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(nurs[All Fields] OR nurs0003[All Fields] OR nurs1009[All Fields] OR nurs1010[All Fields] OR nurs1011[All Fields] OR nurs1019[All Fields] OR nurs1po1nro1859[All Fields] OR nurs2005[All Fields] OR 
nurs2104[All Fields] OR nurs6013[All Fields] OR nursa[All Fields] OR nursae[All Fields] OR nursaianova[All Fields] OR nursakinah[All Fields] OR nursal[All Fields] OR nursaleha[All Fields] OR nursalim[All 
Fields] OR nursall[All Fields] OR nursamaa[All Fields] OR nursan[All Fields] OR nursat[All Fields] OR nursbank[All Fields] OR nursbolus[All Fields] OR nurscia[All Fields] OR nurse[All Fields] OR nurse'[All 
Fields] OR nurse''nurses''nursing''clinical[All Fields] OR nurse'a[All Fields] OR nurse'e[All Fields] OR nurse's[All Fields] OR nurse's'[All Fields] OR nurse0302[All Fields] OR nurse1[All Fields] OR nurse411[All 
Fields] OR nurseauth[All Fields] OR nurseauthor[All Fields] OR nursebased[All Fields] OR nurseblake[All Fields] OR nursebot[All Fields] OR nurseboys[All Fields] OR nursebuilders[All Fields] OR nursec[All 
Fields] OR nursecell[All Fields] OR nursecominc[All Fields] OR nursecop1[All Fields] OR nursed[All Fields] OR nursed'[All Fields] OR nursee[All Fields] OR nurseeducation[All Fields] OR nursees[All Fields] 
OR nurseesq[All Fields] OR nursefare[All Fields] OR nursefinder[All Fields] OR nursefirst[All Fields] OR nurseforce[All Fields] OR nurseforce'[All Fields] OR nursefunghetto[All Fields] OR nursegailmail[All 
Fields] OR nursegeorge[All Fields] OR nursegm[All Fields] OR nursegrace[All Fields] OR nursehound[All Fields] OR nurseiacono[All Fields] OR nurseing[All Fields] OR nurseinitiated[All Fields] OR nursej[All 
Fields] OR nursekelly0429[All Fields] OR nurseki[All Fields] OR nursel[All Fields] OR nurselaksin[All Fields] OR nurseland[All Fields] OR nurselasan[All Fields] OR nurselaura3[All Fields] OR nurselbilgin[All 
Fields] OR nurselcc[All Fields] OR nurseleadershipbuilders[All Fields] OR nurseled[All Fields] OR nurseless[All Fields] OR nurselike[All Fields] OR nurseline[All Fields] OR nurseling[All Fields] OR 
nurseling's[All Fields] OR nurselings[All Fields] OR nurselink[All Fields] OR nurselink'[All Fields] OR nursemaid[All Fields] OR nursemaid's[All Fields] OR nursemaids[All Fields] OR nursemaids'[All Fields] OR 
nursemaude[All Fields] OR nursemetrix[All Fields] OR nursemomnj[All Fields] OR nursemrsmart[All Fields] OR nursemsj[All Fields] OR nursen[All Fields] OR nursenan1[All Fields] OR nursenapper[All Fields] 
OR nursenbelet[All Fields] OR nursenbolsoy[All Fields] OR nursencemre[All Fields] OR nursenet[All Fields] OR nursenielsen[All Fields] OR nursens[All Fields] OR nursensezgin[All Fields] OR 
nursentopcuoglu[All Fields] OR nursenyuksel[All Fields] OR nurseon[All Fields] OR nurseone[All Fields] OR nurseothricin[All Fields] OR nursepad[All Fields] OR nursepower[All Fields] OR nursepractitioner[All 
Fields] OR nursepractitioners[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners'[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship'[All Fields] OR nursequest[All Fields] OR nurser[All Fields] OR nurseradio[All 
Fields] OR nurserecruitmentandretention[All Fields] OR nurseresponse[All Fields] OR nurserick[All Fields] OR nurseries[All Fields] OR nurseries'[All Fields] OR nursering[All Fields] OR nursern[All Fields] OR 
nurserobinf[All Fields] OR nursers[All Fields] OR nurserun[All Fields] OR nurserver[All Fields] OR nursery[All Fields] OR nursery'[All Fields] OR nursery's[All Fields] OR nurseryfish[All Fields] OR 
nurseryman[All Fields] OR nurseryman's[All Fields] OR nurserymen[All Fields] OR nurseryworker[All Fields] OR nurses[All Fields] OR nurses'[All Fields] OR nurses''[All Fields] OR nurses'ability[All Fields] OR 
nurses'action[All Fields] OR nurses'aides[All Fields] OR nurses'and[All Fields] OR nurses'application[All Fields] OR nurses'aprons[All Fields] OR nurses'assessment[All Fields] OR nurses'association[All Fields] 
OR nurses'attitudes[All Fields] OR nurses'beliefs[All Fields] OR nurses'competence[All Fields] OR nurses'evaluation[All Fields] OR nurses'experience[All Fields] OR nurses'experiences[All Fields] OR 
nurses'function[All Fields] OR nurses'gift[All Fields] OR nurses'health[All Fields] OR nurses'information[All Fields] OR nurses'job[All Fields] OR nurses'mental[All Fields] OR nurses'perceived[All Fields] OR 
nurses'perception[All Fields] OR nurses'perceptions[All Fields] OR nurses'personal[All Fields] OR nurses'point[All Fields] OR nurses'preference[All Fields] OR nurses'professional[All Fields] OR nurses'records[All 
Fields] OR nurses'retention[All Fields] OR nurses'retrospective[All Fields] OR nurses'right[All Fields] OR nurses'role[All Fields] OR nurses'roles[All Fields] OR nurses's[All Fields] OR nurses'teaching[All Fields] 
