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Red Dragon Families and Friends,                                                                     August 2011
         Greetings from Southern Salah ad Din province! Your Soldier continues to                 Inside this issue:
provide an impressive display of precision and discipline in all actions as we partner
with Iraqi Security Forces across our area of responsibility. As you read through the       Headquarters Battery       2-5
newsletter, you will see that we are executing a wide range of missions in a very               Alpha Battery          6-8
diverse area of Iraq. The tone of the message is positive because our requirements are
                                                                                                Bravo Battery         9-10
clear and Red Dragon Troopers are focused on accomplishing all tasks with excellence.
No doubt we are able to do this with the love and support you provide from home and             Golf Company         11-13
we thank you for all you are doing!
                                                                                              Chaplain’s Corner        14
         The month of August is going to bring a welcomed change for the battalion.
Our first Troopers head home for a well-deserved rest and recuperation leave. At this         Rear Detachment          15
point all have been given their target month for leave and while there may be a few             Promotions &
adjustments as we continue through the deployment, I suspect they will be very lim-            Re-enlistments          16
ited. For those that will see your Soldier very soon, have a great reunion with your            Photo Collage        17-18
loved one.
         At this point, you probably have heard, seen, or read about the political
discussions concerning the security agreement in Iraq. While our leaders work the
long-term plan out, our battalion mission remains unchanged. In the meantime, we
will make you proud by performing our duties with honor and                                Get the most up-to-date information
                                                                                                   on the Red Dragons:
continuing to build a strategic partnership with our Iraqi Security Force brothers as we
advise, train, and assist them in security operations.
         The battalion‟s communication lines remain wide open ensuring you have the
most current and accurate information about what is going on in Iraq. This also allows
those of us deployed to receive regular updates and key information about what is
going on back home as well. Thanks to those that were able to attend the town hall in
July. It was a great opportunity to clarify some of your questions. We will conduct
another town hall in October. In the meantime, we will use newsletters, Facebook,
FRG Family Night, e-mail, Skype, and phone calls to keep you
updated. As always, if you have a suggestion on how we can
improve our communication, please send a note to your FRG
leader, battery commander/first sergeant, or me/CSM Soto. We
are always looking for ways to best communicate the great
progress being made.

Thanks again for all you are doing and will do in support of the
Red Dragons!


Red Dragons!


LTC Nate Cook                                                      LTC Cook out on patrol with Bravo and a local Iraqi
                                                                                Security Force leader
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                   Page 2

        Hello Hellraiser Family and friends. We are happy to announce that we are another month down through this twelve
month deployment. Our Soldiers have been able to settle down a little more this month and were able to establish a much
more consistent battle rhythm. Our Hellraiser Platoons have remained sharp and focused throughout this entire time. We
thank you again for your continued support for all our Hellraiser troops. HHB has a very unique and complex mission, with
Soldiers in three different locations, Samarra, Joint Base Balad, and FOB Warhorse. Each of our Soldiers is doing an
incredible job taking care of business in true Hellraiser fashion, always exceeding the standard.

        We appreciate the Family member‟s patience during the town hall meeting, as we had a few technical difficulties
which delayed us. I do appreciate all of you who were able to attend and I hope we were able to address all of your
questions and concerns. As we continue through the rotation and we learn more information about the future of this
deployment I assure you we will let you know. As of now we are still expecting to be in theater for 12 months with
everyone being able to take mid-tour leave. Our Soldiers will also not lose the capability to communicate with you at any
time during the
        Congratulations goes out to 2LT Ellison and his wife, Jennifer, who had a baby boy, Eli, on 12 July 11. Once again
we appreciate all the love and support you‟ve given to each of our Soldiers. Please keep the care packages and letters
coming as it brings a smile to our Soldiers‟ faces. Thank you again for everything.

                                        Very Respectfully,                                    4 July—MSG Love
                                        Michael Roscoe                                        2 July—SSG Tyree
                                        CPT, FA Commanding                                   8 July—SPC Sarkady
                                        Hellraiser 6                                        11 July—2LT Manning
                                                                                             23 July—SPC Madera
                                                                                          27 July—PFC Montgomery

                                                                                           27 July—SSG Richardson
                                                                                              1 Aug—PFC Black
                                                                                             5 Aug—SGT Sanders
                                                                                            10 Aug—SGT Omanson
                                                                                             10 Aug—CPT Brown
                                                                                              10 Aug—LTC Cook
                                                                                           12 Aug—PFC Schwarzer
                                                                                            12 Aug—SPC Jennison
                                                                                            12 Aug—SGT Springer
                                                                                             13 Aug—PFC Bouck
                                                                                             13 Aug—PFC Stakem
                                                                                             15 Aug—SPC Ziegler
                                                                                            17 Aug—SPC Appleton
                                                                                             18 Aug—SSG Bruno
                                                                                            24 Aug—SGT Delapena
                                                                                              25 Aug—CW2 Pratt
                                                                                             26 Aug—SSG Dixon
                                                                                             26 Aug—PFC Garcia
       CPT Roscoe with Iraqi Army Soldiers from the 4th Battalion 17th Brigade             28 Aug—PFC Rodriguez
               and our furry friend, Kanto, a Military Working Dog.
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                       Page 3

         First Platoon, in its time here in Iraq, has had a mixture of experiences. There has been much opportunity for new
challenges that keep the whole platoon on its toes. The one thing that has stayed constant throughout these first two months
is the cohesion within the platoon. The platoon is so close-knit and the level of commitment that each Soldier has the person
to their right and left is beyond measure. It has been an absolute blast
to be a member of this platoon. One of First Platoon‟s members, PFC Johnson,
proved that Red Platoon was full of great Soldiers with lots of talent when he
received a Division Commander‟s Coin of Excellence from MG Perkins for his
performance during a mission where the success of the mission would have
wavered had it not been for his abilities to step up and make things happen.
         First Platoon can truly be proud of themselves for the many successes
that have been achieved as a group. There are many challenges yet to be faced
in the time ahead, but the Families back home can rest assured that each member
of First Platoon will attack each situation with determination and commitment to
everyone around them in order to ensure that the mission is successful.

                2LT Zach Williams                                                  2LT Williams and SGT Caffee with local
                1st Platoon Leader
                                                                                     Iraqi children in a local market place.

                                                         Hello to the Hellraiser Family. I would like to take this time to let
                                                you know our Soldiers are doing extraordinarily well, and have been
                                                successful in accomplishing every task asked of them. We look
                                                forward to beginning mid-tour leave, and, of course, we are excited to be one
                                                month closer to coming home. Thank you for all your love and
                                                support. Our Soldiers definitely appreciate your continued efforts from
                                                         This past month has afforded Soldiers from 2nd Platoon the
                                                opportunity to execute combined patrols with our Iraqi Army counterparts.
                                                This experience has broadened the horizons of many Soldiers. Meeting with
                                                one of the Iraqi Army platoon leaders proved to be a very rewarding
                                                experience. SSG Bartley recalls how far they‟ve come from when we first
                                                started training them during the early Operation Iraqi Freedom rotations. He
                                                was amazed at how much they‟ve improved as a professional organization
PFC Wyatt (left) and PFC Jones (Right) after
                                                and how much they‟ve learned from us. In the short period of time we‟ve
conducting a dismounted patrol in the Balad been here, we also have been able to learn from them. Patrolling with the
      Qadaa with Iraqi Army Soldiers.*          Iraqi Army will be a memory we‟ll all keep for the rest of our lives. PFC
                                                Jones stated after a mission that “the language barrier disappeared when the
Iraqi Soldier and I realized we were in the same fight together. Mutual respect for our respective countries allowed the
patrol to be very successful.”
         July has proven to be very busy for 2nd Platoon. Soldiers are adjusting well and have just finished refit and services
a few days ago. Refit week was dedicated to the servicing of all equipment and supplies. More importantly, Soldiers were
given a little more down time to call home, watch a movie, or get some extra sleep. SGT Owen said “Refit week was a
great change of pace. After ensuring all my gear was clean, I was able to spend a little extra time relaxing”.
Finally, 2nd Platoon would like to wish the Jones Family and the King Family well with the birth of their
children in August. We wish you luck and good fortune through these exciting times.
                                                                                                    2LT Andrew Roberts
                                                                                                    2nd Platoon Leader
             * Bravo Soldiers attached to HHB
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                       Page 4

       Greetings from Joint Base Balad! The platoon has had a great July as we have settled into a more sustainable battle
rhythm. We received our combat patches during a ceremony that occurred early in the month. The Battalion Commander
conducted the ceremony personally by sharing some words of encouragement, slapping on a patch, and giving a firm hand
shake. For everyone who is a first time deployer, it was a great relief to finally have our right shoulder covered up.

        Following the patching ceremony the platoon had a small ceremony of its own, where we advanced the two junior
Soldiers of the platoon. Christopher Harris and Thomas Abruzzesse were called to the front of the formation and both were
promoted to Private First Class. After receiving their new rank, they immediately dropped to the ground in order to
complete the 30 push-ups traditionally required for obtaining the rank of E-3. Afterwards, each member of the
platoon congratulated them with a handshake followed by a thump on the chest.

