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                     Performance Appraisal System at Infojobs S.A.

            PA practices in a Spanish corporation. Infojobs case in practice.

                                      Hristo B. Kolev1

                                AUBG2, EMBA3 program

  Corresponding Author – contact:
  American University in Bulgaria
  Executive Master of Business Administration



A case study to complete a through, thoughtful, and objective analysis of the

company’s performance appraisal system; identify strengths and areas that may need

improvement; and make recommendations based on the present conclusions and some

recommended readings in this area.


The paper is based on a personal interviews (with Joan Pau Fisas, Manager of People

Development Department4 at Infojobs, and Irene Molins, employee in Infojobs), the

International Journal of Human and Social Science’s article “Performance Appraisal

System using Multifactorial Evaluation Model” by Yee, C. C. and Chen, Y. Y.; and

the California State University Business School work study “Designing Effective

Performance Appraisal Systems” by Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B. H.


The paper finds that Infojobs has a well-established and good working formal

Performance Apprisal System5. Both managers and employees are satisfied and

support the actual technique to evaluate their performance, they believe that PAS

helps them to:

       •    create a motivated and committed work-place environment

       •    and to translate organizational goals and objectives into personalized

            employee specific objectives.

    PDD abbreviation will be used further down in the present paper
    PAS abbreviation will be used further down in the present paper
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                3

   However, the actual system needs some minor improvements/adjustments in

almost all performance appraisal areas: training; frequency of appraisal; maintaining

records; measuring system; and conduction process. Infojobs’ PDD managers are

aware of some of the mentioned flaws and are already taking actions.


   Henderson, R.I. (1984) in his work “Practical Guide to Performance Appraisal”

states that developing an appraisal system that accurately reflects employee

performance is a difficult task, and there are no generic or easily passed systems from

one company to another; their design and administration must be tailor-made to match

employee and organizational characteristics and qualities.

   PAS could be defined as a communication system between employee and his

supervisor, the conclusions of which permits to identify areas of improvement,

training, development, etc. The lack of such communication system may be viewed

by the employee as approval of their current work habits and performance. Building a

well-working PAS begins with determining the organization’s goals and objectives,

clarifying job roles, job description and responsibilities. One of the most important

goals for this process is to make to employees understand how their personal job

performance contributes to the overall performance of the company.

                                      Infojobs S.A.

   Infojobs S.A. is a Spanish company established in 1998 in Barcelona. Its business

is to optimize selection and recruitment process for B2B clients through its online

platform. Infojobs is the bridge between the two parts of the market labor force –

Demand (unemployed or looking for new employment people) with Supply
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                                4

     (companies that offer jobs). The service is free for the Demand and pay-per-offer for

     the Supply. Since 2009 Infojobs is part of the Norwegian media conglomerate

     Schibsted (94%), still, its initial investors - Spanish-based company Grupo Intercom

     owns the rest of the shares (6%). The company has divisions in Spain, Italy, Portugal

     and Brazil. Spanish division is of about 200 people with headquarters in Barcelona,

     and branch offices in other 8 major Spanish cities.

                                 Infojobs’ Performance Appraisal System

        Infojobs calls its PAS - EPD (Evolución Por Desempeño). The system was

     designed and introduced in 2004 by the company’s PDD. EPD system is applied to all

     employees in the organization, and meets all crucial recommendations for a complete

     PAS given by Boice, D. F. and Kleiner, B. H. in their work “Designing Effective

     Performance Appraisal Systems”:

                                                       Figure 1












          Source: Hristo Kolev, interpretation of Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B. H. article “Designing Effective
                                          Performance Appraisal Systems”
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                 5

   Organizational and Employee Objectives: An appraisal process pretends first to

determine the organization’s objectives, next steps are to clarify job role, job

description and responsibilities, determining how the role and responsibilities

contribute to wider goals, determining: why individual and team performance is

important; and what is expected within the current planning period. The most

important point of the process is to ensure that the employee understands how his/her

job performance contributes to the overall performance of the company. Further in this

paper we will see how Infojobs measures the acceptance of its core values (PAS form

applied to all employees) and how goals are clearly transmitted to sales agents (RAC


   Training: Infojobs trains both parties of the process (managers and employees).