OR nurses'use[All Fields] OR nurses'work[All Fields] OR nursesc[All Fields] OR nurseschool[All Fields] OR nursescommunication[All Fields] OR nursesearch[All Fields] OR nursesfeel[All Fields] OR 
nursesfortomorrow[All Fields] OR nursesfrom[All Fields] OR nursesharks[All Fields] OR nursesin[All Fields] OR nursesmch[All Fields] OR nursesmile[All Fields] OR nursespark[All Fields] OR nursesparks[All 
Fields] OR nursessocial[All Fields] OR nursestar[All Fields] OR nursestoner[All Fields] OR nurset[All Fields] OR nurseta[All Fields] OR nursetalk[All Fields] OR nursetech[All Fields] OR nursetim[All Fields] OR 
nursetraining[All Fields] OR nursewarm[All Fields] OR nurseweek[All Fields] OR nursewhite[All Fields] OR nursewriter[All Fields] OR nursey[All Fields] OR nurshaireen[All Fields] OR nursharmizam[All Fields] 
OR nurshing[All Fields] OR nurshireen[All Fields] OR nursia[All Fields] OR nursiati[All Fields] OR nursie[All Fields] OR nursification[All Fields] OR nursig[All Fields] OR nursign[All Fields] OR nursimulu[All 
Fields] OR nursin[All Fields] OR nursin'[All Fields] OR nursina[All Fields] OR nursing[All Fields] OR nursing'[All Fields] OR nursing's[All Fields] OR nursing13[All Fields] OR nursing14[All Fields] OR 
nursing15[All Fields] OR nursing16[All Fields] OR nursing17[All Fields] OR nursing18[All Fields] OR nursing19[All Fields] OR nursing2[All Fields] OR nursing20[All Fields] OR nursing2000[All Fields] OR 
nursing2001[All Fields] OR nursing2003[All Fields] OR nursing2004[All Fields] OR nursing2006's[All Fields] OR nursing2007[All Fields] OR nursing2008[All Fields] OR nursing2009[All Fields] OR 
nursing2011[All Fields] OR nursing2012[All Fields] OR nursing2013[All Fields] OR nursing2014[All Fields] OR nursing23[All Fields] OR nursing25[All Fields] OR nursing3[All Fields] OR nursing45[All Fields] 
OR nursing47[All Fields] OR nursing53[All Fields] OR nursing55[All Fields] OR nursing60[All Fields] OR nursing61[All Fields] OR nursing63[All Fields] OR nursing67[All Fields] OR nursing861[All Fields] OR 
nursing97's[All Fields] OR nursing98[All Fields] OR nursinga[All Fields] OR nursinga1[All Fields] OR nursingand[All Fields] OR nursingcare[All Fields] OR nursingcenter[All Fields] OR nursingconnections[All 
Fields] OR nursingdepartment[All Fields] OR nursingeo[All Fields] OR nursingexcellence[All Fields] OR nursingh[All Fields] OR nursinghome[All Fields] OR nursinghomes[All Fields] OR 
nursinghumanitarian[All Fields] OR nursinginterventions[All Fields] OR nursinglaw[All Fields] OR nursinglife[All Fields] OR nursinglife's[All Fields] OR nursingmanagement[All Fields] OR nursingno[All Fields] 
OR nursingpractice[All Fields] OR nursingpraktijk[All Fields] OR nursingprofessionals[All Fields] OR nursingquest[All Fields] OR nursings[All Fields] OR nursings'[All Fields] OR nursingscience[All Fields] OR 
nursingspectrum[All Fields] OR nursingstaff[All Fields] OR nursingstation[All Fields] OR nursingstations[All Fields] OR nursingteam[All Fields] OR nursingthe[All Fields] OR nursingtimes[All Fields] OR 
nursingtrade[All Fields] OR nursinguniversity[All Fields] OR nursingweb[All Fields] OR nursingworkload[All Fields] OR nursingworld[All Fields] OR nursingy[All Fields] OR nursinig[All Fields] OR nursinng[All 
Fields] OR nursinq[All Fields] OR nursiong[All Fields] OR nursis[All Fields] OR nursis'[All Fields] OR nursism[All Fields] OR nursisng[All Fields] OR nursita[All Fields] OR nursjiwan[All Fields] OR nursjm[All 
Fields] OR nurskii[All Fields] OR nursled[All Fields] OR nursling[All Fields] OR nursling's[All Fields] OR nurslings[All Fields] OR nursmh[All Fields] OR nursng[All Fields] OR nursnig[All Fields] OR 
nursogram[All Fields] OR nursoid[All Fields] OR nursology[All Fields] OR nursopardy[All Fields] OR nursopardy'[All Fields] OR nursoy[All Fields] OR nursoylu[All Fields] OR nursph[All Fields] OR nursre[All 
Fields] OR nursres[All Fields] OR nursry[All Fields] OR nurss[All Fields] OR nurssci[All Fields] OR nursserv[All Fields] OR nursses[All Fields] OR nursses'[All Fields] OR nurssing[All Fields] OR nursten[All 
Fields] OR nurstrists[All Fields] OR nurstry[All Fields] OR nursucakinmemik[All Fields] OR nursulku[All Fields] OR nursung[All Fields] OR nursuries[All Fields] OR nurswipk[All Fields] OR nursy[All Fields] 
OR nursyam[All Fields] OR nursyamsyila[All Fields] OR nursyazana[All Fields] OR nursyereen[All Fields] OR nursyirwan[All Fields] OR nursys[All Fields]) AND "chest drain"[All Fields]
(nurs[All Fields] OR nurs0003[All Fields] OR nurs1009[All Fields] OR nurs1010[All Fields] OR nurs1011[All Fields] OR nurs1019[All Fields] OR nurs1po1nro1859[All Fields] OR nurs2005[All Fields] 
