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joins hands with
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children,
How are you?
In January 2010 (Se7en’s first appearance in Luxury Magazine) I began my first
sentence with the words“They called me crazy.”I was deemed crazy to have
believed whole-heartedly in people who occasionally forgot to believe in
Se7en believes that together, as companies and individuals, we can reach
our optimal potential. Today, ten months later, we heard from many people,
including an MS patient; orphan; widow; artist; philanthropist; soon-to-be-
surgeon and the list goes on and on. We defined who we wish to be; persons
who use their struggles as driving forces behind their successes. Leading
companies were congratulated, non-profits were thanked, startups were given
an extra push, and entrepreneurs‘ ideas were heard. Our seminars reached
and inspired our students. Then, our films reached foreign countries and had
people from many regions across the world say,“Now, we know more about
the people who live in Jordan. Wow!”
“Se7en is doing great, Dina! You must be so proud of yourself!”were words
I heard recently. In this Holy month, allow me to give my thanks to the One
behind it all: God. He planned this all along. I am simply His grateful student
who learns every day to appreciate the voice of every individual as I ask,“How
are you?”
In this Issue,
Ibraheem walks us through his journey of taking pictures of Se7en faces across
Jordan. Abla shares with us her story of fighting for Jerusalem through her
designs. Aboud talks about another type of fighting: one to change his life.
Rana shares with us her beautiful paintings. We congratulate Leen for excelling
in a dance competition in Italia! Hania sends Se7en a letter updating us about
her life.
May you celebrate this Eid with your loved ones.
Let us share this joy...
Eid Mubarak.
Dina Saoudi
28 29
The Art of a
Palestinian Soldier
I’m a soldier. I fight with my designs.
My designs revive our heritage! I’m
Palestinian. I’m from Jerusalem. I’m a
soldier and my weapon is my talent.
These are words stated passionately by
Abla Azar. I could not but admire her soul
that is reflected in every one of the hand-
made stitches that mark her distinctive
Abla Azar shares her story.
My name is Hind Maha
Abla Majaj Azar. I was
born on July 27, 1947.
My mother passed away
when I was six months
old. She was on her way
back to feed me. One
bomb. An Israeli bomb.
My father told me of my mother’s death
when I was ten years old. He wished to
spare me the pain of thinking of myself
as an orphan. I, for so long, believed my
grandmother (my father’s mother) to
be my mother. She was whom I called,
My father refused to re-marry. His reason
was behind the sentence he stated over
and over again, “One of my children’s
fingers is worth more than all the women
in the world.” In other words, he wanted
us to have his full attention. My father’s
advice was “Abla, do not follow money.
Have money come your way. Follow your
heart.” There was a time when I repeated
a school year. I never really liked to study.
My father, well, did not tell me that I failed.
He waited until the end of my summer
vacation. “Abla, we must work harder to
do well in school.” My father didn’t show
me a glimpse of anger; instead, he made
my failure our failure as he taught me
a lesson I learned by heart: one about
unconditional love.
I went to a boarding school in Jerusalem
and then to Birzeit College. I was so
young when my teacher said, “Abla you
are going to be a designer!” At the time
in the 60s there weren’t any designers!
On graduation day, I didn’t have a penny.
I wanted to wear a beautiful dress, but
I didn’t have money. I remembered
my teacher’s word. I went to my closet
and found an old dress. I designed and
stitched. The dress I wore was “the most
beautiful dress at graduation,” as I heard
by almost everyone. See what happens
when a teacher gives a small piece of
“Struggle is the name of the game,” I
stated so many times over the years. I met
my husband when we were both thirteen
years old. We attended the same school,
Nazih and I.We fell madly in love. Oh, what
trouble it was. Everyone was so against
our love. They thought I would marry a
prince, a doctor, a lawyer, whomever you
want but definitely not someone young-
just as young as I was then! We fought to
be husband and wife. We were twenty-
two years old when we got engaged on
January 01, 1971. We were married on
February 20, 1972.
My grandmother told me that January
01, 1948 happened to be the day my
mother passed away. My father refused
to change the date of our engagement.
My dad wished to change the sad date
into a beautiful date to be celebrated.
From then on, January 01 stopped being
a day of mourning.
Nazih and I were in love. We were so in
love. We had three children: two boys and
one girl. Our daughter was an angel who
only visited our lives for one year until she
went back to Heaven, where she belongs.
The love Nazih and I shared made us fight,
together, until I found myself at peace.
On February 02, 2002, I did not need to
fight anymore. My husband passed away
on that date, marking the day when I fell
even more in love with him. Nazih lives
inside my heart. I can’t even think of
loving anyone except him. I won’t. My
first heartbeat happened when I first
saw him and my last heartbeat will be
in memory of him. Nazih, my husband,
then, now, and always.
