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Chapter 1: Introducfion to Macroeconomics
6. Which of the following topics are more likely to be studied in macroeconomics
A. The price of beef, wage differences between genders and antitrUst laws.
B. How CUsfomers maximize utility and how prices are established in markets for
agricultural products.
C. The effect of taxes on the process of airline tickets, the profitability of
automobile-manufacturing firms and employment trends in the food-service
D. The percentage of the labor force that is out work and differences in average
income from country to country.
. These are all conventional
m a c r o e c o n o m i c s objectives except
A. to achieve price stabiity.
B. to maximize employment generation.
C. to achieve economy growth
D. to achieve equilibrium in foreign sector.
2. Macroeconomics is concerned with the study of
A. the effect of a reduction in income fax rates on the nation's total output.
B. how consumers in kuala lumpur respond fo an increase in flour prices.
C. the effect of an increase income tax on a typical household's purchase of
D. the effect of changing wages on the market for agriculture products.
7. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that
A. studies the effects and consequences of the aggregate behavior of all
decision - making units in the economy
B. is concerned only with the determination of individual market prices.
C. studies the pricing strategy of companies.
D. studies only inflation.
3. Which of the following statements best defines macroeconomics?
A. Macroeconomics is the study of how individual prices are determined.
B. Macroeconomics is the study of how governments maximize their revenues.
C. Macroeconomics is the study of the consumption patterns of low-income
8. Objectives of Islamic macroeconomics include all of the following except
A. to achieve economic justice and freedom.
B. to praduce many business firms.
C. to maximize employmenf generation.
D. Macroeconomics is the study of the entire economy. D. to achieve universal educafion.
4. Macroeconomics is
9. What is the meaning of "equilibrium" in macroeconomics
he study of study how households and firm make decisions and how
B. the study of money and financial markets.
C. the study of
economy- wide phenomend.
D. the study of market regulations.
A. Aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply.
B. Total value of output produced is more than total value of expenditure.
C. Aggregate supply is more than aggregate demand.
D. Aggregate demand is more than aggregate supply.
5. Social justice in distribution of income and wealth is refers fto
10. Macroeconomics is concerned about all except one of the following
A. the general economic factors that determine income.
B. the production decisions involving consumer goods in a market.
C. saving and investment from the standpoint of the whole economy.
D. the general price level.
A. the principle of brotherhood in Islam.
encompases social, political, economic and justice between
being, individuals, institutions and nations.
decisIon faken is to make the approval of allah and to achieve
D. all of the above.
Chapter 2:
Measuring NationalIncom
6. Gross Domestic Product (GP) measures
A. the market value of intermediafe products produced durina the
B. the market value of final products produced in the nation driear
C. the sum of the markef value oft final products produces and i
the year.
D. the sum
of the market value of both final and intermei
produced during the year.
11.Injection into an
A. an increase in
B. a decrease in inflation.
C. an increase in national income.
D. an increase in import.
12. The total value of income earned by Malaysian is equal to
7. National income of a cOunfry can be caicuiated USing the
following aporooch
except iches A. personal disposable income.
B. gross domestic product at market price.
C. gross national product at factor cost.
D. gros domestic product at factor cost.
A. income approach.
B. expenditure approach.
C. product approach.
D. leakage approach.
13. Gross domestic productf (GDP) does not include
i. intermediate goods as well as final goods
second- hand goods sold in the cuent time period
foreign produced goods
8. Personal income is:
A. the amount households have for consumption, savings and payment of
personal taxes.
B. national income minus corporate profits and EPF plus transfer paymenfs.
C. total income received by household before taxes.
D. all of above.
A. (i) only.
B. (lü) and (i) only.
C. (i) and (ii) only.
D. (). (i) and (ii).
14. Which of the following serves as an example of the underground or "shadow"
9. Which of the following is a true statement concerning transfer paymenis
A. Transfer payments are included in the import category of GDP.
Ufimately, transfer payments must be repaid to the goverrnmeni
A. A man sells illegal drugs and fails to report his income.
B. A woman barters home repairs with her neighbor.
C. A teenager baby-sits regularly and fails to report her income.
D. All of the above are correct.
rdnsrer payments are
payments made by the government for
good or service is CuTently received in return.
15. Which of the following is not a payment made to household in exchange for
goods and services?
ranster payments are included in the next exports category o
10.In the circular flow of income model, components of
Component of leakage are
A. Taxes
B. Rent
C. Wages
D. Profit
investment, government expenditure and export; saving, Tax nd export
B. Saving. faxes and imports; investment, government expenalO
C.government expenditure, taxes and import; savings,invesi and impo
savings,investment and exports: government expendifure,
1 0
Chapter 3: Determinafion of National Income Equilibrium
Chapter 3: Determination of National Income Equilibrium
6. The following boundaries of investment in Islam except for
A. investment emphasizing welfare
B. interest based investment
12.The consumption function is given as C =
280 0.8Yd. if income is RM2,000
and net taxes are RM200, consumption equals
C. investment based on al-maslahah
A. RMI 820
B. RM1 800
C. RMI 720
D. investment based on syariah principles
7. Investment demand curve will shift to the least as the result of D. RM1 700
A. a decrease in business taxes.
13. Which of the following are components of aggregate expenditures?
B. an advancement of technology.
C. business pessimism about the future economic condition.
D. a decrease in the interest rate.
A. Household consumption, business investment, government transfer
paymernf and net exports.
B. Household consumption, business investment, govemment spending for
goods and services and saving.
C. Household consumption, business investment, government spending for
goods and services and exports.
D. Household consumption, business investment. government spending for
goods and services and net exports.
8. At the breakeven point in the analysis of national income equilibrium,
A. income is less than consumption.
B. income equal consumption.
C. saving is negative.
D. saving is posifive.
14. If the autonomoUs Consumption increases, the size of the multiplier would
9. The multiplier effect means that A. increase.
B. decrease.
C. either increase or decrease depending on the size of the change in
autonomous consumption.
D. remain constant.
A. a small decline in the MPC can cause equilibrium national income to rise
by several times that amount.
B. a small increase in investment can cause national income to change by a
larger amount.
C. consumption is typically several times as large as saving.
D. a small change in consumption demand can lead to a much larger
increase in investment.
