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Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
Book II, Chapter 13
On Equanimity (Peace and Tranquillity of Mind)
The First Guard at the Door of Liberation
The Characteristics of a Saint
Vashishtha speaking:
1Intelligent men who have seen the spirit fix their sight upon
it and wander about in the world as persons of great and
elevated souls, 2they do not grieve, nor do they wish or ask for
anything of good or evil (in this world). They do their works
with detachment.
3Those who rely on themselves remain quiet, unaffected by
good or evil and acting their parts with a calm serenity. They
take no concern for what is harmful or delectable to them.
4They are alike indifferent to coming or not coming, going or
not going, doing or not doing, and speaking or not speaking.
5After having come to know their God (as the author of all
good), whatever acts or sights may appear pleasant or
disgusting to others cease to affect them in any way.
6The mind having rid its desires feels a sweet composure
associated with bliss that is like moonlight descending from
the heavenly orb all about.
7By being unmindful of worldly affairs and regardless of all its
excitements, the soul is filled with a joy resembling the
ambrosial waters in the moon.
8He who ceases to act his magical parts (in this playground of
the earth) and desists from following his inclinations and
childish pranks, shines forth in his spiritual light. 9Such are the
powers gained from spiritual knowledge, and by no other
means whatever.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
10Therefore a man should employ his reasoning powers
during life to try to seek and know and adore the
Supreme Soul.
11It is the agreement of one’s belief with the teachings
of the scriptures and his instructor, joined with his
constant meditation that can give him a full view of the
Supreme Spirit.
12The fool slighting the scriptures and their instructions
and disregarding the counsels of great men is exposed
to difficulties and dangers from which he can have no
13There is no disease or poison, no trouble or affliction
as painful to one in this earth as the ignorance one
breeds in himself.
14Those whose intellects are purified a little will find this work
to be of greater effect to dispel their ignorance than any other
15Everyone who is a friend to good sayings and good sense
should diligently attend to this scripture with its beautiful
examples, pleasing lessons and lack of inconsistencies.
16Lack of dignity, inextricable difficulties, and baseness and
degeneracy are all the offspring of ignorance, just like thorns
are the offshoots of the prickly ketaki plant (Pandanus odorifer -
Fragrant Screw Pine is a small branched tree or shrub with fragrant
17It is far better, O Rama, to rove about a begging with a pot in
hand to the homes of vile chandalas than to lead a life
deadened by ignorance.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
18Rather dwell in dark dismal cells, within dry dreary wells, in
the hollows of trees, or remain like solitary blind worms than
labour under the miseries of ignorance.
19A man receiving the light leading to his liberation will
never fall into the darkness of error or gloom of death.
20As long as the clear light of reason does not shine upon the
mind like the sun, so long will the chilly frost of poverty
continue to contract the lotus of humanity.
21To liberate oneself from the miseries of the world, one
must know the true nature of the soul, both from his
teacher and the evidence of the scriptures, and also from
friends like ourselves.
22Try, O Rama, to imitate those who are liberated in their
lifetime, who are free to roam about like the gods Hari, Hara
and others, and like the holy sages among Brahmins.
23Here (on earth) our miseries are as endless as atoms, and our
happiness is as small as a drop of water on a piece of straw.
Therefore do not fix your sight upon that little happiness
which is beset by misery.
24Let an intelligent man diligently apply himself to attain that
state of endless happiness which is free from pain and
constitutes his highest completion.
25They are reckoned the best of men and deserving of
completion whose minds are free from the fever (of worldly
cares) and attached to the transcendental state.
26Those base minded mortals who are satisfied with their
enjoyments, eating and drinking, and the pleasures of their
worldly possessions, are reckoned as stark blind frogs.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
27Those attached to the company of imposters and wicked men,
or addicted to the practice of evil deeds, who are enemies in the
guise of friendship, or those given up to gluttony, 28all such
foolish men of mistaken and stupid minds fall into the hardest
of hardships, to the misery of miseries, to the horror of horrors,
and to the hell of hells.
