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A Glimpse into an Antipodean Boat show

       The New Zealand, Hutchwilco 2006 Boat Show In Auckland.

                                  By William “Bill” Grieve

                              For Sportsboat & Rib Magazine

New Zealand is probably as far South as anyone civilised would want to go. Captain
James Cook on the good ship Endeavour, “discovered” the already inhabited islands in
1769 and using the King of England as collateral quickly conned the locals into an
evergreen HP agreement with The Crown, and annexed the country into the Empirical
fold– isn’t compound interest just the greatest force in the universe! Made up of two
islands, collectively about the size of the UK, and with a population of just over 4 million
people, it is a land of stark contrasts.

                       Bill Grieve and the Mayor Penny Webster

It has a desert, mountain ranges, glaciers and whale watching in Kaikoura. It is in the
Southern Hemisphere where it is Summer during the UK Winter, the nights are shorter
while UK nights are longer, the days hot when in the UK they’re cold and water exits,
whirl pooling the wrong way, out of any surface drain. New Zealand is Nuclear free, has
no enemies, tolerates Americans, has legalised prostitution and let Billy Connolly in to do
a piece for his World Tour album. The New Zealand Dollar, the “Kiwi”, vacillates between
strength and weakness with about as much regularity and “Flip Flop” as some of the
politicians in its parliament, going up and down, without fear, obscenely, like a pair of
cheap tarts knickers.
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NZ Boat Show 2006
It appears to pander to the popular opinion of local importers and exporters, who each
have their turns for harvesting the tantalising benefits of the currency peaks and valleys.

There are over six and a half thousand helicopters in NZ and it is rumoured to have the
highest rate of boat ownership per capita of population in the world. New Zealand is
generally known for its extremes….Extreme sports, extreme weather, extreme wine,
extreme fishing and on this occasion, extremely good boats.

The limited build up in advertising for the Boat Show gained momentum as the days
before the show got into single numbers and along with the newspapers and billboards,
the radio shows joined in, the TV stations took note and soon the public was being
bombarded with advertising the like of which has not been witnessed in New Zealand
since the great Mad Carpet Sale. This was hosted six months before at the same venue,
when forty shipping container loads of carpets were brought into NZ from around the
world in a grotesque Chinese style auction sale advertised by every possible means
from flyers to TV….

The NZ Hutchwilco Boat Show is hosted at the ASB Showgrounds in central Auckland
from 1st – 5th June, The Queens Birthday long weekend in NZ. This has been a
showground venue for over 160 years and is maintained and operated as a non profit
organisation. The grounds are adjacent to the twenty three acre Cornwall Park, donated
to “The People Of New Zealand” by the original owner Logan Campbell in 1901, it is
Auckland’s equivalent of London’s Hyde Park.

Approaching the entrance to the Boat Show for the second day running, I am bemused
at the way that the entrance, off Green Lane, smallish by all standards, belies the visitor
numbers which are witnessed inside. There are virtually no queues, perhaps small ones,
but in the main, everything flows well. The gates facilitate ticket sales and a secondary
security check is carried out before the public enter the grounds by security staff, under
the watchful eye of a polite, helpful, pretty, friendly but firm, dark haired girl called Molly.

There is plenty of parking – and lots of support staff. Dave Gibbs has organised the
show and as I have already witnessed, he is everywhere, allocating resources, diverting
manpower, calling for support where it will be needed, arranging strategy and, like an
experienced circus ringmaster – making sure that the show goes on – whatever
happens. Dave is a great guy, well organised, well liked and well respected – it just gets
better and better as I am to witness later. In Africa there is an old saying “It is the eye of
the Chief that keeps the cattle fat….”, well Dave is the Chief and this is one fat cow. The
showground, like all showground’s, is a series of halls and tents with inter leading
walkways and corridors.

It’s all well marked and sign posted, there are loads of facilities and one has to be
impressed that a further $26 million NZD is being invested in the short term to make it
even better.

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William “Bill” Grieve with Dave Gibb the show organiser.

