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The Diverse Power of Numbers and The Numeric
Significance. The Universal Energies behind numbers
 Certain numbers and their combinations were
held to be of magical power, by virtue of their
representation of divine and creative mysteries.
 The doctrines of Pythagoras furnished the basis
for much of this belief. According to his theory
numbers contained the elements of all things,
of the natural and spiritual worlds and of the
 The real numerals of the universe are the
primaries one to ten and in their combination
the reason of all else may be found. To the
 One represented unity, therefore God;
Two was duality, the Devil; Four was
sacred and holy, the Number on which
they swore their most solemn oaths; Five
was their symbol of marriage. They also
attributed certain timbers to the gods,
planets and elements; one represented
the Sun, two the Moon: while five was
fire, six the earth, eight the air, and
twelve water
 One was the origin and common measure of all
things. It is indivisible; not to be multiplied. In
the universe there is one God ; one supreme
intelligence in the intellectual world, man; in
the sidereal world, one Sun; one potent
instrument and agency in the elementary
world, the philosopher's stone; one chief
member in the human world, the heart; and
one sovereign prince in the nether world,
 Two was the number of marriage, charity and
social communion. It was also regarded
sometimes as an unclean number; beasts of the
field went into the Ark by twos.
 Three had a mysterious value as shown in
Time's trinity —- Past, Present and Future; in
that of Space—length, breadth and thickness; in
the three heavenly virtues -— faith, hope and
charity; in the three worlds of man- — brain,
the intellectual; heart, the celestial; and body,
 Four signifies solidity and foundation. There
are four seasons, four elements, four cardinal
points, four evangelists.
 Five, as it divides ten, the sum of all numbers,
is also the number of justice. There are five
senses; the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ
were five; the name of the Deity the Pentagram
is composed of five letters -- it also is a pro-
tection against beasts of prey.
 Six is the sign of creation, because the world
was completed in six days. It is the perfect
number, because it alone by addition of its half,
its third and its sixth reforms itself. It also
represents servitude by reason of the Divine
injunction "Six days shalt thou labor."
 Seven is a miraculous number, consisting of
one, unity, and six, sign of perfection. It
represents life because it contains body,
consisting of four elements, spirit, flesh, bone
and humour; and soul, made up of three
elements, passion, desire and reason. The
seventh day was that on which God rested
from his work of creation.
 Eight represents justice and fullness. Divided, its
halves are equal; twice divided, it is still even. In the
Beatitude eight is the number of those mentioned—
peace-makers, they who strive after righteousness,
the meek, the persecuted, the pure, the merciful, the
poor in spirit, and they that mourn.
 Nine is the number of the muses and of the moving
 Ten is completeness because one cannot count
beyond it except by combinations formed with other
numbers. In the ancient mysteries ten days of
initiation were prescribed. In ten is found evident
signs of a Divine principle.
 Eleven is the number of the commandments,
 Twelve is the number of signs in the Zodiac, of
the apostles, of the tribes of Israel, of the gates
of Jerusalem.
 The number 11 is a seer, possessing a
more powerful intuition than any other
number. It is sensitive, spiritual, and
works well with others. In Numerology,
its meaning carries many of the same
traits as the number 2 -- cooperation,
influence, instinct -- but on a much
higher, more spiritual plane.
 People with an 11 Life Path or 11s elsewhere
in their Numerology have a deep sense of
awareness about the things we cannot see.
They are very sensitive to subtle energies and
may even possess a psychic-like sense of
knowing -- almost like they can physically hear
other people's thoughts, fears, and feelings.
They spend their lifetime learning to trust their
intuition and will be presented with more
difficult experiences than others in order to
hone this unique skill.
 Carrying this incredible sense of
awareness can truly be a blessing but it
may also feel like a curse. Having such a
clear vision of the infiniteness of
humanity and the universe is so
overwhelming that it may bring about
deep fear or anxiety in people with 11s in
their personal Numerology.
 Known as the "Master Builder," the number 22
is also blessed with the intuition of the
aforementioned 11, with an added gift of
practical effort that gives it the ability to turn
even the loftiest visions into realities. The 22
has many of the same attributes as its single-
digit counterpart, the number 4 -- rational
thinking, methodical steps, solid structures --
but with far greater instincts and people skills.
