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 Symbol Na
 Atomic no.11 and atomicweight-22.991.
 It is a cation with one valence electron,it is unstable when not combained
with anion.
 Sodium is Silvery white lustrous alkali metal doesn't occur naturally on
earth, but quickly oxidizes in air and is violently reactive with water.
 Sodium is soluble in water, thus it is present in great quantities in earth's
oceans and other stagnant bodies of earth.To get stability, Natrum tends
to give the one atom to another element. This shows their extreme
dependency and neediness.
 Once it forms a bond with any anion, it becomes difficult to break the
bond as the cation Natrum holds it very tight. Similarly, Natrum patient
exhibit a strong need for a one to one relationship.
 Natrum-Passive; Anion-Active
 DAILY REQUIREMENT: 1500-2400mg/day
 DISTRIBUTION: In plasma, extracellular
 EXCRETION: Chiefly through urine and partly through
sweat and stool. Daily excretion is generally same as daily
 SOURCES: Apple, common salt, cabbage, egg yolks,
pulses, bananas, cheese, dried peas, carrot, leafy
vegetables, smoked fish, etc.
 Heart contraction, nervous system,
glucose absorption.
 Osmoregulation
 Muscle contractions
 Regulation of body fluids.
 Excessive amount of sodium can lead
to oedema, hypertension, heart failure
& stomach carcinoma.
 1. Natrum Muriaticum
 2. Natrum Arsenicum
 3. Natrum Carbonicum
 4. Natrum Phosphoricum
 5. Natrum Sulphuricum
 6. Natrum Nitricum
 7. Natrum Salicylicum
 8. Natrum Cacodyls
 9. Natrum Cholenicum
 10. Natrum Hyposulphuricum
 11. Natrum Iodatum
 12. Natrum Lacticum
 13. Natrum Nitrosum
 14. Natrum Selenicum
 15. Natrum Silicum
 16. Natrum Telluricum
 17. Borax
Mental Symptoms:
 Grief about which they have lost. They get stuck in the past, when
everything was still alright.Their thoughts keep going back to that time.
Sometimes they can cry about it, they cry when they are alone, but do not
cry in front of others. They are melancholic & pessimistic. They feel that
things will never be right again.
 They keep their problems inside, they are much closed, do not feel like
talking about it. They carry their secret grief & hide it from the outside
world. They have the felling of being on their own & having to carry the
burden of their sadness alone. They can not expect any help from outside
at all. They have to accept their fate in state of gloom.
 They have lost all faith that things could become all right again. They can
also have the feeling that it is forbidden to be happy, that they are not
allowed to experience this. Thus they can be very pessimistic persons.
Their loss cannot be made up for any more. They deny the possibility of
regaining their happiness & restrict themselves to passive acceptance.
Melancholia & Anxiety: (compar…
 Borax- Great anxiety from downward motion. When laying the child down
on a couch or a crib it cries and clings to the nurse. Anxiety when going
downstairs or rapidly down hill, horse back riding etc.
 Natrum ars- depressed as if something impending cannot concentrate.
 Natrum carb- sadness and discouragement with tears about future
 Natrum hypochlorosum- distressed laughs and cries,talks in sleep.
 Natrum mur- sadness which induces recurrences of unpleasant
recollections and much weeping aggravated by consolation.
 Natrum nitricum- Great ill humour and indolence.
 Natrum phos- despondent, could not study fears bad news
 Natrum sulph- melancholy with periodical attacks of mania. Sadness and
inclined to weep. Satiety of life, must use much self control to prevent
himself shooting- Mental effects of injury to head. Melancholy and
lachrymation especially after hearing music.
 Natrum salicylicum- weariness and depression.
 They are very sensitive, very vulnerable.They think that much has been
taken away from them already; they have hardly got anything left &
constantly feel that the rest will probably be taken away from them too. So
they are easily frightened. Any unexpected thing could hurt them easily.
 They are sensitive to music, especially classical one & with this music they
can let themselves carried away in their melancholic mood.
 These are very Reserved kind of people, Introverted & have inclination to
withdraw, they restrict themselves to the essentials. But they hold on to
certain things or memories usually from distant past.
 Changeablity of moods
Borax-laughter alternates with weeping.
 Over sensitiveness to noise:
Borax- Exessively nervous ,easily frightened by the slightest noise or an
unusually sharp sound, a cough, sneeze, cry, lightening,violent fright from
report of a gun even from a distance.
Fear of thunder storm, sensitive to slightest noise, not much disturbed by
louder ones.
Natrum carb- Great sensitivity to noise,
Natrum mur- sensitive especially to music, tingling ,rumbling &
humming in ears
 Intolerence of music:
Natrum carb- Anxiety restlessness and apprehension are made worse by
music hence music is deserted.
Natrum mur- music and noise are intolerable.
Natrum sulph-sadness aggravated by music. Lively music makes her sad use
much self control to prevent shooting himself.
 Anxiety of keeping balance or harmony(maintenance of relationships).They
does not want too many but just the one & is very much dependent only
on one relationship, without which she feels very isolated & therefore very
insecure makes vulnerable to hurt.
 Patient develops a fear of people & therefore tries to avoid contact. While
on the one hand she wants to avoid company, she also dreads being alone.
 If they have been hurt, they tend to not forget.Great sensibility, esp to the
feelings of others, & also what others say & think about them.
 When disappointed or unable to form a relationship, they tend to
withdraw & keep away from the sight of people. Thus they are often
closed people
 Complaints appear every summer or in spring. (Electrical changes in
atmosphere or direct rays of sun)
 Natmm mur- Great debility in summer,would faint on walking in sun
 Natrum carb- Great debility caused by heat of summer on chronic head
aches which are worse every time when when he exposes himself to heat
of sun. chronic effects of sunstroke and now with return of weather suffers
from headaches.
 Natrum selenicum- Intolerence of heat of sun and extreme weakness
when walking under sun.
All Natrums stimulate cellular activity and increases oxidation and
metabolism. These lead to increased conception of oxygen and increased
appetite but he loses flesh while living well.
 Natrum mur- Great emaciation loses flesh while living well, throat and
and neck of children,more of body than of face.
 Natrum hypochlorosum- rapid emaciation.
 Natrum ars- Marked emaciation after previous increase of flesh.
Periodicity of complaints:
 Natrum carb- aggravation from 10-11 am, weakness and goneness in the
the stomach.
 Natrum mur- aggravation 10-11 am, every year, alternate days, head ache
periodical every day, or every 3rd day, aggravation sunrise to sunset.
Tongue characteristics:
 Natrum mur-Sensation of hair on tongue. Tongue
mapped(Geographical tongue) with red insular patches like ring
worm on tongue especially on sides, (ars,lach, mere, nit ac, tarax).
 Natrum sulph- dirty greenish or brown coating on tongue,
covered with mucous. Slimy taste,
 Natruni phos- golden yellow or creamy coating on base of
tongue or even upto the roof of mouth. Sensation of hair on tip of
of tongue. Sometimes dry brown centre.
 Natrum hypochlorosum- Tongue furred in morning apthae on
sides of tongue.
 Natrum arsenicosum-tongue furred coated yellow, deep red
corrugated anterior part fissured, tongue large moist and flabby.
Apthous stomatitis.
 Natrum ars- ulcers in mouth which are very sore.
 Natrum carb- pimples on tip of tongue. Tensive blisters on right
margins,beneath of the tongue. Pustules and ulcers on the frenum.
 Natrum hypochlorosum-apthae and sore pimples inside the lips.
 Natrum mur- herpes labialis blisters like pearls about the lips.
 Natrum sulph- burning blisters on tip of tongue and on palate.
 Borax -apthae white fungus like growth, mouth hot and tender, ulcers bleeds
bleeds on eating or on touch.
 Natrum chloratum—sore and irritable, spots along sides of tongue and throat.
Skin complaints :
 Natrum mur- urticaria acute or chronic over the whole body especially after
after violent exercise(apis, calc, hep, sanic, urt). Face oily and shiny as if
greased. Herpes on borders of hair and on nape of neck. Warts on palms,
palms, corns and hang nails.
 Natrum carb- eczema at dorsum of bands,complaints from using alkali soap.
 Natrum nitrosum- erruptions on chest like roseola syphillitica.
 Natrum hyposulphuricum- For liver spots locallly and internally.
 Natrum cacodylicum- dry dermatitis on abdomen.
 Natrum bromatum- papular eruptions on face and acne which are indurate.
 Natrum telluricum- Eczema with highly offensive discharge of herring
brine odour.
 Borax – Psoriasis and apthae on mucocutaneous junction. Tips of hair
splits easily. Plica polonica.
 Natrum hypochlorosum – eczema of scalp and behind ears
 Natrum arsenicosum- pityriasis rubra. Itching aggravation when in warm
and from exercise. Psoriasis.
 Natrum phos- Itching in ankles. Eczema with honey coloured secretion.
 Natrum sulph- Itching while undressing. Warts like red lumps all over
Skin appear every spring.
Respiratory complaints:
 Natrum sulph- Slightest exertion brings on dyspnoea,most noticeable on a
damp or cloudy day. Copious green expectoration offensive breath and harsh
asthmatic breathing . Humid asthma of children with every change to wet
weather. Sycotic pneumonia affecting lower lobe of left lung. Aggravated at 4-5
 Natrum mur- Dyspnoea when going near sea or salt in any form.
 Natrum arsenicosum- cough with greenish expectoration. Miners asthma. Lung
Lung feels as though smoke has been inhaled.
 Natrum iodatum – component of nasal sprays for hay fever.
 Natrum salicylicum-dyspnoea, patient is compelled to assume a half sitting
posture. Gasps like fish out of water.
 Natrum nitricum- asthma with urine supersaturated with solids.
Affections of blood aneamia, leukeamia or tendency to haemorrhage:
 Natrum mur- aneamic and cachetic individuals either from loss of vital fluids or
or due to profuse menses. Aneamia due to menorrhagia or metorrhagia.
Sometimes subsequent to aneamia patient develops amenorrhoea. It also
produces leucocytosis.
 Natrum carb- aneamic with blue rings around the eyes.
 Natrum bromatum- aneamia after haemorrhage.
 Natrum cacodylicum- aneamia especially in malignancies. Increases the
number of RBC to double. Tongue looks like raw beef.
 Natrum iodatum- inflammation of BV esp arteries aid arteriosclerosis.
 Natrum nitricum - haemorrhagic tendency(haemoptysis
haematuria,haemorrhagic variola). Epistaxis at puberty.
 Natrum nitrosum- blood becomes colour of cherry red juice, WBC increased
,RBC diminished watery constituents increased.