While I am at the show, I am invited to attend a VIP and Press briefing on the future of
the showground development program where the Right Honourable Helen Clark, Prime
Minister, assisted by the Conservation Minister Chris Carter, and supported by an
element of Auckland Councillors, hand over a 1m x 2 m bankable cheque for $4.7 million

         The Author William “Bill” Grieve with Prime Minister Helen Clark

It is impressive to say the least. We have lunch and I have a few minutes with the Prime
Minister, we have met several times before and exchange pleasantries, but it is a good
photo opportunity for the writer and I can add this to my collection along with Margaret
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Thatcher, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, Russel Crowe and a
few others.

There is a lot to see and do in a short space of time. I am conscious that I could spend
the full five days that the show is on, browsing and still miss a lot. The gate prize, drawn
at the end of the show, which could be won by any paying entrant submitting a ticket for
the draw, is a very well equipped fishing boat worth around £30k. So the gate price of
circa £5 per adult makes it well worth a visit even if boats don’t interest you. I begin by
working my way through the myriad of new boat displays. It is impressive. New Zealand
has a great number of boat manufacturers and they cater for every style and idea. The
fibre glass boats are definitely New Zealand extreme, there are sizes and numbers here
that boggle the mind. There are more boats in super gloss finish than Imelda Marcos
had shoes. They look good, they smell of new upholstery and all of them profess their
individual states of extreme performance and best attributes. The quality is high and the
standards aggressively competitive. The fibre glass boats are the equal of the best seen
anywhere internationally and are World Class without a doubt. All the major motor and
engine manufacturers are represented; the Honda stand is neat, Mercury great, Suzuki
brilliant, Yamaha – Extreme. Competition amongst the boat builders and retailers for
best stand and presentation is fierce. Haines Hunter presents classical lines and boats in
a neatly manicured stand, Family Boats has a masterpiece layout (especially when
considering their strategic location next to Surtees Boats), but in this writers humble
opinion, the best stand at the show has to be that of GulfLand Marine from
Whangaparaoa (pronounced Fungaparoa, luckily they don’t come from Whakatane…), a
locally based Mercury outboard agency and multiple boat dealership.

The Proprietor Craig Lewis is on hand almost all the time. Craig is a big man, quiet, kind
hearted and a sensitive man, he likes his customers – and they like him - and they tell
their friends and their friend’s friends too. He once replaced a clients entire boat because
of a mark on the front – that’s real customer service. From the rumour mill there are a lot
of bad stories of “She’ll be right…..” a unique and lax approach specific to New Zealand.
If you’ve ever been here and endured the services of the average NZ tradesman or
bought from a large concern, you’ll know what I mean.

It’s like the “Alright Love… worries” approach of “Bodgit and Scarper” in the UK, a
totally unacceptable approach to getting things done – especially when it comes to
customer service. Well there’s none of that at GulfLand Marine. Ably assisted by Mike
Betts, himself recently from Poole in Dorset and a well qualified “Boatie” whom many UK
boat owners have dealt with, you can be assured of absolute first class service even
though you’re far removed from home. Mike is both diplomatic and articulate, but most of
all concerned – he wants you to be happy dealing with GulfLand Marine and he works
hard at it. There are some boat dealers in New Zealand (and big one’s at that), that
could learn from the team at GulfLand Marine. They are soft and they are caring, but
don’t take them as fools, Craig is a very astute and wealthy businessman and Mike Betts
didn’t come down the Thames on a Tea Boat, the rest of the team are just as dynamic.
They’re nice people and their hearts are in the right place – and that’s important to any
prospective boat buyer or boat owner that deals with them.

The philosophy is simple – it’s not a crime to make money – only to steal it…’s great
to deal with nice people in a marine world where modern day equivalents of Pirates,
Highwaymen and Buccaneers thrive.

