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T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g

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                                                                                                     r                 Register
                                                   at                                         vi                         Now!
                                                             n                                  Early Bird–September 16
                                                                                                                     Save $400

              October 24-27, 2011
       Conference Tracks
                                                        Dallas Texas

     Leadership            Test Strategy                 Agile      Test        Performance         Test             Specialized Application
Perspectives for Testers    and Design                  Testing   Process          Testing       Automation             Test Environments

                                                    |   8 7 7. 2 5 7. 9 5 3 1
Software Test Professionals Conference Fall 2011, the leading conference on
          software testing, will be held in Dallas, Texas, October 24-27.
          Software testers, test and QA managers, and senior test professionals will gather in Dallas for the leading
          conference on software testing to learn about the latest tools, trends and issues affecting software
          testing today. Plan to attend any combination of our 40 information filled sessions, compelling
          keynotes, optional preconference workshops and a variety of networking opportunities for
          an experience designed to help you solve the challenges you encounter every day!

2 Keynotes
       Tuesday, October 25                      Tuesday, October 25                    Wednesday, October 26
        8:30am – 9:45am                           1:30pm – 2:15pm                        8:30am – 9:30am

                  What Can                                  In-The-Wild                                 It’s the
                  We Learn by                               Testing: Your                               Peoplework,
                  Listening to                              Survival May                                Not the
                  Our Defects                               Depend Upon It                              Paperwork
                  Rex Black                                 Matt Johnston                               Bruce Wilkinson
                  President, RBCS                           CMO, uTest                                  Leadership Speaker
 As Yogi Berra famously said,              Just like the Amazon Rainforest has       Economic downturns, customer
 “You can observe a lot just by            millions of acres yet to be explored,     expectations, employment
 watching”...Or listening for that         the potential of “in the wild”            issues, technology challenges,
 matter. In testing, we can listen to      testing has yet to be tapped. As          expanding regulatory compliance
 our defects. Defects can tell us a        a technology executive, you have          and multi-generation employee
 lot about what’s going on with our        finite resources to achieve an ever-      communication concerns can take
 projects, a lot about the current         expanding set of responsibilities.        their toll on a sometimes overworked
 quality of our products, and a lot        And while budgets tighten, the            workforce and especially managers
 about our software engineering            pace and pressure to deliver testing      and team leaders.
 process and its capabilities. For         results increases. All of this occurs
                                                                                     As a result, many organizations have
 example, how many defects can             at a time when your customers are
                                                                                     decided to implement a positive
 you expect users to find after you        using your applications from an
                                                                                     and consistent workplace culture
 release the product? In some cases,       infinite set of devices, configurations
                                                                                     through their mission, vision, values,
 defects can tell us interesting things    and environments.
                                                                                     goals and strategic objectives.
 about what’s not going on, too.
                                           While your internal resources may         This highly engaging, informative
 For example, when testers have
                                           be finite, there are tens of thousands    and content-driven presentation
 previous hands-on user experience,
                                           of professional testers all over the      will demonstrate how to build a
 do they really write better defect
                                           world representing the same, vast         better business by implementing
 reports? In this talk, Rex will discuss
                                           variety of your end user base. The        an inspired value-based employee
 important things test professionals
                                           question isn’t whether you should         accountability culture and climate
 can learn by listening to defects.
                                           tap into this resource, but rather,       of trust, respect, integrity, teamwork,
 He’ll illustrate these insights with
                                           how long can companies attempt            communication, inclusiveness,
 a variety of case studies and
                                           to satisfy a diverse user base while      leadership, service, change and
 examples. You’ll walk away ready
                                           testing only “in the lab”?                personal responsibility.
 to listen to your defects, and to
 understand what they’re telling you.      Matt has more than a decade of            Bruce is a leadership and
                                           technology, product & marketing           communication specialist
 Rex is a prolific author, practicing in
                                           experience at companies ranging           who reinforces personalized
 the field of software testing today.
                                           from startups to global enterprises,      messages with humor, passion,
 His first book, Managing the Testing
                                           areas of testing.                         enthusiasm, and authenticity.
 Process, has sold over 50,000 copies.

 r e g i st e r                www .                      o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
                                                                                                              PLUS 1-DAY

                                                                                                             $1,695                     $1,295
                                                                                                               ends 9/16                  ends 9/16

                                                                                                               $2,095                     $1,695
                                                                     CONFERENCE PACKAGES                       after 9/16                 after 9/16

                                                                         AND PRICING                             Register                   Register

                                                                     Pre-Conference Tutorials (1-day)

                                                                     Keynote Presentations

                                                                     Breakout Sessions

                                                                     Open Jam Testing Sessions

                                                                     Happy Hour Welcome Reception

                                                                     Speed Geeking and Power-Up
                                                                     Issues and Solutions

                                                                                                                 Keynotes 3
   Wednesday, October 26                           Thursday, October 27
     1:15pm – 2:00pm                                 8:30am – 9:45am

                 Better, Faster,                               Are You                              Table of Contents
                 Cheaper: Ways                                 Managing Testing
                                                                                                    Keynotes...................................... 2-3
                 to Reduce Test                                Or “The Test
                 Cost on Monday                                Process?”                            Networking Activities........................ 4

                  atthew Heusser                              Fiona Charles                       Open Jam Sessions......................... 5
                 Consulting Tester,                            Principal Consultant,
                 Excelon Development                           Quality Intelligence Inc.            Program Overview........................ 6-7

We are constantly asked to deliver           A good manager creates a space                         Schedule At A Glance................... 8-9
more under increasingly tight                where people can do their best work.
timeframes. Give in to those demands,        A leader sets an example and inspires                  Pre-Con Workshops................ 10-11
and you will end up facing burnout,          others to follow and then to lead in
                                                                                                    Conference Sessions.............. 12-21
stress, business risk, and, most likely,     their turn. A good test manager is
still more demands. Refuse, fight the        both a good manager and a leader,                      Registration Packages............ 22-23
good fight, and it is likely someone         managing the testing, and not just
else, a different department or a            “the testing process.”                                 Hotel Information............................ 24
3rd party, will outbid you...and that’s      At work, defined processes and rules
not acceptable either.                       help us to feel that we are in control of
This presentation will focus on the          our actions and thereby better placed
problem of pressure and offer real,          to predict and control the outcomes.
concrete solutions to directly drive         In reality, predefined processes can
out waste. At the same time, Matt will       advance our work or impede it.
offer tools to help you analyze your         Familiar industry-standard processes
testing, moving the conversation from        may merely provide the illusion of
one of just cost, to also include value.     control and a false expectation of
                                             predictable outcomes in circumstances
Finally, Matt will talk about
                                             where certainty is unattainable. Some
professionalism, the ways we as
                                             ritualized processes focus attention and
testers, can better explain the value
                                             effort on the wrong things, diverting our
we bring to the organization and how
                                             energy from actually getting the job
we can frame the conversation about
                                             done. Questioning our work and our
“What it is you do here.”
                                             processes is just as critical to the pursuit
Matt, a consulting software tester and       of quality as questioning products.
software process naturalist, has spent
                                             Fiona, with 30+ years in software
the past 12 years or so developing,
                                             development, teaches organizations
testing, and leading in dev/testing
                                             to match their software testing to their
of computer software.
                                             business risks and opportunities.

                 T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
4 Networking Activities
  Power-Up Issues and Solutions                                     Test Management Dinner Groups
  Round Table Discussions                                           Wednesday, October 26 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm
  Tuesday, October 25 from 7:30am – 8:30am                          Interested in networking with other professionals
  Make the most out of your breakfast time and join your            over dinner? Visit the registration desk and sign
  colleagues in facilitated discussions focused on driving          up for a facilitated dinner group. You will dine with
  solutions to current issues. Each breakfast table will feature    other professionals, have an opportunity to meet
  a topic that reflects your most pressing issues that you are      and greet, and discuss what matters most to you.
  facing each day. We’ll provide the facilitator, but it’s up       If you’re looking to reach outside your social core,
  to you and your colleagues to discuss how to solve these          participating in a dinner group will help you network
  important problems. These roundtables are designed                with other contact center managers facing the same
  to help you learn, socialize and network at your fullest          challenges. Each dinner guest is expected to pay for
  potential. Pre-registration is not required, simply join us       their individual meals... really a small price to pay for
  for breakfast and be ready to discuss.                            a new network of colleagues.

  Happy Hour Welcome Reception                                      Rapid Fire Challenge
  Tuesday, October 25 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm                          Thursday, October 27 from 7:30am – 8:30am
  The welcome reception is the ultimate place to network            Looking for fast, expert tips to help you streamline your
  with your colleagues. Start your evening off with a drink         testing process? Join us for this interactive session where
  on us as you unwind and enjoy the Dallas nightlife. This          software testing leaders will face off in a battle to see who
  reception is a great opportunity to meet new people               can present the most informational and educational tips
  and talk to colleagues who are facing the same daily              that you can take back to the office. Attendees will judge
  challenges and issues.                                            which presenters offer the best industry tips.
                                                                      •  1: Harness your Inner Tester: Ways to Classify,
  Speed Geeking Breakfast Bytes                                         Channel and Possibly Curb Your Natural Testing Style,
  Wednesday, October 26 from 7:30am – 8:30am                            Dawn Haynes
  Imagine hearing a hot topic – the immediate, meaningful,            • RF2: A Bag of Validation Tricks, Lanette Creamer
  most powerful element of a session –compressed into a
                                                                      •  3: How to Calculate Risk and Cost of False Positives,
  small 8-minute byte. These sessions will feature a variety of
                                                                        Mark Tomlinson
  speakers and topics designed to educate, entertain and
  motivate you, as you rotate between speakers who will               •  4: FIBLOTS: A Method for Determining What To
  share their expertise in just a few minutes. Every lightning          Test and What Not To, Scott Barber
  topic you attend brings you closer to a drawing for an iPad
  that will take place at the end of the session. Topics include:   QA Matchmaker Board
    •  o You Have it All-Full Automatic Regression
      S                                                             The STP matchmaker will be matching you to other testing
      Test Suite...What’s Next                                      professionals. If you have a subject matter of expertise and
    •  orget Reporting Results, Start Delivering Value
      F                                                             want to share this knowledge, Melissa will match you to
                                                                    individuals who have questions related to your expertise.
    •  ikuli: Useful Tool, Silver Bullet or Academic
      S                                                             A whiteboard will be located at the conference where
      Pipe-Dream                                                    you can list your expertise as well as your questions. The
    •  essy Integration Testing – Test Lessons from
      M                                                             ability to meet the right people with experience which
      Pulp Fiction                                                  can help your career and address your software testing
                                                                    challenges is the key to a great conference experience.
    •  anban – In Okinawa, Belt Mean No Need
      Rope to Hold Up Pants
    •  he Time I Over Engineered It
                                                                          Excellent event, definitely planning
                                                                      on attending next year. All topics were
                  Platinum Sponsor                                   applicable to my job! I got volumes and
                                                                    volumes of information to make me more
                                                                      productive and useful to my company.
                                                                                                               Bill Bennett
                                                                                   Senior Program Manager, QA and Testing,
                                                                                                        Hanesbrands Inc.

  r e g i st e r                 www .                     o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
Open Jam Testing Sessions 5
Open Jam Sessions
Wednesday, October 26 from 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Are you looking for a hands-on session where you not only discuss testing concepts but actually get to participate
in something interactive? If yes, then “Jam Sessions” are made for you! Whether you are looking for a test simulation,
games and exercises to teach lateral thinking, a workshop to explain the dynamics of testing to your larger organization,
or another creative learning approach, you’ll find it in a Jam Session. There will be eight opportunities to get together
in this highly energized session. Interactive sessions include:

OJ1: Agile Testing Games, Lanette Creamer
Come test prototypes of tangible items and website(s) for small prizes, internet fame, and tester glory. Collaborate
and influence others by asking Lanette’s test team of offsite Oompa-Loompas to run tests on their unlimited equipment
and give you back the results. Game options range from the purely physical object to a website that you can test,
and there will even be a physical item with an online component for a hybrid testing challenge.

OJ2:      Your Tester Personality, Catherine Powell
In this session, you’ll test a very buggy application, and learn what kind of tester you really are: are you a visual
aide, or maybe a submariner? Different testers find different kinds of bugs and approach testing in different ways.
Figure out your personality, and learn what you can do to work on a team with a lot of different tester personalities.

OJ3: ‘SET’ Up Data Analysis and Visual Reporting, Scott Barber and Friends
Would you like to improve your data analysis and visual reporting skills without ever mentioning math or spreadsheets while
learning to play a fun game that’s appropriate for both family game night and office mixers? Join Scott Barber to do exactly
that, in about an hour, using the card game ‘SET’.

OJ4: Iron Test Master: Recipes for Disaster, Virginia Reynolds
You’ve seen the cooking contest shows–Chopped, Top Chef, Iron Chef, and Iron Chef Masters. Well, now STPCon has its very
own testing contest: Iron Test Master! You’ll be provided a set of “ingredients” about an IT project and using those ingredients
you will design a “recipe” on-the-fly for your step-by-step approach for the testing effort. Just like in
the real contests, you will be thrown some curve-ball ingredients affecting your environments,
team resources, budget, or change management, to name a few. You’ll be judged against
other contestants until the playing field is narrowed down to our final Iron Test Master.

OJ5: Werewolf!, Matthew Heusser and Zach Spencer
Limited to fifteen people, Werewolf combines the best of modern psychology, mystery, and
critical thinking. Get to know your people at STPCon, learn how they think, and take home an
interactive workshop to do the same for your office. (We could tell you more, but that would
ruin the exercise). We will provide the info – you will need to provide the silver bullets.