15. The average propensity to save is calculated by dividing
A. saving by income.
B. total income bysaving.
C. change in income by change in saving.
D. change in saving by income.
10. Given that the saving function in a two sector economy is S =
- 100 + 0.2Yd,
then the value of multiplier in this economy is
A. 1.25
16. Which of the following is a leakage?
A. Imports of machineries.
B. Rental expenditure by a company.
C. Expenditure bya government entify.
D. Investment outside the country.
C. 4.00
D. 5.00
11. How much is the marginal propensity to consume if the investment multipller
A. 0.2.
B. 0.6.
C. 0.4.
D. 1.0 43
Chapter4: Money, Barnking and Financial Institutions
6. Which ofthe following is notpart of money supply M1
A. Negotiable bills
B. Coins.
C. Curent deposit at commercial banks
D. Traveler's checks.
7. The main job of bank Negara Malaysia is to
A. provide low - interest loans to all financial institutions.
B. control the rate of growth of the money Supply.
C. manage the national debt.
D. none of the above.
8. A
partnership for a
specific business acfivify where the leader does not on
provide the capital but also participates in the
management is known as
A. al-Wakalah
B. al-Murabahah
C. al- Mudharabah
D. al-MUsyarakah
9. Which of the
following statements is incorrect?
A. Ihere is a
precautionary demand for money because of
receipt of future income.
Ine precautionary demand for money is
unaffected by the
holding Ml balances.
.Ihere Is a
precautionary demand for money because o
D. The
precautionary demand for money is not related fo
ty about
Thespeculative motive of
demand for money depend may the
A. interest rate
B. money supply
C. level of
general price level
11.Which of the
following is not an
Islamic financia
A. A-Falah.
al producte
B. Al-Wadiah.
C. Al-MUSsyarakah.
D. A-Mudharabah.
Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial institutions
laved that people wanted fo hold money for three (3) purposes
1 2 . K e y n e s b e l i e v e
n a m e l y
T r a n s a c t i o n
P r e c a u t i o n a r y
i. Speculative
A. iv), and (v)
B. (i), (ii) and fiv)
C. i). (i), and (i)
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following may increase money supply in an economy?
A. An increase in the discount rate.
B. A decrease in the discount rate.
C. An increase in reserve requirement.
D. Bank Negara Malaysia sells government
securities in the open
14. The three main tools of monetary policy are
A. fax rate, government
and open
market operations.
B. discount rate, reserve ratio and open
market operations.
reserve ratio and discountrate.
D. tax rate, discount rate and open
market operations.
5. In lslam, the owner of liquid capital uses his capital for investment through the
mode of
A. al- 'araf
B. al-falah
C. al- wadiah
D. al- mudharabah
6. Nadia deposits RM100 into her savings
account every
month. Her daughter,
Maisarah keep all her coins in Affin Bank.
functioning as
These are examples of money
A. a standard of deferred paymenfs.
B. a store of value.
C. a medium of exchange.
D. commodity money.
Chapter4:Money, Banking and Financialinstitution
The table below presents the monetary aggregate money supply for Malavsin
RM million
Demand deposits
2 620
Fiat money
Savings and fixed deposits in commercial banks 2300
Savings and fixed deposits with other banking institutions 3 400
Saving in trust units (ASB, ASN)
Saving in Bank
Simpanan Nasional
2 130
Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial Instifutions
The following table contains the information about the components ot money
Supply of a country.
RM million
Fiat money
9 700
Paper money
Fixed and savings deposits in commercial banks
13 600
Fixed and savings deposits in other financial institutions 7 800
Negotiable certificates
3 690
Central Bank certificates
10 000
Current deposits in commercial banks
11 600
a Calculate the values for MI, M2 and M3. 170o + )%dy 2
212o 0
b) Define near money and calculate its value.
cl List any two (2) monetary fools tnar ne
government Can usa to reduce money
Supply in the economy.
Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial Institutions
a The following data are money supply in year 2015.
RM million
8 400
Negotiable certificate
32 000
Current deposits in commercial banks
18 400
Fiat money
Paper money
6 222
Savings deposits in commercial banks
20 400
avings and fixed deposits in other financial institution
7 600
Fxed deposits in commercial banks
Calculate the amount of foken money. |6400- Q030 - 437d
Calculate the value ofMl and M3(8400 T32dov Joyoo (m/)
What is the amounfor brOaa moneyeM3-m = 426 >v
b Given cash ratio is 7%; how muCn
creai Canbe created if initial denait
Chapter 4:Money, Banking and Financial Institutions
The following table shows the balance sheet of Bank A. (figures are in million)
Assets Liabilities
Cash reserves RM 60 000 |Current deposits RM 300 000
Loans RM 240 000
Total RM 300 O00 Total RM 300 000
6 0 v o 0
0 2 0 t r -
a) Calculate the cash reserve ratio. 200
b Based on the cash reserve ratio in question (a) dbove, how much credit can be
created by Bank A?
C) Assume that a borrower takes a loan of RM240 000 from Bank A and deposits it in
Bank B, with the same cash reserve requiremenf, show the new balance sheet of
3 0 0 0 0
Bank B.
d)Calculate the amount of credit created by Bank B.
Define money supply M1, M2 and M3.
Chapter 5: Public Finance Chapter 5: Public Finance
5. Mariani pays a tax of RM300 on her income of RM60.000, while t .
of RM120 on her income of RM40,000. This tfax structure is
while Jovita pays a
tax 11. Thefollo
are fhe
SOUrces or governmentrevenue except
A. constant.
B. regresSive.
C. progressive.
D. proportional.
A. court fines
B . r a n s t e r p a y m e n t
i n c o m e
fhe world bank
12 If a person is faxed RMI00 on an income of RM1000, taxed RM220 on an income
of RM2000 and taxed RM390 on an income of RM3000, this person is paying a
6. The following are the government operating expenditure except
A. Emoluments.
B. upgrading facilities.
C. Subsidies. A. excise fax
B. regressive tax
C. proportional tax
D. progressive tax
D. pension.
7. A federal budget deficit ocCurs when
A. there is inflation.
B. there is deflation.
13. Which of the following is not a source for an islamic governmenf?
C. aggregate demand is grater then aggregate supply.
D. federal government purchases exceed net taxes.
A. Gharar.
B. Jizyah.
C. Zakat.
D. Khara.
8. Budget deficit tends to
4. Table 1: Income Tax paid at Various
Country I
Countryll Country V
A. reduce inflation.
B. reduce unemployment.
C. reduce aggregate demand.
D. give no effect on the
2 000
3 000
9. AsSume an
economy Is ar tul
employment but
planned investment exceeas
planned saving, ofher things being equal, what fiscal policy actions would besi
address these problems? Which of the following
country is implanting
tax rate?
