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George Frideric Handel



Based upon the Deutsche Händelgesellschaft Edition
          Edited by Frideric Chrysander

              Copyright © 2009 Nicolas Sceaux
 Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

                                TABLE DES MATIÈRES

                                                          Part I
     1-1   Sinfonia                                                       4
     1-2   Recitative: Comfort ye, my people (tenor)                      7
     1-3   Air: Every valley shall be exhalted (tenor)                    9
     1-4   Chorus: And the glory of the Lord                             14
     1-5   Recitative: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (bass)               20
     1-6   Air: But who may abide the day of His coming (contr alto)     22
     1-7   Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi                  29
     1-8   Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (contr alto)
     1-9   Air: O thou that tellest good tidings (contr alto)
    1-10   Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings                      39
    1-11   Recitative: For, behold! darkness shall cover (bass)          44
    1-12   Air: The people that walked in darkness (bass)                46
    1-13   Chorus: For unto us a child is born                           48
    1-14   Pifa                                                          59
    1-15   Recitative: There were sheperds abiding (soprano)             60
    1-16   Recitative: And lo! the angel of the Lord (soprano)           60
    1-17   Recitative: And the angel said unto them (soprano)            60
    1-18   Recitative: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)   61
    1-19   Chorus: Glory to God in the highest                           62
    1-20   Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)            67
    1-21   Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto)           70
    1-22   Air: He shall feed His flock (alto, soprano)                  70
    1-23   Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burthen                         74

                                                      Part II
     2-1   Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God!                                80
     2-2   Air: He was despised and rejected (alto)                       83
     2-3   Chorus: Surely He hath borne our griefs                        87
     2-4   Chorus: All we like sheep have gone                            97
     2-5   Recitative: All they that see Him (tenor)                     105
     2-6   Chorus: He trusted in God that He would                       106
     2-7   Recitative: Thy rebuke hath broken (tenor)                    113
     2-8   Air: Behold, and see if there be (tenor)                      114
     2-9   Recitative: He was cut off out of the land (tenor)            115
    2-10   Air: But thou didst not leave (tenor)                         115
    2-11   Chorus: Lift up your heads, O ye gates                        116
    2-12   Recitative: Unto which of the angels (tenor)                  124
    2-13   Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship                     125
    2-14   Air: Thou art gone up on high (alto)                          128
    2-15   Chorus: The Lord gave the word                                131
    2-16   Air: How beautiful are the feet (soprano)                     134
    2-17   Chorus: Their sound is gone out into all lands                136
    2-18   Air: Why do the nations so furiously (bass)                   140
    2-19   Chorus: Let us break their bonds                              147
    2-20   Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor)                154
    2-21   Air: Thou shalt break them with a rod (tenor)                 154
    2-22   Chorus: Hallelujah                                            156

                                                     Part III
     3-1   Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)                 166
     3-2   Chorus and soli: Since by man came death                      168
     3-3   Recitative: Behold, I tell you a mistery (bass)               171
     3-4   Air: The trumpet shall sound (bass)                           172
     3-5   Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass (contr alto)
     3-6   Duet: O death! where is thy string? (contr alto and tenor)
     3-7   Chorus: But thanks be to God                                  178
 3-8 Air: If God be for us (soprano)   183
 3-9 Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb        186
3-10 Chorus: Amen                      196
     1-1 SINFONIA
       Violino I

      Violino II



 7                                             1.   2.

           Allegro moderato


PART I   5









PART I                                                                        7
     1-2 Recitative: Comfort ye, my people (tenor)
                                      Larghetto e piano
          Violino I

          Violino II


                                                                                                                                    Com fort ye!


                                                                     4     3        6

                            com                        fort ye           my peo ple!                      Com        fort ye,                 com


                       fort ye         my   peo ple!                     saith your God,           saith your God.


                            Speak         ye com for ta bly to                 Je   ru   sa lem,           speak ye com for ta bly to               Je

                              Tutti                              5
8                                                                  MESSIAH

             ru    sa lem,                and cry un to her that her             war            fare,       her        war             fare   is    ac


              com plish d,
                       ¡     that her i        ni qui ty       is   par don d,
                                                                           ¡           that her i   ni qui ty is par      don d.





                                                                                 The voice     of him     that crieth in the wil der ness.         Pre

                                                                                                    4                              6
33                                                                                                  2

             pare ye the way of the Lord,                  make straight in the de sert         a   high way           for our God.

             +4                            6
PART I                                                      9
     1-3 Air: Every valley shall be exhalted (tenor)
          Violino I

          Violino II





                                                                       p                    f                        p

                                                                       p                    f                        p







                                                            Ev    ¡   ry   val   ley,           ev  ¡   ry   val   ley

                                             f                                          f       p


                       shall be ex al ted,             shall be                   ex al
10                                           MESSIAH

                                                            ted,         shall be ex   al          ted,


           shall be ex al                                                                   ted,   and ev ry


          moun   tain and hill      made low,                 the croo     ked straight,


                 and the rough   pla ces plain,
PART I                                                          11

                        the croo    ked straight,   the croo   ked straight, and the rough pla ces    plain,


                                                                                                           and the rough pla ces


                   p                                                                                            f

                   p                                           f                                                f


         plain.                                                                          Ev ¡   ry   val ley,

                                                               f                                                f

          ev   ¡   ry   val   ley       shall be ex al
12                                                               MESSIAH

                                                                        ted,                      ev¡   ry   val ley,


          ev   ¡      ry       val   ley          shall be ex al                                                                     ted,



                   and ev ry moun
                           ¡         tain and hill      made low,                                      the   croo   ked straight,


                                           the   croo ked straight,     the    croo ked straight, and the rough     pla ces plain,
PART I                                                     13


                          and the rough pla ces plain,    and the rough   pla ces   plain,



                                            the     croo ked straight,        and the rough   pla   ces





                  p                   f                       p                        f

                  p                   f                       p                        f

                                      f                                                f


                                      f                                                f
14                                                                         MESSIAH
     1-4 Chorus: And the glory of the Lord

      Violino I                       3

      Violino II                      3

           Viola                      3

          CANTO                       3

           ALTO                       3

          TENORE                      3

          BASSO                       3

          Bassi                       3

                                                             c. Oboe I & II unis.

                                                            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord                                        shall be    re

                   And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord,                    the glory of the Lord

                                                            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be    re     vea              led,

                                                            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord                          shall be     re    vea

22                               6                           Tutti

              vea                    led,                        and the    glo ry, the glory of the Lord                                             shall

                                                                     shall be       re    vea led,    be     re      vea

                   and the       glo ry, the glory of the Lord                                               shall   be    re   vea                 led.

                   led,                     shall be   re    vea led,
PART I                                                        15

         be re   veal d, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea
                     ¡                                                           led.

                  led, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea     led.

                         and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea   led.

                         and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea   led.


                                                                                                               And all flesh shall

          And all flesh shall see it to    ge ther.                                                            And all flesh shall

                                                        And all flesh shall see it to   ge ther,   for   the mouth     of     the

                                                                                                   for   the mouth     of     the
16                                                           MESSIAH

           see it to   ge          ther,          for      the mouth        of       the Lord      hath spo       ken    it.

           see it to   ge          ther,                          and all flesh      shall see it to      ge            ther, and all flesh,

          Lord   hath spo ken       it,                           and all   flesh shall see it to         ge            ther,            and all

          Lord   hath spo   ken     it,                           and all   flesh shall see it to         ge            ther,


                                                            And all    flesh shall     see it to     ge        ther.

             and all   flesh shall see it to    ge ther,    and all    flesh shall     see it to     ge        ther.

           flesh shall see it to   ge          ther, the mouth         of        the Lord    hath spo ken       it.

                                                for the mouth          of        the Lord    hath spo ken       it.