OJ6: Acceptance Test Story Workshop, Adam Yuret
Learn how to collaborate with Product Owners to define acceptance criteria in this brief workshop.
You’ll touch on how to achieve shared understanding between product owners and the engineering
team prior to development and learn ways to use a domain specific language tool like Cucumber
to build executable specifications from those criteria. Most importantly, you learn about effective,
holistic collaborative development (as opposed to waterfalling specifications), and how
it can be both productive and fun.

OJ7:   Great Testing, Bad Business, Matt Kallman
Join your colleagues for this simulation and discussion around the occasional conflict between
good business and good testing. Learn how to recognize the conflict, see the traps and navigate
the business demands successfully. You will come away from this session with new and improved
systems thinking tools to help recognize the testing improvements that will add value right now.

OJ8: Exploring Dynamics on Software Projects, Dave Limbaugh
Each standard, rule, and guide in this carefully designed simulation was created to mirror the
dynamics of an actual software process. You’ll experience the thrill of working in a fast-paced,
every-changing software factory, but also notice how concrete changes in process can
improve quality, delivery, and job satisfaction. Take home the skills to explain not just what
Agile is, but why it works, in a very concrete, meaningful way.

The Leading Conference On Software Testing
6 Program Overview

 Leadership Perspectives for Testers:        Understanding the business side of testing is as important as amplifying
 our approaches and techniques. In this track you will learn how to effectively lead diverse test teams, communicate
 with stakeholders, and advocate for testing. This track includes topics related to building test teams, leading business
 testers, handling the challenges of remote teams, communicating the value of testing, and using metrics in the decision
 making process.

  101    Leading from the Middle - Applying Maxwell’s 360 Leader concepts for Test Leads
  301    Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow
  401    Stepping Up to Leadership: Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter
  701    Purpose Driven Testing
  801    Walk in My Shoes
  901    A Remote Tester’s Perspective: The Challenges and Solutions

 Test Strategy and Design: Before you begin testing on a project, your team should have a formal or informal
 test strategy. There are key elements you need to consider when formulating your test strategy, if not, you may be
 wasting valuable time, money and resources. In this track you will learn the strategic and practical approaches to
 software testing and test case design, based on the underlying software development methodology. This track
 includes topics related to developing a test strategy, test estimation, risk management and data management.

  102    On Complete Testing
  303    Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort
  403    Managing Risk for Software Products
  603    The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing
  803    Sisyphus, Parkinson, Goldratt and You: Practical Test Estimation
  1001   Using Failure Analysis to Power Up your Tests

 Agile Testing:   More and more software development organizations are “going Agile”. This track will help
 participants understand how they can fit traditional test practices into an Agile environment as well as explore
 real-world examples of testing projects and teams in varying degrees of Agile adoption. This track will include
 topics related to challenges in Agile testing, utilizing Agile testing techniques, coaching an Agile test team,
 and using games to internalize Agile principles and practices.

  103    Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for an Agile Environment
  203    Product Owners Are From Mars, Testers Are From Venus….or Are They?
  503    Testing in the World of Kanban
  604    Agile API QA
  703    Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers
  1003   Fast and Good: Alternate Approaches to Quality at Etsy

 Test Process:    Test teams are constantly challenged to adjust by evolving project constraints. The ability to continually
 adapt testing processes to meet the changing needs of the project and the organization sets high performing teams
 apart. Presentations in this track will share methods for enabling teams to more effectively handle project challenges.
 This track includes real-world approaches to responding to change, leveraging testlists, testing in production, improving
 process, and transforming organizations using metrics.

  104    Smarter Testing - Test Less Test Right
  304    Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit for Managers
  404    Documenting Tester Instructions - A Survey of Successful Approaches
  704    Test Process Improvement Adoption: Ants on a Doughnut
  904    QA Needed, Testers Need Not Apply

Performance Testing: Performance Testing is about collecting data on how applications perform to assist
the development team and the stakeholders make technical and business decisions related to performance risks.
In this track you will learn practical skills, tools, and techniques for planning and executing effective performance tests.
This track will include topics such as: performance testing virtualized systems, performance anti-patterns, and how to
quantify performance testing risk, all illustrated with practitioners’ actual experiences doing performance testing.

 201    Real World Performance Testing in Production
 302    Interpreting Performance Testing Results
 501    Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium
 601    Performance QA Testing within Large Development Organizations
 702    Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise
 802    Automating and Understanding Human Interaction with Web 2.0 Applications
 902    5 Ways to Do More Performance Testing in Less Time

Test Automation: Which tests can be automated? What tools and methodology can be used for automating
functionality verification? Chances are these are some of the questions you are currently facing from your project
manager. In this track you will learn how to implement an automation framework and how to organize test scripts for
maintenance and reusability, as well as take away tips on how to make your automation framework more efficient.
This track includes topics related to test automation architecture, continuous integration, agile automation, and
what other tasks you need to perform after you have designed your framework and scripted your test cases.

 202    Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 - Better, Faster, More Awesome
 402    Continuous Integration Testing with Code Coverage
 502    Test Oracle Automation: Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality?
 602    Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity, and Comprehension
 903    Exploratory Test Automation
 1002   Test Data Strategies

Specialized Application Test Environments: Gone are the days of a cookie cutter piece of software. Software runs in
more places and is a cornerstone of more industries than ever before. Mobile devices, cloud computing, specialty medical
devices - non-traditional environments pose their own testing challenges. Testing also has to accommodate specialty needs
for different industries. This expansion is altering the way we exchange information and do business. In this track participants
will learn testing techniques from real-world experiences in these different environments.  Topics in this track will include
cloud-based testing, testing in regulated industries, testing embedded software and testing mobile applications.

 204    Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project
 504    Testing a New Mobile World
 804    Integrated Test Automation for Enterprise Mobile Apps
 1004   Modernizing Today’s Complex Applications for the Cloud

          r e g i st e r                www .                       o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
8 Schedule at a glance
  Monday, October 24, 2011
  8:00am – 5:00pm	     Registration  Information
  8:00am – 9:00am	     Continental Breakfast  Networking
  9:00am – 4:00pm	     Pre-Conference Workshops
  	                    Pre-Con 1: From Soup to Nuts: A Five Course (Testing) Meal, Matt Heusser, Peter Walen
  	                    Pre-Con 2: Test Strategy: The Design Behind the Plan, Fiona Charles
  	                    Pre-Con 3: Workshop on Mobile Testing, Karen N. Johnson
  	                    Pre-Con 4: Implementing a Test Automation Framework, Linda Hayes

  Tuesday, October 25, 2011
  7:00am – 6:00pm	     Registration  Information
  7:30am – 8:30am	     Breakfast  Power-Up Issues and Solutions Roundtable Discussions
  8:30am – 9:45am	     Opening General Session: What Can We Learn by Listening to our Defects, Rex Black
  10:00am – 11:15am	   Session Block 1
  	                    101: Leading from the Middle – Applying Maxwell’s 360 Leader Concepts for Test Leads, Jane Fraser
  	                    102: On Complete Testing, Matt Heusser, Peter Walen
  	                    103: Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for an Agile Environment, Robert Walsh
  	                    104: Smarter Testing – Test Less, Test Right, Rakesh Ranjan
  11:15am – 11:45am	   Morning Beverage Break
  11:45pm – 1:00pm	    Session Block 2
  	                    201: Real World Performance Testing in Production, Dan Bartow
  	                    202: Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 – Better, Faster, More Awesome, Jason Huggins
  	                    203: Product Owners Are From Mars, Testers Are From Venus….or Are They?, Jerry D. Odenwelder, Jr.
  	                    204: Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project, Karen Johnson
  1:00pm – 2:15pm	     Lunch
  1:30pm – 2:15pm	     Luncheon General Session: In-The-Wild Testing: Your Survival May Depend Upon It, Matt Johnston
  2:15pm – 3:30pm	     Session Block 3
  	                    301: Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow, Trisha Lee
  	                    302: Interpreting Performance Testing Results, Dan Downing
  	                    303: Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort, Shaun Bradshaw
  	                    304: Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit for Managers, Harish Narayan, Julie Davis
  3:30pm – 4:00pm	     Afternoon Beverage Break
  4:00pm – 5:15pm	     Session Block 4
  	                    401: Stepping Up to Leadership: Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter, Peter Walen
  	                    402: Continuous Integration Testing with Code Coverage, George Shin
  	                    403: Managing Risk for Software Products, Matthew Sullivan, Scott Barber
  	                    404: Documenting Tester Instructions – A Survey of Successful Approaches, Justin Hunter
  5:30pm – 7:00pm	     Happy Hour Welcome Reception

  Wednesday, October 26, 2011
  7:00am – 6:00pm	     Registration  Information
  7:30am – 8:30am	     Breakfast  Speed Geeking Breakfast Bytes
  	                    SG1: So You Have it All-Full Automatic Regression Test Suite...What’s Next, Dani Almog
  	                    SG2: Forget Reporting Results, Start Delivering Value, Scott Barber
  	                    SG3: Sikuli: Useful Tool, Silver Bullet or Academic Pipe-Dream, Matt Kallman
  	                    SG4: Messy Integration Testing – Test Lessons from Pulp Fiction, Peter Walen
  	                    SG5: Kanban – In Okinawa, Belt Mean No Need Rope to Hold Up Pants, Carl Shaulis
  	                    SG6: The Time I Over Engineered It, Adrian Rapan
  8:30am – 9:30am	     General Session: It’s the Peoplework, Not the Paperwork, Bruce Wilkinson
9:45am – 11:00am	    Session Block 5
	                    501: Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium, Frank Cohen
	                    502: Test Oracle Automation: Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality?, Dani Almog
	                    503: Testing in the World of Kanban, Carl Shaulis
	                    504: Testing a New Mobile World, Eddy Bruin
11:00am – 11:30am	   Morning Beverage Break
11:30am – 12:45pm	   Session Block 6
	                    601: Performance QA Testing Within Large Development Organizations, John Meza
	                    602: Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity, and Comprehension, Boyd Patterson
	                    603: The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing, Karen Johnson
	                    604: Agile API QA, David Hefner
12:45pm – 2:00pm	    Lunch
1:15pm – 2:00pm	     Luncheon General Session: Better, Faster, Cheaper: Ways to Reduce Test Cost on Monday, Matt Heusser
2:00pm – 3:15pm	     Session Block 7
	                    701: Purpose Driven Testing, Cory Medlin
	                    702: Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise, Scott Barber
	                    703: Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers, Lanette Creamer
	                    704: Test Process Improvement Adoption: Ants on a Doughnut, Shawn Hudson, Jill Corbitt
3:15pm – 3:45pm	     Afternoon Beverage Break
3:45pm – 5:00pm	     Session Block 8
	                    801: Walk in My Shoes, Tony Bruce, Adrian Rapan
	                    802: Automating and Understanding Human Interaction with Web 2.0 Applications, Mark Tomlinson
	                    803: Sisyphus, Parkinson, Goldratt and You: Practical Test Estimation, Matt Kallman
	                    804: Integrated Test Automation for Enterprise Mobile Apps, Sreekanth Singaraju
5:00pm – 6:00pm	     Open Jam Testing Sessions
	                    OJ1: Agile Testing Games, Lanette Creamer
	                    OJ2: Your Tester Personality, Catherine Powell
	                    OJ3: ‘SET’ Up Data Analysis and Visual Reporting, Scott Barber and Friends
	                    OJ4: Iron Test Master: Recipes for Disaster, Virginia Reynolds
	                    OJ5: Werewolf!, Matthew Heusser and Zach Spencer
	                    OJ6: Acceptance Test Story Workshop, Adam Yuret
	                    OJ7: Great Testing, Bad Business, Matt Kallman
	                    OJ8: Exploring Dynamics on Software Projects, Dave Limbaugh
6:30pm – 8:30pm	     Test Management Dinner Groups

Thursday, October 27, 2011
7:00am – 1:00pm	     Registration  Information
7:30am – 8:30am	     Breakfast  The Rapid Fire Challenge
	                    RF1: Harness Your Inner Tester: Ways to Classify, Channel and Possibly Curb Your
	                         Natural Testing Style, Dawn Haynes
	                    RF2: A Bag of Validation Tricks, Lanette Creamer
	                    RF3: How to Calculate Risk and Cost of False Positives, Mark Tomlinson
	                    RF4: FIBLOTS: A Method for Determining What To Test and What Not To, Scott Barber
8:30am – 9:45am	     General Session: Are You Managing Testing – or “The Test Process”, Fiona Charles
10:00am – 11:15am	   Session Block 9
	                    901: A Remote Tester’s Perspective: The Challenges and Solutions, Keith McIntosh
	                    902: 5 Ways to Do More Performance Testing in Less Time, Steve Sturtevant, James Pulley
	                    903: Exploratory Test Automation, Doug Hoffman
	                    904: QA Needed, Testers Need Not Apply, Bradley Baird
11:30am – 12:45pm	   Session Block 10
	                    1001: Using Failure Analysis to Power Up Your Tests, Dawn Haynes
	                    1002: Test Data Strategies, Linda Hayes
	                    1003: Fast and Good: Alternate Approaches to Quality at Etsy, Noah Sussman
	                    1004: Modernizing Today’s Complex Applications for the Cloud, Kelly Emo
10 Pre-Conference Workshops
   Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm                            Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm

  Pre-Con 1                                                       Pre-Con 2
  From Soup to Nuts: A Five Course (Testing) Meal                 Test Strategy: The Design Behind the Plan
  Matt Heusser, Consulting Software Tester, Excelon Development   Fiona Charles, Principal Consultant, Quality Intelligence Inc.
  Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide          A test strategy is the set of big-picture ideas embodying
  This interactive workshop will simulate real market             the overarching direction or design of a test effort. It’s
  conditions for software testing. Just like the real world,      the significant values that will inspire, influence and
  there will be schedule, requirement, and customer               ultimately drive your testing, and the overall decisions
  pressures. Unlike the real world there will be explanations,    you have made about ways and means of delivering on
  discussion, sharing, and learning. You’ll get a chance to       those values. It’s the design behind the plan. But in the
  see what works by doing it.                                     standardized test strategy documents we’re all familiar
  At the same time this complex workshop will introduce           with, the actual strategy is often missing or buried in
  more challenges, new test techniques, more powerful             tedious and repetitious boilerplate that’s copied and
  ways to cover the same scenarios in less time. After an         pasted across multiple projects.
  intense morning of software testing, we’ll spend the            In this hands-on workshop we’re going to ignore the
  afternoon on organizational issues, including how to best       standard big document and focus on the important
  make use of the little time we have, how to effectively         aspects of a test strategy such as strategic thinking and
  communicate about bugs and risk, and, yes, how                  communicating the strategy effectively. Working together
  actual testing and risk relate to automation.                   on real testing problems, you will explore what’s essential
  You will walk away with:                                        in a strategy and how to develop it. Who are your
                                                                  stakeholders? What does product quality mean to them
    •  solid foundation in Quick Attacks, a technique
      A                                                           in practical terms? How do they characterize the value
      you can use to test any software immediately                they expect to get from the product? These are critical
    •  nalysis techniques for domain testing, designed
      A                                                           considerations in determining what your test will cover
      to help you learn the business logic quickly                and how.
    •  rcheology techniques to sniff out hidden
      A                                                           Throughout the day, you will practice using simple, flexible
      requirements                                                media for working through our ideas and communicating
    •  ools to clarify and negotiate the test group role
      T                                                           clearly to project stakeholders. Participants are welcome
      with management                                             to bring their own testing problems to the class.
    •  xercises you can take home to do with your
      E                                                                       Fiona teaches organizations to match their
      team as a brown bag, or to explain testing to                           software testing to their business risks and
      larger organizations                                                    opportunities. With 30+ years experience in
  Bring a laptop computer, netbook or iPad, please bring it;                  software development, she has managed
  you’ll want to use it in this interactive simulation.                       testing and consulted on many challenging
                                                                              testing projects for clients.
              Matt has been developing, testing, and
              managing software projects for his entire
              adult life. His personal blog, Creative Chaos,
              is consistently highly ranked among testing
              blogs. He recently served as Lead Editor for
              How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing.
              Peter has been in software development
              for over 25 years. After working many years
              as a programmer, he moved to software
              testing and QA. Peter is an active member
              of several testing associations and an active
              blogger on software testing.

  r e g i st e r                www .                    o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
Pre-Conference Workshops 11
Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm                            Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Pre-Con 3                                                      Pre-Con 4
Workshop on Mobile Testing                                     Implementing a Test Automation Framework
Karen N. Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc.       Linda Hayes, Founder, WorkSoft, Inc.
Testing the website to ensure your customers can access        Whether you are only considering automation or have
your website via mobile devices is the hottest trend in        years of experience, this course will help you improve
the industry. Most organizations have adopted or are           your chances for success. Learn how to use frameworks
considering a mobile strategy for their organization. Are      to accelerate your test automation effort, dramatically
you ready to test this mobile strategy? Testing your website   shorten the learning curve, allow non-technical analysts
for use by mobile devices is a critical function and may       to develop and execute automated tests, and simplify
determine whether or not your overall strategy is effective.   test library management and maintenance.
Attend this workshop to understand the unique aspects of       Get the facts on what automation can – and can’t –
testing websites for compatibility with mobile devices. We     do for you, and find out how to get management to
will be covering the hottest and most important aspects of     give you what you need to succeed. Learn how to
mobile website testing as this workshop helps you plan your    avoid the traps and pitfalls that doom projects, including
mobile testing effort.                                         unrealistic expectations. Understand when automation
Topics discussed:                                              is appropriate and when it isn’t, and how to maximize
  • Secure pages and site certificates
                                                              the right opportunities.

  •  ser interface checkpoints such as links, lists
    U                                                          This workshop provides detailed, step-by-step instructions
    and sitemaps                                               for selecting and implementing a framework and takes
                                                               you on a guided tour of five different approaches—from
  •  unctional tests such as: search, browse,
    F                                                          beginner to advanced—with analyses of the advantages
    login, cookies                                             and disadvantages of each. Learn how to use these
  •  eplicating defects on mobile devices, is it different
    R                                                          practical and proven approaches with any commercial
    than replicating defects on other platforms?               or internally developed testing tool for web, client/server,
  •  creen shots: how to capture screen shots for
    S                                                          mainframe, and character-based applications.
    defect reporting                                           Key Concepts:
  •  hoosing which devices to test with
    C                                                            •  hat are the benefits of automation?
  •  etting your team access to devices
    G                                                            •  hat are the risks?
  •  nderstanding the different browsers used
    U                                                            •  hat are the cost components?
    on mobile devices                                            •  hat are cost effective strategies?
  •  ulti-locale sites on mobile devices
    M                                                            •  hat are alternate approaches?
            Karen is an independent software test                           Linda has over twenty years of experience in
            consultant. She is a frequent speaker at                        software test automation and is the founder of
            conferences and is a contributing author                        three software companies including AutoTester,
            to the book, Beautiful Testing released by                      the first PC-based test automation tool. Linda
            O’Reilly publishers. She is the co-founder                      holds degrees in accounting, tax and law
            of the WREST workshop.                                          and is a frequent industry speaker.

                                              Being an “Army Of One” at my
                                        company, it was great to talk testing
                                         with other testers and to hear about
                                             similar challenges and possible
                                          solutions to the issues I am facing.
                                                                Michele Routon
                                                                     QA Lead,
                                                                  Expesite, LLC

                 T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
12 Session Block 1                                    Tuesday, October 25, 2011
                                                      10:00am – 11:15am

  Session #101                                                       Session #102
  Leading from the Middle – Applying Maxwell’s                       On Complete Testing
  360 Leader Concepts for Test Leads                                 Track: Test Strategy and Design
  Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers                         Matt Heusser, Software Process Naturalist, Excelon Development
  Jane Fraser, Test Director, Electronic Arts                        Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide
  Managing a successful site and trying to keep it bug-free          When the big boss tells you the critically important
  is a never-ending process. This session will include tools and     project needs to be completely tested, how do we
  best practices so you can reduce risk, mitigate disaster, and      reply? Journey along with Matt Heusser and Pete Walen
  meet customer needs all while keeping your team happy in           in a rousing discussion of software testing, professionalism,
  a hectic environment.                                              knowledge and communication about software testing.
                                                                     Along the way you will pick up pointers for explaining
  Learn ways to:                                                     testing, setting expectations, risk management... and
  • nfluence changes in your organization, in order to
    I                                                                maybe, just maybe, a little doing more with less. Take home
    improve quality in both the products and the team                with you a transcript of advice on the issue of complete
  •  liminate the blame game from post mortems and
    E                                                                testing, as well as an audio discussion of the same.
    develop key learnings instead                                                             Matt has been developing, testing,
  •  se past events to forge new process
    U                                                                                         and managing software projects
                                                                                              for his entire adult life.
  •  xpress the risks or issues to individuals to get results
                                                                                              Peter has been in software
               Jane oversees the Test Department, which
                                                                                              development for over 25 years.
               includes, Club Pogo, Facebook
               games and portal, and mobile . She has
               provided leadership and established testing
               process for a team which has grown from
               six to sixty-eight.

  Session #103                                                       Session #104
  Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for                       Smarter Testing – Test Less Test Right
  an Agile Environment                                               Track: Test Process
  Track: Agile Testing                                               Rakesh Ranjan, Software Test Leader, IBM Corporation
  Robert Walsh, President, Excalibur Solutions                       Testing less, if done smartly, can be very effective in
  Contrary to what some believe, the Agile view of testing is        most software development projects. This session suggests
  not “don’t test,” nor is it “only developers should test.” Agile   the practical methods and tools from real world projects
  augments traditional testing done by testing professionals         that can make a tester do more with less. In other words,
  with other automated tests written and executed by                 create a big impact with less but utilize the correct testing.
  developers and customers. Test driven development and              You will learn:
  unit testing, user acceptance, exploratory, usability, load        •  ow to mix ad-hoc and exploratory testing
  and performance, integration, and other techniques play              techniques with formal testing.
  significant roles in Agile environments. This course will help     •  ow to know where the bugs are.
  to explain how various testing efforts are used in responsible
  approaches to Agile software development. Further, it will         •  ow to utilize code coverage to prioritize your testing.
  explore ways that traditional QA efforts can be adapted to         •  ow to manage your time in a high performance
  fit neatly in Agile processes. Examples will be given to show        test team.
  a typical Agile iteration, including what roles each team          •  ow to collaborate with the development team.
  member plays inside and across iterations.
                                                                     This session aims to provide you with practical tips and
               Robert delivers Agile training and                    techniques that will make you a highly efficient tester.
               contract programming services. He is also
                                                                                 Rakesh manages a high performance
               a co-founder and former President/CEO
                                                                                 QA team at IBM and has been coding
               of EnvisionWare, Inc., a Georgia company
                                                                                 and testing software that runs critical
               focused on providing self-service solutions
                                                                                 business for almost 15 years.
               to public and academic libraries.

  r e g i st e r                  www .                      o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
                                                      11:45am – 1:00pm                    Session Block 2 13
Session #201                                                      Session #202
Real World Performance Testing in Production                      Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 – Better, Faster,
Track: Performance Testing                                        More Awesome
Dan Bartow, Vice President, Product Management, SOASTA            Track: Test Automation
Online application performance is critical – no one would         Jason Huggins, Cofounder, CTO, Sauce Labs Inc.
challenge this statement. Even with thorough testing in           Selenium is the most popular open-source tool for
a lab environment, when applications are deployed to              acceptance testing dynamic web applications. In
production they very frequently topple under the pressure         Selenium 2.0, the Selenium project merged with the
of real-world users. Running a few hundred virtual users in a     WebDriver project. This session will explain the benefits
small lab does not mean that you can support twenty times         of Selenium 2.0’s technology and go into detail on what
as much load in the production environment. Yet this kind         is and is not changing. Selenium’s goal is to drive any
of extrapolation is being done all throughout the industry.       browser the same way an end user would with any
Testing in production is an essential component of world-         programming language on any OS platform.
class performance methodologies. However, this approach           This session will also cover trends in testing and test
is not without it’s own set of challenges; the three most         automation, and how Selenium fits into the bigger
common of which are security, test data in production, and        project management picture. Specific guidance will
potential live customer impact. Learn how businesses from         be given on how to determine what should be tested
the New York Stock Exchange to Netflix have solved these          with Selenium and how to deal with the problem of
problems to enable ongoing production testing.                    brittle, expensive-to-maintain Selenium tests.
            Prior to joining SOASTA, Dan was Sr. Engineering                  Jason is the creator of the Selenium
            Manager at Intuit and over the past decade he                     project, a cross-platform, cross-browser
            has been responsible for the performance of                       web automation toolkit. When not coding
            websites for American Airlines, ATT, Best Buy,                   in Python or JavaScript, Jason enjoys hacking
            Finish Line, J.Crew, Neiman Marcus and others.                    on Arduino-based electronics projects.

Session #203                                                      Session #204
Product Owners Are from Mars, Testers                             Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data
Are from Venus... or Are They?                                    Warehouse Project
Track: Agile Testing                                              Track: Specialized Application Test Environments
Jerry D. Odenwelder Jr., Product Manager, VersionOne              Karen Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc.
JoEllen Carter, Agile Tester, VersionOne                          When a company builds a data warehouse and creates
On Agile teams, product owners are often crunched                 reports designed for business analysis, it’s important that
for time because of their need to assist the team with the        the data on those reports is accurate. Testing for data
current release while interacting with users to refine features   accuracy is different from functional testing and other
for future releases. A typical solution to this problem is to     types of testing such as performance or security testing.
have multiple product owners, one focused on long term            The business rules around data become boundary
direction and one, or more, focused on short term features.       conditions to consider. Deciding the test data set
In this session we propose an alternate approach that             becomes a considerable topic and is often one of
leverages the strengths of product owners and testers             the most strategic decisions in BI testing.
to have a continuous flow from release to release.                Stored procedures, triggers, and custom ETL transactions
                         Jerry has been in software               need to be tested but frequently testers don’t have these
                         engineering for nearly 20 years with     types of experiences on their resume which makes building a
                         over 6 years of agile experience.        testing team a challenge for most test managers. This session
                         JoEllen has more than seven years        takes a look at the unique testing challenges of data quality
                         of experience defining the role of       in the business intelligence/data warehouse arena.
                         tester on agile teams.                               Karen is an independent software test
                                                                              consultant and has published numerous
                                                                              articles and blogs about her experiences
                                                                              with software testing.

