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Tokyo, Japan
Juan Carlos Giraldo
Armenia, Quindio
Nightmare in East
Never forget it:
we go for a walk on the hell
contemplating the flowers.
Kobayashi Issa
Nobody can be condemned without having been heard and conquered in
When I was made the kind invitation to preface this interesting book, after
feeding in their content, I proceeded happily to that prepared by the
conscience: to investigate to the author about the truthfulness of the writing
and to offer additional rules that permitieren to approach the topic with wider
knowledge of the facts.
He/she says the proverb that you/they are said the truth to the priest and the
lawyer. In this case, the undersigned goes as the given devil's" "lawyer the
interesting connotations that are interwoven in this exciting testimony and that
ahead of time they condemn to the syndicated one; the stigma of the
Colombian; exciting, because in the measure that an unaware reader leaves
introducing in the thrilling narration of events and experiences, he cannot be
born another different idea that the desire to accompany Juan Carlos to load
the cross, in that calvary that demands to possess a strong human armor to
support it until the end. And I signed of heart the commitment trying to be
faithful to my thought of interpreting in the best way the lived reality anything
less than in the oriental, millennial and cultural power: The Japan.
I admit in plain language, with audacity and irreverence, it delights me more
east foreword than if was for García's novel Márquez. Yes, because here it is
acquired the dimension of the novelesque thing, the impressive thing, the
horrorifico, the inhuman thing, the unjust thing, the cruel thing, but the real
thing. Reality that should serve as non alone lesson for the Colombians, but for
the whole humanity; in and of itself I accepted the mission, because I am not
attracted by readings without legacies or moral, and these episodes ameritan
to leave a written testimony appearing of him deep teachings and messages
for all those whose work consists on to watch over and to protect the sacred
precepts of the man's universal rights.
The devil's" "lawyer says, because in these events devil is been inside and out. In
prison, because there the bailiffs of the judicial, implacable and merciless
system, give loose rein to their perverse instincts of punishing, without the
minimum warning that you/they have among their grills to a detainee in who
the investigative stage hardly begins to process it judicially. In the shame of
being the guardians of the justice, blandea the whip of the torture and the
humiliation, tramping the fundamental rights of the one subdued and
converting what figures in principle like rehabilitation center, in an infernal
dungeon of infamy without limits, locking in a separate prison to an illustrious
prisoner: "The presumption of innocence"
And devil is been out, because the victim in the enjoyment of her freedom
enters to another boiler; that of the humanity. Humanity, represented in those
that are placed the mental bandage to continue condemning the convict;
those that judge to the slight one in their insatiable anthropophagy and the
same as the executioners ojirrasgados, place to the offended one in the Public
Pillory; those make ideal complement with the gendarmes of Kosugue, these
reviling inside and those calumniating and murmuring out.
We recapture the universal maxim of the right that he/she opened our page:
"Nobody can be condemned without having been heard and conquered in
trial." Juan Carlos was never conquered in trial; in flares of pride, prepotency
and villainy, the policemen, the district attorney and
“The Honorable Japanese" Tribunal, you "acomadraron" in a vile cohabitation,
gagged the justice, and placing him a mask to the evidence twisted him "the
neck to the law." For further desvergüenza, certain occupation lawyers were
lent to orchestrate the tragicomedy, and in monumental prevarication they
profaned the ethics and the morals contributing among all to tramp the
Defender's" "Commandments.
Let us analyze in a chronological way the monstrous attack against the due
process that constitutes a monstrous attack equally against the sublime
exercise of the Right, to instances of a case that in the Australian and the
Canadian was considered an estulticia, but in the Colombian she became
criminal trial for a portion of narcotics, of which the convict was not possessor
and whose indications were never translated in test.
