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Mere Mortals with Dick Rutan
The Living Legend
In a world where distractions were long thought the enemy, on man befriends that foe and finds freedom
and a shiny object in Earth rock since then he has embraced the distraction and searches to help others in
the epic battle against the norm. And now distracted with Mark Patey.
Mark: welcome 3x hello everyone I’m excited of todays show this the show and our guest today will be in
here just a few minutes and holy cow I’m like seriously you gonna have to keep me asking him for his
authograph the second he walks in here
Jeremiah: The only other better guest we could have got was Pat say Jack he just noah I mean he doesn’t
do this kind of things anymore
Mark: So, Especially if you’re an avaition fan and I know we got aviation listeners that transfer over from
aviation podcast over here so you guys are gonna dig this guy. Dick Rutan will be joining us today wow
seriously living legend and if you want then your out of the computer and have a second look up virgin
gallactic look up white night and spaceship one look up the voyager aircraft this guy and his brother have
done more in aviation on tenace in the last ten years the nasa has done in the last probably 40 years with
billions of dollars literally building aircraft and going to outer space at no budget at all amazing
Jeremiah: And we gonna take you there with us today two men on a mission to outer space. Well maybe not
that far. Welcome to the program everyone
The Three rules
Mark: So we start out with the 3 rules
Jeremiah: Well what are those 3 rules Mark:
Mark: Rule number 1 we reserve the right to offend we don’t tend to offend but free speech is practice here
and we wont fall back
Jeremiah: That’s right, rule number 2 is we reserve the right to be wrong
Mark: Because we know we will be and as long as we accept that will be wrong were gonna be open minded
enough to learn something
Jeremiah: And if you ever feel that were wrong keep it yourself. Rule number 3
Mark: Please don’t tell us our egos cant handle it
Jeremiah: You know rule number 3 is we reserve our right to change our minds
Mark: As we learn and grow everyone will change their mind the stupidest guy min the room is one that
convinced he has all the answers
Jeremiah: If only I change my underwear much as I change my mind I’ll be happier in the studio
Mark: I wish you would the studio is not big enough to absorb that kind of stink
Jeremiah: You know when were in the green room before the show getting ready in between the hair and
make up you know I was talking to the
3 New Countries
Mark: Alright want to welcome to our show 3 new countries and we don’t welcome a new country to our
show until we’ve got a trend of unique I.P addresses coming from that country on a regular basis so no
this is humbling so welcome to our show India, Greece and Saudi Arabia
Jeremiah: And that’s not India Kentucky Greece Idaho and Saudi Arabia Florida
Mark: Makin it up don’t look it up folks
Jeremiah: These are actual countries that listen to our program if you think how hard would be for a
country to listen to our program? Its pretty impressive think it that with big headphones
Mark: So Yes, we and in communist countries its played over loud speakers on top of tall poles
Jeremiah: I think we have some more exciting news than girls in the countries right?
Mark: Well we do but seriously India, Greece, Saudi Arabia whoever is over there listening and sharing
our podcast and whoever sent a facebook link or twitter message or email or something to a friend over
those countries and said listen to this show and they started sharing it with other people? Thank You
Jeremiah: More about that please
Mark: Please that was awesome so it doess lead us to I think one ot the most exciting things about our
program we just hit number 1 on Itunes for podcasting with add and adhd and we’ve stayed there for
few days I’m seriously humbled and freak out
Number 1 in Itunes
Jeremiah: And we were shock Mark as I was traveling out back east in Marcos home I mean we were
texting and calling and all hours
Mark: Yeah, every few hours watching the trend how quickly the show is growing and then when we search
the Add/Adhd under Itunes were number 1 for the program and theres about a hundred literally a hundred
Adhd program out there put out by magazines that especializes adhd, websites especialize in adhd medical
forms that especialize in adhd and we hit number 1 and were still there today, Holy cow tomorrow will be
number 9
Jeremiah: It can only get worse from here
Mark: That’s right
Jeremiah: What I’m saying is we hit the hight water Mark
Mark: Lets just stop now
Jeremiah: Were gonna keep our sights low
Mark: So really that’s not a way of bragging but a way of thank you
Jeremiah: No it’s a way of absolutely way of bragging and a way of saying thank you
Mark: And a really way of saying thank you I’m humbled and thank you everybody
Voicemail Messages
Jeremiah: And more than that are the messages we get that we get come across from the 800 add gift
nunmber from the forums facebook
Mark: 855 add gift but it is a toll free number
Jeremiah: But I think for us more important are the communities that’s coming around together and sharing the
same messages that we have
Mark: Well, speaking of which Miah the messages coming across we appreciate the kind words and the funny
comments and sarcasm and we love it and thank you please keep it coming I think we need to add those in and
will add one of those in the end of the show atleast play one of them with a question and maybe tackle out for
the next show so we will try to do more than just listen to your voice mails will try to immigrate them into the
show when possible
Jeremiah: So by leaving a message you are agreeing that we are gonna use your voice
Mark: That’s very important to know if you leave a message yes we may broadcast it so don’t use your last
name it is cool though if you got a first name and the country or a city or state that your from that’s kinda fun
Jeremiah: And don’t forget to tell on the voicemail how much you like me more than Mark on the program
Mark: Scale of 1 to 10, Ten Mark Miah at the 1 leave the zero off
Jeremiah: 1 plus 9 equals ten were tied
Knowing your host
Mark: Alright lets get on the show we had another new segment because we got this listeners that really don’t
know nothing about us What is they do know? A search on google and find out that Jeremiah lives in Utah
Jeremiah: Well maybe or that Jeremiah Johnson was a record movie or whatever theres no much about me
Mark: So the opening segment of the show is called something you don’t know about your hopes
Jeremiah: Unless your the NSA something you did not know about your host can you start
Mark: Okay listeners something you did not know about Jeremiah Johnson is that he used to be a long haired
hippy in a band and traveled all over and did the band seen and had girls screaming for him and then would
do the drum circles in the park with his lng hair and his friends going dude that’s awesome
Jeremiah: That’s absolutely true infact I cant deny and theres probably pictures out there to prove it
Mark: And now you got short hair successful corporate America executive. You sell out
Jeremiah: I am a sell out
Mark: What happen?