This gives the Master Number 22 the power to
envision a grand idea and materialize it in the
real world.
 But people with 22s in their Numerology chart
are not magicians, they are actualizes --
confident, hard workers intent on creating
something of great value and meaning.
Throughout a lifetime of setbacks and
struggles, these people learn what it means to
stay dedicated to their life purpose. Each trial is
a spiritual lesson in how much one can achieve
if they keep their eyes on the prize and work
with the currents of the universe.
 Master Numbers are so powerful that their
energy must be acknowledged. Resisting the
influence of the Master Number 22 usually
results in idleness or a total lack of direction.
These people may realize too late in life that
they are unprepared and unaccomplished.
However, when a person accepts and aligns
with the powerful potential of the 22, then truly
anything is possible
 The number 33 is an embodiment of pure
love and light. In Numerology it is
known as the "Master Teacher" because it
has the profound responsibility of
guiding others on their path to healing
and enlightenment. This Master Number
has been trusted by the universe to take
on this very important role, and it is
entirely devoted to the task.
 If you read the bible most famously quoted
scripter is in Psalms 23: "The Lord is my
shepherd; I shall not want.” Julius Caesar was
stabbed 23 times. Michael Jordan one of the
best if not the best basketball players in the
world and his jersey number was 23. The
terrorist attacks on America on...
 44. Structured Power
 Assertive—unethical administrator, rigid in
administrating ideas and beliefs, emotionally
insensitive to others’ shortcomings, can attach to
appearance rather than real achievement, out spoken,
critic of authority, forces social changes, abuses
industrial power, uses money to control.
 Passive–possesses good ideas; but expects others to carry
them out, distaste of personal discipline, silently critical
and envious of successful people, expects people to
respond to his/her ideas, unconscious resistance to real
responsibility and use of power.
 Harmonious–keystone in building of a group
consciousness, well trained mental abilities, trusts the
wisdom of own inner authority, practical visionary,
potential to create new modes of income and prosperity,
combines artistic with practical, helps manifest
 55. Divine Will
 Assertive–confuses rebellion and freedom to escape
responsibility and commitment, pessimistic and defeatist,
indulges habits while criticizing others, egocentric to a fault,
believes one’s own opinion to be universal truth, justifies own
fault finding (toward others) as revelation, impatient.
 Passive-indulges in long bouts of animus projection with few
results, blames fate or other people for setbacks, passively resists
Higher Will, repressed anger creates over aggressive actions.
 Harmonious–seeks to blend individual will with Higher Will,
opens the veil to an inner life, innovative and inventive while
inspiring the originality in others, resolution of karma,
communicates with all kingdoms, pioneer of new thinking and
reform, leads others from tribal dependency to individualized
awareness, dynamic leader.
 66. Universal Joy
 Assertive—does not like to admit personal dysfunctions,
forces emotional confrontation before others are ready,
confused emotions create aura of discouragement and
despair, critical of others emotional phobias and
insecurities, falsely over sentimental, sees oneself as
messiah like figure, preys upon the emotional weakness
in others.
 Passive–inability to recognize and admit one’s own
emotional blocks, good silent victims, expect others to
“read” your moods of suffering and pain, blames lack of
happiness on external people and events, wallows in
negative anima.
 Harmonious—dances with the angels, involved in causes
(institutions) helping to alleviate human (animal,
planetary) suffering, managing the spiritual fire, excellent
counselors and healers, inspired artist who works on the
archetypal level, helps bring the joy of nature and angels
to mankind, positive ray in gloomy environs.
 77. Creative Thought
 Assertive–intellectual elitist, prolonged fantasy
spells with no practical benefit, martyrdom, self
created realities used as escapist justification,
negative criticism of social change, lives in an
idealized state, extremist in thought and action,
overtaxing of emotions.
 Passive–unsociable and detached, pessimistic about
change in human nature, feels caught in a non-
creative environment, explains inability to
communicate his/her ideas as being “ahead of the
times”, wants recognition, fears the pleasure of
body, denies emotions.
 Harmonious—spiritual warrior, possesses the
originality of thought to innovate and invent new
systems for benefiting mankind, uses intuition with
scientific and technological support, explores new
theologies and philosophies of living, seeks to release
neighbors from self limiting barriers.