                T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
14 Session Block 3                                 Tuesday, October 25, 2011
                                                   2:15pm – 3:30pm

  Session #301                                                      Session #302
  Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow                                    Interpreting Performance Testing Results
  Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers                        Track: Performance Testing
  Trisha Lee, QA and Change Control: Manager,                       Dan Downing, Principal Consultant, Mentora Group	
  First Tech Federal Credit Union                                   You’ve worked hard to define, develop and execute a
  Transitioning from tester to manager began with a credit          performance test on a new application to determine its
  union merger that taught Trisha to navigate through loads of      behavior under load. Your initial test results have filled a
  responsibility, management pressure, vendor demands and           couple of 52 gallon drums with numbers. Now what?
  tester needs, requiring a multitude of support, knowledge, and    In this session we’ll look at my CAVIAR process for
  creativity. Learn how she went from being a tester to a leader    evaluating test results: Collecting; Aggregating;
  during a multimillion dollar merger and lived to tell about it.   Visualizing; Interpreting; Analyzing; and Reporting.
  Key Points of the session include:                                Then together we’ll look at example graphs taken from
  •  ow to manage the responsibility of leading the testing
    H                                                               actual projects and interpret them to see what hypotheses
    during a major project                                          we can glean. Finally, I’ll share with you my approach to
  • The techniques to lead a team of formal and informal testers    reporting results in a clear and compelling manner, with
                                                                    data-supported observations, conclusions drawn from
  •  ow to build your credibility and empower a testing team
    H                                                               these observations, and actionable recommendations.
  •  ow to transition from being a tester to a manager
    H                                                               You will take home at least one new idea that will make
              Trisha has worked in the credit union                 you a more effective performance tester.
              industry for over 10 years and most                               Over the past 13 years, Dan has led
              recently led the data validation testing                          hundreds of performance projects on
              activities for the largest merger in                              applications ranging from eCommerce
              credit union history.                                             to ERP and companies ranging from
                                                                                startups to global enterprises.

  Session #303                                                      Session #304
  Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort                  Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit
  Track: Test Strategy and Design                                   for Managers
  Shaun Bradshaw, VP Consulting Services,                           Track: Test Process
  Zenergy Technologies, Inc.                                        Harish Narayan, Director, Technology, Vistaprint	
  This presentation describes how a small set of test               Julie Davis, Director of Quality Assurance, Vistaprint
  metrics were used to successfully manage a major test             At Vistaprint, the technology team does not follow a
  acceptance effort at the conclusion of a two and half year        specific Agile methodology but is very agile, to ensure
  ERP implementation. Attendees will learn how key metrics          that new features are delivered with quality to its 10 million
  drove test management decisions and how these same                online customers. The QA management team uses a set
  metrics will benefit their organizations. We will discuss the     of best practices to ensure testing agility in the form of a
  background, the planning, the effort, and the results, all        toolkit which includes the following: co-located business,
  from the point of view of what the metrics revealed and           development and QA teams; integrated capacity planning
  how they altered the management of the effort as a result.        using a six month horizon; a QA project execution process
  The following concepts will be taught as a part of                that stresses early engagement followed by a test strategy
  this presentation:                                                to eliminate defects early; a streamlined ticket workflow to
  •  lanning which metrics will help determine success
    P                                                               manage test progress; systems that quickly detect issues
                                                                    in the test phase and those that missed the test phase;
  •  ey metrics that assist in day-to-day decision making
    K                                                               regression automation that is executed and triaged daily;
  •  ow to implement and utilize key metrics to lead a test
    H                                                               and metrics that help assess risk throughout the release cycle.
    team in a non-threatening environment                                                    Harish is a software engineering
              Shaun has spent the last 14 years helping                                      and information technology leader
              improve their QA and test processes by                                         with over 15 years of experience.
              advising, them on effective testing and test                                   Julie began her quality assurance
              management techniques as well as                                               career in 2000 after receiving a
              implementing optimized test metrics.                                           Masters in Engineering from MIT.

  r e g i st e r                www .                       o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
                                                        4:00pm – 5:15pm                   Session Block 4 15
Session #401                                                      Session #402
Stepping Up to Leadership:                                        Continuous Integration Testing with
Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter                         Code Coverage
Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers                        Track: Test Automation
Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide            George Shin, QA/Test Manager, Hewlett-Packard Company
Even if you do not have the word “lead” in your job title,        Finding new and never before covered code is a challenge
and even if you are not a manager or other official leader,       in a continuous integration testing environment that requires
sometimes you find people looking to you to be a leader.          merging and preserving code coverage measurements from
Stepping up to your own potential involves overcoming             each different build version across different build targets.
your own uncertainties, self doubts and perception.               Between each integration testing iteration the emphasis is
This session will look at the choices, options and paths that     placed on measuring the effectiveness of the test coverage
are available to every tester and software professional,          against detecting modified code down to the minimal
including opportunities for self-education, networking            subset. This is important for the developers in test to stay
and other professional and technical development. In              integrated continuously with the daily commits to the nightly
this interactive discussion, the presenter will talk about his    builds. This session discusses a system environment that
mistakes, what he learned from them, his successes, and           delivers automation and tools that contribute to developing
how he capitalized on them, and what opportunities there          and testing a better quality product for our customers that
may be for you to step up to leadership in your own right         also minimizes risk of exposing uncovered code that can
and practical tips for doing so.                                  become customer visible failures.

            Peter has been in software development for                        In his current role, George leads a team of
            over 25 years. He has worked in the fields of                     developers responsible for integration test
            insurance and finance, manufacturing, higher                      coverages for an Enterprise Virtual Array
            education/universities, retail, distribution and                  (EVA) product, with the main focus being
            point of sale systems.                                            QA coverage of controller firmware.

Session #403                                                      Session #404
Managing Risk for Software Products                               Documenting Tester Instructions –
Track: Test Strategy and Design                                   A Survey of Successful Approaches
Matthew Sullivan, Performance Quality Control Engineer,           Track: Test Process
Wolters Kluwer	                                                   Justin Hunter, CEO, Hexawise
Scott Barber, CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
                                                                  This session provides an overview of several different
Most organizations that develop software as a product,            approaches that are successfully used by testers to address
a component of a product, or as a way to reduce internal          the questions of: What type of testing documentation
business expenses manage risk at business, product, and           should you create; and how much detail is appropriate to
project layers independently, and frequently with separate        include in order to guide testers and/or satisfy compliance
risk management methodologies. This situation leads to            requirements? This session will discuss pros and cons of
disconnects over what risks can best be managed at which          several approaches, including:
layer, what risks are more or less critical than others, and
which critical risks are becoming “lost in the cracks”.           •  hecklists
                                                                  •  indmaps
During this session, a consolidated model will be presented
                                                                  •  est ideas
with specifics to implementation for managing risk for
software products and ensuring business alignment                 •  pecification by example
between what is requested and what is delivered.                  •  etailed test scripts
                         Matthew is currently involved with       In some software testing presentations, the speaker
                         a suite of internal auditing products.   will explain why they think one particular approach is
                                                                  particularly attractive. This won’t be one of those talks.
                         Scott is a respected leader in
                         the area of software system                          Justin is a test design specialist who
                         performance testing.                                 has enjoyed teaching testers how to
                                                                              improve the efficiency and effectiveness
                                                                              of their test case selection and
                                                                              documentation approaches.

                 T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
16 Session Block 5                               Wednesday, October 26, 2011
                                                 9:45am – 11:00am

  Session #501                                                   Session #502
  Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium                    Test Oracle Automation:
  Track: Performance Testing                                     Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality?
  Frank Cohen, CEO, PushToTest                                   Track: Test Automation
  Selenium is great at browser automation. Attending             Dani Almog, Researcher, BGU - Ben Gurion University
  this session shows how to repurpose Selenium test              Test oracle is considered among the most important
  scripts to be used as load and performance tests:              components of software testing, yet quite sophisticated
  •  hy Selenium in load testing
    W                                                            and generally difficult to automate. A test oracle is defined
  •  ata enabling Selenium tests
    D                                                            as any (human or mechanical) agent that decides
                                                                 whether a program behaves correctly under a given
  •  alibration testing methodology
    C                                                            test, and accordingly can produce a verdict of “pass”
  •  esults analysis: the scalability index
    R                                                            or “fail”. It is said that test oracle is one of the most
  •  eploying tests to the cloud
    D                                                            humanly dependent properties during the testing work;
                                                                 hence our ability to automate testing is fundamentally
  •  esources and next steps
                                                                 constrained by our ability to create and use oracles.
  All examples are based on open source test products
                                                                 The session will present and redefine the challenge of
  and toolsets, freely downloadable.
                                                                 automating test oracle, demonstrating models and tools
               Frank is the expert that information              to address the issue and suggesting new practical and
               technology professionals and enterprises          innovative ways to overcome the obstacles.
               go to when they need to understand
                                                                             Dani has been a software developer
               and solve problems in complex
                                                                             and team lead. He also served as director
               inter-operating information systems.
                                                                             for test automation, where he built
                                                                             infrastructures for test automation.

  Session #503                                                   Session #504
  Testing in the World of Kanban                                 Testing a New Mobile World
  Track: Agile Testing                                           Track: Specialized Application Test Environments
  Carl Shaulis, QA Engineering Manager,             Eddy Bruin, MSC, Capgemini Financial Services
  In this session, Carl Shaulis presents a journey of a team     We are about to take a next step in evolution and
  who adopted Kanban and went from 6 week release                testers have to take this step too! Websites and web
  cycles down to releasing twice per week. This session will     browsers are no longer the usual center of the computing
  introduce the concepts of Kanban, address why and how          world. Instead ubiquitous computing is the leading way
  the team made the switch to this lean process, and most        forward. Ubiquitous computing is a post-desktop model
  importantly how the role of a tester adapts to this dramatic   of human-computer interaction in which information
  process change.                                                processing has been thoroughly integrated into
               Carl has been testing software for                everyday objects and activities.
               10+ years and has over 15 years of                This presentation will point out what opportunities and
               management experience. He takes                   challenges ubiquitous computing will bring for test
               an analytical approach to testing and             professionals. How can we test these mobile applications?
               has the fortitude to embrace change.              What makes them different from traditional application
                                                                 testing? What risks are involved? What is the influence of
                                                                 API’s, cloud computing, SOA and mash up applications?
                                                                 And will quality attributes shift in importance? These
                                                                 questions will be discussed and more questions will be
                                                                 raised on these topics.
                                                                             Eddy is a thought leader in mobile
                                                                             testing and constructing mobile test
                                                                             capabilities in the Netherlands.

  r e g i st e r                  www .                  o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
                                                  11:30am – 12:45pm                      Session Block 6 17
Session #601                                                      Session #602
Performance QA Testing Within Large                               Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity,
Development Organizations                                         and Comprehension
Performance Testing                                               Track: Test Automation
John Meza, Product Engineer, ESRI                                 Boyd Patterson, President, Patterson Consulting, LLC
This session will focus on how ongoing performance and            Much of the effort to perform test automation comes
scalability testing can be integrated into a large development    months or even years after the initial scripts have been
organization. Follow a hypothetical test team from inception to   written. Before you can begin to debug broken code or
full integration into the development organization, including:    write new functionality for a test, you must first comprehend
•  hallenges of creating an internal team and
  C                                                               what was previously written. Learn about many of the
  areas of responsibility and influence                           common pitfalls in authored code and how you can
                                                                  refactor your code to dramatically improve comprehension.
•  anagerial and organizational challenges when working
                                                                  Topics will include good naming conventions for variables
  within large development organizations
                                                                  and methods, when to use callable routines, effective use
•  ifferent modes of performance and scalability testing
  D                                                               of parameters in routines, variable usage, avoiding “magic
  within development organization                                 values”, code formatting, and objective measurements of
•  orking collaboratively with development teams and
  W                                                               code complexity. Examples will be provided based on HP
  performance test schedules based on development schedules       QuickTest® Professional, but the concepts can be universally
•  eporting mechanisms and report types
  R                                                               applied to any programming language.

            John has 25 years in the IT industry                              Boyd has 11 years of experience in
            and for the past three years he has                               test automation from the HP Mercury
            been the lead of the Performance                                  tool suite as well as 7 years of experience
            QA team at ESRI.                                                  in Windows® client application
                                                                              development and design principles.

Session #603                                                      Session #604
The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing                         Agile API QA
Track: Test Strategy and Design                                   Track: Agile Testing
Karen Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc.             David Hefner, Senior Technical Staff Member,
The project manager asks: When will you be done? How              Hewlett-Packard Company
can you tell when you will be done testing when testing           Software QA seems to be increasingly about web
is a discovery activity not just a confirmation activity and      applications and protocols. But APIs remain critical
you have no idea what issues you may find lurking in              underpinnings of system and application software. This
the software. How do you discipline yourself to get the           session will examine API quality assurance and how agile
job done? To begin with, you have to admit you have a             techniques can be applied to make the process more
challenge to overcome and in this presentation, the reality       effective, efficient and enjoyable. Participants will learn
of needing to be disciplined and focused to get work              how to use agile techniques to streamline all of the primary
done, most especially getting work done under pressure,           QA activities. Project scoping, managing relationships
will be discussed. Tactics will be shared for getting through     with management and developers, tool selection,
stacks of work when you don’t feel inspired. We will look         project execution, test deliverables and API testing
at how to build rigor and discipline into your practice in        fundamentals will be covered.
software testing.                                                             David has worked in the software industry as a
            Karen is an independent software test                             developer, manager and QA professional for
            consultant and has published numerous                             small and large organizations for more than 30
            articles and blogs about her experiences                          years and has a track record of innovation and
            with software testing.                                            experience that spans engineering practices
                                                                              and methodologies.

