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    TGIS TMC(#804519), Area 7, Division B, District 20                     February 2013

                                Think, Grow, Inspire & Succeed with TGIS
What’s in this Issue & Editor’s note
                    Issue No. 123 Quisque   auctor erat                         vel nunc

                                                            FROM THE EDITOR

                                                           Finally, TGIS is talking
                                                                                   , our Newsletter is ou
In this Issue:                                              I know the next few lin
                                                                                    es may sound a bit cli
                                                            need to thank all                             ché, but I
                                                                                 of the Toastmasters
                                                            contributed to this                         who have
Division B Governor Message                    3                                  newsletter by subm
                                                           Messages such as Di                         itting their
                                                                                 vision B & Area Gov
                                                           dear Excom member                           ernors, my
Area Governor Message                          4                                  s, our New and Se
                                                           members, Area 1 Gov                           nior club
                                                                                  ernor TM Hubert Mira
Meet the Excom                                5            TM Dr. Sikandar Ali fro                         nda and
                                                                                   m Burj Toastmasters.
                                                          TM Santosh Venkatar                            Thanks to
Presidential Communiqué                        6                                am for taking our Exco
                                                          and thanks to the Sh                           m photos
                                                                                  oot Masters of the
                                                          Dinner, Area Club                             the Gala
Messages from Excom Members                  7-11                                Contests, hope ther
                                                          copyrights on your ph                        e are no
                                                                                  otos as they are no
Tête-à-Tête with a Senior Toastmaster         11          newsletter.                                   w in our

Ek Tha Tiger Mission                        12-13       What a bless to be a
                                                                                  VP PR in this era! If
                                                        same role 10 years ba                             I had the
Your Voice is Your Signature            14-15                                   ck or even 5 years ag
                                                        I would have enjoyed                              o, I doubt
                                                                                 this role as much as
Treasured Memories                            16        Last year I was the Cl                           I do now.
                                                                                ub Secretar y so when
                                                       of PR was suggeste                                   the role
                                                                               d to me by the N
My Summer in the USA                          17       Committee, my first                                omination
                                                                               reaction was NO W
                                                       could I be the PR, I am                            AY! how
Finding my Nemo                               18                                  the most introvert in th
                                                       But they somehow be                                   is club!
                                                                               lieved in me and be
                                                       doesn't mean I need                               ing a PR
The Power of Thoughts                         19                               to speak, all can be
                                                      writing and with visua                               done in
                                                                              ls. We have so many
Congrats & Thank You                          20      available to us to prom                            platforms
                                                                               ote Toastmasters, from
                                                      to Linked-In and the G                               Meetup
Bienvenue to TGIS                           21-26                            rand Facebook Socia
                                                      All these media do ma                           l Network.
                                                                                ke my work easier an
                                                     don't need to spea                                    d yes I
Contests at Club Level & Area Level 27-28                                    k... Our Division an
                                                     Divisions in the UAE                                d ot her
                                                                            as well as our District
Divisions B & F Gala Dinner                   29     their dedicated Face                              20   have
                                                                             book pages so I ur
                                                     member to join their                               ge each
Marhaba to Dubai DTAC 2013                    30                            pages to make the mo
                                                    Social Media phenom                                 st of this
                                                                            ena and be updated
                                                    Toastmastering news                             with all the
                                                                           in and out of our area
                                                    Happy Reading!
                                                    Emma Bruneau


 TGIS TALKS                                                                                                PAGE 2
Our Division Governor
           Talks to the TGISites

   Good day TGIS members & leaders,                       2011-2012 Area Governor - Area 25
                                                          2012-2013 Division Governor - Division B
   The toastmasters program helps us gain the
   courage to change and become better
   communicators and explore the leadership skills. In    The reason why I shared the details above is to
   process it helps us build a new generation of          let you know that commitment is the key even to
   leaders. Which is what we are lacking currently in     key to self development. There are no short cuts
   fast paced world. This is what we are lacking          and I would request all of you to avoid the same
   current in the fast paced world.                       in toastmasters if you want to be better
                                                          communicators and leaders. Toastmasters
   The world is changing rapidly and we need to           provides us with the important foundation and
   change too. We need to be better communicators         tools to build ourselves upon--- in communication
   and better leaders in what-ever we do and              and leadership. So I would say…be regular and
   toastmasters program is an wonderful platform          make the best out of it and share with others and
   which can transform all of us and lead to become       help them grow..
   better human being.                                    •Celebrate ac hievements and successes
                                                            together as a team
   I would like to congratulate you all TGIS members      •Network and connect with other toastmasters
   who have been driving force for many other               across the world
   toastmasters’ guests to Think again and join the       •Absorb helpful communication and leadership
   toastmasters program which will help them grow           skills
   and inspire others by sharing all the experiences. I   •Watch and learn from superb speakers and
   would like to congratulate all TGIS members who          trainers around us
   have been a driving force
                                                          Best wishes for an enjoyable and enriching year
   My toastmasters experience started in 2007 when        2012-2013 and ever after.
   I was elected as SAA of the club. It’s been great
   journey since then as I have learned a lot by          Alok Kumar Singh (ACS/ALB)
   serving the members at club, area and division         Division Governor (2012-2013)
   level.                                                 Division B
   2007-2008 SAA - Emirates Supply Chain Forum            District 20.
             Toastmasters                                 Toastmasters International
   2008-2009 SAA - Emirates Supply Chain Forum            “Where leaders are made”
   2009-2010 President - Emirates Supply Chain Forum
             President - Emirates Supply Chain Forum
   2010-2011 Toastmasters

   TGIS TALKS                                                                                        PAGE 3
Message from our
                               Area Governor

Dear TGIS members,

As your Area Governor, It is indeed a pleasure to write this message to you all. Having attended
several of your meetings and interacted with your club leaders and members, I feel it is a very
vibrant club and It is always a pleasure to attend TGIS meetings.

My journey in toastmasters has been a remarkable experience. In simple terms, a journey from
unknown to well-known, from a shy person to a smart speaker, from a guest to an Area Governor. I
used to be a very shy person, an introvert and afraid of the English language from childhood. My
high school and higher secondary school mark sheets stand testimony to this . However, today
with all humility, I can say that I am able to confidently lead a team, organise events, train, inspire
and motivate people......not just because of joining toastmasters but also because I never looked
back when it came to taking up varied roles. When opportunities came my way, I did not stop to
think whether I would be able to do full justice to it, but I plunged head-on and I believe this is
what has made me blossom as a speaker and leader.

Dear TGIS members, If I could get here overcoming so many challenges, I firmly believe that each
one of you can achieve much more than me. I urge and encourage you all to act and act now to
reap full benefits from this wonderful platform called toastmasters. During the remainder of this
term, let us all endeavor to do our personal best not only for the club but for our personal goals as

My sincere appreciation to all the club members, in particular the Excom members &         leadership
demonstrated by your VPPR in bringing out this news letter.

I take this opportunity to wish each and ever one of you -Happy toastmastering and wish it is as
rewarding a journey for you as it has been for me.

Warm regards,

TM Shanmugam, CC, ALB
Area Governor, Area &, Div B, Dist 20

TGIS TALKS                                                                                      PAGE 4
Meet TGIS Excom 2012-13
                                                                       VP-PR MTM Emma Bruneau (left)
                                                                       and VP Education TM Razeeth PMK
                                                                       seem to be having fun

The smiling faces of TGIS
President MTM Sumana Halder (left) and Secretary
MTM Saro Tharyan (right)

From left to right:
President MTM Sumana Halder,
Immediate Past President
MTM Saira Ranj,
Secretary MTM Saro Tharyan,
SAA TM Vishal Manglani,
 VP-Memb TM Dhanush Acharya,
Treasurer TM Manish Agarwal,
VP-PR MTM Emma Bruneau,
VP-Education TM Razeeth PMK

                                                   (Left VP-Memb.)TM Dhanush Acharya, (Middle Facing us)
                                                   SAA Vishal Manglani, (Right VP-Memb.) TM Razeeth PMK
              Guys talk, serious talks
              Ladies can’t interfere!

 TGIS TALKS                                                                                         PAGE 5
Presidential Communiqué
Hi Everyone!

It’s my pleasure to greet you as the President of TGIS club. I took over mid-term, but the support and enthusiasm
of the club members and that of the office bearers of the club did not make me feel at all that I am a new
President. Everything is running as smooth as it was before!

TGIS is doing extremely well in terms of quality of meetings, new memberships, PR activities and has been
branded as one of the reputed club in the region. I express my gratitude to the leadership of past President
Kamal Goyal and the hard work of the Executive Committee members. I am elated to see that some of our old
members have also started attending the meetings regularly. I, together with the other officers of the club, aim to
build a robust foundation on which the pillars of the club will be built, so that it would be easier for our future
leaders to sail through without any major hurdle.

We have quite a few events lined up in the coming months. We have even planned for joint meetings with other
prominent clubs, educational sessions, speakathons and many more.

Each member’s presence adds some value to our meetings. Its my urge to all the members to attend the meetings
regularly. We don’t want to miss anyone of you !

Signing off for the time being !

Sincerely yours,

Sumana Halder

Message from our Past President (President from July to October 2012)

One of the most important reasons I like being a member of the toastmaster club is that it brings out the best /
positivity in each of us. There is no gossip, no criticism, no politics. Everyone is helpful and inspiring. As I write
this message, I cannot help but reproduce this powerful message from a motivational speaker, David Boufford:
“The longer I live, the more I realize the power of my attitude on life. “

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than
circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people say or do. It is more important than
appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a home, a family or friendship.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We
cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the

The only thing we can do is play, the one string we have control over and that is our attitude. I'm convinced that
life is 1% what happens to me and 99% how I react to it.

Please remember to choose your attitude carefully because 1) It's contagious, it'll affect people or infect them
(especially children). 2) Your emotions can definitely be positively affected by choosing a
positive attitude/outlook. 3) You will enjoy life more and those around you.

I encourage you to test it out for yourself! 


     TGIS TALKS                                                                                             PAGE 6
Other Officers... Say what?

The VP Education
EB: You are a hard core cricket player, what is that common denominator between Toastmasters
and Cricket?
RP: I hail from a place called Thalaserry, a city on the Malabar coast of Kerala.Thalaserry has
an extra ordinary relation with cricket, In India the game cricket was started here, and the first
bowl was bowled in early 1800s on the ground of Thalaserry cricket stadium, produced lots of
talented players. Thanks to Colonel Wellesley who brought the game to this Malabar town.
Many cricket matches had been played between British Cricket Team and Thalaserry cricket
team during the time of British invasion itself. I was brought up watching my father and his
friends playing cricket. That was how I became a hard core cricket player. I enjoy playing and
watching cricket more than anything. But one thing most of the Thalaserrians (not all) forgot to
learn from Colonel Wellesley and his team was the English Language. I wish I would have
brought up listening English language (with due respect to my mother tongue) from the mouth of
my parents.Thanks to my parents otherwise I would have never ended up in Toastmasters.

EB: You are now a Competent Communicator, which project in the CC manual you enjoyed
preparing the most and which one was the most challenging?
RP: P1 – Ice Breaker. That gave me the confidence that public speaking is something which can
be molded through continuous practice.

EB: From Sergeant at Arms last year to VP Education this, I recommend you to take the VP PR
role next year, what's your take on that:)?
RP: I would like to focus on Advance manual rather than to take any Excom role next year.

