then of the baptism with faith, for the man has got used in vain to be baptized in water if he has not learned the spirit of repentance for the forgiveness of the sins, the spirit which is followed by the speaking in the Holy Spirit as a sign of the man’s holiness. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-2003. (On Calameo; on ar-; on; on Google Drive) *** Oh, those who get baptized like people, do not know what baptism is, and those who are baptized like Me know to remain in Me and be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but how shall every man understand the love between Me and man, My word, loved and fulfilled by man. Soon, soon, I come down on earth with My great and bright day, and I said that the spirit of repentance and the spirit of prophecy have to go before it upon the people, for this is what baptism and a man baptized with the Holy Spirit mean, Who comes back from the man to Me, comforting Me and prophesying that the kingdom of the heavens has come near, as John also used to comfort Me and preached My kingdom and its coming on earth with the man. Oh, I have not come to take back the kingdom from the man, but I have come to give Mine to him, the richest one, the one which will not be taken from him, and I give it to him as a gift, only for the man to want to give himself to it and to know it within Me, for I have not come into the world to take back the kingdom from the man, but rather I have come in order to come and then to go to prepare a sweet place for the man, and then to come back again and to bring it down on earth for all those who bear fruit within Me, and thus having been pruned and taken care of by Me to be able to bear more fruit. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) 19- 01-2004. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** Oh, people of My word, I have always been telling you this so that the human kind may know that I am word over the man on earth, that I have not changed, that I am Who I am and I reign forever by justice. Amen. Two thousand years ago, I came down on earth and became the Son of Man, and I went to John, who was sharing the baptism of repentance at Jordan, the baptism with water to the forgiveness of the sins, and to the fruit worthy of repentance. I stood in line together with those
  • 16. About baptism 16 who feared God, and again, with those who were fleeing from the wrath that was to come over the sinful ones. I bowed in submission to the Father and submitted to John asking him to baptize Me, so that the Father, because of My humility in the midst of those who saw Me at Jordan, may be able to confess Me as His beloved Son, with Whom He was well pleased, and the people to see the kingdom of the heavens in Me, and the Father proclaiming Me over My head, and the Holy Spirit baptizing Me, for the sealing of the baptism with water, which John was giving to those who feared God and the wrath for their sins, and from which many of them were flee- ing. Oh, one is not supposed to flee from sin when My wrath for sin comes, but one should flee from it by not committing sin, for otherwise it is hard for the man who does not repent, who does not stop from the fruit of his death, who does not flee from the face of his sins lest he may taste them. Behold a holy feast of word, a feast of Epiphany on earth! Let the people be baptized into this river that flows out of My mouth, and let them come to repentance and to the forgiveness of their sins before the payment for their sins comes. Amen. Oh, My people, grow in your fear of God and take My image in your image and take in you and in your nature the obedience to the Father and the submission under His almighty hand, and do not rely on Me as the people do, those who say that I am good for their desires, and who always remain in debt to God. Rely on your fear of God, which becomes in you a beautiful image, a praised image in its face and conduct in your body that you have given to Me by your obedience and submission. Show yourself obedient as I showed Myself at Jordan so that the Father and all His army may confess you from heaven as His son among the sons of men on earth, as He also confessed Me, when John, washing Me in the water of Jordan, heard, together with those who were gathered to be baptized, the Father, Who said to Me: «You are My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased». (See Matthew: 3/17) Amen. Peace to you, for I want you to be faithful so that I may be able to tell you: peace to you, Romanian people, people chosen from among the nations to My glory from My coming, and for your glory! However, you should humble yourself in order to see Me, for