                T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
18 Session Block 7                                 Wednesday, October 26, 2011
                                                   2:00pm – 3:15pm

  Session #701                                                    Session #702
  Purpose Driven Testing                                          Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise
  Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers                      Track: Performance Testing
  Cory Medlin, Director, Health Care Testing Services, N.A.       Scott Barber, CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
  Often testing becomes an isolated exercise focused              According to the presenter, performance testing is an
  on tools, metrics, and execution. This session explores         inherently agile process, even though many teams and
  the importance of creating a connection between the             organizations experience significant difficulty integrating
  tester and the end user. By building a connection to            performance into their existing agile processes. In this
  the end users of a system, testers feel a greater sense of      session, learn how performance can be seamlessly
  purpose in their role. The potential benefits in both testing   integrated and how to employ and manage performance
  effectiveness and morale will be explored. Methods to           testing on Agile projects and within Agile enterprises. After
  create a sense of purpose will also be explored, including      this session, students will have the tools and knowledge
  ideas for team events and building a high energy culture        they need to overcome many of the common difficulties
  in the testing team.                                            organizations face when trying to make performance an
              Cory is an established leader in IT with            integral part of their Agile processes.
              experience in a variety of roles including                      Scott is viewed by many as the world’s
              leading large scale software development                        most prominent thought-leader in the area
              projects, building a PMO, and driving                           of software system performance testing and
              organizations to CMMI Certification.                            as a respected leader in the more general
                                                                              field of testing software systems.

  Session #703                                                    Session #704
  Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers                        Test Process Improvement Adoption:
  Track: Agile Testing                                            Ants on a Doughnut
  Lanette Creamer, Consulting Tester/Testing Coach,               Track: Test Process
  Spark Quality LLC                                               Shawn Hudson, Supervisor - Test Engineers, Sprint
  Historically, pairing between developers and testers has        Jill Corbitt, Capability and Process SME, Sprint
  been limited to acceptance criteria or story definition.        To anyone outside a testing organization, testing looks
  However, one of the exciting frontiers of Agile testing is      like ants on a doughnut; lots of activity with no clear
  pairing between testers and programmers at strategic            purpose or direction. In some ways this is true since many
  points during an iteration.                                     test organizations develop ad hoc in-house methods to
  Regardless of how Agile your team is, if you can get past       define, develop and implement processes. However, in
  the fear and old boundaries that limit the value of pairing,    2009, Sprint Information Technology’s Enterprise Testing
  you can take a step towards understanding other team            Services (ETS) directorate formally adopted Songeti’s Test
  members. Understanding what is happening in the code            Process Improvement methodology to enhance overall
  can be a huge testing advantage, and it doesn’t mean that       quality while addressing procedural opportunities incident
  you know how to code yourself, just that you understand         to outsourcing and domestic attrition. This presentation
  programming basics and some vocabulary. This session is         serves to highlight assessment, implementation, migration,
  an experience report about what is working so far in finding    and maintenance approaches leveraged by the ETS
  the common ground between testers and coders and is             organization over the last 2 years. We speak directly to the
  targeted for those who are not primarily programmers.           investment required and lessons learned to date, coupled
              After a decade at Adobe, including leading          with the emerging requirement to move to the next
              testing on the Creative Suites, Lanette jumped      generation of test quality framework(s).
              into consulting with both feet. She is currently                             Shawn is a Certified Test Engineer
              working with a Silicon Valley client, building a                             with over 15 years in the defense
              testing team from scratch.                                                   industry.
                                                                                           Jill has worked as a developer, test
                                                                                           analyst, test leader, and project
                                                                                           manager for over a decade.

  r e g i st e r                www .                     o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
STPCon Fall 2011
STPCon Fall 2011
STPCon Fall 2011
STPCon Fall 2011
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STPCon Fall 2011