 88 Divine Knowing
 Assertive: Has a power complex; maintains a slightly haughty
arrogance, separating self from others, likes to challenge people in
positions of authority, in the extreme, can be very destructive,
intellectual arrogance, devious in attempting to get to the “top”, is
a know-it-all, destructive attacks against religious and ideological
 Passive: Passive resistance to authority; distrusts promptings of
intuition and higher consciousness, blames life’s setbacks on those
in control, caught up in parent’s unconscious head games,
ungracious in defeat, can be fraudulent and exaggerate credentials,
oblivious to others’ inner convictions and feelings.
 Harmonious: Teaches universal laws that improve management
skills, delegates authority in a way that gives each person his or
her own sense of power, works to find cooperation with the higher
laws of mathematics, leader in metaphysical philosophies, respects
integrity and clarity, develops new ideas and theories of
thermodynamics, hydraulics and engineering.
 99. Universal Love
 Assertive—wants to bend the light to fit personal needs,
gets trapped in modicum of syrupy idealism, wants to be
seen as “ideal lover” while denying obvious selfish
motives, uses group dynamics to avoid self responsibility,
struggles to recognize and express true feelings,
impractical strategies for interpersonal relationships.
 Passive—difficulty giving up me for thee, easily mired in
false arena of self pain-hurt-rejection) and denial, unable
to see you are the creator of any misery, frustration with
imperfection, smiles politely while secretly resentful of
others’ happiness and joy, gloomy, accomplished martyr,
benefits by seeking outside professional help.
 Harmonious—learning the ultimate trust, catches a
glimpse of the Greater Plan for the planet and works to
bring the higher light to humanity, learning to release and
let go of all personality illusions, master teacher of self
awareness education, must learn to open heart center in
practical ways, works with pulse of mother earth,
visionary in one’s chosen path of life.
Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength,
compassion, spiritual consciousness, wisdom, a
desire for peace and love for all of humanity.
The number 17 is a highly spiritual number and
has been expressed by the Ancient Chaldeans as
the 8 Pointed Star of Venus. It is the Star of Love
and Peace and promises a 17 person the will to rise
superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of
earlier life. Many who come under these energies
have extremely high psychic and clairvoyant
 The 17/8 relates to The Star tarot card and relates to 'immortality'
– a legacy that lives on after you have left this plane of existence
and is the ability to see beyond to find the hidden truth. It is
universal healing, truth and understanding.
17s may travel often, especially in connection with their work.
17 is an extremely fortunate number, but it must be remembered
that it comes down to number 8, the number of Karma and Fate,
and needs to be worked with as such. The combination of
the number 1 and number 7 makes the person very strong, but at
the same time they are soft, sympathetic and sentimental. Number
17 vibration people receive a double dose of independence from
both the number 1 and the number 7.
 In numerology each number has a vibration or
energy that it is associated with. Everyone and
everything also has an energy vibe. Inanimate
objects like apartments, buildings, phones and
even car have a vibrations in numerology.
 Do you have a favorite number or a number
that you always notice? Â Take note of the
energy of that number, it’s a clue to your
personal vibe or what the universe is working
on for you
 Numbers are everywhere, if you pay attention
to them they give you clues to the energy being
generated by people and in places. You can
also use numbers to create or change the
energy around you or in a space.
 We all have natural number vibrations based
on our birthday. Â Inanimate objects receive
energy from the number they are given for
identification purposes like addresses, phone
numbers, and license plates. To figure out your
personal numbers or that of an object we
use  the Pythagorean Theorem. This theory
teaches how numbers and letters can be broken
down into a single digit from 1-9.
 You can break down your name and birth date
to find your various personal vibrations.
 Here are a few that are relevant for energy
 Your Life Path (what
you are at your best)
add all the numbers in
your birth date.
 Your Birthday (how
others perceive you) is
the day you were born)
 Your address is the sum
of the numbers in your
 Do you need more
money? Try writing 8 on
a small piece of paper
and slip it into your
purse or wallet.
 Need to boost your
personal energy? Wear
it on your shirt, on your
hat, or around your
 Pick the date that has
the energy you need for
a specific task.
 Change your address or
phone number.