A. Increase taxes and decrease
government spending.
B. Increase both taxes and
government spending.
C. Decrease taxes and increase
government spendina.
D. Decrease both faxes and
governmenf spending.
A. I
C. I
A. cutting
g O v e r n m e n f
and tax
r e v e n u e s .
B. cutting
g o v e r n m e n t
and rising fax
r e v e n u e s .
C. raising
tax revenues and
g o v e r n m e n t
e x p e n d i t u r e s .
r e v e n u e s
a n a nising
g o v e r n m e n t
e x p e n d i t u r e s .
10. Fiscal policy includes the following except
15. Which of the
i n c r e a s e
GDP of an
e c o n o m y ?
changes in government expenditures.
B. changes in sales tax.
C. changes in interest rates.
D. changes in income tax.
Chapter 5: Public Finance
The following table shows government spending and fax revenue for a hypothei-
economy over a five-year period. All figures are in millions.
Year Govenment Revenue (RM)
Government Expenditure(RM
a) In what year was there a
budget surplus and what was tne
b) In what years were there budget deficits and what were tne
c) What is the total amount of
public debt in this econoy
what was the amounts?
ere the amounts?
the fiveye
Chapter 5: Public Finance
Given the amount of taxes as follows.
Country A Countryy B CountryC
Tax paid ($) Tax paid ($) Tax paid ($)
Income ($)
600 1200
1500 1200
2700 1350
a Clasify tax structure
implemented by country A, B, and C.
Chapter 6: Macroeconomics Problems
Chapter 6.
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions
dividuals to find jobs because
The unemployment rate is the
cyclically unemployedindivi
A. percentage of the total population which is out of work.
B. ratio of unemployed to employed worker.
C. percentage of the labor force which is out of work.
D. none of the above.
e c o n o m y
iS in
r e c e s s i o n .
A they
l o O k e d long
enough to find a job.
C.they quit
fheir at last jod
view the suspicion.
O they do not meet fhe
q u a l i t i c a f i o n s
required for the available jobs.
2. The type unemployment that occurs during recessions is
inflation may
be caused by
A. cyclical unemployment.
B. frictional unemployment.
C. seasonal unemployment.
D. structural unemployment.
A. a fall in per
unit cost of
B. an
i n c r e a s e in
r e s o u r c e
C. an
i n c r e a s e in the aggregate
d e m a n d .
D. an
i n c r e a s e in fhe wage
3. People who are not working will be counted as
employment if they aree
inflation is due to
A. retrenched.
B. quit voluntarily.
C. absent from the job because of bad weather
D. all of the above.
A. foo much money
too few goods.
B. increase in prices of
r e s o u r c e s .
C. e x c e s s
c o n s u m e r
D. the e c o n o m y
at full level of
e m p l o y m e n t .
4. Which one of the following groups benefits from inflation?
A. Savers.
i n e
g o v e r n m e n t
c a n
u n e m p l o y m e n t
infiation by
B. Lenders.
A. Curbing the level of
m a n i p u l a t i n g
. m a n i p u l a t i n g
a v a i l a b i l i t y ofnatural
r e s o u r c e s .
m a n i p u l a t i n g
a v a i l a b i l i t y
of capital
r e s O u r c e s .
C. Borrowers.
D. Pensioners.
5. Inflation rate is measured using
A. consumer price index (CPI).
B. cost of production.
C. unemployment.
D. interest rate.
l o help
close an
g o v e r n m e n t
A. decreasetaxes
. I n c r e a s e government
C. run
D. run
s u r p l u s e s .
6. Which of the following types or
unemployment is
d e c r e a s e
a g g r e g a r e
c o s t - push
i n c r e a s e
a g g r e g a r e
C d u s i n g
c o s t - p u s h
i n f l a t i o n .
i n c r e a s e
a g g r e g a t e
c a u s i n g
D . i n c r e a s e a g g r e g a t e
I n c r e a s e
in oil
A. Cyclical.
B. Structural.
C. Disguised.
D. Frictional.
d e m a n d - p u l l
d e m a n d
and causing
d e m a n d -pull
i n f l a t i o n .
Chapter 6: Macroeconomics Problems
Answer the following questions based on the table below.
Number of people (million)
Working full time
Under 16
Working part time
b) Unemployment rate.
16. Given the
compared to another
same amount ot resource, It one COuntry Can produce more of a
ompared to another country, that county is said to have
11.Thesituationwhen a country exports more than it imports is knownq
A. an expansion.
B. a term of trade.
A. productive advantage.
B. a
C. an
D. ratio of exporf price index to import price index.
C. a trade surplus.
D. a budget surplus.
12. Special drawing rights are
17. The main reason why one nation trades with another is to
A. a form of international reserve holdings created by fhe IMF to help maintain
purchasing power parities.
a form of international money created by the IMF that member countries can
Use to settle international accounts.
A. improve political alliances.
B. exploit fhe advantage of specialization.
C. save its natural resources from rapid depletion.
D. eliminate the danger of retaliation from other nations.
a form of international barier to trade created by the IMF to help maintain
fixed exchange rates between member countries.
D. none of the above.
18. An increase in demand for Ringgit Malaysia in the floating exchange rate system
will lead to
13. If the exchange rate of yen for dollars increase from 100 yen =USD1 to 110 yen =
USD1, then
A. the yen has
B. the dollar has
C. Japanese goods will become more
D. U.S
produced goods wll become more
A. an appreciation of Ringgit Malaysia.
B. a depreciation of Ringgit Malaysia.
C. along-term shortage of RinggitMalaysia.
D. a long-term surplus of Rin9git Malaysia.
14. A
country is said fo have a
comparative advantage in the
production of a goO0
. Which of the followings
included in the current
when it A. Net income.
B. Curent transfer.
C. Financial account.
Balance of goods
and services
requires fewer labor hours to
produce the good.