Mangers are provided with a specific approach and rating criteria and employees are

trained how to set objectives and give accurate feedback. However in this respect the

company needs to improve its system by:

         •   Perform periodic refreshing courses. The last training course for manager in

             evaluating criteria was 2 years ago, thus many of the new managers in the

             company have never performed it.

         •   Raters (in the case of Infojobs-the managers) should be evaluated on how

             they conduct performance appraisals in order to make sure that the criteria

             are consistent throughout all the organization.

   Frequency of Appraisal: PAS is conducted in the organization on a yearly bases.

This is another flaw in the Inforjobs’ system, because makes it difficult to monitor the

Action Plan improvements (please consult point 4 of the PAS system further down).

Infojobs’ managers are aware of this problem, and have already decided to perform

PAS on quarterly bases, starting from Q1 in 2013.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                 6

   Maintaining Records: Infojobs starts each PAS with the conclusion (results) of the

previous year evaluation. Crane, J.G. (1991) in his work “Getting the performance you

want” states that carefully maintained data establish patterns in an employee’s

behavior that may be difficult to spot by typical incident-by-incident supervision. If

Infojobs wants to go further in this respect, they should let employees be themselves

responsible for part of the process of record-keeping: this would help reinforce the fact

that a major part of the process is devoted to employee development and employees

themselves are responsible for their own development.

   Measurement System: Infojobs’ system is based on 3 different techniques –

managers’ subjective opinion (criteria-based) about an employee; employee’s

feedback on managers’ opinion; and rating scales (details further down in Infojobs’

PAS (EPD) System). As outlined in the Yee, C. C. and Chen, Y.Y. (2010) article

“Performance Appraisal System using Multifactorial Evaluation Model”, it is

essential to understand that different organizations might use different techniques in

assessing staff performance. Infojobs uses other techniques like 360º, 180º and RAQ

(Results Activity Quality – Appendix 1), but they are not directly linked directly to the

PAS. The company should integrate all those techniques to the PAS in future.

   Conducting the Appraisal System: In this respect Infojobs should improve in

some respects. In the actual system employees are evaluated only by their direct

managers, while analyst consider that in flat organizations (like Infojobs) multiple

rater systems should be used, where the input of all supervisors is required to complete

a thorough performance review. Another improvement in this respects comes from

Goff, S.J. and Longenecher, C.O. (1990) article “Why Performance Appraisals Still

Fail”, they suggest that employee should be encouraged to self-appraisal, this helps

the employee to be less defensive and passive in the appraisal review. The self-
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                               7

employee appraisal problem is solved with the 180º and 360º, however these still need

to be integrated in the company’s PAS.

   Pay for Performance: Only the sales agents in the company have part of their

payrolls linked to their performance and it is out of PAS. In Infojobs Pay for

Performance is measured by the RAQ form (Appendix 1) and is not integrated in the

PAS. This is exactly what Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B.H. recommend in their work

“Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems” – stating that the link between

payment and performance is often unsatisfactorily established and even less often

maintained to the satisfaction of employees and supervisor/organization.

   Legal Issues: theory says that there is a legal reason for the PAS, meaning that, for

example, failure to conduct appraisal “properly” may result in employees taking legal

actions. However in Spanish (thus Infojobs) environment this is not that straight


                         Infojobs’ PAS (EPD) System in details

   Infojobs PAS evaluation is conducted once a year, using a 5 stages form (original

form is available in Appendix 2). The main aspects of the form are as follows:

      1. Previous Period

              o Evaluation results from previous period: keeping records ensures the

                  effectiveness of the system. Well-maintained records are essential if

                  the need arises to discipline, demote or dismiss an employee.

              o Employee comments: gives feedback of the employee, this section is

                  the proof that the employee understands and accepts the PAS results,

                  and its further action plan.

      2. Infojobs’ Values (present period)
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                8

                    o The company has 7 core values6 and the employee is ranked in an

                        even scale of 4 possible ranks - low; middle; high; and excellent: this

                        scale is a solution to the “average rating problem”, forcing the

                        managers to rate employees on one side of the central point.

                    o Employee comments: proves that the employee is aware of the

                        possible gaps between corporate values and his/her performance.