 Natrum salicylicum- epistaxis, retinal haemorrhage and albuminuric retinitis
with hemorrhage
 Natrum hypochlorosum- tendency to leucocytosis
Bone affections:
 Natrum carb- easy spraining and dislocation of ankles (led). So weak that it
that it gives away foot bends as under(carb an, Nat mur).
 Natrum lacticum- great weakness of lower limbs after great physical
 Natrum mur- Paralytic weakness of legs especially joints of foot.
 Natrum phos- much itching at ankle Joint even an eczematous erruption.
Glandular affections:
 Natrum arsenicum- Tonsils fauces and pharynx are edematous.
 Natrum carb- Swelling and indurations of glands. Goiter and swelling of
sub maxillary glands.
 Natrum mur- exopthalmic goitre.
Laryngeal affections:
 Natrum nitricum- Laryngeotracheo bronchitis or croup and in all
 Natrum selenicum- Laryngeal pthisis with expectoration of small lumps of
of bloody mucous with slight hoarseness. Frequent clearing of throat.
Hoarseness of singers.
Catarrhal complaints:
 Natrum mur- In GIT it produces dryness of mucous membranes leading to
to constipation. In resp Tears stream down his face whenever he coughs.
 Natrum carb-
Resp : Purulent discharges which are greenish and yellow. Post nasal discharge
discharge offensive with mouldy smell.
GI :here is intake of milk, vegetables, or starchy foods. Manifested as
diarrhoea and flatulence.
Genitourinary tract : excessive discharge from vagina after an embrace
causing sterility.
 Natrum sulph- Catches cold easily.- bronchial asthma. Expectoration
purulent greenish or yellow.
Uterine affections:
 Natrum chloratum- feels as if uterus were pushed up on sitting.Passive bearing
down sensation from heavy condition of uterus. Womb heavy with tendency to
prolepses. Sub involution of uterus.
 Aururn muriaticum natronatum- indurations of ovary. Indurations of one part
and softening of another part of uterus. Corrosive leucorrhoea with pustules on
on genitals. Schirrus carcinoma of breast and uterus. Ulcers with induration.
Sub acute metritis and sterility from ovarian disorders.
 Natrum hypochlorosum- Water logged uterus. Uterus feels heavy. Pains low
down in pelvic region. Tendency to prolapse , subinvolution of uterus
afterlabour. While sitting patient feels as if uterus were pushed up.sensation of
shutting and opening of uterus.
 Natram mur- Prolapse of uterus with cutting in urethra. Bearing down pains
aggravation morning. Must sit down to prevent prolapse.
 Natrum carb- discharge of mucous from vagina after an embrace causing
 Borax- Sterility favours easy conception,
 Natrum mur- sterility with too early and too profuse menstruation.
 Natrum phos- sterility with acid secretion from vagina
• Salt occurs in the crystalline
form by the bonding of the
sodium and chloride with each
• Salt add life to food when it
blends with it
• The sea from which the salt is
obtained produces waves
during evaporation of salt.
• The tides dependent on the
moon show a periodic increase
and decrease. The sun too
affects the sea.
• The sea being deep hides all it
owns, in its depth, appearing
calm and clear from the
• Rock salt never melts fully
while cooking
• Blockage of healthy flow of
emotions gets crystallized.
They become bound to their
grief and brood.
• Optimist,cheerful, creative, and
precocious and finds life
• Oscillations of emotions occur
from cheerfulness, weepiness.
• Mental symptoms are < sun
and from moon phase. Moods
swings, bipolar
• The patient buries his deep
grief. They suppress all their
grief and put a calm exterior.
• They are stead fast and very
• Metabolic crystallization
causes stagnation in organs
and fluid, leads to Choking
• Craving for salt. Discharges -
excessive. Thirst- increased
• The pains increase and
decrease rhythmically
• The aggravation is periodic-
same time, hour or on
alternate days
• Suppressions.
 Diarrhoea
 Headache
 Sunstroke
 Cough
 Burns
 Anaemia
 Intermittent fever
 Leucorrhoea
 Marasmus
 vertigo
 warts
 Menstrual disorders
 Liver affections
 Gonorrhoea
 Constitution: Natrums are lean thin emaciated, pale short and anaemic.
 Temperament: Melancholic and Bilious
 Thermal Relationship: Chilly, worse from sun, warmth, aggravated and
amelioration at sea side
 Diathesis: Rheumatic and gouty diathesis
 Miasmatic background: Sycotic and Tubercular
 Sphere of Action:
 Natrum chiefly acts on
 mucous membrane
 lymphatic systems
 connective tissue
 skin
 bones nutrition & bones
 Floating sensation on turning head quickly.
 Aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits< pressure and tobacco smoke.
 Watery discharge; Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw.
 Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus.
 Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis,Odema of orbital region.
 Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind.
 Agglutination in morning.
 Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration.
 Miner's asthma.
 Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled, Oppression of chest
Natrum Cacodylicum:
 Phthisis:
 Constant vomiting; tongue feels like a piece of raw beef
 Conjunctivae inflamed; eyelids oedematous.
 Breath of gangrenous odour.
 Peripheral neuritis; wrist-drop; paralysis of left leg.
 Psoric miasm.
 Marked desire to form and maintain a relationship, especially on a one to
one level. Woman needs just one relationship and is very dependent on
this one relationship, without which she feels tremendous fear of people
and tries to avoid contact, sadness, sad music(piano) and a sense of
 While on one hand she tries to avoid company, she also dreads being
alone. The theme of the Carbonates is that of fear of death with a need for
a vital reaction in order to survive.
 His forsaken lonely feeling gives rise to the two basic feelings of ennui
(boredom) and apprehension (anxiety). The ennui produces a melancholic,
sad, despondent mood and the anxiety is with regard to the future.
 They desire to make contact but have been unsuccessful in forming
relationships and blame themselves for it. They become estranged from
their family and friends and bear their grief silently, feeling forsaken.
 Woman are at the receiving end of abuse (offended easily). She feels that
society has ganged up in order to pursue her, making her feel she is
abnormal and not a part of the group.
 Severe inferiority complex in forming relationships - they may feel
unworthy of love or of any relationship. May give the history of being
neglected by her father in childhood. She then develops a fear of people
and a sensitivity to certain people.She becomes suspicious, violent,
imagining herself to be sick and seeing no hope in her "no win" situation
(therefore inconsolable).
 She becomes sad and weeps, and in extreme cases can become
indifferent and suicidal. In this "no win" situation there is anxiety about
future. She is confused and this confusion gets worse by dwelling on the
problem. There is dullness, prostration of mind, indifference,
discouragement and despair.
 At such times she will avoid the sight of even her intimate friends,then
turns to a sympathizer for support, in the form of being magnetized. As
she feels more and more isolated, alone, developing a fear of robbers. All
this naturally keeps her in a discontented, uncomfortable and sad state.
 There is also the vital fear seen in:
- Starting at the slightest noise.
- Fear of all mankind.
- Fear of thunderstorms.
- Fear of everything constant.
 They does not have any fear or delusions of animals,only afraid of people, quality
of forming a group and casting people out.
 Quite independent and self-sufficient, living their lives alone, though having
good contact with others. They are organized, sincere, honest, straightforward,
non-manipulative people, with strong principles.
 They are sympathetic and help others; sensitive especially to the suffering of
people who are lonely and forsaken by society, for example with beggars. They
can fight for others. On the other hand they can be quite quarrelsome
 The dreams are of danger, of robbers, of murder, of corpse, of water and flood,
while the pleasant dreams are of marrying two women, of parties and
 The pleasant dreams show that the patient is setting up relationships and having
good contact with society, whereas the anxious dreams show fear of death and
fear associated with being lonely.
 A desire to be at mother's breast.
 Aches from slightest mental exertion,sun or working under gas-light (Glon)
 Head aches with return of hot weather.Vertigo from exposure to sun.
 All troubles of external nose which may attain a morbid size-pimples and
 Catarrh; bad smell of nasal secretion.
 Hawking much mucus from throat; worse, slightest draught.
 Freckles, yellow spots, pimples. Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with blue rings
around eyes and swollen lids.
 Ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated.
 Hungry at 5 am. Very weak digestion, caused by slightest error of diet.
 Averse to milk. Depressed after eating. Dyspepsia relieved by soda.
 Sudden call to stool. Escapes with haste and noise.
 Yellow substance like pulp of orange in discharge. Diarrhea from milk.
 Induration of cervix. Bearing-down sensation(Sep;Murex) <sitting>moving.
 Menses late, scanty like meat-washings (Nitric ac).
 Pudenda sore. Leucorrheal discharge, offensive, irritating preceded by colic.
 Dry cough, when coming into warm room from out of doors.
 Cough with coldness of left side of breast.
 Old sprains. Easy dislocation and spraining of ankles.
 Great weakness of limbs, especially in morning. Soreness between toes and
fingers. Heel and tendo-Achilles affected.
 Dry, rough, cracked skin. Eruption on finger-tips, knuckles and toes.
 Vesicular eruption in patches and circles.
 Worse, sitting, from music, summer heat, mental exertion, thunderstorm. Least
draught, changes of weather, sun.
 Better, by moving, by boring in ears and nose.
 Chronic catarrhal diseases of the middle ear.
 Flabby, debilitated constitution.Depressed, faint.
 Vertigo, with aching across forehead.
 Swimming feeling, as if top of head would float off.
 Bleeding of nose in clots.
 Sore irritable spots along sides of tongue and throat, gums sore, tongue
swollen; aphthous ulceration. Putrid taste. Furred tongue, large, flabby,
 Feeling as if uterus were pushed up on sitting down (Ferr iod). Feels as if it
opened and shut.
 Violent metrorrhagia.Passive, bearing-down from heavy condition of
uterus. Womb is heavy with tendency to prolapse. Subinvolution.
Natrum Iodatum:
 This unproved sodium salt has been used largely in cardiac cases by French
practitioners, and in rheumatism, pneumonia, asthma, chronic bronchitis,
scrofula, tertiary syphilis
 It forms an important part of certain sprays for hay-asthma.
 Hansen mentions it as indicated in cases of chronic pharyngitis; and coryza
and chronic laryngitis.
 Unusual hunger and thirst
 Rheumatoid pains.-Abnormal sense of fatigue, yawning and sleepiness.
 Sleep more prolonged and sounder.
 Natrum muriaticum is a sycotic remedy.
 It has the elements Natrum with belongs to group IA and Chlorine (Halogen group).
 The main feeling is that she will be let down or betrayed or disappointed by the
person her trust depends on, or by the one she loves.
(The relationship she seeks is not one of dependence like Calcarea or Magnesium but of
friendship or romance, a relation on a one to one basis)
 She has a fear of being emotionally hurt or disappointed and hence is reserved,
unapproachable. She believes that there is something wrong with her - either she is not
good looking enough or that she has not done enough, and this is why the other person
will disappear or leave her.