OR nurs2104[All Fields] OR nurs6013[All Fields] OR nursa[All Fields] OR nursae[All Fields] OR nursaianova[All Fields] OR nursakinah[All Fields] OR nursal[All Fields] OR nursaleha[All Fields] OR 
nursalim[All Fields] OR nursall[All Fields] OR nursamaa[All Fields] OR nursan[All Fields] OR nursat[All Fields] OR nursbank[All Fields] OR nursbolus[All Fields] OR nurscia[All Fields] OR nurse[All 
Fields] OR nurse'[All Fields] OR nurse''nurses''nursing''clinical[All Fields] OR nurse'a[All Fields] OR nurse'e[All Fields] OR nurse's[All Fields] OR nurse's'[All Fields] OR nurse0302[All Fields] OR 
nurse1[All Fields] OR nurse411[All Fields] OR nurseauth[All Fields] OR nurseauthor[All Fields] OR nursebased[All Fields] OR nurseblake[All Fields] OR nursebot[All Fields] OR nurseboys[All Fields] 
OR nursebuilders[All Fields] OR nursec[All Fields] OR nursecell[All Fields] OR nursecominc[All Fields] OR nursecop1[All Fields] OR nursed[All Fields] OR nursed'[All Fields] OR nursee[All Fields] 
OR nurseeducation[All Fields] OR nursees[All Fields] OR nurseesq[All Fields] OR nursefare[All Fields] OR nursefinder[All Fields] OR nursefirst[All Fields] OR nurseforce[All Fields] OR nurseforce'[All 
Fields] OR nursefunghetto[All Fields] OR nursegailmail[All Fields] OR nursegeorge[All Fields] OR nursegm[All Fields] OR nursegrace[All Fields] OR nursehound[All Fields] OR nurseiacono[All Fields] 
OR nurseing[All Fields] OR nurseinitiated[All Fields] OR nursej[All Fields] OR nursekelly0429[All Fields] OR nurseki[All Fields] OR nursel[All Fields] OR nurselaksin[All Fields] OR nurseland[All 
Fields] OR nurselasan[All Fields] OR nurselaura3[All Fields] OR nurselbilgin[All Fields] OR nurselcc[All Fields] OR nurseleadershipbuilders[All Fields] OR nurseled[All Fields] OR nurseless[All Fields] 
OR nurselike[All Fields] OR nurseline[All Fields] OR nurseling[All Fields] OR nurseling's[All Fields] OR nurselings[All Fields] OR nurselink[All Fields] OR nurselink'[All Fields] OR nursemaid[All 
Fields] OR nursemaid's[All Fields] OR nursemaids[All Fields] OR nursemaids'[All Fields] OR nursemaude[All Fields] OR nursemetrix[All Fields] OR nursemomnj[All Fields] OR nursemrsmart[All 
Fields] OR nursemsj[All Fields] OR nursen[All Fields] OR nursenan1[All Fields] OR nursenapper[All Fields] OR nursenbelet[All Fields] OR nursenbolsoy[All Fields] OR nursencemre[All Fields] OR 
nursenet[All Fields] OR nursenielsen[All Fields] OR nursens[All Fields] OR nursensezgin[All Fields] OR nursentopcuoglu[All Fields] OR nursenyuksel[All Fields] OR nurseon[All Fields] OR 
nurseone[All Fields] OR nurseothricin[All Fields] OR nursepad[All Fields] OR nursepower[All Fields] OR nursepractitioner[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners'[All 
Fields] OR nursepreneurship[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship'[All Fields] OR nursequest[All Fields] OR nurser[All Fields] OR nurseradio[All Fields] OR nurserecruitmentandretention[All Fields] OR 
nurseresponse[All Fields] OR nurserick[All Fields] OR nurseries[All Fields] OR nurseries'[All Fields] OR nursering[All Fields] OR nursern[All Fields] OR nurserobinf[All Fields] OR nursers[All Fields] 
OR nurserun[All Fields] OR nurserver[All Fields] OR nursery[All Fields] OR nursery'[All Fields] OR nursery's[All Fields] OR nurseryfish[All Fields] OR nurseryman[All Fields] OR nurseryman's[All 
Fields] OR nurserymen[All Fields] OR nurseryworker[All Fields] OR nurses[All Fields] OR nurses'[All Fields] OR nurses''[All Fields] OR nurses'ability[All Fields] OR nurses'action[All Fields] OR 
nurses'aides[All Fields] OR nurses'and[All Fields] OR nurses'application[All Fields] OR nurses'aprons[All Fields] OR nurses'assessment[All Fields] OR nurses'association[All Fields] OR 
nurses'attitudes[All Fields] OR nurses'beliefs[All Fields] OR nurses'competence[All Fields] OR nurses'evaluation[All Fields] OR nurses'experience[All Fields] OR nurses'experiences[All Fields] OR 
nurses'function[All Fields] OR nurses'gift[All Fields] OR nurses'health[All Fields] OR nurses'information[All Fields] OR nurses'job[All Fields] OR nurses'mental[All Fields] OR nurses'perceived[All 
Fields] OR nurses'perception[All Fields] OR nurses'perceptions[All Fields] OR nurses'personal[All Fields] OR nurses'point[All Fields] OR nurses'preference[All Fields] OR nurses'professional[All Fields] 
OR nurses'records[All Fields] OR nurses'retention[All Fields] OR nurses'retrospective[All Fields] OR nurses'right[All Fields] OR nurses'role[All Fields] OR nurses'roles[All Fields] OR nurses's[All Fields] 
OR nurses'teaching[All Fields] OR nurses'use[All Fields] OR nurses'work[All Fields] OR nursesc[All Fields] OR nurseschool[All Fields] OR nursescommunication[All Fields] OR nursesearch[All Fields] 
OR nursesfeel[All Fields] OR nursesfortomorrow[All Fields] OR nursesfrom[All Fields] OR nursesharks[All Fields] OR nursesin[All Fields] OR nursesmch[All Fields] OR nursesmile[All Fields] OR 