You have to believe in God to survive
the death of a mother, a father, a
daughter, and a husband. If I weren’t
a believer, I would have gone insane.
God doesn’t leave us. Sometimes it
feels like He forgets us. But, not really;
He doesn’t leave anyone. God has been
so good to me. I have my sons. I have
my granddaughters. I have my talent.
Without my talent, how could I have
fought for our survival: For the survival
of my family and the survival of our
Palestinian heritage?
My sons and I have met with greed
instead of the much needed kindness.
When I had to serve coffee during
my husband’s funeral, I did not find a
piaster to pay for it. Without mention of
specific people who caused us pain, let
me only talk about the house, car and
money that was taken away. I had it all.
Then, one moment later, I was left with
nothing. I urge all of you, women, to
write the houses in your names. Learn
from my story. Learn the difficulty of
waking up without a husband or the
home you decorated with love for him...
My husband, bless him, was a man who
worked in insurance, but he himself
wasn’t insured.
I once met a gypsy woman who said,
“Abla, your life is going to begin at the
age of sixty three!” She was right. Today,
I have a shop with my designs. I am
not a materialistic woman; I never was.
Money isn’t and will never be my focus.
There were many occasions when I sold
my pieces with a significant loss only
because the piece my customer wore
so beautifully was made for her. My
customer radiated in a piece I designed,
how could I not give it to her?
If I could tell Israelis something, I would
say “enough is enough. You have caused
so much damage with your reckless
decisions. Isn’t it about time we live in
peace?” If I could talk to women, I would
say “liberate yourselves! Those shallow
conversations and thoughts, oh, aren’t
you tired of meaningless gossip? Have a
target: a tangible, important goal.” Why
must women always be the underdog?
I remember my professor who said, with
the attempt of showing the women’s
strength,“A man can never give birth to a
woman.”What are we waiting for?
To my friends, I would say “thank you,
thank you for being my friends.” To my
sons, I would say“Forget the past and look
forward. Follow the steps of your dad and
mom and you’ll have a good life.”
Here are my last words...
I am a hardworking woman who has a
passion for heritage, love, and people. If
I could, I would help as many people as I
can. I would spread happiness wherever I
am. I am a soldier. I fight with my designs.
Fighting doesn’t mean causing pain and
death; it means working hard to attain
love, happiness, and everlasting peace.
Se7en’s World
You urged me not to be like you.
“Dina, Dina, help people, but also
focus on yourself!”How can you
ask anyone to not be like you? All
I wish is for your words to reach
many until I look around and find
your kindness reflected in millions
of hearts and eyes. I want us all to
be more like you. Thank you for
sharing your story.
Contact Information:
Abla Azar - Since 1985
“Living our Traditions”
T: + 962 6 551-6186
M:- + 962 77 750-5105
Crowne Plaza Hotel Shopping mall B1
P.O. Box 6160 Amman, 11118 Jordan
McCurry, captured pictures of people whose faces speak.
1. My sister.
2. A baby who was blowing on the window and then wiping
his breath.
3. Elderly man who lives in Wadi Rum. He looked at us as
though we belonged to another world. I went up to him to
show him that there is only one world, and we all belong in
4. A lady whom I asked about her thoughts regarding her
5. & 6. A sister and brother whose parents invited me over for
tea. They are from the Citadel. I wonder, When will people in
Amman allow strangers into their homes with smiles on their
faces and warmth in their hearts?
7. This child was in a protest against the war on Gaza. He
looked worried and scared. I would love to get to know him
more if we ever meet again.
I am not very good at articulating how I see our world. I am
best at showing my appreciation via my camera. My choice of
subjects as well as the details and colors of my work hopefully
convey the magnificence of every captured moment.
In other words, my pictures show the world through my eyes.
Contact Information
Ibraheem Shaheen
+ 962 (79) 574-3853
Se7en’s World
Ibraheem, I never doubted your brilliance. The first
time I told you“I believe in you,”you were a lost 15-
year-old. Today, you’re a very inspirational, talented
photographer who already has a name in the
Jordanian market. I know you’ll be famous worldwide.
I feel honored and privileged to have been part of your
journey toward success. Thank you for allowing us to
see the world through your eyes.
the concept of living the life you love and
loving the life you live. It's something I
strive to do. I advise that everyone else
does so as well.
Leen’s Words to Jordan
All I've got to say to Jordan is that people
here have got to start appreciating music
more and embracing arts of all kinds
because without the arts and music, life
the next masterpiece.
Leen’s Words to
Se7en’s World
When I first met you, Dina
Saoudi, I felt the enthusiasm
you have for what you do
emanating from inside you;
I am inspired by your love
for your work. The way you
help people make their dreams come
true is something I admire deeply; and I
just want to thank you for giving me the
opportunity to share my passion with the
rest of Se7en’s World.