 When hurted there is great sadness with aversion to consolation
 She dwells on past disagreeable occurrences, is unable to forget them, prevents sleep
and inspires revenge. She becomes averse to company, shut off from people. This again
alternates with a desire for company or relationship.
 In order to avoid the disappointment they enter into a relationship where, from the very
beginning, there is no expectation of total commitment, silent, one-sided love.
 Woman when fallen in love with one person she will love and hate. Having been hurt she
blames herself as much as she blames the other person. She cares so much for this one
relationship, that at times she finds it frightening and may even behave as if it means
nothing to her. She doesn't want to be hurt.
 They are very organized. They are independent and dependable. They care a lot
about structures like the house, relationships, date and timings.Like music,
especially the sad, sentimental type,fond of novels and other literature based on
 There is a certain reservedness about them which makes them want to express
themselves through art, but there is an organization to their art - it is structured,
there is no free flow.
 They put up a wall of unapproachability but are externally cheerful. It is difficult to
get them to express their real feelings but when they "break" a little, they can get
sentimental and there may be a flood of grief.
(Sepia comes close as theme of disappointment,body being disfigured. But the
main contradiction is not between relationship and occupation but between
and breaking the relationship)
 It is a two-sided salt, like a coin. Since it has the theme of investing everything in
one person or one relationship,likes to dwell on grief and nourishes grief.
Grief :new or fresh in mind(though several years may have passed) – IGNATIA
old has become a scar, provoked only when touched – NATRUM MUR
 Ignatia is the "acute" of Natrum muriaticum.
 Child is very sensitive to disharmony. If the parents fight the child may not
react immediately but will suffer inside.
 The hysterical tendency in children is seen readily when they are severely
reprimanded. They then react to an extreme degree, falling on the floor in
a tantrum, kicking and screaming. Consolation or reassurance are of no
avail, and may actually make them worse they will continue with the
tantrum until they themselves decide to stop.
 Normally Natrum mur people do not express emotion readily; they do not
cry easily even when suffering a grief, when nervous or under stress, they
tend to laugh over serious matters, then to giggle hysterically; as this
giggling becomes uncontrollable, it dissolves into hysterical weeping.
 Adolescents of this type are likely to be quiet and withdrawn, but with a
sense of responsibility and integrity. At a party, they tend to sit on the
sidelines, enjoying themselves by watching others and imagining what
they are experiencing.
 If they are attracted to someone, they will not be flirtatious or friendly.
Indeed, they may appear to pay no attention at all, only watching the other
out of the corner of the eye. They are liable to fantasize that the other
person is likewise attracted and they may romantically blow the entire
situation out of proportion.
 Young girls will easily fall in love with a married man, or someone
unattainable, develop intense emotional and sentimental attachments for
people, but they don't show their feelings.
 A daughter may have a deep feeling for her father without anyone else
realising it. Then the father dies. The daughter grieves silently, locking
herself in her room and crying in her pillow. To the surprise of everyone
around her who did not realise the depth of her affection, she becomes
very introverted, desiring only to be alone with her books and her music.
There is no moaning or crying in front of others merely occasional sighing
perhaps. This internal state continues until she finally breaks down.
 As the pathology begins to reach into the emotional level, the first fear
that develops in claustrophobia. There occurs a rigidification of the
emotional and mental planes. The patient develops fixed ideas; things are
seen in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, practical
or impractical.
 The patient is driven by a compulsive need to avoid contamination -
always cleaning, washing hands, disinfecting everything. In Natrum mur.
fastidiousness is specifically a fear of microbial contamination, and not so
much the feeling of disgust seen in other remedies.
 Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well(Abrot,lod.)
 Most of the symptoms are worse from sunrise to sunset, especially from 10 to
11a.m., but are relieved by perspiration (Psorinum, Merc sol, Ver.alb.).
 Left sided headache, especially of school girls, which is relieved by perspiration
 Mapped tongue with red insular patches, like ring-worms on sides (Ars,Lach,
Merc. sol,Nit. acid)
 Involuntary urination when walking, coughing, laughing (Causticum, Puls, Arg.
 Cannot pass urine in presence of others (Hepar, Mur. ac.).
 Consolation aggravates her troubles (Hell., Sepia, Lil. tig., rev. ofPulsatilla)
 Intense craving for salt, bitter things, fish and milk, aversion to bread, coffee,
tobacco, and rich things.
 Fluttering of the heart; the heart's pulsation shakes the whole body.
 Hairs fall out when touched, in nursing women.
 Hangnails; skin; around the nails are dry and cracked.
 Blinding headache-Aches as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the
brain, in the morning on awakening< after menstruation,
from sunrise to sunset.
 Anaemic headache of school-girls; nervous, broken down.
 Chronic headache, semi-lateral, congestive, pale face, nausea, vomiting;
periodical; from eyestrain; menstrual.
 Eyelids heavy,Muscles weak and stiff,Letters run together.
 Sees sparks. Fiery, zigzag around all objects.Give out on reading or writing.
 Stricture of lachrymal duct with suppuration. Escape of muco-pus when
pressing upon sac. Eyes appear wet with tears.
 Tears stream down face on coughing (Euph).
 Asthenopia due to insufficiency of internal recti muscles
 Violent, fluent coryza, lasting from one to three days, then changing into
stoppage of nose, making breathing difficult.
 Discharge thin and watery, like raw white of egg.
 Violent sneezing coryza.
 Oily, shiny, as if greased. Earthy complexion. Fevers-blisters.
 Frothy coating on tongue, with bubbles on side.
 Lips and corners of mouth dry, ulcerated, and cracked. Deep crack in middle of
of lower lip.Large vesicle on lower lip, which is swollen and burns.
 Tongue mapped (Ars; Rhus; Tarax).
 Hungry, yet loose flesh (Iod).Unquenchable thirst. Sweats while eating.
 Craving for salt. Aversion to bread, to anything slimy, like oysters, fats.
 Anus contracted, torn, bleeding,stool dry, crumbling (Am m; Mag m).
 Painless and copious diarrhea with pinching pain in abdomen.
 Pain just after urinating (Sars).
 Increased, involuntary when walking, coughing, etc. Has to wait a long time for
it to pass if others are present (Hep; Mur ac).
 Emission, even after coitus. Impotence with retarded emission.
 Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning (Sep).
Prolapsus uteri.
 Suppressed menses (Follow with Kali carb). Hot during menses.
 Cough from a tickling in the pit of stomach with spurting of urine (Caust;
 Shortness of breath, especially on going upstairs (Calc).
 Whooping-cough with flow of tears with cough.
 Every movement accelerates the circulation. Palms hot and perspiring.
 Dryness and cracking about finger-nails. Numbness and tingling in fingers and
lower extremities.
 Painful contraction of hamstrings (Caust). Cracking in joints on motion.
 Dry eruptions, especially on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints.
 Crusty eruptions in bends of limbs, margin of scalp, behind ears (Caust).
 Warts on palms of hands.
 Eczema; raw, red, and inflamed; worse, eating salt, at seashore.
 Chill between 9 and 11 am. Heat; violent thirst, increases with fever. Fever-
 Coldness of the body, and continued chilliness very marked.
 Worse, noise, music, warm room, lying down about 10 a m;, at seashore,
mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking.
 Better, open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on right
side; pressure against back, tight clothing.
 Haemoptysis. Haematuria. Purpura hæmorrhagica. Haemorrhagic Variola.
 Exhaustion, must rest frequently when walking.
 Dull Indisposed to mental and bodily exertion.
 Pressing inward pain in malar bones. Nosebleed.
 Sour risings. Aversions to coffee.
 Flatulence, with pressure in pit of stomach and pain in chest; worse motion, better
 Distended abdomen,followed by emission of a quantity of wind and eructations
 Abdominal muscles painfully contracted towards the spine
Stool and Anus:
 Faeces of a large size; the stool is discharged with difficulty, slow, and with the sensation
after the stool as if the faeces were still remaining.
 Stool indolent, only after effort, leaving sensation as if more to follow.
Natrum Nitrosum:
 Giddy, as if he would become insensible; lips, face, hands became blue, had to lie down half
an hour before he dared move.
 Head felt as if it would split in two, < on motion, esp. going up stairs.
 Tongue protruded, dark colour (cat).Heavily coated tongue.
 Bitter eructations.-Feels very sick, but did not actually vomit-Nausea
 Diarrhoea; copious stools with fainting; in the night.
 Heart came on beating very fast; he throbbed all over.-L. ventrical contracted, r. dilated (cat).-
Blood very dark, almost like treacle (cat).
 Took all his strength away.-Trembling sensation all over and suddenly fell on the floor.-The
women were more severely affected than the men.Faintness, nervousness.-Went off in
hysterics, could not hold a limb still.
 Rash like roseola syphilitica on chest, measly, spreading to abdomen and thighs, covered
gradually all the body except the face.
 Imagine that pieces of furniture are persons; hears footsteps in next room.
 Discharge of golden-yellow, creamy matter from the eyes.
 Dilation of one pupil.
 Whites of eyes dirty yellow.
 Offensive odor. Itching of nose. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick,
yellow, offensive mucus.
 Canker sores of lip and cheeks.
 Blisters on tip of tongue, with stinging in evening.
 Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth,over
tonsils and soft palate.
 Sour eructations, sour vomiting, greenish diarrhoea. Spits mouthful of food.
 Emissions without dreams, with weakness in back and trembling in limbs.
Desire without erection. Gonorrhea.
 Menses too early; pale, thin, watery. Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina.
 Leucorrhea creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery. Sour-smelling
discharges from uterus.
 Weariness; aching in wrists and finger-joints. Hamstrings sore. Synovial
crepitation. Rheumatic arthritis.
 Yellow discharge with Itching in ankles.
 Feet icy cold in daytime, burn at night.
 Swelling of lymphatic glands.
 Prostrating after-effects of influenza.
 Perfectly rational periods, alternate with insanity.
 Vertigo; worse, raising head.
 All objects seem to move to the right.
 Fibrositis of the scalp.
 Retinal haemorrhage, albuminuric retinitis with haemorrhage.
 Iridocychitis due to traumatism with infection.
 Tinnitus of a low tone. Deafness. Auditory vertigo.
 Œdema, urticaria, red in circumscribed patches. Tingling and itching.
Pemphigoid eruption.
Natrum Selenicum:
 Laryngeal phthisis,Laryngitis
 “Expectoration of small lumps of bloody mucus with slight hoarseness.”
 It is best suited to the early stage of the disease.
Natrum Silicofluoricum:
 Caries affections of Bones
 "bone scraper" in cases of caries.
 With a lotion of three grains to a tumbler of water he healed up quickly a
case of lupus.
