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The Value of the
Visual Voice
Say that three
times fast
  Selected philosophies of Scott Hull Associates

Nothing against words. We love words;
don’t get us wrong. But the right image can
often inspire a quicker understanding of a
concept. And now that time is just about
the scarcest commodity there is, that speed
of processing – and of sharing, of course
– delivers huge value to our clients. So is
the tired cliché right? Is a picture really
worth a thousand words? We’re not sure.
But compared to those thousand words, a
picture is sure a lot quicker to read.
Corporations               Museums & Displays              Product Licenses
                                             Nike                       Miami Children’s Museum         Antioch
                                             Starbucks                  NCAA College Football Hall of   Out of Print Clothing
                                             Loews                      Fame                            New Creative Enterprises
                                             YUMM                       Cincinnati Reds Stadium         Bath & Body
                                             Disney Resorts             Huskies Hall of Fame            EK Success
                                             Major League Baseball      Houston Astros Stadium
                                             National Football League   Edison Stadium                  Non-Profit Organizations
                                             J P Morgan Chase           HRhodesWorks                    U.S. Postal Service
                                             Land’s End                 1220 Exhibit                    Catholic Health Associates

Scott Hull Associates has had the
                                             Microsof t                 ExPlus                          American Red Cross
                                             Redbox                     CIP International               America Heart Association
                                             Perfetti Van Melle         HOK                             Save the Children
opportunity to work with an incredible       Hayward Baker
                                                                        National Civil War Museum
                                                                        Center for Disease Control
                                                                                                        Disabled American Veterans
                                                                                                        Orchard Group

list of clients, from national advertising   Agencies & Design Groups   Publishing

agencies and design firms to Fortune 500
                                             Pentagram                  Scholastic
                                             Landor                     Arthur A . Levine Books
                                             Leo Burnett                Bantam Books                    SCOTT HULL ASSOCIATES

companies. Our artists have appeared         Energy BBDO
                                             Cramer Krasselt
                                                                        Harper Collins
                                                                        Harcourt Brace

in Fast Company and Wired magazine,          G2
                                             DDB Chicago
                                                                        Chronicle Books
                                                                        Tor Books

the Harry Potter book series, as well as
                                             Publicis                   Simon & Schuster
                                             VMA International          Crown Publishing
                                             Abelson Taylor             Storey Publishing

campaigns for Coke and Nike, to name a       Deutsch Design Works       Penguin Publishing
                                                                        Loyola University

few. We’d love to add you to that list.
                                             Harvard Business Review    Branding and Packaging
                                             Fast Company               Johnson & Johnson
                                             Magazine Group             Beringer Blass Estates
                                             The Atlantic               Proctor & Gamble
                                             Wired Magazine             Hasbro
                                             Bon Appétit                Milton Bradley
                                             Jamie Magazine             LPK
                                             Barron’s                   Southeast Brewing Company
                                             Real Simple                Golden Axe Cider
                                             Wine Spectator             Landor
                                             Norte Dame Alumni
If nobody feels anything, nobody will do anything.
                                                                                                                                      That’s why, in our opinon, moving the market
                                                                                                                                       lways comes down to moving a person – evoking
                                                                                                                                       n emotion.

                                                                                                                                      What evokes emotion more effectively than Art?

    With more than 30 years of experience creating visual
    solutions in partnership with a variety of clients, Scott
    Hull Associates knows that a successful image is the
    result of three key elements:                               th e th r e e S TE P S OF S COTT H U L L AS S O CIATE S:

    ORIGINALITY+                                                Originality           +

                                                                We’re noticing the movement
                                                                back to organic, hands-on

                                                                                                 To be truly effective in
                                                                                                 today’s media-saturated
                                                                                                                              =      Results

                                                                                                                                     Getting on the consumer ’s
                                                                                                                                     radar screen, and staying

                                                                design, which of course          environment it takes many           for longer than a blip,
                                                                represents an opportunity        people working together,            requires a feat bordering
                                                                for the illustrator. Agencies    with a shared set of                on the impossible. The
                                                                and design groups seem to        objectives, to create the           successful illustrator needs
                                                                be searching for a way to        visuals that will trigger a         to harness these trends into
                                                                connect with their consumer,     response. Each of our artists       viable visuals that move

                                                                not just get their attention     work closely with the client to     markets. We believe that a
                                                                for a fleeting moment, and       create original artwork that        strong original illustration
                                                                illustration is a natural fit.   enables them to tell their story.   will connect with our client ’s
                                                                                                                                     consumer in a way that no
                                                                                                                                     other medium can and will
                                                                                                                                     create measurable response.

6                                                                                                                                                                                          7
The easiest way to stand out is to do
                                                                                               something completely new. Imitation
                          The artists at Scott Hull Associates are                             is anonymity, surefire.
                          always doing new and interesting things.
                          Here are just a few examples.