I have My king- dom in your midst, and I want to grow you through it and to praise you among the nations. And the nations will come to you and will be baptized in your faith and they will sing to you and say: «Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to walk in God’s paths and lights and to rejoice over Him under the glory of His people newly chosen for His glory!” (See Micah: 4/2) Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany), from 19-01-2005. *** While I was walking with My disciples, I was always speaking with them about the Father’s promise, about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and when the time came near for Me to ascend to the Father, I told them: «You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth». (Acts: 1/8) When I told them that they would confess Me to the uttermost parts of the earth, I told them about the Holy Spirit through Whom they confessed Me after they had received Him, after I had gone to the Father. The power of the Holy Spirit
  • 17. About baptism 17 works wherever He wants and as much as He wants after He has confessed on earth to God through the man who has His power over him, the power of the Holy Spirit. Oh, My people, I am coming down to you with the power of the Holy Spirit, for My word is this power, and you need to have more than anyone who is empowered by God through the times with this power that means the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the power that makes the man to be God’s confessor, and the confession is very quick for it goes from man to man to all the margins as much as the Holy Spirits wants to work by His swift going. Oh, how much I long to speak with the man on earth! No matter how much I would speak, My longing is without death, without end, My people. This longing is word, for the word is the measure of the longing, and I am without end and I am the Word, My people, and I long to speak and I long to confess it. When I was with the disciples in the world, I could not appease all My longing, for I was in the flesh and I wanted to testify about Myself, because this is how it is on earth when you are. But now, My longing flows like a river from heaven, for this time, which has been waited for ages, has come. I Myself become power of Holy Spirit from the Father and I testify about Myself on earth, and I am in the Father and fulfill that Scripture by which I said that I would go to the Father in order to come back again. Oh, it is not otherwise that Scripture, which speaks about the Holy Spirit, the messenger over the man, and it is not as the priests of the church speak, as though they would speak from the Holy Spirit, for there is not in the Holy Spirit what they say that the Holy Spirit works in churches. And I tell you this: this word is the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father that He would come on earth, and from Whom I gave power to My disciples two thousand years ago and they confessed Me to the creatures by all that I had worked into their midst, as long as I lived on earth within all My mystery among people. When I ascended into heaven, I reminded them of the Father’s promise when I was telling them: «I go so that I may be able to come again. I go and I will send you the Comforter, Who will take and will tell to you from what is Mine». (See John: 16/13, 15) Now I Myself from heaven, from the midst of My disciples, I Myself confess on earth, for the angels of My ascension told those who were looking at Me: «As you saw Him going into the sky will come back in the same way». (Acts: 1/11) And speaking over them I ascended into the sky, and a cloud came and covered Me, and I, am speaking now from the sky, for I come with the clouds as I ascended, as the angels of My ascension said that I would come. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The feast of the birth of the holy Virginia, from 09-06-2005. *** The Holy Spirit sighs in heaven and on earth. He is the tear of the Father and of the Son, God’s tear, which becomes word, tear that comforts even if there is no comfort for it but only pain, for the tear is born from pain. I am the Father Sabaoth, and My Son stands on My right side, the Savior of the man humble in his spirit, and who is full of My sighing, and this sighing is called the Holy Spirit. The entire heaven of saints and angels is near Us, and the heaven is celebrating within a great mystery the holy feast for the little garden of the word, and the Father, the Son and the whole heaven of saints and angels has been looking at it, for it is its feast today, of the three feasts established over it at its sealing with the Holy Spirit, with God’s sign.