         The platoon was able to share a meal at a local Iraqi Police station that was quite generous in its hospitality. Fresh
onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and chicken were piled on Iraqi bread and topped with hummus. The meal was washed down
with local apple soda, the platoon‟s favorite local beverage (except Chai tea). The locals are friendly and smile and wave
when the platoon passes by. They like to pose for pictures and the children have plenty of questions to ask when patrols are
on the ground. Although the platoon has fun, we are also working incredibly hard. Our patrols have gathered important
intelligence and our vigilance ensures safety of Joint Base Balad. I hope all is well back in Texas. As always, your
continued support of our Soldiers is invaluable to the platoon‟s success. I thank you for keeping our morale high in
helping us maintain a strong warrior spirit.

        1LT Christopher Koppel
        3rd Platoon Leader

                                                                       Bravo Soldiers standing guard over gate entrance.*

     SSG Chacone pulling security while forces from the Iraqi
                  Army talk to local citizens.

                                                                                  * Bravo Soldiers attached to HHB
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                     Page 5

          Greetings, Hellraiser Family and friends, from the Radar Platoon located on FOB Warhorse. I am proud to bring you
word that your Soldier and loved ones are performing superbly. Since the Platoon‟s arrival here in Iraq, we have replaced
2-11 Field Artillery‟s radar sections and immediately began to provide the Brigade Headquarters with the valuable
information they need to help keep our Soldiers safe though out the Brigade Area of Operations. Life here on FOB Warhorse
is very comfortable. Soldiers here have access to two gyms, one with a full basketball court and one with a full set of
workout equipment, wireless Internet connections in their rooms, and a Morale Welfare and Recreations Center that provides
movies, video games, and recreational activities, such as Table Tennis, free of charge. I would like to personally thank you
for all the support and love that you show to our Soldiers while we conduct this important mission that the Army has asked
of us. We understand that it is not an easy task back home and want you to know that we appreciate all that you do. The
morale of the Platoon is extremely high. The care packages and ability for us to communicate with you back home as needed
keeps us going day to day. I know your Soldier will continue to do the outstanding jobs that they have been doing so far and
are focused on completing the mission so we can return home to you. Once again, thank you for standing in our corner and
for all your sacrifices.
                                                                                   CW2 Robert McDonald
                                                                                   Radar Platoon Leader

                  Q36 Section at FOB WARHORSE
                                                                               Q37 Section at FOB WARHORSE

                                                         Hello, Hellraiser Families and Friends. The Hellraiser Company
                                                  Intelligence Support Team (CoIST) hit the ground running in the
                                                  beginning of June by becoming fully operational within 72 hours of the
                                                  first member of the team arriving at Joint Base Balad. We immediately
                                                  began tracking all patrols operating in our Area of Operations to include
                                                  elements from the Air Force and the Navy. We have, to date, flawlessly
                                                  tracked HHB patrols and several USAF and USN elements. The CoIST
                                                  processes all intelligence the Maneuver Platoons bring in as well as
                                                  searching through a variety of intelligence databases for information to
                                                  help develop future operations, strengthen the Iraqi Security Forces, and
                                                  increase the force protection efforts of JBB. The Soldiers and NCOs that
  2LT Ramos and SGT Benson, HHB‟s COIST OIC make up the team come from four different occupational fields and have
                   and NCOIC                      done an excellent job of cross training and coalescing into a tight knit and
                                                  extremely effective intelligence section.
        We‟d like to thank you for your continued support from home. Our Soldiers really appreciate everything you have
done for us. We look forward to R&R starting, and of course we are happy to be another month down. Thank you again for
your service.
                                                                          SGT Marcus Benson
                                                                          HHB COIST NCOIC
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                      Page 6

Members of the Gator Family,

         Greetings from Joint Base Balad, Iraq. I hope this letter finds you all well and in good spirits. We have just
completed our second month “in country” and spirits are still high. The Gators continue taking the fight to the enemy at
every turn, denying him refuge, and preventing his attacks against Joint Base Balad. These men continue to develop their
skills and improve their abilities at a variety of tasks on a daily basis. This month was filled with key events on the road to
home. The 4th of July marked the 235th anniversary of our Nation‟s sovereignty from oppression and despotism; it also
marked the departure of our last batch of Gators from Ft. Hood. SFC Gray, SSG Rijos, SGTs Glass, Trinidad, and Quintero,
SPCs Resendez and Janzen, and PV2 Blas all arrived here safe and sound early this month and hit the ground running.
         You can rest assured that your Gator will return to you a better Soldier than when he left. These men also continue to
improve their physical readiness performing PT 5 days a week on top of their weekly work schedules. The heat of the Iraqi
summer is fully upon us with daytime highs reaching nearly 120 degrees in the shade, making hydration a priority when
working outside. Gator Soldiers continue to lead the way with several members of the Battery participating in the Battalion
NCO and Soldier of the Month and Quarter. The 19th saw the first Video Teleconference (VTC) between Families and the
Commanders and 1SGs of the Red Dragons, and, although we couldn‟t see you guys, it was good to hear your voices as LTC
Cook answered questions from Family members about what to expect in the days ahead. We look forward to many
promotions in the month of August as well as our first round of R&R leave. I continue to be impressed with the skill,
stamina, poise, and initiative of the Gators; there is no other outfit I‟d rather be in.
         A special congratulation goes out to SPC William Goodwin and his wife Shaylene on the birth of their son Cade
Dylan born on the 15th of July. “Baby Gator‟s” baby Gator is the newest addition to our collective Family.
         Each and every member of the Gators continues to look forward to the road ahead as we get a little closer to
completing the mission and coming home. We thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, love, and support. I
personally thank you again for what you mean to these men.

                                                                                           Very Respectfully,
                                                                                           Bryan S. Hammond
                                                                                           CPT, FA Commanding
                                                                                           Gator 6

                                                                                               3 Aug—PFC Bidia
                                                                                             7 Aug—SGT Velasco
                                                                                             10 Aug—SPC Janszen
                                                                                           12 Aug—PFC Stadelmeier
                                                                                             13 Aug—SSG Rosario
                                                                                            16 Aug—1LT Forstner
                                                                                              17 Aug—SPC Lopez
                                                                                              18 Aug—SPC Dane

             CPT Hammond during introductions at a Key Leader Engagement
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                     Page 7

         1st Platoon still can‟t find the beach here in sunny Iraq; but we did find some Howitzers to fire. Gator Red is out
front again, this time having the distinction of executing both maneuver and Artillery missions. At the time of changing over
from maneuver missions to firing missions, Gator Red ranked high in the battalion in the number of missions executed,
         proving yet again that the Gator Battery and Red Platoon are always out front. Morale is still high and everyone is
taking quickly to their new assignments. The battery has received several howitzers, and gotten them fire mission ready -
truly a yeoman's task in the 115+ Iraqi heat. The gun crews have added a new capability to the battalion, allowing the Red
Dragons to be “snipers” from miles away. While the muscle is on the gun line, the heavy thinking is done in the FDC. FDC
personnel have spun up a fully functional “brain” in a shockingly short amount of time. Most of the credit goes to soon to be
promoted SGT Fred Williams; his promotion is long overdue and well deserved. As always, the men look
forward to your letters, packages, and e-mails and will be in touch as much as possible. That‟s all from this little corner of
the world, Gator Red 6 out.

        1LT Michael Hobgood
        1st Platoon Leader

                                                     1LT Hobgood and SGT Reho preparing to go on mission

        2ND Platoon is still going strong. The platoon‟s morale is high due to successful missions and support from home.
                                                   The platoon welcomed new members this month, with the arrival of the
                                                   final main body flight. The men are growing more proficient, both
                                                   individually and as a unit, each day. They are adaptable and have overcome
                                                   any mission that has been thrown at them, from patrols to engaging key
                                                   leadership of the area. The junior members of the platoon continue to step
                                                   up and grow into the future leaders of Alpha Battery. SPC Hyndman in
                                                   particular was named Battery Soldier of the week on July 3rd. The first
                                                   members of 2nd PLT are looking forward to EML and getting to see their
                                                   loved ones at home. The guys still do PT at least 5 days a week, and are
                                                   getting as fit as ever. While the days are hot, the guys are getting
                                                   acclimatized, and are adjusting to the dynamic and changing environment.
                                                   Everyone looks forward to coming home and seeing their loved ones again.
 SGT Canning with Iraqi counterparts during a
                                                                                  2LT Scott Smith
                                                                                  2nd Platoon Leader
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                      Page 8

         3rd Platoon is still going hard and fighting the good
fight. The men in the platoon are increasing their physical
and mental capabilities every day and coming together as a
fighting force. Every day spent together brings us closer to
being those “Brothers in Arms” of the 21st century. While
they miss everyone at home, the packages and letters help,
and the first Soldiers will get to go on EML. The morale is
superb, and each mission brings new challenges and hurdles
to overcome. While it is hot, hot, hot this month here in
Iraq, the men are well acclimatized, and will
continue to bring the fight to the enemy. We cannot wait to
come home safe and see everyone as soon as possible.