PART I                                                                        17

            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord,                and all     flesh    shall see it     to    ge ther, the mouth          of    the

            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all     flesh shall see               it         to    ge ther,           and the glo ry, the

            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all     flesh shall see    it, shall see   it    to    ge ther,

            And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord,                and all     flesh    shall see it     to    ge ther,

                                                                                                              6                   6              6

         Lord   hath spo ken it,                                                                                  for the mouth          of     the

         glory of the Lord   shall be   re       vea led,                         and all     flesh shall see it         to ge ther,

                                                     and all     flesh                                 shall see it      to ge ther, the glo ry, the

                                                                    and all    flesh                   shall see it      to ge ther,

18                                                               MESSIAH

           Lord       hath spo    ken   it,                   hath   spo                   ken it,

                  for the mouth         of         the Lord                      hath spo ken it, and all    flesh                              shall

           glory of    the Lord shall be      re       vea                                    led,                and all   flesh               shall

                              and the   glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re      vea    led,                             and all    flesh shall


                  and the glo ry, the glo ry, the glory of the Lord                   shall be       re     vea              led,

            see it       to ge ther,                                   and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be           re       vea

             see it      to ge ther,                                   and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord

            see it       to ge ther,                                   and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord                    shall be       re
PART I                                                               19

                                                      and all     flesh shall se it to    ge ther, to   ge   ther, for the mouth      of     the

            led, re    vea led,         and all    flesh               shall see it to    ge ther, to   ge   ther,           for the mouth of the

                 shall be     re      vea         led, and all    flesh shall see it to   ge ther, to   ge   ther,           for the mouth of the

          vea               led, re   vea         led, for the mouth         of     the Lord     hath spo ken it,            for the mouth of the

127                                                                                                                     Adagio

           Lord       hath spo ken it, for the mouth             of         the           Lord                         hath spo      ken it.

          Lord        hath spo ken it, for the mouth             of         the           Lord                         hath spo      ken it.

           Lord       hath spo ken it,                for the mouth of the Lord, for the mouth of        the Lord      hath spo      ken it.

          Lord        hath spo ken it,                for the mouth of the Lord, for the mouth of        the Lord      hath spo      ken it.
20                                                         MESSIAH
     1-5 Recitative: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (bass)

          Violino I

          Violino II


                                                      Thus saith the Lord,         the Lord of Hosts;                Yet once a lit tle



           while;            and I will shake                                                       the heav ns and the earth,
                                                                                                            ¡                      the


             sea and the dry land,      and I will shake                                                    and I will shake


                                                                 all   na tions;       I ll shake
                                                                                        ¡                   the heav ns,
                                                                                                                     ¡            the
PART I                                                                           21

     earth,            the sea,           the    dry lands,       all   na tions,         I ll shake,
                                                                                           ¡                                and the       de


       sire                                                                                                                         of all





      na      tions shall come.                   The Lord whom ya seek,          shall sud den ly come to his tem ple;             ev n the

                                  f                                                                                             4

     mes sen ger of the Co ve nant, whom ye de light in,                be hold    he shall come,             saith the Lord of Hosts.

                        6             6                       6                                           7
22                                                              MESSIAH
     1-6 Air: But who may abide the day of His coming (contr alto)    ¢


          Violino I              3

          Violino II             3

            Viola                3

      CONTR ALTO                 3

            Bassi                3
                                                                                                           6       +4       6    6
                                                                                                           4        2

                                            But who may a bide    the day of his com ing?                          and who shall stand when

              6       6

              He       ap pear eth?    who shall      stand                  when He        ap pear eth?                        but who may a

                                        6         6                                                            7        6

              bide, but who may a            bide the day of his com ing?                         and who shall stand when He ap
PART I                                                              23

     pear eth?        and who           shall            stand            when               He ap   pear


                                eth,    when               He ap       pear           eth?



     For         He     is       like                              a     re      fi                         ner s
24                                        MESSIAH

          fire,                     for               He                 is       like                            a       re

                                    6                  7            6

          fi                                                                                                      ner s


          fire,                     who               shall                      stand        when       He               ap


                                                                                    p                f        p

                                                                                    p                f        p

                               p                                    f               p                f        p

          pear    eth?   for   He         is   like        a   re   fi

                                                                              un poco piano
PART I                                                                           25

      f               p                      f                p                     f                  p                     f               p

      f               p                      f                p                     f                  p                     f               p

      f               p                      f                p                     f                  p                     f               p


      f           p                      p                             f

      f           p                      p            p

      f           p                      p            p

                          ner s ¡    fire,                    for      He       is              like       a   re       fi

                                                                       f                                                6

                                                       p                   f                p                       f                p            f

                                                       p                   f                p                       f                p

                                                       p                   f                p                       f                p            f

                                         ner s
                                             ¡        fire,                                                                                           and

      7                     6                          p
91                                                                                      Larghetto



     who shall stand when           He           ap        pear eth?                            But who may a bide               the day of his com ing?

26                                                         MESSIAH

                                                    and who shall stand, and who shall stand when He ap pear eth?

                                                                                6 +4
                                                                                4 2

                 when He ap    pear eth?                             For            He        is     like               a     re


            fi                ner s
                                 ¡    fire,                 like a   re    fi                      ner s¡   fire,       and


           who                shall        stand when He,                       when     He        ap       pear eth?   and

            2          6                      +4       6                   7             7
PART I                                           27

      who                 shall       stand                when         He            ap


       pear   eth?                      for          He           is   like           a      re

                                         6            7     6

       fi                     ner s
                                  ¡      fire,             and         who           shall


      stand   when   He                               ap               pear   eth?   when
28                                                          MESSIAH

           He                       ap             pear    eth?                          for            He              is





           like                 a        re       fi

144                                                                                            Adagio

                                                                            ner s
                                                                               ¡    fire,        for He is   like   a   re

150                                                                                  3


            fi    ner s fire.

                         f                    6
PART I                                                                      29

      1-7 Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi
       Violino I
       Violino II

                                              Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis.                            p
                                             And he       shall         pu         ri        fy,              and he shall pu ri         fy




                                         6                                                                                                         6

                               the sons             of   Le       vi,


                                                            And he         shall        pu     ri       fy,         And he shall pu ri        fy

               6           6                                                                                    6                             5    6
30                                         MESSIAH

                                           And he      shall      pu   ri   fy,

                                                                                       And he shall pu ri fy

                                                    the sons of   Le        vi,

          6                                                                                               5

                                                                                                       and he shall pu ri

                   and he shall pu ri fy

              the sons                                                            of         Le                vi,

PART I                                                                 31

         fy                                                                                          the sons of    Le

               the sons                                    of               Le                vi,

                                                                                        and   he shall pu      ri   fy

         he shall pu      ri    fy,       and   he shall pu       ri        fy          the   sons        of        Le

                                                                                                                    7        6

         vi,                              the   sons                   of    Le   vi,          that they may of                  fer

               the sons                                     of               Le   vi,          that they may of                  fer

                                                       the sons        of    Le   vi,          that they may of                  fer

         vi,              the sons,       the   sons                   of    Le   vi,          that they may of                  fer

         5          6           7     6                                                                             3    4       6
32                                                          MESSIAH

          un    to the Lord          an   of fer ing in righ              teous ness,     in   righ   teous   ness.     And he   shall

          un    to the Lord          an   of fer ing in righ          teous       ness,   in   righ      teous ness.

          un    to the Lord          an   of fer ing in righ          teous       ness,   in   righ      teous ness.

          un    to the Lord          an   of fer ing in righ              teous ness,     in   righ      teous ness.

                                                                                                4                        p

          pu   ri      fy,

                    And he   shall   pu   ri   fy,                                                                     and he    shall

                    And he   shall   pu   ri   fy,                                                                     and he     shall

                    And he   shall   pu   ri   fy, shall pu ri    fy                                                                 the

                                                                  7           6
PART I                                                                      33

                      and he shall pu ri    fy                                                  shall   pu      ri       fy,

          pu     ri       fy,                                                        and he shall       pu      ri       fy,

          pu     ri       fy,                                                        and he shall pu                  ri fy,

         sons of Le       vi,                                                        and he shall       pu      ri       fy,


                      and he    shall      pu    ri   fy,                  and he shall pu ri    fy the sons, the       sons    of

                      and he    shall      pu    ri   fy,

                      and he    shall      pu    ri   fy,                                 and he shall pu        ri     fy the sons of

                      and he    shall      pu    ri   fy,   and he shall pu ri fy the sons of    Le          vi, the sons            of
34                                                             MESSIAH

          Le   vi,                           and he shall pu   ri   fy,

                 and he   shall    pu   ri      fy,             and he     shall     pu   ri       fy                     the     sons

          Le   vi,                           and he shall pu   ri   fy,                        and he shall pu ri fy

          Le   vi,                           and he shall pu   ri   fy,                                        and he shall pu ri fy, shall pu ri

                                                                                                                                   7       6

                                                and    he shall pu        ri   fy,

                     of       Le         vi,

                                                                                     the sons of        Le          vi,

          fy   the sons of    Le         vi,                                              the           sons
PART I                                                                 35

                                                                                          and   he shall pu   ri   fy

                                 shall pu      ri   fy,                                            shall pu   ri   fy,

                                                          shall pu   ri   fy                                             the   sons

                  of        Le                      vi,                                                                               and


                                  the   sons                                                                  of         Le      vi,

            shall pu   ri   fy                                                           the       sons       of         Le      vi,

             of   Le                                                               vi,   the       sons       of         Le      vi,

         he shall pu   ri   fy                                         the sons,         the       sons       of         Le      vi,
36                                                                  MESSIAH

                  that they may   of                 fer    un               to   the Lord      an          of fer ing in righ     teous

                  that they may   of                 fer    un               to   the Lord           an     of fer ing in righ             teous

                  that they may   of                 fer    un               to   the Lord           an     of fer ing in righ             teous

                  that they may   of                 fer    un               to   the Lord           an     of fer ing in righ             teous


          ness,       in   righ        teous ness.

          ness,       in   righ   teous      ness.

          ness,       in   righ   teous      ness.

          ness,       in   righ        teous ness.