B. has lower
opportunity cost of
producing the good.
C. can
produce the good uSing Tewer
resources than another country. 20. Based on the
information given in the
table below,
if these
a c c o r d i n g
to their
c o m p a r a t i v e
a d v a n t a g e s ,
Country Y should
D. all of the above.
15.Balance of trade, services balance and net
transfers are
components in
A. curent accounf. 16
B. capital account.
balance account.
D. official financing account.
A. not
b r e a d or
b o n bredd
C. produce bread.
D . p r o d u c e c a k e s .
Chapter 7: International Trade
Given below are the production possibilities of two cOuntries in producing cow and
tuna using the same amount of resources.
CountrY Cow Tuna
120 240 V
300 60
New Zealand
a) Construct a table to show the opportunity cost of each product for each
b) Based on the value of the opporfunify cost which country should specialize in
which production?
Construct a table to show fofal oufput situation after specialization.
product for each
d) What term of trade will benefit both countries?
Explain two (2) tools used to restrict imports.
Chapter 7: Intemational Trade
The following data shows the Balance of Payment for Country Z in the year 2015.
RM millioon
1 820
6 580
Income from investment
Government transaction
2 870
Direct investment
3 500
3 220
Other services
6 300
Error and omission
CApt- CA
5 950
2 030
Secondary income
3 640
Portfolio investment
Disposal of
N o n - P r o d u c e d
N o n - F i n a n c i a l
Based on the given
i n f o r m a t i o n ,
B a l a n c e of trade.
- } : 63
services. lE2ot 65yo taeio + 1oTo t 30
Balance ofcurenfaccount.
b %o+ Iss40 + 66, *5zo* 2y36,
of capital
financial account. o a
b a l a n c e .
3430 t13790t
63e0 4f»
700 =
f) The
effect on
r e s e r v e s
assers of this country.
Suvptus 1»o P>
m 444So
Chapter 7: International Trade
The balance of payment data for one country is shown below.
RM Million
17 600
Compensation of employees
10 240
Direct investment
42 880
Services imports Cve)
Investment income 29 360
Merchandise exports 59 360
Telecommunications 34 000
Secondary income 5 040
Merchandise imports 41 840
Eror and omission
2 800
a) Balance oftrade. 51340 -qi&yo 195
DBalance of current account. s>o +(q s8on+3vooo)+ ( 17 6o0 + A3667 sogo*
c) Overall balánce.
6o64o+to2qo + 2800 ts8 banpwa)
Chapter 7: International Trade
The following table
following table shows the Balance of Payments for a country in the year2015.
Items RM million
Exports 47,000
Imports 19,500
Insurance and pension services 800
Acquisition of Non-Produced Non-Financial assets. 11,100
Secondary income
Direct investment
Tourism and transportations
Eror and omissions
transfer Cta ace 3,700
Primary income 8,000
P o r t f o l i o i n v e s t m e n t
B a l a n c e of
o t
0 o 0 *
I S O o 0 + SI5o =4
14 5o
C u r e n t
B a l a n c e ( + 7 o e
7 0 t
R R *
S o + 70o t 3700
B a l a n c e
o0 + Gso =
q t o o u yh
B a l a n c e
I o o
* l 7 0 0 + o
c) ets of this country? State the value of reserves
W h a t is the
e f f e c t
effect on
r e s e n v e s

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Bus 475 guide 1   55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...Bus 475 guide 1   55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...
Bus 475 guide 1 55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 57) Which of the following statements is correct? A. An in...
Bus 475 guide 1   57) Which of the following statements is correct?  A. An in...Bus 475 guide 1   57) Which of the following statements is correct?  A. An in...
Bus 475 guide 1 57) Which of the following statements is correct? A. An in...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...
Bus 475 guide 1   68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...Bus 475 guide 1   68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...
Bus 475 guide 1 68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...
Bus 475 guide 1   C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...Bus 475 guide 1   C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...
Bus 475 guide 1 C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question: P(S | W) is...
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question:   P(S | W) is...Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question:   P(S | W) is...
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question: P(S | W) is...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 65) Exchange rate risk: A. has been phased out due to rece...
Bus 475 guide 1   65) Exchange rate risk:  A. has been phased out due to rece...Bus 475 guide 1   65) Exchange rate risk:  A. has been phased out due to rece...
Bus 475 guide 1 65) Exchange rate risk: A. has been phased out due to rece...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...
Bus 475 guide 1   59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...Bus 475 guide 1   59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...
Bus 475 guide 1 59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...
Bus 475 guide 1   49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...Bus 475 guide 1   49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...
Bus 475 guide 1 49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...
Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...
Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...jackkumaran
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...jackkumaran

Similar to Revision ECO211 UITM____________________ (20)

Bus 475 guide 1 56) Which of the following is not a source for external dat...
Bus 475 guide 1   56) Which of the following is not a source for external dat...Bus 475 guide 1   56) Which of the following is not a source for external dat...
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Bus 475 guide 1 43) Which of the following statements is true? A. If A and B...
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Bus 475 guide 1 64) Which of the following is most consistent with the hedg...
Bus 475 guide 1 52) Which is not a tool of statistical quality control? A....
Bus 475 guide 1   52) Which is not a tool of statistical quality control?  A....Bus 475 guide 1   52) Which is not a tool of statistical quality control?  A....
Bus 475 guide 1 52) Which is not a tool of statistical quality control? A....
Bus 475 guide 1 44) Use the following table to answer question: Are Service...
Bus 475 guide 1 44) Use the following table to answer question:   Are Service...Bus 475 guide 1 44) Use the following table to answer question:   Are Service...
Bus 475 guide 1 44) Use the following table to answer question: Are Service...
Bus 475 guide 1 63) Which of the following best represents operating income?...
Bus 475 guide 1  63) Which of the following best represents operating income?...Bus 475 guide 1  63) Which of the following best represents operating income?...
Bus 475 guide 1 63) Which of the following best represents operating income?...
Bus 475 guide 1 55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...
Bus 475 guide 1   55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...Bus 475 guide 1   55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...
Bus 475 guide 1 55) When your purchases are swiped over the bar-code reader...
Bus 475 guide 1 57) Which of the following statements is correct? A. An in...