29Happiness and misery destroy and succeed each other by
turns. They are as fleeting as flashes of lightning. Hence it is
impossible to be happy forever.
30Those great souls who are indifferent and well judging like
yourself are known as the most honourable of men, worthy of
both temporal enjoyments and spiritual emancipation.
31By reliance upon right reasoning joined with a habit of
remaining dispassionate, men are able to overcome the dark
and dangerous torrents of this world.
32No man of reason who well knows how the illusions of the
world derange understanding should allow himself to sleep
amid these illusions.
33Whoever remains neglectful in his worldliness is like a man
negligently sleeping on a grassy bed when his house is on fire.
34A state reached without return, attained so there is no more
cause for sorrow, undoubtedly is attainable only by divine
knowledge, and that is a certain truth.
35Even if such a future state did not exist, there would be no
harm to believe in it. But if such a state exists, belief in it will
save you from the ocean of this world (samsara).
36Whenever a man is inclined to think on the means of his
salvation, he is sure to soon be entitled to his liberation.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
37The undecaying, unerring and fearless state of tranquillity is
nowhere to be had in the three worlds without union (with the
38Having gained that best of gains, no one is liable to the pain
from which no wealth, and friend or relation can save.
39Neither the actions of one’s hands and feet in his offerings
and pilgrimage to distant lands, nor the bodily pains of
asceticism, nor his refuge in a holy place can serve his
40It is only by means of one’s best exertions and the fixing of
his mind to one object, and also by the subjection of his
desires, that one may arrive at the ultimate state (of bliss).
41So it is that by means of discrimination, reasoning and
ultimate ascertainment of truth; a man may avoid the snares of
misery and attain his best state.
42One sitting at ease and meditating within himself attains the
blissful state free from sorrow and future birth.
43All holy men are known to be beyond the bounds of frail
pleasures. They reckon their best serenity to be their ultimate
44They have given up all thoughts of humanity and heaven,
which are as devoid of true joy as a mirage is void of water.
45Therefore one should think of subduing his mind and resort
to peace and contentment as the means. These joined with an
unbounded composure produce true happiness.
46It is not to be had by sitting, or going up and down, or by
wandering, or by prostrating (before the altar). It is not to be
acquired by rakshasa demons, deities or ignorant men.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
47That ultimate joy is born of and obtainable from peace of
mind. It is fruit from the blossom of peace of the high tree of
48Those engaged in worldliness without mixing in it are like
the all-illumining sun and are known as the best of men.
49The mind at peace and rest, clear and free from errors, and
without any attempt or desire neither forsakes nor wishes for
the world.
Equanimity - The First Guard at the Door of Liberation
50Hear me, tell you about the orders of the guards (equanimity,
inquiry, contentment, and good company) at the gate of
salvation. If you know these orders, you are allowed to enter.
51Thirsting after pleasure is a state of protracted disease, and
his world is full of mirage. Only equanimity can cool this
dryness like the moistening beams of the moon.
52It is peacefulness that leads to all good and is reckoned the
best state of being. Quiet is joy. It is peace and prevents error.
53The man who lives content with his quiet and a calm clarity
of his soul, with a mind filled with detachment, makes friends
of his enemies.
54Those whose minds are adorned with the moonlight of
peacefulness feel within a flux of beams of purity rising in
them like the whitish waves of the Milky Ocean.
55Those holy men who have the lotus-like flower of
peacefulness growing in the lotus-shaped receptacle of their
hearts are said to have a secondary heart like the two hearts of
the god Hari (holding Brahma in one of them).
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
56They whose untainted faces shine like the moon with the
lustre of peacefulness are to be honoured as the luminaries of
their families. Others, seeing the charming beauty of their
appearance, honour them as ravishers of the senses.
57Whatever is beautiful in the three worlds, and whatever may
be imperial prosperity and grandeur, nothing in them can
afford a happiness equal to that of peacefulness.
