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Кафедра иностранных языков
Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для магистрантов
всех специальностей ГНФ и имеет своей целью ознакомление и повтор
грамматических трудностей перевода технической литературы и подготовку
магистров к чтению и переводу оригинальной литературы по специальности.
Пособие состоит из грамматических комментариев с примерами и
упражнений на перевод. Тексты и предложения взяты из политехнической
литературы, также содержат примеры из физики, химии, математики. Пособие
будет полезно всем, кто столкнулся с переводом технической литературы.
Составители: Хатмуллина Р.С., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель
Юнусова И.Р., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель
Рецензент: Соколова В.В., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель
С Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, 2011
Unit 1
1.1. Порядок слов (Word Order)
0 1 2 3 4
Подлежащее Сказуемое
глагол, либо
+ смысловой
Косвенное /
места, времени
We study English.
Yesterday I came home very late.
1.2. Оборот there is/ are
There is (there are) something somewhere.
There is a book on the table.
There are flowers in the garden.
1.3. Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of comparison of
The positive degree The comparative degree The superlative degree
Warm Warmer The warmest
Progressive more progressive The most progressive
Good Better the best
Bad Worse the worst
much, many More the most
Little Least the least
…as warm as…
…not so interesting as…
…the sooner…the better…
Ex.3. Read and translate the text:
Great ideas benefit production
There is no end to the great ideas that come from our creative and innovative
industry; unfortunately, the uptake of many of these ideas seems to move at geologic
Cameron's DC subsea production and control system and National
OilweHVarco's Hex Pump provided clear benefits and solved major challenges
facing the offshore industry. Yet their actual implementation seemed to take eons.
Happily both these systems have finally broken through the “no new
technology” ceiling that has characterized the oil industry for decades and are now
finding a foothold in the marketplace. The slow-daptation of technology has become
an industry icon. Here's a classic example.
Today, every well drilled anywhere is logged, sometimes with very sophis-
ticated combinations of sensors, acquisition techniques, and realtime telemetry. Yet
in the 1930s the Schlumberger bothers went home to France discouraged that their
inventions would never gain acceptance. One man, a determined pioneer named E.C.
Leonardon, staved behind, even writing his bosses that he would forgo his salary so
convinced was he that well logging had a future in America. The brothers were called
“those crazv Frenchmen,” and worse. And it was a toss-up who was craziest, the
Schlumbergers or Leonardon. Yet, in the end, they were all proved right. Vindication
is sweet.
According to one of its pioneers, Statoil, the key to 4-D is repeatability. Today's
shots must precisely mimic yesterday's so that a valid comparison can be made from
which changes in reservoir drainage can be inferred. Some early techniques sought to
ensure 100% repeatability by establishing an array of ocean-bottom sensors or nodes
that were permanently fixed to the seabed and thus did not move between surveys.
This technique worked reasonably well but was fairly expensive, and unfortunately it
was also subject to accidental uprooting by fishing boats unknowingly dragging their
anchors across the array.
Other acquisition providers sought repeatability by controlling the positions of
their seismic streamers or alternatively accurately monitoring the positions of each
hydrophone as each shot was fired. Sometime both techniques were used, and high-
quality 4-D images resulted in most cases. Recently, on what was billed at the time as
the world's largest area 4-D seismic project, sea, wind, and current conditions were so
severe that even steerable streamers leathered beyond limits. In an innovative
processing technique, multiple shot-receiver combinations from different vintage
surveys were matched, and those with closest geometric affinity were used to make
the time-lapse comparison. According to the operator, as many as 20 well plans were
altered as a result of the 4-D survey result, saving the operator millions in potentially
dry or sub-optimal holes.
Incremental improvements in 4-D acquisition and processing have collectively
made a dramatic improvement in survey quality, interpretability, and fidelity. The
technique has been used successfully in many of the most prolific offshore areas of
the world with excellent results.
Ex.4. Make the summary of the text.
Unit 2
2.1. Обзор времен (Tense Review)
+ V1 (he, she, it→+ s (es)
− don’t (doesn’t) +V1
? Do (Does) +подлеж+V1
*Повторяющееся действие,
происходящее регулярно.
*Будущее действие
(по расписанию, графику)
+ am, is, are +Ving
− am, is, are + not +Ving
? Am, Is, Are + подлеж.+
*Длительное действие,
происходящее в настоя-щий
период времени или в момент
now/at present,
at the moment
*Будущее действие,
запланированное заранее
+ have/has +V3
− have/has + not +V3
? Have/Has +подлеж.+V3
*Действие, которое уже
совершилось к настоя-щему
моменту, и его результат
налицо в настоящем времени.
На рус. язык переводится
прошедшим временем.
this week/today/by now
+ have/has + been+
− have/has+not+been+
? Have/Has +подлеж.+
been +Ving
*Длительное действие,
которое началось в
прошлом и еще совер-
шается в настоящее время.
for a month/for a long time
since 5 o’clock
how long?/since when?
+ Ved (прав. глаг.) или
V2 (неправ. глаг.)
− didn’t +V1
? Did +подлеж. +V1
действий) в прошлом,
как факт прошлого.
yesterday/the day before
last week/3 days ago
in 1995
+ was/were + Ving
− was/were + not+ Ving
? Was/Were+ подлеж. +
*Длительное действие,
которое началось до
определенного момента в
прошлом и совершалось в
этот момент.
at 5 o’clock yesterday
from 3 till 6 last Monday
for 3 days last week
all day long/the whole day
when we came
+ had +V3
– had + not +V3
? Had + подлеж. +V3
*Прошедшее действие,
которое уже совершилось до
определенного момента в
by 7 o’clock yesterday
by that time/by Saturday
by the end of last year
before he came
+ had + been +Ving
− had+not +been +Ving
? Had + подлеж.+ been
*Длительное действие,
которое началось ранее
другого прошед-шего
действия, выра-женного в
Past Indefi-nite, и все еще
проис-ходило в момент его
for 2 hours/for 3 months for a
long time
He had been working for 5
hours, when my brother
+ shall/will + V1
− shall/will + not +V1
? Shall/Will + подлеж. +
*Действие, которое
совершится или будет
совершаться в будущем.
tomorrow/the day after
next week/in 3 days
in 2017
+ shall/will+ be + Ving
− shall/will+not+be+ Ving
? Shall/Will +подлеж.+be +
*Длительное действие,
которое начнется до
определенного момента в
будущем и будет совер-шаться
в этот момент.
at 9 o’clock tomorrow
from 3 to 6 tomorrow
for 5 days next week
all day long/when he comes
+ shall/will + have + V3
− shall/will+not +have +V3
? Shall/Will + подлеж.+
have +V3
*Будущее действие, которое
совершится до определенного
момента в будущем.
by 12 o’clock tomorrow
by next summer
when he comes
+ shall/will+ have been +
− shall/will + not +
have been + Ving
? Shall/Will + подлеж.+
have been + Ving
*Длительное действие,
которое начнется до
другого будущего действия
и будет еще совершаться в
момент его наступления.
When you come, I’ll have
been working for
2 hours.
Ex.1. Read and translate the sentences. Define the tense forms.
1. The Japanese companies developed the first pocket-size colour television set.
2. Considerable changes are currently taking place in the organization of research.
3. The traffic conditions will get much worse and cities will build elevated roads.
4. Recent experiments concerning these phenomena have focused considerable
attention on getting reliable data. 5. They decided to rebuild the church when they
found out that the cement had begun to crumble. 6. People in the big cities suffer
from polluted environment: bad water, bad air and noise. 7. A higher school today
considers education not only as a collection of useful facts and theories, but as a
process which trains the mind to think, analyze and make decisions. 8. When we
entered the laboratory, the designers were trying to improve the operation of the
receivers. 9. Have you constructed a new device by using semiconductors? 10.
Strength of materials is a difficult but very important subject for our future speciality,
and we shall study it for two years. 11. They will have finished testing this
equipment in various conditions by the end of next month. 12. Scientists are working
on problems connected with the physical nature of supersonic waves and their
application in science and everyday life.
Ex.2. Open the brackets and use the proper form of the verb in the
following sentences. Translate them into Russian.
1. Nowadays the electronic industry (produce) several types of minicomputers.
2. The researchers (make) a lot of experiments before they (receive) positive results.
3. You (discuss) new directions of research in robotics at the conference next week?
4. Electricity (provide) mankind with the most efficient source of energy. 5. Look!
The car’s computer (keep) the speed constant. 6. Tom (not know) the properties of
different alloys. 7. Workers (build) this atomic power station for two years. 8. We
(finish) the work by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 9. Some years ago the use of new
technologies (make) it possible to minimize the number of workers. 10. What
hydroengineering complex (look) like? 11. When the chief engineer (come), the
workers (tunnel) the tube through the mountain. 12. In two years she (get) a Master’s
degree. 13. In the past “engineer” (mean) a designer of engines. 14. Chemists
(develop) already new materials that could withstand high temperatures. 15. The
petroleum industry (include) the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining,
transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines) and marketing petroleum products.
2.2. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
В английском языке глаголы могут иметь два залога: действительный (the
Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice).
Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, совершающий действие, то
глагол употребляется в форме действительного залога:
They often translate articles from English into Russian.
Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию
со стороны другого лица или предмета, то глагол употребляется в форме
страдательного залога:
Articles are often translated by them from English into Russian.
The formation of the Passive Voice
Страдательный залог в английском языке образуется с помощью
вспомогательного глагола «to be» и формы причастия II смыслового глагола:
to be + Participle II
Indefinite Continuous Perfect
Present Am/is/are +V3 Am/is/are+ being V3 Have/has been V3
Past Was/were+ V3 Was/were being V3 had been V3
Future shall/will be V3 shall/will have been V3
Вместо формы Future Continuous, которая отсутствует, в страдательном
залоге, употребляется Future Indefinite:
Come at 5 p.m. The plan will be discussed at that time.
Приходите в 5 часов вечера. План будет обсуждаться в это время.
Вместо формы Perfect Continuous употребляются формы Perfect:
The plan has been discussed for 2 hours. – План обсуждается уже 2 часа.
Возможно сочетание модальных глаголов и страдательной конструкции: Our
work must be finished as soon as possible. – Наша работа должна быть завершена
как можно скорее.
Страдательный залог употребляется тогда, когда говорящий либо не знает,
кто совершает действие, либо не придает этому значения. Но если есть
необходимость назвать лицо или предмет, совершающие действие, то
используются обороты с предлогом «by» (для обозначения человека,
выполняющего действие) или «with» (для обозначения орудия, с помощью
которого совершается действие): These scientific reports were written by our
students. – Эти научные доклады были написаны нашими студентами.
The paper is cut with the knife. – Бумага разрезана ножом.
2.3. Типы страдательных оборотов
2.3.1. Прямой пассив. Косвенный пассив
Если в английском предложении в действительном залоге сказуемое имеет
два дополнения – прямое и беспредложное косвенное, то ему могут
соответствовать два предложения в страдательном залоге:
Не gave me a book. – Он дал мне книгу (a book – прямое дополнение,
me – косвенное дополнение).
1. The book was given (to) me. – Книга была дана мне (прямой пассив).
2. I was given a book. – Мне дали книгу (косвенный пассив).
Как видно из примера, когда подлежащему английского предложения в
страдательном залоге соответствует косвенное дополнение предложения в
действительном залоге, русским эквивалентом сказуемого будет глагол в
действительном залоге (неопределенно-личная форма типа: мне дали, нам
показали и т.п.).
Беспредложное косвенное дополнение может стать подлежащим
страдательного оборота не при всех глаголах. К числу наиболее
употребительных глаголов, с которыми возможны такие страдательные
обороты, относятся:
to give – давать
to grant – давать, предоставлять
to offer – предлагать
to pay – платить
to promise – обещать
to show – показывать
to tell – рассказывать
to teach – преподавать
2.3.2. Предложный пассив
В английском языке в страдательном залоге употребляются также глаголы,
требующие после себя предлога, т. е. употребляющиеся с предложными
дополнениями. Предлог сохраняется в этом случае после глагола и уточняет
лексическое значение глагола:
They agreed upon the terms. – Они договорились об условиях.
The terms were agreed upon. – Об условиях договорились.
Our partners will dispose the goods in a short time. – Наши партнеры реализуют
товары в короткий срок.
The goods will be disposed of in a short time. – Товары будут реализованы в
короткий срок.
Предложное косвенное дополнение может стать подлежащим
страдательного оборота не при всех глаголах. К числу наиболее
употребительных глаголов, с которыми возможны такие страдательные
обороты, относятся:
to account for – объяснять, отвечать за что-либо
to agree upon – договориться о
to allude to – намекать на, касаться
to arrive at – достигать чего-либо
to comment upon – комментировать
to depend on – полагаться на, зависеть от
to dispose of – реализовать, ликвидировать
to insist on – настаивать на
to interfere with – мешать to rely on – полагаться на
to laugh at – смеяться над to speak of/about – говорить о
to listen to – слушать to send for – посылать за
to look at – смотреть на to take care of – заботиться о
to provide for – предусматривать to lose sight of – терять из виду
to refer to – ссылаться на to wait for – ждать кого-либо
Ex.1. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the
use of the Passive Voice.
1. A new computer system will be installed soon. 2. The staff is always paid weekly.
3. The documents are being checked now. 4. By the time we met again, all his
problems had been solved. 5. Certain deposits are found only in a particular type of
ground. 6. Usually students were shown the drilling equipment by the lab assistant. 7.
Much attention must be paid to improve the standards of higher education. 8. Some
important facts have been mentioned by the lecturer. 9. The walls are being covered
with white paint. 10. The results of the reaction will be commented upon by the
teacher. 11. This work was referred to in many scientific reports. 12. When you
called, the letters were being signed by the director. 13. We hope the first results will
have been achieved by the professor. 14. New methods of technology can be used in
house building nowadays.
Ex.2. Make the sentences passive.
1. The manager sent the fax yesterday. 2. Susan has just passed a very difficult
examination. 3. Now we are discussing the problem of crystals’ properties. 4. The
scientists will have completed testing these substances by tomorrow. 5. He always
refers to this essential data. 6. You should translate this technical text right now.
7. They made the first experiment with electric waves many years ago. 8. University
teachers train students to analyze various facts and theories. 9. At present workers are
building a new Metro line in Moscow. 10. We can use iron and copper as conductors.
11. Mark and Nick listened to the professor’s lecture with great interest. 12. They
equipped all the laboratories with new and modern devices. 13. The reporter has
commented upon this important political event in today’s newspaper.
Ex.3. Read and translate the text, find passive constructions.
Wellhead Control Systems
Systems for wellhead control must be approached in a generalized manner.
Each oil or gas field usually has its own set of characteristics that must be recognized
and adapted to the controls required.
Most offshore wells are drilled and developed from fixed platforms. Presently
about 2,400 wells per year are drilled and completed offshore. Each offshore operator
has standards that are used for the control systems. These standards may be
developed internally or they may be developed by outside consultants. They may also
be developed through cooperation with one or more of the control system vendors
that have emerged to service this portion of the offshore industry.
Therefore, the subject of control systems for offshore wells is complex,
resulting from the need to tailor each system to the specific field requirements and to
meet the specific design criteria furnished by the offshore operator, which may be
developed internally, designed by consultants, or furnished by control vendors.
An additional offshore control system technology poses the greatest challenge
for the control system designer: subsea wellhead controls. About 40 wells per year
are being installed subsea. In subsea. one adds the elements of water depth, distance
from the surface control location to the subsea wellhead, economics, and installation
restrictions (buried control lines, wellhead covers).
Each offshore well normally is equipped with some type of downhole valve
and a group of surface valves known in the trade as the Christmas tree.
The control system design provides an interface between the well operator and
the valves so they can be opened and closed under a prescribed set of conditions even
if the operator is not present.
Two basic types of valves are used downhole: flow velocity valves designed to
close on predetermined production rates, and surface controlled subsurface safety
valves (SCSSV) that open and close in response to surface control signals generated
by the control system. Control systems are involved only in the latter category.
There are two basic categories of SCSSVs. The categories cover the control
system design utilized from the standpoint of control pressure required and the
number of control lines needed to correct the control panel (surface) to the downhole
valve SCSSV. Commonly, these are designated as single-line and dual-line valves.
They are also distinguished by whether the valves are tubing retrievable or wire-line
The normal minimum complement of Christmas tree valves is a master valve, a
wing valve, and a lubricator valve. The usual minimum control system requirement is
to have a pneumatic or hydraulic operator on the wing valve that can respond to
control system signals.
The master valve is in line with the tubing string. It is normally flanged to the
tubing hanger upper surface. The lubricator valve is also located in line with the
tubing run and is located on a flanged tee attached above the master valve. The wing
valve is located on the other opening of the tee.
One common opening and closing technique for wellhead valves is to close the
wing valve first, the master valve next, and the SCSSV last. The theory is that the
wing valve can be replaced without killing the well and should be used to stop the
flow. Routinely, the rest of the valves are closed only when the flow is stopped. This
reserves the master valve and SCSSV for closing during emergencies when the
preferred sequence cannot be followed.
Ex.5. Make the annotation of the text.
Unit 3
Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs)
е глаголы
и их
Значение Present Past Future Примеры
и перевода
1. can Выражает реальную
физическую или
Can could
+ вежливая
и просьбы
---- He can operate
this machine.
