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‫قزيت‬ ‫مشزوع‬ ‫عن‬ ‫نبذة‬
‫السياحيــــــت‬ ‫ايالنــــــد‬ ‫سيــزر‬
•‫انمىقـــــع‬:‫انكى‬200‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫طشيك‬-‫يطشٔذ‬-‫انسكًح‬ ‫سأط‬ ‫يُطمح‬.
•‫انبحـــــز‬ ً‫عه‬ ‫انىاجهة‬:400‫يتش‬.
•‫انمىقع‬ ‫وجغزافية‬ ‫طبيعة‬:‫أًْٓا‬ ‫عذيذج‬ ‫تًضايا‬ ‫انًٕلع‬ ‫يًتاص‬:
•‫داخم‬ ‫يتًيض‬ ‫خهيح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انمشيح‬ ‫تمع‬‫انحكمة‬ ‫رأس‬ ‫خهيج‬ٗ‫طثيع‬ ‫أيٕاج‬ ‫تساخض‬ ‫تتًتع‬ ‫يدعهٓا‬ ‫يًا‬
‫ٔأشداس‬ ‫َاعًح‬ ‫رْثيح‬ ‫تشيال‬ ‫ٔتًتاص‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫طٕال‬ ‫طخٕس‬ ‫أيح‬ ‫ٔخٕد‬ ‫ٔعذو‬ ِ‫انًيا‬ ‫تظفاء‬ ‫ٔتًتاص‬
‫انغازم‬ ‫طٕل‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يُتششج‬.
•ٗ‫ٔزت‬ ‫انثسش‬ ‫عطر‬ ‫يُغٕب‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انًُاعية‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ٗ‫طثيع‬ ‫تذسج‬36ٗ‫ف‬ ‫انثسش‬ ‫عطر‬ ‫يُغٕب‬ ‫فٕق‬ ‫يتش‬
‫اندُٕتيح‬ ‫اندٓح‬
•‫خ‬-‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫طشيك‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يمع‬ ‫انًٕلع‬-ٗ‫انغازه‬ ‫يطشٔذ‬(ٗ‫انذٔن‬ ٗ‫انغازه‬ ‫انطشيك‬)‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ْٕٔ
180ٗ‫انذٔن‬ ‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬(‫انعشب‬ ‫تشج‬)‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫ٔعه‬30ٔ ٍ‫انعهًي‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬75‫كى‬
‫طٕل‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انغيازيح‬ ‫انًُاطك‬ ‫أفضم‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انسكًح‬ ‫سأط‬ ‫يُطمح‬ ‫ٔتعتثش‬ ‫يطشٔذ‬ ٗ‫يشع‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬
‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫ٔانمشيح‬ ٗ‫انغشت‬ ٗ‫انشًان‬ ‫انغازم‬200ٌ‫ييذا‬ ‫اندذيذ‬ ‫انطشيك‬ ‫تاعتخذاو‬ ‫انماْشج‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬
•ً‫انقانىن‬ ‫انمىقف‬:ٖ‫انعماس‬ ‫تانشٓش‬ ‫ٔيغدهح‬ ‫انذٔنح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫يشتشاج‬ ‫األسع‬.
•‫انشعًيح‬ ‫تاندشيذج‬ ‫يشٓش‬ ‫تمغيى‬ ‫إعتًاد‬ ‫لشاس‬ ‫نهمشيـــــــح‬ ‫طادس‬.
•‫نـ‬ َٗ‫يثا‬ ‫تشاخيض‬ ‫نهمشيح‬ ‫طادس‬57%‫انًششٔع‬ ‫يكَٕاخ‬ ٍ‫ي‬.
•‫االيتياص‬ ٔ‫ا‬ ٍْ‫كانش‬ ‫عيُيح‬ ‫زمٕق‬ ٖ‫ا‬ ‫عهيٓا‬ ‫يٕخذ‬ ‫ٔال‬ ‫تانكايم‬ ًٍ‫انث‬ ‫يغذدج‬ ‫األسع‬.
•‫انقزية‬ ‫مكىنات‬:
•‫انعقاري‬ ‫انجزء‬
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫كهيٕتتــشا‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬550ٍ‫ي‬ ‫تتشأذ‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬500ٗ‫إن‬700‫يتش‬2.
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫ايضيـــــــظ‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬320ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬400ٗ‫إن‬500‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬.
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫فــاسٔط‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬200ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬300ٗ‫إن‬450‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬.
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫سٔيــــا‬ ‫شانيح‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬120‫و‬2‫زذيمـح‬ ‫تًغازــح‬60‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬.
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫عيضس‬ ّ‫شاني‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬120‫و‬2ّ‫يغازتــــ‬ ‫يفتــٕذ‬ ‫تتــــشاط‬96‫و‬2.
•‫تًغازح‬ ‫عيضس‬ ٕ‫عتٕدي‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬70‫يغطــــر‬ ‫يتــــش‬.
•ً‫انسياح‬ ‫انجزء‬:
•‫فنذق‬‫انثسش‬ ‫شاطئ‬ ٗ‫عه‬(‫باالس‬ ‫كهيىباتزا‬)‫تعذد‬326‫انخذياخ‬ ‫كايم‬ ٗ‫إن‬ ‫تاإلضافح‬ ‫ٔخُاذ‬ ‫غشفح‬
‫ٔانًشافك‬(‫يطاعى‬-‫عثازح‬ ‫زًاو‬-ٗ‫طس‬ ٖ‫َاد‬-‫يائيح‬ ‫أنعاب‬ ٖ‫َاد‬-‫خاص‬ ‫شاطئ‬-ٌ‫يخاص‬ ‫يطاتخ‬-
‫إداسج‬ ‫غشف‬.)...
•‫باالس‬ ‫سيزر‬ ‫فنذق‬‫كافح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انثسش‬ ٖ‫تش‬ ‫يشتفعح‬ ‫ْضثح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انمشيح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫اندُٕت‬ ‫اندضء‬ ٗ‫ف‬
‫فُذليح‬ ‫تطالح‬ ‫اإلتداْاخ‬240‫عثازح‬ ‫تسًاو‬ ً‫ا‬‫أيض‬ ‫انخذياخ‬ ‫كايم‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ٖٕ‫يست‬ ‫ٔخُاذ‬ ‫غشفح‬
ٗ‫طس‬ ٖ‫َٔاد‬ ٗ‫ٔداخه‬ ٗ‫خاسخ‬-ٔ‫ٔانثهياسد‬ ‫ٔانثٕنيُح‬ ‫نهغيًُا‬ ‫غشف‬-‫يطاعى‬-‫كافيتشياخ‬-‫كافح‬
•‫انسياحية‬ ‫انخذمات‬:
•‫يتكايم‬ ٖ‫تداس‬ ‫عٕق‬‫عيــًُا‬‫يائيــح‬ ‫أنعاب‬ ‫يُطمح‬
•‫يتُٕعـح‬ ٗ‫يالْـ‬‫ٔكافيتشياخ‬ ‫يطاعى‬ ‫يُطمح‬‫طُاعيــح‬ ‫تسيـــشاخ‬
•‫خٕنــــف‬ ُٗ‫يي‬ ‫يُطمح‬‫سياضيـــح‬ ‫يالعــة‬.‫ياسيُــــــا‬‫يخٕخ‬
•‫اكثش‬spa‫يغازـــح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫عالخيــح‬450‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬‫انًائيح‬ ‫نألنعاب‬ ٖ‫َاد‬.
•ٔ‫أ‬ ُٗ‫انظي‬ ‫انطة‬ ‫تاعتخذاو‬ ‫االعتشفاء‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫يختهفح‬ ‫إَاع‬ ّ‫في‬ ‫يغتخذو‬ ٍ‫انغ‬ ‫نكثاس‬ ٗ‫طس‬ ‫يُتدع‬
ٖٕ‫انُث‬ ‫انطة‬.
•‫انشاطئ‬:‫يُاطك‬ ‫ثالثح‬ ٗ‫إن‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫يُمغى‬:
•‫نهفُـــادق‬ ‫يخظض‬ ‫شاطئ‬.
•‫انٕزذاخ‬ ٗ‫نًانكــــ‬ ‫يخظــض‬ ‫شاطئ‬.
•‫تانغيذاخ‬ ‫خــــاص‬ ‫شاطئ‬.
•‫عثازح‬ ‫ٔزًاياخ‬ ‫ٔانكافيتشياخ‬ ‫نهًطاعى‬ ‫يُاطك‬ ّ‫ٔت‬ ‫ٔانًشافك‬ ‫انخذياخ‬ ‫يتكايم‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫ْٔزا‬
‫يتُٕعح‬ ‫ٔخذياخ‬.
•‫انزئيسية‬ ‫انخذمات‬:-‫يتكايم‬ ‫أعًال‬ ‫سخال‬ ‫خذيح‬ ‫يكتة‬-‫طسيح‬ ‫عياداخ‬-‫خايع‬-ٍ‫عايهي‬ ٌ‫إعكا‬-
‫انمشيح‬ ‫إداسج‬ ُٗ‫يث‬.
•‫انتنفيذي‬ ‫انمىقف‬:
•1-‫انتخظظيح‬ ‫ٔانتظًيًاخ‬ ‫ٔاإلَشائيح‬ ‫انًعًاسيح‬ ‫انتظًيًاخ‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫اإلَتٓاء‬ ‫تى‬.
•2-‫انتغٕيـــاخ‬ ‫أعًـال‬ ٍ‫يـــــ‬ ‫اإلَتٓـــــــاء‬ ‫تـــى‬.
•3-ٗ‫زٕان‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ‫انعًم‬ ٖ‫خاس‬120ٗ‫األٔن‬ ‫انًشزهح‬ ‫يُطمح‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ّ‫ٔشاني‬ ‫فيال‬.
•4-‫نهمشيح‬ ‫ٔانكٓشتـاء‬ ِ‫انًيــا‬ ‫يشافـــك‬ ‫إدخــــال‬ ‫تــى‬.
Company Profile
• The project is developed by PIBIC Group For Investment
and Developments.
• PIBIC Group was founded since 1981 and has established
many of elite communities and villages at Alexandria and
Al Agami.
• North Coast Project name:
Caesar Island Ras El Hekma
The Project
• Project consists of 3 phases:
• Phase one includes 2 five stars hotel and 4 different types of residential units as follows:
• Type A: Group of 2 floor palaces and villas with areas ranging from 200 m2 to
550 m2 ,each with a private garden. This portion is divided into separate compounds,
each served by a public garden and a swimming pool.
• Type B: Group of chalets each with an area of 120 m2 + 60 m2 private gardens.
• Type C : Group of graduated chalets on the versant of a mountain ;areas range from
120 m2 Up to 180 m2 .A terrace area from 85 m2 up to 135 m2 .Those terraces are
considered as suspended gardens in a magnificent unique design.
• Type D: building at the top of the mountain located at the southern border of our
resort. The building consists of 70 m2 studios with a magnificent 51 meter
height from the sea level, viewing the distant horizon and the magnificent coast.
Project location:
Master Plan :
Cleopatra Villas
550 m2
Front & back view
Cleopatra First
Cleopatra Ground
Isis Villas
320 m2
Front & back view
Isis Ground Floor
Isis First Floor
Pharos Villas
200 m2
Front & Back view
Pharos ground
Pharos first floor
Roma Chalets
120 m2
Front & Back view
Roma First Floor
Roma Ground
70 m2– 120 m2–
Front view
Chalet 2
Ground Chalet
3 Bedrooms
Chalet 2
Bedrooms with
a roof
Ground Chalet 3
Bedrooms with a
green roof
Cleopatra palace hotel
Hotel services:
• Cleopatra Palace is a 5 Stars Hotel located directly on
the beach .Fully serviced and facilities including but
not limited to restaurants, swimming pools, health
club, Water sports, Women private beach, kitchens,
warehouses, rooms for business and administration,
Caesar Palace Hotel
Hotel Services Cont.
• Caesar Palace Hotel in the southern part of the resort
high on a hill with sea view in all directions for all of
the rooms. All services and facilities including but not
limited to external and internal swimming pool, health
club – Cinema rooms, bowling and billiards,
Restaurants, cafeterias, the largest spa in the middle
east, etc…..
Project Facilities
❖Full administration with the possibility of sales and renting
for the owners
❖Post office and telegraph
❖Hyper market
❖Kids area
❖food court
❖Water Falls
❖Cafe & Restaurant
❖Shopping Mall
❖ Helicopter platform
❖swimming pool
❖yacht marin
Project Entertainment
❖Roman Theater
❖Aqua Park
❖Restaurants and Cafeterias
❖Swimming pools
❖Marina for Yachts
❖Water falls
❖Sports Courts
❖Golf area
❖Horse tracks
‫نهقزية‬ ‫انخارجية‬ ‫انبىابة‬
‫األداري‬ ً‫انمبن‬
‫نهقزية‬ ً‫انخارج‬ ‫انمذخم‬‫األداري‬ ً‫انمبن‬
‫نهقزية‬ ً‫انخارج‬ ‫انمذخم‬
‫اإلداري‬ ً‫انمبن‬
‫انتسىيات‬ ‫أعمال‬‫األن‬ ‫انجارية‬
‫األن‬ ‫انجارية‬ ‫األنشاءات‬ ‫أعمال‬
‫األن‬ ‫انجارية‬ ‫األنشاءات‬ ‫أعمال‬
سيزر ايلاند الساحل الشمالى

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سيزر ايلاند الساحل الشمالى

  • 1.
  • 2. ‫قزيت‬ ‫مشزوع‬ ‫عن‬ ‫نبذة‬ ‫السياحيــــــت‬ ‫ايالنــــــد‬ ‫سيــزر‬ •‫انمىقـــــع‬:‫انكى‬200‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫طشيك‬-‫يطشٔذ‬-‫انسكًح‬ ‫سأط‬ ‫يُطمح‬. •‫انمساحــــــة‬:56ٌ‫فذا‬. •‫انبحـــــز‬ ً‫عه‬ ‫انىاجهة‬:400‫يتش‬. •‫انمىقع‬ ‫وجغزافية‬ ‫طبيعة‬:‫أًْٓا‬ ‫عذيذج‬ ‫تًضايا‬ ‫انًٕلع‬ ‫يًتاص‬: •‫داخم‬ ‫يتًيض‬ ‫خهيح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انمشيح‬ ‫تمع‬‫انحكمة‬ ‫رأس‬ ‫خهيج‬ٗ‫طثيع‬ ‫أيٕاج‬ ‫تساخض‬ ‫تتًتع‬ ‫يدعهٓا‬ ‫يًا‬ ‫ٔأشداس‬ ‫َاعًح‬ ‫رْثيح‬ ‫تشيال‬ ‫ٔتًتاص‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫طٕال‬ ‫طخٕس‬ ‫أيح‬ ‫ٔخٕد‬ ‫ٔعذو‬ ِ‫انًيا‬ ‫تظفاء‬ ‫ٔتًتاص‬ ‫انغازم‬ ‫طٕل‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يُتششج‬. •ٗ‫ٔزت‬ ‫انثسش‬ ‫عطر‬ ‫يُغٕب‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انًُاعية‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ٗ‫طثيع‬ ‫تذسج‬36ٗ‫ف‬ ‫انثسش‬ ‫عطر‬ ‫يُغٕب‬ ‫فٕق‬ ‫يتش‬ ‫اندُٕتيح‬ ‫اندٓح‬ •‫خ‬-‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫طشيك‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يمع‬ ‫انًٕلع‬-ٗ‫انغازه‬ ‫يطشٔذ‬(ٗ‫انذٔن‬ ٗ‫انغازه‬ ‫انطشيك‬)‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ْٕٔ 180ٗ‫انذٔن‬ ‫إعكُذسيح‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬(‫انعشب‬ ‫تشج‬)‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫ٔعه‬30ٔ ٍ‫انعهًي‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬75‫كى‬ ‫طٕل‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انغيازيح‬ ‫انًُاطك‬ ‫أفضم‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انسكًح‬ ‫سأط‬ ‫يُطمح‬ ‫ٔتعتثش‬ ‫يطشٔذ‬ ٗ‫يشع‬ ‫يطاس‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫تعذ‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫ٔانمشيح‬ ٗ‫انغشت‬ ٗ‫انشًان‬ ‫انغازم‬200ٌ‫ييذا‬ ‫اندذيذ‬ ‫انطشيك‬ ‫تاعتخذاو‬ ‫انماْشج‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫كى‬ ُّ‫خٓي‬–‫فٕكح‬.
  • 3. •ً‫انقانىن‬ ‫انمىقف‬:ٖ‫انعماس‬ ‫تانشٓش‬ ‫ٔيغدهح‬ ‫انذٔنح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫يشتشاج‬ ‫األسع‬. •‫انشعًيح‬ ‫تاندشيذج‬ ‫يشٓش‬ ‫تمغيى‬ ‫إعتًاد‬ ‫لشاس‬ ‫نهمشيـــــــح‬ ‫طادس‬. •‫نـ‬ َٗ‫يثا‬ ‫تشاخيض‬ ‫نهمشيح‬ ‫طادس‬57%‫انًششٔع‬ ‫يكَٕاخ‬ ٍ‫ي‬. •‫االيتياص‬ ٔ‫ا‬ ٍْ‫كانش‬ ‫عيُيح‬ ‫زمٕق‬ ٖ‫ا‬ ‫عهيٓا‬ ‫يٕخذ‬ ‫ٔال‬ ‫تانكايم‬ ًٍ‫انث‬ ‫يغذدج‬ ‫األسع‬. •‫انقزية‬ ‫مكىنات‬: •‫انعقاري‬ ‫انجزء‬ •‫تًغازح‬ ‫كهيٕتتــشا‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬550ٍ‫ي‬ ‫تتشأذ‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬500ٗ‫إن‬700‫يتش‬2. •‫تًغازح‬ ‫ايضيـــــــظ‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬320ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬400ٗ‫إن‬500‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬. •‫تًغازح‬ ‫فــاسٔط‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬200ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫أساض‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫يتش‬300ٗ‫إن‬450‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬. •‫تًغازح‬ ‫سٔيــــا‬ ‫شانيح‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬120‫و‬2‫زذيمـح‬ ‫تًغازــح‬60‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬. •‫تًغازح‬ ‫عيضس‬ ّ‫شاني‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬120‫و‬2ّ‫يغازتــــ‬ ‫يفتــٕذ‬ ‫تتــــشاط‬96‫و‬2. •‫تًغازح‬ ‫عيضس‬ ٕ‫عتٕدي‬ ‫ًَٕرج‬70‫يغطــــر‬ ‫يتــــش‬.