          3. Competencies (present period)

                    o Strengths and Improvement area: From one hand the manager points

                        out the strengths of the employee and from other hand suggests

                        which competencies the employee should improve for the next year.

                    o Employee comments: proves that the employee is aware of which

                        areas his manager expects him/her to improve in future.

          4. Action Plan

                    o Schedules a list of actions in order to develop needed competencies

                        (detected in point 3).

                    o Employee comments: proves that the employee accepts and is

                        engaged to the action plan.

          5. Professional Career

                    o Employee expectation regarding his career in the organization

                    o Manager’s opinion

                    o Recommendations

    Sincerity, Generosity, Humility, Effort, Ambition, Common Sense, and Joy
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                             9

   Once these 5 stages are completed, PDD staff elaborates a quadrant, which is the

final result of the PAS, where Y-axis represents the Nº of areas to improve (or Alerts)

and the X-axis represents the performance level (low if it is “–“ and high if it is “+”).

                                               Figure 2

    Source: Hristo Kolev, based on interview with Joan Pau Fisas and Irene Molins (PDD at Infojobs)

   The company’s objective is to have 100% of its employees in the Quadrant 4 (Q4).

The worst situation is when an employee is in Q2, meaning that employees in thiat

quadrant have a lot of areas to improve (Alerts) and low performance at the same time.

These employees are put under closer monitoring during next year, and must change

their performance, and reduce their areas of improvement, if not are dismissed. Actual

employee distribution is Q1= 2%; Q2= 5%; Q3= 7%; and Q4= 86%.


   For Infojobs people development is a core company value. Top management

believes that in times of global competition we are living at, people in organizations

are resource of competitive advantages, and the company can not afford unmotivated
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                               10

and uncommitted. This is why PDD of the company has direct representation in the

Board of Directors (PDD manager Joan Pau Fisas is a board member). According to

the results of the Granfield-ESADE, (2000) research “Gestión Estratégica de

Recursos Humanos¨, less that 15% of HR managers participate in the board of

directors in Spanish organizations. This fact provides a linkage between employee

performance and organizational goals, making the PAS completely effective.

   Other proof of the effective Performance Appraisal System in Infojobs is the award

“Best Place to Work” in Spain for 2011.

   PAS is a dynamic process and needs to be improved with the pass of the time.

Infojobs’ PAS has some minor flaws in terms of training; frequency of appraisal;

maintaining records; measuring system; and conduction process, that need to be

addressed in the short turn. However, I believe that company’s managers will be able

to correct those flaws in the near future and Infojobs will be again in top positions of

the Best Place to Work in Spain’s rankings.


Fisas Suriol, J.P. (24.10.2012) Infojobs PDD Manager interview

Molins, I. (25.10.2012) Ifojobs PDD employee interview

Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B.H. (1997) “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal


Henderson, R.I. (1984) “Practical Guide to Performance Appraisal”

Crane, J.G. (1991) “Getting the performance you want”

Yee, C.C. and Chen, Y.Y. (2010) “Performance Appraisal System Using

Multifactorial Evaluation Model”

Granfield-ESADE (2000) research “Gestión Estratégica de Recursos Humanos
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                                                                 12

                                                        Appendix 1

                                                    RAC DE INFOJOBS
        NOMBRE: [Escribe aqui]                      MES: [Escribe aqui]                 MANAGER: [Escribe aqui]

        Parte 1: CIFRAS CLAVE

                                              VENTAS: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
                                        Mercado                             Objetivo:                      Resultado:            Logro:
                                             GE                                                                                 #DIV/0!

 !                                        ACTIVIDAD: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
                                                                            Objetivo:                      Resultado:            Logro:
 "                                                                                 0                               0            #DIV/0!
 #                                                  (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial, casos a destacar). KO's, anticipos,
                                                    retrasos, casos relevantes, …
        Mercado (GE)                                Empresa                          A Destacar (ko, anticipo, retraso, …)
 '      Observaciones del comercial:                (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
 "      [Escribe aqui]
 )                                               RESUMEN DEL MES ANTERIOR
 *      ¿Qué he hecho bien? (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)

 (      [Escribe aqui]