Bus 475 guide 1   57) Which of the following statements is correct?  A. An in...Bus 475 guide 1   57) Which of the following statements is correct?  A. An in...
Bus 475 guide 1 57) Which of the following statements is correct? A. An in...
Bus 475 guide 1 68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...
Bus 475 guide 1   68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...Bus 475 guide 1   68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...
Bus 475 guide 1 68) If the quote for a forward exchange contract is greater...
Bus 475 guide 1 C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...
Bus 475 guide 1   C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...Bus 475 guide 1   C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...
Bus 475 guide 1 C. functional area information system D. dashboard E. offic...
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question: P(S | W) is...
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question:   P(S | W) is...Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question:   P(S | W) is...
Bus 475 guide 1 45) Use the following table to answer question: P(S | W) is...
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...
Bus 475 guide 1 66) A machine costs $1,000, has a three-year life, and has an...
Bus 475 guide 1 65) Exchange rate risk: A. has been phased out due to rece...
Bus 475 guide 1   65) Exchange rate risk:  A. has been phased out due to rece...Bus 475 guide 1   65) Exchange rate risk:  A. has been phased out due to rece...
Bus 475 guide 1 65) Exchange rate risk: A. has been phased out due to rece...
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...
Bus 475 guide 1 40) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ____...
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...
Bus 475 guide 1 47) Thirty patients are selected from a filing cabinet contai...
Bus 475 guide 1 59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...
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Bus 475 guide 1 59) Information-based industries are most susceptible to wh...
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Bus 475 guide 1   49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...Bus 475 guide 1   49) Which one of the following statements concerning produc...
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Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...
Bus 475 guide 1 53) Fundamental points about network computing in organizatio...
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...
Bus 475 guide 1 51) Queuing models use an A/B/C notation. What do these varia...

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Revision ECO211 UITM____________________

  • 1. Chapter 1: Introducfion to Macroeconomics PartA:Multiple Choices Questions 6. Which of the following topics are more likely to be studied in macroeconomics A. The price of beef, wage differences between genders and antitrUst laws. B. How CUsfomers maximize utility and how prices are established in markets for agricultural products. C. The effect of taxes on the process of airline tickets, the profitability of automobile-manufacturing firms and employment trends in the food-service industry. D. The percentage of the labor force that is out work and differences in average income from country to country. . These are all conventional m a c r o e c o n o m i c s objectives except A. to achieve price stabiity. B. to maximize employment generation. C. to achieve economy growth D. to achieve equilibrium in foreign sector. 2. Macroeconomics is concerned with the study of A. the effect of a reduction in income fax rates on the nation's total output. B. how consumers in kuala lumpur respond fo an increase in flour prices. C. the effect of an increase income tax on a typical household's purchase of goods. D. the effect of changing wages on the market for agriculture products. 7. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that A. studies the effects and consequences of the aggregate behavior of all decision - making units in the economy B. is concerned only with the determination of individual market prices. C. studies the pricing strategy of companies. D. studies only inflation. 3. Which of the following statements best defines macroeconomics? A. Macroeconomics is the study of how individual prices are determined. B. Macroeconomics is the study of how governments maximize their revenues. C. Macroeconomics is the study of the consumption patterns of low-income households. 8. Objectives of Islamic macroeconomics include all of the following except A. to achieve economic justice and freedom. B. to praduce many business firms. C. to maximize employmenf generation. D. Macroeconomics is the study of the entire economy. D. to achieve universal educafion. 4. Macroeconomics is 9. What is the meaning of "equilibrium" in macroeconomics A. he study of study how households and firm make decisions and how ine inferact. B. the study of money and financial markets. C. the study of economy- wide phenomend. D. the study of market regulations. A. Aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. B. Total value of output produced is more than total value of expenditure. C. Aggregate supply is more than aggregate demand. D. Aggregate demand is more than aggregate supply. 5. Social justice in distribution of income and wealth is refers fto 10. Macroeconomics is concerned about all except one of the following A. the general economic factors that determine income. B. the production decisions involving consumer goods in a market. C. saving and investment from the standpoint of the whole economy. D. the general price level. A. the principle of brotherhood in Islam. encompases social, political, economic and justice between being, individuals, institutions and nations. humdn decisIon faken is to make the approval of allah and to achieve D. all of the above. lah". 5 4
  • 2. Chapter 2: Measuring NationalIncom 6. Gross Domestic Product (GP) measures A. the market value of intermediafe products produced durina the B. the market value of final products produced in the nation driear C. the sum of the markef value oft final products produces and i the year. D. the sum of the market value of both final and intermei produced during the year. 11.Injection into an economywillcause A. an increase in unemployment. B. a decrease in inflation. C. an increase in national income. D. an increase in import. uring ducts 12. The total value of income earned by Malaysian is equal to 7. National income of a cOunfry can be caicuiated USing the following aporooch except iches A. personal disposable income. B. gross domestic product at market price. C. gross national product at factor cost. D. gros domestic product at factor cost. A. income approach. B. expenditure approach. C. product approach. D. leakage approach. 13. Gross domestic productf (GDP) does not include i. intermediate goods as well as final goods second- hand goods sold in the cuent time period foreign produced goods 8. Personal income is: . A. the amount households have for consumption, savings and payment of personal taxes. B. national income minus corporate profits and EPF plus transfer paymenfs. C. total income received by household before taxes. D. all of above. A. (i) only. B. (lü) and (i) only. C. (i) and (ii) only. D. (). (i) and (ii). 14. Which of the following serves as an example of the underground or "shadow" economy? 