SlideShare a Scribd company logo

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                             Point                                                           interest
                      Virtuel              like                                   NKM                  Google
                                                            Godwin                                                            graph

                       Eric              Loic le          Neutralite
                                                                              investisseur            Microsoft           Priceminister
                      Besson              Meur             du net

                     donnees             Phone             Groupon              Diaspora            danah boyd                  3D

                     levee de                                Julian
                                           Cat                                 Vie privee             Cantona               Facebook
                       fonds                                Assange

                     Curation                                 Profil              PKM               social graph              startup

                      Cantine           mashup                                  Wikileaks         Contextualisation        Plateforme

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                      Cantona             social graph                   3D                             PKM         Neutralite du net

                          Cat               Vie privee            Facebook                           Microsoft          Plateforme

                                                                     Point                             danah
                         Profil              mashup                                Wikileaks                              Curation
                                                                    Godwin                              boyd

                        Eric                                                            Loic le
                                         Priceminister              startup                           Virtuel          Transparence
                       Besson                                                            Meur

                       Julian                                                       levee de
                                             Diaspora              donnees                            Cantine       Contextualisation
                      Assange                                                         fonds

                                          investisseur               Phone           Google          Groupon                NKM

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                       levee de fonds                    Profil               Cantine      Priceminister        Facebook

1 sur 20                                                                                                                                    08/12/2010 10:17

                            startup                   Wikileaks          donnees   social graph                    Diaspora

                              PKM                       Google            NKM      investisseur        3D

                               Cat                 Transparence                    Eric Besson      mashup         Curation

                          Plateforme                    Virtuel          Groupon       like          Phone

                                                                          Point                                      danah
                    Contextualisation               Loic le Meur                    Cantona        Microsoft
                                                                         Godwin                                       boyd

           Make your own cards at

2 sur 20                                                                                                                        08/12/2010 10:17

           Name: ___________________________________

                      Cantona                    Cantine                   Phone        Groupon           Wikileaks        Transparence

                    Plateforme                   startup                                 mashup           Vie privee            Google

                      Facebook            Neutralite du net                                 NKM          Open Source        investisseur

                      Microsoft          Contextualisation                  like             Cat         Priceminister           PKM

                                                                           Loic le
                        Virtuel                 donnees                                 Curation              3D            social graph

                      levee de                                             Point                            Julian
                                              danah boyd                                Diaspora                                 Profil
                        fonds                                             Godwin                           Assange

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                      Point                                              interest                                               Julian
                                          Open Source                                  Plateforme            NKM
                     Godwin                                               graph                                                Assange

                                                                          Eric           Loic le                               Frederic
                    Wikileaks                 Cantine                                                      Vie privee
                                                                         Besson           Meur                                 Lefebvre

                      Phone                   Google                 Microsoft                                Cat           Transparence

                      Virtuel         Contextualisation                  donnees        Curation            startup            Facebook

                     Cantona               investisseur                  Groupon                            mashup                PKM
                                                                                        du net

                    levee de
                                                 3D                  Diaspora               Profil       Priceminister            like

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                                 Loic le            Frederic
                     Groupon               Cantine                                                   Transparence           Cantona
                                                                  Meur              Lefebvre

                       Eric                                      danah
                                       Priceminister                                  Cat              mashup                startup
                      Besson                                      boyd

3 sur 20                                                                                                                                      08/12/2010 10:17

                                                                  Vie                  levee de
                         like                Profil                         NKM                              Facebook
                                                                 privee                  fonds

                      Google            investisseur           Microsoft              Plateforme        Neutralite du net

                     Curation             donnees                  PKM                Wikileaks               Diaspora

                                       Open Source               Phone     Virtuel       3D             Contextualisation

           Make your own cards at

4 sur 20                                                                                                                        08/12/2010 10:17

           Name: ___________________________________

                               PKM                 social graph            Google                             Profil          Microsoft

                                                                                         Neutralite                             danah
                    Contextualisation              investisseur             Phone                           Facebook
                                                                                          du net                                 boyd

                        Open Source                    Cantine            Diaspora        Groupon          Priceminister       mashup