                         1LT Anthony Forstner
                         3rd Platoon Leader

                                                                      SFC Sollano being served Chai tea at a Key Leader

                                                                           HQ Platoon is still supporting the fight. With the
                                                                 arrival of the last main body we have had some personnel
                                                                 changes; however, the transition went very smoothly. The
                                                                 hours changed, we‟re keeping busy, and the days are
                                                                 counting off until we end mission. Special congratulations
                                                                 go out to SPC Goodwin and his wife Shaylene for the birth
                                                                 of their baby boy, Cade Dylan Goodwin, on 15 JUL. Also,
                                                                 congratulations go out to SGT Sikes and PFC Kreuger, both
                                                                 of whom will be moving up in rank 1 AUG. The COIST cell
                                                                 continues to provide our platoons with the most up-to-date
                                                                 intelligence so they can complete the missions as safely and
                                                                 effectively as possible. The TOC is keeping the lines of
SGT Alvarez and SPC Thomson smiling in front of Alpha‟s COIST communication open and the information flowing.
      cell as they bring information together after the mission           All of the packages that you send are getting to your
                                                                Soldier as quickly as possible so keep them coming. The BC
and 1SG are leading from the top and ensuring that all Soldiers have the necessary training and information so that we can
all come home safe.
                                                                  2LT Caleb Gaasch
                                                                  COIST/HQ Platoon Leader
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                     Page 9

         A lot has occurred in the past month. We have continued our mission to advise and assist our Iraqi counterparts in
their fight to secure Iraq and make it a safer place upon our departure. We have continued to train hard, as well as further
improve our daily life here in Samarra. The weather has definitely intensified with temperatures reaching the 120s on some
days. Our hard work with quality of life improvements to the SJCC is clearly evident and it has definitely boosted morale
here. Our Battery has been laser-focused on partnering with our host-nation forces. We continue to advise, train, and assist
them to ensure they are more than prepared to take control of Iraq once our forces leave. It has been, and continues to be, a
privilege to work side-by-side with our host-nation counterparts. We would also like to thank the Families of Thunder
Battery for their continued support while we are here in Iraq. We definitely cannot accomplish our mission without support
from back home. Morale continues to be high in the unit as we look forward to continuing our joint efforts with Iraqi
Security Forces to better secure our AO and Iraq as a whole. Although we have been in Samarra only a short while, the men
of Thunder Battery have clearly made a lasting impact as we continue to strive to make Iraq a safer and better place to live.

        Very Respectfully,
        Jason A. Williams
        CPT, FA Commanding
        Thunder 6

          12 Aug—PFC Tibbits
          25 Aug—SSG Coons
          27 Aug—PFC Aguilar

                                             CPT Williams, along with LTC Cook and LTC Coglianese, taking a picture
                                                       with LTC Ghayath of the host-nation security force
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                 Page 10

       White Platoon has been keeping extremely busy in Samarra. We have been steadfast in providing security for the
base, partnering with the host-nation security forces commander as he travels to his meetings, and securing the commander
as he conducts his Key Leader Engagements to secure the city of Samarra. Physical
Training has been an essential task in the daily lives of White Platoon. Organized
PT is conducted once a day and most of the platoon has taken it upon themselves
to continue training on their own time. Our Platoon Sergeant, SFC Christopher
Schuerger, sets weekly challenges on the white board in the gym that everyone,
including our Iraqi counterparts, are invited to attempt. Platoon cohesion has
continued to rise, as well as morale in general. White Platoon continues to train
on a daily basis and provide security for the city of Samarra through unwavering
support to our Iraqi brothers in arms.

                          1LT Michael O‟Donnell
                          1st Platoon Leader
                                                                                  PFC Horsley securing a gate outside the
                                                                                      Mayor of Samarra‟s Building

      Headquarters Platoon has done an outstanding job upgrading our compound since we arrived here in early June and
                                               making the SJCC an enjoyable place to live. The Tactical Operations
                                               Center personnel, led by SGT Richard Gray and SGT Benjamin Stahl,
                                               have done an outstanding job ensuring that Thunder Battery is
                                               running operations efficiently and effectively. Our cooks and
                                               maintenance team, led by SSG Martin and SGT Gifford, respectively,
                                               have performed well, ensuring that Thunder Soldiers are well-fed and the
                                               vehicles are well maintained.
                                                     Our medical team, led by SGT Flaherty, has worked diligently to
                                               ensure the high hygiene standards are upheld here at the SJCC and taking
                                               care of Soldier‟s bumps and bruises. SSG Jones, our communications
                                               expert, has been relentless in keeping communications open between
                                               Thunder Battery and the rest of the battalion, which is no small feat
                                                     The COIST here in Samarra is made up of SSG Thomas Coons,
                                               SPC Tommie Clemeno, PFC Michael Nolasco, and our Law Enforcement
                                               Professional. They have done an incredible job uncovering terrorist
                                               networks and exploiting evidence in order to assist our Iraqi Partners in
 PFC Tibbits of Headquarters platoon standing
                                               capturing extremists.
                                                     Morale continues to be high in the unit as we look forward to
                                               continuing our joint efforts with Iraqi Security Forces to better secure our
                                               operating environment and Iraq as a whole. Although we have been in
                                               Samarra only a short while, we believe we have made a lasting imprint as
                                               we continue to strive to make Iraq a safer and better place to live.

                                                                                2LT Sean Murphy
                                                                                COIST Leader
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                      Page 11

Friends, Family, and loved ones of the Gladiator Family,

         I bring you greetings from Joint Base Balad, Iraq. As this deployment continues, the can-do attitudes that emanate
from hard working Gladiators never cease to amaze me. Although hot and dusty, the middle eastern climate conditions pose
no challenge to our Soldiers‟ will. Still, they rise to the challenge of accomplishing our company‟s mission day in and day
out. All members of our team work collectively to ensure mission success.
         Our Headquarters platoon is a driving force in our ability to sustain our Soldiers out in Samarra. The CL I section
plans and coordinates the delivery and preparation of all CL I food and water. Care packages full of our favorite snacks are
welcome, but you can rest assured that your Soldiers won‟t need canned goods to sustain them - our cooks are on duty 24/7!
         Also imbedded within the Headquarters Platoon is the COIST (Company Intelligence Support Team); this team is
pivotal. They capture by-the-minute intelligence and provide an accurate report on patterns of life outside our base. A large
portion of our success can also be attributed to our Distribution Maneuver Platoon. Our Soldiers and NCOs are unrelenting
in contributing to a safe and secure Iraq by patrolling the streets of Iraq and delivering all classes of supply. No matter the
length of time or frequency, these men and women can be counted on to carry out the mission with precision and discipline.
         Last, but certainly not least, is our Maintenance Platoon. These men and women are an integral cog in the wheel that
drives our organization. Overall responsible for the upkeep of the battalion‟s fleet, we wouldn‟t be able to accomplish our
mission without them.
         Our time here also brought about transition in our command team. On 15 July, we bid farewell to 1SG Towns. The
Gladiator family wishes 1SG Towns the best in all his endeavors with the 15th BSB SPO Shop. On the day of the Change of
Responsibility, the Gladiator family also welcomed 1SG Triplett to our team. We all look forward to accomplishing the
mission with him.

Very Respectfully,
Crystal E. Chatman
CPT, LG Commanding
Gladiator 6                                            CPT Chatman hands the guidon to
                                                        incoming 1SG Triplett during the
                                                     Change of Responsibility Ceremony.

Dear Gladiator Soldiers and Family members,

         I wanted to take a moment to say that it’s a pleasure and an honor to serve as your First Sergeant. I look
forward to our time together and to getting to know each and every one of you on a professional and personal level. I am no
stranger to 1st Calvary Division or Red Dragons. I recently was assigned to B Co 15th BSB, 2BCT,1 CD so I know the hard
work and sacrifice that it takes to be on the First Team. There will be long days and nights ahead of us but I can assure you
that I will do all I can to make the road easier for every one inside and outside the Gladiator formation. I envision the unit
growing into a family of professional Soldiers and dedicated Family members. We all come from different backgrounds, but
have one common goal and that is to be a cohesive unit and build the team that can’t be divided.

Yours truly,
1SG Gary Triplett
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                    Page 12

         Greetings from the tropical, sandy paradise of Iraq! Headquarters Platoon has been working hard and trying to match
the Distribution Platoon on their high level of effort. SGT McGee has cross loaded over 11,000 serving of rations from Joint
Base Balad to Samarra. This plays a tremendous role because it allows our field feeding section in Samarra, led by SSG
Martin and SGT Chatman, to cook three hot meals a day. Next, SGT Colon, our master driver, has been working around the
clock training Soldiers on how to drive Mine Resistance Ambush Protection (MRAP) vehicles and forklifts.
         The Gladiators work hard, but we also play hard here in Joint Base Balad. We volunteered many of our Soldiers to
help out with Iraqi Kids day, where PFC Hickman escorted and played with Iraqi kids. Last but not least, SGT Taylor, AKA
„UPS Man‟, is our mail handler; he has passed out over 1,100 pieces of mail to Gladiator Soldiers, in addition to his role as
the food manager. The Soldiers all look forward to your letters, packages, and emails and your continued support helps keep
morale high and gives us a taste of home. So keep them coming! We‟re keeping friends and Family in our thoughts and look
forward to coming home when the mission is complete.