nursespark[All Fields] OR nursesparks[All Fields] OR nursessocial[All Fields] OR nursestar[All Fields] OR nursestoner[All Fields] OR nurset[All Fields] OR nurseta[All Fields] OR nursetalk[All Fields] 
OR nursetech[All Fields] OR nursetim[All Fields] OR nursetraining[All Fields] OR nursewarm[All Fields] OR nurseweek[All Fields] OR nursewhite[All Fields] OR nursewriter[All Fields] OR nursey[All 
Fields] OR nurshaireen[All Fields] OR nursharmizam[All Fields] OR nurshing[All Fields] OR nurshireen[All Fields] OR nursia[All Fields] OR nursiati[All Fields] OR nursie[All Fields] OR 
nursification[All Fields] OR nursig[All Fields] OR nursign[All Fields] OR nursimulu[All Fields] OR nursin[All Fields] OR nursin'[All Fields] OR nursina[All Fields] OR nursing[All Fields] OR 
nursing'[All Fields] OR nursing's[All Fields] OR nursing13[All Fields] OR nursing14[All Fields] OR nursing15[All Fields] OR nursing16[All Fields] OR nursing17[All Fields] OR nursing18[All Fields] 
OR nursing19[All Fields] OR nursing2[All Fields] OR nursing20[All Fields] OR nursing2000[All Fields] OR nursing2001[All Fields] OR nursing2003[All Fields] OR nursing2004[All Fields] OR 
nursing2006's[All Fields] OR nursing2007[All Fields] OR nursing2008[All Fields] OR nursing2009[All Fields] OR nursing2011[All Fields] OR nursing2012[All Fields] OR nursing2013[All Fields] OR 
nursing2014[All Fields] OR nursing23[All Fields] OR nursing25[All Fields] OR nursing3[All Fields] OR nursing45[All Fields] OR nursing47[All Fields] OR nursing53[All Fields] OR nursing55[All 
Fields] OR nursing60[All Fields] OR nursing61[All Fields] OR nursing63[All Fields] OR nursing67[All Fields] OR nursing861[All Fields] OR nursing97's[All Fields] OR nursing98[All Fields] OR 
nursinga[All Fields] OR nursinga1[All Fields] OR nursingand[All Fields] OR nursingcare[All Fields] OR nursingcenter[All Fields] OR nursingconnections[All Fields] OR nursingdepartment[All Fields] 
OR nursingeo[All Fields] OR nursingexcellence[All Fields] OR nursingh[All Fields] OR nursinghome[All Fields] OR nursinghomes[All Fields] OR nursinghumanitarian[All Fields] OR 
nursinginterventions[All Fields] OR nursinglaw[All Fields] OR nursinglife[All Fields] OR nursinglife's[All Fields] OR nursingmanagement[All Fields] OR nursingno[All Fields] OR nursingpractice[All 
Fields] OR nursingpraktijk[All Fields] OR nursingprofessionals[All Fields] OR nursingquest[All Fields] OR nursings[All Fields] OR nursings'[All Fields] OR nursingscience[All Fields] OR 
nursingspectrum[All Fields] OR nursingstaff[All Fields] OR nursingstation[All Fields] OR nursingstations[All Fields] OR nursingteam[All Fields] OR nursingthe[All Fields] OR nursingtimes[All Fields] 
OR nursingtrade[All Fields] OR nursinguniversity[All Fields] OR nursingweb[All Fields] OR nursingworkload[All Fields] OR nursingworld[All Fields] OR nursingy[All Fields] OR nursinig[All Fields] 
OR nursinng[All Fields] OR nursinq[All Fields] OR nursiong[All Fields] OR nursis[All Fields] OR nursis'[All Fields] OR nursism[All Fields] OR nursisng[All Fields] OR nursita[All Fields] OR 
nursjiwan[All Fields] OR nursjm[All Fields] OR nurskii[All Fields] OR nursled[All Fields] OR nursling[All Fields] OR nursling's[All Fields] OR nurslings[All Fields] OR nursmh[All Fields] OR 
nursng[All Fields] OR nursnig[All Fields] OR nursogram[All Fields] OR nursoid[All Fields] OR nursology[All Fields] OR nursopardy[All Fields] OR nursopardy'[All Fields] OR nursoy[All Fields] OR 
nursoylu[All Fields] OR nursph[All Fields] OR nursre[All Fields] OR nursres[All Fields] OR nursry[All Fields] OR nurss[All Fields] OR nurssci[All Fields] OR nursserv[All Fields] OR nursses[All 
Fields] OR nursses'[All Fields] OR nurssing[All Fields] OR nursten[All Fields] OR nurstrists[All Fields] OR nurstry[All Fields] OR nursucakinmemik[All Fields] OR nursulku[All Fields] OR nursung[All 
Fields] OR nursuries[All Fields] OR nurswipk[All Fields] OR nursy[All Fields] OR nursyam[All Fields] OR nursyamsyila[All Fields] OR nursyazana[All Fields] OR nursyereen[All Fields] OR 
nursyirwan[All Fields] OR nursys[All Fields]) AND ("chest tubes"[MeSH Terms] OR ("chest"[All Fields] AND "tubes"[All Fields]) OR "chest tubes"[All Fields] OR ("chest"[All 
Fields] AND "drain"[All Fields]) OR "chest drain"[All Fields])
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Recursos web enfermería

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  • 14. En Pubmed se puede usar el truncado, que permite recuperar todos los términos que poseen la misma raíz. Al colocar un asterisco (*) al final del término de búsqueda, en este caso: nurs* busca en todas aquellas palabras que tengan la misma cadena de letras como raíz: nurse, nurses, nursing...