58Whatever the misery, anxiety or intolerable difficulty, they
are all lost in a tranquil mind, like darkness in the sun.
59The mind of no living being is as delighted with moonbeams
as that of the peaceful man from his heart-felt joy.
60The virtuous man who is calm and quiet and friendly to all
living beings feels the benign influence of highest truths
appearing of themselves in his mind.
61Just like all children, whether good or bad, have a strict faith
in their mother, so all beings here rely upon a man of an even
62A refreshing drink of ambrosia or the kind embrace of
prosperity cannot give such gratification to the soul as one’s
inner satisfaction of the mind.
63Whether afflicted by disease or disaster, or dragged by the
rope of greed, bear yourself up, O Rama, by the composure of
your mind.
64Whatever you do and eat with the calm coolness of your mind
all that is far sweeter to the soul than anything sweet to taste.
65The mind that is overpowered by the ambrosial flavour of
peacefulness and desists from activity may have the body
lacerated, but it will heal shortly.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
66No imp, demon or enemy, and no tiger or snake ever
annoys a peaceful man.
67He who has his mind and body well-guarded by the
invulnerable armour of meekness can never be pierced
by the shafts of adversity. He remains like the thunder-
stone that is impenetrable by arrows.
68The king seated in his palace is not so graceful to see as a
quiet peaceful man who is graced by his calm and clarity of
69There is nothing in life so delightful to see as the satisfaction
one feels at the sight of a contented and peaceful man.
70Only he who lives a holy life with his gentle and
peaceful conduct is said to be truly living in this world.
71A sober minded, meek and honest man pleases
everyone by all that he does. It is as if he captivates all
beings to himself.
72He is called the meek who neither feels pleasure nor
pain at the sight, touch, sound or taste of anything good
or bad.
Characteristics of a Saint
73He who is indifferent to all objects and neither leaves nor
longs for anything, but keeps his senses and appetites under
control, is called a saint.
74Whoever knows all things, both internally and externally,
with a clear understanding, and who attends and looks to his
own concerns, is truly said to be a saint.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
75He whose mind remains as calm as moonbeams at the
approach of either feast or violence, and even at the
moment of death, is said to be a saint.
76Who, though present, neither rejoices nor murmurs at
anything but remains as if he were absent from it, and
conducts himself as quietly as if he were fast asleep,
such a person is called a saint.
77He whose complaisant look casts a graceful nectar-like
radiance on all around him is said to be a saint.
78Who feels a cool calmness within himself and is not
disturbed or immersed in any state of life, and who though a
layman is not worldly minded, such a man is termed a saint.
79He who does not take the difficulties of life to his
mind, however long or great they may be, or who does
not think his body to be himself, is known to be a saint.
80The man of the world who has a mind clear as the sky
and is not tainted (by worldliness) is said to be a saint.
81The quiet man with tranquillity of mind shines forth among
sages and ascetics, among priests and princes, and among the
mighty and learned.
82Great and meritorious men whose minds are attached to
peacefulness feel a rest arising in their souls like cooling
83Peacefulness is the greatest of all the many virtues and the
best decoration of courage. It shines resplendent among all
dangers and difficulties.
Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki
Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation
Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)
84O Rama, seek your perfection in the way in which
high-minded men have sought and attained their
perfect states, by holding fast onto peacefulness as an
imperishable virtue, preserved by the respectable, and
never to be lost or stolen.
Serenity: A disposition free from stress or emotion; the absence of
mental stress or anxiety.
Inclination: An attitude of mind especially one that favours one
alternative over others.
Prank: Acting like a clown or buffoon; a ludicrous or grotesque act
done for fun and amusement.
Slight: A deliberate discourteous act.
Degeneracy: Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral
Chandalas: Chandala is a Sanskrit word for someone who deals with
disposal of corpses, and is a Hindu lower caste, traditionally considered
to be untouchable.