MR. WILSON: The curtain opens up, and who constitutes fundamental piece in
the process of the investigation, Mr. Wilson, appears in person of the drug, it
loads with the crime and it unties in all and each one of the thirteen
"ceremonies" to Juan Carlos of any circumstance that commits this in the
incident. This overwhelming declaration that has configured test of innocence
toward the syndicated one in other scenarios,
here it served as incentive to mount a tramoya and he/she played them the
bell to the executioners to arm the most shameless and systematic installation
in the torture psychologist, in search of a non existent truth and of a forced
confession, toward the fatidical test to open the hall of the condemnation.
Alone the strong will, the love for if same and why not to say the manliness,
they sustained the “I am not guilty" until the end.
Como lección, surgen una reflexión y una pregunta: ¿Qué hubiese ocurrido si
el señor Wilson declara culpable a nuestro amigo?. Lección. "Culpable porque
sí y culpable porque no" y nace una moraleja: "Aquellos nominados para
administrar justicia... son los primeros que la quebrantan".
THE STOOL OF THE ACCUSED: To confront a questionnaire, when one has to the
front an accusation of penal type, it is of his fearful; but to be in the stool in
foreign earth, before a difficult language and abruptly subjected to unknown
laws with a stigma of nationality, he/she enters to the plane of the terrifying
When opening up the curtain for the second act, we should notice that the
rights of the one captured and retained: To keep silent, a telephone call, a
communication with the embassy, in the present case, they constitute
principles universal rectors of procedure for the due process, stiller when
diplomatic relationships exist among the countries, in this case Colombia-
The pressures in strange language, the boastful pursuit forcing to be expressed
in unknown language, the bitchy accusations, the threat policiva on the
existence of tapes and testimonies, the deceits in the declarations, the bad
treatments, the threats and more than anything, the forced confessions, are a
component of tortures of psychological character and vile procedures that
violate elementary norms of the Procedural law. On these premises and Juan
Carlos testimony, the systematic torture to that it is subjected from their
capture, until the final transfer to the jail of Kosugue, they conform an entire
page of sad narrations that you/they seemed exits of cinema policivo fiction
In a to reflect bitter of hours, days and weeks, without attention neither I
support some, the captive one is exposed to taunts and humiliations to such a
limit that the victim opts for the expression of last resignation: 'to request that
they leave alone it. While this happens, one of the owners of the drug is being
processed, but her partner who slept placidly above the handbag with
cocaine, is free, surely for "lack of tests."
t arises a deep lesson here: in the jails of the world: "Neither they are all those
that are... neither they are all those that are."
LA CARCEL (KOSUGUE): It represents the continuation of a nightmare without
end, with mark already registered: To the Colombian it is necessary to
condemn him because it is supposed ahead of time that it is guilty. . .
meanwhile, it is in 'preventive" retention. The curtain opens up:
Reduced to the hardship of a cell with the traditional privations and the
eccentric disciplinary norms that although they obey a punishment
characteristic of the Japanese culture, they should not be applicable to who
cannot assimilate the torture of remaining from 9 to 10 daily hours sat down in
the floor, in the incredible torture before our traditions and customs of not
being able to rotate the torso neither to look for part some. Paradoxically, to
the foreign prisoners in Colombia are treated with special indulgence.
It is hardly natural to think that a lawyer of Japanese occupation, don't appear
in person with the ethics characteristic of the defender, because the truth that
stops this, the task imposed by its superior is the one of being the devil's"
"lawyer. In conclusion, in this event, the one subdued is subject to the
Machiavellian will of the members of a dark team of inquiring that little they
care luck of a Colombian" "criminal.
Kosugue, then, on the paper center of preventive reclusion, he/she becomes a
hell of escalofriantes scenes, of bitterness and pain, of martyrdom without end.