  • 15.
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  • 17. (nurs[All Fields] OR nurs0003[All Fields] OR nurs1009[All Fields] OR nurs1010[All Fields] OR nurs1011[All Fields] OR nurs1019[All Fields] OR nurs1po1nro1859[All Fields] OR nurs2005[All Fields] OR nurs2104[All Fields] OR nurs6013[All Fields] OR nursa[All Fields] OR nursae[All Fields] OR nursaianova[All Fields] OR nursakinah[All Fields] OR nursal[All Fields] OR nursaleha[All Fields] OR nursalim[All Fields] OR nursall[All Fields] OR nursamaa[All Fields] OR nursan[All Fields] OR nursat[All Fields] OR nursbank[All Fields] OR nursbolus[All Fields] OR nurscia[All Fields] OR nurse[All Fields] OR nurse'[All Fields] OR nurse''nurses''nursing''clinical[All Fields] OR nurse'a[All Fields] OR nurse'e[All Fields] OR nurse's[All Fields] OR nurse's'[All Fields] OR nurse0302[All Fields] OR nurse1[All Fields] OR nurse411[All Fields] OR nurseauth[All Fields] OR nurseauthor[All Fields] OR nursebased[All Fields] OR nurseblake[All Fields] OR nursebot[All Fields] OR nurseboys[All Fields] OR nursebuilders[All Fields] OR nursec[All Fields] OR nursecell[All Fields] OR nursecominc[All Fields] OR nursecop1[All Fields] OR nursed[All Fields] OR nursed'[All Fields] OR nursee[All Fields] OR nurseeducation[All Fields] OR nursees[All Fields] OR nurseesq[All Fields] OR nursefare[All Fields] OR nursefinder[All Fields] OR nursefirst[All Fields] OR nurseforce[All Fields] OR nurseforce'[All Fields] OR nursefunghetto[All Fields] OR nursegailmail[All Fields] OR nursegeorge[All Fields] OR nursegm[All Fields] OR nursegrace[All Fields] OR nursehound[All Fields] OR nurseiacono[All Fields] OR nurseing[All Fields] OR nurseinitiated[All Fields] OR nursej[All Fields] OR nursekelly0429[All Fields] OR nurseki[All Fields] OR nursel[All Fields] OR nurselaksin[All Fields] OR nurseland[All Fields] OR nurselasan[All Fields] OR nurselaura3[All Fields] OR nurselbilgin[All Fields] OR nurselcc[All Fields] OR nurseleadershipbuilders[All Fields] OR nurseled[All Fields] OR nurseless[All Fields] OR nurselike[All Fields] OR nurseline[All Fields] OR nurseling[All Fields] OR nurseling's[All Fields] OR nurselings[All Fields] OR nurselink[All Fields] OR nurselink'[All Fields] OR nursemaid[All Fields] OR nursemaid's[All Fields] OR nursemaids[All Fields] OR nursemaids'[All Fields] OR nursemaude[All Fields] OR nursemetrix[All Fields] OR nursemomnj[All Fields] OR nursemrsmart[All Fields] OR nursemsj[All Fields] OR nursen[All Fields] OR nursenan1[All Fields] OR nursenapper[All Fields] OR nursenbelet[All Fields] OR nursenbolsoy[All Fields] OR nursencemre[All Fields] OR nursenet[All Fields] OR nursenielsen[All Fields] OR nursens[All Fields] OR nursensezgin[All Fields] OR nursentopcuoglu[All Fields] OR nursenyuksel[All Fields] OR nurseon[All Fields] OR nurseone[All Fields] OR nurseothricin[All Fields] OR nursepad[All Fields] OR nursepower[All Fields] OR nursepractitioner[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners'[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship'[All Fields] OR nursequest[All Fields] OR nurser[All Fields] OR nurseradio[All Fields] OR nurserecruitmentandretention[All Fields] OR nurseresponse[All Fields] OR nurserick[All Fields] OR nurseries[All Fields] OR nurseries'[All Fields] OR nursering[All Fields] OR nursern[All Fields] OR nurserobinf[All Fields] OR nursers[All Fields] OR nurserun[All Fields] OR nurserver[All Fields] OR nursery[All Fields] OR nursery'[All Fields] OR nursery's[All Fields] OR nurseryfish[All Fields] OR nurseryman[All Fields] OR nurseryman's[All Fields] OR nurserymen[All Fields] OR nurseryworker[All Fields] OR nurses[All Fields] OR nurses'[All Fields] OR nurses''[All Fields] OR nurses'ability[All Fields] OR nurses'action[All Fields] OR nurses'aides[All Fields] OR nurses'and[All Fields] OR nurses'application[All Fields] OR nurses'aprons[All Fields] OR nurses'assessment[All Fields] OR nurses'association[All Fields] OR nurses'attitudes[All Fields] OR nurses'beliefs[All Fields] OR nurses'competence[All Fields] OR nurses'evaluation[All Fields] OR nurses'experience[All Fields] OR nurses'experiences[All Fields] OR nurses'function[All Fields] OR nurses'gift[All Fields] OR nurses'health[All Fields] OR nurses'information[All Fields] OR nurses'job[All Fields] OR nurses'mental[All Fields] OR nurses'perceived[All Fields] OR nurses'perception[All Fields] OR nurses'perceptions[All Fields] OR nurses'personal[All Fields] OR nurses'point[All Fields] OR nurses'preference[All Fields] OR nurses'professional[All Fields] OR nurses'records[All Fields] OR nurses'retention[All Fields] OR nurses'retrospective[All Fields] OR nurses'right[All Fields] OR