To contact Leen please send an email to 
Se7en’s World
I complimented you the first
moment I saw you. You shine;
you really do. You’re meant to be
on stage. You’re meant to have
us all watching. Thank you for
sharing your story with Se7en’s
World. Congratulations on winning
second place in Italia, signorina!
We’re so proud of YOU!
Leen’s Story
My name is Leen Amarin.
I'm a half Jordanian, half
Lebanese, 14 year-old
Sophomore at ACS. I guess
you could call me a pacifist,
tree-hugger. I have always
had a deep passion for
music. Whether it was just
listening to the lyrics of
a song, playing a rhythm
on the piano, or dancing to the beat of
the sound rushing through the speakers,
music has helped me express my feelings
of happiness, sorrow, thrill, or anger. Dance
tells a story with passion, music expresses
the feelings with sensation, and lyrics add
to the beauty of the sound. Singing my
heart out has helped me through many
tough times, whether I was having a bad
day or just going through a hard time; and
putting my feelings into dance has given
me ways to celebrate some of my happiest
moments. To me music is the heart's
language; it’s the soul's aura, the mind's
sanctuary, and the air's poetry. Music is the
sound of a sorrowful cry and the piercing
tune of a joyful laugh; it is what gets me
through the day.
Leen’s Dream
My dream is to live a life of
success and happiness- a life
without any worries,- to love
life, and be brave. My dream
is to make my parents and the
people I love proud.
Dance has always been something I loved;
I remember when I was little, my friend
and I would go to my basement, blast
the stereo, and just dance our hearts out.
I've been dancing ballet, pointe, jazz,
and contemporary for a while now; and I
absolutely adore it. Whether in class or on
stage, I dance like my life depends on it;
often times I even help choreograph some
routines. This summer, a few of my friends,
Alanna, Aya, and Maya, and I had the
teacher, Robin, and some other students
from Elite Dance center to participate
in an international dance competition. I
danced in three group dances, and two
solos. Being on that stage, knowing I was
in Italy representing Jordan, I felt a sense
of pride that gave me the power and will
to dance with all my might. I entered
the competition with a smile ready for
whatever the experience threw my way. In
the end all our hard work paid off, and we
won second place.
Leen’s Struggle
I guess I would say my biggest struggle is
managing my passion for music and dance
with my schoolwork as well as expressing
that passion when many people just don’t
understand it. When I say music gets me
through the day, I mean it; when I feel like
crying, I clear my head with music. People
I feel for it.
Leen’s Advice
My advice is to do whatever makes you
happy, and all the things you love. It
doesn’t matter if people understand it, do
it for yourself. I just began to understand
My name is Rana
Dakroub. I was born
in Kuwait on February
22. Lebanon was my
home until the age of
twenty-two. In 2004, I
moved to Jordan.
I always loved the world of Interior
Design, but I never thought I belonged
in it until I worked in an Interior Design
company. After that, I helped my sister
in a painting she was doing for a course
she was taking in university. It was then
that I realized I had a gift and passion
for painting. It was a gift hidden inside
me waiting for the right moment to
I have been painting for four years. I just
love it. I enter my own world and enjoy
every single idea and detail. When I
paint, my thoughts and emotions are
all focused on my paintings. I did my
first exhibition on July, 2010 in Blue
Fig. My exhibition happened thanks to
my family, my life partner, and Lamis,
my friend. I will forever be grateful to
Rana’s Dream
My dream is to excel in the business
world and become successful in every
aspect of my life.  I want to make
my dreams and aspirations come
true. I want to open my own Interior
Design company along with the right
workforce where I can also display my
paintings and combine them with the
right designs. The sky is my limit!
Rana’s Struggle
I can be honest and admit that the
problems I have faced made me fall
into a deep depression. I started to
believe that life is pointless. I tried as
much as I could to be strong, especially
after I fell apart. My parents divorced
when I was twenty-two years old. We
were living in Lebanon and life became
unbearable: life was fraught with anger
and constant fights for ten years. I grew
up in a broken home with no way to fix
things. My sister and I were the ones
to convince my sad and depressed
mother to change her life once and
for all. We gave her the strength she
needed, telling her that wherever she
goes, we will go, too. We saved our
mom.We came to Jordan seeking a new
beginning. My sister stayed in Lebanon
for university, but I came to Jordan with
my mother, sister, and brother.
Coming to Jordan from Lebanon was
not easy since it's so different from the
place we originally called "home." I had
to adapt to all the changes that were
happening. I always reminded myself
that we were a team: one comprised of
my family and me. That was my reason
to stay tough. Now, I look back and
say "I made it, thank God!" I am happy
now. If it were not for my beliefs and
love for life, I would not have been
here today. My secret getaway is my
world of painting because it is a way
for me to put my struggles aside and
do something that makes me content
and gives me the strength I need to
keep going.