        ¿Qué voy debo cambiar o mejorar para el siguiente? (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
        [Escribe aqui]

                                              VENTAS: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
                                        Mercado                        Objetivo:                            Previsión:           Logro:
 !                                           GE                                                                                 #DIV/0!
 "                                       ACTIVIDAD: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)

 #                                                                          Objetivo:                       Previsión:           Logro:
                                                                                   0                                0           #DIV/0!
                                                    (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial, casos a destacar). KO's, anticipos,
                                                    retrasos, casos relevantes, …
 +      Mercado (GE)                                Empresa                          A Destacar (ko, anticipo, retraso, …)
        Observaciones del comercial:                (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
 -      [Escribe aqui]

        Parte 2: SATISFACCION
#       Cualitativo definido para el Qx                                                 (Definido previamente por el manager)
%       [Escribe aqui]
)       Estado actual                                                                   (Definido previamente por el manager)
#       [Escribe aqui]

. &
        Nivel de satisf. del comercial: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
        [Escribe Aqui]

        Parte 3: COMPROMISOS
                         Seguimiento COMPROMISOS mes anterior (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial)
+       [Escribe aqui]
  #     Compromisos para el mes próximo
0                                                                            (durante la reunión)
  *     Descripción Tarea                                                               Objetivo                         Deadline
(       "#$%&'(')*%+,-%./%0*-*1.2%+/'.-).%3                                             !!!

                Parte 4: VALORACIÓN FINAL MANAGER (ventas, actividad,
        [Escribe aqui]
1   !
% + %
- ) &
* / %
( & 2
% $ "
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A.                                      13

                                          Appendix 2

Indicaciones: Cuando escribáis en los recuadros cambiará el formato del documento, no os
preocupéis, intentar adaptarlo según este modelo una vez este cumplimentado.
A rellenar por el evaluado
Nombre:                                                  Periodo evaluado:
Posición Actual:                                         Fecha evaluación:

Evaluación periodo anterior:

Comentarios del evaluado:
Valores Infojobs: (demostrados en el periodo)

                            Bajo              Medio                 Alto            Sobresale
Sentido Común

Comentarios del evaluado:

Competencias: (demostradas en el periodo)

                    Fortalezas                            A desarrollar (en el próximo año)
-                                                    -
-                                                    -

Comentarios del evaluado:
Acciones de mejora: (a desarrollar en el próximo año)

          Competencia                       Acción                    Fechas       Responsable

Futuro profesional:

Expectativas del evaluado:

Opinión Manager:


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Performance appraisal system at Infojobs

  • 1. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 1 Performance Appraisal System at Infojobs S.A. PA practices in a Spanish corporation. Infojobs case in practice. Hristo B. Kolev1 AUBG2, EMBA3 program 1 Corresponding Author – contact: 2 American University in Bulgaria 3 Executive Master of Business Administration
  • 2. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 2 Abstract Purpose: A case study to complete a through, thoughtful, and objective analysis of the company’s performance appraisal system; identify strengths and areas that may need improvement; and make recommendations based on the present conclusions and some recommended readings in this area. Methodology/approach: The paper is based on a personal interviews (with Joan Pau Fisas, Manager of People Development Department4 at Infojobs, and Irene Molins, employee in Infojobs), the International Journal of Human and Social Science’s article “Performance Appraisal System using Multifactorial Evaluation Model” by Yee, C. C. and Chen, Y. Y.; and the California State University Business School work study “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems” by Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B. H. Findings: The paper finds that Infojobs has a well-established and good working formal Performance Apprisal System5. Both managers and employees are satisfied and support the actual technique to evaluate their performance, they believe that PAS helps them to: • create a motivated and committed work-place environment • and to translate organizational goals and objectives into personalized employee specific objectives. 4 PDD abbreviation will be used further down in the present paper 5 PAS abbreviation will be used further down in the present paper
  • 3. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 3 However, the actual system needs some minor improvements/adjustments in almost all performance appraisal areas: training; frequency of appraisal; maintaining records; measuring system; and conduction process. Infojobs’ PDD managers are aware of some of the mentioned flaws and are already taking actions. Introduction Henderson, R.I. (1984) in his work “Practical Guide to Performance Appraisal” states that developing an appraisal system that accurately reflects employee performance is a difficult task, and there are no generic or easily passed systems from one company to another; their design and administration must be tailor-made to match employee and organizational characteristics and qualities. PAS could be defined as a communication system between employee and his supervisor, the conclusions of which permits to identify areas of improvement, training, development, etc. The lack of such communication system may be viewed by the employee as approval of their current work habits and performance. Building a well-working PAS begins with determining the organization’s goals and objectives, clarifying job roles, job description and responsibilities. One of the most important goals for this process is to make to employees understand how their personal job performance contributes to the overall performance of the company. Infojobs S.A. Infojobs S.A. is a Spanish company established in 1998 in Barcelona. Its business is to optimize selection and recruitment process for B2B clients through its online platform. Infojobs is the bridge between the two parts of the market labor force – Demand (unemployed or looking for new employment people) with Supply
  • 4. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 4 (companies that offer jobs). The service is free for the Demand and pay-per-offer for the Supply. Since 2009 Infojobs is part of the Norwegian media conglomerate Schibsted (94%), still, its initial investors - Spanish-based company Grupo Intercom owns the rest of the shares (6%). The company has divisions in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Brazil. Spanish division is of about 200 people with headquarters in Barcelona, and branch offices in other 8 major Spanish cities. Infojobs’ Performance Appraisal System Infojobs calls its PAS - EPD (Evolución Por Desempeño). The system was designed and introduced in 2004 by the company’s PDD. EPD system is applied to all employees in the organization, and meets all crucial recommendations for a complete PAS given by Boice, D. F. and Kleiner, B. H. in their work “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems”: Figure 1 Maintaining