EB: As a VP Education with a club of 30+, in few words, motivate your members to take up roles
and complete their projects. It's a TT, you have 30 seconds!
RP: We all have joined Toastmasters to improve our public speaking and leader ship skills and
not to just witness others performance. Yes off course in our journey we do help fellow members
in achieving their goals.

EB: Finally, you are known as the John Abraham of TGIS, how do you keep up with this
reputation? What's your secret?
RP: Secret is Cuisine of Malabar J, especially Thalaserry is well known for their variety which
they got from Arab traders who used to visit Malabar region and local community.

TM Razeeth PMK

 TGIS TALKS                                                                                         PAGE 7
The VP Membership
     EB: You have joined TGIS around the same time last year, how has been your Toastmasters
     journey so far?
     DA: Indeed, times flies and looks like its just been fews days ago I joined toastmasters to
     improve my public speaking. TGIS has given me a good platform to express myself and develop
     the confidence to speak. The good thing about TGIS meetings is that every meeting there is
     something new to learn. Although its been just a year, I feel like I have been with TGIS all my
     life and have a connection with all the members in the club. It feels great to be part of an
     organisation where each us of encourage each other. 

     EB: As our VP membership, what is your strategy to attract new members and what is your
     strategy to ensure current members remain active?
     DA: I think the members define the club and being in TGIS club, there is no doubt that we will be
     able to attract even more people. We have a good mix of senior and new toastmasters. Its good
     to see the new toastmasters taking up roles and senior toastmasters guiding them. On a whole,
     there is freshness in the meetings with the quality being intact.
     Hence, through our club's quality meetings and reputation, we have been getting more and
     more guests. I believe the only way to bring in new members and retain existing members is to
     have quality and lively meetings.

     EB: What are your objectives for this Excom year?
     DA:I think the objectives for Excom this year has been to spread the name of TGIS toastmasters
     club and make the meetings more livelier. This has been evident with the number of guests
     coming as well members from other toastmaster clubs coming in as well. With respect to
     meetings, I think the involvement of new members has been very good and the ongoing support
     and encouragement by the toastmasters has made sure that we have successful meetings. 
     EB: Last year, you represented the club at the Area and Division Levels in Table Topics, do you
     have any tips for this year’s Club participants?
     DA: I feel fortunate to have represented the area and division level in table topics category. It
     gave me a great opportunity to learn and develop.   The only way to learn is to participate
     irrespective of the result. You just need to believe in yourself and look for improvements at each
     speaking session. The only way to compete is to compete with yourself and improve yourself
     everyday. You just need to take the first step and the rest will follow.

     EB: We want to know more about our VP Membership, tell us what you are passionate about,
     what do you do and how does Toastmasters just blend into all this?
     DA: I am an ACCA (certified chartered accountant) and work in Ernst & Young, Dubai in the
     audit services. I am passionate about singing, travelling and photography. I always believe to
     live life to the fullest and see positive in everything. Toastmasters was something
     which I wanted to do for a long time to improve my public speaking and I am
     glad that I took that I have joined TGIS toastmasters. Being in toastmasters
     is an ongoing development and meeting toastmaster from whom we can learn a lot. 

TGIS TALKS                                                                                     PAGE 8
The Secretary                               The SAA
                                                (for the first half of the term)
    Toastmasters is all about improving
    your communication and leadership           "I simply love  being in toastmasters
    skills. Communication skills can be         club. I consider  TGIS as a college
    improved by doing t he project              (mind it, not school which is always
    speeches and taking up different            scary) where different people with
    roles. Being part of the Excom, is          same objective come together and
    helping me improve my leadership            share their knowledge.Where in this
    skills. As the Secretary of the club, I     world will you find a place where
    have to take the minutes at each club       you can learn and have fun at the
    meeting and executive committee             same time??? There are teachers
    meeting. I am thoroughly enjoying           (mentors), principal (president),
    myself in this new role as it’s helping     monitor (general evaluator), a
    me to improve on my listening skills        watchman (timer), exams (project
    also. At the meetings I have to be          speeches), results (evaluations) and
    alert and make quick notes so as not        many classmates (fellow TM) who all
    to miss any points. The Secretary role      have joined to get their graduation,
    is also helping me to organise myself.      let's call Bachelor in Communications
    I have to see to it that the minutes are    (B.Comm); there is masters  as well
    send to all the members before the          (advanced project speeches) but lets
    next meeting.                               not talk about it :) The only difference
                                                here is that you can never fail in your
    At TGIS, I am discovering myself all        exams, thanks to all positive minded
    over again. I am among some very            members who will always guide,
    talented and encouraging people. I          support and encourage you to do
    am looking for ward to many                 much better next time.  All you need
    wonderful moments with the TGIS             to do is just follow their
    members and learning new things in          advice....religiously...sounds simple?
    the process.                                aaahhhh....ask me:)

                                                TM Vishal Manglani
    MTM Saro Tharyan


TGIS TALKS                                                                           PAGE 9
The Immediate Past President
EB: You have been a Toastmasters for about 10 years on and off, what drives you every other
Saturday to attend TGIS meetings or any TM meetings?
SR: Firstly, Toastmasters is an amazing organisation that has transformed the lives of many people.
I say TRANSFORMED as people who join are absolutely awestruck by their own growth and
change as time goes by. I have also changed and grown tremendously but as we all know life is a
learning game and there's always place for bettering ourself further. 
TGIS- it was pure chance and a reference by a friend Toastmaster Shoukath Ali Eroth- one of the
past President's who asked me to come by. I stayed because the place grew on me! The people are
such kindred souls and there's a spirit about this club that needs to be felt to be understood. :-) 

EB: It's hard to believe you when you say you were an introvert  in the past, what was the turning
point that made the person you are today i.e. not even a bit shy to speak in front of an audience?
SR::-) Well, not an introvert actually. I have always been big and expressive inside my head...just
unable to express myself in reality! TM gave me the platform, support and encouragement to be
'me'.And that's been a fabulous journey. 
I was however a very nervous soul on stage- I had prepared and rehearsed my ICEBREAKER 1
month before I delivered it- so you have an idea how much of nervous energy I harbour!
I wouldn't define any turning points- just the fact that I loved what I did- watch other speakers,
express myself in writing through my speeches and then work meticulously on delivering them on
stage. I did this passionately for a long while...and before I knew a confident, bold me emerged. I
have seen lots of people change and enhance other's lives through this organisation- so I would
defend it till my last breath. :-)   

EB: As a working mother of two, how do you balance work, family and Toastmasters?  
SR: When you are an Excom member, life does get complicated. It's a juggling act- esp with long
corporate hours and growing kids! Everyone and every aspect requires a part of you- and you
have no choice but to keep moving. 
Today my life is quite different- things are more relaxed than in the past. This year was an
intentional break away from the Leadership roles- to concentrate on my Communication- and I am
enjoying every step of it.  

EB: Three tips you would like to give to fairly new Toastmasters or Toastmasters who are on a
frozen speaking mode?
SR: 1."Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, just keep swimming...." - quoting Dory from
NEMO. :-)
You have to just come, watch, make the deliberate effort to participate- even if it is through
minuscule roles- slowly and steadily you will bloom.Guaranteed.
2. Source a mentor for yourself. TM does not restrict you to the number of mentors you may have.
Find someone you connect with and tell them your situation- he/she will guide you and seriously
help you out. You just need to hang in there and persevere.
3. I often get frozen because of topic selection- I can write and speak- but what to write about is my
frequent freeze mode. I try and get over this by watching other's deliver their speeches/topics- or
even ask for random topics that spur my creative side. So I recommend the same for you.

(to be continued)

  TGIS TALKS                                                                                        PAGE 10
EB: As the Immediate Past President of TGIS, what is your vision for the club and any advice you
        would like to give to the new Excom?
        SR: In Sumana's hands, I see the club blooming...and I daresay, reaching very new heights. She is
        dedication and commitment personified. If the Excom members support her vision and help her to
        reach it, the club will see an all time high. I find the current excom very talented but not all folks are
        as committed to the task as to the vision and the talk. It is one thing to profess, it is totally another to
        just do it- and in the end ACTION wins hands down. We are all busy leading our unique full lives,
        we just need to CREATE the time to fulfill the promises we took.
        I love this club- I hope the flag keeps flying high- always. 

        MTM Saira Ranj

                  Tête-à-tête with one of TGIS Senior Toastmasters

EB: As a Senior Toastmaster, what are the five tips you could give to TGIS Excom?
HM: TIPS stands for Take Immediate Permanent Solution. Excellence comes from doing numerous little
things with passion one after the another. An Ordinary can become Extra Ordinary by doing those
'Little' things regularly.
So my Tip is only one if I can express it in the language of Cricket. As Geoff Boycott invariably
mention, 'Bowl wicket to wicket' and as Glen McGrath has always practiced, TGIS should immediately
be brought upto 'Basics' to make once and for all a strong foundation. TGIS ExCom has to define this

EB: You are a mentor to several new members, who are or have been your mentors? Any stories or
mentor/mentee techniques you would like to share?
HM: I have never had any Mentor/s. I have always decided what one thing I want out of a particular
Role Play and accordingly select my Mentor for that required skill to be acquired. I inspire myself
completely with the person I look upto so much so that I become him for a while before I emerge in a
new pack.

EB: What have you been up to? One project in one year?
HM: It happens to me quite often but it always unlocks another creative side of me. So with regard to
Project Speeches I have never been in hurry. No wonder I took 5 years to complete Competent
Communication manual. History will not repeat itself this time but  Stories about
my pace are being made. But then Stories are also made about those who
 complete 10 project speeches in 7 months!

Hemant Mundhra

   TGIS TALKS                                                                                            P A G E 11
Ek Tha Tiger, Ek Tha TGIS
T h e    w i n n e r s     o f    t h e   T G I S   E k    T h a     T i g e r     m i s s i o n

                                                          TGIS Tigress:

                                                          Immediate Past President MTM Saira
                                                          Ranj on a mission in Hua Hin (Thailand)

  TGIS Tiger:

  On the motor bike ride from Dubai to
  Istanbul, before reaching Tabreez in
  Azerbaijan, the Tiger met with
  another Czech Tiger who was riding
  from Delhi to Prague on a 1960 diesel

TGIS TALKS                                                                                 PAG E 12
The other Tigresses of TGIS
                                 with their Tigers
                                                                     Times Square in the Big Apple

  Golden Gate Bridge,
  San Francisco
                             Bonnie an d Clyde aka MTM Saro
                             Tharyan & ETC President TM Alex
                             Tharyan on their US Tour (read the
                             complete article! on page 17)

              What a Rainbow!                              The Majestic Niagara Falls

                                                       Tigress in action
                                                       (enjoying the ride)

      Typical bollywood story!
      Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

                 Tigress says: “I love the ocean, every time i go to the beach I feel as if i am going
                 home. The horizon where the ocean & sky meet, is mesmerizing.
                 Reflection of the sky, the mysteries it holds beneath always lure me.
                 At twilight, watching the sun going to sleep, on the bed of the ocean is splendid
                 with the colors changing from sky blue to dark blue, gray, yellow, orange, red. I
                 am crazy about the ocean, sea shore, especially the one near my place. Every time
                 I go there it’s like talking to the nature, to my very own soul. It makes me feel calm,
                 quiet & absolves all my worries, tensions. It’s an eternal feeling.”

TGIS TALKS                                                                                           PAG E 13
Your Greatest Tool as a Speaker is
   Your                                 YOUR VOICE!
 Voice is

                              How well are you looking after it?