Struggles in life are inevitable. I believe
one lives once. We have one chance to
follow the right or the wrong path. I try
my best to be positive regarding the
struggles I face in my life. I always thank
God no matter what.
Rana’s Advice to Jordan
I wish people would view things in a
different way; stop judging from the
outside. I believe a person is who he or
she is from the inside. It’ll be great to
see happy faces all the time.
Start enjoying your life before it’s too
Rana’s words to Se7en's
Se7en, thank you for your support. You
are surely a valuable gift to the people
you encounter. I wish you continuous
growth and ever-lasting success.
"Se7en" is my lucky number; what a
Se7en’s World
Rana, you are such a beautiful
artist. I cannot wait to see your
paintings exhibited in many
places! Thank you for sharing
your story. May all your dreams
come true!
Aboud’s Dream
I would like to start by sharing my dream: I want to be
a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion one day while pursuing
business. When I first shared my dream, people here in
Jordan laughed. They said that I was crazy. Thanks to Se7en’s
World, I now have the confidence and guidance to follow my
dream. Now, I do not care if people make fun of me and talk
behind my back. I remind myself that this is what I want to
do in life. I know it makes me happy.
Aboud’s Story
I struggled a lot in my life. I come from a broken home
that caused my teenage obesity. I had to raise myself.
I did not have someone to guide me. My father worked in
order to keep my brother, sister, and me happy. I did not see
my mother often. I began to gain weight when my parents
divorced; there weren’t any home-cooked meals and we
were constantly supplied with junk food. By eleventh grade,
I had exceeded 110 kilograms. I began to have problems
with my knees and legs due to my being overweight. So in
the summer of twelfth grade, I decided to change my life.
Life-Changing Moment
I started to cook at home
and I began my Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu classes at The Source.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu changed my
life. I lost forty kilograms in
less than one year. I had the
greatest coaches that ever lived:
Coach Tarek Kalimat and Coach
Samy al Jamal. My coaches are
parents to me. They took care of me, helped me out so much
in Jiu Jitsu and in losing weight by changing my lifestyle. I
was dedicated and no longer lazy. Today when I look in the
mirror, I see someone different: a new, better person thanks
to my coaches, Se7en, and The Source. They were the people
who got me up when I was down.
Aboud’s Advice
My advice is to pursue your dream even if the chance of
reaching your dream is one in a million. You have nothing
to lose by trying. You may surprise yourself and make your
dream come true! Do not regret. Just because people here
prefer to have the same trends and tradition does not mean
that you are “weird.” It only means you are different. You
have one life to live. Your happiness should be your only
Words to Se7en’s World
I would like to conclude by saying thanks to Se7en's World
and the lovely Dina Saoudi for giving us the seminar at
school and changing my life. Thanks from the bottom of my
heart. You have made me a better person. Thank you, again.	
Se7en’s World
Aboud, you are an inspiration! Thank you for
teaching me a few tricks in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, for
warming our lives with your brilliant smile and
zest for lift, and, most of all, thank you for sharing
your story. Thank you!
Get your nails Minx’d at Spa Jolie Femme.
Call now to schedule your Minx appointment.
+ 962 (6) 593-5518; + 962 (7) 7593-5518
Location: Abdoon, Saed Zagloul St. bld # 69
Se7en’s World
It is always a pleasure to hear from you. We cannot wait to see all our beautiful ladies Minx’d! Hania Bitar is
about to MINX the city! Book me an appointment, ASAP!
Dear Se7en,
Since we last talked in Opening the Door seminar, I’ve been working on a lot of bits and
pieces: learning, creating, and searching. Also, managing Jolie Femme!
As an update from my last status, my new passion has been looking for new ideas to add
to the Spa Experience/Beauty necessities that we lack here in Jordan.
Obviously, one cannot get everything one would like to add to one’s surroundings at
once. As the French saying articulates: petit a petit l’oiseau fait son nid (English: with time
and perseverance one accomplishes one’s goals). So, during my recent visit to Canada, I
was introduced to Minx and I thought I BETTER get this latest celebrity Craze to Jordan!
Please allow me to share with all my Se7en sisters out there:
Dear nail lovers, unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of months
like I was until know that Minx nails are the hottest new trend in manicures
and pedicures. Ladies what is so GLAM about is the chrome colors, hot designs,
and funky patterns that I, as an esthetician, believe you cannot get with regular nail
is a solid film with an adhesive backing that is heat activated. It is heated and then applied
on your nails like a sticker; c’est tout! After that you could stand OUT from the crowd!