  • 1. T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g es qu t al no it ey y k n g e t n w i u o ig r ki tr ng In ad v y a it n c c d e t e n d a u c b r Register at vi Now! io n Early Bird–September 16 Save $400 October 24-27, 2011 Conference Tracks Dallas Texas Leadership Test Strategy Agile Test Performance Test Specialized Application Perspectives for Testers and Design Testing Process Testing Automation Test Environments | 8 7 7. 2 5 7. 9 5 3 1
  • 2. Software Test Professionals Conference Fall 2011, the leading conference on software testing, will be held in Dallas, Texas, October 24-27. Software testers, test and QA managers, and senior test professionals will gather in Dallas for the leading conference on software testing to learn about the latest tools, trends and issues affecting software testing today. Plan to attend any combination of our 40 information filled sessions, compelling keynotes, optional preconference workshops and a variety of networking opportunities for an experience designed to help you solve the challenges you encounter every day! 2 Keynotes Tuesday, October 25 Tuesday, October 25 Wednesday, October 26 8:30am – 9:45am 1:30pm – 2:15pm 8:30am – 9:30am What Can In-The-Wild It’s the We Learn by Testing: Your Peoplework, Listening to Survival May Not the Our Defects Depend Upon It Paperwork Rex Black Matt Johnston Bruce Wilkinson President, RBCS CMO, uTest Leadership Speaker As Yogi Berra famously said, Just like the Amazon Rainforest has Economic downturns, customer “You can observe a lot just by millions of acres yet to be explored, expectations, employment watching”...Or listening for that the potential of “in the wild” issues, technology challenges, matter. In testing, we can listen to testing has yet to be tapped. As expanding regulatory compliance our defects. Defects can tell us a a technology executive, you have and multi-generation employee lot about what’s going on with our finite resources to achieve an ever- communication concerns can take projects, a lot about the current expanding set of responsibilities. their toll on a sometimes overworked quality of our products, and a lot And while budgets tighten, the workforce and especially managers about our software engineering pace and pressure to deliver testing and team leaders. process and its capabilities. For results increases. All of this occurs As a result, many organizations have example, how many defects can at a time when your customers are decided to implement a positive you expect users to find after you using your applications from an and consistent workplace culture release the product? In some cases, infinite set of devices, configurations through their mission, vision, values, defects can tell us interesting things and environments. goals and strategic objectives. about what’s not going on, too. While your internal resources may This highly engaging, informative For example, when testers have be finite, there are tens of thousands and content-driven presentation previous hands-on user experience, of professional testers all over the will demonstrate how to build a do they really write better defect world representing the same, vast better business by implementing reports? In this talk, Rex will discuss variety of your end user base. The an inspired value-based employee important things test professionals question isn’t whether you should accountability culture and climate can learn by listening to defects. tap into this resource, but rather, of trust, respect, integrity, teamwork, He’ll illustrate these insights with how long can companies attempt communication, inclusiveness, a variety of case studies and to satisfy a diverse user base while leadership, service, change and examples. You’ll walk away ready testing only “in the lab”? personal responsibility. to listen to your defects, and to understand what they’re telling you. Matt has more than a decade of Bruce is a leadership and technology, product & marketing communication specialist Rex is a prolific author, practicing in experience at companies ranging who reinforces personalized the field of software testing today. from startups to global enterprises, messages with humor, passion, His first book, Managing the Testing areas of testing. enthusiasm, and authenticity. Process, has sold over 50,000 copies. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 3. MAIN PACKAGE MAIN PACKAGE PLUS 1-DAY $1,695 $1,295 ends 9/16 ends 9/16 $2,095 $1,695 CONFERENCE PACKAGES after 9/16 after 9/16 AND PRICING Register Register Pre-Conference Tutorials (1-day) Keynote Presentations Breakout Sessions Open Jam Testing Sessions Happy Hour Welcome Reception Speed Geeking and Power-Up Issues and Solutions Keynotes 3 Wednesday, October 26 Thursday, October 27 1:15pm – 2:00pm 8:30am – 9:45am Better, Faster, Are You Table of Contents Cheaper: Ways Managing Testing Keynotes...................................... 2-3 . to Reduce Test Or “The Test Cost on Monday Process?” Networking Activities........................ 4 . M atthew Heusser Fiona Charles Open Jam Sessions......................... 5 Consulting Tester, Principal Consultant, Excelon Development Quality Intelligence Inc. Program Overview........................ 6-7 We are constantly asked to deliver A good manager creates a space Schedule At A Glance................... 8-9 more under increasingly tight where people can do their best work. timeframes. Give in to those demands, A leader sets an example and inspires Pre-Con Workshops................ 10-11 and you will end up facing burnout, others to follow and then to lead in Conference Sessions.............. 12-21 stress, business risk, and, most likely, their turn. A good test manager is still more demands. Refuse, fight the both a good manager and a leader, Registration Packages............ 22-23 . good fight, and it is likely someone managing the testing, and not just else, a different department or a “the testing process.” Hotel Information............................ 24 3rd party, will outbid you...and that’s At work, defined processes and rules not acceptable either. help us to feel that we are in control of This presentation will focus on the our actions and thereby better placed problem of pressure and offer real, to predict and control the outcomes. concrete solutions to directly drive In reality, predefined processes can out waste. At the same time, Matt will advance our work or impede it. offer tools to help you analyze your Familiar industry-standard processes testing, moving the conversation from may merely provide the illusion of one of just cost, to also include value.   control and a false expectation of predictable outcomes in circumstances Finally, Matt will talk about where certainty is unattainable. Some professionalism, the ways we as ritualized processes focus attention and testers, can better explain the value effort on the wrong things, diverting our we bring to the organization and how energy from actually getting the job we can frame the conversation about done. Questioning our work and our “What it is you do here.” processes is just as critical to the pursuit Matt, a consulting software tester and of quality as questioning products. software process naturalist, has spent Fiona, with 30+ years in software the past 12 years or so developing, development, teaches organizations testing, and leading in dev/testing to match their software testing to their of computer software. business risks and opportunities. T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
  • 4. 4 Networking Activities Power-Up Issues and Solutions Test Management Dinner Groups Round Table Discussions Wednesday, October 26 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm Tuesday, October 25 from 7:30am – 8:30am Interested in networking with other professionals Make the most out of your breakfast time and join your over dinner? Visit the registration desk and sign colleagues in facilitated discussions focused on driving up for a facilitated dinner group. You will dine with solutions to current issues. Each breakfast table will feature other professionals, have an opportunity to meet a topic that reflects your most pressing issues that you are and greet, and discuss what matters most to you. facing each day. We’ll provide the facilitator, but it’s up If you’re looking to reach outside your social core, to you and your colleagues to discuss how to solve these participating in a dinner group will help you network important problems. These roundtables are designed with other contact center managers facing the same to help you learn, socialize and network at your fullest challenges. Each dinner guest is expected to pay for potential. Pre-registration is not required, simply join us their individual meals... really a small price to pay for for breakfast and be ready to discuss. a new network of colleagues. Happy Hour Welcome Reception Rapid Fire Challenge Tuesday, October 25 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm Thursday, October 27 from 7:30am – 8:30am The welcome reception is the ultimate place to network Looking for fast, expert tips to help you streamline your with your colleagues. Start your evening off with a drink testing process? Join us for this interactive session where on us as you unwind and enjoy the Dallas nightlife. This software testing leaders will face off in a battle to see who reception is a great opportunity to meet new people can present the most informational and educational tips and talk to colleagues who are facing the same daily that you can take back to the office. Attendees will judge challenges and issues. which presenters offer the best industry tips. • 1: Harness your Inner Tester: Ways to Classify, RF Speed Geeking Breakfast Bytes Channel and Possibly Curb Your Natural Testing Style, Wednesday, October 26 from 7:30am – 8:30am Dawn Haynes Imagine hearing a hot topic – the immediate, meaningful, • RF2: A Bag of Validation Tricks, Lanette Creamer most powerful element of a session –compressed into a • 3: How to Calculate Risk and Cost of False Positives, RF small 8-minute byte. These sessions will feature a variety of Mark Tomlinson speakers and topics designed to educate, entertain and motivate you, as you rotate between speakers who will • 4: FIBLOTS: A Method for Determining What To RF share their expertise in just a few minutes. Every lightning Test and What Not To, Scott Barber topic you attend brings you closer to a drawing for an iPad that will take place at the end of the session. Topics include: QA Matchmaker Board • o You Have it All-Full Automatic Regression S The STP matchmaker will be matching you to other testing Test Suite...What’s Next professionals. If you have a subject matter of expertise and • orget Reporting Results, Start Delivering Value F want to share this knowledge, Melissa will match you to individuals who have questions related to your expertise. • ikuli: Useful Tool, Silver Bullet or Academic S A whiteboard will be located at the conference where Pipe-Dream you can list your expertise as well as your questions. The • essy Integration Testing – Test Lessons from M ability to meet the right people with experience which Pulp Fiction can help your career and address your software testing challenges is the key to a great conference experience. • anban – In Okinawa, Belt Mean No Need K Rope to Hold Up Pants • he Time I Over Engineered It T Excellent event, definitely planning on attending next year. All topics were Platinum Sponsor applicable to my job! I got volumes and volumes of information to make me more productive and useful to my company. Bill Bennett Senior Program Manager, QA and Testing, Hanesbrands Inc. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 5. Open Jam Testing Sessions 5 Open Jam Sessions Wednesday, October 26 from 5:00pm – 6:00pm Are you looking for a hands-on session where you not only discuss testing concepts but actually get to participate in something interactive? If yes, then “Jam Sessions” are made for you! Whether you are looking for a test simulation, games and exercises to teach lateral thinking, a workshop to explain the dynamics of testing to your larger organization, or another creative learning approach, you’ll find it in a Jam Session. There will be eight opportunities to get together in this highly energized session. Interactive sessions include: OJ1: Agile Testing Games, Lanette Creamer Come test prototypes of tangible items and website(s) for small prizes, internet fame, and tester glory. Collaborate and influence others by asking Lanette’s test team of offsite Oompa-Loompas to run tests on their unlimited equipment and give you back the results. Game options range from the purely physical object to a website that you can test, and there will even be a physical item with an online component for a hybrid testing challenge. OJ2: Your Tester Personality, Catherine Powell In this session, you’ll test a very buggy application, and learn what kind of tester you really are: are you a visual aide, or maybe a submariner? Different testers find different kinds of bugs and approach testing in different ways. Figure out your personality, and learn what you can do to work on a team with a lot of different tester personalities. OJ3: ‘SET’ Up Data Analysis and Visual Reporting, Scott Barber and Friends Would you like to improve your data analysis and visual reporting skills without ever mentioning math or spreadsheets while learning to play a fun game that’s appropriate for both family game night and office mixers? Join Scott Barber to do exactly that, in about an hour, using the card game ‘SET’. OJ4: Iron Test Master: Recipes for Disaster, Virginia Reynolds You’ve seen the cooking contest shows–Chopped, Top Chef, Iron Chef, and Iron Chef Masters. Well, now STPCon has its very own testing contest: Iron Test Master! You’ll be provided a set of “ingredients” about an IT project and using those ingredients you will design a “recipe” on-the-fly for your step-by-step approach for the testing effort. Just like in the real contests, you will be thrown some curve-ball ingredients affecting your environments, team resources, budget, or change management, to name a few. You’ll be judged against other contestants until the playing field is narrowed down to our final Iron Test Master. OJ5: Werewolf!, Matthew Heusser and Zach Spencer Limited to fifteen people, Werewolf combines the best of modern psychology, mystery, and critical thinking. Get to know your people at STPCon, learn how they think, and take home an interactive workshop to do the same for your office. (We could tell you more, but that would ruin the exercise). We will provide the info – you will need to provide the silver bullets. OJ6: Acceptance Test Story Workshop, Adam Yuret Learn how to collaborate with Product Owners to define acceptance criteria in this brief workshop. You’ll touch on how to achieve shared understanding between product owners and the engineering team prior to development and learn ways to use a domain specific language tool like Cucumber to build executable specifications from those criteria. Most importantly, you learn about effective, holistic collaborative development (as opposed to waterfalling specifications), and how it can be both productive and fun. OJ7: Great Testing, Bad Business, Matt Kallman Join your colleagues for this simulation and discussion around the occasional conflict between good business and good testing. Learn how to recognize the conflict, see the traps and navigate the business demands successfully. You will come away from this session with new and improved systems thinking tools to help recognize the testing improvements that will add value right now. OJ8: Exploring Dynamics on Software Projects, Dave Limbaugh Each standard, rule, and guide in this carefully designed simulation was created to mirror the dynamics of an actual software process. You’ll experience the thrill of working in a fast-paced, every-changing software factory, but also notice how concrete changes in process can improve quality, delivery, and job satisfaction. Take home the skills to explain not just what Agile is, but why it works, in a very concrete, meaningful way. The Leading Conference On Software Testing
  • 6. 6 Program Overview Leadership Perspectives for Testers: Understanding the business side of testing is as important as amplifying our approaches and techniques. In this track you will learn how to effectively lead diverse test teams, communicate with stakeholders, and advocate for testing. This track includes topics related to building test teams, leading business testers, handling the challenges of remote teams, communicating the value of testing, and using metrics in the decision making process. 101 Leading from the Middle - Applying Maxwell’s 360 Leader concepts for Test Leads 301 Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow 401 Stepping Up to Leadership: Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter 701 Purpose Driven Testing 801 Walk in My Shoes 901 A Remote Tester’s Perspective: The Challenges and Solutions Test Strategy and Design: Before you begin testing on a project, your team should have a formal or informal test strategy. There are key elements you need to consider when formulating your test strategy, if not, you may be wasting valuable time, money and resources. In this track you will learn the strategic and practical approaches to software testing and test case design, based on the underlying software development methodology. This track includes topics related to developing a test strategy, test estimation, risk management and data management. 102 On Complete Testing 303 Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort 403 Managing Risk for Software Products 603 The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing 803 Sisyphus, Parkinson, Goldratt and You: Practical Test Estimation 1001 Using Failure Analysis to Power Up your Tests Agile Testing: More and more software development organizations are “going Agile”. This track will help participants understand how they can fit traditional test practices into an Agile environment as well as explore real-world examples of testing projects and teams in varying degrees of Agile adoption. This track will include topics related to challenges in Agile testing, utilizing Agile testing techniques, coaching an Agile test team, and using games to internalize Agile principles and practices. 103 Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for an Agile Environment 203 Product Owners Are From Mars, Testers Are From Venus….or Are They? 503 Testing in the World of Kanban 604 Agile API QA 703 Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers 1003 Fast and Good: Alternate Approaches to Quality at Etsy Test Process: Test teams are constantly challenged to adjust by evolving project constraints. The ability to continually adapt testing processes to meet the changing needs of the project and the organization sets high performing teams apart. Presentations in this track will share methods for enabling teams to more effectively handle project challenges. This track includes real-world approaches to responding to change, leveraging testlists, testing in production, improving process, and transforming organizations using metrics. 104 Smarter Testing - Test Less Test Right 304 Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit for Managers 404 Documenting Tester Instructions - A Survey of Successful Approaches 704 Test Process Improvement Adoption: Ants on a Doughnut 904 QA Needed, Testers Need Not Apply