                           Curation                 Plateforme               like        Vie privee             3D            Cantona

                                                        Point              interest
                           donnees                                                       Wikileaks         Transparence        Virtuel
                                                       Godwin               graph

                                                      levee de             Loic le
                       Julian Assange                                                       Cat            Eric Besson           NKM
                                                        fonds               Meur

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                                             levee de
                     danah boyd                   Microsoft                                        3D           Google            like

                       Groupon                    donnees                   Vie privee        mashup            startup          NKM

                      Wikileaks            Contextualisation                Facebook         Plateforme        Diaspora

                        interest                                                                                 Eric
                                                    Phone                 Transparence             Cat                         Cantona
                         graph                                                                                  Besson

                         Point                                                                    social                         Open
                                                     PKM                  Priceminister                         Virtuel
                        Godwin                                                                    graph                         Source

                                                                          Neutralite du                        Frederic         Loic le
                     investisseur                 Curation                                    Cantine
                                                                              net                              Lefebvre          Meur

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                                                                           levee de
                          3D                Loic le Meur                  Phone          Groupon                           Eric Besson

                        Point                                            Frederic
                                               Curation                               Transparence          startup           Profil
                       Godwin                                            Lefebvre

5 sur 20                                                                                                                                   08/12/2010 10:17

                     Neutralite                                                                     Open
                                             Plateforme                   NKM       investisseur                 Priceminister
                      du net                                                                       Source

                                                                          social      Julian
                     Microsoft                Wikileaks                                              like            Virtuel
                                                                          graph      Assange

                       Google                  donnees                                mashup       Diaspora           PKM

                                        Contextualisation                Cantona        Cat        Cantine         Vie privee

           Make your own cards at

6 sur 20                                                                                                                           08/12/2010 10:17

           Name: ___________________________________

                        PKM                 interest graph                Microsoft      Transparence         like           mashup

                                                                           Loic le
                   danah boyd             Contextualisation                                  Profil         Phone         investisseur

                     donnees                  social graph               Plateforme      Open Source       Wikileaks         Google

                     levee de
                                                Cantona                  Facebook           startup         Virtuel            Cat

                                                                          Frederic                                         Neutralite
                 Priceminister                   Cantine                                   Curation        Groupon
                                                                          Lefebvre                                          du net

                                                                            Eric             Julian          Point
                        NKM                     Diaspora                                                                        3D
                                                                           Besson           Assange         Godwin

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                       Eric               Open
                          Plateforme                                                  Priceminister     Vie privee        Facebook
                                                      Besson             Source

                              NKM                                        Profil       Point Godwin       donnees           Groupon

                                                    Neutralite                          Frederic
                    Contextualisation                                    Google                             Cat            Curation
                                                     du net                             Lefebvre

                            Cantine                  Diaspora            Phone         Wikileaks        investisseur        Virtuel

                         Loic le Meur               Microsoft            startup      danah boyd      Transparence

                            mashup                                         de           Cantona            PKM                 3D

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                                           Point             Julian
                     Neutralite du net              Cantona                                                 Virtuel           NKM
                                                                          Godwin            Assange

                                                      Vie                                                                    danah
                        Transparence                                      Phone               PKM          Wikileaks
                                                     privee                                                                   boyd

7 sur 20                                                                                                                                08/12/2010 10:17

                                                                                                         interest        levee de
                            Google                  mashup                 Groupon       investisseur
                                                                                                          graph            fonds

                               like                     3D               Priceminister       Cat                         Diaspora

                    Contextualisation                 Profil               donnees        Facebook                        startup

                          Plateforme               Microsoft             Loic le Meur                   Curation          Cantine

           Make your own cards at

8 sur 20                                                                                                                              08/12/2010 10:17

           Name: ___________________________________

                       Julian                                              Point           Vie
                                               donnees                                                Facebook           Microsoft
                      Assange                                             Godwin          privee

                      Curation                    NKM                    Cantona                     Plateforme        Open Source

                      Diaspora                  mashup                                    Phone          Cat                 like
                                                                          du net