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The Gulfland Marine stand was incredible

Propeller manufacturers are present with world class export quality propellers at a low
cost in comparison to many European suppliers. Life Jackets, advanced electronics,
desalination, trailers, T shirts – there is a lot of anything and everything boat, sun, fun
and fishing related.
You just have to be impressed by the displays – its all good high quality stuff.
The Boat Show has something for everyone, the Fishing Gear Hall is crowded and
almost as busy as Blackbushe market on a Summer Sunday. The crowd is bustling and
people are standing four deep in some places waiting to purchase a fishing Widget or a
boating Gubbins to fit somewhere in their tackle outfit or rig. There are lots of posters,
gadgets, CD’s and freebies on offer as well. There is someone peddling something
everywhere in the well stocked and neatly laid out halls – and it all looks like good stuff –
I see some things I want, but I already have two of each in the garage at home and three
of many as well. Temporary insanity is a classical symptom of TAS – Tackle Acquisition
Syndrome. On this one occasion – I abstain, reluctantly. My head hurts and my body
sends a shiver down my spine, but I have survived another spontaneous impulse tackle
buying session – and I’m richer for it and a stronger person – until next time. I make a
mental note to join TAS Anon – there must be one somewhere – there are certainly
enough sufferers and addicts around……
There is a good vibe at the show which permeates through exhibitors and attendees
alike and people are buzzing. Surrounded by an intrigued crowd, Steve Wheeler -
Sculpture, Swordsmith and Cutler, New Zealand’s well known and leading knife maker is
plying his trade – pretty but deadly. Eerie, gentle, Pan Pipe music emanates from
Patricio Lema, an Aztec Indian who plays incredible and soothing music from the
primitive Peruvian and Aztec tribes throughout the day – all available to buy on modern
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CD’s of course. The Surtees Boats stand adjacent to Family Boats (owned by the
Carlson family) is busy busy busy. Phill Noblett of Surtees is explaining the concept of
these uniquely designed aluminium boats to a prospective buyer. There are lots of
people listening, this is an incredible design – it has a 380 kg water ballast tank in the
bottom of the Deep Vee hull that fills to capacity in around 4.5 seconds when the boat
stands still and empties just as quick on forward movement. The water ballast provides
stability at rest and comfort in motion – it provides the best of both in the compromising
boating worlds of stability and ride dynamics. The water can be retained during journeys
to provide a smooth ride in rough water. There is a model for everybody, in the end it’s a
question of just how much money you want to throw at the boat of your choosing. The
compromise is between fishing ruggedness and stylish comfort and the meeting point is
wherever you the buyer want it to be. It becomes apparent from ear wigging that the
company is having growth pains though and there is a five month waiting list for the
boats, with seventy units currently on the line at any one time. There are a few adverse
comments on the quality of some of the final finishing touches and customer service –
this is good though – it will remind them of how they got where they are from building
one boat and not to neglect quality to make money faster and especially not to forget
about customer care, where twenty percent of a customer’s boat purchase price actually
rests. They will have to keep their eye on the ball to stay ahead of the competition – “He
who reaches for a star is often tripped up by a straw……”. Quality Control and Customer
service are serious business – for any manufacturer - especially in a relatively small
emerging market where people have a choice and vote with their credit cards.

                    The hall was filled with tackle and TAS buyers.
Pontoon aluminium boats are something you will never have come across in the UK or
the EU, and certainly not in the Mediterranean. It’s a boat designed and made up
principally for fishing and for the rough conditions found off the South Island in New
Zealand. It has several sealed pontoons which make the boat virtually unsinkable if the
hull is damaged or the boat becomes waterlogged and even if the integrity of more than
one of the pontoons is breached for whatever reason. The pontoon design causes the
boats to sacrifice some area and width, but the stability and safety are increased
dramatically. For a fishing boat these are ideal.

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Lots of room and great stability - as flat as the water surface you’re resting on at all
times. There are many pontoon boat manufacturers in New Zealand and the market
leaders like Stabicraft, Kiwicraft, Orca and Osprey come to mind.
They look good, they’re robust and quintessential for a NZ boating fisherman. Lots of the
smaller manufacturers are looking at this type of design because that is the way the NZ
market is swinging.
Combine New Zealand innovation like this with a quality policy of Kaizan and things just
keep getting better and better. The inevitable is happening – a boating revolution in New
Zealand – and it’s all to the benefit of the end user.

But, there’s more …..combine innovation and NZ high quality manufacturing with the
currently low dollar in NZ and it may even be worth looking at the boats seriously for
purchase abroad and in Europe. After all if Porsche were manufactured by Russian
production engineers, assembled cost effectively and sold for half the price of its
competitors it would certainly be worth looking at by John Everyman, from New Zealand
to New Mexico.

Boats in every shape and form – NZ has the highest boat ownership in the world.
The Auckland Fire Brigade are present in fair force in case of a fire breakout at the
show, however instead of just standing by, they are drawing crowds with live
demonstrations, expertly carried out, on how to deal with typical daily hazardous
situations and domestic flame encounters. They are highly trained and carry out their live
demonstrations with the expert ease of a well rehearsed circus trapeze artist troupe –
making it look easy to deal with a chip fire – and it is, when you know how….just watch
the experts and learn.

In glancing at my watch, I’m reminded that the sun is well over the yard arm and the day
has gone – and I’ve so much more to do and see still, even on my second day here. I’ve
spoken with Minister Carter, the NZ Conservation Minister and he is positive. I’ve spoken
with the PM, Helen Clark and she is awesome, I’ve sat with Graeme Sinclair, wheelchair

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bound commentator and fisherman extraordinaire for “Carters Gone Fishing” a weekly
TV programme – and he is in fine form.

                      William “Bill” Grieve with Graeme Sinclair
I’ve had a long talk and had a photograph taken with Dave Gibbs the show organiser,
dressed as Bond – he is great. I’ve had a chat with Doug Redenius, Vice President of
The Ian Fleming Foundation, who supplied the spectacular exhibits for “The Boats of
Bond” display here. I photographed the NZ Prime Minister kneeling down beside one of
the early Bond aqua craft – The Tow Sled used in Thunderball in 1965, of the 18 made,
only two units remain in existence. Doug is well travelled and a real man of the world, I
think he can be the life and soul of a party without even trying hard.

He hovers around as we have a photo opportunity with his attractive models “The Girls
of Bond” at the Bond display. I smile silently thinking of a joke he has just related.

          The writer William “Bill” Grieve posing with “the girls of Bond”

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Although the day is over, it feels like I’ve only just arrived at the show. There is still so
much to see and do and a lot that I want to see again. There simply isn’t enough time in
one day, perhaps not even in two, to fully experience everything that is on offer.

                 The writer William “Bill” Grieve with Doug Redenius
                Chairman of the Ian Fleming Foundation (James Bond)

The word “Awesome” is used by Kiwis to describe most things positively and is applied
as an extreme exaggeration, for instance one might say “How was your weekend?” to
which the typical Kiwi answer would be “Awesome!”. Kiwis love to exaggerate like this,
especially to each other. It’s like standing in a ring, where everyone is patting each other
and the next one on the back, telling them how well they’re doing, how great New
Zealand is and how incredible The All Blacks are. One thing is sure though – the New
Zealand Hutchwilco Boat Show 2006 is good….its big, its well organised, it’s full of
quality high and low cost items. Its fun, it’s friendly and it’s fine to be part of – and that’s
what Kiwi’s really call Awesome!

                             High Speed wave runners galore
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The end of the day for me is near and as I head into Auckland on State Highway One
trying to digest all the fishing, fun and boat related things I’ve seen, I still feel a bit gutted
at not having bought anything and momentarily I desire the thrill and satisfaction of a
TAS purchase “fix”…

The local Auckland radio blares out Dave Dobbyn’s Kiwi classic tear jerker
“Welcome Home”, which he sung at former NZ Prime Minister David Lange’s funeral
service earlier this year. It was New Zealand’s equivalent of Elton John singing Candle
In The Wind for Princess Diana.

I’ve been away from the UK for a year now, where I lived in Hampshire and Potters
Cross, Iver Heath, Middlesex, for nine years and in Africa before that. The melody
playing on the radio is haunting, but the “Welcome Home” he’s singing applies to Me
now as well – and that’s Awesome too!

It’s a warm afternoon and as I drive along with the car window open, the New Zealand
Winter sun sets gradually on the horizon, prematurely, reminding us all of the change in
seasons. The words of Arnold Schwarzenegger come to mind and I know that next year
- I’ll be back….

A few references:-

an example of Craig Lewis, the gentle giant of Gulfland Marine

a really incredible individual and a legend in the marine industry in NZ.

Dave Dobbyn, NZ singer song writer sings “Welcome Home”….a haunting melody at
Former NZ Prime Minister David Lange’s funeral.

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New Zealand Boatshow 2006 - Sportsboat and rib magazine - by William "Bill" Grieve NZ

  • 1. A Glimpse into an Antipodean Boat show The New Zealand, Hutchwilco 2006 Boat Show In Auckland. By William “Bill” Grieve For Sportsboat & Rib Magazine New Zealand is probably as far South as anyone civilised would want to go. Captain James Cook on the good ship Endeavour, “discovered” the already inhabited islands in 1769 and using the King of England as collateral quickly conned the locals into an evergreen HP agreement with The Crown, and annexed the country into the Empirical fold– isn’t compound interest just the greatest force in the universe! Made up of two islands, collectively about the size of the UK, and with a population of just over 4 million people, it is a land of stark contrasts. Bill Grieve and the Mayor Penny Webster It has a desert, mountain ranges, glaciers and whale watching in Kaikoura. It is in the Southern Hemisphere where it is Summer during the UK Winter, the nights are shorter while UK nights are longer, the days hot when in the UK they’re cold and water exits, whirl pooling the wrong way, out of any surface drain. New Zealand is Nuclear free, has no enemies, tolerates Americans, has legalised prostitution and let Billy Connolly in to do a piece for his World Tour album. The New Zealand Dollar, the “Kiwi”, vacillates between strength and weakness with about as much regularity and “Flip Flop” as some of the politicians in its parliament, going up and down, without fear, obscenely, like a pair of cheap tarts knickers. Sportboat and Rib Page 1 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 2. It appears to pander to the popular opinion of local importers and exporters, who each have their turns for harvesting the tantalising benefits of the currency peaks and valleys. There are over six and a half thousand helicopters in NZ and it is rumoured to have the highest rate of boat ownership per capita of population in the world. New Zealand is generally known for its extremes….Extreme sports, extreme weather, extreme wine, extreme fishing and on this occasion, extremely good boats. The limited build up in advertising for the Boat Show gained momentum as the days before the show got into single numbers and along with the newspapers and billboards, the radio shows joined in, the TV stations took note and soon the public was being bombarded with advertising the like of which has not been witnessed in New Zealand since the great Mad Carpet Sale. This was hosted six months before at the same venue, when forty shipping container loads of carpets were brought into NZ from around the world in a grotesque Chinese style auction sale advertised by every possible means from flyers to TV…. The NZ Hutchwilco Boat Show is hosted at the ASB Showgrounds in central Auckland from 1st – 5th June, The Queens Birthday long weekend in NZ. This has been a showground venue for over 160 years and is maintained and operated as a non profit organisation. The grounds are adjacent to the twenty three acre Cornwall Park, donated to “The People Of New Zealand” by the original owner Logan Campbell in 1901, it is Auckland’s equivalent of London’s Hyde Park. Approaching the entrance to the Boat Show for the second day running, I am bemused at the way that the entrance, off Green Lane, smallish by all standards, belies the visitor numbers which are witnessed inside. There are virtually no queues, perhaps small ones, but in the main, everything flows well. The gates facilitate ticket sales and a secondary security check is carried out before the public enter the grounds by security staff, under the watchful eye of a polite, helpful, pretty, friendly but firm, dark haired girl called Molly. There is plenty of parking – and lots of support staff. Dave Gibbs has organised the show and as I have already witnessed, he is everywhere, allocating resources, diverting manpower, calling for support where it will be needed, arranging strategy and, like an experienced circus ringmaster – making sure that the show goes on – whatever happens. Dave is a great guy, well organised, well liked and well respected – it just gets better and better as I am to witness later. In Africa there is an old saying “It is the eye of the Chief that keeps the cattle fat….”, well Dave is the Chief and this is one fat cow. The showground, like all showground’s, is a series of halls and tents with inter leading walkways and corridors. It’s all well marked and sign posted, there are loads of facilities and one has to be impressed that a further $26 million NZD is being invested in the short term to make it even better. Sportboat and Rib Page 2 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 3. William “Bill” Grieve with Dave Gibb the show organiser. While I am at the show, I am invited to attend a VIP and Press briefing on the future of the showground development program where the Right Honourable Helen Clark, Prime Minister, assisted by the Conservation Minister Chris Carter, and supported by an element of Auckland Councillors, hand over a 1m x 2 m bankable cheque for $4.7 million NZD. The Author William “Bill” Grieve with Prime Minister Helen Clark It is impressive to say the least. We have lunch and I have a few minutes with the Prime Minister, we have met several times before and exchange pleasantries, but it is a good photo opportunity for the writer and I can add this to my collection along with Margaret Sportboat and Rib Page 3 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 4. Thatcher, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, Russel Crowe and a few others. There is a lot to see and do in a short space of time. I am conscious that I could spend the full five days that the show is on, browsing and still miss a lot. The gate prize, drawn at the end of the show, which could be won by any paying entrant submitting a ticket for the draw, is a very well equipped fishing boat worth around £30k. So the gate price of circa £5 per adult makes it well worth a visit even if boats don’t interest you. I begin by working my way through the myriad of new boat displays. It is impressive. New Zealand has a great number of boat manufacturers and they cater for every style and idea. The fibre glass boats are definitely New Zealand extreme, there are sizes and numbers here that boggle the mind. There are more boats in super gloss finish than Imelda Marcos had shoes. They look good, they smell of new upholstery and all of them profess their individual states of extreme performance and best attributes. The quality is high and the standards aggressively competitive. The fibre glass boats are the equal of the best seen anywhere internationally and are World Class without a doubt. All the major motor and engine manufacturers are represented; the Honda stand is neat, Mercury great, Suzuki brilliant, Yamaha – Extreme. Competition amongst the boat builders and retailers for best stand and presentation is fierce. Haines Hunter presents classical lines and boats in a neatly manicured stand, Family Boats has a masterpiece layout (especially when considering their strategic location next to Surtees Boats), but in this writers humble opinion, the best stand at the show has to be that of GulfLand Marine from Whangaparaoa (pronounced Fungaparoa, luckily they don’t come from Whakatane…), a locally based Mercury outboard agency and multiple boat dealership. The Proprietor Craig Lewis is on hand almost all the time. Craig is a big man, quiet, kind hearted and a sensitive man, he likes his customers – and they like him - and they tell their friends and their friend’s friends too. He once replaced a clients entire boat because of a mark on the front – that’s real customer service. From the rumour mill there are a lot of bad stories of “She’ll be right…..” a unique and lax approach specific to New Zealand. If you’ve ever been here and endured the services of the average NZ tradesman or bought from a large concern, you’ll know what I mean. It’s like the “Alright Love… worries” approach of “Bodgit and Scarper” in the UK, a totally unacceptable approach to getting things done – especially when it comes to customer service. Well there’s none of that at GulfLand Marine. Ably assisted by Mike Betts, himself recently from Poole in Dorset and a well qualified “Boatie” whom many UK boat owners have dealt with, you can be assured of absolute first class service even though you’re far removed from home. Mike is both diplomatic and articulate, but most of all concerned – he wants you to be happy dealing with GulfLand Marine and he works hard at it. There are some boat dealers in New Zealand (and big one’s at that), that could learn from the team at GulfLand Marine. They are soft and they are caring, but don’t take them as fools, Craig is a very astute and wealthy businessman and Mike Betts didn’t come down the Thames on a Tea Boat, the rest of the team are just as dynamic. They’re nice people and their hearts are in the right place – and that’s important to any prospective boat buyer or boat owner that deals with them. The philosophy is simple – it’s not a crime to make money – only to steal it…’s great to deal with nice people in a marine world where modern day equivalents of Pirates, Highwaymen and Buccaneers thrive. Sportboat and Rib Page 4 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 5. The Gulfland Marine stand was incredible Propeller manufacturers are present with world class export quality propellers at a low cost in comparison to many European suppliers. Life Jackets, advanced electronics, desalination, trailers, T shirts – there is a lot of anything and everything boat, sun, fun and fishing related. You just have to be impressed by the displays – its all good high quality stuff. The Boat Show has something for everyone, the Fishing Gear Hall is crowded and almost as busy as Blackbushe market on a Summer Sunday. The crowd is bustling and people are standing four deep in some places waiting to purchase a fishing Widget or a boating Gubbins to fit somewhere in their tackle outfit or rig. There are lots of posters, gadgets, CD’s and freebies on offer as well. There is someone peddling something everywhere in the well stocked and neatly laid out halls – and it all looks like good stuff – I see some things I want, but I already have two of each in the garage at home and three of many as well. Temporary insanity is a classical symptom of TAS – Tackle Acquisition Syndrome. On this one occasion – I abstain, reluctantly. My head hurts and my body sends a shiver down my spine, but I have survived another spontaneous impulse tackle buying session – and I’m richer for it and a stronger person – until next time. I make a mental note to join TAS Anon – there must be one somewhere – there are certainly enough sufferers and addicts around…… There is a good vibe at the show which permeates through exhibitors and attendees alike and people are buzzing. Surrounded by an intrigued crowd, Steve Wheeler - Sculpture, Swordsmith and Cutler, New Zealand’s well known and leading knife maker is plying his trade – pretty but deadly. Eerie, gentle, Pan Pipe music emanates from Patricio Lema, an Aztec Indian who plays incredible and soothing music from the primitive Peruvian and Aztec tribes throughout the day – all available to buy on modern Sportboat and Rib Page 5 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 6. CD’s of course. The Surtees Boats stand adjacent to Family Boats (owned by the Carlson family) is busy busy busy. Phill Noblett of Surtees is explaining the concept of these uniquely designed aluminium boats to a prospective buyer. There are lots of people listening, this is an incredible design – it has a 380 kg water ballast tank in the bottom of the Deep Vee hull that fills to capacity in around 4.5 seconds when the boat stands still and empties just as quick on forward movement. The water ballast provides stability at rest and comfort in motion – it provides the best of both in the compromising boating worlds of stability and ride dynamics. The water can be retained during journeys to provide a smooth ride in rough water. There is a model for everybody, in the end it’s a question of just how much money you want to throw at the boat of your choosing. The compromise is between fishing ruggedness and stylish comfort and the meeting point is wherever you the buyer want it to be. It becomes apparent from ear wigging that the company is having growth pains though and there is a five month waiting list for the boats, with seventy units currently on the line at any one time. There are a few adverse comments on the quality of some of the final finishing touches and customer service – this is good though – it will remind them of how they got where they are from building one boat and not to neglect quality to make money faster and especially not to forget about customer care, where twenty percent of a customer’s boat purchase price actually rests. They will have to keep their eye on the ball to stay ahead of the competition – “He who reaches for a star is often tripped up by a straw……”. Quality Control and Customer service are serious business – for any manufacturer - especially in a relatively small emerging market where people have a choice and vote with their credit cards. The hall was filled with tackle and TAS buyers. Pontoon aluminium boats are something you will never have come across in the UK or the EU, and certainly not in the Mediterranean. It’s a boat designed and made up principally for fishing and for the rough conditions found off the South Island in New Zealand. It has several sealed pontoons which make the boat virtually unsinkable if the hull is damaged or the boat becomes waterlogged and even if the integrity of more than one of the pontoons is breached for whatever reason. The pontoon design causes the boats to sacrifice some area and width, but the stability and safety are increased dramatically. For a fishing boat these are ideal. Sportboat and Rib Page 6 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 7. Lots of room and great stability - as flat as the water surface you’re resting on at all times. There are many pontoon boat manufacturers in New Zealand and the market leaders like Stabicraft, Kiwicraft, Orca and Osprey come to mind. They look good, they’re robust and quintessential for a NZ boating fisherman. Lots of the smaller manufacturers are looking at this type of design because that is the way the NZ market is swinging. Combine New Zealand innovation like this with a quality policy of Kaizan and things just keep getting better and better. The inevitable is happening – a boating revolution in New Zealand – and it’s all to the benefit of the end user. But, there’s more …..combine innovation and NZ high quality manufacturing with the currently low dollar in NZ and it may even be worth looking at the boats seriously for purchase abroad and in Europe. After all if Porsche were manufactured by Russian production engineers, assembled cost effectively and sold for half the price of its competitors it would certainly be worth looking at by John Everyman, from New Zealand to New Mexico. Boats in every shape and form – NZ has the highest boat ownership in the world. The Auckland Fire Brigade are present in fair force in case of a fire breakout at the show, however instead of just standing by, they are drawing crowds with live demonstrations, expertly carried out, on how to deal with typical daily hazardous situations and domestic flame encounters. They are highly trained and carry out their live demonstrations with the expert ease of a well rehearsed circus trapeze artist troupe – making it look easy to deal with a chip fire – and it is, when you know how….just watch the experts and learn. In glancing at my watch, I’m reminded that the sun is well over the yard arm and the day has gone – and I’ve so much more to do and see still, even on my second day here. I’ve spoken with Minister Carter, the NZ Conservation Minister and he is positive. I’ve spoken with the PM, Helen Clark and she is awesome, I’ve sat with Graeme Sinclair, wheelchair Sportboat and Rib Page 7 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 8. bound commentator and fisherman extraordinaire for “Carters Gone Fishing” a weekly TV programme – and he is in fine form. William “Bill” Grieve with Graeme Sinclair I’ve had a long talk and had a photograph taken with Dave Gibbs the show organiser, dressed as Bond – he is great. I’ve had a chat with Doug Redenius, Vice President of The Ian Fleming Foundation, who supplied the spectacular exhibits for “The Boats of Bond” display here. I photographed the NZ Prime Minister kneeling down beside one of the early Bond aqua craft – The Tow Sled used in Thunderball in 1965, of the 18 made, only two units remain in existence. Doug is well travelled and a real man of the world, I think he can be the life and soul of a party without even trying hard. He hovers around as we have a photo opportunity with his attractive models “The Girls of Bond” at the Bond display. I smile silently thinking of a joke he has just related. The writer William “Bill” Grieve posing with “the girls of Bond” Sportboat and Rib Page 8 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 9. Although the day is over, it feels like I’ve only just arrived at the show. There is still so much to see and do and a lot that I want to see again. There simply isn’t enough time in one day, perhaps not even in two, to fully experience everything that is on offer. The writer William “Bill” Grieve with Doug Redenius Chairman of the Ian Fleming Foundation (James Bond) The word “Awesome” is used by Kiwis to describe most things positively and is applied as an extreme exaggeration, for instance one might say “How was your weekend?” to which the typical Kiwi answer would be “Awesome!”. Kiwis love to exaggerate like this, especially to each other. It’s like standing in a ring, where everyone is patting each other and the next one on the back, telling them how well they’re doing, how great New Zealand is and how incredible The All Blacks are. One thing is sure though – the New Zealand Hutchwilco Boat Show 2006 is good….its big, its well organised, it’s full of quality high and low cost items. Its fun, it’s friendly and it’s fine to be part of – and that’s what Kiwi’s really call Awesome! High Speed wave runners galore Sportboat and Rib Page 9 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006
  • 10. The end of the day for me is near and as I head into Auckland on State Highway One trying to digest all the fishing, fun and boat related things I’ve seen, I still feel a bit gutted at not having bought anything and momentarily I desire the thrill and satisfaction of a TAS purchase “fix”… The local Auckland radio blares out Dave Dobbyn’s Kiwi classic tear jerker “Welcome Home”, which he sung at former NZ Prime Minister David Lange’s funeral service earlier this year. It was New Zealand’s equivalent of Elton John singing Candle In The Wind for Princess Diana. I’ve been away from the UK for a year now, where I lived in Hampshire and Potters Cross, Iver Heath, Middlesex, for nine years and in Africa before that. The melody playing on the radio is haunting, but the “Welcome Home” he’s singing applies to Me now as well – and that’s Awesome too! It’s a warm afternoon and as I drive along with the car window open, the New Zealand Winter sun sets gradually on the horizon, prematurely, reminding us all of the change in seasons. The words of Arnold Schwarzenegger come to mind and I know that next year - I’ll be back…. A few references:- an example of Craig Lewis, the gentle giant of Gulfland Marine a really incredible individual and a legend in the marine industry in NZ. Dave Dobbyn, NZ singer song writer sings “Welcome Home”….a haunting melody at Former NZ Prime Minister David Lange’s funeral. Sportboat and Rib Page 10 of 10 NZ Boat Show 2006