  • 7. 7 Performance Testing: Performance Testing is about collecting data on how applications perform to assist the development team and the stakeholders make technical and business decisions related to performance risks. In this track you will learn practical skills, tools, and techniques for planning and executing effective performance tests. This track will include topics such as: performance testing virtualized systems, performance anti-patterns, and how to quantify performance testing risk, all illustrated with practitioners’ actual experiences doing performance testing. 201 Real World Performance Testing in Production 302 Interpreting Performance Testing Results 501 Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium 601 Performance QA Testing within Large Development Organizations 702 Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise 802 Automating and Understanding Human Interaction with Web 2.0 Applications 902 5 Ways to Do More Performance Testing in Less Time Test Automation: Which tests can be automated? What tools and methodology can be used for automating functionality verification? Chances are these are some of the questions you are currently facing from your project manager. In this track you will learn how to implement an automation framework and how to organize test scripts for maintenance and reusability, as well as take away tips on how to make your automation framework more efficient. This track includes topics related to test automation architecture, continuous integration, agile automation, and what other tasks you need to perform after you have designed your framework and scripted your test cases. 202 Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 - Better, Faster, More Awesome 402 Continuous Integration Testing with Code Coverage 502 Test Oracle Automation: Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality? 602 Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity, and Comprehension 903 Exploratory Test Automation 1002 Test Data Strategies Specialized Application Test Environments: Gone are the days of a cookie cutter piece of software. Software runs in more places and is a cornerstone of more industries than ever before. Mobile devices, cloud computing, specialty medical devices - non-traditional environments pose their own testing challenges. Testing also has to accommodate specialty needs for different industries. This expansion is altering the way we exchange information and do business. In this track participants will learn testing techniques from real-world experiences in these different environments.  Topics in this track will include cloud-based testing, testing in regulated industries, testing embedded software and testing mobile applications. 204 Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project 504 Testing a New Mobile World 804 Integrated Test Automation for Enterprise Mobile Apps 1004 Modernizing Today’s Complex Applications for the Cloud r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 8. 8 Schedule at a glance Monday, October 24, 2011 8:00am – 5:00pm Registration Information 8:00am – 9:00am Continental Breakfast Networking 9:00am – 4:00pm Pre-Conference Workshops Pre-Con 1: From Soup to Nuts: A Five Course (Testing) Meal, Matt Heusser, Peter Walen Pre-Con 2: Test Strategy: The Design Behind the Plan, Fiona Charles Pre-Con 3: Workshop on Mobile Testing, Karen N. Johnson Pre-Con 4: Implementing a Test Automation Framework, Linda Hayes Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:00am – 6:00pm Registration Information 7:30am – 8:30am Breakfast Power-Up Issues and Solutions Roundtable Discussions 8:30am – 9:45am Opening General Session: What Can We Learn by Listening to our Defects, Rex Black 10:00am – 11:15am Session Block 1 101: Leading from the Middle – Applying Maxwell’s 360 Leader Concepts for Test Leads, Jane Fraser 102: On Complete Testing, Matt Heusser, Peter Walen 103: Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for an Agile Environment, Robert Walsh 104: Smarter Testing – Test Less, Test Right, Rakesh Ranjan 11:15am – 11:45am Morning Beverage Break 11:45pm – 1:00pm Session Block 2 201: Real World Performance Testing in Production, Dan Bartow 202: Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 – Better, Faster, More Awesome, Jason Huggins 203: Product Owners Are From Mars, Testers Are From Venus….or Are They?, Jerry D. Odenwelder, Jr. 204: Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project, Karen Johnson 1:00pm – 2:15pm Lunch 1:30pm – 2:15pm Luncheon General Session: In-The-Wild Testing: Your Survival May Depend Upon It, Matt Johnston 2:15pm – 3:30pm Session Block 3 301: Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow, Trisha Lee 302: Interpreting Performance Testing Results, Dan Downing 303: Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort, Shaun Bradshaw 304: Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit for Managers, Harish Narayan, Julie Davis 3:30pm – 4:00pm Afternoon Beverage Break 4:00pm – 5:15pm Session Block 4 401: Stepping Up to Leadership: Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter, Peter Walen 402: Continuous Integration Testing with Code Coverage, George Shin 403: Managing Risk for Software Products, Matthew Sullivan, Scott Barber 404: Documenting Tester Instructions – A Survey of Successful Approaches, Justin Hunter 5:30pm – 7:00pm Happy Hour Welcome Reception Wednesday, October 26, 2011 7:00am – 6:00pm Registration Information 7:30am – 8:30am Breakfast Speed Geeking Breakfast Bytes SG1: So You Have it All-Full Automatic Regression Test Suite...What’s Next, Dani Almog SG2: Forget Reporting Results, Start Delivering Value, Scott Barber SG3: Sikuli: Useful Tool, Silver Bullet or Academic Pipe-Dream, Matt Kallman SG4: Messy Integration Testing – Test Lessons from Pulp Fiction, Peter Walen SG5: Kanban – In Okinawa, Belt Mean No Need Rope to Hold Up Pants, Carl Shaulis SG6: The Time I Over Engineered It, Adrian Rapan 8:30am – 9:30am General Session: It’s the Peoplework, Not the Paperwork, Bruce Wilkinson
  • 9. 9 9:45am – 11:00am Session Block 5 501: Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium, Frank Cohen 502: Test Oracle Automation: Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality?, Dani Almog 503: Testing in the World of Kanban, Carl Shaulis 504: Testing a New Mobile World, Eddy Bruin 11:00am – 11:30am Morning Beverage Break 11:30am – 12:45pm Session Block 6 601: Performance QA Testing Within Large Development Organizations, John Meza 602: Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity, and Comprehension, Boyd Patterson 603: The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing, Karen Johnson 604: Agile API QA, David Hefner 12:45pm – 2:00pm Lunch 1:15pm – 2:00pm Luncheon General Session: Better, Faster, Cheaper: Ways to Reduce Test Cost on Monday, Matt Heusser 2:00pm – 3:15pm Session Block 7 701: Purpose Driven Testing, Cory Medlin 702: Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise, Scott Barber 703: Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers, Lanette Creamer 704: Test Process Improvement Adoption: Ants on a Doughnut, Shawn Hudson, Jill Corbitt 3:15pm – 3:45pm Afternoon Beverage Break 3:45pm – 5:00pm Session Block 8 801: Walk in My Shoes, Tony Bruce, Adrian Rapan 802: Automating and Understanding Human Interaction with Web 2.0 Applications, Mark Tomlinson 803: Sisyphus, Parkinson, Goldratt and You: Practical Test Estimation, Matt Kallman 804: Integrated Test Automation for Enterprise Mobile Apps, Sreekanth Singaraju 5:00pm – 6:00pm Open Jam Testing Sessions OJ1: Agile Testing Games, Lanette Creamer OJ2: Your Tester Personality, Catherine Powell OJ3: ‘SET’ Up Data Analysis and Visual Reporting, Scott Barber and Friends OJ4: Iron Test Master: Recipes for Disaster, Virginia Reynolds OJ5: Werewolf!, Matthew Heusser and Zach Spencer OJ6: Acceptance Test Story Workshop, Adam Yuret OJ7: Great Testing, Bad Business, Matt Kallman OJ8: Exploring Dynamics on Software Projects, Dave Limbaugh 6:30pm – 8:30pm Test Management Dinner Groups Thursday, October 27, 2011 7:00am – 1:00pm Registration Information 7:30am – 8:30am Breakfast The Rapid Fire Challenge RF1: Harness Your Inner Tester: Ways to Classify, Channel and Possibly Curb Your Natural Testing Style, Dawn Haynes RF2: A Bag of Validation Tricks, Lanette Creamer RF3: How to Calculate Risk and Cost of False Positives, Mark Tomlinson RF4: FIBLOTS: A Method for Determining What To Test and What Not To, Scott Barber 8:30am – 9:45am General Session: Are You Managing Testing – or “The Test Process”, Fiona Charles 10:00am – 11:15am Session Block 9 901: A Remote Tester’s Perspective: The Challenges and Solutions, Keith McIntosh 902: 5 Ways to Do More Performance Testing in Less Time, Steve Sturtevant, James Pulley 903: Exploratory Test Automation, Doug Hoffman 904: QA Needed, Testers Need Not Apply, Bradley Baird 11:30am – 12:45pm Session Block 10 1001: Using Failure Analysis to Power Up Your Tests, Dawn Haynes 1002: Test Data Strategies, Linda Hayes 1003: Fast and Good: Alternate Approaches to Quality at Etsy, Noah Sussman 1004: Modernizing Today’s Complex Applications for the Cloud, Kelly Emo
  • 10. 10 Pre-Conference Workshops Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm Pre-Con 1 Pre-Con 2 From Soup to Nuts: A Five Course (Testing) Meal Test Strategy: The Design Behind the Plan Matt Heusser, Consulting Software Tester, Excelon Development Fiona Charles, Principal Consultant, Quality Intelligence Inc. Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide A test strategy is the set of big-picture ideas embodying This interactive workshop will simulate real market the overarching direction or design of a test effort. It’s conditions for software testing. Just like the real world, the significant values that will inspire, influence and there will be schedule, requirement, and customer ultimately drive your testing, and the overall decisions pressures. Unlike the real world there will be explanations, you have made about ways and means of delivering on discussion, sharing, and learning. You’ll get a chance to those values. It’s the design behind the plan. But in the see what works by doing it. standardized test strategy documents we’re all familiar At the same time this complex workshop will introduce with, the actual strategy is often missing or buried in more challenges, new test techniques, more powerful tedious and repetitious boilerplate that’s copied and ways to cover the same scenarios in less time. After an pasted across multiple projects. intense morning of software testing, we’ll spend the In this hands-on workshop we’re going to ignore the afternoon on organizational issues, including how to best standard big document and focus on the important make use of the little time we have, how to effectively aspects of a test strategy such as strategic thinking and communicate about bugs and risk, and, yes, how communicating the strategy effectively. Working together actual testing and risk relate to automation. on real testing problems, you will explore what’s essential You will walk away with: in a strategy and how to develop it. Who are your stakeholders? What does product quality mean to them • solid foundation in Quick Attacks, a technique A in practical terms? How do they characterize the value you can use to test any software immediately they expect to get from the product? These are critical • nalysis techniques for domain testing, designed A considerations in determining what your test will cover to help you learn the business logic quickly and how. • rcheology techniques to sniff out hidden A Throughout the day, you will practice using simple, flexible requirements media for working through our ideas and communicating • ools to clarify and negotiate the test group role T clearly to project stakeholders. Participants are welcome with management to bring their own testing problems to the class. • xercises you can take home to do with your E Fiona teaches organizations to match their team as a brown bag, or to explain testing to software testing to their business risks and larger organizations opportunities. With 30+ years experience in Bring a laptop computer, netbook or iPad, please bring it; software development, she has managed you’ll want to use it in this interactive simulation. testing and consulted on many challenging testing projects for clients. Matt has been developing, testing, and managing software projects for his entire adult life. His personal blog, Creative Chaos, is consistently highly ranked among testing blogs. He recently served as Lead Editor for How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing. Peter has been in software development for over 25 years. After working many years as a programmer, he moved to software testing and QA. Peter is an active member of several testing associations and an active blogger on software testing. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 11. Pre-Conference Workshops 11 Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm Monday, October 24, 9:00am – 4:00pm Pre-Con 3 Pre-Con 4 Workshop on Mobile Testing Implementing a Test Automation Framework Karen N. Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc. Linda Hayes, Founder, WorkSoft, Inc. Testing the website to ensure your customers can access Whether you are only considering automation or have your website via mobile devices is the hottest trend in years of experience, this course will help you improve the industry. Most organizations have adopted or are your chances for success. Learn how to use frameworks considering a mobile strategy for their organization. Are to accelerate your test automation effort, dramatically you ready to test this mobile strategy? Testing your website shorten the learning curve, allow non-technical analysts for use by mobile devices is a critical function and may to develop and execute automated tests, and simplify determine whether or not your overall strategy is effective. test library management and maintenance. Attend this workshop to understand the unique aspects of Get the facts on what automation can – and can’t – testing websites for compatibility with mobile devices. We do for you, and find out how to get management to will be covering the hottest and most important aspects of give you what you need to succeed. Learn how to mobile website testing as this workshop helps you plan your avoid the traps and pitfalls that doom projects, including mobile testing effort. unrealistic expectations. Understand when automation Topics discussed: is appropriate and when it isn’t, and how to maximize • Secure pages and site certificates the right opportunities. • ser interface checkpoints such as links, lists U This workshop provides detailed, step-by-step instructions and sitemaps for selecting and implementing a framework and takes you on a guided tour of five different approaches—from • unctional tests such as: search, browse, F beginner to advanced—with analyses of the advantages login, cookies and disadvantages of each. Learn how to use these • eplicating defects on mobile devices, is it different R practical and proven approaches with any commercial than replicating defects on other platforms? or internally developed testing tool for web, client/server, • creen shots: how to capture screen shots for S mainframe, and character-based applications. defect reporting Key Concepts: • hoosing which devices to test with C • hat are the benefits of automation? W • etting your team access to devices G • hat are the risks? W • nderstanding the different browsers used U • hat are the cost components? W on mobile devices • hat are cost effective strategies? W • ulti-locale sites on mobile devices M • hat are alternate approaches? W Karen is an independent software test Linda has over twenty years of experience in consultant. She is a frequent speaker at software test automation and is the founder of conferences and is a contributing author three software companies including AutoTester, to the book, Beautiful Testing released by the first PC-based test automation tool. Linda O’Reilly publishers. She is the co-founder holds degrees in accounting, tax and law of the WREST workshop. and is a frequent industry speaker. Being an “Army Of One” at my company, it was great to talk testing with other testers and to hear about similar challenges and possible solutions to the issues I am facing. Michele Routon QA Lead, Expesite, LLC T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
  • 12. 12 Session Block 1 Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:00am – 11:15am Session #101 Session #102 Leading from the Middle – Applying Maxwell’s On Complete Testing 360 Leader Concepts for Test Leads Track: Test Strategy and Design Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers Matt Heusser, Software Process Naturalist, Excelon Development Jane Fraser, Test Director, Electronic Arts Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide Managing a successful site and trying to keep it bug-free When the big boss tells you the critically important is a never-ending process. This session will include tools and project needs to be completely tested, how do we best practices so you can reduce risk, mitigate disaster, and reply? Journey along with Matt Heusser and Pete Walen meet customer needs all while keeping your team happy in in a rousing discussion of software testing, professionalism, a hectic environment. knowledge and communication about software testing. Along the way you will pick up pointers for explaining Learn ways to: testing, setting expectations, risk management... and • nfluence changes in your organization, in order to I maybe, just maybe, a little doing more with less. Take home improve quality in both the products and the team with you a transcript of advice on the issue of complete • liminate the blame game from post mortems and E testing, as well as an audio discussion of the same. develop key learnings instead Matt has been developing, testing, • se past events to forge new process U and managing software projects for his entire adult life. • xpress the risks or issues to individuals to get results E Peter has been in software Jane oversees the Test Department, which development for over 25 years. includes, Club Pogo, Facebook games and portal, and mobile . She has provided leadership and established testing process for a team which has grown from six to sixty-eight. Session #103 Session #104 Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for Smarter Testing – Test Less Test Right an Agile Environment Track: Test Process Track: Agile Testing Rakesh Ranjan, Software Test Leader, IBM Corporation Robert Walsh, President, Excalibur Solutions Testing less, if done smartly, can be very effective in Contrary to what some believe, the Agile view of testing is most software development projects. This session suggests not “don’t test,” nor is it “only developers should test.” Agile the practical methods and tools from real world projects augments traditional testing done by testing professionals that can make a tester do more with less. In other words, with other automated tests written and executed by create a big impact with less but utilize the correct testing. developers and customers. Test driven development and You will learn: unit testing, user acceptance, exploratory, usability, load • ow to mix ad-hoc and exploratory testing H and performance, integration, and other techniques play techniques with formal testing. significant roles in Agile environments. This course will help • ow to know where the bugs are. H to explain how various testing efforts are used in responsible approaches to Agile software development. Further, it will • ow to utilize code coverage to prioritize your testing. H explore ways that traditional QA efforts can be adapted to • ow to manage your time in a high performance H fit neatly in Agile processes. Examples will be given to show test team. a typical Agile iteration, including what roles each team • ow to collaborate with the development team. H member plays inside and across iterations. This session aims to provide you with practical tips and Robert delivers Agile training and techniques that will make you a highly efficient tester. contract programming services. He is also Rakesh manages a high performance a co-founder and former President/CEO QA team at IBM and has been coding of EnvisionWare, Inc., a Georgia company and testing software that runs critical focused on providing self-service solutions business for almost 15 years. to public and academic libraries. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 13. Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:45am – 1:00pm Session Block 2 13 Session #201 Session #202 Real World Performance Testing in Production Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 – Better, Faster, Track: Performance Testing More Awesome Dan Bartow, Vice President, Product Management, SOASTA Track: Test Automation Online application performance is critical – no one would Jason Huggins, Cofounder, CTO, Sauce Labs Inc. challenge this statement. Even with thorough testing in Selenium is the most popular open-source tool for a lab environment, when applications are deployed to acceptance testing dynamic web applications. In production they very frequently topple under the pressure Selenium 2.0, the Selenium project merged with the of real-world users. Running a few hundred virtual users in a WebDriver project. This session will explain the benefits small lab does not mean that you can support twenty times of Selenium 2.0’s technology and go into detail on what as much load in the production environment. Yet this kind is and is not changing. Selenium’s goal is to drive any of extrapolation is being done all throughout the industry. browser the same way an end user would with any Testing in production is an essential component of world- programming language on any OS platform. class performance methodologies. However, this approach This session will also cover trends in testing and test is not without it’s own set of challenges; the three most automation, and how Selenium fits into the bigger common of which are security, test data in production, and project management picture. Specific guidance will potential live customer impact. Learn how businesses from be given on how to determine what should be tested the New York Stock Exchange to Netflix have solved these with Selenium and how to deal with the problem of problems to enable ongoing production testing. brittle, expensive-to-maintain Selenium tests. Prior to joining SOASTA, Dan was Sr. Engineering Jason is the creator of the Selenium Manager at Intuit and over the past decade he project, a cross-platform, cross-browser has been responsible for the performance of web automation toolkit. When not coding websites for American Airlines, ATT, Best Buy, in Python or JavaScript, Jason enjoys hacking Finish Line, J.Crew, Neiman Marcus and others. on Arduino-based electronics projects. Session #203 Session #204 Product Owners Are from Mars, Testers Data Testing on a Business Intelligence/Data Are from Venus... or Are They? Warehouse Project Track: Agile Testing Track: Specialized Application Test Environments Jerry D. Odenwelder Jr., Product Manager, VersionOne Karen Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc. JoEllen Carter, Agile Tester, VersionOne When a company builds a data warehouse and creates On Agile teams, product owners are often crunched reports designed for business analysis, it’s important that for time because of their need to assist the team with the the data on those reports is accurate. Testing for data current release while interacting with users to refine features accuracy is different from functional testing and other for future releases. A typical solution to this problem is to types of testing such as performance or security testing. have multiple product owners, one focused on long term The business rules around data become boundary direction and one, or more, focused on short term features. conditions to consider. Deciding the test data set In this session we propose an alternate approach that becomes a considerable topic and is often one of leverages the strengths of product owners and testers the most strategic decisions in BI testing. to have a continuous flow from release to release. Stored procedures, triggers, and custom ETL transactions Jerry has been in software need to be tested but frequently testers don’t have these engineering for nearly 20 years with types of experiences on their resume which makes building a over 6 years of agile experience. testing team a challenge for most test managers. This session JoEllen has more than seven years takes a look at the unique testing challenges of data quality of experience defining the role of in the business intelligence/data warehouse arena. tester on agile teams. Karen is an independent software test consultant and has published numerous articles and blogs about her experiences with software testing. T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