                                                                         Frederic                                         interest
                         PKM            Contextualisation                                 Virtuel    investisseur
                                                                         Lefebvre                                          graph

                     Wikileaks                    Profil                 Groupon                     Eric Besson       Priceminister

                                                                                                       levee de
                       Google               Loic le Meur                  Cantine           3D                         Transparence

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                       Groupon                    Cat              Microsoft                         Diaspora        Julian Assange
                                                                                       du net

                                                 Open                                                  Vie
                     danah boyd                                     Google            donnees                              like
                                                Source                                                privee

                   Transparence              Plateforme             Cantine             NKM            PKM              Cantona

                       Curation                 Phone                                 Facebook        Virtuel       Contextualisation

                        mashup                     3D                            Priceminister         Profil            startup

                                                                     social           levee de        Loic le
                    Point Godwin            investisseur                                                              Eric Besson
                                                                     graph              fonds          Meur

           Make your own cards at

           Name: ___________________________________

                                                                                       social       interest
                       Facebook              Curation           danah boyd                                              startup
                                                                                       graph         graph

9 sur 20                                                                                                                                 08/12/2010 10:17

                                                Loic le
                      Point Godwin                               Eric Besson    Phone     Plateforme           Microsoft

                      Priceminister            Cantona              Virtuel      like      Google             Wikileaks

                          Cantine                               investisseur   Diaspora      Cat                   3D

                                                                   levee de
                            NKM                  Profil                          PKM       Groupon          Transparence

                      Neutralite du                                Frederic      Vie
                                               mashup                                      donnees       Contextualisation
                          net                                      Lefebvre     privee

            Make your own cards at

10 sur 20                                                                                                                        08/12/2010 10:17

            Name: ___________________________________

                                               Cat            Eric Besson            mashup                 Profil               Vie privee

                                             Loic le              Point              interest
                     Plateforme                                                                    Contextualisation                like
                                              Meur               Godwin               graph

                                           Microsoft                 3D              startup             social graph             Virtuel

                                                               Neutralite            levee de
                          PKM              Curation                                                  Transparence                donnees
                                                                du net                 fonds

                                           Groupon           Priceminister           Facebook            danah boyd             investisseur

                       Cantona            Wikileaks              Cantine              Phone               Diaspora                Google

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                     levee de                                                                                                         danah
                                        Transparence                    Vie privee            Microsoft               Phone
                       fonds                                                                                                           boyd

                                            startup                       Curation            Facebook               mashup            PKM

                       Profil           Open Source                  Eric Besson                  like           Wikileaks

                    Neutralite                                                                                       interest
                                         Loic le Meur              Julian Assange              Groupon                               Diaspora
                     du net                                                                                           graph

                         Cat                    3D              Contextualisation               Cantona                               Virtuel

                   Plateforme               Cantine                       donnees          investisseur        Priceminister           NKM

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                         3D                                      like            Neutralite du net            Virtuel            Groupon

                        Vie                                                                                   Loic le
                                          Profil         Transparence                 Facebook                                  investisseur
                       privee                                                                                  Meur

11 sur 20                                                                                                                                       08/12/2010 10:17

                     donnees           Wikileaks              startup       danah boyd                        Priceminister

                     Diaspora              PKM               Microsoft     interest graph     Plateforme           NKM

                     Cantona               Cat                              Open Source        Curation        Eric Besson

                     levee de            Point
                                                              Google      Contextualisation    mashup             Phone
                       fonds            Godwin

            Make your own cards at

12 sur 20                                                                                                                      08/12/2010 10:17

            Name: ___________________________________

                                                                            interest                                           Loic le
                         Diaspora                     Virtuel                            Transparence       investisseur
                                                                             graph                                              Meur

                                                                                         Neutralite du                          Eric
                       Plateforme             Contextualisation                Cat                           Curation
                                                                                             net                               Besson

                                                                                                              Julian            Open
                     Priceminister                      like                  Profil     social graph
                                                                                                             Assange           Source

                         Cantona                    Microsoft                              startup           Facebook         mashup