                                                                          2LT Hoang Le
                                                                          XO/HQ Platoon Leader

              SGT DaSilva directs PV2 Patterson
                  on a dismounted patrol.                                PFC Thompkins and PVT Fiolek assisting
                                                                         in loading rations for Soldiers at Samarra.

         In the month of July, the Distribution Platoon has meshed into the difficult cycle of deployment and developed a
regular battle rhythm. The month has seen increased responsibility for the Maneuver Platoon. The Soldiers remain vigilant in
their duties and have excelled in their difficult assignment. The Cargo Section continues to ensure that all resupply missions
to Samarra are prepped in time, and assist the Maneuver Platoon in ensuring that all vehicles are prepared for mission. With
the constantly changing assignments for Golf FSC, the Cargo Section is always adapting to prepare for what‟s next. The
Distribution Platoon strives to balance its role as the logistical support for the Battalion with its new combat
function, but has succeeded in adapting and is prepared for the months to come.

                 2LT Matthew Cline
                 Distribution Platoon Leader
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                     Page 13

         July is over and the Maintenance Platoon has been the work horse of the 3-82 Field Artillery Battalion. Working
long days outside with temperatures reaching over 120 degrees, these Soldiers show the determination and will to succeed
with every drop of sweat that comes from their bodies. The Maintenance Platoon has set up another section to
service, repair, and keep our Paladins ready to fire and destroy our enemies at a minutes‟ notice. The Soldiers would like to
thank the Family members back home for the love and encouragement you have shown with all the letters and care
packages. Your support has raised the morale of these Soldiers and keeps them striving for excellence on a daily basis.

                 2LT Amanda Fonk
                 Maintenance Platoon Leader
                                                                                     7 Jul—SGT Colonvazquez
                                                                                        8 Jul— SFC Stewart
                                                                                         27 Jul—SGT Vila

                                                                                        27 Jul—SGT Kuilan
                                                                                        3 Aug—SGT Boman
                                                                                          8 Aug—SPC Self
                                                                                       10 Aug—SFC Hoskins
                                                                                       10 Aug—SGT Fullard
                                                                                      11 Aug—SGT Chatman
                                                                                       14 Aug—PFC Devine
                                                                                       15 Aug—SFC Wright
                                                                                       16 Aug—PFC Roberts
                                                                                       17 Aug—SPC Hanten
                                                                                      21 Aug—SPC Hendricks
                                                                                         23 Aug—SPC Epps

           PFC Cook downloading repair parts at the motorpool

                                                                              PFC Denton repairing an M1114 HMMWV
Page 14                                                                                          3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

                              CHAPLAIN’S CORNER
        Greetings from the Red Dragon Religious Support Team (RST)! We have had the unique opportunity and great
privilege of ministering to your Red Dragons for the past 60 days in Iraq. As a late arrival to the battalion, I did not get the
opportunity to meet many of you before deployment. I have, however, been able to get to know you through your
Soldiers. I look forward to getting to know you personally upon redeployment to Ft. Hood.

         Between now and then, the RST is making every effort to ensure your Soldiers‟ spiritual needs are being addressed
and provided for. There are many opportunities here to exercise religious freedoms according to one‟s faith tradition, very
much as it is at Ft. Hood. Additionally, the RST prays with patrols before they depart, conducts weekly Bible Studies and
worship services, conducts resiliency classes every Sunday afternoon, and hosts a monthly Prayer Lunch at the dining
facility. As often as the mission allows, Red Dragon Soldiers are enlisted to directly participate in those activities by
playing a musical instrument, leading a prayer, or otherwise having a speaking role.

         For you, the month of July brought the familiar Independence Day traditions: fireworks, backyard barbecues, and
fun in the sun and water. A vital piece of this year‟s celebrations was missing, though—your Soldiers. Though you missed
them terribly, the reason for their absence is a good reminder for all of us what that day of celebration is all about. Your
Soldiers were in Iraq protecting the principles of the document known as the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776
the elected representatives of the American people declared to England and the world that tyranny in America was forever
banished. Brave Soldiers had to back that claim up with muskets and bayonets through many years of harsh
warfare. In the end, the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness prevailed in America…and have ever since.
Your Red Dragons are continuing that tradition first established in 1776. Some things are worth fighting for; among them
are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Thank you for all you have to do so that your Soldiers can keep the declara-
tion of freedom in America alive for another generation.

CPT Darrell Burriss
3-82 FA Chaplain
“Red Dragons!”

    Red Dragon Strong Warriors of the Week

                                                                                 3-82 FA Chaplain, CPT Burriss, and his
                                                                                          assistant, PFC Kim
       SGT Matthew Bland of Golf Battery 28 June—4 July

                                                                                       July Newborns!
       PFC Timothy Rogers of Golf Battery 5 July—11 July
                                                                             2LT Shane Ellison of HHB and his wife,
                                                                            Jennifer, had a baby boy, Eli, on 12 July 2011
      PFC Justin Scherrer of Alpha Battery 12 July—18 July
                                                                             SPC William Goodwin of Alpha Battery and
                                                                             his wife, Shaylene, had a baby boy, Cade, on
          SPC Alex Toro of Golf Battery 19 July—25 July
                                                                             15 July 2011

                                                                             SPC J.C. Van Pelt and his wife, Amanda,
                                                                             had a baby boy, Avery, on 30 July 2011
Page 15                                                                                       3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

                                  Rear Detachment Letter
Red Dragons, Families, and Friends,

         July has already flown by, and what an awesome month you all have made it! I want to thank all of you for making
our different events possible and spectacular; your support and hard work made them all a success. The Red Dragon Family
Night saw a great turnout on 14 July, and the slideshow from forward, update from forward, and MAJ Sutten (2 nd Brigade
Rear Detachment Commander) as the guest speaker all made for an informative and fun get-together. I hope the 11 August
Family Night sees even more Families there to see what their Soldiers are doing and to ask questions.
         Despite the technical difficulties, our first Town Hall Meeting on 19 July was very successful as LTC Cook, CSM
Soto, the Command Teams, and the Staff provided insight and answers to your questions. As the deployment progresses we
will continue to keep you up to date on all relevant information. Please feel free to ask questions through your FRG Lead-
ers and Rear Detachment Team as issues come up, and I hope attendance is even higher at the next Town Hall Meeting!
         As we look forward we are planning a Water Fun Event for August as well as a Halloween Event in October. Any
event ideas or fundraisers you would like to do, please let me know! Bravo Battery FRG‟s Car Wash is a great example, and
the effort for this has been awesome.
         Your outpouring support of your Soldiers is unwavering, and it allows them to continue their mission and focused
on the tasks at hand. Please continue your incredible work and dedication. I hope the different events have given you a
good idea of what they are doing and continue to do for the people of Iraq and the local forces. They are leaving the
country in professional and trained hands to look after themselves, and it is an honor for the Red Dragons to be part of such
a historic part of Iraq‟s history.                                                Great Support Services

                                                                       Relocation Assistance: 254-213-2857
                Red Dragons!                                               AER Assistance: 254-213-3991
                CPT Chris Freeman                                Military Family Life Consultants: 254-213-2857
                                                                          Chaplain On-Duty: 254-213-3967
                3-82 FA Rear Detachment Commander
                                                                         Chaffee Child Development Center
                                                                           TJ Mills Boulevard, Bldg 198

     Red Dragon kids work on a Hugs from Home banner
                                                              The Wilson Family participating in the July FRG Family Night

                            Rear Detachment Upcoming Events
        Aug 19th - Back to School Water Fun Day at the Club Hood Pool: 10:00 AM -12:00 PM
     All Red Dragon Families are welcome to come and enjoy the reserved pool, food, and fun.

                   Sept 8th - Battalion Family Night @ Oveta Cup: 6 PM - 8 PM
  All are invited to participate in the fun activities and get the most up to date information
                                   from our Soldiers in Iraq.
3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter                                                                                  Page 16

                          SSG Tyree, the Medical Team’s NCOIC, re-enlisted indefinitely on 1July!
PFC Bouwkamp (Bravo)
        1 July                                                                                       SGT Welch (Bravo)
 PFC Brickner (Alpha)                                                                                     1 July
        6 July                                                                                      SGT Shepard (Alpha)
  PFC Doyle (Alpha)                                                                                      1 August
       26 July                                                                                       SGT Grubb (HHB)
  PFC Mejia (Alpha)                                                                                      1 August
       27 July
  PFC Hart, (Alpha)                  SPC Paris (HHB)                  CPL Skinner (HHB)
       28 July                            1 July                           14 July
 PFC Escobar (Alpha)                SPC Ybarra (HHB)
      27 August                          14 July
  PFC Harris (HHB)                  SPC Kruger (Alpha)
       22 June                          1 August
PFC Abruzzesse (HHB)
       21 June

                                                                                   SSG Williams (Alpha)
                                                                                        1 August
                                                                                    SSG Sikes (Alpha)
                                                                                        1 August
                                                         SFC Fleury (HHB)
                                                              1 July
                                                                                  * * * Come one, come all!!! * * *
                                                                                 Buy your Red Dragon T-Shirt today!
               CPT Lewis (HHB)                                                               Only $10
                   1 August                                                      Contact the Rear Detachment Commander
                                                                                             to get yours today!

