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Why not use this parish magazine to advertise your business. There
are eleven issues per year with double issue in December/January.
Charges are: Full Page £115 per annum
Half Page £80 per annum
Quarter Page £60 per annum
For part year charges are pro rata of the annual rate rounded up to
the nearest whole pound (e.g. 1 month/issue full page 115/12 =
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To discuss your requirements or for further information, please
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Dear Friends,
During the summer my family and I headed to the south
coast for some R&R. Whilst at the beach we went paddle
boarding. For those who have never been or seen paddle boarding it is
when you stand on a larger than normal, inflatable, surf board and use a
paddle to propel you through the water. It is incredibly relaxing when there
is a dead calm, but when there are waves or a swell it can be almost impos-
sible. My balance is not that good at the best of times, but being a typical
bloke I thought I could just do it without any practice – I mean, it looks so
easy and effortless. It’s not! Needless to say I got very proficient at swim-
ming back to the board and climbing back up again. Gradually, with prac-
tice, my confidence grew, matched now by my learned ability to stand up
and paddle without falling in.
In many ways paddle boarding is the closest thing I have come to being
able to walk on water. Whilst standing on the board it really does seem like
one is walking on water. Being fairly well versed in the Scriptures I was
reminded of both the time Jesus walked on water and the time he called St
Peter to come to him by to doing the same miraculous feat. The board
made me conscious of being like St Peter: starting out with confidence…
eyes fixed on the horizon; then, overcome by doubt that I could actually do
this (and an unexpected wave), falling into the sea and sinking. Alas, for me
unlike St Peter, Jesus was not on hand to pull me to safety.
You may be wondering what’s my point? It would have been all too easy
for St Peter and me not to attempt to walk/stand on water. We could have
been totally risk adverse and stuck with doing that which we already knew
– staying in the boat/standing firmly on solid ground! Fear could have
gripped us before we even tried. Fear of the unknown is all consuming and
in my case would have prevented me from making some fabulous memo-
ries with my family and denied me the opportunity to enjoy God’s creation
in a new, exhilarating, peaceful, and even prayerful way.
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Over the last few years our society has been gripped by fear of Covid 19 –
and rightly so as it has had devastating effects on every community – but
it has been a fear that has crippled many of us from seeing new possibili-
ties and the potential that is waiting to be unlocked. Although the pan-
demic is not over, the effects of Covid 19 are not as severe as they were at
the initial outbreak thanks to the creation of vaccines and the mutating of
the virus. We therefore need to get back to taking risks (calculated
admittedly) and trying new things that will help us to live God’s love in this
community. We need to be prepared to make mistakes, to fall off our pad-
dle boards and then get back up and try again. We need to let go of the
fear that stops us from talking about Jesus or welcoming new people into
our worshipping community.
Fear can only destroy. But love, trust, joy, imagination, and courage –
these can enable us to live and grow and try new things in the name of
Christ. This autumn let us not be afraid to try something new.
Every Blessing,
News from Ely Cathedral
We’ve just received the wonderful news that
former Ely Cathedral Chorister and Organ Scholar,
Miriam Reveley, has passed her Fellowship diplo-
ma of the Royal College of Organists, the most
highly and internationally respected qualification
an organist can achieve!
She has also won that most coveted of all prizes,
the Limpus Prize for the highest marks in organ
playing. Most people don't get this diploma until
two or three years after graduating from university (at the earliest) so we
are very proud of her!
We wish her all the very best for the future.
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Enquiries regarding baptisms weddings or marriage blessings are
always welcome.
Please contact the Vicar.
Morning Prayer is said Daily at St John’s at 9.00am.
You are most welcome to join the clergy in prayer.
Evening Prayer is said privately for the life of the Parish unless details are below.
St John’s is open daily 9.30am-5.00pm for private prayer
(10.30am-5.00pm on Saturdays)
Thu 1 6.30pm Wedding Rehearsal St John’s
Fri 2 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s
Sat 3 12.30pm Wedding - Aimee Hart & Gary Restall St John’s
Sun 4 Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s
10.00am All-Age Eucharist St John’s
10.00am Sung Mass St Francis'
11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen's
12noon Holy Baptism St John’s
4.00pm Sundowner Cocktails St John’s Hall
Mon 5 7.45pm Together on Monday Club St John’s Hall
Tue 6 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall
11.30am Church Meetings: Bereavement Group St John’s Hall
Hall Committee St John’s Hall
Wed 7 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s
5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’
Fri 9 5.30pm Junior Choir Rehearsal St John’s Hall
7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s
Sun 11Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Holy Communion
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s
10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s
10.00am Sung Mass St Francis'
11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen's
2.30pm Wedding Blessing - Pauline & David Bowles St John’s
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Tue 13 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall
8.00pm Church Meeting: Junior Church Zoom
Wed 14 Holy Cross Day
10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s
5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’
Fri 16 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s
2.30pm Wedding - Nanette Cashmore & Glen Tadman St John’s
7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s
Sun 18 Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Confirmation
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s
10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s
10.00am Sung Mass St Francis’
11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen’s
12noon Holy Baptism St John’s
6.30pm Choral Evensong St John’s
Mon 19 7.45pm Together on Monday Club St John’s Hall
Tue 20 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall
8.00pm Church Meeting: PCC St John’s Hall
Wed 21 St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s
3.30pm Friendship Teas St John’s Hall
5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’
8.00pm Baptism Preparation St John’s
Fri 23 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s
5.30pm Junior Choir St John’s Hall
7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s
Sun 25 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Ordination
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s
10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s
10.00am Sung Mass St Francis’
11.30am Holy Communion St Stephen’s
3.00pm Messy Church St John’s
Mon 26 8.00pm Church Meeting: Fundraising Committee Zoom
Tue 27 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall
8.00pm Church Meeting: Communications Committee
St John’s Hall
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Wed 28 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s
5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’
Thu 29 St Michael and All Angels
8.30am-4pmDacorum Music School/MaSJ Music Making Day
St John’s
Fri 30 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s
7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s
Real life extracts from church notices that didn’t come out quite right…
* Announcement in the church bulletin for a National PRAYER & FASTING
Conference: The cost for attending the Prayer & Fasting confer-
ence includes meals.
* Report in a church magazine: Miss Charlene Mason sang I will not pass
this way again, giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
* From a pew-sheet: Ladies, don’t forget the jumble sale. Now’s your
chance to get rid of all those things not worth keeping around the
house. Don’t forget your husbands.
* From a pew-sheet: The sermon this morning is entitled ‘Jesus Walks
on the Water’. The sermon tonight will be: ‘Searching for Jesus’.
* From a pew-sheet: Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir.
Do go along if you can sing at all. They need all the help they can get.
* From an announcement: Sadly, Barbara remains in the hospital. She is
having trouble sleeping, and so has requested tapes of the minister’s
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Sundowner Cocktails
The pandemic has ruined and prevented many things over the past 2 years,
including our getting together for social occasions. You are warmly invited to
Sundowner Cocktails on Sunday 4 September, 4.00pm-6.00pm at St John’s. Hope-
fully the weather will be kind and this can happen in the churchyard. A range of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails will be served.