                        Vie privee                       3D                     de           NKM              Cantine

                         Groupon                      Phone                   PKM           Google           Wikileaks

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                         Phone                  startup                    donnees           investisseur      Cantine        Microsoft

                         Profil              danah boyd                   Loic le Meur          NKM                          Plateforme

                        Julian                                                                  Point
                                            Priceminister                     like                               Cat          Wikileaks
                       Assange                                                                 Godwin

                      Facebook                    PKM                     Vie privee         Eric Besson       mashup

                   Transparence                Groupon              Contextualisation               3D        Curation

                       levee de                                                                                               Frederic
                                                 Virtuel                   Diaspora            Google         Cantona
                         fonds                                                                                                Lefebvre

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                               NKM                       like              Vie privee         Cat             3D              Phone

13 sur 20                                                                                                                                 08/12/2010 10:17

                                                       social                                                          Frederic
                              Virtuel                                     Open Source     Cantine    investisseur
                                                       graph                                                           Lefebvre

                                                      Julian                                                             Eric
                               Profil                                     Priceminister   Cantona      mashup
                                                     Assange                                                            Besson

                                                                                          levee de
                         Transparence                donnees                Groupon                  Plateforme        Curation

                                                                          Neutralite du                                  danah
                          Loic le Meur               Microsoft                            Google      Diaspora
                                                                              net                                         boyd

                                                       Point                              interest
                     Contextualisation                                      startup                   Facebook         Wikileaks
                                                      Godwin                               graph

            Make your own cards at

14 sur 20                                                                                                                            08/12/2010 10:17

            Name: ___________________________________

                      Facebook                 mashup               Neutralite du net           Vie privee              Diaspora          NKM

                       donnees             Point Godwin            Contextualisation             Microsoft              Cantine           PKM

                       levee de
                                            Plateforme                      startup            Open Source                 Cat         Wikileaks

                                                                                                                         Julian          Eric
                        Phone                 Cantona                       Google                    Profil
                                                                                                                        Assange         Besson

                                                                                                                        interest         Loic le
                    investisseur          Transparence             Frederic Lefebvre             Groupon
                                                                                                                         graph            Meur

                    social graph                  like                      Virtuel            Priceminister               3D          Curation

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                    Curation              Plateforme                Transparence            mashup                Virtuel             Microsoft

                                            Cantine                       Wikileaks            3D              Eric Besson               NKM

                    interest                                                                                                            Point
                                                Cat                       Diaspora          Cantona            Priceminister
                     graph                                                                                                             Godwin

                                                                           Julian        Neutralite
                      Phone                     like                                                           Open Source           Vie privee
                                                                          Assange         du net

                                                                                            levee de
                    donnees          Contextualisation                     startup                             Loic le Meur         investisseur

                                             Google                       Groupon            Profil             Facebook                 PKM

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                                           levee de
                      Wikileaks                                    Phone             Groupon          Transparence               Priceminister

                        danah                                      social
                                         investisseur                                  3D                      NKM                  Diaspora
                         boyd                                      graph

15 sur 20                                                                                                                                          08/12/2010 10:17

                                           Frederic                Open      Julian                         Neutralite du
                      Cantona                                                            Vie privee
                                           Lefebvre               Source    Assange                             net

                          Cat                 PKM                           Cantine        Google              donnees

                                             Virtuel              mashup    startup   Contextualisation           like

                      Microsoft                                Plateforme    Profil      Facebook           Loic le Meur

            Make your own cards at

16 sur 20                                                                                                                     08/12/2010 10:17

            Name: ___________________________________

                     Priceminister             Diaspora           Curation         Cantona              Microsoft               NKM

                                                 danah              Point                                                  Neutralite du
                             like                                                  Groupon              Vie privee
                                                  boyd             Godwin                                                      net

                        Wikileaks                  PKM              Google         startup              donnees                  3D

                                                                     Open          interest
                         mashup               Plateforme                                                 Virtuel                Profil
                                                                    Source          graph

                                               levee de             Julian         Loic le
                         Cantine                                                                        Facebook           Transparence
                                                 fonds             Assange          Meur