The fleshless narration, in clear language, plethoric in adjectives, elaborated
with effort and passion, demonstrative of the longings of I relieve of the author,
it introduces to the reader a testimony of the grade of the man's cruelty and of
the complete deshumanización of the jails in almost all the confines of the
The scenes of horror, the exasperating minutes of the awful routine of a man
confined in a miserable dungeon, they make the reader to be roused in the
"novel" until finishing. Truly dramatic episodes and escalofriantes, in a
chronological recount, place in the table an exquisite plate for the enthusiasts
in these topics, and aleccionante, for those that are related with the judicial
This space looks for above all to capture summations and to figure out the
deep teachings that arise of this experience. A lesson, too repeated in all the
parts of the orb: Many defendants confront the bad faith and the villainous
bias of the in charge organisms of the capture; here in the preliminary of the
investigation they cook beans, and it is not dared to say it, it plays primordial
paper the miserable crime of the bribe. "The twine and other tools" define the
freedom or the infamous and lingering trial, like in the case that occupies us.
We leave to the good analysis and imagination of the reader, the restlessness. .
. With what did Dora pay her freedom?
represents the most spectacular scenes in this tragicomedy. It is an example to
the human effrontery.
The curtain opens up 13 times v the scenario he/she is silent witness of the most
ridiculous artificial tramoya that can appear in the historical annals of the Right.
This sounds rhetorical but it is not it; here we are emitting the derived
conceptual truth of the testimonial narration of the artificial central character
of the comic one, Juan Carlos Giraldo who the victim embodies.
Of in case this largometraje has the guarantee stamp signed with a
compensation, it is for not believing. And if there are not evidences of that
described, there was not this servant, utilized the feather to interpret it and to
extract lessons of their juicy fruits. Also, this history is maybe not a faithful mirror
of what happens in Colombia, in the enormous measure of the Japanese
episode, but in our country that is also parodied happened in the great power
of the nascent sun. The asseveration is not gratuitous, because tests exist
personally for heaps and me I have a bitter experience in my files.
The Great Tribune, their contertulios of the Sacred" "Table and the accusing
district attorney on one side; the shift counsel for the defense, sometimes yes
and other times not, supplement next to Juan Carlos, the harlequins with who
this fantastic lúdica of the Law" Theatrical "Art moves
A carom capture, a culprit admitted that one makes position of the crime, the
accused's firm negation and the lady's immediate freedom that she slept
placidly in the “pillow of the cocaine”, they constitute the weak indications to
judge who was condemned. Innocuous interrogations, artificial paraphernalia,
you ask idiots, false witness, distorted confessions, mounted and forced,
compose the artificial, repeated argument absurdly during 13 sessions to
season the comedy very well and to cook the condemnation.
The reader, will be able to check that affirmed, when it is introduced of full in
the summary of the book that well is worth the pain to approach for the thrilling
history that seems exit of the shelves of Agate Cristhie or of Alfred Hitchcock.
In the course of the trial, lingering during more than 12 months they happen a
series of episodes and vivencias that take place in Juan Carlos the deepest
depression, continuous changes in their state of spirit, psychological sequels
that drive him in such a form to the madness, really impelling it to "be made the
lunatic", in the desperate search of better treatments on the part of their
executioners in this back patio of the hell, the jail of Kosugue. To such a misery
grade the criminal arrives that opts to look for to all trance the physical means
and the elements to the reach to offer the suicide.
Truly we wanted to extend in comments and recounts, but our work consists on
abbreviating the topic offering, inside the style of the prologuista, to sow
lessons for the men of well and to give literary supports in for of the
transformation of the societies. I leave to the restless ones in their will and good
trial, the right to their own summations, but if I urge them to read the principle
book to end, because it constitutes a work of unusual surprises and teachings,
amen that their narrative description by nature, takes inherent pleasant
anecdotes and its author's colloquial notes.
THE CRIMINAL'S REBELLION: The high tribunals of Justice in the world, will never
be able to do with good eyes the fact of having to claim people by means of
compensations in money, due to flaws in the determination of guilt of these, in
front of the behavior for the which they were investigated. The compensation,
from the pecuniary point of view implies an expenditure on the part of the
State and from the moral point of view, it constitutes a retaliación of the
society toward the entities and judicial officials that have the task of
administering justice and that they incur in procedure flaws, for act or default.