           Newsletter Legend

FOB: Forward Operating Base
JBB: Joint Base Balad
FDC: Fire Direction Center
R&R/EML: Rest and Recuperation
SJCC: Samarra Joint Coordination Center
AO: Area of Operations
TOC: Tactical Operations Center
CL I: Class I supplies (food, rations, &
BSB: Brigade Support Battalion
SPO: Support Operations
                                           Newly promoted SSG Hewitt of HHB
Bravo Battery patrolling in Samarra
Bravo‟s COIST team meeting with their Iraqi counterparts
            to discuss security in Samarra

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                                                                                                                           Red Dragon
                                                                                                                          eating at the
 1LT Hobgood, SSG Rifenbury, SGT Velasco, SGT                                                                            Lunch
 Reho conversing with Iraqi Soldiers

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   SGT Morales surveying the area        of the 17                                                               before    a mission
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NCO Induction Ceremony—26 July 2011
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                                                                                            Dailey          Reed

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Red Dragon Newsletter, August 2011

  • 1. Red Dragon Families and Friends, August 2011 Greetings from Southern Salah ad Din province! Your Soldier continues to Inside this issue: provide an impressive display of precision and discipline in all actions as we partner with Iraqi Security Forces across our area of responsibility. As you read through the Headquarters Battery 2-5 newsletter, you will see that we are executing a wide range of missions in a very Alpha Battery 6-8 diverse area of Iraq. The tone of the message is positive because our requirements are Bravo Battery 9-10 clear and Red Dragon Troopers are focused on accomplishing all tasks with excellence. No doubt we are able to do this with the love and support you provide from home and Golf Company 11-13 11- we thank you for all you are doing! Chaplain’s Corner 14 The month of August is going to bring a welcomed change for the battalion. Our first Troopers head home for a well-deserved rest and recuperation leave. At this Rear Detachment 15 point all have been given their target month for leave and while there may be a few Promotions & adjustments as we continue through the deployment, I suspect they will be very lim- Re-enlistments 16 ited. For those that will see your Soldier very soon, have a great reunion with your Photo Collage 17-18 17- loved one. At this point, you probably have heard, seen, or read about the political discussions concerning the security agreement in Iraq. While our leaders work the long-term plan out, our battalion mission remains unchanged. In the meantime, we will make you proud by performing our duties with honor and Get the most up-to-date information on the Red Dragons: continuing to build a strategic partnership with our Iraqi Security Force brothers as we advise, train, and assist them in security operations. The battalion‟s communication lines remain wide open ensuring you have the most current and accurate information about what is going on in Iraq. This also allows those of us deployed to receive regular updates and key information about what is going on back home as well. Thanks to those that were able to attend the town hall in July. It was a great opportunity to clarify some of your questions. We will conduct another town hall in October. In the meantime, we will use newsletters, Facebook, FRG Family Night, e-mail, Skype, and phone calls to keep you updated. As always, if you have a suggestion on how we can improve our communication, please send a note to your FRG leader, battery commander/first sergeant, or me/CSM Soto. We are always looking for ways to best communicate the great progress being made. Thanks again for all you are doing and will do in support of the Red Dragons! BlackJack! Red Dragons! Sincerely, LTC Nate Cook LTC Cook out on patrol with Bravo and a local Iraqi Security Force leader
  • 2. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 2 Hello Hellraiser Family and friends. We are happy to announce that we are another month down through this twelve month deployment. Our Soldiers have been able to settle down a little more this month and were able to establish a much more consistent battle rhythm. Our Hellraiser Platoons have remained sharp and focused throughout this entire time. We thank you again for your continued support for all our Hellraiser troops. HHB has a very unique and complex mission, with Soldiers in three different locations, Samarra, Joint Base Balad, and FOB Warhorse. Each of our Soldiers is doing an incredible job taking care of business in true Hellraiser fashion, always exceeding the standard. We appreciate the Family member‟s patience during the town hall meeting, as we had a few technical difficulties which delayed us. I do appreciate all of you who were able to attend and I hope we were able to address all of your questions and concerns. As we continue through the rotation and we learn more information about the future of this deployment I assure you we will let you know. As of now we are still expecting to be in theater for 12 months with everyone being able to take mid-tour leave. Our Soldiers will also not lose the capability to communicate with you at any time during the deployment. Congratulations goes out to 2LT Ellison and his wife, Jennifer, who had a baby boy, Eli, on 12 July 11. Once again we appreciate all the love and support you‟ve given to each of our Soldiers. Please keep the care packages and letters coming as it brings a smile to our Soldiers‟ faces. Thank you again for everything. Very Respectfully, 4 July—MSG Love Michael Roscoe 2 July—SSG Tyree CPT, FA Commanding 8 July—SPC Sarkady Hellraiser 6 11 July—2LT Manning 23 July—SPC Madera 27 July—PFC Montgomery 27 July—SSG Richardson 1 Aug—PFC Black 5 Aug—SGT Sanders 10 Aug—SGT Omanson 10 Aug—CPT Brown 10 Aug—LTC Cook 12 Aug—PFC Schwarzer 12 Aug—SPC Jennison 12 Aug—SGT Springer 13 Aug—PFC Bouck 13 Aug—PFC Stakem 15 Aug—SPC Ziegler 17 Aug—SPC Appleton 18 Aug—SSG Bruno 24 Aug—SGT Delapena 25 Aug—CW2 Pratt 26 Aug—SSG Dixon 26 Aug—PFC Garcia CPT Roscoe with Iraqi Army Soldiers from the 4th Battalion 17th Brigade 28 Aug—PFC Rodriguez and our furry friend, Kanto, a Military Working Dog.
  • 3. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 3 First Platoon, in its time here in Iraq, has had a mixture of experiences. There has been much opportunity for new challenges that keep the whole platoon on its toes. The one thing that has stayed constant throughout these first two months is the cohesion within the platoon. The platoon is so close-knit and the level of commitment that each Soldier has the person to their right and left is beyond measure. It has been an absolute blast to be a member of this platoon. One of First Platoon‟s members, PFC Johnson, proved that Red Platoon was full of great Soldiers with lots of talent when he received a Division Commander‟s Coin of Excellence from MG Perkins for his performance during a mission where the success of the mission would have wavered had it not been for his abilities to step up and make things happen. First Platoon can truly be proud of themselves for the many successes that have been achieved as a group. There are many challenges yet to be faced in the time ahead, but the Families back home can rest assured that each member of First Platoon will attack each situation with determination and commitment to everyone around them in order to ensure that the mission is successful. 2LT Zach Williams 2LT Williams and SGT Caffee with local 1st Platoon Leader Iraqi children in a local market place. Hello to the Hellraiser Family. I would like to take this time to let you know our Soldiers are doing extraordinarily well, and have been successful in accomplishing every task asked of them. We look forward to beginning mid-tour leave, and, of course, we are excited to be one month closer to coming home. Thank you for all your love and support. Our Soldiers definitely appreciate your continued efforts from home. This past month has afforded Soldiers from 2nd Platoon the opportunity to execute combined patrols with our Iraqi Army counterparts. This experience has broadened the horizons of many Soldiers. Meeting with one of the Iraqi Army platoon leaders proved to be a very rewarding experience. SSG Bartley recalls how far they‟ve come from when we first started training them during the early Operation Iraqi Freedom rotations. He was amazed at how much they‟ve improved as a professional organization PFC Wyatt (left) and PFC Jones (Right) after and how much they‟ve learned from us. In the short period of time we‟ve conducting a dismounted patrol in the Balad been here, we also have been able to learn from them. Patrolling with the Qadaa with Iraqi Army Soldiers.* Iraqi Army will be a memory we‟ll all keep for the rest of our lives. PFC Jones stated after a mission that “the language barrier disappeared when the Iraqi Soldier and I realized we were in the same fight together. Mutual respect for our respective countries allowed the patrol to be very successful.” July has proven to be very busy for 2nd Platoon. Soldiers are adjusting well and have just finished refit and services a few days ago. Refit week was dedicated to the servicing of all equipment and supplies. More importantly, Soldiers were given a little more down time to call home, watch a movie, or get some extra sleep. SGT Owen said “Refit week was a great change of pace. After ensuring all my gear was clean, I was able to spend a little extra time relaxing”. Finally, 2nd Platoon would like to wish the Jones Family and the King Family well with the birth of their children in August. We wish you luck and good fortune through these exciting times. 2LT Andrew Roberts 2nd Platoon Leader * Bravo Soldiers attached to HHB