                                               Frederic              Eric            social
                           Phone                                                                  Contextualisation              Cat
                                               Lefebvre             Besson           graph

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                   Neutralite du net              Diaspora                mashup        danah boyd           social graph        Curation

                         Facebook                    PKM              Groupon                 startup          Cantine             Phone

                      interest graph                 NKM           investisseur                Cat              Virtuel         Plateforme

                       Loic le Meur               Cantona           Eric Besson        Open Source            Vie privee

                                                                      levee de
                         Wikileaks                donnees                              Transparence          Priceminister            3D

                                                                      Frederic                                  Julian
                   Contextualisation               Google                                 Microsoft                                 like
                                                                      Lefebvre                                 Assange

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                                                Cantona                    mashup         Facebook         Groupon         investisseur

                       interest                                                                                            Neutralite du
                                         Contextualisation                 Cantine            Google          like
                        graph                                                                                                  net

                          PKM                danah boyd                      3D               Phone        Curation         Plateforme

17 sur 20                                                                                                                                    08/12/2010 10:17

                                                                                       Vie       Point
                        startup              Loic le Meur                 Microsoft                               Virtuel
                                                                                      privee    Godwin

                       levee de                                             Open                 social
                                                  Profil                                Cat                     Wikileaks
                         fonds                                             Source                graph

                         Eric                                             Frederic
                                            Transparence                              donnees   Diaspora      Priceminister
                        Besson                                            Lefebvre

            Make your own cards at

18 sur 20                                                                                                                        08/12/2010 10:17

            Name: ___________________________________

                                                                              levee de           Julian            Vie         Frederic
                        Point Godwin                  Plateforme
                                                                                fonds           Assange           privee       Lefebvre

                                                                                                Loic le
                         investisseur                      like               Curation                           Virtuel          3D

                            mashup                   Eric Besson             Facebook           startup                          Phone

                                                                                                 social      Neutralite
                     Contextualisation                 Diaspora               Cantona                                           Cantine
                                                                                                 graph        du net

                            Groupon                        PKM             Transparence                           NKM          Microsoft

                              Profil                Priceminister               Cat         Wikileaks                           donnees

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                                                                                                                           Neutralite du
                      Cantona             Google                  Curation            Virtuel       investisseur

                      levee de                                                         Open
                                             like          Contextualisation                               PKM              Plateforme
                        fonds                                                         Source

                                           Loic le                                      danah
                       startup                                        3D                                  Phone                Cat
                                            Meur                                         boyd

                                         Frederic                                                      Julian
                         NKM                                      Facebook            Diaspora                             Transparence
                                         Lefebvre                                                     Assange

                        Point              social                                                     interest
                                                                  Wikileaks           Cantine                               Vie privee
                       Godwin              graph                                                       graph

                      Groupon            donnees                   mashup                             Microsoft               Profil

            Make your own cards at

            Name: ___________________________________

                                                                          Frederic                                             Loic le
                         PKM                  Cantine                                    Curation             3D
                                                                          Lefebvre                                              Meur

19 sur 20                                                                                                                                  08/12/2010 10:17

                                                Profil                Open Source        Phone          Cat            Wikileaks

                       Point                                                            levee de                      Neutralite
                                             Groupon                      Eric Besson               Plateforme
                      Godwin                                                              fonds                        du net

                       Google                    like                      Cantona        NKM       investisseur        startup

                      interest                                                                                           danah
                                       Contextualisation              Transparence      Microsoft    Facebook
                       graph                                                                                              boyd

                      mashup                Vie privee                                  donnees      Diaspora           Virtuel

            Make your own cards at

20 sur 20                                                                                                                            08/12/2010 10:17