The single fact that a Colombian citizen has obtained a compensation on the
part of the Japanese State, it constitutes a personal success in his artificial
battle and it configures a guarantee stamp that is prefixed to the mask of the
present book, rising in supreme grade the testimonial truthfulness of Juan Carlos
It finishes because this episode with a payment in money to compensate the
aberrant attitude of those who manipulated the truth, distorted the facts and
they subjected to a human being to one of the most atrocious hours of torture,
in a chain of nonsenses, settlements and juridical outrages that have put in trial
cloth the magnanimity of the Japanese justice.
From these lines we want to ennoble the decision assumed by the High Tribunal
of Justice of the great Japanese nation, when recognizing the error of their
subordinate ones in the hierarchical order of the law; we should applaud the
favorable failure to bury the I hurt juridical, ordering a payment that alleviated
the serious insult relatively that he/she was made to a countryman.
But, any money of the world, was this way tons of gold, they could recoup the
caused damage. The moral scars and the psychological sequels are indelible.
Juan Carlos in their courage, it has recovered the one on the way to their life
with two gems, the freedom and the blame acquittal; and really that in spirit
nobility he/she has manifested that he/she doesn't keep any bitterness toward
their executioners; on the contrary he/she admires the Japanese culture; this
expression of gallantry will afford him future satisfactions, and one of them, is
the present testimony transformed into literary work, before humble and
powerful, legos and junsconsultos, parishioners and university students, illiterate
and illustrious. Everybody will have in their hands an exciting nurtured history of
hates, stigmas, preventions, fantasies, horrors, comedies and finally lined of
pardon and love.
How great lesson for the humanity, that sustraída of the ancestros, when great
respect existed for the human securities, for the rights, the duties and the laws:
"The justice limps... but it arrives"...
And in honor to all the readers, desire to finish, leaving to their good
interpretation those behaviors of the Japanese judges... laxity with who
catches in fraganti and it condemns against who one doesn't have evidence...
mentioning of the deep of the liberator's wisdom Simón Bolívar a beautiful
"The corruption of the towns is born of the indulgence of those
tribunals and of the impunity of the crimes"

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Prologo en ingles

  • 1. Tokyo, Japan 1.993-1995 Juan Carlos Giraldo Author Armenia, Quindio 2005 Nightmare in East
  • 2. Never forget it: we go for a walk on the hell contemplating the flowers. Kobayashi Issa SUMMARY Nobody can be condemned without having been heard and conquered in trial" When I was made the kind invitation to preface this interesting book, after feeding in their content, I proceeded happily to that prepared by the conscience: to investigate to the author about the truthfulness of the writing and to offer additional rules that permitieren to approach the topic with wider knowledge of the facts. He/she says the proverb that you/they are said the truth to the priest and the lawyer. In this case, the undersigned goes as the given devil's" "lawyer the interesting connotations that are interwoven in this exciting testimony and that ahead of time they condemn to the syndicated one; the stigma of the Colombian; exciting, because in the measure that an unaware reader leaves introducing in the thrilling narration of events and experiences, he cannot be born another different idea that the desire to accompany Juan Carlos to load the cross, in that calvary that demands to possess a strong human armor to support it until the end. And I signed of heart the commitment trying to be faithful to my thought of interpreting in the best way the lived reality anything less than in the oriental, millennial and cultural power: The Japan.