    Originalit y

    It’s not just about
    art. It’s about
    solving problems
    in unique ways.       Mark pernice
                          MASK project
                                                                     Larry Moore
                                                                     Painting History:
                                                                     The Last Shuttle Launch
                                                                                                  Andrea Eberbach
                                                                                                  pet portraits

8                                                                                                                                      9
     MARK PERNICE Makes a Face
     AT 1.5 Million
     Surely, at some point, Mark             It took a little figuring out and
     Pernice’s mom must have told him        a whole lot of sculpting, but
     that if he made a funny face long       once it was finished Mark’s idea
     enough it would stay that way.          turned out just as he’d planned.
     But Mrs. Pernice probably didn’t        It also garnered a response way
     account for his ingenuity in making     beyond what he’d anticipated:
     sure that exact thing happened for      1.5 million image hits in the
     real when young Mark used Apple’s       first three months, write-ups in
     Photo Booth, a moonlighting mask        Wired, The Huffington Post, Fast
     maker out of Minneapolis and some       Company, Gizmodo, DesignBoom,
     great photos of the results to create   Booooooom, Glamcult, Buzzfeed
     an unmistakable self-promotional        and It’s Nice That, to name
     art experiment.                         a few. Thanks to the massive
                                             viral response, Mark now has a
                                             growing following and an instantly
                                             recognizable face. (Sort of.)

     Larry Moore + Painting History:
     The Last Shuttle Launch
     Growing up just a stone’s throw        Larry managed a distinctive effect
     from Cape Canaveral, Larry Moore       with a low-tech approach: “It was
     was always fascinated by the space     sorta funny, as all these other guys
     program. Having a father who was       there in the press area were setting
     Apollo Operations test manager         up their HD 360 view cameras
     didn’t hurt, either. But he didn’t     with sat uplink hardware in custom
     aspire to be an astronaut: “When       plastic covered boxes, there I
     I was 11, my dad took me to visit      was standing with brush in hand
     the studio of one of his friends, an   painting away.”
     artist for NASA. He was working on     And though the experience was
     a painting of an astronaut on the      an unforgettable privilege for
     moon with the lunar landing module     Larry, he’s actually ready to part
     in the background, and it hadn’t       with the fruits of his labor. “Yes,
     happened yet. Right then it hit me,    the originals are for sale, price on
     “That’s what I want to do”.            request. I don’t generally keep my
     Many years later, Larry got the        paintings, I keep the memories.”
     opportunity to come full circle by
     documenting the final launch of
     Atlantis – on canvas.

     Andrea Eberbach has a special      Just look at it: An incredibly
     understanding of our shorter,      charming series of pet portraits.
     furrier counterparts and will be   It’s tough to describe what gives
     the first to tell you how fun it   them their appeal, but maybe
     is to do what she’s done here:     that’s to be expected. As Andrea
     try and capture each animal’s      says, “The relationships we have
     personality in a portrait.         with our cats and dogs go beyond
     With three cats of her own –       logic. There’s just an irresistible
     L.T., Jimmy and Bella – as well    bond we share with them.”
     as healthy friendships with all
     the dogs in her neighborhood,
     Andrea does not discriminate
     amongst her fuzzy friends.
     And she’d never, ever pledge
     allegiance to either side of the
     dog/cat controversy. As far as
     she’s concerned, they’re all too
     charming to choose a favorite.

14                                                                            15
HOW IT WORKS                                                   Pricing and Investment

     Collaboration is one of       You describe the missing piece in your puzzle, and
                                   Scott helps find the artist who’s a perfect fit. Evocative
                                   illustration, whimsical typography, exactly right logo or
                                                                                                  Let us work with your budget and see if we can’t keep the bang/
                                                                                                  buck ratio right where it should be. Since pricing can be stressful,
                                                                                                  preparation is the key. Knowing you have the right information,
                                   none of the above, we’ll make a match.                         as well as knowing the parameters of what to ask for, will give

     our strong suits. Through     Listen
                                   Our artists love working as a team. They listen to your
                                                                                                  everyone the confidence needed to be successful.
                                                                                                  Asking the right questions to determine your needs, the usage of
                                                                                                  work and extent of usage.
                                   ideas closely, and might even improve on them a bit. We

     collaboration with            have a definite stake in seeing things turn out well — even    Be prepared at the beginning with the following information to
                                   though it’s ultimately your idea, we’re working hard on it.    evaluate the project investment. The prices depend upon many
                                   So you get the professionalism of seamless collaboration,      factors, including the use that the buyer intends to make of the
                                                                                                  work, the size and stature of the geographical area, the client’s

     clients, our artists gain a
                                   but with the full engagement of a passionate artist.
                                                                                                  budget, the urgency of the deadline, the complexity of the project
                                   Polish                                                         and the reputation of the talent. We need to know what your
                                   Custom art is how you stand out from the crowd. That’s         highest expectations are for the project, as well as a bottom line

     strong understanding of
                                   why we provide artwork that’s guaranteed to be one-            list such as:
                                   of-a- kind and specific to your brand. Of course, it’s also
                                   polished to pristine inimitable standards, ensuring that you   Usage of work
                                   look your best – and not like anybody else. We work until      [ ] What are your customer’s usage needs?

     the subject matter. Which     you’re happy.

                                                                                                  [ ] Media: Are the needs within presentations, print, trade ads, 		
                                                                                                  	 media, non-household promotions, packaging, Internet or other 	
                                   Voilà. A promising brainstorm is transformed into a living,

     translates into powerful
                                                                                                  [ ] What is the circulation or the number of pieces printed?
                                   breathing illustration. Which is when you get the files
                                   exactly as you need them to be, whether the art is going
                                   on the side of a soup can or the side of building. We’re       Extent of usage
                                                                                                  [ ] Is this for presentation use for a client meeting or focus group?

     artwork. Which translates
                                   creative folks, sure, but we’re also pros who know and
                                   understand real-world applications.                                Is this one-time reproduction rights in print or media to the 		
                                                                                                  	   specific market or geographical area?
                                   Asking the right stuff up front helps us maximize your
                                                                                                  [ ] Is this for unlimited usage within specific market, geographical 	

     into real results.
                                   investment down the road. See just how easy it is to get
                                                                                                  	 area or period of time?
                                   the ball rolling to create something new – something that
                                   changes everything.                                            [ ] Is this for non-exclusive, exclusive, exclusive rights or all rights under 	
                                                                                                  	 copyright law or multiplied use without the permission of the firm?
16                                                                                                                                                                           17
Original artwork lends itself to an
                                                                                                      original idea, rather than an idea
                                                                                                      yielding and compromising to the
                                                                                                      misleading “cost-effective” solution.

                           LPK + MICH AE L B AST

     BETTER THAN                                 M I CHA EL B AST

     FOR SOMEONE.          Originality               +

                           Pringles brand needed a fresh
                           energetic look for its new line

                                                                    Michael Bast worked closely
                                                                    with LPK in Cincinnati and,
                                                                                                  =      Results

                                                                                                         A seamless process from
                                                                                                         design, illustration and
                           of Extreme flavors. With an              with their strategy and his          production that resulted in a
                           already established relationship,        vision, combined efforts to          happy client with an effective
                           they turned to Michael Bast              surpass the needs of the             package.
18                         to give it the emotion that              Pringles Brand.                                                           19
                           photography could not capture.

     The Design team at LPK needed to           sketches and files catered to their
     push the Pringles brand into an even       needs. The result of knowing their idea
     more energetic direction, and they had     has been realized? LPK likes to call it
     a hunch that photography wouldn’t          “Warm and Fuzzy Goodness.”
     trigger the response they had in mind.     Michael Bast has worked with such
     Actual pickles can only do so much.        clients as Hidden Valley ranch, Celestial
     Michael Bast, the accomplished food        Seasonings, Keebler, Sunkist, and other
     artist, was able to help.                  brands you’ve probably got in your
     LPK chose to visit, where    cupboard. See more of his work at the
     they found an intuitive search engine      newly designed
     that helped them track down artists
     with the aesthetic that they were after.
     Michael worked alongside the LPK
     design team, providing them with tight

20                                                                                          21
     Teamotions + PENELOPE Dullaghan

     A while back Motto asked Scott Hull       The collaboration began with a mood
     Associates’ Penelope Dullaghan            board Penelope created to establish
     to collaborate on a new brand             a visual starting ground (love mood
     identity for their client Teamotions.     boards!). Then she came up with
     Teamotions was established in 2008        an abstract icon that represented a
     after Rachel Crawford tragically          person wrapped around a cup of tea
     lost her twin daughters, and her few      and also evokes an image of a mother
     moments of peace were found in her        holding her baby. Penelope must
     tea ritual. Her sister Crystal said, “I   have drawn a hundred of those little
     wish there was something I could          guys until one was deemed “perfect”.
     put in your tea to make you feel          Next came hand-lettering which was
     better.” And knowing nothing like         just as exhaustive, none of which
     that existed, the two of them decided     made it to the final, unfortunately.
     to create it themselves. The company      But the exercise in typography and
     they formed now offers teas blended       variation couldn’t be beat! The final
     with herbs that help the body handle      logo was then applied to packaging
     stress, boost immunity and support        and collateral, with each flavor being
     emotional well-being, transforming a      differentiated by color.
     simple cup into a healing experience.

22                                                                                      23
     Jamie Magazine + MEG HUNT

     Not every world-famous chef             also “plants, people, activities,
     would have a Gardening section          inanimate objects… The list goes
     in his magazine, but Jamie Oliver       on!” With Meg Hunt, she knew she’d
     certainly does. In fact, he has his     found her girl.
     own gardener – Peter Wrapson –          “This section has become an
     and Jamie Magazine art director          ongoing job for Meg, as her colorful
     Adrienne Pitts was determined to         style and attention to detail really
     reflect Peter’s passion with the         combine to create illustrations that
     perfect illustration.                    jump off the page. Some of the
     “Gardening appears in the front of       topics are a little tricky, but she
      the magazine with a lot of newsy        always comes up with charming and
      items surrounding it,” she explains.    detailed works that enhance the
     “As such, the pages really need to       words on the page. She’s a delight
      sing out – be colorful, attention       to work with and strengthens the
      grabbing, and beautiful.” And,          visual brand of our magazine.”
      because of the broad range of
      topics covered from issue to issue,
     Adrienne needed an illustrator who
      could illustrate not only food, but
3,000 advertising messages. That’s the
                          ORIGINALITY + COLLABORATION = RESULTS
                                                                                      daily average for today’s consumer.

                          We have collected a few case studies to illustrate how      You must show them something
                          ORIGINALITY + COLLABORATION = RESULTS in our day to         they’ve never seen before.
                          day operations.

     RE S U LTS

     WORKS.       FRCH +
                  MARK REIDY
                                            AIRHEADS +
                                            LISA BALLARD
                                                                         PANERA BREAD +
                                                                         CURTIS PARKER
                                                                                                     John Maggard +
                                                                                                     Hayward Baker

26                                                                                                                             27

     When FRCH initially contacted          relief. Mark worked hand in hand
     Mark Reidy, they were looking for      with the sculptor to supply the
     help to visualize the new Great        final art in a way that made the
     American Ballpark in Cincinnati,       process go smoothly. The final
     Ohio. What they didn’t expect was      effect is a welcome sight.
     an entire visual identity inside and   Mark Reidy’s heroic post-modern
     out. Mark was able to create art       style was perfect for translating
     for the ballpark’s logo signage,       into a series of mosaic murals that
     exterior sculptural bas-relief, and    hang inside the main entrance of
     two murals showcasing the great        the park. The two murals depict
     teams in Red’s history translated      the great teams of Reds history.
     into interior mosaics. Mark’s iconic
     talent and expertise at production
     enabled FRCH to shine in the eyes      RESULT
     of their client, and the stadium to    An entire visual identity inside and
     shine in the eyes of the fans.Great    out that helped the stadium to
     American Ballpark in CIncinnati,       shine in the eyes of the fans while
     Ohio was sculpted into a 50ft bas      keeping the history of Cincinnati.


     Did you know Panera Bread builds        RESULT
     each bakery cafe from the ground        VP / Design Creative at Panera
     up, with architects and designers       Bread Jay Jung said “It turned
     thinking through all aspects            out to be an amazing piece of art
     of the project, including which         and full of incredible detail and
     neighborhood it’s in? Realizing that,   activity” and we’d agree. Curtis did
     it makes sense that they wouldn’t       a fantastic job. Jay also mentioned
     choose off-the-shelf art for their      enjoying the collaboration
     carefully considered spaces.            with Curtis, saying “it worked
     And in the case of this custom          beautifully, just discussing the
     mural for a building-side in a          objectives of the project directly
     California location, SHA artist         with the artist.” And as little bit of
     Curtis Parker cooked up a 40 x          project trivia, Jay added, “If there
     12-foot painting that reflected the     just happens to be a small group
     history of the city — local planners    of work men in an obscure corner
     were emphatic that it couldn’t be       of the mural enjoying a sandwich
     about Panera itself — as well as        from Panera, I really can’t tell you
     evoking the feel that Panera was        how that got in there!”
     looking for.


     Mikey Burton wasn’t really a big         RESULT
     reader as a kid. But by 2008, when       After four months of reading,
     he was a student at Kent State, he       sketching, designing and illustrating,
     was wishing he’d taken more time         Mikey had concepted and created
     to crack a book or two, and was          a strong series of covers to interest
     looking for a way to help other          and engage his audience. (He got his
     kids avoid his mistake. So for his       degree, too.)
     master’s thesis project, Mikey
     picked books that were about             The covers were also featured on
     questioning authority (always a          prominent design blog The Daily
     popular topic with junior-high           Heller, and — this is maybe the
     audiences) and gave them the edgy,       coolest part — were recently chosen
     illustrative rock-art cover treatment.   by Out of Print clothing for their
                                              first artist series, turning Mikey’s art
                                              into T-shirts. And not just any shirts:
                                              With every sale, Out of Print donates
                                              a book to an underprivileged child.
                                              So Mikey ended up getting kids
                                              reading after all.


     What started out as a stocking-        up requesting additional art to
     stuffer project turned into            complement the initial work.
     the creation of a whole visual
     toolbox for the client, including      RESULT
     customizable indoor and outdoor
     scenes for customers to decorate       The final piece was picked up by
     with Lisa’s custom artwork.            a fairly well-known, good-sized
                                            retailer by the name of Walmart,
     SHA artist Lisa Ballard got into the   and sold so well in its initial run
     mindset of the 6- to 12-year-old       that they chose to offer it again
     target audience by interviewing        the following holiday season.
     kids, checking popular youth           What’s more, Lisa’s art was a hit
     websites to make sure her artwork      on social media and has found its
     was on trend, and, well, by just       way into numerous presentations
     enjoying the assignment. In Scott’s    and craft projects. Looking back,
     words, “The more fun Lisa had,         Creative Director Deidre Evans
     the better the art kept getting.”      says “This project actually went
     A collection of stickers quickly       really smoothly. The brand team
     revealed itself as an image library    was amazed at how quickly we got
     in the making, and the client ended    to something we loved.”
     Dan Townsend, owner and Creative        client credits with distinguishing
     Director at Townsend Communication      their brand in a competitive field
     Arts client geotechnical construction   and even helping (no kidding) grow
     firm Hayward Baker, was actually        sales by 500%. “The illustrations
     just looking for somebody               have taken on a life of their own*
     who understood unusual visual           and elevated Hayward Baker to
     perspective. What they got with John    the status of #1 Geotechnical
     Maggard was “a brilliant illustrator    Engineering firm in North America.”
     who gave us so much more.” But          John has enjoyed working on it,
     we’re jumping a head. Initially this    too: “It’s always a challenge … we’ve
     specialty organization, whose work is   utilized many different points of
     typically unseen below the surface of   view and themes over the years to
     the Earth, sought art for the annual    provide something different and
     calendar they send to customers,        visually interesting, while keeping
     suppliers, and industry experts.        the informational component
     And for obvious logistical reasons,     realistic and accurate.”
     photography was out.
                                             * He’s not kidding about the “life of their
                                             own” part, either. John’s artwork has gone
     RESULT                                  beyond the annual calendar to be used as
     SHA artist John Maggard fit the bill    engineering aids in colleges and institutions
                                             around the world.
     and then some, creating ingenious
     artwork that launched a twelve-year
     (and counting) relationship that the

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Scotthull 121012.lowres

  • 1. The Value of the Visual Voice Say that three times fast Selected philosophies of Scott Hull Associates
  • 2. ORIGINAL ART WORKS. Nothing against words. We love words; don’t get us wrong. But the right image can often inspire a quicker understanding of a concept. And now that time is just about the scarcest commodity there is, that speed of processing – and of sharing, of course – delivers huge value to our clients. So is the tired cliché right? Is a picture really worth a thousand words? We’re not sure. But compared to those thousand words, a picture is sure a lot quicker to read.
  • 3. Corporations Museums & Displays Product Licenses Nike Miami Children’s Museum Antioch Starbucks NCAA College Football Hall of Out of Print Clothing Loews Fame New Creative Enterprises YUMM Cincinnati Reds Stadium Bath & Body Disney Resorts Huskies Hall of Fame EK Success Major League Baseball Houston Astros Stadium National Football League Edison Stadium Non-Profit Organizations J P Morgan Chase HRhodesWorks U.S. Postal Service Land’s End 1220 Exhibit Catholic Health Associates Scott Hull Associates has had the Microsof t ExPlus American Red Cross Redbox CIP International America Heart Association Perfetti Van Melle HOK Save the Children opportunity to work with an incredible Hayward Baker Hasbro National Civil War Museum Center for Disease Control Disabled American Veterans Orchard Group list of clients, from national advertising Agencies & Design Groups Publishing agencies and design firms to Fortune 500 Pentagram Scholastic Landor Arthur A . Levine Books Leo Burnett Bantam Books SCOTT HULL ASSOCIATES companies. Our artists have appeared Energy BBDO Cramer Krasselt Harper Collins Harcourt Brace 937-433-8383 scott in Fast Company and Wired magazine, G2 DDB Chicago Chronicle Books Tor Books the Harry Potter book series, as well as Publicis Simon & Schuster VMA International Crown Publishing Abelson Taylor Storey Publishing campaigns for Coke and Nike, to name a Deutsch Design Works Penguin Publishing Loyola University few. We’d love to add you to that list. Editorial Harvard Business Review Branding and Packaging Fast Company Johnson & Johnson Magazine Group Beringer Blass Estates The Atlantic Proctor & Gamble Wired Magazine Hasbro Bon Appétit Milton Bradley Jamie Magazine LPK Barron’s Southeast Brewing Company Real Simple Golden Axe Cider Wine Spectator Landor Norte Dame Alumni
  • 4. If nobody feels anything, nobody will do anything. That’s why, in our opinon, moving the market a lways comes down to moving a person – evoking a n emotion. What evokes emotion more effectively than Art? With more than 30 years of experience creating visual solutions in partnership with a variety of clients, Scott Hull Associates knows that a successful image is the result of three key elements: th e th r e e S TE P S OF S COTT H U L L AS S O CIATE S: ORIGINALITY+ Originality + We’re noticing the movement back to organic, hands-on Collaboration To be truly effective in today’s media-saturated = Results Getting on the consumer ’s radar screen, and staying COLLABORATION = design, which of course environment it takes many for longer than a blip, represents an opportunity people working together, requires a feat bordering for the illustrator. Agencies with a shared set of on the impossible. The and design groups seem to objectives, to create the successful illustrator needs be searching for a way to visuals that will trigger a to harness these trends into connect with their consumer, response. Each of our artists viable visuals that move RESULTS not just get their attention work closely with the client to markets. We believe that a for a fleeting moment, and create original artwork that strong original illustration illustration is a natural fit. enables them to tell their story. will connect with our client ’s consumer in a way that no other medium can and will create measurable response. 6 7
  • 5. The easiest way to stand out is to do something completely new. Imitation The artists at Scott Hull Associates are is anonymity, surefire. always doing new and interesting things. Here are just a few examples. Originalit y It’s not just about art. It’s about solving problems in unique ways. Mark pernice MASK project Larry Moore Painting History: The Last Shuttle Launch Andrea Eberbach pet portraits 8 9
  • 6. Originality MARK PERNICE Makes a Face AT 1.5 Million Surely, at some point, Mark It took a little figuring out and Pernice’s mom must have told him a whole lot of sculpting, but that if he made a funny face long once it was finished Mark’s idea enough it would stay that way. turned out just as he’d planned. But Mrs. Pernice probably didn’t It also garnered a response way account for his ingenuity in making beyond what he’d anticipated: sure that exact thing happened for 1.5 million image hits in the real when young Mark used Apple’s first three months, write-ups in Photo Booth, a moonlighting mask Wired, The Huffington Post, Fast maker out of Minneapolis and some Company, Gizmodo, DesignBoom, great photos of the results to create Booooooom, Glamcult, Buzzfeed an unmistakable self-promotional and It’s Nice That, to name art experiment. a few. Thanks to the massive viral response, Mark now has a growing following and an instantly recognizable face. (Sort of.) 10
  • 7. ORIGINALITY Larry Moore + Painting History: The Last Shuttle Launch Growing up just a stone’s throw Larry managed a distinctive effect from Cape Canaveral, Larry Moore with a low-tech approach: “It was was always fascinated by the space sorta funny, as all these other guys program. Having a father who was there in the press area were setting Apollo Operations test manager up their HD 360 view cameras didn’t hurt, either. But he didn’t with sat uplink hardware in custom aspire to be an astronaut: “When plastic covered boxes, there I I was 11, my dad took me to visit was standing with brush in hand the studio of one of his friends, an painting away.” artist for NASA. He was working on And though the experience was a painting of an astronaut on the an unforgettable privilege for moon with the lunar landing module Larry, he’s actually ready to part in the background, and it hadn’t with the fruits of his labor. “Yes, happened yet. Right then it hit me, the originals are for sale, price on “That’s what I want to do”. request. I don’t generally keep my Many years later, Larry got the paintings, I keep the memories.” opportunity to come full circle by documenting the final launch of Atlantis – on canvas. 12
  • 8. Originality ANDREA EBERBACH + PET PORTRAITS Andrea Eberbach has a special Just look at it: An incredibly understanding of our shorter, charming series of pet portraits. furrier counterparts and will be It’s tough to describe what gives the first to tell you how fun it them their appeal, but maybe is to do what she’s done here: that’s to be expected. As Andrea try and capture each animal’s says, “The relationships we have personality in a portrait. with our cats and dogs go beyond With three cats of her own – logic. There’s just an irresistible L.T., Jimmy and Bella – as well bond we share with them.” as healthy friendships with all the dogs in her neighborhood, Andrea does not discriminate amongst her fuzzy friends. And she’d never, ever pledge allegiance to either side of the dog/cat controversy. As far as she’s concerned, they’re all too charming to choose a favorite. 14 15
  • 9. HOW IT WORKS Pricing and Investment Collaboration is one of You describe the missing piece in your puzzle, and Scott helps find the artist who’s a perfect fit. Evocative illustration, whimsical typography, exactly right logo or Let us work with your budget and see if we can’t keep the bang/ buck ratio right where it should be. Since pricing can be stressful, preparation is the key. Knowing you have the right information, none of the above, we’ll make a match. as well as knowing the parameters of what to ask for, will give our strong suits. Through Listen Our artists love working as a team. They listen to your everyone the confidence needed to be successful. Asking the right questions to determine your needs, the usage of work and extent of usage. ideas closely, and might even improve on them a bit. We collaboration with have a definite stake in seeing things turn out well — even Be prepared at the beginning with the following information to though it’s ultimately your idea, we’re working hard on it. evaluate the project investment. The prices depend upon many So you get the professionalism of seamless collaboration, factors, including the use that the buyer intends to make of the work, the size and stature of the geographical area, the client’s clients, our artists gain a but with the full engagement of a passionate artist. budget, the urgency of the deadline, the complexity of the project Polish and the reputation of the talent. We need to know what your Custom art is how you stand out from the crowd. That’s highest expectations are for the project, as well as a bottom line strong understanding of why we provide artwork that’s guaranteed to be one- list such as: of-a- kind and specific to your brand. Of course, it’s also polished to pristine inimitable standards, ensuring that you Usage of work look your best – and not like anybody else. We work until [ ] What are your customer’s usage needs? the subject matter. Which you’re happy. Presto [ ] Media: Are the needs within presentations, print, trade ads, media, non-household promotions, packaging, Internet or other applications? Voilà. A promising brainstorm is transformed into a living, translates into powerful [ ] What is the circulation or the number of pieces printed? breathing illustration. Which is when you get the files exactly as you need them to be, whether the art is going on the side of a soup can or the side of building. We’re Extent of usage [ ] Is this for presentation use for a client meeting or focus group? artwork. Which translates creative folks, sure, but we’re also pros who know and understand real-world applications. Is this one-time reproduction rights in print or media to the specific market or geographical area? Asking the right stuff up front helps us maximize your [ ] Is this for unlimited usage within specific market, geographical into real results. investment down the road. See just how easy it is to get area or period of time? the ball rolling to create something new – something that changes everything. [ ] Is this for non-exclusive, exclusive, exclusive rights or all rights under copyright law or multiplied use without the permission of the firm? 16 17
  • 10. Original artwork lends itself to an original idea, rather than an idea yielding and compromising to the misleading “cost-effective” solution. LPK + MICH AE L B AST COLL A B O R ATIO N WORKING WITH SOMEONE IS BETTER THAN M I CHA EL B AST FOR SOMEONE. Originality + Pringles brand needed a fresh energetic look for its new line Collaboration Michael Bast worked closely with LPK in Cincinnati and, = Results A seamless process from design, illustration and of Extreme flavors. With an with their strategy and his production that resulted in a already established relationship, vision, combined efforts to happy client with an effective they turned to Michael Bast surpass the needs of the package. 18 to give it the emotion that Pringles Brand. 19 photography could not capture.
  • 11. COLLABORATION LPK + MICHAEL BAST The Design team at LPK needed to sketches and files catered to their push the Pringles brand into an even needs. The result of knowing their idea more energetic direction, and they had has been realized? LPK likes to call it a hunch that photography wouldn’t “Warm and Fuzzy Goodness.” trigger the response they had in mind. Michael Bast has worked with such Actual pickles can only do so much. clients as Hidden Valley ranch, Celestial Michael Bast, the accomplished food Seasonings, Keebler, Sunkist, and other artist, was able to help. brands you’ve probably got in your LPK chose to visit, where cupboard. See more of his work at the they found an intuitive search engine newly designed that helped them track down artists with the aesthetic that they were after. Michael worked alongside the LPK design team, providing them with tight 20 21
  • 12. COLLABORATION Teamotions + PENELOPE Dullaghan A while back Motto asked Scott Hull The collaboration began with a mood Associates’ Penelope Dullaghan board Penelope created to establish to collaborate on a new brand a visual starting ground (love mood identity for their client Teamotions. boards!). Then she came up with Teamotions was established in 2008 an abstract icon that represented a after Rachel Crawford tragically person wrapped around a cup of tea lost her twin daughters, and her few and also evokes an image of a mother moments of peace were found in her holding her baby. Penelope must tea ritual. Her sister Crystal said, “I have drawn a hundred of those little wish there was something I could guys until one was deemed “perfect”. put in your tea to make you feel Next came hand-lettering which was better.” And knowing nothing like just as exhaustive, none of which that existed, the two of them decided made it to the final, unfortunately. to create it themselves. The company But the exercise in typography and they formed now offers teas blended variation couldn’t be beat! The final with herbs that help the body handle logo was then applied to packaging stress, boost immunity and support and collateral, with each flavor being emotional well-being, transforming a differentiated by color. simple cup into a healing experience. 22 23
  • 13. COLLABORATION Jamie Magazine + MEG HUNT Not every world-famous chef also “plants, people, activities, would have a Gardening section inanimate objects… The list goes in his magazine, but Jamie Oliver on!” With Meg Hunt, she knew she’d certainly does. In fact, he has his found her girl. own gardener – Peter Wrapson – “This section has become an and Jamie Magazine art director ongoing job for Meg, as her colorful Adrienne Pitts was determined to style and attention to detail really reflect Peter’s passion with the combine to create illustrations that perfect illustration. jump off the page. Some of the “Gardening appears in the front of topics are a little tricky, but she the magazine with a lot of newsy always comes up with charming and items surrounding it,” she explains. detailed works that enhance the “As such, the pages really need to words on the page. She’s a delight sing out – be colorful, attention to work with and strengthens the grabbing, and beautiful.” And, visual brand of our magazine.” because of the broad range of topics covered from issue to issue, Adrienne needed an illustrator who could illustrate not only food, but 24
  • 14. 3,000 advertising messages. That’s the ORIGINALITY + COLLABORATION = RESULTS daily average for today’s consumer. We have collected a few case studies to illustrate how You must show them something ORIGINALITY + COLLABORATION = RESULTS in our day to they’ve never seen before. day operations. RE S U LTS ORIGINAL ART WORKS. FRCH + MARK REIDY AIRHEADS + LISA BALLARD PANERA BREAD + CURTIS PARKER John Maggard + Hayward Baker 26 27
  • 15. RESULTS FRCH + MARK REIDY When FRCH initially contacted relief. Mark worked hand in hand Mark Reidy, they were looking for with the sculptor to supply the help to visualize the new Great final art in a way that made the American Ballpark in Cincinnati, process go smoothly. The final Ohio. What they didn’t expect was effect is a welcome sight. an entire visual identity inside and Mark Reidy’s heroic post-modern out. Mark was able to create art style was perfect for translating for the ballpark’s logo signage, into a series of mosaic murals that exterior sculptural bas-relief, and hang inside the main entrance of two murals showcasing the great the park. The two murals depict teams in Red’s history translated the great teams of Reds history. into interior mosaics. Mark’s iconic talent and expertise at production enabled FRCH to shine in the eyes RESULT of their client, and the stadium to An entire visual identity inside and shine in the eyes of the fans.Great out that helped the stadium to American Ballpark in CIncinnati, shine in the eyes of the fans while Ohio was sculpted into a 50ft bas keeping the history of Cincinnati. 28
  • 16. RESULTS PANERA BREAD + CURTIS PARKER Did you know Panera Bread builds RESULT each bakery cafe from the ground VP / Design Creative at Panera up, with architects and designers Bread Jay Jung said “It turned thinking through all aspects out to be an amazing piece of art of the project, including which and full of incredible detail and neighborhood it’s in? Realizing that, activity” and we’d agree. Curtis did it makes sense that they wouldn’t a fantastic job. Jay also mentioned choose off-the-shelf art for their enjoying the collaboration carefully considered spaces. with Curtis, saying “it worked And in the case of this custom beautifully, just discussing the mural for a building-side in a objectives of the project directly California location, SHA artist with the artist.” And as little bit of Curtis Parker cooked up a 40 x project trivia, Jay added, “If there 12-foot painting that reflected the just happens to be a small group history of the city — local planners of work men in an obscure corner were emphatic that it couldn’t be of the mural enjoying a sandwich about Panera itself — as well as from Panera, I really can’t tell you evoking the feel that Panera was how that got in there!” looking for. 30
  • 17. RESULTS LITERARY CLASSICS + MIKEY BURTON Mikey Burton wasn’t really a big RESULT reader as a kid. But by 2008, when After four months of reading, he was a student at Kent State, he sketching, designing and illustrating, was wishing he’d taken more time Mikey had concepted and created to crack a book or two, and was a strong series of covers to interest looking for a way to help other and engage his audience. (He got his kids avoid his mistake. So for his degree, too.) master’s thesis project, Mikey picked books that were about The covers were also featured on questioning authority (always a prominent design blog The Daily popular topic with junior-high Heller, and — this is maybe the audiences) and gave them the edgy, coolest part — were recently chosen illustrative rock-art cover treatment. by Out of Print clothing for their first artist series, turning Mikey’s art into T-shirts. And not just any shirts: With every sale, Out of Print donates a book to an underprivileged child. So Mikey ended up getting kids reading after all. 32
  • 18. RESULTS AIRHEADS + LISA BALLARD What started out as a stocking- up requesting additional art to stuffer project turned into complement the initial work. the creation of a whole visual toolbox for the client, including RESULT customizable indoor and outdoor scenes for customers to decorate The final piece was picked up by with Lisa’s custom artwork. a fairly well-known, good-sized retailer by the name of Walmart, SHA artist Lisa Ballard got into the and sold so well in its initial run mindset of the 6- to 12-year-old that they chose to offer it again target audience by interviewing the following holiday season. kids, checking popular youth What’s more, Lisa’s art was a hit websites to make sure her artwork on social media and has found its was on trend, and, well, by just way into numerous presentations enjoying the assignment. In Scott’s and craft projects. Looking back, words, “The more fun Lisa had, Creative Director Deidre Evans the better the art kept getting.” says “This project actually went A collection of stickers quickly really smoothly. The brand team revealed itself as an image library was amazed at how quickly we got in the making, and the client ended to something we loved.” 34
  • 19. RESULTS HAYWARD BAKER + JOHN MAGGARD Dan Townsend, owner and Creative client credits with distinguishing Director at Townsend Communication their brand in a competitive field Arts client geotechnical construction and even helping (no kidding) grow firm Hayward Baker, was actually sales by 500%. “The illustrations just looking for somebody have taken on a life of their own* who understood unusual visual and elevated Hayward Baker to perspective. What they got with John the status of #1 Geotechnical Maggard was “a brilliant illustrator Engineering firm in North America.” who gave us so much more.” But John has enjoyed working on it, we’re jumping a head. Initially this too: “It’s always a challenge … we’ve specialty organization, whose work is utilized many different points of typically unseen below the surface of view and themes over the years to the Earth, sought art for the annual provide something different and calendar they send to customers, visually interesting, while keeping suppliers, and industry experts. the informational component And for obvious logistical reasons, realistic and accurate.” photography was out. * He’s not kidding about the “life of their own” part, either. John’s artwork has gone RESULT beyond the annual calendar to be used as SHA artist John Maggard fit the bill engineering aids in colleges and institutions around the world. and then some, creating ingenious artwork that launched a twelve-year (and counting) relationship that the 36
  • 20. SCOTT HULL ASSOCIATES 937-433-8383 scott