 Source: Hristo Kolev, interpretation of Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B. H. article “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems”
  • 5. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 5 Organizational and Employee Objectives: An appraisal process pretends first to determine the organization’s objectives, next steps are to clarify job role, job description and responsibilities, determining how the role and responsibilities contribute to wider goals, determining: why individual and team performance is important; and what is expected within the current planning period. The most important point of the process is to ensure that the employee understands how his/her job performance contributes to the overall performance of the company. Further in this paper we will see how Infojobs measures the acceptance of its core values (PAS form applied to all employees) and how goals are clearly transmitted to sales agents (RAC form). Training: Infojobs trains both parties of the process (managers and employees). Mangers are provided with a specific approach and rating criteria and employees are trained how to set objectives and give accurate feedback. However in this respect the company needs to improve its system by: • Perform periodic refreshing courses. The last training course for manager in evaluating criteria was 2 years ago, thus many of the new managers in the company have never performed it. • Raters (in the case of Infojobs-the managers) should be evaluated on how they conduct performance appraisals in order to make sure that the criteria are consistent throughout all the organization. Frequency of Appraisal: PAS is conducted in the organization on a yearly bases. This is another flaw in the Inforjobs’ system, because makes it difficult to monitor the Action Plan improvements (please consult point 4 of the PAS system further down). Infojobs’ managers are aware of this problem, and have already decided to perform PAS on quarterly bases, starting from Q1 in 2013.
  • 6. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 6 Maintaining Records: Infojobs starts each PAS with the conclusion (results) of the previous year evaluation. Crane, J.G. (1991) in his work “Getting the performance you want” states that carefully maintained data establish patterns in an employee’s behavior that may be difficult to spot by typical incident-by-incident supervision. If Infojobs wants to go further in this respect, they should let employees be themselves responsible for part of the process of record-keeping: this would help reinforce the fact that a major part of the process is devoted to employee development and employees themselves are responsible for their own development. Measurement System: Infojobs’ system is based on 3 different techniques – managers’ subjective opinion (criteria-based) about an employee; employee’s feedback on managers’ opinion; and rating scales (details further down in Infojobs’ PAS (EPD) System). As outlined in the Yee, C. C. and Chen, Y.Y. (2010) article “Performance Appraisal System using Multifactorial Evaluation Model”, it is essential to understand that different organizations might use different techniques in assessing staff performance. Infojobs uses other techniques like 360º, 180º and RAQ (Results Activity Quality – Appendix 1), but they are not directly linked directly to the PAS. The company should integrate all those techniques to the PAS in future. Conducting the Appraisal System: In this respect Infojobs should improve in some respects. In the actual system employees are evaluated only by their direct managers, while analyst consider that in flat organizations (like Infojobs) multiple rater systems should be used, where the input of all supervisors is required to complete a thorough performance review. Another improvement in this respects comes from Goff, S.J. and Longenecher, C.O. (1990) article “Why Performance Appraisals Still Fail”, they suggest that employee should be encouraged to self-appraisal, this helps the employee to be less defensive and passive in the appraisal review. The self-