  • 3. I admit in plain language, with audacity and irreverence, it delights me more east foreword than if was for García's novel Márquez. Yes, because here it is acquired the dimension of the novelesque thing, the impressive thing, the horrorifico, the inhuman thing, the unjust thing, the cruel thing, but the real thing. Reality that should serve as non alone lesson for the Colombians, but for the whole humanity; in and of itself I accepted the mission, because I am not attracted by readings without legacies or moral, and these episodes ameritan to leave a written testimony appearing of him deep teachings and messages for all those whose work consists on to watch over and to protect the sacred precepts of the man's universal rights. The devil's" "lawyer says, because in these events devil is been inside and out. In prison, because there the bailiffs of the judicial, implacable and merciless system, give loose rein to their perverse instincts of punishing, without the minimum warning that you/they have among their grills to a detainee in who the investigative stage hardly begins to process it judicially. In the shame of being the guardians of the justice, blandea the whip of the torture and the humiliation, tramping the fundamental rights of the one subdued and converting what figures in principle like rehabilitation center, in an infernal dungeon of infamy without limits, locking in a separate prison to an illustrious prisoner: "The presumption of innocence" And devil is been out, because the victim in the enjoyment of her freedom enters to another boiler; that of the humanity. Humanity, represented in those that are placed the mental bandage to continue condemning the convict; those that judge to the slight one in their insatiable anthropophagy and the same as the executioners ojirrasgados, place to the offended one in the Public Pillory; those make ideal complement with the gendarmes of Kosugue, these reviling inside and those calumniating and murmuring out. We recapture the universal maxim of the right that he/she opened our page: "Nobody can be condemned without having been heard and conquered in trial." Juan Carlos was never conquered in trial; in flares of pride, prepotency and villainy, the policemen, the district attorney and “The Honorable Japanese" Tribunal, you "acomadraron" in a vile cohabitation, gagged the justice, and placing him a mask to the evidence twisted him "the neck to the law." For further desvergüenza, certain occupation lawyers were lent to orchestrate the tragicomedy, and in monumental prevarication they
  • 4. profaned the ethics and the morals contributing among all to tramp the Defender's" "Commandments. Let us analyze in a chronological way the monstrous attack against the due process that constitutes a monstrous attack equally against the sublime exercise of the Right, to instances of a case that in the Australian and the Canadian was considered an estulticia, but in the Colombian she became criminal trial for a portion of narcotics, of which the convict was not possessor and whose indications were never translated in test. MR. WILSON: The curtain opens up, and who constitutes fundamental piece in the process of the investigation, Mr. Wilson, appears in person of the drug, it loads with the crime and it unties in all and each one of the thirteen "ceremonies" to Juan Carlos of any circumstance that commits this in the incident. This overwhelming declaration that has configured test of innocence toward the syndicated one in other scenarios, here it served as incentive to mount a tramoya and he/she played them the bell to the executioners to arm the most shameless and systematic installation in the torture psychologist, in search of a non existent truth and of a forced confession, toward the fatidical test to open the hall of the condemnation. Alone the strong will, the love for if same and why not to say the manliness, they sustained the “I am not guilty" until the end. Como lección, surgen una reflexión y una pregunta: ¿Qué hubiese ocurrido si el señor Wilson declara culpable a nuestro amigo?. Lección. "Culpable porque sí y culpable porque no" y nace una moraleja: "Aquellos nominados para administrar justicia... son los primeros que la quebrantan". THE STOOL OF THE ACCUSED: To confront a questionnaire, when one has to the front an accusation of penal type, it is of his fearful; but to be in the stool in foreign earth, before a difficult language and abruptly subjected to unknown laws with a stigma of nationality, he/she enters to the plane of the terrifying thing. When opening up the curtain for the second act, we should notice that the rights of the one captured and retained: To keep silent, a telephone call, a communication with the embassy, in the present case, they constitute
  • 5. principles universal rectors of procedure for the due process, stiller when diplomatic relationships exist among the countries, in this case Colombia- Japan. The pressures in strange language, the boastful pursuit forcing to be expressed in unknown language, the bitchy accusations, the threat policiva on the existence of tapes and testimonies, the deceits in the declarations, the bad treatments, the threats and more than anything, the forced confessions, are a component of tortures of psychological character and vile procedures that violate elementary norms of the Procedural law. On these premises and Juan Carlos testimony, the systematic torture to that it is subjected from their capture, until the final transfer to the jail of Kosugue, they conform an entire page of sad narrations that you/they seemed exits of cinema policivo fiction In a to reflect bitter of hours, days and weeks, without attention neither I support some, the captive one is exposed to taunts and humiliations to such a limit that the victim opts for the expression of last resignation: 'to request that they leave alone it. While this happens, one of the owners of the drug is being processed, but her partner who slept placidly above the handbag with cocaine, is free, surely for "lack of tests." t arises a deep lesson here: in the jails of the world: "Neither they are all those that are... neither they are all those that are." LA CARCEL (KOSUGUE): It represents the continuation of a nightmare without end, with mark already registered: To the Colombian it is necessary to condemn him because it is supposed ahead of time that it is guilty. . . meanwhile, it is in 'preventive" retention. The curtain opens up: Reduced to the hardship of a cell with the traditional privations and the eccentric disciplinary norms that although they obey a punishment characteristic of the Japanese culture, they should not be applicable to who cannot assimilate the torture of remaining from 9 to 10 daily hours sat down in the floor, in the incredible torture before our traditions and customs of not being able to rotate the torso neither to look for part some. Paradoxically, to the foreign prisoners in Colombia are treated with special indulgence.