nurses'role[All Fields] OR nurses'roles[All Fields] OR nurses's[All Fields] OR nurses'teaching[All Fields] OR nurses'use[All Fields] OR nurses'work[All Fields] OR nursesc[All Fields] OR nurseschool[All Fields] OR nursescommunication[All Fields] OR nursesearch[All Fields] OR nursesfeel[All Fields] OR nursesfortomorrow[All Fields] OR nursesfrom[All Fields] OR nursesharks[All Fields] OR nursesin[All Fields] OR nursesmch[All Fields] OR nursesmile[All Fields] OR nursespark[All Fields] OR nursesparks[All Fields] OR nursessocial[All Fields] OR nursestar[All Fields] OR nursestoner[All Fields] OR nurset[All Fields] OR nurseta[All Fields] OR nursetalk[All Fields] OR nursetech[All Fields] OR nursetim[All Fields] OR nursetraining[All Fields] OR nursewarm[All Fields] OR nurseweek[All Fields] OR nursewhite[All Fields] OR nursewriter[All Fields] OR nursey[All Fields] OR nurshaireen[All Fields] OR nursharmizam[All Fields] OR nurshing[All Fields] OR nurshireen[All Fields] OR nursia[All Fields] OR nursiati[All Fields] OR nursie[All Fields] OR nursification[All Fields] OR nursig[All Fields] OR nursign[All Fields] OR nursimulu[All Fields] OR nursin[All Fields] OR nursin'[All Fields] OR nursina[All Fields] OR nursing[All Fields] OR nursing'[All Fields] OR nursing's[All Fields] OR nursing13[All Fields] OR nursing14[All Fields] OR nursing15[All Fields] OR nursing16[All Fields] OR nursing17[All Fields] OR nursing18[All Fields] OR nursing19[All Fields] OR nursing2[All Fields] OR nursing20[All Fields] OR nursing2000[All Fields] OR nursing2001[All Fields] OR nursing2003[All Fields] OR nursing2004[All Fields] OR nursing2006's[All Fields] OR nursing2007[All Fields] OR nursing2008[All Fields] OR nursing2009[All Fields] OR nursing2011[All Fields] OR nursing2012[All Fields] OR nursing2013[All Fields] OR nursing2014[All Fields] OR nursing23[All Fields] OR nursing25[All Fields] OR nursing3[All Fields] OR nursing45[All Fields] OR nursing47[All Fields] OR nursing53[All Fields] OR nursing55[All Fields] OR nursing60[All Fields] OR nursing61[All Fields] OR nursing63[All Fields] OR nursing67[All Fields] OR nursing861[All Fields] OR nursing97's[All Fields] OR nursing98[All Fields] OR nursinga[All Fields] OR nursinga1[All Fields] OR nursingand[All Fields] OR nursingcare[All Fields] OR nursingcenter[All Fields] OR nursingconnections[All Fields] OR nursingdepartment[All Fields] OR nursingeo[All Fields] OR nursingexcellence[All Fields] OR nursingh[All Fields] OR nursinghome[All Fields] OR nursinghomes[All Fields] OR nursinghumanitarian[All Fields] OR nursinginterventions[All Fields] OR nursinglaw[All Fields] OR nursinglife[All Fields] OR nursinglife's[All Fields] OR nursingmanagement[All Fields] OR nursingno[All Fields] OR nursingpractice[All Fields] OR nursingpraktijk[All Fields] OR nursingprofessionals[All Fields] OR nursingquest[All Fields] OR nursings[All Fields] OR nursings'[All Fields] OR nursingscience[All Fields] OR nursingspectrum[All Fields] OR nursingstaff[All Fields] OR nursingstation[All Fields] OR nursingstations[All Fields] OR nursingteam[All Fields] OR nursingthe[All Fields] OR nursingtimes[All Fields] OR nursingtrade[All Fields] OR nursinguniversity[All Fields] OR nursingweb[All Fields] OR nursingworkload[All Fields] OR nursingworld[All Fields] OR nursingy[All Fields] OR nursinig[All Fields] OR nursinng[All Fields] OR nursinq[All Fields] OR nursiong[All Fields] OR nursis[All Fields] OR nursis'[All Fields] OR nursism[All Fields] OR nursisng[All Fields] OR nursita[All Fields] OR nursjiwan[All Fields] OR nursjm[All Fields] OR nurskii[All Fields] OR nursled[All Fields] OR nursling[All Fields] OR nursling's[All Fields] OR nurslings[All Fields] OR nursmh[All Fields] OR nursng[All Fields] OR nursnig[All Fields] OR nursogram[All Fields] OR nursoid[All Fields] OR nursology[All Fields] OR nursopardy[All Fields] OR nursopardy'[All Fields] OR nursoy[All Fields] OR nursoylu[All Fields] OR nursph[All Fields] OR nursre[All Fields] OR nursres[All Fields] OR nursry[All Fields] OR nurss[All Fields] OR nurssci[All Fields] OR nursserv[All Fields] OR nursses[All Fields] OR nursses'[All Fields] OR nurssing[All Fields] OR nursten[All Fields] OR nurstrists[All Fields] OR nurstry[All Fields] OR nursucakinmemik[All Fields] OR nursulku[All Fields] OR nursung[All Fields] OR nursuries[All Fields] OR nurswipk[All Fields] OR nursy[All Fields] OR nursyam[All Fields] OR nursyamsyila[All Fields] OR nursyazana[All Fields] OR nursyereen[All Fields] OR nursyirwan[All Fields] OR nursys[All Fields]) AND "chest drain"[All Fields]