Jeremiah: I stop doing drugs
Mark: You just successfully offended a lot of people
Jeremiah: Amazing things happen to your things when you stop in the drugs
Mark: Oh that’s awesome, well thanks for sharing
Pink flat pants
Jeremiah: By the way you the propensity of add/adhd and drug use its maybe yeah a walk in example one
thing that you do not know about Mr. Mark Patey is that he wored school Henry Downs from his siblings and
his older sister had a nice pair of pink and flat bell bottom pants
Mark: You have to bring up the pink and flat
Jeremiah: Its because the visual is the pink flat bell bottom pants and a boy going to school is just for some
reason epic
Mark: With holes in the knees that were patch with denim patches over flat pants, You know what you really
don’t know is that though that’s all I had to wear to school that what I wore to school what people don’t know
is I enjoyed it yeah I love those pants no I didnt that was the worst thing ever
Jeremiah: Duct tape on the side of your socks because your shoe has holes in them
Mark: Yeah that’s true, we used to wrap the duct tape around the outside of the shoe that’s how my mom did
it but I’m so embarrassed put the duct tape around the shoe that we thought that were being clever and we
said look mom quit it and so we clean all the duct tape sticky off of our worn out shoes the best we could and
then we put the socks on and we put the duct tape around the sock and you put your sock in the shoe and
then the hole in the bottom of the shoe would you know the sock would be protected by the duct tape people
didn’t have to know you had a hole in the bottom of the shoe
Dick and Burt Rutan
Mark: No they’re still scarring Miah, its still pretty sensitive alright now you know probably more than you
wanted to know about your host and I think
Jeremiah: We should probably move on from this topic
Mark: Move on were gonna go grab our guest and get right back and get started with Dick Rutan and talked
about he and his brother Burt and all the incredible things they’ve done in aviation amazing and I’ve always
seen those two as equal opposites and the we need to talk them about that so back in two seconds alright Miah
so excited about our guest today and many of you will know this person this is as famous as they become
particularly in the world of aviation and of course we all know how near and there that is to my heart with us
today is Dick Rutan who holds the world record for flight all around the world not only that he was twenty year
air force pilot and then after that retired and went on building aircraft with his brother Burt Rutan who will you
know is famous for white night and spaceship one private enterprise built spacecraft that won the X price am I
right Burt?
Burt: He did won the X price
Mark: I want to make sure I got the name right but we follow that and see that plane go in the outer space so
anyway Dick Rutan the test pilot of every crazy creation that his brother Burt came up with that’s guts and that’s
bravery and I know being in the air force fighter jet pilot for twenty years that’s guts and bravery but test pilot?
That’s right on order on insanity Burt or Dick
Essence of exploration
Dick: That’s right no its really excited and real thing is to go where no man has gone before you know is kind
of essence of who we are oh by the way to go where no man has gone before I find that where that was
Mark: Where was that?
Dick: In the ladies that trains on space shuttle
Mark: I didn’t know the head mans and women’s are train in space shuttle
Dick: It was the essence of exploration mankind is here to explore the next exploration is the universe the
Mark: And to be part of aircraft design virgin galactic and everything that went on there is so out of the box
thinking its so beyond where most people let there minds go as a goal and dream and as you and Burt started
taking on this project what gets a guy like Burt to think that big and that distant that boldly and what gets a
guy like you to follow him and say I’ll fly it
Dick: Well if were talking about what makes Burt do’s that we can go back a I guess a little bit farther than that
and he is an individual that well what you say he always thinking outside the box anyway I ask him one day
how do you come up with all those stuff, I mean this some of its is pretty far out and you thought a man and
he said something really profound and he says a persons ability to deal with chaos and nonsense will define
your creativity and he also talks about to the confidence and nonsense and most people will think what the
heck is he talking about
Exceeding the limitations
Mark: Well confidence and nonsense is the whole embracing adhd in a nutshell the confidence and chaos
Dick: What he does is he says he dives into the pool of chaos and nonsense and where most of us mortals
that’s where we wanna stay away from those two pools anyway he’ll dive into that to come up with creative
innovative solutions but theres another real key thing to this to and that is all of his ideas don’t know his work
now he may argue about the percentage of them about the percentage and I would say that 35 percent of
urban he tries is an object failure but that’s important to determine ones limitations but patiently you have to
exceed them and our mother told us all the time and says you gonna more to failure than you do success but
you have to have the guts to try and that’s whats important thing is
Mark: Now as you guys work together and watched him from the outside and I appreciated you guys inviting
us and letting us hang out at the lake house of the night the whole few weeks go watched the boat races and I
kind of watched you and Burt interact and your personalities are so different almost opposite and that’s a clue
to something we talked about our program a lot is equal opposite is that we find people that really reach out
and achieve and then this case its space travels on penny’s versus the billions NASA spends to get out to outer
space and you see people that’s and you find this two opposite personalities the out there crazy willing to dive
in the chaos creative thinker and then the guy like you who is more methodical and flight plans and checklist
and steps and policies and procedures and you guys have seem despite the appearance of being opposite
personalities you guys have done really well working together or its all of the sought
Innovative and Creative
Dick: The thing is that is my brother and I Burt we have this agreement it says I will never claim to be a
genius designer and he will never claim a hero pilot but even as kids he was the one that’s really innovative and
creative about the little airplanes the we designed and both of us totally merced on aviation from day one mom
says she didn’t gave us birth certificate she gave us a flight plan but the older I was the older one I was the
one that was riding motorcycles and being chased by the cops and Burt he was the kid with the slide rule and
come up with the different kind of design and one thing the little model airplanes back on those days you know
they would crash hit the ground and break and it’s a lot of repair and it really upset him so came up into an
idea on how they could crash and come apart you know could come held together at the critical points of
rubber band so we could go on crash them and then we can snap more back together more and back go fly
the one thing that he did what really knit coz he always like records both of us were involved in records
Mark: And you guys have set so many records I’ve got a tour of Rutan museum and its endless I mean I’m sure
theres a count but wow the trophies and awards and records you’ve guys have accomplish over the years
Setting a Record
Dick: Well its interesting to go where no man has gone before and set records of course are made to be
broken but one thing he build a little airplane and back on those I have a carrier event remote control thing
and I had a little aircraft carrier and you had to build an airplane that look like a replica of some navy fighter
and then there was a three stage contest you have to take off from the carrier and then you have to fly as
fast as you can for five laps and then you get points for going fast and then because aircraft carrier have to
fly really slow to land on the boat so then there was five laps on how slow you can go and then you have to
come around and land on the carrier and catch the hook so that was kind of the contest well Burt goes up
and he figures out a way to make the little model airplane hover so he takes off and hovers and so his pretty
good on the fast laps he gets his normal speed on the fast lap but he had two sets of controls and he can set
there and have it hover and so then obviously he could stay indifinitely and then comes over to the carrier he
hovers back and forth and he picks up the wire and he pulls out straight and when he knows he has the
wires then he goes full force pull down and land so that’s mess up all the rules and they had to change all
the rules
Achieving Big
Dick: See I go back in as we started talking about this I go back to my association with my younger brother
to our whole life is that almost unbearably his coming up with something that’s so far out there we have no
idea we look at him like his crazy and sometimes he is
Mark: It helps to be crazy to really be successful it’s a benefit
Dick: One thing I really like is he talking about a human powered space aircraft capable of achieving earth
orbit and I just okay Burt how we gonna do that and he says well the first stage is gonna have pretty big and
will need the total population of new york city paddling real hard in the first stage and then the second stage
will be all the population of maybe kansas city and then the ones actually achieve orbit will then that’s
something smaller or you can get the idea so we talks about that then he comes up were talking about going
into space or going around the world or doing some other crazy thing and you look at him and its says what
are you crazy I mean that’s no way that will happen and I used to teasing everybody looks at me and says
will how do you participating this and says shoot what I do is I’m his great adviser everytime he tells about
something like that it says Burt theres no fine way that’s gonna work and my input is hey that will not work
theres no way that can happen but funny thing is as years went by I kept thinking well looks what happen
Creative type of Personality
Mark: Look what he keeps doing you know theres a chapter in my book where I talk about the role of the
equal opposite which you really are to Burt is that equal opposite role where the role is to say the creative
type adhd creative type personality is will okay that’s crazy hows that gonna work and its actually stimulates in