  • 6. It is hardly natural to think that a lawyer of Japanese occupation, don't appear in person with the ethics characteristic of the defender, because the truth that stops this, the task imposed by its superior is the one of being the devil's" "lawyer. In conclusion, in this event, the one subdued is subject to the Machiavellian will of the members of a dark team of inquiring that little they care luck of a Colombian" "criminal. Kosugue, then, on the paper center of preventive reclusion, he/she becomes a hell of escalofriantes scenes, of bitterness and pain, of martyrdom without end. The fleshless narration, in clear language, plethoric in adjectives, elaborated with effort and passion, demonstrative of the longings of I relieve of the author, it introduces to the reader a testimony of the grade of the man's cruelty and of the complete deshumanización of the jails in almost all the confines of the planet. The scenes of horror, the exasperating minutes of the awful routine of a man confined in a miserable dungeon, they make the reader to be roused in the "novel" until finishing. Truly dramatic episodes and escalofriantes, in a chronological recount, place in the table an exquisite plate for the enthusiasts in these topics, and aleccionante, for those that are related with the judicial enclosures. This space looks for above all to capture summations and to figure out the deep teachings that arise of this experience. A lesson, too repeated in all the parts of the orb: Many defendants confront the bad faith and the villainous bias of the in charge organisms of the capture; here in the preliminary of the investigation they cook beans, and it is not dared to say it, it plays primordial paper the miserable crime of the bribe. "The twine and other tools" define the freedom or the infamous and lingering trial, like in the case that occupies us. We leave to the good analysis and imagination of the reader, the restlessness. . . With what did Dora pay her freedom? IN FRONT OF THE GOWN, THE BONNET AND THE WHIP; AND TO THE TORTURE: It represents the most spectacular scenes in this tragicomedy. It is an example to the human effrontery.