     1-8 Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (contr alto)    ¢


                                  Be hold, a vir gin shal con ceive,     and bear a son, and shall call his name E ma nu el,   GOD WITH US.

                                              5                  7       7            5                      6
                                              3                  4       4            3
                                                                 2       2
PART I                                                                 37
     1-9 Air: O thou that tellest good tidings (contr alto) ¢


        Violini             6

      CONTR ALTO            6

         Bassi              6
                                                        6                                   6

                                                                                                            6       6          6
                                                                                                            5       5          5


                         O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on,                              get thee up    in to the high moun tain!


                                                O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on,                            get thee up in to the high


            moun                                                     tain,                       get thee up in to the high moun





                                                                             O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Je ru sa lem,              lift
38                                                                   MESSIAH


          up               thy voice                 with strength,         lift it up,          be not a fraid,                            say un to the


           ci ties of Ju dah,                 say un to the ci ties of Ju dah,                   Be    hold your God,       be hold your God!            say



          un to the ci ties of Ju            dah,              Be hold            your God,       be hold   your          God,              be hold your

           7 6       7 6

          God!                                                                                              O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on,


                                          a rise, shine, for thy light is come,                                              a      rise,            a


           rise,                a rise,     shine, for thy light is come,                     and the glo
PART I                                                                             39


                                ry of     the Lord,                     the glo ry of    the   Lord                                                     is


             ri        sen, is ri       sen up on         thee, is ri   sen, is ri      sen up     on thee,             the     glo ry,                the


             glo ry,            the glo ry of       the     Lord                                          is     ri           sen         up on      thee.

                                                                                                                                            (attacca il Coro.)

      1-10 Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings

       Violino I                6

       Violino II               6

         Viola                  6
                                    Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis.

        CANTO                   6
                                    O! thou that tell est good ti dings to    Zi on, good ti           dings to         Je    ru          sa lem,

         ALTO                   6

        TENORE                  6
                                                                                        O! thou       that     tell est good ti dings to      Zi on,

        BASSO                   6
                                                              O! thou    that tell est good ti dings to        Zi on, good ti        dings to           Je

         Bassi                  6
40                                                            MESSIAH

                             O! thou      that tell est good ti dings to   Zi on, good ti dings to Zi on, a   rise,           a

          thou that tell est good ti dings to   Zi on,   to   Zi           on,                           a    rise,           a

                                                         O! thou    that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, a   rise,           a

           ru     sa lem,                                                                                a    rise,           a

                                                                           6           6

          rise,             say   un to    the ci ties of     Ju dah, be hold        your God!                be      hold!       the

          rise,             say   un to    the ci ties of     Ju dah, be hold        your God!                be      hold!       the

          rise,             say   un to    the ci ties of     Ju dah, be hold        your God!                be      hold!       the

          rise,             say   un to    the ci ties of     Ju dah, be hold        your God!                be      hold!       the
PART I                                                       41

         glo     ry of      the   Lord              is   ri sen        up          on    thee.     O! thou that tell est good

         glo     ry of      the   Lord              is   ri sen        up          on    thee.     O! thou that tell est good

         glo     ry of      the   Lord              is   ri sen        up          on    thee.     O! thou that tell est good

         glo     ry of      the   Lord              is   ri sen        up          on    thee.     O! thou that tell est good

                                  7          6                         6

         ti dings to Zi on, say   un to the ci ties of   Ju       dah,      be hold!        be    hold!                 the

         ti dings to Zi on, say   un to the ci ties of   Ju       dah,      be   hold!      be    hold!                 the

         ti dings to Zi on, say   un to the ci ties of   Ju       dah,      be hold!       be    hold!                  the

         ti dings to Zi on, say   un to the ci ties of   Ju       dah,      be   hold!     be    hold!                  the
42                                                          MESSIAH

          glo    ry of   the        Lord,    of the   Lord,                                    the   glo    ry   of   the

          glo    ry of   the        Lord,    of the   Lord,                the   glo   ry of   the   Lord

          glo    ry of   the        Lord,    of the   Lord,                                    the   glo    ry   of   the

          glo    ry of   the        Lord,    of the   Lord,                                    the   glo    ry   of   the


          Lord                 is    ri     sen up on         thee.

                               is    ri     sen up on         thee.

          Lord                 is    ri     sen up on         thee.

          Lord                 is    ri     sen up on         thee.
PART I           43




         6            6   6
         5            5   5
44                                                         MESSIAH
    1-11 Recitative: For, behold! darkness shall cover (bass)
                             Andante larghetto
         Violino I

         Violino II




3                                                                                +4

                                                                                                             For   be





            hold!          dark     ness shall   co          ver the earth,              and gross dark    ness the


             peo ple,                   and gross     dark         ness the   peo ple:      But the Lord   shall a

PART I                                                                 45

      rise                                                                                up on            thee,              and His


      glo                                              ry shall be seen             up          on         thee,              and His

      6             7               6

      glo                        ry shall be   seen                up     on     thee,                    And the Gen tiles        shall

                                                 6           5                                                       7         6
21                                               4

     come    to   thy   light,             and       kings          to    the   bright   ness        of            thy   ri   sing.

46                                                                MESSIAH
     1-12 Air: The people that walked in darkness (bass)


                                                                                                                 The peo ple that walk ed in


             dark         ness, that walk ed in dark           ness,                    the peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness have


              seen a great light,   have seen a great light,                      the   peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness have


                                f                                                 p

            seen a great light.                                                  The peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness, that

                                      f                                           p

            walk ed   in dark         ness, the peo ple that walk ed in dark                                 ness have seen a great light, have
PART I                                                                 47


      seen a great light,            a great light,                             have seen       a great light.



                                         And they that dwell, that dwell in the land of the sha                          dow of death,


                                        and they that dwell, that dwell in the land, that dwell in the land of the sha dow of death,


                                                                                            f                     p

                                              up on them hath the light shi        ned,                          and they that dwell, that

                                                                                            f                     p

      dwell in the land of the sha                        dow of death,                     up on them hath the light



     shi ned, up on    them hath the light shi ned.

48                                                 MESSIAH
    1-13 Chorus: For unto us a child is born
                           Andante allegro

     Violino I
                           c. Oboe I.

     Violino II
                           c. Oboe II.






                                    6          6
4                                              5

                                                                                     Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis.

                                                                                     For       un to us a child is


                                                                                           p                6



             born,           un to       us        a son is   gi ven,   un to   us                      a son is

PART I                                                                  49

         gi ven,                                       for   un to   us a child is born,

                     For    un to   us a child is born,                                         un to     us                    a son is


                                                                                                   For      un to us a child is born,

         gi ven,                    un to        us                     a son is      gi ven,

                                                                                                                               For      un to


                                    un      to        us                        a   son    is     gi     ven,                     un     to


         us   a child is   born,
50                                                            MESSIAH

          us                   a   son is     gi ven,                  un to       us                a son is   gi ven,

                                                                                                                      and the go vern ment shall

                                                        un to us                        a son is gi ven,


                                            and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul

                                                                                                                    and the go vern ment shall

          be up on his shoul                                               der,

                                                                                                                    and the go vern ment shall

                               6      6                 4          4           6
                                                        2          2
PART I                                                      51


         der, up on     his shoul der, and his name shall be cal       led,    Won       der ful,

          be    up on   his shoul der, and his name shall be cal       led,    Won       der ful,

                                     and his name shall be cal         led,    Won       der ful,

          be    up on   his shoul der, and his name shall be cal       led,    Won       der ful,


         Coun    sel lor,                            the migh ty God,         the    e   ver   last ing Fa ther,   the

         Coun    sel lor,                            the migh ty God,         the    e   ver   last ing Fa ther,   the

         Coun    sel lor,                            the migh ty God,         the    e   ver   last ing Fa ther,   the

         Coun    sel lor,                            the migh ty God,         the    e   ver   last ing Fa ther,   the
52                                                               MESSIAH




          Prince of Peace.