  • 18. About baptism 18 Oh, dear Son, this day has been waited by those who are faithful to gather them in it in the garden of the meeting, but at the work of the book We have those who make Us room on earth with the people at the feasts of the heaven. Oh, painful Son, the feasts of the heaven are not on earth as in heaven, even if You taught Your disciples to do God’s will on earth as in heaven in all the times, for the man has to do Our will, and without man this is not possible on earth. The Holy Spirit in Us becomes word, and the word is Our tear before the man, tearful Son, because all My word, which flows thorough You, is tear, aggrieved Son, and such feasts are among those in heaven, and these are not something else. You told Your disciples that if You came to Me they would not remain orphans, that You would send them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter for the disciples on earth. But which is the comfort for heaven on the earth? Which really, Son Who, like Father, have been sighing for seven thousands years? If We cry, then is it good for the man to be otherwise? Is it good for the man to be without the Holy Spirit, Who cries within God? Here it is what the man has done! He has wanted to be happier than God and he has fled from this sufferance; he has fled from the Holy Spirit, Who has been crying behind him without comforting. The Holy Spirit cries and by His sufferance He comforts, and there is no man to know His mysterious face, His limitless sighing, because the man flees from sufferance and he does not let himself be a dwelling place for the rest of the Holy Spirit, Who is without a dwelling and without fruit in man. The Holy Spirit cries above the little garden of the word, which calls the man to life from heaven, to feasts on earth as in heaven. The Christians wait for the feasts of the new people, but if they are not as in heaven when they come together, the Holy Spirit cries and His tear becomes word and no one wipes it out from among those who come together in the days of feasts prepared with labor in heaven and on earth for the comfort of the man who seeks after God. Oh, My Son, I have come with a word of sighing into him so that We and the entire heaven may be within a mysterious feast of Holy Spirit. I have set those in the gates once with My entrance and I let My being in Your being, and We come in through the gates. Amen. – Oh, Father, the pain of the Holy Spirit’s tear, We have nowhere to rest on it but only within the gates, and it is mysterious and it cannot be seen and known by man in such a way that he may also suffer from the sufferance of the Holy Spirit. Two thousand years ago, when I sent Your promise over My disciples from the world, the power of the Holy Spirit rested on many, and then the apostles baptized those who were added to the sight of the signs of those who followed. And Peter answered those who asked the apostles about what they were sup- posed to do: «Repent, and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit». (Acts: 4/38) Oh, My Father, where on earth is still there the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Oh, how much I suffer because of Our missing from man, Father! The lack of the Holy Spirit in man has punished Us with sufferance without comfort, Father. The man cannot get away from the flesh and the lack of longing after God made the man into dust, and it filled him with the worries of life, and We find the man only in this way, day and night, Father. We have limitless pains. We look with sorrow at the man to see him if he gets up for the Holy Spirit, and We are aggrieved because of Our absence from man, and We are aggrieved without comfort in heaven and on earth. Our sigh is Our entire feast and of Our Holy Spirit, Who becomes word, and the word
  • 19. About baptism 19 calls for the tear of the Holy Spirit, My tear and Yours in My being, because I am Your word, and I become tear and it is word, Father. Oh, My people, I would pick up your tears to bring them to the Father, but the tear is born of pain. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, but His tear does not find any comfort at all. The pain gets no comfort, My people. It is lived and it is a bedding of the Holy Spirit in the man who suffers like God and not like the man. The endless life is expensive, and I want with longing to make the man wise, so that he may long for the dough of God’s being, the Holy Spirit, full of sighing, the One without rest, seeking to make a people for Himself to have the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon Him, the mystery of the new man, born of heaven, of God. Oh, My people, you should always look at you, if you have the Holy Spirit. Take the book and read it to see what the Holy Spirit does in man and you should always look at yourself and to take after the one baptized with the Holy Spirit and not after the haughty man, in which there is no place for this being of God. It was mysterious the feast of the Holy Spirit’s De- scending upon the disciples two thousand years ago and then upon those gathered at Je- rusalem from all the nations of the earth. You should be filled with the Holy Spirit, My people, for the man to receive spirit from God’s Spirit, and you should not be the guide of those who want to catch My being upon you and to spoil it for their empty glory on earth. If Judas wanted to be great on earth, he became the guide of those who sought to give Me over to death, and I allowed it to happen in order that I may fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and to become the man’s guide to an endless life on earth as in heaven, and to baptize the man with the Holy Spirit, and that this sign may be shown in him. The one who wants to have control over his body and his flesh, let him come and be baptized in My name with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is how the Christians should come together at My feasts with you, and they should not come together otherwise, because I have lived among people as word for such a long time, and the man remained only man and he has not given himself over to God, when I opened to him to understand and then to become new. Behold, the man cannot, because the spirit lusts against the flesh, and there are only bodies of people on earth, bodies that eat bodies and which cry against God. … Oh, My people, may the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be My sign upon you, to release My tear from man. You should be a great sign among the sons of the people who do not love God with their living, with their holy sacrifice, for the holy life is greater than any sacri- fice, and there is no sacrifice which may be compared with My holy life in man, the life which loves God, loving from man. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 19-06-2005. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** I sit at a heavenly table again with you, My people. It is a feast of Pentecost, and we have to work out a feast, to work out Holy Spirit. May the peace of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the peace of the Lord your God be at His table with you, at your table with Him! If you give the Lord a little chair and a dish at your table, then give Him what He eats, so that He may be comforted with you so that He may also do, for I am a weak and poor God from every man on earth, because the man does not make Me room in his life and he does not make Me room at his table, at his counsel, at his joys and pains, and I stand weak near man, and I am not given any consideration by man.