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YV BKII CH13 On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation)

  • 1. 1 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) Book II, Chapter 13 On Equanimity (Peace and Tranquillity of Mind) The First Guard at the Door of Liberation The Characteristics of a Saint Vashishtha speaking: 1Intelligent men who have seen the spirit fix their sight upon it and wander about in the world as persons of great and elevated souls, 2they do not grieve, nor do they wish or ask for anything of good or evil (in this world). They do their works with detachment. 3Those who rely on themselves remain quiet, unaffected by good or evil and acting their parts with a calm serenity. They take no concern for what is harmful or delectable to them. 4They are alike indifferent to coming or not coming, going or not going, doing or not doing, and speaking or not speaking. 5After having come to know their God (as the author of all good), whatever acts or sights may appear pleasant or disgusting to others cease to affect them in any way. 6The mind having rid its desires feels a sweet composure associated with bliss that is like moonlight descending from the heavenly orb all about. 7By being unmindful of worldly affairs and regardless of all its excitements, the soul is filled with a joy resembling the ambrosial waters in the moon. 8He who ceases to act his magical parts (in this playground of the earth) and desists from following his inclinations and childish pranks, shines forth in his spiritual light. 9Such are the powers gained from spiritual knowledge, and by no other means whatever.
  • 2. 2 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 10Therefore a man should employ his reasoning powers during life to try to seek and know and adore the Supreme Soul. 11It is the agreement of one’s belief with the teachings of the scriptures and his instructor, joined with his constant meditation that can give him a full view of the Supreme Spirit. 12The fool slighting the scriptures and their instructions and disregarding the counsels of great men is exposed to difficulties and dangers from which he can have no release. 13There is no disease or poison, no trouble or affliction as painful to one in this earth as the ignorance one breeds in himself. 14Those whose intellects are purified a little will find this work to be of greater effect to dispel their ignorance than any other scripture. 15Everyone who is a friend to good sayings and good sense should diligently attend to this scripture with its beautiful examples, pleasing lessons and lack of inconsistencies. 16Lack of dignity, inextricable difficulties, and baseness and degeneracy are all the offspring of ignorance, just like thorns are the offshoots of the prickly ketaki plant (Pandanus odorifer - Fragrant Screw Pine is a small branched tree or shrub with fragrant flowers). 17It is far better, O Rama, to rove about a begging with a pot in hand to the homes of vile chandalas than to lead a life deadened by ignorance.
  • 3. 3 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 18Rather dwell in dark dismal cells, within dry dreary wells, in the hollows of trees, or remain like solitary blind worms than labour under the miseries of ignorance. 19A man receiving the light leading to his liberation will never fall into the darkness of error or gloom of death. 20As long as the clear light of reason does not shine upon the mind like the sun, so long will the chilly frost of poverty continue to contract the lotus of humanity. 21To liberate oneself from the miseries of the world, one must know the true nature of the soul, both from his teacher and the evidence of the scriptures, and also from friends like ourselves. 22Try, O Rama, to imitate those who are liberated in their lifetime, who are free to roam about like the gods Hari, Hara and others, and like the holy sages among Brahmins. 23Here (on earth) our miseries are as endless as atoms, and our happiness is as small as a drop of water on a piece of straw. Therefore do not fix your sight upon that little happiness which is beset by misery. 24Let an intelligent man diligently apply himself to attain that state of endless happiness which is free from pain and constitutes his highest completion. 25They are reckoned the best of men and deserving of completion whose minds are free from the fever (of worldly cares) and attached to the transcendental state. 26Those base minded mortals who are satisfied with their enjoyments, eating and drinking, and the pleasures of their worldly possessions, are reckoned as stark blind frogs.