          Prince of Peace. Un to    us a child is born,                                       un to   us                   a     son is

          Prince of Peace.                        For       un to   us a child is born,

          Prince of Peace.


                      Un to us a child is born,

            gi ven,                                                              and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul


                                                  Un to us a son is        gi ven,

                                                                                          4       4        6
                                                                                          2       2
PART I                                                         53


                                                                            and his name                shall be cal led,

                                                                            der,           and his name shall be cal led,

                                                                            and his name                shall be cal led,

               and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul                der,           and his name shall be cal led,

                          4     4
                          2     2

         Won   der ful,                        Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,           the

         Won   der ful,                        Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,           the

         Won   der ful,                        Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,           the

         Won   der ful,                        Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,           the

54                                                               MESSIAH




          e    ver last ing Fa ther,         the Prince          of Peace.                         For    un to   us a child is born,

          e    ver last ing Fa ther,         the Prince          of Peace.

          e    ver last ing Fa ther,         the Prince          of Peace. Un to    us a child is born,

          e    ver last ing Fa ther,         the Prince          of Peace.                                                      For        un to

56                                                                           p

                                                                                                                                          un to

                      For       un to   us a child is born,

                                                                                                                                          un to

          us a child is born,                                 un to     us                     a son is     gi ven,


          us                       a son      is gi ven,                                                              and the go vern ment shall

          us                       a son is      gi ven, and the go vern ment shall be, shall be up on      his shoul der,
PART I                                                                 55

         be, shall be up on            his shoul der,                                             and his name shall be cal led,

                                                and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led,

                                                                                                  and his name shall be cal led,

                                                and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led,


         Won    der ful,                                Coun   sel lor,                                the migh ty God,                  the

         Won    der ful,                                Coun   sel lor,                                the migh ty God,                  the

         Won    der ful,                                Coun   sel lor,                                the migh ty God,                  the

         Won    der ful,                                Coun   sel lor,                                the migh ty God,                  the


          e    ver   last   ing   Fa          ther,       Prince        of Peace.                                        For        un   to

          e    ver   last   ing   Fa            ther,     Prince   of      Peace.                                        For        un   to

          e    ver   last   ing   Fa            ther,     Prince        of Peace.                                        For        un   to

          e    ver   last   ing   Fa          ther,       Prince        of Peace.    Un    to     us    a   child   is   born,      un   to

56                                                      MESSIAH

          us   a child is   born,

          us   a child is   born,

          us   a child is born,      un    to    us                      a   son    is       gi ven,                       un   to

          us   a child is born,      un    to    us                      a   son    is       gi ven,                       un   to


                                                un to us               a son is    gi ven, and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall

                                                un to us               a son is    gi ven,                 and the go vern ment shall

          us           a son        is    gi ven, un to us             a son is    gi ven,

          us           a son        is    gi ven, un to us             a son is    gi ven,
PART I                                                              57

         be up on his shoul          der,     and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name     shall be cal led,

         be up on his   shoul der,            and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name     shall be cal led,

                              and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name   shall be cal led,

                              and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name   shall be cal led,


         Won    der ful,                            Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,                the

         Won    der ful,                            Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,                the

         Won    der ful,                            Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,                the

         Won    der ful,                            Coun     sel lor,                                 the migh ty God,                the
58                                                      MESSIAH

          e   ver last ing Fa ther,   the Prince of Peace,     the     e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince   of Peace.

          e   ver last ing Fa ther,   the Prince of Peace,     the     e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince   of Peace.

          e   ver last ing Fa ther,   the Prince of Peace,     the     e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince   of Peace.

          e   ver last ing Fa ther,   the Prince of Peace,     the     e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince   of Peace.




PART I         59
     1-14 PIFA
                          Larghetto, e mezzo piano
       Violino I
     e Violino III   12
       all ottavia

      Violino II
       e Viola       12
       all ottavia

         Bassi       12





                                                                      Da Capo.
60                                                                   MESSIAH
    1-15 Recitative: There were sheperds abiding (soprano)

                                      There were shep herds      a bid ing in the field,   keep ing watch    o ver their flock by night.

                                                                                    7                                                5
                                                                                    4                                                3
    1-16 Recitative: And lo! the angel of the Lord (soprano)

         Violino I

         Violino II


                                                                 And     lo!            the an gel of the    Lord     came up on them,

                                  Violoncello                            4                                                       6

                      and the glo ry      of the Lord shone round ab out them,                          and they were      sore a fraid.

                              6                                                                  6

    1-17 Recitative: And the angel said unto them (soprano)

                                       And the An gel       said un to them;             Fear not,     for be hold!         I bring      you good



           ti dings      of great joy,          which shall be      to   all peo ple:                       For un    to   you       is born this
PART I                                                                 61

       day,           in the ci      ty     of     Da vid,        a    Sa viour,       which is Christ,         the   Lord.

    1-18 Recitative: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)

      Violino I

      Violino II



                                  Violoncello                                            6                            5
                                                                                         4                            3

                                                 And   sud   den ly            there was with the an gel              a      mul   ti tude


           of     the heav n ly
                          ¡       host,                               prais ing God,             and      say             ing;

62                                                   MESSIAH
    1-19 Chorus: Glory to God in the highest

     Tromba I

     Tromba II

     Violino I

     Violino II


                            c. Oboe I & II unis.
                           Glo ry to God,          glo       ry     to God         in the high

                           Glo ry to God,          glo       ry     to God         in the high

                           Glo ry to God,          glo       ry     to God         in the high









            est,                                   and peace       on earth!

                                                   and peace       on earth!

PART I                                                    63



                       Glo ry to God,            glo       ry       to God,   glo   ry   to God          in the

                       Glo ry to God,            glo       ry       to God,   glo   ry   to God          in the

                       Glo ry to God,            glo       ry       to God,   glo   ry   to God          in the


                            6                              6                                              6




         high   est,

         high   est,

         high   est,                    and peace on earth,                                       good        will

                                        and peace on earth,                              good will       to   wards

64                                                                          MESSIAH

                                                     good will              to    wards men, to wards men,                                      good        will

          good        will              to   wards men, to wards men,                   good will            to   wards men,                     to     wards

                 to    wards men,                     to       wards men,                                                 good        will             to   wards

          men,                                                                                       good         will           to    wards men,

           4          3           5          6                        4          3                     7          3                              7          6
                                  4          3

                 to       wards men,                    to        wards      men.                                        Glo ry       to God,

          men,        good        will                          to   wards men.                                          Glo ry       to God,

          men,                   good            will           to   wards men.                                          Glo ry       to God,

          good                           will                   to   wards men.                                          Glo ry       to God,

           7 6               5    4      6       4         6
                                  2              2
PART I                                                                    65




         glo   ry   to God   in the high                 est,                                 and peace on earth,

         glo   ry   to God   in the high                 est,                                 and peace on earth,

         glo   ry   to God   in the high                 est,                                 and peace on earth,

         glo   ry   to God   in the high                 est,                                 and peace on earth,




                                                                                          good will,                good will,

                             good will       to   wards men,         to            wards men,          good will,                good will,

                                    good          will          to   wards men,   to wards men,        good will,                good will,

                                                                                                       good will,                good will,
66                                                                              MESSIAH

          good will,                good will       to    wards men,                                good will              to     wards men.

                       good will,                        good    will          to wards men, good       will                    to wards men.

                       good will,                        good    will          to wards     men,          good      will        to wards men.

                       good will,           good          will            to        wards   men,          good        will      to wards men.

                                                7         3       2             6           6              6 5 4 6                              7      6

                                                                      p                                        pp

                                                                      p                                        pp


                                                                      p        6 6          6   7   7          pp
                                                                               5 5
PART I                                                                67
     1-20 Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
        Violini               12

       SOPRANO                12


                                                                               p                             f                               p

                                                                                                                                 Re joice,       re


          joice,   re joice          great ly!                               re joice       great ly, O daugh ter of Si    on,


                                                  O daugh ter of Si on,      re joice,               re joice,



                                   O daugh ter of Si on,        re joice        great ly,   shout,               O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem,


                                   be hold       thy King cometh       un      to thee,                              be hold thy King cometh

                                                      4     6
68                                                                 MESSIAH


           un to    thee,      cometh un         to thee.