                                How your Voice is Created
By Hubert Miranda,
Area 1 Governor, Division B

                               Deep, Controlled Breathing is NECESSARY
                                      For Good Vocal Production

   TGIS TALKS                                                    PAG E 14
1- Do You Whisper Or Boom ?
WHAT         2- Are you Monotonous Or Melodious ?
VOICE DO     3- Is Your Voice a Rain Cloud Or Rainbow ?

YOU HAVE?    4- Do you have Mumblitis ?

             5- How well do you Articulate?

             6- Do you Trudge like a Turtle Or Race like a Rabbit?

             7- Do you Agitate Or Orchestrate?
                             Discover Your Voice Profile

YOUR         Be aware of throat tenseness & jaw tightness

SPEAKING     Yawn with an easy “ho-hum”

VOICE!       Repeat and feel the strain removed

             Practice saying : hang, harm, lane, main, lone, loom.
             Exaggerate your lips & jaw movements.

             Lightly knead the throat muscles.

             Slowly repeat the following: nah, nay, nee, no, noo.
             Drop your jaw and relax your throat.

             i.Exhale & Inhale Deeply four times.
             ii. Exhale Comfortable. Then inhale a moderate filling of
EXERCISES    breath, hold it for 15 seconds, then exhale quietly. Keep
TO           increasing the holding time periodically.

IMPROVE      iii.Inhale with 5 quick short gaps through open mouth. Then
             exhale in 5 quick puffs.
VOLUME       iv.Laugh heartily through complete exhaltion, then inhale
             deeply and quickly.

             v. Close your lips and laugh soundlessly through your nose.

TGIS TALKS                                                               PAG E 15
Treasured Memories

Life is a train journey; God is the driver;           Traveling in a European train is a wonderful
We're off to a place called Eternity;                 experience altogether. Railway platforms are
                                                      equipped with all modern amenities - automated
Train journey…yes, I am sure all of us have           kiosks for buying tickets, digital train information
loads of memories associated with it. Be it long      signboards, restaurants, souvenir shops, tourist
or short distance, train was the most popular         assistance centres.
and economic means of communication even
few years back.                                       And the train itself, a world away in terms of
                                                      comfort with spacious ergonomic seats, spic and
Its been years I haven’t taken an overnight train     span air-conditioned compartments and dining
journey, but I still have a vivid memory of such      cars. As soon as the train crosses the urban
train journeys which we often used to take back       borders all you can see through the wide
home in India. Right from entering the platform       whopping windows is the stunning sceneries
trying to pay attention to the constant inaudible     along the Elbstanstein Mountains with the
announcements to settling in the allotted berth       beautiful Elbe River flowing through it. This
once the train reaches the platform- I used to        particular region of Germany is called Saxon
get thrilled during every step of those journeys.     Switzerland. And it truly bears the name of
The tea stalls, the magazine shops, the fruit         Switzerland because of its magnificent mesmeric
corners and then the journey itself. Air              landscapes.
conditioned compartments were rare those
days. Sitting beside the open window gazing at        But surprisingly… this wonderful travel pushed
the beautiful green landscapes, the gorgeous          me down the memory lane thinking about our
golden paddy or mustard fields, feeling the            good old train journeys. Every step of the
breeze wafting in as the train clickety -clacks       journey reminded me of my childhood train
through the country side, sometimes dozing off        travels. I was missing the ever-roving and yelling
or sometimes reading a book. People, who              tea and snack vendors on each station … I was
were strangers to one another before, become          missing the constant sound of chitchatting of the
friends for those few hours of journey,               passengers who verbally try to do everything
chattering, sharing their meals. As the night falls   for the country in that short span of journey.
people start spreading sheets on their berths,
start inflating their air pillows preparing to go to   Amidst the serenity of the Czech-German
sleep.                                                landscapes, I realized that I was missing the
                                                      overall colour and character of our very own
And… how can I forget the inseparable                 Indian trains.
connection between train travel and the tea
vendors. It still amazes me how they manage to        The world, through a child’s eye, is always
sell cups and cups of tea in the typical earthen      mesmerizing and magical. And the innocence of
pots to the passengers even if the train stops at     life seen through a child’s eye is treasured in her
a station for only five minutes.                       mind forever which will never be wiped off.

Years later, again a train journey brought forth
                                                        By MTM
those memories to my mind. We were traveling
in Europe this summer going from Prague                 Sumana
towards Berlin with a short stopover in Dresden.        Halder

TGIS TALKS                                                                                         PAG E 16
My Summer in the USA

On August 10th, when we boarded the plane, there was a great deal of excitement among the three
of us (my family and me) as we were on our way to visit USA!

We visited Houston and Dallas in Texas, Freemont and San Francisco in California, New York,
Niagara Falls and Washington.

At San Francisco we visited the Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the Golden
Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. It’s such a beautiful structure and
is one of the most photographed bridges in the world!

New York nicknamed as the Big Apple is the most populous city in the USA. We visited the Times
Square which is the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway theatre district and one of the world’s
busiest pedestrian intersections! How can our visit to New York be complete without visiting the Lady
Liberty! The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States: a welcoming signal to immigrants
arriving from abroad.

Niagara Falls, one of the natural wonders of the world was next on our list. We were awestruck by
the sheer beauty of the falls! From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls,
the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side and the
American Falls on the American side, separated by Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are
also located on the American side, separated from the other waterfalls by Luna Island. One can
hear the thundering sound of the waterfalls from miles away!

Our last stop was at Washington, DC where we visited the White House, Lincoln Memorial,
Washington Monument and many other breathtaking sights.

We had a fun and hectic trip to US, hopping from one state to another and discovering the charm
and cultures of each state along the way.

Some helpful tips: Apply for the visa well in advance and plan your itinerary and book the airlines
tickets through one of the booking websites to get some good deals!

                                                                 By MTM
                                                                 Saro Tharyan
     Monsieur et Madame Tharyan MTM Saro promoting
     at the Statue of Liberty, NYC Toastmasters International,
                                   Lincoln Memorial, DC

TGIS TALKS                                                                                      PAG E 17
Finding My Nemo

 In life, sometimes you need to do something to get        everything would be normal. Heeding to the
 out of your comfort zone and rediscover yourself.         instructor’s words, I just surrendered to the sea and
 And to do just that, I wanted to do something             stayed calm. And as we went under water,
 different for my vacation this year and one of the        everything seemed normal. For the first time, I was
 things, which I always wanted was to do the open          conscious of my breathing and could feel the
 water scuba diving course. Looking at all the places,     coolness of the water. The water was so blue and
 I zeroed on Pondicherry, India for my scuba diving        heavenly that I forgot all the worldly tension and
 session. I packed my bags and was set for the             pressures of life. I felt like I was in the meditative
 Pondicherry trip not knowing what to expect.              state of thoughtless awareness mode. And to top
 Suddenly, I had butterfly in my stomach, as I was not      that experience, I saw incredible underwater life
 sure if I was up for the scuba diving. But my nerves      such as cuttlefish, lionfish, jellyfish and schools of
 were settled when I met my scuba diving instructors       blue fish, which made me realize there is so much in
 who told me that there is one problem with Scuba          this world that we just seem to ignore being busy in
 Diving, once you do scuba diving, you get addicted        our own closed world. With sign language
 for life. I smiled at him and then asked him if I had     becoming the only source of communication, we
 to bring anything with me, and he told me ‘yes, you       went along the underwater doing the skills we learnt
 need to get an important thing, your smile’.              and seeing the amazing underwater life. We then
                                                           came back to our boat having finished a successful
 The first day, we practiced the skills in the swimming     dive.
 pool and it was a pretty average performance as I
 was taking lot of time to learn those skills. Still not   This scuba diving experience was not just an
 sure, whether I was up for it, I just went ahead          adventurous activity but also a life learning
 hoping everything would fall in place.                    experience. In scuba diving, a buddy always
                                                           accompanies you and helps you for any mishaps.
 Finally, the D Day arrived. We got on to the boat         Same is with life, you always need someone to help
 surfing to the main sea, my heart started pounding         you achieve your goals and having trust is an
 with each moment and I had thoughts of giving up. I       important aspect. And while you are doing a new
 thought to myself that I was struggling in the            venture in lif e and going in an unknown
 swimming pool, the sea would be even more                 environment, you resist the new change like the way
 challenging. And to make matters worse, the sea           I had panicked on the sea surface but as I went
 was rough that day. To calm my nerves, my                 underwater, everything was calm and I started
 instructor told me that I had to believe in myself,       enjoying the experience. Similarly, in life you need
 enjoy the experience and everything would be fine.         to give some time for any change as the time passes,
                                                           everything will seem peaceful and the change is
 I put on my suit, fins, goggles, life jacket and heavy     actually beneficial for you. In scuba diving, you
 scuba tank cylinder. The moment had arrived, I sat        learn the value of breathing. It is not important the
 on the edge of the boat, rolled back and ‘DUSH’           number of breath you take but how deep and long
 splashed into the water. Coming to terms with the         you take each breath. With this scuba diving
 rough sea, I was struggling to be stable at the           adventure, I found my nemo discovering new things
 surface of the sea. For some unknown reason I             in life and an unforgettable experience, which
 started to panic and felt like I was in a battleground    would etch in my memory forever.
 waving my hands and kicking my legs fighting with
 the sea currents. I saw that even my fellow divers
 who were with me were struggling in the sea and
 having thoughts to quit the dive.                            By TM Dhanush
 Then, our instructor came and told us to just stay
 calm and assured us that once we get underwater,