-Он может
управлять этой
Could I borrow
your pen? –
Можно взять
вашу ручку?
to be able
- // - (am/ is/ are) be
able to
(was/ were)
able to
Will be
able to
2. may Выражает
совершить действие
May might --- You may take the
article. -Вы
можете взять
He may come
here. -Он, может
быть, придет
be allowed
- // - (am/ is/ are)
allowed to
(was/ were)
allowed to
Will be
d to
3. must Выражает
--- --- This must be
done at once. -
это должно
быть сделано
сразу же.
He mustn’t go
there. - Он не
должен туда
to have to Выражает
Has / have to Had to Will
have to
They had to
replace old
equipment. - Им
заменить старое
to be to выражает
планом, договором,
Am/is/ are + to Was/ were +
Will be
He is to come at
5. – Он должен
(в силу
) прийти в 5.
4. should Необходимость как
нечто требуемое,
как совет
Should --- --- You should help
them. – Вам
нужно) помочь
5. ought to Необходимость как
моральный долг
ought to --- --- You ought to
know safety
rules. – Вы
должны знать
6. will,
Вежливая просьба о
would –
--- --- Will you say it
again? –
Повторите это,
He would often
ся в прошлом
tell us about his
work. – Он,
рассказывал нам
о своей работе.
7. shall Обещание,
приказание, угроза
Shall --- --- You shall go
there. - Вы
пойдете туда!
(т.е. Я вам
Ex.1. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the modals:
1. The successful motion calling for a reduction in the working week at sea was
moved by Mr G. H. (South Shields) who said the conference should bear in mind that
many industries had a 40-hour week. 2. Members angrily describe Mr. B.'s trick,
literally sprung at the last minute of the steel debate, as unnecessary and the last thing
which should have been done because it played into the hands of the rivals. 3. The
Government should bring together in local discussions the important employers of
labor and trade union officials in direct touch with workpeople, and set about creating
a sensible pattern out of the present chaotic labor market. 4. If young people are
thought fit in such ways (for instance, compulsory military service at 18), why should
they have to wait three years more to be entitled to vote? 5. The Chancellor's
measures might help towards an agreement on an incomes policy. But this still has to
be proved. 6. Two factors may temporarily have increased their caution. 7. They must
have known about it for a certain time. 8. The urgent need for increased water
supplies in the North-East by 2011 can be met only by a new reservoir, and Cow
Green, in Upper Teesdale, is the least harmful site for it. 9. Only two other sites could
be regarded as possible alternatives, Upper Cow Green and Middleton, and neither
could provide the needed water in time or at comparable cost. 15. More than two
million people may now be working on research and development in the Russian
Federation, one-third of them graduate scientists and engineers, according to a survey
produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Ex.2. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the equivalents:
1. Pilot schemes for improving productivity among the men are to start in about a
month at six selected oil fields. 2. Mr. R., who represents several of the Sakhalin
employers, is to meet Mr. F., assistant to the Minister, for a discussion. 3. The unions
are to meet on May 8 to formulate their reply to the company on the following day. 4.
Share prices soared on the London Stock Exchange yesterday in the hope that Bank
rate is to be cut from the present 6½ per cent to 6 per cent. 5. То meet the export
requirements the domestic consumption has had to be curtailed. 6. Most of the
imported walkie-talkie sets operate on a wave-band used by a number of authorized
radio services in Britain and can cause serious interference. When they cause
interference they have to be traced and their owners are prosecuted. 7. United
Nations economists warn that something drastic has to be done, or developing
countries will be forced to reduce their rate of social and economic expansion.
Ex. 3 Read and translate the text, find the modals.
Elements of a petroleum prospect
A prospect is a potential trap which geologists believe may contain
hydrocarbons. A significant amount of geological, structural and seismic
investigation must first be completed to redefine the potential hydrocarbon drill
location from a lead to a prospect. Five elements have to be present for a prospect to
work and if any of them fail neither oil nor gas will be present.
A source rock - When organic-rich rock such as oil shale or coal is subjected
to high pressure and temperature over an extended period of time, hydrocarbons
Migration - The Hydrocarbons are expelled from source rock by three density-
related mechanisms: the newly-matured hydrocarbons are less dense than their
precursors, which causes overpressure; the hydrocarbons are lighter medium, and so
migrate upwards due to buoyancy, and the fluids expand as further burial causes
increased heating. Most hydrocarbons migrate to the surface as oil seeps, but some
will get trapped.
Trap - The hydrocarbons are buoyant and have to be trapped within a structural
(e.g. Anticline, fault block) or stratigraphic trap.
Seal or cap Rock - The hydrocarbon trap has to be covered by an impermeable rock
known as a seal or cap-rock in order to prevent hydrocarbons escaping to the surface
Reservoir - The hydrocarbons are contained in a reservoir rock. This is a porous
sandstone or limestone. The oil collects in the pores within the rock. The reservoir
must also be permeable so that the hydrocarbons will flow to surface during
Lead - a structure which may contain hydrocarbons. Dry hole - counter-
intuitively, a formation that contains brine instead of oil. Flat spot - an oil-water
contact on a seismic section; flat due to gravity.
Bright Spot - on a seismic section, coda that have high amplitudes due to a
formation containing hydrocarbons.
Prospect - a lead which has been fully evaluated and is ready to drill oil
reserves are primarily a measure of geological risk - of the probability of oil existing
and being producible under current economic conditions using current technology.
The three categories of reserves generally used are proven, probable, and possible
reserves. Proven reserves - defined as oil and gas "reasonably certain" to be
producible using current technology at current prices, with current commercial terms
and government consent- also known in the industry as IP. Some Industry specialists
refer to this as P90 - i.e. having a 90% certainty of being produced.
Probable reserves - defined as oil and gas "reasonably probable" of being
produced using current or likely technology at current prices, with current
commercial terms and government consent - Some Industry specialists refer to this as
P50 - i.e. having a 50% certainty of being produced. - This is also known in the
industry as 2P or Proven plus probable. Possible reserves - i.e. "having a chance of
being developed under favourable circumstances" -Some industry specialists refer to
this as PI0 - i.e. having a 10% certainty of being produced. -This is also known in
the industry as 3P or Proven plus probable plus possible.
Ex.4. Make the review of the text.
Unit 4
Причастие (Participle)
Причастие I Причастие II
- ing - ed (3 form)
going translated
идущий переведенный
Способы перевода
reading translated
1) читающий 1) переведенный, переводимый
2) читая,… 2) Когда… перевели.
Если… перевести…
3) Когда мы читаем,… 3) Подлежащее – предлог –
Participle I
сложные формы
Active Passive
1 )изменяющий(ся)
being changed 1)изменяемый,
который изменяется,
изменяющийся 2)будучи
having changed
having been changed
когда изменили, после того как
Ex. 1.Define the participle, translate the sentences.
1. The problems being discussed at the conference are of great importance for our
research. 2. Having been constructed the new branch was connected with the main
gas line. 3. Heating metals we increase their conductivity. 4. Having studied the
properties of the alloy, the scientist arrived at the conclusion that it might be used in
industry. 5. Being heated metals become more conductive. 6. Having been arranged
by Mendeleyev in the table, the elements showed their periodic dependence upon the
atomic weights. 7. Having been discovered many centuries ago the three laws of
motion are still of great importance for physics. 8. The temperature of the body
rising, the movement of its molecules is speeded up. 9. The travelled distance having
been in meters and time in second, speed was measured in m.p.s., that is in meters per
Ex.2. Translate the sentences.
1. The discovery followed by many experiments resulted in new investigations in
chemistry. 2. The substance affected by a magnetic field must be a metal. 3. If
carried out carefully the experiment can give reliable data. 4. When shown this chart,
pay attention to the figures. 5. The substance begins to melt if heated to a sufficient
temperature. 6. Most atoms contain uncharged particles called neutrons. 7. The
conference attended by our students was devoted to the pollution problem. 8. For
details the reader is referred to the paper by Goldman and co-workers published in
Ex.3. Find participle I, II and translate the sentences:
1. If heated to 100`C water turns into steam. 2. While being a teacher of deaf people
bell become interested in sound and its transmission. 3. The results received were of
great importance for further work. 4. While rubbing two pieces of metal we may
produce heat. 5. The engine tested required no further improvement.
6. The equipment improved resulted in higher labor productivity. 7. The equipment
required to perform laboratory experiments was very complex. 8. When there are no
forces pulling or pushing a body that body must be in equilibrium. 9. The material
being referred to in the engineer`s report is difficult to find. 10. All electrical
conductors dissipate heat when carrying current.
Ex.4. Read and translate the text, find the participle I and II.
It is difficult to specify exact ranges for mud properties such as the plastic
viscosity, yield point and gel strengths due to the wide range of applications. Many
variables affect the value of these properties including the base oil’s properties;
temperature; the type, size and concentration of solids; oil:water ratio; brine
concentration; and the overall stability of the mud. Determining whether these
properties are in the correct range for a given mud weight depends heavily on the
fluid properties needed for the well conditions. For example, a high yield point and
gel strengths are needed for carrying capacity in large-diameter holes, but these
properties may not be desirable in small diameter holes with mud of the same weight.
Plastic viscosity should be maintained at minimum values to optimize bit hydraulics
and penetration rates. If the plastic viscosity trends upward over a period of time
without increases in the mud weight, it usually indicates that fine solids are building
up in the mud. Increases in the volume percent solids even from weight material will
increase the plastic viscosity. Decreases in the oil:water ratio (higher water content)
will increase the plastic viscosity. Yield point and gel strengths are governed by two
requirements. The first is the need to maintain sufficient thixotropy (gel structure) to
suspend weight material and cuttings, plus provide carrying capacity. The second
requirement is to minimize annular pressure losses and Equivalent Circulating
Densities (ECDs). The yield point and gel strengths can be increased with additions
of VG-69, VERSAMOD or VERSA-HRP. They can be reduced with additions of
VERSATHIN or the base oil. The allowable solids content depends on the oil:water
ratio, the water-phase density and the volume and specific gravity of the solids.
Solids are abrasive, and they increase the cake thickness, plastic viscosity, pressure
losses, the need for chemical treatments and the likelihood of water wetting the
solids. The low-gravity solids should be kept as low as economically possible with
solids-control equipment. The alkalinity (POM or VSA) of an oilbase mud is an
indication of the excess lime in the mud. The POM of a conventional controlled
filtrate system should be maintained above 2.5 cm3 of 0.1 N sulfuric acid. The
emulsion may become unstable if the POM of a conventional system falls below 2.5
for an extended period of time. The POM is normally maintained at 1 to 2 cm3 of 0.1
N sulfuric acid in relaxed filtrate systems to buffer against acid gases. NOTE: M-I
bases all recommendations concerning alkalinity treatments on the API VSA (POM)
method. If the operator desires, M-I will determine the POM by both the API method
and the “Back Titration” method. However, all treatment decisions will be made
exclusively based on the API POM (direct) method.
Ex.5. Make the summary of the text.
Unit 5
Герундий (Gerund)
Active Passive
having written
being written
having been written
Ex.1. Define the forms and functions of the Gerund and translate the
sentences into Russian.
1. On hearing that my friend did not mind our coming to him so late, we put on
our coats and started at once. 2. They objected to being asked to wait. 3. What was
the reason for his having left our town so suddenly? 4. He was sorry for not having
visited his friend. 5. Your having written a letter is really no excuse for your not
having come on the fixed day. 6. He did not remember ever having been in this place
before. 7. Only his extremely poor state of health saved him from being executed. 8.
The Pickwickians are shown here as men who are utterly unpractical and unable to
perform the simplest things without being assisted or guided. 9. Owing to Lodygin's
having made his great discovery the electric lamp illuminates our rooms. 10. On
investigating the situation the General found that the difficulties in the way of
storming the fortress far exceeded his expectations.
Ex.2. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the prepositions before
the Gerunds (in - при; on, upon – по, после; by – путем, посредством, при
помощи; without - без).
1. Solid bodies have the property of keeping their shape without supporting of
a vessel. 2. Upon being heated, the molecules begin moving very quickly. 3. If two
glass rods are charged by rubbing them with silk, it is possible to watch a very
interesting phenomenon. 4. Without being treated this substance cannot be used. 5.
At last our research-workers succeeded in getting good results. 6. The teacher
insists on carrying out this experiment in our laboratory. 7. By using this law we
define a unit charge of electricity. 8. Heating the wire from 0° to 100° increases its
resistance approximately by 40%. 9. This experiment shows the increase of reaction
velocity with increasing temperature. 10. In building new metallurgical works,
engineers have to solve many different problems. 11. Liquids and gases expand on
heating. 12. Casting is a process of forming metal objects by melting metal and pouring
it into molds.
Ex.3. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Gerundial
1. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago. 3. Every
student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man. 4. The
explanation lies in the product being more stable. 5. We insisted on their being
offered favourable terms of payment. 6. The possibility of ethylene being converted
into aromatic hydrocarbons is slight. 7. We object to their being denied the aspiration
to test such new methods as may be suggested by fresh knowledge. 8. We know of
Newton's having developed principles of mechanics. 9. Mankind is interested in atomic
energy being used only for peaceful purposes. 10. We know of Russian metallurgical
industry having made a great progress. 11. We speak about cupolas being used for melting
cast iron. 12. Great attention is paid to the metal being heated to the proper
temperature. 13. That sand molds are the oldest method for producing metal castings is
a well-known fact.
Ex.4 Read the text, find the Gerunds.
Reservoir modeling goes mainstream
By bringing together the traditionally separate workflows of seismic
interpretation and reservoir modeling, a powerful workflow is being created that
spans the reservoir lifecycle from exploration through to production. Too often in the
past reservoir modeling has been seen as something “nice to have” — a process of
refining the structural and stratigraphic models and conducting “what if” scenarios
before reservoir simulation.
And reservoir engineers have sometimes only had themselves to blame, relying
on manipulated and interpreted data — often from indirect sources — and building a
bias into their models toward the production end. Too often, no meat (high quality
data) was on the bones (modeling analysis tools) of reservoir modeling.
The times are changing, however. Reservoir modeling is taking control of the
data within its modeling framework and is becoming the central, critical defining
workflow within the exploration and production (E&P) industry. Reservoir modeling
today is a mainstream discipline that gives equal priority and focus to geological,
geophysical and production data. The bottom line for operators is a better
understanding of all aspects of the data and how the data impact their reservoir
understanding. The results are improved decision-making and increasing returns on
human and asset capital investments made in the E&P process.
Modeling has a simple definition — a definition that all too often people fail to
understand. It is, “The process of describing a system, process or phenomenon that
accounts for its known or inferred properties which in turn can be used for simulating
and predicting results.”
Roxar and Geomodeling believe that six steps define today's mainstream
reservoir modeling workflow: Find, Define, Simulate, Predict, Evaluate and Decide.
From an exploration starting point right through to production, these steps have
turned reservoir modeling from a stand-alone discipline into an expanded, integrated
and seamless workflow that covers seismic interpretation, geological interpretation,
reservoir characterization and reservoir modeling.
The results are more effective simulation, prediction and evaluation of results,
from which the key decisions are made.
Reservoir modeling is only as good as the data and assumptions that go into it,
which is why Find and Define are so important in reservoir modeling.
The Find step represents exploration, where new techniques are used to discover
reservoirs with the basic structural and stratigraphic framework present at the outset.
And the Define step focuses on defining the reservoir through methods such as
seismic reservoir characterization, including spectral decomposition, facies
classification, cross-plotting t. and strata*grid analysis.
Both steps are concerned with extrapolating geological and geophysical data
from observed values, which are then used in the later modeling phases.
Whereas Find and Define are classic steps in seismic interpretation and reservoir
characterization, the Simulation, Prediction and Evaluation steps are where the
geoscience merges with the production data. This is a crucial interface in today's
reservoir modeling.
Historically, production modeling tended to be well-log based and focused
predominantly on faults and horizons. When seismic is introduced earlier in the
process, however, users are dealing with a richer and more powerful model.
The benefits of this can be seen in each of the final four phases - for example, in
the Simulation phase, where multiple geological scenarios can be simulated to
understand how the sedimentary structures impact fluid flow, and in the Prediction
phase, where property mapping allows users to map and predict geological horizons
and faults in depth or time.
In the Evaluation step, the different hypotheses and individual predictions can be
evaluated. Facies models, and an understanding of the influence of facies distribution
on fluid flow, come to the fore.
Finally comes the Decide step. Operators use the information provided in the
first five steps to make those crucial reservoir management decisions, whether they
are bid valuations, new field development and operational plans, or production
estimates and divestments.
Reservoir modeling today is on the cusp of an exciting new era, having the
potential to become the single most important workflow within the upstream E&P
By aligning the geological and geophysical data with the production data and
integrating the seismic and modeling workflows, reservoir modeling is going
mainstream — a solution that can take the operator from exploration right through to
Finally, meat is on the bones of reservoir modeling.
Ex.4. Make the annotation of the text
Unit 6
Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции
(The infinitive and infinitive constructions)
6. 1. Инфинитив (The infinitive)
Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, которая только называет действие, но не указывает
лицо, число и наклонение. В английском языке имеются следующие формы инфинитива:
Active Passive
Indefinite to do to be done
Continuous to be doing ______
Perfect to have done to have been done
Perfect Continuous to have been doing ______
• Indefinite Infinitive: I'm glad to do this for you. – Я рад сделать это для вас.
• Continuous Infinitive: She pretended to be sleeping. –Она притворялась
• Perfect Infinitive: I'm glad to have done this for you. – Я рад, что сделал это
для вас.