  • 20. About baptism 20 However, the Lord does not need to have such a life into your midst. With you I need to be alive by all your things, those that the Lord is able to put on His bleeding wounds, on His unhealed wounds, on His heart full of unquenched longing after the man, after His rest in man, My people. It is a feast of Holy Spirit, but the world does not know what the Holy Spirit means in order to give Him the proper power of this feast set by the Father and Son on earth on the people of God. The people of God are not from the world, as the Lord is not from this world too. Those whom I took out of the world to be with the Lord, they were walking with Me and they were not walking with the world. And after I went to be with the Father, after My ascension into the sky, My disciples walked with the Holy Spirit on earth, and through Him they worked out great signs, great miracles, great works, for this is what the Holy Spirit does, Who has been fulfilling the Holy Trinity within His work of seven thousand years on earth. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are one, and God does not work without coun- seling. When We built the man, We sat in counsel. When We destroyed the man, We also sat in counsel, and then We sent the Flood on the earth so that We were able to take it from the beginning again by the work of the godhead, for the man walked in his ways on earth and not according to God’s will. Oh, how comes that those, that did not receive My coming on earth two thousand years ago, did not understand this? How could they not receive when they were reading in the Scriptures that We, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, had a council when We built the man? The work without council is a work without an angel, My people, and the people had worked without angels and became totally corrupted, and God said: «My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually». (Gen: 6/3,5) Oh, My people, the work of the Father and of the Son is the Holy Spirit, Who has always been within the prophets in such a way that the man could see God on earth in His work upon man, for the work without any council is a work without an angel; it is a human work, a work that does not lead the man to God. Two thousand years ago, when I and with the Father sent the Holy Spirit into the world to testify about the Father and about the Son, and for the people to come together at a godly work, and to get out of the world those who receive the sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them, and then to stay within a godly work on the earth. The spirit of man is holy only then when the Holy Spirit works upon man, and otherwise the man has only his own spirit, his own mind and his own work. For seven thousand ages God has been reducing the years of man’s life, for the Spirit of God could not remain forever in man, and it grieved the Lord in His heart and He was sorry that He created the man. … My people, let your deed always, always mean the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that the entire nations of the earth may see God with you within His coming. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descending – the third day, from 21-06-2005. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** Oh, wake up, you people who call yourselves God’s church! Wake up, for it is hard on the earth, and I do not have among you a man pleased to Me to rely on him, for You preach about yourselves and not about Me, and you walk in the way of those who crucified Me, those who had this power on the earth. Be frightened at My voice that is upon you! I am the Son of
  • 21. About baptism 21 the Father Sabaoth. I am the one about Whom you say to the people that you serve Him. Even if you share your guilt among you, saying to one another that I am not the One Who speaks from this manger of word, I am this word. You would be happy that I may not be, but I am the Word Who speaks with you. I come with the thousands of saints and I am called the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/133 .) and I speak upon the earth in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, baptizing into My word those who believe and becoming My dwelling place of resurrection in them. However, you are fearful and hide yourselves because you are guilty and you hide God too. I have sent to you the book of My word of today, (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God, r.n.) and then I have written you in heaven, each one of you, that I have given My book, My word of fifty years on the Romanian land, the word of My second coming from near the Father to the man. Oh, you cannot hide. And you should know that I will stay face to face with you before thousands and millions of angels as it is written, and it will be for you to answer Me: what have you done with God, Who have knocked at the doors of your hearts? Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint Apostle Andrew, from 13-12-2006. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** With a sweet feast of Epiphany I come into your midst, Romanian Jerusalem, people with a new name. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Ca- naan”, r.n.) I have given you a new name, My people and I have always baptized you with the Holy Spirit, and I have marked you as Mine, for the heaven is open above you, and God’s angels are ascending and descending on Me, and they ascend and descend again when I speak My word into your midst, and I want you to stay with no deceit before Me and to believe, My people, as two thousand years ago, My disciples believed in My word that was upon them hav- ing no deceit, those whom I taught how to believe after I had seen their hearts and the levity in it, by which they received Me, loved Me and believed in Me, My people, and I had always, always been baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, the same as I have worked with you today to keep you always, always in the bath of the birth from above, for I am the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, My people. Oh, I chose My disciples with great care and I taught them with great power, and they were not deceptive and believed in Me, understood Me and followed Me, My people. When they found from each other about Me, they were asking themselves and rejoicing, and they were confessing Me without deceit, without doubt, in My coming then from the Father on the earth, and they were calling Me Teacher, and I was also confessing and telling them: «Come, and you will see where My dwelling place is». And I was also telling to one them: «You are Simon and you will be called Cephas». Yet, to another one I was telling: «Come after Me!», and to the one who came to Me I said: «Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!». And then he confessed Me saying: «Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel, the son of Joseph from Nazareth». And I sealed him and I told him: «Most assuredly, I tell you, hereafter you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man». (See John: 1/42, 47, 49, 51) Amen. 3 «His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names written”} and a Name written which no one knows but Himself. He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/12,13.)
  • 22. About baptism 22 Oh, I was teaching My disciples with such great love, the love without hypocrisy and with steadfast faith, and I was walking after them to choose them, and the angels were serving Me, as I told them, and then I turned the water into wine, to choose disciples and I chose them performing miracles before them, and when the one with no deceit came by night to confess his steadfast faith that I came from God as a Teacher on the earth, and that the miracles that I was doing were confessing Me as the Son of the Father, then I, the Lord, told him: «Most assuredly I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God». (John: 1/5), and I explained to him the mystery of the birth from above, for he had no deceit, although he was a teacher in Israel and he was a ruler among them, and then I told him again: «He who believes in Me is not judged, and he who does not believe has already been judged, for the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil and they did not want them to be exposed», (See also John: 3/18-20) and this is how I was able to tell him about My power from the Father over those that believe in Me without deceit, and then again, about My pain from the man, after the man, knowing Me and loving his own self more, then he denies Me. Oh, My people, the mystery of the baptism is the mystery of the birth from above, and this is how I was teaching those without deceit to be My disciples and to believe working the heavenly mysteries on the earth, as I have also worked in the time of My coming of now, My people, but, as at that time, very few have wanted to remain totally Mine, and without deceit to have given Me My time with them and to have them as fruit before the Father and that they may not be judged by not loving the light but the darkness and their works instead, being kept in the darkness. Oh, I could not make the Israel of that time understand from Me that I am not two Gods; I could not and only a small remnant of it wanted then to be with My grace, and the other one wanted to be under the darkness instead, boasting about the law, which protected the sin and which could not save the man from destruction, and, behold, this is what has happened to us today too, oh, My people, but I am also speaking for today and say: I am not two Gods but I am Only One God and I have come down from heaven to make the man holy and to save him in this way. Amen. Oh, My people, oh, My people! I have always, always baptized you with the Holy Spirit and I teach you the birth and the growth, and after that I teach you what it means to become a child, the life without sin, son, because it hurts Me and it hurts Me bitterly when I hear on the earth the man that says that God does not ask from the sinners what He asks from the saints for their salvation. However now, I wipe out the tears from My face and I cry again on it, and I wipe it out again and say: he who sins having a law, as he says, that one is sepa- rated from Me, for I am the One without sin and I am the God of those who stay under My protecting angel, waiting after those who commit sin to leave off their sin and to be- come holy for their salvation, for I am One God. Amen. With a sweet feast of Epiphany I am standing today into your mist, My people of today, and I have set you to lay the table from the earth and I am to put on it food from heaven and to invite My people of yesterday, My people of old, that I may come and dine with it in a feast of baptism, for it fell from grace after it had known Me that I had come from God to counsel it and then to give it life from above and to have it as Mine, but it wanted Me to be its God the way it was, and not as I can have the man so that he may be Mine.