TGIS TALKS                                                                                               PAG E 18
The Power of Thoughts
Two men were carrying a VERY heavy          news… The good news is; yes we DO                Reiki Master, a Mind Power & NLP
sofa to the 10th floor of a building.        manifest a lot of things through our             Trainer…
After two hours of struggle, they           imagination everyday… and the bad
asked their person in charge,               news is; mostly we manifest what we              In fact, doing visualization is the
“Where are we, and how many floors           DO NOT want… Dear friends, just for              easiest job in the world. First locate a
more do we have to go?” He looked           a moment, close your eyes, all of                spot 20 degrees up, on the right side
out of the window and replied “I            you… and DO NOT think of an                      of your forehead about half a meter
have two news , one is good… and            elephant… Now open your eyes…                    away from your head. This is your
the other is bad”. The good news is;        What did you see? Of course AN                   Mental Screen, which has magnetic
we are on the 9th floor… and the bad         ELEPHANT, right?                                 effects in it. Whatever image you
news is; we are in the wrong                                                                 project on it with your eyes closed
building…                                   This is how, we ATTRACT all those                and keep visualizing it for 4 minutes,
                                            things, which we DO NOT want in                  it is manifested. It is that easy. Only…
Dear Toasmasters and Honorable              our life… This is the L AW OF                    remember, to always think positive
guests… Good Evening, every one of          ATRRACTION that says “the thing we               because, as poet Bennie Johnson
us lives in TWO worlds… one is this         FOCUS UPON… happens, whether                     says:
material world, made up of soil and         we WANT it, or we DO NOT want
water, whereas the other is the world       i t … We d o n o t w a n t m o n e y             If you think you are beaten, you are.
of our imagination, our inner               PROBLEMS, we do not want BAD                     If you think you dare not, you don’t,
kingdom. One is REAL, and the other         relationships, we do not want a BAD              If you like to win, but you think you
is a REFLECTION. Which one do               health, and we do not want so many               can’t. It is almost certain, you won’t.
YOU think, is the real, and which one       BAD THINGS… as a result, we attract
is a reflection?                             so many... BAD things…                           If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost.
                                            What I learned from this is, All                 For out of the world we find,
I also have two news … The good             success in life, whether material or             Success begins with a fellow’s will –
news is; till very recent time, like most   spiritual, starts with the thoughts…             It’s all in the state of mind.
of us, I thought, this material world,      that we put into our mind, every
made up of soil and water, is the           second of every minute of every day.             If you think you are outclassed, you
REAL world… and the bad news is…            Our outer world reflects the state of             are. You’ve got to think high to rise,
that was my biggest mistake… Our            our inner world. By controlling our              You’ve got to be sure of yourself
REAL world - where we can actually          t h o u g h t s , we c a n c o n t r o l o u r   before. You can ever win a prize
create something, is the world of our       destiny… As MK Gandhi says: A man
imagination. This material world... is      is but, the product of his thoughts…             Life’s battles do not always go, To the
just a reflection… of what we have in        What he thinks, he becomes in simple             stronger or faster man,
our mind… And the Quantum Physics           w o r d s :
        But soon or late he who wins, Is the
proves that:                                THOUGHTS… BECOME… THINGS...                      man WHO THINKS HE CAN!
Imagination is more powerful than the
will power, and…                            Now you must be thinking that, all
Visualization is more powerful than         that I said sounds wonderful, but how
the REALITY…                                to ACTUALLY do it. Again I have two
                                            news; the bad news is; if you ask any
And that, whatever we can visualize,        o t h e r t r a i n e r, w h o i s N OT a
we can achieve… It is, THAT simple…         Toastmaster, he will say: Pay 10,000
All religions and civilizations,            dirhams and attend a 5-day workshop                By Dr. TM
delivered this message through their        on Creative Visualization and then                 Sikandar Ali,
writings and stories.                       only you will learn how to do it. And              Burj TMC
                                            the good news is; if you ask me, I will
                                            say: JUST DO IT! As I do it, to                    Dr. Sikandar
Now, you must be wondering “if it is
that easy, why then, everyone doesn’t       achieve goals in my life. This is how I            is a Mind
apply it, and achieves, what one            did doctorate in Mind Sciences in                  Scientist and
wants?” Dear friends, he, he, he...         only 4 years. This is how I became a               Psychiatrist
again I have a good news and a bad

TGIS TALKS                                                                                                                PAG E 19
Congrats & Thank you
                                          TGIS Beta, TM Santosh
                                          Venkataram, got hitched!

                                          Congratulations to t he new

       Thanks to our Club Mentor VP
       Menon for guiding us and always
       be available no matter what!

                                          Merci Division Governor Alok
                                          Singh for your unconditional
                                          support to the Club. You are the
                                          Hotline of TGIS

        Salute to MTM Akshatha Bala for
        being a member since the
        inception of the Club. How do
        you keep up with us:)

TGIS TALKS                                                               PAGE 20
Bienvenue to TGIS
The following pages are dedicated to our new Club Members!
 We wouldn’t have obtained these two awards without YOU!

 TGIS TALKS                                         PAG E 21

                                  Profession: Fashion sales and merchandising
                                  Home Country/Town: India/Chennai
                                  Number of Years in Dubai: Less than a year
                                  Languages spoken: Tamil, English, Kannada & Hindi
                                  Passion: Dancing and Football
                                  Sports: FOOTBALL & BOWLING
                                  Hobbies: Reading & Photography
                                  Favorite quote or motto or tagline: Form is temporary  but Class is permanent
                                  Favorite cuisine: No Bias!
                                  Favorite Author/Movie: Paulo cholleo / Inglorious Bastards

                                                  PR A S H AN T MA L H OT R A

                            Profession: Banker

                            Hometown: Delhi, India. Interestingly I was born in madras as my dad was working
                            there at the time however we moved 7months after and haven't visited the place

                            Number of years in Dubai: 7 years after returning from the States. I grew up in the
                            gulf (Oman and Dubai)

  Languages: English, Hindi and basic Arabic

  Toastmaster Experience: Member of a Toastmasters Club 7 years back in the NY region. So joining TGIS is
  like rising back from the ashes.

  Passion: Sports anyday. But apart from that reading and discussing business and politics.

  Sports: Any racket sport, cricket and football although I do think there is something wrong with the huge
  mindless endorsement deals signed it shall be the theme of my 2nd speech.

  Hobbies: You guessed it....sports....Also, reading and following business & politics.

  Favorite quote: "Just do it"..... I believe if you put your mind to it you surely can.

  Favorite cuisine: Thai.... really like it.

  Favorite Author: Dan Brown

  Favorite Movie: God Father. Can watch it any day!

TGIS TALKS                                                                                                PAGE 22

                         Originally from Karnataka, India, I have lived in Dubai since 1994, except for a
                         year studying in London. I am currently in my final year studying for a BSc.
                         Economics degree from the University of London. This is my first
                         Toastmaster's experience, although I have made forays into public speaking
                         and elocution in school and college. I'm an avid reader; currently reading
                         James Clavell and enjoying his books immensely. Food always gets my
                         interest, especially steakhouses and anything Indo-Chinese. I'm always up for
                         barbecue on a beach when Dubai's winter comes around."

                                               D E E PA K A N T H O N Y

                    How did you find out about TGIS?
                    Found out about TGIS through Been wanting to join toastmasters for a
                    while, and the photos on the meetup group gave me the feeling that TGIS was a bunch
                    of warm, friendly people.

                    Why Toastmasters?
                    I'd heard about toastmasters through friends and family, a few years back.
                    As someone who's had to present quite a bit over the years, I've always felt there was
                    tons of room for improvement. Like many folks, I'm usually mortified by the idea of being
                    put on the spot, and having to speak to large audiences.
                    Also, as a guest, over the past couple of meetings, it's been great interacting with like-
                    minded folks who don't compromise, who're always looking to improve themselves and

 Work related: Currently spend most of my time on a technology company I co-founded.

 Place I feel at home: Dubai. Been here longer than I can remember.

 Passions / Hobbies:
 Exploring/working with technology that isn't mainstream yet (think mind-controlled drones). Alternative/
 augmented realities. Travelling / exploring other cultures (covered a few places in North America, Europe,
 the Middle East and Southeast Asia thus far).
 Literature (Richard Dawkins, Nassim Taleb, Malcolm Gladwell, etc.). Science-Fiction (can’t overstate the
 impact SF has on moving the human race forward).
 Human psychology and rationality (still working on wrapping my mind around Jung's Red Book). Writing
 fiction/fantasy. Conceptual art / Rendering. Weight-training and swimming.

 Fav Author: Neal Stephenson. 'Anathem' was a mind-altering read (for an intro to his style, google ‘mother
 earth mother board’ for a fascinating non-fiction editorial). A close second would be Tim Ferris (the 4-Hour
 series. check out his google tech talks on youtube), for the sheer amount of impact his material has had on
 the world, and how much his life's operating system inspires me.

TGIS TALKS                                                                                            PAGE 23

                            Professional line: Insurance

                            Nationality: Indian but born and brought up in Dubai 

                            Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Malayalam

                            Passion: To be an influential and recognized personality in the society 

                            Sports: Football

                            Hobbies: Listening to music, Traveling 

                            Favorite tagline: "No give-up, No retreat....fight till you die"

                            Favorite Cuisine: Indian and Arabic

                            Favorite Author: Chetan Baghat  , "300"

                                             G U L N A R A A K H M E T K A L I Y E VA

                          Profession: I studied to be a Teacher of English, but I never worked as a teacher;
                          instead worked in Oil&Gas Corporate Governance sphere and later in the British
                          Embassy in Kazakhstan as a Community Liaison Officer.

                          Home Country/Town: Kazakhstan, Alga

                          Number of Years in Dubai: 8 months

  Languages spoken: Russian, Kazakh, English, Italian, Chinese(basic)

  Passion: I love to learn about nations of the World, their history, religion and culture.

  Sports: Yoga

  Hobbies: Reading, singing

  Favorite quote or motto or tagline:The best religion is humanity.

  Favorite cuisine: Asian, Indian, Italian

  Favorite Author, Movie: I love Russian classics: Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy.  "New Cinema Paradiso" by
  Giuseppe Tornatore, "Sanctum" by James Cameron

TGIS TALKS                                                                                            PAGE 24

                           How did you come to know about TGIS?
                           Through my friend -TM Leo D'Souza

                           Why Toastmasters?
                           It’s the perfect platform to hone my public speaking & leadership skills which is a
                           major requirement for me to fulfill my life purpose.

                           What do you do?
                           Ex sailor who sailed for almost 14 years before deciding to anchor permanently

 Birth Country: India

 In which place do you feel at home?
 Home is where the heart is - so wherever I have my family with me is home to me

 Languages spoken: Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and of course English

 To make people realize how great they already are and how much greater they can be - if they would only
 Reading about the intricacies of the human mind and how it functions thereby improving on my knowledge
 about my Self and thus evolving into the best that I can be

 Sports: Love to play Table tennis and Badminton whenever I can find the time

 Reading on topics such as Mind development, Soul development, Purpose of Human Existence and
 Motivational literature.
  Playing games that involve the mind

 Favorite quote or motto or tagline:
 Two. First one:- 'Of whom much is given, much is expected'. I believe that am blessed with the experience of
 abundance in all aspects of my existence and it is a responsibility to help as many others as I can to also
 experience this in their lives.
 Second:- 'All good things come to he who waits'. Patience is a golden virtue and one which is much needed
 in today's world where the core of popular culture is instant gratification. I  aim to lead by example as to the
 various blessings that can accrue through the daily practice of patience in our lives.

 Favorite Author, Movie
 Many favourite authors like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra,  Eldon Taylor and many

 Favourite movies: Again many. To name a few - BenHur, Quo Vadis, Sound of Music, Its a Wonderful Life,
 Mackenna's Gold, Guns of Navarone, An Officer and a Gentleman, Scent of a Woman,
 nauseum ad infinitum.

TGIS TALKS                                                                                               PAGE 25

                     How did you come to know about TGIS? Google

                     Why Toastmasters? I heard about toastmasters during a training session and I was
                     very attracted towards the concept of Toastmasters, where a group of people join
                     together, give  presentations, evaluate each other, motivate each other,
                     with  one  motive and interest, that is to develop  effective communication skills and
                     leadership skills.
                     What do you do? I work  with a Japanese Company in Dubai as Asst. Marketing

                     Birth Country : India

                                                 L O R R A I N E TAY L O R

                        Profession: 12 years as a Secondary School Teacher in 5 countries teaching Maths
                        and Geography, however, currently completing a Masters Degree in Business as I
                        hope to move into a role as a Learning and Development Specialist within an HR
                        Department in Dubai.
                        Home Country/Town: Originally from Colorado, USA but that was 25 years ago.  
                        Currently feel 'home' is Motuoapa, New Zealand as well as Dubai.

                        Number of Years in Dubai: Although not concurrently, have been in Dubai for 15
                        years.  Came to Dubai in 1998 and have recently been in New Zealand for the past
                        6 1/2 only visiting Dubai. 

 Toastmasters Experience before TGIS: Currently also a  member of Taupo Club in New Zealand where I am
 the VP Education.  Have been a member for the past 2 1/2 years.  Enjoy competing in the speech contests.  
 Last year came 3rd in the New Zealand (District 72) International Speech Contest.

 Passion: Learning new things and meeting interesting people.

 Sports: Walking, hiking, downhill skiing and swimming.

 Hobbies: Quilting, playing piano and flute.

 Favorite quote or motto or tagline: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
 become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

 Favorite cuisine: Authentic Mexican

 Favorite Author, Movie: At the moment, J.R. Tolkein and  The Hobbit as have recently attended the World
 Premier of the Hobbit in New Zealand.

TGIS TALKS                                                                                            PAGE 26
The Contests Fever!
               @   t h e   C l u b   L e v e l    F i r s t

                        Thank you to our Chief Judge
                       for both the Contests, Division F
                         Governor TM Kiruba and his
                                panel of judges

TGIS TALKS                                                    PAGE 27
Serious Stuff at the Area Level
              You did it TGISites, you represented us on February 8th, at the Area Level

          THANK YOU! All the best to MTM Akshatha Bala (Evaluation) & TM Razeeth PMK
                                (Humorous) at the Division Level

Evaluation Contest                                                      Humorous Contest
Winner: MTM Akshatha Bala                                               1st Runner Up: TM Razeeth PMK
2nd Runner Up: TM RK Raman

                              Table Topic Contest
                              2nd Runner Up: TM Robert Devotta

   Evaluation Contest Participants                                Table Topic Contest Participants

 International Contest Participants                              Humorous Contest Participants

 TGIS TALKS                                                                                     PAGE 28
Divisions B & F
                        Annual Gala Dinner
                                                   Division B Governor TM Alok Singh, MTM Mac Loren
                                                   Tuplano and TM Dhanush Acharya

                   Our leaders

                                                           Division F Governor TM Kiruba with
                                                           DTM Lt. Colonel Mohammed Murad,

   District Lieutenant Governor Education and
   Training,Vicky Ferrer awarding TM Dhanush and
   MTM Emma the H1 award

                                                                   Enjoying the show
                 Divisions B & F, United

TGIS TALKS                                                                                  PAGE 29
Marhaba to Dubai DTAC 2013

                      SEE YOU THERE!
              I t i s a u n i q u e c h a n c e t o
      w i t n e s s t h e C r è m e d e l a c r è m e         &
              m e e t f e l l o w T o a s t m a s t e r s

TGIS TALKS                                                  PAGE 30

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TGIS Talks February 2013

  • 1. TGIS TALKS TGIS TMC(#804519), Area 7, Division B, District 20 February 2013 ≈ Think, Grow, Inspire & Succeed with TGIS
  • 2. What’s in this Issue & Editor’s note Issue No. 123 Quisque auctor erat vel nunc FROM THE EDITOR Finally, TGIS is talking , our Newsletter is ou t! In this Issue: I know the next few lin es may sound a bit cli need to thank all ché, but I of the Toastmasters contributed to this who have Division B Governor Message 3 newsletter by subm Messages such as Di itting their vision B & Area Gov dear Excom member ernors, my Area Governor Message 4 s, our New and Se members, Area 1 Gov nior club ernor TM Hubert Mira Meet the Excom 5 TM Dr. Sikandar Ali fro nda and m Burj Toastmasters. TM Santosh Venkatar Thanks to Presidential Communiqué 6 am for taking our Exco and thanks to the Sh m photos oot Masters of the Dinner, Area Club the Gala Messages from Excom Members 7-11 Contests, hope ther copyrights on your ph e are no otos as they are no Tête-à-Tête with a Senior Toastmaster 11 newsletter.  w in our Ek Tha Tiger Mission 12-13 What a bless to be a VP PR in this era! If same role 10 years ba I had the Your Voice is Your Signature 14-15 ck or even 5 years ag I would have enjoyed o, I doubt this role as much as Treasured Memories 16 Last year I was the Cl I do now. ub Secretar y so when of PR was suggeste the role d to me by the N My Summer in the USA 17 Committee, my first omination reaction was NO W could I be the PR, I am AY! how Finding my Nemo 18 the most introvert in th But they somehow be is club! lieved in me and be doesn't mean I need ing a PR The Power of Thoughts 19 to speak, all can be writing and with visua done in ls. We have so many Congrats & Thank You 20 available to us to prom platforms ote Toastmasters, from to Linked-In and the G Meetup Bienvenue to TGIS 21-26 rand Facebook Socia All these media do ma l Network. ke my work easier an don't need to spea d yes I Contests at Club Level & Area Level 27-28 k... Our Division an Divisions in the UAE d ot her as well as our District Divisions B & F Gala Dinner 29 their dedicated Face 20   have book pages so I ur member to join their ge each Marhaba to Dubai DTAC 2013 30 pages to make the mo Social Media phenom st of this ena and be updated Toastmastering news with all the in and out of our area . Happy Reading! Emma Bruneau   TGIS TALKS PAGE 2
  • 3. Our Division Governor Talks to the TGISites ‘COMMITMENT IS THE KEY EVEN TO SELF DEVELOPMENT. THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS’ Good day TGIS members & leaders, 2011-2012 Area Governor - Area 25 2012-2013 Division Governor - Division B The toastmasters program helps us gain the courage to change and become better communicators and explore the leadership skills. In The reason why I shared the details above is to process it helps us build a new generation of let you know that commitment is the key even to leaders. Which is what we are lacking currently in key to self development. There are no short cuts fast paced world. This is what we are lacking and I would request all of you to avoid the same current in the fast paced world. in toastmasters if you want to be better communicators and leaders. Toastmasters The world is changing rapidly and we need to provides us with the important foundation and change too. We need to be better communicators tools to build ourselves upon--- in communication and better leaders in what-ever we do and and leadership. So I would say…be regular and toastmasters program is an wonderful platform make the best out of it and share with others and which can transform all of us and lead to become help them grow.. better human being. •Celebrate ac hievements and successes together as a team I would like to congratulate you all TGIS members •Network and connect with other toastmasters who have been driving force for many other across the world toastmasters’ guests to Think again and join the •Absorb helpful communication and leadership toastmasters program which will help them grow skills and inspire others by sharing all the experiences. I •Watch and learn from superb speakers and would like to congratulate all TGIS members who trainers around us have been a driving force Best wishes for an enjoyable and enriching year My toastmasters experience started in 2007 when 2012-2013 and ever after. I was elected as SAA of the club. It’s been great journey since then as I have learned a lot by Alok Kumar Singh (ACS/ALB) serving the members at club, area and division Division Governor (2012-2013) level. Division B 2007-2008 SAA - Emirates Supply Chain Forum District 20. Toastmasters Toastmasters International 2008-2009 SAA - Emirates Supply Chain Forum “Where leaders are made” Toastmasters 2009-2010 President - Emirates Supply Chain Forum Toastmasters President - Emirates Supply Chain Forum 2010-2011 Toastmasters TGIS TALKS PAGE 3
  • 4. Message from our Area Governor ‘A JOURNEY FROM UNKNOWN TO WELL-KNOWN’ Dear TGIS members, As your Area Governor, It is indeed a pleasure to write this message to you all. Having attended several of your meetings and interacted with your club leaders and members, I feel it is a very vibrant club and It is always a pleasure to attend TGIS meetings. My journey in toastmasters has been a remarkable experience. In simple terms, a journey from unknown to well-known, from a shy person to a smart speaker, from a guest to an Area Governor. I used to be a very shy person, an introvert and afraid of the English language from childhood. My high school and higher secondary school mark sheets stand testimony to this . However, today with all humility, I can say that I am able to confidently lead a team, organise events, train, inspire and motivate people......not just because of joining toastmasters but also because I never looked back when it came to taking up varied roles. When opportunities came my way, I did not stop to think whether I would be able to do full justice to it, but I plunged head-on and I believe this is what has made me blossom as a speaker and leader. Dear TGIS members, If I could get here overcoming so many challenges, I firmly believe that each one of you can achieve much more than me. I urge and encourage you all to act and act now to reap full benefits from this wonderful platform called toastmasters. During the remainder of this term, let us all endeavor to do our personal best not only for the club but for our personal goals as well. My sincere appreciation to all the club members, in particular the Excom members & leadership demonstrated by your VPPR in bringing out this news letter. I take this opportunity to wish each and ever one of you -Happy toastmastering and wish it is as rewarding a journey for you as it has been for me. Warm regards, TM Shanmugam, CC, ALB Area Governor, Area &, Div B, Dist 20 TGIS TALKS PAGE 4
  • 5. Meet TGIS Excom 2012-13 VP-PR MTM Emma Bruneau (left) and VP Education TM Razeeth PMK seem to be having fun The smiling faces of TGIS President MTM Sumana Halder (left) and Secretary MTM Saro Tharyan (right) From left to right: President MTM Sumana Halder, Immediate Past President MTM Saira Ranj, Secretary MTM Saro Tharyan, SAA TM Vishal Manglani, VP-Memb TM Dhanush Acharya, Treasurer TM Manish Agarwal, VP-PR MTM Emma Bruneau, VP-Education TM Razeeth PMK (Left VP-Memb.)TM Dhanush Acharya, (Middle Facing us) SAA Vishal Manglani, (Right VP-Memb.) TM Razeeth PMK Guys talk, serious talks Ladies can’t interfere! TGIS TALKS PAGE 5
  • 6. Presidential Communiqué Hi Everyone! It’s my pleasure to greet you as the President of TGIS club. I took over mid-term, but the support and enthusiasm of the club members and that of the office bearers of the club did not make me feel at all that I am a new President. Everything is running as smooth as it was before! TGIS is doing extremely well in terms of quality of meetings, new memberships, PR activities and has been branded as one of the reputed club in the region. I express my gratitude to the leadership of past President Kamal Goyal and the hard work of the Executive Committee members. I am elated to see that some of our old members have also started attending the meetings regularly. I, together with the other officers of the club, aim to build a robust foundation on which the pillars of the club will be built, so that it would be easier for our future leaders to sail through without any major hurdle. We have quite a few events lined up in the coming months. We have even planned for joint meetings with other prominent clubs, educational sessions, speakathons and many more. Each member’s presence adds some value to our meetings. Its my urge to all the members to attend the meetings regularly. We don’t want to miss anyone of you ! Signing off for the time being ! Sincerely yours, Sumana Halder Message from our Past President (President from July to October 2012) One of the most important reasons I like being a member of the toastmaster club is that it brings out the best / positivity in each of us. There is no gossip, no criticism, no politics. Everyone is helpful and inspiring. As I write this message, I cannot help but reproduce this powerful message from a motivational speaker, David Boufford: “The longer I live, the more I realize the power of my attitude on life. “ Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a home, a family or friendship. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play, the one string we have control over and that is our attitude. I'm convinced that life is 1% what happens to me and 99% how I react to it. Please remember to choose your attitude carefully because 1) It's contagious, it'll affect people or infect them (especially children). 2) Your emotions can definitely be positively affected by choosing a positive attitude/outlook. 3) You will enjoy life more and those around you. I encourage you to test it out for yourself!  Best, Kamal TGIS TALKS PAGE 6
  • 7. Other Officers... Say what? The VP Education EB: You are a hard core cricket player, what is that common denominator between Toastmasters and Cricket? RP: I hail from a place called Thalaserry, a city on the Malabar coast of Kerala.Thalaserry has an extra ordinary relation with cricket, In India the game cricket was started here, and the first bowl was bowled in early 1800s on the ground of Thalaserry cricket stadium, produced lots of talented players. Thanks to Colonel Wellesley who brought the game to this Malabar town. Many cricket matches had been played between British Cricket Team and Thalaserry cricket team during the time of British invasion itself. I was brought up watching my father and his friends playing cricket. That was how I became a hard core cricket player. I enjoy playing and watching cricket more than anything. But one thing most of the Thalaserrians (not all) forgot to learn from Colonel Wellesley and his team was the English Language. I wish I would have brought up listening English language (with due respect to my mother tongue) from the mouth of my parents.Thanks to my parents otherwise I would have never ended up in Toastmasters. EB: You are now a Competent Communicator, which project in the CC manual you enjoyed preparing the most and which one was the most challenging? RP: P1 – Ice Breaker. That gave me the confidence that public speaking is something which can be molded through continuous practice. EB: From Sergeant at Arms last year to VP Education this, I recommend you to take the VP PR role next year, what's your take on that:)? RP: I would like to focus on Advance manual rather than to take any Excom role next year. EB: As a VP Education with a club of 30+, in few words, motivate your members to take up roles and complete their projects. It's a TT, you have 30 seconds! RP: We all have joined Toastmasters to improve our public speaking and leader ship skills and not to just witness others performance. Yes off course in our journey we do help fellow members in achieving their goals. EB: Finally, you are known as the John Abraham of TGIS, how do you keep up with this reputation? What's your secret? RP: Secret is Cuisine of Malabar J, especially Thalaserry is well known for their variety which they got from Arab traders who used to visit Malabar region and local community. TM Razeeth PMK TGIS TALKS PAGE 7
  • 8. The VP Membership EB: You have joined TGIS around the same time last year, how has been your Toastmasters journey so far? DA: Indeed, times flies and looks like its just been fews days ago I joined toastmasters to improve my public speaking. TGIS has given me a good platform to express myself and develop the confidence to speak. The good thing about TGIS meetings is that every meeting there is something new to learn. Although its been just a year, I feel like I have been with TGIS all my life and have a connection with all the members in the club. It feels great to be part of an organisation where each us of encourage each other.  EB: As our VP membership, what is your strategy to attract new members and what is your strategy to ensure current members remain active? DA: I think the members define the club and being in TGIS club, there is no doubt that we will be able to attract even more people. We have a good mix of senior and new toastmasters. Its good to see the new toastmasters taking up roles and senior toastmasters guiding them. On a whole, there is freshness in the meetings with the quality being intact. Hence, through our club's quality meetings and reputation, we have been getting more and more guests. I believe the only way to bring in new members and retain existing members is to have quality and lively meetings. EB: What are your objectives for this Excom year? DA:I think the objectives for Excom this year has been to spread the name of TGIS toastmasters club and make the meetings more livelier. This has been evident with the number of guests coming as well members from other toastmaster clubs coming in as well. With respect to meetings, I think the involvement of new members has been very good and the ongoing support and encouragement by the toastmasters has made sure that we have successful meetings.    EB: Last year, you represented the club at the Area and Division Levels in Table Topics, do you have any tips for this year’s Club participants? DA: I feel fortunate to have represented the area and division level in table topics category. It gave me a great opportunity to learn and develop.   The only way to learn is to participate irrespective of the result. You just need to believe in yourself and look for improvements at each speaking session. The only way to compete is to compete with yourself and improve yourself everyday. You just need to take the first step and the rest will follow. EB: We want to know more about our VP Membership, tell us what you are passionate about, what do you do and how does Toastmasters just blend into all this? DA: I am an ACCA (certified chartered accountant) and work in Ernst & Young, Dubai in the audit services. I am passionate about singing, travelling and photography. I always believe to live life to the fullest and see positive in everything. Toastmasters was something which I wanted to do for a long time to improve my public speaking and I am glad that I took that I have joined TGIS toastmasters. Being in toastmasters is an ongoing development and meeting toastmaster from whom we can learn a lot.  TGIS TALKS PAGE 8 ]
  • 9. The Secretary The SAA (for the first half of the term) Toastmasters is all about improving your communication and leadership "I simply love  being in toastmasters skills. Communication skills can be club. I consider  TGIS as a college improved by doing t he project (mind it, not school which is always speeches and taking up different scary) where different people with roles. Being part of the Excom, is same objective come together and helping me improve my leadership share their knowledge.Where in this skills. As the Secretary of the club, I world will you find a place where have to take the minutes at each club you can learn and have fun at the meeting and executive committee same time??? There are teachers meeting. I am thoroughly enjoying (mentors), principal (president), myself in this new role as it’s helping monitor (general evaluator), a me to improve on my listening skills watchman (timer), exams (project also. At the meetings I have to be speeches), results (evaluations) and alert and make quick notes so as not many classmates (fellow TM) who all to miss any points. The Secretary role have joined to get their graduation, is also helping me to organise myself. let's call Bachelor in Communications I have to see to it that the minutes are (B.Comm); there is masters  as well send to all the members before the (advanced project speeches) but lets next meeting. not talk about it :) The only difference here is that you can never fail in your At TGIS, I am discovering myself all exams, thanks to all positive minded over again. I am among some very members who will always guide, talented and encouraging people. I support and encourage you to do am looking for ward to many much better next time.  All you need wonderful moments with the TGIS to do is just follow their members and learning new things in advice....religiously...sounds simple? the process. aaahhhh....ask me:) TM Vishal Manglani MTM Saro Tharyan THE TREASURER DECIDED TO REMAIN SILENT FOR THIS EDITION TGIS TALKS PAGE 9 ]
  • 10. The Immediate Past President EB: You have been a Toastmasters for about 10 years on and off, what drives you every other Saturday to attend TGIS meetings or any TM meetings? SR: Firstly, Toastmasters is an amazing organisation that has transformed the lives of many people. I say TRANSFORMED as people who join are absolutely awestruck by their own growth and change as time goes by. I have also changed and grown tremendously but as we all know life is a learning game and there's always place for bettering ourself further.  TGIS- it was pure chance and a reference by a friend Toastmaster Shoukath Ali Eroth- one of the past President's who asked me to come by. I stayed because the place grew on me! The people are such kindred souls and there's a spirit about this club that needs to be felt to be understood. :-)  EB: It's hard to believe you when you say you were an introvert  in the past, what was the turning point that made the person you are today i.e. not even a bit shy to speak in front of an audience? SR::-) Well, not an introvert actually. I have always been big and expressive inside my head...just unable to express myself in reality! TM gave me the platform, support and encouragement to be 'me'.And that's been a fabulous journey.  I was however a very nervous soul on stage- I had prepared and rehearsed my ICEBREAKER 1 month before I delivered it- so you have an idea how much of nervous energy I harbour! I wouldn't define any turning points- just the fact that I loved what I did- watch other speakers, express myself in writing through my speeches and then work meticulously on delivering them on stage. I did this passionately for a long while...and before I knew a confident, bold me emerged. I have seen lots of people change and enhance other's lives through this organisation- so I would defend it till my last breath. :-)    EB: As a working mother of two, how do you balance work, family and Toastmasters?   SR: When you are an Excom member, life does get complicated. It's a juggling act- esp with long corporate hours and growing kids! Everyone and every aspect requires a part of you- and you have no choice but to keep moving.  Today my life is quite different- things are more relaxed than in the past. This year was an intentional break away from the Leadership roles- to concentrate on my Communication- and I am enjoying every step of it.   EB: Three tips you would like to give to fairly new Toastmasters or Toastmasters who are on a frozen speaking mode? SR: 1."Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, just keep swimming...." - quoting Dory from NEMO. :-) You have to just come, watch, make the deliberate effort to participate- even if it is through minuscule roles- slowly and steadily you will bloom.Guaranteed. 2. Source a mentor for yourself. TM does not restrict you to the number of mentors you may have. Find someone you connect with and tell them your situation- he/she will guide you and seriously help you out. You just need to hang in there and persevere. 3. I often get frozen because of topic selection- I can write and speak- but what to write about is my frequent freeze mode. I try and get over this by watching other's deliver their speeches/topics- or even ask for random topics that spur my creative side. So I recommend the same for you. (to be continued) TGIS TALKS PAGE 10
  • 11. EB: As the Immediate Past President of TGIS, what is your vision for the club and any advice you would like to give to the new Excom? SR: In Sumana's hands, I see the club blooming...and I daresay, reaching very new heights. She is dedication and commitment personified. If the Excom members support her vision and help her to reach it, the club will see an all time high. I find the current excom very talented but not all folks are as committed to the task as to the vision and the talk. It is one thing to profess, it is totally another to just do it- and in the end ACTION wins hands down. We are all busy leading our unique full lives, we just need to CREATE the time to fulfill the promises we took. I love this club- I hope the flag keeps flying high- always.  MTM Saira Ranj Tête-à-tête with one of TGIS Senior Toastmasters EB: As a Senior Toastmaster, what are the five tips you could give to TGIS Excom? HM: TIPS stands for Take Immediate Permanent Solution. Excellence comes from doing numerous little things with passion one after the another. An Ordinary can become Extra Ordinary by doing those 'Little' things regularly. So my Tip is only one if I can express it in the language of Cricket. As Geoff Boycott invariably mention, 'Bowl wicket to wicket' and as Glen McGrath has always practiced, TGIS should immediately be brought upto 'Basics' to make once and for all a strong foundation. TGIS ExCom has to define this 'Basic'. EB: You are a mentor to several new members, who are or have been your mentors? Any stories or mentor/mentee techniques you would like to share? HM: I have never had any Mentor/s. I have always decided what one thing I want out of a particular Role Play and accordingly select my Mentor for that required skill to be acquired. I inspire myself completely with the person I look upto so much so that I become him for a while before I emerge in a new pack. EB: What have you been up to? One project in one year? HM: It happens to me quite often but it always unlocks another creative side of me. So with regard to Project Speeches I have never been in hurry. No wonder I took 5 years to complete Competent Communication manual. History will not repeat itself this time but  Stories about my pace are being made. But then Stories are also made about those who complete 10 project speeches in 7 months! Hemant Mundhra TGIS TALKS P A G E 11
  • 12. Ek Tha Tiger, Ek Tha TGIS T h e w i n n e r s o f t h e T G I S E k T h a T i g e r m i s s i o n TGIS Tigress: Immediate Past President MTM Saira Ranj on a mission in Hua Hin (Thailand) TGIS Tiger: On the motor bike ride from Dubai to Istanbul, before reaching Tabreez in Azerbaijan, the Tiger met with another Czech Tiger who was riding from Delhi to Prague on a 1960 diesel TGIS TALKS PAG E 12
  • 13. The other Tigresses of TGIS with their Tigers Times Square in the Big Apple Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Bonnie an d Clyde aka MTM Saro Tharyan & ETC President TM Alex Tharyan on their US Tour (read the complete article! on page 17) What a Rainbow! The Majestic Niagara Falls Tigress in action (enjoying the ride) Typical bollywood story! Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Tigress says: “I love the ocean, every time i go to the beach I feel as if i am going home. The horizon where the ocean & sky meet, is mesmerizing. Reflection of the sky, the mysteries it holds beneath always lure me. At twilight, watching the sun going to sleep, on the bed of the ocean is splendid with the colors changing from sky blue to dark blue, gray, yellow, orange, red. I am crazy about the ocean, sea shore, especially the one near my place. Every time I go there it’s like talking to the nature, to my very own soul. It makes me feel calm, quiet & absolves all my worries, tensions. It’s an eternal feeling.” TGIS TALKS PAG E 13
  • 14. Your Greatest Tool as a Speaker is Your YOUR VOICE! Voice is Your Signature How well are you looking after it? How your Voice is Created By Hubert Miranda, Area 1 Governor, Division B Deep, Controlled Breathing is NECESSARY For Good Vocal Production TGIS TALKS PAG E 14
  • 15. 1- Do You Whisper Or Boom ? WHAT 2- Are you Monotonous Or Melodious ? KIND OF VOICE DO 3- Is Your Voice a Rain Cloud Or Rainbow ? YOU HAVE? 4- Do you have Mumblitis ? 5- How well do you Articulate? 6- Do you Trudge like a Turtle Or Race like a Rabbit? 7- Do you Agitate Or Orchestrate? Discover Your Voice Profile METHODS FOR VOICE RELAXATION IMPROVE YOUR Be aware of throat tenseness & jaw tightness SPEAKING Yawn with an easy “ho-hum” VOICE! Repeat and feel the strain removed Practice saying : hang, harm, lane, main, lone, loom. Exaggerate your lips & jaw movements. Lightly knead the throat muscles. Slowly repeat the following: nah, nay, nee, no, noo. Drop your jaw and relax your throat. i.Exhale & Inhale Deeply four times. BREATHING ii. Exhale Comfortable. Then inhale a moderate filling of EXERCISES breath, hold it for 15 seconds, then exhale quietly. Keep TO increasing the holding time periodically. IMPROVE iii.Inhale with 5 quick short gaps through open mouth. Then exhale in 5 quick puffs. VOLUME iv.Laugh heartily through complete exhaltion, then inhale deeply and quickly. v. Close your lips and laugh soundlessly through your nose. TGIS TALKS PAG E 15
  • 16. Treasured Memories Life is a train journey; God is the driver;  Traveling in a European train is a wonderful We're off to a place called Eternity;  experience altogether. Railway platforms are equipped with all modern amenities - automated Train journey…yes, I am sure all of us have kiosks for buying tickets, digital train information loads of memories associated with it. Be it long signboards, restaurants, souvenir shops, tourist or short distance, train was the most popular assistance centres. and economic means of communication even few years back. And the train itself, a world away in terms of comfort with spacious ergonomic seats, spic and Its been years I haven’t taken an overnight train span air-conditioned compartments and dining journey, but I still have a vivid memory of such cars. As soon as the train crosses the urban train journeys which we often used to take back borders all you can see through the wide home in India. Right from entering the platform whopping windows is the stunning sceneries trying to pay attention to the constant inaudible along the Elbstanstein Mountains with the announcements to settling in the allotted berth beautiful Elbe River flowing through it. This once the train reaches the platform- I used to particular region of Germany is called Saxon get thrilled during every step of those journeys. Switzerland. And it truly bears the name of The tea stalls, the magazine shops, the fruit Switzerland because of its magnificent mesmeric corners and then the journey itself. Air landscapes. conditioned compartments were rare those days. Sitting beside the open window gazing at But surprisingly… this wonderful travel pushed the beautiful green landscapes, the gorgeous me down the memory lane thinking about our golden paddy or mustard fields, feeling the good old train journeys. Every step of the breeze wafting in as the train clickety -clacks journey reminded me of my childhood train through the country side, sometimes dozing off travels. I was missing the ever-roving and yelling or sometimes reading a book. People, who tea and snack vendors on each station … I was were strangers to one another before, become missing the constant sound of chitchatting of the friends for those few hours of journey, passengers who verbally try to do everything chattering, sharing their meals. As the night falls for the country in that short span of journey. people start spreading sheets on their berths, start inflating their air pillows preparing to go to Amidst the serenity of the Czech-German sleep. landscapes, I realized that I was missing the overall colour and character of our very own And… how can I forget the inseparable Indian trains. connection between train travel and the tea vendors. It still amazes me how they manage to The world, through a child’s eye, is always sell cups and cups of tea in the typical earthen mesmerizing and magical. And the innocence of pots to the passengers even if the train stops at life seen through a child’s eye is treasured in her a station for only five minutes. mind forever which will never be wiped off. Years later, again a train journey brought forth By MTM those memories to my mind. We were traveling in Europe this summer going from Prague Sumana towards Berlin with a short stopover in Dresden. Halder TGIS TALKS PAG E 16
  • 17. My Summer in the USA On August 10th, when we boarded the plane, there was a great deal of excitement among the three of us (my family and me) as we were on our way to visit USA! We visited Houston and Dallas in Texas, Freemont and San Francisco in California, New York, Niagara Falls and Washington. At San Francisco we visited the Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. It’s such a beautiful structure and is one of the most photographed bridges in the world! New York nicknamed as the Big Apple is the most populous city in the USA. We visited the Times Square which is the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway theatre district and one of the world’s busiest pedestrian intersections! How can our visit to New York be complete without visiting the Lady Liberty! The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States: a welcoming signal to immigrants arriving from abroad. Niagara Falls, one of the natural wonders of the world was next on our list. We were awestruck by the sheer beauty of the falls! From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side, separated by Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side, separated from the other waterfalls by Luna Island. One can hear the thundering sound of the waterfalls from miles away! Our last stop was at Washington, DC where we visited the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and many other breathtaking sights. We had a fun and hectic trip to US, hopping from one state to another and discovering the charm and cultures of each state along the way. Some helpful tips: Apply for the visa well in advance and plan your itinerary and book the airlines tickets through one of the booking websites to get some good deals! By MTM Saro Tharyan Monsieur et Madame Tharyan MTM Saro promoting at the Statue of Liberty, NYC Toastmasters International, Lincoln Memorial, DC TGIS TALKS PAG E 17
  • 18. Finding My Nemo In life, sometimes you need to do something to get everything would be normal. Heeding to the out of your comfort zone and rediscover yourself. instructor’s words, I just surrendered to the sea and And to do just that, I wanted to do something stayed calm. And as we went under water, different for my vacation this year and one of the everything seemed normal. For the first time, I was things, which I always wanted was to do the open conscious of my breathing and could feel the water scuba diving course. Looking at all the places, coolness of the water. The water was so blue and I zeroed on Pondicherry, India for my scuba diving heavenly that I forgot all the worldly tension and session. I packed my bags and was set for the pressures of life. I felt like I was in the meditative Pondicherry trip not knowing what to expect. state of thoughtless awareness mode. And to top Suddenly, I had butterfly in my stomach, as I was not that experience, I saw incredible underwater life sure if I was up for the scuba diving. But my nerves such as cuttlefish, lionfish, jellyfish and schools of were settled when I met my scuba diving instructors blue fish, which made me realize there is so much in who told me that there is one problem with Scuba this world that we just seem to ignore being busy in Diving, once you do scuba diving, you get addicted our own closed world. With sign language for life. I smiled at him and then asked him if I had becoming the only source of communication, we to bring anything with me, and he told me ‘yes, you went along the underwater doing the skills we learnt need to get an important thing, your smile’. and seeing the amazing underwater life. We then came back to our boat having finished a successful The first day, we practiced the skills in the swimming dive. pool and it was a pretty average performance as I was taking lot of time to learn those skills. Still not This scuba diving experience was not just an sure, whether I was up for it, I just went ahead adventurous activity but also a life learning hoping everything would fall in place. experience. In scuba diving, a buddy always accompanies you and helps you for any mishaps. Finally, the D Day arrived. We got on to the boat Same is with life, you always need someone to help surfing to the main sea, my heart started pounding you achieve your goals and having trust is an with each moment and I had thoughts of giving up. I important aspect. And while you are doing a new thought to myself that I was struggling in the venture in lif e and going in an unknown swimming pool, the sea would be even more environment, you resist the new change like the way challenging. And to make matters worse, the sea I had panicked on the sea surface but as I went was rough that day. To calm my nerves, my underwater, everything was calm and I started instructor told me that I had to believe in myself, enjoying the experience. Similarly, in life you need enjoy the experience and everything would be fine. to give some time for any change as the time passes, everything will seem peaceful and the change is I put on my suit, fins, goggles, life jacket and heavy actually beneficial for you. In scuba diving, you scuba tank cylinder. The moment had arrived, I sat learn the value of breathing. It is not important the on the edge of the boat, rolled back and ‘DUSH’ number of breath you take but how deep and long splashed into the water. Coming to terms with the you take each breath. With this scuba diving rough sea, I was struggling to be stable at the adventure, I found my nemo discovering new things surface of the sea. For some unknown reason I in life and an unforgettable experience, which started to panic and felt like I was in a battleground would etch in my memory forever. waving my hands and kicking my legs fighting with the sea currents. I saw that even my fellow divers who were with me were struggling in the sea and having thoughts to quit the dive. By TM Dhanush Acharya Then, our instructor came and told us to just stay calm and assured us that once we get underwater, TGIS TALKS PAG E 18