them a fought process to make sure it will work when someone says you cant do that it cant be done that
turns on in that creative brain the problem solving trigger it says oh oh time to problem solve they say it can
be done because of this but heres way around that heres the solutions to that and it feeds it almost feeds if
they have the confidence I think this is the important thing and Burt obviously has the confidence if you have
the selfworth and you have the internal belief when someone says that’s impossible you cant do it you turn
on your creative genius and you find a solutions if you don’t have the selfworth thatn you can do it when
someone says that’s impossible your crazy you’re a dreamer then they shut down and the very person that
could have created the next invention the next spaceship in this case the next whatever it is never invented
because they didnt have the selfworth as a result to whatever beliefs they bought about their broken brain
Dick: Well theres another aspect to that too and you mentioned problem solving and I look back to Burt and
here we are with some great idea with some airplane and we go out we worked really hard and maybe after
three or four months we have an airplane and we can go fly and it goes out and it doesn’t fly for sour apples
terrible flying well this thing that we have built
The eighty percent guy
Mark: And it distracts me up because you’re the guy that in it, no one built this no one put those small wing in
the back and the big wing in the front or made it a symmetrical airplane I’ll fly that and that’s who you are
Dick: And what happen is we going built this thing and we go out out and fly it and it doesnt work with the darn
and I would look at Burt and I would think boy he should feel really bad about this and then were really
unhappy and we finally go to bed and we all come back to work in the morning and Burt is happy as a clam and
I says how can be he happy he has an object failure and he says and he shows up with a handsaw a carpenters
handsaw and he comes over there grease and mark on them wings and the tail and he says okay cut this here
and cut this here and then I realized his in his element when his solving the problems
Mark: And that really it, the problem solving that we look for infact the soon as we see a solution and soon as
we get all the difficult problems figured out we actually lose interest the next thing we need the problem to
solve to be happy
Mark: How is he at finishing things
Dick: Well we call Burt an eighty percent guy and that means whatever project his in he only finishes about
eighty percent and then his on the next thing and it comes to the point that he solve the major problems and I
can think of half a dozen different projects like that and then when he perceives that is what is left to be done
on the project can be done by as mortals then his not gonna waste his time and his on the next crazy idea that
he has
Complete Freedom
Dick: Well and that’s a good point in what kind of environment that you grow up in and looking back my
parents gave us total complete freedom and I always go out do some crazy thing or get caught throwing up
toilet paper over the Friday night highschool football game and to think it will be a lot of trouble but there
wasn’t any we had absolute total complete freedom to do anything we wanted to and most parents trying to
protect their children and when I grow up and have children of my own you know I have the same idea I would
not have let any of my kids do anything that my parents allowed us to do and I thought on the way if you can
survive that it is an incredible gift a freedom to be able to explore. Burt’s area was creativity my area was stick
and run I wanted to go out and fly combat and I got to do that and But Burt was always in his area in trying to
designed things as an example when he was a tiny kid mother take him to hobby store for the very first time
because she found that were interested in airplanes and so she goes in and says up in the wall theres all kinds
of kits you can have I’ll buy you any kits you want and you can take them home and will build it and you can
build an airplane and Burt look out like hes crazy and he says I don’t want any darn kit I just want a balsa
wood and I’ll take home and I’ll design and make it myself. And holy bananas think about that heres a little kid
and you think whats gonna happen to him in the future?
Mark: And most parents at that will say no no you cant do that its too difficult too hard just get this kit coz you
know they’ll fly and that’s where we see parents in attempt to protect actually do so much damage in not
allowing in a freedom to learn and grow and create and invent
Equal Opposite
Dick: And we had almost total freedom you know Burt was and myself were totally different what I wanted to
do is get on my motorcycle I had an old triumph 650 thunderbird kind of an old bit up thing in highschool and
minute I graduated from highschool myself and some other fool were on those bikes heading from California
we ended up all the way to Oklahoma city running out of money and sleeping beside the road and as I look
back on it it’s a one heck of adventure but that’s had no interest in what Burt wanted Burt wanted to sit in
front of his tv and he wanted his computer design thing and he design thing and that’s the essence of what
he wanted to do as an example I was up when were up in Idaho when we first moved up there I went up
there and look around and I was interested in how many snow mobile trails it worked coz I wanted to go on
the snow mobile trail I wanted to go down to sporting goods store and see what kind of machines they have
and Burt take me out there and he looked around and I’m just solivate me the beautiful clear eye the trees
and hundreds of miles of snow mobile trails and he couldn’t understand why I’d ever wanted to do that he
says I’d better be back working trying to solve some problems and I look at him like and boy we really argue
from this some ways
The Voyager
Mark: And the difference is really should be celebrated and sadly it seems like were more and more
increasingly in a society that’s working to make everybody the same to get an equal outcome and certain
behaviour and performance out of everybody and mother nature never intended it to be that way never
intended its equal opportunity for all but equal outcome is its ridiculous its expecting a quarter horse and a
clydesdale to be competitive in a race one is faster than the other one can pull more weight than the other
equal outcomes will never happen because we are all so different and the difference should be celebrated.
Okay closest you’ve been to death coz I know you’ve been there plenty of times
Jeremiah: I’ve been thinking about that question too
Dick: Okay as an example the flight around the world in a voyager the very challenging airplane had to carry a
lot of fuel and everything else had to be just minimal weight
Mark: And it was built just that entire airplane was built just for our listeners just for that goal to fly all the
way around the world
Dick: This is just for one flight and one flight only as an example most airplanes are structurally strong
enough to handle five times their load or five G’s that before they would fail this airplane would have to carry
strong enough to carry the fuel and one point two G factor so any little turbulence
Mark: One bump and it will break you wing off
Mission adequate flying qualities
Dick: It will destroy the airplane, And then there was the flying qualities and the control of the airplane which is
barely marginal infact I would tell Burt I says Burt you know if I try to roll out from a turn it adverse you on and
so forth and so on I’d have to lose three or four hundred feet just to get the wings level again and he come to
me and says remember Dick our agreement on flying qualities you know I was big flying quality guy just love
flying quality and this airplane was terrible and he says remember Dick we needed to have mission adequate
flying qualities and I says Yeah sure and he says remember it’s a world flight and don’t have to turn it all
Mark: Its go straight until you end up where you started
Dick: Just keep W on the compass until you see something you recognized so the navigation challenge is very
easy but that airplane is extremely compromised for one soul thing is miles per galloon and when out there and
said it to him in the run way and we were gonna take off that morning and it was a big arguement about how
much fuel we put onboard and so forth but I look up and I said Dick you got a pretty good chance of being
dead in next five minutes I thought this is suicide if I don’t get out but then I look over there and there was all
we don’t have a lot of money for this thing all the volunters had came to help I asked them to come and help
us and they did for years I just cant get out and walked away and then I thought yeah I could probably lived if
I just get up and walked out of this airplane but the thing that horrifying to me is that I had to look in the
mirror and shave the face of a guy that quit and I thought that’s even worse than ended up in the fireball in
next five minutes
Taking the Risks
Mark: I tell that’s profound in so many ways and what saddens me is how many people have opportunity to
stand up to greatness to something truly to be somethiung truly great but then just back down and life’s full
of risks in this example is real life and death example of saying do I wanna live with myself the as one that
quit or am I willing to risks it all and you risks it all and everyday people are faced this kind of stand up
decisions and its not their life on the line its their percieved idea a conception of themselves on how other
people percieve them its stuff is so trivial and you just wanna say look stand up because your right only you
has to look yourself in the mirror when you shave or your woman doing her hair or whatever it is but dick you
mentioned something that I thought is extremely profound and I had I write it down youn said the aircraft had
a purpose and it was extremely compromised was the word you used extremely compromised because in
anything your doing in life there is compromised you cant have it all it’s a give and take no matter what and I
look at for example the adhd brain to have the ability to see in three or four ten directions at once and ten
levels deep comes with the compromise of not being very structure and not being very detailed than organized
in other areas it is a give and take and to say it because somebody doesn’t have this particular skills set
mentally is now their broken is to say no its a compromised in this case the compromised was to make the
aircraft light enough to go all the way around the world and be able to fly and carry enough fuel.
