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Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder/CAS:Testosterone enanthate---most com
mon used steroids powder for bodybuilding
1. What Is Testosterone Enanthate?............................................................................ 1
2. How Does Testosterone Enanthate work?.............................................................. 2
3. How to Use Testosterone Enanthate?..................................................................... 3
4. Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate..........................................................................3
5. Warning of Testosterone Enanthate........................................................................ 5
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate..............................5
7. Buy Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder from SZOB..........................................6
8. Competitive Advantage of SZOB’s Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder :..........7
1. What Is Testosterone Enanthate?
Testosterone enanthate was first intro
duced in 1952.Sold under the brand
name Delatestryl among thers, Testos
terone enanthate is marketed primaril
y under the brand name Delatestryl.It
is or has been marketed under a va
riety of other brand names as well i
ncluding Andro LA, Andropository,
Depandro, Durathate, Everone, Testrin,
Testostroval, and Testro LA among others.Testosterone Enanthate is an androge
n and anabolic steroid. It is a synthetic androgen ester which acts as a prodru
g of testosterone, and hence is considered to be a natural and bioidentical for
m of testosterone. Along with testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate, an
d testosterone undecanoate, testosterone enanthate is one of the most widely us
ed testosterone esters.Testosterone enanthate is a prodrug of testosterone and is
an androgen and anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS). That is, it is an agonist
of the androgen receptor (AR).Testosterone enanthate is used in androgen repla
cement therapy.It is the most widely used form of testosterone in androgen rep
lacement therapy.Testosterone enanthate is available in the United States and wi
dely elsewhere throughout the world. Testosterone Enanthate is one of the olde
st and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testostero
ne Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and w
ould be the first large/long ester testosterone form used. Synthetic testosterone
itself would be developed in the 1930’s.The first batches of testosterone manuf
actured would have no ester attached (Testosterone Suspension) and needless to whatsapp:+8618926485832
say would be fast acting and require very frequent injections. In 1937 the first
ester controlled testosterone would hit the market thanks to Schering and their
new Testosterone Propionate product. This would allow for more control overth
e testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. However, in the early 19
50’s a larger ester in Enanthate would be attached to the hormone thereby slo
wing down the hormone’s activity even more. Testosterone Enanthate would be
come the dominating testosterone form in the medical field and Testosterone C
ypionate would join a few years later. The difference in Testosterone Enanthate
and Testosterone Cypionate is largely inconsequential.
2. How Does Testosterone Enanthate work?
Testosterone is classified as an androgenic ster
oid hormone that is secreted primarily by the
testicles in males, and to a modest extent in f
emales via the ovaries. Testosterone is consid
ered the defining sex hormone of males and i
s responsible for promoting reproductive tissue
development (testis and prostate), along with
sex-specific features such as: body hair, bone
mass, and muscle development. Sufficient le
vels of testosterone are known to prevent oste
oporosis, optimize cognitive function, and enh
ance mood.
Testosterone Enanthate is a single large ester base testosterone compound. This
is a pure synthetic testosterone hormone that has a carboxylic acid ester attac
hed in Enanthate (enanthoic acid). The ester itself is attached to the hormone
at the 17-beta hydroxyl group. By attaching the Enanthate ester, this allows for
a control of the hormones active duration and total release time. Once injecte
d, the testosterone does not become active until the ester begins to detach fro
m the hormone. The total detachment does not happen all at once but allows f
or a slow, steady release of the active hormone into the body. Once injected, t
here will be a sharp spike in testosterone within the first 24-48 hours post inje
ction. From here the hormone will continually separate and dissipate through th
e body. By its time frame, Testosterone Enanthate carries a half-life of approxi
mately 8 days, which will allow for as little as one injection every 2 weeks i
n a therapeutic setting. However, every 7-10 days will prove far more effective
in maintaining stability.On a functional basis, Testosterone Enanthate is the pe
rfect remedy for treating low testosterone. If you suffer from low testosterone, whatsapp:+8618926485832
this simply means your body is no longer producing enough of this primary a
ndrogen on its own. As Testosterone Enanthate is simply that, testosterone, it
will remedy the low level condition. Millions upon millions of men worldwide
suffer from some type of low level androgen deficiency. In the U.S. alone it
is estimated that more than 20 million men suffer from an androgen deficiency.