 1- this energy is
hardworking, and self
 focus on your needs.
The 1 energy is self
starting and takes care
of business. This makes
it excellent to have
around a business
venture or where you
need to be more
 2- this energy is
harmonious, nurturing,
and kind. The 2
vibration is about
building partnerships,
helping others, and
creating harmony. Love,
collaboration, affection,
and music resonate
with 2 energy.
 3 – this energy is
expressive, fun, and
creative. This is a
naturally inviting energy;
it’s open, sharing, and has
a light mood. This is a
good energy if you are
hosting a group, have to
speak in front of an
audience or are doing
anything related to
communicating, creating,
and making sure people
enjoy themselves. Use the
3 energy to draw
friendships to you or to
get your creative juices
 4- this energy is gives
stability, grounding, and
teaches. The 4 energy is
grounded in truth and
likes to teach those truths
to others to make their
lives better. 4 energy can
be serious, analytical, and
strong. This energy is
good for projects, work, or
dealing with serious
family matters. Any
situation where you are
coming from a good and
loving place but need to
be taken seriously.
 5 – this energy is free and
adventurous. The 5
vibration encourages
living life through
experiences and helping
out whenever possible.
This is the energy to use
when you want to do
something completely out
of your norm, build
courage, take risks or
travel. Â 5 is great when
you need to problem solve
or need to be flexible in
your thoughts.
 6 – this energy is
 loving and nurturing.
This is great energy to
have when healing and
nurturing others. The 6
vibration belongs in
hospitals/healing centers,
schools, and homes
(especially if the family
needs some repairing).
 7 – this energy is analytical,
introspective, and spiritual.
7 is considered to be divine
and lucky and is frequently
found in religious and
spiritual teachings. This
energy is helpful when you
need time alone to do some
deep thinking or need
spiritual guidance.
 8 – this is the money
number. The 8 vibration is
one of executive decisions
and brings financial increase
and freedom. Use it to draw
money to you.
 9 – is the number of completion
and has humanitarian and
leadership energies. In times of
endings you are also preparing
for what is next, taking
inventory, removing stuff you no
longer need, building resources
ect. This lends to energy that is
concerned for the greater good
but understand the necessity of
making hard choices. Use this
energy when you need clarity
and direction related to an
ending, to ensure that you are
being a successful leader, or if
you need a boost of energy to
help assist others.
Next is Intermediate-Advance
Concepts and usage

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The Magic of Numbers.pptx

  • 1. The Diverse Power of Numbers and The Numeric Significance. The Universal Energies behind numbers
  • 2.  Certain numbers and their combinations were held to be of magical power, by virtue of their representation of divine and creative mysteries.  The doctrines of Pythagoras furnished the basis for much of this belief. According to his theory numbers contained the elements of all things, of the natural and spiritual worlds and of the sciences.  The real numerals of the universe are the primaries one to ten and in their combination the reason of all else may be found. To the Pythagoreans
  • 3.  One represented unity, therefore God; Two was duality, the Devil; Four was sacred and holy, the Number on which they swore their most solemn oaths; Five was their symbol of marriage. They also attributed certain timbers to the gods, planets and elements; one represented the Sun, two the Moon: while five was fire, six the earth, eight the air, and twelve water
  • 4.  One was the origin and common measure of all things. It is indivisible; not to be multiplied. In the universe there is one God ; one supreme intelligence in the intellectual world, man; in the sidereal world, one Sun; one potent instrument and agency in the elementary world, the philosopher's stone; one chief member in the human world, the heart; and one sovereign prince in the nether world, Lucifer.
  • 5.  Two was the number of marriage, charity and social communion. It was also regarded sometimes as an unclean number; beasts of the field went into the Ark by twos.  Three had a mysterious value as shown in Time's trinity —- Past, Present and Future; in that of Space—length, breadth and thickness; in the three heavenly virtues -— faith, hope and charity; in the three worlds of man- — brain, the intellectual; heart, the celestial; and body, elemental.
  • 6.  Four signifies solidity and foundation. There are four seasons, four elements, four cardinal points, four evangelists.  Five, as it divides ten, the sum of all numbers, is also the number of justice. There are five senses; the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ were five; the name of the Deity the Pentagram is composed of five letters -- it also is a pro- tection against beasts of prey.