 Burnett has cured tumours with it given internally.
 Sycotic miasm.
 Its main feeling is: "I am scorned, disgraced, insulted or not appreciated by the person with whom
I seek a relationship and I must make a great effort to gain appreciation or to be valued by the
other person.“
 Vexatious dream that he was very much hurt and provoked because he had been insulted. Dream
that insults had excited him so much that he began to fight.
 In order to be appreciated and recognized by others in a relationship,they can be industrious,
caring, responsible, helpful. They like to be independent, and have a marked sense of pride.
 Since they make a lot of effort to maintain the relationship, they can be dominated or suppressed,
taken advantage of, or scorned. They are so dependent on the relationship that they allow
themselves to be made use of and treated badly, unworthy.
 This can make them irritable and angry, But this does not last long and is followed by guilt and
remorse, which alternates with a feeling of indignation and hurt pride.
 When the relationship is not successful, they go into a stage of deep sadness and become
melancholic, which is usually unexpressed and internal.
 In this stage they have suicidal thoughts. They have no wish to live. Fear of being left alone.
 Feels that nothing ever works: "Succeeds never".
 They can be quarrelsome (Dreams of fighting).
 Vertigo; relieved by sweat on head,Bursting feeling on coughing.
 Boring in right temple, preceded by burning in stomach.
 Ill-effects of falls and injuries to the head, and mental troubles.
 Dreams of running water.
 Sticking pain, earache, lightning-like stitches in damp weather.
 Nasal catarrh, with thick, yellow discharge and salty mucus.
 Ethmoiditis.
 Conjunctiva yellow. Granular lids. Photophobia (Graphites).
 Slimy, thick, tenacious, white mucus. Bitter taste, blisters on palate.
 Vomits sour. Brown, bitter coating on tongue. Yellow complexion.
 Bilious vomiting, acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence.
 Duodenal catarrh; hepatitis; icterus and vomiting of bile; liver sore to touch,
with sharp, stitching pains; cannot bear tight clothing around waist, worse,
lying on left side.
 Flatulency; wind colic in ascending colon; worse, before breakfast.
 Burning in abdomen and anus. Bruised pain and urging to stool.
 Diarrhea yellow, watery stools. Loose morning stools, worse. Stools
involuntary, when passing flatus. Great size of the fecal mass.
 Loaded with bile. Brick-dust sediment. Excessive secretion. Diabetes.
 Nosebleed during menses, which are acrid and profuse. Burning in pharynx
during menstruation. Herpetic vulvitis.
 Leucorrhea yellowish-green, following gonorrhea in female.
 Condylomata; soft, fleshy excrescences; greenish discharges thick, greenish;
little pain.
 Dyspnea, during damp weather. Must hold chest when coughing. Humid asthma; rattling
in chest, at 4 and 5 am.
 Cough, with thick ropy, greenish expectoration; chest feels all gone. Constant desire to
take deep, long breath.
 Delayed resolution in pneumonia.
 Springs up in bed the cough hurts so; holds painful side (Bry). Pain through lower left
chest. Every fresh cold brings on attack of asthma.
 Itching when undressing. Violent pains in back of neck, and at base of brain.
 Piercing pain between scapula. Spinal meningitis; opisthotonos.
 Burning in soles; odema of feet; itching between toes. Gout.
 Pain in limbs, compels frequent change in position.
 Pain in hip-joints, worse left, worse, stooping.
 Stiffness of knees, cracking of joints. Rheumatism, worse in damp cold weather.
 Worse, music; lying on left side; dampness of basement, damp weather.
 Better, dry weather, pressure, changing position.
Natrum Sulphurosum:
 Diarrhoea.
 The stools were watery and looked very much like yeast, taking food
provoked a stool.
 Yeasty stools
 The patient had pain in right scapula as if bathed in hot water.
 The face was whitish waxy, except the cheeks, which were a "light freckle
 This combination consists of the elements gold, natrium and chlorium.
 The element natrum is related to concepts that are connected with love
relationships,great emphasis on love relationships.
 The element muriaticum is related to feelings of disappointment.
 The element aurum is related to great care and responsibility towards his
loved ones,easily offended.
 Hammer in his book “Cancer - the disease of the soul” considers cancer of
the womb an expression of an accute mental conflict in self-destructive
women related to their love life. He also considers prostate to be related to
a man’s love life.
 Palpitation of young girls. Coldness in abdomen.
 Chronic metritis and prolapsus.
 Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina.
 Leucorrhœa, with spasmodic contraction of vagina.
 Ovaries indurated. Ovarian dropsy. Sub-involution. Ossified uterus.
Kent states:
 The time of aggravation is at 4 p.m,he is irritable fault-finding, indolent,
dullness, pessimism(bad mood) . The aggravation ends at 11 p.m a sudden
change takes place, allowing calmness and tranquillity to supervene.
 The same kind of tranquillity may also be experienced after stool, liveliness,
contentment and cheerfulness. Confusion of mind can prevail in the evening,
while walking, but passing stool ameliorates this condition.(Calc-c. and Nat- s).
 The mood may turn to weeping, particularly before coughing, before urination
and during stool
 A feeling of liveliness in the morning, with desire for work may be replaced by
indolence and aversion to work in the afternoon, especially after a short nap.
Moreover, nosebleed ameliorates the psychological state.
 Excitability and restlessness are aggravated by heat. On going to bed the
patient starts getting excited, and if the room is heated,so restless that he
cannot sleep. The main hours of sleeplessness are after midnight(1-4 am or 2-5
a.m. or after 4 a.m. )
 They does not enjoy talking or joking. He is taciturn, timid and indisposed to
talk, and in this respect resembles Natrum mur.
 As the pathology progresses, suffer from weakness of memory and
delusions,vanishing of thoughts.
 Being uncertain for a long time whether he was at a particular place yesterday
or today. Mistakes in both space and time may occur.
 The patient may moreover be suspicious, and have delusions that he is
possessed by a devil or that he is going to be robbed.
 Fear of thunder.
 Fear of being infected by some contagious disease.
 Dread of labour.
 Great excitability can reach such extremes that a man may have an orgasm by
merely touching a woman.
 The seminal discharge appears later than the pleasure. The patient has dreams
of coitus with orgasms. There are strong erections in the morning on
 Women also experience an intense desire, but, eventually, due to grief and
disappointment, they may exhibit indifference or even aversion to coitus. It is
characteristic for this remedy that women become pregnant very easily.
The Borax Child:
 Aggravation from downward motion. For example, when the mother is in the act
of laying the child down onto the bed, it may rise up in its sleep and cry out in
fright. Lifting up an infant’s feet to change a nappy will aggravate the child, who
will start to shout,have a tendency to shout or scream rather than cry.
 An infant being laid down will start and throw up its hands as if afraid of falling.
When laying the child down on the couch or in the cradle, it cries and clings to
the mother as if it had been frightened by a dream. Children who are lifted or
rocked may suffer from arrested respiration and may find that it makes an
anxious face during the downward motion.
 In cases of enteritis its mouth is very sore, greenish stool passes every hour or
two, a white coat covers the tongue and inside the cheeks, and a red eruption
appears on the face.
 Hot urine in the infant and burning urine in children are frequent. The infant
urinates nearly every ten or twelve minutes, and frequently cries and screams
before the urine passes.
 Excessively nervous, affected by noise,hawking or sneezing or paper rustling. The
slamming of a door would cause the child to start and then scream with fright.
The child is frightened during thunderstorms.
 Prolonged sleep,child at the breast sleeps more, wakes up frequently
 Carphology(plucking bed clothes) during fever
 Hair tangled at tips rough and frowsy, splits; sticks together, cannot be
separated, as in Plica Polonica (Vinca min).
 Lashes turn inward.
 Visions of bright waves,Sparkling before the eyes when writing.Too great
sensibility of the eyes to candle-light.
 Inflammation of the eyes in the canthi, with excoriation of the edges of the
eyelids, trichiasis, and nocturnal agglutination
 Buzzing and murmuring in the ears,drawing pains in the top of the head
 Very sensitive to slightest noise; not so much disturbed by louder ones.
 Red nose, of young women (Nat carb).
 Nasal haemorrhage, with pulsative pains in the head.Sneezing, with violent
shootings in r. side of the chest.
 Accumulation of thick and greenish mucus in the nose.
 Red and shining swelling, with throbbing and tensive sensation. Tip swollen
and ulcerated. Dry crusts.
 Pale, earthy, with suffering expression. Swollen, with pimples on nose and lips.
Feeling of cobwebs.
 Aphthæ. White fungous like growth; ulcers bleed on touch and eating.
 The child’s mouth feels hot to mother’s nipple; the child lets go of the nipple
and cries with pain and vexation, or else refuses the breast altogether.
 Taste bitter (Bry; Puls; Cup). Taste of "cellar mould".
Stomach and Abdomen:
 Distention after eating; vomiting.
 Gastralgia, depending upon uterine disturbance.
 Loose, pappy, offensive stools in children.
 Hot, smarting pain in orifice. Pungent smell.
 Child afraid to urinate, screams before urinating (Sarsap).
 Small red particles on diaper.
 Labor pains with frequent eructations.
 Galactorrhœa (Cal; Con; Bell).
 In nursing, pain in opposite breast.
 Leucorrhœa like white of eggs, with feel as if warm water was flowing.
 Menses too soon, profuse, with griping, nausea and pain in stomach
extending into small of back.
 Membranous dysmenorrhœa.
 Sterility. Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking.
 Hacking and violent cough; expectoration, moldy taste and smell.
 Stitches in chest, with inspiration and cough.
 Pleurodynia; worse upper part of right chest.
 Arrest of breathing when lying; is obliged to jump and catch breath, which
causes pain in right side.
 Out of breath on going up stairs.
 Feeling as of cobwebs on hands. Itching on back of finger-joints and
hands. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb.
 Burning pain in great toe; inflammation of balls of toes. Eczema of toes and
and fingers with loss of nails.
 Psoriasis. Erysipelas in face. Itching on back of finger-joints. Unhealthy skin;
slight injuries suppurate. Herpes (Rhus).
 Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling and tension.
 Chilblains relieved in open air.
 Ends of hair become tangled.
 Voluptuous dreams. Cannot sleep on account of heat, especially in head.
Cries out of sleep as if frightened (Bell).
 Worse, downward motion, noise, smoking, warm weather, after menses.
 Better, pressure, evening, cold weather.

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  • 2. PROPERTIES:  Symbol Na  Atomic no.11 and atomicweight-22.991.  It is a cation with one valence electron,it is unstable when not combained with anion.  Sodium is Silvery white lustrous alkali metal doesn't occur naturally on earth, but quickly oxidizes in air and is violently reactive with water.  Sodium is soluble in water, thus it is present in great quantities in earth's oceans and other stagnant bodies of earth.To get stability, Natrum tends to give the one atom to another element. This shows their extreme dependency and neediness.  Once it forms a bond with any anion, it becomes difficult to break the bond as the cation Natrum holds it very tight. Similarly, Natrum patient exhibit a strong need for a one to one relationship.  Natrum-Passive; Anion-Active
  • 3. PHYSIOLOGY:  DAILY REQUIREMENT: 1500-2400mg/day  DISTRIBUTION: In plasma, extracellular fluid,cerebrospinalfluid.  NORMAL SERUM SODIUM VALUE: 136-149 mEq/L  EXCRETION: Chiefly through urine and partly through sweat and stool. Daily excretion is generally same as daily intake.  SOURCES: Apple, common salt, cabbage, egg yolks, pulses, bananas, cheese, dried peas, carrot, leafy vegetables, smoked fish, etc.
  • 4.  FUNCTIONS:  Heart contraction, nervous system, glucose absorption.  Osmoregulation  Muscle contractions  Regulation of body fluids.  Excessive amount of sodium can lead to oedema, hypertension, heart failure & stomach carcinoma.
  • 5. LIST OF REMEDIES:  1. Natrum Muriaticum  2. Natrum Arsenicum  3. Natrum Carbonicum  4. Natrum Phosphoricum  5. Natrum Sulphuricum  6. Natrum Nitricum  7. Natrum Salicylicum  8. Natrum Cacodyls  9. Natrum Cholenicum  10. Natrum Hyposulphuricum  11. Natrum Iodatum  12. Natrum Lacticum  13. Natrum Nitrosum  14. Natrum Selenicum  15. Natrum Silicum  16. Natrum Telluricum  17. Borax
  • 6. Mental Symptoms:  Grief about which they have lost. They get stuck in the past, when everything was still alright.Their thoughts keep going back to that time. Sometimes they can cry about it, they cry when they are alone, but do not cry in front of others. They are melancholic & pessimistic. They feel that things will never be right again.  They keep their problems inside, they are much closed, do not feel like talking about it. They carry their secret grief & hide it from the outside world. They have the felling of being on their own & having to carry the burden of their sadness alone. They can not expect any help from outside at all. They have to accept their fate in state of gloom.  They have lost all faith that things could become all right again. They can also have the feeling that it is forbidden to be happy, that they are not allowed to experience this. Thus they can be very pessimistic persons. Their loss cannot be made up for any more. They deny the possibility of regaining their happiness & restrict themselves to passive acceptance.
  • 7. Melancholia & Anxiety: (compar…  Borax- Great anxiety from downward motion. When laying the child down on a couch or a crib it cries and clings to the nurse. Anxiety when going downstairs or rapidly down hill, horse back riding etc.  Natrum ars- depressed as if something impending cannot concentrate.  Natrum carb- sadness and discouragement with tears about future  Natrum hypochlorosum- distressed laughs and cries,talks in sleep.  Natrum mur- sadness which induces recurrences of unpleasant recollections and much weeping aggravated by consolation.  Natrum nitricum- Great ill humour and indolence.  Natrum phos- despondent, could not study fears bad news  Natrum sulph- melancholy with periodical attacks of mania. Sadness and inclined to weep. Satiety of life, must use much self control to prevent himself shooting- Mental effects of injury to head. Melancholy and lachrymation especially after hearing music.  Natrum salicylicum- weariness and depression.
  • 8.  They are very sensitive, very vulnerable.They think that much has been taken away from them already; they have hardly got anything left & constantly feel that the rest will probably be taken away from them too. So they are easily frightened. Any unexpected thing could hurt them easily.  They are sensitive to music, especially classical one & with this music they can let themselves carried away in their melancholic mood.  These are very Reserved kind of people, Introverted & have inclination to withdraw, they restrict themselves to the essentials. But they hold on to certain things or memories usually from distant past.
  • 9.  Changeablity of moods Borax-laughter alternates with weeping.  Over sensitiveness to noise: Borax- Exessively nervous ,easily frightened by the slightest noise or an unusually sharp sound, a cough, sneeze, cry, lightening,violent fright from report of a gun even from a distance. Fear of thunder storm, sensitive to slightest noise, not much disturbed by louder ones. Natrum carb- Great sensitivity to noise, Natrum mur- sensitive especially to music, tingling ,rumbling & humming in ears  Intolerence of music: Natrum carb- Anxiety restlessness and apprehension are made worse by music hence music is deserted. Natrum mur- music and noise are intolerable. Natrum sulph-sadness aggravated by music. Lively music makes her sad use much self control to prevent shooting himself.
  • 10.  Anxiety of keeping balance or harmony(maintenance of relationships).They does not want too many but just the one & is very much dependent only on one relationship, without which she feels very isolated & therefore very insecure makes vulnerable to hurt.  Patient develops a fear of people & therefore tries to avoid contact. While on the one hand she wants to avoid company, she also dreads being alone.  If they have been hurt, they tend to not forget.Great sensibility, esp to the feelings of others, & also what others say & think about them.  When disappointed or unable to form a relationship, they tend to withdraw & keep away from the sight of people. Thus they are often closed people
  • 11. CHARACTERSTIC FEAUTRES:  Complaints appear every summer or in spring. (Electrical changes in atmosphere or direct rays of sun)  Natmm mur- Great debility in summer,would faint on walking in sun  Natrum carb- Great debility caused by heat of summer on chronic head aches which are worse every time when when he exposes himself to heat of sun. chronic effects of sunstroke and now with return of weather suffers from headaches.  Natrum selenicum- Intolerence of heat of sun and extreme weakness when walking under sun.
  • 12. Emaciation: All Natrums stimulate cellular activity and increases oxidation and metabolism. These lead to increased conception of oxygen and increased appetite but he loses flesh while living well.  Natrum mur- Great emaciation loses flesh while living well, throat and and neck of children,more of body than of face.  Natrum hypochlorosum- rapid emaciation.  Natrum ars- Marked emaciation after previous increase of flesh. Periodicity of complaints:  Natrum carb- aggravation from 10-11 am, weakness and goneness in the the stomach.  Natrum mur- aggravation 10-11 am, every year, alternate days, head ache periodical every day, or every 3rd day, aggravation sunrise to sunset.
  • 13. Tongue characteristics:  Natrum mur-Sensation of hair on tongue. Tongue mapped(Geographical tongue) with red insular patches like ring worm on tongue especially on sides, (ars,lach, mere, nit ac, tarax).  Natrum sulph- dirty greenish or brown coating on tongue, covered with mucous. Slimy taste,  Natruni phos- golden yellow or creamy coating on base of tongue or even upto the roof of mouth. Sensation of hair on tip of of tongue. Sometimes dry brown centre.  Natrum hypochlorosum- Tongue furred in morning apthae on sides of tongue.  Natrum arsenicosum-tongue furred coated yellow, deep red corrugated anterior part fissured, tongue large moist and flabby.
  • 14. Apthous stomatitis.  Natrum ars- ulcers in mouth which are very sore.  Natrum carb- pimples on tip of tongue. Tensive blisters on right margins,beneath of the tongue. Pustules and ulcers on the frenum.  Natrum hypochlorosum-apthae and sore pimples inside the lips.  Natrum mur- herpes labialis blisters like pearls about the lips.  Natrum sulph- burning blisters on tip of tongue and on palate.  Borax -apthae white fungus like growth, mouth hot and tender, ulcers bleeds bleeds on eating or on touch.  Natrum chloratum—sore and irritable, spots along sides of tongue and throat.
  • 15. Skin complaints :  Natrum mur- urticaria acute or chronic over the whole body especially after after violent exercise(apis, calc, hep, sanic, urt). Face oily and shiny as if greased. Herpes on borders of hair and on nape of neck. Warts on palms, palms, corns and hang nails.  Natrum carb- eczema at dorsum of bands,complaints from using alkali soap. Shoebite.  Natrum nitrosum- erruptions on chest like roseola syphillitica.  Natrum hyposulphuricum- For liver spots locallly and internally.  Natrum cacodylicum- dry dermatitis on abdomen.  Natrum bromatum- papular eruptions on face and acne which are indurate.
  • 16.  Natrum telluricum- Eczema with highly offensive discharge of herring brine odour.  Borax – Psoriasis and apthae on mucocutaneous junction. Tips of hair splits easily. Plica polonica.  Natrum hypochlorosum – eczema of scalp and behind ears  Natrum arsenicosum- pityriasis rubra. Itching aggravation when in warm and from exercise. Psoriasis.  Natrum phos- Itching in ankles. Eczema with honey coloured secretion.  Natrum sulph- Itching while undressing. Warts like red lumps all over Skin appear every spring.
  • 17. Respiratory complaints:  Natrum sulph- Slightest exertion brings on dyspnoea,most noticeable on a damp or cloudy day. Copious green expectoration offensive breath and harsh asthmatic breathing . Humid asthma of children with every change to wet weather. Sycotic pneumonia affecting lower lobe of left lung. Aggravated at 4-5 am  Natrum mur- Dyspnoea when going near sea or salt in any form.  Natrum arsenicosum- cough with greenish expectoration. Miners asthma. Lung Lung feels as though smoke has been inhaled.  Natrum iodatum – component of nasal sprays for hay fever.  Natrum salicylicum-dyspnoea, patient is compelled to assume a half sitting posture. Gasps like fish out of water.  Natrum nitricum- asthma with urine supersaturated with solids.
  • 18. Affections of blood aneamia, leukeamia or tendency to haemorrhage:  Natrum mur- aneamic and cachetic individuals either from loss of vital fluids or or due to profuse menses. Aneamia due to menorrhagia or metorrhagia. Sometimes subsequent to aneamia patient develops amenorrhoea. It also produces leucocytosis.  Natrum carb- aneamic with blue rings around the eyes.  Natrum bromatum- aneamia after haemorrhage.  Natrum cacodylicum- aneamia especially in malignancies. Increases the number of RBC to double. Tongue looks like raw beef.  Natrum iodatum- inflammation of BV esp arteries aid arteriosclerosis.  Natrum nitricum - haemorrhagic tendency(haemoptysis haematuria,haemorrhagic variola). Epistaxis at puberty.  Natrum nitrosum- blood becomes colour of cherry red juice, WBC increased ,RBC diminished watery constituents increased.  Natrum salicylicum- epistaxis, retinal haemorrhage and albuminuric retinitis with hemorrhage  Natrum hypochlorosum- tendency to leucocytosis
  • 19. Bone affections:  Natrum carb- easy spraining and dislocation of ankles (led). So weak that it that it gives away foot bends as under(carb an, Nat mur).  Natrum lacticum- great weakness of lower limbs after great physical exercise.  Natrum mur- Paralytic weakness of legs especially joints of foot.  Natrum phos- much itching at ankle Joint even an eczematous erruption.
  • 20. Glandular affections:  Natrum arsenicum- Tonsils fauces and pharynx are edematous.  Natrum carb- Swelling and indurations of glands. Goiter and swelling of sub maxillary glands.  Natrum mur- exopthalmic goitre. Laryngeal affections:  Natrum nitricum- Laryngeotracheo bronchitis or croup and in all inflammations.  Natrum selenicum- Laryngeal pthisis with expectoration of small lumps of of bloody mucous with slight hoarseness. Frequent clearing of throat. Hoarseness of singers.
  • 21. Catarrhal complaints:  Natrum mur- In GIT it produces dryness of mucous membranes leading to to constipation. In resp Tears stream down his face whenever he coughs.  Natrum carb- Resp : Purulent discharges which are greenish and yellow. Post nasal discharge discharge offensive with mouldy smell. GI :here is intake of milk, vegetables, or starchy foods. Manifested as diarrhoea and flatulence. Genitourinary tract : excessive discharge from vagina after an embrace causing sterility.  Natrum sulph- Catches cold easily.- bronchial asthma. Expectoration purulent greenish or yellow.
  • 22. Uterine affections:  Natrum chloratum- feels as if uterus were pushed up on sitting.Passive bearing down sensation from heavy condition of uterus. Womb heavy with tendency to prolepses. Sub involution of uterus.  Aururn muriaticum natronatum- indurations of ovary. Indurations of one part and softening of another part of uterus. Corrosive leucorrhoea with pustules on on genitals. Schirrus carcinoma of breast and uterus. Ulcers with induration. Sub acute metritis and sterility from ovarian disorders.  Natrum hypochlorosum- Water logged uterus. Uterus feels heavy. Pains low down in pelvic region. Tendency to prolapse , subinvolution of uterus afterlabour. While sitting patient feels as if uterus were pushed up.sensation of shutting and opening of uterus.  Natram mur- Prolapse of uterus with cutting in urethra. Bearing down pains aggravation morning. Must sit down to prevent prolapse. Sterility:  Natrum carb- discharge of mucous from vagina after an embrace causing sterility.  Borax- Sterility favours easy conception,  Natrum mur- sterility with too early and too profuse menstruation.  Natrum phos- sterility with acid secretion from vagina
  • 23. DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURE: NATRUM • Salt occurs in the crystalline form by the bonding of the sodium and chloride with each other. • Salt add life to food when it blends with it • The sea from which the salt is obtained produces waves during evaporation of salt. • The tides dependent on the moon show a periodic increase and decrease. The sun too affects the sea. • The sea being deep hides all it owns, in its depth, appearing calm and clear from the exterior • Rock salt never melts fully while cooking NATRUM MENTAL: • Blockage of healthy flow of emotions gets crystallized. They become bound to their grief and brood. • Optimist,cheerful, creative, and precocious and finds life tasteful. • Oscillations of emotions occur from cheerfulness, weepiness. • Mental symptoms are < sun and from moon phase. Moods swings, bipolar • The patient buries his deep grief. They suppress all their grief and put a calm exterior. • They are stead fast and very private. NATRUM PHYSICAL • Metabolic crystallization causes stagnation in organs and fluid, leads to Choking • Craving for salt. Discharges - excessive. Thirst- increased • The pains increase and decrease rhythmically • The aggravation is periodic- same time, hour or on alternate days • Suppressions.
  • 24. CLINICAL CONDITIONS:  Diarrhoea  Headache  Sunstroke  Cough  Burns  Anaemia  Intermittent fever  Leucorrhoea  Marasmus  vertigo  warts  Menstrual disorders  Liver affections  Gonorrhoea
  • 25.  Constitution: Natrums are lean thin emaciated, pale short and anaemic.  Temperament: Melancholic and Bilious  Thermal Relationship: Chilly, worse from sun, warmth, aggravated and amelioration at sea side  Diathesis: Rheumatic and gouty diathesis  Miasmatic background: Sycotic and Tubercular  Sphere of Action:  Natrum chiefly acts on  GIT  mucous membrane  lymphatic systems  connective tissue  skin  bones nutrition & bones
  • 26. NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM: Head.  Floating sensation on turning head quickly.  Aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits< pressure and tobacco smoke. Nose:  Watery discharge; Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw.  Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. Ears:  Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis,Odema of orbital region.  Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind.  Agglutination in morning. Respiratory:  Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration.  Miner's asthma.  Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled, Oppression of chest
  • 27. Natrum Cacodylicum:  Phthisis:  Constant vomiting; tongue feels like a piece of raw beef  Conjunctivae inflamed; eyelids oedematous.  Breath of gangrenous odour.  Peripheral neuritis; wrist-drop; paralysis of left leg.
  • 28. NATRIUM CARBONICUM:  Psoric miasm.  Marked desire to form and maintain a relationship, especially on a one to one level. Woman needs just one relationship and is very dependent on this one relationship, without which she feels tremendous fear of people and tries to avoid contact, sadness, sad music(piano) and a sense of isolation.  While on one hand she tries to avoid company, she also dreads being alone. The theme of the Carbonates is that of fear of death with a need for a vital reaction in order to survive.  His forsaken lonely feeling gives rise to the two basic feelings of ennui (boredom) and apprehension (anxiety). The ennui produces a melancholic, sad, despondent mood and the anxiety is with regard to the future.  They desire to make contact but have been unsuccessful in forming relationships and blame themselves for it. They become estranged from their family and friends and bear their grief silently, feeling forsaken.
  • 29.  Woman are at the receiving end of abuse (offended easily). She feels that society has ganged up in order to pursue her, making her feel she is abnormal and not a part of the group.  Severe inferiority complex in forming relationships - they may feel unworthy of love or of any relationship. May give the history of being neglected by her father in childhood. She then develops a fear of people and a sensitivity to certain people.She becomes suspicious, violent, imagining herself to be sick and seeing no hope in her "no win" situation (therefore inconsolable).  She becomes sad and weeps, and in extreme cases can become indifferent and suicidal. In this "no win" situation there is anxiety about future. She is confused and this confusion gets worse by dwelling on the problem. There is dullness, prostration of mind, indifference, discouragement and despair.  At such times she will avoid the sight of even her intimate friends,then turns to a sympathizer for support, in the form of being magnetized. As she feels more and more isolated, alone, developing a fear of robbers. All this naturally keeps her in a discontented, uncomfortable and sad state.
  • 30.  There is also the vital fear seen in: - Starting at the slightest noise. - Fear of all mankind. - Fear of thunderstorms. - Fear of everything constant.  They does not have any fear or delusions of animals,only afraid of people, quality of forming a group and casting people out.  Quite independent and self-sufficient, living their lives alone, though having good contact with others. They are organized, sincere, honest, straightforward, non-manipulative people, with strong principles.  They are sympathetic and help others; sensitive especially to the suffering of people who are lonely and forsaken by society, for example with beggars. They can fight for others. On the other hand they can be quite quarrelsome  The dreams are of danger, of robbers, of murder, of corpse, of water and flood, while the pleasant dreams are of marrying two women, of parties and entertainment.  The pleasant dreams show that the patient is setting up relationships and having good contact with society, whereas the anxious dreams show fear of death and fear associated with being lonely.  A desire to be at mother's breast.
  • 31. Head:  Aches from slightest mental exertion,sun or working under gas-light (Glon)  Head aches with return of hot weather.Vertigo from exposure to sun. Nose:  All troubles of external nose which may attain a morbid size-pimples and puffiness.  Catarrh; bad smell of nasal secretion.  Hawking much mucus from throat; worse, slightest draught. Face:  Freckles, yellow spots, pimples. Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with blue rings around eyes and swollen lids. Stomach:  Ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated.  Hungry at 5 am. Very weak digestion, caused by slightest error of diet.  Averse to milk. Depressed after eating. Dyspepsia relieved by soda. Bowels:  Sudden call to stool. Escapes with haste and noise.  Yellow substance like pulp of orange in discharge. Diarrhea from milk.
  • 32. Female:  Induration of cervix. Bearing-down sensation(Sep;Murex) <sitting>moving.  Menses late, scanty like meat-washings (Nitric ac).  Pudenda sore. Leucorrheal discharge, offensive, irritating preceded by colic. Respiratory:  Dry cough, when coming into warm room from out of doors.  Cough with coldness of left side of breast. Extremities:  Old sprains. Easy dislocation and spraining of ankles.  Great weakness of limbs, especially in morning. Soreness between toes and fingers. Heel and tendo-Achilles affected. Skin:  Dry, rough, cracked skin. Eruption on finger-tips, knuckles and toes.  Vesicular eruption in patches and circles. Modalities:  Worse, sitting, from music, summer heat, mental exertion, thunderstorm. Least draught, changes of weather, sun.  Better, by moving, by boring in ears and nose.
  • 33. NATRIUM HYPOCHLOROSUM:  Chronic catarrhal diseases of the middle ear.  Flabby, debilitated constitution.Depressed, faint. Head:  Vertigo, with aching across forehead.  Swimming feeling, as if top of head would float off.  Bleeding of nose in clots. Mouth:  Sore irritable spots along sides of tongue and throat, gums sore, tongue swollen; aphthous ulceration. Putrid taste. Furred tongue, large, flabby, intended. Female:  Feeling as if uterus were pushed up on sitting down (Ferr iod). Feels as if it opened and shut.  Violent metrorrhagia.Passive, bearing-down from heavy condition of uterus. Womb is heavy with tendency to prolapse. Subinvolution.
  • 34. Natrum Iodatum:  This unproved sodium salt has been used largely in cardiac cases by French practitioners, and in rheumatism, pneumonia, asthma, chronic bronchitis, scrofula, tertiary syphilis  It forms an important part of certain sprays for hay-asthma.  Hansen mentions it as indicated in cases of chronic pharyngitis; and coryza and chronic laryngitis.
  • 35. NATRUM LACTICUM:  Unusual hunger and thirst  Rheumatoid pains.-Abnormal sense of fatigue, yawning and sleepiness.  Sleep more prolonged and sounder.
  • 36. NATRUM MURIATICUM:  Natrum muriaticum is a sycotic remedy.  It has the elements Natrum with belongs to group IA and Chlorine (Halogen group).  The main feeling is that she will be let down or betrayed or disappointed by the person her trust depends on, or by the one she loves. (The relationship she seeks is not one of dependence like Calcarea or Magnesium but of friendship or romance, a relation on a one to one basis)  She has a fear of being emotionally hurt or disappointed and hence is reserved, unapproachable. She believes that there is something wrong with her - either she is not good looking enough or that she has not done enough, and this is why the other person will disappear or leave her.  When hurted there is great sadness with aversion to consolation  She dwells on past disagreeable occurrences, is unable to forget them, prevents sleep and inspires revenge. She becomes averse to company, shut off from people. This again alternates with a desire for company or relationship.  In order to avoid the disappointment they enter into a relationship where, from the very beginning, there is no expectation of total commitment, silent, one-sided love.  Woman when fallen in love with one person she will love and hate. Having been hurt she blames herself as much as she blames the other person. She cares so much for this one relationship, that at times she finds it frightening and may even behave as if it means nothing to her. She doesn't want to be hurt.
  • 37.  They are very organized. They are independent and dependable. They care a lot about structures like the house, relationships, date and timings.Like music, especially the sad, sentimental type,fond of novels and other literature based on relationships.  There is a certain reservedness about them which makes them want to express themselves through art, but there is an organization to their art - it is structured, there is no free flow.  They put up a wall of unapproachability but are externally cheerful. It is difficult to get them to express their real feelings but when they "break" a little, they can get sentimental and there may be a flood of grief. (Sepia comes close as theme of disappointment,body being disfigured. But the main contradiction is not between relationship and occupation but between and breaking the relationship)  It is a two-sided salt, like a coin. Since it has the theme of investing everything in one person or one relationship,likes to dwell on grief and nourishes grief. Grief :new or fresh in mind(though several years may have passed) – IGNATIA old has become a scar, provoked only when touched – NATRUM MUR  Ignatia is the "acute" of Natrum muriaticum.
  • 38.  Child is very sensitive to disharmony. If the parents fight the child may not react immediately but will suffer inside.  The hysterical tendency in children is seen readily when they are severely reprimanded. They then react to an extreme degree, falling on the floor in a tantrum, kicking and screaming. Consolation or reassurance are of no avail, and may actually make them worse they will continue with the tantrum until they themselves decide to stop.  Normally Natrum mur people do not express emotion readily; they do not cry easily even when suffering a grief, when nervous or under stress, they tend to laugh over serious matters, then to giggle hysterically; as this giggling becomes uncontrollable, it dissolves into hysterical weeping.  Adolescents of this type are likely to be quiet and withdrawn, but with a sense of responsibility and integrity. At a party, they tend to sit on the sidelines, enjoying themselves by watching others and imagining what they are experiencing.  If they are attracted to someone, they will not be flirtatious or friendly. Indeed, they may appear to pay no attention at all, only watching the other out of the corner of the eye. They are liable to fantasize that the other person is likewise attracted and they may romantically blow the entire situation out of proportion.
  • 39.  Young girls will easily fall in love with a married man, or someone unattainable, develop intense emotional and sentimental attachments for people, but they don't show their feelings.  A daughter may have a deep feeling for her father without anyone else realising it. Then the father dies. The daughter grieves silently, locking herself in her room and crying in her pillow. To the surprise of everyone around her who did not realise the depth of her affection, she becomes very introverted, desiring only to be alone with her books and her music. There is no moaning or crying in front of others merely occasional sighing perhaps. This internal state continues until she finally breaks down.  As the pathology begins to reach into the emotional level, the first fear that develops in claustrophobia. There occurs a rigidification of the emotional and mental planes. The patient develops fixed ideas; things are seen in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, practical or impractical.  The patient is driven by a compulsive need to avoid contamination - always cleaning, washing hands, disinfecting everything. In Natrum mur. fastidiousness is specifically a fear of microbial contamination, and not so much the feeling of disgust seen in other remedies.
  • 40. PHYSICAL GENERALS:  Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well(Abrot,lod.)  Most of the symptoms are worse from sunrise to sunset, especially from 10 to 11a.m., but are relieved by perspiration (Psorinum, Merc sol, Ver.alb.).  Left sided headache, especially of school girls, which is relieved by perspiration  Mapped tongue with red insular patches, like ring-worms on sides (Ars,Lach, Merc. sol,Nit. acid)  Involuntary urination when walking, coughing, laughing (Causticum, Puls, Arg. nit.)  Cannot pass urine in presence of others (Hepar, Mur. ac.).  Consolation aggravates her troubles (Hell., Sepia, Lil. tig., rev. ofPulsatilla)  Intense craving for salt, bitter things, fish and milk, aversion to bread, coffee, tobacco, and rich things.  Fluttering of the heart; the heart's pulsation shakes the whole body.  Hairs fall out when touched, in nursing women.  Hangnails; skin; around the nails are dry and cracked.
  • 41. Head:  Blinding headache-Aches as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain, in the morning on awakening< after menstruation, from sunrise to sunset.  Anaemic headache of school-girls; nervous, broken down.  Chronic headache, semi-lateral, congestive, pale face, nausea, vomiting; periodical; from eyestrain; menstrual. Eyes:  Eyelids heavy,Muscles weak and stiff,Letters run together.  Sees sparks. Fiery, zigzag around all objects.Give out on reading or writing.  Stricture of lachrymal duct with suppuration. Escape of muco-pus when pressing upon sac. Eyes appear wet with tears.  Tears stream down face on coughing (Euph).  Asthenopia due to insufficiency of internal recti muscles Nose:  Violent, fluent coryza, lasting from one to three days, then changing into stoppage of nose, making breathing difficult.  Discharge thin and watery, like raw white of egg.  Violent sneezing coryza.
  • 42. Face:  Oily, shiny, as if greased. Earthy complexion. Fevers-blisters. Mouth:  Frothy coating on tongue, with bubbles on side.  Lips and corners of mouth dry, ulcerated, and cracked. Deep crack in middle of of lower lip.Large vesicle on lower lip, which is swollen and burns.  Tongue mapped (Ars; Rhus; Tarax). Stomach  Hungry, yet loose flesh (Iod).Unquenchable thirst. Sweats while eating.  Craving for salt. Aversion to bread, to anything slimy, like oysters, fats. Rectum:  Anus contracted, torn, bleeding,stool dry, crumbling (Am m; Mag m).  Painless and copious diarrhea with pinching pain in abdomen. Urine:  Pain just after urinating (Sars).  Increased, involuntary when walking, coughing, etc. Has to wait a long time for it to pass if others are present (Hep; Mur ac).
  • 43. Male:  Emission, even after coitus. Impotence with retarded emission. Female:  Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning (Sep). Prolapsus uteri.  Suppressed menses (Follow with Kali carb). Hot during menses. Respiratory:  Cough from a tickling in the pit of stomach with spurting of urine (Caust; Squilla).  Shortness of breath, especially on going upstairs (Calc).  Whooping-cough with flow of tears with cough. Extremities:  Every movement accelerates the circulation. Palms hot and perspiring.  Dryness and cracking about finger-nails. Numbness and tingling in fingers and lower extremities.  Painful contraction of hamstrings (Caust). Cracking in joints on motion.
  • 44. Skin:  Dry eruptions, especially on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints.  Crusty eruptions in bends of limbs, margin of scalp, behind ears (Caust).  Warts on palms of hands.  Eczema; raw, red, and inflamed; worse, eating salt, at seashore. Fever:  Chill between 9 and 11 am. Heat; violent thirst, increases with fever. Fever- blisters.  Coldness of the body, and continued chilliness very marked. Modalities:  Worse, noise, music, warm room, lying down about 10 a m;, at seashore, mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking.  Better, open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on right side; pressure against back, tight clothing.
  • 45. NATRIUM NITRICUM:  Haemoptysis. Haematuria. Purpura hæmorrhagica. Haemorrhagic Variola.  Exhaustion, must rest frequently when walking. Head:  Dull Indisposed to mental and bodily exertion.  Pressing inward pain in malar bones. Nosebleed. Stomach:  Sour risings. Aversions to coffee.  Flatulence, with pressure in pit of stomach and pain in chest; worse motion, better eructation. Abdomen:  Distended abdomen,followed by emission of a quantity of wind and eructations  Abdominal muscles painfully contracted towards the spine Stool and Anus:  Faeces of a large size; the stool is discharged with difficulty, slow, and with the sensation after the stool as if the faeces were still remaining.  Stool indolent, only after effort, leaving sensation as if more to follow.
  • 46. Natrum Nitrosum: Head:  Giddy, as if he would become insensible; lips, face, hands became blue, had to lie down half an hour before he dared move.  Head felt as if it would split in two, < on motion, esp. going up stairs. Mouth:  Tongue protruded, dark colour (cat).Heavily coated tongue. Stomach:  Bitter eructations.-Feels very sick, but did not actually vomit-Nausea Stool:  Diarrhoea; copious stools with fainting; in the night. Heart:  Heart came on beating very fast; he throbbed all over.-L. ventrical contracted, r. dilated (cat).- Blood very dark, almost like treacle (cat). Generalities:  Took all his strength away.-Trembling sensation all over and suddenly fell on the floor.-The women were more severely affected than the men.Faintness, nervousness.-Went off in hysterics, could not hold a limb still. Skin:  Rash like roseola syphilitica on chest, measly, spreading to abdomen and thighs, covered gradually all the body except the face.
  • 47. NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM: Mind:  Imagine that pieces of furniture are persons; hears footsteps in next room. Eyes:  Discharge of golden-yellow, creamy matter from the eyes.  Dilation of one pupil.  Whites of eyes dirty yellow. Nose:  Offensive odor. Itching of nose. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick, yellow, offensive mucus. Mouth:  Canker sores of lip and cheeks.  Blisters on tip of tongue, with stinging in evening.  Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth,over tonsils and soft palate.
  • 48. Stomach:  Sour eructations, sour vomiting, greenish diarrhoea. Spits mouthful of food. Male:  Emissions without dreams, with weakness in back and trembling in limbs. Desire without erection. Gonorrhea. Female:  Menses too early; pale, thin, watery. Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina.  Leucorrhea creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery. Sour-smelling discharges from uterus. Back:  Weariness; aching in wrists and finger-joints. Hamstrings sore. Synovial crepitation. Rheumatic arthritis. Skin:  Yellow discharge with Itching in ankles.  Feet icy cold in daytime, burn at night.  Swelling of lymphatic glands.
  • 49. NATRIUM SALICYLICUM:  Prostrating after-effects of influenza. Head:  Perfectly rational periods, alternate with insanity.  Vertigo; worse, raising head.  All objects seem to move to the right.  Fibrositis of the scalp. Eyes:  Retinal haemorrhage, albuminuric retinitis with haemorrhage.  Iridocychitis due to traumatism with infection. Ears:  Tinnitus of a low tone. Deafness. Auditory vertigo. Skin:  Œdema, urticaria, red in circumscribed patches. Tingling and itching. Pemphigoid eruption.
  • 50. Natrum Selenicum:  Laryngeal phthisis,Laryngitis  “Expectoration of small lumps of bloody mucus with slight hoarseness.”  It is best suited to the early stage of the disease.