What struck me the most is the advantage of using no chemicals whatsoever in its
application or removal; it doesn’t CHIP and requires no drying time! To all the fashionable
ladies out there you can NOW get the luscious nails Rihanna, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga
have in their music video clips. Get Minx’d! Bling Your Nails with Minx Nails!
This is my latest craze and thanks to Se7en we can now talk to each other, scream out our
talents, addictions, passions, and updates.
With much love,
Your Esthetician,
Hania Bitar

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Se7en september 2010 (1)

  • 1. 26 27 joins hands with Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children, How are you? In January 2010 (Se7en’s first appearance in Luxury Magazine) I began my first sentence with the words“They called me crazy.”I was deemed crazy to have believed whole-heartedly in people who occasionally forgot to believe in themselves. Se7en believes that together, as companies and individuals, we can reach our optimal potential. Today, ten months later, we heard from many people, including an MS patient; orphan; widow; artist; philanthropist; soon-to-be- surgeon and the list goes on and on. We defined who we wish to be; persons who use their struggles as driving forces behind their successes. Leading companies were congratulated, non-profits were thanked, startups were given an extra push, and entrepreneurs‘ ideas were heard. Our seminars reached and inspired our students. Then, our films reached foreign countries and had people from many regions across the world say,“Now, we know more about the people who live in Jordan. Wow!” “Se7en is doing great, Dina! You must be so proud of yourself!”were words I heard recently. In this Holy month, allow me to give my thanks to the One behind it all: God. He planned this all along. I am simply His grateful student who learns every day to appreciate the voice of every individual as I ask,“How are you?” In this Issue, Ibraheem walks us through his journey of taking pictures of Se7en faces across Jordan. Abla shares with us her story of fighting for Jerusalem through her designs. Aboud talks about another type of fighting: one to change his life. Rana shares with us her beautiful paintings. We congratulate Leen for excelling in a dance competition in Italia! Hania sends Se7en a letter updating us about her life. May you celebrate this Eid with your loved ones. Let us share this joy... Eid Mubarak. Dina Saoudi
  • 2. 28 29 The Art of a Palestinian Soldier I’m a soldier. I fight with my designs. My designs revive our heritage! I’m Palestinian. I’m from Jerusalem. I’m a soldier and my weapon is my talent. These are words stated passionately by Abla Azar. I could not but admire her soul that is reflected in every one of the hand- made stitches that mark her distinctive masterpieces. Abla Azar shares her story. My name is Hind Maha Abla Majaj Azar. I was born on July 27, 1947. My mother passed away when I was six months old. She was on her way back to feed me. One bomb. An Israeli bomb. My father told me of my mother’s death when I was ten years old. He wished to spare me the pain of thinking of myself as an orphan. I, for so long, believed my grandmother (my father’s mother) to be my mother. She was whom I called, “mama.” My father refused to re-marry. His reason was behind the sentence he stated over and over again, “One of my children’s fingers is worth more than all the women in the world.” In other words, he wanted us to have his full attention. My father’s advice was “Abla, do not follow money. Have money come your way. Follow your heart.” There was a time when I repeated a school year. I never really liked to study. My father, well, did not tell me that I failed. He waited until the end of my summer vacation. “Abla, we must work harder to do well in school.” My father didn’t show me a glimpse of anger; instead, he made my failure our failure as he taught me a lesson I learned by heart: one about unconditional love. I went to a boarding school in Jerusalem and then to Birzeit College. I was so young when my teacher said, “Abla you are going to be a designer!” At the time in the 60s there weren’t any designers! On graduation day, I didn’t have a penny. I wanted to wear a beautiful dress, but I didn’t have money. I remembered my teacher’s word. I went to my closet and found an old dress. I designed and stitched. The dress I wore was “the most beautiful dress at graduation,” as I heard by almost everyone. See what happens when a teacher gives a small piece of advice? “Struggle is the name of the game,” I stated so many times over the years. I met my husband when we were both thirteen years old. We attended the same school, Nazih and I.We fell madly in love. Oh, what trouble it was. Everyone was so against our love. They thought I would marry a prince, a doctor, a lawyer, whomever you want but definitely not someone young- just as young as I was then! We fought to be husband and wife. We were twenty- two years old when we got engaged on January 01, 1971. We were married on February 20, 1972. My grandmother told me that January 01, 1948 happened to be the day my mother passed away. My father refused to change the date of our engagement. My dad wished to change the sad date into a beautiful date to be celebrated. From then on, January 01 stopped being a day of mourning. Nazih and I were in love. We were so in love. We had three children: two boys and one girl. Our daughter was an angel who only visited our lives for one year until she went back to Heaven, where she belongs. The love Nazih and I shared made us fight, together, until I found myself at peace. On February 02, 2002, I did not need to fight