                                                                              p                               f                            p

                                                                                                                             Re joice,           re


          joice,   re joice          great ly!     re joice                                            O daugh ter of Si   on,      shout, O


          daugh ter of Je ru        sa lem,         be hold     thy King cometh un    to thee,


                    re joice                                                                                          great ly,


                     O daugh ter of Si           on,               shout,    O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem,                        be hold       thy


          King cometh un         to thee,     re joice,                                           re joice,

PART I                                                                 69

             and shout,    shout,        shout,     shout,    re joice                                    great ly,


                                     re joice       great ly, O daugh ter of Si      on,     shout,             O daugh ter of Je

80                                                                                          Adagio


     ru sa lem, be hold   thy King    cometh un         to thee,         be hold thy King    cometh un   to thee.



               p                          f                    p

                                                               He is      the   righ teous Sa                 viour,


                                and He shall speak peace un to the hea      then,     He shall speak peace,            He shall speak

                                     4                             4
70                                                                  MESSIAH

             peace,                           peace,                He shall speak peace un to the hea                       then,


                          He is       the       righ       teous Sa                         viour,     and He shall speak,              He shall speak


             peace,                  peace,                                    He shall speak peace        un to   the    hea               then.

                                                                                    4                                                       Da Capo.

      1-21 Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto)


                                   Then shall the eyes of the blind          be o pen d,¡            and the ears of the deaf        un stop ped; then



           shall     the lame man     leap as a hart,                  and the tongue            of the dumb       shall sing.

                              4                        6
      1-22 Air: He shall feed His flock (alto, soprano)
                                    Larghetto, e piano

           Violino I          12

           Violino II         12

             Viola            12
             ALTO             12
           SOPRANO             8

             Bassi            12
PART I                                                            71

     shall feed his flock     like a    shep       herd,      and he          shall ga     ther the   lambs with his arm,


     with    his       arm,                                     he     shall feed his flock     like a   shep          herd,   and


     he     shall ga     ther the      lambs with his arm,             with     his      arm,                                  and


     car    ry     them        in his bo som       and gent ly lead those     that are     with young,   and gent ly lead,     and
72                                                           MESSIAH


          gent        ly lead those that are        with young.                                                               Come

                                           6                          6
                                           4    5

          un     to     him,       all ye that la       bour       come un      to        him      that   are   hea vy la den,   and


          he will give you rest;                                      come un        to     him,     all ye that la    bour      come


          un     to   him       that are       hea vy la den,      and he will give you rest.
PART I                                                                 73

     Take his yoke up on   you, and learn of him,      for he    is      meek and low ly of heart,      and ye shall find rest,       and


      ye   shall find rest        un to      your souls,                                           take his yoke up on       you, and

47                                                                    2

      learn of him,        for he    is   meek      and low ly of heart,      and ye shall find rest,    and ye shall find rest       un




      to    your souls.

                                                    6 6
74                                                                               MESSIAH
    1-23 Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burthen
     Violino I

     Violino II

                                                     Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis.


                                                     His yoke            is        ea                                                 sy,            his bur then       is




                                                6                   6                           6                      6        6                6

             light,             his   bur then,        his      bur           then          is light,


                                                                                     His            yoke         is        ea

7                       6                   6           6       6              4        3           6                      6                         6            7




             yoke               is    ea                                                                   sy,   his       bur then         is           light,

                  sy,           his   bur then         is       light,                  his         bur then      is   light,                                         his

                                                                                        His         yoke          is       ea

PART I                                                                      75

                                  f                                                  p            pp

                                  f                                                  p            pp

                                  f                                                  p            pp

                                                     his   bur then        is    light,   his bur then, his   bur    then is light,

                                      his   bur then is light,

         bur then,   his bur then,    his   bur then is light,             is    light,                                                  his

               sy,   his bur then,    his   bur then is light,                                                          his    bur then, his


                                      6                                              p

                     his   bur then, his    bur then is light,                                         his    yoke       is   ea

                                      his   bur then is light,                                                          his   bur then   is

         bur then    is light,                       is light,

         bur     then is light,                     his    yoke       is        ea                              sy,
76                                                             MESSIAH

                                      f                                         pp

                                      f                                         pp

                                      f                                         pp

                           sy,        his   bur then is light,                                 his   yoke    is   ea

          light,   his bur then, his        bur then is light,

                                                     his   yoke       is    ea                         sy,   his bur then    is

                                      his   bur then is    light,

                                  6                                         6
          7   6

                                      f                                                                                pp

                                      f                                                                                pp


                            sy,       his   bur then is light,

                                                     his   yoke      is    ea                                          sy,

          light,   his bur then, his        bur then is light,

                                      his   bur then is    light,    his   yoke      is   ea

PART I                                                                   77




                                       his        bur then        is light,                    his bur then,      his    bur then, his bur then       is

                      his bur then         is     light,                       his bur then, his bur          then is light,         his bur then     is

                                                              his bur then     is   light,                                                           his

                               sy,                                             his bur then,                      his    bur then, his bur then, his


         light,                      his        yoke         is     ea                                  sy,        his    bur then    is light,


           bur then, his bur then is light,                                                                                           his bur then    is

           bur then, his bur then is            light,     his      yoke      is    ea                                         sy,                   his
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O messias quarteto