  • 23. About baptism 23 Oh, people of old, not so, it is not as you are staying now, far from the works of your faith in Me; it is not in this way that you can call Me your God. I am the God of those who leave sin to come to Me and to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them so that they may remain saints after that and not sinners and servants of the flesh again. I embrace you with the word, people of old. I am sitting at the table with you and crying and I want to remind you of My miracle, of My voice which was speaking to you and teaching you to be, and that you may no longer let yourself die, but rather to be alive, and to be the saint of God, for there is no sweeter life for man than the holy life in him, with which he comforts Me, becoming My rest, for I have lost the rest after the man died in his sin, My people of old. Oh, I have waited for you again, and I have poured power over you to be able to become Mine and to be the day of My coming and that you may no longer be the darkness of the ruler of this age, but of the sons of the darkness, who because of their wicked works do not love the light, and they do not want the darkness to expose their works, My people of old. Oh, as two thousand years ago, very few in you wanted to remain My people completely and with no deceit in order to give Me My time with them, and not to give it to them. Oh, you have remained with the law which protects the sin, people of old, and I have remained with a sigh after you, for I have wanted you to be holy for Me, but you have not wanted and the sin has seemed sweet to you when you wanted to choose My way or your way for you, and then you have left Me crying, waiting and being ashamed before the ruler of the darkness of this age, which weakens you so that you may not bring your works into the light and rather to keep your fleshly sins into the darkness and give Me from you, for I have come as light into the world, so that anyone who believes in Me may not perish but have eternal life, My people of old, and not to have life only for a little while, and then death and sin to come; oh, not in this way, people of old, not in this way, not so. I have taught you otherwise and I have given you the book of My coming with you to remind you of My miracle into your midst and that you may not stay far from Me, but to wake up instead, My people of old, and to make Me glad with your repentance and humility, and to confess Me as true God and as your God, as My disciples, chosen by My grace two thousand years ago, con- fessed Me without deceit; moreover, I was also confessing them, speaking with them and I was revealing them the mysteries of their lives, and then I was loving those without any deceit in them and I was getting comfort from them. … Oh, My country, be baptized in My word, for you are the country with My glory in it. My word, which speaks in you and with you, this means My glory in you, oh, My coun- try with a treasure in it. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.) Oh, I, the Lord, comfort you with My whisper in you and I teach you the birth from above, and I tell you as I said two thousand years ago: «That what is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’ I have not come into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Me. Whoever believes in Me is not judged, and the one who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in Me, for I have come into the world as Light and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. However, he who works truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God». (See John: 3/6, 7, 17, 18, 21) Amen. This is how I was teaching My disciples two thousand years ago, oh, My country, and I have taught you today too, and I want that those without deceit to be seen in you, for it is so easy for them to believe in My word, that they themselves may testify by their work about My image in them, about their birth from God with the baptism from above over their being, oh, country with My treasure in you, but you should come to revival, to know and to see the One Who knocks that He may confess Himself from your midst as your God, and you, His, oh My country, with My treasure in it. Amen, amen, amen.