anymore. My husband passed away on that date, marking the day when I fell even more in love with him. Nazih lives inside my heart. I can’t even think of loving anyone except him. I won’t. My first heartbeat happened when I first saw him and my last heartbeat will be in memory of him. Nazih, my husband, then, now, and always. You have to believe in God to survive the death of a mother, a father, a daughter, and a husband. If I weren’t a believer, I would have gone insane. God doesn’t leave us. Sometimes it feels like He forgets us. But, not really; He doesn’t leave anyone. God has been so good to me. I have my sons. I have my granddaughters. I have my talent. Without my talent, how could I have fought for our survival: For the survival of my family and the survival of our Palestinian heritage? My sons and I have met with greed instead of the much needed kindness. When I had to serve coffee during my husband’s funeral, I did not find a piaster to pay for it. Without mention of specific people who caused us pain, let me only talk about the house, car and money that was taken away. I had it all. Then, one moment later, I was left with nothing. I urge all of you, women, to write the houses in your names. Learn from my story. Learn the difficulty of waking up without a husband or the home you decorated with love for him... My husband, bless him, was a man who worked in insurance, but he himself wasn’t insured. I once met a gypsy woman who said, “Abla, your life is going to begin at the age of sixty three!” She was right. Today, I have a shop with my designs. I am not a materialistic woman; I never was. Money isn’t and will never be my focus. There were many occasions when I sold my pieces with a significant loss only because the piece my customer wore so beautifully was made for her. My customer radiated in a piece I designed, how could I not give it to her? If I could tell Israelis something, I would say “enough is enough. You have caused so much damage with your reckless decisions. Isn’t it about time we live in peace?” If I could talk to women, I would say “liberate yourselves! Those shallow conversations and thoughts, oh, aren’t you tired of meaningless gossip? Have a target: a tangible, important goal.” Why must women always be the underdog? I remember my professor who said, with the attempt of showing the women’s strength,“A man can never give birth to a woman.”What are we waiting for? To my friends, I would say “thank you, thank you for being my friends.” To my sons, I would say“Forget the past and look forward. Follow the steps of your dad and mom and you’ll have a good life.” Here are my last words... I am a hardworking woman who has a passion for heritage, love, and people. If I could, I would help as many people as I can. I would spread happiness wherever I am. I am a soldier. I fight with my designs. Fighting doesn’t mean causing pain and death; it means working hard to attain love, happiness, and everlasting peace. Se7en’s World You urged me not to be like you. “Dina, Dina, help people, but also focus on yourself!”How can you ask anyone to not be like you? All I wish is for your words to reach many until I look around and find your kindness reflected in millions of hearts and eyes. I want us all to be more like you. Thank you for sharing your story. Contact Information: Abla Azar - Since 1985 “Living our Traditions” T: + 962 6 551-6186 M:- + 962 77 750-5105 Crowne Plaza Hotel Shopping mall B1 P.O. Box 6160 Amman, 11118 Jordan
  • 3. 30 Shaheen,Se7en’smultitalentedphotographer,inspiredbySteve McCurry, captured pictures of people whose faces speak. 1. My sister. 2. A baby who was blowing on the window and then wiping his breath. 3. Elderly man who lives in Wadi Rum. He looked at us as though we belonged to another world. I went up to him to show him that there is only one world, and we all belong in it. 4. A lady whom I asked about her thoughts regarding her future. 5. & 6. A sister and brother whose parents invited me over for tea. They are from the Citadel. I wonder, When will people in Amman allow strangers into their homes with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts? 7. This child was in a protest against the war on Gaza. He looked worried and scared. I would love to get to know him more if we ever meet again. I am not very good at articulating how I see our world. I am best at showing my appreciation via my camera. My choice of subjects as well as the details and colors of my work hopefully convey the magnificence of every captured moment. In other words, my pictures show the world through my eyes. Contact Information Ibraheem Shaheen + 962 (79) 574-3853 Se7en’s World Ibraheem, I never doubted your brilliance. The first time I told you“I believe in you,”you were a lost 15- year-old. Today, you’re a very inspirational, talented photographer who already has a name in the Jordanian market. I know you’ll be famous worldwide. I feel honored and privileged to have been part of your journey toward success. Thank you for allowing us to see the world through your eyes. the concept of living the life you love and loving the life you live. It's something I strive to do. I advise that everyone else does so as well. Leen’s Words to Jordan All I've got to say to Jordan is that people here have got to start appreciating music more and embracing arts of all kinds because without the arts and music, life wouldbeablankcanvaswaitingtobecome the next masterpiece. Leen’s Words to Se7en’s World When I first met you, Dina Saoudi, I felt the enthusiasm you have for what you do emanating from inside you; I am inspired by your love for your work. The way you help people make their dreams come true is something I admire deeply; and