  • 18. (nurs[All Fields] OR nurs0003[All Fields] OR nurs1009[All Fields] OR nurs1010[All Fields] OR nurs1011[All Fields] OR nurs1019[All Fields] OR nurs1po1nro1859[All Fields] OR nurs2005[All Fields] OR nurs2104[All Fields] OR nurs6013[All Fields] OR nursa[All Fields] OR nursae[All Fields] OR nursaianova[All Fields] OR nursakinah[All Fields] OR nursal[All Fields] OR nursaleha[All Fields] OR nursalim[All Fields] OR nursall[All Fields] OR nursamaa[All Fields] OR nursan[All Fields] OR nursat[All Fields] OR nursbank[All Fields] OR nursbolus[All Fields] OR nurscia[All Fields] OR nurse[All Fields] OR nurse'[All Fields] OR nurse''nurses''nursing''clinical[All Fields] OR nurse'a[All Fields] OR nurse'e[All Fields] OR nurse's[All Fields] OR nurse's'[All Fields] OR nurse0302[All Fields] OR nurse1[All Fields] OR nurse411[All Fields] OR nurseauth[All Fields] OR nurseauthor[All Fields] OR nursebased[All Fields] OR nurseblake[All Fields] OR nursebot[All Fields] OR nurseboys[All Fields] OR nursebuilders[All Fields] OR nursec[All Fields] OR nursecell[All Fields] OR nursecominc[All Fields] OR nursecop1[All Fields] OR nursed[All Fields] OR nursed'[All Fields] OR nursee[All Fields] OR nurseeducation[All Fields] OR nursees[All Fields] OR nurseesq[All Fields] OR nursefare[All Fields] OR nursefinder[All Fields] OR nursefirst[All Fields] OR nurseforce[All Fields] OR nurseforce'[All Fields] OR nursefunghetto[All Fields] OR nursegailmail[All Fields] OR nursegeorge[All Fields] OR nursegm[All Fields] OR nursegrace[All Fields] OR nursehound[All Fields] OR nurseiacono[All Fields] OR nurseing[All Fields] OR nurseinitiated[All Fields] OR nursej[All Fields] OR nursekelly0429[All Fields] OR nurseki[All Fields] OR nursel[All Fields] OR nurselaksin[All Fields] OR nurseland[All Fields] OR nurselasan[All Fields] OR nurselaura3[All Fields] OR nurselbilgin[All Fields] OR nurselcc[All Fields] OR nurseleadershipbuilders[All Fields] OR nurseled[All Fields] OR nurseless[All Fields] OR nurselike[All Fields] OR nurseline[All Fields] OR nurseling[All Fields] OR nurseling's[All Fields] OR nurselings[All Fields] OR nurselink[All Fields] OR nurselink'[All Fields] OR nursemaid[All Fields] OR nursemaid's[All Fields] OR nursemaids[All Fields] OR nursemaids'[All Fields] OR nursemaude[All Fields] OR nursemetrix[All Fields] OR nursemomnj[All Fields] OR nursemrsmart[All Fields] OR nursemsj[All Fields] OR nursen[All Fields] OR nursenan1[All Fields] OR nursenapper[All Fields] OR nursenbelet[All Fields] OR nursenbolsoy[All Fields] OR nursencemre[All Fields] OR nursenet[All Fields] OR nursenielsen[All Fields] OR nursens[All Fields] OR nursensezgin[All Fields] OR nursentopcuoglu[All Fields] OR nursenyuksel[All Fields] OR nurseon[All Fields] OR nurseone[All Fields] OR nurseothricin[All Fields] OR nursepad[All Fields] OR nursepower[All Fields] OR nursepractitioner[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners[All Fields] OR nursepractitioners'[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship[All Fields] OR nursepreneurship'[All Fields] OR nursequest[All Fields] OR nurser[All Fields] OR nurseradio[All Fields] OR nurserecruitmentandretention[All Fields] OR nurseresponse[All Fields] OR nurserick[All Fields] OR nurseries[All Fields] OR nurseries'[All Fields] OR nursering[All Fields] OR nursern[All Fields] OR nurserobinf[All Fields] OR nursers[All Fields] OR nurserun[All Fields] OR nurserver[All Fields] OR nursery[All Fields] OR nursery'[All Fields] OR nursery's[All Fields] OR nurseryfish[All Fields] OR nurseryman[All Fields] OR nurseryman's[All Fields] OR nurserymen[All Fields] OR nurseryworker[All Fields] OR nurses[All Fields] OR nurses'[All Fields] OR nurses''[All Fields] OR nurses'ability[All Fields] OR nurses'action[All Fields] OR nurses'aides[All Fields] OR nurses'and[All Fields] OR nurses'application[All Fields] OR nurses'aprons[All Fields] OR nurses'assessment[All Fields] OR nurses'association[All Fields] OR nurses'attitudes[All Fields] OR nurses'beliefs[All Fields] OR nurses'competence[All Fields] OR nurses'evaluation[All Fields] OR nurses'experience[All Fields] OR nurses'experiences[All Fields] OR nurses'function[All Fields] OR nurses'gift[All Fields] OR nurses'health[All Fields] OR nurses'information[All Fields] OR nurses'job[All Fields] OR nurses'mental[All Fields] OR nurses'perceived[All Fields] OR nurses'perception[All Fields] OR nurses'perceptions[All Fields] OR nurses'personal[All Fields] OR nurses'point[All Fields] OR nurses'preference[All Fields] OR nurses'professional[All Fields] OR nurses'records[All Fields] OR nurses'retention[All Fields] OR nurses'retrospective[All Fields] OR nurses'right[All Fields] OR nurses'role[All Fields] OR nurses'roles[All Fields] OR nurses's[All Fields] OR nurses'teaching[All