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10 dicas de desempenho para
apps mobile híbridas
Loiane Groner
Me,Myself && I
•Gerente de Desenv Projetos
•8+ XP TI
•Java JUG Leader
•Sencha Community Leader
•@loiane ou
Nov 2013
<div data-role="page" id="tracks">!
! <div data-role="header"><h1>Tracks</h1></div>!
! <ul data-role="listview">!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=1">Desempenho e Escalabilidade na Prática</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=2">Java na Crista da Onda</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=3">Arquiteturas que Você Sempre Quis Conhecer</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=4">Mobile: Portáteis e Furiosos</a></li>!
! </ul>!
<div data-role="page" id="tracks">!
! <div data-role="header"><h1>Tracks</h1></div>!
! <ul data-role="listview">!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=1">Desempenho e Escalabilidade na Prática</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=2">Java na Crista da Onda</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=3">Arquiteturas que Você Sempre Quis Conhecer</a></li>!
! <li><a href="getTrackInfo.php?id=4">Mobile: Portáteis e Furiosos</a></li>!
! </ul>!
NÃO gere páginas
no servidor
Web Browser

Banco de
Web Browser
Web Server

Banco de
Lógica de negócio

Banco de
// Obtém dados!
$.ajax({url: "getTrackInfo.php?id=1"}).done(function(track) {!
// Mostra os detalhes - view!
// Obtém dados!
$.ajax({url: "getTrackInfo.php?id=1"}).done(function(track) {!
// Mostra os detalhes - view!
//mostra View!
$(document).bind("pagechange", onPageChange);!
function onPageChange(event, data) {!
! var toPageId = data.toPage.attr("id");!
! switch (toPageId) {!
case 'track-info':!
! clearValues();!
! // Obtém dados!
! ! ! $.ajax({url: "getTrackInfo.php?id=1"}).done(function(track) {!
! ! ! // Atualiza os detalhes - view!
! ! ! $('#trackNome h1').html(;!
! ! ! ! $('#trackDesc').val(track.desc);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackDia').val(track.dia);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackLocal').val(track.local);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackHost').val(;!
! ! ! });!
! !
! break;!
} !
//mostra View!
$(document).bind("pagechange", onPageChange);!
function onPageChange(event, data) {!
! var toPageId = data.toPage.attr("id");!
! switch (toPageId) {!
case 'track-info':!
! clearValues();!
! // Obtém dados!
! ! ! $.ajax({url: "getTrackInfo.php?id=1"}).done(function(track) {!
! ! ! // Atualiza os detalhes - view!
! ! ! $('#trackNome h1').html(;!
! ! ! ! $('#trackDesc').val(track.desc);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackDia').val(track.dia);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackLocal').val(track.local);!
! ! ! ! $('#trackHost').val(;!
! ! ! });!
! !
! break;!
} !
Ext.define('', {!
extend: '',!
requires: [!
config: {!
autoLoad: true,!
model: 'MyContacts.model.Contact',!
storeId: 'Contacts',!
proxy: {!
type: 'contactstorage'!
Ext.define('', {!
extend: '',!
requires: [!
config: {!
autoLoad: true,!
model: 'MyContacts.model.Contact',!
storeId: 'Contacts',!
proxy: {!
type: 'contactstorage'!
control: {!
"contactslist": {!
show: 'onListItemPainted'!
onListItemPainted: function(view, options) { !
control: {!
"contactslist": {!
show: 'onListItemPainted'!
onListItemPainted: function(view, options) { !
Mostre a view e
depois carregue os
Ext.define('MyContacts.view.ContactsPanel', {!
extend: 'Ext.Container',!
alias: 'widget.contactspanel',!
requires: [!
config: {!
layout: {!
type: 'card'!
items: [!
xtype: 'contactslist'!
xtype: 'contactinfo'!
xtype: 'contactedit'!
Ext.define('MyContacts.view.ContactsPanel', {!
extend: 'Ext.Container',!
alias: 'widget.contactspanel',!
requires: [!
config: {!
layout: {!
type: 'card'!
items: [!
xtype: 'contactslist'!
xtype: 'contactinfo'!
xtype: 'contactedit'!
App com lista dos participantes do QCON SP 2014
select count(*) from ParticipantesQCONSP
App com lista dos participantes do QCON SP 2014
select count(*) from ParticipantesQCONSP
== 1000
App com lista dos participantes do QCON SP 2014
select count(*) from ParticipantesQCONSP
== 1000
App com lista dos participantes do QCON SP 2014
É muito dado?
Paging / Paginação
$.ajax({url: "listaEstadosBr.php"}).done(function(data) {!
estadosBr = data;!
$.ajax({url: "listaEstadosBr.php"}).done(function(data) {!
estadosBr = data;!
Dados Estáticos
SQLite - database
Arquivo - JSON
// do a SERVER load, passing a callback function!
// create a new Person record!
var person = Ext.create('Person', {!
FirstName: 'Joe',!
LastName: 'Bloggs',!
Email: ''!
// add it to the store!
// sync the store LOCALLY. If autoServerSync is set to true then this will also sync using SERVER