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  • 1. Name: ___________________________________ Point interest Virtuel like NKM Google Godwin graph Eric Loic le Neutralite investisseur Microsoft Priceminister Besson Meur du net donnees Phone Groupon Diaspora danah boyd 3D levee de Julian Cat Vie privee Cantona Facebook fonds Assange Frederic Curation Profil PKM social graph startup Lefebvre Open Cantine mashup Wikileaks Contextualisation Plateforme Source Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ interest Cantona social graph 3D PKM Neutralite du net graph Open Cat Vie privee Facebook Microsoft Plateforme Source Point danah Profil mashup Wikileaks Curation Godwin boyd Eric Loic le Priceminister startup Virtuel Transparence Besson Meur Julian levee de Diaspora donnees Cantine Contextualisation Assange fonds Frederic investisseur Phone Google Groupon NKM Lefebvre Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Vie levee de fonds Profil Cantine Priceminister Facebook privee 1 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 2. Frederic startup Wikileaks donnees social graph Diaspora Lefebvre interest PKM Google NKM investisseur 3D graph Open Cat Transparence Eric Besson mashup Curation Source Julian Plateforme Virtuel Groupon like Phone Assange Point danah Contextualisation Loic le Meur Cantona Microsoft Godwin boyd Make your own cards at 2 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 3. Name: ___________________________________ Cantona Cantine Phone Groupon Wikileaks Transparence Frederic Plateforme startup mashup Vie privee Google Lefebvre Eric Facebook Neutralite du net NKM Open Source investisseur Besson Microsoft Contextualisation like Cat Priceminister PKM Loic le Virtuel donnees Curation 3D social graph Meur levee de Point Julian danah boyd Diaspora Profil fonds Godwin Assange Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Point interest Julian Open Source Plateforme NKM Godwin graph Assange Eric Loic le Frederic Wikileaks Cantine Vie privee Besson Meur Lefebvre social Phone Google Microsoft Cat Transparence graph Virtuel Contextualisation donnees Curation startup Facebook Neutralite Cantona investisseur Groupon mashup PKM du net levee de 3D Diaspora Profil Priceminister like fonds Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Loic le Frederic Groupon Cantine Transparence Cantona Meur Lefebvre Eric danah Priceminister Cat mashup startup Besson boyd 3 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
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  • 5. Name: ___________________________________ Frederic PKM social graph Google Profil Microsoft Lefebvre Neutralite danah Contextualisation investisseur Phone Facebook du net boyd Open Source Cantine Diaspora Groupon Priceminister mashup Curation Plateforme like Vie privee 3D Cantona Point interest donnees Wikileaks Transparence Virtuel Godwin graph levee de Loic le Julian Assange Cat Eric Besson NKM fonds Meur Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ levee de danah boyd Microsoft 3D Google like fonds Groupon donnees Vie privee mashup startup NKM Julian Wikileaks Contextualisation Facebook Plateforme Diaspora Assange interest Eric Phone Transparence Cat Cantona graph Besson Point social Open PKM Priceminister Virtuel Godwin graph Source Neutralite du Frederic Loic le investisseur Curation Cantine net Lefebvre Meur Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ levee de 3D Loic le Meur Phone Groupon Eric Besson fonds Point Frederic Curation Transparence startup Profil Godwin Lefebvre 5 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 6. Neutralite Open Plateforme NKM investisseur Priceminister du net Source social Julian Microsoft Wikileaks like Virtuel graph Assange interest Google donnees mashup Diaspora PKM graph danah Contextualisation Cantona Cat Cantine Vie privee boyd Make your own cards at 6 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 7. Name: ___________________________________ PKM interest graph Microsoft Transparence like mashup Loic le danah boyd Contextualisation Profil Phone investisseur Meur donnees social graph Plateforme Open Source Wikileaks Google levee de Cantona Facebook startup Virtuel Cat fonds Frederic Neutralite Priceminister Cantine Curation Groupon Lefebvre du net Eric Julian Point NKM Diaspora 3D Besson Assange Godwin Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Eric Open Plateforme Priceminister Vie privee Facebook Besson Source social NKM Profil Point Godwin donnees Groupon graph Neutralite Frederic