  • 19. The Power of Thoughts Two men were carrying a VERY heavy news… The good news is; yes we DO Reiki Master, a Mind Power & NLP sofa to the 10th floor of a building. manifest a lot of things through our Trainer… After two hours of struggle, they imagination everyday… and the bad asked their person in charge, news is; mostly we manifest what we In fact, doing visualization is the “Where are we, and how many floors DO NOT want… Dear friends, just for easiest job in the world. First locate a more do we have to go?” He looked a moment, close your eyes, all of spot 20 degrees up, on the right side out of the window and replied “I you… and DO NOT think of an of your forehead about half a meter have two news , one is good… and elephant… Now open your eyes… away from your head. This is your the other is bad”. The good news is; What did you see? Of course AN Mental Screen, which has magnetic we are on the 9th floor… and the bad ELEPHANT, right? effects in it. Whatever image you news is; we are in the wrong project on it with your eyes closed building… This is how, we ATTRACT all those and keep visualizing it for 4 minutes, things, which we DO NOT want in it is manifested. It is that easy. Only… Dear Toasmasters and Honorable our life… This is the L AW OF remember, to always think positive guests… Good Evening, every one of ATRRACTION that says “the thing we because, as poet Bennie Johnson us lives in TWO worlds… one is this FOCUS UPON… happens, whether says: material world, made up of soil and we WANT it, or we DO NOT want water, whereas the other is the world i t … We d o n o t w a n t m o n e y If you think you are beaten, you are. of our imagination, our inner PROBLEMS, we do not want BAD If you think you dare not, you don’t, kingdom. One is REAL, and the other relationships, we do not want a BAD If you like to win, but you think you is a REFLECTION. Which one do health, and we do not want so many can’t. It is almost certain, you won’t. YOU think, is the real, and which one BAD THINGS… as a result, we attract is a reflection? so many... BAD things… If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. What I learned from this is, All For out of the world we find, I also have two news … The good success in life, whether material or Success begins with a fellow’s will – news is; till very recent time, like most spiritual, starts with the thoughts… It’s all in the state of mind. of us, I thought, this material world, that we put into our mind, every made up of soil and water, is the second of every minute of every day. If you think you are outclassed, you REAL world… and the bad news is… Our outer world reflects the state of are. You’ve got to think high to rise, that was my biggest mistake… Our our inner world. By controlling our You’ve got to be sure of yourself REAL world - where we can actually t h o u g h t s , we c a n c o n t r o l o u r before. You can ever win a prize create something, is the world of our destiny… As MK Gandhi says: A man imagination. This material world... is is but, the product of his thoughts… Life’s battles do not always go, To the just a reflection… of what we have in What he thinks, he becomes in simple stronger or faster man, our mind… And the Quantum Physics w o r d s : But soon or late he who wins, Is the proves that: THOUGHTS… BECOME… THINGS... man WHO THINKS HE CAN! Imagination is more powerful than the will power, and… Now you must be thinking that, all Visualization is more powerful than that I said sounds wonderful, but how the REALITY… to ACTUALLY do it. Again I have two news; the bad news is; if you ask any And that, whatever we can visualize, o t h e r t r a i n e r, w h o i s N OT a we can achieve… It is, THAT simple… Toastmaster, he will say: Pay 10,000 All religions and civilizations, dirhams and attend a 5-day workshop By Dr. TM delivered this message through their on Creative Visualization and then Sikandar Ali, writings and stories. only you will learn how to do it. And Burj TMC the good news is; if you ask me, I will say: JUST DO IT! As I do it, to Dr. Sikandar Now, you must be wondering “if it is that easy, why then, everyone doesn’t achieve goals in my life. This is how I is a Mind apply it, and achieves, what one did doctorate in Mind Sciences in Scientist and wants?” Dear friends, he, he, he... only 4 years. This is how I became a Psychiatrist again I have a good news and a bad TGIS TALKS PAG E 19
  • 20. Congrats & Thank you TGIS Beta, TM Santosh Venkataram, got hitched! Congratulations to t he new couple! Thanks to our Club Mentor VP Menon for guiding us and always be available no matter what! Merci Division Governor Alok Singh for your unconditional support to the Club. You are the Hotline of TGIS Salute to MTM Akshatha Bala for being a member since the inception of the Club. How do you keep up with us:) TGIS TALKS PAGE 20
  • 21. Bienvenue to TGIS The following pages are dedicated to our new Club Members! We wouldn’t have obtained these two awards without YOU! TGIS TALKS PAG E 21
  • 22. B ALA KUMARAN Profession: Fashion sales and merchandising Home Country/Town: India/Chennai Number of Years in Dubai: Less than a year Languages spoken: Tamil, English, Kannada & Hindi Passion: Dancing and Football Sports: FOOTBALL & BOWLING Hobbies: Reading & Photography Favorite quote or motto or tagline: Form is temporary  but Class is permanent Favorite cuisine: No Bias! Favorite Author/Movie: Paulo cholleo / Inglorious Bastards PR A S H AN T MA L H OT R A Profession: Banker Hometown: Delhi, India. Interestingly I was born in madras as my dad was working there at the time however we moved 7months after and haven't visited the place since. Number of years in Dubai: 7 years after returning from the States. I grew up in the gulf (Oman and Dubai) Languages: English, Hindi and basic Arabic Toastmaster Experience: Member of a Toastmasters Club 7 years back in the NY region. So joining TGIS is like rising back from the ashes. Passion: Sports anyday. But apart from that reading and discussing business and politics. Sports: Any racket sport, cricket and football although I do think there is something wrong with the huge mindless endorsement deals signed it shall be the theme of my 2nd speech. Hobbies: You guessed it....sports....Also, reading and following business & politics. Favorite quote: "Just do it"..... I believe if you put your mind to it you surely can. Favorite cuisine: Thai.... really like it. Favorite Author: Dan Brown Favorite Movie: God Father. Can watch it any day! TGIS TALKS PAGE 22
  • 23. D H YA N B I D DA P PA Originally from Karnataka, India, I have lived in Dubai since 1994, except for a year studying in London. I am currently in my final year studying for a BSc. Economics degree from the University of London. This is my first Toastmaster's experience, although I have made forays into public speaking and elocution in school and college. I'm an avid reader; currently reading James Clavell and enjoying his books immensely. Food always gets my interest, especially steakhouses and anything Indo-Chinese. I'm always up for barbecue on a beach when Dubai's winter comes around." D E E PA K A N T H O N Y How did you find out about TGIS? Found out about TGIS through Been wanting to join toastmasters for a while, and the photos on the meetup group gave me the feeling that TGIS was a bunch of warm, friendly people. Why Toastmasters? I'd heard about toastmasters through friends and family, a few years back. As someone who's had to present quite a bit over the years, I've always felt there was tons of room for improvement. Like many folks, I'm usually mortified by the idea of being put on the spot, and having to speak to large audiences. Also, as a guest, over the past couple of meetings, it's been great interacting with like- minded folks who don't compromise, who're always looking to improve themselves and others. Work related: Currently spend most of my time on a technology company I co-founded. Place I feel at home: Dubai. Been here longer than I can remember. Passions / Hobbies: Exploring/working with technology that isn't mainstream yet (think mind-controlled drones). Alternative/ augmented realities. Travelling / exploring other cultures (covered a few places in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia thus far). Literature (Richard Dawkins, Nassim Taleb, Malcolm Gladwell, etc.). Science-Fiction (can’t overstate the impact SF has on moving the human race forward). Human psychology and rationality (still working on wrapping my mind around Jung's Red Book). Writing fiction/fantasy. Conceptual art / Rendering. Weight-training and swimming. Fav Author: Neal Stephenson. 'Anathem' was a mind-altering read (for an intro to his style, google ‘mother earth mother board’ for a fascinating non-fiction editorial). A close second would be Tim Ferris (the 4-Hour series. check out his google tech talks on youtube), for the sheer amount of impact his material has had on the world, and how much his life's operating system inspires me. TGIS TALKS PAGE 23
  • 24. SHALIQ MUHAMMAD Professional line: Insurance Nationality: Indian but born and brought up in Dubai  Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Malayalam Passion: To be an influential and recognized personality in the society  Sports: Football Hobbies: Listening to music, Traveling  Favorite tagline: "No give-up, No retreat....fight till you die" Favorite Cuisine: Indian and Arabic Favorite Author: Chetan Baghat  , "300" G U L N A R A A K H M E T K A L I Y E VA Profession: I studied to be a Teacher of English, but I never worked as a teacher; instead worked in Oil&Gas Corporate Governance sphere and later in the British Embassy in Kazakhstan as a Community Liaison Officer. Home Country/Town: Kazakhstan, Alga Number of Years in Dubai: 8 months Languages spoken: Russian, Kazakh, English, Italian, Chinese(basic) Passion: I love to learn about nations of the World, their history, religion and culture. Sports: Yoga Hobbies: Reading, singing Favorite quote or motto or tagline:The best religion is humanity. Favorite cuisine: Asian, Indian, Italian Favorite Author, Movie: I love Russian classics: Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy.  "New Cinema Paradiso" by Giuseppe Tornatore, "Sanctum" by James Cameron TGIS TALKS PAGE 24
  • 25. RO B E RT D E VOT TA How did you come to know about TGIS? Through my friend -TM Leo D'Souza Why Toastmasters? It’s the perfect platform to hone my public speaking & leadership skills which is a major requirement for me to fulfill my life purpose. What do you do? Ex sailor who sailed for almost 14 years before deciding to anchor permanently Birth Country: India In which place do you feel at home? Home is where the heart is - so wherever I have my family with me is home to me Languages spoken: Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and of course English Passions: To make people realize how great they already are and how much greater they can be - if they would only believe. Reading about the intricacies of the human mind and how it functions thereby improving on my knowledge about my Self and thus evolving into the best that I can be Sports: Love to play Table tennis and Badminton whenever I can find the time Hobbies: Reading on topics such as Mind development, Soul development, Purpose of Human Existence and Motivational literature.  Playing games that involve the mind Favorite quote or motto or tagline: Two. First one:- 'Of whom much is given, much is expected'. I believe that am blessed with the experience of abundance in all aspects of my existence and it is a responsibility to help as many others as I can to also experience this in their lives. Second:- 'All good things come to he who waits'. Patience is a golden virtue and one which is much needed in today's world where the core of popular culture is instant gratification. I  aim to lead by example as to the various blessings that can accrue through the daily practice of patience in our lives. Favorite Author, Movie Many favourite authors like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra,  Eldon Taylor and many more Favourite movies: Again many. To name a few - BenHur, Quo Vadis, Sound of Music, Its a Wonderful Life, Mackenna's Gold, Guns of Navarone, An Officer and a Gentleman, Scent of a Woman, nauseum ad infinitum. TGIS TALKS PAGE 25
  • 26. A BH I LA SH VA RG H E S E How did you come to know about TGIS? Google Why Toastmasters? I heard about toastmasters during a training session and I was very attracted towards the concept of Toastmasters, where a group of people join together, give  presentations, evaluate each other, motivate each other, with  one  motive and interest, that is to develop  effective communication skills and leadership skills.   What do you do? I work  with a Japanese Company in Dubai as Asst. Marketing Manager. Birth Country : India L O R R A I N E TAY L O R Profession: 12 years as a Secondary School Teacher in 5 countries teaching Maths and Geography, however, currently completing a Masters Degree in Business as I hope to move into a role as a Learning and Development Specialist within an HR Department in Dubai.   Home Country/Town: Originally from Colorado, USA but that was 25 years ago.   Currently feel 'home' is Motuoapa, New Zealand as well as Dubai. Number of Years in Dubai: Although not concurrently, have been in Dubai for 15 years.  Came to Dubai in 1998 and have recently been in New Zealand for the past 6 1/2 only visiting Dubai.  Toastmasters Experience before TGIS: Currently also a  member of Taupo Club in New Zealand where I am the VP Education.  Have been a member for the past 2 1/2 years.  Enjoy competing in the speech contests.   Last year came 3rd in the New Zealand (District 72) International Speech Contest. Passion: Learning new things and meeting interesting people. Sports: Walking, hiking, downhill skiing and swimming. Hobbies: Quilting, playing piano and flute. Favorite quote or motto or tagline: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams Favorite cuisine: Authentic Mexican Favorite Author, Movie: At the moment, J.R. Tolkein and  The Hobbit as have recently attended the World Premier of the Hobbit in New Zealand. TGIS TALKS PAGE 26
  • 27. The Contests Fever! @ t h e C l u b L e v e l F i r s t Thank you to our Chief Judge for both the Contests, Division F Governor TM Kiruba and his panel of judges TGIS TALKS PAGE 27
  • 28. Serious Stuff at the Area Level You did it TGISites, you represented us on February 8th, at the Area Level THANK YOU! All the best to MTM Akshatha Bala (Evaluation) & TM Razeeth PMK (Humorous) at the Division Level Evaluation Contest Humorous Contest Winner: MTM Akshatha Bala 1st Runner Up: TM Razeeth PMK 2nd Runner Up: TM RK Raman Table Topic Contest 2nd Runner Up: TM Robert Devotta Evaluation Contest Participants Table Topic Contest Participants International Contest Participants Humorous Contest Participants TGIS TALKS PAGE 28
  • 29. Divisions B & F Annual Gala Dinner Division B Governor TM Alok Singh, MTM Mac Loren Tuplano and TM Dhanush Acharya Our leaders Division F Governor TM Kiruba with DTM Lt. Colonel Mohammed Murad, District Lieutenant Governor Education and Training,Vicky Ferrer awarding TM Dhanush and MTM Emma the H1 award Enjoying the show Divisions B & F, United TGIS TALKS PAGE 29
  • 30. Marhaba to Dubai DTAC 2013 SEE YOU THERE! I t i s a u n i q u e c h a n c e t o w i t n e s s t h e C r è m e d e l a c r è m e & m e e t f e l l o w T o a s t m a s t e r s TGIS TALKS PAGE 30