• Perfect Continuous Infinitive: He seems to have been reading since morning –
Кажется он читает с самого утра.
• Indefinite Infinitive Passive: He wanted not to be forgotten. – Он не хотел,
чтобы его забывали.
• Perfect Infinitive Passive: We are happy to have been invited to the party. –
Мы счастливы, что нас пригласили на вечеринку.
Способы перевода инфинитива в различных функциях следующие:
1. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего переводится русским
инфинитивом (неопределенной формой глагола) или существительным:
То solve this problem is very important. – Решить эту проблему очень важно
(Решение этой проблемы является очень важным).
2. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства также переводится с
помощью русского инфинитива или существительного, реже – с помощью
глагола и деепричастия:
а) обстоятельство цели:
The interest rate was raised (so as) to attract customers. – Процентная ставка
была увеличена для привлечения вкладчиков (чтобы привлечь вкладчиков).
б) обстоятельство следствия (после слов enough, too, so/such as):
This method is good enough to achieve reliable results. – Этот метод
достаточно хорош, чтобы достичь (он мог достичь) надежных результатов.
в) обстоятельство сопутствующих условий:
Не reached the island to discover he had left his fishing rods. – Он добрался до
острова и обнаружил, что забыл удочки.
3. Часть составного сказуемого – переводится инфинитивом, нередко с
союзом «чтобы»:
His duty was to observe the operation of the system. – Его работа заключалась
в том, чтобы наблюдать действие этой системы.
4. Определение переводится придаточным определительным или
глагольным сказуемым:
The issue to consider next deals with investment policy. – Вопрос, который
будет рассматриваться далее, касается инвестиционной политики.
There are many things to be done today. – Сегодня нужно (предстоит) сделать
много дел.
5. Дополнение переводится русским инфинитивом:
We are planning to finish the work today. – Мы планируем закончить работу
6. Вводный член предложения:
То begin with, I would like to thank you for coming. – Прежде всего, мне бы
хотелось поблагодарить Вас за то, что Вы пришли.
То be honest, it's a surprise for me. – Честно говоря, для меня это
Ex.1.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different
functions of the infinitive:
1. The first step to be taken is to start negotiations. 2. The inflation rate was not
high enough to start paying compensations to workers. 3. To ensure a steady
economic growth, all the macroeconomic parameters must be involved. 4. Suffice it
to say, the unemployment rate has substantially declined in the free economic zones.
5. The tendency to increase the amount of benefits paid to the population is becoming
more obvious. 6. To unify the exchange rates would be one of the main objectives of
the country's foreign exchange policy. 7. The type of policy to be followed will be
broadly discussed in the mass media. 8. The results of the talks have led us to
conclude that cash transactions would prevail over barter. 9. Much more investment
is to be attracted to make a considerable progress in exports. 10. The IMF experts
arrived on a regular mission to find that their recommendations were not followed to
the full extent. 11. He was not quite prepared for the talks, to put it mildly.
6. 2. The infinitive constructions
1) Оборот "For + Noun (Pronoun) + Infinitive"
При переводе на русский язык предлог for опускается, при этом инфинитив
переводится сказуемым придаточного предложения, а стоящее перед ним
существительное (местоимение) – подлежащим:
For money to be able to work it must be either invested or deposited in a bank. –
Для того чтобы деньги могли работать, их нужно во что-то вложить или
поместить в банк.
The tendency was for the inflation rate to gradually decline. – Тенденция
заключалась в том, что уровень инфляции постепенно снижался.
2) Оборот "Complex Object"
Инфинитив (без частицы to после глаголов чувственного восприятия или с
частицей to после других глаголов) как часть сложного дополнения ("Complex
Object") переводится на русский язык сказуемым дополнительного
придаточного предложения:
I saw him pass the paper to the secretary. – Я видел, как (что) он передал
документ секретарю.
We expect the government to provide assistance to the needy population. – Мы
ожидаем, что правительство окажет помощь малоимущим слоям населения.
3) Оборот "Complex Subject"
В обороте "Complex Subject" инфинитив является частью составного
глагольного сказуемого и может стоять после глаголов в двух формах - (а)
пассивной и (б) активной:
(а) They are known (were reported) to have won.
Известно (сообщили), что они одержали победу.
Они, как известно (как сообщили), одержали победу.
(б) Their team seems to have won.
Кажется, что их команда одержала победу.
Их команда, кажется, одержала победу.
Ex.2. Translate the following sentences:
1. The economic laws are known to be universal. 2. The employees expected the
management of the company to reconsider the terms of the contract. 3. For the
economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic measures needs to be
taken. 4. The financial crisis appeared to have affected different regions of the world.
5. The new method is believed to have given good results. 6. A new social
protection policy is expected to be put into practice already this year. 7. The
arrival of the technical experts is not likely to change the general picture of the
reforms under way. 8. They established what is believed to be a solid system of
relationships with trade partners. 9. Their attitude to the process of reforms has never
been thought to change so radically. 10. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to
the approaches used. 11. The only way for companies to avoid double taxation was to
lower their profits. 12. The tendency was for the exchange rate to be slowly stabilized
after the National bank's interventions.
Ex.3. Translate the text and find the infinitive or infinitive constructions.
Emulsion stability
The Electrical Stability (ES) is a relative indication of emulsion stability. It is
a measure of the voltage required to break down the emulsion and allow the
emulsified water droplets to connect (i.e., coalesce) allowing electrical current to
flow. Strong emulsions require high voltages to coalesce the water droplets and break
down the emulsion. The electrical stability is recorded in volts.
There are several main factors that affect electrical stability:
• Water content. As the water content increases, the distance between the water
droplets decreases, allowing for easier electrical circuit completion through
coalescence and a reduction in the electrical stability.
• Water-wet solids. A water-wet solid has a thin film of water on its surface that
functions to conduct electricity like a water droplet. Solids in an invert emulsion
reduce electrical stability when they become water-wet.
• Emulsification. The degree of emulsification affects water droplet size.
Droplets are normally larger in new and unstable mud systems, resulting in low
emulsion-stability values. Increased shear and temperature exposure will form
smaller droplets and a better emulsion. This increases electrical stability values as
does increased emulsifier and wetting agent concentration.
• Temperature. The temperature at which the electrical stability measurement
is made will change the value obtained. This temperature should always be recorded
with the electrical stability value. For trend analysis, the same temperature should be
• Type of solids. The type of solids in the mud will influence the electrical
stability. For example, FER-OX (hematite) and other iron oxide materials may reduce
the electrical stability of an invert emulsion mud.
Electrical stability is an important indicator of emulsion stability, but it
should not be used as an absolute value or indication of its condition. A mud with a
high but declining electrical stability may not be as stable as a mud with a lower but
stable electrical stability. Muds with extremely low emulsion stability will have
filtrate and rheological indications as well as low and declining electrical stability
values. Low electrical stability may be a cause for concern, but an established trend
of declining electrical stability values is more serious and requires immediate action.
The electrical stability values are relative to the system from which they are recorded.
A well-defined downward trend or a rapid drop indicates the emulsion is weakening.
Electrical stability measurements should be made and recorded routinely. These
values should be plotted so trends can be easily seen. Trends upward or downward
indicate changes in the system. An analysis of sequential mud checks will indicate
possible causes of the change.
Ex.4. Make the summary of the text.
Unit 7
Лексические основы перевода
7. 1. Установление значения слова.
При переводе с английского языка необходимо обнаружить слово в родном
языке, которое является близким по значению английскому слову. Такое слово
в теории перевода называется лексическим, или словарным, соответствием. Для
правильного использования лексических, или словарных, соответствий следует
различать следующие типы смысловых отношений между словами:
1. Значения слов в английском и русском языках полностью соответствуют
друг другу. Независимо от контекста, значение английского слова передается
одним и тем же эквивалентом. К таким словам (они составляют около 30
процентов словарного состава языка) относятся имена собственные,
числительные, названия дней недели и месяцев, многие научные и технические
термины, географические названия: Canada, twelve, Tuesday, July, inflation, the
2. Если значению английского слова соответствует несколько слов в
родном языке, мы имеем дело с вариантным соответствием. Задача выбора
нужного варианта довольно сложная, и переводчик должен учитывать роль
контекста. Чтобы перевести многозначное слово, сначала находится нужное
значение, а потом в пределах этого значения надо отыскать соответствующее
для данного контекста вариантное соответствие.
Например, английскому слову variability в русском языке соответствуют
изменчивость, неровность, неустойчивость:
Variability of temper – изменчивость настроения
Data variability – вариативность данных
Variability of character – неровность характера
Variability of prices – неустойчивость цен
Иногда англо-русский словарь дает несколько значений слова, причем
даже правильно выбранное значение уводит нас в сторону буквализма
(калькированного перевода) и при передаче смысла «звучит не по-русски»
Например, в предложении I am happy to be involved in this project из семи
значений глагола involve подходит только «вовлекать». И, тем не менее, нельзя
принять как удачный перевод предложения – Я рад быть вовлеченным в этот
проект. Других вариантов ни один словарь не дает, но так не говорят по-русски.
Как носители русского языка, мы должны сказать − Я рад участвовать в этом
проекте для достижения адекватности перевода, то есть передачи смысла
Ex.1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the polysemantic
1. The company’s directing agency is located in Detroit. 2. This can hardly be
treated as a free article. You’ll have to include the funds for the customs clearing. 3.
Competitive capacity of enterprises is number one issue. 4. The rent and utilities
coverage in the country is gradually growing and will reach as much as 80% by this
July. 5. Price gap has become the main reason for many domestic goods being bought
out of the country. 6. They have been speculating on margin for a couple of years
now. 7. The chief executive officer was appointed in May. 8. The immediate task is
to temper the impact of inflation.
7. 2. Интернациональные слова и «ложные друзья» переводчика.
К интернациональным словам относятся слова, заимствованные из других
языков, – греческого и латинского, а также из современных языков (в основном
– это терминология: музыкальная из итальянского, балетные термины – из
французского, компьютерная и бизнес-терминология − из английского).
Интернациональные слова – это лексические единицы, которые имеют
структурно-семантическую общность во многих языках. Такие слова сходны по
звучанию, написанию и значению:
contrast – контраст
dumping – демпинг
manager – менеджер
inflation – инфляция
philosophy – философия
Существует гораздо больше слов, которые мы называем псевдоин-
тернациональными, или "ложными друзьями". Эти слова имеют сходную
форму написания с интернациональными словами. Причины существования
сходной формы написания могут быть самые разные, но чаще всего такая
форма – результат взаимовлияния языков или случайных совпадений. Сходные
формы написания этих слов часто бывают причиной ошибок при переводе. При
сопоставлении русского и английского языков эти слова можно подразделить
на три группы:
1. Слова, которые имеют сходное написание и произношение, но со-
вершенно другое значение:
accurate – точный, а не аккуратный;
actual – действительный, а не актуальный;
advocate – сторонник, защитник, а не адвокат;
aspirant – претендент, а не аспирант;
complexion – цвет лица, а не комплекция;
data – данные, а не дата;
Dutch – голландский, а не датский;
list – список, а не лист;
magazine – журнал, а не магазин;
principal – основной, а не принципиальный.
2. К более сложным случаям относятся такие «ложные друзья» пе-
реводчика, которые лишь в одном или двух значениях совпадают с русскими
словами, но расходятся в остальных.
authority – власть (реже - авторитет);
activity – деятельность, (реже - активность);
aggressive – энергичный, настойчивый, а не только "агрессивный";
balance – сальдо, остаток, а не только "баланс";
character – персонаж, а не только "характер";
collect – взимать, а не только "собирать" или "коллекционировать";
control – управлять, а не только "контролировать";
credit – заслуга, а не только "кредит";
department – управление, факультет (США), министерство;
object – цель, задача, а не только "объект".
3. Особую группу составляют паронимы – слова, близкие (но не
идентичные) по написанию и звучанию и имеющие разные значения:
accept (v) – принимать
except (conj) – кроме (за исключением);
adapt (v) – приспособить
adopt (v) – принимать, усыновлять;
affect (v) – воздействовать, влиять
effect (v) (n) – производить, выполнять, эффект;
complement (n) (v) – дополнение, комплект; дополнять
compliment (n) (v) – комплимент, похвала; выразить комплимент;
conscious (a) – сознающий, в сознании
conscientious (a) – добросовестный;
council (n) – совет (муниципалитет)
counsel(n) – обсуждение; адвокат;
data (n) – данные;
date (n) – дата;
economic (a) – экономический;
economical (a) – экономный, бережливый;
expand (v) – расширять(ся);
expend(v) – расходовать(средства);
personal (a) – личный, персональный;
personnel (n) – персонал.
Ex. 2. Translate the following word-combinations:
1. Banking officers. 2. Public debt. 3. Interest rate. 4. Convention of the
Entrepreneurs Union. 5. Personnel department. 6. Champion of peace. 7.
Ammunition storage. 8. Null document. 9. Legal matters. 10. Accurate data. 11. Title
and position. 12. Human values.
7. 3. Неологизмы
Неологизмы (neologisms) – это новые слова, появляющиеся в языке, и
новые значения, возникающие у уже существующих слов. И те и другие
представляют существенные трудности для перевода, так как переводчику надо
уловить новое значение и передать его в переводе с учетом особенностей
контекста. Неологизмы, как и сленг, рождаются в том или ином языке
стремительно, и причина этого в том, что в обществе, в тех или иных кругах
может назреть потребность как-то обозначить новое явление. Естественно, что
словари не спешат с регистрацией неологизмов. Со временем неологизм может
«выпасть» из языка и все о нем забудут. Поэтому многие неологизмы
английские лексикографы называют «окказиональными» (occasional), т.е.
появившимися случайно. Понятно, что словари регистрируют только
общеупотребительные новые слова, вошедшие в язык. Так называемые
авторские, индивидуальные неологизмы в словари не попадают.
Существует несколько способов образования неологизмов. Рассмотрим
некоторые из этих способов.
1. Использование словообразовательных средств (суффиксов, префиксов,
Среди продуктивных суффиксов, используемых для образования
неологизмов, можно назвать суффиксы:
- ian ballistician - специалист по баллистике (по образцу musician);
- ation commodification - использование денег в качестве товара, который
можно продавать и обменивать на другой (по образцу
- ship craftsmanship - искусство воздействия на массы;
showmanship - умение показать товар лицом; пустить пыль в глаза;
- dom bangdom - организованный бандитизм;
suckerdom - тунеядец;
- ize itemize - рассматривать по пунктам;
unionize - быть членом профсоюза.
В английском языке постоянно появляются неологизмы, образованные
путем словосложения:
laptop (= notebook)переносной компьютер
know-how ноу-хау, технология
sit-in сидячая забастовка
buy-in выгодная сделка (покрытие расходов
за счет продавца на бирже)
shut-down закрытие, ликвидация (завода)
has-been политический деятель, утративший
свое влияние
2. Переосмысление существующих в языке слов
Данный вид образования неологизмов заключается в придании известным
словам новых значений. Интересным примером появления неологизма в
результате переосмысления является слово colour-blind (adj). Первоначальное
значение этого слова - человек, не различающий цвета, дальтоник. В последней
четверти 20-го века оно приобрело значение: человек, который не разделяет
людей по расовой и национальной (этнической) принадлежности.
3. Заимствования из других языков
Несмотря на преобладание заимствованных из английского языка слов и
терминов в других языках, в английский язык также вошло некоторое (правда,
значительно меньшее) количество слов из других языков.
Слово tranche (транш) - пример заимствования из французского языка. Оно
обозначает некоторое количество сегментов, на которое делится целое; часть
кредитной линии или займа. Обычно займы Международного валютного фонда
и Всемирного банка выделяются траншами.
Еще один пример заимствования из французского языка - термин laissez-
faire - политика невмешательства, свобода действий в сфере бизнеса.
4. Сокращения (аббревиатуры и акронимы)
Аббревиатура - сокращение, которое произносится по буквам: PC [pi: si:] -
personal computer (персональный компьютер); aka - also known as (известный
также как).
Акроним - сокращение, фонетическая структура которого совпадает с
фонетической структурой общеупотребительных слов. В качестве примера
акронимов можно привести названия алгоритмических языков:
ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) – Алгол;
LISP (List Processing) – Лисп;
FORTRAN (Formula Translation) – Фортран
Иногда, благодаря развитию языка аббревиатура может трансфор-
мироваться в акроним: PR (public relations) - пиар.
Неологизмы, образованные путем сокращений слов или словосочетаний,
постоянно появляются в английском языке, причем вновь образованное слово
(термин), представляя собой акроним, часто даже не воспринимается как
Например, scuba (скуба, дыхательный аппарат для плавания под водой,
акваланг) - это сокращение от self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
Употребляя словосочетания «лазерный луч» или «луч лазера», мы вряд ли
задумываемся над тем, что слово лазер - это тоже сокращение: laser - light
amplification [by] stimulated emission [of] radiation. Широко применяемый в
банковской сфере термин СВИФТ (S.W.I.F.T.) - это сокращение от The Society
for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications.
5. Конверсия
Весьма распространенным способом образования неологизмов является
конверсия, то есть образование одной части речи от другой, например, глаголов
от имен существительных, обозначающих определенное действие. Словарь не
всегда фиксирует эти слова, но об их значении можно догадаться по контексту
путем сопоставления со значением исходного существительного и той
функции, которую выполняет предмет, выраженный этим существительным:
The unemployment rate sky-rocketed in 1994. – Уровень безработицы резко
увеличился в 1994 году (дословно - взлетел как ракета).