Contextualisation Google Cat Curation du net Lefebvre Cantine Diaspora Phone Wikileaks investisseur Virtuel Julian Loic le Meur Microsoft startup danah boyd Transparence Assange levee interest mashup de Cantona PKM 3D graph fonds Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Point Julian Neutralite du net Cantona Virtuel NKM Godwin Assange Vie danah Transparence Phone PKM Wikileaks privee boyd 7 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 8. interest levee de Google mashup Groupon investisseur graph fonds Eric like 3D Priceminister Cat Diaspora Besson social Contextualisation Profil donnees Facebook startup graph Frederic Plateforme Microsoft Loic le Meur Curation Cantine Lefebvre Make your own cards at 8 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 9. Name: ___________________________________ Julian Point Vie donnees Facebook Microsoft Assange Godwin privee social Curation NKM Cantona Plateforme Open Source graph Neutralite Diaspora mashup Phone Cat like du net Frederic interest PKM Contextualisation Virtuel investisseur Lefebvre graph danah Wikileaks Profil Groupon Eric Besson Priceminister boyd levee de Google Loic le Meur Cantine 3D Transparence fonds Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Neutralite Groupon Cat Microsoft Diaspora Julian Assange du net Open Vie danah boyd Google donnees like Source privee Transparence Plateforme Cantine NKM PKM Cantona Frederic Curation Phone Facebook Virtuel Contextualisation Lefebvre interest mashup 3D Priceminister Profil startup graph social levee de Loic le Point Godwin investisseur Eric Besson graph fonds Meur Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ social interest Facebook Curation danah boyd startup graph graph 9 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 10. Loic le Point Godwin Eric Besson Phone Plateforme Microsoft Meur Priceminister Cantona Virtuel like Google Wikileaks Julian Cantine investisseur Diaspora Cat 3D Assange levee de NKM Profil PKM Groupon Transparence fonds Neutralite du Frederic Vie mashup donnees Contextualisation net Lefebvre privee Make your own cards at 10 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 11. Name: ___________________________________ Julian Cat Eric Besson mashup Profil Vie privee Assange Loic le Point interest Plateforme Contextualisation like Meur Godwin graph Open Microsoft 3D startup social graph Virtuel Source Neutralite levee de PKM Curation Transparence donnees du net fonds Frederic Groupon Priceminister Facebook danah boyd investisseur Lefebvre Cantona Wikileaks Cantine Phone Diaspora Google Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ levee de danah Transparence Vie privee Microsoft Phone fonds boyd social startup Curation Facebook mashup PKM graph Point Profil Open Source Eric Besson like Wikileaks Godwin Neutralite interest Loic le Meur Julian Assange Groupon Diaspora du net graph Frederic Cat 3D Contextualisation Cantona Virtuel Lefebvre Plateforme Cantine donnees investisseur Priceminister NKM Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Julian 3D like Neutralite du net Virtuel Groupon Assange Vie Loic le Profil Transparence Facebook investisseur privee Meur 11 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 12. social donnees Wikileaks startup danah boyd Priceminister graph Diaspora PKM Microsoft interest graph Plateforme NKM Frederic Cantona Cat Open Source Curation Eric Besson Lefebvre levee de Point Google Contextualisation mashup Phone fonds Godwin Make your own cards at 12 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 13. Name: ___________________________________ interest Loic le Diaspora Virtuel Transparence investisseur graph Meur Neutralite du Eric Plateforme Contextualisation Cat Curation net Besson Julian Open Priceminister like Profil social graph Assange Source danah Cantona Microsoft startup Facebook mashup boyd levee Frederic Vie privee 3D de NKM Cantine Lefebvre fonds Point Groupon Phone PKM Google Wikileaks Godwin Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Phone startup donnees investisseur Cantine Microsoft social Profil danah boyd Loic le Meur NKM Plateforme graph Julian Point Priceminister like Cat Wikileaks Assange Godwin interest Facebook PKM Vie privee Eric Besson mashup graph Open Transparence Groupon Contextualisation 3D Curation Source levee de Frederic Virtuel Diaspora Google Cantona fonds Lefebvre Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ NKM like Vie privee Cat 3D Phone 13 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 14. social Frederic