9. Which of the following is a true statement concerning transfer paymenis A. Transfer payments are included in the import category of GDP. B. Ufimately, transfer payments must be repaid to the goverrnmeni recipients. A. A man sells illegal drugs and fails to report his income. B. A woman barters home repairs with her neighbor. C. A teenager baby-sits regularly and fails to report her income. D. All of the above are correct. the no rdnsrer payments are payments made by the government for wi good or service is CuTently received in return. 15. Which of the following is not a payment made to household in exchange for goods and services? D. ranster payments are included in the next exports category o O 10.In the circular flow of income model, components of injecrio Component of leakage are while re A. Taxes B. Rent C. Wages D. Profit A. investment, government expenditure and export; saving, Tax nd export B. Saving. faxes and imports; investment, government expenalO C.government expenditure, taxes and import; savings,invesi and impo D. savings,investment and exports: government expendifure, 11 1 0
  • 3. Chapter 3: Determinafion of National Income Equilibrium Chapter 3: Determination of National Income Equilibrium 6. The following boundaries of investment in Islam except for A. investment emphasizing welfare B. interest based investment 12.The consumption function is given as C = 280 0.8Yd. if income is RM2,000 and net taxes are RM200, consumption equals C. investment based on al-maslahah A. RMI 820 B. RM1 800 C. RMI 720 D. investment based on syariah principles 7. Investment demand curve will shift to the least as the result of D. RM1 700 A. a decrease in business taxes. 13. Which of the following are components of aggregate expenditures? B. an advancement of technology. C. business pessimism about the future economic condition. D. a decrease in the interest rate. A. Household consumption, business investment, government transfer paymernf and net exports. B. Household consumption, business investment, govemment spending for goods and services and saving. C. Household consumption, business investment, government spending for goods and services and exports. D. Household consumption, business investment. government spending for goods and services and net exports. 8. At the breakeven point in the analysis of national income equilibrium, A. income is less than consumption. B. income equal consumption. C. saving is negative. D. saving is posifive. 14. If the autonomoUs Consumption increases, the size of the multiplier would 9. The multiplier effect means that A. increase. B. decrease. C. either increase or decrease depending on the size of the change in autonomous consumption. D. remain constant. A. a small decline in the MPC can cause equilibrium national income to rise by several times that amount. B. a small increase in investment can cause national income to change by a larger amount. C. consumption is typically several times as large as saving. D. a small change in consumption demand can lead to a much larger increase in investment. 15. The average propensity to save is calculated by dividing A. saving by income. B. total income bysaving. C. change in income by change in saving. D. change in saving by income. 10. Given that the saving function in a two sector economy is S = - 100 + 0.2Yd, then the value of multiplier in this economy is A. 1.25 2.50 16. Which of the following is a leakage? B. A. Imports of machineries. B. Rental expenditure by a company. C. Expenditure bya government entify. D. Investment outside the country. C. 4.00 D. 5.00 11. How much is the marginal propensity to consume if the investment multipller 2.5? A. 0.2. B. 0.6. C. 0.4. D. 1.0 43 42
  • 4. Chapter4: Money, Barnking and Financial Institutions 6. Which ofthe following is notpart of money supply M1 A. Negotiable bills B. Coins. C. Curent deposit at commercial banks D. Traveler's checks. 7. The main job of bank Negara Malaysia is to A. provide low - interest loans to all financial institutions. B. control the rate of growth of the money Supply. C. manage the national debt. D. none of the above. 8. A partnership for a specific business acfivify where the leader does not on provide the capital but also participates in the management is known as A. al-Wakalah B. al-Murabahah C. al- Mudharabah D. al-MUsyarakah 9. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Ihere is a precautionary demand for money because of unceriuy the receipt of future income. 5. Ine precautionary demand for money is unaffected by the oppo holding Ml balances. .Ihere Is a precautionary demand for money because o expenditures. D. The precautionary demand for money is not related fo inc ty about JnityCOS oected e. 10. Thespeculative motive of demand for money depend may the A. interest rate B. money supply C. level of income D. general price level 11.Which of the following is not an Islamic financia A. A-Falah. al producte B. Al-Wadiah. C. Al-MUSsyarakah. D. A-Mudharabah. 90
  • 5. Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial institutions laved that people wanted fo hold money for three (3) purposes 1 2 . K e y n e s b e l i e v e n a m e l y T r a n s a c t i o n P r e c a u t i o n a r y i. Speculative Wealth iv. Liquidity V. A. iv), and (v) B. (i), (ii) and fiv) C. i). (i), and (i) D. All of the above 13. Which of the following may increase money supply in an economy? A. An increase in the discount rate. B. A decrease in the discount rate. C. An increase in reserve requirement. D. Bank Negara Malaysia sells government securities in the open market. 14. The three main tools of monetary policy are A. fax rate, government expenditures and open market operations. B. discount rate, reserve ratio and open market operations. C.government expenditures, reserve ratio and discountrate. D. tax rate, discount rate and open market operations. 5. In lslam, the owner of liquid capital uses his capital for investment through the mode of A. al- 'araf B. al-falah C. al- wadiah D. al- mudharabah 6. Nadia deposits RM100 into her savings account every month. Her daughter, Maisarah keep all her coins in Affin Bank. functioning as These are examples of money A. a standard of deferred paymenfs. B. a store of value. C. a medium of exchange. D. commodity money.
  • 6. Chapter4:Money, Banking and Financialinstitution QUESTION 6 The table below presents the monetary aggregate money supply for Malavsin 2014. tems RM million Demand deposits 2 620 Fiat money 500 Savings and fixed deposits in commercial banks 2300 Traveler'scheques 650 Savings and fixed deposits with other banking institutions 3 400 Saving in trust units (ASB, ASN) Saving in Bank Simpanan Nasional 6600 2 130 Calculate:
  • 7. Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial Instifutions QUESTION 8 The following table contains the information about the components ot money Supply of a country. Items RM million Fiat money 9 700 Paper money 6740X Fixed and savings deposits in commercial banks 13 600 Fixed and savings deposits in other financial institutions 7 800 Negotiable certificates 3 690 Central Bank certificates 10 000 Current deposits in commercial banks 11 600 a Calculate the values for MI, M2 and M3. 170o + )%dy 2 212o 0 b) Define near money and calculate its value. cl List any two (2) monetary fools tnar ne government Can usa to reduce money Supply in the economy.
  • 8. Chapter 4: Money, Banking and Financial Institutions QUESTION 9 a The following data are money supply in year 2015. RM million Ifems 8 400 Negotiable certificate 32 000 Current deposits in commercial banks 18 400 Fiat money 9030 Paper money 6 222 Savings deposits in commercial banks 20 400 avings and fixed deposits in other financial institution 7 600 Fxed deposits in commercial banks Cons i) i) ii Calculate the amount of foken money. |6400- Q030 - 437d Calculate the value ofMl and M3(8400 T32dov Joyoo (m/) What is the amounfor brOaa moneyeM3-m = 426 >v b Given cash ratio is 7%; how muCn creai Canbe created if initial denait RM1000e
  • 9. Chapter 4:Money, Banking and Financial Institutions QUESTION 13 The following table shows the balance sheet of Bank A. (figures are in million) Assets Liabilities Cash reserves RM 60 000 |Current deposits RM 300 000 Loans RM 240 000 Total RM 300 O00 Total RM 300 000 6 0 v o 0 0 2 0 t r - a) Calculate the cash reserve ratio. 200 b Based on the cash reserve ratio in question (a) dbove, how much credit can be created by Bank A? C) Assume that a borrower takes a loan of RM240 000 from Bank A and deposits it in Bank B, with the same cash reserve requiremenf, show the new balance sheet of 3 0 0 0 0 Bank B. d)Calculate the amount of credit created by Bank B. Define money supply M1, M2 and M3.
  • 10. Chapter 5: Public Finance Chapter 5: Public Finance 5. Mariani pays a tax of RM300 on her income of RM60.000, while t . of RM120 on her income of RM40,000. This tfax structure is while Jovita pays a tax 11. Thefollo fallowing are fhe SOUrces or governmentrevenue except A. constant. B. regresSive. C. progressive. D. proportional. A. court fines B . r a n s t e r p a y m e n t C. corprafe i n c o m e tax D. loan from fhe world bank 12 If a person is faxed RMI00 on an income of RM1000, taxed RM220 on an income of RM2000 and taxed RM390 on an income of RM3000, this person is paying a 6. The following are the government operating expenditure except A. Emoluments. B. upgrading facilities. C. Subsidies. A. excise fax B. regressive tax C. proportional tax D. progressive tax D. pension. 7. A federal budget deficit ocCurs when A. there is inflation. B. there is deflation. 13. Which of the following is not a source for an islamic governmenf? C. aggregate demand is grater then aggregate supply. D. federal government purchases exceed net taxes. A. Gharar. B. Jizyah. C. Zakat. D. Khara. 8. Budget deficit tends to 4. Table 1: Income Tax paid at Various Income Level Country I 100 200 300 Countryll Country V 100 160 180 A. reduce inflation. B. reduce unemployment. C. reduce aggregate demand. D. give no effect on the economy. Income 1000 2 000 3 000 Country 200 200 200 100 300 600 9. AsSume an economy Is ar tul employment but planned investment exceeas planned saving, ofher things being equal, what fiscal policy actions would besi address these problems? Which of the following country is implanting a propotional tax rate? A. Increase taxes and decrease government spending. B. Increase both taxes and government spending. C. Decrease taxes and increase government spendina. D. Decrease both faxes and governmenf spending. A. I B. C. I D. IV A. cutting both g O v e r n m e n f expendiTures and tax r e v e n u e s . B. cutting g o v e r n m e n t expendirures and rising fax r e v e n u e s . C. raising both tax revenues and g o v e r n m e n t e x p e n d i t u r e s . D. cutting tax r e v e n u e s a n a nising g o v e r n m e n t e x p e n d i t u r e s . 10. Fiscal policy includes the following except 15. Which of the following would i n c r e a s e real GDP of an e c o n o m y ? A. changes in government expenditures. B. changes in sales tax. C. changes in interest rates. D. changes in income tax.
  • 11. Chapter 5: Public Finance QUESTION4 The following table shows government spending and fax revenue for a hypothei- economy over a five-year period. All figures are in millions. Year Govenment Revenue (RM) Government Expenditure(RM 2012 825 800 2013 850 850 2014 875 900 2015 900 950 2016 925 1000 a) In what year was there a budget surplus and what was tne b) In what years were there budget deficits and what were tne c) What is the total amount of public debt in this econoy period? what was the amounts? ere the amounts? er the fiveye
  • 12. Chapter 5: Public Finance QUESTION 7 Given the amount of taxes as follows. Country A Countryy B CountryC Tax paid ($) Tax paid ($) Tax paid ($) Income ($) 600 1200 600 3000 1500 1200 1200 6000 2700 1350 1800 9000 a Clasify tax structure implemented by country A, B, and C.
  • 13. Chapter 6: Macroeconomics Problems Chapter 6. Part A: Multiple Choice Questions dividuals to find jobs because The unemployment rate is the cyclically unemployedindivi isdifficultfor 7. A. percentage of the total population which is out of work. B. ratio of unemployed to employed worker. C. percentage of the labor force which is out of work. D. none of the above. A. the e c o n o m y iS in r e c e s s i o n . A they have not l o O k e d long enough to find a job. C.they quit fheir at last jod dnd employers view the suspicion. O they do not meet fhe q u a l i t i c a f i o n s required for the available jobs. 2. The type unemployment that occurs during recessions is 8. Demand pull inflation may be caused by A. cyclical unemployment. B. frictional unemployment. C. seasonal unemployment. D. structural unemployment. A. a fall in per unit cost of production. B. an i n c r e a s e in r e s o u r c e availability. C. an i n c r e a s e in the aggregate d e m a n d . D. an i n c r e a s e in fhe wage rate. 3. People who are not working will be counted as employment if they aree 9. Cost-push inflation is due to A. retrenched. B. quit voluntarily. C. absent from the job because of bad weather D. all of the above. A. foo much money chasing too few goods. B. increase in prices of r e s o u r c e s . C. e x c e s s total c o n s u m e r spending. D. the e c o n o m y operating at full level of e m p l o y m e n t . 4. Which one of the following groups benefits from inflation? A. Savers. i n e g o v e r n m e n t c a n reduce u n e m p l o y m e n t orreduce infiation by B. Lenders. A. Curbing the level of immigration. B. m a n i p u l a t i n g aggregate demand. . m a n i p u l a t i n g the a v a i l a b i l i t y ofnatural r e s o u r c e s . D. m a n i p u l a t i n g the a v a i l a b i l i t y of capital r e s O u r c e s . C. Borrowers. D. Pensioners. 5. Inflation rate is measured using A. consumer price index (CPI). B. cost of production. C. unemployment. D. interest rate. l o help close an inflationary gap, the g o v e r n m e n t couId A. decreasetaxes . I n c r e a s e government spending. C. run budget deticits. D. run budget s u r p l u s e s . 6. Which of the following types or unemployment is generally duration? A. d e c r e a s e a g g r e g a r e supoiy and Causing c o s t - push inflation. B. i n c r e a s e a g g r e g a r e suppIy and C d u s i n g c o s t - p u s h i n f l a t i o n . C. i n c r e a s e a g g r e g a t e supply and c a u s i n g D . i n c r e a s e a g g r e g a t e 2. I n c r e a s e in oil prices in 2008 A. Cyclical. B. Structural. C. Disguised. D. Frictional. regate supplyand causing d e m a n d - p u l l inflation. ate d e m a n d and causing d e m a n d -pull i n f l a t i o n . hortest
  • 14. Chapter 6: Macroeconomics Problems QUESTION 4 Answer the following questions based on the table below. Component Number of people (million) 90 Working full time 50 Under 16 40 Retired 30 Working part time 5 Unemployed Calculate aLaborforce. b) Unemployment rate.