Autumn Sermon Series: The Sacraments of the Church
During September and October the Ministry Team will be running a Sermon Series
on The Sacraments of the Church. This series will be for the whole Church – Regu-
lar and Junior. It is hoped that it will serve as a refresher to many and foundation-
al teaching to others. At the end of the series it is hoped that those who have yet
to be Confirmed in their faith will come forward and be confirmed. I hope you will
find this series helpful in your journey of faith. A booklet to accompany this series
will be available for everyone at the back of church and details of what is to be
covered each week is as follows:
Sunday 11 September Wk1 The Sacraments: Holy Communion
Sunday 18 September Wk2 The Sacraments: Confirmation
Sunday 25 September Wk3 The Sacraments: Ordination
Sunday 9 October Wk4 The Sacraments: Holy Baptism
Sunday 16 October Wk5 The Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
Sunday 23 October Wk6 The Sacraments: Confession
Sunday 30 October Wk7 The Sacraments: Unction
Harvest: Thanksgiving, Appeal, & Quiz Night
With much of the UK now in drought our hopes and prayers are that the harvest
will not be too badly impacted as our farmers work to bring in the harvest. As
usual we shall offer to God our thanksgiving for his gifts in creation and those who
cultivate the land for our benefit.
Our celebrations will include a special All Age Parade Eucharist on Sunday 2
October at 10.00am at St John’s; a Quiz Night on Saturday 1 October at 7.30pm,
in St John’s Hall (led by Alan Munford), and a collection for the Bishop of St
Alban’s Harvest Appeal: Not Forgotten! This Appeal will help change the lives of
people in Mozambique who have been traumatised and displaced by conflict.
Located in south-eastern Africa, Mozambique is a country with a population of
around 31 million people (World Bank, 2020). Despite gaining independence from
Portugal in 1975, Mozambique became caught up in a brutal civil war that only
ended in 1992. Cont’d….
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The war destroyed lives and livelihoods, with more than 820,000 people having
fled their homes and becoming internally displaced. More than 12 million people
live below the poverty line.
Life is hard. Since 2017, northern Mozambique has been under the reign of terror
of a military insurgence group, where it is estimated that more than 2,000 people
have been killed and thousands more have had to flee their homes. The country
has faced terrorist attacks, political unrest, food shortages, and an onslaught of
natural disasters including droughts, monsoons, floods and cyclones. Families and
communities have suffered greatly from this relentless conflict.
This is an urgent situation and we must do something today. As the tragedy
continues to unfold in Mozambique, we cannot let it be forgotten.
Your support will help on-the-ground, local church partners to reach the most
vulnerable; helping to change lives, transform communities and show God’s love
where it is needed most.
Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong resumes on Sunday 18 September, 6.30pm. Many say to me
how much they miss this simple service and the glorious sound of our choir.
Now’s your chance to come and let the beauty of worship wash over you as we
come into God’s presence.
Advance notice that next month, Sunday 16 October, The Reverend Canon Liz
Hughes will be our visiting preacher.
St Francis Patronal Festival and Open afternoon: Sunday 9 October
On Sunday 9 October at 5.00pm there will be Sung High Mass with Benediction in
celebration of the Patronal Festival of St Francis, Hammerfield. All are welcome to
join in giving thanks to God for the life and ministry of St Francis of Assisi, and for
the witness of the Church in that part of the Parish. Refreshments will be served
after the Service. Guest preacher: to be announced. The service will be preceded
by an Open Afternoon at St Francis combined with Cream Tea. Please do come
along and support.
Confirmation Service
If you are interested in being confirmed this autumn, or would like to explore
what this means, please speak to me. 7 people have already expressed an interest
in being confirmed. Dates for preparation sessions are being confirmed but will
likely start in mid-September.
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Junior Choir – interim new leader
It is a pleasure to induce Helen Isaac as our interim Leader of
the Junior Choir. Katherine Boyce has done a fabulous job
setting-up our Junior Choir, and whilst she is on maternity
leave – for which we wish her all the best, we are very much
looking forward to Helen joining our team. Helen, who lives
in the Parish and whose son was baptised at St John’s by Fr
Ben, has a passion for encouraging people of all ages to sing,
but especially children. She runs her own singing school and
offers singing lessons. We are very much looking forward to hearing the Junior
Choir sing again at our Harvest celebrations. I hope you will all make Helen very
welcome. If you know any primary aged children who like to sing please invite
them to try our Junior Choir. They sing for the All Age Eucharist once a month and
rehearse on 2 Fridays each month, 5.30pm-6.30pm, and have lots of fun.
Junior Church – All things Junior
Thank you to our Junior Church Team for organising the Junior Church Picnic
during the School Holidays and to the various families that attended. They have
also reorganised the Children’s Room at the back of St John’s so that it is, once
again, an inviting and safe place for children during our services.
Tiny Tots resumes this month with the first session on Tuesday 6 September,
9.30am–11.00am. Stay and play, refreshments, followed by age appropriate
worship. Open to all pre-school aged children and their parent/carer.
Sunday Junior Church resumes on Sunday 11 September during the Parish Eucha-
rist. All children are invited to a special time in the Hall where Jesus, his disciples,
and the basics of our faith are explored in an age-appropriate manner. Primarily
for children aged 4+, but younger age children are invited to attend with their
A reminder that our next Messy Church (open to all ages but especially children)
will be on Sunday 25 September, 3.00pm – 5.00pm with a Harvest theme – fun,
craft, games, food, and worship for all the family. Please do invite your neigh-
bours, family, and friends so they don’t miss out on the fun.
Happy Birthday Mr Organist
Sunday 11 September our very own Director of Music, Keith Beniston, will cele-
brate his 70th
Birthday. Mercifully he has no plans to retire and will continue to
provide outstanding music through which we may worship almighty God. Keith:
wishing you a very happy birthday.
Live-Streaming of Services
For much of August we have experienced a fault with our mobile internet
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provision which has prevented our streaming of services. We are sorry for the
inconvenience this has caused. Sadly we are still waiting for BT Open Reach to
give us access to fibre broadband and thus give us stable and strong internet
coverage to support this service. Recordings of service have been made and up-
loaded as soon as possible after services.
Work with Children and Young People
You may recall that, as a Parish, we have been trying to get involved in the 8
schools within our parish boundary and build good links with the staff and
children. This has had varying success and will remain a priority during the coming
academic year. This priority to work more closely with Children and Young People
has been endorsed by the PCC who are still pursuing the YMCA to provide a youth
club for young people of this area. This is a hugely significant and exciting venture
for us a Parish to be embarking upon. Please would you hold this project in your
prayers that it might be fruitful and well resourced?
Bike ‘n Hike
The arrival of September heralds another Bike ‘n Hike in aid of Beds & Herts
Historic Churches Trust. Andy Fisher will once again be cycling round as many
churches as possible on Saturday 10 September and inviting anyone else to join
him (hopefully I will be!). Last year he managed 25 churches. All sponsorship
money is split 50:50 between the Parish and the Churches Trust so please be as
generous as possible. Incidentally, Canon Malcolm Grant (one of our assisting
priests) is the chairman of the Trust,
Grand Draw
I hope you have been able to take advantage of seeing friends and family over the
summer and sold them Grand Draw tickets. Not to worry if the opportunities
haven’t presented themselves – perhaps September will bring new opportunities?
This is an essential fundraiser for the Parish this year. Top prize of £1000 is not to
be decried.
Thank you to…
Our flower arrangers, who, throughout August (and the year) have provided
some truly stunning floral displays to adorn our churches. They always brighten-
up our worship and give a sense of connection with both departed loved ones as
we remember them in flowers, or wedding couples who have exchanged vows in
our churches. If you would like to sponsor an arrangement on a given date please
speak with Julie Boyce. Thank you, flower arrangers, for your creativity and for
sharing your talents with us.
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1 ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders — in vain’ (Psalm 127:1)
4 Season of the year (Psalm 84:6) (6)
7 ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. — here
and keep watch with me’ (Matthew 26:38) (4)
8 It came over the whole land from the sixth to the ninth hour on the first
Good Friday (Luke 23:44) (8)
9 Paul invariably did this in the synagogues he visited on his missionary
journeys (Acts 17:2) (8)
13 ‘It is God who works in you to will and to — according to his good pur-
pose’ (Philippians 2:13) (3)
16 Members of the Church of Scotland (13)
- 13 -
17 ‘Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountain side and —
down’ (Matthew 5:1) (3)
19 Mock(Luke14:29)(8)
24 Disgrace(Psalm44:13)(8)
25 First month of the Hebrew calendar (Exodus13:4)(4)
26 Christianity of the Britons before Augustine arrived from Rome(6)
27 Mean (Numbers 35:23)(6)
1 ‘Whoever finds his life will — it’ (Matthew 10:39) (4)
2 ‘My lord the king, let the — — on me and on my father’s family, and
let the king and his throne be without guilt’ (2 Samuel 14:9) (5,4)
3 O raid (anag.) (5)
4 ‘If two of you on earth — about anything you ask for, it will be done
for you by my Father in heaven’ (Matthew 18:19) (5)
5 Take care of (1 Samuel 17:15) (4)
6 What the older son heard as he came near the house the day his prod-
igal brother came home (Luke 15:25) (5)
10 ‘Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think
of yourself with — judgment’ (Romans 12:3) (5)
11 Do ten(anag.)(5)
12 Architectural style first used in Greek temples in the sixth century BC
13 Capable of being used(1Kings7:36)(9)
14 ‘Each one should — his own actions’(Galatians6:4)(4)
15 Among the items imported by Solomon’s fleet of trading ships (1
Kings 10:22) (4)
18 ‘But I am afraid that just —— was deceived by the serpent’s cunning,
your minds may somehow be led astray’ (2 Corinthians 11:3) (2,3)
20 Outstanding 18th-century hymn writer, — Watts(5)
21 One of the four sons of Asher(Genesis46:17)(5)
22 Be distressed(Proverbs24:19)(4)
23 He was the father of Gaal, who threatened rebellion against
Abimelech (Judges 9:28) (4)
(Please find answers on page 20)
Good Luck!
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ST JOHN’S HALL - Well equipped hall suitable for use by special interest
groups, clubs and societies. Ideal for family parties and special occasions.
Please contact Hall Bookings Secretary on 07939 226977 or email: for further information and availabil-
ST STEPHEN’S HALL, CHAULDEN - (opposite Tudor Rose) - Sunny Hall with
tiled floor suitable for dancing and exercise groups as well as being ideal for
children’s parties. Please contact Jean on 01442 257023 for further
information and availability.
ST FRANCIS HALL, HAMMERFIELD - Well equipped hall suitable for use by
special interest groups, clubs and societies. Ideal for family parties and
special occasions. Please contact Hall Bookings Secretary by email: stfran- for further information and
availability. More urgent queries can be handled by leaving a message on Paul
Davies mobile phone: 07802 442908
Please Note: St. John's Church PCC cannot accept any responsibility for goods or services
- 17 -
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Andy Fisher
St John’s Church
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Prayer for September
September – a month of new starts for many. We pray for all starting
school, university or college, or moving into a new class or job.
We pray for the new Prime Minister to prove to a person of integrity,
dedicated to working for the good of all.
We especially ask you to help those struggling with the rising cost of
living who don’t know how they are going to make ends meet.
Have mercy on this nation, Lord and bring us back to Your ways.
Thank You for Jesus and that through trusting in Him we can know You,
as Father and God of truth, mercy and compassion.
Thank You that You never give up on us. You will help us if we turn to
In Jesus name,
By Daphne Kitching
Answers to Crossword on Pages 12/13
ACROSS: 1, Labour. 4, Autumn. 7, Stay. 8, Darkness. 9, Reasoned. 13, Act.
16, Presbyterians. 17, Sat. 19, Ridicule. 24, Reproach. 25, Abib. 26, Celtic.
27, Intend.
DOWN:1,Lose.2,Blamerest.3,Radio.4,Agree.5,Tend.6,Music. 10, Sober.
11, Noted. 12, Doric. 13, Available. 14, Test. 15, Apes. 18, As Eve. 20,
Isaac. 21, Ishvi. 22, Fret. 23, Ebed.
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'Music Percentage Club Update’
Congratulations to the winners of the July Music
Percentage Club draw:
Catherine Holness 1st £15
Peter Garner 2nd £8
Marion Cowe 3rd £4
If you know of someone who would be interested in joining the Music
Percentage Club and supporting Music at St John’s in this way there are
forms in church or please contact Mark Harbour on 01582 841019 or see
him in church.
Mark Harbour - on behalf of MASJ
Blessings for your Baptism
By Kenneth Steven and Katie Rewse, Lion Children’s books, £8.99
This book could be a good baptism gift for a godparent, grandparent, or
family member to give to a young child, as it is full of blessings for their life
ahead. Inspired by sensing God’s presence through the natural world
around us, the book includes space to write your own words of blessing.
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OCTOBER 2022 - PRICE 60p
Please note the deadline for articles for the October 2022 edition of the magazine
is Sunday, 4th September.
You can e-mail direct to or leave articles in
magazine pigeonhole or deliver direct to 27 Beechfield Road. Please note any
articles sent by email should be in A5/A4 format (MS Word or MS Publisher
preferred). Thank you. Sally Bates, Editor, Tel No. 266912 or Mobile 07792
Website for St John’s Boxmoor is:
Website for Music at St John’s is
Facebook Page: St Johns Church, Boxmoor
NEWSLETTER: If you would like to receive a copy of the weekly Newsletter by
e-mail, please contact Alan Munford - with your
e-mail address and he will arrange to send it to you.
Please send any items for inclusion in the Newsletter to the Parish Office at the
email address:
If you would like to receive a copy of St John’s Parish Magazine on a regular
monthly basis, please email or telephone him on
01442 242543 or complete your details below and return tear-off slip to:
Mr. Alan Munford, 16 St Nicholas Mount, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2BB
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Contact Telephone Number ………………………………………………………………………...
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St James the Least of All
On how to save electricity in church
The Rectory
St James the Least
My dear Nephew Darren
Your church certainly seems to have taken to the idea of green electricity
with a vengeance. To have covered the whole of your roof with solar
panels was a brave move, and it makes quite a sight – especially when the
sun catches them, dazzling motorists on the by-pass and causing multiple
pile-ups. I pity the local pigeons, who try to land on it and then do a
gentle glissade into the gutters.
I know there have been objections to your proposal to erect a wind
turbine in your car park – although no one could claim that it spoils the
aesthetic appearance of your church. Nothing, my dear Darren, could do
May I humbly offer you some further suggestions for reducing your
electricity consumption. If you cut your sermons by half, then everyone
could go home 20 minutes earlier. Similarly, if you only sang each chorus
once instead of your customary 17 times, that should cut your service
times in half. And why have lighting so good that everyone can see every-
one else? That is the last thing our own congregation ever want to do.
I raised the issue at our last church council meeting, but having only
recently gone on to electricity, there seemed little enthusiasm for yet
more change. Major Hastings still fondly remembers our old acetylene
plant in the churchyard, destroyed during one Mattins when the verger
was unaware of the gas leak and lit up a cigarette. We still occasionally
find pieces of his cassock when mowing the grass.
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Mr Prentice, with a slightly malicious gleam, suggested building a tread-
mill, to be worked by the Young Farmers – which would also keep them
out of the pub while Evensong was taking place. I couldn’t help feeling
that our Ladies Group would have far more determination to keep the
thing rotating – probably providing enough energy to light the entire
County. I was tempted to suggest we invite the vicar from our adjoining
parish, St Agatha’s, to preach every Sunday, as that would fill our church
with more than enough hot air.
I finally stopped all further discussion on the subject when a solar panel
consultant arrived at the Rectory and began his sales pitch with the
phrase: “I’ve come to convert you”.
Your loving uncle,
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Gardening could save your life – but only if you really get stuck in
A recent study has found that just an hour a week of digging and shovel-
ling could be enough to cut your risk of dying. Such ‘muscle strengthening
exercises’ has been found linked to a 10 to 20 per cent lower risk of death
from all causes.
The study, recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine,
also found that if you combine that hour a week of strength-training with
regular aerobic exercise, you may even reduce your overall risk of an early
death by as much as 40 per cent.
So brisk walking and cycling are great – but add in a bit of muscle building,
too. Sadly, the growth in online shopping means we are not even carrying
our shopping bags home from the supermarket as much as we used to do.
More funding needed for palliative care, General Synod hears
The General Synod recently called on the Government to allocate more
money for palliative care, as members voted to reaffirm the Church of
England’s opposition to a change in the law on Assisted Suicide.
Following a debate, members backed a Private Member’s Motion (PMM)
paying tribute to the ‘enormous and untiring’ efforts of health profession-
als working in palliative and end of life care.
They called on the Government to guarantee adequate funding and
resourcing of palliative care services to ensure the highest possible stand-
ards of care for all. Members further affirmed that the law on Assisted
Suicide should remain unchanged.
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Following the death of her mother Jennifer Worth in 2011,
Suzannah Worth discovered amongst her manuscripts a
folder simply labelled ‘Fifth Book’. Imagine her excitement
when she sat down to read, and her mother’s distinctive
voice came flooding back.
She found herself once again immersed in the world of the 1950s East
End of London. The voices of much loved, familiar characters spoke loud
and clear, particularly that of Fred the boiler man, who features exten-
sively in this joyful collection.
From Fred and Maisie’s romance to Fred’s little earners, including boat
tours on the Thames, a fledgling singing career and raising pigs on the
allotment, these new stories are as heart-warming and funny as the orig-
Published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson for the first time and accompa-
nied by a selection of Suzannah’s favourite chapters from the original
memoirs, featuring Chummy and Sister Monica Joan, this is a very special
addition to the Call the Midwife family.
"Fred the boiler man is one of Jennifer Worth's most colourful charac-
ters, best known for his odd jobs and little earners. This book takes its
name from two of them, which happily coexisted until one got mixed up
with the other. Welcome to Fred's world; to fireworks, toffee apples and
quail feathers. Welcome to the world of pigs, manure and allot-
ments." Suzannah Worth
Due for release on September 1st
and widely availa-
ble, this charming collection of stories is like a big
warm hug, so settle down with a cup of tea and a
piece of cake; read and enjoy.
- 28 -
Remembering Mother Teresa, 25 years on
Some 25 years ago, on 5th
September 1997, Mother Teresa died. She was
an Albanian nun who was born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in what is now
Skopje, North Macedonia, and spent most of her life in India, founding
and running the Missionaries of Charity. She was winner of the 1979
Nobel Peace Prize.
Mother Teresa, who took Indian citizenship, received several honours.
She was beatified in 2003 and canonised on 4th
September 2016. The
anniversary of her death is her feast day. At the time of her death, the
Missionaries of Charity had over 4000 sisters. By 2020, it had grown to
Anjezë became convinced she should live a religious life by the age of 12.
She left home six years later to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin. She
saw neither her mother nor her sister again. By 1929 she was in India,
beginning her novitiate in Darjeeling, in the Himalayas. She took the
name of Teresa after Thérèse de Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries.
She then moved to Calcutta, where for 20 years she was a teacher and
head teacher. She became concerned for “the poorest of the poor” and in
1952 opened her first hospice – an abandoned Hindu temple – with help
from Calcutta officials and from a group of young women assistants. The
aim was to help people die “a beautiful death” with dignity, whatever
their faith.
Mother Teresa, who was fluent in five languages, was widely admired but
also came in for criticism, partly for her views on abortion and contracep-
tion. She said: “By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith,
I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my
heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.”
by Tim Lenton
- 29 -
Daily Prayer podcast celebrates 1,000th episode
A free service bringing the ancient monastic cycle of daily prayer to
millions of modern listeners has recently broadcast its 1,000th episode.
The Daily Prayer podcast* brings listeners together twice a day for the
short traditional services of Morning and Evening.
The podcast, available both via the Daily Prayer app as well as all major
podcasting platforms, was launched in March 2021. It has now been
streamed more than four million times, with a monthly audience of
60,000 people.
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said: “Reaching 1,000 episodes
of Daily Prayer is an impressive milestone. Being able to participate in
Daily Prayer through the app has been of great help and encouragement
for many to begin, sustain or develop their life of prayer.”
Many people say they have found a rhythm of prayer by using it.
Be kind to hedgehogs
The latest State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report warns
that between 30 per cent and 75 per cent of the
UK’s population of hedgehogs has been lost in rural
areas in the last two decades. The largest falls are in
the eastern half of England.
However, there is some evidence that in our towns and cities, a more sta-
ble population may be establishing itself, thanks to the constant help from
considerate gardeners and animal-lovers. If you have a garden, and would
like to help hedgehogs this coming winter, please visit:
- 30 -
at St John’s
in the month of July 2022
3 July Stefan David Afamefuna Kenenna Luton
17 July Ethan James Henry Leat Lovel Close
17 July Agnes Grace Summers-Leat St Albans
May the Lord of his great mercy bless these children and give them
understanding of his wisdom and grace.
30 July Joely Mitchell and Scott Fletcher
30 July Harriet Namawejje and Hughie Holness
O God, our Father, whose greatest gift is love, bless those, we ask you,
who within your presence take each other in marriage.
21 July Ellen (Nell) Rose Whitmarsh Long Chaulden
25 July Brenda Gower Shenley
May these souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy
of God, rest in peace.
29 July Barbara Ann Shaw Beechfield Road
- 31 -
- 32 -
- 33 -
Belonging to God
How good You are, Lord, and how near You are to us –
so near that we may always talk to You,
be comforted by You,
breathe through You,
be enlightened by You,
find peace in You,
and gain spiritual nourishment from You.
Grant that my fellowship with You
may never be polluted by malice, pride, envy, greed, gluttony or false-
Grant that I may belong wholly to you.
By John Sergieff (1829 – 1908) a Russian priest of humble family, who
became renowned for his prayers which ordinary people could use.
How to get to heaven
“If sold my house and my car, had a big car boot sale and gave all my
money to the church, would I get into Heaven?” the teacher asked her
Sunday School class. “No!” the children all answered.
“If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the grass, and kept everything
neat and tidy, would I get into Heaven?” Again, the answer was “No!”
“Well”, she continued, “then how can I get into Heaven?” A five-year-old
boy shouted out, “You gotta be dead first!”
After ringing mobile phones disrupted the flow of a service, one minister
laid down the law in the following week’s pew-sheet: “Let’s turn off the
technology and turn on each other.”
Produced and printed by the Parish of Boxmoor

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  • 4. - 2 - PETER D HANNABY Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior work Undertaken For competitive quotations Please call Mobile: 07765 250092 Home: 01442 288956 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING COSTS Why not use this parish magazine to advertise your business. There are eleven issues per year with double issue in December/January. Charges are: Full Page £115 per annum Half Page £80 per annum Quarter Page £60 per annum For part year charges are pro rata of the annual rate rounded up to the nearest whole pound (e.g. 1 month/issue full page 115/12 = 9.58 rounded up = £10 charge) To discuss your requirements or for further information, please contact Sally Bates, 01442 266912 or 07792 768236 or email:
  • 5. - 3 - THE VICAR’S LETTER Dear Friends, During the summer my family and I headed to the south coast for some R&R. Whilst at the beach we went paddle boarding. For those who have never been or seen paddle boarding it is when you stand on a larger than normal, inflatable, surf board and use a paddle to propel you through the water. It is incredibly relaxing when there is a dead calm, but when there are waves or a swell it can be almost impos- sible. My balance is not that good at the best of times, but being a typical bloke I thought I could just do it without any practice – I mean, it looks so easy and effortless. It’s not! Needless to say I got very proficient at swim- ming back to the board and climbing back up again. Gradually, with prac- tice, my confidence grew, matched now by my learned ability to stand up and paddle without falling in. In many ways paddle boarding is the closest thing I have come to being able to walk on water. Whilst standing on the board it really does seem like one is walking on water. Being fairly well versed in the Scriptures I was reminded of both the time Jesus walked on water and the time he called St Peter to come to him by to doing the same miraculous feat. The board made me conscious of being like St Peter: starting out with confidence… eyes fixed on the horizon; then, overcome by doubt that I could actually do this (and an unexpected wave), falling into the sea and sinking. Alas, for me unlike St Peter, Jesus was not on hand to pull me to safety. You may be wondering what’s my point? It would have been all too easy for St Peter and me not to attempt to walk/stand on water. We could have been totally risk adverse and stuck with doing that which we already knew – staying in the boat/standing firmly on solid ground! Fear could have gripped us before we even tried. Fear of the unknown is all consuming and in my case would have prevented me from making some fabulous memo- ries with my family and denied me the opportunity to enjoy God’s creation in a new, exhilarating, peaceful, and even prayerful way. Cont’d….
  • 6. - 4 - Over the last few years our society has been gripped by fear of Covid 19 – and rightly so as it has had devastating effects on every community – but it has been a fear that has crippled many of us from seeing new possibili- ties and the potential that is waiting to be unlocked. Although the pan- demic is not over, the effects of Covid 19 are not as severe as they were at the initial outbreak thanks to the creation of vaccines and the mutating of the virus. We therefore need to get back to taking risks (calculated admittedly) and trying new things that will help us to live God’s love in this community. We need to be prepared to make mistakes, to fall off our pad- dle boards and then get back up and try again. We need to let go of the fear that stops us from talking about Jesus or welcoming new people into our worshipping community. Fear can only destroy. But love, trust, joy, imagination, and courage – these can enable us to live and grow and try new things in the name of Christ. This autumn let us not be afraid to try something new. Every Blessing, News from Ely Cathedral We’ve just received the wonderful news that former Ely Cathedral Chorister and Organ Scholar, Miriam Reveley, has passed her Fellowship diplo- ma of the Royal College of Organists, the most highly and internationally respected qualification an organist can achieve! She has also won that most coveted of all prizes, the Limpus Prize for the highest marks in organ playing. Most people don't get this diploma until two or three years after graduating from university (at the earliest) so we are very proud of her! We wish her all the very best for the future.
  • 7. - 5 - PARISH DIARY FOR SEPTEMBER 2022 Enquiries regarding baptisms weddings or marriage blessings are always welcome. Please contact the Vicar. Morning Prayer is said Daily at St John’s at 9.00am. You are most welcome to join the clergy in prayer. Evening Prayer is said privately for the life of the Parish unless details are below. St John’s is open daily 9.30am-5.00pm for private prayer (10.30am-5.00pm on Saturdays) Thu 1 6.30pm Wedding Rehearsal St John’s Fri 2 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s Sat 3 12.30pm Wedding - Aimee Hart & Gary Restall St John’s Sun 4 Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s 10.00am All-Age Eucharist St John’s 10.00am Sung Mass St Francis' 11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen's 12noon Holy Baptism St John’s 4.00pm Sundowner Cocktails St John’s Hall Mon 5 7.45pm Together on Monday Club St John’s Hall Tue 6 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall 11.30am Church Meetings: Bereavement Group St John’s Hall Hall Committee St John’s Hall Wed 7 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s 5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’ Fri 9 5.30pm Junior Choir Rehearsal St John’s Hall 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s Sun 11Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Holy Communion 8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s 10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s 10.00am Sung Mass St Francis' 11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen's 2.30pm Wedding Blessing - Pauline & David Bowles St John’s
  • 8. - 6 - Tue 13 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall 8.00pm Church Meeting: Junior Church Zoom Wed 14 Holy Cross Day 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s 5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’ Fri 16 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s 2.30pm Wedding - Nanette Cashmore & Glen Tadman St John’s 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s Sun 18 Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Confirmation 8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s 10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s 10.00am Sung Mass St Francis’ 11.30am Morning Worship St Stephen’s 12noon Holy Baptism St John’s 6.30pm Choral Evensong St John’s Mon 19 7.45pm Together on Monday Club St John’s Hall Tue 20 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall 8.00pm Church Meeting: PCC St John’s Hall Wed 21 St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s 3.30pm Friendship Teas St John’s Hall 5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’ 8.00pm Baptism Preparation St John’s Fri 23 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s 5.30pm Junior Choir St John’s Hall 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s Sun 25 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity: Sermon Series - Ordination 8.00am BCP Holy Communion St John’s 10.00am Parish Eucharist St John’s 10.00am Sung Mass St Francis’ 11.30am Holy Communion St Stephen’s 3.00pm Messy Church St John’s Mon 26 8.00pm Church Meeting: Fundraising Committee Zoom Tue 27 9.30am Tiny Tots: Stay & Play & Service St John’s Hall 8.00pm Church Meeting: Communications Committee St John’s Hall
  • 9. - 7 - Wed 28 10.00am Holy Communion followed by coffee St John’s 5.00pm Evening Prayer St Francis’ Thu 29 St Michael and All Angels 8.30am-4pmDacorum Music School/MaSJ Music Making Day St John’s Fri 30 12.30pm MASJ Lunchtime Concert St John’s 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal St John’s SMILE-LINES Real life extracts from church notices that didn’t come out quite right… * Announcement in the church bulletin for a National PRAYER & FASTING Conference: The cost for attending the Prayer & Fasting confer- ence includes meals. * Report in a church magazine: Miss Charlene Mason sang I will not pass this way again, giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. * From a pew-sheet: Ladies, don’t forget the jumble sale. Now’s your chance to get rid of all those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands. * From a pew-sheet: The sermon this morning is entitled ‘Jesus Walks on the Water’. The sermon tonight will be: ‘Searching for Jesus’. * From a pew-sheet: Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. Do go along if you can sing at all. They need all the help they can get. * From an announcement: Sadly, Barbara remains in the hospital. She is having trouble sleeping, and so has requested tapes of the minister’s sermons.
  • 10. - 8 - Sundowner Cocktails The pandemic has ruined and prevented many things over the past 2 years, including our getting together for social occasions. You are warmly invited to Sundowner Cocktails on Sunday 4 September, 4.00pm-6.00pm at St John’s. Hope- fully the weather will be kind and this can happen in the churchyard. A range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails will be served. Autumn Sermon Series: The Sacraments of the Church During September and October the Ministry Team will be running a Sermon Series on The Sacraments of the Church. This series will be for the whole Church – Regu- lar and Junior. It is hoped that it will serve as a refresher to many and foundation- al teaching to others. At the end of the series it is hoped that those who have yet to be Confirmed in their faith will come forward and be confirmed. I hope you will find this series helpful in your journey of faith. A booklet to accompany this series will be available for everyone at the back of church and details of what is to be covered each week is as follows: Sunday 11 September Wk1 The Sacraments: Holy Communion Sunday 18 September Wk2 The Sacraments: Confirmation Sunday 25 September Wk3 The Sacraments: Ordination Sunday 9 October Wk4 The Sacraments: Holy Baptism Sunday 16 October Wk5 The Sacraments: Holy Matrimony Sunday 23 October Wk6 The Sacraments: Confession Sunday 30 October Wk7 The Sacraments: Unction Harvest: Thanksgiving, Appeal, & Quiz Night With much of the UK now in drought our hopes and prayers are that the harvest will not be too badly impacted as our farmers work to bring in the harvest. As usual we shall offer to God our thanksgiving for his gifts in creation and those who cultivate the land for our benefit. Our celebrations will include a special All Age Parade Eucharist on Sunday 2 October at 10.00am at St John’s; a Quiz Night on Saturday 1 October at 7.30pm, in St John’s Hall (led by Alan Munford), and a collection for the Bishop of St Alban’s Harvest Appeal: Not Forgotten! This Appeal will help change the lives of people in Mozambique who have been traumatised and displaced by conflict. Located in south-eastern Africa, Mozambique is a country with a population of around 31 million people (World Bank, 2020). Despite gaining independence from Portugal in 1975, Mozambique became caught up in a brutal civil war that only ended in 1992. Cont’d….
  • 11. - 9 - The war destroyed lives and livelihoods, with more than 820,000 people having fled their homes and becoming internally displaced. More than 12 million people live below the poverty line. Life is hard. Since 2017, northern Mozambique has been under the reign of terror of a military insurgence group, where it is estimated that more than 2,000 people have been killed and thousands more have had to flee their homes. The country has faced terrorist attacks, political unrest, food shortages, and an onslaught of natural disasters including droughts, monsoons, floods and cyclones. Families and communities have suffered greatly from this relentless conflict. This is an urgent situation and we must do something today. As the tragedy continues to unfold in Mozambique, we cannot let it be forgotten. Your support will help on-the-ground, local church partners to reach the most vulnerable; helping to change lives, transform communities and show God’s love where it is needed most. Choral Evensong Choral Evensong resumes on Sunday 18 September, 6.30pm. Many say to me how much they miss this simple service and the glorious sound of our choir. Now’s your chance to come and let the beauty of worship wash over you as we come into God’s presence. Advance notice that next month, Sunday 16 October, The Reverend Canon Liz Hughes will be our visiting preacher. St Francis Patronal Festival and Open afternoon: Sunday 9 October On Sunday 9 October at 5.00pm there will be Sung High Mass with Benediction in celebration of the Patronal Festival of St Francis, Hammerfield. All are welcome to join in giving thanks to God for the life and ministry of St Francis of Assisi, and for the witness of the Church in that part of the Parish. Refreshments will be served after the Service. Guest preacher: to be announced. The service will be preceded by an Open Afternoon at St Francis combined with Cream Tea. Please do come along and support. Confirmation Service If you are interested in being confirmed this autumn, or would like to explore what this means, please speak to me. 7 people have already expressed an interest in being confirmed. Dates for preparation sessions are being confirmed but will likely start in mid-September. Cont’d…..
  • 12. - 10 - Junior Choir – interim new leader It is a pleasure to induce Helen Isaac as our interim Leader of the Junior Choir. Katherine Boyce has done a fabulous job setting-up our Junior Choir, and whilst she is on maternity leave – for which we wish her all the best, we are very much looking forward to Helen joining our team. Helen, who lives in the Parish and whose son was baptised at St John’s by Fr Ben, has a passion for encouraging people of all ages to sing, but especially children. She runs her own singing school and offers singing lessons. We are very much looking forward to hearing the Junior Choir sing again at our Harvest celebrations. I hope you will all make Helen very welcome. If you know any primary aged children who like to sing please invite them to try our Junior Choir. They sing for the All Age Eucharist once a month and rehearse on 2 Fridays each month, 5.30pm-6.30pm, and have lots of fun. Junior Church – All things Junior Thank you to our Junior Church Team for organising the Junior Church Picnic during the School Holidays and to the various families that attended. They have also reorganised the Children’s Room at the back of St John’s so that it is, once again, an inviting and safe place for children during our services. Tiny Tots resumes this month with the first session on Tuesday 6 September, 9.30am–11.00am. Stay and play, refreshments, followed by age appropriate worship. Open to all pre-school aged children and their parent/carer. Sunday Junior Church resumes on Sunday 11 September during the Parish Eucha- rist. All children are invited to a special time in the Hall where Jesus, his disciples, and the basics of our faith are explored in an age-appropriate manner. Primarily for children aged 4+, but younger age children are invited to attend with their parent/carer. A reminder that our next Messy Church (open to all ages but especially children) will be on Sunday 25 September, 3.00pm – 5.00pm with a Harvest theme – fun, craft, games, food, and worship for all the family. Please do invite your neigh- bours, family, and friends so they don’t miss out on the fun. Happy Birthday Mr Organist Sunday 11 September our very own Director of Music, Keith Beniston, will cele- brate his 70th Birthday. Mercifully he has no plans to retire and will continue to provide outstanding music through which we may worship almighty God. Keith: wishing you a very happy birthday. Live-Streaming of Services For much of August we have experienced a fault with our mobile internet (cont’d..)
  • 13. - 11 - provision which has prevented our streaming of services. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Sadly we are still waiting for BT Open Reach to give us access to fibre broadband and thus give us stable and strong internet coverage to support this service. Recordings of service have been made and up- loaded as soon as possible after services. Work with Children and Young People You may recall that, as a Parish, we have been trying to get involved in the 8 schools within our parish boundary and build good links with the staff and children. This has had varying success and will remain a priority during the coming academic year. This priority to work more closely with Children and Young People has been endorsed by the PCC who are still pursuing the YMCA to provide a youth club for young people of this area. This is a hugely significant and exciting venture for us a Parish to be embarking upon. Please would you hold this project in your prayers that it might be fruitful and well resourced? Bike ‘n Hike The arrival of September heralds another Bike ‘n Hike in aid of Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust. Andy Fisher will once again be cycling round as many churches as possible on Saturday 10 September and inviting anyone else to join him (hopefully I will be!). Last year he managed 25 churches. All sponsorship money is split 50:50 between the Parish and the Churches Trust so please be as generous as possible. Incidentally, Canon Malcolm Grant (one of our assisting priests) is the chairman of the Trust, Grand Draw I hope you have been able to take advantage of seeing friends and family over the summer and sold them Grand Draw tickets. Not to worry if the opportunities haven’t presented themselves – perhaps September will bring new opportunities? This is an essential fundraiser for the Parish this year. Top prize of £1000 is not to be decried. Thank you to… Our flower arrangers, who, throughout August (and the year) have provided some truly stunning floral displays to adorn our churches. They always brighten- up our worship and give a sense of connection with both departed loved ones as we remember them in flowers, or wedding couples who have exchanged vows in our churches. If you would like to sponsor an arrangement on a given date please speak with Julie Boyce. Thank you, flower arrangers, for your creativity and for sharing your talents with us.