Women can also suffer from low testosterone and Testosterone Enanthate can
treat it. However, most women will be better served with alternative forms of
testosterone treatment such as gels that contain a mixture of testosterone and p
rogesterone or small testosterone implant pellets like Testopel.For the performan
ce enhancing athlete, Testosterone Enanthate will benefit them the same as it d
id the low testosterone patient. They will find their physical, mental and sexual
wellbeing to be greatly improved. However, for this individual he will be taki
ng his testosterone levels far beyond baseline. He will be taking his levels abo
ve and beyond what could ever be naturally produced. As a result, there are fi
ve important traits of testosterone that will be
greatly enhanced and are imperative to performance enhancement success. We
will go into how the hormone can be beneficial due to these traits in most all
cycles, but we need to begin with what makes these traits important.
3. How to Use Testosterone Enanthate?
Testosterone Enanthate Injection, USP provides Testosterone Enanthate, USP, a
derivative of the primary endogenous androgen testosterone, for intramuscular a
dministration. In their active form, androgens have a 17-beta-hydroxy group. Es
terification of the 17-beta-hydroxy group increases the duration of action of tes
tosterone; hydrolysis to free testosterone occurs in vivo.
Testosterone enanthate has an elimination half-life of 4.5 days and a mean resi
dence time of 8.5 days when used as a depot intramuscular injection.It requires
frequent administration of approximately once per week, and large fluctuations
in testosterone levels result with it, with levels initially being elevated and su
4. Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone is the main male hormone. It supports normal male development s
uch as muscle growth, facial hair, and deep voice. It is used in males to treat
low testosterone levels.
Testosterone Enanthate is the most commonly prescribed Testosterone variant in whatsapp:+8618926485832
medicine in the whole world. It is also one of the most popular longer acting
forms of Testosterone in use by athletes and bodybuilders, sharing the same a
mount of use and popularity with the almost identical Testosterone Cypionate v
ariant. Testosterone in any of its forms serves as an absolutely essential anabol
ic steroid that should be used in literally every single cycle with no exceptions
to this rule. Testosterone Enanthate in particular is very commonly used as a
first-time anabolic steroid by brand new beginners to the world of anabolic ste
roids. This is due to its long-acting nature with its longer half-life, which pres
ents a far greater degree of convenience for beginners who may not enjoy the
idea of frequent injections, as Testosterone Enanthate only requires two injecti
ons administered every week, spaced evenly apart from one another so as to e
nsure stable blood levels. As every single first-timer beginner cycle should be
Testosterone only, Testosterone Enanthate is commonly the Testosterone variant
of choice for first cycles. Testosterone itself no matter the ester attac
hed is an extremely versatile and flexible anabolic steroid in terms of the man
ner in which it can be utilized. Testosterone Enanthate doses possess a large w
indow of flexibility depending on user goals, the type of cycle, and other vari
ous factors.
Medical Testosterone Enanthate Dosage
In the medical field, Testosterone Enanthate is primarily utilized for the treatme
nt of androgen deficiency in adult males (hypogonadism or andropause). Testost
erone Enanthate dosages for such a condition as determined by prescription gui
delines are that of 50 – 400mg administered every 2 – 4 weeks.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosages
For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Enanth
ate doses most usually administered weekly at the very least (as opposed to ad
ministered every 2 – 4 weeks as outlined by prescription guidelines). However,
Testosterone Enanthate doses should ideally be administered twice per week,
with each dose spread evenly apart (Monday and Thursday, for example). This
is to ensure the most stable optimal peak blood plasma levels of Testosterone
is achieved, as single weekly injections will often produce wild peaks and val
leys in blood plasma levels, which often result in more pronounced side effect
s among impaired potential gains. Beginner Testosterone Enanthate doses are in
the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, especially for a very first anabolic steroid
cycle. Even the lowest end of the range, 300mg, will provide some dramatic
improvements in physique and strength provided that the beginner’s nutrition a
nd training is properly adjusted and strict. Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate
doses will generally land within the range of 500 – 700mg weekly, with no re
quirements of venturing any higher than 500mg most of the time. Some interm whatsapp:+8618926485832
ediate users have been known to venture slightly higher, but this should never
usually be necessary if the individual’s nutrition and training components are p
roperly structured. Advanced Testosterone Enanthate doses do not usually rise h
igher than the intermediate doses, but can be seen as high as 700 – 1,000mg
weekly or more. However, it is very important to remember the key point that
higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced
anabolic steroid user of any type. Remember that increased Testosterone Enanth
ate doses will always correlate with an increase in aromatization and increases
in the severity of side effects.