The wages have plummeted (plummet - свинцовая гиря). – Заработная плата
резко сократилась (упала со скоростью свинцовой гири).
Обратный пример конверсии - образование имени существительного от
Spend (n) - an amount (to be) spent (количество потраченных денег), как в
следующем случае: It is also believed the winning agency could benefit from an in-
creased spend on the account of up to 1.5 million.
Что касается способов перевода неологизмов, то они следующие.
Анализ переводов неологизмов убеждает нас в том, что, во-первых, самым
распространенным оказывается перевод путем подбора соответствующего
аналога на другом языке. К сожалению, словари неологизмов на русском языке
издаются крайне редко. Второй способ – это перевод путем транскрипции
или транслитерации. Ведущим способом в современной переводческой
практике является транскрипция с сохранением некоторых элементов
транслитерации: grapefruit — грейпфрут. Поскольку фонетические и
графические системы языков значительно отличаются друг от друга, передача
формы слова иностранного языка на языке перевода всегда несколько условна
и приблизительна: kleptocracy – клептократия (воровская элита), skateboarding –
скейтбординг (катание на роликовой доске).
Третий способ – метод калькирования. Например, street people можно
перевести как люди улицы, «уличные люди».
Четвертый способ — это приближенный перевод, например, residence
permit – прописка.
Пятым способом может быть описательный перевод. Например,
выражение kitchen cabinet передается по-русски не как «кухонный кабинет»
(такой буквализм не подходит), а как {шутл.) «группа неофициальных
советников президента» (США).
Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the neologisms:
1. The front-line manager is the most important two-way communicator in any
business. 2. Whether it is called "re-engineering", downsizing or delayering, the goals
are the same: to eliminate tiers of middle managers in order to delegate responsibility
to those actually running factories, designing products or dealing with customers. 3.
More staff cuts or right-sizing are needed. 4. When market prices are rising, people
talk about a bull market. 5. GM and Ford have used luxury cars as cash cows. 6.
"Golden handshake "is a rather new term used now in English. 7. Do you know what
the term "golden parachute "means? It's part of a business person's contract that states
that they will be paid a large amount of money when their contract ends or when they
leave the company. 8. If you know what "golden parachute " means, you can also
guess what "golden hello "is. 9. By "golden hello "we mean a large amount of money
paid by an employer to secure the long-term loyalty of a key employee. 10. Among
the neologisms we can also mention the term "green mail". It has nothing to do with
mail. You should grasp it as a single unit. It means the practice of buying stock in
your own company, usually at a high price. You buy the stock not to allow to take
control of your company. 11. A megabank is a new word. It means a bank which is
very large. 12. The expression to scrap merger means to kill the ideas of merger. 13.
A financial merry-go-round is a new term. What it means you can guess if you
interpret the word merry-go-round figuratively. 14. A minority stake is a block of
shares belonging to the minority of stockholders.
Ex.4 Translate the text and find the neologisms, “pseudo friends”,
polysemantic words.
Active Solids
We should minimize the amount of native clay solids in a mud and rely on
bentonite for control of the flow properties. This allows us to carry a minimum
amount of solids in a mud and simplifies treatment of the mud. The amount of
bentonite required should be based on the required yield point Gel strength. And
filtration control. Additions of bentonite should be made slowly and both the “in” and
“out” properties checked. Bentonite increases in yield with both time and
temperature. If the mud going in is adjusted to the desired properties, it will come out
at higher properties due to further dispersion from temperature down hole. An
increase in both the plastic viscosity and yield point will be observed from
temperature dispersion and hydration of clay solids. This is in contrast to the
symptoms of temperature flocculation where only the yield point and gel strength are
Large amounts of solids in a mud will decrease the fluid loss but will also
cause thick filter cakes to be deposited. This is contrary to our basic objective of
maintaining thin filter cakes. To avoid this problem, we should always attempt to
maintain a minimum amount of total solids in a mud. We should minimize solids that
form high permeability cakes and add solids that form low permeability cakes.
Basically, this means we should minimize the amount of formation solids in a
mud and add bentonite. The formation solids are normally poorly hydrated and
dispersed, and control fluid loss only by building excessively thick filter cakes of
poor quality. For reasons of economy, muds in the range from 10 to 11 lb./gal are
often built with native solids. Many times this is a false economy, since filtration
related problems often occur.
Bentonite is one of the best filtration control agents we have. It is quite
temperature stable and. Considering its low cost, it seems only natural that it should
be the basis of filtration control in water-base muds. When used properly, it has the
capability to solving most filtration problems. The ability of bentonite to control
filtration is based on its naturally small, plate-like particles, and high degree of
hydration. Since these characteristics depend on the chemical environment in which
bentonite is placed, most of our efforts in treating a mud are based on control of this
Ex.5 Make the review of the text.
Unit 8
Fractional Numerals (Дробные числительные)
Common Fractions (Простые дроби)
½ a (one) half 1
/1234 a (one) thousand two hundred and
⅓ a (one) third thirty-fourth
¼ a) a (one) quarter ¾ a) three fourths
b) a (one) fourth b) three quarters
/10 a (one) tenth 2½ two and a half
/100 a (one) hundredth 4⅓ four and a third
/1000 a (one) thousandth 125¾ a (one) hundred and twenty-five and
three-fourths (three quarters)
Decimal Fractions (Десятичные дроби)
0.1a) nought point one 2.35 two point three five
b) point one
0.01 a) nought point nought one 45.67 forty-five point six seven
b) point nought one
0.001 a) nought point nought nought one 0.25 nought point two five
b) point nought nought one
Отдельные знаки, выражения и уравнения
plus (sign of addition),
minus (sign of
plus or minus (minus or
times by (multiplication
sign) multiplied by
sign of division; colon;
ratios sign; divided by
sign of equality
1) round brackets
2) parentheses
1) square brackets
2) brackets
sigma, summation of
1) a equals b
2) a is equal to b
3) a is b
a is not equal to b; a is
not b
a plus or minus b
a approximately equals
a is greater than b
a is less than b
x approaches infinity
a is equal to or greater
than b
once one is one
twice two is four
12 is greater than 7
plus 3
1) c minus b (is;
equals; is equal to;
leaves) a
2) b from c leaves a
1) 72 minus 16 (is;
equals; is equal to) 56
2) 16 from 72
(equals; leaves) 56
1) x square; x
2) x to the second
3) the square of x
4) the second
power of x
1) the second
power of 5 is 25
2) 5 square is 25
3) 5 to the second
power is equal to 25
4) the square of 5 is
1) y cubed; y cube
2) y to the third
3) the cube of y
4) y to the third
l) z to the minus
2) z to the minus
six times five or 6
multiplied by 5 is (equals; is
equal to; are; makes; make)
thirty is five times as
large as six
1) s equals (is equal to)
multiplied by t
2) s equals v times t
the ratio of one to two
1) 12 divided by 3
equals 4
2) 12 divided by 3 is 4
1) the ratio of 20 to 5
equals the ratio of 16 to 4
2) 20 is to 5 as 16 is to
1) v equals s divided
by t
2) v is s over t
a plus b (is; are;
equals; is equal to) c
7 plus 3 is less than 12
round brackets opened,
a plus b, round brackets
tenth power
the square root of 4
is (equals) plus or minus
the square root of a
the cube root of a
the fifth root of a
a prime
1) a second prime
2) a double prime
a first
a second
a m-th; a sub m
R a-th; R sub a
f c-th prime; f sub c
a first prime
a second prime
first derivative of z
with respect to x
second derivative
of z with
respect to x
y is a function of x
a equals (is equal
to), line of
division (dash) v
sub t minus v divided by
(over) t
pct or
2 p.c.
⅜ %
per mille
two per cent
five per mille
1) three eighth per
2) three eighths of
one per cent
½ %
1) a half per cent
2) a half of one per
1) point three per
2) nought point
three per cent
Именованные числа
⅔ ton two thirds of a ton 1 ft/sec 1 foot per second
½ ton
¾ km
lbs, 13lb
hrs, 1½ hr
lbs, 2⅓ lb
60 mi/hr
240 km/4
6 ft/sec
half a ton
three quarters of a
point seven five of a
kilometer one point seven
five kilometers thirteen
1) one and a half
2) one (an) hour and
a half
1) two and a third
2) two pounds and a
sixty miles per hour
240 kilometers per 4
6 feet per second
74 cu yd/hr
31 mph
40 HP
k/sq in
200 rpm
74 cubic yards per
31 miles per hour
40 horsepower
kilogram per square
kip per square inch
(1000 pounds per
square inch)
twenty degrees
1) 6 minutes 2) 6
1) 10 seconds 2) 10
zero degrees
one (a) hundred
thirty-two degrees
two hundred
revolutions per minute
Химические символы
Знак + читается: plus, and, together with, react with.
Знак — обозначает одну связь или единицу родства и не читается.
Знак = читается: give, form, produce.
Знак → читается: give, pass over, lead to.
Знак ↔ читается: forms and is formed from.
Цифра (внизу) после названия элемента обозначает число атомов в
Цифра перед названием элемента обозначает число молекул. Например:
H20 ['eit∫ 'tu: 'ou], HN03 ['eit∫ 'en 'ou θri:], AgN03 ['ei'dзi: 'en 'ou 'θri:],
C+02→C02: 'C plus 'O 'two give 'CO 'two или: one atom of carbon reacts
with one two-atom molecule of oxygen and produces one molecule of carbon
2H2+02→2H20 : two molecules of H two plus O two give two molecules of H
two O ['tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: pl ٨s 'ou 'tu: giv 'tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: 'ou]
или: two two-atom molecules of hydrogen react with one two-atom molecule of
oxygen and produce two molecules of water.
N2+3H2↔2NH3 : N two plus three molecules of H two form and are formed
from two molecules of NH three ['en 'tu: pl ٨s 'θri: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: 'fo:m and
a:'fo:md frəm 'tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'en 'eit∫ θri:].
H — C —H CH four ['si: 'eit∫ 'fo:].
│ │
H—C — C—H C two H six ['si: 'tu: 'eit∫ 'siks].
│ │
Reading of an equation: Zn+H2S045↔ZnS04+H2
The "plus" sign on the left of the arrow means "reacts with"; the arrow means
"forming" or “producing”; and the “plus” sign on the right of the arrow means "and".
So this equation is read: “One atom of zinc reacts with one molecule of
sulphuric acid producing one molecule of zinc sulphate and one molecule of
Список химических элементов
Ac — actinium [æk'tiniəm]
Ag — argentum ['a:dз(ə)ntəm]
Al — aluminium [,ælju'minjəm]
Am — americium [,æmə'risiəm]
Ar — argon ['a:gon] аргон
As — arsenic ['a:snik] мышьяк
At — astatine ['æstə'ti:n] астат
Au — aurum (gold) ['o:rəm]
([gould]) золото
B — boron ['bo:ron] бор
Ba — barium ['bεəriəm] барий
Be — beryllium [be'riljəm]
Bi — bismuth ['bizməθ] висмут
Bk — berkelium [,bə:ki'liəm]
Br — bromine ['broumi(:)n] бром
C — carbon ['ka:bən] углерод
Ca — calcium ['kælsiəm] кальций
Cs — caesium ['si:ziəm] цезий
Cu — copper ['kopə] медь
Dy—dysprosium [dis'prousiəm]
Er — erbium ['ə:biəm] эрбий
Es — einsteinium [ain'stainiəm]
Eu — europium [ju:'roupiəm]
F — fluorine ['fluəri:n] фтор
Fe — ferrum ['ferəm] железо
Fm — fermium ['fə:miəm] фермий
Fr — francium ['frænsiəm]
Ga — gallium ['gæliəm] галлий
Gd — gadolinium [,gædə'liniəm]
Ge — germanium [,dзə:'meiniem]
H — hydrogen ['haidridз(ə)n]
He — helium ['hi:ljəm] гелий
Hf — hafnium ['hæfniəm] гафний
Cd — cadmium ['kædmiəm]
Ce — cerium ['si:riəm] церий
Ci — californium [,kæli'fo:njəm]
Cl — chlorine ['klo:rin] хлор
Cm — curium ['kju:riəm] кюрий
Co — cobalt [kə'bo:lt] кобальт
Cr — chromium ['kroumjəm] хром
Hg — hydrargyrum (mercury)
[hai'dra:dзirəm] (['mə:kjuri]) ртуть
Ho — holmium ['houlmiəm]
I — iodine ['aiədi:n] йод
In — indium ['indiəm] индий
Ir — iridium [ai'ridiəm] иридий
K — kalium ['keiliəm] калий
Kr — krypton ['kripton] кориптон
Ku — kurchatovium
[kurt∫ə'toviəm] курчатовий
La — lanthanum ['lænθənəm]
Li — lithium ['liθiəm] литий
Lr — lawrencium [lo:'rensiəm]
Lu — lutecium [l(j)u:'ti:∫iəm]
Md — mendelevium
[,mendə'leviəm] менделевий
Mg — magnesium [mæg'ni:zjəm]
Mn —manganese [,mæŋgə'ni:z]
Mo — molybdenum [mo'libdinəm]
N — nitrogen ['naitridзən] азот
Na — natrium ['neitriəm] натрий
Nb — niobium [nai'oubiəm]
Nd — neodymium [,ni:ə'dimiəm]
Ne — neon ['ni:ən] неон
Ni — nickel ['nikl) никель
No — nobelium [noui'beliəm]
Np — neptunium [nep'tju:njəm]
O — oxygen ['oksidз(ə)n]
Os — osmium ['ozmiəm] осмий
P — phosphorus ['fosf(ə)rəs]
Ra — radium ['reidjəm] радий
Rb — rubidium [ru:'bidiəm]
Re — rhenium ['ri:niəm] рений
Rh — rhodium ['roudjəm] родий
Rn — radon ['reidon] радон
Ru — ruthenium [ru(:)'θi:niəm]
S — sulphur ['s ٨lfə] cepa
Sb — antimony ['æntiməni]
Sc — scandium ['skændiəm]
Se — selenium [si'li:njəm] селен
Si — silicon ['silikən] кремний
Sm — samarium [sə'mεəriəm]
Sn — stannum ['stænəm] олово
Sr — strontium ['stron∫jəm]
Ta — tantalum ['tæntələm] тантал'
Tb — terbium ['tə:biəm] тербий
Tc — technetium [tek'ni∫iəm]
Te — tellurium [te'ljuəriəm]
Th — thorrium ['θo:riəm] торий
Ti — titanium [ti'teinjəm] титан
Tl — thallium ['θæliəm] таллий
Tm — tullium ['t ٨liəm] тулий
U — uranium [juə'reinjəm] уран
V — vanadium [və'neidjəm]
W — wolfram ['wulfrəm]
Pa — protactinium
[,proutæk'tiniəm] протактиний
Pb — plumbum ['pl ٨mbəm]
Pd — palladium [pə'leidiam]
Pm — promethium [pra'mi: θjəm]
Po — polonium [pa'louniam]
Pr — praseodymium
[,preiziə'dimiəm] празеодимий
Pt — platinum ['plætinəm]
Pu — plutonium [plu:'tounjəm]
Xe — xenon ['zenon] ксенон
V — yttrium ['itriəm] иттрий
Yb — ytterbium [i'tə:bjəm]
Zn — zinc [ziŋk] цинк
Zr — zirconium [zə:'kounjəm]
Слова и сокращения, заимствованные из латинского языка
A. D. (Anno Domini) нашей эры
a.m. (ante meridiem) до полудня
a priori заранее, независимо от опыта
B.C. (before Christ) до нашей эры
Circa приблизительно, около
et al. (et alii) и другие
e.g. (exempli gratia) например
etc. (et cetera) и так далее
i.e. (id est) то есть
in situ на месте
N.B. (nota bene) примечание
p.m. (post meridiem) после полудня
pro et con (pro et
за и против
terra incognita незнакомая область
vers, vs (Versus) Против
vice versa в зависимости от (чего-то)
Viz а именно
Сокращения в англо-американской технической литературе
A.i. artificial
искусственный интеллект
a.c. atternating current переменный ток
a.f. audio frecuency частота звук
amp. Ampere ампер
at. wt. atomic weight атомный вес
b.p. boiling point точка кипения
C. degree Centigrate градусы Цельсия
Cal. Calorie калория
CFCS Chlorofluoroca
хлор-фтор углероды
Cu Cubic Кубический
Cm Centimeter Сантиметр
cn in cubic inch кубический дюйм
F degree Fahrenheit градусы Фаренгейта
F Frecuency частота
d.c. direct current постоянный ток
Cpu central processing
центральный процессор
CRT cathode ray tybe электронно-лучевая трубка
fig. Figure рисунок
electromotive force электродвижущая сила
feet per minute
футов в минуту
g.p.m. gallons per minute галлонов в минуту
G Gram грамм
H Henry генри
Hp Horcepower лошадиная сила (единица мощности)
Hr Hour час
IID International
Международный институт по
окружающей среде и развитию
in. Inch дюйм
J Joule джоуль
Kg Kilogram килограмм
Km Kilometer километр
Kv Kilovolt киловольт
Kw Kilowatt киловатт
L Liter литр
M Metre метр
Mc Megacycles мегагерцы
Mf Microfarad микрофарады
M or mu Micron микрон
Mg Milligram миллиграмм
Min Minute минута
Oz Ounce унция
lb. Pound фунт
Rpm revolutions per
обороты в минуту
RAM randon access
оперативное запоминающее
REM is used for making оператор языка программирования
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
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магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф
магистранты гнф

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  • 2. Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для магистрантов всех специальностей ГНФ и имеет своей целью ознакомление и повтор грамматических трудностей перевода технической литературы и подготовку магистров к чтению и переводу оригинальной литературы по специальности. Пособие состоит из грамматических комментариев с примерами и упражнений на перевод. Тексты и предложения взяты из политехнической литературы, также содержат примеры из физики, химии, математики. Пособие будет полезно всем, кто столкнулся с переводом технической литературы. Составители: Хатмуллина Р.С., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель Юнусова И.Р., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель Рецензент: Соколова В.В., канд. филол. наук, преподаватель С Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, 2011
  • 3. Unit 1 1.1. Порядок слов (Word Order) 0 1 2 3 4 Обстоятельство Времени Подлежащее Сказуемое Смысловой глагол, либо Вспомогательный + смысловой Дополнение Косвенное / прямое/ предложное Обстоятельство места, времени We study English. Yesterday I came home very late. 1.2. Оборот there is/ are There is (there are) something somewhere. There is a book on the table. There are flowers in the garden. 1.3. Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of comparison of adjectives): The positive degree The comparative degree The superlative degree Warm Warmer The warmest Progressive more progressive The most progressive Good Better the best Bad Worse the worst much, many More the most Little Least the least …as warm as… …not so interesting as… …the sooner…the better… Ex.3. Read and translate the text: Great ideas benefit production There is no end to the great ideas that come from our creative and innovative industry; unfortunately, the uptake of many of these ideas seems to move at geologic speed. Cameron's DC subsea production and control system and National OilweHVarco's Hex Pump provided clear benefits and solved major challenges facing the offshore industry. Yet their actual implementation seemed to take eons.
