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El modelo de caja
Todo en CSS tiene una caja
alrededor, y comprender estas
cajas es clave para poder crear
diseños con CSS o para alinear
elementos con otros elementos.
Task 2
The Moon is Earth’s
only natural satellite
Task 3
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Task 4
Earth is the place
where we all live
Task 5
Jupiter is a gas giant
and the biggest planet
Task 6
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Cajas en bloque y en línea
Si una caja se define como un bloque, se comportará de las maneras
 La caja fuerza un salto de línea al llegar al final de la línea.
 La caja se extenderá en la dirección de la línea para llenar todo el
espacio disponible que haya en su contenedor. En la mayoría de los
casos, esto significa que la caja será tan ancha como su contenedor,
y llenará el 100% del espacio disponible.
 Se respetan las propiedades width y height.
 El relleno, el margen y el borde mantienen a los otros elementos
alejados de la caja.
El modelo de caja
Cajas en bloque y en línea
Si una caja tiene una visualización externa de tipo inline, entonces:
 La caja no fuerza ningún salto de línea al llegar al final de la línea.
 Las propiedades width y height no se aplican.
 Se aplican relleno, margen y bordes verticales, pero no mantienen
alejadas otras cajas en línea.
 Se aplican relleno, margen y bordes horizontales, y mantienen
alejadas otras cajas en línea.
El modelo de caja
Cajas en bloque y en línea
El modelo de caja
¿Qué es el modelo de cajas CSS?
El modelo de cajas CSS completo se aplica a cajas que presentan
comportamiento en bloque; las cajas con comportamiento en línea
solo usan una parte del comportamiento definido en el modelo de
El modelo define cómo funcionan juntas las diferentes partes de una
caja (margen, borde, relleno y contenido) para crear una caja que
puedas ver en tu página.
El modelo de caja
Partes de una caja
 El contenido de la caja (o content box): El área donde se muestra el
contenido, cuyo tamaño puede cambiarse utilizando propiedades como
width y height.
 El relleno de la caja (o padding box): El relleno es espacio en blanco
alrededor del contenido; es posible controlar su tamaño usando la
propiedad padding y otras propiedades relacionadas.
 El borde de la caja (o border box): El borde de la caja envuelve el
contenido y el de relleno. Es posible controlar su tamaño y estilo
utilizando la propiedad border y otras propiedades relacionadas.
 El margen de la caja (o margin box): El margen es la capa más externa.
Envuelve el contenido, el relleno y el borde como espacio en blanco
entre la caja y otros elementos. Es posible controlar su tamaño usando la
propiedad margin y otras propiedades relacionadas.
El modelo de caja
El diagrama siguiente muestra estas capas:
El modelo de cajas CSS estándar
 En el modelo de cajas
estándar, cuando
estableces los atributos
width y height para una
caja, defines el ancho y
el alto del contenido de
la caja.
 Cualquier área de
relleno y borde se añade
a ese ancho y alto para
obtener el tamaño total
que ocupa la caja.
El modelo de caja
El modelo de cajas CSS alternativo
 Con este modelo,
cualquier ancho es el
ancho de la caja visible
en la página, por lo
tanto, el ancho del área
de contenido es ese
ancho menos el ancho
para el relleno y el
El modelo de caja
.box {
box-sizing: border-box;
 El margen es un espacio invisible que hay alrededor de la caja. Aleja el resto de
elementos de la caja. Los márgenes pueden tener valores positivos o
 Podemos controlar todos los márgenes de un elemento a la vez usando la
propiedad margin, o cada lado individualmente usando las propiedades
equivalentes sin abreviar:
El modelo de caja
● margin-top
● margin-right
● margin-bottom
● margin-left
Strategy for social media MK plan
Strategy for social media MK plan
07 am / 08 am 08 am / 09 am 09 am / 10 am 10 am / 11 am 11 am / 12 am
● Mercury
● Mars
● Mars
● Earth
● Neptune
● Mars
● Mercury
● Neptune
● Moon
● Earth
● Earth
● Moon
● Venus
● Saturn
● Jupiter
● Earth
● Saturn
● Venus
● Mars
● Jupiter
Strategy for social media MK plan
Mars is red but is a very
cold place
Earth is the place where
we all live
Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
25% Mercury
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Strategy for social media MK plan
Mercury is a very
small planet
Stage 1
Mercury is the
smallest planet
Mars was named
after a god
Stage 2
Mars is a very
cold place
Jupiter is a huge
gas giant
Stage 3
Jupiter is a really
big planet
Venus has a
beautiful name
Stage 4
Venus is a very
hot planet
Strategy for social media MK plan
MK plan
James Smith
Jenna Doe
Timmy Jimmy
Susan Harper
Team B
Earth is the place
where we all live
Team A
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
Strategy for social media MK plan
Tasks Assigned to Priority Status
Mars is red but actually a
very cold place
John Doe Normal Completed
Earth is the third planet
from the Sun
Linda Smith Low In progress
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Timmy Jimmy High Completed
Saturn is the planet with
many rings
James Doe High Planned
Strategy for social media MK plan
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Month: June