  • 4. 4 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 27Those attached to the company of imposters and wicked men, or addicted to the practice of evil deeds, who are enemies in the guise of friendship, or those given up to gluttony, 28all such foolish men of mistaken and stupid minds fall into the hardest of hardships, to the misery of miseries, to the horror of horrors, and to the hell of hells. 29Happiness and misery destroy and succeed each other by turns. They are as fleeting as flashes of lightning. Hence it is impossible to be happy forever. 30Those great souls who are indifferent and well judging like yourself are known as the most honourable of men, worthy of both temporal enjoyments and spiritual emancipation. 31By reliance upon right reasoning joined with a habit of remaining dispassionate, men are able to overcome the dark and dangerous torrents of this world. 32No man of reason who well knows how the illusions of the world derange understanding should allow himself to sleep amid these illusions. 33Whoever remains neglectful in his worldliness is like a man negligently sleeping on a grassy bed when his house is on fire. 34A state reached without return, attained so there is no more cause for sorrow, undoubtedly is attainable only by divine knowledge, and that is a certain truth. 35Even if such a future state did not exist, there would be no harm to believe in it. But if such a state exists, belief in it will save you from the ocean of this world (samsara). 36Whenever a man is inclined to think on the means of his salvation, he is sure to soon be entitled to his liberation.
  • 5. 5 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 37The undecaying, unerring and fearless state of tranquillity is nowhere to be had in the three worlds without union (with the Supreme). 38Having gained that best of gains, no one is liable to the pain from which no wealth, and friend or relation can save. 39Neither the actions of one’s hands and feet in his offerings and pilgrimage to distant lands, nor the bodily pains of asceticism, nor his refuge in a holy place can serve his salvation. 40It is only by means of one’s best exertions and the fixing of his mind to one object, and also by the subjection of his desires, that one may arrive at the ultimate state (of bliss). 41So it is that by means of discrimination, reasoning and ultimate ascertainment of truth; a man may avoid the snares of misery and attain his best state. 42One sitting at ease and meditating within himself attains the blissful state free from sorrow and future birth. 43All holy men are known to be beyond the bounds of frail pleasures. They reckon their best serenity to be their ultimate bliss. 44They have given up all thoughts of humanity and heaven, which are as devoid of true joy as a mirage is void of water. 45Therefore one should think of subduing his mind and resort to peace and contentment as the means. These joined with an unbounded composure produce true happiness. 46It is not to be had by sitting, or going up and down, or by wandering, or by prostrating (before the altar). It is not to be acquired by rakshasa demons, deities or ignorant men.
  • 6. 6 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 47That ultimate joy is born of and obtainable from peace of mind. It is fruit from the blossom of peace of the high tree of reason. 48Those engaged in worldliness without mixing in it are like the all-illumining sun and are known as the best of men. 49The mind at peace and rest, clear and free from errors, and without any attempt or desire neither forsakes nor wishes for the world. Equanimity - The First Guard at the Door of Liberation 50Hear me, tell you about the orders of the guards (equanimity, inquiry, contentment, and good company) at the gate of salvation. If you know these orders, you are allowed to enter. 51Thirsting after pleasure is a state of protracted disease, and his world is full of mirage. Only equanimity can cool this dryness like the moistening beams of the moon. 52It is peacefulness that leads to all good and is reckoned the best state of being. Quiet is joy. It is peace and prevents error. 53The man who lives content with his quiet and a calm clarity of his soul, with a mind filled with detachment, makes friends of his enemies. 54Those whose minds are adorned with the moonlight of peacefulness feel within a flux of beams of purity rising in them like the whitish waves of the Milky Ocean. 55Those holy men who have the lotus-like flower of peacefulness growing in the lotus-shaped receptacle of their hearts are said to have a secondary heart like the two hearts of the god Hari (holding Brahma in one of them).