  • 4. Happily both these systems have finally broken through the “no new technology” ceiling that has characterized the oil industry for decades and are now finding a foothold in the marketplace. The slow-daptation of technology has become an industry icon. Here's a classic example. Today, every well drilled anywhere is logged, sometimes with very sophis- ticated combinations of sensors, acquisition techniques, and realtime telemetry. Yet in the 1930s the Schlumberger bothers went home to France discouraged that their inventions would never gain acceptance. One man, a determined pioneer named E.C. Leonardon, staved behind, even writing his bosses that he would forgo his salary so convinced was he that well logging had a future in America. The brothers were called “those crazv Frenchmen,” and worse. And it was a toss-up who was craziest, the Schlumbergers or Leonardon. Yet, in the end, they were all proved right. Vindication is sweet. According to one of its pioneers, Statoil, the key to 4-D is repeatability. Today's shots must precisely mimic yesterday's so that a valid comparison can be made from which changes in reservoir drainage can be inferred. Some early techniques sought to ensure 100% repeatability by establishing an array of ocean-bottom sensors or nodes that were permanently fixed to the seabed and thus did not move between surveys. This technique worked reasonably well but was fairly expensive, and unfortunately it was also subject to accidental uprooting by fishing boats unknowingly dragging their anchors across the array. Other acquisition providers sought repeatability by controlling the positions of their seismic streamers or alternatively accurately monitoring the positions of each hydrophone as each shot was fired. Sometime both techniques were used, and high- quality 4-D images resulted in most cases. Recently, on what was billed at the time as the world's largest area 4-D seismic project, sea, wind, and current conditions were so severe that even steerable streamers leathered beyond limits. In an innovative processing technique, multiple shot-receiver combinations from different vintage surveys were matched, and those with closest geometric affinity were used to make the time-lapse comparison. According to the operator, as many as 20 well plans were altered as a result of the 4-D survey result, saving the operator millions in potentially dry or sub-optimal holes. Incremental improvements in 4-D acquisition and processing have collectively made a dramatic improvement in survey quality, interpretability, and fidelity. The technique has been used successfully in many of the most prolific offshore areas of the world with excellent results. Ex.4. Make the summary of the text.
  • 5. Unit 2 2.1. Обзор времен (Tense Review) ENGLISH TENSES (ACTIVE) INDEFINITE CONTINUOUS PERFECT PERFECT CONTINUOUS PRESENT + V1 (he, she, it→+ s (es) − don’t (doesn’t) +V1 ? Do (Does) +подлеж+V1 *Повторяющееся действие, происходящее регулярно. usually/generally always/never often/seldom/sometimes *Факт *Будущее действие (по расписанию, графику) + am, is, are +Ving − am, is, are + not +Ving ? Am, Is, Are + подлеж.+ Ving *Длительное действие, происходящее в настоя-щий период времени или в момент речи. now/at present, at the moment *Будущее действие, запланированное заранее + have/has +V3 − have/has + not +V3 ? Have/Has +подлеж.+V3 *Действие, которое уже совершилось к настоя-щему моменту, и его результат налицо в настоящем времени. На рус. язык переводится прошедшим временем. ever/never just/already/yet lately/recently this week/today/by now + have/has + been+ Ving − have/has+not+been+ Ving ? Have/Has +подлеж.+ been +Ving *Длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом и еще совер- шается в настоящее время. for a month/for a long time since 5 o’clock how long?/since when? PAST + Ved (прав. глаг.) или V2 (неправ. глаг.) − didn’t +V1 ? Did +подлеж. +V1 *Действие (последовательность действий) в прошлом, как факт прошлого. yesterday/the day before yesterday last week/3 days ago in 1995 + was/were + Ving − was/were + not+ Ving ? Was/Were+ подлеж. + Ving *Длительное действие, которое началось до определенного момента в прошлом и совершалось в этот момент. at 5 o’clock yesterday from 3 till 6 last Monday for 3 days last week all day long/the whole day when we came + had +V3 – had + not +V3 ? Had + подлеж. +V3 *Прошедшее действие, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. by 7 o’clock yesterday by that time/by Saturday by the end of last year before he came + had + been +Ving − had+not +been +Ving ? Had + подлеж.+ been +Ving *Длительное действие, которое началось ранее другого прошед-шего действия, выра-женного в Past Indefi-nite, и все еще проис-ходило в момент его совершения. for 2 hours/for 3 months for a long time He had been working for 5 hours, when my brother came. FUTURE + shall/will + V1 − shall/will + not +V1 ? Shall/Will + подлеж. + V1 *Действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем. tomorrow/the day after tomorrow next week/in 3 days in 2017 + shall/will+ be + Ving − shall/will+not+be+ Ving ? Shall/Will +подлеж.+be + Ving *Длительное действие, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем и будет совер-шаться в этот момент. at 9 o’clock tomorrow from 3 to 6 tomorrow for 5 days next week all day long/when he comes + shall/will + have + V3 − shall/will+not +have +V3 ? Shall/Will + подлеж.+ have +V3 *Будущее действие, которое совершится до определенного момента в будущем. by 12 o’clock tomorrow by next summer when he comes + shall/will+ have been + Ving − shall/will + not + have been + Ving ? Shall/Will + подлеж.+ have been + Ving *Длительное действие, которое начнется до другого будущего действия и будет еще совершаться в момент его наступления. When you come, I’ll have been working for 2 hours.
  • 6. Ex.1. Read and translate the sentences. Define the tense forms. 1. The Japanese companies developed the first pocket-size colour television set. 2. Considerable changes are currently taking place in the organization of research. 3. The traffic conditions will get much worse and cities will build elevated roads. 4. Recent experiments concerning these phenomena have focused considerable attention on getting reliable data. 5. They decided to rebuild the church when they found out that the cement had begun to crumble. 6. People in the big cities suffer from polluted environment: bad water, bad air and noise. 7. A higher school today considers education not only as a collection of useful facts and theories, but as a process which trains the mind to think, analyze and make decisions. 8. When we entered the laboratory, the designers were trying to improve the operation of the receivers. 9. Have you constructed a new device by using semiconductors? 10. Strength of materials is a difficult but very important subject for our future speciality, and we shall study it for two years. 11. They will have finished testing this equipment in various conditions by the end of next month. 12. Scientists are working on problems connected with the physical nature of supersonic waves and their application in science and everyday life. Ex.2. Open the brackets and use the proper form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian. 1. Nowadays the electronic industry (produce) several types of minicomputers. 2. The researchers (make) a lot of experiments before they (receive) positive results. 3. You (discuss) new directions of research in robotics at the conference next week? 4. Electricity (provide) mankind with the most efficient source of energy. 5. Look! The car’s computer (keep) the speed constant. 6. Tom (not know) the properties of different alloys. 7. Workers (build) this atomic power station for two years. 8. We (finish) the work by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 9. Some years ago the use of new technologies (make) it possible to minimize the number of workers. 10. What hydroengineering complex (look) like? 11. When the chief engineer (come), the workers (tunnel) the tube through the mountain. 12. In two years she (get) a Master’s degree. 13. In the past “engineer” (mean) a designer of engines. 14. Chemists (develop) already new materials that could withstand high temperatures. 15. The petroleum industry (include) the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines) and marketing petroleum products. 2.2. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) В английском языке глаголы могут иметь два залога: действительный (the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice). Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, совершающий действие, то глагол употребляется в форме действительного залога: They often translate articles from English into Russian. Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета, то глагол употребляется в форме страдательного залога: Articles are often translated by them from English into Russian.
  • 7. The formation of the Passive Voice Страдательный залог в английском языке образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола «to be» и формы причастия II смыслового глагола: to be + Participle II Indefinite Continuous Perfect Present Am/is/are +V3 Am/is/are+ being V3 Have/has been V3 Past Was/were+ V3 Was/were being V3 had been V3 Future shall/will be V3 shall/will have been V3 Вместо формы Future Continuous, которая отсутствует, в страдательном залоге, употребляется Future Indefinite: Come at 5 p.m. The plan will be discussed at that time. Приходите в 5 часов вечера. План будет обсуждаться в это время. Вместо формы Perfect Continuous употребляются формы Perfect: The plan has been discussed for 2 hours. – План обсуждается уже 2 часа. Возможно сочетание модальных глаголов и страдательной конструкции: Our work must be finished as soon as possible. – Наша работа должна быть завершена как можно скорее. Страдательный залог употребляется тогда, когда говорящий либо не знает, кто совершает действие, либо не придает этому значения. Но если есть необходимость назвать лицо или предмет, совершающие действие, то используются обороты с предлогом «by» (для обозначения человека, выполняющего действие) или «with» (для обозначения орудия, с помощью которого совершается действие): These scientific reports were written by our students. – Эти научные доклады были написаны нашими студентами. The paper is cut with the knife. – Бумага разрезана ножом. 2.3. Типы страдательных оборотов 2.3.1. Прямой пассив. Косвенный пассив Если в английском предложении в действительном залоге сказуемое имеет два дополнения – прямое и беспредложное косвенное, то ему могут соответствовать два предложения в страдательном залоге: Не gave me a book. – Он дал мне книгу (a book – прямое дополнение, me – косвенное дополнение). 1. The book was given (to) me. – Книга была дана мне (прямой пассив). 2. I was given a book. – Мне дали книгу (косвенный пассив). Как видно из примера, когда подлежащему английского предложения в страдательном залоге соответствует косвенное дополнение предложения в действительном залоге, русским эквивалентом сказуемого будет глагол в действительном залоге (неопределенно-личная форма типа: мне дали, нам показали и т.п.).
  • 8. Беспредложное косвенное дополнение может стать подлежащим страдательного оборота не при всех глаголах. К числу наиболее употребительных глаголов, с которыми возможны такие страдательные обороты, относятся: to give – давать to grant – давать, предоставлять to offer – предлагать to pay – платить to promise – обещать to show – показывать to tell – рассказывать to teach – преподавать 2.3.2. Предложный пассив В английском языке в страдательном залоге употребляются также глаголы, требующие после себя предлога, т. е. употребляющиеся с предложными дополнениями. Предлог сохраняется в этом случае после глагола и уточняет лексическое значение глагола: They agreed upon the terms. – Они договорились об условиях. The terms were agreed upon. – Об условиях договорились. Our partners will dispose the goods in a short time. – Наши партнеры реализуют товары в короткий срок. The goods will be disposed of in a short time. – Товары будут реализованы в короткий срок. Предложное косвенное дополнение может стать подлежащим страдательного оборота не при всех глаголах. К числу наиболее употребительных глаголов, с которыми возможны такие страдательные обороты, относятся: to account for – объяснять, отвечать за что-либо to agree upon – договориться о to allude to – намекать на, касаться to arrive at – достигать чего-либо to comment upon – комментировать to depend on – полагаться на, зависеть от to dispose of – реализовать, ликвидировать to insist on – настаивать на to interfere with – мешать to rely on – полагаться на to laugh at – смеяться над to speak of/about – говорить о to listen to – слушать to send for – посылать за to look at – смотреть на to take care of – заботиться о to provide for – предусматривать to lose sight of – терять из виду to refer to – ссылаться на to wait for – ждать кого-либо Ex.1. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the use of the Passive Voice.
  • 9. 1. A new computer system will be installed soon. 2. The staff is always paid weekly. 3. The documents are being checked now. 4. By the time we met again, all his problems had been solved. 5. Certain deposits are found only in a particular type of ground. 6. Usually students were shown the drilling equipment by the lab assistant. 7. Much attention must be paid to improve the standards of higher education. 8. Some important facts have been mentioned by the lecturer. 9. The walls are being covered with white paint. 10. The results of the reaction will be commented upon by the teacher. 11. This work was referred to in many scientific reports. 12. When you called, the letters were being signed by the director. 13. We hope the first results will have been achieved by the professor. 14. New methods of technology can be used in house building nowadays. Ex.2. Make the sentences passive. 1. The manager sent the fax yesterday. 2. Susan has just passed a very difficult examination. 3. Now we are discussing the problem of crystals’ properties. 4. The scientists will have completed testing these substances by tomorrow. 5. He always refers to this essential data. 6. You should translate this technical text right now. 7. They made the first experiment with electric waves many years ago. 8. University teachers train students to analyze various facts and theories. 9. At present workers are building a new Metro line in Moscow. 10. We can use iron and copper as conductors. 11. Mark and Nick listened to the professor’s lecture with great interest. 12. They equipped all the laboratories with new and modern devices. 13. The reporter has commented upon this important political event in today’s newspaper. Ex.3. Read and translate the text, find passive constructions. Wellhead Control Systems Systems for wellhead control must be approached in a generalized manner. Each oil or gas field usually has its own set of characteristics that must be recognized and adapted to the controls required. Most offshore wells are drilled and developed from fixed platforms. Presently about 2,400 wells per year are drilled and completed offshore. Each offshore operator has standards that are used for the control systems. These standards may be developed internally or they may be developed by outside consultants. They may also be developed through cooperation with one or more of the control system vendors that have emerged to service this portion of the offshore industry. Therefore, the subject of control systems for offshore wells is complex, resulting from the need to tailor each system to the specific field requirements and to meet the specific design criteria furnished by the offshore operator, which may be developed internally, designed by consultants, or furnished by control vendors. An additional offshore control system technology poses the greatest challenge for the control system designer: subsea wellhead controls. About 40 wells per year are being installed subsea. In subsea. one adds the elements of water depth, distance from the surface control location to the subsea wellhead, economics, and installation restrictions (buried control lines, wellhead covers). Each offshore well normally is equipped with some type of downhole valve and a group of surface valves known in the trade as the Christmas tree.