  • 14. - 12 - Across 1 ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders — in vain’ (Psalm 127:1) (6) 4 Season of the year (Psalm 84:6) (6) 7 ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. — here and keep watch with me’ (Matthew 26:38) (4) 8 It came over the whole land from the sixth to the ninth hour on the first Good Friday (Luke 23:44) (8) 9 Paul invariably did this in the synagogues he visited on his missionary journeys (Acts 17:2) (8) 13 ‘It is God who works in you to will and to — according to his good pur- pose’ (Philippians 2:13) (3) 16 Members of the Church of Scotland (13)
  • 15. - 13 - 17 ‘Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountain side and — down’ (Matthew 5:1) (3) 19 Mock(Luke14:29)(8) 24 Disgrace(Psalm44:13)(8) 25 First month of the Hebrew calendar (Exodus13:4)(4) 26 Christianity of the Britons before Augustine arrived from Rome(6) 27 Mean (Numbers 35:23)(6) Down 1 ‘Whoever finds his life will — it’ (Matthew 10:39) (4) 2 ‘My lord the king, let the — — on me and on my father’s family, and let the king and his throne be without guilt’ (2 Samuel 14:9) (5,4) 3 O raid (anag.) (5) 4 ‘If two of you on earth — about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven’ (Matthew 18:19) (5) 5 Take care of (1 Samuel 17:15) (4) 6 What the older son heard as he came near the house the day his prod- igal brother came home (Luke 15:25) (5) 10 ‘Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with — judgment’ (Romans 12:3) (5) 11 Do ten(anag.)(5) 12 Architectural style first used in Greek temples in the sixth century BC (5) 13 Capable of being used(1Kings7:36)(9) 14 ‘Each one should — his own actions’(Galatians6:4)(4) 15 Among the items imported by Solomon’s fleet of trading ships (1 Kings 10:22) (4) 18 ‘But I am afraid that just —— was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray’ (2 Corinthians 11:3) (2,3) 20 Outstanding 18th-century hymn writer, — Watts(5) 21 One of the four sons of Asher(Genesis46:17)(5) 22 Be distressed(Proverbs24:19)(4) 23 He was the father of Gaal, who threatened rebellion against Abimelech (Judges 9:28) (4) (Please find answers on page 20) Good Luck!
  • 18. - 16 - HALLS FOR HIRE ST JOHN’S HALL - Well equipped hall suitable for use by special interest groups, clubs and societies. Ideal for family parties and special occasions. Please contact Hall Bookings Secretary on 07939 226977 or email: for further information and availabil- ity. ST STEPHEN’S HALL, CHAULDEN - (opposite Tudor Rose) - Sunny Hall with tiled floor suitable for dancing and exercise groups as well as being ideal for children’s parties. Please contact Jean on 01442 257023 for further information and availability. ST FRANCIS HALL, HAMMERFIELD - Well equipped hall suitable for use by special interest groups, clubs and societies. Ideal for family parties and special occasions. Please contact Hall Bookings Secretary by email: stfran- for further information and availability. More urgent queries can be handled by leaving a message on Paul Davies mobile phone: 07802 442908 Please Note: St. John's Church PCC cannot accept any responsibility for goods or services
  • 19. - 17 - Toe-tal FOOT CARE Safe, hygienic, friendly service for all the family For the treatment of corns, callus, ingrown or thickened nails, nail trimming, cracked heels In the comfort of your own home Call Graham Spendlove, MCFHP, MAFHP Qualified Foot Health Professional Book now 07799 033974
  • 21. - 19 - Andy Fisher St John’s Church
  • 22. - 20 - Prayer for September Father, September – a month of new starts for many. We pray for all starting school, university or college, or moving into a new class or job. We pray for the new Prime Minister to prove to a person of integrity, dedicated to working for the good of all. We especially ask you to help those struggling with the rising cost of living who don’t know how they are going to make ends meet. Have mercy on this nation, Lord and bring us back to Your ways. Thank You for Jesus and that through trusting in Him we can know You, as Father and God of truth, mercy and compassion. Thank You that You never give up on us. You will help us if we turn to You, In Jesus name, Amen. By Daphne Kitching Answers to Crossword on Pages 12/13 ACROSS: 1, Labour. 4, Autumn. 7, Stay. 8, Darkness. 9, Reasoned. 13, Act. 16, Presbyterians. 17, Sat. 19, Ridicule. 24, Reproach. 25, Abib. 26, Celtic. 27, Intend. DOWN:1,Lose.2,Blamerest.3,Radio.4,Agree.5,Tend.6,Music. 10, Sober. 11, Noted. 12, Doric. 13, Available. 14, Test. 15, Apes. 18, As Eve. 20, Isaac. 21, Ishvi. 22, Fret. 23, Ebed.
  • 24. - 22 - 'Music Percentage Club Update’ Congratulations to the winners of the July Music Percentage Club draw: Catherine Holness 1st £15 Peter Garner 2nd £8 Marion Cowe 3rd £4 If you know of someone who would be interested in joining the Music Percentage Club and supporting Music at St John’s in this way there are forms in church or please contact Mark Harbour on 01582 841019 or see him in church. Mark Harbour - on behalf of MASJ BOOK REVIEW Blessings for your Baptism By Kenneth Steven and Katie Rewse, Lion Children’s books, £8.99 This book could be a good baptism gift for a godparent, grandparent, or family member to give to a young child, as it is full of blessings for their life ahead. Inspired by sensing God’s presence through the natural world around us, the book includes space to write your own words of blessing.
  • 25. - 23 - OCTOBER 2022 - PRICE 60p Please note the deadline for articles for the October 2022 edition of the magazine is Sunday, 4th September. You can e-mail direct to or leave articles in magazine pigeonhole or deliver direct to 27 Beechfield Road. Please note any articles sent by email should be in A5/A4 format (MS Word or MS Publisher preferred). Thank you. Sally Bates, Editor, Tel No. 266912 or Mobile 07792 768236. PLEASE NOTE Website for St John’s Boxmoor is: E-mail: Website for Music at St John’s is Facebook Page: St Johns Church, Boxmoor NEWSLETTER: If you would like to receive a copy of the weekly Newsletter by e-mail, please contact Alan Munford - with your e-mail address and he will arrange to send it to you. Please send any items for inclusion in the Newsletter to the Parish Office at the email address: SUBSCRIPTION TO MAGAZINE If you would like to receive a copy of St John’s Parish Magazine on a regular monthly basis, please email or telephone him on 01442 242543 or complete your details below and return tear-off slip to: Mr. Alan Munford, 16 St Nicholas Mount, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2BB Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ........................................................................................................................... Contact Telephone Number ………………………………………………………………………...
  • 26. - 24 - St James the Least of All On how to save electricity in church The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren Your church certainly seems to have taken to the idea of green electricity with a vengeance. To have covered the whole of your roof with solar panels was a brave move, and it makes quite a sight – especially when the sun catches them, dazzling motorists on the by-pass and causing multiple pile-ups. I pity the local pigeons, who try to land on it and then do a gentle glissade into the gutters. I know there have been objections to your proposal to erect a wind turbine in your car park – although no one could claim that it spoils the aesthetic appearance of your church. Nothing, my dear Darren, could do that. May I humbly offer you some further suggestions for reducing your electricity consumption. If you cut your sermons by half, then everyone could go home 20 minutes earlier. Similarly, if you only sang each chorus once instead of your customary 17 times, that should cut your service times in half. And why have lighting so good that everyone can see every- one else? That is the last thing our own congregation ever want to do. I raised the issue at our last church council meeting, but having only recently gone on to electricity, there seemed little enthusiasm for yet more change. Major Hastings still fondly remembers our old acetylene plant in the churchyard, destroyed during one Mattins when the verger was unaware of the gas leak and lit up a cigarette. We still occasionally find pieces of his cassock when mowing the grass. Cont’d…..