  • 14. 14 Session Block 3 Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:15pm – 3:30pm Session #301 Session #302 Tester Today, Manager Tomorrow Interpreting Performance Testing Results Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers Track: Performance Testing Trisha Lee, QA and Change Control: Manager, Dan Downing, Principal Consultant, Mentora Group First Tech Federal Credit Union You’ve worked hard to define, develop and execute a Transitioning from tester to manager began with a credit performance test on a new application to determine its union merger that taught Trisha to navigate through loads of behavior under load. Your initial test results have filled a responsibility, management pressure, vendor demands and couple of 52 gallon drums with numbers. Now what? tester needs, requiring a multitude of support, knowledge, and In this session we’ll look at my CAVIAR process for creativity. Learn how she went from being a tester to a leader evaluating test results: Collecting; Aggregating; during a multimillion dollar merger and lived to tell about it. Visualizing; Interpreting; Analyzing; and Reporting. Key Points of the session include: Then together we’ll look at example graphs taken from • ow to manage the responsibility of leading the testing H actual projects and interpret them to see what hypotheses during a major project we can glean. Finally, I’ll share with you my approach to • The techniques to lead a team of formal and informal testers reporting results in a clear and compelling manner, with data-supported observations, conclusions drawn from • ow to build your credibility and empower a testing team H these observations, and actionable recommendations. • ow to transition from being a tester to a manager H You will take home at least one new idea that will make Trisha has worked in the credit union you a more effective performance tester. industry for over 10 years and most Over the past 13 years, Dan has led recently led the data validation testing hundreds of performance projects on activities for the largest merger in applications ranging from eCommerce credit union history. to ERP and companies ranging from startups to global enterprises. Session #303 Session #304 Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort Testing Agility without Agile: A Toolkit Track: Test Strategy and Design for Managers Shaun Bradshaw, VP Consulting Services, Track: Test Process Zenergy Technologies, Inc. Harish Narayan, Director, Technology, Vistaprint This presentation describes how a small set of test Julie Davis, Director of Quality Assurance, Vistaprint metrics were used to successfully manage a major test At Vistaprint, the technology team does not follow a acceptance effort at the conclusion of a two and half year specific Agile methodology but is very agile, to ensure ERP implementation. Attendees will learn how key metrics that new features are delivered with quality to its 10 million drove test management decisions and how these same online customers. The QA management team uses a set metrics will benefit their organizations. We will discuss the of best practices to ensure testing agility in the form of a background, the planning, the effort, and the results, all toolkit which includes the following: co-located business, from the point of view of what the metrics revealed and development and QA teams; integrated capacity planning how they altered the management of the effort as a result. using a six month horizon; a QA project execution process The following concepts will be taught as a part of that stresses early engagement followed by a test strategy this presentation: to eliminate defects early; a streamlined ticket workflow to • lanning which metrics will help determine success P manage test progress; systems that quickly detect issues in the test phase and those that missed the test phase; • ey metrics that assist in day-to-day decision making K regression automation that is executed and triaged daily; • ow to implement and utilize key metrics to lead a test H and metrics that help assess risk throughout the release cycle. team in a non-threatening environment Harish is a software engineering Shaun has spent the last 14 years helping and information technology leader improve their QA and test processes by with over 15 years of experience. advising, them on effective testing and test Julie began her quality assurance management techniques as well as career in 2000 after receiving a implementing optimized test metrics. Masters in Engineering from MIT. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 15. Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:00pm – 5:15pm Session Block 4 15 Session #401 Session #402 Stepping Up to Leadership: Continuous Integration Testing with Test Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter Code Coverage Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers Track: Test Automation Peter Walen, Quality Assurance Engineer, ACI Worldwide George Shin, QA/Test Manager, Hewlett-Packard Company Even if you do not have the word “lead” in your job title, Finding new and never before covered code is a challenge and even if you are not a manager or other official leader, in a continuous integration testing environment that requires sometimes you find people looking to you to be a leader. merging and preserving code coverage measurements from Stepping up to your own potential involves overcoming each different build version across different build targets. your own uncertainties, self doubts and perception. Between each integration testing iteration the emphasis is This session will look at the choices, options and paths that placed on measuring the effectiveness of the test coverage are available to every tester and software professional, against detecting modified code down to the minimal including opportunities for self-education, networking subset. This is important for the developers in test to stay and other professional and technical development. In integrated continuously with the daily commits to the nightly this interactive discussion, the presenter will talk about his builds. This session discusses a system environment that mistakes, what he learned from them, his successes, and delivers automation and tools that contribute to developing how he capitalized on them, and what opportunities there and testing a better quality product for our customers that may be for you to step up to leadership in your own right also minimizes risk of exposing uncovered code that can and practical tips for doing so. become customer visible failures. Peter has been in software development for In his current role, George leads a team of over 25 years. He has worked in the fields of developers responsible for integration test insurance and finance, manufacturing, higher coverages for an Enterprise Virtual Array education/universities, retail, distribution and (EVA) product, with the main focus being point of sale systems. QA coverage of controller firmware. Session #403 Session #404 Managing Risk for Software Products Documenting Tester Instructions – Track: Test Strategy and Design A Survey of Successful Approaches Matthew Sullivan, Performance Quality Control Engineer, Track: Test Process Wolters Kluwer Justin Hunter, CEO, Hexawise Scott Barber, CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc. This session provides an overview of several different Most organizations that develop software as a product, approaches that are successfully used by testers to address a component of a product, or as a way to reduce internal the questions of: What type of testing documentation business expenses manage risk at business, product, and should you create; and how much detail is appropriate to project layers independently, and frequently with separate include in order to guide testers and/or satisfy compliance risk management methodologies. This situation leads to requirements? This session will discuss pros and cons of disconnects over what risks can best be managed at which several approaches, including: layer, what risks are more or less critical than others, and which critical risks are becoming “lost in the cracks”. • hecklists C • indmaps M During this session, a consolidated model will be presented • est ideas T with specifics to implementation for managing risk for software products and ensuring business alignment • pecification by example S between what is requested and what is delivered. • etailed test scripts D Matthew is currently involved with In some software testing presentations, the speaker a suite of internal auditing products. will explain why they think one particular approach is particularly attractive. This won’t be one of those talks. Scott is a respected leader in the area of software system Justin is a test design specialist who performance testing. has enjoyed teaching testers how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their test case selection and documentation approaches. T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
  • 16. 16 Session Block 5 Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:45am – 11:00am Session #501 Session #502 Load and Performance Testing Using Selenium Test Oracle Automation: Track: Performance Testing Unachievable Dream or Tomorrow’s Reality? Frank Cohen, CEO, PushToTest Track: Test Automation Selenium is great at browser automation. Attending Dani Almog, Researcher, BGU - Ben Gurion University this session shows how to repurpose Selenium test Test oracle is considered among the most important scripts to be used as load and performance tests: components of software testing, yet quite sophisticated • hy Selenium in load testing W and generally difficult to automate. A test oracle is defined • ata enabling Selenium tests D as any (human or mechanical) agent that decides whether a program behaves correctly under a given • alibration testing methodology C test, and accordingly can produce a verdict of “pass” • esults analysis: the scalability index R or “fail”. It is said that test oracle is one of the most • eploying tests to the cloud D humanly dependent properties during the testing work; hence our ability to automate testing is fundamentally • esources and next steps R constrained by our ability to create and use oracles. All examples are based on open source test products The session will present and redefine the challenge of and toolsets, freely downloadable. automating test oracle, demonstrating models and tools Frank is the expert that information to address the issue and suggesting new practical and technology professionals and enterprises innovative ways to overcome the obstacles. go to when they need to understand Dani has been a software developer and solve problems in complex and team lead. He also served as director inter-operating information systems. for test automation, where he built infrastructures for test automation. Session #503 Session #504 Testing in the World of Kanban Testing a New Mobile World Track: Agile Testing Track: Specialized Application Test Environments Carl Shaulis, QA Engineering Manager, Eddy Bruin, MSC, Capgemini Financial Services In this session, Carl Shaulis presents a journey of a team We are about to take a next step in evolution and who adopted Kanban and went from 6 week release testers have to take this step too! Websites and web cycles down to releasing twice per week. This session will browsers are no longer the usual center of the computing introduce the concepts of Kanban, address why and how world. Instead ubiquitous computing is the leading way the team made the switch to this lean process, and most forward. Ubiquitous computing is a post-desktop model importantly how the role of a tester adapts to this dramatic of human-computer interaction in which information process change. processing has been thoroughly integrated into Carl has been testing software for everyday objects and activities. 10+ years and has over 15 years of This presentation will point out what opportunities and management experience. He takes challenges ubiquitous computing will bring for test an analytical approach to testing and professionals. How can we test these mobile applications? has the fortitude to embrace change. What makes them different from traditional application testing? What risks are involved? What is the influence of API’s, cloud computing, SOA and mash up applications? And will quality attributes shift in importance? These questions will be discussed and more questions will be raised on these topics. Eddy is a thought leader in mobile testing and constructing mobile test capabilities in the Netherlands. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1
  • 17. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:30am – 12:45pm Session Block 6 17 Session #601 Session #602 Performance QA Testing Within Large Improve Automation Code Quality, Clarity, Development Organizations and Comprehension Performance Testing Track: Test Automation John Meza, Product Engineer, ESRI Boyd Patterson, President, Patterson Consulting, LLC This session will focus on how ongoing performance and Much of the effort to perform test automation comes scalability testing can be integrated into a large development months or even years after the initial scripts have been organization. Follow a hypothetical test team from inception to written. Before you can begin to debug broken code or full integration into the development organization, including: write new functionality for a test, you must first comprehend • hallenges of creating an internal team and C what was previously written. Learn about many of the areas of responsibility and influence common pitfalls in authored code and how you can refactor your code to dramatically improve comprehension. • anagerial and organizational challenges when working M Topics will include good naming conventions for variables within large development organizations and methods, when to use callable routines, effective use • ifferent modes of performance and scalability testing D of parameters in routines, variable usage, avoiding “magic within development organization values”, code formatting, and objective measurements of • orking collaboratively with development teams and W code complexity. Examples will be provided based on HP performance test schedules based on development schedules QuickTest® Professional, but the concepts can be universally • eporting mechanisms and report types R applied to any programming language. John has 25 years in the IT industry Boyd has 11 years of experience in and for the past three years he has test automation from the HP Mercury been the lead of the Performance tool suite as well as 7 years of experience QA team at ESRI. in Windows® client application development and design principles. Session #603 Session #604 The Discipline Aspect of Software Testing Agile API QA Track: Test Strategy and Design Track: Agile Testing Karen Johnson, Founder, Software Test Management Inc. David Hefner, Senior Technical Staff Member, The project manager asks: When will you be done? How Hewlett-Packard Company can you tell when you will be done testing when testing Software QA seems to be increasingly about web is a discovery activity not just a confirmation activity and applications and protocols. But APIs remain critical you have no idea what issues you may find lurking in underpinnings of system and application software. This the software. How do you discipline yourself to get the session will examine API quality assurance and how agile job done? To begin with, you have to admit you have a techniques can be applied to make the process more challenge to overcome and in this presentation, the reality effective, efficient and enjoyable. Participants will learn of needing to be disciplined and focused to get work how to use agile techniques to streamline all of the primary done, most especially getting work done under pressure, QA activities. Project scoping, managing relationships will be discussed. Tactics will be shared for getting through with management and developers, tool selection, stacks of work when you don’t feel inspired. We will look project execution, test deliverables and API testing at how to build rigor and discipline into your practice in fundamentals will be covered. software testing. David has worked in the software industry as a Karen is an independent software test developer, manager and QA professional for consultant and has published numerous small and large organizations for more than 30 articles and blogs about her experiences years and has a track record of innovation and with software testing. experience that spans engineering practices and methodologies. T h e L e a d i n g C o n f e r e n c e O n S o f t w a r e T e st i n g
  • 18. 18 Session Block 7 Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:00pm – 3:15pm Session #701 Session #702 Purpose Driven Testing Performance Testing in the Agile Enterprise Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers Track: Performance Testing Cory Medlin, Director, Health Care Testing Services, N.A. Scott Barber, CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc. Often testing becomes an isolated exercise focused According to the presenter, performance testing is an on tools, metrics, and execution. This session explores inherently agile process, even though many teams and the importance of creating a connection between the organizations experience significant difficulty integrating tester and the end user. By building a connection to performance into their existing agile processes. In this the end users of a system, testers feel a greater sense of session, learn how performance can be seamlessly purpose in their role. The potential benefits in both testing integrated and how to employ and manage performance effectiveness and morale will be explored. Methods to testing on Agile projects and within Agile enterprises. After create a sense of purpose will also be explored, including this session, students will have the tools and knowledge ideas for team events and building a high energy culture they need to overcome many of the common difficulties in the testing team. organizations face when trying to make performance an Cory is an established leader in IT with integral part of their Agile processes. experience in a variety of roles including Scott is viewed by many as the world’s leading large scale software development most prominent thought-leader in the area projects, building a PMO, and driving of software system performance testing and organizations to CMMI Certification. as a respected leader in the more general field of testing software systems. Session #703 Session #704 Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers Test Process Improvement Adoption: Track: Agile Testing Ants on a Doughnut Lanette Creamer, Consulting Tester/Testing Coach, Track: Test Process Spark Quality LLC Shawn Hudson, Supervisor - Test Engineers, Sprint Historically, pairing between developers and testers has Jill Corbitt, Capability and Process SME, Sprint been limited to acceptance criteria or story definition. To anyone outside a testing organization, testing looks However, one of the exciting frontiers of Agile testing is like ants on a doughnut; lots of activity with no clear pairing between testers and programmers at strategic purpose or direction. In some ways this is true since many points during an iteration. test organizations develop ad hoc in-house methods to Regardless of how Agile your team is, if you can get past define, develop and implement processes. However, in the fear and old boundaries that limit the value of pairing, 2009, Sprint Information Technology’s Enterprise Testing you can take a step towards understanding other team Services (ETS) directorate formally adopted Songeti’s Test members. Understanding what is happening in the code Process Improvement methodology to enhance overall can be a huge testing advantage, and it doesn’t mean that quality while addressing procedural opportunities incident you know how to code yourself, just that you understand to outsourcing and domestic attrition. This presentation programming basics and some vocabulary. This session is serves to highlight assessment, implementation, migration, an experience report about what is working so far in finding and maintenance approaches leveraged by the ETS the common ground between testers and coders and is organization over the last 2 years. We speak directly to the targeted for those who are not primarily programmers. investment required and lessons learned to date, coupled After a decade at Adobe, including leading with the emerging requirement to move to the next testing on the Creative Suites, Lanette jumped generation of test quality framework(s). into consulting with both feet. She is currently Shawn is a Certified Test Engineer working with a Silicon Valley client, building a with over 15 years in the defense testing team from scratch. industry. Jill has worked as a developer, test analyst, test leader, and project manager for over a decade. r e g i st e r www . o r ca l l 877 . 2 5 7 . 9 5 3 1