  • 51. Natrum Silicofluoricum:  Caries affections of Bones  "bone scraper" in cases of caries.  With a lotion of three grains to a tumbler of water he healed up quickly a case of lupus.  Burnett has cured tumours with it given internally.
  • 52. NATRIUM SULPHURICUM:  Sycotic miasm.  Its main feeling is: "I am scorned, disgraced, insulted or not appreciated by the person with whom I seek a relationship and I must make a great effort to gain appreciation or to be valued by the other person.“  Vexatious dream that he was very much hurt and provoked because he had been insulted. Dream that insults had excited him so much that he began to fight.  In order to be appreciated and recognized by others in a relationship,they can be industrious, caring, responsible, helpful. They like to be independent, and have a marked sense of pride.  Since they make a lot of effort to maintain the relationship, they can be dominated or suppressed, taken advantage of, or scorned. They are so dependent on the relationship that they allow themselves to be made use of and treated badly, unworthy.  This can make them irritable and angry, But this does not last long and is followed by guilt and remorse, which alternates with a feeling of indignation and hurt pride.  When the relationship is not successful, they go into a stage of deep sadness and become melancholic, which is usually unexpressed and internal.  In this stage they have suicidal thoughts. They have no wish to live. Fear of being left alone.  Feels that nothing ever works: "Succeeds never".  They can be quarrelsome (Dreams of fighting).
  • 53. Head:  Vertigo; relieved by sweat on head,Bursting feeling on coughing.  Boring in right temple, preceded by burning in stomach.  Ill-effects of falls and injuries to the head, and mental troubles.  Dreams of running water. Ears:  Sticking pain, earache, lightning-like stitches in damp weather. Nose:  Nasal catarrh, with thick, yellow discharge and salty mucus.  Ethmoiditis. Eyes:  Conjunctiva yellow. Granular lids. Photophobia (Graphites). Mouth:  Slimy, thick, tenacious, white mucus. Bitter taste, blisters on palate.
  • 54. Stomach:  Vomits sour. Brown, bitter coating on tongue. Yellow complexion.  Bilious vomiting, acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence. Abdomen:  Duodenal catarrh; hepatitis; icterus and vomiting of bile; liver sore to touch, with sharp, stitching pains; cannot bear tight clothing around waist, worse, lying on left side.  Flatulency; wind colic in ascending colon; worse, before breakfast.  Burning in abdomen and anus. Bruised pain and urging to stool.  Diarrhea yellow, watery stools. Loose morning stools, worse. Stools involuntary, when passing flatus. Great size of the fecal mass. Urine:  Loaded with bile. Brick-dust sediment. Excessive secretion. Diabetes. Female:  Nosebleed during menses, which are acrid and profuse. Burning in pharynx during menstruation. Herpetic vulvitis.  Leucorrhea yellowish-green, following gonorrhea in female. Male:  Condylomata; soft, fleshy excrescences; greenish discharges thick, greenish; little pain.
  • 55. Respiratory:  Dyspnea, during damp weather. Must hold chest when coughing. Humid asthma; rattling in chest, at 4 and 5 am.  Cough, with thick ropy, greenish expectoration; chest feels all gone. Constant desire to take deep, long breath.  Delayed resolution in pneumonia.  Springs up in bed the cough hurts so; holds painful side (Bry). Pain through lower left chest. Every fresh cold brings on attack of asthma. Back:  Itching when undressing. Violent pains in back of neck, and at base of brain.  Piercing pain between scapula. Spinal meningitis; opisthotonos. Extremities:  Burning in soles; odema of feet; itching between toes. Gout.  Pain in limbs, compels frequent change in position.  Pain in hip-joints, worse left, worse, stooping.  Stiffness of knees, cracking of joints. Rheumatism, worse in damp cold weather. Modalities:  Worse, music; lying on left side; dampness of basement, damp weather.  Better, dry weather, pressure, changing position.
  • 56. Natrum Sulphurosum:  Diarrhoea.  The stools were watery and looked very much like yeast, taking food provoked a stool.  Yeasty stools  The patient had pain in right scapula as if bathed in hot water.  The face was whitish waxy, except the cheeks, which were a "light freckle colour."
  • 57. AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM:  This combination consists of the elements gold, natrium and chlorium.  The element natrum is related to concepts that are connected with love relationships,great emphasis on love relationships.  The element muriaticum is related to feelings of disappointment.  The element aurum is related to great care and responsibility towards his loved ones,easily offended.  Hammer in his book “Cancer - the disease of the soul” considers cancer of the womb an expression of an accute mental conflict in self-destructive women related to their love life. He also considers prostate to be related to a man’s love life.  Palpitation of young girls. Coldness in abdomen.  Chronic metritis and prolapsus.  Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina.  Leucorrhœa, with spasmodic contraction of vagina.  Ovaries indurated. Ovarian dropsy. Sub-involution. Ossified uterus.
  • 58. BORAX VENETA: Kent states:  The time of aggravation is at 4 p.m,he is irritable fault-finding, indolent, dullness, pessimism(bad mood) . The aggravation ends at 11 p.m a sudden change takes place, allowing calmness and tranquillity to supervene.  The same kind of tranquillity may also be experienced after stool, liveliness, contentment and cheerfulness. Confusion of mind can prevail in the evening, while walking, but passing stool ameliorates this condition.(Calc-c. and Nat- s).  The mood may turn to weeping, particularly before coughing, before urination and during stool  A feeling of liveliness in the morning, with desire for work may be replaced by indolence and aversion to work in the afternoon, especially after a short nap. Moreover, nosebleed ameliorates the psychological state.  Excitability and restlessness are aggravated by heat. On going to bed the patient starts getting excited, and if the room is heated,so restless that he cannot sleep. The main hours of sleeplessness are after midnight(1-4 am or 2-5 a.m. or after 4 a.m. )  They does not enjoy talking or joking. He is taciturn, timid and indisposed to talk, and in this respect resembles Natrum mur.
  • 59.  As the pathology progresses, suffer from weakness of memory and delusions,vanishing of thoughts.  Being uncertain for a long time whether he was at a particular place yesterday or today. Mistakes in both space and time may occur.  The patient may moreover be suspicious, and have delusions that he is possessed by a devil or that he is going to be robbed.  Fear of thunder.  Fear of being infected by some contagious disease.  Dread of labour. Sexuality:  Great excitability can reach such extremes that a man may have an orgasm by merely touching a woman.  The seminal discharge appears later than the pleasure. The patient has dreams of coitus with orgasms. There are strong erections in the morning on  Women also experience an intense desire, but, eventually, due to grief and disappointment, they may exhibit indifference or even aversion to coitus. It is characteristic for this remedy that women become pregnant very easily.
  • 60. The Borax Child:  Aggravation from downward motion. For example, when the mother is in the act of laying the child down onto the bed, it may rise up in its sleep and cry out in fright. Lifting up an infant’s feet to change a nappy will aggravate the child, who will start to shout,have a tendency to shout or scream rather than cry.  An infant being laid down will start and throw up its hands as if afraid of falling. When laying the child down on the couch or in the cradle, it cries and clings to the mother as if it had been frightened by a dream. Children who are lifted or rocked may suffer from arrested respiration and may find that it makes an anxious face during the downward motion.  In cases of enteritis its mouth is very sore, greenish stool passes every hour or two, a white coat covers the tongue and inside the cheeks, and a red eruption appears on the face.  Hot urine in the infant and burning urine in children are frequent. The infant urinates nearly every ten or twelve minutes, and frequently cries and screams before the urine passes.  Excessively nervous, affected by noise,hawking or sneezing or paper rustling. The slamming of a door would cause the child to start and then scream with fright. The child is frightened during thunderstorms.  Prolonged sleep,child at the breast sleeps more, wakes up frequently  Carphology(plucking bed clothes) during fever
  • 61. Head:  Hair tangled at tips rough and frowsy, splits; sticks together, cannot be separated, as in Plica Polonica (Vinca min). Eyes:  Lashes turn inward.  Visions of bright waves,Sparkling before the eyes when writing.Too great sensibility of the eyes to candle-light.  Inflammation of the eyes in the canthi, with excoriation of the edges of the eyelids, trichiasis, and nocturnal agglutination Ears:  Buzzing and murmuring in the ears,drawing pains in the top of the head  Very sensitive to slightest noise; not so much disturbed by louder ones. Nose:  Red nose, of young women (Nat carb).  Nasal haemorrhage, with pulsative pains in the head.Sneezing, with violent shootings in r. side of the chest.  Accumulation of thick and greenish mucus in the nose.  Red and shining swelling, with throbbing and tensive sensation. Tip swollen and ulcerated. Dry crusts.
  • 62. Face:  Pale, earthy, with suffering expression. Swollen, with pimples on nose and lips. Feeling of cobwebs. Mouth:  Aphthæ. White fungous like growth; ulcers bleed on touch and eating.  The child’s mouth feels hot to mother’s nipple; the child lets go of the nipple and cries with pain and vexation, or else refuses the breast altogether.  Taste bitter (Bry; Puls; Cup). Taste of "cellar mould". Stomach and Abdomen:  Distention after eating; vomiting.  Gastralgia, depending upon uterine disturbance.  Loose, pappy, offensive stools in children. Urine:  Hot, smarting pain in orifice. Pungent smell.  Child afraid to urinate, screams before urinating (Sarsap).  Small red particles on diaper.
  • 63. Female:  Labor pains with frequent eructations.  Galactorrhœa (Cal; Con; Bell).  In nursing, pain in opposite breast.  Leucorrhœa like white of eggs, with feel as if warm water was flowing.  Menses too soon, profuse, with griping, nausea and pain in stomach extending into small of back.  Membranous dysmenorrhœa.  Sterility. Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking. Respiratory:  Hacking and violent cough; expectoration, moldy taste and smell.  Stitches in chest, with inspiration and cough.  Pleurodynia; worse upper part of right chest.  Arrest of breathing when lying; is obliged to jump and catch breath, which causes pain in right side.  Out of breath on going up stairs.
  • 64. Extremities:  Feeling as of cobwebs on hands. Itching on back of finger-joints and hands. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb.  Burning pain in great toe; inflammation of balls of toes. Eczema of toes and and fingers with loss of nails. Skin:  Psoriasis. Erysipelas in face. Itching on back of finger-joints. Unhealthy skin; slight injuries suppurate. Herpes (Rhus).  Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling and tension.  Chilblains relieved in open air.  Ends of hair become tangled. Sleep:  Voluptuous dreams. Cannot sleep on account of heat, especially in head. Cries out of sleep as if frightened (Bell). Modalities:  Worse, downward motion, noise, smoking, warm weather, after menses.  Better, pressure, evening, cold weather.