  • 4. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 4 Greetings from Joint Base Balad! The platoon has had a great July as we have settled into a more sustainable battle rhythm. We received our combat patches during a ceremony that occurred early in the month. The Battalion Commander conducted the ceremony personally by sharing some words of encouragement, slapping on a patch, and giving a firm hand shake. For everyone who is a first time deployer, it was a great relief to finally have our right shoulder covered up. Following the patching ceremony the platoon had a small ceremony of its own, where we advanced the two junior Soldiers of the platoon. Christopher Harris and Thomas Abruzzesse were called to the front of the formation and both were promoted to Private First Class. After receiving their new rank, they immediately dropped to the ground in order to complete the 30 push-ups traditionally required for obtaining the rank of E-3. Afterwards, each member of the platoon congratulated them with a handshake followed by a thump on the chest. The platoon was able to share a meal at a local Iraqi Police station that was quite generous in its hospitality. Fresh onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and chicken were piled on Iraqi bread and topped with hummus. The meal was washed down with local apple soda, the platoon‟s favorite local beverage (except Chai tea). The locals are friendly and smile and wave when the platoon passes by. They like to pose for pictures and the children have plenty of questions to ask when patrols are on the ground. Although the platoon has fun, we are also working incredibly hard. Our patrols have gathered important intelligence and our vigilance ensures safety of Joint Base Balad. I hope all is well back in Texas. As always, your continued support of our Soldiers is invaluable to the platoon‟s success. I thank you for keeping our morale high in helping us maintain a strong warrior spirit. 1LT Christopher Koppel 3rd Platoon Leader Bravo Soldiers standing guard over gate entrance.* SSG Chacone pulling security while forces from the Iraqi Army talk to local citizens. * Bravo Soldiers attached to HHB
  • 5. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 5 Greetings, Hellraiser Family and friends, from the Radar Platoon located on FOB Warhorse. I am proud to bring you word that your Soldier and loved ones are performing superbly. Since the Platoon‟s arrival here in Iraq, we have replaced 2-11 Field Artillery‟s radar sections and immediately began to provide the Brigade Headquarters with the valuable information they need to help keep our Soldiers safe though out the Brigade Area of Operations. Life here on FOB Warhorse is very comfortable. Soldiers here have access to two gyms, one with a full basketball court and one with a full set of workout equipment, wireless Internet connections in their rooms, and a Morale Welfare and Recreations Center that provides movies, video games, and recreational activities, such as Table Tennis, free of charge. I would like to personally thank you for all the support and love that you show to our Soldiers while we conduct this important mission that the Army has asked of us. We understand that it is not an easy task back home and want you to know that we appreciate all that you do. The morale of the Platoon is extremely high. The care packages and ability for us to communicate with you back home as needed keeps us going day to day. I know your Soldier will continue to do the outstanding jobs that they have been doing so far and are focused on completing the mission so we can return home to you. Once again, thank you for standing in our corner and for all your sacrifices. CW2 Robert McDonald Radar Platoon Leader Q36 Section at FOB WARHORSE Q37 Section at FOB WARHORSE Hello, Hellraiser Families and Friends. The Hellraiser Company Intelligence Support Team (CoIST) hit the ground running in the beginning of June by becoming fully operational within 72 hours of the first member of the team arriving at Joint Base Balad. We immediately began tracking all patrols operating in our Area of Operations to include elements from the Air Force and the Navy. We have, to date, flawlessly tracked HHB patrols and several USAF and USN elements. The CoIST processes all intelligence the Maneuver Platoons bring in as well as searching through a variety of intelligence databases for information to help develop future operations, strengthen the Iraqi Security Forces, and increase the force protection efforts of JBB. The Soldiers and NCOs that 2LT Ramos and SGT Benson, HHB‟s COIST OIC make up the team come from four different occupational fields and have and NCOIC done an excellent job of cross training and coalescing into a tight knit and extremely effective intelligence section. We‟d like to thank you for your continued support from home. Our Soldiers really appreciate everything you have done for us. We look forward to R&R starting, and of course we are happy to be another month down. Thank you again for your service. SGT Marcus Benson HHB COIST NCOIC
  • 6. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 6 Members of the Gator Family, Greetings from Joint Base Balad, Iraq. I hope this letter finds you all well and in good spirits. We have just completed our second month “in country” and spirits are still high. The Gators continue taking the fight to the enemy at every turn, denying him refuge, and preventing his attacks against Joint Base Balad. These men continue to develop their skills and improve their abilities at a variety of tasks on a daily basis. This month was filled with key events on the road to home. The 4th of July marked the 235th anniversary of our Nation‟s sovereignty from oppression and despotism; it also marked the departure of our last batch of Gators from Ft. Hood. SFC Gray, SSG Rijos, SGTs Glass, Trinidad, and Quintero, SPCs Resendez and Janzen, and PV2 Blas all arrived here safe and sound early this month and hit the ground running. You can rest assured that your Gator will return to you a better Soldier than when he left. These men also continue to improve their physical readiness performing PT 5 days a week on top of their weekly work schedules. The heat of the Iraqi summer is fully upon us with daytime highs reaching nearly 120 degrees in the shade, making hydration a priority when working outside. Gator Soldiers continue to lead the way with several members of the Battery participating in the Battalion NCO and Soldier of the Month and Quarter. The 19th saw the first Video Teleconference (VTC) between Families and the Commanders and 1SGs of the Red Dragons, and, although we couldn‟t see you guys, it was good to hear your voices as LTC Cook answered questions from Family members about what to expect in the days ahead. We look forward to many promotions in the month of August as well as our first round of R&R leave. I continue to be impressed with the skill, stamina, poise, and initiative of the Gators; there is no other outfit I‟d rather be in. A special congratulation goes out to SPC William Goodwin and his wife Shaylene on the birth of their son Cade Dylan born on the 15th of July. “Baby Gator‟s” baby Gator is the newest addition to our collective Family. Each and every member of the Gators continues to look forward to the road ahead as we get a little closer to completing the mission and coming home. We thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, love, and support. I personally thank you again for what you mean to these men. Very Respectfully, Bryan S. Hammond CPT, FA Commanding Gator 6 3 Aug—PFC Bidia 7 Aug—SGT Velasco 10 Aug—SPC Janszen 12 Aug—PFC Stadelmeier 13 Aug—SSG Rosario 16 Aug—1LT Forstner 17 Aug—SPC Lopez 18 Aug—SPC Dane CPT Hammond during introductions at a Key Leader Engagement
  • 7. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 7 1st Platoon still can‟t find the beach here in sunny Iraq; but we did find some Howitzers to fire. Gator Red is out front again, this time having the distinction of executing both maneuver and Artillery missions. At the time of changing over from maneuver missions to firing missions, Gator Red ranked high in the battalion in the number of missions executed, proving yet again that the Gator Battery and Red Platoon are always out front. Morale is still high and everyone is taking quickly to their new assignments. The battery has received several howitzers, and gotten them fire mission ready - truly a yeoman's task in the 115+ Iraqi heat. The gun crews have added a new capability to the battalion, allowing the Red Dragons to be “snipers” from miles away. While the muscle is on the gun line, the heavy thinking is done in the FDC. FDC personnel have spun up a fully functional “brain” in a shockingly short amount of time. Most of the credit goes to soon to be promoted SGT Fred Williams; his promotion is long overdue and well deserved. As always, the men look forward to your letters, packages, and e-mails and will be in touch as much as possible. That‟s all from this little corner of the world, Gator Red 6 out. 1LT Michael Hobgood 1st Platoon Leader 1LT Hobgood and SGT Reho preparing to go on mission 2ND Platoon is still going strong. The platoon‟s morale is high due to successful missions and support from home. The platoon welcomed new members this month, with the arrival of the final main body flight. The men are growing more proficient, both individually and as a unit, each day. They are adaptable and have overcome any mission that has been thrown at them, from patrols to engaging key leadership of the area. The junior members of the platoon continue to step up and grow into the future leaders of Alpha Battery. SPC Hyndman in particular was named Battery Soldier of the week on July 3rd. The first members of 2nd PLT are looking forward to EML and getting to see their loved ones at home. The guys still do PT at least 5 days a week, and are getting as fit as ever. While the days are hot, the guys are getting acclimatized, and are adjusting to the dynamic and changing environment. Everyone looks forward to coming home and seeing their loved ones again. SGT Canning with Iraqi counterparts during a 2LT Scott Smith mission 2nd Platoon Leader