  • 1. George Frideric Handel MESSIAH 1741 Based upon the Deutsche Händelgesellschaft Edition Edited by Frideric Chrysander Copyright © 2009 Nicolas Sceaux Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
  • 2. 2 TABLE DES MATIÈRES Part I 1-1 Sinfonia 4 1-2 Recitative: Comfort ye, my people (tenor) 7 1-3 Air: Every valley shall be exhalted (tenor) 9 1-4 Chorus: And the glory of the Lord 14 1-5 Recitative: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (bass) 20 1-6 Air: But who may abide the day of His coming (contr alto)   22 1-7 Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi 29 1-8 Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (contr alto)   36 1-9 Air: O thou that tellest good tidings (contr alto)   37 1-10 Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings 39 1-11 Recitative: For, behold! darkness shall cover (bass) 44 1-12 Air: The people that walked in darkness (bass) 46 1-13 Chorus: For unto us a child is born 48 1-14 Pifa 59 1-15 Recitative: There were sheperds abiding (soprano) 60 1-16 Recitative: And lo! the angel of the Lord (soprano) 60 1-17 Recitative: And the angel said unto them (soprano) 60 1-18 Recitative: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano) 61 1-19 Chorus: Glory to God in the highest 62 1-20 Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano) 67 1-21 Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto) 70 1-22 Air: He shall feed His flock (alto, soprano) 70 1-23 Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burthen 74 Part II 2-1 Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God! 80 2-2 Air: He was despised and rejected (alto) 83 2-3 Chorus: Surely He hath borne our griefs 87 2-4 Chorus: All we like sheep have gone 97 2-5 Recitative: All they that see Him (tenor) 105 2-6 Chorus: He trusted in God that He would 106 2-7 Recitative: Thy rebuke hath broken (tenor) 113 2-8 Air: Behold, and see if there be (tenor) 114 2-9 Recitative: He was cut off out of the land (tenor) 115 2-10 Air: But thou didst not leave (tenor) 115 2-11 Chorus: Lift up your heads, O ye gates 116 2-12 Recitative: Unto which of the angels (tenor) 124 2-13 Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship 125 2-14 Air: Thou art gone up on high (alto) 128 2-15 Chorus: The Lord gave the word 131 2-16 Air: How beautiful are the feet (soprano) 134 2-17 Chorus: Their sound is gone out into all lands 136 2-18 Air: Why do the nations so furiously (bass) 140 2-19 Chorus: Let us break their bonds 147 2-20 Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor) 154 2-21 Air: Thou shalt break them with a rod (tenor) 154 2-22 Chorus: Hallelujah 156 Part III 3-1 Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano) 166 3-2 Chorus and soli: Since by man came death 168 3-3 Recitative: Behold, I tell you a mistery (bass) 171 3-4 Air: The trumpet shall sound (bass) 172 3-5 Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass (contr alto)   177 3-6 Duet: O death! where is thy string? (contr alto and tenor)   177 3-7 Chorus: But thanks be to God 178
  • 3. 3 3-8 Air: If God be for us (soprano) 183 3-9 Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb 186 3-10 Chorus: Amen 196
  • 4. PART I 1-1 SINFONIA Grave Violino I Violino II Viola Bassi 7 1. 2. 14 Allegro moderato 21 27
  • 5. PART I 5 33 40 46 53 59
  • 6. 6 MESSIAH 65 71 78 85 92 +4 2
  • 7. PART I 7 1-2 Recitative: Comfort ye, my people (tenor) Larghetto e piano Violino I Violino II Viola TENORE 8 Com fort ye! Bassi 5 4 3 6 6 8 com fort ye my peo ple! Com fort ye, com 10 8 fort ye my peo ple! saith your God, saith your God. Violone 15 8 Speak ye com for ta bly to Je ru sa lem, speak ye com for ta bly to Je Tutti 5
  • 8. 8 MESSIAH 19 8 ru sa lem, and cry un to her that her war fare, her war fare is ac 23 8 com plish d, ¡ that her i ni qui ty is par don d, ¡ that her i ni qui ty is par don d. ¡ 6 28 f f f 8 The voice of him that crieth in the wil der ness. Pre f 4 6 33 2 8 pare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the de sert a high way for our God. +4 6 2
  • 9. PART I 9 1-3 Air: Every valley shall be exhalted (tenor) Andante Violino I Violino II Viola TENORE 8 Bassi 4 p f p p f p f 8 f 8 f f f 8 Ev ¡ ry val ley, ev ¡ ry val ley 13 f f p p 8 shall be ex al ted, shall be ex al
  • 10. 10 MESSIAH 17 8 ted, shall be ex al ted, 21 8 shall be ex al ted, and ev ry ¡ 25 8 moun tain and hill made low, the croo ked straight, 29 8 and the rough pla ces plain,
  • 11. PART I 11 33 8 the croo ked straight, the croo ked straight, and the rough pla ces plain, 37 8 and the rough pla ces 41 p f p f f f 8 plain. Ev ¡ ry val ley, 46 f f 8 ev ¡ ry val ley shall be ex al
  • 12. 12 MESSIAH 50 8 ted, ev¡ ry val ley, Violone 55 8 ev ¡ ry val ley shall be ex al ted, Tutti 59 p 8 and ev ry moun ¡ tain and hill made low, the croo ked straight, 63 8 the croo ked straight, the croo ked straight, and the rough pla ces plain,
  • 13. PART I 13 67 p 8 and the rough pla ces plain, and the rough pla ces plain, 71 f 8 the croo ked straight, and the rough pla ces f 76 f 8 plain. 80 p f p f p f p f f f 8 f f
  • 14. 14 MESSIAH 1-4 Chorus: And the glory of the Lord Allegro Violino I 3 4 Violino II 3 4 Viola 3 4 CANTO 3 4 ALTO 3 4 TENORE 3 4 8 BASSO 3 4 Bassi 3 4 11 c. Oboe I & II unis. And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re Tutti And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord Tutti 8 And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led, And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea 22 6 Tutti vea led, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall shall be re vea led, be re vea 8 and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led. led, shall be re vea led,
  • 15. PART I 15 32 be re veal d, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea ¡ led. led, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led. 8 and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led. and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led. 43 And all flesh shall And all flesh shall see it to ge ther. And all flesh shall 8 And all flesh shall see it to ge ther, for the mouth of the for the mouth of the
  • 16. 16 MESSIAH 55 see it to ge ther, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. see it to ge ther, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, and all flesh, 8 Lord hath spo ken it, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, and all Lord hath spo ken it, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, 65 And all flesh shall see it to ge ther. and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther. 8 flesh shall see it to ge ther, the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. 6
  • 17. PART I 17 76 And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, the mouth of the And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, and the glo ry, the 8 And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all flesh shall see it, shall see it to ge ther, And the glo ry, the glory of the Lord, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, 6 6 6 86 Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, 8 and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, the glo ry, the and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, 6
  • 18. 18 MESSIAH 96 Lord hath spo ken it, hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it, and all flesh shall 8 glory of the Lord shall be re vea led, and all flesh shall and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led, and all flesh shall 106 and the glo ry, the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea led, see it to ge ther, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re vea 8 see it to ge ther, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord see it to ge ther, and the glo ry, the glory of the Lord shall be re
  • 19. PART I 19 116 and all flesh shall se it to ge ther, to ge ther, for the mouth of the led, re vea led, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, to ge ther, for the mouth of the 8 shall be re vea led, and all flesh shall see it to ge ther, to ge ther, for the mouth of the vea led, re vea led, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the 127 Adagio Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. 8 Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the Lord, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it. Lord hath spo ken it, for the mouth of the Lord, for the mouth of the Lord hath spo ken it.
  • 20. 20 MESSIAH 1-5 Recitative: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (bass) Violino I Violino II Viola BASSO Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts; Yet once a lit tle Bassi 5 while; and I will shake the heav ns and the earth, ¡ the 9 6 sea and the dry land, and I will shake and I will shake 13 all na tions; I ll shake ¡ the heav ns, ¡ the
  • 21. PART I 21 16 earth, the sea, the dry lands, all na tions, I ll shake, ¡ and the de 19 sire of all 22 f f f na tions shall come. The Lord whom ya seek, shall sud den ly come to his tem ple; ev n the ¡ 26 f 4 2 mes sen ger of the Co ve nant, whom ye de light in, be hold he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts. 6 6 6 7 5
  • 22. 22 MESSIAH 1-6 Air: But who may abide the day of His coming (contr alto) ¢ Larghetto Violino I 3 8 Violino II 3 8 Viola 3 8 CONTR ALTO 3 ¡ 8 Bassi 3 8 6 +4 6 6 10 4 2 But who may a bide the day of his com ing? and who shall stand when 21 6 6 4 He ap pear eth? who shall stand when He ap pear eth? but who may a 32 6 6 7 6 bide, but who may a bide the day of his com ing? and who shall stand when He ap
  • 23. PART I 23 42 pear eth? and who shall stand when He ap pear 52 Prestissimo eth, when He ap pear eth? 60 63 For He is like a re fi ner s ¡
  • 24. 24 MESSIAH 66 fire, for He is like a re 6 7 6 69 fi ner s ¡ 72 fire, who shall stand when He ap 75 p f p p f p p f p f p pear eth? for He is like a re fi un poco piano