The Compromises
Mark: You had to compromise its strenght and take that risks and everything and everybody needs to
recognized that’s life there is a give and take theres differences and differences are disorders its in mother in
how were all built and how were all born so differently designed in us the compromises you will be good at
this certain things you wont be good at this other things it doesn’t mean your broken it doesn’t your less
than somebody else its your gift in this area and as an expense of having that talent in that area there will be
compromise elsewhere
Jeremiah: And to take that example the voyager that aircraft was built to do one very specific thing and to it
brilliantly to do something that no one else has done before and if you would try to force Dick to pilot that
aircraft in a way to which it was not designed it would have been lights out it would have been dark
Mark: Yeah its not made to fly around the pattern in circles and do take off and landings it was made to land
Dick: And there was an extreme compromises as an example crash survivality noise levels a hundred and
fifthteen decibel for seven hundred hours
Mark: I noticed you wear hearing aids is that a result? all these years bursting through the sky with hair on
fire jets behind you and testing noise
Occupational Hazard
Dick: I was an occupational hazard and that was an F 100 jet is very noisy and I thought I had my helmet
on and I had inadequate hearing protection but we learn more about hearing protection when we were
almost unprotected for all these years and theres occupational hazards with a lot of those things because
we do live in noisy environment
Mark: Life is occupational hazard I mean just by agreeing to live you understand you will die this only
guarantee we get in life is our eventual death to take a risks in anything we accept that there is failure is a
guaranteed outcome at least in your case yu said 35 percent of the time
Dick: Well you ask about how many times did you placed death and I was thinking well you see that
morning in north vietnam pulling off of the after straight in the truck kind of tick me off I’m pulling off and
get hit and the f 100 was on fire and I was burning and I was thinking I’m gonna be a P.O.W here pretty
quick or maybe it would burned long enough without coming to part so that I could make it to the gulf of
tonkin or we landed at the north pole and theres russian airplane and we fell to the ice I’m gonna fly
around the world in a ballon so we take off in this maybe a month long flight high on the stratosphere in
our pressurized capsule and we climb we launched out alburquerque on the way around the world in the
ballon in this great adventure
Mark: And a lot of our listeners will remember that it made a lot of news
Spaceship Design
Dick: Yeah only in our case we level off to 30,000 feet and due to the design and manufacture error the
manufacture will remain unknown right now but the initials will cameron the ballon ruptured the helium
ruptured and all of a sudden will along the shoreline we bail out over eastern mexico out of this ruptured and
if your hanging from the ballon and your staying up there by virtue of the helium and the helium still ruptureds
that’s the start of the bad day.
Mark: And you thought your day was bad because your girlfriend was mad you
Dick: And so we took off and were heading around the world and did him get out of the county, so I don’t look
at that as a failure I look at it as an opportunity for character development
Mark: Dick I love that you love that you join us for this podcast and I could sit and gab with you for another
free hours but I know we got other things we gotta into and I just wanna thank you so much for taking the
time to be here with us talking us about the difference and about and our listeners go to
you take a look at spaceships that Dick and Burt Rutan were designed and built and you’ll understand more of
kind the background behind this conversation go get yourself some google and search the voyager aircraft so
you have perspective and go ahead
Dick: Yeah my web page for commercial aircraft
Mark: Hey ,
Dick: Kind of hard to remember but
Mere Mortals
Mark: Yeah check it out because we want you to know who this guy really is and I’m humbled and honored
that your willing to fly down here and meet with us and join us here and to sit and join us on a podcast talking
about brains that think differently and brilliant minds and I love how you said with your brother Burt when he
finished the impossible part he got 80 percent done then he left it to the mere mortals that was wonderful
alright for all us mere mortals thanks for joining the distracted podcast and we really appreciate
Dick: You better straight being here put your gear down before you land because you gonna explain
everything else
Mark: Yeah theres no excuses for getting to put your gear down pilots you will get it ladies and gentlemen
that’s it thanks so much and thanks again especially Dick thanks for being here next weeks program will be
really good we gonna try to bring in some of our callers, It will fair, out of all shows that you should skip don’t
bother even listening next week just skip that one
Jeremiah: We actually gonna ressurect on the bringing him next week you may wanna listen
Mark: Speaking of ressurections we have a guarantee I was thinking about this last night every show should
have a guarantee and the guarantee on this is that our show will prevent the zombie apocalypse 100 percent
guarantee infact if anytime your listening to the show you were attack by a zombie we will refund your money
times two double your money back if your attack by zombie while listening to this program
Podcast Listener
Mark: Lets go crazy here not twice the money not 2.5 we will ten times your money back if your attack by
a zombie guarantee though stop the zombie apocalypse that’s our shows guarantee. Lets listen to a
question that was called in on our call in line and everybody please call in leave your comments and
feedback heavy breathing whatever it is you wanna leave on our voicemail at 855 addgift and you just pick
us a menu it will tell what to do if you cant follow those instructions don’t follow leaving a message
Jeremiah: I don’t know how you downloaded this program if you cant follow those instructions
Mark: And leave us a message so lets take one of those as a tease for our next program okay
Listener: Hi Sergio here long time listener long time fan of both the podcast I was listening to the
distracted podcast and thought about of how people don’t unable to associate completely and it is
awesome that your talking about giving people freedom maybe their could be an episode about how to
deal with actual issues besides just the freedom beside releasing them how to make them deal help people
deal with the association with other people I don’t know how to say it just like something like distracted
too so I kind of see where you going with it bye
Mark: Alright Sergio we want to thank you for leaving that message and I think that was a good one to
pick to tackle next week
Social Consequence
Jeremiah: Really good question coz there some social consequenses to not being able to be in distracted
really distracting in social scenarios
Mark: Will tackle that next week as well possibly some others depending on if their any good leave a good
question and you know if you leave a great question and we don’t pick it don’t think that we don’t love you
or we didn’t think that’s a good question its just we cant take all of them
Jeremiah: Its just we really hate you so we don’t wanna take your question
Mark: That’s true thanks for being honest free speech is practiced here thanks for listening to our program
well catch you next time watch out for the zombies
Jeremiah: Alright see you all later

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Mere mortals with dick rutan

  • 1. Mere Mortals with Dick Rutan
  • 2. The Living Legend In a world where distractions were long thought the enemy, on man befriends that foe and finds freedom and a shiny object in Earth rock since then he has embraced the distraction and searches to help others in the epic battle against the norm. And now distracted with Mark Patey. Mark: welcome 3x hello everyone I’m excited of todays show this the show and our guest today will be in here just a few minutes and holy cow I’m like seriously you gonna have to keep me asking him for his authograph the second he walks in here Jeremiah: The only other better guest we could have got was Pat say Jack he just noah I mean he doesn’t do this kind of things anymore Mark: So, Especially if you’re an avaition fan and I know we got aviation listeners that transfer over from aviation podcast over here so you guys are gonna dig this guy. Dick Rutan will be joining us today wow seriously living legend and if you want then your out of the computer and have a second look up virgin gallactic look up white night and spaceship one look up the voyager aircraft this guy and his brother have done more in aviation on tenace in the last ten years the nasa has done in the last probably 40 years with billions of dollars literally building aircraft and going to outer space at no budget at all amazing Jeremiah: And we gonna take you there with us today two men on a mission to outer space. Well maybe not that far. Welcome to the program everyone