I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my passion with the rest of Se7en’s World. To contact Leen please send an email to  Se7en’s World I complimented you the first moment I saw you. You shine; you really do. You’re meant to be on stage. You’re meant to have us all watching. Thank you for sharing your story with Se7en’s World. Congratulations on winning second place in Italia, signorina! We’re so proud of YOU! Leen’s Story My name is Leen Amarin. I'm a half Jordanian, half Lebanese, 14 year-old Sophomore at ACS. I guess you could call me a pacifist, tree-hugger. I have always had a deep passion for music. Whether it was just listening to the lyrics of a song, playing a rhythm on the piano, or dancing to the beat of the sound rushing through the speakers, music has helped me express my feelings of happiness, sorrow, thrill, or anger. Dance tells a story with passion, music expresses the feelings with sensation, and lyrics add to the beauty of the sound. Singing my heart out has helped me through many tough times, whether I was having a bad day or just going through a hard time; and putting my feelings into dance has given me ways to celebrate some of my happiest moments. To me music is the heart's language; it’s the soul's aura, the mind's sanctuary, and the air's poetry. Music is the sound of a sorrowful cry and the piercing tune of a joyful laugh; it is what gets me through the day. Leen’s Dream My dream is to live a life of success and happiness- a life whereIcanexpressmypassion without any worries,- to love life, and be brave. My dream is to make my parents and the people I love proud. Dance has always been something I loved; I remember when I was little, my friend and I would go to my basement, blast the stereo, and just dance our hearts out. I've been dancing ballet, pointe, jazz, and contemporary for a while now; and I absolutely adore it. Whether in class or on stage, I dance like my life depends on it; often times I even help choreograph some routines. This summer, a few of my friends, Alanna, Aya, and Maya, and I had the opportunitytotraveltoItalywithourdance teacher, Robin, and some other students from Elite Dance center to participate in an international dance competition. I danced in three group dances, and two solos. Being on that stage, knowing I was in Italy representing Jordan, I felt a sense of pride that gave me the power and will to dance with all my might. I entered the competition with a smile ready for whatever the experience threw my way. In the end all our hard work paid off, and we won second place. Leen’s Struggle I guess I would say my biggest struggle is managing my passion for music and dance with my schoolwork as well as expressing that passion when many people just don’t understand it. When I say music gets me through the day, I mean it; when I feel like crying, I clear my head with music. People justdon'tseemtocomprehendthepassion I feel for it. Leen’s Advice My advice is to do whatever makes you happy, and all the things you love. It doesn’t matter if people understand it, do it for yourself. I just began to understand
  • 4. My name is Rana Dakroub. I was born in Kuwait on February 22. Lebanon was my home until the age of twenty-two. In 2004, I moved to Jordan. I always loved the world of Interior Design, but I never thought I belonged in it until I worked in an Interior Design company. After that, I helped my sister in a painting she was doing for a course she was taking in university. It was then that I realized I had a gift and passion for painting. It was a gift hidden inside me waiting for the right moment to emerge. I have been painting for four years. I just love it. I enter my own world and enjoy every single idea and detail. When I paint, my thoughts and emotions are all focused on my paintings. I did my first exhibition on July, 2010 in Blue Fig. My exhibition happened thanks to my family, my life partner, and Lamis, my friend. I will forever be grateful to them. Rana’s Dream My dream is to excel in the business world and become successful in every aspect of my life.  I want to make my dreams and aspirations come true. I want to open my own Interior Design company along with the right workforce where I can also display my paintings and combine them with the right designs. The sky is my limit! Rana’s Struggle I can be honest and admit that the problems I have faced made me fall into a deep depression. I started to believe that life is pointless. I tried as much as I could to be strong, especially after I fell apart. My parents divorced when I was twenty-two years old. We were living in Lebanon and life became unbearable: life was fraught with anger and constant fights for ten years. I grew up in a broken home with no way to fix things. My sister and I were the ones to convince my sad and depressed mother to change her life once and for all. We gave her the strength she needed, telling her that wherever she goes, we will go, too. We saved our mom.We came to Jordan seeking a new beginning. My sister stayed in Lebanon for university, but I came to Jordan with my mother, sister, and brother. Coming to Jordan from Lebanon was not easy since it's so different from the place we originally called "home." I had to adapt to all the changes that were happening. I always reminded myself that we were a team: one comprised of my family and me. That was my reason to stay tough. Now, I look back and say "I made it, thank God!" I am happy now. If it were not for my beliefs and love for life, I would not have been here today. My secret getaway is my world of painting because it is a way for me to put my struggles aside and do something that makes me content and gives me the strength I need to keep going. Struggles in life are inevitable. I believe one lives once. We have one chance to follow the right or the wrong path. I try my best to be positive regarding the struggles I face in my life. I always thank God no matter what. Rana’s Advice to Jordan I wish people would view things in a different way; stop judging from the outside. I believe a person is who he or she is from the inside. It’ll be great to see happy faces all the time. Start enjoying your life before it’s too late! Rana’s words to Se7en's World Se7en, thank you for your support. You are surely a valuable gift to the people you encounter. I wish you continuous growth and ever-lasting success. "Se7en" is my lucky number; what a coincidence!  