  • 24. About baptism 24 Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19-01-2007. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** On a day of the feast of My Ascension to the Father, I am lowering My word on earth, for it is the time of My coming again from the Father to man, and behold, I am finding only disbelief, only carelessness of God with man, and the man is no longer true; however, My com- ing is true just as I am, and I have power to speak over the earth and then to fulfill. Amen. Stand always watch before Me, you, those in the gates, for I walk through the gates when I come, (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) but this great mystery is little understood, appreciated and perceived, for man is careless of God and exalts himself; on the other hand, I humble Myself with great patience and I speak My word for those who believe like Me, and not like man, in the mystery of My coming from the Father to man. Stand watch, sons. I have been bringing down in you the word of the Holy Spirit, for I have made you into My gates, and you should work as disciples, and you are My comfort, children sons, and happy are those who receive you as you receive Me to the life of many, giving them a spirit of life giving, as I have set you to work, and behold, I am telling you, you and My people of old, that I want to call it and to gather it near the spring on the day of the celebration of the descending of the Holy Spirit over the disciples of two thousand years ago, and then from them, shared to the multitudes gathered in Jerusalem on that day, and I want now to do likewise, I want to give the gift of the Holy Spirit to My people, to teach it its way with Me and My way with it and to comfort it with My advice, with My great exhortation, by its great power over My people. If I am the Teacher of My people, then My people is the one that has to obey and to do like Me by My teaching upon it, but it needs great care and love for My teaching, for without this love it cannot do like Me, it cannot believe as one has to believe, it cannot understand what it has to be understood and how it has to be the one who stays under My rain of word, which becomes the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon man. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 17-05-2007. *** I come down from heaven on earth as word and I come down crying and strengthening the way for My coming down. Amen. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. If this word were from the evil spirit, then world upon world would have come around it and it would have done it’s will as it is on earth, but My word is a consuming fire and the man from everywhere does not come close to it, for the man keeps to his will itself and he makes it greater than he is and the man flees from God’s will on the earth. My word is a consuming fire, and only the one who brings himself to God stays around it, as a sacrifice of righteous love, without any blemish, holy love like Mine, love from My love in man, and happy is the man meant by God to be taken by My will on the earth, as My apostles were, whom I called at their right time on the earth to be Mine and then to be in My image and after My likeness before Me, by a sacrificing love for many of those who, waiting for Me to come, love the eternal things in them and who do not pass away, just as I, the Lord, do not pass away, for I am Who I am. Amen. … Oh, My disciples, I have chosen you from the people two thousand years ago and I have made you the messengers of the kingdom of the heavens, and very few people understood this royal life on the earth! The man does not give up his life, but, on the contrary, he struggles
  • 25. About baptism 25 for it, but in the Scriptures it is written My word, which says: «He, who gains his life, will lose it». (Luke: 9/24) Oh, dear disciples, I have showed you My divinity, by which I was working power and signs upon people, to be able to choose you as sons of steadfast faith, sons of mira- cles. Then you have received spirit of My Spirit, for I had breathed Holy Spirit with My mouth and I said to you: «Receive Holy Spirit and go in all the world and show the kingdom of the heavens in you by the signs and miracles of your faith, and baptize the nations in the word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them, and whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (See also John: 20/22,23) Behold, I speak now a great mystery: the Holy Spirit appears over the man to whom his sins are forgiven, and in this way it known the one who is forgiven, and he who does not receive in him the sign of the Holy Spirit, that one remains in his sins, in his blood, far away from the life of the kingdom of the heavens in man. Amen. Oh, dear disciples, open your little mouths for My glory in you and give voice of teach- ing over the earth, for I have chosen you and I have sent you saying to you: «Therefore go in the whole world and baptize the nations of the earth in the name and the word of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, preaching from margins to margins the kingdom of the heavens that has come on the earth with Me, the Son of God, Savior Who has come from the Father then and now for everyone who believes this miracle: My coming». Amen, amen, amen. … Two thousand years ago, after I let Myself be put on the cross by man and after I was resurrected, I revealed completely the truth of My divinity, My being of the Son of the Father Sabaoth, born of Him before all eternity, and then born on earth from man, the Son of Man, I said to My disciples this: «All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Receive Holy Spirit, and therefore go, preaching over the nations the kingdom of the heaven that has come to them, for all those who will believe and will be baptized in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit» (See also Matt: 28/18,19) Oh, but how shall I tell My disciples now to work upon people? The people say that they are baptized, that they are faithful, that they have got God as their Father and the Son as their Savior and that they are good as they are. Oh, how shall I tell you to work upon the people in this time, beloved disciples? I am coming with you from those in heaven and we are, among those from heaven, a table of disci- ples with a Teacher, as I was on earth with you too. How shall we work upon the people on the earth? My fifty year old word, this word which springs from God’s throne and the Lamb’s, as I, the Lord, showed to My disciple John, that he could see the time of nowadays and to announce it to be, the man does not wash in this river of word; the man does not look to see his face and to thirst and then to look for My spring. I spoke through the Scriptures: «He who is thirsty, I will freely give him of the spring of the water of life, and then the one who will overcome will be heir». Oh, beloved disciples, I come with you from the bosoms of the heaven to work on earth and the man to hear now the course of the spring of the living water and to thirst after it. I in you and you in Me, this is how you have to work. May your work and word from heaven on earth be blessed, for the earth is Our footstool for work, as the heaven is Our throne of council. God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; you should work in these names and you should speak from the table of the holy council the word of the renewal of the world, for it is written about you My word that was written then, that «at the new birth of the world, you will also sit on twelve thrones, judging over the earth». (See also Matt: 19/28) Amen, amen, amen.