Fields] OR nurses'use[All Fields] OR nurses'work[All Fields] OR nursesc[All Fields] OR nurseschool[All Fields] OR nursescommunication[All Fields] OR nursesearch[All Fields] OR nursesfeel[All Fields] OR nursesfortomorrow[All Fields] OR nursesfrom[All Fields] OR nursesharks[All Fields] OR nursesin[All Fields] OR nursesmch[All Fields] OR nursesmile[All Fields] OR nursespark[All Fields] OR nursesparks[All Fields] OR nursessocial[All Fields] OR nursestar[All Fields] OR nursestoner[All Fields] OR nurset[All Fields] OR nurseta[All Fields] OR nursetalk[All Fields] OR nursetech[All Fields] OR nursetim[All Fields] OR nursetraining[All Fields] OR nursewarm[All Fields] OR nurseweek[All Fields] OR nursewhite[All Fields] OR nursewriter[All Fields] OR nursey[All Fields] OR nurshaireen[All Fields] OR nursharmizam[All Fields] OR nurshing[All Fields] OR nurshireen[All Fields] OR nursia[All Fields] OR nursiati[All Fields] OR nursie[All Fields] OR nursification[All Fields] OR nursig[All Fields] OR nursign[All Fields] OR nursimulu[All Fields] OR nursin[All Fields] OR nursin'[All Fields] OR nursina[All Fields] OR nursing[All Fields] OR nursing'[All Fields] OR nursing's[All Fields] OR nursing13[All Fields] OR nursing14[All Fields] OR nursing15[All Fields] OR nursing16[All Fields] OR nursing17[All Fields] OR nursing18[All Fields] OR nursing19[All Fields] OR nursing2[All Fields] OR nursing20[All Fields] OR nursing2000[All Fields] OR nursing2001[All Fields] OR nursing2003[All Fields] OR nursing2004[All Fields] OR nursing2006's[All Fields] OR nursing2007[All Fields] OR nursing2008[All Fields] OR nursing2009[All Fields] OR nursing2011[All Fields] OR nursing2012[All Fields] OR nursing2013[All Fields] OR nursing2014[All Fields] OR nursing23[All Fields] OR nursing25[All Fields] OR nursing3[All Fields] OR nursing45[All Fields] OR nursing47[All Fields] OR nursing53[All Fields] OR nursing55[All Fields] OR nursing60[All Fields] OR nursing61[All Fields] OR nursing63[All Fields] OR nursing67[All Fields] OR nursing861[All Fields] OR nursing97's[All Fields] OR nursing98[All Fields] OR nursinga[All Fields] OR nursinga1[All Fields] OR nursingand[All Fields] OR nursingcare[All Fields] OR nursingcenter[All Fields] OR nursingconnections[All Fields] OR nursingdepartment[All Fields] OR nursingeo[All Fields] OR nursingexcellence[All Fields] OR nursingh[All Fields] OR nursinghome[All Fields] OR nursinghomes[All Fields] OR nursinghumanitarian[All Fields] OR nursinginterventions[All Fields] OR nursinglaw[All Fields] OR nursinglife[All Fields] OR nursinglife's[All Fields] OR nursingmanagement[All Fields] OR nursingno[All Fields] OR nursingpractice[All Fields] OR nursingpraktijk[All Fields] OR nursingprofessionals[All Fields] OR nursingquest[All Fields] OR nursings[All Fields] OR nursings'[All Fields] OR nursingscience[All Fields] OR nursingspectrum[All Fields] OR nursingstaff[All Fields] OR nursingstation[All Fields] OR nursingstations[All Fields] OR nursingteam[All Fields] OR nursingthe[All Fields] OR nursingtimes[All Fields] OR nursingtrade[All Fields] OR nursinguniversity[All Fields] OR nursingweb[All Fields] OR nursingworkload[All Fields] OR nursingworld[All Fields] OR nursingy[All Fields] OR nursinig[All Fields] OR nursinng[All Fields] OR nursinq[All Fields] OR nursiong[All Fields] OR nursis[All Fields] OR nursis'[All Fields] OR nursism[All Fields] OR nursisng[All Fields] OR nursita[All Fields] OR nursjiwan[All Fields] OR nursjm[All Fields] OR nurskii[All Fields] OR nursled[All Fields] OR nursling[All Fields] OR nursling's[All Fields] OR nurslings[All Fields] OR nursmh[All Fields] OR nursng[All Fields] OR nursnig[All Fields] OR nursogram[All Fields] OR nursoid[All Fields] OR nursology[All Fields] OR nursopardy[All Fields] OR nursopardy'[All Fields] OR nursoy[All Fields] OR nursoylu[All Fields] OR nursph[All Fields] OR nursre[All Fields] OR nursres[All Fields] OR nursry[All Fields] OR nurss[All Fields] OR nurssci[All Fields] OR nursserv[All Fields] OR nursses[All Fields] OR nursses'[All Fields] OR nurssing[All Fields] OR nursten[All Fields] OR nurstrists[All Fields] OR nurstry[All Fields] OR nursucakinmemik[All Fields] OR nursulku[All Fields] OR nursung[All Fields] OR nursuries[All Fields] OR nurswipk[All Fields] OR nursy[All Fields] OR nursyam[All Fields] OR nursyamsyila[All Fields] OR nursyazana[All Fields] OR nursyereen[All Fields] OR nursyirwan[All Fields] OR nursys[All Fields]) AND ("chest tubes"[MeSH Terms] OR ("chest"[All Fields] AND "tubes"[All Fields]) OR "chest tubes"[All Fields] OR ("chest"[All Fields] AND "drain"[All Fields]) OR "chest drain"[All Fields])
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