Day: Wednesday 21
07:00 Neptune is far away from Earth
08:00 Earth is where we all live
09:00 Saturn is a gas giant with rings
10:00 Jupiter is the biggest planet
11:00 Mars is red but a cold place
Strategy for social media MK plan
Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun
MK plan
Team 1
Mars is red but
very cold
Task 2
Saturn is a planet
with many rings
Task 1
Jupiter is a huge
gas giant
Team 2
Mercury is the
smallest planet
Task 2
Venus has a
beautiful name
Task 1
Earth is where all
humans live
Strategy for social media MK plan
Task 1 Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all
Task 2 Mars Mars is red but actually a very cold place
Task 3 Saturn Saturn is the planet with many rings
Task 4 Earth Earth is the place where we all live
Task 5 Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
Task 6 Venus Venus has a beautiful name
Strategy for social media MK plan
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Week 1 Project 1 Project 2
Week 2 Project 2
Week 3 Project 1 Project 4
Week 4 Project 3
Strategy for social media MK plan
Step 2
Earth is the
place where
we all live
Step 3
Saturn is the
planet with
many rings
Mars is red
but a very
cold place
Step 5
Step 1
Mercury is the
closest planet
to the Sun
Step 4
Jupiter is the
fifth planet
from the Sun
Strategy for social media MK plan
Team 5
Saturn is the
planet with
many rings
Team 2
Venus is the
second planet
from the Sun
Team 1
Mercury is the
closest planet
to the Sun
Team 3
Neptune is the
farthest planet
from the Sun
Team 4
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place
Team 6
Jupiter is a gas
giant and the
biggest planet
MK Plan
Strategy for social media MK plan
Mercury was named
after a Roman god
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Ceres is located in the
main asteroid belt
The Moon is Earth’s
only natural satellite
Task priority
Mars is red but a very
cold place
Jupiter a gas giant and
the biggest planet
Neptune is a planet far
away from us
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Venus has a beautiful
name but it’s hot
Pluto is considered a
dwarf planet
Earth is the place
where we all live
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
Strategy for social media MK plan
Budget B
Venus has a beautiful
name and is the second
planet from the Sun
Budget A
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and
the smallest of them all
Budget C
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place. It’s full
of iron oxide dust
Strategy for social media MK plan
Tasks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Saturn is a gas
giant and has rings
Earth is the place
where we all live
Despite being red,
Mars is cold
Neptune is far
away from Earth
Strategy for social media MK plan
Objective 1
Venus has a
beautiful name
Month, Day 20XX - Main tasks
Mon Mercury is the smallest one in the Solar System
Tue Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
Wed Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun
Thu Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System
Fri Mars is a cold place is full of iron oxide dust
Objective 2
Earth is the place
where we all live
Objective 3
Saturn is the
planet with rings
Strategy for social media MK plan
Stage 1 Earth is the place where we all live
Mars is red but a very cold place
Stage 2
Stage 3 Saturn is the planet with many rings
Stage 4 Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all
Stage 5 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
Strategy for social media MK plan
Earth is the place
where we all live
Mars is red but actually
a very cold place
Saturn is the planet
with many rings
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
07 am Earth Mercury Jupiter Mars Mercury
08 am Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Earth
09 am Mercury Saturn Mars Jupiter Saturn
Strategy for social media MK plan
Budget allocation
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Project B
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Project A
Project D
Earth is the third
planet from the Sun
Project C
Neptune is far away
from us
Strategy for social media MK plan
Task Assigned to Deadline
Mars is red but a very cold place James Doe June 1st
Earth is the third planet from the Sun Timmy Jimmy June 15th
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Susan Harper July 6th
Saturn is the planet with many rings John Smith July 17th
Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Jenna Doe August 2nd
Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet Linda Smith August 5th
Strategy for social media MK plan
Stage 2
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mercury is a very
small planet
Stage 3
Stage 1
Mars is actually a
very cold place
Stage 3
Earth is the place
where we all live
Saturn is the planet
with many rings
Stage 1 Stage 2
Jupiter doesn’t have
a solid surface
Project 1
Project 2
Strategy for social media MK plan
MK Plan
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. It’s the fourth-brightest object
in the night sky. It was named after the Roman god of the skies and lightning
Project A Project B
Earth is the place where we all live Saturn is the planet with many rings
Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2
Completed Work in progress Work in progress Completed
Strategy for social media MK plan
Project A Project B
Neptune is far away
from us
Task 1
Jupiter doesn’t have
a solid surface
Task 2
Earth is the place
where we all live
Task 3
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Task 1
Venus has a very
beautiful name
Task 2
Saturn is the planet
with many rings
Task 3
Strategy for social media MK plan
Team 2
● Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
● Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
● Neptune is very far
away from the Sun
● Saturn is a gas giant
and has rings
● Mars is a planet full of
iron oxide dust
● Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Team 3
Team 1
● Earth is the place
where we all live
● Venus has a really
beautiful name
● Jupiter was named
after a Roman god
Assigned tasks
Strategy for social media MK plan
Task 1
Venus has a very
beautiful name
Neptune is very far
away from us
Task 3
Task 4
Pluto is considered
a dwarf planet
Task 2
Saturn is a gas giant
and has rings
Task 5
Earth is the planet
where we all live
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Task 6
Strategy for social media MK plan
Phase 3
Earth is the
place where we
all live
Jupiter is a gas
giant and the
biggest planet
Phase 1
Phase 4
Mars is a cold
place full of iron
oxide dust
Saturn is the
planet with
many rings
Phase 2
Strategy for social media MK plan
Team A Saturn is the planet with rings 25%
Venus has a beautiful name
Team B 55%
Team C Mars is red but a very cold place 70%
Strategy for social media MK plan
We all live on
planet Earth
Mars is a very
cold place
Saturn has
many rings
Jupiter is a
gas giant
Mercury is
very small
Strategy for social media MK plan
Stage 1
Mercury is the
closest planet to
the Sun
Stage 2
Venus has a
beautiful name,
but it’s hot
Stage 3
Despite being
red, Mars is a very
cold place
MK Plan
Strategy for social media MK plan
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Team 2
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Venus has a really
beautiful name
Team 1
Team 4
Earth is the third
planet from the Sun
Team 3
Saturn is the planet
with many rings
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Strategy for Social Media MK Plan Infographics by Slidesgo.pptx

  • 2. Indice: El modelo de caja Todo en CSS tiene una caja alrededor, y comprender estas cajas es clave para poder crear diseños con CSS o para alinear elementos con otros elementos. 1 Task 2 The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite 2 Task 3 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun 3 5 6 Task 4 Earth is the place where we all live Task 5 Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet Task 6 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place
  • 3. Cajas en bloque y en línea Si una caja se define como un bloque, se comportará de las maneras siguientes:  La caja fuerza un salto de línea al llegar al final de la línea.  La caja se extenderá en la dirección de la línea para llenar todo el espacio disponible que haya en su contenedor. En la mayoría de los casos, esto significa que la caja será tan ancha como su contenedor, y llenará el 100% del espacio disponible.  Se respetan las propiedades width y height.  El relleno, el margen y el borde mantienen a los otros elementos alejados de la caja. El modelo de caja
  • 4. Cajas en bloque y en línea Si una caja tiene una visualización externa de tipo inline, entonces:  La caja no fuerza ningún salto de línea al llegar al final de la línea.  Las propiedades width y height no se aplican.  Se aplican relleno, margen y bordes verticales, pero no mantienen alejadas otras cajas en línea.  Se aplican relleno, margen y bordes horizontales, y mantienen alejadas otras cajas en línea. El modelo de caja
  • 5. Cajas en bloque y en línea El modelo de caja
  • 6. ¿Qué es el modelo de cajas CSS? El modelo de cajas CSS completo se aplica a cajas que presentan comportamiento en bloque; las cajas con comportamiento en línea solo usan una parte del comportamiento definido en el modelo de cajas. El modelo define cómo funcionan juntas las diferentes partes de una caja (margen, borde, relleno y contenido) para crear una caja que puedas ver en tu página. El modelo de caja
  • 7. Partes de una caja  El contenido de la caja (o content box): El área donde se muestra el contenido, cuyo tamaño puede cambiarse utilizando propiedades como width y height.  El relleno de la caja (o padding box): El relleno es espacio en blanco alrededor del contenido; es posible controlar su tamaño usando la propiedad padding y otras propiedades relacionadas.  El borde de la caja (o border box): El borde de la caja envuelve el contenido y el de relleno. Es posible controlar su tamaño y estilo utilizando la propiedad border y otras propiedades relacionadas.  El margen de la caja (o margin box): El margen es la capa más externa. Envuelve el contenido, el relleno y el borde como espacio en blanco entre la caja y otros elementos. Es posible controlar su tamaño usando la propiedad margin y otras propiedades relacionadas. El modelo de caja
  • 8. El diagrama siguiente muestra estas capas:
  • 9. El modelo de cajas CSS estándar  En el modelo de cajas estándar, cuando estableces los atributos width y height para una caja, defines el ancho y el alto del contenido de la caja.  Cualquier área de relleno y borde se añade a ese ancho y alto para obtener el tamaño total que ocupa la caja. El modelo de caja
  • 10. El modelo de cajas CSS alternativo  Con este modelo, cualquier ancho es el ancho de la caja visible en la página, por lo tanto, el ancho del área de contenido es ese ancho menos el ancho para el relleno y el borde. El modelo de caja .box { box-sizing: border-box; }
  • 11. Margen  El margen es un espacio invisible que hay alrededor de la caja. Aleja el resto de elementos de la caja. Los márgenes pueden tener valores positivos o negativos.  Podemos controlar todos los márgenes de un elemento a la vez usando la propiedad margin, o cada lado individualmente usando las propiedades equivalentes sin abreviar: El modelo de caja ● margin-top ● margin-right ● margin-bottom ● margin-left
  • 12. Strategy for social media MK plan
  • 13. Strategy for social media MK plan 07 am / 08 am 08 am / 09 am 09 am / 10 am 10 am / 11 am 11 am / 12 am Team meeting Business chat Budget meeting Business meeting Strategy review ● Mercury ● Mars ● Mars ● Earth ● Neptune ● Mars ● Mercury ● Neptune ● Moon ● Earth ● Earth ● Moon ● Venus ● Saturn ● Jupiter ● Earth ● Saturn ● Venus ● Mars ● Jupiter
  • 14. Strategy for social media MK plan Mars Mars is red but is a very cold place 60% Earth Earth is the place where we all live 50% Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings 25% Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun 75%
  • 15. Strategy for social media MK plan Mercury Mercury is a very small planet Stage 1 Mercury is the smallest planet Mars Mars was named after a god Stage 2 Mars is a very cold place Jupiter Jupiter is a huge gas giant Stage 3 Jupiter is a really big planet Venus Venus has a beautiful name Stage 4 Venus is a very hot planet
  • 16. Strategy for social media MK plan MK plan James Smith Jenna Doe Timmy Jimmy Susan Harper Team B Earth is the place where we all live Team A Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
  • 17. Strategy for social media MK plan Tasks Assigned to Priority Status Mars is red but actually a very cold place John Doe Normal Completed Earth is the third planet from the Sun Linda Smith Low In progress Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Timmy Jimmy High Completed Saturn is the planet with many rings James Doe High Planned
  • 18. Strategy for social media MK plan M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Month: June Day: Wednesday 21 07:00 Neptune is far away from Earth 08:00 Earth is where we all live 09:00 Saturn is a gas giant with rings 10:00 Jupiter is the biggest planet 11:00 Mars is red but a cold place
  • 19. Strategy for social media MK plan Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun MK plan Team 1 Mars is red but very cold Task 2 Saturn is a planet with many rings Task 1 Jupiter is a huge gas giant Team 2 Mercury is the smallest planet Task 2 Venus has a beautiful name Task 1 Earth is where all humans live
  • 20. Strategy for social media MK plan Task 1 Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Task 2 Mars Mars is red but actually a very cold place Task 3 Saturn Saturn is the planet with many rings Task 4 Earth Earth is the place where we all live Task 5 Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Task 6 Venus Venus has a beautiful name
  • 21. Strategy for social media MK plan Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Week 1 Project 1 Project 2 Week 2 Project 2 Week 3 Project 1 Project 4 Week 4 Project 3
  • 22. Strategy for social media MK plan Step 2 Earth is the place where we all live Step 3 Saturn is the planet with many rings Mars is red but a very cold place Step 5 Step 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Step 4 Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun
  • 23. Strategy for social media MK plan Team 5 Saturn is the planet with many rings Team 2 Venus is the second planet from the Sun Team 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Team 3 Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Team 4 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Team 6 Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet MK Plan
  • 24. Strategy for social media MK plan High Mercury was named after a Roman god Venus is the second planet from the Sun Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite Task priority Normal Mars is red but a very cold place Jupiter a gas giant and the biggest planet Neptune is a planet far away from us Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Low Venus has a beautiful name but it’s hot Pluto is considered a dwarf planet Earth is the place where we all live Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
  • 25. Strategy for social media MK plan Budget B Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun 50% 75% Budget A Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest of them all Budget C Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust 60%