Se7en’s World Rana, you are such a beautiful artist. I cannot wait to see your paintings exhibited in many places! Thank you for sharing your story. May all your dreams come true! Aboud’s Dream I would like to start by sharing my dream: I want to be a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion one day while pursuing business. When I first shared my dream, people here in Jordan laughed. They said that I was crazy. Thanks to Se7en’s World, I now have the confidence and guidance to follow my dream. Now, I do not care if people make fun of me and talk behind my back. I remind myself that this is what I want to do in life. I know it makes me happy. Aboud’s Story I struggled a lot in my life. I come from a broken home that caused my teenage obesity. I had to raise myself. I did not have someone to guide me. My father worked in order to keep my brother, sister, and me happy. I did not see my mother often. I began to gain weight when my parents divorced; there weren’t any home-cooked meals and we were constantly supplied with junk food. By eleventh grade, I had exceeded 110 kilograms. I began to have problems with my knees and legs due to my being overweight. So in the summer of twelfth grade, I decided to change my life. Life-Changing Moment I started to cook at home and I began my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at The Source. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu changed my life. I lost forty kilograms in less than one year. I had the greatest coaches that ever lived: Coach Tarek Kalimat and Coach Samy al Jamal. My coaches are parents to me. They took care of me, helped me out so much in Jiu Jitsu and in losing weight by changing my lifestyle. I was dedicated and no longer lazy. Today when I look in the mirror, I see someone different: a new, better person thanks to my coaches, Se7en, and The Source. They were the people who got me up when I was down. Aboud’s Advice My advice is to pursue your dream even if the chance of reaching your dream is one in a million. You have nothing to lose by trying. You may surprise yourself and make your dream come true! Do not regret. Just because people here prefer to have the same trends and tradition does not mean that you are “weird.” It only means you are different. You have one life to live. Your happiness should be your only concern. Words to Se7en’s World I would like to conclude by saying thanks to Se7en's World and the lovely Dina Saoudi for giving us the seminar at school and changing my life. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. You have made me a better person. Thank you, again. Se7en’s World Aboud, you are an inspiration! Thank you for teaching me a few tricks in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, for warming our lives with your brilliant smile and zest for lift, and, most of all, thank you for sharing your story. Thank you!
  • 5. 35 Get your nails Minx’d at Spa Jolie Femme. Call now to schedule your Minx appointment. + 962 (6) 593-5518; + 962 (7) 7593-5518 Location: Abdoon, Saed Zagloul St. bld # 69 Se7en’s World It is always a pleasure to hear from you. We cannot wait to see all our beautiful ladies Minx’d! Hania Bitar is about to MINX the city! Book me an appointment, ASAP! Dear Se7en, Since we last talked in Opening the Door seminar, I’ve been working on a lot of bits and pieces: learning, creating, and searching. Also, managing Jolie Femme! As an update from my last status, my new passion has been looking for new ideas to add to the Spa Experience/Beauty necessities that we lack here in Jordan. Obviously, one cannot get everything one would like to add to one’s surroundings at once. As the French saying articulates: petit a petit l’oiseau fait son nid (English: with time and perseverance one accomplishes one’s goals). So, during my recent visit to Canada, I was introduced to Minx and I thought I BETTER get this latest celebrity Craze to Jordan! Please allow me to share with all my Se7en sisters out there: Dear nail lovers, unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of months like I was until know that Minx nails are the hottest new trend in manicures and pedicures. Ladies what is so GLAM about is the chrome colors, hot designs, and funky patterns that I, as an esthetician, believe you cannot get with regular nail polish! is a solid film with an adhesive backing that is heat activated. It is heated and then applied on your nails like a sticker; c’est tout! After that you could stand OUT from the crowd! What struck me the most is the advantage of using no chemicals whatsoever in its application or removal; it doesn’t CHIP and requires no drying time! To all the fashionable ladies out there you can NOW get the luscious nails Rihanna, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga have in their music video clips. Get Minx’d! Bling Your Nails with Minx Nails! This is my latest craze and thanks to Se7en we can now talk to each other, scream out our talents, addictions, passions, and updates. With much love, Your Esthetician, Hania Bitar