  • 7. 7 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 56They whose untainted faces shine like the moon with the lustre of peacefulness are to be honoured as the luminaries of their families. Others, seeing the charming beauty of their appearance, honour them as ravishers of the senses. 57Whatever is beautiful in the three worlds, and whatever may be imperial prosperity and grandeur, nothing in them can afford a happiness equal to that of peacefulness. 58Whatever the misery, anxiety or intolerable difficulty, they are all lost in a tranquil mind, like darkness in the sun. 59The mind of no living being is as delighted with moonbeams as that of the peaceful man from his heart-felt joy. 60The virtuous man who is calm and quiet and friendly to all living beings feels the benign influence of highest truths appearing of themselves in his mind. 61Just like all children, whether good or bad, have a strict faith in their mother, so all beings here rely upon a man of an even disposition. 62A refreshing drink of ambrosia or the kind embrace of prosperity cannot give such gratification to the soul as one’s inner satisfaction of the mind. 63Whether afflicted by disease or disaster, or dragged by the rope of greed, bear yourself up, O Rama, by the composure of your mind. 64Whatever you do and eat with the calm coolness of your mind all that is far sweeter to the soul than anything sweet to taste. 65The mind that is overpowered by the ambrosial flavour of peacefulness and desists from activity may have the body lacerated, but it will heal shortly.
  • 8. 8 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 66No imp, demon or enemy, and no tiger or snake ever annoys a peaceful man. 67He who has his mind and body well-guarded by the invulnerable armour of meekness can never be pierced by the shafts of adversity. He remains like the thunder- stone that is impenetrable by arrows. 68The king seated in his palace is not so graceful to see as a quiet peaceful man who is graced by his calm and clarity of understanding. 69There is nothing in life so delightful to see as the satisfaction one feels at the sight of a contented and peaceful man. 70Only he who lives a holy life with his gentle and peaceful conduct is said to be truly living in this world. 71A sober minded, meek and honest man pleases everyone by all that he does. It is as if he captivates all beings to himself. 72He is called the meek who neither feels pleasure nor pain at the sight, touch, sound or taste of anything good or bad. Characteristics of a Saint 73He who is indifferent to all objects and neither leaves nor longs for anything, but keeps his senses and appetites under control, is called a saint. 74Whoever knows all things, both internally and externally, with a clear understanding, and who attends and looks to his own concerns, is truly said to be a saint.
  • 9. 9 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 75He whose mind remains as calm as moonbeams at the approach of either feast or violence, and even at the moment of death, is said to be a saint. 76Who, though present, neither rejoices nor murmurs at anything but remains as if he were absent from it, and conducts himself as quietly as if he were fast asleep, such a person is called a saint. 77He whose complaisant look casts a graceful nectar-like radiance on all around him is said to be a saint. 78Who feels a cool calmness within himself and is not disturbed or immersed in any state of life, and who though a layman is not worldly minded, such a man is termed a saint. 79He who does not take the difficulties of life to his mind, however long or great they may be, or who does not think his body to be himself, is known to be a saint. 80The man of the world who has a mind clear as the sky and is not tainted (by worldliness) is said to be a saint. 81The quiet man with tranquillity of mind shines forth among sages and ascetics, among priests and princes, and among the mighty and learned. 82Great and meritorious men whose minds are attached to peacefulness feel a rest arising in their souls like cooling moonbeams. 83Peacefulness is the greatest of all the many virtues and the best decoration of courage. It shines resplendent among all dangers and difficulties.
  • 10. 10 Yoga Vashishtha of Valmiki Book II – The Aspirant Who Longs for Liberation Chapter 13: On Equanimity (The First Guard at the Door of Liberation) 84O Rama, seek your perfection in the way in which high-minded men have sought and attained their perfect states, by holding fast onto peacefulness as an imperishable virtue, preserved by the respectable, and never to be lost or stolen. ******* Meaning Serenity: A disposition free from stress or emotion; the absence of mental stress or anxiety. Inclination: An attitude of mind especially one that favours one alternative over others. Prank: Acting like a clown or buffoon; a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement. Slight: A deliberate discourteous act. Degeneracy: Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles. Chandalas: Chandala is a Sanskrit word for someone who deals with disposal of corpses, and is a Hindu lower caste, traditionally considered to be untouchable. *******