  • 26. Strategy for social media MK plan Tasks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Saturn is a gas giant and has rings Earth is the place where we all live Despite being red, Mars is cold Neptune is far away from Earth
  • 27. Strategy for social media MK plan Objective 1 Venus has a beautiful name Month, Day 20XX - Main tasks Mon Mercury is the smallest one in the Solar System Tue Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings Wed Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Thu Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System Fri Mars is a cold place is full of iron oxide dust Objective 2 Earth is the place where we all live Objective 3 Saturn is the planet with rings
  • 28. Strategy for social media MK plan Stage 1 Earth is the place where we all live Mars is red but a very cold place Stage 2 Stage 3 Saturn is the planet with many rings Stage 4 Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Stage 5 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
  • 29. Strategy for social media MK plan Deadlines Earth is the place where we all live Tasks Mars is red but actually a very cold place Objectives Saturn is the planet with many rings Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 07 am Earth Mercury Jupiter Mars Mercury 08 am Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Earth 09 am Mercury Saturn Mars Jupiter Saturn
  • 30. Strategy for social media MK plan Budget allocation Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here Project B Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 25% Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Project A 20% Project D Earth is the third planet from the Sun 25% Project C Neptune is far away from us 30%
  • 31. Strategy for social media MK plan Task Assigned to Deadline Mars is red but a very cold place James Doe June 1st Earth is the third planet from the Sun Timmy Jimmy June 15th Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Susan Harper July 6th Saturn is the planet with many rings John Smith July 17th Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Jenna Doe August 2nd Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet Linda Smith August 5th
  • 32. Strategy for social media MK plan Stage 2 Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mercury is a very small planet Stage 3 Stage 1 Mars is actually a very cold place Stage 3 Earth is the place where we all live Saturn is the planet with many rings Stage 1 Stage 2 Jupiter doesn’t have a solid surface Project 1 Project 2
  • 33. Strategy for social media MK plan MK Plan Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. It’s the fourth-brightest object in the night sky. It was named after the Roman god of the skies and lightning Project A Project B Earth is the place where we all live Saturn is the planet with many rings Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Completed Work in progress Work in progress Completed
  • 34. Strategy for social media MK plan Project A Project B Neptune is far away from us Task 1 Jupiter doesn’t have a solid surface Task 2 Earth is the place where we all live Task 3 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Task 1 Venus has a very beautiful name Task 2 Saturn is the planet with many rings Task 3
  • 35. Strategy for social media MK plan Team 2 ● Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun ● Venus is the second planet from the Sun ● Neptune is very far away from the Sun ● Saturn is a gas giant and has rings ● Mars is a planet full of iron oxide dust ● Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Team 3 Team 1 ● Earth is the place where we all live ● Venus has a really beautiful name ● Jupiter was named after a Roman god Assigned tasks
  • 36. Strategy for social media MK plan Task 1 Venus has a very beautiful name 50% Neptune is very far away from us Task 3 70% Task 4 Pluto is considered a dwarf planet 15% Task 2 Saturn is a gas giant and has rings 45% Task 5 Earth is the planet where we all live 80% Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Task 6 90%
  • 37. Strategy for social media MK plan Earth Phase 3 Earth is the place where we all live Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet Jupiter Phase 1 Mars Phase 4 Mars is a cold place full of iron oxide dust Saturn is the planet with many rings Saturn Phase 2
  • 38. Strategy for social media MK plan Team A Saturn is the planet with rings 25% Venus has a beautiful name Team B 55% Team C Mars is red but a very cold place 70%
  • 39. Strategy for social media MK plan Growth Time Jun We all live on planet Earth Jul Mars is a very cold place Aug Saturn has many rings Sep Jupiter is a gas giant Oct Mercury is very small
  • 40. Strategy for social media MK plan 01 Stage 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Stage 2 Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot 02 Stage 3 Despite being red, Mars is a very cold place 03 MK Plan
  • 41. Strategy for social media MK plan Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here Team 2 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 25% Venus has a really beautiful name Team 1 35% Team 4 Earth is the third planet from the Sun 15% Team 3 Saturn is the planet with many rings 25%
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