  • 4. •ً‫انسياح‬ ‫انجزء‬: •‫فنذق‬‫انثسش‬ ‫شاطئ‬ ٗ‫عه‬(‫باالس‬ ‫كهيىباتزا‬)‫تعذد‬326‫انخذياخ‬ ‫كايم‬ ٗ‫إن‬ ‫تاإلضافح‬ ‫ٔخُاذ‬ ‫غشفح‬ ‫ٔانًشافك‬(‫يطاعى‬-‫عثازح‬ ‫زًاو‬-ٗ‫طس‬ ٖ‫َاد‬-‫يائيح‬ ‫أنعاب‬ ٖ‫َاد‬-‫خاص‬ ‫شاطئ‬-ٌ‫يخاص‬ ‫يطاتخ‬- ‫إداسج‬ ‫غشف‬.)... •‫باالس‬ ‫سيزر‬ ‫فنذق‬‫كافح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انثسش‬ ٖ‫تش‬ ‫يشتفعح‬ ‫ْضثح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫انمشيح‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ٗ‫اندُٕت‬ ‫اندضء‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ‫فُذليح‬ ‫تطالح‬ ‫اإلتداْاخ‬240‫عثازح‬ ‫تسًاو‬ ً‫ا‬‫أيض‬ ‫انخذياخ‬ ‫كايم‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ٖٕ‫يست‬ ‫ٔخُاذ‬ ‫غشفح‬ ٗ‫طس‬ ٖ‫َٔاد‬ ٗ‫ٔداخه‬ ٗ‫خاسخ‬-ٔ‫ٔانثهياسد‬ ‫ٔانثٕنيُح‬ ‫نهغيًُا‬ ‫غشف‬-‫يطاعى‬-‫كافيتشياخ‬-‫كافح‬ ‫انخذياخ‬. •‫انسياحية‬ ‫انخذمات‬: •‫يتكايم‬ ٖ‫تداس‬ ‫عٕق‬‫عيــًُا‬‫يائيــح‬ ‫أنعاب‬ ‫يُطمح‬ •‫يتُٕعـح‬ ٗ‫يالْـ‬‫ٔكافيتشياخ‬ ‫يطاعى‬ ‫يُطمح‬‫طُاعيــح‬ ‫تسيـــشاخ‬ •‫خٕنــــف‬ ُٗ‫يي‬ ‫يُطمح‬‫سياضيـــح‬ ‫يالعــة‬.‫ياسيُــــــا‬‫يخٕخ‬ •‫اكثش‬spa‫يغازـــح‬ ٗ‫عه‬ ‫عالخيــح‬450‫يغطر‬ ‫يتش‬‫انًائيح‬ ‫نألنعاب‬ ٖ‫َاد‬. •ٔ‫أ‬ ُٗ‫انظي‬ ‫انطة‬ ‫تاعتخذاو‬ ‫االعتشفاء‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫يختهفح‬ ‫إَاع‬ ّ‫في‬ ‫يغتخذو‬ ٍ‫انغ‬ ‫نكثاس‬ ٗ‫طس‬ ‫يُتدع‬ ٖٕ‫انُث‬ ‫انطة‬.
  • 5. •‫انشاطئ‬:‫يُاطك‬ ‫ثالثح‬ ٗ‫إن‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫يُمغى‬: •‫نهفُـــادق‬ ‫يخظض‬ ‫شاطئ‬. •‫انٕزذاخ‬ ٗ‫نًانكــــ‬ ‫يخظــض‬ ‫شاطئ‬. •‫تانغيذاخ‬ ‫خــــاص‬ ‫شاطئ‬. •‫عثازح‬ ‫ٔزًاياخ‬ ‫ٔانكافيتشياخ‬ ‫نهًطاعى‬ ‫يُاطك‬ ّ‫ٔت‬ ‫ٔانًشافك‬ ‫انخذياخ‬ ‫يتكايم‬ ‫انشاطئ‬ ‫ْٔزا‬ ‫يتُٕعح‬ ‫ٔخذياخ‬. •‫انزئيسية‬ ‫انخذمات‬:-‫يتكايم‬ ‫أعًال‬ ‫سخال‬ ‫خذيح‬ ‫يكتة‬-‫طسيح‬ ‫عياداخ‬-‫خايع‬-ٍ‫عايهي‬ ٌ‫إعكا‬- ‫انمشيح‬ ‫إداسج‬ ُٗ‫يث‬. •‫انتنفيذي‬ ‫انمىقف‬: •1-‫انتخظظيح‬ ‫ٔانتظًيًاخ‬ ‫ٔاإلَشائيح‬ ‫انًعًاسيح‬ ‫انتظًيًاخ‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫اإلَتٓاء‬ ‫تى‬. •2-‫انتغٕيـــاخ‬ ‫أعًـال‬ ٍ‫يـــــ‬ ‫اإلَتٓـــــــاء‬ ‫تـــى‬. •3-ٗ‫زٕان‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ‫انعًم‬ ٖ‫خاس‬120ٗ‫األٔن‬ ‫انًشزهح‬ ‫يُطمح‬ ٗ‫ف‬ ّ‫ٔشاني‬ ‫فيال‬. •4-‫نهمشيح‬ ‫ٔانكٓشتـاء‬ ِ‫انًيــا‬ ‫يشافـــك‬ ‫إدخــــال‬ ‫تــى‬.