  • 10. The control system design provides an interface between the well operator and the valves so they can be opened and closed under a prescribed set of conditions even if the operator is not present. Two basic types of valves are used downhole: flow velocity valves designed to close on predetermined production rates, and surface controlled subsurface safety valves (SCSSV) that open and close in response to surface control signals generated by the control system. Control systems are involved only in the latter category. There are two basic categories of SCSSVs. The categories cover the control system design utilized from the standpoint of control pressure required and the number of control lines needed to correct the control panel (surface) to the downhole valve SCSSV. Commonly, these are designated as single-line and dual-line valves. They are also distinguished by whether the valves are tubing retrievable or wire-line set. The normal minimum complement of Christmas tree valves is a master valve, a wing valve, and a lubricator valve. The usual minimum control system requirement is to have a pneumatic or hydraulic operator on the wing valve that can respond to control system signals. The master valve is in line with the tubing string. It is normally flanged to the tubing hanger upper surface. The lubricator valve is also located in line with the tubing run and is located on a flanged tee attached above the master valve. The wing valve is located on the other opening of the tee. One common opening and closing technique for wellhead valves is to close the wing valve first, the master valve next, and the SCSSV last. The theory is that the wing valve can be replaced without killing the well and should be used to stop the flow. Routinely, the rest of the valves are closed only when the flow is stopped. This reserves the master valve and SCSSV for closing during emergencies when the preferred sequence cannot be followed. Ex.5. Make the annotation of the text. Unit 3 Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs) Модальны е глаголы и их эквивален ты Значение Present Past Future Примеры использования и перевода 1. can Выражает реальную возможность, физическую или умственную способность осуществления действия Can could + вежливая форма разрешения и просьбы ---- He can operate this machine. -Он может управлять этой машиной. Could I borrow your pen? – Можно взять
  • 11. вашу ручку? to be able to - // - (am/ is/ are) be able to (was/ were) able to Will be able to 2. may Выражает допущение возможности, разрешение совершить действие May might --- You may take the article. -Вы можете взять статью. He may come here. -Он, может быть, придет сюда. be allowed to - // - (am/ is/ are) allowed to (was/ were) allowed to Will be allowe d to 3. must Выражает долженствование Must mustn’t категоричес- кое запрещение --- --- This must be done at once. - это должно быть сделано сразу же. He mustn’t go there. - Он не должен туда идти. to have to Выражает вынужденную необходимость Has / have to Had to Will have to They had to replace old equipment. - Им пришлось заменить старое оборудование. to be to выражает необходимость, предписанную планом, договором, расписанием Am/is/ are + to Was/ were + to Will be to He is to come at 5. – Он должен (в силу договоренности ) прийти в 5. 4. should Необходимость как нечто требуемое, как совет Should --- --- You should help them. – Вам следует (необходимо, нужно) помочь им. 5. ought to Необходимость как моральный долг ought to --- --- You ought to know safety rules. – Вы должны знать правила безопасности 6. will, would Вежливая просьба о помощи Will would – повторность действия, совершавшего --- --- Will you say it again? – Повторите это, пожалуйста. He would often
  • 12. ся в прошлом (бывало…) tell us about his work. – Он, бывало, частенько рассказывал нам о своей работе. 7. shall Обещание, приказание, угроза Shall --- --- You shall go there. - Вы пойдете туда! (т.е. Я вам приказываю) Ex.1. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the modals: 1. The successful motion calling for a reduction in the working week at sea was moved by Mr G. H. (South Shields) who said the conference should bear in mind that many industries had a 40-hour week. 2. Members angrily describe Mr. B.'s trick, literally sprung at the last minute of the steel debate, as unnecessary and the last thing which should have been done because it played into the hands of the rivals. 3. The Government should bring together in local discussions the important employers of labor and trade union officials in direct touch with workpeople, and set about creating a sensible pattern out of the present chaotic labor market. 4. If young people are thought fit in such ways (for instance, compulsory military service at 18), why should they have to wait three years more to be entitled to vote? 5. The Chancellor's measures might help towards an agreement on an incomes policy. But this still has to be proved. 6. Two factors may temporarily have increased their caution. 7. They must have known about it for a certain time. 8. The urgent need for increased water supplies in the North-East by 2011 can be met only by a new reservoir, and Cow Green, in Upper Teesdale, is the least harmful site for it. 9. Only two other sites could be regarded as possible alternatives, Upper Cow Green and Middleton, and neither could provide the needed water in time or at comparable cost. 15. More than two million people may now be working on research and development in the Russian Federation, one-third of them graduate scientists and engineers, according to a survey produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Ex.2. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the equivalents: 1. Pilot schemes for improving productivity among the men are to start in about a month at six selected oil fields. 2. Mr. R., who represents several of the Sakhalin employers, is to meet Mr. F., assistant to the Minister, for a discussion. 3. The unions are to meet on May 8 to formulate their reply to the company on the following day. 4. Share prices soared on the London Stock Exchange yesterday in the hope that Bank rate is to be cut from the present 6½ per cent to 6 per cent. 5. То meet the export requirements the domestic consumption has had to be curtailed. 6. Most of the imported walkie-talkie sets operate on a wave-band used by a number of authorized radio services in Britain and can cause serious interference. When they cause interference they have to be traced and their owners are prosecuted. 7. United
  • 13. Nations economists warn that something drastic has to be done, or developing countries will be forced to reduce their rate of social and economic expansion. Ex. 3 Read and translate the text, find the modals. Elements of a petroleum prospect A prospect is a potential trap which geologists believe may contain hydrocarbons. A significant amount of geological, structural and seismic investigation must first be completed to redefine the potential hydrocarbon drill location from a lead to a prospect. Five elements have to be present for a prospect to work and if any of them fail neither oil nor gas will be present. A source rock - When organic-rich rock such as oil shale or coal is subjected to high pressure and temperature over an extended period of time, hydrocarbons form. Migration - The Hydrocarbons are expelled from source rock by three density- related mechanisms: the newly-matured hydrocarbons are less dense than their precursors, which causes overpressure; the hydrocarbons are lighter medium, and so migrate upwards due to buoyancy, and the fluids expand as further burial causes increased heating. Most hydrocarbons migrate to the surface as oil seeps, but some will get trapped. Trap - The hydrocarbons are buoyant and have to be trapped within a structural (e.g. Anticline, fault block) or stratigraphic trap. Seal or cap Rock - The hydrocarbon trap has to be covered by an impermeable rock known as a seal or cap-rock in order to prevent hydrocarbons escaping to the surface Reservoir - The hydrocarbons are contained in a reservoir rock. This is a porous sandstone or limestone. The oil collects in the pores within the rock. The reservoir must also be permeable so that the hydrocarbons will flow to surface during production. Lead - a structure which may contain hydrocarbons. Dry hole - counter- intuitively, a formation that contains brine instead of oil. Flat spot - an oil-water contact on a seismic section; flat due to gravity. Bright Spot - on a seismic section, coda that have high amplitudes due to a formation containing hydrocarbons. Prospect - a lead which has been fully evaluated and is ready to drill oil reserves are primarily a measure of geological risk - of the probability of oil existing and being producible under current economic conditions using current technology. The three categories of reserves generally used are proven, probable, and possible reserves. Proven reserves - defined as oil and gas "reasonably certain" to be producible using current technology at current prices, with current commercial terms and government consent- also known in the industry as IP. Some Industry specialists refer to this as P90 - i.e. having a 90% certainty of being produced. Probable reserves - defined as oil and gas "reasonably probable" of being produced using current or likely technology at current prices, with current commercial terms and government consent - Some Industry specialists refer to this as P50 - i.e. having a 50% certainty of being produced. - This is also known in the
  • 14. industry as 2P or Proven plus probable. Possible reserves - i.e. "having a chance of being developed under favourable circumstances" -Some industry specialists refer to this as PI0 - i.e. having a 10% certainty of being produced. -This is also known in the industry as 3P or Proven plus probable plus possible. Ex.4. Make the review of the text. Unit 4 Причастие (Participle) Причастие I Причастие II - ing - ed (3 form) going translated идущий переведенный Способы перевода reading translated 1) читающий 1) переведенный, переводимый 2) читая,… 2) Когда… перевели. Если… перевести… 3) Когда мы читаем,… 3) Подлежащее – предлог – причастие Participle I сложные формы Active Passive Indefinite Changing 1 )изменяющий(ся) 2)изменяя being changed 1)изменяемый, который изменяется, изменяющийся 2)будучи изменяемым Perfect having changed изменив, изменившись having been changed когда изменили, после того как изменили Ex. 1.Define the participle, translate the sentences. 1. The problems being discussed at the conference are of great importance for our research. 2. Having been constructed the new branch was connected with the main gas line. 3. Heating metals we increase their conductivity. 4. Having studied the properties of the alloy, the scientist arrived at the conclusion that it might be used in industry. 5. Being heated metals become more conductive. 6. Having been arranged by Mendeleyev in the table, the elements showed their periodic dependence upon the atomic weights. 7. Having been discovered many centuries ago the three laws of motion are still of great importance for physics. 8. The temperature of the body rising, the movement of its molecules is speeded up. 9. The travelled distance having
  • 15. been in meters and time in second, speed was measured in m.p.s., that is in meters per second. Ex.2. Translate the sentences. 1. The discovery followed by many experiments resulted in new investigations in chemistry. 2. The substance affected by a magnetic field must be a metal. 3. If carried out carefully the experiment can give reliable data. 4. When shown this chart, pay attention to the figures. 5. The substance begins to melt if heated to a sufficient temperature. 6. Most atoms contain uncharged particles called neutrons. 7. The conference attended by our students was devoted to the pollution problem. 8. For details the reader is referred to the paper by Goldman and co-workers published in 2009. Ex.3. Find participle I, II and translate the sentences: 1. If heated to 100`C water turns into steam. 2. While being a teacher of deaf people bell become interested in sound and its transmission. 3. The results received were of great importance for further work. 4. While rubbing two pieces of metal we may produce heat. 5. The engine tested required no further improvement. 6. The equipment improved resulted in higher labor productivity. 7. The equipment required to perform laboratory experiments was very complex. 8. When there are no forces pulling or pushing a body that body must be in equilibrium. 9. The material being referred to in the engineer`s report is difficult to find. 10. All electrical conductors dissipate heat when carrying current. Ex.4. Read and translate the text, find the participle I and II. Mud It is difficult to specify exact ranges for mud properties such as the plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strengths due to the wide range of applications. Many variables affect the value of these properties including the base oil’s properties; temperature; the type, size and concentration of solids; oil:water ratio; brine concentration; and the overall stability of the mud. Determining whether these properties are in the correct range for a given mud weight depends heavily on the fluid properties needed for the well conditions. For example, a high yield point and gel strengths are needed for carrying capacity in large-diameter holes, but these properties may not be desirable in small diameter holes with mud of the same weight. Plastic viscosity should be maintained at minimum values to optimize bit hydraulics and penetration rates. If the plastic viscosity trends upward over a period of time without increases in the mud weight, it usually indicates that fine solids are building up in the mud. Increases in the volume percent solids even from weight material will increase the plastic viscosity. Decreases in the oil:water ratio (higher water content) will increase the plastic viscosity. Yield point and gel strengths are governed by two requirements. The first is the need to maintain sufficient thixotropy (gel structure) to suspend weight material and cuttings, plus provide carrying capacity. The second requirement is to minimize annular pressure losses and Equivalent Circulating Densities (ECDs). The yield point and gel strengths can be increased with additions of VG-69, VERSAMOD or VERSA-HRP. They can be reduced with additions of
  • 16. VERSATHIN or the base oil. The allowable solids content depends on the oil:water ratio, the water-phase density and the volume and specific gravity of the solids. Solids are abrasive, and they increase the cake thickness, plastic viscosity, pressure losses, the need for chemical treatments and the likelihood of water wetting the solids. The low-gravity solids should be kept as low as economically possible with solids-control equipment. The alkalinity (POM or VSA) of an oilbase mud is an indication of the excess lime in the mud. The POM of a conventional controlled filtrate system should be maintained above 2.5 cm3 of 0.1 N sulfuric acid. The emulsion may become unstable if the POM of a conventional system falls below 2.5 for an extended period of time. The POM is normally maintained at 1 to 2 cm3 of 0.1 N sulfuric acid in relaxed filtrate systems to buffer against acid gases. NOTE: M-I bases all recommendations concerning alkalinity treatments on the API VSA (POM) method. If the operator desires, M-I will determine the POM by both the API method and the “Back Titration” method. However, all treatment decisions will be made exclusively based on the API POM (direct) method. Ex.5. Make the summary of the text. Unit 5 Герундий (Gerund) V+ing Gerund Active Passive Indefinite Perfect Writing having written being written having been written Ex.1. Define the forms and functions of the Gerund and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. On hearing that my friend did not mind our coming to him so late, we put on our coats and started at once. 2. They objected to being asked to wait. 3. What was the reason for his having left our town so suddenly? 4. He was sorry for not having visited his friend. 5. Your having written a letter is really no excuse for your not having come on the fixed day. 6. He did not remember ever having been in this place before. 7. Only his extremely poor state of health saved him from being executed. 8. The Pickwickians are shown here as men who are utterly unpractical and unable to perform the simplest things without being assisted or guided. 9. Owing to Lodygin's having made his great discovery the electric lamp illuminates our rooms. 10. On investigating the situation the General found that the difficulties in the way of storming the fortress far exceeded his expectations.
  • 17. Ex.2. Translate the sentences into Russian, mind the prepositions before the Gerunds (in - при; on, upon – по, после; by – путем, посредством, при помощи; without - без). 1. Solid bodies have the property of keeping their shape without supporting of a vessel. 2. Upon being heated, the molecules begin moving very quickly. 3. If two glass rods are charged by rubbing them with silk, it is possible to watch a very interesting phenomenon. 4. Without being treated this substance cannot be used. 5. At last our research-workers succeeded in getting good results. 6. The teacher insists on carrying out this experiment in our laboratory. 7. By using this law we define a unit charge of electricity. 8. Heating the wire from 0° to 100° increases its resistance approximately by 40%. 9. This experiment shows the increase of reaction velocity with increasing temperature. 10. In building new metallurgical works, engineers have to solve many different problems. 11. Liquids and gases expand on heating. 12. Casting is a process of forming metal objects by melting metal and pouring it into molds. Ex.3. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Gerundial Constructions. 1. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago. 3. Every student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man. 4. The explanation lies in the product being more stable. 5. We insisted on their being offered favourable terms of payment. 6. The possibility of ethylene being converted into aromatic hydrocarbons is slight. 7. We object to their being denied the aspiration to test such new methods as may be suggested by fresh knowledge. 8. We know of Newton's having developed principles of mechanics. 9. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used only for peaceful purposes. 10. We know of Russian metallurgical industry having made a great progress. 11. We speak about cupolas being used for melting cast iron. 12. Great attention is paid to the metal being heated to the proper temperature. 13. That sand molds are the oldest method for producing metal castings is a well-known fact. Ex.4 Read the text, find the Gerunds. Reservoir modeling goes mainstream By bringing together the traditionally separate workflows of seismic interpretation and reservoir modeling, a powerful workflow is being created that spans the reservoir lifecycle from exploration through to production. Too often in the past reservoir modeling has been seen as something “nice to have” — a process of refining the structural and stratigraphic models and conducting “what if” scenarios before reservoir simulation. And reservoir engineers have sometimes only had themselves to blame, relying on manipulated and interpreted data — often from indirect sources — and building a bias into their models toward the production end. Too often, no meat (high quality data) was on the bones (modeling analysis tools) of reservoir modeling. The times are changing, however. Reservoir modeling is taking control of the data within its modeling framework and is becoming the central, critical defining
  • 18. workflow within the exploration and production (E&P) industry. Reservoir modeling today is a mainstream discipline that gives equal priority and focus to geological, geophysical and production data. The bottom line for operators is a better understanding of all aspects of the data and how the data impact their reservoir understanding. The results are improved decision-making and increasing returns on human and asset capital investments made in the E&P process. Modeling has a simple definition — a definition that all too often people fail to understand. It is, “The process of describing a system, process or phenomenon that accounts for its known or inferred properties which in turn can be used for simulating and predicting results.” Roxar and Geomodeling believe that six steps define today's mainstream reservoir modeling workflow: Find, Define, Simulate, Predict, Evaluate and Decide. From an exploration starting point right through to production, these steps have turned reservoir modeling from a stand-alone discipline into an expanded, integrated and seamless workflow that covers seismic interpretation, geological interpretation, reservoir characterization and reservoir modeling. The results are more effective simulation, prediction and evaluation of results, from which the key decisions are made. Reservoir modeling is only as good as the data and assumptions that go into it, which is why Find and Define are so important in reservoir modeling. The Find step represents exploration, where new techniques are used to discover reservoirs with the basic structural and stratigraphic framework present at the outset. And the Define step focuses on defining the reservoir through methods such as seismic reservoir characterization, including spectral decomposition, facies classification, cross-plotting t. and strata*grid analysis. Both steps are concerned with extrapolating geological and geophysical data from observed values, which are then used in the later modeling phases. Whereas Find and Define are classic steps in seismic interpretation and reservoir characterization, the Simulation, Prediction and Evaluation steps are where the geoscience merges with the production data. This is a crucial interface in today's reservoir modeling. Historically, production modeling tended to be well-log based and focused predominantly on faults and horizons. When seismic is introduced earlier in the process, however, users are dealing with a richer and more powerful model. The benefits of this can be seen in each of the final four phases - for example, in the Simulation phase, where multiple geological scenarios can be simulated to understand how the sedimentary structures impact fluid flow, and in the Prediction phase, where property mapping allows users to map and predict geological horizons and faults in depth or time. In the Evaluation step, the different hypotheses and individual predictions can be evaluated. Facies models, and an understanding of the influence of facies distribution on fluid flow, come to the fore. Finally comes the Decide step. Operators use the information provided in the first five steps to make those crucial reservoir management decisions, whether they
  • 19. are bid valuations, new field development and operational plans, or production estimates and divestments. Reservoir modeling today is on the cusp of an exciting new era, having the potential to become the single most important workflow within the upstream E&P industry. By aligning the geological and geophysical data with the production data and integrating the seismic and modeling workflows, reservoir modeling is going mainstream — a solution that can take the operator from exploration right through to production. Finally, meat is on the bones of reservoir modeling. Ex.4. Make the annotation of the text Unit 6 Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции (The infinitive and infinitive constructions) 6. 1. Инфинитив (The infinitive) Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, которая только называет действие, но не указывает лицо, число и наклонение. В английском языке имеются следующие формы инфинитива: Active Passive Indefinite to do to be done Continuous to be doing ______ Perfect to have done to have been done Perfect Continuous to have been doing ______ • Indefinite Infinitive: I'm glad to do this for you. – Я рад сделать это для вас. • Continuous Infinitive: She pretended to be sleeping. –Она притворялась спящей. • Perfect Infinitive: I'm glad to have done this for you. – Я рад, что сделал это для вас. • Perfect Continuous Infinitive: He seems to have been reading since morning – Кажется он читает с самого утра. • Indefinite Infinitive Passive: He wanted not to be forgotten. – Он не хотел, чтобы его забывали. • Perfect Infinitive Passive: We are happy to have been invited to the party. – Мы счастливы, что нас пригласили на вечеринку. Способы перевода инфинитива в различных функциях следующие: 1. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего переводится русским инфинитивом (неопределенной формой глагола) или существительным: То solve this problem is very important. – Решить эту проблему очень важно (Решение этой проблемы является очень важным).
  • 20. 2. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства также переводится с помощью русского инфинитива или существительного, реже – с помощью глагола и деепричастия: а) обстоятельство цели: The interest rate was raised (so as) to attract customers. – Процентная ставка была увеличена для привлечения вкладчиков (чтобы привлечь вкладчиков). б) обстоятельство следствия (после слов enough, too, so/such as): This method is good enough to achieve reliable results. – Этот метод достаточно хорош, чтобы достичь (он мог достичь) надежных результатов. в) обстоятельство сопутствующих условий: Не reached the island to discover he had left his fishing rods. – Он добрался до острова и обнаружил, что забыл удочки. 3. Часть составного сказуемого – переводится инфинитивом, нередко с союзом «чтобы»: His duty was to observe the operation of the system. – Его работа заключалась в том, чтобы наблюдать действие этой системы. 4. Определение переводится придаточным определительным или глагольным сказуемым: The issue to consider next deals with investment policy. – Вопрос, который будет рассматриваться далее, касается инвестиционной политики. There are many things to be done today. – Сегодня нужно (предстоит) сделать много дел. 5. Дополнение переводится русским инфинитивом: We are planning to finish the work today. – Мы планируем закончить работу сегодня. 6. Вводный член предложения: То begin with, I would like to thank you for coming. – Прежде всего, мне бы хотелось поблагодарить Вас за то, что Вы пришли. То be honest, it's a surprise for me. – Честно говоря, для меня это неожиданность. Ex.1.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different functions of the infinitive: 1. The first step to be taken is to start negotiations. 2. The inflation rate was not high enough to start paying compensations to workers. 3. To ensure a steady economic growth, all the macroeconomic parameters must be involved. 4. Suffice it to say, the unemployment rate has substantially declined in the free economic zones. 5. The tendency to increase the amount of benefits paid to the population is becoming more obvious. 6. To unify the exchange rates would be one of the main objectives of the country's foreign exchange policy. 7. The type of policy to be followed will be broadly discussed in the mass media. 8. The results of the talks have led us to conclude that cash transactions would prevail over barter. 9. Much more investment is to be attracted to make a considerable progress in exports. 10. The IMF experts
  • 21. arrived on a regular mission to find that their recommendations were not followed to the full extent. 11. He was not quite prepared for the talks, to put it mildly. 6. 2. The infinitive constructions 1) Оборот "For + Noun (Pronoun) + Infinitive" При переводе на русский язык предлог for опускается, при этом инфинитив переводится сказуемым придаточного предложения, а стоящее перед ним существительное (местоимение) – подлежащим: For money to be able to work it must be either invested or deposited in a bank. – Для того чтобы деньги могли работать, их нужно во что-то вложить или поместить в банк. The tendency was for the inflation rate to gradually decline. – Тенденция заключалась в том, что уровень инфляции постепенно снижался. 2) Оборот "Complex Object" Инфинитив (без частицы to после глаголов чувственного восприятия или с частицей to после других глаголов) как часть сложного дополнения ("Complex Object") переводится на русский язык сказуемым дополнительного придаточного предложения: I saw him pass the paper to the secretary. – Я видел, как (что) он передал документ секретарю. We expect the government to provide assistance to the needy population. – Мы ожидаем, что правительство окажет помощь малоимущим слоям населения. 3) Оборот "Complex Subject" В обороте "Complex Subject" инфинитив является частью составного глагольного сказуемого и может стоять после глаголов в двух формах - (а) пассивной и (б) активной: (а) They are known (were reported) to have won. Известно (сообщили), что они одержали победу. Они, как известно (как сообщили), одержали победу. (б) Their team seems to have won. Кажется, что их команда одержала победу. Их команда, кажется, одержала победу. Ex.2. Translate the following sentences: 1. The economic laws are known to be universal. 2. The employees expected the management of the company to reconsider the terms of the contract. 3. For the economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic measures needs to be taken. 4. The financial crisis appeared to have affected different regions of the world. 5. The new method is believed to have given good results. 6. A new social protection policy is expected to be put into practice already this year. 7. The arrival of the technical experts is not likely to change the general picture of the reforms under way. 8. They established what is believed to be a solid system of relationships with trade partners. 9. Their attitude to the process of reforms has never been thought to change so radically. 10. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to
  • 22. the approaches used. 11. The only way for companies to avoid double taxation was to lower their profits. 12. The tendency was for the exchange rate to be slowly stabilized after the National bank's interventions. Ex.3. Translate the text and find the infinitive or infinitive constructions. Emulsion stability The Electrical Stability (ES) is a relative indication of emulsion stability. It is a measure of the voltage required to break down the emulsion and allow the emulsified water droplets to connect (i.e., coalesce) allowing electrical current to flow. Strong emulsions require high voltages to coalesce the water droplets and break down the emulsion. The electrical stability is recorded in volts. There are several main factors that affect electrical stability: • Water content. As the water content increases, the distance between the water droplets decreases, allowing for easier electrical circuit completion through coalescence and a reduction in the electrical stability. • Water-wet solids. A water-wet solid has a thin film of water on its surface that functions to conduct electricity like a water droplet. Solids in an invert emulsion reduce electrical stability when they become water-wet. • Emulsification. The degree of emulsification affects water droplet size. Droplets are normally larger in new and unstable mud systems, resulting in low emulsion-stability values. Increased shear and temperature exposure will form smaller droplets and a better emulsion. This increases electrical stability values as does increased emulsifier and wetting agent concentration. • Temperature. The temperature at which the electrical stability measurement is made will change the value obtained. This temperature should always be recorded with the electrical stability value. For trend analysis, the same temperature should be used. • Type of solids. The type of solids in the mud will influence the electrical stability. For example, FER-OX (hematite) and other iron oxide materials may reduce the electrical stability of an invert emulsion mud. Electrical stability is an important indicator of emulsion stability, but it should not be used as an absolute value or indication of its condition. A mud with a high but declining electrical stability may not be as stable as a mud with a lower but stable electrical stability. Muds with extremely low emulsion stability will have filtrate and rheological indications as well as low and declining electrical stability values. Low electrical stability may be a cause for concern, but an established trend of declining electrical stability values is more serious and requires immediate action. The electrical stability values are relative to the system from which they are recorded. A well-defined downward trend or a rapid drop indicates the emulsion is weakening. Electrical stability measurements should be made and recorded routinely. These values should be plotted so trends can be easily seen. Trends upward or downward indicate changes in the system. An analysis of sequential mud checks will indicate possible causes of the change.
  • 23. Ex.4. Make the summary of the text. Unit 7 Лексические основы перевода 7. 1. Установление значения слова. При переводе с английского языка необходимо обнаружить слово в родном языке, которое является близким по значению английскому слову. Такое слово в теории перевода называется лексическим, или словарным, соответствием. Для правильного использования лексических, или словарных, соответствий следует различать следующие типы смысловых отношений между словами: 1. Значения слов в английском и русском языках полностью соответствуют друг другу. Независимо от контекста, значение английского слова передается одним и тем же эквивалентом. К таким словам (они составляют около 30 процентов словарного состава языка) относятся имена собственные, числительные, названия дней недели и месяцев, многие научные и технические термины, географические названия: Canada, twelve, Tuesday, July, inflation, the Netherlands. 2. Если значению английского слова соответствует несколько слов в родном языке, мы имеем дело с вариантным соответствием. Задача выбора нужного варианта довольно сложная, и переводчик должен учитывать роль контекста. Чтобы перевести многозначное слово, сначала находится нужное значение, а потом в пределах этого значения надо отыскать соответствующее для данного контекста вариантное соответствие. Например, английскому слову variability в русском языке соответствуют изменчивость, неровность, неустойчивость: Variability of temper – изменчивость настроения Data variability – вариативность данных Variability of character – неровность характера Variability of prices – неустойчивость цен Иногда англо-русский словарь дает несколько значений слова, причем даже правильно выбранное значение уводит нас в сторону буквализма (калькированного перевода) и при передаче смысла «звучит не по-русски» Например, в предложении I am happy to be involved in this project из семи значений глагола involve подходит только «вовлекать». И, тем не менее, нельзя принять как удачный перевод предложения – Я рад быть вовлеченным в этот проект. Других вариантов ни один словарь не дает, но так не говорят по-русски. Как носители русского языка, мы должны сказать − Я рад участвовать в этом проекте для достижения адекватности перевода, то есть передачи смысла высказывания. Ex.1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the polysemantic words:
  • 24. 1. The company’s directing agency is located in Detroit. 2. This can hardly be treated as a free article. You’ll have to include the funds for the customs clearing. 3. Competitive capacity of enterprises is number one issue. 4. The rent and utilities coverage in the country is gradually growing and will reach as much as 80% by this July. 5. Price gap has become the main reason for many domestic goods being bought out of the country. 6. They have been speculating on margin for a couple of years now. 7. The chief executive officer was appointed in May. 8. The immediate task is to temper the impact of inflation. 7. 2. Интернациональные слова и «ложные друзья» переводчика. К интернациональным словам относятся слова, заимствованные из других языков, – греческого и латинского, а также из современных языков (в основном – это терминология: музыкальная из итальянского, балетные термины – из французского, компьютерная и бизнес-терминология − из английского). Интернациональные слова – это лексические единицы, которые имеют структурно-семантическую общность во многих языках. Такие слова сходны по звучанию, написанию и значению: contrast – контраст dumping – демпинг manager – менеджер inflation – инфляция philosophy – философия Существует гораздо больше слов, которые мы называем псевдоин- тернациональными, или "ложными друзьями". Эти слова имеют сходную форму написания с интернациональными словами. Причины существования сходной формы написания могут быть самые разные, но чаще всего такая форма – результат взаимовлияния языков или случайных совпадений. Сходные формы написания этих слов часто бывают причиной ошибок при переводе. При сопоставлении русского и английского языков эти слова можно подразделить на три группы: 1. Слова, которые имеют сходное написание и произношение, но со- вершенно другое значение: accurate – точный, а не аккуратный; actual – действительный, а не актуальный; advocate – сторонник, защитник, а не адвокат; aspirant – претендент, а не аспирант; complexion – цвет лица, а не комплекция; data – данные, а не дата; Dutch – голландский, а не датский; list – список, а не лист; magazine – журнал, а не магазин; principal – основной, а не принципиальный. 2. К более сложным случаям относятся такие «ложные друзья» пе- реводчика, которые лишь в одном или двух значениях совпадают с русскими словами, но расходятся в остальных.
  • 25. authority – власть (реже - авторитет); activity – деятельность, (реже - активность); aggressive – энергичный, настойчивый, а не только "агрессивный"; balance – сальдо, остаток, а не только "баланс"; character – персонаж, а не только "характер"; collect – взимать, а не только "собирать" или "коллекционировать"; control – управлять, а не только "контролировать"; credit – заслуга, а не только "кредит"; department – управление, факультет (США), министерство; object – цель, задача, а не только "объект". 3. Особую группу составляют паронимы – слова, близкие (но не идентичные) по написанию и звучанию и имеющие разные значения: accept (v) – принимать except (conj) – кроме (за исключением); adapt (v) – приспособить adopt (v) – принимать, усыновлять; affect (v) – воздействовать, влиять effect (v) (n) – производить, выполнять, эффект; complement (n) (v) – дополнение, комплект; дополнять compliment (n) (v) – комплимент, похвала; выразить комплимент; conscious (a) – сознающий, в сознании conscientious (a) – добросовестный; council (n) – совет (муниципалитет) counsel(n) – обсуждение; адвокат; data (n) – данные; date (n) – дата; economic (a) – экономический; economical (a) – экономный, бережливый; expand (v) – расширять(ся); expend(v) – расходовать(средства); personal (a) – личный, персональный; personnel (n) – персонал. Ex. 2. Translate the following word-combinations: 1. Banking officers. 2. Public debt. 3. Interest rate. 4. Convention of the Entrepreneurs Union. 5. Personnel department. 6. Champion of peace. 7. Ammunition storage. 8. Null document. 9. Legal matters. 10. Accurate data. 11. Title and position. 12. Human values. 7. 3. Неологизмы Неологизмы (neologisms) – это новые слова, появляющиеся в языке, и новые значения, возникающие у уже существующих слов. И те и другие представляют существенные трудности для перевода, так как переводчику надо уловить новое значение и передать его в переводе с учетом особенностей контекста. Неологизмы, как и сленг, рождаются в том или ином языке стремительно, и причина этого в том, что в обществе, в тех или иных кругах
  • 26. может назреть потребность как-то обозначить новое явление. Естественно, что словари не спешат с регистрацией неологизмов. Со временем неологизм может «выпасть» из языка и все о нем забудут. Поэтому многие неологизмы английские лексикографы называют «окказиональными» (occasional), т.е. появившимися случайно. Понятно, что словари регистрируют только общеупотребительные новые слова, вошедшие в язык. Так называемые авторские, индивидуальные неологизмы в словари не попадают. Существует несколько способов образования неологизмов. Рассмотрим некоторые из этих способов. 1. Использование словообразовательных средств (суффиксов, префиксов, словосложения). Среди продуктивных суффиксов, используемых для образования неологизмов, можно назвать суффиксы: - ian ballistician - специалист по баллистике (по образцу musician); - ation commodification - использование денег в качестве товара, который можно продавать и обменивать на другой (по образцу simplification); - ship craftsmanship - искусство воздействия на массы; showmanship - умение показать товар лицом; пустить пыль в глаза; - dom bangdom - организованный бандитизм; suckerdom - тунеядец; - ize itemize - рассматривать по пунктам; unionize - быть членом профсоюза. В английском языке постоянно появляются неологизмы, образованные путем словосложения: laptop (= notebook)переносной компьютер know-how ноу-хау, технология sit-in сидячая забастовка buy-in выгодная сделка (покрытие расходов за счет продавца на бирже) shut-down закрытие, ликвидация (завода) has-been политический деятель, утративший свое влияние 2. Переосмысление существующих в языке слов Данный вид образования неологизмов заключается в придании известным словам новых значений. Интересным примером появления неологизма в результате переосмысления является слово colour-blind (adj). Первоначальное значение этого слова - человек, не различающий цвета, дальтоник. В последней четверти 20-го века оно приобрело значение: человек, который не разделяет людей по расовой и национальной (этнической) принадлежности. 3. Заимствования из других языков Несмотря на преобладание заимствованных из английского языка слов и терминов в других языках, в английский язык также вошло некоторое (правда, значительно меньшее) количество слов из других языков.
  • 27. Слово tranche (транш) - пример заимствования из французского языка. Оно обозначает некоторое количество сегментов, на которое делится целое; часть кредитной линии или займа. Обычно займы Международного валютного фонда и Всемирного банка выделяются траншами. Еще один пример заимствования из французского языка - термин laissez- faire - политика невмешательства, свобода действий в сфере бизнеса. 4. Сокращения (аббревиатуры и акронимы) Аббревиатура - сокращение, которое произносится по буквам: PC [pi: si:] - personal computer (персональный компьютер); aka - also known as (известный также как). Акроним - сокращение, фонетическая структура которого совпадает с фонетической структурой общеупотребительных слов. В качестве примера акронимов можно привести названия алгоритмических языков: ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) – Алгол; LISP (List Processing) – Лисп; FORTRAN (Formula Translation) – Фортран Иногда, благодаря развитию языка аббревиатура может трансфор- мироваться в акроним: PR (public relations) - пиар. Неологизмы, образованные путем сокращений слов или словосочетаний, постоянно появляются в английском языке, причем вновь образованное слово (термин), представляя собой акроним, часто даже не воспринимается как сокращение. Например, scuba (скуба, дыхательный аппарат для плавания под водой, акваланг) - это сокращение от self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Употребляя словосочетания «лазерный луч» или «луч лазера», мы вряд ли задумываемся над тем, что слово лазер - это тоже сокращение: laser - light amplification [by] stimulated emission [of] radiation. Широко применяемый в банковской сфере термин СВИФТ (S.W.I.F.T.) - это сокращение от The Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications. 5. Конверсия Весьма распространенным способом образования неологизмов является конверсия, то есть образование одной части речи от другой, например, глаголов от имен существительных, обозначающих определенное действие. Словарь не всегда фиксирует эти слова, но об их значении можно догадаться по контексту путем сопоставления со значением исходного существительного и той функции, которую выполняет предмет, выраженный этим существительным: The unemployment rate sky-rocketed in 1994. – Уровень безработицы резко увеличился в 1994 году (дословно - взлетел как ракета). The wages have plummeted (plummet - свинцовая гиря). – Заработная плата резко сократилась (упала со скоростью свинцовой гири). Обратный пример конверсии - образование имени существительного от глагола:
  • 28. Spend (n) - an amount (to be) spent (количество потраченных денег), как в следующем случае: It is also believed the winning agency could benefit from an in- creased spend on the account of up to 1.5 million. Что касается способов перевода неологизмов, то они следующие. Анализ переводов неологизмов убеждает нас в том, что, во-первых, самым распространенным оказывается перевод путем подбора соответствующего аналога на другом языке. К сожалению, словари неологизмов на русском языке издаются крайне редко. Второй способ – это перевод путем транскрипции или транслитерации. Ведущим способом в современной переводческой практике является транскрипция с сохранением некоторых элементов транслитерации: grapefruit — грейпфрут. Поскольку фонетические и графические системы языков значительно отличаются друг от друга, передача формы слова иностранного языка на языке перевода всегда несколько условна и приблизительна: kleptocracy – клептократия (воровская элита), skateboarding – скейтбординг (катание на роликовой доске). Третий способ – метод калькирования. Например, street people можно перевести как люди улицы, «уличные люди». Четвертый способ — это приближенный перевод, например, residence permit – прописка. Пятым способом может быть описательный перевод. Например, выражение kitchen cabinet передается по-русски не как «кухонный кабинет» (такой буквализм не подходит), а как {шутл.) «группа неофициальных советников президента» (США). Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the neologisms: 1. The front-line manager is the most important two-way communicator in any business. 2. Whether it is called "re-engineering", downsizing or delayering, the goals are the same: to eliminate tiers of middle managers in order to delegate responsibility to those actually running factories, designing products or dealing with customers. 3. More staff cuts or right-sizing are needed. 4. When market prices are rising, people talk about a bull market. 5. GM and Ford have used luxury cars as cash cows. 6. "Golden handshake "is a rather new term used now in English. 7. Do you know what the term "golden parachute "means? It's part of a business person's contract that states that they will be paid a large amount of money when their contract ends or when they leave the company. 8. If you know what "golden parachute " means, you can also guess what "golden hello "is. 9. By "golden hello "we mean a large amount of money paid by an employer to secure the long-term loyalty of a key employee. 10. Among the neologisms we can also mention the term "green mail". It has nothing to do with mail. You should grasp it as a single unit. It means the practice of buying stock in your own company, usually at a high price. You buy the stock not to allow to take control of your company. 11. A megabank is a new word. It means a bank which is very large. 12. The expression to scrap merger means to kill the ideas of merger. 13. A financial merry-go-round is a new term. What it means you can guess if you interpret the word merry-go-round figuratively. 14. A minority stake is a block of shares belonging to the minority of stockholders.
  • 29. Ex.4 Translate the text and find the neologisms, “pseudo friends”, polysemantic words. Text Active Solids We should minimize the amount of native clay solids in a mud and rely on bentonite for control of the flow properties. This allows us to carry a minimum amount of solids in a mud and simplifies treatment of the mud. The amount of bentonite required should be based on the required yield point Gel strength. And filtration control. Additions of bentonite should be made slowly and both the “in” and “out” properties checked. Bentonite increases in yield with both time and temperature. If the mud going in is adjusted to the desired properties, it will come out at higher properties due to further dispersion from temperature down hole. An increase in both the plastic viscosity and yield point will be observed from temperature dispersion and hydration of clay solids. This is in contrast to the symptoms of temperature flocculation where only the yield point and gel strength are increased. Large amounts of solids in a mud will decrease the fluid loss but will also cause thick filter cakes to be deposited. This is contrary to our basic objective of maintaining thin filter cakes. To avoid this problem, we should always attempt to maintain a minimum amount of total solids in a mud. We should minimize solids that form high permeability cakes and add solids that form low permeability cakes. Basically, this means we should minimize the amount of formation solids in a mud and add bentonite. The formation solids are normally poorly hydrated and dispersed, and control fluid loss only by building excessively thick filter cakes of poor quality. For reasons of economy, muds in the range from 10 to 11 lb./gal are often built with native solids. Many times this is a false economy, since filtration related problems often occur. Bentonite is one of the best filtration control agents we have. It is quite temperature stable and. Considering its low cost, it seems only natural that it should be the basis of filtration control in water-base muds. When used properly, it has the capability to solving most filtration problems. The ability of bentonite to control filtration is based on its naturally small, plate-like particles, and high degree of hydration. Since these characteristics depend on the chemical environment in which bentonite is placed, most of our efforts in treating a mud are based on control of this environment. Ex.5 Make the review of the text. Unit 8 Fractional Numerals (Дробные числительные) Common Fractions (Простые дроби) ½ a (one) half 1 /1234 a (one) thousand two hundred and ⅓ a (one) third thirty-fourth ¼ a) a (one) quarter ¾ a) three fourths b) a (one) fourth b) three quarters 1 /10 a (one) tenth 2½ two and a half
  • 30. 1 /100 a (one) hundredth 4⅓ four and a third 1 /1000 a (one) thousandth 125¾ a (one) hundred and twenty-five and three-fourths (three quarters) Decimal Fractions (Десятичные дроби) 0.1a) nought point one 2.35 two point three five b) point one 0.01 a) nought point nought one 45.67 forty-five point six seven b) point nought one 0.001 a) nought point nought nought one 0.25 nought point two five b) point nought nought one Отдельные знаки, выражения и уравнения + - ± x : = () [] {} Σ a=b a≠b a±b a≈b a>b a<b x=∞ a≥b 1x1= 1 2x2=4 plus (sign of addition), positive minus (sign of subtraction),negative plus or minus (minus or plus) times by (multiplication sign) multiplied by sign of division; colon; ratios sign; divided by sign of equality 1) round brackets 2) parentheses 1) square brackets 2) brackets braces sigma, summation of 1) a equals b 2) a is equal to b 3) a is b a is not equal to b; a is not b a plus or minus b a approximately equals b a is greater than b a is less than b x approaches infinity a is equal to or greater than b once one is one twice two is four 12>7+3 c-b=a 72-16=56 x2 52 =25 y3 z-10 12 is greater than 7 plus 3 1) c minus b (is; equals; is equal to; leaves) a 2) b from c leaves a 1) 72 minus 16 (is; equals; is equal to) 56 2) 16 from 72 (equals; leaves) 56 1) x square; x squared 2) x to the second power 3) the square of x 4) the second power of x 1) the second power of 5 is 25 2) 5 square is 25 3) 5 to the second power is equal to 25 4) the square of 5 is 25 1) y cubed; y cube 2) y to the third power 3) the cube of y 4) y to the third l) z to the minus tenth 2) z to the minus
  • 31. 6x5=30 30=6x5 s=vt 1:2 12:3=4 20:5=16:4 v=s⁄t a+b=c 7+3<12 (a+b) six times five or 6 multiplied by 5 is (equals; is equal to; are; makes; make) thirty thirty is five times as large as six 1) s equals (is equal to) v multiplied by t 2) s equals v times t the ratio of one to two 1) 12 divided by 3 equals 4 2) 12 divided by 3 is 4 1) the ratio of 20 to 5 equals the ratio of 16 to 4 2) 20 is to 5 as 16 is to 4 1) v equals s divided by t 2) v is s over t a plus b (is; are; equals; is equal to) c 7 plus 3 is less than 12 round brackets opened, a plus b, round brackets closed √4=±2 √a 3 √a 5 √a2 a' a'' a1 a2 am Ra f'c a'1 a''2 dz⁄dx d2 z⁄d2 x y=f(x) a=vt-v⁄ t tenth power the square root of 4 is (equals) plus or minus 2 the square root of a the cube root of a the fifth root of a square a prime 1) a second prime 2) a double prime a first a second a m-th; a sub m R a-th; R sub a f c-th prime; f sub c prime a first prime a second prime first derivative of z with respect to x second derivative of z with respect to x y is a function of x a equals (is equal to), line of division (dash) v sub t minus v divided by (over) t Проценты % pct or p.c. ‰ 2% 2 p.c. 5‰ ⅜ % percent per mille two per cent five per mille 1) three eighth per cent 2) three eighths of one per cent ½ % 0.3% 1) a half per cent 2) a half of one per cent 1) point three per cent 2) nought point three per cent Именованные числа ⅔ ton two thirds of a ton 1 ft/sec 1 foot per second
  • 32. ½ ton ¾ km 1.75 13 lbs, 13lb 1½ hrs, 1½ hr 2⅓ lbs, 2⅓ lb 60 mi/hr 240 km/4 hr 6 ft/sec half a ton three quarters of a kilometer point seven five of a kilometer one point seven five kilometers thirteen pounds 1) one and a half hours 2) one (an) hour and a half 1) two and a third pound 2) two pounds and a third sixty miles per hour 240 kilometers per 4 hours 6 feet per second 74 cu yd/hr 31 mph 40h/p, 40 HP kg/cm2 k/sq in 20° 6' 10'' 0°C 100°C 32°F 200 rpm 74 cubic yards per hour 31 miles per hour 40 horsepower kilogram per square centimeter kip per square inch (1000 pounds per square inch) twenty degrees 1) 6 minutes 2) 6 feet 1) 10 seconds 2) 10 inches zero degrees Centigrade (Celsius) one (a) hundred degrees Centigrade thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit two hundred revolutions per minute Химические символы Знак + читается: plus, and, together with, react with. Знак — обозначает одну связь или единицу родства и не читается. Знак = читается: give, form, produce. Знак → читается: give, pass over, lead to. Знак ↔ читается: forms and is formed from. Цифра (внизу) после названия элемента обозначает число атомов в молекуле. Цифра перед названием элемента обозначает число молекул. Например: H20 ['eit∫ 'tu: 'ou], HN03 ['eit∫ 'en 'ou θri:], AgN03 ['ei'dзi: 'en 'ou 'θri:], C+02→C02: 'C plus 'O 'two give 'CO 'two или: one atom of carbon reacts with one two-atom molecule of oxygen and produces one molecule of carbon dioxide. 2H2+02→2H20 : two molecules of H two plus O two give two molecules of H two O ['tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: pl ٨s 'ou 'tu: giv 'tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: 'ou] или: two two-atom molecules of hydrogen react with one two-atom molecule of oxygen and produce two molecules of water.
  • 33. N2+3H2↔2NH3 : N two plus three molecules of H two form and are formed from two molecules of NH three ['en 'tu: pl ٨s 'θri: 'molikju:lz əv 'eit∫ 'tu: 'fo:m and a:'fo:md frəm 'tu: 'molikju:lz əv 'en 'eit∫ θri:]. H │ H — C —H CH four ['si: 'eit∫ 'fo:]. │ H H H │ │ H—C — C—H C two H six ['si: 'tu: 'eit∫ 'siks]. │ │ H H Reading of an equation: Zn+H2S045↔ZnS04+H2 The "plus" sign on the left of the arrow means "reacts with"; the arrow means "forming" or “producing”; and the “plus” sign on the right of the arrow means "and". So this equation is read: “One atom of zinc reacts with one molecule of sulphuric acid producing one molecule of zinc sulphate and one molecule of hydrogen.” Список химических элементов Ac — actinium [æk'tiniəm] актиний Ag — argentum ['a:dз(ə)ntəm] серебро Al — aluminium [,ælju'minjəm] алюминий Am — americium [,æmə'risiəm] америций Ar — argon ['a:gon] аргон As — arsenic ['a:snik] мышьяк At — astatine ['æstə'ti:n] астат Au — aurum (gold) ['o:rəm] ([gould]) золото B — boron ['bo:ron] бор Ba — barium ['bεəriəm] барий Be — beryllium [be'riljəm] бериллий Bi — bismuth ['bizməθ] висмут Bk — berkelium [,bə:ki'liəm] беркелий Br — bromine ['broumi(:)n] бром C — carbon ['ka:bən] углерод Ca — calcium ['kælsiəm] кальций Cs — caesium ['si:ziəm] цезий Cu — copper ['kopə] медь Dy—dysprosium [dis'prousiəm] диспрозий Er — erbium ['ə:biəm] эрбий Es — einsteinium [ain'stainiəm] эйнштейний Eu — europium [ju:'roupiəm] европий F — fluorine ['fluəri:n] фтор Fe — ferrum ['ferəm] железо Fm — fermium ['fə:miəm] фермий Fr — francium ['frænsiəm] франций Ga — gallium ['gæliəm] галлий Gd — gadolinium [,gædə'liniəm] гадолиний Ge — germanium [,dзə:'meiniem] германий H — hydrogen ['haidridз(ə)n] водород He — helium ['hi:ljəm] гелий Hf — hafnium ['hæfniəm] гафний
  • 34. Cd — cadmium ['kædmiəm] кадмий Ce — cerium ['si:riəm] церий Ci — californium [,kæli'fo:njəm] калифорний Cl — chlorine ['klo:rin] хлор Cm — curium ['kju:riəm] кюрий Co — cobalt [kə'bo:lt] кобальт Cr — chromium ['kroumjəm] хром Hg — hydrargyrum (mercury) [hai'dra:dзirəm] (['mə:kjuri]) ртуть Ho — holmium ['houlmiəm] гольмий I — iodine ['aiədi:n] йод In — indium ['indiəm] индий Ir — iridium [ai'ridiəm] иридий K — kalium ['keiliəm] калий Kr — krypton ['kripton] кориптон Ku — kurchatovium [kurt∫ə'toviəm] курчатовий La — lanthanum ['lænθənəm] лантан Li — lithium ['liθiəm] литий Lr — lawrencium [lo:'rensiəm] лоуренсий Lu — lutecium [l(j)u:'ti:∫iəm] лютеций Md — mendelevium [,mendə'leviəm] менделевий Mg — magnesium [mæg'ni:zjəm] магний Mn —manganese [,mæŋgə'ni:z] марганец Mo — molybdenum [mo'libdinəm] молибден N — nitrogen ['naitridзən] азот Na — natrium ['neitriəm] натрий Nb — niobium [nai'oubiəm] ниобий Nd — neodymium [,ni:ə'dimiəm] неодим Ne — neon ['ni:ən] неон Ni — nickel ['nikl) никель No — nobelium [noui'beliəm] нобелий Np — neptunium [nep'tju:njəm] нептуний O — oxygen ['oksidз(ə)n] кислород Os — osmium ['ozmiəm] осмий P — phosphorus ['fosf(ə)rəs] фосфор Ra — radium ['reidjəm] радий Rb — rubidium [ru:'bidiəm] рубидий Re — rhenium ['ri:niəm] рений Rh — rhodium ['roudjəm] родий Rn — radon ['reidon] радон Ru — ruthenium [ru(:)'θi:niəm] рутений S — sulphur ['s ٨lfə] cepa Sb — antimony ['æntiməni] сурьма Sc — scandium ['skændiəm] скандий Se — selenium [si'li:njəm] селен Si — silicon ['silikən] кремний Sm — samarium [sə'mεəriəm] самарий Sn — stannum ['stænəm] олово Sr — strontium ['stron∫jəm] стронций Ta — tantalum ['tæntələm] тантал' Tb — terbium ['tə:biəm] тербий Tc — technetium [tek'ni∫iəm] технеций Te — tellurium [te'ljuəriəm] теллур Th — thorrium ['θo:riəm] торий Ti — titanium [ti'teinjəm] титан Tl — thallium ['θæliəm] таллий Tm — tullium ['t ٨liəm] тулий U — uranium [juə'reinjəm] уран V — vanadium [və'neidjəm] ванадий W — wolfram ['wulfrəm]
  • 35. Pa — protactinium [,proutæk'tiniəm] протактиний Pb — plumbum ['pl ٨mbəm] свинец Pd — palladium [pə'leidiam] палладий Pm — promethium [pra'mi: θjəm] прометей Po — polonium [pa'louniam] полоний Pr — praseodymium [,preiziə'dimiəm] празеодимий Pt — platinum ['plætinəm] платина Pu — plutonium [plu:'tounjəm] плутоний вольфрам Xe — xenon ['zenon] ксенон V — yttrium ['itriəm] иттрий Yb — ytterbium [i'tə:bjəm] иттербий Zn — zinc [ziŋk] цинк Zr — zirconium [zə:'kounjəm] цирконий Слова и сокращения, заимствованные из латинского языка A. D. (Anno Domini) нашей эры a.m. (ante meridiem) до полудня a priori заранее, независимо от опыта B.C. (before Christ) до нашей эры Circa приблизительно, около et al. (et alii) и другие e.g. (exempli gratia) например etc. (et cetera) и так далее i.e. (id est) то есть in situ на месте N.B. (nota bene) примечание p.m. (post meridiem) после полудня pro et con (pro et contra) за и против terra incognita незнакомая область vers, vs (Versus) Против vice versa в зависимости от (чего-то) Viz а именно Сокращения в англо-американской технической литературе A.i. artificial intelligence искусственный интеллект a.c. atternating current переменный ток a.f. audio frecuency частота звук amp. Ampere ампер at. wt. atomic weight атомный вес b.p. boiling point точка кипения C. degree Centigrate градусы Цельсия
  • 36. Cal. Calorie калория CFCS Chlorofluoroca rbons хлор-фтор углероды Cu Cubic Кубический Cm Centimeter Сантиметр cn in cubic inch кубический дюйм F degree Fahrenheit градусы Фаренгейта F Frecuency частота d.c. direct current постоянный ток Cpu central processing unit центральный процессор CRT cathode ray tybe электронно-лучевая трубка fig. Figure рисунок E.M.F. (emf) electromotive force электродвижущая сила ft f.p.m. foot feet per minute фут футов в минуту g.p.m. gallons per minute галлонов в минуту G Gram грамм H Henry генри Hp Horcepower лошадиная сила (единица мощности) Hr Hour час IID International Institute Международный институт по окружающей среде и развитию in. Inch дюйм J Joule джоуль Kg Kilogram килограмм Km Kilometer километр Kv Kilovolt киловольт Kw Kilowatt киловатт L Liter литр M Metre метр Mc Megacycles мегагерцы Mf Microfarad микрофарады M or mu Micron микрон Mg Milligram миллиграмм Min Minute минута Oz Ounce унция lb. Pound фунт Rpm revolutions per minute обороты в минуту RAM randon access memory оперативное запоминающее устройство REM is used for making оператор языка программирования