  • 7.  Six is the sign of creation, because the world was completed in six days. It is the perfect number, because it alone by addition of its half, its third and its sixth reforms itself. It also represents servitude by reason of the Divine injunction "Six days shalt thou labor."  Seven is a miraculous number, consisting of one, unity, and six, sign of perfection. It represents life because it contains body, consisting of four elements, spirit, flesh, bone and humour; and soul, made up of three elements, passion, desire and reason. The seventh day was that on which God rested from his work of creation.
  • 8.  Eight represents justice and fullness. Divided, its halves are equal; twice divided, it is still even. In the Beatitude eight is the number of those mentioned— peace-makers, they who strive after righteousness, the meek, the persecuted, the pure, the merciful, the poor in spirit, and they that mourn.  Nine is the number of the muses and of the moving spheres.  Ten is completeness because one cannot count beyond it except by combinations formed with other numbers. In the ancient mysteries ten days of initiation were prescribed. In ten is found evident signs of a Divine principle.
  • 9.  Eleven is the number of the commandments, while  Twelve is the number of signs in the Zodiac, of the apostles, of the tribes of Israel, of the gates of Jerusalem.
  • 10.  The number 11 is a seer, possessing a more powerful intuition than any other number. It is sensitive, spiritual, and works well with others. In Numerology, its meaning carries many of the same traits as the number 2 -- cooperation, influence, instinct -- but on a much higher, more spiritual plane.
  • 11.  People with an 11 Life Path or 11s elsewhere in their Numerology have a deep sense of awareness about the things we cannot see. They are very sensitive to subtle energies and may even possess a psychic-like sense of knowing -- almost like they can physically hear other people's thoughts, fears, and feelings. They spend their lifetime learning to trust their intuition and will be presented with more difficult experiences than others in order to hone this unique skill.
  • 12.  Carrying this incredible sense of awareness can truly be a blessing but it may also feel like a curse. Having such a clear vision of the infiniteness of humanity and the universe is so overwhelming that it may bring about deep fear or anxiety in people with 11s in their personal Numerology.
  • 13.  Known as the "Master Builder," the number 22 is also blessed with the intuition of the aforementioned 11, with an added gift of practical effort that gives it the ability to turn even the loftiest visions into realities. The 22 has many of the same attributes as its single- digit counterpart, the number 4 -- rational thinking, methodical steps, solid structures -- but with far greater instincts and people skills. This gives the Master Number 22 the power to envision a grand idea and materialize it in the real world.
  • 14.  But people with 22s in their Numerology chart are not magicians, they are actualizes -- confident, hard workers intent on creating something of great value and meaning. Throughout a lifetime of setbacks and struggles, these people learn what it means to stay dedicated to their life purpose. Each trial is a spiritual lesson in how much one can achieve if they keep their eyes on the prize and work with the currents of the universe.
  • 15.  Master Numbers are so powerful that their energy must be acknowledged. Resisting the influence of the Master Number 22 usually results in idleness or a total lack of direction. These people may realize too late in life that they are unprepared and unaccomplished. However, when a person accepts and aligns with the powerful potential of the 22, then truly anything is possible
  • 16.  The number 33 is an embodiment of pure love and light. In Numerology it is known as the "Master Teacher" because it has the profound responsibility of guiding others on their path to healing and enlightenment. This Master Number has been trusted by the universe to take on this very important role, and it is entirely devoted to the task.
  • 17.  If you read the bible most famously quoted scripter is in Psalms 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times. Michael Jordan one of the best if not the best basketball players in the world and his jersey number was 23. The terrorist attacks on America on...
  • 18.  44. Structured Power  Assertive—unethical administrator, rigid in administrating ideas and beliefs, emotionally insensitive to others’ shortcomings, can attach to appearance rather than real achievement, out spoken, critic of authority, forces social changes, abuses industrial power, uses money to control.  Passive–possesses good ideas; but expects others to carry them out, distaste of personal discipline, silently critical and envious of successful people, expects people to respond to his/her ideas, unconscious resistance to real responsibility and use of power.  Harmonious–keystone in building of a group consciousness, well trained mental abilities, trusts the wisdom of own inner authority, practical visionary, potential to create new modes of income and prosperity, combines artistic with practical, helps manifest empowerment.