  • 7. The curtain opens up 13 times v the scenario he/she is silent witness of the most ridiculous artificial tramoya that can appear in the historical annals of the Right. This sounds rhetorical but it is not it; here we are emitting the derived conceptual truth of the testimonial narration of the artificial central character of the comic one, Juan Carlos Giraldo who the victim embodies. Of in case this largometraje has the guarantee stamp signed with a compensation, it is for not believing. And if there are not evidences of that described, there was not this servant, utilized the feather to interpret it and to extract lessons of their juicy fruits. Also, this history is maybe not a faithful mirror of what happens in Colombia, in the enormous measure of the Japanese episode, but in our country that is also parodied happened in the great power of the nascent sun. The asseveration is not gratuitous, because tests exist personally for heaps and me I have a bitter experience in my files. The Great Tribune, their contertulios of the Sacred" "Table and the accusing district attorney on one side; the shift counsel for the defense, sometimes yes and other times not, supplement next to Juan Carlos, the harlequins with who this fantastic lúdica of the Law" Theatrical "Art moves A carom capture, a culprit admitted that one makes position of the crime, the accused's firm negation and the lady's immediate freedom that she slept placidly in the “pillow of the cocaine”, they constitute the weak indications to judge who was condemned. Innocuous interrogations, artificial paraphernalia, you ask idiots, false witness, distorted confessions, mounted and forced, compose the artificial, repeated argument absurdly during 13 sessions to season the comedy very well and to cook the condemnation. The reader, will be able to check that affirmed, when it is introduced of full in the summary of the book that well is worth the pain to approach for the thrilling history that seems exit of the shelves of Agate Cristhie or of Alfred Hitchcock. In the course of the trial, lingering during more than 12 months they happen a series of episodes and vivencias that take place in Juan Carlos the deepest depression, continuous changes in their state of spirit, psychological sequels that drive him in such a form to the madness, really impelling it to "be made the
  • 8. lunatic", in the desperate search of better treatments on the part of their executioners in this back patio of the hell, the jail of Kosugue. To such a misery grade the criminal arrives that opts to look for to all trance the physical means and the elements to the reach to offer the suicide. Truly we wanted to extend in comments and recounts, but our work consists on abbreviating the topic offering, inside the style of the prologuista, to sow lessons for the men of well and to give literary supports in for of the transformation of the societies. I leave to the restless ones in their will and good trial, the right to their own summations, but if I urge them to read the principle book to end, because it constitutes a work of unusual surprises and teachings, amen that their narrative description by nature, takes inherent pleasant anecdotes and its author's colloquial notes. THE CRIMINAL'S REBELLION: The high tribunals of Justice in the world, will never be able to do with good eyes the fact of having to claim people by means of compensations in money, due to flaws in the determination of guilt of these, in front of the behavior for the which they were investigated. The compensation, from the pecuniary point of view implies an expenditure on the part of the State and from the moral point of view, it constitutes a retaliación of the society toward the entities and judicial officials that have the task of administering justice and that they incur in procedure flaws, for act or default. The single fact that a Colombian citizen has obtained a compensation on the part of the Japanese State, it constitutes a personal success in his artificial battle and it configures a guarantee stamp that is prefixed to the mask of the present book, rising in supreme grade the testimonial truthfulness of Juan Carlos narrations. It finishes because this episode with a payment in money to compensate the aberrant attitude of those who manipulated the truth, distorted the facts and they subjected to a human being to one of the most atrocious hours of torture, in a chain of nonsenses, settlements and juridical outrages that have put in trial cloth the magnanimity of the Japanese justice.
  • 9. From these lines we want to ennoble the decision assumed by the High Tribunal of Justice of the great Japanese nation, when recognizing the error of their subordinate ones in the hierarchical order of the law; we should applaud the favorable failure to bury the I hurt juridical, ordering a payment that alleviated the serious insult relatively that he/she was made to a countryman. But, any money of the world, was this way tons of gold, they could recoup the caused damage. The moral scars and the psychological sequels are indelible. Juan Carlos in their courage, it has recovered the one on the way to their life with two gems, the freedom and the blame acquittal; and really that in spirit nobility he/she has manifested that he/she doesn't keep any bitterness toward their executioners; on the contrary he/she admires the Japanese culture; this expression of gallantry will afford him future satisfactions, and one of them, is the present testimony transformed into literary work, before humble and powerful, legos and junsconsultos, parishioners and university students, illiterate and illustrious. Everybody will have in their hands an exciting nurtured history of hates, stigmas, preventions, fantasies, horrors, comedies and finally lined of pardon and love. How great lesson for the humanity, that sustraída of the ancestros, when great respect existed for the human securities, for the rights, the duties and the laws: "The justice limps... but it arrives"... And in honor to all the readers, desire to finish, leaving to their good interpretation those behaviors of the Japanese judges... laxity with who catches in fraganti and it condemns against who one doesn't have evidence... mentioning of the deep of the liberator's wisdom Simón Bolívar a beautiful thought: "The corruption of the towns is born of the indulgence of those tribunals and of the impunity of the crimes"