  • 6. Company Profile • The project is developed by PIBIC Group For Investment and Developments. • PIBIC Group was founded since 1981 and has established many of elite communities and villages at Alexandria and Al Agami. • North Coast Project name: Caesar Island Ras El Hekma
  • 7. The Project • Project consists of 3 phases: • Phase one includes 2 five stars hotel and 4 different types of residential units as follows: • Type A: Group of 2 floor palaces and villas with areas ranging from 200 m2 to 550 m2 ,each with a private garden. This portion is divided into separate compounds, each served by a public garden and a swimming pool. • • Type B: Group of chalets each with an area of 120 m2 + 60 m2 private gardens. • • Type C : Group of graduated chalets on the versant of a mountain ;areas range from 120 m2 Up to 180 m2 .A terrace area from 85 m2 up to 135 m2 .Those terraces are considered as suspended gardens in a magnificent unique design. • Type D: building at the top of the mountain located at the southern border of our resort. The building consists of 70 m2 studios with a magnificent 51 meter height from the sea level, viewing the distant horizon and the magnificent coast.
  • 10.
  • 12. Front & back view
  • 14.
  • 16. Front & back view
  • 17. Isis Ground Floor Isis First Floor
  • 18.
  • 20. Front & Back view
  • 22.
  • 24. Front & Back view
  • 25. Roma First Floor Roma Ground Floor
  • 26.
  • 27. 70 m2– 120 m2– 180m2
  • 30. Chalet 2 Bedrooms with a roof Ground Chalet 3 Bedrooms with a green roof
  • 33. Hotel services: • Cleopatra Palace is a 5 Stars Hotel located directly on the beach .Fully serviced and facilities including but not limited to restaurants, swimming pools, health club, Water sports, Women private beach, kitchens, warehouses, rooms for business and administration, etc…
  • 35. Hotel Services Cont. • Caesar Palace Hotel in the southern part of the resort high on a hill with sea view in all directions for all of the rooms. All services and facilities including but not limited to external and internal swimming pool, health club – Cinema rooms, bowling and billiards, Restaurants, cafeterias, the largest spa in the middle east, etc…..
  • 36. Project Facilities ❖Full administration with the possibility of sales and renting for the owners ❖Post office and telegraph ❖Beaches ❖Hyper market ❖Kids area ❖food court ❖Water Falls ❖Cafe & Restaurant ❖Shopping Mall ❖ Helicopter platform ❖swimming pool ❖yacht marin
  • 37.
  • 38. Project Entertainment ❖Mall ❖Cinema ❖Roman Theater ❖Aqua Park ❖Restaurants and Cafeterias ❖Swimming pools ❖Marina for Yachts ❖Water falls ❖Sports Courts ❖Gym ❖Spa ❖Golf area ❖Horse tracks ❖Teleferik
  • 39.
  • 40. ‫نهقزية‬ ‫انخارجية‬ ‫انبىابة‬ ‫األداري‬ ً‫انمبن‬ ‫نهقزية‬ ً‫انخارج‬ ‫انمذخم‬‫األداري‬ ً‫انمبن‬ ‫نهقزية‬ ً‫انخارج‬ ‫انمذخم‬