  • 3. The Three rules Mark: So we start out with the 3 rules Jeremiah: Well what are those 3 rules Mark: Mark: Rule number 1 we reserve the right to offend we don’t tend to offend but free speech is practice here and we wont fall back Jeremiah: That’s right, rule number 2 is we reserve the right to be wrong Mark: Because we know we will be and as long as we accept that will be wrong were gonna be open minded enough to learn something Jeremiah: And if you ever feel that were wrong keep it yourself. Rule number 3 Mark: Please don’t tell us our egos cant handle it Jeremiah: You know rule number 3 is we reserve our right to change our minds Mark: As we learn and grow everyone will change their mind the stupidest guy min the room is one that convinced he has all the answers Jeremiah: If only I change my underwear much as I change my mind I’ll be happier in the studio Mark: I wish you would the studio is not big enough to absorb that kind of stink Jeremiah: You know when were in the green room before the show getting ready in between the hair and make up you know I was talking to the
  • 4. 3 New Countries Mark: Alright want to welcome to our show 3 new countries and we don’t welcome a new country to our show until we’ve got a trend of unique I.P addresses coming from that country on a regular basis so no this is humbling so welcome to our show India, Greece and Saudi Arabia Jeremiah: And that’s not India Kentucky Greece Idaho and Saudi Arabia Florida Mark: Makin it up don’t look it up folks Jeremiah: These are actual countries that listen to our program if you think how hard would be for a country to listen to our program? Its pretty impressive think it that with big headphones Mark: So Yes, we and in communist countries its played over loud speakers on top of tall poles Jeremiah: I think we have some more exciting news than girls in the countries right? Mark: Well we do but seriously India, Greece, Saudi Arabia whoever is over there listening and sharing our podcast and whoever sent a facebook link or twitter message or email or something to a friend over those countries and said listen to this show and they started sharing it with other people? Thank You Jeremiah: More about that please Mark: Please that was awesome so it doess lead us to I think one ot the most exciting things about our program we just hit number 1 on Itunes for podcasting with add and adhd and we’ve stayed there for few days I’m seriously humbled and freak out
  • 5. Number 1 in Itunes Jeremiah: And we were shock Mark as I was traveling out back east in Marcos home I mean we were texting and calling and all hours Mark: Yeah, every few hours watching the trend how quickly the show is growing and then when we search the Add/Adhd under Itunes were number 1 for the program and theres about a hundred literally a hundred Adhd program out there put out by magazines that especializes adhd, websites especialize in adhd medical forms that especialize in adhd and we hit number 1 and were still there today, Holy cow tomorrow will be number 9 Jeremiah: It can only get worse from here Mark: That’s right Jeremiah: What I’m saying is we hit the hight water Mark Mark: Lets just stop now Jeremiah: Were gonna keep our sights low Mark: So really that’s not a way of bragging but a way of thank you Jeremiah: No it’s a way of absolutely way of bragging and a way of saying thank you Mark: And a really way of saying thank you I’m humbled and thank you everybody
  • 6. Voicemail Messages Jeremiah: And more than that are the messages we get that we get come across from the 800 add gift nunmber from the forums facebook Mark: 855 add gift but it is a toll free number Jeremiah: But I think for us more important are the communities that’s coming around together and sharing the same messages that we have Mark: Well, speaking of which Miah the messages coming across we appreciate the kind words and the funny comments and sarcasm and we love it and thank you please keep it coming I think we need to add those in and will add one of those in the end of the show atleast play one of them with a question and maybe tackle out for the next show so we will try to do more than just listen to your voice mails will try to immigrate them into the show when possible Jeremiah: So by leaving a message you are agreeing that we are gonna use your voice Mark: That’s very important to know if you leave a message yes we may broadcast it so don’t use your last name it is cool though if you got a first name and the country or a city or state that your from that’s kinda fun Jeremiah: And don’t forget to tell on the voicemail how much you like me more than Mark on the program Mark: Scale of 1 to 10, Ten Mark Miah at the 1 leave the zero off Jeremiah: 1 plus 9 equals ten were tied
  • 7. Knowing your host Mark: Alright lets get on the show we had another new segment because we got this listeners that really don’t know nothing about us What is they do know? A search on google and find out that Jeremiah lives in Utah Jeremiah: Well maybe or that Jeremiah Johnson was a record movie or whatever theres no much about me Mark: So the opening segment of the show is called something you don’t know about your hopes Jeremiah: Unless your the NSA something you did not know about your host can you start Mark: Okay listeners something you did not know about Jeremiah Johnson is that he used to be a long haired hippy in a band and traveled all over and did the band seen and had girls screaming for him and then would do the drum circles in the park with his lng hair and his friends going dude that’s awesome Jeremiah: That’s absolutely true infact I cant deny and theres probably pictures out there to prove it Mark: And now you got short hair successful corporate America executive. You sell out Jeremiah: I am a sell out Mark: What happen? Jeremiah: I stop doing drugs Mark: You just successfully offended a lot of people Jeremiah: Amazing things happen to your things when you stop in the drugs Mark: Oh that’s awesome, well thanks for sharing
  • 8. Pink flat pants Jeremiah: By the way you the propensity of add/adhd and drug use its maybe yeah a walk in example one thing that you do not know about Mr. Mark Patey is that he wored school Henry Downs from his siblings and his older sister had a nice pair of pink and flat bell bottom pants Mark: You have to bring up the pink and flat Jeremiah: Its because the visual is the pink flat bell bottom pants and a boy going to school is just for some reason epic Mark: With holes in the knees that were patch with denim patches over flat pants, You know what you really don’t know is that though that’s all I had to wear to school that what I wore to school what people don’t know is I enjoyed it yeah I love those pants no I didnt that was the worst thing ever Jeremiah: Duct tape on the side of your socks because your shoe has holes in them Mark: Yeah that’s true, we used to wrap the duct tape around the outside of the shoe that’s how my mom did it but I’m so embarrassed put the duct tape around the shoe that we thought that were being clever and we said look mom quit it and so we clean all the duct tape sticky off of our worn out shoes the best we could and then we put the socks on and we put the duct tape around the sock and you put your sock in the shoe and then the hole in the bottom of the shoe would you know the sock would be protected by the duct tape people didn’t have to know you had a hole in the bottom of the shoe
  • 9. Dick and Burt Rutan Mark: No they’re still scarring Miah, its still pretty sensitive alright now you know probably more than you wanted to know about your host and I think Jeremiah: We should probably move on from this topic Mark: Move on were gonna go grab our guest and get right back and get started with Dick Rutan and talked about he and his brother Burt and all the incredible things they’ve done in aviation amazing and I’ve always seen those two as equal opposites and the we need to talk them about that so back in two seconds alright Miah so excited about our guest today and many of you will know this person this is as famous as they become particularly in the world of aviation and of course we all know how near and there that is to my heart with us today is Dick Rutan who holds the world record for flight all around the world not only that he was twenty year air force pilot and then after that retired and went on building aircraft with his brother Burt Rutan who will you know is famous for white night and spaceship one private enterprise built spacecraft that won the X price am I right Burt? Burt: He did won the X price Mark: I want to make sure I got the name right but we follow that and see that plane go in the outer space so anyway Dick Rutan the test pilot of every crazy creation that his brother Burt came up with that’s guts and that’s bravery and I know being in the air force fighter jet pilot for twenty years that’s guts and bravery but test pilot? That’s right on order on insanity Burt or Dick
  • 10. Essence of exploration Dick: That’s right no its really excited and real thing is to go where no man has gone before you know is kind of essence of who we are oh by the way to go where no man has gone before I find that where that was Mark: Where was that? Dick: In the ladies that trains on space shuttle Mark: I didn’t know the head mans and women’s are train in space shuttle Dick: It was the essence of exploration mankind is here to explore the next exploration is the universe the galaxy Mark: And to be part of aircraft design virgin galactic and everything that went on there is so out of the box thinking its so beyond where most people let there minds go as a goal and dream and as you and Burt started taking on this project what gets a guy like Burt to think that big and that distant that boldly and what gets a guy like you to follow him and say I’ll fly it Dick: Well if were talking about what makes Burt do’s that we can go back a I guess a little bit farther than that and he is an individual that well what you say he always thinking outside the box anyway I ask him one day how do you come up with all those stuff, I mean this some of its is pretty far out and you thought a man and he said something really profound and he says a persons ability to deal with chaos and nonsense will define your creativity and he also talks about to the confidence and nonsense and most people will think what the heck is he talking about
  • 11. Exceeding the limitations Mark: Well confidence and nonsense is the whole embracing adhd in a nutshell the confidence and chaos Dick: What he does is he says he dives into the pool of chaos and nonsense and where most of us mortals that’s where we wanna stay away from those two pools anyway he’ll dive into that to come up with creative innovative solutions but theres another real key thing to this to and that is all of his ideas don’t know his work now he may argue about the percentage of them about the percentage and I would say that 35 percent of urban he tries is an object failure but that’s important to determine ones limitations but patiently you have to exceed them and our mother told us all the time and says you gonna more to failure than you do success but you have to have the guts to try and that’s whats important thing is Mark: Now as you guys work together and watched him from the outside and I appreciated you guys inviting us and letting us hang out at the lake house of the night the whole few weeks go watched the boat races and I kind of watched you and Burt interact and your personalities are so different almost opposite and that’s a clue to something we talked about our program a lot is equal opposite is that we find people that really reach out and achieve and then this case its space travels on penny’s versus the billions NASA spends to get out to outer space and you see people that’s and you find this two opposite personalities the out there crazy willing to dive in the chaos creative thinker and then the guy like you who is more methodical and flight plans and checklist and steps and policies and procedures and you guys have seem despite the appearance of being opposite personalities you guys have done really well working together or its all of the sought
  • 12. Innovative and Creative Dick: The thing is that is my brother and I Burt we have this agreement it says I will never claim to be a genius designer and he will never claim a hero pilot but even as kids he was the one that’s really innovative and creative about the little airplanes the we designed and both of us totally merced on aviation from day one mom says she didn’t gave us birth certificate she gave us a flight plan but the older I was the older one I was the one that was riding motorcycles and being chased by the cops and Burt he was the kid with the slide rule and come up with the different kind of design and one thing the little model airplanes back on those days you know they would crash hit the ground and break and it’s a lot of repair and it really upset him so came up into an idea on how they could crash and come apart you know could come held together at the critical points of rubber band so we could go on crash them and then we can snap more back together more and back go fly the one thing that he did what really knit coz he always like records both of us were involved in records Mark: And you guys have set so many records I’ve got a tour of Rutan museum and its endless I mean I’m sure theres a count but wow the trophies and awards and records you’ve guys have accomplish over the years
  • 13. Setting a Record Dick: Well its interesting to go where no man has gone before and set records of course are made to be broken but one thing he build a little airplane and back on those I have a carrier event remote control thing and I had a little aircraft carrier and you had to build an airplane that look like a replica of some navy fighter and then there was a three stage contest you have to take off from the carrier and then you have to fly as fast as you can for five laps and then you get points for going fast and then because aircraft carrier have to fly really slow to land on the boat so then there was five laps on how slow you can go and then you have to come around and land on the carrier and catch the hook so that was kind of the contest well Burt goes up and he figures out a way to make the little model airplane hover so he takes off and hovers and so his pretty good on the fast laps he gets his normal speed on the fast lap but he had two sets of controls and he can set there and have it hover and so then obviously he could stay indifinitely and then comes over to the carrier he hovers back and forth and he picks up the wire and he pulls out straight and when he knows he has the wires then he goes full force pull down and land so that’s mess up all the rules and they had to change all the rules
  • 14. Achieving Big Dick: See I go back in as we started talking about this I go back to my association with my younger brother to our whole life is that almost unbearably his coming up with something that’s so far out there we have no idea we look at him like his crazy and sometimes he is Mark: It helps to be crazy to really be successful it’s a benefit Dick: One thing I really like is he talking about a human powered space aircraft capable of achieving earth orbit and I just okay Burt how we gonna do that and he says well the first stage is gonna have pretty big and will need the total population of new york city paddling real hard in the first stage and then the second stage will be all the population of maybe kansas city and then the ones actually achieve orbit will then that’s something smaller or you can get the idea so we talks about that then he comes up were talking about going into space or going around the world or doing some other crazy thing and you look at him and its says what are you crazy I mean that’s no way that will happen and I used to teasing everybody looks at me and says will how do you participating this and says shoot what I do is I’m his great adviser everytime he tells about something like that it says Burt theres no fine way that’s gonna work and my input is hey that will not work theres no way that can happen but funny thing is as years went by I kept thinking well looks what happen
  • 15. Creative type of Personality Mark: Look what he keeps doing you know theres a chapter in my book where I talk about the role of the equal opposite which you really are to Burt is that equal opposite role where the role is to say the creative type adhd creative type personality is will okay that’s crazy hows that gonna work and its actually stimulates in them a fought process to make sure it will work when someone says you cant do that it cant be done that turns on in that creative brain the problem solving trigger it says oh oh time to problem solve they say it can be done because of this but heres way around that heres the solutions to that and it feeds it almost feeds if they have the confidence I think this is the important thing and Burt obviously has the confidence if you have the selfworth and you have the internal belief when someone says that’s impossible you cant do it you turn on your creative genius and you find a solutions if you don’t have the selfworth thatn you can do it when someone says that’s impossible your crazy you’re a dreamer then they shut down and the very person that could have created the next invention the next spaceship in this case the next whatever it is never invented because they didnt have the selfworth as a result to whatever beliefs they bought about their broken brain Dick: Well theres another aspect to that too and you mentioned problem solving and I look back to Burt and here we are with some great idea with some airplane and we go out we worked really hard and maybe after three or four months we have an airplane and we can go fly and it goes out and it doesn’t fly for sour apples terrible flying well this thing that we have built
  • 16. The eighty percent guy Mark: And it distracts me up because you’re the guy that in it, no one built this no one put those small wing in the back and the big wing in the front or made it a symmetrical airplane I’ll fly that and that’s who you are Dick: And what happen is we going built this thing and we go out out and fly it and it doesnt work with the darn and I would look at Burt and I would think boy he should feel really bad about this and then were really unhappy and we finally go to bed and we all come back to work in the morning and Burt is happy as a clam and I says how can be he happy he has an object failure and he says and he shows up with a handsaw a carpenters handsaw and he comes over there grease and mark on them wings and the tail and he says okay cut this here and cut this here and then I realized his in his element when his solving the problems Mark: And that really it, the problem solving that we look for infact the soon as we see a solution and soon as we get all the difficult problems figured out we actually lose interest the next thing we need the problem to solve to be happy Mark: How is he at finishing things Dick: Well we call Burt an eighty percent guy and that means whatever project his in he only finishes about eighty percent and then his on the next thing and it comes to the point that he solve the major problems and I can think of half a dozen different projects like that and then when he perceives that is what is left to be done on the project can be done by as mortals then his not gonna waste his time and his on the next crazy idea that he has
  • 17. Complete Freedom Dick: Well and that’s a good point in what kind of environment that you grow up in and looking back my parents gave us total complete freedom and I always go out do some crazy thing or get caught throwing up toilet paper over the Friday night highschool football game and to think it will be a lot of trouble but there wasn’t any we had absolute total complete freedom to do anything we wanted to and most parents trying to protect their children and when I grow up and have children of my own you know I have the same idea I would not have let any of my kids do anything that my parents allowed us to do and I thought on the way if you can survive that it is an incredible gift a freedom to be able to explore. Burt’s area was creativity my area was stick and run I wanted to go out and fly combat and I got to do that and But Burt was always in his area in trying to designed things as an example when he was a tiny kid mother take him to hobby store for the very first time because she found that were interested in airplanes and so she goes in and says up in the wall theres all kinds of kits you can have I’ll buy you any kits you want and you can take them home and will build it and you can build an airplane and Burt look out like hes crazy and he says I don’t want any darn kit I just want a balsa wood and I’ll take home and I’ll design and make it myself. And holy bananas think about that heres a little kid and you think whats gonna happen to him in the future? Mark: And most parents at that will say no no you cant do that its too difficult too hard just get this kit coz you know they’ll fly and that’s where we see parents in attempt to protect actually do so much damage in not allowing in a freedom to learn and grow and create and invent
  • 18. Equal Opposite Dick: And we had almost total freedom you know Burt was and myself were totally different what I wanted to do is get on my motorcycle I had an old triumph 650 thunderbird kind of an old bit up thing in highschool and minute I graduated from highschool myself and some other fool were on those bikes heading from California we ended up all the way to Oklahoma city running out of money and sleeping beside the road and as I look back on it it’s a one heck of adventure but that’s had no interest in what Burt wanted Burt wanted to sit in front of his tv and he wanted his computer design thing and he design thing and that’s the essence of what he wanted to do as an example I was up when were up in Idaho when we first moved up there I went up there and look around and I was interested in how many snow mobile trails it worked coz I wanted to go on the snow mobile trail I wanted to go down to sporting goods store and see what kind of machines they have and Burt take me out there and he looked around and I’m just solivate me the beautiful clear eye the trees and hundreds of miles of snow mobile trails and he couldn’t understand why I’d ever wanted to do that he says I’d better be back working trying to solve some problems and I look at him like and boy we really argue from this some ways
  • 19. The Voyager Mark: And the difference is really should be celebrated and sadly it seems like were more and more increasingly in a society that’s working to make everybody the same to get an equal outcome and certain behaviour and performance out of everybody and mother nature never intended it to be that way never intended its equal opportunity for all but equal outcome is its ridiculous its expecting a quarter horse and a clydesdale to be competitive in a race one is faster than the other one can pull more weight than the other equal outcomes will never happen because we are all so different and the difference should be celebrated. Okay closest you’ve been to death coz I know you’ve been there plenty of times Jeremiah: I’ve been thinking about that question too Dick: Okay as an example the flight around the world in a voyager the very challenging airplane had to carry a lot of fuel and everything else had to be just minimal weight Mark: And it was built just that entire airplane was built just for our listeners just for that goal to fly all the way around the world Dick: This is just for one flight and one flight only as an example most airplanes are structurally strong enough to handle five times their load or five G’s that before they would fail this airplane would have to carry strong enough to carry the fuel and one point two G factor so any little turbulence Mark: One bump and it will break you wing off
  • 20. Mission adequate flying qualities Dick: It will destroy the airplane, And then there was the flying qualities and the control of the airplane which is barely marginal infact I would tell Burt I says Burt you know if I try to roll out from a turn it adverse you on and so forth and so on I’d have to lose three or four hundred feet just to get the wings level again and he come to me and says remember Dick our agreement on flying qualities you know I was big flying quality guy just love flying quality and this airplane was terrible and he says remember Dick we needed to have mission adequate flying qualities and I says Yeah sure and he says remember it’s a world flight and don’t have to turn it all Mark: Its go straight until you end up where you started Dick: Just keep W on the compass until you see something you recognized so the navigation challenge is very easy but that airplane is extremely compromised for one soul thing is miles per galloon and when out there and said it to him in the run way and we were gonna take off that morning and it was a big arguement about how much fuel we put onboard and so forth but I look up and I said Dick you got a pretty good chance of being dead in next five minutes I thought this is suicide if I don’t get out but then I look over there and there was all we don’t have a lot of money for this thing all the volunters had came to help I asked them to come and help us and they did for years I just cant get out and walked away and then I thought yeah I could probably lived if I just get up and walked out of this airplane but the thing that horrifying to me is that I had to look in the mirror and shave the face of a guy that quit and I thought that’s even worse than ended up in the fireball in next five minutes
  • 21. Taking the Risks Mark: I tell that’s profound in so many ways and what saddens me is how many people have opportunity to stand up to greatness to something truly to be somethiung truly great but then just back down and life’s full of risks in this example is real life and death example of saying do I wanna live with myself the as one that quit or am I willing to risks it all and you risks it all and everyday people are faced this kind of stand up decisions and its not their life on the line its their percieved idea a conception of themselves on how other people percieve them its stuff is so trivial and you just wanna say look stand up because your right only you has to look yourself in the mirror when you shave or your woman doing her hair or whatever it is but dick you mentioned something that I thought is extremely profound and I had I write it down youn said the aircraft had a purpose and it was extremely compromised was the word you used extremely compromised because in anything your doing in life there is compromised you cant have it all it’s a give and take no matter what and I look at for example the adhd brain to have the ability to see in three or four ten directions at once and ten levels deep comes with the compromise of not being very structure and not being very detailed than organized in other areas it is a give and take and to say it because somebody doesn’t have this particular skills set mentally is now their broken is to say no its a compromised in this case the compromised was to make the aircraft light enough to go all the way around the world and be able to fly and carry enough fuel.