  • 27. - 25 - Mr Prentice, with a slightly malicious gleam, suggested building a tread- mill, to be worked by the Young Farmers – which would also keep them out of the pub while Evensong was taking place. I couldn’t help feeling that our Ladies Group would have far more determination to keep the thing rotating – probably providing enough energy to light the entire County. I was tempted to suggest we invite the vicar from our adjoining parish, St Agatha’s, to preach every Sunday, as that would fill our church with more than enough hot air. I finally stopped all further discussion on the subject when a solar panel consultant arrived at the Rectory and began his sales pitch with the phrase: “I’ve come to convert you”. Your loving uncle, Eustace
  • 28. - 26 - Gardening could save your life – but only if you really get stuck in A recent study has found that just an hour a week of digging and shovel- ling could be enough to cut your risk of dying. Such ‘muscle strengthening exercises’ has been found linked to a 10 to 20 per cent lower risk of death from all causes. The study, recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, also found that if you combine that hour a week of strength-training with regular aerobic exercise, you may even reduce your overall risk of an early death by as much as 40 per cent. So brisk walking and cycling are great – but add in a bit of muscle building, too. Sadly, the growth in online shopping means we are not even carrying our shopping bags home from the supermarket as much as we used to do. More funding needed for palliative care, General Synod hears The General Synod recently called on the Government to allocate more money for palliative care, as members voted to reaffirm the Church of England’s opposition to a change in the law on Assisted Suicide. Following a debate, members backed a Private Member’s Motion (PMM) paying tribute to the ‘enormous and untiring’ efforts of health profession- als working in palliative and end of life care. They called on the Government to guarantee adequate funding and resourcing of palliative care services to ensure the highest possible stand- ards of care for all. Members further affirmed that the law on Assisted Suicide should remain unchanged.
  • 29. - 27 - Following the death of her mother Jennifer Worth in 2011, Suzannah Worth discovered amongst her manuscripts a folder simply labelled ‘Fifth Book’. Imagine her excitement when she sat down to read, and her mother’s distinctive voice came flooding back. She found herself once again immersed in the world of the 1950s East End of London. The voices of much loved, familiar characters spoke loud and clear, particularly that of Fred the boiler man, who features exten- sively in this joyful collection. From Fred and Maisie’s romance to Fred’s little earners, including boat tours on the Thames, a fledgling singing career and raising pigs on the allotment, these new stories are as heart-warming and funny as the orig- inals. Published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson for the first time and accompa- nied by a selection of Suzannah’s favourite chapters from the original memoirs, featuring Chummy and Sister Monica Joan, this is a very special addition to the Call the Midwife family. "Fred the boiler man is one of Jennifer Worth's most colourful charac- ters, best known for his odd jobs and little earners. This book takes its name from two of them, which happily coexisted until one got mixed up with the other. Welcome to Fred's world; to fireworks, toffee apples and quail feathers. Welcome to the world of pigs, manure and allot- ments." Suzannah Worth Due for release on September 1st and widely availa- ble, this charming collection of stories is like a big warm hug, so settle down with a cup of tea and a piece of cake; read and enjoy.
  • 30. - 28 - Remembering Mother Teresa, 25 years on Some 25 years ago, on 5th September 1997, Mother Teresa died. She was an Albanian nun who was born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in what is now Skopje, North Macedonia, and spent most of her life in India, founding and running the Missionaries of Charity. She was winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Mother Teresa, who took Indian citizenship, received several honours. She was beatified in 2003 and canonised on 4th September 2016. The anniversary of her death is her feast day. At the time of her death, the Missionaries of Charity had over 4000 sisters. By 2020, it had grown to 5167. Anjezë became convinced she should live a religious life by the age of 12. She left home six years later to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin. She saw neither her mother nor her sister again. By 1929 she was in India, beginning her novitiate in Darjeeling, in the Himalayas. She took the name of Teresa after Thérèse de Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries. She then moved to Calcutta, where for 20 years she was a teacher and head teacher. She became concerned for “the poorest of the poor” and in 1952 opened her first hospice – an abandoned Hindu temple – with help from Calcutta officials and from a group of young women assistants. The aim was to help people die “a beautiful death” with dignity, whatever their faith. Mother Teresa, who was fluent in five languages, was widely admired but also came in for criticism, partly for her views on abortion and contracep- tion. She said: “By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” by Tim Lenton
  • 31. - 29 - Daily Prayer podcast celebrates 1,000th episode A free service bringing the ancient monastic cycle of daily prayer to millions of modern listeners has recently broadcast its 1,000th episode. The Daily Prayer podcast* brings listeners together twice a day for the short traditional services of Morning and Evening. The podcast, available both via the Daily Prayer app as well as all major podcasting platforms, was launched in March 2021. It has now been streamed more than four million times, with a monthly audience of 60,000 people. The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said: “Reaching 1,000 episodes of Daily Prayer is an impressive milestone. Being able to participate in Daily Prayer through the app has been of great help and encouragement for many to begin, sustain or develop their life of prayer.” Many people say they have found a rhythm of prayer by using it. * daily-prayer/daily-prayer-app-and-podcast Be kind to hedgehogs The latest State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report warns that between 30 per cent and 75 per cent of the UK’s population of hedgehogs has been lost in rural areas in the last two decades. The largest falls are in the eastern half of England. However, there is some evidence that in our towns and cities, a more sta- ble population may be establishing itself, thanks to the constant help from considerate gardeners and animal-lovers. If you have a garden, and would like to help hedgehogs this coming winter, please visit: garden
  • 32. - 30 - at St John’s in the month of July 2022 HOLY BAPTISM 3 July Stefan David Afamefuna Kenenna Luton 17 July Ethan James Henry Leat Lovel Close 17 July Agnes Grace Summers-Leat St Albans May the Lord of his great mercy bless these children and give them understanding of his wisdom and grace. HOLY MATRIMONY 30 July Joely Mitchell and Scott Fletcher 30 July Harriet Namawejje and Hughie Holness O God, our Father, whose greatest gift is love, bless those, we ask you, who within your presence take each other in marriage. FUNERAL & MEMORIAL SERVICES 21 July Ellen (Nell) Rose Whitmarsh Long Chaulden 25 July Brenda Gower Shenley May these souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. BURIAL OF ASHES 29 July Barbara Ann Shaw Beechfield Road
  • 35. - 33 - Belonging to God How good You are, Lord, and how near You are to us – so near that we may always talk to You, be comforted by You, breathe through You, be enlightened by You, find peace in You, and gain spiritual nourishment from You. Grant that my fellowship with You may never be polluted by malice, pride, envy, greed, gluttony or false- hood. Grant that I may belong wholly to you. By John Sergieff (1829 – 1908) a Russian priest of humble family, who became renowned for his prayers which ordinary people could use. SMILE-LINES How to get to heaven “If sold my house and my car, had a big car boot sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into Heaven?” the teacher asked her Sunday School class. “No!” the children all answered. “If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the grass, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into Heaven?” Again, the answer was “No!” “Well”, she continued, “then how can I get into Heaven?” A five-year-old boy shouted out, “You gotta be dead first!” Technology After ringing mobile phones disrupted the flow of a service, one minister laid down the law in the following week’s pew-sheet: “Let’s turn off the technology and turn on each other.”
  • 36. Produced and printed by the Parish of Boxmoor