Virtuel Open Source Cantine investisseur graph Lefebvre Julian Eric Profil Priceminister Cantona mashup Assange Besson levee de Transparence donnees Groupon Plateforme Curation fonds Neutralite du danah Loic le Meur Microsoft Google Diaspora net boyd Point interest Contextualisation startup Facebook Wikileaks Godwin graph Make your own cards at 14 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 15. Name: ___________________________________ Facebook mashup Neutralite du net Vie privee Diaspora NKM donnees Point Godwin Contextualisation Microsoft Cantine PKM levee de Plateforme startup Open Source Cat Wikileaks fonds Julian Eric Phone Cantona Google Profil Assange Besson interest Loic le investisseur Transparence Frederic Lefebvre Groupon graph Meur social graph like Virtuel Priceminister 3D Curation Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Curation Plateforme Transparence mashup Virtuel Microsoft danah Cantine Wikileaks 3D Eric Besson NKM boyd interest Point Cat Diaspora Cantona Priceminister graph Godwin Julian Neutralite Phone like Open Source Vie privee Assange du net levee de donnees Contextualisation startup Loic le Meur investisseur fonds social Google Groupon Profil Facebook PKM graph Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ levee de Wikileaks Phone Groupon Transparence Priceminister fonds danah social investisseur 3D NKM Diaspora boyd graph 15 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 16. Frederic Open Julian Neutralite du Cantona Vie privee Lefebvre Source Assange net Eric Cat PKM Cantine Google donnees Besson Point Virtuel mashup startup Contextualisation like Godwin interest Microsoft Plateforme Profil Facebook Loic le Meur graph Make your own cards at 16 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 17. Name: ___________________________________ Priceminister Diaspora Curation Cantona Microsoft NKM danah Point Neutralite du like Groupon Vie privee boyd Godwin net Wikileaks PKM Google startup donnees 3D Open interest mashup Plateforme Virtuel Profil Source graph levee de Julian Loic le Cantine Facebook Transparence fonds Assange Meur Frederic Eric social Phone Contextualisation Cat Lefebvre Besson graph Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Neutralite du net Diaspora mashup danah boyd social graph Curation Facebook PKM Groupon startup Cantine Phone interest graph NKM investisseur Cat Virtuel Plateforme Point Loic le Meur Cantona Eric Besson Open Source Vie privee Godwin levee de Wikileaks donnees Transparence Priceminister 3D fonds Frederic Julian Contextualisation Google Microsoft like Lefebvre Assange Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Julian Cantona mashup Facebook Groupon investisseur Assange interest Neutralite du Contextualisation Cantine Google like graph net PKM danah boyd 3D Phone Curation Plateforme 17 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 18. Vie Point startup Loic le Meur Microsoft Virtuel privee Godwin levee de Open social Profil Cat Wikileaks fonds Source graph Eric Frederic Transparence donnees Diaspora Priceminister Besson Lefebvre Make your own cards at 18 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 19. Name: ___________________________________ levee de Julian Vie Frederic Point Godwin Plateforme fonds Assange privee Lefebvre Loic le investisseur like Curation Virtuel 3D Meur Open mashup Eric Besson Facebook startup Phone Source social Neutralite Contextualisation Diaspora Cantona Cantine graph du net interest Groupon PKM Transparence NKM Microsoft graph danah Profil Priceminister Cat Wikileaks donnees boyd Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Neutralite du Cantona Google Curation Virtuel investisseur net levee de Open like Contextualisation PKM Plateforme fonds Source Loic le danah startup 3D Phone Cat Meur boyd Frederic Julian NKM Facebook Diaspora Transparence Lefebvre Assange Point social interest Wikileaks Cantine Vie privee Godwin graph graph Eric Groupon donnees mashup Microsoft Profil Besson Make your own cards at Name: ___________________________________ Frederic Loic le PKM Cantine Curation 3D Lefebvre Meur 19 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17
  • 20. social Profil Open Source Phone Cat Wikileaks graph Point levee de Neutralite Groupon Eric Besson Plateforme Godwin fonds du net Google like Cantona NKM investisseur startup interest danah Contextualisation Transparence Microsoft Facebook graph boyd Julian mashup Vie privee donnees Diaspora Virtuel Assange Make your own cards at 20 sur 20 08/12/2010 10:17