5. Warning of Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone Enanthate use among female anabolic steroid users is very rare, c
onsidering its strong androgenic rating in comparison to other anabolic steroids
that may be weaker in this regard. Testosterone Enanthate is used medically f
or the treatment of female breast cancer patients, and also for the treatment of
transgender transformations. It is not recommended for females for the purpose
of performance and physique enhancement due to the strong tendency for the
manifestation of virilization effects that can be very quick to manifest during
use of strong androgens such as Testosterone, Trenbolone, etc.
Literature suggests that the approximate elimination half-life of testosterone ena
nthate when administered intramuscularly is 4 days. With this information, we
can estimate that it’ll take a person an average of 22 days (3.14 weeks) to cl
ear testosterone enanthate from systemic circulation. While testosterone enanth
ate stays in a person’s system for longer than propionate esters, it is eliminate
d nearly 2-fold quicker than cypionate formats.
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate
For the man who suffers from low testosterone, there are numerous symptoms
that can occur. This condition can negatively affect your physical, mental and
sexual wellbeing in a host of ways. The symptoms themselves are not life thre
atening; however, it is an unhealthy condition, very bothersome and can be an
open doorway to many far more serious conditions. The symptoms of low tes
tosterone include:
Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss)
Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection) whatsapp:+8618926485832
Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise)
Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise)
Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise)
Loss of Mental Clarity
Decreased Ability to Focus
Decreased Energy
Weakened Immune System
If you suffer from low testosterone the effects of Testosterone Enanthate simpl
y mean you will suffer from low testosterone no longer. The symptoms associa
ted with the condition will vanish and each one of those areas of your life wi
ll be improved. If you suffer from low testosterone, you should also know that
the only thing that will fully remedy the condition is direct testosterone thera
py through hormones like Testosterone Enanthate.
There are possible side effects of Testosterone Enanthate use, but we will find
they are extremely easy to avoid for the healthy adult male. When we refer t
o the healthy adult male we are excluding the issue of low testosterone. For t
he low level patient, the probability of side effects will be extremely low. In s
uch a case, the individual is merely replacing what he’s lacking and nothing m
ore. For the performance athlete, the side effects of Testosterone Enanthate will
carry a greater probability, but should still be very controllable. Most men ca
n tolerate high levels of testosterone very well. However, as with many things
in life individual response and sensitivity issues will play a role. This is not
unique to Testosterone Enanthate but holds true with all things we put in our
body. In order to understand the possible side effects of Testosterone Enanthate,
we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the i
nformation you’ll need.
7. Buy Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder from SZOB
→ Visit our online pharmacy and fill in an order of Testosterone Enanthate ra
w materials.
→ Define place of delivery, quantity of the product and the way of payment.
→ In the period of 30 minutes, you will receive a confirmation of your order.
→ It will be sent out within 12 hours. whatsapp:+8618926485832
8. Competitive Advantage of SZOB’s Testosterone Enanthate Raw
Powder :
1 High Quality With Competitive Price:
1) Quality Standard: USP 35
2) Purity: >99%
3) We are manufacturer and can provide high quality products with factory price.
2 Fast And Safe Delivery:
1) Parcel can be sent out in 24 hours after payment. Tracking number is available.
2) Secure and discreet shipment. Various transportation methods and flexible choices
are to ensure you to get it.
3 We Have Clients throughout The World:
1) The communication with our clients and then to share with other clients, to make
the business simple and improved.
2) Clients’ feedback is our initial motivation to be better and better.
3) High quality, competitive price, fast delivery and first-class service are our
business base to gain the trust and praise of the clients.
4 Three Principles
1) Safe delivery: Delivery ways varies and be more flexibility to protect the privacy of
customers. And for any unexpected cases, free reship can ensure you get what you
2) Stable quality: The product will always be with high purity. High quality is the
culture of our company.