  • 15. 16. Given the narticular commodity compared to another same amount ot resource, It one COuntry Can produce more of a ompared to another country, that county is said to have 11.Thesituationwhen a country exports more than it imports is knownq A. an expansion. B. a term of trade. A. productive advantage. B. a comparafive advantage. C. an absolufe advantage. D. ratio of exporf price index to import price index. C. a trade surplus. D. a budget surplus. 12. Special drawing rights are 17. The main reason why one nation trades with another is to A. a form of international reserve holdings created by fhe IMF to help maintain purchasing power parities. a form of international money created by the IMF that member countries can Use to settle international accounts. A. improve political alliances. B. exploit fhe advantage of specialization. C. save its natural resources from rapid depletion. D. eliminate the danger of retaliation from other nations. a form of international barier to trade created by the IMF to help maintain fixed exchange rates between member countries. D. none of the above. 18. An increase in demand for Ringgit Malaysia in the floating exchange rate system will lead to 13. If the exchange rate of yen for dollars increase from 100 yen =USD1 to 110 yen = USD1, then A. the yen has appreciated. B. the dollar has depreciated. C. Japanese goods will become more expensive. D. U.S produced goods wll become more expensive. A. an appreciation of Ringgit Malaysia. B. a depreciation of Ringgit Malaysia. C. along-term shortage of RinggitMalaysia. D. a long-term surplus of Rin9git Malaysia. 14. A country is said fo have a comparative advantage in the production of a goO0 . Which of the followings not included in the current account balarnce? when it A. Net income. B. Curent transfer. C. Financial account. D. Balance of goods and services A. requires fewer labor hours to produce the good. B. has lower opportunity cost of producing the good. C. can produce the good uSing Tewer resources than another country. 20. Based on the information given in the table below, if these countries produce a c c o r d i n g to their c o m p a r a t i v e a d v a n t a g e s , Country Y should D. all of the above. Cakes 15.Balance of trade, services balance and net transfers are three components in Bread 8 Country 24 A. curent accounf. 16 24 B. capital account. balance account. D. official financing account. A. not produce b r e a d or cakes. B. produce b o n bredd and cakes. C. produce bread. D . p r o d u c e c a k e s .
  • 16. Chapter 7: International Trade QUESTION 8 Given below are the production possibilities of two cOuntries in producing cow and tuna using the same amount of resources. CountrY Cow Tuna 120 240 V Japan 300 60 New Zealand a) Construct a table to show the opportunity cost of each product for each cOuntry. b) Based on the value of the opporfunify cost which country should specialize in which production? Construct a table to show fofal oufput situation after specialization. product for each c) d) What term of trade will benefit both countries? Explain two (2) tools used to restrict imports. e
  • 17. Chapter 7: Intemational Trade QUESTION 16 The following data shows the Balance of Payment for Country Z in the year 2015. items RM millioon Exports 2100 Education 1 820 Transportation 6 580 Imports 1470 Income from investment 6160 Government transaction 2 870 Insurance 1050 Direct investment 3 500 3 220 Other services 6 300 Error and omission Capitoltransfer CApt- CA 5 950 2 030 Secondary income 3 640 Portfolio investment 700 Disposal of N o n - P r o d u c e d N o n - F i n a n c i a l assets. Based on the given i n f o r m a t i o n , calculate; a B a l a n c e of trade. 210u - } : 63 b) Balance of services. lE2ot 65yo taeio + 1oTo t 30 ISSo cl Balance ofcurenfaccount. b %o+ Iss40 + 66, *5zo* 2y36, d) Balance of capital and financial account. o a e) Overall b a l a n c e . 3430 t13790t 63e0 4f» S150 36yo+ 700 = ($7so f) The effect on r e s e r v e s assers of this country. Suvptus 1»o P> m 444So
  • 18. Chapter 7: International Trade QUESTION 23 The balance of payment data for one country is shown below. RM Million Items 17 600 Compensation of employees 10 240 Direct investment 42 880 Services imports Cve) Investment income 29 360 Merchandise exports 59 360 Telecommunications 34 000 Secondary income 5 040 Merchandise imports 41 840 Eror and omission 2 800 Calculate: a) Balance oftrade. 51340 -qi&yo 195 DBalance of current account. s>o +(q s8on+3vooo)+ ( 17 6o0 + A3667 sogo* c) Overall balánce. 6o64o+to2qo + 2800 ts8 banpwa)
  • 19. Chapter 7: International Trade QUESTION 24 The following table following table shows the Balance of Payments for a country in the year2015. Items RM million Exports 47,000 Imports 19,500 Insurance and pension services 800 Educafion 21,000 Travel 15,000 Acquisition of Non-Produced Non-Financial assets. 11,100 Secondary income 700 Direct investment 3,200 5,150 Tourism and transportations 950 Eror and omissions 2.700 Capital transfer Cta ace 3,700 Primary income 8,000 P o r t f o l i o i n v e s t m e n t Ihe B a l a n c e of Services o t 0 o 0 * I S O o 0 + SI5o =4 14 5o a) Calculate: The C u r e n t Account B a l a n c e ( + 7 o e - 14Soo) ryl45* 7 0 t 3100 R R * 7 b S o + 70o t 3700 738S d) The Overall B a l a n c e 738s0+ o0 + Gso = q t o o u yh d) C) The Capifal Account B a l a n c e I o o +3203 * l 7 0 0 + o oo 25 oo0 c) ets of this country? State the value of reserves e) W h a t is the e f f e c t assets. effect on r e s e n v e s assets e