  • 19.  55. Divine Will  Assertive–confuses rebellion and freedom to escape responsibility and commitment, pessimistic and defeatist, indulges habits while criticizing others, egocentric to a fault, believes one’s own opinion to be universal truth, justifies own fault finding (toward others) as revelation, impatient.  Passive-indulges in long bouts of animus projection with few results, blames fate or other people for setbacks, passively resists Higher Will, repressed anger creates over aggressive actions.  Harmonious–seeks to blend individual will with Higher Will, opens the veil to an inner life, innovative and inventive while inspiring the originality in others, resolution of karma, communicates with all kingdoms, pioneer of new thinking and reform, leads others from tribal dependency to individualized awareness, dynamic leader.
  • 20.  66. Universal Joy  Assertive—does not like to admit personal dysfunctions, forces emotional confrontation before others are ready, confused emotions create aura of discouragement and despair, critical of others emotional phobias and insecurities, falsely over sentimental, sees oneself as messiah like figure, preys upon the emotional weakness in others.  Passive–inability to recognize and admit one’s own emotional blocks, good silent victims, expect others to “read” your moods of suffering and pain, blames lack of happiness on external people and events, wallows in negative anima.  Harmonious—dances with the angels, involved in causes (institutions) helping to alleviate human (animal, planetary) suffering, managing the spiritual fire, excellent counselors and healers, inspired artist who works on the archetypal level, helps bring the joy of nature and angels to mankind, positive ray in gloomy environs.
  • 21.  77. Creative Thought  Assertive–intellectual elitist, prolonged fantasy spells with no practical benefit, martyrdom, self created realities used as escapist justification, negative criticism of social change, lives in an idealized state, extremist in thought and action, overtaxing of emotions.  Passive–unsociable and detached, pessimistic about change in human nature, feels caught in a non- creative environment, explains inability to communicate his/her ideas as being “ahead of the times”, wants recognition, fears the pleasure of body, denies emotions.  Harmonious—spiritual warrior, possesses the originality of thought to innovate and invent new systems for benefiting mankind, uses intuition with scientific and technological support, explores new theologies and philosophies of living, seeks to release neighbors from self limiting barriers.
  • 22.  88 Divine Knowing  Assertive: Has a power complex; maintains a slightly haughty arrogance, separating self from others, likes to challenge people in positions of authority, in the extreme, can be very destructive, intellectual arrogance, devious in attempting to get to the “top”, is a know-it-all, destructive attacks against religious and ideological institutions.  Passive: Passive resistance to authority; distrusts promptings of intuition and higher consciousness, blames life’s setbacks on those in control, caught up in parent’s unconscious head games, ungracious in defeat, can be fraudulent and exaggerate credentials, oblivious to others’ inner convictions and feelings.  Harmonious: Teaches universal laws that improve management skills, delegates authority in a way that gives each person his or her own sense of power, works to find cooperation with the higher laws of mathematics, leader in metaphysical philosophies, respects integrity and clarity, develops new ideas and theories of thermodynamics, hydraulics and engineering.
  • 23.  99. Universal Love  Assertive—wants to bend the light to fit personal needs, gets trapped in modicum of syrupy idealism, wants to be seen as “ideal lover” while denying obvious selfish motives, uses group dynamics to avoid self responsibility, struggles to recognize and express true feelings, impractical strategies for interpersonal relationships.  Passive—difficulty giving up me for thee, easily mired in false arena of self pain-hurt-rejection) and denial, unable to see you are the creator of any misery, frustration with imperfection, smiles politely while secretly resentful of others’ happiness and joy, gloomy, accomplished martyr, benefits by seeking outside professional help.  Harmonious—learning the ultimate trust, catches a glimpse of the Greater Plan for the planet and works to bring the higher light to humanity, learning to release and let go of all personality illusions, master teacher of self awareness education, must learn to open heart center in practical ways, works with pulse of mother earth, visionary in one’s chosen path of life.
  • 24.  NUMBER 17 Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, compassion, spiritual consciousness, wisdom, a desire for peace and love for all of humanity. The number 17 is a highly spiritual number and has been expressed by the Ancient Chaldeans as the 8 Pointed Star of Venus. It is the Star of Love and Peace and promises a 17 person the will to rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life. Many who come under these energies have extremely high psychic and clairvoyant abilities.
  • 25.  The 17/8 relates to The Star tarot card and relates to 'immortality' – a legacy that lives on after you have left this plane of existence and is the ability to see beyond to find the hidden truth. It is universal healing, truth and understanding. 17s may travel often, especially in connection with their work. 17 is an extremely fortunate number, but it must be remembered that it comes down to number 8, the number of Karma and Fate, and needs to be worked with as such. The combination of the number 1 and number 7 makes the person very strong, but at the same time they are soft, sympathetic and sentimental. Number 17 vibration people receive a double dose of independence from both the number 1 and the number 7.
  • 26.  In numerology each number has a vibration or energy that it is associated with. Everyone and everything also has an energy vibe. Inanimate objects like apartments, buildings, phones and even car have a vibrations in numerology. Â Do you have a favorite number or a number that you always notice? Â Take note of the energy of that number, it’s a clue to your personal vibe or what the universe is working on for you
  • 27.  Numbers are everywhere, if you pay attention to them they give you clues to the energy being generated by people and in places. You can also use numbers to create or change the energy around you or in a space.
  • 28.  We all have natural number vibrations based on our birthday.  Inanimate objects receive energy from the number they are given for identification purposes like addresses, phone numbers, and license plates. To figure out your personal numbers or that of an object we use  the Pythagorean Theorem. This theory teaches how numbers and letters can be broken down into a single digit from 1-9.
  • 29.  You can break down your name and birth date to find your various personal vibrations. Â Here are a few that are relevant for energy boosting.
  • 30.  Your Life Path (what you are at your best) add all the numbers in your birth date.  Your Birthday (how others perceive you) is the day you were born)  Your address is the sum of the numbers in your address)  Do you need more money? Try writing 8 on a small piece of paper and slip it into your purse or wallet.  Need to boost your personal energy? Wear it on your shirt, on your hat, or around your neck.  Pick the date that has the energy you need for a specific task.  Change your address or phone number.
  • 31.  1- this energy is independent, hardworking, and self focused.  focus on your needs. The 1 energy is self starting and takes care of business. This makes it excellent to have around a business venture or where you need to be more dominant.  2- this energy is harmonious, nurturing, and kind. The 2 vibration is about building partnerships, helping others, and creating harmony. Love, collaboration, affection, and music resonate with 2 energy.
  • 32.  3 – this energy is expressive, fun, and creative. This is a naturally inviting energy; it’s open, sharing, and has a light mood. This is a good energy if you are hosting a group, have to speak in front of an audience or are doing anything related to communicating, creating, and making sure people enjoy themselves. Use the 3 energy to draw friendships to you or to get your creative juices flowing  4- this energy is gives stability, grounding, and teaches. The 4 energy is grounded in truth and likes to teach those truths to others to make their lives better. 4 energy can be serious, analytical, and strong. This energy is good for projects, work, or dealing with serious family matters. Any situation where you are coming from a good and loving place but need to be taken seriously.
  • 33.  5 – this energy is free and adventurous. The 5 vibration encourages living life through experiences and helping out whenever possible. This is the energy to use when you want to do something completely out of your norm, build courage, take risks or travel.  5 is great when you need to problem solve or need to be flexible in your thoughts.  6 – this energy is  loving and nurturing. This is great energy to have when healing and nurturing others. The 6 vibration belongs in hospitals/healing centers, schools, and homes (especially if the family needs some repairing).
  • 34.  7 – this energy is analytical, introspective, and spiritual. 7 is considered to be divine and lucky and is frequently found in religious and spiritual teachings. This energy is helpful when you need time alone to do some deep thinking or need spiritual guidance.  8 – this is the money number. The 8 vibration is one of executive decisions and brings financial increase and freedom. Use it to draw money to you.  9 – is the number of completion and has humanitarian and leadership energies. In times of endings you are also preparing for what is next, taking inventory, removing stuff you no longer need, building resources ect. This lends to energy that is concerned for the greater good but understand the necessity of making hard choices. Use this energy when you need clarity and direction related to an ending, to ensure that you are being a successful leader, or if you need a boost of energy to help assist others.