  • 8. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 8 3rd Platoon is still going hard and fighting the good fight. The men in the platoon are increasing their physical and mental capabilities every day and coming together as a fighting force. Every day spent together brings us closer to being those “Brothers in Arms” of the 21st century. While they miss everyone at home, the packages and letters help, and the first Soldiers will get to go on EML. The morale is superb, and each mission brings new challenges and hurdles to overcome. While it is hot, hot, hot this month here in Iraq, the men are well acclimatized, and will continue to bring the fight to the enemy. We cannot wait to come home safe and see everyone as soon as possible. 1LT Anthony Forstner 3rd Platoon Leader SFC Sollano being served Chai tea at a Key Leader Engagement HQ Platoon is still supporting the fight. With the arrival of the last main body we have had some personnel changes; however, the transition went very smoothly. The hours changed, we‟re keeping busy, and the days are counting off until we end mission. Special congratulations go out to SPC Goodwin and his wife Shaylene for the birth of their baby boy, Cade Dylan Goodwin, on 15 JUL. Also, congratulations go out to SGT Sikes and PFC Kreuger, both of whom will be moving up in rank 1 AUG. The COIST cell continues to provide our platoons with the most up-to-date intelligence so they can complete the missions as safely and effectively as possible. The TOC is keeping the lines of SGT Alvarez and SPC Thomson smiling in front of Alpha‟s COIST communication open and the information flowing. cell as they bring information together after the mission All of the packages that you send are getting to your Soldier as quickly as possible so keep them coming. The BC and 1SG are leading from the top and ensuring that all Soldiers have the necessary training and information so that we can all come home safe. 2LT Caleb Gaasch COIST/HQ Platoon Leader
  • 9. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 9 A lot has occurred in the past month. We have continued our mission to advise and assist our Iraqi counterparts in their fight to secure Iraq and make it a safer place upon our departure. We have continued to train hard, as well as further improve our daily life here in Samarra. The weather has definitely intensified with temperatures reaching the 120s on some days. Our hard work with quality of life improvements to the SJCC is clearly evident and it has definitely boosted morale here. Our Battery has been laser-focused on partnering with our host-nation forces. We continue to advise, train, and assist them to ensure they are more than prepared to take control of Iraq once our forces leave. It has been, and continues to be, a privilege to work side-by-side with our host-nation counterparts. We would also like to thank the Families of Thunder Battery for their continued support while we are here in Iraq. We definitely cannot accomplish our mission without support from back home. Morale continues to be high in the unit as we look forward to continuing our joint efforts with Iraqi Security Forces to better secure our AO and Iraq as a whole. Although we have been in Samarra only a short while, the men of Thunder Battery have clearly made a lasting impact as we continue to strive to make Iraq a safer and better place to live. Very Respectfully, Jason A. Williams CPT, FA Commanding Thunder 6 12 Aug—PFC Tibbits 25 Aug—SSG Coons 27 Aug—PFC Aguilar CPT Williams, along with LTC Cook and LTC Coglianese, taking a picture with LTC Ghayath of the host-nation security force
  • 10. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 10 White Platoon has been keeping extremely busy in Samarra. We have been steadfast in providing security for the base, partnering with the host-nation security forces commander as he travels to his meetings, and securing the commander as he conducts his Key Leader Engagements to secure the city of Samarra. Physical Training has been an essential task in the daily lives of White Platoon. Organized PT is conducted once a day and most of the platoon has taken it upon themselves to continue training on their own time. Our Platoon Sergeant, SFC Christopher Schuerger, sets weekly challenges on the white board in the gym that everyone, including our Iraqi counterparts, are invited to attempt. Platoon cohesion has continued to rise, as well as morale in general. White Platoon continues to train on a daily basis and provide security for the city of Samarra through unwavering support to our Iraqi brothers in arms. 1LT Michael O‟Donnell 1st Platoon Leader PFC Horsley securing a gate outside the Mayor of Samarra‟s Building Headquarters Platoon has done an outstanding job upgrading our compound since we arrived here in early June and making the SJCC an enjoyable place to live. The Tactical Operations Center personnel, led by SGT Richard Gray and SGT Benjamin Stahl, have done an outstanding job ensuring that Thunder Battery is running operations efficiently and effectively. Our cooks and maintenance team, led by SSG Martin and SGT Gifford, respectively, have performed well, ensuring that Thunder Soldiers are well-fed and the vehicles are well maintained. Our medical team, led by SGT Flaherty, has worked diligently to ensure the high hygiene standards are upheld here at the SJCC and taking care of Soldier‟s bumps and bruises. SSG Jones, our communications expert, has been relentless in keeping communications open between Thunder Battery and the rest of the battalion, which is no small feat The COIST here in Samarra is made up of SSG Thomas Coons, SPC Tommie Clemeno, PFC Michael Nolasco, and our Law Enforcement Professional. They have done an incredible job uncovering terrorist networks and exploiting evidence in order to assist our Iraqi Partners in PFC Tibbits of Headquarters platoon standing capturing extremists. Morale continues to be high in the unit as we look forward to continuing our joint efforts with Iraqi Security Forces to better secure our operating environment and Iraq as a whole. Although we have been in Samarra only a short while, we believe we have made a lasting imprint as we continue to strive to make Iraq a safer and better place to live. 2LT Sean Murphy COIST Leader
  • 11. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 11 Friends, Family, and loved ones of the Gladiator Family, I bring you greetings from Joint Base Balad, Iraq. As this deployment continues, the can-do attitudes that emanate from hard working Gladiators never cease to amaze me. Although hot and dusty, the middle eastern climate conditions pose no challenge to our Soldiers‟ will. Still, they rise to the challenge of accomplishing our company‟s mission day in and day out. All members of our team work collectively to ensure mission success. Our Headquarters platoon is a driving force in our ability to sustain our Soldiers out in Samarra. The CL I section plans and coordinates the delivery and preparation of all CL I food and water. Care packages full of our favorite snacks are welcome, but you can rest assured that your Soldiers won‟t need canned goods to sustain them - our cooks are on duty 24/7! Also imbedded within the Headquarters Platoon is the COIST (Company Intelligence Support Team); this team is pivotal. They capture by-the-minute intelligence and provide an accurate report on patterns of life outside our base. A large portion of our success can also be attributed to our Distribution Maneuver Platoon. Our Soldiers and NCOs are unrelenting in contributing to a safe and secure Iraq by patrolling the streets of Iraq and delivering all classes of supply. No matter the length of time or frequency, these men and women can be counted on to carry out the mission with precision and discipline. Last, but certainly not least, is our Maintenance Platoon. These men and women are an integral cog in the wheel that drives our organization. Overall responsible for the upkeep of the battalion‟s fleet, we wouldn‟t be able to accomplish our mission without them. Our time here also brought about transition in our command team. On 15 July, we bid farewell to 1SG Towns. The Gladiator family wishes 1SG Towns the best in all his endeavors with the 15th BSB SPO Shop. On the day of the Change of Responsibility, the Gladiator family also welcomed 1SG Triplett to our team. We all look forward to accomplishing the mission with him. Very Respectfully, Crystal E. Chatman CPT, LG Commanding Gladiator 6 CPT Chatman hands the guidon to incoming 1SG Triplett during the Change of Responsibility Ceremony. Dear Gladiator Soldiers and Family members, I wanted to take a moment to say that it’s a pleasure and an honor to serve as your First Sergeant. I look forward to our time together and to getting to know each and every one of you on a professional and personal level. I am no stranger to 1st Calvary Division or Red Dragons. I recently was assigned to B Co 15th BSB, 2BCT,1 CD so I know the hard work and sacrifice that it takes to be on the First Team. There will be long days and nights ahead of us but I can assure you that I will do all I can to make the road easier for every one inside and outside the Gladiator formation. I envision the unit growing into a family of professional Soldiers and dedicated Family members. We all come from different backgrounds, but have one common goal and that is to be a cohesive unit and build the team that can’t be divided. Yours truly, 1SG Gary Triplett
  • 12. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 12 Greetings from the tropical, sandy paradise of Iraq! Headquarters Platoon has been working hard and trying to match the Distribution Platoon on their high level of effort. SGT McGee has cross loaded over 11,000 serving of rations from Joint Base Balad to Samarra. This plays a tremendous role because it allows our field feeding section in Samarra, led by SSG Martin and SGT Chatman, to cook three hot meals a day. Next, SGT Colon, our master driver, has been working around the clock training Soldiers on how to drive Mine Resistance Ambush Protection (MRAP) vehicles and forklifts. The Gladiators work hard, but we also play hard here in Joint Base Balad. We volunteered many of our Soldiers to help out with Iraqi Kids day, where PFC Hickman escorted and played with Iraqi kids. Last but not least, SGT Taylor, AKA „UPS Man‟, is our mail handler; he has passed out over 1,100 pieces of mail to Gladiator Soldiers, in addition to his role as the food manager. The Soldiers all look forward to your letters, packages, and emails and your continued support helps keep morale high and gives us a taste of home. So keep them coming! We‟re keeping friends and Family in our thoughts and look forward to coming home when the mission is complete. 2LT Hoang Le XO/HQ Platoon Leader SGT DaSilva directs PV2 Patterson on a dismounted patrol. PFC Thompkins and PVT Fiolek assisting in loading rations for Soldiers at Samarra. In the month of July, the Distribution Platoon has meshed into the difficult cycle of deployment and developed a regular battle rhythm. The month has seen increased responsibility for the Maneuver Platoon. The Soldiers remain vigilant in their duties and have excelled in their difficult assignment. The Cargo Section continues to ensure that all resupply missions to Samarra are prepped in time, and assist the Maneuver Platoon in ensuring that all vehicles are prepared for mission. With the constantly changing assignments for Golf FSC, the Cargo Section is always adapting to prepare for what‟s next. The Distribution Platoon strives to balance its role as the logistical support for the Battalion with its new combat function, but has succeeded in adapting and is prepared for the months to come. 2LT Matthew Cline Distribution Platoon Leader
  • 13. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 13 July is over and the Maintenance Platoon has been the work horse of the 3-82 Field Artillery Battalion. Working long days outside with temperatures reaching over 120 degrees, these Soldiers show the determination and will to succeed with every drop of sweat that comes from their bodies. The Maintenance Platoon has set up another section to service, repair, and keep our Paladins ready to fire and destroy our enemies at a minutes‟ notice. The Soldiers would like to thank the Family members back home for the love and encouragement you have shown with all the letters and care packages. Your support has raised the morale of these Soldiers and keeps them striving for excellence on a daily basis. 2LT Amanda Fonk Maintenance Platoon Leader 7 Jul—SGT Colonvazquez 8 Jul— SFC Stewart 27 Jul—SGT Vila 27 Jul—SGT Kuilan 3 Aug—SGT Boman 8 Aug—SPC Self 10 Aug—SFC Hoskins 10 Aug—SGT Fullard 11 Aug—SGT Chatman 14 Aug—PFC Devine 15 Aug—SFC Wright 16 Aug—PFC Roberts 17 Aug—SPC Hanten 21 Aug—SPC Hendricks 23 Aug—SPC Epps PFC Cook downloading repair parts at the motorpool PFC Denton repairing an M1114 HMMWV
  • 14. Page 14 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Greetings from the Red Dragon Religious Support Team (RST)! We have had the unique opportunity and great privilege of ministering to your Red Dragons for the past 60 days in Iraq. As a late arrival to the battalion, I did not get the opportunity to meet many of you before deployment. I have, however, been able to get to know you through your Soldiers. I look forward to getting to know you personally upon redeployment to Ft. Hood. Between now and then, the RST is making every effort to ensure your Soldiers‟ spiritual needs are being addressed and provided for. There are many opportunities here to exercise religious freedoms according to one‟s faith tradition, very much as it is at Ft. Hood. Additionally, the RST prays with patrols before they depart, conducts weekly Bible Studies and worship services, conducts resiliency classes every Sunday afternoon, and hosts a monthly Prayer Lunch at the dining facility. As often as the mission allows, Red Dragon Soldiers are enlisted to directly participate in those activities by playing a musical instrument, leading a prayer, or otherwise having a speaking role. For you, the month of July brought the familiar Independence Day traditions: fireworks, backyard barbecues, and fun in the sun and water. A vital piece of this year‟s celebrations was missing, though—your Soldiers. Though you missed them terribly, the reason for their absence is a good reminder for all of us what that day of celebration is all about. Your Soldiers were in Iraq protecting the principles of the document known as the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776 the elected representatives of the American people declared to England and the world that tyranny in America was forever banished. Brave Soldiers had to back that claim up with muskets and bayonets through many years of harsh warfare. In the end, the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness prevailed in America…and have ever since. Your Red Dragons are continuing that tradition first established in 1776. Some things are worth fighting for; among them are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Thank you for all you have to do so that your Soldiers can keep the declara- tion of freedom in America alive for another generation. CPT Darrell Burriss 3-82 FA Chaplain “Red Dragons!” Red Dragon Strong Warriors of the Week 3-82 FA Chaplain, CPT Burriss, and his assistant, PFC Kim SGT Matthew Bland of Golf Battery 28 June—4 July July Newborns! PFC Timothy Rogers of Golf Battery 5 July—11 July 2LT Shane Ellison of HHB and his wife, Jennifer, had a baby boy, Eli, on 12 July 2011 PFC Justin Scherrer of Alpha Battery 12 July—18 July SPC William Goodwin of Alpha Battery and his wife, Shaylene, had a baby boy, Cade, on SPC Alex Toro of Golf Battery 19 July—25 July 15 July 2011 SPC J.C. Van Pelt and his wife, Amanda, had a baby boy, Avery, on 30 July 2011
  • 15. Page 15 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Rear Detachment Letter Red Dragons, Families, and Friends, July has already flown by, and what an awesome month you all have made it! I want to thank all of you for making our different events possible and spectacular; your support and hard work made them all a success. The Red Dragon Family Night saw a great turnout on 14 July, and the slideshow from forward, update from forward, and MAJ Sutten (2 nd Brigade Rear Detachment Commander) as the guest speaker all made for an informative and fun get-together. I hope the 11 August Family Night sees even more Families there to see what their Soldiers are doing and to ask questions. Despite the technical difficulties, our first Town Hall Meeting on 19 July was very successful as LTC Cook, CSM Soto, the Command Teams, and the Staff provided insight and answers to your questions. As the deployment progresses we will continue to keep you up to date on all relevant information. Please feel free to ask questions through your FRG Lead- ers and Rear Detachment Team as issues come up, and I hope attendance is even higher at the next Town Hall Meeting! As we look forward we are planning a Water Fun Event for August as well as a Halloween Event in October. Any event ideas or fundraisers you would like to do, please let me know! Bravo Battery FRG‟s Car Wash is a great example, and the effort for this has been awesome. Your outpouring support of your Soldiers is unwavering, and it allows them to continue their mission and focused on the tasks at hand. Please continue your incredible work and dedication. I hope the different events have given you a good idea of what they are doing and continue to do for the people of Iraq and the local forces. They are leaving the country in professional and trained hands to look after themselves, and it is an honor for the Red Dragons to be part of such a historic part of Iraq‟s history. Great Support Services Relocation Assistance: 254-213-2857 Red Dragons! AER Assistance: 254-213-3991 CPT Chris Freeman Military Family Life Consultants: 254-213-2857 Chaplain On-Duty: 254-213-3967 3-82 FA Rear Detachment Commander Chaffee Child Development Center TJ Mills Boulevard, Bldg 198 254-287-4749 Red Dragon kids work on a Hugs from Home banner The Wilson Family participating in the July FRG Family Night Rear Detachment Upcoming Events Aug 19th - Back to School Water Fun Day at the Club Hood Pool: 10:00 AM -12:00 PM All Red Dragon Families are welcome to come and enjoy the reserved pool, food, and fun. Sept 8th - Battalion Family Night @ Oveta Cup: 6 PM - 8 PM All are invited to participate in the fun activities and get the most up to date information from our Soldiers in Iraq.
  • 16. 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter Page 16 SSG Tyree, the Medical Team’s NCOIC, re-enlisted indefinitely on 1July! PFC Bouwkamp (Bravo) 1 July SGT Welch (Bravo) PFC Brickner (Alpha) 1 July 6 July SGT Shepard (Alpha) PFC Doyle (Alpha) 1 August 26 July SGT Grubb (HHB) PFC Mejia (Alpha) 1 August 27 July PFC Hart, (Alpha) SPC Paris (HHB) CPL Skinner (HHB) 28 July 1 July 14 July PFC Escobar (Alpha) SPC Ybarra (HHB) 27 August 14 July PFC Harris (HHB) SPC Kruger (Alpha) 22 June 1 August PFC Abruzzesse (HHB) 21 June SSG Williams (Alpha) 1 August SSG Sikes (Alpha) 1 August SFC Fleury (HHB) 1 July * * * Come one, come all!!! * * * Buy your Red Dragon T-Shirt today! CPT Lewis (HHB) Only $10 1 August Contact the Rear Detachment Commander to get yours today! Newsletter Legend FOB: Forward Operating Base JBB: Joint Base Balad FDC: Fire Direction Center R&R/EML: Rest and Recuperation SJCC: Samarra Joint Coordination Center AO: Area of Operations TOC: Tactical Operations Center CL I: Class I supplies (food, rations, & water) BSB: Brigade Support Battalion SPO: Support Operations Newly promoted SSG Hewitt of HHB
  • 17. Bravo Battery patrolling in Samarra Bravo‟s COIST team meeting with their Iraqi counterparts to discuss security in Samarra Soldier s inducti lining up for on at th their NCO I e nductio n Cere mony sion for a mis earing up HHB S oldiers g Red Dragon Soldiers eating at the Spiritual Fitness 1LT Hobgood, SSG Rifenbury, SGT Velasco, SGT Lunch Reho conversing with Iraqi Soldiers iq PT Sadd an and C CP T Chatm B rigade TH Iraqi Army SGT Morales surveying the area of the 17 before a mission nce S ection g on gear while out on mission Maintena Red Dragons puttin
  • 18. NCO Induction Ceremony—26 July 2011 SG mony TC n Cere I nductio o rn ier e NCO pho to of th wa lki Group ng thr oug h th eN CO doo r guez Rodri SGT lking wa gh the throu oor D NCO SGT Vela sco giving his sponsor invocation CSM Soto reciting a n invocati o and CSM n along with CSM Dailey Reed rubb 1SGs rendering a salute nsorin g SGT G olas spo SFC McNich