  • 25. PART I 25 79 f p f p f p f p f p f p f p f p f p f p f p f p 83 f p p f f p p p f p p p ner s ¡ fire, for He is like a re fi f 6 87 p f p f p f p f p f p p f p f p f ner s ¡ fire, and 7 6 p 91 Larghetto 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 who shall stand when He ap pear eth? But who may a bide the day of his com ing? 3 8
  • 26. 26 MESSIAH 99 and who shall stand, and who shall stand when He ap pear eth? 6 +4 110 4 2 Prestissimo when He ap pear eth? For He is like a re 117 fi ner s ¡ fire, like a re fi ner s¡ fire, and 121 who shall stand when He, when He ap pear eth? and 2 6 +4 6 7 7 5
  • 27. PART I 27 125 who shall stand when He ap 128 pear eth? for He is like a re 6 7 6 131 fi ner s ¡ fire, and who shall 134 stand when He ap pear eth? when
  • 28. 28 MESSIAH 137 He ap pear eth? for He is 4 140 p p p like a re fi p 144 Adagio ner s ¡ fire, for He is like a re +4 150 3 f fi ner s fire. ¡ f 6
  • 29. PART I 29 154 1-7 Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi Allegro Violino I p Violino II p Viola Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis. p CANTO And he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy ALTO TENORE 8 BASSO Bassi 6 6 4 the sons of Le vi, 8 And he shall pu ri fy, And he shall pu ri fy 6 6 6 5 6
  • 30. 30 MESSIAH 8 And he shall pu ri fy, 8 And he shall pu ri fy the sons of Le vi, 6 5 12 and he shall pu ri and he shall pu ri fy the sons of Le vi, 8 and
  • 31. PART I 31 16 fy the sons of Le the sons of Le vi, 8 and he shall pu ri fy he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy the sons of Le 7 6 19 vi, the sons of Le vi, that they may of fer the sons of Le vi, that they may of fer 8 the sons of Le vi, that they may of fer vi, the sons, the sons of Le vi, that they may of fer 5 6 7 6 3 4 6 2
  • 32. 32 MESSIAH 22 un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous ness, in righ teous ness. And he shall un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous ness, in righ teous ness. 8 un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous ness, in righ teous ness. un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous ness, in righ teous ness. 4 p 26 pu ri fy, And he shall pu ri fy, and he shall 8 And he shall pu ri fy, and he shall And he shall pu ri fy, shall pu ri fy the 7 6
  • 33. PART I 33 30 and he shall pu ri fy shall pu ri fy, pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy, 8 pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy, sons of Le vi, and he shall pu ri fy, 34 and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy the sons, the sons of and he shall pu ri fy, 8 and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy the sons of and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy the sons of Le vi, the sons of
  • 34. 34 MESSIAH 38 Le vi, and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy the sons 8 Le vi, and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy Le vi, and he shall pu ri fy, and he shall pu ri fy, shall pu ri 7 6 43 and he shall pu ri fy, of Le vi, 8 the sons of Le vi, fy the sons of Le vi, the sons
  • 35. PART I 35 46 and he shall pu ri fy shall pu ri fy, shall pu ri fy, 8 shall pu ri fy the sons of Le vi, and 49 the sons of Le vi, shall pu ri fy the sons of Le vi, 8 of Le vi, the sons of Le vi, he shall pu ri fy the sons, the sons of Le vi,
  • 36. 36 MESSIAH 52 that they may of fer un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous that they may of fer un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous 8 that they may of fer un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous that they may of fer un to the Lord an of fer ing in righ teous 55 ness, in righ teous ness. ness, in righ teous ness. 8 ness, in righ teous ness. ness, in righ teous ness. 1-8 Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (contr alto) ¢ CONTR ALTO ¡ Be hold, a vir gin shal con ceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name E ma nu el, GOD WITH US. Bassi 5 7 7 5 6 3 4 4 3 2 2
  • 37. PART I 37 1-9 Air: O thou that tellest good tidings (contr alto) ¢ Andante Violini 6 8 CONTR ALTO 6 ¡ 8 Bassi 6 8 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 5 5 5 p O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, get thee up in to the high moun tain! 19 p O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, get thee up in to the high 26 moun tain, get thee up in to the high moun 32 f tain. 38 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Je ru sa lem, lift
  • 38. 38 MESSIAH 44 p up thy voice with strength, lift it up, be not a fraid, say un to the 50 ci ties of Ju dah, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, Be hold your God, be hold your God! say 58 f un to the ci ties of Ju dah, Be hold your God, be hold your God, be hold your 7 6 7 6 67 God! O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, 74 a rise, shine, for thy light is come, a rise, a 81 rise, a rise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glo
  • 39. PART I 39 87 p ry of the Lord, the glo ry of the Lord is 6 93 ri sen, is ri sen up on thee, is ri sen, is ri sen up on thee, the glo ry, the 100 glo ry, the glo ry of the Lord is ri sen up on thee. (attacca il Coro.) 1-10 Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings Violino I 6 8 f Violino II 6 8 f Viola 6 8 Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis. CANTO 6 8 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, good ti dings to Je ru sa lem, ALTO 6 8 O! TENORE 6 8 8 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, BASSO 6 8 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, good ti dings to Je Bassi 6 8 f
  • 40. 40 MESSIAH 5 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, good ti dings to Zi on, a rise, a thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, to Zi on, a rise, a 8 O! thou that tell est good ti dings to Zi on, a rise, a ru sa lem, a rise, a 6 6 10 rise, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold your God! be hold! the rise, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold your God! be hold! the 8 rise, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold your God! be hold! the rise, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold your God! be hold! the
  • 41. PART I 41 15 glo ry of the Lord is ri sen up on thee. O! thou that tell est good glo ry of the Lord is ri sen up on thee. O! thou that tell est good 8 glo ry of the Lord is ri sen up on thee. O! thou that tell est good glo ry of the Lord is ri sen up on thee. O! thou that tell est good 7 6 6 5 20 ti dings to Zi on, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold! be hold! the ti dings to Zi on, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold! be hold! the 8 ti dings to Zi on, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold! be hold! the ti dings to Zi on, say un to the ci ties of Ju dah, be hold! be hold! the
  • 42. 42 MESSIAH 25 glo ry of the Lord, of the Lord, the glo ry of the glo ry of the Lord, of the Lord, the glo ry of the Lord 8 glo ry of the Lord, of the Lord, the glo ry of the glo ry of the Lord, of the Lord, the glo ry of the 7 30 Lord is ri sen up on thee. is ri sen up on thee. 8 Lord is ri sen up on thee. Lord is ri sen up on thee.
  • 43. PART I 43 36 8 40 8 6 6 6 5 5 5
  • 44. 44 MESSIAH 1-11 Recitative: For, behold! darkness shall cover (bass) Andante larghetto Violino I Violino II Viola BASSO Bassi 3 +4 2 For be 6 6 p p p hold! dark ness shall co ver the earth, and gross dark ness the p 9 peo ple, and gross dark ness the peo ple: But the Lord shall a +4 2
  • 45. PART I 45 12 rise up on thee, and His 15 glo ry shall be seen up on thee, and His 6 7 6 18 glo ry shall be seen up on thee, And the Gen tiles shall 6 5 7 6 21 4 come to thy light, and kings to the bright ness of thy ri sing. 6
  • 46. 46 MESSIAH 1-12 Air: The people that walked in darkness (bass) Larghetto Violini Viola p BASSO The peo ple that walk ed in Bassi p 6 dark ness, that walk ed in dark ness, the peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness have 12 seen a great light, have seen a great light, the peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness have 17 f p seen a great light. The peo ple that walk ed, that walk ed in dark ness, that f p 22 walk ed in dark ness, the peo ple that walk ed in dark ness have seen a great light, have
  • 47. PART I 47 28 f seen a great light, a great light, have seen a great light. f 33 p And they that dwell, that dwell in the land of the sha dow of death, p 39 and they that dwell, that dwell in the land, that dwell in the land of the sha dow of death, 45 f p up on them hath the light shi ned, and they that dwell, that f p 51 dwell in the land of the sha dow of death, up on them hath the light 57 f shi ned, up on them hath the light shi ned. f
  • 48. 48 MESSIAH 1-13 Chorus: For unto us a child is born Andante allegro Violino I c. Oboe I. Violino II c. Oboe II. Viola CANTO ALTO TENORE 8 BASSO Bassi 6 6 4 5 Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis. For un to us a child is 8 8 p 6 5 p p p born, un to us a son is gi ven, un to us a son is 8
  • 49. PART I 49 12 gi ven, for un to us a child is born, 8 For un to us a child is born, un to us a son is 16 For un to us a child is born, 8 gi ven, un to us a son is gi ven, For un to 20 un to us a son is gi ven, un to 8 us a child is born,
  • 50. 50 MESSIAH 23 us a son is gi ven, un to us a son is gi ven, 8 and the go vern ment shall un to us a son is gi ven, 6 27 and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul and the go vern ment shall 8 be up on his shoul der, and the go vern ment shall 6 6 4 4 6 2 2
  • 51. PART I 51 31 f der, up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, Won der ful, be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, Won der ful, 8 and his name shall be cal led, Won der ful, be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, Won der ful, 34 Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the 8 Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the
  • 52. 52 MESSIAH 37 p p p Prince of Peace. Prince of Peace. Un to us a child is born, un to us a son is 8 Prince of Peace. For un to us a child is born, Prince of Peace. p 41 Un to us a child is born, gi ven, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul 8 Un to us a son is gi ven, 4 4 6 2 2