  • 22. The Compromises Mark: You had to compromise its strenght and take that risks and everything and everybody needs to recognized that’s life there is a give and take theres differences and differences are disorders its in mother in how were all built and how were all born so differently designed in us the compromises you will be good at this certain things you wont be good at this other things it doesn’t mean your broken it doesn’t your less than somebody else its your gift in this area and as an expense of having that talent in that area there will be compromise elsewhere Jeremiah: And to take that example the voyager that aircraft was built to do one very specific thing and to it brilliantly to do something that no one else has done before and if you would try to force Dick to pilot that aircraft in a way to which it was not designed it would have been lights out it would have been dark Mark: Yeah its not made to fly around the pattern in circles and do take off and landings it was made to land once Dick: And there was an extreme compromises as an example crash survivality noise levels a hundred and fifthteen decibel for seven hundred hours Mark: I noticed you wear hearing aids is that a result? all these years bursting through the sky with hair on fire jets behind you and testing noise
  • 23. Occupational Hazard Dick: I was an occupational hazard and that was an F 100 jet is very noisy and I thought I had my helmet on and I had inadequate hearing protection but we learn more about hearing protection when we were almost unprotected for all these years and theres occupational hazards with a lot of those things because we do live in noisy environment Mark: Life is occupational hazard I mean just by agreeing to live you understand you will die this only guarantee we get in life is our eventual death to take a risks in anything we accept that there is failure is a guaranteed outcome at least in your case yu said 35 percent of the time Dick: Well you ask about how many times did you placed death and I was thinking well you see that morning in north vietnam pulling off of the after straight in the truck kind of tick me off I’m pulling off and get hit and the f 100 was on fire and I was burning and I was thinking I’m gonna be a P.O.W here pretty quick or maybe it would burned long enough without coming to part so that I could make it to the gulf of tonkin or we landed at the north pole and theres russian airplane and we fell to the ice I’m gonna fly around the world in a ballon so we take off in this maybe a month long flight high on the stratosphere in our pressurized capsule and we climb we launched out alburquerque on the way around the world in the ballon in this great adventure Mark: And a lot of our listeners will remember that it made a lot of news
  • 24. Spaceship Design Dick: Yeah only in our case we level off to 30,000 feet and due to the design and manufacture error the manufacture will remain unknown right now but the initials will cameron the ballon ruptured the helium ruptured and all of a sudden will along the shoreline we bail out over eastern mexico out of this ruptured and if your hanging from the ballon and your staying up there by virtue of the helium and the helium still ruptureds that’s the start of the bad day. Mark: And you thought your day was bad because your girlfriend was mad you Dick: And so we took off and were heading around the world and did him get out of the county, so I don’t look at that as a failure I look at it as an opportunity for character development Mark: Dick I love that you love that you join us for this podcast and I could sit and gab with you for another free hours but I know we got other things we gotta into and I just wanna thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us talking us about the difference and about and our listeners go to you take a look at spaceships that Dick and Burt Rutan were designed and built and you’ll understand more of kind the background behind this conversation go get yourself some google and search the voyager aircraft so you have perspective and go ahead Dick: Yeah my web page for commercial aircraft Mark: Hey , Dick: Kind of hard to remember but
  • 25. Mere Mortals Mark: Yeah check it out because we want you to know who this guy really is and I’m humbled and honored that your willing to fly down here and meet with us and join us here and to sit and join us on a podcast talking about brains that think differently and brilliant minds and I love how you said with your brother Burt when he finished the impossible part he got 80 percent done then he left it to the mere mortals that was wonderful alright for all us mere mortals thanks for joining the distracted podcast and we really appreciate Dick: You better straight being here put your gear down before you land because you gonna explain everything else Mark: Yeah theres no excuses for getting to put your gear down pilots you will get it ladies and gentlemen that’s it thanks so much and thanks again especially Dick thanks for being here next weeks program will be really good we gonna try to bring in some of our callers, It will fair, out of all shows that you should skip don’t bother even listening next week just skip that one Jeremiah: We actually gonna ressurect on the bringing him next week you may wanna listen Mark: Speaking of ressurections we have a guarantee I was thinking about this last night every show should have a guarantee and the guarantee on this is that our show will prevent the zombie apocalypse 100 percent guarantee infact if anytime your listening to the show you were attack by a zombie we will refund your money times two double your money back if your attack by zombie while listening to this program
  • 26. Podcast Listener Mark: Lets go crazy here not twice the money not 2.5 we will ten times your money back if your attack by a zombie guarantee though stop the zombie apocalypse that’s our shows guarantee. Lets listen to a question that was called in on our call in line and everybody please call in leave your comments and feedback heavy breathing whatever it is you wanna leave on our voicemail at 855 addgift and you just pick us a menu it will tell what to do if you cant follow those instructions don’t follow leaving a message Jeremiah: I don’t know how you downloaded this program if you cant follow those instructions Mark: And leave us a message so lets take one of those as a tease for our next program okay Listener: Hi Sergio here long time listener long time fan of both the podcast I was listening to the distracted podcast and thought about of how people don’t unable to associate completely and it is awesome that your talking about giving people freedom maybe their could be an episode about how to deal with actual issues besides just the freedom beside releasing them how to make them deal help people deal with the association with other people I don’t know how to say it just like something like distracted too so I kind of see where you going with it bye Mark: Alright Sergio we want to thank you for leaving that message and I think that was a good one to pick to tackle next week
  • 27. Social Consequence Jeremiah: Really good question coz there some social consequenses to not being able to be in distracted really distracting in social scenarios Mark: Will tackle that next week as well possibly some others depending on if their any good leave a good question and you know if you leave a great question and we don’t pick it don’t think that we don’t love you or we didn’t think that’s a good question its just we cant take all of them Jeremiah: Its just we really hate you so we don’t wanna take your question Mark: That’s true thanks for being honest free speech is practiced here thanks for listening to our program well catch you next time watch out for the zombies Jeremiah: Alright see you all later