  • 26. About baptism 26 Now, My disciples on heaven, works through the gates. I in them and they in Me, so that the world may believe that I have sent them. Amen, amen, amen. – We are set for the proclaiming of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, disciples coming from heaven, coming on the earth with their Teacher, Christ. Amen. Oh, people from the earth, God sits in the midst of gods and has council for the salvation of the nations of the earth. We speak over all the creatures by our sending. He, who believes and is baptized in this word, will be saved, and he who will not believe, will be condemned, as the Lord spoke through the Scriptures. The angels of the great council are with us, and we are His disciples. As the Father had sent Him, in the same way He had sent us as well. Amen. Oh, behold, man, how much I am aggrieved because of your departure from God. I want to knead your faith and feeling after God again, and I want to live in you in My image and after My likeness, full of the pain from man and from the longing after the man. I want you to suffer too from My pain after you, and I want you to carry Me too, man. I am full of mercy after you. I want you to be likewise after Me, too, that we may take after each other, man. The man built by My hand did not want to be like Me, and he gave Me the pain and he chose the joy of his life and he took his place away from Me. And since then, I have wandered away after the man, and I have gone after him in tears. I have cried through the prophets and I have gone after the man with the voice of My word spoken through the prophets, but the man has been stiff- necked. Now I have become a river of affectionate word, sweet word to the man, and I would have not worked that way if it had not been written in the Scriptures to become over the earth, the river and the water of life, as clear as crystal, and which springs from the throne of God and of the Lamb, for two thousand years ago I said: «Until heaven and earth pass away, one jot of My word shall in no way pass away from the law, until all things will be accomplished, as it was spoken». (See Matt: 5/18) Behold, My word has become a river over the earth, and I have given it to the people, as I have always given it. Take and drink from it, man, and seek it with thirst, for it seeks after you, walking from margins to margins, and it has called you to thirst after it. It is God, the Word, and it springs from My mouth, and I am the dwelling of the Father, God’s throne, I am God’s Lamb. Amen. And now, oh, My country of coming down on the earth now, in the end of the time, if I, God the word, overflow on your hearth with the river and water of life, as it is written in the Scriptures, then you are preached over the nations that you are My wedding country, that you are the hearth in which, I, the Lord, the Father’s Lamb, set within a table of the supper of My word, and in this word I want to baptize all the nations of the earth, and behold, this is what I have been doing, and I work as in the time of Noah, bringing on the earth the river and the water of life and catching under it the nations, to come and to drink and to thirst then after the life of My word that is on it, but behold, everywhere I find parties, and I find eating and drinking on earth, and I find marring and giving in marriage on earth, and the man does not hear the noise of My coming, for I come smoothly, and I speak sweetly in the word. (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint apostles, Peter and Paul, from 13-07-2007. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) *** In the spirit of the feast of Epiphany, I, the Lord, meet My people again, for My feasts and the feasts of My saints became and become paths of My Spirit’s coming down, the One