  • 53. PART I 53 45 f and his name shall be cal led, der, and his name shall be cal led, 8 and his name shall be cal led, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, 4 4 2 2 49 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the 8 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the 6
  • 54. 54 MESSIAH 52 p p p e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. For un to us a child is born, e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. 8 e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. Un to us a child is born, e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. For un to 56 p un to For un to us a child is born, 8 un to us a child is born, un to us a son is gi ven, 60 us a son is gi ven, and the go vern ment shall 8 us a son is gi ven, and the go vern ment shall be, shall be up on his shoul der,
  • 55. PART I 55 64 be, shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, 8 and his name shall be cal led, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, 68 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the 8 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the 71 e ver last ing Fa ther, Prince of Peace. For un to e ver last ing Fa ther, Prince of Peace. For un to 8 e ver last ing Fa ther, Prince of Peace. For un to e ver last ing Fa ther, Prince of Peace. Un to us a child is born, un to 6
  • 56. 56 MESSIAH 74 us a child is born, us a child is born, 8 us a child is born, un to us a son is gi ven, un to us a child is born, un to us a son is gi ven, un to 77 un to us a son is gi ven, and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall un to us a son is gi ven, and the go vern ment shall 8 us a son is gi ven, un to us a son is gi ven, us a son is gi ven, un to us a son is gi ven,
  • 57. PART I 57 81 be up on his shoul der, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, be up on his shoul der, and the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, 8 and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, and the go vern ment, the go vern ment shall be up on his shoul der, and his name shall be cal led, 6 85 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the 8 Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the Won der ful, Coun sel lor, the migh ty God, the
  • 58. 58 MESSIAH 88 e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. 8 e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace, the e ver last ing Fa ther, the Prince of Peace. 92 8 96 8
  • 59. PART I 59 1-14 PIFA Larghetto, e mezzo piano Violino I e Violino III 12 all ottavia   8 Violino II e Viola 12 all ottavia   8 Bassi 12 8 4 7 10 Fine. 14 18 Da Capo.
  • 60. 60 MESSIAH 1-15 Recitative: There were sheperds abiding (soprano) SOPRANO There were shep herds a bid ing in the field, keep ing watch o ver their flock by night. Bassi 7 5 4 3 2 1-16 Recitative: And lo! the angel of the Lord (soprano) Andante Violino I p Violino II p Viola SOPRANO And lo! the an gel of the Lord came up on them, Bassi Violoncello 4 6 4 2 and the glo ry of the Lord shone round ab out them, and they were sore a fraid. 6 6 5 1-17 Recitative: And the angel said unto them (soprano) SOPRANO And the An gel said un to them; Fear not, for be hold! I bring you good Bassi 4 ti dings of great joy, which shall be to all peo ple: For un to you is born this
  • 61. PART I 61 7 day, in the ci ty of Da vid, a Sa viour, which is Christ, the Lord. 1-18 Recitative: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano) Allegro Violino I Violino II Viola SOPRANO Bassi Violoncello 6 5 3 4 3 And sud den ly there was with the an gel a mul ti tude 7 4 6 2 of the heav n ly ¡ host, prais ing God, and say ing; 4
  • 62. 62 MESSIAH 1-19 Chorus: Glory to God in the highest Allegro Tromba I Tromba II Violino I Violino II Viola c. Oboe I & II unis. CANTO Glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the high ALTO Glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the high TENORE 8 Glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the high BASSO Bassi 4 p p p est, est, 8 est, and peace on earth! and peace on earth! Tutti
  • 63. PART I 63 9 f f Glo ry to God, glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the Glo ry to God, glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the 8 Glo ry to God, glo ry to God, glo ry to God in the Violone 13 6 6 6 p p p high est, high est, 8 high est, and peace on earth, good will and peace on earth, good will to wards Tutti
  • 64. 64 MESSIAH 19 good will to wards men, to wards men, good will good will to wards men, to wards men, good will to wards men, to wards 8 to wards men, to wards men, good will to wards men, good will to wards men, 23 4 3 5 6 4 3 7 3 7 6 4 3 to wards men, to wards men. Glo ry to God, men, good will to wards men. Glo ry to God, 8 men, good will to wards men. Glo ry to God, good will to wards men. Glo ry to God, 7 6 5 4 6 4 6 2 2
  • 65. PART I 65 27 p p p glo ry to God in the high est, and peace on earth, glo ry to God in the high est, and peace on earth, 8 glo ry to God in the high est, and peace on earth, glo ry to God in the high est, and peace on earth, 32 f f good will, good will, good will to wards men, to wards men, good will, good will, 8 good will to wards men, to wards men, good will, good will, good will, good will,
  • 66. 66 MESSIAH 37 good will, good will to wards men, good will to wards men. good will, good will to wards men, good will to wards men. 8 good will, good will to wards men, good will to wards men. good will, good will to wards men, good will to wards men. Violoncello 43 7 3 2 6 6 6 5 4 6 7 6 2 p pp p pp 8 p 6 6 6 7 7 pp 5 5
  • 67. PART I 67 1-20 Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano) Allegro Violini 12 8 SOPRANO 12 8 Bassi 5 p f p Re joice, re 10 joice, re joice great ly! re joice great ly, O daugh ter of Si on, 15 O daugh ter of Si on, re joice, re joice, 20 25 O daugh ter of Si on, re joice great ly, shout, O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem, 30 be hold thy King cometh un to thee, be hold thy King cometh 4 6 2
  • 68. 68 MESSIAH 35 f un to thee, cometh un to thee. 40 p f p Re joice, re p 45 joice, re joice great ly! re joice O daugh ter of Si on, shout, O 50 daugh ter of Je ru sa lem, be hold thy King cometh un to thee, 55 re joice great ly, 60 O daugh ter of Si on, shout, O daugh ter of Je ru sa lem, be hold thy 65 King cometh un to thee, re joice, re joice, 7
  • 69. PART I 69 70 and shout, shout, shout, shout, re joice great ly, 75 re joice great ly, O daugh ter of Si on, shout, O daugh ter of Je 80 Adagio f ru sa lem, be hold thy King cometh un to thee, be hold thy King cometh un to thee. 85 90 p f p He is the righ teous Sa viour, Fine. 95 and He shall speak peace un to the hea then, He shall speak peace, He shall speak 4 4 2
  • 70. 70 MESSIAH 100 peace, peace, He shall speak peace un to the hea then, 104 He is the righ teous Sa viour, and He shall speak, He shall speak 108 peace, peace, He shall speak peace un to the hea then. 4 Da Capo. 2 1-21 Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto) ALTO Then shall the eyes of the blind be o pen d,¡ and the ears of the deaf un stop ped; then Bassi 5 shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing. 4 6 2 1-22 Air: He shall feed His flock (alto, soprano) Larghetto, e piano Violino I 12 8 Violino II 12 8 Viola 12 8 ALTO ALTO 12 SOPRANO 8 He Bassi 12 8 6
  • 71. PART I 71 5 shall feed his flock like a shep herd, and he shall ga ther the lambs with his arm, 9 with his arm, he shall feed his flock like a shep herd, and 13 6 he shall ga ther the lambs with his arm, with his arm, and 17 car ry them in his bo som and gent ly lead those that are with young, and gent ly lead, and
  • 72. 72 MESSIAH 22 SOPRANO gent ly lead those that are with young. Come 6 6 26 4 5 3 un to him, all ye that la bour come un to him that are hea vy la den, and 30 he will give you rest; come un to him, all ye that la bour come 34 un to him that are hea vy la den, and he will give you rest.
  • 73. PART I 73 38 Take his yoke up on you, and learn of him, for he is meek and low ly of heart, and ye shall find rest, and 43 ye shall find rest un to your souls, take his yoke up on you, and 4 47 2 learn of him, for he is meek and low ly of heart, and ye shall find rest, and ye shall find rest un 52 6 f f to your souls. 6 6
  • 74. 74 MESSIAH 1-23 Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burthen Allegro Violino I Violino II Viola Tutti c. Oboe I & II unis. CANTO His yoke is ea sy, his bur then is ALTO TENORE 8 BASSO Bassi 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 light, his bur then, his bur then is light, His 8 His yoke is ea 7 6 6 6 6 4 3 6 6 6 7 p p p yoke is ea sy, his bur then is light, 8 sy, his bur then is light, his bur then is light, his His yoke is ea 6
  • 75. PART I 75 10 f p pp f p pp f p pp his bur then is light, his bur then, his bur then is light, his bur then is light, 8 bur then, his bur then, his bur then is light, is light, his sy, his bur then, his bur then is light, his bur then, his f 6 p 14 his bur then, his bur then is light, his yoke is ea his bur then is light, his bur then is 8 bur then is light, is light, bur then is light, his yoke is ea sy,
  • 76. 76 MESSIAH 18 f pp f pp f pp sy, his bur then is light, his yoke is ea light, his bur then, his bur then is light, 8 his yoke is ea sy, his bur then is his bur then is light, 6 6 7 6 22 f pp f pp pp f sy, his bur then is light, his yoke is ea sy, 8 light, his bur then, his bur then is light, his bur then is light, his yoke is ea 6
  • 77. PART I 77 26 f f f his bur then is light, his bur then, his bur then, his bur then is his bur then is light, his bur then, his bur then is light, his bur then is 8 his bur then is light, his sy, his bur then, his bur then, his bur then, his 6 30 light, his yoke is ea sy, his bur then is light, light, 8 bur then, his bur then is light, his bur then is bur then, his bur then is light, his yoke is ea sy, his