  • 7. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 7 employee appraisal problem is solved with the 180º and 360º, however these still need to be integrated in the company’s PAS. Pay for Performance: Only the sales agents in the company have part of their payrolls linked to their performance and it is out of PAS. In Infojobs Pay for Performance is measured by the RAQ form (Appendix 1) and is not integrated in the PAS. This is exactly what Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B.H. recommend in their work “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems” – stating that the link between payment and performance is often unsatisfactorily established and even less often maintained to the satisfaction of employees and supervisor/organization. Legal Issues: theory says that there is a legal reason for the PAS, meaning that, for example, failure to conduct appraisal “properly” may result in employees taking legal actions. However in Spanish (thus Infojobs) environment this is not that straight forward. Infojobs’ PAS (EPD) System in details Infojobs PAS evaluation is conducted once a year, using a 5 stages form (original form is available in Appendix 2). The main aspects of the form are as follows: 1. Previous Period o Evaluation results from previous period: keeping records ensures the effectiveness of the system. Well-maintained records are essential if the need arises to discipline, demote or dismiss an employee. o Employee comments: gives feedback of the employee, this section is the proof that the employee understands and accepts the PAS results, and its further action plan. 2. Infojobs’ Values (present period)
  • 8. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 8 o The company has 7 core values6 and the employee is ranked in an even scale of 4 possible ranks - low; middle; high; and excellent: this scale is a solution to the “average rating problem”, forcing the managers to rate employees on one side of the central point. o Employee comments: proves that the employee is aware of the possible gaps between corporate values and his/her performance. 3. Competencies (present period) o Strengths and Improvement area: From one hand the manager points out the strengths of the employee and from other hand suggests which competencies the employee should improve for the next year. o Employee comments: proves that the employee is aware of which areas his manager expects him/her to improve in future. 4. Action Plan o Schedules a list of actions in order to develop needed competencies (detected in point 3). o Employee comments: proves that the employee accepts and is engaged to the action plan. 5. Professional Career o Employee expectation regarding his career in the organization o Manager’s opinion o Recommendations 6 Sincerity, Generosity, Humility, Effort, Ambition, Common Sense, and Joy
  • 9. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 9 Once these 5 stages are completed, PDD staff elaborates a quadrant, which is the final result of the PAS, where Y-axis represents the Nº of areas to improve (or Alerts) and the X-axis represents the performance level (low if it is “–“ and high if it is “+”). Figure 2 Source: Hristo Kolev, based on interview with Joan Pau Fisas and Irene Molins (PDD at Infojobs) The company’s objective is to have 100% of its employees in the Quadrant 4 (Q4). The worst situation is when an employee is in Q2, meaning that employees in thiat quadrant have a lot of areas to improve (Alerts) and low performance at the same time. These employees are put under closer monitoring during next year, and must change their performance, and reduce their areas of improvement, if not are dismissed. Actual employee distribution is Q1= 2%; Q2= 5%; Q3= 7%; and Q4= 86%. Conclusions For Infojobs people development is a core company value. Top management believes that in times of global competition we are living at, people in organizations are resource of competitive advantages, and the company can not afford unmotivated