// if autoServerSync is false then call SERVER sync manually!
// do a SERVER load, passing a callback function!
// create a new Person record!
var person = Ext.create('Person', {!
FirstName: 'Joe',!
LastName: 'Bloggs',!
Email: ''!
// add it to the store!
// sync the store LOCALLY. If autoServerSync is set to true then this will also sync using SERVER
// if autoServerSync is false then call SERVER sync manually!
Faça cache dos
var timeTouch;!
$("body").on("touchend", ".needsclick", function() {!
timeTouch = new Date().getTime();!
$("body").on("click", ".needsclick", function() {!
if (timeTouch) {!
$("#log-slow").html("click: " + (new Date().getTime() - timeTouch) + "ms");!
return false;!
var timeTouch;!
$("body").on("touchend", ".needsclick", function() {!
timeTouch = new Date().getTime();!
$("body").on("click", ".needsclick", function() {!
if (timeTouch) {!
$("#log-slow").html("click: " + (new Date().getTime() - timeTouch) + "ms");!
return false;!
$("body").on("touchend", ".fastclick", function() {!
timeTouch = new Date().getTime();!
$("body").on("click", ".fastclick", function() {!
if (timeTouch) {!
$("#log-fast").html("touchend: " + (new Date().getTime() - timeTouch) + "ms");!
} else {!
alert("Execute esse exemplo em um device touch");!
return false;!
$("body").on("touchend", ".fastclick", function() {!
timeTouch = new Date().getTime();!
$("body").on("click", ".fastclick", function() {!
if (timeTouch) {!
$("#log-fast").html("touchend: " + (new Date().getTime() - timeTouch) + "ms");!
} else {!
alert("Execute esse exemplo em um device touch");!
return false;!
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Use CSS 3
Transitions +
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Page Slider
• box-shadow
• border-radius
• gradients
• text-align
• box-shadow
• border-radius
• gradients
• text-align
Evite sombras e
$("#contato-info a.back").on("touchend", clickHandler);!
$("#contato-info a.back").attr("href", "#contato-info");!
$("#contato-info a.back").css("color", "green");!
$("#contato-info a.back").css("text-decoration", "none");!
$("#contato-info a.back").on("touchend", clickHandler);!
$("#contato-info a.back").attr("href", "#contato-info");!
$("#contato-info a.back").css("color", "green");!
$("#contato-info a.back").css("text-decoration", "none");!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].on('tap', clickHandler);!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].setCls('backBtn');!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].setLabelCls('labelCls');!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].on('tap', clickHandler);!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].setCls('backBtn');!
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0].setLabelCls('labelCls');!
var $backBtn = $('#contato-info a.back');!
$backBtn.on("touchend", clickHandler);!
$backBtn.attr("href", "#contato-info");!
$backBtn.css("color", "green");!
$backBtn.css("text-decoration", "none");!
var $backBtn = $('#contato-info a.back');!
$backBtn.on("touchend", clickHandler);!
$backBtn.attr("href", "#contato-info");!
$backBtn.css("color", "green");!
$backBtn.css("text-decoration", "none");!
var backBtn = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0];!
backBtn.on('tap', clickHandler);!
var backBtn = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('contactinfo button#back')[0];!
backBtn.on('tap', clickHandler);!
Minimize Browser
x$(document).on("deviceready", function () {!
headingDiv = x$("#heading");!
navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(onSuccess, onError);!
navigator.compass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, {frequency: 100});!
function onSuccess(heading) {!
'Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading + '&#xb0; ' +!
convertToText(heading.magneticHeading) + '<br />' +!
'True Heading: ' + heading.trueHeading + '<br />' +!
'Accuracy: ' + heading.headingAccuracy!
// Alter the CSS properties to rotate the rose image!
"rotate(-" + heading.magneticHeading + "deg)",!
"rotate(-" + heading.magneticHeading + "deg)"!
function onError() {!
'There was an error trying to ' +!
'locate your current bearing.'!
Cuidado com
framework / lib da
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background-image: url(../images/user_add.gif) !important;!
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background-position: 0px -78px;!
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background-position: 0px -104px;!
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background-position: 0px -52px;!
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background-position: 0px 0px;!
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Agrega Valor!

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