3) Good service: As soon as possible to solve any customers’ problem, so that
customers can have more time to enjoy the life and their time.
more please contact
visit our

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Testosterone enanthate raw powder (1)

  • 1. whatsapp:+8618926485832 1 Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder/CAS:Testosterone enanthate---most com mon used steroids powder for bodybuilding 1. What Is Testosterone Enanthate?............................................................................ 1 2. How Does Testosterone Enanthate work?.............................................................. 2 3. How to Use Testosterone Enanthate?..................................................................... 3 4. Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate..........................................................................3 5. Warning of Testosterone Enanthate........................................................................ 5 6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate..............................5 7. Buy Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder from SZOB..........................................6 8. Competitive Advantage of SZOB’s Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder :..........7 1. What Is Testosterone Enanthate? Testosterone enanthate was first intro duced in 1952.Sold under the brand name Delatestryl among thers, Testos terone enanthate is marketed primaril y under the brand name Delatestryl.It is or has been marketed under a va riety of other brand names as well i ncluding Andro LA, Andropository, Depandro, Durathate, Everone, Testrin, Testostroval, and Testro LA among others.Testosterone Enanthate is an androge n and anabolic steroid. It is a synthetic androgen ester which acts as a prodru g of testosterone, and hence is considered to be a natural and bioidentical for m of testosterone. Along with testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate, an d testosterone undecanoate, testosterone enanthate is one of the most widely us ed testosterone esters.Testosterone enanthate is a prodrug of testosterone and is an androgen and anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS). That is, it is an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR).Testosterone enanthate is used in androgen repla cement therapy.It is the most widely used form of testosterone in androgen rep lacement therapy.Testosterone enanthate is available in the United States and wi dely elsewhere throughout the world. Testosterone Enanthate is one of the olde st and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testostero ne Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and w ould be the first large/long ester testosterone form used. Synthetic testosterone itself would be developed in the 1930’s.The first batches of testosterone manuf actured would have no ester attached (Testosterone Suspension) and needless to
  • 2. whatsapp:+8618926485832 2 say would be fast acting and require very frequent injections. In 1937 the first ester controlled testosterone would hit the market thanks to Schering and their new Testosterone Propionate product. This would allow for more control overth e testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. However, in the early 19 50’s a larger ester in Enanthate would be attached to the hormone thereby slo wing down the hormone’s activity even more. Testosterone Enanthate would be come the dominating testosterone form in the medical field and Testosterone C ypionate would join a few years later. The difference in Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate is largely inconsequential. 2. How Does Testosterone Enanthate work? Testosterone is classified as an androgenic ster oid hormone that is secreted primarily by the testicles in males, and to a modest extent in f emales via the ovaries. Testosterone is consid ered the defining sex hormone of males and i s responsible for promoting reproductive tissue development (testis and prostate), along with sex-specific features such as: body hair, bone mass, and muscle development. Sufficient le vels of testosterone are known to prevent oste oporosis, optimize cognitive function, and enh ance mood. Testosterone Enanthate is a single large ester base testosterone compound. This is a pure synthetic testosterone hormone that has a carboxylic acid ester attac hed in Enanthate (enanthoic acid). The ester itself is attached to the hormone at the 17-beta hydroxyl group. By attaching the Enanthate ester, this allows for a control of the hormones active duration and total release time. Once injecte d, the testosterone does not become active until the ester begins to detach fro m the hormone. The total detachment does not happen all at once but allows f or a slow, steady release of the active hormone into the body. Once injected, t here will be a sharp spike in testosterone within the first 24-48 hours post inje ction. From here the hormone will continually separate and dissipate through th e body. By its time frame, Testosterone Enanthate carries a half-life of approxi mately 8 days, which will allow for as little as one injection every 2 weeks i n a therapeutic setting. However, every 7-10 days will prove far more effective in maintaining stability.On a functional basis, Testosterone Enanthate is the pe rfect remedy for treating low testosterone. If you suffer from low testosterone,
  • 3. whatsapp:+8618926485832 3 this simply means your body is no longer producing enough of this primary a ndrogen on its own. As Testosterone Enanthate is simply that, testosterone, it will remedy the low level condition. Millions upon millions of men worldwide suffer from some type of low level androgen deficiency. In the U.S. alone it is estimated that more than 20 million men suffer from an androgen deficiency. Women can also suffer from low testosterone and Testosterone Enanthate can treat it. However, most women will be better served with alternative forms of testosterone treatment such as gels that contain a mixture of testosterone and p rogesterone or small testosterone implant pellets like Testopel.For the performan ce enhancing athlete, Testosterone Enanthate will benefit them the same as it d id the low testosterone patient. They will find their physical, mental and sexual wellbeing to be greatly improved. However, for this individual he will be taki ng his testosterone levels far beyond baseline. He will be taking his levels abo ve and beyond what could ever be naturally produced. As a result, there are fi ve important traits of testosterone that will be greatly enhanced and are imperative to performance enhancement success. We will go into how the hormone can be beneficial due to these traits in most all cycles, but we need to begin with what makes these traits important. 3. How to Use Testosterone Enanthate? Testosterone Enanthate Injection, USP provides Testosterone Enanthate, USP, a derivative of the primary endogenous androgen testosterone, for intramuscular a dministration. In their active form, androgens have a 17-beta-hydroxy group. Es terification of the 17-beta-hydroxy group increases the duration of action of tes tosterone; hydrolysis to free testosterone occurs in vivo. Testosterone enanthate has an elimination half-life of 4.5 days and a mean resi dence time of 8.5 days when used as a depot intramuscular injection.It requires frequent administration of approximately once per week, and large fluctuations in testosterone levels result with it, with levels initially being elevated and su praphysiological. 4. Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone is the main male hormone. It supports normal male development s uch as muscle growth, facial hair, and deep voice. It is used in males to treat low testosterone levels. Testosterone Enanthate is the most commonly prescribed Testosterone variant in
  • 4. whatsapp:+8618926485832 4 medicine in the whole world. It is also one of the most popular longer acting forms of Testosterone in use by athletes and bodybuilders, sharing the same a mount of use and popularity with the almost identical Testosterone Cypionate v ariant. Testosterone in any of its forms serves as an absolutely essential anabol ic steroid that should be used in literally every single cycle with no exceptions to this rule. Testosterone Enanthate in particular is very commonly used as a first-time anabolic steroid by brand new beginners to the world of anabolic ste roids. This is due to its long-acting nature with its longer half-life, which pres ents a far greater degree of convenience for beginners who may not enjoy the idea of frequent injections, as Testosterone Enanthate only requires two injecti ons administered every week, spaced evenly apart from one another so as to e nsure stable blood levels. As every single first-timer beginner cycle should be Testosterone only, Testosterone Enanthate is commonly the Testosterone variant of choice for first cycles. Testosterone itself no matter the ester attac hed is an extremely versatile and flexible anabolic steroid in terms of the man ner in which it can be utilized. Testosterone Enanthate doses possess a large w indow of flexibility depending on user goals, the type of cycle, and other vari ous factors. Medical Testosterone Enanthate Dosage In the medical field, Testosterone Enanthate is primarily utilized for the treatme nt of androgen deficiency in adult males (hypogonadism or andropause). Testost erone Enanthate dosages for such a condition as determined by prescription gui delines are that of 50 – 400mg administered every 2 – 4 weeks. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosages For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Enanth ate doses most usually administered weekly at the very least (as opposed to ad ministered every 2 – 4 weeks as outlined by prescription guidelines). However, Testosterone Enanthate doses should ideally be administered twice per week, with each dose spread evenly apart (Monday and Thursday, for example). This is to ensure the most stable optimal peak blood plasma levels of Testosterone is achieved, as single weekly injections will often produce wild peaks and val leys in blood plasma levels, which often result in more pronounced side effect s among impaired potential gains. Beginner Testosterone Enanthate doses are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, especially for a very first anabolic steroid cycle. Even the lowest end of the range, 300mg, will provide some dramatic improvements in physique and strength provided that the beginner’s nutrition a nd training is properly adjusted and strict. Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate doses will generally land within the range of 500 – 700mg weekly, with no re quirements of venturing any higher than 500mg most of the time. Some interm
  • 5. whatsapp:+8618926485832 5 ediate users have been known to venture slightly higher, but this should never usually be necessary if the individual’s nutrition and training components are p roperly structured. Advanced Testosterone Enanthate doses do not usually rise h igher than the intermediate doses, but can be seen as high as 700 – 1,000mg weekly or more. However, it is very important to remember the key point that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Remember that increased Testosterone Enanth ate doses will always correlate with an increase in aromatization and increases in the severity of side effects. 5. Warning of Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate use among female anabolic steroid users is very rare, c onsidering its strong androgenic rating in comparison to other anabolic steroids that may be weaker in this regard. Testosterone Enanthate is used medically f or the treatment of female breast cancer patients, and also for the treatment of female-to-male transgender transformations. It is not recommended for females for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement due to the strong tendency for the manifestation of virilization effects that can be very quick to manifest during use of strong androgens such as Testosterone, Trenbolone, etc. Literature suggests that the approximate elimination half-life of testosterone ena nthate when administered intramuscularly is 4 days. With this information, we can estimate that it’ll take a person an average of 22 days (3.14 weeks) to cl ear testosterone enanthate from systemic circulation. While testosterone enanth ate stays in a person’s system for longer than propionate esters, it is eliminate d nearly 2-fold quicker than cypionate formats. 6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate For the man who suffers from low testosterone, there are numerous symptoms that can occur. This condition can negatively affect your physical, mental and sexual wellbeing in a host of ways. The symptoms themselves are not life thre atening; however, it is an unhealthy condition, very bothersome and can be an open doorway to many far more serious conditions. The symptoms of low tes tosterone include: Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss) Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection)
  • 6. whatsapp:+8618926485832 6 Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise) Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise) Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise) Loss of Mental Clarity Decreased Ability to Focus Lethargy Insomnia Irritability Decreased Energy Depression Weakened Immune System If you suffer from low testosterone the effects of Testosterone Enanthate simpl y mean you will suffer from low testosterone no longer. The symptoms associa ted with the condition will vanish and each one of those areas of your life wi ll be improved. If you suffer from low testosterone, you should also know that the only thing that will fully remedy the condition is direct testosterone thera py through hormones like Testosterone Enanthate. There are possible side effects of Testosterone Enanthate use, but we will find they are extremely easy to avoid for the healthy adult male. When we refer t o the healthy adult male we are excluding the issue of low testosterone. For t he low level patient, the probability of side effects will be extremely low. In s uch a case, the individual is merely replacing what he’s lacking and nothing m ore. For the performance athlete, the side effects of Testosterone Enanthate will carry a greater probability, but should still be very controllable. Most men ca n tolerate high levels of testosterone very well. However, as with many things in life individual response and sensitivity issues will play a role. This is not unique to Testosterone Enanthate but holds true with all things we put in our body. In order to understand the possible side effects of Testosterone Enanthate, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the i nformation you’ll need. 7. Buy Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder from SZOB → Visit our online pharmacy and fill in an order of Testosterone Enanthate ra w materials. → Define place of delivery, quantity of the product and the way of payment. → In the period of 30 minutes, you will receive a confirmation of your order. → It will be sent out within 12 hours.
  • 7. whatsapp:+8618926485832 7 8. Competitive Advantage of SZOB’s Testosterone Enanthate Raw Powder : 1 High Quality With Competitive Price: 1) Quality Standard: USP 35 2) Purity: >99% 3) We are manufacturer and can provide high quality products with factory price. 2 Fast And Safe Delivery: 1) Parcel can be sent out in 24 hours after payment. Tracking number is available. 2) Secure and discreet shipment. Various transportation methods and flexible choices are to ensure you to get it. 3 We Have Clients throughout The World: 1) The communication with our clients and then to share with other clients, to make the business simple and improved. 2) Clients’ feedback is our initial motivation to be better and better. 3) High quality, competitive price, fast delivery and first-class service are our business base to gain the trust and praise of the clients. 4 Three Principles 1) Safe delivery: Delivery ways varies and be more flexibility to protect the privacy of customers. And for any unexpected cases, free reship can ensure you get what you paid. 2) Stable quality: The product will always be with high purity. High quality is the culture of our company. 3) Good service: As soon as possible to solve any customers’ problem, so that customers can have more time to enjoy the life and their time. more please contact visit our Contact Whatsapp:+8618926485832