  • 10. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 10 and uncommitted. This is why PDD of the company has direct representation in the Board of Directors (PDD manager Joan Pau Fisas is a board member). According to the results of the Granfield-ESADE, (2000) research “Gestión Estratégica de Recursos Humanos¨, less that 15% of HR managers participate in the board of directors in Spanish organizations. This fact provides a linkage between employee performance and organizational goals, making the PAS completely effective. Other proof of the effective Performance Appraisal System in Infojobs is the award “Best Place to Work” in Spain for 2011. PAS is a dynamic process and needs to be improved with the pass of the time. Infojobs’ PAS has some minor flaws in terms of training; frequency of appraisal; maintaining records; measuring system; and conduction process, that need to be addressed in the short turn. However, I believe that company’s managers will be able to correct those flaws in the near future and Infojobs will be again in top positions of the Best Place to Work in Spain’s rankings. References: Fisas Suriol, J.P. (24.10.2012) Infojobs PDD Manager interview Molins, I. (25.10.2012) Ifojobs PDD employee interview Boice, D.F. and Kleiner, B.H. (1997) “Designing Effective Performance Appraisal Systems” Henderson, R.I. (1984) “Practical Guide to Performance Appraisal” Crane, J.G. (1991) “Getting the performance you want”
  • 11. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 11 Yee, C.C. and Chen, Y.Y. (2010) “Performance Appraisal System Using Multifactorial Evaluation Model” Granfield-ESADE (2000) research “Gestión Estratégica de Recursos Humanos
  • 12. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 12 Appendix 1 RAC DE INFOJOBS NOMBRE: [Escribe aqui] MES: [Escribe aqui] MANAGER: [Escribe aqui] Parte 1: CIFRAS CLAVE VENTAS: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) Mercado Objetivo: Resultado: Logro: GE #DIV/0! ! ACTIVIDAD: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) Objetivo: Resultado: Logro: " 0 0 #DIV/0! # (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial, casos a destacar). KO's, anticipos, $ SITUACIONES RELEVANTES retrasos, casos relevantes, … Mercado (GE) Empresa A Destacar (ko, anticipo, retraso, …) % & ' Observaciones del comercial: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) " [Escribe aqui] ( ) RESUMEN DEL MES ANTERIOR * ¿Qué he hecho bien? (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) ( [Escribe aqui] ¿Qué voy debo cambiar o mejorar para el siguiente? (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) [Escribe aqui] VENTAS: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) Mercado Objetivo: Previsión: Logro: ! GE #DIV/0! " ACTIVIDAD: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) # Objetivo: Previsión: Logro: 0 0 #DIV/0! $ % SITUACIONES RELEVANTES (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial, casos a destacar). KO's, anticipos, retrasos, casos relevantes, … + Mercado (GE) Empresa A Destacar (ko, anticipo, retraso, …) ' , % Observaciones del comercial: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) - [Escribe aqui] Parte 2: SATISFACCION SEGUIMIENTO CUALITATIVO # Cualitativo definido para el Qx (Definido previamente por el manager) % [Escribe aqui] ' ) Estado actual (Definido previamente por el manager) # [Escribe aqui] . & % Nivel de satisf. del comercial: (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) + [Escribe Aqui] + ) / Parte 3: COMPROMISOS Seguimiento COMPROMISOS mes anterior (a cumplimentar previamente por el comercial) + [Escribe aqui] * ) ! # Compromisos para el mes próximo 0 (durante la reunión) * Descripción Tarea Objetivo Deadline ( "#$%&'(')*%+,-%./%0*-*1.2%+/'.-).%3 !!! # * ! Parte 4: VALORACIÓN FINAL MANAGER (ventas, actividad, [Escribe aqui] 1 ! % + % - ) & * / % ( & 2 % $ "
  • 13. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT INFOJOBS S.A. 13 Appendix 2 EPD Indicaciones: Cuando escribáis en los recuadros cambiará el formato del documento, no os preocupéis, intentar adaptarlo según este modelo una vez este cumplimentado. A rellenar por el evaluado Nombre: Periodo evaluado: Posición Actual: Fecha evaluación: Evaluador: Evaluación periodo anterior: Comentarios del evaluado: Valores Infojobs: (demostrados en el periodo) Bajo Medio Alto Sobresale Sinceridad Generosidad Humildad Esfuerzo Ambición Sentido Común Alegría Comentarios del evaluado: Competencias: (demostradas en el periodo) Fortalezas A desarrollar (en el próximo año) - - - - Comentarios del evaluado: Acciones de mejora: (a desarrollar en el próximo año) Competencia Acción Fechas Responsable 1. 2. 3. 4. Futuro profesional: Expectativas del evaluado: Opinión Manager: Recomendaciones: